02/16/1960 - 00024252MEETIIVTG OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 18. ]960 A regular meeting of the City Council, Fehruary 16, 1960, �rvas celled to order by Mayor Greig at 7:30 F.N. Members Present: Greig, 3ohanson, Na;el, Sheridan and Wolke Members Absent: None � APFROVAL OF NINUTES: �� � Councilmarr Sheridan moved the approval of the minutee of the February 2, 1960 meeting. Motion seconded by Johanson. Jpon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the moticn carried ur.animously, OLD BUSINESS LIQUOR STORE SIGN AND CCNTRACT Mr. McCline from General Outdoor Hd•rertising wa:, presen� and explained wh�t the services General Outdoor Advertising would provide if the sign maintenance contract would be ranewed. This w,ould include retubing the sign, cleaning the sign etc.. The City Manager asked if the ccntract could be picked up in a year or two, if it was turned down ncw. Iv1r. McCline said "yes", previdir.g the sign was in the seme conditiorr it is now. Mo- tion by Johanson that the city rrot enter into the maintenanc� contract on the sign this year. S�conded by Nagel, Upon a voice vote,, there being ne nays, the motion was dealared tc have passed unanimously. , I�otion by Johanson to authorize the City Manager to �et cost figures for the addition of the word "liquor�" to the Shore- wood sign and also to get cost figures for a sign fot• the cross-over near the bowling alley, Notion was seconded by Nagel. Upon ? voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. VISITORS UN ON P Mr. Aus and Mr. Erickson were present and explained their reasons for reques�ing a special use permit for a filling station at this address. They also presented a list, signed by people in the area, who stated they were in favor of thfs station. There ivas further discussion on-the matter. IJfotion by Johzn- sen to accept the recommendation of the Board of Appeals And deny a special use permit. Motion seconded by tNolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no r.ays� the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. � SP�CIAL USE PERMIT FOR CHIROPRACTiC �CLINIC AT 6850 EROCKVIEW TERRACE, There wAS consider�ble discussion as to whether there should be a time limit on the special use permit, or other restrictions placed on it. Motion by Nagel, that � special use permit be granted to Dr. Howe to operate a Chiropractic Clinic at 6850 Brookviev� Terrace, the permit to be non-transferable. Moiion seconded by Joh3nson. Upon a voice vote, there being r,o nays* the motion was declared to have passed, uaar.imouslq. JoHN GOI,DEN, who lives in the vicir.ity of 66th and Stinsons ��� was present and asked the status of the sewer an3 water pe- tition on 66th. Plr. Comstock stated that the �ouncil had asked him ta prepare a preliminary renort for sewer and vvater on 66th„ but that it was more feasible for purposes of � report to include the whole area north of Mississippi, south of the creek, east of Central and weat of �tinson Blvd., in the report. This preliminery report has not been start.ed because the oaerall comprehensive study on the sewer had nct beEn completed prior to this time. It has now been completed� so a decision car. be made in the near future on this matter NE'N BUSIN�SS PUBLIC HEARING TO VACATE STREET AIv'D ALLEY ADJDINING LOT 30, Mayor Greig opened the hearing on the above rratter, There vvere no objectors, to the proposed vacation, present. Motion by Johanson to cull the hearing to a close at 8;30 P.N., seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there i+eing no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. GASQLINE BIDS The follox�ing bids .;ere received for gasoliner BIDDER�S NAME Net AND P.DDRESS Normal )�is— Psice Price count Fer Normal Dis- Net Galion Frice Count Price Midland Coop Johnson Sto, Npls. .228 .02067 Fnrd Deep Rock Oil 270� ���th Aveo So. IUtpls. , Minn. .228 Bzran Oil Compar.y ]10� Johnson St� Mp1so, Minn. 1NObile Oi1 Co. �'4 Snuth 6th St. Mpls., Minn. .04487 , Z-7.3 . 