12/20/1960 - 00024031�.� COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMbER 20� 1960 A Regular meeting of the City Coundil was called to order by Mayor Greig at ']:3'7 P.M.� December 20, 1960. Members Present: Members Absent: Greig� Nagel� 5heridan, [�'olIte (arrived at 7:�+1 P.M,) Johanson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Nagel to approve the minutes of the IIecember 6� 1900 meeting, Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: The Mayor opened the hearing on the above amendment to �he zoning ord9nance. No one appeared fc,r or a�ainst the proposed change. The hearing was called to a close, 1f The Mayor opened the hearin� on the above rezoning. Nr, :iward, who is requesting the rezoning, was present az,d stated his reasons for wanting it. The question arose as to what was going to be done with Lots 15 and 16. There was shown that only five feet remain of Lots 15 and 16� according to the plat mar, and the Aighway DepartTrient has the balance of the land for these two 7_ots. Mr, Wolke arrived at �:�1 P.T1, Motion by Wolke to accept this as the second reading of the ordinance rezoning Lots 11� 12� 13 and 1�� Block 7� City V iew tiddition, and to have the ordinance published. SecondEd b,y �heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� i.he t�otion carried unanimously, Zhe above ordinance was read. Motion by aheridan to accept this as the second reading of the ordinance arr�ending the zoning ordinance. 5econrl- ed by Wolke, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unaninously, NLW BU5INES5• �IIBLIC FiEARING - SHERIDAN ACftL5 FINAL PLA`l': The Mayor opened the hearjng on the Sheridan Final Plat, No one appeared for or against this plat. The hearin� was called to a close. ACCEFTANCE OF FINAL PLAT - SIILRIUAN ACHLS �.LDITION: Motion by Nagel to accert this as the fina)_ plat of �Y�erician ricres and to authorize Lhe Mayor and Clerk to si�n the sa�1e:, Eccorided by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� tk,ere bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARTNG - CF�RL PL`1'ERSC�IV b'IIVAL PL1�2: The Mayor opened the hearing on the above. No one appeared foz• or against the proposed plat, The hearing was called to a close. � PULLIC H�AftITdG - IItEN�, HFsNHY P'INAL FL�1'1': The hearing was opened on the above. G�rdon Dangster was presenta and said that he wished to look at this final plat. The City Manager stated it arpeared ten more feet of road w�•u1d be needed from the scho�l� bizt the p1aL could be arproved sub�ect to obtainirig this 10 feet. The hearing was called to a close. ACCFrTkI•� Ci OI�' 1� INAL FLAT - IkEP1E FiLNRY : Motion by Wo7ke to accept this as a final plat of the Irene Henry Additlon, sub�ect to deed fnr street heing cnrrected to satisfaction of the City - Attorney, 5econded b,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mc,tinn carried unanim�usly, C('IdSIU�Ti1�2I0N Ol�' 1IDS i�OH GA:iOLIlVE: The City tlana�Pr read the bids wYiich were received at 12:00 noon on th;s 2�1,h day of �ecember� 1�b0. 2he Cii,y Mana�er� M2yor Tom Greig� aiid Counc�lman Urolke krere z�resent at th�s bid opening. Ttie b�ds 1•�hich were recEived are as f'ol]ows: LILiDLH'S NAi�,E � NORMAL DISCOUNT NET PRICE AND �,I'DI(L;,S FRICE PER UALLON Sinclalr Hcfining Co. �t. Faul, Minnesota Cert, ck. �350.00 9kelly Oil Company 1�17 Universiiy Ave. St. Paul 4 Minnesota Cert. Ck. �350.00 Midland Cooperatives �3p Johnson St. N. E. Minnea olis riinnesota Check �33�.d0 Ford Dee Rock Oil Co. 2709 - 7�th Ave. So. ���t�}�a����s��Minnesota S�con,y Mobil 011 Co. 84 5outh 6th St, A4inneapoli^ Minnesota Cert, Clti. �,'�25,00 Continental Oi7. Co. 6121 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis 16� Minn. Bond - l�ed. Ins. 10� 24.8� �+.11� 28.8� 5.71¢ 24 .8� 28.8¢ 2g.6� 31.8� 24 . £3� 2£; .8� 2�+ .8� 28.&� 24,8� 28.8� �+ .1� 5.1� �+ . 