01/19/1960 - 00024263��2 MEETING OF THE CITY CGUNCIL JANUARY I9. 1960 A regular meeting of the City C�uncil, January 19, 1960 was called to order by Mayor Greig at 7:30 P,�. Members Present: Councilmen Sohanson, Sheridan, Wolke, and Mayor Greig. Councilman Nagel arrived at 7:40 R �. Members Absent; None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Johanson moved the approval of the minutes of the January 11, 1960 meeting. Motion seeonded �y ��eridan. Upon a caice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS HEQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PER- MST BY MRu. P.OSELLH THOMPSON TO LIVE IN BASrH7ENT HOME. Councilman Wo2ke moved that the Special Permit for 18 months be granted tc Nrs. Rosella Thompson. Motion seconded by Sheridan., Upon a voice vote, tfiere being no naS�s, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. NEV� BUSIPdESS AN ORDIN,aNCE RE7,OPIING I�OT 6- 11. FRIDLEY PARK FR0;1i ft-.�, TO F2-2 ORDINl.NCE !iN ORDIN;�TCE TO ;NtEND THE ZONING ORDINANC� OF THE CITY OP FRIDLuY, AAIOKA COUNTY, MINN. BY NAKING F, CHrNGE IPd THE ZONING DISTRICT. Tha above Crdinance was read. Councilman Sheridan moved that this be accepted as the first readind of the Ordinance, with the stipulatior, that the zoning be restricted to double bungalows, and building on these lots is to start within one (1) year from the date of tY_e passage of this ordinanCe� or the zoning will revert to its present st�tus. Motion seconded by �Nolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously, � � RESOLU�rzert RELATING TQ THE CONSTRUCTIDN CF �� SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM RESdLUTIGN N0. 3 - 1960 h R�SOI.UTIOP7 RELATING TO THE CONtiTRUCTION OF A S6NITARY SEWER SYSTEM. The foregoing resclution was read. Ther'e was some discu:sior_ on the matter of whether or not this reaolution was necessary, Mr. Comstcck explained that this was primarily for the pur- pose of disseminating ir,formation, and tc enable the different en�ineering departments in villages and cities to p[sol their engineerir.g informatior. on the matter. ('�ouncilman Nagel arrived at 7:45 P.M,) Councilman PUOlke moved to ado�t the above resolution. Motinn seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion r�as declared to have been passed unanimously. ' A RESOLUTIGN AFFROPRIHTING MONEY FOR THr RPCF.E��TICN FUATD RESOLUTION N0. 4 - 1960 A RESGLl7TION APPROPRIFTING MON�Y FOR TH� P.FCREA- TICN FUND. The ?oregoing resolution was read. Councilman Jahanson � moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, tl-iere being no nays, the motion was declared to have p�ssed unanimously. � � STREET LIGHT BACK OF E�PARTNENTS A^1 5005 AND 5025 NE 3RD ST, There was discussion on the above matter, and also the fact that this street li$ht would be on private property if it were placed. Motion by Sheridan to deny the request for said atreet light in back of the apartments of 5005 and 5025 3rd Street. Motion seconded by Nagel, Upon A voice vote, there being no ❑ays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. . Councilman Sheridan moved that the City puy the 1958 nnd 1959 payments of �7,I26.88 an3 �6s968.50 owin� on the Sewer Contract with the City of Columbia Heights. Motion seconded by Wolke. Unon a veice vot�e, the:e bein� ne nays, the ma- tion was declared tp have been passed unan�mously. LICENSES ELECTRICAL Naegels pdvertising Co. P.obert Stretz MAaONRY Mir.nehaha Terrazzo 8c Cement Company Frank J. Bray, Secretary PLUN!BING Henry Sydloski Plumbin� Oo. SIGN H�.N�ERS �unset Sign Service Co. Oscar M. Pederson 3338 U�iv. Ave, vE 3950 Hiawatha Ave. 1431 NE 4th Street 6670 Channel Ro�id NE Moticn seconded by i�olke. Upor. a vcice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimou�ly. CLHIMS Councilmap Jahanson moved the approval of Liquor Store claims 1552 thru 1569. Motion seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have �eEn pa�sed unanimously. � �_ � ��� Councilm�n Joh�nson moved the approval of claims in the amount. of; Sewer ana Water Improvement Pro�ect #21 - F, Sewer und �Nater Improvement Froject �21 - B Sewer and �ater Improvemer,t Pro�ect #22 - C � 840.50 726,30 604.40 to Comstock and Davis, Inc. Motion seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was de- clared to have passed unanimously. CHA�GE DRDER .