02/21/1961 - 000239951.. There being no further business� Mayor Greig declared the meeting ad�ourned, Respectfully subn�itted: ,-��� • i% � � �' ��,�, �` f���,U,'i".�]�k.k,� , �� � Ma vin . Brunsell Secretar,y to the Council COUNCIL MIUUlES �- F��BRUARY 21� 1961 �,�`j�„_ r �y ".Lr Mayor - . E . Greig The regular meeting of the City Council 4+HS called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:2� P. M. Members Present: Nlember Absent: Greig� Johanson, Wolke� Nee. Sheridan APFROVAL GF MINUTES: The City Manager stated that Page � of the A4inutes to read� under petitions� Item 1� Street Surfacing� from 58th to 5;th� instead of 50th to 5�th. should be changed 4th and 5th Street� Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes� as corrected� of the February �th� 1G61 meetin�. Seconded by I�,olke, Upon a reice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unaninously. Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Fe6ruary 14� 1561, meeting. SECOnded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion earried unanimously. F'RESFNZATION OF GAVEL 20 MR. NAGEL: The Ma,yor oresented a gavel to Mr, Vilas Nagel� former Councilman� in recognition of his service on the City Council. OLD BUSINESS: The City Manager read the above �rdinance. Motion by 4'olke to �dopt the above ordinance� and to have it published. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vc,ice vote� there being no n�ys, the motion carried unanimcusly. The City Mar.ager read the a,bove ordinance. He stated the description had been changed somewhat frcu: the first reading� but the area described w�s the sase. P4otion by Tohanson to aocept this as the secorid reac3ing of the ordinance �acating certain streets and alleys in Friciley Park, and to have it published. 5econded by Idee. UFon a voice votey there bEing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. nENI BUSII�IESS: PLJF;LIC HEARIR�G - FINAL PLAT - BOUYDEAUX' S SPRIVG EtRCOK ADDITION: The City �Ianager stated that the Cit,y Engineer had found some dis- crepancies in the rlat. Mr. Broam e��plained trat the nur=ber of lots in the plat rsc� bser_ char.�ed frem 10 to 9� since the preliminary plat had been subnitted. This was done in order to get the necessary LJ � ' 1 � � �� A 9,000 £eet ln one particular lot, and also one lot having 99 ioot depth �nstead of the 100 foot de�th as �equired. Mr. Brown stated that the Engineer for the developer had reconsldered the plat, and now states he can get the ten lots in this block, and still have the necessary front footage, or square footage in each lot. The other item which Mr. Brown brought up was the fac� tha'c the City was to receive an easement over the two 25 £oot lots connecting Ruth Street to Hugo. Mr. Bourdeaux was present to answer �ny questions which came up. 'I`he Mayor declared the hearing on the Bourdeaux spring Brook plat closed. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL FLAT OE BOURDEAUX'S SPRING BROOK ADDITIONs Motion by Wolke to accept the plat and authar�ze the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the plat ot Saurdeaux's Spring Brook Addition, sub�ect to the following conditions: 1. Ten lots minimum of 9,Op0 feet zn Block 5. 2. Dedication o1 Lots 27 and 28, ai Locs 28 and 29 L-or access to Iiugo Street, and ten Poot easement on west line of Lot 29 if Lots 27 and 28 are dedicaten. 3. Council waive requirement of 100 Eoot depth and accepL- 99.03 ioot depths in Black 5. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wolke stated that a copy o£ this motion should be sent to Mr. Bourde�ux. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - LYNDALE BUILDERS' 7TH ADDITION - FEPLAT OF BLOCKS 17 and 18, MOORE LAKE ADDITION: The Crty Manager stated that the alleys would be vacated and a utility easement substituted in their place. Mr. Ratner, crom Lyndala Builders was �resent to answer any questions concerning the plat. No ane else appeared ior or against the acceptance of the final plat. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing. Seconded by 4�?o1ke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING VACATING ALLEYS - BT,OCKS 17 '.:�iD 18, MOORE LAi:E ADDITION: 'Iihe Mayor opened the hearing on the above. There was no one present appearing for or against the proposed vacattion oi alleys in Blocks 17 and 18. