02/06/2006 - 00028821CITY OF FRIDLEY
Chairperson Kondrick called the February 6, 2006 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order at 7:00
Members Present: Dave Kondrick Mike Heintz Marcy Sibell
Dolores Varichak
Others Present: 7ack Kirk, Director of Parks and Recreation
Dave Lindquist, Parks Supervisor
Siah St. Clair, Director of Springbrook Nature Center
Pete Borman, President of Fridley 49er Days
Malcolm Mitchell, Springbrook Nature Center Foundation
7eremy Powers, Springbrook Nature Center Foundation
Donna Bahls, Springbrook Nature Center Foundation
MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Ms. Varichak to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2006 meeting.
MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Mr. Heintz to approve the agenda for the February 6, 2006 meeting.
a. Program Update
Mr. Kirk stated that a Program Update report has been included in the meeting agenda packet. These are
just some of the activities and programs that have taken place since the last Parks and Recreation
Commission meeting. Mr. Kirk stated that in addition to the many programs over the past month,
Springbrook Nature Center was host to the Minnesota Senate Capital Funding Committee for a visit to
the center on January lOt'`. There were eight senators in attendance and the general response to the site
visit was very favorable.
Mr. Kirk also stated that the Chores and More Program (formerly the Handyworks Program) has
submitted its year-end report to the federal government. Our service to the community more than met
the established goals and this program was a big help to many seniors trying to stay living in their own
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b. Park Maintenance Report
Mr. Lindquist stated that the Park Maintenance Division has attempted to keep all the skating rinks in
good condition over the past month, but the warm and wet weather has created some unusual situations.
While there was skateable ice during most of the time, there were some bad days where broomball or
hockey games or practices had to be cancelled.
Mr. Lindquist further stated that when weather conditions wouldn't allow for rink maintenance, the
workers did tree trimming, garbage pickup, cleaning of equipment, and preparation for the Winterfest.
c. Winterfest
Mr. Kirk stated that he was providing a memo on the recent Winter Festival that was held at Commons
Park and the Fridley Community Center. There were an estimated 450 people that participated in this
special event. A real highlight of this year's event was the dog sled rides for the children. While most of
the snow cover had melted, there was enough snow and ice on the ground to allow for the sled rides.
Other activities included horse drawn hayrides, ice games, kids dance, medallion hunt, crafts, face
painting, BINGO, and refreshments.
Mr. Kirk further stated that in addition to staff members helping run the Winterfest, we had over 60
volunteers help us with the many activities. Volunteers were from the Fridley High School Key Club, the
Fridley Lions Club, the Fridley Boy Scouts, the Single Volunteers Group of the Twin Cities, the National
Honor Society of area high schools, the OEC program from Spring Lake Park and the Fridley Senior
Program. Donations from the Lions Club, Rotary Club, American Legion, and VFW helped to sponsor
many of the new activities.
d. Donations
Mr. Kirk stated that the Parks and Recreation Department had received some very nice donations in the
past month. For the Winterfest, they received $750 from the Fridley Lions, $250 from the Fridley-
Columbia Heights Rotary, $300 from Fridley American Legion Post 303, and $500 from Fridley VFW
Post 363. They also received two $1000 donations from the Fridley Wal-Mart. One was for the
community gardens project and the second to support Springbrook Nature Center.
e. New Commission Member — Mike Heintz
Mr. Kirk stated that Fridley City Council had appointed Mike Heintz to the Parks and Recreation
Commission. His term begins with this meeting and runs through April 1 of 2007.
Mr. Kondrick stated that he was pleased to have Mr. Heintz as a member of the Commission and looked
forward to his participation in the discussions and work of the Commission.
f. Tree Donations to the Parks —`Branching out for Fridley"
Mr. Kirk stated the City was looking for help to replant trees in the City parks following the loss of so
many trees in the September 21gt storm. We lost some very large and beautiful trees throughout the park
system. Residents, businesses, and organizations can all help with the replanting by either providing a
financial donation or helping to actually plant some trees, or both. The target date for the tree planting in
the parks is Arbor Day, Friday Apri128th
Mr. Kirk provided the Commission members with a one-page announcement of the park tree planting
program that will appear in the upcoming Parks and Recreation Department Spring brochure.
