04/05/1960 - 00024229� �- �-� N1FU]TING OF TH� CITY �CUiVGIL - t".PRIL 5, i960 A regular meet�ng of the City �nanc�l, F.pril 5, 1960 was called to order by IVlayor Greig at '1:30 �.M. T�embers Present bS'olker Johanson, Sheri�au and Greig I6?e�3ers Ab�ent ATagel � APPROVAL OF , il2SNUTES Councilman Johanson movad the approval oi the minui,e� of the ;Narch 15, 196G rel3ular meeting. Motion seconded by Sheridan, Uppn � vcice vote, there beind no nays, tY:e maiion tivas carried unanimously. Couneilman Sheridan moved the approval oF the rninutes of the I�ArcY! °9, 1960 special meetin�. 'Notion seconded by V�lolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion �vas carrie3 unanimously. QLD BUSINESS CCNSIDER/�TION OF 400TATIONS Or1 SIGNS Councilman Nagal arriv2d at 7:40 P,UI, and teok his seat in the Council. Rfter some discussion, Motion by JVolke to acrept the quota- tion of LeRoy Sign Company, with the steel posts. Seconded by Johanson. ITpon a v�ice vote, there �eing no nays, the � motian was carried unanimously. The above Ordinance was read. Motion by J�hanson to accept thi;, as a second reading and ad�ption o� Grdlnance No. 242 and to hace this Ordinanae published, Secended by Snerir�an, Upen a voice vote, there bein6 no nay�R the motion was carried unanimously. CCidSIDERP.TI4I�T OF ARCHITECTS The Mayor stated thaL a firm by the name of Eckberg had called him and �vould like to be considered for the architect's �vork. After some discussion, motior, by No1ke to enga�e S, C. Smiley and Pesociates as the architects for the Clty Hall. Nlotlon Gecended by Sheri3an. Upon a voic� vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unan?mously. VISITORS � Mrs. Lane from the League of ;�Vomen �f�ters �vaa present and she intro3uced INrs, nanski from the State Lea�ue of V]omen 'Joter_, Mrs. Danski explaine3 the purpose of +he League of VJomen Votsrs and invited the Couneil to ask ar.y ques�ions they might have, Johansan sxid he �rished to u:�elconie the orgariization to Fridleye HA'PHAJ�'A'f LAN� DR�,SNAGE There tivere several people present whc u:ere concerned vvith the ���-� drainage problem in the I'_athaway Lane are�. They were in- formed the plat in �his area had not ��en accentsd yet, so th2re was nothing that ccnl�? be done �t this time on the drainageo Tile En�ineer then took them into his office, �nd vvent over the situation with them. RACE TRACK P]sTITION There were several people present uvho were interested in a � race truck that had been proposed in Fridley. The City iVlana�er �tat.ed he receis�ed an application for a building permit, but he did �ot have it in time to be included with �he present agenda. He also presented a petition si�ned by several pe�ule vvhn were opposed to this race track. The matter was tabled until the „�ee-,in� of the 19th of April. MR. �VEDIS�N - FIS�AL AG�'AIT Mr. Evensen from t.he T. Ga Evensen Company was present and presented a contract to the city which wa� read aloUd. The Cauncil then went into �xecutiva session from St05 to 8:15 P.IVi.. The meeting was reconv�ned a± 8,15. B7o�ion by 3heridan to uuthorize the Mayor and tne City Manager to si�n an agreement on b�half of tY�e C�ty, with the T. G. Evenson Cnrnpany for the purpoNe of engagino them as fiscal agent for the Git� of F'ri3ley. U�ST FOR A P�I�MIT P'CR A HOUS� TO The matter vvas tabled ai�d is to be sent to the Board of � Appeals before it is brought up to the Council. OF Nlotion by Nagel to have tY�is matter tu rned over to the Consultinb Engine�rs, and have them report back. Seconded by Sherici2n. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the mr,tion was d�clared tc have passed unanimously. R�aU.,ST EY FRIDL^Y JAYCrES TO HOLD A BINGO G�:N!E Tr,e ��layor read a lettsr irom the Fridley Jaycees, in ivhich they requested tne Council to give them permiseion to allow the Knights of Columbus to have the bingo stand at their carnival this year, Notion by Sheridan that the City grant perrr,rssion� sub,7ect to terrns drawn up by the City Attorney. Secon�le3 Uy Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there bein; no nays, the motion �ras declared to have passed unanimeu;,ly. NEW BUSIIQESS ' P'JBLIC HEFRINC pN SEWER AND J�'P.'I'.'�'.n - JACKSOi�1 STREEi There was no one present ooposed to this proposed im- provement. One citizen Nrss in favor of it. Motion by Johanson to close tihe Public Hearing at 8:25 P.M. Seconded by Nage1. Upon a voice vote, there beinB no nays, the mo- {,ion �Nas declared to hava pessed unanimously. � �,l��. BLOCS 3. R�ARFIPNGI�iN The Puolic Hearin� on the rezoning was opened and the Ordinance �Nas read. Motion by Johanson to close the public :�earin; on re- zoning Lots 6, 7 8c 8, Block 3, Rearrangemeni of Ply�nouth �:ddition at 8:27 P.I�9., and that this be accepted �s the first reading of Ordinance Aio. 143, i•ezonin{; tnese lots. N�otion seconded 'oy Nage]:. Upon a volce vote, there bein�; no r.ays, the motion mras carr�ed unanimcusl,y. T' N0. 4 7 - 6rdinar,ce No. 144 was read. P�iotion by Jonanson to accepi this as the first readino of Ordinance No. 144. Motlon seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there b41ng no n«ys, th� motion �n�as d�clared to have passed unanlmously. GV�1rVV llL'.iL1'/11VU [Lt]1VS� C G C�,LL FOF BIDS FOR S�N 26 — 66 The resolution was read, Motion l�y Johanson to adopt r�sa- lution No, 28-1960. Seconde3 by D�a�e1. Uno� a rooice voter there bein� no nays, the motion was clsclared to have paas�cl unanimously. a -19E � Notion by Sheridan to accept the preliminarf re�orr, of Gor:- stock and Davis on storm drainzgc fcr Gl�,n Caeek *ioad an3 to ad�pt Resal+�tion A1o. 29-19oC callir.� for a Fublic hearin� on same. Seconded by Johanson. iT�on a vorre vote, there being no nags, t,he motiori was decl�.rer,' tic t:ave pcassed urur.i:�ous�'y. � IFTC Motiar. by Johen:,on t� accept pluns and specilicatior.s far SVJ 29 and to udopt :,he Resolution authari�in� t�ie cal] for bzd;, on the s�me. Second�d by bTagel. U7�on a voace �roi,e, t.l:�ere bein� no n�.5-s, the motior. v�as declarad to h�ve passed ur.an�mo�ac,l,��. REUOLUTICP�I"10, �1-1Q60 AUTHORI7InTG BIPS FC!R r�L1C� CAR �ohanacr. moved trie adonticn ef Resolution Noe 31-1960 ati�tl�or�fzin� oics for police c�r. Seconded by J�o]ke. Upon a voic2 cote, there being no nays, the motion u��as cle�;lsred tc have puss2d �znanimously. Vrp,mFR �N➢ BEN�.:R hAiD ST�F:�'TS - Motion by ,he:id�n to receive the petition for ��ater and sewer wnd stree+s in I,yndale Builders 6t,L Additien and file ur.til the final plat has been rece_ved, Seconded by dJolk.e. Jpon a voice vote, tY;ere being no r.ays, the motion was declared tc heve passed ur.animou�ly. ECIA'G RI�D CURB - 53-',- IlVENIIP: - � 1�� Moticn by Sheridan i.c