0215 .22F3 .041 Cities Service Co. n2pls., Minn, .11T8 ,035 Standard 6i1 Co. Il4pls., Minn. .228 .03 .1913 .Z58 ,010267 ,�313 .18313 .268 .04587 .21313 ,T915 .£48 .Q265 .22T5 .187; .265 .051 .217 . I4� . �T8 . 0�5 . Tf33 .198 .258 .035 .233 n�Iotior, by Johanson t,o receive the bids on gasoline. Seconded b;� Nagel. Upori a vcice vote, there bein�r no nays, th�.motion was declared to have passed unanimously. Motion by 4Velke to award the cor.tract to furnish the city with g�s to Cities Sarvice Oil Company, and that, the next tm�o lowest bids� be held until the contract witY, Cities °ervice is signed. Seccnded by Sher'idan. Upan a vaice vote, tY�ere being no nays, th� motion was L�6CI8Y'2d to haroe passed unanfmouely. I� �I ' CONSI 1PART11iENT FOR Motion b�r Sneridan to place the letter of February 5, from the State Hi�hsvay Department on signals at APississippi and Haghuvay 56, on file and take no action on tt ut this time. Seconded by TI�geI. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo- tion was decl�red to have passed unaniaiously. ' ;;XTC�P�I3ION G�" �N.ATER AIdD SE�NER LINT�' ,iT HOLLY SHOPPING CENTER Motion by Nagel, +hat perrr.ission be �ranted to ex+end the water and sewer line on the Holly Shoppin�3 Cen�er rroper+y. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there belrg no nays, the mr- tion v�ras declared to have pa;,sed ur�animously. P,ECEIVE PETITIG:QS Mction by Sheridan to receive the fe�lo�r+in� pet9tioris; 1. 'l�ater, Se�rer � 8treet Surfacin�; - ?th st. - 56t1i five. 8c N. 450'. 4. Sewer 3� 'Nater Later�.ls - Channel road east of Highv�ay 65. 3. ��Vater & Sewer Laterals - Parkview Oak.� Fddition. 4. JGater & Sewer Laterals - Nzss, St. — rentral to Ancka, Rrthur St, �ice �reek_ to Misa„ Fnoka St., Rice Creelc to IViiss. � 5, Street Surfacing - 7th St. from 6�r� anci North. Seconded by Nagal. U�on a vcice votc, there being no nays, the -- motion taae declared to tiave been pasved unanimously. RESOLUTION ORDBRIAIG PRELIMINFRY PI,AAIS xnrp SPIs'CIFIC� TION3 OI' COST£, THFREOF' CHANNFL ROAD The follawing Resolution was read: F.�SOLUTICN NO. 11-1960 A FtESGLUTIGN dRDERING FRSLININARY PL�,NS, SPECIFICPT7QN���, PATD ESTIM6IT�S OI' THL+� COaTS TH�R�4F: CHAtJNEL RO?D Motien by Aragel to adopt the above resoluticr. orderin• the preliminar,v plans and specificaticr.s fpi° eewer and water. Seconded by :Nolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no ra�qs, the motion was declared paseed unanimously. BL1,CK TCPFING ON 7TH STR�'ET � PJlotior. by Sheridan to t.able the petitior: requasting bl��ck topping on 7th street inasmuch as the City does not have ful] right of cvay at +his time. Secondnd by Nagel. Upon a vcice vote, there being no nays, the motion u��as declared to have passed unanimously. �� t��� �'_ RE.�.�OLUTION GRDER7NG PnPI,In9INARY PLi'.N5 AI�?D ,SP!:CIFICnTIOIvS OF COSTS ':HEREOF P�,RK�EVV pAKS 1�DDITTOPI The following resolution was read: RFSOLUTIOAI N0. 12-1960 A RESOLUTIOTT ORDERING PP,F'LIMINARY PLANB, SPECI- � FICATIGPSS AND �'STINIATES OF THE COSTS THEREOFt FFRKVIE'�N 0?KS ADDITICDI PJlotion b� Sheridan to adopt the zbove resolution crderin� the preliminary plans and specifications in Parkview Oaks Addition, with the stipulation that these plans and specifications will not be prep�red until the City has received a deposit from Arvid Carleon and Son, Inc., to cover the cost of preliminary engineering, and engir.eering on fir.al plans and specifications, as well aU administrative costs involved. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a veice vote, there being no nays, the motion was de- clared passed unanimously. IROATTON STRELT The�e was considerable dlecussion nn the matter of street right o£ way �t the end cf Irenton Street. Moticn by Nagel ta �uthorize and direct the City Manager ar.d City Attorney to obtain a qutt cla�m deed to Srontori Street as contained in certificate of Title, and praceed with petition t� establish street of re- cord. