SCCAB 06/16/1982 - 29289� �. . � �t . MINUTES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Fridley Community Education Center Conference Room June 16, 1982 The initial meeting of the group was called to order by Tom Myhra, Community Education Director, at 1:00 PM. In attendance were: Ron Bloom, Bill Campbell, Tony Lorbeski, Connie McMillion, and Ch�r Skurich. The following agenda was followed for discussion purposes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : . Purpose of the group and the meeting. Review of those invited to the meeting. Review of senior citizens use of the building. Support of the City of Fr.idl2y, IR, individual contributions. McKnight Grant explanation. Outcome - Probable granting, need for a Board, relations of Board to the Center. How do we spend MdKnight and other funds. How do we get innut fror� the Board. Responsibilities of the Board: a. Determining future funding b. Setting policy c. Promoting Center for all seniors 10. Mloney and checking systems. 11. Possible means of future funding. 12. Meeting schedule 13. Adjournment Following extended discussion regarding the agenda items by those present, the following conc�rns, points of interests, procedures, questions, etc., were recorded. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. Char Fitzpatrick �houTd be invited to sit irr wi�h �he group. Getting people to use the Center will be a major undertaking and will include a concern for motivation, a means of transportation, and special days. Many definitions needed: a. What is the broad and specific purpose of the "drop in" Center. b. What is its relationship to the City of Fridley's program, Community Education programs, Congregate Dining, and the larger Community Education Center. How can we utilize Connie's list of 600 senior citizens. How can we handle t�he "problem" of food at the Center. The Center needs a system of financial accounting and bookkeeping. Future funding must get irr�nediate attention. Regarding the Senior Citizen Center Advisory Board: a. What is its structure and mer�bership? b. What are its goals and procedures? c. How do we go about getting by-laws? � ' ht wish to serve on the Board. d. How can we "find° senior citizens who mig g. The Senior Citizens Center itself: a. What is its management? b. What are its weekly, daily, special hours? c. How does it relate to use of the gymnasium for activities and the library conference room for meetings? d. Which senior groups will use what? e. Where will activities occur? Who will sponsor? Other general a decided to set at 1:30 PM. An at the meeting. nd specific discussion before August 5p atJthenC�E. Center, another meeting for Thursday, attempt will be made to secure additional representation Respectfully submitted, Tom Myhra Acting Secretary FRIDLEY SEN/OR CITIZEN CEN TER (Frid/ey Community Education Center� 6085 Seventh Street NE*Fridley, MN 55432 December 1, 1983 Mayor William Nee City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mayor Nee: 1 s � ����v ���°R csNTsR 571-G000 Ex1' , 222. It�has come to the attention of the Senior Citizen advisory Board that the City of Fridley has some unallocated funds because of the failure of St. Philli�as to. secure appropriations for its low