receive the petition #'or street surfacing on 532 hvenuea Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moLion vras declared to have passed unanimov�ly. The Fngineer said he thought 531 should be a 40 foot strec:t. Councilman She�idan said he�thouoht Filmore should also be a�0 foot etreet and thst- the cost of 53� aac� rilmere be abscrb�d by the whole area ar.d t1�Ey all be asvessed a+ the s=�me rate per front foet. BEC,�CIL FETST70N FOF 7dATrq AND SEWPR - CH�NP7EL ROAD � Motion by Nolke �hat the petition for water anc3 sewer on Ch<.nnel Ro«d be acccpted, and procee�lings be kept movin� on this. Seconded by Sharid�n. Upon a vcice vote, there being no nays, the motio;� was dcclure3 to have passed unanin�ouslyo COIv'SIDEI�ITION CF STRFET LICiHTING PitOGRF.M Tt:e Citj� Manader explained the street lighting progr4m that he and N�rtherr States Power had worked out, covering the present year �lus the next feuu years. The Mayor said he thought it would b� C.K, to add all the li�hts for which there w�+s mor.ey budgeted for this year. Motion by Johar.sor, to authoriz2 the City Idl�nager to proceed with the street lights budgeted in 1900 and to adopt t�e program, a� �,resented� as Lhe �treet Lighting Progrsm for the City, Ivlotion seconcied oy Sheridan. Jpon a voice •�ote, there bein� no nays, the motion s�as declarecl to have passed unanimous�y. PLL�IdN1NG CQMMIS�IGN MINUTE i F.RTHUR V�i7' PLP�T yftar Gorre discus�ion, motion by Sheridan to aceept LLe prelir:ine,rj� plat sub�ect to tha condition:� set forth by the Plannir.g Corr�mission. Seconded by dJolke, Upon a voice vote, there beir.g no na�%s, the motzon x�as declare3 to h�ve passed unanimously. REGUEST laOR r'2EZONINCr �Y PETER 13ROOi{g ft�ot�nn by Na�el tc accept the recommer.dation of the ?lannin� Commission, anct set a �'ublic Hearing on the rezoriing of the Pete Prcoks plat. Second�d by sNolke. Upen a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared to iiave passed UClAril:Ii0U51y. R�'L,DI�ING REQUEST - MR. NAGEL � Motion by Sheridan to acce�t t,he recommendat�on of tne Planning Corrimis�ion, and call a Fublic Hearing on the re- � zoning of the Na�el proparty as altered to R-2 and N�-1. Motion secended by Johanson. Upon a voice vete, Johansen, Greig, Wolke, Sheridar� voted "yes"� Nagel absta_ned. There were no na�s. Motion carried. f�YPOINTMENTS Motian Uy Sheridan to conf_rm the a�,pointment by tY,e City N:gr. of Myrna F�ratsch and Jo;�ce Lea as waitr�sses in the Liqucr Stcre. SECOncied by P1age1. Upon a�ac;ce vote, Lhere be�n� no nays, the motion was declared to ha-�e paased unanimously. AREITRATION CCNMITTEP REPORT City Manager stated th�zt Mr. Oakes hsd �een out, of tovvn w:�en � the report was typed up and althcugh he had si�ned it, he favored giving the laborers '�400.Q0 a mon�h instead of +he amcunt indlcatcn. P9ction by Sheridun to receive the rf�port of the Arbitratior. Committee, and place it on file, Secondc-d by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being nc+ nays, the motion wus declured te have paseed unar.imously. � �M��� CLAIMS f,7otion by Sheridan tc �pprove F'ubiie Util�ty Cl�ims F47 through Sn5. Seconded by bVolke. Upon z voiee vote, there being no nays, the motion was derlared to have passed ur.animously. Notion by Wolke to apprcve Liquor Store Claims 1711 throu�h 1749. Motion seccnded 'oy �TOhanson. Upen a voice