05/02/2005 - 00028772CITY OF FRIDLEY
Chairperson Kondrick called the May 2, 2005 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order at
7:08 p.m.
Members Present: Dave Kondrick, Edward McDonald, Tim Solberg, and Dolores Varichak
Others Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Parks and Recreation
Siah St. Clair, Director of Springbrook Nature Center
Malcolm Mitchell, Springbrook Nature Center Foundation
Donna Bahls, Springbrook Nature Center Foundation
MOTION by Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr. Solberg to approve the minutes of the April 4, 2005
MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Mr. McDonald, to approve the agenda for the May 2, 2005
a. Program Update
Mr. Kirk stated that the Program Update for the Recreation and Natural Resource Department
was included in the agenda packet for review by the Commission members. This is a
summary of some of the activities that have been held since the last meeting. He further
stated that the spring recreation activities are underway and are going well. Summer
registration has started and the preliminary numbers look good.
Mr. Kirk stated that some of the activities in the past month include: the Spring Fling special
event at Springbrook Nature Center, the senior's dinner theater event at Fridley High School,
the starting of a Genealogy Club at the Senior Center, the renting of the Community Garden
plots and the starting of the adult softball league season.
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b. Park Maintenance Report
Mr. Lindquist has provided a written report of Park Maintenance activities during the past
month. They have been very busy because of the early warm weather in April. Some of the
maintenance activities in the past month include sweeping the athletic turf areas, picking up
litter in the parks, providing safety inspections of the playground equipment and started the
mowing of the turf areas. The youth and adult athletic leagues have started their practices
and games, so field preparation has become a priority. The workers have also put out the
picnic tables, tennis court nets and the volleyball nets at Moore Lake Beach.
c. Fridley `49er Days
Mr. Kirk stated that the annual city celebration, "Fridley `49er Days", is scheduled for June 15-
19 this year. There are many of the regular popular attractions such as the carnival, the
Friday night street dance featuring the Fantastic Convertibles and the Saturday street dance
featuring the White Sidewalls. The annual parade is set for Thursday night with a 6:30 p.m.
starting time. The Stand For Children Day event will be on Saturday afternoon at the arena
with activities from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. The Teen Street Dance will be at the Columbia Arena site
on Thursday night from 8:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Our Senior Program has planned a 500
tournament, a cribbage tournament, a dance and a patio party.
Mr. Solberg asked if the possible closing of Columbia Arena would create a problem in finding
another location for future 49er Days activities.
Mr. Kirk stated that it may be difficult to find a site that works as well as the arena, with the
indoor and outdoor facilities, as well as a fair amount of parking. A possible location would be
in the Commons Park and Fridley Community Center area. The 49er Committee will have to
be looking at alternative sites this summer.
Mr. Kirk invited the Commission member to participate in the 49er Days activities this June.
d. June Meeting Parks Tour and Survey Results Discussion With the City Council
Mr. Kirk stated that the June 6, 2005 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be
preceded by a short parks tour beginning at Commons Park starting at 6 pm. The tour will last
about one hour and we will return to Commons Park for a picnic and a discussion with the
Fridley City Council. The main agenda item for the meeting is a discussion with the Council
on the results of the recent Council-Commission survey as it pertains to the parks and
recreation system in our community.
1. Baseball Tournament Request for use of the Little League Fields June 3-5, 2005 by the
Fridley Youth Sports Association Little League
Mr. Kirk stated that the Fridley Youth Sports Association Little League Division is requesting
use of the Little League fields for a fund-raising tournament on June 3rd through June 5t". The
fields would be used in the evening on Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. This
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tournament would be run in conjunction with the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services as a
Recreation League Tournament of Champions.
