03/28/1961 - 00023971"� ei)�,: � �i Q. 7 R�SOLUTION N0. 35-7961 DSF�ECTII�G 1SSUANCZ OF Txl�il'ORARY BOIuDS F'OR PROJECT Sir7�44: Niotion b� ��dolke to adopt Lhls resolution. Seconded by 1uee. Upon a voice vote, tl�ere being no navs, the motion c�rried un�.nimously. RE50LUT101u 1�0. 36-196_l DIRE�TIIUG TH� SAZ� A1VD PURCHAS�' GF T�NII'ORARY 1MPkOV�st�lEl�7 EONDS FOF� L�1P?�U�TP]P��Ef�T rhOJ�OI SW{/1�4: Nlot�on b�,• ivee to adopt this resolut�on. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there beir;� i.o n°,ys, the mot�on c�rried urL nimously. LETT�R 1R011 ;,T. PIVTNCIJY VIL"L�GL IN ItEPhi2L;IJCP. TO USING !1 hADIO B�IuD: 1U�otion U�r 'udol�e to €�ve i��proval to the Vi11�ae of St, Ai�thon�� to use tYie rwdio band operat2ng �t 153.9gC K. C, Seconded Uv Sheridan. Upon � voice vote,there be�n€ no na}�s, i,tie motion c^rried unanimously. RLGOLUTIUIa ,d0. 2b-1961 1I� Y�F�I,LNCL+ TO P.F�.R.A, A111D O.A.S.I. COVERAG �. l�lotion U;r Si:eridar to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by l�ee. Upon vo�ce vote, there beinp sio n-ys, the motien c rried unanimouslg, iiTTEF� P1t01�i THL GRF12T 1vORTHiTt1� RJIILWI�Y COrllANY C1� RE:F'LR�NCE `I'0 6UI'P �LAI�1 D�ED- SYt �1G_ 3�5 I1V FAVO�t Ol' 'P1iE CI`IY OF F�RIDLEY 1�lotion by Wolke th t this niatter be tabled. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no n�,y-s, the motlon carx•ied unanamously. LE`1'TLR F'&Uf�i FRIDLLY J�YG�ES R�.4�UBSTSNG YEHP�lISSIOPJ F0� RNIGHTS OF' COLUriBUS COUIUCIL 43b1 TO SYOluSC A Bi1vG0 G6li�4E IPv COl�JU1VCTI01v WITI1 'I'H� JAYC�h' CI�RNIVAL: Motion by nlolke to gr�nt permission. Seconded by Paee. llpon a voice vote, there bein� no na�rs, the motion carried ur�znunousl;�. Sheridan �s1<ed about street surf�c�n� on Fillmore from Hig,hway i�100 to 53rd, Mr. Knutson stated th�t this rvas preser,t�v under contract. 1ir. Shertdan st3ted th�;t he felt th�L tne whole City should pa�r on the pard property at Logan Pr�rkt�=y. ADJ 011iiNNi'r:IVT : S��otion by Nee to �d�ourn, liayor Grei� declarecl the meei,ing ad�ourr.ed. Respect£ully Submitted: � �l7.v"�"^ ��� N�arvin C. Brun— _sell'P� Secretar;- to the Council � ( , 1 y� NIa�ror -� 'P. E;. Greig'�,✓ SY�,CI�L COU�,CIL 17Et,TIlVG 1�lIlvLTLS - NIARCH 2B, 1961. 7'he Specihl �oL.ncil meetin€ ivas called to order by Nayor Greig at F3.02 P.Nl. Members Yxesent: Greig, Johanson, Sheridan, i�lee, Wolke (arr•ived at 8:20 P.vl.) Members Absent: Paone C1,D BUSINESS LICENSFS: No action ttilcen on this. BUSLV�SS OPE,N�1 NG OF BILS b'CH SAL�� OF BOluDS � N1r. Nlann exrlained the avera�es of the bond mcrket for i,he past thirty dwirs, I'he Cii,,y NLarli��er opened i,he bids, (1) Juran and Moody, St, F'aul, the total net intex�est cost was �575,35�_50, net interest rate of 4.30G09�; (2) John Nuveen & G'o., Chicago, � � � � the total net interest cost, was $569,Q24•00, net interest rate o£ 4.2529%; �3) Earcus—Kindred & Co., Chicago, the total net Lnerest cosi, was �5�7,53�•63, net interest rate of 1�.391]_l�. Nfotion hy Johar.son to turn tbe bids over Lo the Lond Gonsultants for tabul�tion. Seconded by IJee. