04/25/1960 - 00024185���
� ���.t. _...��..._���....C' �
'I'li� m��Llnq w,�s c��]]�d i,o ordPr U,y Ma,yor Greig at '7:40 P.M.
1lembc�rs Preseni. Grcig� Johauson� Alag�l� SheridAn and Wo1ke.
ttr�ml�ers AUsent None
'rh�� C It,v Counctl discu ;sed tn �reat ] en�th Section 7(g) of
:.��iitnr, �rdinaneP Nn. �� oT the Cttv, relativo to=off-,treet
��carh(nr, f'or th� ��r�nnsrd offtce 1�t�91ri1nF r�nd a.lso� for Ll�e
����n;;�.pi, 1��ai1�1i17(; hoUStnr� numorous businesses between the
�:��,v ifnll prop�rt,y ;md l�iiss�ssippi :7treet. MT. �rnesti Madsen�
r��iT��;�nLinP A1z�dsen Renit,y, exp]ai.n�d ttieir position in the
mni,l,�r rel_ative to �,rc�vidt�i�; ��:�r];tn�; for their,build�ng� and
<,I,aLnrl 1.hsi1, the pn�•Icinr, for Yhetr hvL.lding would never be re-
sl.rir.i,c�,l lo t,helr hutlding onl,y� so Lhat it would'provide
:,�l�ili,lonnl parkinp, r�r i�1P, presc�nt shopping. area''.'" Council-
mnn Jc�lianson maved ih�i, i�he builclin� nermitNbe granted to
11nci;�np Re:�1ty to conatruc6 the proposod office�rbuilding on
lul,:o �(� an�l 2]� Tllocl; 3� Reos Acidi{.lon wLth the stipulr�ti.on
Lli;� I, i�ie r.urbinp, be 1�13c�d on th� scuth edge of the propert,y
nnrl I.li�n on thA riest edF� of the nraT�ertv to Mississippi
;;ll'�'ni, �uii.h an �cc�, �. oP�ning c,f 2�� feet in wi.dth' near, the
;r�iai•l,nrl,y end �r Y,lr� i�ro�,�rtv� hixi: facing tiniversity� and that
�n ��cce^ : opentn�; l�e provi ded � anto r[ississippl ,5,treet ,at the
N��rt,h �nd of s�id pror,rrt,y� �nd th�t the o�rter'of the shopping
nrr•:, �,ro���rt,y, and 1�1:,cl�en Ronity n1�ce sufSicient mone,y in
n;;�7•ntJ �r1 Ui i�he r,ity 'Px��+acurer to nn« for said curhing before
^�i�l 1mI1c11.nP, P^rmit. cnn he issu�d. The motion wAS secondeQ b,y
r;�,�mcllm�n �ih�rtd�n. Tt�,c,ti a roll call vote� Grei�� ,7oh�nsan�
;;1��ri�1;,n and 1�'�J.Ice vnl.�d ave� PJa��n] voted na,y. The ma,yor de-
��l �irr•�1 Ilt� mni:inn c�rt'i<�d. '
C(4I ;T�)Ti1�A'PJOid Oh' A�'f'C�I119'MF�NT 'f0 1�04RD OI�' Iil'sALTH
------ ,
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'�'li� � lt� hf�nager told tlie Covnct.l that Mr. James Hens] e,y of 5339
��t.h Sl,rnet Northoast� a resident of I�'ridle,y for.�tha past, eipht
mnnlh;;� w:,s a Porm�r Chi�f Santtarlan for,the C1ty of Holland�
11�c�l�lg:+n� �nd �•�ov]d he i.nt�rest.rci in serving on'tho }3oard of
i�n:,7i,}i fnr the dural,�on of Dr. l;li's term� which expires DecemUer
?1� l��f,(!. Counci]mnn dnhansott moved that the Qit,y,�Counc�l
ai�r�r�fnl. t1r. Jom�s Tf�nsle,y to i.lie l3oard of Ilealth�''to s�zcceed
Ur•. T:l i� nnd cr,mp]etP i�is term expiring Decomber,,37 � 196Q. This
m��t t„n �a:� , secnnd�ci hy Cotancllmnn yheridan.° Upon a votce vote,
ili��r� h�tin�; nn navs� the 1�1���er �lecl�red +.he motion carrted.
All.� r �jliiJvh114fJ`C
'Ph��T•�+ hr�ing no furth�r htxsines,� Pdavor Greig decl2red the
rm,�l,inr, a�i,journed. '
2 �
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MAVOR T. �.,Greig
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n�i°ri;:rr :
, � , l�'�''u�.CC��YLU�.e.t/
�� i l` r, ,r,;� ,_ riarvin C. t�.runsell