5� 3.7� 4.8�2� 5. 9i2r� if .7� 5.7� 4 , 6� 6.85� 20.b�� 23.0�� 20.71� 23.7� 20.1¢ 2�+.1¢ 1g.918� 22.888� 20.1¢ 23 .11� 20.2¢ 21.9�¢ hegular �thyl Regular Ethyl Regular Ethyl Regular Ethyl Regular Ethyl Regular �thyl �lhe City bianager annouaced that Ford Deep Rock was low bidder for Re�ular� and Continental Oil Cempany was low bidder for Ethyl gas. Zhe Mana�er suggested that the bid for both grades of gasoline be a5arded to the same bidder� as the d9fference in total cost would he very sma]-1, Mot�on by Sheridan to accept the bid of Continental 011 Con�pany� and award the contract for Regular and Ethyl gas to them. Seconded by iQa�el. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. - HESOLUTION ¢{l01-19�0 THANSFERRING F'UiVDS U;ITHIN T13E GENF:�RAL F'UND: The City P9anager read the above resolution, Motion by Wolke to adopi; the above resolution. Seconded b,y Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there be9ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager read the above resolution. There was some d3scussion on the amount of the chan�e fund and whether there was adequate in- surance. P4otion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded �� by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there bring no nays� the motion carried unanimouslq. CLAIMS: Moti�n �y Wolke to apFrove General Claims 3894 through 39�1+. 5econded by Na�el, Upon a voice vote, there bein€ no nays� the motion carried unani�,ously, Motion by Nagel to approve Li��uor Clain�s 2428 through 24�,6, Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motton carried unanimously. Motion by 3heridan to approve the Public Utility Clain�s 1136 through 1157. Seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there being zio nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by 5heridan to approve the claim of James Hensley for the Board of Health in the amount of ��H0,00, Seconded ty Sheridan, Uron a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimnusly, LICEiVSES: Motion by Wolke toapprove the following licenses: GAS Jerry Baer xeating Co. 3024 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Jerome Baer Bloomington Hts. Company 2211 W. 90th Street Bloomington 20� Minnesota by: Charles �laberts McBeath Heating Com,pany 20�0 Oakwood Drive St, Paul 12� Minnesota Nielsen Gas Heat 2916 E . 38th Street Minneapolis� Min.nesota G�N�RAL ti'arren Osborne '7565 University Avenue Minneapolis 21� Minnesata HEATING Jerry Baer i3eating Co. 3024 �+th Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota by: D. W. McBeath by: �tanley Nielsen by: barren Osborne by: Jeron�e Baer Bloomington Eits. Co. 221Z W. 90th Street Bloomington 20� Minnesota by: Charles Roberts Contro] Engineering Co. 1;01 Deer Hill Drive Wayzata� Minnesota McBeath Heatin� Co. 20�0 �akwood prive N. E, St, Paul 12� Minnesota by: Lester Martin by: D. W, Mc23eath New Renewal New Henewal New New Penewal New New Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� i.he motion carried unanin,ously. ���� IiECEIFT Oi� FETITIONS: Motion by WolkE to receive the following petitions: 1. Wai.er and Sewer on kice Creek Road 2. L�ater� Sewer and Si,reet Suriacing - Jackson Street from b3rd to South Terminus 1'he City P�anager is to check these petiticns out� and if insufficient� to n�tii'y the pEtitioners. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there teing na nays� the rrotion carried unanimnusly. FLANNTNG COD�N,ISSION MINUZES: Tkiere was considerable discussion on th3s. The Mayor suggested this be put on i,he agenda for the January 1%th meeting. The attorney could then redraw several sections of th e arciinance. Motion by Sheridan to tab]e th's n,atter until the January 1�� 1961 meeting. Seconded by Na�el. Upon a voice vote, thei�e being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. COYSIPLFtA!'ION QF' LOCA7'ION OF hAD10 SZATIOV: Zhe City t�ttorney asked the Council its opinion on the location of a radio stai,ion building near the water reservoir. Mr, Iiohlan described the approxinate size of the building which may be located there. The City Mana�er exrlained snne nf he bacl.ground on the possible location of a buildin� at this site ty Station WAYL-FM. Mr, Wolke suggested that more infornai�ion be obtained on this� and zt be brought up at some later meeting. CQIdSII'L1�I15 ION OF OhDINANCh LICENSING DOGS : ' Mr. Wolke stated he was not in agreement eaith the proposed ordinance requ�ring a��3.00 fee for every year for the licensing of dogs. Mr. Paulson� the De�catcher� was present, He ex�lained that surveys had been taken in Brookl,yn Center, and Colun�bia Heights� which show the number of do�s in the City, and the number rreviously licensed� and the nurrber licensed after the ordinance ti7as put into effect. Mr, �lolke sl.ated he would be in iavor of i.he survey. The City Manager stated that in sor�e cities the cost of a dog license ircluded a rabies shot, The Ma,yor stai,erl he liked the idea of having {,he dogs vaccinated ?or rabies when they are licensed. Mr, SYieridan sLated he was inclined to aRree with Mr. W�lke� tha� the fees, as proposed, were approaching the point of beir.� t�xation� and they should r7rop down after the first year. Mr. Nee quFStioned if it wus not i7legal to dispose of dogs as in Sections 16 and 1']. Mr. Paulson s1.a�ed that Mr. Fraser, the Sttorney for Brooklyn Center� had obtained an attorney general's opinion on this before the ordinance was passed in Brooklyn Center. Motion by Wolke to table thls ot•djnance. Secoiided by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. ITJ SUHl�NCL COA,A�I7 TLE kEFORT : Mr, Robert Fearson of the Insurance Cou�mittee was present� and gave a detailed breakdown of the Insurance in force� and the insurance premiums comin� uP in i,he future. Mr, t^olke stated he would like to comnend the Ins�arance Conmittee for the Food job iYiey had done� and thanked them for it, t9r. Nagel stai,ed the City E�nployees should be cautioned on aui.onobile �lriving habits� as there had been several accidents during the past ,year involving city equipment, Motion by Wolke to give approval tio the recorrmendations of the Insurance Conmittee for renewal� and place- ment of insurance as proposed by them. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon s v�ice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, � w� Motion by Nagel to enter an objection to this proposed discontinuance of �he above trains� as it would have an adverse effect in thE State of Minnesota� and the Netropolitan area. �econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the no�ion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF ESTINATF,S: Motion by Wolke to approve the followin� estinates: Montgomery Construction Co. St, Croix Falls� Wisconsin F.stirLate �rl - SS40 C, 5. McCrossan� Inc, �+�'00 Osseo Reed Minneapolis 12� Minnesota Arcon Construction Company Mora� Minnesota Sandstrom and Hafner� Inc 2054 St. Anthony Blv@. Minneapolis 18� Minnesota Fiandall & Ber�lin 6�01 Flaza Curve Minneapolis� Minnesota f�stimate #2 - Street Imp. �r'1 (196p) Isstir,ate �{2 - Street Imp. #/2 (1G60) L+'stirrate �r2 - S & SS Imrp. �24 - B �stimate � 1 - SS & W �i�+�+ Pittsburgh Des Mdnes Steel Co. Estimate #1- Tank 1015 Tuttle St, and 7'ower Des Mc�nes � Iowa Waqne-Minnesota Co. 311+� California St.� N.E, Estimate �"4 - Ueep �'ell Minnea�olis 18� Minnesota Addition Sandstrom and Hafner 2n54 ut. An�hony Blvd. N.E. i�inneapolis 18� Minnesota I;andall Bros, 3�+00 Silver Lake Road Minneapolis lc�, Minnesota I^,stirrate �'3 - S & 5S #2�+ Alt. A & Sch. A LstiR�ate �2 - G`ater - Main if3�+-A �26,�+82.95 11�262.00 2o,i�+�.49 b,7o5,00 1�131.