06/21/1960 - 00024159���. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCI'L - JUN� 21, 1960 A regular meeting of the City Council� June 21, 196o was called to order by Mayor Greig at �:30 P.M. Members Present Wolke� Johanson, Greig and Nagel Members Absent None Sheridan arrived at �:35 P.ht. APPROVA3, OF MINtTPE5 Councilman Nagel stated that the D4inutes should be corrected to read 6" base instead of the 9" base and 1�" mat proposed by the County, bSotion b,y Nagel to approve the minutes of the June %� 1960 meeting as corrected. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. „Q�D BUSINESS AWARDING OF BIDS FOR ON-SALF i.IQiJOR S7'ORE There was discussion on the deletion of the walk-in cooler, and of the deletion of the door between the off-sale and the on-sale portion of the store. Motion by Wolke to award the bid for the building of the liquor store to fierglund- Johnson� in the amount of $�44�350.00, which is a base bid rejecting all alternates expect Alternate No. 5 and No. 6� which will',be included. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice aote� there being no nays the motion was carried unanimously. The architect saic� he would prepare a change order for the deletion of the door between the off and on sale portions of the store. [� The above ordinance was read. Motion by Johanson to accept this as a second reading of the above ordinance, and to have it published in the official newspaper. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mo- tion was carried unanimously. NEW BUS TNE55 PUBLIC HEARING ON MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM The Mayor oponed the discussion on the hearing on tYie pro- posed Municipal Water 5ystem. A4r. Roy Hohn asked the basis for the decision to use the well system, rather than the Minnea�olis supply. he wa> told the cost of operating tkie well system was still less than the new contract offered by the City of Minneapolis to Bloomington. Mr. Howard Crabtree, 7100 East River Road, asked several questions re- garding the financing o? the project. Mr. Crabtree wished to go on record as objecting to the official publication as too indefinite, improper as far as assessment proce- dures are concerned� not complete, contrary to the pro- posed method of raisin�; money for this improvement, and indef inite and insufficient notice. 2�ir. Gunsburger questioned the decision to use mells instead of continuing the use of Minneapolis water. There were no other questions from the audience. Motion by Johanson to call the public hearing on the Municipal Water S,ystem to a close. Seconded hy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimousl,y. 2Q9 � The above resolution was read. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Secorlded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote, tYiere being no navs� the motion was carried unanimously. The above resolution was read. biotion by 5heridan to adopt the above resolution with the assessment to run for a 1 year period. 5econded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion was carried unanimously. The above resolution was read. Motion by Johanson to adopt the aUove resolution. Seconded b�� Wolke. Upon,a voice vote� there bei_ng no nays� the motion was carried unar�imously. The above resolution was read. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. GOPISID�RATION OF SEIJAGE AGR�EMENT WITH NORTHERN PUD4P r4otion bg Johanson to approve the Cit,y Manager and b4a,yor to bv Nagel. Upon a voice vote� ti_on was carried unanimously. the a�reement and authorize sign the agreement. Seconded there being no nays� the mo- APPOINTMF�NT OI' P�IEAIBFR TO THG RECR�A`i'IQN COMMISSION Dlotion by Sheridan that this matter be tabled until the next meeting on July 5th. Seconded by Napel. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion was carried unanimously. C�ONSIDEHATIDN OF AII3PiANE IN PARK There oras considerable discussion on the airplane which is presently located in the City Park, and of the danger to the children plaping on the airplane. I4otion by Sheridan that this airplane be removed from the pzrk� and if there is an agr�ement in esistence between the Cit,y and the Navy forbidding the z•emoval of this plane at the nresent time� that the City ask the Navy to have this agreement changed and have them take the plane back or junk it and if the G�ity cannot junk t,he p].ane� to have it taken of� the park property� and a fence ereci;ed around it. Dlotion �+econded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion �aas carried unanimously. BOiLRD OF APPEALS MINU`i"ES ��� Miss Cooney was presPnt and stated that the Iiighway Department was takin� the part o? her lot in which the house is located� and that she would like to have permi sion to move the house onto the balance of the lot� which she will Ue retaining. There was considerable d9scussion as to whether thts mle,hi be premature� inasmuch as the Highway Department would possibly change its plans several times before the final purchase of the land is made. Miss. Cooney stated that she had to let the Hi�hway Department know by Thursday whether or not she wanted the rest of her land. 1�lotion by 5heridan that this matter be tabled until the Highway Department definitely decides what property they will tnke. Seconded by Nagel * Mation by Johanson to instruct the City Manager to write a letter to Mrs. Cooney� sending a copy to the state� granting the request for a variance in side lot requirement� but that if thc�re is any change in the size of the parcel of ground which b1rs. Coone�� will retain� irom Lhat presented to the Council� a re-application must be made to the Council� and until the state definitely bu5*s the properl.y� the house cannot be moved. Mr. Johanson then withdrew tYie motion. Motion by b7olke to table the request of r9rs. Mary Cooney for a variance in side yard requirement. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the rno- tion was carried unanimouslf. *(Mr. Sheridan then �aithdx�sla his motion, and Pnr, rra�P1 uithdrew his second.) The request of Mr. Dixon stated he wished to canstruct a garage irl his side yard on Lot l� Block 8, Christie Addition. Motion by Johanson to accept the recommendati.on of the 13onrd of Appeals and grant the r equest, Seconded by Nagel. lJpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. CONSID�RATION OF IRONTON STREET PROC�L'DIIVG5 The City Manager read �rticle N from a document, which is to be submitted to the court at the heartng on Ironton, in Vrhich the City agrees and stipulates to certain conditions rela- tive to the Ironton Street ri�ht�of-way. This Article �agrees to, and stipulates that� tYie City of F'ridley will place its utilities in� and hard surface� the north �+0 feet of the 66 foot of right-of-way from the East River Road to the east line extended across Ironton 5treet of Lot 9, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. io3, and will locate the utilities in� and hard surface� the south 40 feet of the G6 foot right-of-way east of the west line extended across Ironton Street of Lot 23, �tevised'�,�ditor� s 3ubdivision Nt�. 1(J3. The land lying east of tfie bast line extenaed of Lot 9� �nd the west line extended of Lot 23� as noted above� shall have no conditions relative to location of such improvements in the right-of-way said improvements being placed in this right-of-way as �s deemed by the City of Fridley to best facilitate connection and continuance of said improvem�nts. Mr. Durenburger an Attorney representing some of the abutting proper�y owners on Ironton Street stated that he felt 'bhat the City had some obligation �o those pro- perty owners who were very near to the proposed right-of- way or actually had some of their trees� bushes, and even a well in the proposed right-of-way� since the right-of-way �11. :' mi�ht noi; actually belong to the City� and also 1.he City dpes not need the use of all of the right-of-way. Mayor Greig su�gested that a part of the street Ue vacated with an ease- ment for utilities retained by the City. The �ity Attorney recommended that the City keep the right to put the utilities in t:he 26 feet that would not be used immediately. Mr. Durenburger felt that; the City should be aUle to vacate at least 6 feet o£ the street, and also restrict the other 20 feet of the right- of-way to �he placing of underground utilities only. Motion by Johanson to propose an amendment to Article N of th�s stipulati.on� to the effect that the Council will vacate 6 feet of t;he ripht-of-way this 6 feet on the west half of Ironton �treet to be on �he south side� and on the east side of Ironton 5treet to be on the north side� this 6 feet to be vacated orithin the confines of the description for the 40 fe�t to be used as contained in the stipulation� and that the remai.nder o� the 26 feet be confined strictly to under- �;round utilities. Motion was seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimolzsly. I�fotion b,y Wolke to authorize the purchase of 50 foot right- of-ways between Ironton Street and Iiugo Street from Mr. Fahrendorf with a maximum price of �'J50.00. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mo- tion was carried unanimously. The above resolution was read. Motion by Johanson to adopt �he above resolution. Seconded by Dlolke. Upon a voice vote� there l�eing no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion bS� dohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by ldolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion ti�ras carried unanimously. PiATUNING COi��IMIS5I0N 1�4INUTES CONSIllERF�TION OF PROFOSFD RICr CREEK Dl�hi PLAT The C3.ty En�ineer exnlained the proposed plat. Councilman Johanson asked about the park which would be dedicated. Mr. Piper� wha is requesting the approval of this plat� stated that he 4J011�.C�{ give a walkwa,y to the proposed park area� and wou].d also grant land for the construction of a lift station in this proposed plat� and Zrill build onl,y on every other lot vntil such time as water and sewer is put in the area, Motion by 3her:idan to approve the preliminary plat of Rice Creek Dam� with ttie conditions ;tated above. Seconded by Nagel. Upon � voic� vote� there being no nays� I;he motion was carried ian an_i_mou�ly . S � - Tti�re was discussion on the matter of this rezoning. Motion by Johanson to instruct the City P�Ianager to cause a notice to be pizblished in the paper calling a public hearing on the re- zoning of Lots 2-5� l�uditor's Subdivision No. 59�and Norwood :� � �._ Addition. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to follow the recommendation of the Planning CommisSion and publish Notice of Hearing on th3s rezoning. 5econded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. The Engineer explained a request by Mrs. Peterson for building of a house on 75 feet of Lot 33, Fiuditor's 5ud- division No. 92. The �ngineer explained the route of a pro- posed future street in the area. Mr. 5egner stated that it would be very expensive to run Benjamin Street strai�;ht through.' It was pointed out that the property would have to be �latted before it could be sold in any amaunt less than 2� acres. Motion by Nagel to grant the building permit� if and when� the property is platted. 5ocondad by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. CY�F�IMS Motion by Johanson to approve General Claims 30']9 through 3132. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, i,here bE,ing no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion by 3heridan to approve Public Utility Claims 935 through 956. Seconded by Nagel. LTpon a voice votes there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve Liquor Claims 1920 through 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Unon a voice vote� t,here beinp, no nays� the motion was carried unanimousl,y. LICENSES Motion by Johanson to approve the following list of licenses. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice votc, there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Contractors Licensesto be annroved bv Council June 21 ^_196p• ELECTRICAL Enterprise Electric Co. 512 East 2l+th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota EXCAVATING Amalgamated Btzilders� Inr_. 5156 Emerson Avenue North Minneapolis 12, Minn. Belt Line Piping Co. 1334 - 3rd Avenue South Anoka� Minnesota Chies Rrothers Contractors 4020 Ty]_er Street N. F. Minneapolis 21� Minn. b,y: iSaurice 0. Ostman by: George M. Glover by: Louis I�illodeau by: Lester Chies Renewal Ilenewal Renewal Renewal , GAS PITTERS Anok� Htg. & Air Cond. 327 Van �iuren Anoka, Minn. Domestic Heating Co. 1�20 W. 78th Street Richfield� Minnesota Putch Lev,y Plumbing & Htg. 7_62� T.ouisiana Ave. MLnneapolis 26� P4inn. b,y: Don Henning b,ys Harley Bruder by: Leonard B. Levy Sul�urban Htg. & Sheet Metal ��+79 Center Drive N. E. Mi_nncapolis 21, Minn. by: Albert H. Branger GFP]rH AL Amalgamated Builders, Inc. 5156 Emerson Ave. North hSinneapolis 12� Minn. by; George M. Glover �3urton A. Ander�,on Const. Co. 7321 t+lst Ave. North Minneapolis 27� P4inn. bys B. A. Anderson D. I�. Anderson 6061 Woody I�ane Minneapolis 21� Minn. Ckiuck's Construction Co, 3P00 Ha,yes 5treet N. �. MinneaPc,_lis 21� Minn. by: D. L. Anderson bys Charles J. Nelson Berlin 33rothers Contractors 11701 Hidgemount Ave. Minneapolis 27� Minnesota by: Gaylord R. Ber].in John Gearhart 1600 - 55th Ave. North Minneapolis 12� Minnesota H �°� Y Construction Co. ly]_7 i;merson Ave. North Minneanolis 