SCCAB 11/18/1982 - 29288-<.; .'
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Minutes of Meeting
Senipr Ci,tizen Center Advisory Board
Community Education C�nference Room
November 1$, 1982
The meeting was called to order by Tom Myhra at 2 o'c1ock. Others in attendance were;
Tony Lorbeski, Ruth Smith, Paula Walde, Char Fitzpatrick, Char Skurich, and Connie
The agenda included:
1. Minutes of Previous Meeti,ngs
2. Plans for Senior Citizen Birthday Party(ies)
3. Future Funding
4. Other Items
5. Next Meeting
6. Adjournment
The minutes for the August llth, Augus� 19th, August 31st, September 16th, September
23rd, and October 28th meetings were dpproved as printed.
The November 22nd Bi:rthday Party Plans were di'scussed.
1, Seventy-five senior citizens had s��ned up for dinner -� not sure how many will
stay for pa1^ty (48 di d) .
2. To be held on Monday (11/22) for this month, but norma1ly is held on the 4th
3. Bus wi11 be leaving at 1:25 p.m.
4. We'll sign out the Community Education Conference Room for the party, since
Centet^ wi11 1ikely be too small.
5. Paulahanded out the dice game matet�ials.
6. Advisory Board members offer�ed to help, Suggested getting senior citi,zens
tp help.
7, prizes were agreed on.
a. Everyone will get the coffee favor. (Tony will secure)
b. Tab�e winners wi�1 get a deck of cards. (Tom will secure�
c. Grand winner will get fruit baske,t. (Char Fitzpatriek and Connie will
donate fruit. Tom will donate basket and a jar of wild N�rth Dakota
8, Paula will provide game board for Xeroxing,
P age 2
Minutes - November 18, 1982
Senior Citizen Center Advi'sory Board
9. Char S. will xerox rules,
10. Game playing (Socko) will run from 12.30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The birthday party for next month wi71 be held on December and wi11 feature a
sing-along. Pau1a reminded the Bpard that the 4th Anniversary Dinner for Congregate
Dining wi11 be held on Decem6er 20�h.
The second major item discussed was future funding. It was agreed that the Board would
project expenditures first and talk about possible ways of providing income based on
the projected need.
1. Probable Expenditure
a. Refreshments - daily and special (coffee, condiments, paper cups, napkins, etc.)
b. Supp1ies -(arts and crafts, card rep1acements)
c. Corresppndence - (statione�^y, invita�ions, postage)
d, Prizes - (birthday and specia7)
e. Transppt�tati on
f, Qutreach Efforts -(printed mate�ial, mileage, postage)
g. Peer Counseling
h. Renta1 of Resource Ma�erla1s
i. Enter��inment - (bands, fi1ms, etc.)
j. Mi s ce 11 aneotas
2. Possible Income
a. Grants
b, Membership Fees
c. Servi.ce Glub Donation�
d, Fund Raisers
e, Others -(Norm Berg - V,P, of Cantro� Data, "Stay We11 Program")
Under other items Char F. suggested we shou1d conti'nue exploring the "Foxfi,re" concept
f9r ,joint efforts of senior citizens and senior high students.
A speci;al meeting to discuss finances is set fpr 9;30 a.m. on Novembe�^'29th, (Not held)
Next regular meeting on Tuesday, Dec�mber 7th at 1;30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Myhra