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a. Fridley `49er Days Request to use Commons Park
Mr. Kondrick welcomed Pete Borman, President of the Fridley 49er Days Planning Committee.
Mr. Borman stated that Fridley 49er Days is looking for a new location for the carnival and street dance
activities, since the Columbia Arena property is not going to be available in the future. Since the events
need to relocate, the Committee would just as soon make the move before this year's event. After
looking at available sites throughout the community, the Committee has narrowed it down to Commons
Park and would like the City's approval to move the event to that location.
Mr. Borman further stated that the idea would be to use the entire south parking lot at Commons Park
for the carnival rides and the adjacent grassy area could have some of the carnival games. The
showmobile could be placed inside the infield area of ballfield #2 for the street dances, with the music
being played out toward the northeast, or in the direction of the sliding hill. The fenced in ballfield area
would serve as the area where beer would be allowed and the food vendors would set up adjacent to the
Mr. Borman stated that they had been looking at the possibility of having the carnival set up in the Fridley
High School parking lot, but a dance group has rented the high school auditorium during that time and
needs the lot for expected parking needs.
Mr. Heintz stated that the carnival using that area of Commons Park would really affect the baseball and
softball teams that use fields #1 and #2. That is the parking lot that people use for the ballfields.
Mr. Borman stated that the 49er Days Committee does have a"Plan B", which would be going back to
Columbia Arena again this year. They would then be facing the same situation ne�t year and looking for
a place to move.
Ms. Sibell stated that she recalled the carnival and street dances being held in the parking lots adjacent to
the City Hall and the Fridley Plaza Clinic. Is it possible to look at the site again?
Mr. Borman stated that the clinic use has grown so much that they could not afford to give up the
parking lot space that would be required to stage the carnival and events,
Mr. Kirk stated that the 49er Days Committee has worked with City staff to look at available sites to
move the 49er Days events. There are not many open tracts of land that could accommodate the carnival
and related activities. The reason that we keep coming back to the Commons Park area is because it is so
centrally located in the city and has the most available parking lots and on-street parking for the
Mr. Kondrick asked if the parking lot on the south end of Commons Park could accommodate the
carnival and all of the rides. The lot is long and narrow.
Mr. Borman stated that the carnival owner has looked at the parking lot and said he could get the rides in
there, but would need the entire lot.
Mr. Kondrick stated that he thinks this area of Commons Park and the parking lot show some promise.
He thinks it is a reasonable alternative for a week long celebration in our community.
Ms. Sibell asked if Moore Lake was looked at as an alternative for the 49er Days.
Mr. Kirk stated that they did look at Moore Lake, but the carnival would need to set up in a parking lot
and if the used the one by the beach, there would be virtually no parking available for people using the
park and beach. That is a time of year when Moore Lake Park and beach is very heavily used. Also,
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there would not be adequate parking for people attending the 49er Days activities. They would likely
park in the neighborhoods to the east and would be crossing heavily traveled Old Central to get to the
Mr. Lindquist stated that the power supply needs would be an issue if the events were moved to
Commons Park The arena area has the power station that was installed to accommodate the bands, food
vendors and other activities. Commons would have to have more power added.
Mr. Heintz stated that many of the City's SOt'` anniversary events took place right outside the Fridley
Community Center and there seemed to be a lot of room. There is a big open field just to the south of
the Community Center, between the building and the high school baseball field. The Community Center
site might be a better location.
Mr. Kirk stated that it may work well for the carnival, but the street dance and beer garden could not go
there. It is school property and the drinking of beer could not be allowed there.
Mr. Borman asked if there were any other concerns about using Commons Park and the south parking lot
for the carnival and other 49er Days activities this year.
Mr.Lindquist stated that the parking lot is scheduled for replacement this summer. If that were to be
done before 49er Days, there will be new sod in the area and that could be a problem with a crowd of
people attending. There would also be a concern with any damage the carnival units might cause to the
new parking lot surface.
Mr. Kondrick asked if we thought that all the details are far enough along that we could make it happen
at Commons Park.
Mr. Borman stated that with several of the items brought up tonight, it may be best to go back to
Columbia Arena for 2006 and look at the new location for 2007.