#3 SE�NER 8c WATER SCH�DULE A Councilman 'JVolke moved the approval of Ch�nge Qrder #3 for Sewer & lNater Project #21 - Schedule A. Motion seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have pa�sed unanimously. PLANNING C014iIV]ISSIOI3 MINUTES There was considerable discussion on the plat for the Columbia Heights SchooI District, and also the discussion on the streets in the adjacent area, Councilman Sheridan moved that the plat for the Columbia Heights School District b� tabled until after the next meeting of the Planning Commission, so that the matter of the streets in the area may be locked into further. Motion secended by Na�el. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. There was considerable discussion on the vacation of the a11ey in back of Lots 28 and 29, Block 3, Cump Howard Hush's Addition. Councilman Wolke moved that a Public Hearing on the vacation of an �lley in back of Lot 28 and 29, Block 3, Camp Howard, Hush's Addition be set for the next available council meeting dateo Notion seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was�declared to hGve passed unar.imously. There was a discussion cn the matter of Buildin� Permits beinG issued on lots les3 than 18,000 square feeL in area where there were no sewers and water. The City Mana�er said he would check into the situ�tion. VISITOE?S Mr. Rob�rt Hughes, Chief of the Fire Department, was pre- sent,, and stated that some apartments did not hsve house numbers on the street side, and the Fire Department does not know what the numbers of these particular apartments �rc in case of a fir�o He also stated that there is a problem with some private residences not. having hcuse numbers. r � , � � � The City Manager atate3 he and the sttorney would work up some sort of letter and send to the owner's of these apart- ment hnuses in an effort to get them to display Lhein c�use numbers on the side of the building facin� the street. APPOINT�ENTS Councilman Nagel moved the appointment of the following to the BoErds and Commission: George Danielson, Clyde Strong, Mr. F.. B. Eiohhorn, Chxrles Johanson, E. F. Engstrom Raymond E. Sheridan Mrs, Dorothy Berger Ransome Goodrich C, �Nm. Cramer RE3ULAR MENBERS Bernard Wolke Robert J. Hughes Harry Kirchman Paul Segner NON-REGUL6R DISTFiICT lst VJard 2nd JPard 3rd �Nard SUBURBAN GdS AGENGY Plat� �: Subdivision Parks & Playgroundw Parks & Playgrounds Buil3ing Standards 4treets & Utilities Recreation Commission Recreation Commission Board of Appeals Police Commission 12-31-62 12-51-62 12-31-62 12-31-62 12-31-62 12-31-61 12-31-61 12-31-62 12-31-62 � �= 7 BUILDING HOARD - All appointed one year, 19fi0 MENBERS - BUILDING BGARD ISave Anderson Wm. Shields L1Dyd Otten T. E. Greig, �layor E, P. Wagner, City PP.an�ger, Alternate Motion seconded by Johsnson. Upon a voice vote, there taeing no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unarimously. Councilman Sheridan brcught up the question of having the Chairman on the various Boards and Commissions rotate. The City Manager said he weuld look into this situation. Councilman �Nolke moved that Mr. Andrew Kohlar,, City Rttorney, be reappoir.ted as the Attorney for the City of Fridley, Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being nc nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimotzsly. Councilman Sheridan and approval to the City Manager: moved that the Council give ccnsent following appointmer.ts made by the Allen Jertsen - Buildin�; Inspector Merle Pierce - Liquor Store Manager, and H�+rriet Buechner - Accounting Clerk (Machine) Motion seconded by 'tNolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared t.o have passed unanimously. A RESCLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FO�c Gf,SCLINE The following resolution was rea�: RESOLUTION N0. 5 — 1960 ��� A AESOLUTION TO nDVERTISF, FOR GASOLINE BIDS The foregoin� resolution was read. Councilman Wolke move� tha� the above resalution be adopted. Motion seconded by Johunsan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. RESOLUTIONS ON WATBR SIIPPLY Councilman '�'olke moved that the following resolutions No's. 6, 7 and 8- 1960, rel�tin� to the water supply of the City of Fridley be read. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have been passed unar,imously. RESOLUTION N0. 6 - 1960 A RESOLUTION ORDFRING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF b4otian by Nagel to adopt the foregoing Reeolution No� 6- 1960, Motian seconded by Violke, Upon a voice vote, there being no n�ys, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. RFSOLUTIOAi N0. 7 - 1960 A R�SOLUTION OFDERING PLFNS, SPECIFICATIONS RND 3STIN_f�Ti,S CF THF' COSTS THEREOF. Councilman N�gel moved that tY,e foregoin� Resolution be adopted. Motion seconded by 1NOlice. Upon z voice vote, tYlere being no nays, the motion was declared ta heve been passed unanimously. RESCLUTION N0. 8 - 1961 A RESOLUTIODi ORDERING CON,PLETIOPd OF PLANS AfdD SPECIFTCF,TIONS ANn ESTIMATE CF THE COSTS. Councilman Sheridan r�solutior�. Motion there b�ing no nays, passed unar,imousl,y. moved the adoption of the foregoing seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, the motion was decl�red �o have been Mr. Comstocic was present and explained the reason for this request. Councilman �'ValYe meved tbat Comstock 8c Davis be authorized and directed to furnish the following sgencies uvith a copy of the city water survey. 1. Metropolitan Planning Commission, 2. State Department of Health Division of Environmental Sanitation Section of '�Vater Supply, 3 Fire Underovriters Inspection Bureau, 4. Department of Conservation - Diroision of 6Nater. It9otion seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, tnere being no nuys, the motion v�as declared to have passed unanimously. � , , APPOINTMENT OF CON.N;ITTEE TO STUDY SB��JEn Pt'�ODLEMS Councilman Nagel moved that the follorring be �ppointe3 to u�ork with Suburban Communities in c�nsidering Se�va�e Disposal problems: Nr. Comstock, Engin,eering; Mr. Kohl�.n, City httorney; Nr. Na$ner, City Nanager and Councilman �Yolke repre�entin� tl�e � Council. Motion seconded by Sherid�n. Jpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared te have been passed unanimously. ADJOURNN�NT Councilman Johanson moved that the rneeting be ad,7ourned at 8;�7 P.b7. �Iption seconded by }Nolke. Upon a voice �nt�, there being no nays, the motion �v�;s declared i.o have oassed ununimously. ATT�ST; CITY CLERK — rJlarvin C. Brunse 1 � � `/���'_ N111YOR - T, E. Greig �� F_ � � MFFTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEr3RUARY 2, 1960 h regular meeting of the Cit;� Council of the City of Fridley �V�s called to order by Mayor Greig at 7:30 P.:�. Nember� PreNent; Mayor Greigo Councilman Johanson, Sheridan and Na�el. NeMbers Absent: Councilman '�,'Volke APPROVAL OF NIINU'iE5 Councilman Johan�on move3 ths approval of the minutes of the January 19th, 196Q meeting. ri�otion seconded b,v ida- gelw TJpoK� 3 voira vote, taere being no nays, the motion carried unanirnously. OLD BUS7NFSS R- � The fol] o��uing ordinance x+as reac9: ORDIivAP10E N0. l�kp AN ORDSNANCE THE CITY OF BY I�'1AKIfdG A T4 AMEND THE ZONIIVG ORDI�TFNCE OF FRIDI,EY, ANOKA COUNTY, !NIIvTNFSOTA CHANGE SN THE ZONING DISTRIGTS. Councilman Jahar�son nioved that the foregoin� Ordinance No. 140 be accepted as the cecond and final reading and adopted us read, �IOi.ion :�econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, thare being no naya, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimously. NEJV �USI[JESS RESOLU`PICPv' '�FSIGNA'I'S1VG SIGDTERS OF ORDERS ON The follo�Ning resolution was read: RESOLUTION N0. 9 - 19&0 'TORY �ND A RESOLUTCON DESIGDTATING SIGDl�RS OF ORD�RS ON D�POSITORY AND USF OF A FACSIM7L� SIGNATUR�. Councilman Nagel. moved the adoption of t�e faregoin� resolution. Motion seco�ded hy Sheride�n. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have been passe3 unanimously. RESOLUTTON RENA.MING ;COTT DRIVE The follo����ing resoluLion was read: , , � RESOLUTIOId N0. 10 - 1980 A RESOLUTION RENATu]ING SCOTT DRIVE, Councilman Johanson moved that the above resolution be adopted. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there bein, no nays, the rnotian was declared to have passed unanimously,