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, the motion carried unanamousl;�. P�OARD OF HEALTN CLn IPi; l�lotion by Nee to approve the claim fcr the Health consultant's services ln the amount of $130.GG. Secorided ba� Nee. Upcn 2 voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried un�riimously. BUILllI1VG Pi�,RPY1T.`�,: RE(�UEST BY JOF1Pl ShOLTE TO BUILD A MULTIPLL DWELLS1vG (1'P 5751 21VD STR�T: The Cit�� P�'iana�er st,�ted tYtat the Planning Commissioi��, and i,he Streets and Utilities Committee, were studying 57z .�?veriue f'rom University ir, st to Nk in Street, to determine whether this street sh�;�z1d be ooened, ar what should bE done with lt. Motion by Sher�dan to de£er the approval of this perrnit until i,he status of 5�z '�venue can be determined. Secended bz� 1Vee, Upon a voice vote, 1,here being no n�ys, the motion carried unanunously, BUIiDlAiG PERMIT RN',�UES'1' T�Y HEhNlIRll JULhGI,�rSKI, BUI�DER FOR 1�1L'LTIPI,E ll6�LLING UAIT 4T b021 NIAIN STh++;T: � P1r, Wolke axxived at 8:20 I'.M. Niotior, by Johanson to approve th� building permit for the four—plex at 6021 M�iri Street. Seconded b�r SJee, IIpon a voice vote, there bein€ r,o r�ays, the motior c�rried unanunousl;-, STATt�viENT OI' C�INVASB: � The Cit�= AttoxneJr stated th�t a copy of this stater.�ent o£ canvass should be ser.t to the Secretary of State. hlotion by 5heridan to certiif�� the £ollomaiig statement �f canvass to the City Clerk, and to file � �op,y o£ this statement oi canvasG, ar.d the results o£ the election with the Secretary of State: STAT�'�F'iVT OF' CAIVVASS SP�CI�L ELECTION P�i�rtcx 27, 1961 Declarataon of Hesults ?'hereof In �ccordance with Section 4.G8 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, the City Council declares the results of the 1961 Special Election to be as follows: A. The toi,al number of ballots cast was 1327 B, 9'hP auestion voted upon was as fcllows: " 511ALL TNE CI'PY CONTS1�llE 'i'0 OPEI�A'PS 1T5 NIUNICIPAL LI�tiUOR 3TORS; RATftt;R THN�,� 15SUE PRIV4TE LICLhShS�" C. lhe vote and number of defective and not voted ballotis is as follows� YES I�0 Not Voted or Defective Ballots Tota1 Wa^d 1, Yrecinct 1 156 l9 1/5 � Ward 1, Precsnet 2 bdard 2 �da rd 3 TOTALS 364 29 3�7 37 319 � 1,22b 100 1 1 394 424 334 =,327 ��n �L `.�*i ��o D. The r•esult of zhe electlon is declzred to be that the City of Fridley shall continue to operate its Municipai Liquor Stores. E '�he names of the �udges of election �re as £ollous; Warti 1, Frecinct 1 P4rs. 5Jalter Paelsor. I�lrs, Kenneth McLellan Mrs. Marie Nughes Mrs. Jean Ahlstrom N�rs. !�rlene Peterson T1rs. Icy Borg Ward l, Precinct 2 I�lrs. Je�nne Petrangelo P4rs. IIridget L. Fearson I�lx•s. Yat Lou�;hry 1�Irs. s.laine 1Jiem�nn Nlrs. Fern Conor Mrs. Christie Vigor 6Jard 2 Nlrs. Constance Urbick l�lrs, Gertrude Leonhsrdt h1rs. Sylvla 1'4arrs Nd�rd lirs. W, L. Piper Nir�, tielen Milcarelc l�Lrs, Doniza Matthew� C NCILMAN - G n Johanson X+"���/�C�R�yU 0 dCILMAN - Ray Sheridan + ������ � . �_ COUN L4N - liam Nee � �� ���� COUivC1LM4N - ernard +olke � Mrs, h d. P9anley Mrs. Ramona Ziegler 1ti1rs. 1�L�rgaret Knudson Mrs. 1vPrett Heule Nirs. Evelyn Stone I�irs. Yhyllis