PR 04/11/2011 - 29916CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING — APRIL 11, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Sibell called the April 11, 2011 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Others Present: Marcy Sibell, Tim Solberg, Mike Heintz, Michele Barrett Jack Kirk, Director of Parks and Recreation APPROVAL OF MARCH 7, 2011 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Ms. Barrett, to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2011 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA FOR APRIL 11, 2011 MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Mr. Solberg, to approve the agenda for the April 11, 2011. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. 1. STAFF REPORT a. Program Update Mr. Kirk stated that this Program Update was a report of the activities of the Parks and Recreation Department in the past month. He wanted to call attention to a few items in the Update. The tax assistance program for the seniors is provided by volunteers from AARP. They complete the tax forms and e-file the returns. There has been a great response to this program with 50 to 60 seniors being helped each week. Mr. Kirk further stated that the annual Mardi Gras party for the seniors was a big hit again this year. He wanted to thank Commission member Mike Heintz for taking time to help with the event this year and deal blackjack. There were some very positive comments about Mr. Heintz, especially about how he helped a sight impaired person enjoy the day. Mr. Kirk stated that all of the 46 garden plots in our community garden are taken once again this year. This is a great opportunity for people to be able to grow some produce. Mr. Heintz asked if we could expand the program to accommodate more gardeners. Mr. Kirk stated that we do not really have room to expand in that location. Unity Hospital started a community garden program last year and we have been referring people to them for gardens. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — April 11, 2011 Paqe 2 b. Park Maintenance Report Mr. Kirk stated that he has a report from the Parks Supervisor regarding maintenance in the past month. They have been busy painting inside the City garage shop area, cleaning and organizing supplies, doing tree trimming in the parks, and making necessary repairs in the �ark buildings. They should be able to get out into the parks for spring clean up around April 18 ". c. Springbrook Nature Center Report Mr. Kirk stated that the nature center staff has installed a new smart board for use with educational programs in the multi-use room. Staff has reported that the Raptor Center of Minnesota has released two Saw-whet owls at Springbrook. Staff also reported that the Minnesota Ornithological Union has reported on some rare bird sightings in the nature center. d. Fridley `49er Days Schedule/Update Mr. Kirk stated that a copy of the preliminary schedule for Fridley 49er Days was included in the Commission agenda packet. The committee is working hard on finalizing details for the celebration and doing fundraising. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Election of Officers Mr. Kirk stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission elect a Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson at the April meeting each year. The Chairperson presides over all Commission meetings and serves on the City's Planning Commission. The Vice-Chairperson serves as Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent. Ms. Sibell stated that she would like to nominate Mr. Solberg for Chairperson. MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Ms. Barrett, to elect Tim Solberg as Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission for the next year. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Solberg stated that he would like to nominate Ms. Sibell for the position of Vice- Chairperson, if she was willing to serve in that capacity this year. Ms. Sibell stated that she was willing to take the Vice-Chairperson position. MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to elect Marcy Sibell as Vice-Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission for the next year. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Kirk thanked Mr. Solberg and Ms. Sibell for being willing to take on the leadership roles for this Commission. Ms. Sibell stated that she is turning over the gavel to Mr. Solberg to preside over the remainder of the meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — April 11, 2011 Paqe 3 b. Parks 5-Year Capital Improvement Program Mr. Kirk stated that the Parks and Recreation recommends a 5-Year Parks Capital Improvement Program each year. In the past several years, this Parks CIP has been pretty much in maintenance mode or take care of what we currently have. It has not focused on new projects. The staff recommended plan is along those same lines; however, there are a few adjustments for consideration. Mr. Kirk stated for this year (2011), the plan calls for some hard surface court work, replacement of some park furnishings, play equipment repairs, new carpeting in the Fridley Community Center rooms and some fencing replacements. The key year for the Parks and Recreation Commission CIP is the next year in the plan. Staff is recommending that the plan allocate $4,000 for some park furnishings, upgrade the ball field lighting at Community Park at $30,000, and replace the parking lots at Community Park at $115,000. The parking lot at Community Park has been moved up in the staff recommended plan, because it is in such poor shape. Mr. Heintz asked if the paving of the parking lot could be done by City staff to save money. Mr. Kirk stated that it is a big job, but that it would be looked at. Mr. Kirk