11� NIinnesata Andrew E. Holn 1000 Zincoln Terr. N. P. Minneapolis, Minn. Jensen �3rothers �+2�+? Fremont Ave. North Minneapolis� Diinn. Lalc�land }3uilders 19�2 I:enwood Parkway Minrteapolis� Minnesota Mike ]s. 0' Bannon 52p� I'illmore St. N. P. Minneapolis 21� Minn. 5wenson & Yentsch 113 Pilot 5treet N. L;. Minneapolis 21� Minn. Twin City Garage Company Box 83tr1 Minneapolis 26, Minn. by: John Gearhart by: Fred S. Yesnes by: Psidrew Hohn bys EI�nry Td. Jensen by: A. S. Wolf b,y : MiY.e E. 0' Bannon b,y: Ray Staenson Otto Yentsch bys Sidney IJelson Renewal Renewal New Renewal Renewal fjenewal Renewal New Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal New Renewal rrew Renewal New ��� lwd }y. _ll _ HE AT ING Anoka Heating & Air Cond. Co. 327 Van Buren Anoka, Minnesota bys Don Henning Domestic Heating Compan3� 1920 West %8th Street Minneapolis 23, Minn. bvs Hartle,y ➢ruder Butch Levy Plumbing & Htg. Co. 2625 Louisiana Avenue Minneapolis 26� Minn, by: Leonard Lev,y Milce 0' Bannon 5298 rillmore St. N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minn. by; P•4ike 0' Bannon Suburban Htg. & Shhet Meta1 8�+19 Center Drive Pi. L^;. Minneapolis 21 � idinn. Uy: 11.lbert Bran�;er MASONRY Marvin L. Carlson 642�+ Wilryan Avenue Minneapolts 2�+� Aiinnesota Hiawatha Cement Company 3925 Minnehaha Avenue Minneapolis 6� hiinnesota Edward A. Munson 6329 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis� Minn. W. H. Pitt 33�+2 James Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota OI� BURNING Anoka Htg, & Air Cond. Co. 327 Van Buren Anoka� Minnesota by: Marvi_n Carlson by: Mario Prasson bv: Edtis�arcl PQunson by: W. H. Pitt k�y: Don FIer�ning Suburban Heating & Sheet Metal 3419 Center Drive N. �. Minneapolis 21� Minn. by: Albert Bran�er Pi,ASTER IN G Trib's T�ping 5ervice 2LF13 - 31st Avenue South Minneapolis 6� Minnesota by: `Pliorihio Bosquez PY.UMDIN� Butch Levy Plumbing Comp�ny 2625 Louisiana Avenue Minneapolis 26� Minn. bys Leonard Levy Frank P. Surma 4101 Zenith Avenue Pdorth P4inneapolis� Minnesota byc Prank Surma Renewal Renewal ldew New P�enewal New Renewal Renetaal Renewal Renewal 1t�newal ftenewal New Renewal R OOP ING Platerproof ing 2?86 Oriole Lane New �lrigkiton� Minne�ata SI�N HANGGRS 'J-Up L�ottling Company '�612 - �. 44th Street T�linneapol3s 6� Minnesota EI,ECTRTCAZ MinnPi:onka Electric Co. Box 41, Navarre Wayzata� Minnesota GAS FITTING by: T�Iorton J. Erickson by: Franlc P. Zondle bys William McQueen Minneapolis Gas iieat Engineering Inc. 2648 South Lyndale Avenue Minneapolis 8� Minnesota by: William Kelly I�4 AS ONFiY Carl R. Hanson 3�30p llachanan Street Pd, L. Minn�apolis� Minnesota J�nsen Concrete Company 6��6 Panerson Avenue Plorth 1�1_innea��olis� Minnesota PLASTCRING Kenow Contracting Company 6313 - 50th F�venue Tdorth Minneapolis 27� Minnr�sota PLUMIiING Richfield Plumbing Company 8p9 �Jest '7�-}� 5treet P�linneapolis 23, Minn. Rivard Plumbing & Htg. Co. 3575 White Bear Avenue l�Jhite Bear Lake 10, Minn. C IG IIHETTE Gertzen 3�rvice 6485 T'ast River Road I�Iinneapolis 21, Minn. Graham Royal Service i�33 University Ave. N. E. l�iinneapolis, Minn. ON 3 t�I.E I'ire �ide Club �41+0 Central Ave. N. E, Minn�apolis 21� Minnesota OFF S ISi�E Gertzen 5�rvice 6485 East River Road Minneapolis� Minnesota by: Carl Hanson bys Donald K. Jensen by: Leonard Kenow b-: Robert Adelmann bye N. F. Rivard by: L. Gertzen bt�s Ftobert D. Graham Renewal New New New Renewal Idew Renewal New New 6y: (Transfer i'rom Clarice to Severin hraemer) bys L. Gertzen �� � ��� SERVICE 5TATIONS A & H Service 6001 University �ve. N. �. Minneapolis 21� Minn. Gertzen Service 6485 University 4lve. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Graham Royal Service 5333 IIniversity Ave. ld, E. Minneapolis 21, t4inn. by: Walter Alford by; I.. Cxertzen bp: Robert D. Graham The above resolution was read. T4otion b5r JoY�anson to .adopt the above resolution. Seconded U,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote there being no nays, the motion u�as carried unanimously. Date and time of bid openinr was set at noon on P4onday, July 18, 1960. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINAIQCE REGULATING BAR�3ED WIR; FEPdCTNG The City Manager stated he had received several complaints from some people in tYie City concernin�; some barbed wire fences which had been erecte�l. There was considerahle dis- cussion on the matter. The Council sug�;estPd the City Attorney revise the proposed ordinance. No action was taken. The City Manager read a letter from P�Ir. Robert Parke sl.ating his views on the parking of camping tr��ilers on private lots. Mr. Farke� in his letl,er� stated that tie felt that the present ordinance was not really desipned to cover camping �ra,�l�rs. Mr. Parke stated that thero were a number of camping trailers in the City� and a lot of these people had uneven pround, so that it was impossible for them to get these trail�rs onto the back portion of Lheir lots. Dtck Kinsman stated he also thou�ht the ordinance was written for another type of isailor �nd he had no objections to catnping trailers. `Phe City Attorney stated it would be hard to draw up an ordinance ex- cludinQ only camping trailers� as it cnuld be considere;d discriminating against Lhe other tvpe of trailers, and the City l�rculd be open to criticism. Councilman Johanson suggested that some change in the pres�nt ordinance be mad�. No further action was t�ken on the matter. APPROVAL OP' CLAIM ,�OH 1�9CCRO.SSAN Motion by Wolke to approve the claim in the amount of �6,g25.00 for r4cCrossan Construction Company. Seconded hy Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the ntot.ion was carried unanimously. APPROVAL UF ENGIPI�FR'S ESTIMATE�]S POR SEl1liR �'TJD WAT1�t? Il�lSTALl�H7'ION Motion by Johanson to approve �;he following estirnates Sandstrom and Hafner� Inc. 205�+ St. �inthony B1vd. Minneapolis, Minnesota Pstimate ;;-'a+ Fstimate �5 T�enY_oski <°r Holmes C7oquet� Minnesota ��7. -s. �xw. 2i-n-----------�29,515.53 -s. w. &ss 22-A--------- 12�219.93 Estimate i/fi - S, & W. 21-�3 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -�13,239.85 L'stimate i¢2 - S. W. & SS 2?-B - - - - - - - - - 4�000.3�- C�mstock and Davis Inc. 1�+1�6 County Road "�" Minneanolis 21� Minnesota Planning F,stimate f',t2 5. & W. 2b Planning rstimate #�2 S. �C tiJ. 29 Planni_ng F,stimate #2 S. W. & SS �6 Inspection and Staking rstirnate ;�#9 S. & W. 21-A Inspection and 5taking Fstimate #�10 S. & W. 21-B Inspection and Staking rstimate #r�9 5. & W. & S5 22-A Inspection and 8taking �stimate #�2 S. W. & S5 22-B Inspection and Staking �stimate �r8 S. W. & SS 22-C Inspection and St�king Estimate ¢,k10 5. & W. 21-A Inspection and StaYing Estimate i�ll S. & W. 21-B Inspection and 5taking �stimate ��1� S. W. & SS 22-A InsPection �nd Staking Estimate �3 S. W. & SS 22-B Inspection and Staktng i�stim�te #1 S. & W. 26 �"5,951.8� 2,797.06 3,44g.6; 1�012.50 486.00 916.25 171.00 �+. 50 1,5�8•25 338.25 149.00 7�+3 . 25 908.25 Secr,nded by Wolke. IIpon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the m�ti_on was carried unanimouslv. Mr. C,kolte was pres��nt and inquired .as to the status of his nermit� and stated he would 11ke to have it �ranted, The Council stated that the urhole matter of mintmnm huilding site area in the R9_ver- viei�r liei�hts Addition was being studied at the present time� and no action urould be taY,Pn until this is completed. CITY'S Pa�]iK PROGRAM Mr. Iioward Crabtree asked what the Cit,y was doing to increase the park system. He was tolcl that the Cit,y Manager and the City �t,torne,y liave been aliLYiori zed t,o ne{;ot9 ate for a purchase of cer- tain Prop�rt,y in thP Cit,y for park purposes. l�he money from the $_1j0�000.04 bond issue wnuld be used for the purchase of this prc�pert,y. Th� s iti�as the extent of the immediate plans for park development, Mr. Crabtree asked if there wasn't some overall nlan. The Manager e�plained that the Parks and Playgrounds Committee had ororl<ed out a proposed plan for parks. NIAIIQ STi3i;�'C The Cit,y ]4anager stated tY�at the Iiiahwa,y Uepartment will signalize the crossovers of Hi huay #�6� North and South of the Highway #100 brtflge over fIi�hv�ay �`'�6. i4r. 7brroy from Midland Cooperatives oras present and stated this was more satisfactory� but does not entirel,y solve the problem. Jie felt the industry in the area sttll needed another crossover beside �+�Fth and 57th. �NGINI�'�F11IPlG Mr. Uontelson asked if Comstoc}: and D�vis� could sit in on the Plai,s znd Subdivision Commission m�etines and Planning Commission m�et�n�s� until such t�me as the �ity has hired another Gngineer to r�p_lace the pres�n,-, one. The Counci_1 eaid that this could be dc�ne , FY,.� �dr .�' AllJOURNM�NT Motion by Nagel to adjourn. 5econd�d hy �n'ollce. iJpon a votce vote� there being no naps� the motion was carcied unanimously. C�'TliST � t.h. ��!'�Yl.�.�d�/! CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Hrunsell � �, � , MAYOR - T. E. CPrei