Mr. Kondrick stated that there are a number of areas around Commons and the Community Center that
should be explored before a decision on location for the activities is made. It is going to take some time;
however, we should get started now for ne�t year's (2007) celebration.
The Commission members agreed and expressed a willingness to work with 49er Days on a plan for next
b. Recognition Guidelines for ponations to the Springbrook Nature Center SPRING Project
Mr. Kirk stated that there are two things that will be covered with this item on the agenda. First of all,
we are going to get an update on the SPRING project from Malcolm Mitchell, Chairman of the
Springbrook Nature Center Foundation. After the update, we will hear from 7eremy Powers, a member
of the Springbrook Fundraising Committee. Mr. Powers would like to present some ideas for discussion
on how to best recognize the major donors to a capital funding campaign for the SPRING project. When
the City was looking for community contributions to the Fridley Community Center project, we came up
with some guidelines and amounts for certain levels of recognition, including naming rooms at the
Community Center in honor of major contributors. As the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation
prepares to start a major fundraising campaign, they have come up with some proposed guidelines for
recognition. They would really like to get some input and reaction from the Commission.
Mr. Mitchell stated that he would like to take a few minutes to brief the Commission on the status of the
Springbrook Nature Center SPRING project. There is a state bonding proposal that has requested $2.5
million of matching funds from the State of Minnesota, to be used with $2.5 million of locally raised
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funds to expand and improve the nature center and interpretive building. The Senate Capital Investment
Committee made a site visit to Springbrook on January lOt'` to see the nature center and get a better idea
of the scope of the project. Representative Connie Bernardy, Representative Kathy Tinglestad,
Representative Char Samuelson, and Senator Chaudary all spoke in support of the project at the site visit.
In addition, Mayor Scott Lund gave a very nice talk in support of the project and he was followed by
some words of support from the Mayor of New Brighton. We think the overall presentation went very
well. The SPRING project was not successful in becoming part of the Governor's Bonding proposal,
however, there was a hearing last Friday at the State Capitol in front of joint Senate and House
Committees to review other possible projects for the State Bonding Bill. That presentation also went
very well.
Mr. Mitchell further stated that if the project were successful at the State level and was awarded the $2.5
million grant, then the ne�t part would be our own effort from the Springbrook Nature Center
Foundation to raise the needed matching funds of $2.5 million with private money. To look closely at
that effort, the SNC Foundation hired Kevin Fox and associates to do three things. First, to do a Capital
project feasibility study, including doing many interviews of local people. He will help us determine if we
can raise those kinds of matching funds on a local level. The second thing Kevin's group is helping us do
is giving us an insider's case of support for this SPRING project. The third thing he is providing is some
information to be used in an annual fundraising campaign activity. All of this work by Kevin Fox's group
is being paid for by the SNC Foundation at an appro�mate cost of $22,000.
Mr. Mitchell stated that the Foundation has also established an Exhibits Committee to promote
environmental education and to look at what type of new exhibits could be used at an expanded
Interpretive Building. Siah is leading the effort with the Exhibits Committee and we have talked with
some individuals who may be able to give us some new and creative ideas.
Mr. Kondrick thanked Mr. Mitchell for the update on the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation and the
SPRING project.
Mr. Powers stated that he had forwarded a draft of the proposed recognition guidelines to Mr. Kirk prior
to the Commission meeting.
Mr. Kirk stated that a copy of this draft was included in the agenda packet for Commission members to
Mr. Powers stated that the State Bonding bill grant application to the State of Minnesota would require
$2.5 million in matching funds if approved. The plan is to raise this money outside of any additional
funding from the Fridley City government. It is the feeling of the Springbrook Foundation, that with the
levy approved for Springbrook by the voters in November of 2004, the City of Fridley is doing its share
with those dollars. All of the business plans for the SPRING project are designed so that no additional
City dollars are required for the budget.
Mr. Powers stated that the Foundation is committed to raising the matching $2.5 million dollars for the
project. In this day and age, naming of facilities after major donors becomes a huge issue. The
Foundation fundraising committee has put together some proposed guidelines so that naming of facilities
and possibly even the interpretive building could be used to help bring in donations. They have tried to
address some of the pitfalls and problems that could potentially arise from that whole process.