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. ' FISCAL FGENT - EHLERS l�ND MANN Mr. Ehlers and Mr. Mann were both present, and presented the complete services they weuld provide if they were retained as the fiscul agent for the Ci+y of Fridley. This ir.c]uded ap�earin� at Council Meetings and getting material ready for the sale of bonds, as v�sll as materi�l ready to present to the public and all printin� co�ts, sucY, as printing bonds and adverLi�ing. The fees for this complete ,7ob were 2� of the fir�si 100,OQ0 dollara of bonds scld, 14� of the next 200,000 dollars �NOrth of bonds sold and .-�,� thereafter on any one issue. I� there were a second yeries ef bonds issued or. the s�me pro- �ect, their feea �vould be 75J of the ahove fees. If they were retained merely te sell the bonds and noihing else, their fees rvould be 1% of the first 300,OOU dollars and 2/10 oY 1� for all over 300,000 dollars. The council thanked them for their presentation. �LASMS Moticr. Uy Sheridan to approve thepublic utility claims 810 thru 82Q. Seconded by 6Nolke. Upor. a voice vote, there being � no n�ys, the motion was declared to have passed unanimausly. Nlotion by Wolke to approve payment of general claims 2617 thru 2568a Seconded by Na�el. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have passed tznanimously. Motion by Johanson to zpprove payment of liquor claims 1582 thru 1640. Secanded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was decl�red tC have passed unanimously. {.�`! � �- � ' �,PPROVhL CF LICENSES Councilman Nagel moved the approval o£ the following licenses: EII.ECTRI CAL Coast El.ectric Co. by: Carl H. Gause, Jr. Commonwealth Elec. Co. by: Paul C. Schorr GENERbL John H. Palmer PLUMBING Di's Plumbing Company by: Joe DiBeneditt ROCFIPJG JVaterproofing Inc. by: Norton J. Erickson 1344 Coan Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids, n".innesota 417 Bro�dway St. Paul, Minnesota 7117 West Shore Drive Edina, Minnesota 24 3404 Newton Ave. N. Minneapolis, n4innesota 2286 Oriole Lane Minneapolis, Minnesota Motion seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there baing no nays, the motion was declare� to have pa�sed unanimously. APPOINTNcNT OF ELECTRICt:L INSPF.CTO?� � .�: �" New ATew New � There was dfscussion of the appointment ef the �lectrical Ir.��°ctor. Notion by Johanson te approve the appointment ef Leonard Eichmiller as the Electrical Inspector for the City of Fridley. Seconded by Dragel. Upon a voice vote, there beinU no nays, the motion was declarad to have passed unanimously. ' BUILDING STANDARDS - COIu9MITTEE REPORT Motion by UVolke +o approve the reccmmendations made by the Building Standards Committee at their February 9, 1960 meeting, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no r.ays, the mption was d2clarecl to have passed unanimous]y. Motion by iNolke, to receive the preliminar3� report of Comstock and Dzvis for sewer �nd �ro�ater in Inns�ruck First andSecond Addition. Seccnded by Johanson. Upon z voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. RESnLUTIGN SETTING A PUBLIC HEA,RTNG FCR SEWER AND VVATER iPlPRCV�'- iViENTS IN INNSBRIICK 2ST �ND 2ND ADDITIOh'. SheridAn moved the adoption of the above resolutior, setting a public hearing on the sevuer and water imprevements in Innsbr•uck First and Second Addition. Secended b� Wolke. Upcn � voice vote, there being no nayc, the Riotion was dec]ared to huve passed ur.animously. ��$ P.ESOLUTION �E, TAX FqRFEIT PROPERTY Sherid�n moved the adoption cf the above resclution, asking the County to withhold sale of Lote 12, 13, and 36, Elock 12, Sprin� Brook Park. Scconded by Johar.sen. Upon a vcice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimously. Wolke moved adoption of the above resoluiion. Secanded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo- t�on rras dec]ared to have passed unanimouslyo ADJL�URNMENT Cr,uncilman Johanson moved that the meeiing be ad�ovrned this 16th day of February, 1960, at 10;30 P.M. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was de- clared to h�ve passed unanimously. ATTEST. � � CITY CLERK - il9arvi C. Brunsell �� 7�` • � . � �Ck MAYOR T. E. Gre � � I ' i