07/19/1960 - 00024142MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL - JULY 19x 1960 A regular meetin� of the City Councily July 19� 196o was called to order by Mayor Greig at 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Members Absent: Grei�� Johanson� Wolke and Tlagel Sheridan arrived at �:40 P.M. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motian by Nagel to approve the minuLes of the Jul,y 5� 1960 meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no navs� the motion carred unanimousl,y. OLD BUSINESS• The above �rdinance was read. Motion by Ldolke to the second reading of the above Ordinance, and to lished. Seconded by Johanson. iTpon a voice vote� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Counci]man Sheridan arrived at 7:�+0 P. M. accept this as have it pub- there bein� The above Ordinance was read. Motion hy Johanson to accept this as tYie second reading of the above Ordinance� and to have it T�ub�ished. 5econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� ihere being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. l : : The above Ordinance was tabled until later in the meeY.ing. SECOPID RPAllING OI' �RllIPdAIJCP rE151 RPGULATING JUNK YARUS: The above Qrclinance t�as read. Johanson nuestioned the exact defin3tion of a so]_id fence. There eras consideraL'le c3lscussion on this. Johanson said he thought the defin�.tion of the fence should be inc]uded in the Ordinance. Sheri_dan said tlie Ordinance could be adonted at this rneeting� and sti_11 have the changes made in it. Motion b,y Wo]ke to adopt tlie abr�=e Ordinance. 1Jolke wi_thdrew hls motion. APPOINTMEN`P TO RPCRE(1TIOAr CO]��i4ISSI0N: Motion by 5heridan to apPoint Glen Thompson� 717D 1tiivervir�w Terrace to the Recreatton Coiruniss2on. Second�d by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there be�_n�; no nays, the r,iotion carried unanimously. NEGJ BU5INESS : P No one appeared for or against tl�e above rezoning. Mot�on by Sheridan to close the nublic h�aring on the above. Seconded by T�aael. Upon a voice vote� tl,ere l,eing no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. ���- � _ __'"_ _' ._ _.�°_...�' "_S"_ni�. The above Ordinance was read. Motion by Johanson to adopt this as th� flrst reading of Lhe aUove Ordinance. Secended by 1�folke. Upon a voi.ce vote� i,]Z�re being no navs, the motion carried t�nanimottsly. ^TTf3L,JC fi�ARIAIG ON A`3�7� ��SMI^',NT RQI.,I� -_1J2�, No one appeared for or against the adoption of the above assess- ment roil. There was considerab].e di_scussion as to whether the asse^sm�nt shoiz7d be on an area or front foot basis. Motion bz� Johanson to close the hearin�; on the above assessment roll. Sn�onded by Sheridan. U��on a voice vote� there bejng no navs� the motion carried unan-Lmously. AllOP'f'T_ON OF R1;SOLUPZON COP��'TRMII�iG A�SESSMPNT 1�OR WATFR INIPROVE- P'�� P1`l' _^ROJT,CT NO • 23 ; '� . __ _ _ _ _ � �----- ----- — Motinn b,y Sheridan to adopt the above Resolution. Seconded by Johanson. There was furthr-r disctission on the matter of the basis of assessment and it was agreed the Cit,y Attorney and the Cit,y G1erk shou7d discuss the hasis of assessment before the ro7l i_s confirrned. Johanson withdretiT h-1s second to the above m�tion. Motion died for lack of second. PTTBTTC HP'ILRiPiG ON fl5SrSSMFNT ROI�L r'POR SW�_SERV7CE CONfd�CTIOId: No otie a�peared for or against the adoption of the above assess- ment ro11. Motion bv Johanson to close the hearing on the above. Seconded b,y Wolke. Unon a voice vote� there being no navs� thP motion carried unanimousl,y. PLr13T,IC HF:ARING ON_AS�ESSMCNT ROLL - 1_�60 SFRVICE COTINFCTIONS POR ItnGULAR S�'1�.CIAL I��SFSSA4ENTS I+"UND: Afo one anpeared for or against the adoption of the assessment roll for i;he above. D4ot�on by Johanson to close the hearing on i;he above assessrnent roll. Seconded by Ddolke. Upon a voice vote, there heing no navs� the motion carried unanimously. RE�OT�UTION J�;O_-, 1960 CONPiRMING ASS�GSSMFNT ROLL FOR SW_1� Sr,R1l IC �� C OPINT,CT I ON : P4otion b,y GJolke to adopt the above Resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously, RRS(�LUTION_}�87. =1�60 COIVI,IRMIPIG 115SPSSMT:NT ROLL FOR ].��?