vote, there be=ng no nays, the motion was declared to h�.Je passed unanimouslyt Motion by Nagel to approve General Claims 2756 throuoh 2819. Seconded by� Sheri3en. Upon a voice vote, there be:ng no n�yv, the motion was declared to ha��e pzssed un�nimous3y. LIC^NSFS ;Noticn by Johansor. to approve the followin� licenses: ELECTHICAL Clinton Elect. Company by; Clinton 'JViltion Hoffman Electric Co. bp: George Hcffm�n G�N�;R�L Giertser. Comp�ny by: R. D. Hrager i�!pdern Gara�e Builders by: John F, Roivland 3821 rast LakE St. Minneapolis, Minn. 19I7 S°cona rive. :. Anoka, Minne�ota 3501 Xentivood Ave. St. Lovis Pk, Minn. 5444 Grand Ave. Se Nlinneapoliv, D�inn. Seconded by '�'Volke. Upon a voice �ote, thei,e beir.g nc nayse the motion was daclared to have passed unanimouslye LETTliR F'P,OM HE;ALTH GFF'ICER T��DIDLRIi�G HIS RESIGNATION � Motion by Johanson to receive, and place on file, the letter of Dr. Eli. Beconded by �Nolke. Upon a iroice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have oassed unanimously. The N]anager rras instructed to contact the doctore in the City to determine �vhether they could serve as t2ie Health Offir.er. ��� i�FOtion by �No1ke to receive tBe preliminary renort of Comstack and Davis on storm sevv�r north of Rice Creek. Secended by Johanson. Upon � voice vote, `here being no n�ys, the rriotion was declared to have passed unanimously. It was uuggested that the !?n�ineer and the Cauncrl get together for one or two evenings to go over the entire report. ON-SALL F�DITIOA; TO LIG:JCR STORE The M�nager steted that he had talked with Smiley and Associates, ena the,y v✓ould dra}m plans for the Liquor St�re for 42� of the total price. It was suggested that if thi� Lrchitect �vou13 do the work, they would be �nstructed ti keep the pluns on the building u+ithin a cer�ain amount or if the price i:, over that amour.t, that they be requested tc re-draw the plans. The City Manager �^aas autnorized to en�a�e the services of sai� architects at 4.��-�, or less, if any arrangement could be cti�orked out with the architects. FiECREF,TIOAI CONI➢r7ISSSON Mr. Sheridan asked the City P.ttorney if the players and coaches plaVin� on t.hv tiecreation Coc�rnission teams vvere covered by the City�s Liabilxty Insurance, and asked the City Attorne;� if he would lnok inte this riatter and direct a letter to Mr. Sheridano PREi.IN9IPS�,RY PLFT PS1D BUILDI:�IG P�tZMIT - LAR�Y CFRTEN Mr, Larry Garten vuas present, and presented a prelimin�ry plut of his land, and reauested thut he be issued a building permzt. Plioiion by ,'Vol�� that one, only, buildir.g permit be grunted, ;�ub�ect to Nir. Garten signing a vvaiver 3rawn by the Gity .ytt,orney. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a vaice vote, thEra bein� no nays, the motion was declared to have passed unanimouvly. ;t�lotion Y�y �Jo1ke to ir?struct up s ivaiver form in reg�rd �uilding site eievatians. voir.e vote, there bein� no to h_ve p�ssed unar7imously. ADJ�U PS]MEP: T the City �ttorney to draw to street elevations and Secon�ed by S�eridan. Upon a nays, the motion wzs decl�red Mction by Johanson to a��ourn at ]O:�J1 P.N1. Seconded by °,h�rldan. IIpon a voice vote, thare be:ng no nays, the mn- tion ;^ra, declared to have pasGed unanimously. rTTLST: Jl.�-.,�..� �,�,�...�e .ac.� CITY G_EiiK - Narvin C, t3runsell ?� � I r cr� � MAI'OR T. �. Gre � ' �