cost housing for seniors. For a number af years it has been a goal of the senior citizens, public officials, and other interested citizens in Fridley to provide a facility for a drop-in-center for seniors. The seniors now have that facility located in the Comr�unity Education Center. We now have a very viable center with many programs in progress. This was not the story two and one half years ago. A great d�al of progress has been made through the cooperative efforts of the City of Fridley, Independent School District #14, and the Metro Council on Aging since those for►native years. Our attendance is in the increase due to a large variety of programs now being offered. The Center must now address the problem of for congregate dining and shopping through the senior center for those who have none. transportation becomes our greatest need. transportation.Transportation is provided the City. We need transportation to For continued growth of the center, The purpose of the center has al��ays been to raise the social level of all seni:ors in Fridley, Any senior, particularly those who are homebound and living alone, find themselves f rustrated and lonely. For these people transportation is their life-line for an opportunity to become engaged in social activities with their peers. We must meet the emotional and social need cf the elderly population, regardless of income. For these reasons the Advusedyexclusivelysforgtransportationuoflthetelderlyhtosand Qollars ($6,OQ0):) to be from the senior center. These funds if granted would provide additional daily transportation to and from the center as well as occasional weekend special events for remaining apnroximate 120 days left in the present fiscal year. Sincerely yours�, � - � U'�l'��Q�Qh2t,� J� Anthony Lorbeski Senior Citizen Site Manager Community Education, Ind. School District 14 6085 Seventh Street N.E. • Fridley, MN 55432 "Opening Doors for You" November 15, 1982 T0: Senior Citizen Center Advisory Board FROM: Tom Myhra RE: November 18th Meeting 612-571-6000 Be reminded of the Senior Citizen Center Advisory Board meeting on Thursday, Noverr�er 18, 1982 at the Community Education Center, 2:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Please find enclosed minutes from the previous meetings. �' �- 0 L:�nL '`^ 1 =:�;';:ui�S i,iiiiGiY,r.', ?i��::;:}�'� .r.U�}�V�,1�. : ii�, v; i?� il:;;�� i i�u #YL;:�: {�h�' ..��F ':�;i"E ujREEi Rbu:it9� C;TY --- -------- -----=-- t,..,�. ,,....- ; ------- ' ! � � I :iiilt �-------" -- _=--- - ? u�� i��17 cST�Ei� �i?DI� �:H�;t i!4r'�,i�� aLBd;� 3Eh;+ �uE ;4R. � �N3, i���Y bllfi�iiE � Tt�;'; CGR I Pa`+� llf�. �l�i��117 GHAR Ri3TH Cai��l IE i�EB NQR9ERT DARL�ttE � 3Luiii' rREi�lIN6 'L��f°B�! � Li!EGN�Y �iitF�TRiG� GEs�°6E a �I�RI� uRHii�,'t�;� v�H�lS�N �:E! 5cY ! �t�Bt5Y�i �OS5I?d� �YHR� �F���! � ���� SitUt�FCH Si9ITN iH�CIPSON VAN➢ER EYK WE6LEITNER ?UflAW5KI c�4? ;AKLEY 5 i . �a, �. i.GO 5tiTN fl4'E.ii,E. i(�1: C�idi�R CiRi.l.E Ii�C� �N�i:��A6A ST., �.E. «,T r�j ��t� Dki`v'E fi1.E. JL[J h�illt �5U7 �ASNi�vui�1N 5T. �.E. rRI?'LEY CGC!�IUt:ITV ED CE�+TER ;31� ySTH �VE. P�.E. �3�iJ fi$tE 5i. N.c. �1�i �#�P��:SE �i{. ?�.t. I6t?5 6Li;RI� i,IRCLE N.E. �RIOi.EY FiIGH 5CtlOQL �e�o wAS����T�� s1. r?.