PL 10/13/1960 - 30081MINOTSS r-� PLAA]�II� CON�3I�i � ' .` ZHOR9�Z Octobe� 13� 19b0 Tbs n�t.i�g vaa aalled to o�rd�r at 7s�0 p.H•, bT �� �@A�, �th Men�. bere Bs�ndsl and ShLmansld� st�d Kr. Lo�►, ot Ca�rtoQlc �d Aaria, S:aorporated, prev s�t. M�c. ,�`a�t arrl�d lat� 1tl tdr mNt�. I�s �'oeitsias �d !ix'sa'v!k t�ters sbsen4. TAI1tTY �'OOT �RRPICS ROAD • Dall iUR3TAD (GOIiTI�IATI� � PC�BLIC � .......�...��._. ..__... ..._.._....._.,.......�.....�_....._..�.._.�_., This �as ti» ra�er aon�d�rsl.ioa at a rrqwsti by Don Harst�d to� app�oval ot a this� toot �dd�t s�rvl.a� ra�d ad�a�e�a� to t2M qet right•od-+wyr �' �Y �65s rm�d,nR scuth i`toa 68th Awmtt� ii B., to t,o�E 6 0! t� 9sooe�d Rs^�ri�d Audi• tar�a 3u�bdivisim 112i, lyit�g in 'W� lt� o� �yatiqt 13. Atia� �sid�rab7,� stu�► and disows�.an� ths Coa�m�ssian inlo�Nd 1�. A�ert�ad�s srp�ttabiw t.lss� s r�- quest �anld isa� to be aade to racata �t pd,st� s�N� �hrou�gh t�is P�P�F3 alao, �bat a dr4wine of ths nla� s2�onld b� �ssstt�d, sharit� lot dividaoa. Mr. gsp„r�r e�z�plsined that the dt�slop�r oo�uQd not s�N].1 a�r po�tiori a! thia propera ty u�ntil sn� pSat ttas b�sa subAitt�d. A pablia� h�aring dalA wi.11 be v�t upa�� the r�o�ipti at a lettAr tran 1+�. Hasst�ad� roqus�rLi� a�id �aaatian and appravaZ orf t2�� �li�iy plato �,,.1 TFiAE : P. .!&9T3 • D dc M, II+�O�i�'ORAT� . � ..�ww��.w.�....�r.ww�iwn D& M, Iacorporated haa m�d� t!r tolla� x+�qu�stst A. Yacatict'i oi 5:tth Ar� lV.S., bstrlwp'i 2�th #ad Sth atr��te N.F. 9. ope� a�f ths north•south aLt+�r b.ta�aa lttb .e�d 5t�h stareet,a N.$., from S3rd �lv�nt� N.�e to t� �t wrvio� ro�d� at paro!�oNd tor th�r Hi�ixap► �56 ciover'3Aat. C. P�r,�i.sdori ror ths �s3� ot �rat� aad a�t�sr l�s w 5th strse�E N.B., tranc pr��t t�dt�us sL Qtth Awnn�s to a lsoi�t oorrespo�ding vit�h t�s nor�h lin+ cs Lo�t 8, Bloak 11, Hasiltroa•a Additiaei to Msah�u�vi].7,�, 4s e� �asL ot asid ].l�tr. Th� Cam�i.�siaa r�ad the reooa�dat�aus o! t�hs !�tati�trs and Utilil.ies Casaissiau on t1�ae� raqusst�. Mt. B3rd s�cplsi.�d that h� Qid aot pssti�o�larS� aar� �ett:er or not 5i�th A�w xaa vaatt�d; but Lhst his �tt� oaeti0er�t �as to g�t th� gr�tdea aet ao 51t�h Av+�r�, ao t.hat h� catld �oo��d td�h th� po�opoNd alln►o �s Co�ie.. siaa a��d to tollow t►h�e reeo�aa�ndat�.iaae o�! tbs Stara�t� and Vtilit3�es Caamission and the Cmsecl�it� �irra�a. �. B�da�t � a satiar �o rNOa�d th� d�la3. of vmeattan s�squest "A" {abawj� �d.th !ht st�ipnlatioa 4l�t t�N st�e�t grad�ss be setabltsl�rd an St�th A�enus, a� soan aa po��s3Dlt; aZ�o� to �end aoosp�anos ot reqursts "H" ar�d "C" � as sti►t�d a?�a'�• 1'!r motiioe �eis ssQO=1d�d � 1'!!. 3�tsnskii and u� bel.o� put to a wt�, Qar!'i�sA mw�nitou�. ,�''1 R�X�.1"FST . ii�RB HAC�, JR. . ,.. . ... ..._....._...� 1�lr. i�rb Hroaet, J�., tats pocysrri! to stk t�e Q�o�d�aiou lo�t a r�ao�o�datioa as to �het.iler os not 59�h ave�c�e Ai.B. (be�a�ren 7t� st�.t a�aia rd�st xowns Lske � +it• Drive or Quincy 3treet)� �ould bt vaast�d. At i�rtber e�cplais�d t,hat he xould ].11os to get electrical ssrvics intA t.hs high sehool yrt t►hia fa7S; but �hat ttr No�thsrn 3t►4t�s i�sr Compa�q vill �o�b do a�g abont tt� poloe� un�i], ths City a! Fridl�y m4loss a d�f�nit� dwi�ias abant �9t�h A'�n�. Af ter oaretul cc� sideration at� atudy by t�a Conndseioet� Mt�. B�ttid�l a�ds t mo#►iao t.o troomraead to the couaail th�t the 59t1� A�+enw dsd3�oatioa b� r�t�sin�d, �us a poe�dbl.o +�o�ea through, Lo ttN 3'ut.ur� Moors I.sbr A�rlt a�+as. Z!