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PLAT - L'KNDALE BUILDEhS - 7TH ADDITION: Motion by Wolke that the final plat of Lyndale Builders 7th Addition be accepted, and the Mayor and C1erk be authorized to sign the same, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being na nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDII3ANCE VACATING THE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 17 and 18, MOORE LAKE ADDITION: 'L'fze City Manager read the above ordinance this be accepted as the first reading of the alleys in Moore Lake Addition, Blocks 17 and Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the Motion by Johanson that ordinance vacating the 18. Seconded by Nee, motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF 1961 TMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: The City Manager explained the proposed improvement program for the year oP 1961. He stated that all petitions whach had been received, and had not been acted on previously, were included in this proposed pragram. He stated h� would like to keep the pro,7ect limited to three improvements rather than a separate one for each petation, as the amount of paper work would be cut down considerably. The three �ro,7ects would be one for Water and Sewer, one Lor Storm Sewer and one L-or Street Surfacing. The Caty Manager explained the location oL- the �roposed improvements on a map. Motion by Johanson to authorize the Engineers to proceed with thls plan, pending adoption of the resolutions authorizing the prelzminary reports. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there bea.ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 11-1961 APPOINTING JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION: The City Manager read the above resolution. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the m�tion carried unanimously. CI�IMS: Motion by Johanson to approve General Claims 4193 through 4248. Seconded by rt�Tolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo�ion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke by N�e. Upon a unanimously. to approve Liquor Claims 2643 through 2696. Seconded voice vo�e, there being no nays, the motion carried Motion by Wollce ta approve Public Utility Claims 1218 through 1239. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there bezng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to apprave the Claim oL- James Hensley in the amount of $130,00. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Johanson asked if the complalnts that the Health officer was issuing were being followed up. The Ca.ty Manager stated that they were. Mr. Ydolke asked iL- the charges could be assessed against the �eo�le. Mr. Kohlan stated, not on inspection charges. LIC�NSES• Motion by Johanson to auprov� the following llcenses: GAS- N. C. Laursen Company 1324 Marshall Street N. E. Minneapolis 13, Minnesota GENERAL• The r7enesen Company, Inc. 2836 CalEax Avenue South Minneapolzs 8, Minnesota by: by: Norman C. Laursen C. H. Denesen New New � ' � � ��� PLASTERING Advanced Dry Wall Taping, Tnc. 4238 P,eservoir Boulevard Minzieapolis 21, Minnesota GAS FITTING: byc ��rank Burak ' Automatic Gas Heating Company, Inc_ 2002 - 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by; Daniel Oslund I-tEAT ING • Automatic Gas Heatinq Company, Inc. 2002 - 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Daniel oslund �:enewal New Tvew Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there beinq no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITIONS- Motion by Wolke ta receive che £ollowing petitlons, and place them on file: 1. sanitary Sewer, Water and Street Surtac�ng - 63rd t��ay Prom East River Road to Rivervzew Terrace. 2. 63Z Way from East River Road to Riverview Terrace, R�_verview � Terrace south edge o� proposed plar to north edge of p�.�oposed plat, 3, Street Surfacing - Parkvlew oaks First Addition. 4, Street Surfacing - Fridley High School. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, tY�ere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Motion by Johanson to approve the following estimates: Layne-Minnesota Company 3147 California St. N, E. Minneapolis 18, Minnesota C. S. McCrossan, Inc. �k800 Osseo Road N. Minneapolis 12, Minnesota Estimate #6 Deep Well Addition Municipal 4Jaterworks Estimate ;'�2 SS & St. Imp. 43 , C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Estimate #3 4800 Osseo Road N. Street Improvement ;�1 Minneapolis 12, Minnesota (1960) Petrowske & Ross 3613 53rd Place Iv. Minneapolis 22, Minnesota Estimate #�2 S & W Pro�ect �41 $25,179.02 $ 6,048.93 $ 1,969.20 $ 2,370.69 �. Arcon Construction Co. Mora, Minnesota Estimate =-°3 Street Improvement #2 (1960) TOTAL $ 345.88 $35,913.72 Seconded by [�7olke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NQ. 171 - AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING AN EMERGENCY AND THE IMAIEDIATE NEED POR IrIMEDIATE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN FIRE DEPAI2TMENT AAPARI�TUS : Mr. Les Chesney, Asslstant Fire G`hieF, was present, and stated that the present motor in the pumper is not serviceable, and ii there should be a large iire, LY�is equipment would be necessary, and there- L-ore he Leels that it is an emergency, and that this motor should be purchased. Mr, Chesney stated L-hat he felt the re-buxlt motor �or $1,760.00 would be satisiactory. This would �nclude a complete motor. The Ctty Attorney drew up an emergency ordinance authorizing the immediate purchase oL- fire clepartment appai:atus. The ordinance was read. Motion by Johanson to adopt this emergency ordinance. