SCCAB 08/11/1982 - 29285.. r
h1i nutes of Meeti ng
Senior Citi,zen Center Advisory Board
Community Education Center Conference Room
August 11, 1982
The meeting was called to order by Tom Myhra at 1:35 p.m.
In attendance were: Ron Bloom, Bill GampbelJ, Marion Dolinage, Tony 1 orbeski, Ruth
Smith, Connie MacMi]lion, and Myhra.
Bloom moved and Smith seconded/passed, the minutes of the August 5th meeting as printed.
Bloom moved and Smith seconded/passed, the adoption of the following agenda:
l. Minutes
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Reports
a. Lorbeski
b. MacMillion
4. Old Business
a. Transpo�rtation to the Center
b. Making Electrical Cha�ges in Room 10 (Center)
c. Cabinents in Room 10 (Center)
5. New Business
a. Membership for Congregate Dining Site Coordinator
6. Other Items of Business
7. Next Meeting
8. Adjournment
Lorbeski reported on his visit to Lennox Center in St. Louis Park. The Center is
completely handled through Community Education. 1400 to 1500 members pay dues of
$8.00 per year. No separate senior citizen club. Seniors must pay dues to use the
center. The City of St. Louis Park also h a�- a senior center as does a religious
group. The Center will send us a copy of its by-laws which are 6eing worked on at
the present time.
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Minutes - August 11, 1982
MacMillion reported on a follow-up call to H.B. Fuller's office to provide aid
in senior citizen's activities. She indicated that a contact person, Sarah B., re-
ported that a group of employees wished to provide labor, but our request for a team
to remove blackboard and a team to paint might not be possible. Connie on her next
contact will inquire about the availability of an electrician f rom H. B. Fuller.
It was agreed that it would be useful if Char Fitzpatrick would become a member of
the Board or at least meet with us in a consultive capacity.
It was moved, seconded/passed that Paula Walde as Congregate Dining site coordinator
be asked to serve on the Board.
Connie MacMillion wanted tentative dates for grand opening of the Center. After ex-
tended discussion, the opening was set for Saturday, October 2nd. Grand Opening,
program,food, etc. will be main item on Ag�nda for the next meeting. Connie agreed
to continue work on a slide presentation.
Carpeting and Drapes - Tony Lorbeski reported that "carpet remnant" place in Fridley
did not have large enough piece. He was referred to a New Brighton distributor. Tony
will try to get bids including Nelsons to the Board by August 18th.
Electricty for the Center - Tony will contact local firm by August 12th. Connie will
seek help from H.B. Fuller. If neither works we will go with Bacon's flectric.
Air Conditioner - Have one donated. Need to schedule truck to pick up.
Cabinents - Tony will order from Plywood Minnesota for $500.00 plus.
Myhra will seek further information from trades class at high school regarding construc-
tion of folding band shells for gymnasium.
Connie MacMillion asked for discussion on present and future transportation needs for
the Center. Total transportation system seems unlikely. Need to establish what type
and amount of transportation needed. A lot of transportation means a big increase in
costs. Possi,bley bus could make early run for pre-lunch activities and then make a
11:30 run to Village Green. All days might not need to be the same. Maybe we should
promo�e "Share-a-ride". Connie will keep us informed of developments as they occur,
but the topic should be put back on the agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Myhra