STUT 10/22/1959 - 30059�
�i T �y ii s t� S
October 22, 1959
Th�e meeting xas called to order at 7:OA P.M.: wi-th Chairm,an Henner presids
ir� and Members Enp,stran, �himanski, and the Engineer preserit,
The first canaideration was the proposed 100 foot right-of-way for ?3�
Aveaue, east�rard between F.ast River Road and Stinson Boulevard. xhis matter
was ciisaussed by tile &�;i.neer relativ�e to the au�;�estions of Anoka County Gom�
misaioners and Surveyor, as to the nsed for such road width �or 5tate pZaiming-�
Me�nbers attention was called to the Pact that the north side of such praposed
road� east�ard from o2d Ceniral Avenus is alr�ady partially bui'!.t up, and tha.t
�aanden�ation proceedin� would be nece�sarsr to secure this portion of ri�h'caof�
way. A28o� the fact that countq roads heretofore designated for 6t� foo� w-�d�;ns
have been changed, by Le�;islative action� to 66 foot wi.dths. Cammi.ssion will
make invosti�;atian over t?�e saeek•oend for a decisian at a later date,
Ne�ct conaideration was tho possible necessary change in raad direction
on 7ronton Street, from the exis{;ing center lins of such road� with the Engim
neer providix� sketches showirtg the road as now in use, toget�er with the new
ti raAd as it should be and as per ha3f section ma.p; plus the need for consid�ra=
�� tion as to whether Pour homes on the nor�h side of such road, now loca�ed ap�
proximately 20 feet north of the new road center Iine, should be re�loeated b,p
the o�mers back and north of suah center, so that final home location
would have a 3� �'flot aet-back from the north line of the new road; or wheth�r
such homes should be left as ia and the nex road chan�ed at a.n an�;Ie furiher
southward, either through purchase or condemnation proceedings. Consensus of
opinfoan was that such north aide property owners should pay Yor any condemna-
tion oY land so procnred fram the aouth side of the street, rather than City
having to pay for same for such road which is� due to such o�,mers
havinp; evidently built on their �roperties t�ithout such lots being properly surm
vey�d. It was felt that such road chan�;e wuuld entail not too �reat a hardship
by the3r payin� for such condemned lands inasnnich as such home location was
their oriplinal error to be�in with.
Discussion next turned to the ezisting storm sewer conditions at 53rd
Avenue and tlni.versf.ty Avenue N.E. - durin� heavy raina, when water run=off
from the east dor�an 53rd Avenue to lln3.versity Avenue fl.00da out this particuo ar�a and practically tie� up traffic. It was brought out by the Erapip
neer� that the StaLe xli�tn�ay Department refuaes to w�rk out any type o£ per�
manent storm ciraina�e in this area, until such time as both Columbia Hei�hta
and Fridle�r can get to�ether for such purposQ. By reason of the fact that
auch flooded areas materially effect the �'ridley side af 53rd Av�enue,, it t�as
au�;�;ested b,y the Fngineer that a siorm sewer could be placed at the northe�st
corner of sueh intersection to connect in with an already exi.sting 18 or 2I�
inch culvert� supposed to be nresently under University Avenue at �this po�n�a
r In the event tha.t auch culv�rt is naw existent� pickmup could be made by ichis
eatch basin and charnlexad throu�h the culvert to the srest of iJniversity
Avsnue, whEre it mi�ht be cor�noc�ed in with the existing �tf3 inch north and
sou�th Iine cu2v�ert, placed by Ever� Carlson Huilders several years back.
'rhie oulvert empties into a 12 irLCh t�ast and t�rest outof�I]. line undor Ki�hw
ray �1,00. Membors were poiled ae to their thit2kix� on the need (in the event
that culvert ia not i.n under the }iz.�hway) of boring under such road
bed and iastalling neW culvert section to serve the purposQS as wou'!d be sea�ved
by the old sectian? as �;ivan above. �t Ieast such meaaures, al�hough cos�ing
the City of :iridley, �rould nev+erthe�.oss tnaka it :3anseass�ry t� partly opan up
the eanitary manhole � or the p�irpose o�' dr�.n-�n� off this run�o�f; bu� such cu2tl
v�ert would also prevent sand, sil� or o�her materials from washing dotim inio
the sanitary sewer line. A17. m�mbers, bein� already familiar �rith aa�di�c:i.ons
in ihis areai felt that such procedure woulci be tho most economical t�� of
handlin�; this s;ituationo
The next considaration was the location of the nroposed north and sauth
60 foot road "H", betst�aen Lucia Lane and Charmel Road - immediately nor�h of
tiisaiasippi atreet� to tie in a previons7y nroposc�d east and �ne,st road "C"
rurniin� w�est from ChPxmel Ttoad �- immed3.atel,q nor�h of Lot 25, ru�.ng wros� to
conneat in xith Od�erg property and the proposed 1�0 foot road eas� of Highway �65,
as sho�,m on the enclosed map. The first proposed nor�h and south road "B" would
tenonirtate in a 250 Poot length east and west road t'A" enterin� upon Channa3. Road;
or instead of this shor� eaat and west road im�nediately east of Lot 5D, seco�ad
rsvieion of Anditor�s Subdivision �122, auch road co��.d be extended straight
south to �41q�issippi �treet "B't • in the ev�ant that a small residence, ].oca�ted
ozi x�ississippd. Strest half'way between Cha.nrtel Road and Lucia lane� was removed,
� Ths constrncti� oY the first praposed 60 f�t north and sauth road nB" wau7.d
� be for the p�u�pose of splittin� halfway, Lots 25 ta 30 inclusive, for the pur�
pose of reaidentia2 buildin�. Tn such case, the eastern portian af such 2ots
vou].d have access on Chaimel Road, with the s�eetern portion o� such lots ha.ving
acces� oti the saest - to the newly oroposed road. Such road wculd also �iv�e th�
east side access to Lots 5E, A, B and C, in the etrent of thoir later di.-
vided i.n L�o. In the event that th� oronosed north and south road "�", as
sha�m in dotte8 7.ins, �,ras put through - the o�wners oS Lota 25 and 26 (F & P.
Real,t3r Com�) are �rl.Iling to r,iake the neceseary �0 foot wide dedicat3.oa�s for
their halt' aP snch roads on the �+est side, pravidin� the other half for dedi-
eatio� purposea conld be procured from the oamere of Lot E, straight south from
Lot 5B to Lot 5C. Due to the cwnpl.exity of thie problas�, all members felt they
should iadivictusl],y look ov�er thia area in qusstion a� f;et t,opether at a 3ater
date Por a deaisiou.
The meeting was adjourn�d at 9:15 1'.t�t.
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