Mr. Kirk further stated that it would be the staff recommendation to approve the request by the
FYSA Little League to use the Little League fields for a tournament with the following
• The FYSA pay $60 per field for the weekend tournament
• They pay for the cost of a dumpster to handle the garbage
• They pay for the cost of additional portable toilets that are needed
• They submit a$200 clean-up deposit
• They pay for the cost of a park maintenance worker to handle the field
maintenance or they make arrangements with Mr. Lindquist to get proper
training for the individuals handling the maintenance during the
MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Ms. Varichak to approve the FYSA Little League
tournament request for June 3-5, 2005 with the conditions outlined by staff.
b. Baseball Tournament Request for use of the Little League Fields August 5-7, 2005 by
the Fridley Youth Sports Association Little League
Mr. Kirk stated that this is another tournament request by the FYSA Little League organization
for a tournament on August 5-7, 2005. It would be the staff recommendation to approve this
request with the same conditions as the tournament approved for June 3-5, 2005.
MOTION by Ms. Varichak, seconded by Mr. McDonald, to approve the FYSA Little League
tournament request for August 5-7, 2005 with the conditions outlined by staff.
c. Springbrook Nature Center Gateway Entrance Project
Mr. Kirk stated that approximately three years ago, this Parks and Recreation Commission
had a presentation on the plans for a new idea to improve the seven-acre entrance area at
Springbrook Nature Center. The Commission was very receptive at that time and supported
the conceptual plan for the Springbrook Nature Center Gateway Project. The Springbrook
Foundation made subsequent presentations to the Planning Commission and the Fridley City
Council on the preliminary plans for the Gateway Project. In the fall of 2002, the City Council
gave approval to the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation to commence fundraising for this
project. In the spring of 2003, the proposed City budget for the next year was announced and
the operation of Springbrook Nature Center was one of the proposed cuts. For the better part
of the last two years, the Gateway Project has been put on hold. Most of the efforts of the
SNC Foundation have been in helping to determine the future of the Nature Center operation.
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Mr. Kirk further stated that with the passage of the levy referendum in November and the
future of Springbrook Nature Center more clearly in focus, the Foundation is reviving the plan
and the fundraising efforts for the Gateway Project. A possible source of funds to support this
project was discussed at the February Commission meeting with Senator Satveer Chaudary.
He has proposed including the Springbrook Gateway Project as part of the 2006 State
Bonding Bill. In order to complete the City of Fridley application to be included in the bonding
bill, more detailed information and more finalized plans for this project are going to be needed
in the next several months. Because it has been a while since the Commission heard the
plans for the Gateway Project and because the Commission has some new members, he has
asked Siah St. Clair to make a brief presentation on the project. Mr. Kirk further stated that
after the presentation, he would like the Commission to consider what level of involvement
they would like to have in the more detailed planning of this project.
Mr. St. Clair stated that he would like to talk a little bit about how the Springbrook Nature
Center staff and the Foundation got to the point of planning for the Gateway Project. The
nature center is the largest park in Fridley at 127 acres. The property was purchased with
LAWCON funds in 1970 and 1971. The land was designated a nature center in 1974 after a
city-wide referendum. From that point on, the nature center was developed over a period of
time with trails, the interpretive center, floating boardwalks, overlooks and other amenities. As
the park received recognition as a good place to visit, the number of people coming to
Springbrook each year continued to rise at a rapid pace. As more people continued to visit
the center at all times of the year, there was concern on the part of the SNC staff that too
many visitors may have a negative impact on certain areas of the park. Staff wondered what
the future was going to bring and if we, as managers of this park, should be involved in
controlling the impact of large numbers of people upon the nature center.
Mr. St Clair stated that in January of 1999, staff and the SNC Foundation started to do some
strategic planning for the future of the nature center. Some of the planning goals at that time
were as follows:
• Well directed high visitation will have less site impact than less directed lower visitation
• Change management strategy from minimal visitor management to intensive visitor
• Focusing intensive uses into specific smaller areas to reduce heavy impact on larger
more fragile ecosystems
• Management strategies to preserve significant natural areas
• Using "green" technology to minimize ongoing costs and model effective use of
environmentally positive design, construction and operation
Mr. St. Clair further stated that from 1999 through 2002, work continued on the project that
would become known as the SNC Gateway Entrance Project. One of the tasks that was
completed early on was developing a mission statement for the nature center. The mission
statement is as follows: To use Springbrook's natural area to serve the community through
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enriching lives, restoring well being, and teaching the environmental lessons necessary to
sustain the natural places and systems that nurture us.