_S�RVICF COPdP11?CTTON5- RrGULAR ST'FCIAL ASSFSSMrNTS FUND: Motion hy Johanson to adont the above Resolution. Seconded by Nap,el. Tlnon a voi_ce vote� there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimousl,y. i�1�,30I�iJTION i 82 -_1,560 CONCT+�2NiNG NffSST55IPPI RZVER_ The ahove resolution was read. Motion b,y Nagel to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na5�s� the motion carried unanimously. ��� RESOLUTION #�83 - 1960 RPNAMING RIVEH C1;�ST RQAD: The above Resolution was read, Motion by Nagel to adopt tYze above Resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voicc, vote, there being no naps� the motion carried unanimouslv. RESOLUTION RENAMING 53� AVFNUE NORTHFAST: Motion by Nagel ta table the above Resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice t�ote� there '�eing no naps� t�he moti_on carried unanimously. CONSIDP,RATION OF BIDS Ord MiT�1ICIFAL GIATT�'R SYS�i'EM: Mr. Gomstock explained the 5chedules A� B� C� D� and F on which the Contractors were bidding for the four wells. Mr. Comstock reported the low b-idder 1J85 La,yne-Minnesota Company� with a bid of �122,500 for Schedule F., which imcluded all the wells. Motion by Wolke to award the bid to I� yne-Minnesota Company under Schedule E, in th� amount of ��12?�50�.00. Sc�cnnded b,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there hein�; no nays� t;he �notion carried unanimously. There were several people present who live in the area of the Fridley Corrmions park who protested the erection of the water tower in the area. `�'hev stated they could g�et a petition with 300 to 375 names on it to kecp the water too�er out o£ this park. Mr. Comstock e�cplained that the proposed location of the water tower on the park site was the most economic. The Ma,yor� and Councilman Sheridan, suggested that the Counc9l dei;ermine at this meeting the location of i.he water tot��er. There �aas rnore discussion on the matter. Motion by Sheridan to nlace the water tower on Site �2� which would bA the fartherest from an,y of the homes in the area� and would be 50 feet north of 61s� Avenuey about 800 feet, east of 7th 5treet and 50 feet west of the east line of the City Property. Motion seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y. This location would cost from 9�7�000 to �$9�000 additional over Site #1. CONSIDPRATION OF BIDS ON WATER SYSTEM T+PZFVATED T01dPR: Mr. Camstock gave the names o£ �he lowest bidder for t2ic� five different proposed �rater towc�r types. He renorted for `P,yne /�l� Pittsburgh-Des Moines was 1ow with a bid of �86�402.00y T,ype ,�2, Pittsburgh-Des Moines was low with a bid of �t3']�200.00; Tvpe ;'3� Chicago Aridge and Iron was low ta�th a bid of �106 250.00; T,ype �+�Pittsburgh-Des Moines was low with a bid of $�10��000.00; Type #� �� Pittsburgh-Des Moines was low with a btci of �'pE3��500.�0. Motion by Johanson to accept the Pittsburgh-Des Moines b7d jn the amount of �G83,5o0.00 for water totaer type �r5. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� the-^e being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. MAIN STREET: There were several people present who live in the viciriity of Main Street south of Highway /�100� who were concerned with the Count,y plans for re-do�ng Main Street. `Phe Resolution of the intention of the County to take over Main Street was read. Mr. Wolke stated that the County originally had agreed to �;ive the City a divided road and access at both ends� but th�t l,he Poorer Company needed 22 more f��et and industry did not w�spp t.o give thi_s 22 feet e�sement. Or��*inally the City Yiad �iven the Connty authority to take over P1ai_n Street� suUject to its beiii� a di_v,ded street. Mr. Wolke stated l:hat he wou7d be at the Countz� Fsc,ard Meeting Thursday morn�ng to take the matter up with the County Board. Ms. Johanson stated tkint l�e ��rotald lilce to have Ll1e Cc,nnty Bcard come to Fridle,y� and l�_'sten to the oPinions of the people living in the area. It was agreed that as many Counc�_lman as possible would attend the meeting of the County i3oard on Thursday morning i;o discuss the Main Street ps�ok�lem with thf;m. ��� AWAR➢ING OF ]3IDS FOR SE6JFR AND STORP2 SEWER PROJECT N0. 