Mr. Powers stated that they have not finalized a recommendation on dollar levels for specific recognition
levels. They are waiting for the final report to come in from Kevin Fox's group to try and identify the
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amounts that people might be willing to donate. When a recommendation on dollar levels is finalized,
they would expect to come back to the Parks and Recreation Commission with an additional
recommendation. What they are looking for now is setting up the guidelines for the basis for the funding
pyramid so they can get ready for the fundraising campaign.
Mr. Powers stated that it is important to note that they recognize this is a City of Fridley park They
recognize that the authority to name City park facilities lies with the City of Fridley. As they attempt to
raise the $2.5 million in support of the SPRING project, they are looking to get whatever tools they can
to help them with that endeavor and having guidelines for the fundraising recognition will be a big help.
They have gone through the project and tried to identify facilities or areas that people/organizations may
want to tie their name to and to categorize them based on cost levels.
Mr. Powers stated that the Fundraising Committee is concerned that appropriate names be associated
with the facilities at the nature center. They would not want to name rooms or other improvements after
a product, but would recommend accepting a corporation's name on an improvement. They are
expecting most of the major donations to come from foundations, corporations and possibly some
wealthy individuals. They have even talked about the process of how a name on an improvement could
be removed. The Committee members joked about a corporate donation from Enron, for example.
Mr. Powers stated that the Committee recommendations leave open the possibility that people could
donate money in the name of a local person in a sponsored fund. The name of Bill Nee comes to mind,
because the Foundation already has $5,000 that has been donated in his name in a memorial fund. The
idea is that they would include a sponsored fund in someone's name as an option for potential donors to
consider. Someone wishing to donate to the SPRING project could do so by contributing to the Bill Nee
fund and those dollars ultimately could be used to name a room or facility after the late mayor. They feel
that all the naming rights need to have a price, because if you take away price, you have a situation in
which everybody wants to qualify. If you decided that you were going to name the three classrooms for
people who had volunteered at Springbrook, you could end up with a list of 120 names and reasons why
all should be considered.
Mr. Powers stated that he had a sample of what the Fundraising committee is thinking about for
recognition with the SPRING project. It has been set up so that if somebody or some organization
wanted to put up a lot of money for the project, there would be a certain amount of exclusivity with the
sizable donation and they may have the interpretive facility named just for themselves. That would likely
be it for the building, you wouldn't have any other donors named for rooms in the facility. We could also
have a situation similar to the Fridley Community Center project, where we don't have someone's name
on the building, but we do have several groups who have their name affiliated with the various rooms.
The proposed recognition also goes down to smaller amounts that can recognize individuals who donate.
Ms. Sibell stated that she thought the proposal for fundraising was very thoughtful and has a very sound,
logical approach to it. There has obviously been a considerable amount of thought and effort put into the
document presented tonight. It does a good job of identifying and covering areas of future concern.
Mr. Mitchell stated he would like to point out that the proposed guidelines call for the top two levels of
naming of improvements would require the City to take official action to approve. The top level of givers
would be approved by the City Council. The proposal recommends that the ne�t two levels (three and
four) could allow the Parks and Recreation Director to approve, in consultation with the City Manager,
the Mayor, the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Below that, if an individual or
group met the guidelines, the recognition could happen as promoted. An example of this would be an
individual having their name on a paving brick The whole reason for this approach is so all of the
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smaller donations don't need to come back and take up the time of the City Council.
Mr. Kondrick stated that he thought that was a very fair approach.
Mr. Heintz stated that overall he liked what has been presented. He is one of those people who doesn't
think everything is for sale and he does not like the idea of naming the overall building for anyone or any
group. He doesn't think the name should be taken away from Springbrook. He has no problem with
sponsorships for the classrooms or exhibit area or garden areas. He just doesn't want another name
associated with the larger interpretive building.
Mr. Mitchell stated that the experts in the fundraising arena are telling us that we need to have an
opportunity here that is big enough to attract some big dollars. That is the challenge we have, how to
raise the kind of dollars we need and provide the recognition that the major donor is looking for.