Mr. St. Clair continued that staff and the Foundation next came up with some vision concepts
for the Gateway project. Those vision concepts were the following:
• An inviting transition into and out of a compelling natural setting
• A place to learn about nature and the environment
• A place for celebrations of life
• A place to restore and nurture the human spirit
• A place to build and learn teamwork skills
• A place that strengthens/ improves individuals, families, and community
• A place that models and instills positive life values and goals
• A place that builds economic value for the City and community
Mr. St. Clair stated that these vision concepts led to seventeen different design principles for
the Springbrook Gateway Project. Just to give the Commission members an idea of these
design principles, he would share several of them including: encouraging use during all
seasons; an entrance that accommodates diverse modes of transportation; spaces to
accommodate moderate activity sizes; emphasizing and modeling "green" construction;
rerouting heavier visitor use on the shorter "primary" trails; creating an effective noise barrier
along 85t" avenue; and using moving water effectively to mask external road noise and
provide more privacy between spaces. There were other design principles, but these are
examples for the Commission.
Mr. St. Clair stated that the Gateway Project involves the seven acres encompassing the
entrance area or about 5% of the overall land mass of the nature center. What we are doing
is saying that we would like to take 5% of the park through this project and intensively work on
it, so we keep the heavy and intrusive uses in this area. This would reduce the heavy and
intrusive uses in the other 95% of the park which is a more natural setting. Mr. St. Clair
showed a concept design for the nature center that the architect came up with. He pointed out
the various features to the concept design and how these features interrelated. He further
stated that since the initial design was completed in 2002, we have realized and learned that
we should make some changes to the plan. Some of the areas that are on the concept plan
would likely be moved around and changed a bit in a revised plan.
Mr. St. Clair stated that just last month (April 2005), Senator Chaudary introduced a bill in the
Minnesota State Senate to provide funding for the Springbrook Nature Center Gateway
Project in the 2006 State Bonding Bill. The bill has been sent to the Natural Resources
Committee for review. In order to fulfill the requirements for the 2006 Bonding Bill, there is an
application process that the City of Fridley must complete regarding the Gateway Project. The
deadline for that application is this coming June 15. In late summer or early fall, the Senate
Bonding Bill Committee will be doing site visits to see the areas being considered for projects.
They will be coming out to Springbrook to see the park, get an explanation of what would be
involved in the project and trying to evaluate its potential for bonding bill action. If this project
would be approved by legislative action in next year's session, funds could be available for
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this project as early as July of 2006. State Bonding Bill funding does require a match of local
dollars. Senator Chaudary had asked for a dollar figure on this entire Gateway Entrance
Project and we have submitted him with a figure of $4,446,456.
Mr. Kondrick asked how recent the estimate for the project had been obtained.
Mr. St. Clair stated that the numbers were received from the architect about a month and a
half ago, and represent estimated costs for 2006 construction. Senator Chaudary in writing
his bonding bill has rounded this estimate off to an even $5 million for the project. This would
require a local match of $2.5 million.
Mr. St. Clair stated that if additional facilities were added to the Springbrook Interpretive
building, there would be additional operating costs as well. Staff and the SNC Foundation are
in the process of working on a business plan for the new facilities. The idea is that the
increased revenue generated from uses of the new facilities will pay all of the increased
operating costs.
Mr. Kondrick thanked Mr. St. Clair for the presentation and stated that the Commission now
has up to date information on this project. He further stated that he thinks it would be a good
idea if the SNC Foundation had a member or two work with a couple members of the Parks
and Recreation Commission to come up with a more detailed final plan for this project. A
more detailed plan is going to need to be submitted as part of the application to be included in
the state bonding bill.
Mr. Mitchell stated that by the June 15t" deadline, the State requires a preliminary plan to
include a summary of what you intend to do, a description of the plan, and an estimate on the
dollars needed to complete the project. On September 30t", you are required to submit what
you consider to be your final and a more detailed plan.
