03/07/1961 - 00023987���:�� to her �roperty. I'he Highway will talce the l�roperty on which her cesspool is now located, and she would iike to know what Lt wouid cost to have the sewer line run to her residence �rom rts exisi:�_ng locatlons, south of her property. The Englneer was directed to draw up some cost figures on this, and glve to Mrs. Cooney. PUXCHASE OF SNOW PLOLJ: , The City Manager read a letter £rom the Engineer, stating that there is a need to purchase a snow plow as the e��lscing one was badlyy danlaged at the present tlme, and had been damaged «nd become unuseabZe every time it had been used previously. i�Iot�on i�y iNolke to auihorize the City Manager to purchase a Wisconsin Special with frame fo-r $895.00 F.o.B. Fridley, the total price being less than $1,000.00. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cesried unanimously. � � LETTER FROM ACME METAL SPINNING, INC.: Mr. 3ohanson stated that he cannot concur with 1�tting a privace iirm have a concession at the beach. He would lilce to see the money go lnto the Recreation Program. Motion by Johanson to receive the letter, and place it on file. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a vo�.ce vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unan�.mously. TA: ASSESSMENT: Mr. Wolke stated that, when people's ta:ies are raised by a considerable amount, the Assessor should r�-assess Lhezr �ro�erty, when it is requested oi him. CI3ANGE ORDER #1 FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION: Mr. Les Knutson explained that this was to enable the contractor to rent conduit pipe to run the water trom che test pumping to a siorm sewer, or Moore Lake, rather than allow it to accumulate in the swamp as had been done on the first well. Motion by 4do1]ce to approve th�s change order. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. The City Manager stated he Lelt the City was not obligated to p�y for this, and he would try to get the con�ractor to pay. t1DJOURNMENT • There being no further buslness, Mayor G-relg declared the meet�_ng adjourned. spectfully sub tted: M i C. Brun 1, Secretary to the Councli COULJCIL MINUTES - MAI2CH 7, 1961 �� rl F � �� �yor - T. F., reig A regular meeting of r.he City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.M. Members Present: Members I�bsent: Greig, Johanson, WolJce, Nee (a�rzved at 8:05) Sheridan ��� APP120V�',L OF MINUTES: MoL-ion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the February 21, 1961 meeting. Seconded by saoi;ce. Upon a voice vote, there be�.ng no nays, the mot�on carried unan3mously. NELV BUS:CI`7ES5 O�ENING OP BIDS FOR P4LICE CARS: Nee arrlved at 8:05 P. M. The City Manager opened the following bids on police cars: N1� K�ng-Dodge Company River Motors Town � Country Tom GVard Nlotor Sales 13I Tr7 _ Main Street Zuzoka, Diannesota $ID SECURITY Chec]c $238.23 Ban7. M.O. $260,00 C. L`heck $231.42 C. Check 5225.00 CAR #1 CAR m2 TItADE-IN TOTAL � $2607.30 $2607.30 $450.00 $4764.60 $2568.56 $2622.56 $500.0(7 $4691.12 $2464.17 $2614,17 $450.00 $4628.34 $G390.74 for both $1460.74 T� Exp. $473.20 $4456.80 Mot3on by Wolke to receive the bids, and turn them over to the Police Ch�e1 for tabulation. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mocion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ORDERING PRE.L,IMINAI2Y REPORT FOR SW +�48: The City Manager read the above resolution. Mr. Johanson had some c;uesL-ions on whether or no� the sewer would be going up Onandago, and about the sewer l.�ne going up the west side oi Highway #�65, and in the trailer park. This matter was tabled until later in the meeting, when Mr. Knutson From Comstock and Davis would be present to expla�n this. CONSIDEIL�TTON Or AGREEMENT WITH BOND CONSULTANT: The City Manager read the letter from the Fiscal Agent, outlining the terms and conditions under which they would be employed by the City. Mr. �^7olke asked about the fee schedule an the divided bond zssue. Mr. Nee, also, asked about the fee schedule as to whether or not Lt was the same as the other firms were uszng. Mr. Ehlers, was present, and explained the Pees as set forth in the letter. Mot�on by Nee to accept the proposal o= Ehlers-Mann and Associates, Inc. Seconded by Vdolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motaon carried unanimously. PGQAI2DING OF BIDS FOR PpLIC� Cr'1P.S: i"he Mayor announced that the Police ChieL- recommended that the bid oi Tam Ward Motor Sales in �noka be accepted as it was the low bid. Mr. iaollce asked if both cars were necessary at this tlme, and the Police Chiei answered that they were if the City is to put two cars on the road at the same time, and have one for replacement dur�_ng brea}cclowns. Motion by Sohanson to accept the recommendation oP the Polzce Chier, and award the bid �or the two police cars to Tom Ward Motor Sales, 131 Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota, in the total bid �I � � ��� �naunt oE $4,456.80. Seconded by Nee, Upon a volce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, OLD BUSINESS SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 172 VACATING ALLEYS - BLOCY. 