%5 55,i51.io 26,431.77 106,512.00 2�� , E'1o.77 Fetrowski & Ross 3613 53rd Place No. Estinate #1 - SS & W Minneapolis 22� Minnesota �/' Lil 25�05�.71 �econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanim,ously. �, Zhe city Manager reaci the letter from the Highway Departrnent which stated that the Highway ➢epzrtRent �roposed to put in a better type of signal at this crossing, which would cost about �,5�500 more than f'or the signals originally proposed. The City Mana�er then read the resolution supplemental to Agreement C-2o62� whereby the Clty a�rees to pay its share of the increasedcost of the i.raffic signals. Motion by Sheridan to adopt this resolui.ion. Seconcled by Wolke, U��on a voice vote� there being no nays, the r.otion carr�ed unanimcusly. Mr. I�ohlarr:suggested that the person requesting 1,his service make theiz requ�st through the City of Columbia Heights� and the City have an a�reement with this water customer� wtiereby theq agree to z�ay their water bills, Motion by A�olke that perrn�ssion be �ranl�Fd for this water connection subject to the City Manager� and the Ciiy Attorney� preparing a proper a�reement to protect the City, Seconded by Pda�el. Ur�on a vo�ce vote� there Yeing no nays� the moti�n carriEd unanimously. �� �� Mr. Les Knutson explained the reason for this change order� the reason bein� that a culvert had been encountered� wrich had not been anticipated and a1so� the Telefihone Corrpany's cable was not buried,in the ground as deep as tYie Zelephone Conrany h��d stated that it was� therefore requiring � change in the plans. Nlotion by Nagel to approve this chan�e or�ler, Seconded ly l�olke. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no na,ys� thP n�otion carried unaninously. PROFO�hD SEI�tiICE STA7IC'N !�T 5�00 CENTRAL AVEiWE NORTHEAST - HERRINGER: Mr. Chet IIcrrin�er w�s present� and stated he wished to xut a service station on his property on the west side of Highway �j`65� north of the C�lumbia Heights City Linits� and wished to know the Council's senti- ment on it. He explained what he had done in this area during the past, and wh<<t he had proposed to do in the future. Motian by Wolke that the C�uncil �o on record as having no ob�ections to a service station at this location� if the sl,ation is a majcr station. Seoonded by Nagel. UFnn a vni�e vote� thez•e heing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. COI?I I,AIP1`1 f1Td CC`ln'S : Mr, Paulson stated that there were son�e cows ieing kept on University at akout o3rd and University Avenue� that he felt were receivin� in- suffic9_ent care and treatn.ent� and son�eone should look into it. The Cit,y Mana�er stai�ed that he wou2d handle the matter, Mr, l�'olke stated he wou7d like to enter Nr. Na�el's nane in nomination i'or the �'lanning Comnission. Mr. Nag,el brc�ught up the question of insurance on ice rinks� and whether peo�le were covered for liahility. Thexe was no action taken. �1DJC'UhNAIT PfT : Zhere bein� no further business� Mayor Cre�g declared the mee�ing ad- journed. I+esFectful7,y subuitted: ('���v-s,�,�..,�'U Marvin C. F3runsell � Secrel,ary to the Council COUi�CIT, I+IINUTES - JANUARY 3� 1;61 � ,p � � � homas E. Greig�,�ayor A regu7ar meeting of i.he City Council wus called 1.0 order by Mayor Creig at 'J:30 F.N;.� Sanuary 3� l;ol. D9enibers Fresent: Johanson� Grei� Na�el, (arrived �t 7:45 P.M,), Sheridan anc7 Wo�ke Members �lbsent: �Ione APFHaV AL OI' P IAIU7 ES : Notion by Johanson to approve the minut,es of the December 20, 1960 meetin�. Seconded ty Sheridan. I1pon a voice vote� there being no nays, the nntion carried unaninously. S4:➢;AItI�dU IfJ Or' COUNCILMEN-E&,E�T NEi AND WOLI{E BY CITY CLERK: Mr. Na�el arrived at %:45 P.M, Mr. Willian� Nee� Councilman First Ward� and Bernard Wolke� Councilman Zhird i�ard were sworn in tv the City C1erk. CQUncilman Nee then ex- changed places on the Council with Mr, Nagel� the out�oing Councilman.