stated that the staff recommended plan for each of the remaining years of the CIP is as follows: 2013 • Court surfacing and overlays • Park Furnishings • Commons Park Irrigation system — phase 1 2014 • Court surfacing and overlays • Park Furnishings • Commons Park Irrigation system — phase 2 2015 • Court surfacing and overlays • Park Furnishings • Playground Equipment Replacements 2016 . Court surfacing and overlays Park Furnishings Playground Equipment Replacements 30, 000 10, 000 80, 000 120, 000 30, 000 10, 000 80, 000 120, 000 30, 000 10, 000 30, 000 70, 000 30, 000 10, 000 30, 000 70, 000 Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — April 11, 2011 Paqe 4 Mr. Kirk stated that the biggest change in the Parks CIP has to do with the revenue stream. Until two years ago, the Parks CIP received an annual allocation of about $107,000 from the property tax levy to help fund the program. Combined with interest earned on the Parks fund balance and park dedication fees received by the City, there was about $140,000 to $150,000 in annual revenues. With the difficult budget times being experienced by the City, the $107,000 is being redirected to the general fund for the foreseeable future. This results in a smaller revenue stream for the parks fund and relies on the fund balance to compete the necessary projects. Mr. Kirk stated that this is not a super aggressive plan, but one that will serve the City well. In his opinion this is a good CIP that will allow some needed work to get done in the park system. There are many other projects that would also be good for the park system as well, but they will likely have to wait until better financial times. MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Ms. Barrett to approve the Parks 5-Year Capital Improvement Program as recommended by staff. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SOLBERG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. c. Baseball Tournament Requests — Fridley Baseball Association Mr. Kirk stated that the City has four tournament requests from the Fridley Baseball Association group to run baseball tournaments this season. The dates of the tournaments and the fields requested are as follows: 1. May 21 — 22 Commons 1 baseball field 2. June 4— 5 Little League fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 3. June 11 — 12 Little League fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 4. July 29 — 31 Little League fields 1, 2, 3, 4 and Commons 2, 3 Mr. Kirk stated that the baseball association has used the fields before for tournaments in the past and staff would recommend approval. Cost of using the fields has been $75 per field for the weekend, plus the costs of any associated fees such as a dumpster, additional toilet facilities or field supplies. MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Ms. Barrett to approve the baseball tournament requests by the Fridley Baseball Association with the standard fee of $75 per field for the tournament being assessed. The Baseball Association is also expected to pay any costs associated with additional portable toilets, toilet cleanings or garbage dumpsters that may be needed for the tournaments. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SOLBERG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. d. Showmobile Rental Request — City of Mound Mr. Kirk stated that a request has been received from the City of Mound to rent our showmobile for a community event on July 15 and 16, 2011. We have rented to the City of Mound in the past and have not had any issues. Staff would recommend approval of this request at the established rental rates plus transportation and set up costs. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — April 11, 2011 Paqe 5 MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Ms. Sibell to approve the Showmobile rental request by the City of Mound for July 15 & 16, 2011 at the regular rental rates plus transportation and set up costs. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SOLBERG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. e. Showmobile Rental Request — City of Spring Lake Park Mr. Kirk stated that a request has been received from the City of Spring Lake Park to rent our showmobile for a community event on June 12, 2011. We have rented to the City of Spring Lake Park for several years now and it has gone well. Staff would recommend approval of this request at the established rental rates plus transportation and set up costs. MOTION by Ms. Barrett, seconded by Mr. Heintz to approve the Showmobile rental request by the City of Spring Lark Park for June 12, 2011 at the regular rental rates plus transportation and set up costs. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SOLBERG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. f. Softball Tournament Request — Fridley Covenant Church Mr. Kirk stated that the City has received a request from Fridley Covenant Church to rent Community Park for a church softball tournament on Saturday July 9, 2011. The standard facility fee for a one-day tournament by a local non-profit organization would be $500. Staff would recommend approval of the request. MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Mr. Barrett to approve the softball tournament request by Fridley Covenant Church to use the Fridley Community Park for a one-day tournament on Saturday, July 9, 2011 with the regular facility fees to apply. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SOLBERG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Ms. Barrett, seconded by Ms. Sibell, to adjourn the April 11, 2011 meeting at 8:02 p.m. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SOLBERG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE APRIL 11, 2011 MEETING ADJOURNED.