17 FND 18, M0012E LARE ADDITSON: The City Manager read the above ordlnance. Motion by Johanson to � acc�pt this as the second reading of the apove ordinance, and have the ordinance published, Seconded by Nee. Upon a tiroice vote, �here being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BT3SINESS 12ESOLUTIOIV NO. 12-1961 IDENTIEYING A CERTAIN SCHEDULE OF WATER IMPROVEMENT AS A PART OF WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO, 34: The above resolution was read. Motion by Johanson to adopt this resolutlon. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice voce, there being no _nays, the mot,_on carried unanimously. RE50LUTION NO. 13-1961 DETERMINING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION ST wET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 1960-1 AND 19b0-2 P.ND T4ATER IM..°ROV�MEBiT NO. 34, AND CALLING FOR THE SALE OP TMPROVEMENT BONDS: The above resolution was read. Motion by ivee to adopt the above resolution, which set the date of March 28, 1961 as the date oi the band sale. Seconded by P7olke. Upon a voace vote, there being no nays, the znotion carrs.ed unanzmausly. � Mr, Ehlers pointed out that this would be a ten year assessm�nc schedule, and that part of the bonds would be callable at the price oE 102. Sohanson asked about assessing prop2r�y connecting on the maa.n lin�s. Nee said he would llke to set up a sPecial meetiny to go over these financial bpnd matters wath the �zscal agent. Mr, Eh],ers stated that there probably would be time ior such a d_tscussiqn while tabulating tlie bids on March 28, 1951. PERSONAL CpNTACTS WIPH BOIdD DEAL�RS: Mr. Nee stated that it might be advisable on G bond issue of th�_s size to have someone trom the City personally contact some of che bond buyers in the Chicago area. Motion by 13ee to authoraze �1 trip to C`f�lcago in connection with thas bonci issue at the Manager's discretion. Seconded by Sa]zanson. Upon a vo�ce vote, there be?ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLP.NNIP7G COMMISSION MINUTES: EVA ERICKSON RTVER MANOR PRELIMINARY PZAT: ' The City Manager explained that the Plann�.ng Commisslon had accepted The Eva Erickson preliminary plat. Motion by i,7olKe to accept the prelimxnary plat o� �va Erickson's River Manor Addition. Secanded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, che motion carried unanimously. A representative from the Paul Schwartz Construct�on Company was present, and asked ii they could build one model home on thls property, pending acceptance ot the £inal plat. There was considerabla d�s- cussion on this. Motion by Wolke that a]�u�_lding permit may be ���� issued L-or Lot l, Block 1, �va Erickson Preliminary P1at provided that i�he property sha1� not be sold, oz t�tle transferred przoz to the tlme the £inal pla� is recorded. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, �here being no n�ys, the motion carried unanimously. R�ZONING Y.EC)LTEST BY M. A. PkIBULA - LOTS 1 2 39 40, 41 ?,LdD $2 &LOCK 6 r FRID7�EY PAIZY ADDITION: The City Manager stated that the Planning Commission had recommended denlal of this rezoning request. Motion by Wolke 'to Follow the re- � cormnendation oi the Plann9.ng Commission, and deny this rezoning request. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot�.on carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 14-1961 APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR STATE HIGH- b9AY Ir694, NOif7 HIGHWAY �100: ' The City Manager expZained the preliminary plans whicY� the Highway Department had submitted tor FIighway �r100, and he stated that as Ear as he knew all the changes which the Planning Comm�ssion had recluested were in this prellminary plan. The City Manager read i.he resolution. Motian by i+lolke to adopt the resolution approving preliminary plans Eor T_ H. #694. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vaie, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 70 IN REFERENCE TO PUBLIC "P" DIST�:IC'PS : The Council decided to wait until after the Planning Commission held their hearing to take action on this matter. CL4SING 4TH STREET NOP.TH OF 61ST: Mr. iVagne� e:�plained that the Planning Commission had reaffirmed thel-r recornmendatlon to vacace the street, Mr. Wolke questioned whether these streets should be vacated. Mr. Kohlan stated that he would -recommend no �ction be taken at ihis time, but the streets would eventually have to be vacated. Motion by Wollce to postpone acc�.on on thls vacatlon io-r a period oL- six months, unless the matter is brought up beLore that trme by the property owners. S�conded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there be.�ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. C �:�AIM:� : Mation by t�9olke to approve General Claims 4249 through 428%. Secanded by Nee. U;��on a voice vate, there being no nays, the motzon carr�.ed unanimously. Mot�on 7�y �dolke to ap�ro�e Li�uor Cla�ms 2697 through 2724. Seconded by Jahanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � fdotlon by L�dol7se to agprove Public Uttlity Claims 1240 through 1249. � Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES• Maczon by Johanson ta approv� the iollowing lzcense: ��� General Robert W. Sellen Route �5, Box 63 Excelsior, Minnesota by: R. W. Sellen New Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � APPOINTMENTS: Motion by Nee to approve the City Manager's appointnent oP Antoinette Marie Bloomquist as a waitress Eor On-sale �#2 Linuor Sto-re, replacing Irma Randolph. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETTER FROM VILLAGE OF NEi9 BRIGHTpN WI'Pf? REL'ER�NCE TO ANOKA COT7NTY AIRPORT� The City Manager read the ].etter which had been recelved irom the Village of New Brighton requesting the Council attend a meeting on March 13, 1961, at New Brighton. The Mayor as]ced Mr. Nee i£ he would attend this meeting, Motion by Wolke to receive this letter and place it on £ile. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 15-1961 ON PROPOSED EXPANSTON Qr ANOKA COU�ITY F.IRPORT: The Mayor read the above resolution which states that the Council zs in agreement with the Metropolitan Airports Commission, that the air- � port should be expanded, Mation by Wolke to adopt this resolut�on. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, those vot�.ng "yes", Greig, Wolke, Nee; Nays, none; Johanson abstained. Mot�_on carrzed. BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING: Relative to the request by Russell Cook ior a variance on Lot ll, Block 10, Plymouth Addition, to build on a 4U �oot lot, the C_�Ly Manager stated that the Board of Appeals had recommended denlal. Motion by Wo1ke to follow the recommendation o� the Board oL T.ppeals, and deny thls variance request. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Request by Aans Larsen for a variance on Lot 1G, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills Additian. Mr, Larsen had requested a waiver on the side-yard requirement on the above lot. 'The Board ai Appeals had recommended approval. Motion by ,7ohanson to �ollow the recoi�nendat�on oi the Board oi Appeals, and grant this variance reques�. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voa.ce vote, there being no nays, the motzon carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT - BERNARD JULKOWSKI - 140 LIBERTY STREET NORTHEAST: � Mr. Johanson asked if Mr. Julkowski couldn't put a brick front on ih�s building. Mr. JulkoWSki was present. 'I`here was considerable d�scussion on this matter. Mr. Sulkowski then stated that he would stucco, or better, the front of the building. Motion by Johanson to approve thts building permit, providecl that the iront of the bualding be stucco�d ar bet�er. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot�on carried unanimously. ��� R�SOLUTION NO. 16-1961 DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1N ACCORDANCE WITH 'PHE LALdS OF 1957 FOR STORM SEWER PROJECT N0.40: Moi.ion by Vlolke ta adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice voie, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. I�SOLUTION NO. 17-1961 RESOLUTION DIFtECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BOPdDS 1N ACCORDANCE 3aITH LAWS OF 1957 CHAPTER 385 - STOF2M SELVER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 40; Motion hy Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a volce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously ABATEMENT Or' ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 2, SROOKVIEF7 ADDITION: The C�ty Manager read a letter concerning this abatement that Mr. Bushay had requested. Motion by Johanson to grant the abatement in the amount of $163.20. seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the Motion carried unanimously. PETITIONS' ivlot�on by Johanson ta rece�ve the following petitions: 1. 2. street Sur�acing, U�ater, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer in Lyndale Builders, 7th Addition. �+later and Sewer - Area North of 73rd Avenue and East oi Central Avenue. seconded by Nee. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. LETSER REIZUESTING UTILITY SERVICES EOR THE RE-PLAT OF LpT 2, BLOCK 2, HAY�S RIVER LOT� ADDITIOI`I: Mr. Brown explalneci the problem involved in running sewer and water to this locataon. Mr. Sy7�rant was present, and stated that Northern Pum�� would not give a letLer okaying this proposed sewer and water exL-ension, but Northarn Pixm� had told him they would not oppose rt, ii the 1_�ne were run as had been proposed, 4o serve just this area. He sa�d he had tried �o get this letter, but Northern Pump would not put anything in wr rting, bui. would be glad to talk to any of the Councilnien, who might ��ant to ca11 them. Motion by Nee to waive the 51% requ�.rement when formal petzLion is presented i:or this water and sewer pro7ect. 'lYhere was no second to this motion. Mr. Wolke stated that Northern Pump Company shauld get a copy o£ the hearing notice an this pro�ect, if it goes in. NLt. Wol.ke als❑ stated that �a��y should be put in escrow to cover the engineering on the preliminary report on this plat. The Ca�y Manager stated that these last two pet�.tions could be added to the preliminary report. Motion by Johanson i.o receive the petition for water and sewer running atong the East River Road Erom 61st Avenue and South 1484 feet, and aiso to serve Lot 2, B1ock 2, Hayes River Lots Addition w�.th $300,00 engineering �ees to be deposited with the City. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The Mayor suggested that the Mayor, or Council, should get in contact wzth Mr. Davidson of Northern Pump. Mr. Johanson stated that Northern Pump should get a copy oI the hearing. Mr. Comstock felt that it would be a goad �dea to get a search o£ the records in this case. � � � � I '� °� � - � ST SMI�TE S • Motion by Johanson to approve the follow?ng estimates: Lametti & Sons, Inc. 211 North Pascal St. Paul 4, Ma.nnesota Estlmate No. 4(Final) - S& W#26 Pittsburgh Des Moines Steel Co. 1015 Tuttle Stree� Des Moines, Iowa Estlmate No, 3- Tank & Tower $34,759.26 $11,253.06 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO, 18-1961 IMPOSING LOAD LIMTTS ON PUBLIC STREETS �ID HIGHWAYS TN THE CITY OF FP,IDLEY: The CiLy Manager read the above resolution. Motion by Nee adopt the ahove resolution. Secondecl by Johanson. Upon a vote, there being no nays, the motion carr�ed unanimously. VISITORS: to VOlCO Mr, B111 Weiss was present, and asked why the Council did not get � out more in£ormation on the Liquor Store as to the amount oi bonds owed on it, etc. Mr. Weiss was given a L-inancial statement wh�.ch included these figures. � RESOLUTION N0, 19-1961 ORDERING PRELIMINARY 1�EPORT FOR SEWEP. AND WATER NO. 48- Mr. Knutson outlaned the complete imp-rovement pro7ect p-rogram on the map. Motion by Johanson to approve the a]�ove resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motzon carried unanimously. E2ESOLUTION NO. 20-1961 ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPOF2T FOR STOP.M SEr�dER NO. 49: Motlon by Walke to adopt this resolution. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot�on carried unanimousiy. RESOLUTION NO, 21-1961 OI2DERING PItELIMINAP.Y REPORT - STREETS 1-1961: Mr. Wolke moved that this resolution be adopted wlth the exceptaon o£ Item �7, which had to do with the suriacing oi an alley. Thxs item to be stricken irom the resoiution. Seconcied by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the rnotlon carried unan�mously, RESOLUTION NO. 22-1961 12ECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAI`i7 IMPROVEMENTS - SEWER AND WATEI2 NO. 4$: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, che niotion ca�ried unaniinously , I'�1�, R�SOLUTION NO. 23-1961 REC�IVII�G TAE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING FQi2 A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN 1MPROVEMCNTS - STORM �EWER NO. 49: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolut�on. Seconded by 6^�olke. Upon a voace voce, there being no nays, the motion carrie d unan-! rnously . fLESOLUTION NO. 24-1961 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINAI:Y REPORT AND QRDERING A PUBLIC HEARING - STI2EETS - 1-1961: MoL-lon by Johanson to adopt the above resolutlon, with the exception oi Item 1#7, whlc;� was the suriacing of the alley between 2nd and ZZ streets. Motion seconded by walke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanzmously. CONSTRUCTION OF MO7]EL HOME IN $OURDEATJX'S SPRING BROOK ADDITION: MDE20ri by Lvolke �o allow the construction o� a model home in Boixrdeaux's Spr�ng B'rook Addition. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice voce, there be_ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. i'P.ONT ON BODY SHOP: The Mayor staced L-hac t.he owners oi the garage or body shop on 6�th Avenue had rec�uested that they be allowed to paint the top ha1L oL- Lhe iront oi ihis bullding, rather than brick lt, or stucco sc, 7`here was cons�.clerable dlscussion on this. Mation by Johanson to give the owners o� thls body sho� on 64th Avenue, a 12 month vaa,ver oL- the requirement L-hat they stucco or brick this, and allow them to have only palnt on it during the next 12 month period. Second�d by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot_�on carried unan�mously. RESQLUTION NO. 25-196I IN REPEAENCE TO METAOPOLITAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT: The Mayor explained that a Bill has naa been presented to the S�ate 7,egislature that is not ln the torm that the City had lndicaL-�d, in a prev?ous acLlon, would be acceptable. Motion by T�Toli;e to adopt the resolutton zndicating the Council is opposed to che Bil7, in reierence fia the Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer District as it is now wrltten. Secanded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CITY ASSESSOR: There wus a discuss_i_on on the Assessor. iJP1VD BTLLS ON DOOP.S: 7'here was � discussion on �eople being allowed to deliver handbills L-o L-he doors. ADJOURNMENT: Mot�on by Johanson to adjourn Lhe meeting. The Mayor declared the meetzng ad�ourned. Respectiully submitted: n �1 � f?J��-�"'.. a vin C. Brunsell�� Secretary to the Counctl. � �� * 1'� il 1//J� i, �N l Mayo - T. E. Grelg-� � � �