SCCAB 08/05/1982 - 29286� Minutes of Meeting Senior Citizens Center Advisory Board Fridley Community Education Center Thursday, Augus� 5, 1982 ` , �„ The meeting was called to ot^der by Community Education Director, Tom Myhra at 1:40 p.m. Present were: Rath Smith, Marion Do1inage, Ron Bloom, Tony Lorbeski, Bill Campbe1l, Connie Macmillion, and Myhra. Acceptance of the minutes of the June 16th meeting as presented was moved by Connie, seconded by Tony and passed. A coup1e of items were added to the proposed agenda before Connie moved its acceptance, Tony seconded and it passed. Myhra briefly talked about the Board, its purposes, etc. It was agreed that: 1. Its purpose is to establish policy and procedures for the operation of the Center, using the power it has within the parameters established by larger governmental bodies such as Distirct #14 and the City of Fridley. 2. Membership should be left open to accomodate appropriate representatives (i.e., St. Phillip"s housing for aged, when completed), but that those __. assembled plus Marion Anderson, Char Skurieh and ex officio member Char Fitzpatrick make an effective group. � 3. Time will tell whether the group needs to incoporate. 4. By-Laws should be started and this task would help point out Board needs, etc. (Tony wi11 seek by-laws from the Lennox Center.) When discussing the management and operation of the Center the group agreed that: 1. Activities would determine hours the Center shou1d 6e open. 2. General1y day activiti'es are preferred to evening activities. 3. Some need like7y exists far Saturday, Sunday activities. Some trial �ciivities on a regular 6asrs wi11 be tried. 4. There is a need to coordinate the ac�ivities planned by Congregate Dining, The City of Fridley, and the Center. It was suggested that an Activiti�es Committee might be of help. Connie expressed the need to know wh at is planned in order to avoid conflicts, etc. Myhra suggested that Connie, Char S., and Tony get together after 8/19 and before Parks and Recreation and Community Education fa11 bulletins are printed. 5. Inexpensively catered food functions, meals prepared on the prem?ses, and commercially produced snacks can meet the food needs of the Center. It was suggested that potluck meals might 6e used for picnics, etc. 6� Increased use might come from: a. Greater variety o�F programming. b. Recognition of the Center and the place where there"s "action", � -2- c. T.V. viewing of daily soap operas, etc. d. More transportation. e. A"full-blown" grand opening with "name folks", craft rooms, programs, food and dancing. f. Preparation ofi a"classy" slide presentation which could also be used for funding so1icitations. The group agreed that future funding might be large1y se1f-sustaining, but some monies wi11 6e needed. �t was felt that: l. Dues might be appropriate (Question remains as to relationship of Friendly Fridley Folks dues). 2. City funding appears in jeopardy. 3. Perhaps many local service organizaiions could each be asked for a small continuing annual contribution. 4. Business might be approached for the same consideration. 5. Governmental grants migh� 6e avai1able. 6. Incorporation might aid the funding process, The group agreed that a sound logical financaal accounting system which utilizes planned budgets will be a necessity, but that the accounting system of the City, School District, and Friendly Fridley Folks cou1d be used for the present. The group then agreed that work on �he Center must go forward. Connie read a letter from the H.B. Fu11er Company offering manua1 help and it was agreed she'd ask for one small crew to remove the blackboard, fill the hQles, and get the room ready for painting and a later erewr to paint the Center. She'd also inqui�e about the availability of �n e1ectricran through that company. Tony wi11 also pursue getting an electrician for wiring, Bacon's having promised mater�als at cost. He will also pursue the matter of getting cabinets from Plywood Minnesota. Ruth, Marion, and Connie will secure the drape swatches and bring to the group al�er- nate selections of drapes and carpeting, As soon as possi6le the Board wou�d like the wiring in, air conditioner in, refrigerator in, room painted, ca6inets in, carpeting installed, and drapes hung. A"�rand Opening Day" shou1d be he1d as soon in the fall as feasible. The group approved a news artic1e for the City Newsletter. The Gonstruction Class at the high school should be asked tp construct collapsible band she�ls, Connie asked for input on bus transportation. This will be a major business item -3- at the group's next meeting. The next meeting was set for Wednesday, August 11 at 9:00 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15. Respectfully submitted, Tom Myhra, Acting Secretary 7 (': ;, r� MEETING ,'� � Senior Citzens Center Advisory Board Community Education Conference Room Thursday, August 5, 1982 1:30 p.m. A G E N D A 3. Welcome and Introduction 2. Minutes - June 16th Meeting 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Old Business a. The Board-its Purpose, Structure, Membership, and By-Laws b. The Board's Responsibility c. Operation and Management 1. Hours (daily-weekly) 2. Activities 3. Relationship to City, C.E., Congregate Dining Activities 4. Food 5. Increased Use (promoting center) d. Future Funding e. Financial Accounting and Bookkeeping System f. g. 5. New Business a. New Sources of Funds, i.e., Fuller, Etc. b. Making Purchases to Get Center Estab1ished c. Special Problems: i.e., Transportation, Etc. d. e. f. 6. Other Business Items 7. Next Meeting 8, A�jo�arr�ment