09/14/1960 - 00024108�� ADJOURNMENT • After considerable more discussion on the valuations placed on the property� �otion by Wolke to continue the Board of Equalization until the 22nd of 5epterrber� and �o instruct the Assessor to have all the books ready by that date. Motion seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Marvin C. Brunse�� e� `� C'? Lic.'; ^ -- Thomas E. Grei���or SPECIAL NEETING OF THE CTTY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 12� lybo The Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor Greig at �:30 P.M. Members Present: Members Absent• Greig, Sheridan� Wolke, Johanson� Nagel. Motion by Wolke to adopt Resolution No, 110-1960 setting the date for the Primary Elect3on in Ward No. 1 for October �+� 1�60. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there bein@ no navs, the motion carried unanimously. Ad�ournment• Motion by Wolke to L�pon a voice vote� mously. adjourn the meeting, Seconded by 5heridan. there being no nays� the motion carried unani- Respectfully sub�itted: � �t,� ��� Marv�n C. Brunsell Secretary SPECIAL MEETING - SEP2EMBER 14� 1960 ��hJ�"''"-�' �/�L,r� �' omas E. Grei�� ayor A 5pecial Meeting of the City Cnuncil� September 14� 1y60 was called to order by Maygr Greig at '7:20 P. M. Members Present: Members Absent: Greig� Tohanson� Nagel Sheridan� Wolke. PUBLIC HEARING ON STORM 5EWER F�R HI+CItNiANN CIRCLE AREA: Shere were about �+0 people fram the Hackmann area present at the meeting. The City Manager announced that a petition with over 50 names against the storm sewer had been received, Zhe sentin�ent of the people from the Hackmann area seemed to be that no Additional storm sewer facilities should be put in until the five e�isting catch basins have been opened, and given a chanee to see if they will take care of the water run-off. The people in the area, also would like street surfacing in the whole area completed as soon as Foss- ible. Les Knutson from Comstock and Davis� explained the location � �� of the pTaposed storm sewer� and the drainage area� end the estimated cost which weuld be �2�700.00. ,The question was asked why the storm sewer would have to be put in. Mr, xnutson explained� in additicn to the problem of taking care of the water adequately� this additional storm sewer would sa�%e wear and tear on the street� and prevent excessive erosion. A questi�n was asked concerning the street surfacing on Hackmann Avenue. The Manager stated the specifications for Hackmann would 1e the same as all of the other residential streets going in at the �resent time� but these specifications are higher than the previous specifications which were used. The question was asked why thls small project was being put in� and why the whole area wasn't taken in consideration. Mr. Knutson s�ated the whole City was being studies for storm sewer needs. The question was brought up as to what wculd be done with the City Park Property in the srea� and whether or not the boulevards on this would be sodded when the curb is put in. Mr. �age1 s�a��d tHa� the City Manager should contact the developer� and have him level the lots so that grass seed can be put in. Mr. Johanson stated he was not in favor of putting the storm sewer in, inasmuch as the people in the area did not want it� and the people had a good point as far as the street surfacing in that ft should �o ahead as soon as it can be done. Mayor Greig stated that if the road are surfaced without storm sewers, and storm sewers are needed 3n the future� the people in the ares would have to pay for tearing the street up� and putting it back again, Mr. Nagel stated he would go along with not putting the storm sewer in� but would not be favor of putting s�reet surfacing in until such time as the En�ineers recommed that the streets are ready to surface. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing on Hackmann Circle. Seconded by Na�el. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouslq. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR WATERMAiN PROSECT N0. 34-A: The City Manager announced the low hidder was Randall Bros., with a base bid of �323,612.00� less $8.900.00 for Alternate No. 1. Motion by Johanson to award the bid for Water Project 43-A to Randall Bros. in the amount of $323,612.00, less $8,900.00 for Alternste No. 1, a total of $314}'712,00. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ��NSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE ZO REGULATE NUMFsERING OF bUILDING5: There was discussion of the above ordinance� and it was agreed that it shQUld be put on the a�renda for the next regular meeting. `1'he above resolution was tables until the next meeting. COPISIDI.it_7IQN OF OkD2NANCE ESTAbLISAING A REGULAR FIRE DEPAHTMENT: The above ordinance was discussed. Motion by Nagel to have this ordinance put on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanisously. CONSIDERATION OF IN-SERVICE INJUHY PAY: Discussion as to whether or not the two policement who were injured in the accident should be paid their full pay without having any- thing deducted from their sick leave� or what type of policy should be established for police� as well as other employees� in the case of lnjury while on duty. Motion by Nagel to continue the pay of Sgt. Fritz and Patro],man Oden� for a period of ninety dsys� with no time to be deducted from their accumulatedsick leave for this period� their pay to be reduced by the amount of Workmen's Compensation they receive� this action not to set a precedent in such matters� pending setting of an official policy by Council. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. �� The ahove item was tabled. CONSIDERbTIO� OF PLACEMENT OF NO-PARKING SIGNS: The Mayor announced that the owners of the Rice Creek Grocery had requested no-parking signs in front of their grocery store on the East River Road. Motion by Johanson to request Anoka County to place no-parking signs on the East River Road in front of the Rice Creek Grocery, Seconded by Nsgel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimonsly. LETTER REGARDING DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT 65�6 MAIN STREET: There was discussion as to the cause of this dralnage problem, Motion by N8ge1 to instruct Comstock and Dsvis to submit a recommendation for the solution of the drainage problem st 6536 Main Street. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried uaa�iimouslq. LETTER CONCERNING WATER CONNECTIONS FOR LOT 2. BLOCK�HYDE_PARK: The above lot was not s�tuated on an existing lateral or main line. Motfon by NageZ that the request for eonnection to a water line be denied� and the interested party should be instructed to circulate a petition for laterals if they wish to have water service in the area. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Johsnson to adjourn. Seconded by iJagel. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted: v� � c � Marvin C. Brunsell, Secretary SPEC7AL MEETING - SEPTIIs�BER 15� 19�0 v �,y��-. homas E. Greig Mayor A Special Meeting of the City Council September 15� 1960, was called to order by Mayor Greig at ']:2� P. M. Members Present: Members Absent,• Grei@� Nagel� U'olke� Johanson Sheridan The City Manager stated that the bid for the above pro�ect was $2�500.00 over the Engineers' estimate. The bidders were as follows: Arcon Const. Co.� Mora� Minnesota - 5� Bond - 9G105�736.00 - 270 days Ashbach Const. Co.� St. Paul, Minn, - 5°� Bond -$109,500,00 - As SFecified Woodrich Const. Co.� Hopkins� Minn, - 5k Bond -�116��£31.00 - 6� days. The Mayor wanted to �o on record as si.ating that if the bid were not awarded tonight� he would not vote to call for bids� this late in the year in the future, Motion by Na�el to accept the bid of Arcon �