Mr. Kondrick stated that we have some time, but not a lot of time to get things done on
planning this project. He further stated that this is such an important idea, such an important
opportunity that we really need to find the time do the planning process. Mr. Kondrick asked if
there were any Commission members here who would like to join with him to be part of a
Committee that would work on the more detailed plans for the Springbrook Gateway Project.
Mr. Solberg stated that he would like to be involved and help on this project, but that his travel
schedule for work is a little unpredictable and may not allow for his attendance at all the
planning meetings. He would be interested in participating to the extent that his schedule
al lows.
Mr. Kondrick thanked Mr. Solberg for his interest and help on this project.
Mr. Mitchell stated that he would really appreciate the opportunity to work closely and
collaboratively with the Parks and Recreation Commission on the further planning of the
Gateway Project. It really makes sense in the time frame we are looking at that we work
jointly, rather than independently on this project. He would rather do this together, so that we
can come up with a plan that we can all get behind and support. Part of that decision is going
to be what the project ultimately looks like in size and scope, what improvements are needed
and what building structures should be included. That is what needs to be finalized in the
next two months, as much as we can. The plan we come up with would then be put into the
hopper over at the State for their consideration of the project. If we decided over the summer
months that we want to modify the plan or make additions, those changes can be included in
the final plan that gets submitted in September.
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Mr. Kondrick stated that the raising of $2.5 million to match money provided by the State is
going to be a challenge, but one that members of the SNC Foundation believe can be
Mr. Mitchell stated that the schedule of the State on this project would include knowing
something definite by June of next year. That is what the Foundation is looking at a starting
date for the fundraising campaign. We would know by that time what the fundraising target
will be and whether or not the State of Minnesota will be a partner in the funding.
Mr. Kondrick summarized that a Committee of Park and Recreation Commission members,
Springbrook Nature Center Foundation members, and staff will meet to plan more details for
the Gateway Project. We will need to work out our meeting times and places in the near
future and we will communicate that information to all interested parties. He stated that this
will be interesting and challenging for us. He is confident that we will put together a good
Mr. Kirk stated that he thought a cooperative planning effort between the Parks and
Recreation Commission, City staff, and the SNC Foundation was an appropriate route to take
with this project. This is a City of Fridley Park and the final say on any improvements,
changes or additions to this park will be made by the City Council. A thorough and effective
planning process will go a long way toward achieving that approval.
Mr. Kondrick thanked the Springbrook Foundation members for attending the meeting and
stated he was looking forward to the cooperative planning process.
d. Showmobile Rental Request — City of St. Anthony
Mr. Kirk stated that the City of St. Anthony has requested use of our showmobile for their
Village Fest celebration in August. They have rented from us in the past and there have been
no problems. It would be the staff recommendation to approve this rental request with all the
fees as listed in the rental agreement.
MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Ms. Varichak, to approve the Showmobile rental
request by the City of St. Anthony for August 6, 2005 with the rental fees as outlined in the
rental agreement.
e. 2005 — 2007 Community Park Ballfield Improvement
Mr. Kirk stated that the Fridley City Council has agreed to a plan submitted by the Engineering
Department to improve the drainage situation at the Community Park ballfields by building up
the level of the fields and re-grading the playing areas so they drain properly. He further
stated that starting in June of this year, fields 5& 6 would be built up approximately 3 feet at
the backstops and gradually sloped to the outfield. The material used for this build up would
be excess granular material from the street reconstruction projects. The granular material will
allow rain to soak in, rather than sitting on the surface. New infield areas and new turf would
need to be installed by City staff. A new irrigation system would also need to be installed.
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Mr. Kirk further stated fields #1 through #4 would be completed in the next two phases of this
project in 2006 and 2007. The granular build up material for those phases would come from
the street reconstruction projects in those respective years. The ballfield improvements are
expected to cost approximately $75,000 per year, which will be paid for out of the Parks
Capital Improvement Fund.
Mr. Kirk stated that no action is needed from the Parks and Recreation Commission on this
item, but he wanted the Commission members to know what was going on at the Community
Park ballfields.
MOTION by Ms. Varichak, seconded by Mr. McDonald to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.