�. FRIL��EY HIGH SGH�OL 6485 ITH 5T. N.E. 6f20 �ZH 5TREET P1.E. 6431 IiNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. CflMMUNITY E9 CENTER G41t� ABIE 5L �.�• blb7 7TN S7. N.E. {-�2 y:2}° i;�j.;l��i� rEIGr?S ill�iYi �1[1�? :.`i ��;r��gp L:��LIi!�BIA h�iuHl� FGI�?LEY t�i.Ai�ic �riJl�� F°I�J+ FY � rid;ey *itI"vL� � Fridley Fric�.et� r�f 1 �18Y fr:dley Fridley ERIt�LEY F*;�ley Fridley 1'��t ,''.v4:2 S,� �+�,y "'�. �' l lail 'J L 9p� =j' �i'% . e It .�}Ji.7r �N a543? '?0-$616 �iPa �S�Z: ;�P� ,,�4.1 J7: i::�� it� 558�2 �'F1-6'�u5 �fP� 5���� Mtd 5a43� itti ��43? 57i-i�i}8 �� �5x3Z - NN 5543Z 5?1-6440 �itd 55432 ' �t� �5��� �� JJ�Ji. MN 55432 i3F� �5��� t1�� `5+�.'il 571-641$ �Pk 5543� ;t� 55432 � t � J ., � -. .,. .. :.. .,- .. , . -- . 1 � . . . . . : - � . . . ., .: �� � � ?,h,-.= '.:vi 1 „Ckit;iF �,t.�-u;n .t r �n yu. .. , ���:.a.�:; i,i':it!y.; nD'�1;7J:�� �l;s?iC:L '_,",'v ''4��� h�;;{ i iifi EST�Er AkD.� ��i�� �L�Ri�+ U�EBi� d'[HPt' EuB MR. � �HS. T�3NY :�iF;�ll� ��;, CCRI�at;E vK. GE"i�iIS Gi'�P, RllTN C�NNIE �EE NQRBE�T �AKL�!dE Lyai ':ni t �ll�Ft� n�u�i�:u a��.�� BAEI,aIN6 ,r.i�i�°��! L Ct;ESNEY � f i i iP�TR iCk; uEuFSc �� tfARIE uRkUP�k;E �uHN�QN �,E! StY �JR�ESf;I L�iSSI�dG MYHRA � F,iti�L� " iiEidB 5{:Ut�ICH { SMITH TH�tIPSQN ':AI�DeR EYK WE6LEITNER ZURA�ISkI o��± ��I�� tY vI. t�.:. .�GO 5�iH r�'•1�.�i.�. 1Q1? �E�diER C1R:,LE 1 i,��3 uP#iiN�A6A S i.,�i. �. JGIJ i':l7tiILC!1 UELi��L t��C• 4ti�i7 idASEliNu i�Pi ST. N. E. r'RI�LEY CG�'!{�I1�tI i Y ED CENTER 1;;12 55TN �4'E. Pd. E. 6,i�1) i�BLE ST. P1.E. n!�1 wUP�i�:SE :�K. N.E. 76U� 6L�fcIA CI.�'cGLE N.E. fftl�Lt'f �iiGH SCHQaL �S?;) w�1SNI�GTON ST. N.E. FRIL�LEY HIuN 8CN0�l. b485 1TH 5t. N.E. 6!?4 �TH 5TRfET ��.E. b431 UNIVERSIT`/ AVE. N.E. C0�lMUtdITY ED CENTER b�i0 ABLE ST. N.E. 6761 7TH 57. N.E. C. i Y' Si ;:?? NQ�� ��C ��i�;��, ;';;;,� I=ri�i�}� i��Lit;iSIi; r�I�H�S �fl�:�'t != r I �;.�'f �flr��2`t CGi.4JMBIp 11:i�FiTS F�iDi:Y P��I�aE F�.d':°y ��IJLrr �!'luigf rRIfiLEY Fridley fridley Fridley FridIey Fridley FftI�LEY Fridley Fri�Iey �!�d =��;2 :s, �;wi �v��l �'ti �.�;��i �19 �iJTJi 1,4����%O Fli� J��}L: ?�PI i=:4?i �i:—I!{1� i7;fi 5`43Z `7t-3�;1�5 �ta 554s� �!N �v43� r�ra ���:�z ��i-z���s �� �.4i;J,�'. - �n 5��u� ��i-ataa i�N 5�432 MN 554v? MN ;;543� �!N "4�2 �!N 55�3� !!f� v54;,? 571-6418 t�h `54�2 �f� 55432 , � ; ' � ��,� �'��flL 4'�iSa i v��3:u.+�1 .,�i:sCi�v �iDJl�:l��l'`� '.�,U����IL � � I'ti�t,`n;T �'f:i�� !iLii �Lta t5?�Er t�RD:E CHt;a �4�RiN �7cE�:� dEn�t �4�u !".�;. a �Rw, 7aT�Y li�fiiVi� � 3��1 Cf7PIP� a�' ➢R. �E���IS C�?AR RUTii COiil� I E DEE NORSE�T DARL:NE ��� i�:nf�.�'�� ���:��� �I�u�St�� r r:: � y L'. � Y �i 'i? ;iGr�� `t!� iv�i*:i t`!s '���iUi� SRfI�lIN6 CAMGBEl.L C�ESNEY Fi�i�ATR��k GECF�6E � tIARIE t�RRiiP�KE J�HNS�N Y.�� .`'r�1' �uNBESYi LC��SI��6 MYHRA i'RItiLt� " �tENS �s�u�FCtt SMITN TH��IPS�N VpND�k EY{ WE6LEITNER ZtlRA�fSKI ���a D�KLEY vr. ��, �. i.tiJ 5f;?H A;'E. ii. E. IQ1. C.FdifR CiFi:,LE 11vQ �NGNDASF, ST., N.E. �2?� Hu€sIiO� �fiI4E id.�. 46C�7 41A5HINi;TCtJ ST. N.E. c�?�LEY C��1t9U?;ITY fD GENTER � 13i: 95TH HVE. �.�. ti3�t� �tBLE 5T. �i. E. hi�1 SU�lRIS� nt�. Pi.E. 7Bi}5 Gt�RIA +�;RCIE N.E. fRIDLi'f HIGN SCHflGL 68i[� WASNIN6TOPi ST. N.�.. FRI�7LEY HI6H SGHGQl. �p85 1TH 5T. P!. 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