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unan�mously. CONSIDEu?TION OF POSSIBLE BOND ISSUE FOR WATER SYSTEM: Mr. Mann from Eh].ers and Mann was present, ancl outlined the proposed �rogram ior the bond issue tor W-34 and 1960 Street Surfacing. In L-he lecter were two pol�cy cansiderations L-or the Council; one was the shortening of the assessment period from 20 to 10 years, and the other was a possibility oP assesszng people immediately adjacent to the main llne �or a lateral charge. These were the two considerations uppn whlch Nii. Mann wYShed the Council to make a decision. 'I`here was considerable dascussion on this. Mr. Jahanson stuted that he would lilce L-a have a 1itrle tirne for consideration oi something as important as th�s, betore he made a decision on it. Motron by Johanson that Ehlers and Mann get together with the City Manager and go over this natte-r �n detail. 7fhere was no secand to thxs motion. Mr. Wolke statecl that che Councll would like to meet with �hlers and Mann, at the earizest o�portuniiy, to go over this matter zn an informal way. Motlon by Johanson that a meeting be arranged w,th the Council on th±s matter, and that the =irm oi Ehlers and Mann meet with the City Manager be£orehand and go over the entire matter again. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, the motion carried unanimausly. CONSIDERATION OF RIGHT-dF-4VAY ACQUISITION ON 7TH STREET: The C?ty Manager explalned ihe dif£erent points on 7th Street, where rlg,ht-oL-way acquisition would be necessary. He alsa brought u� the question whether a 66 foot r�ght-of-way should be obtained, or a 60 �oot r�ghi-oP-way. Ac the �ntersection of 7th Street and Mississippi a littl� more than GG feet would be necessary ii the street were to match up wlth 7th StreeL- running north ot Mississippi. Motion hy Wo17te that the City adopt a 60 Eoot right-oi-way for %th Street as the min�mum stanaard. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being nc, nays, the mot�on carried unanimously. SEG'7ER LINE - MRS. COONEY: Mrs, Cooney, who lives near the intersection ot Highway #i00 and H�ghw�3y 1+65 was present, ancl stated she w.�shed to have sewer service � 1 � � ��9 to her property. 'I'he Highway wi11 take L'he property on which her cesspool is now located, and she would liice to know what Lt would cosu to have the sewer line run to her residence from its exist-�ng locations, south of her property. 'i`he Engineer was directed ta draw up some cost figures on this, and give to Mrs. Cooney. PURCHASE OF SNOW PLOW: � The City Manager read a letter £rom the Engineer, stating thai �here is a need to purchase a snow plow as the er.�stiing one was badly damaged at the present time, and had been damaged and become unuseable every time it had been used previously. Motion by v7olke to authorize the C�.ty Manager to pLU:chase a Wa.sconsin Special wlth frame for $895.00 F.O.B. Fridley, the total price being less than $1,000.00. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, -�he motion carr�ed unanimously. � � LETTER FROM ACME METAL SPINNING, INC.: Mr. Johanson stated that he cannot concur wtth letting a pr�vate rirm have a concession at the beach. He woulct like to see the money go into the Recreation Program. Motion by Johanson ro rece�ve the letter, and place it on £ile. Seconded l�y Wolke. Ui�on a vo�_ce vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unan3mously, TA.`� ASSESSMENT: Mr. W7o1ke stated that, when people's taxes are raa.sed by a considerable amount, the Assessor should re-assess their property, when it is requested oi him. Ci-IANGE ORDER #1 FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION: NIr. Les Knutson explained that this was to enable the contractor to rent conduat pipe to run the water from the cest pumping to a s�orm sewer, or Moore Lake, rather than allow Lt L-o accumulate in the swamp as had been done on the first well. Motion by a�dol]ce to apprave this change order. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, L-here being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. The City Manager stated he �elt the City was noL- obligated to pay ior this, and he would try �o c�et the contractor to pay. ADJOURNMENT : There 7aea.ng no further buslness, Mayor Greig declared the meetync� adjourned. �� � F spectfully sub tted: � T ayor T. E. re�_g Ma i C. Brun 1, Secretary to the Councll COUNCIL MINUTES - MFll2CH 7, 1961 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P,M. Meini�ers Present: Members Absent: Greig. Johanson, Wolre, Nee (a-rrived at 8e05) Sheridan