2�+: Mr. Comstock explained the area to he included in the proposed improvement� and the diSferent schedules which were bid. He stai�ed that a11 the bids recaived e�ceeded the Engineer's Pstima�e. Mr. Co mstock rep�rted the low bidder for Schedule C� was Peter Lametti with a bid of y�925,676.66. Low bidder for Alternate C was Peter Lametti Construction Company with a bid of �],o2B,867.22. Low bidder for Schedule A� was Sandstrom and ftafner with a bid of v6428,438.00. Low bidder for Alternate A� was Sandstrom and Hafner with a bid of �128�250.00. Motion by Johanson to let the bid for Sewer and Storm Sewer Project No. 24� i'or Schedule A and Alternate A, to Sandstrom and Haf ner� and to re-advertise immadi_atel,y for bids on Sc}�edule S. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the mot�on carried unanimously. The ahove Resolu�ion was read. Motion by Wolke to adopt the a}�ove Resolution. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, ±h�re being no na,ys� the mot-ion carried unanimously. T�?l�TI_�rR P(�RKING PFRI-4IT - LT.ROY OLSON - 6600 Fr�IDLEY STR]�,ET N. �.: Motion b,y Johanson which wi71 expire vc�ice vote� there ?30A'2ll Ol�' HP�ALTFI: to grani the above trailer parking permit, on Ma,y l� 1961. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a being no na,ys� i,he motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hensley was preserit and stated that he thought the Cit,y of Fri_dle,y sYzould have a full ti��e �anitarian. He stated that Pub7 i.c Fea]th Regulat�ons shoulQ l�e arawn up and enforced b,y this Sarntarian� and this person would instruct the different bu�;iness places in i,he area as to the tvpe of equipment th�y shc�u7d purchase etc.� which wonld meet health stanclards. Mr. .Tohanson asked the T�oard of Health ii they would draw up a set of rr��*tilai,ions for Friclley. The Poard of Health indicated they would Y�� �lad to drart such re�u]_�tions. rlotion b,y Johanson t� sf�ri_ousl,y consid�r their recommenriation to the Board of FI�alth at the budg�t hearing this fal1. 5econded by Wolke. U�,on a voice vote� there being no n�vs� the motion carried unanimnuslv. A, AT?�,P1L',N'I' OI�' A�SP.SSMr,Pd�'5: Motion ry Joh�nson to aha+�e the ass�ssmerts on the following descr i��tions: The Past 150 feet of the N. GJ, qlzarter (NW4) of Section 1LF� 1LF, excent '75 ieet b,y 183 feet in the northwest corner. Sewer fi3�.�8� Water� $527.��+. Parcel No. 1620 being a part of Lot 6� Auditor's Subdivision No. 1�� Water and Sewer Main� v198.b5• Lot �+A� Auudi_tor's Subdavision PIo. 21 - Water� $$ 152.26� 5curer � �� 17�+. 77. 3�ut,Yinast qvar� �r (,�r�) of the southeast uarter (SE4) of Secti_on 24� 4later anc9 Seiaer Main� �3�779•�5• »conded l�y tiJoll;e. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the m�tian carried unanimousl,y. APPROVAL OF PR�LIMINARY PLAT OF CHARLFS AND RAY SI�T:liIDAN: Motion by Johanson to approve the nreli*ninary p]ai, on tYie above� ancl set a hearing f or the approval of the f'inal plat. Seconded by Nagel. ilpon a voice vote� tkiere being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. Ra�� Sheridan abstained. The above Resolution was read. Motian by NaF;el i,o adopt the above Resolution. Seconrted b,y Joh�nson. Upon a voLCe voLe� there being no na,ys� the niation carried unanimousll�. PL',T7TIONS FOR IP�iPROVEtT��TdT: Motion b,y Nagel to receive the fo_llowing petitions for improvement: l. Storm Sewer - 59th Avenue Northeast from Monroe to West Moore Lake Drive. 2. Storm Sewer - Marigold 'I'errace� from 660 tn 1"�0. 3, Water and S�o�er� Arthur Street from Mississippi Street to 6�+th tivenue. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voi��e vote� the��e Y�einK no naps� the motion carried unanimously. Motion b,y Wolke to adopt the above Resoluti_on� se�,tirig Lhe date for the hearing on the 1?th day of August. .lec�nded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motinn carried unanimously. C The Mayor read a letter from Mrs. Erivin L. Small and from idr. Einar Erickson� who live in Lhe Riverview Terrace dr�a� and who ob�ected to the closing of Riverview T�rrace. Motion bv Nagel to receive the abo-re two letter. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voi_ce vote� there being no navs� the mot.ion carr�ed unanimous_ly. CLAIMS: Motion by 1Vagel to apnrove General Claims 3198 through 33°�3� except 3258. Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vot�� there being no navs� the moti_on carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to approve Liquor Claims 1994 throlz�;h 2(1�LF. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there heing no navs� the motion carried unanlmc�usl,y. Motion by Wolke to approve Water Claims 969 thrnn�*h q£30. 5econded by 7ohanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimous],y. LIC�NS�S• rRIDLRY NITE CLUB: James Stachel, one of the possible new owners of th� rri3ley Nite Club �das present� ^nd stated th�it the,y have money in escrow to pay For the fixturesj orhich the Ctt,y of Fridley h�d previ�usl,y sold to Bob Kaskvitz, aii�i tllis monev would be paiQ to the City ��� � ° if he received assurance that the 7icense transfer would be granted. Mr. Stas:hel also asked if he could pu�,a sign up on i:he same sign as the Fri.dley Liquor Store Sign on Highway ��65. Motion by Johanson to approve the transfer of the beer license to Norman L. Verico and Curtis Olson for the Fridley Nite Club suhject to the aPproval o? the Police Chief� and subject to the pavment of money owed the Cit,y of Fridley on the,fixtures� and the new owner shall not use the same sign as the City ori Highway �r65, and also approve th? new licenses for cigarette and tavern for +,he Fridley Nite Club. Seconded b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote� th�re being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimc,usly. Motion by Sheridan to approve the following licenses: �LFCT�tICAL: Spencer Electric Company 3017 L,yndale Avenue South P4inneapol_is 8� Minnesota GAS FITT�R�S Comfort Pngineers� Inc. 39j North Prior Avenue St, Paul� Minnesota Midland Mfg. and Heating Co. 641F2 Penn Avenue South Minneapo]i_s� Minnesota GENrRAL Olson i3��ilders 1F200 �+2nd Avenue South Mint�eapolis� Minnesota _ HF� AT ING Comfort L'ngineers� Inc. 395 North Prior Avenue St. Pau1� Minnesota Midland Mfg. & Aea�3ng Co. 64�F2 Penn Avenue South Minneapolis 23� Minnesota Peterson Heating & 5heet Metal 2820 Fremont Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota MASONRY C]arence �C. Kluender 6921 Hickory Place Minneapolis 21� Minnesota pLUMT�2NG Kluck and Stegora 5�+_l9 Quebec Avenue North --- Minneapolis 2%� Minnesota by: Ernest Spencer By: By: By: By: By: V, E. Anderson Walter Wehmeyer Robert E. Olson V. E. Anderson Walter Wehmeyer Renewal Renewal New I� Renewal New By: william M, Peterson New By: Clarence K�uender Renewal By: Ray Stegora New 5econded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there'being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ��� CONSIDPRATION DF FENCING ON COCHRAN PROPERTY: The City Council read excerpts from previous Planning Commission and Council^Mirnztes regarding the fence to be erected on the Lenny Cochran'property on Central Avenue. There was considerable discussion on the abo�Te matter. Johanson stated he felt the enforcement� �of erection of thzs fence coulfl not be accomplished uhtil such time as the double bungalows are actually put in the area. Mr. Cochran stated he would start in about a month to put the fence in. The M�yor stated he wished to have a surmnary of any action taken mailed to the interested parties in the area. Motion by Johanson that inasmuch as Mr, Cochran has offered �o begin fencing b,y August 15�h and continue until finished� and will £ence 100 feet with this cyclone type fence� and will begin a planting strip on the 100 feet by the lst of October with the planting strip to be on the side towards the double hungalows� that this be accepted,as satisfactory by the Council ?or the present. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voi.ce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Tohanson to adopt the above Resolution. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. REOUEST TO MOVE A HOUSE BY MRS. COONEY: Motion by Nagel to grant the request as approved b,y the Planning Commission granting Mrs. Cooney the perrnission to move her house onto ano�her part of her property. Seconded by Sherid<�n. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Cooney stated that she would like a letter of some t,ype outlining the action talcen on the above. LICEN5E - PETERSON: Mr. Peterson was present concerning a license for a popcorn truck or trailer to be operated on Park Property. Mr. Peterson stated that he would be glad to furnish an,y sales figures to the City as to the volume of sal�s and would be interested in renting space on a percentage basis or en some other basis. Mr. Kohlan suP,gested,that Mr. Peterson have a card in his popcorn trailer stating that this enterprise was private ownership and outlining other facts. Motion b,y Johanson to grant the license to Mr. Peterson to operate his popcorn wagon. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no navs� the motion carried unanimously, ESTIMATES: Motion by Johanson to approve the payment of the fol]owing estimates: , a^andstrom and Hafner� Inc. 20�+ St. Anthony Blvd. Minneapolis� Minnesota Estimate No. 5- �� W 21-A Benkoski & Holmes Cloquet� Minnesota Fstimate No. 7 S& W 21-B �stimate No. 3 S& W & SS 22-B �IG53 , 580.17. ,IGio, 563 . 57 17, 27l�. 09 Peter Lametti Co�struction Co. 6]5 Drake 5treet St. Pau7.� Minnesota Fstimate No. 1 S P� W Lametti and 6on� Inc. 211 No. Pascal 5t. Paul �+� Minnesota Pstimate No. 1 5& W Comstock and Davis� Inc. 14�+6 County Road "J" Minneapolls 21� Minnesota Inspection and ]sst3mate No. 11 l��stimate No. 12 Fstimate No. 11 Estimate No. Pstimate No. 2 Rstimate No. 1 �stimate No. 1 Fstimate No. 12 Fstimate No. 13 T;stimate No. Fstimate No. 3 F,stimate No. 2 Pstimate No. 2 29 26 S�:aking 5 & W S & W S & W 4 5 & W s�w s&w u c� W s&w S & W 5 S & W s&w S & W S & W Estimates: 21-A 21-B & SS 22-A & 5S 22-B 26 29 36 21-A 21-B & S5 22-B 26 29 36 ��� 19,049•79 ' 11,977.56 1,935.25 2go.25 40.00 595.00 1,368.25 631.75 67.50 2,3i�.5o 464.75 478.75 964.50 i,o56.25 �,�16.25 Seconded by bJolke. Upon a voice vote, the�°e being no naqs� the motion carried unanimously. CON5IDr�RATION OF ATTENI��NCL: BY IfANAGI�f, AT GITY MA.NAGERS' CONF�RENCE: A1r. .7ohanson stated he wished to �;o on record as being in favor of the attendance. Mr. Sheridan stated he laas in favor of local con- ferences� butwould lilce to know how this National Conference would be oT benefit. The Manager explained h�_s reasons for wishing to attend. Motion by Johanson to grant permission to the City Manager to attend the City Managers' Conference. 5econded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote, Johanson� Greig� Sheridan� Nagel voted ��yes", bJolke "no". The Mayor declared the mot�on carried CONSIll1sRATION OF ATTPTdi)ANCE AT F. B. T. SCI300L Bl' POLICE CHIEF: There was considerable iliscussion on the above matter. Mr, Kohlan s�_ated he felt i_t would be a good thing for the man and the Cit,y. Johanson suggesi,ed that the Cl�ief be required to agree to sta,y in the City for two years if he g�es to the school, or else he wo>>ld have to reimburse the City for the expenses. Mr. Nagel raised several objections to the operation of the Police ➢epart- ment. Motion by Johanson to approve the attendance of the Police Chief at the F. B. I. School� with th� stipulatio,n that the Chief apr�e that if he should leave the employment of the City within a to�o year period� he would have to reimburse the City. Seconded by ;l�eridan. IIpon a voice vote� Johanson� Greig�'Sheridan and Wo1Y.e voted ",yes"� Nagel "no". Motion b,y 5>leridan to receive the above petition. Seconded by Joh�nson. tJpon a voice vote� there heing no na,ys� the motion carried unanim�u�lv. .rw �;.1° �Sf. �Iotion by Wolke to adopt tkie above Resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the moi:ion carried unaninousl�. P3,ANNING COMMISSION MINiTTES: &.��+� ]3LOCK Motion by 5hexidan to set the Pub]_ic Hearing on the above re- zoning. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried un�nimously. Motion by trlolke to accept the prel�minary plat on the above. Seconded b,y Sheridan. iJpon a voice VOt.P.� there be1nP no navs� the motion carried unanimousl3r, OT�D BUSTNE5S : 5ECOND READ�NG OI' ORDITdANCE � i5i R�GUL�TIVC� 7UNK YARDS: The City Attorney p'ointed out the type of fencing could be stip- ulated if a,special use permit were granted. Motion by Wolke to accept the second reading of the Ordinance regulating iunk yards� and to have the Ordinance published. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na��s� the motion carriecl un- animously. Mr. Johanson was absent from the room� and di.d not vote. ORDINANCE VACATING 4TH STR�ET� 62ND AVPNTJ� AND TFiF Ai�"LEY,� Motion by Nagel to table the second reading of the above Ordin- ance� until the first meeting in October unless owners of' the property come in with some logical plan �n the meantime for the de�relopment of the area. TJpon receint of such a plan the matter will be brought up sooner. Seconded bp Sheridan, j7pon a vaice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanin�ous].y. TAX FORFEIT T.OTS IN MOORE LAKE ADDITION: Motion by Sheridan to instruct the Fngineer� Mana�er and Attorney to find a reasonable public use for the following tax farfeit lots in the Moore Lake Addition: Lots 1 to 8 incl. and I,ots 23 to 30 inc1.� Block 16 Moore Lake Addition to Fridle,y. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no nays� the mo�ion carried unanimcusly. REQUEST BY ACRES1 INC. TO RETURN TI-IE 9G��000.00 FNGIN�F�RZNG FSCRUW: � Motion by Sheridan to return the $�3�000.00 engineering escrow upon receipt by the City of all the necessar,y easements for water and sewer projects in the area. Seconded b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there boing no na�s� the motion carried unanimously. AIR CONDITIONING - CITY 1iALL: The Manager explained some quotations he had been given un the �ir conditioning. The Council told h9m to go ahead with the pla� with wh�ch ever Company presented the lowest price. ADJ��iTFti,�� : Mntion b,y Johanson to adjourn. cleared the meetinP adjourned. Respectful� �i te�d�. � ��� iaFdTVi�Yl . runse � Secretary COUNCIL MEETING - NLY 2 1460 5econded by Sheridan. Mayor de- �C.� � • � M4YOR - T. E. GREIG A special Meeting of the �ity Council, July 25� 196o was called to ordex by Mayor Greig at 8:30 P. M. Members Present: Members Absent: Greig� Sheridan� Johanson� W,olke and Nagel None ��J , The Mayor announced the main purpose of the meeting was the dis- bussion of the construction of Main Street. The Mayor then in- troduced representatives from the County Boardr and the County Attorney. Councilman Wolke outlined the plsns;that the Council wished to have the County Board and the people in the area consider. This plan was Lo put in the east 50 feet of Main Street at this time, and put in the remaining 20 feet after the necessary ease- ments etc., had been obtained. The curb would ,be put in the street at the tine the bridge over Highway �/ 100 was completed. After the curb dividing the industrial and the residential side of the street had bFen rut in� then the remainder of the u�at would be put on the industrial side of the street, Faul Se�ner i.hen explained the route of the proposed cross-town streets in Fridley. This included a rroposed street frcm Main Street to the East River Road in the vicinity of 61st Avenue. The proposed cross-town streets also in- cluded the extension of Main 5treet, north of Mississippi Street. County Commissioner Kordiak asked if this wouldn't be runnin� Main Street through residential areas. I��ayor Greig stated that the houses would back up ta it� and not front on it�,,in the area North of Highway #�100. Kordia3t asked who would obtain theadditional 20 feet needed over the existing right of way. Councilman,Sheridan stated that the City would obtain the necessary easements. Mr. 2'orrey, from Nidland Coop� asked if this isn't the same plan as had been proposed previously� and he still feels that the plan does not provide reasonable access to Main 5treet� and inas�tuch as there is Hi�hway sccess every four blocks north of Highway �100� why sh�uldn't there be access every four blocks south of Highway #100. Mr. Torrey stated he wou-id consent to the proposed plan and give the necessary easements� if' industry were given reasonable access. There were several questions from people in the area who wished to know how this proposed plan wo�;ld affect them,' I 5F'�WER EA5EMENT • Mvtion by Sheridan to authorize the Mayor and the City N;anager to execute the agreements for the easements over south,4',of Lot,}�� belonging to Julia L. Wright� and north 4' of Lot 4F belonging to Mr. and hirs. Alfred Jensen in Auditor's Revised Sulidivision No. 21� for which the City is to pay Mrs. U,right $100.00.� and Mr, and Mrs. Alfred �ensen �100.00� to compensate for any damage which may be done durin� construction of water and sewer lines. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried. AD� GUhNN,ENT • Mo,tion by Sheridan to adjourn the meeting. meeting adjourned. � �� , , MAYOR - T. E. GREIG Mayor declared the Respectfully submitted: � P�i�1'Q . LRSS� 5ecretary