� ��oas Noor�dsd by Mr. Shi� maneld, a�d apact bsiog put to a votA� oarrL�d mi��. PRELIM�Di1tR7 PLAT . OEOinGg N�RT011 Mr. Norton pa�e�ntad a drip�g o�t hia �li�it�aty p�ltt in At�itor�e 3ubdivi- aiosi 1189s in ti� 3� o! 4sotiao 12. Attet a�ta�y ad t21s pla�� !!r. 3sgt�sr expl,ain� ed that tb� ma�clmn� le�;th o! a tut�rovnd st�Mt is 5b0 tNt, and t3sat a turuo around atrret lang�er t�t�an t.his �au2d r�qair� a xai� !"roa ths 8a�rd ot Appsatso It �, ac�oeL�d t►hst Mro itorbon t�r �o obtatin a d�diostioa� so t�Wat a sl�r�a� aould be aut throu� t,o ti� 3n xLth lioa�t�orr .1�. l�. 8atidsl. �d�e a �aot�an to re= ao�a�d t.hat t.hia pseli�i�r plat bs rst'ert�d to Cartook and T.%r�riaf ?a�oorpoxa�d,� �irsL, for a�poa�t ou gTOpoa�d nt�lil�3�; and sroond�i t,o t�bs :�l�ats ar�d Subdi�.�. aiaot Coa�dseiaY tor t�sl.r rmoc�w�cLttriawt. �� ras ss�ondrd by Mr. 3hit�o �rici., and upon b��ing P�t t�o a v�o't�, osrri�d ur�ani�out�,ye . -x�; t �. �� i �e• :n �'� � �c:�•:i: :,� � Mro Sh3n�mslc�. ,a� a motioa t,o r�oo�er�d t.h� aebp�,ton of t�b� p�opoas8 regol� tioa aa t1� s�trat�htnnipg af O�o�'As Ro�Q (Cop� o! Retolnticn att.whrd lwrsto) o The mot�ioei wae seob�d by Mr. Bas�dsl� � nPaq b�iu6 A�t to s vot�� oarried mmani� rqtul�jrq AM�'I+II��B:NT TO PLITTI� �ZATApCS • RE LOT 9P'P�I'1'3 The above aoo�ider�atiori s�a�a t�b2�d� w�31 t,�s City Att�cr�y p�t.s ths parom Posed aowt�t. LETTER FROi� 3CH00lL DI.gTRICT �• R'� ��g 7'h� Ca�me�iadau resd ths Sohool Di�ttsioi Nll� l�ti�� �'�4te�rt3n6 sid�al.lca along certain str�eta in this distri�. ?h� Coaa�tplon n�niiaow7y �gt�ed Lt�a� apscifi• cativrm ard coete ahould be dra� np !or tha t�squaat�d ualiot� b�tora oansidsraticma Mr. Hsnd�sl �asde a motion io r000a�d t2fab t� 8t.trHe anc! Utilit�3�a Comad.aaicci hav�s a p�roposed ordinana� draies up oe� �heN � i+s�iuNf�d a3!d�rlk r�quir+�m�ats. The motio�n was a�acoded by Mr. �ki� and uPoei b�g Pnt to a v�o�� aarri�d� una�ti� uw�s],y. AME'NDMF�UIT • FI�"1? FOOT &1FFffit PL�UTItIG 3�1P Dt I�.1 � IS.2 Dx�'ACICTS Nr. Handsl a�e a moti.00 to x'�oorettd 'f.i�a� tfiis �t to Oidit�ma� #70, ^ aa attiahsd bsrsto, be adopted. Tbe woLia�t tA� MaaD�d b�r 1�ir. �I�i�nsfci,� snd �P� �� A�► to a�ot�, c+�t�r3�d ao�rd�roua?,,�►. r'1 n •3.► PLaTTxN4 Arm 4TRp:. ,� a�OT'PS�TAi.nT AN� FO�VIN �AA�RTI� P?�ATTINt� AI�!D 3ZRL�;T3 • LARR3 AND FRCO PROP'@tTi9 Ff11'�'RE 3TitT�t�TS - SPRIf�C�r I�i�E PAA1C L►KR9IIf�! �R3A It has bs�n su�ggest�d, by th� Plab a�ad 9ubditisim� Comsi�eioei snd t,hs �r�eets and L't3,liLiea Cca�iaeiaa, f�t p�rhap�, a platt�3Ag aonsuittp� should be hired to mala rsaamendsLioas �ar �hss� tbrss ar�a�. Th� Connd,asi+oei t�lt that theae t.hr�e� it�sms ehonld be t�abl�d� to alta�r t� Cit� M� t3ar to �et a lsgal. opifficn, aa tio �rhat � t�p� oan b� t� ou 't� �att�a. ADJOLTRNt�T Tbe m�eting tias adjo� at ]A�10 P.M. R�rp�e�tul7r �ub�itl�d. Isrs Kapa'�a R�3�ai l�at'rt�sr�!► � Ca■ds�saa