Mr. Kirk stated that at this point, the Commission could put forth a recommendation on the concept of
recognition for the fundraising levels, but a final plan with actual defined dollar levels for the donations
would have to come at a later date. It would also be helpful to have some discussion with the City
Council on this recognition concept.
Mr. Kondrick agreed that we are not a point of recommending a final plan, rather we need to forward the
basic concept of this recognition plan to the City Council to get their ideas and thoughts on this. This is a
good start, a good beginning for the recognition of donors for the SPRING project.
MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Ms. Varichak to approve in principle the recognition guidelines for
the Springbrook Nature Center SPRING project as proposed to the Commission by the Springbrook
Nature Center Foundation. This motion recognizes that the feasibility study is yet to be finalized, so the
dollar amounts for different giving levels will come at a later date. It also recognizes the concerns that
were raised about the top level of giving and naming of the interpretive center.
c. Showmobile Rental Request by Mound Fire Department
Mr. Kirk stated that the City has received an application for use of the Showmobile from the Mound Fire
Department for a concert on June 17, 2006.
Ms. Sibell pointed out that the requested date is the same weekend as 49er Days and the Showmobile will
be in use.
MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Ms. Sibell, to deny the request from the Mound Fire Department
for use of the Showmobile due to the conflict with our own 49er Days.
d. Park Boundary Signs
Mr. Kirk stated that there are several park areas in our city where the boundary is not necessarily clear
between park property and private property. There have been several incidences where a homeowner has
"e�ended" a backyard beyond the private property and into park land. There have also been several
cases where yard debris, branches and brush are piled up in the park land instead of on private property.
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It normally takes place in the more natural park areas of our city, but showing where the park boundary is
might be a help.
Mr. Kirk stated that he recently came across a park boundary sign used by Three Rivers Park District and
he has included a picture of this sign in the agenda packet. Staff is proposing that we have some similar
signs made for the Fridley parks and use them when needed to delineate the park boundary when we have
some issues.
Ms. Sibell stated that she has a problem with putting up these signs. She said she doesn't like excess
signage in our parks and doesn't really this type of sign.
MOTION by Ms. Varichak, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to approve the staff recommended park boundary
e. Request For Canoeing Demonstration at Moore Lake
Mr. Kirk stated that they have received a request from a business to do canoeing demonstrations at
Moore Lake on a regular basis throughout the summer. We do not have a canoe launch at the beach
area, so there would be a concern about a safe access to the water. If the beach area were to be used for
launching canoes, it would be a conflict with the swimmers.
Mr. Kirk further stated that he is opposed to any selling by this business going on at the park. He is not
opposed to them coming out to the lake and allowing a potential customer to try a canoe or kayak. He
further stated that a better location to demo canoes at Moore Lake would be on the opposite side of the
lake by Fridley High School. The high school uses a short path through the sand dunes area to get to the
waterfront and launch canoes for their physical education classes.
Mr. Kondrick suggested that staff get together with a representative of this business and get more
detailed information on what exactly they would like to do at Moore Lake.
MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Ms. Varichak, to table this agenda item until additional
information can be gained from the business making the request.
f. Softball Tournament Application — Fridley Wrestling Boosters
Mr. Kirk stated that the City of Fridley has received a softball tournament application from the Fridley
Wrestling Boosters to use Community Park on June 16 — 18 of this year. This would be the 13t'` annual
7ohn Gargaro Memorial Tournament, which would run during our city celebration (Fridley 49er Days).
Mr. Kirk further stated that because the back two fields (fields #5 ) would likely not be available due
to the field restoration project at Community Park, he would recommend approval of the tournament
request at 2/3 the rate for a non-profit group or $667 plus tax. He would further recommend that the
organization submit a$200 clean-up deposit prior to the tournament and that the Wrestling Boosters pay
for any additional equipment needed for the tournament such as additional portable toilets.
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MOTION by Ms. Varichak, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to approve the softball tournament request by the
Fridley Wrestling Boosters for use of Community Park ballfields on June 16-18, 2006, with all of the
recommendations stipulated by staff.
MOTION by Ms. Varichak, seconded by Ms. Sibell to adjourn the February 6, 2006 meeting at 9:25 p.m.