08/23/1960 - 00024127.s� �:�_
The mee'ting was cslled to order by Assistant Mayor Ray Sheridan
at 8:45 P. M.
Members Present:
Johanson� Nagel� Sheridan, Wolke.
Mayor Greig
There were approximately twenty-five residents of Hackmann Circle
present at this meeting to discuss the Engineer's report on the
compaction� storm sewer installation� and surfacin� of Hackmann
Circle. This group� and the City Council� discussed the �n�ineer's
report from ,approximately 'J:�+S P,NI, until the Acting Mayor orened
the meeting officially at 8:45 P,M. The different possibilities
for improving the cottdition of iiackmann Circle were as follows:
1. Install ar�?roximately 430 feet of storm sewer, several
catch basins� two manholes� con�pact the water and sewer
service lateral trenches� place a�+ inch base and a 12
inch mat.
2. P].ace gravel on the street now, and oil same� and proceed
with the complete surfacing job 3n 1961.
3. Install the storm sewer and the 4 inCh baseT and oi1 the
surface at this time� and complete the hot-mix surface in
1961, provided compact3on through normal stabilization
has occurred over the winter,
Councilman J�ohanson moved that the City advertise immedial.ely for
the bids for the installation of the storm sewer system on
Hackmann Circle� and iumediately after install a temporary base
of sand and/or gravel and oil to take care of the needs of the
residents on Hackmann Circle until 1G61, and that next spring
the mat be placed on the road if compaction is satsifactory, This
motion was seconded by Councilman Na�el. Upon a voice vote� there
being no nays� Acting Mayor 5heridan declared the motion carried,
Councilman Wolke moved the adoption of the above kesolution settin�
the Public I3earing time at �:00 P. M, on Wednesday� September 1�+�
1960, at the City Hall. This notjon w�.s seconded by Councilman
Na�el. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Acting hlayor
Sheridan declared the notion carried.
Mr. Knutson� of Comstock and Davis� exPlained that the proposed
State Aid Road Program in the City of F'ridley indicated that there
were certain state aid road for which the City did nnt own right-
of-way� and that 3t would be necessary that the City report to
the State� the estimated cost of acquiring said ri�ht-of-way.
Couneilman'Nagel and the City D:anager explained to the Council
also� that there was a possibility that certain lands near the
present City Building could be purchased for a City Ha17. site�*
and that an appraisal of these properties also would be needed.
Councilman Na�el moved that the City en@age the services of the
Dayo Company to_appraise the City Hall site and Building� and the
nearby property� and that Mr. Frank Shaffer be engaged to appraise
the right-of-way property for the proPosed state aid roads in the
City of Fridley. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wolke.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays1 Acting Mayor sheridan
declared the motion carried. ,
*(and tha1: the owner of said lands was interested in the presently
owned City Hall eite,�
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The City Manager informed the Council that the North Suburban
Hospital Committee wished to hold a carnival in the City of F'ridley
from Au�ust 31 to 5eptemher 6. Councilman Nagel moved that the
City �rant permission to the North Suburban Hospital Committee to
hold said carnival� with permission being granted�'with the same
restrictions as place upon the Jaycees at the time they held their
carnival at this location. This motion was seconded by Councilman
Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Acting Mayor
Sheridan declared the motion carried,
Z'here bein� no further business� Acting Mayor Sheridan declared the
meeting sdjcurned.
Respectfully submitted:
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Larl� . agner�
Acting ��ecretary o the Council.
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ACTING Y - �tay� Sheridan
Zhe Public Fiearing was called to order at 8:15 P. M, by Mayor
Niemtiers Fresent:
Niembers Absent:
Greig� Wolke and Nagel
Johanson� Sheridan
Mr. McLellan, Area Business Represei�tative of Local Union �{49
was present� and stated he was glad to see that health insurance
was inc].uded in the budget� but he thought the surveyor� and some
of the other publlc works employees' salaries should be higher.
Motion by Wolke to close the hearin�.
Mntion carried.
Resgectf'ully submitted:
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Seconded by Nagel.
. ,
MAYOR - T. E. Grieg