N1in�rd -� � �i i r -��L��1-=' ; -'� f Mayor -' T. E. Greig�' Secor,ded b,,r 1Vee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AL�'1TE�N1�,P�T ��F PSS�'SSNLEIVIS - LUTS 23 THROUGH 3b, BLOCK T, RlVE�VI�"W HEIGHTS: The Clty Lngineer stated th�t the house, and the g�rage were on Lots 2% and 2&, Slock T, 'Phe Mayor sug�ested that the assessments be deferred on two of these loi,s, Lnr, Kohlan staLed th�i, the lots should be marl:ed so services are not connected onto. �v,otion by Johanson to defer the certiflcatiori to the County of the one ouilding conrection sharge on Lots 35 and 36, Block T, Riverview Hei�hts, Seconded bp ltiee. Upon a voice vote, there beir.g no n.�ys, the motaon carried unanimously. � Y.ESCiUTIOh 1�0. 37-1961 �1WAY�DLVG Li1DS FOR $1,/i60,G00.G0 OF' I1�IPHOVEI�1Elu1 BONDS: Mr. Ehle:s reported Lhat the,y had checked out a11 of +he bids, -ind John lduveen Comn�n,y was the ]_ow bidder wtith a net inte:est rate of k.2528,�, The representatave frcm the John Nuveen Company was present, and stated that he felt that thi� was � good ratie in view o£ the fact that Pridley has a verv large debt. Mr. Elilex•s st�Led that the bids were competrtive, and �re �cceptable on the- basis of the presenz rr�ar•b_ei,. 1✓iotion by Joh�nson to adopt the resolutiou awardln� sale of �,l,qo�,C,OG.00 general unprovement bonds for 1961. Seconded bv Sheridan. Upor. a voice voi,e Lliere beting no na,ys, the motion c3rried unanunousl,y. COIdSID�NATIOI�i _,l� ALT�RN�?TE 3A-E: Tl�e Cit,y i�sanager stated th t thls would be the last pro�ect on which steel pipe of this size could be bid competit�zvely, N�otion bv Sheridan to �ccept �llternate �{1 on I'ro;,ect 34-�, and use the slip-on �oint cast iron pipe reducing the lump sum bid by �2�70C'.00 Lo $�166,(,Gj.00. Secosided bzl Johanson. Upon a voice vote, Pherebeing no n���s, the motion c,�rried unanimouslg. ' � � � � � � �� � LETTL+k FkOPl COI�IS'P(JCFC AiVD DAVSS, IPdC. idITH �EF�HliNCE TO SOIITY. U1�SV�hSI'lY AV��,UL TRU1vK 51WER OUTF4LL STUDY - FRIDLL+'Y, COLuiiBIP, rR,IGH'1'S�N:lIV�dESOTA cIIGRUP��Y D�Y4NTP2E1uT• i'Y•e �ity i�lanager read a leiter from tne firrn ol' Comstocic and Davis, lnc., s+atin� i.he report on this storm �ewer would cost ay�p-ro.nr,ial,el�r $6,0(i0.(,0 and P'ridlej�'s share would be µ2�000,00, f�lotion b�r Wolke to allow tl�e expe�idiLure o1 up Lo $2,OOO.C70 i'or the study of the storm sewer outPill for tLe south Ur.iversity F�v�nue trunk storm sewer. Seconded by lVee. IIpon a voice voLe� i,here beiiig no na?�s, the motlon c• rried unanunousl� , lhe CitJ N�an��er asked if thc Council would be interested in havin� the C�i,y Attorne�I draw up legislation where6�� the City could borrow moncy to build a_ City H,a11 -nd paz= for it out of Liquor Store profits. ��he Council iridicabed that the�t would be ln f,ivor of having the City ��ttorney draUr up this le�isl�tion fo: presentation to the State Legisl�ture, nDJCURiar�t�T - l�lotion c}r 4�Iolke to ad�ourn. !he ivL�por declaz•ed the rneeting aa�ourned. Hespectfull� submitted: � � i i ,� � , 3rvin � t3ru�e�� ' r- __ - ,__� Secretar;y* to the Couricil l��yor -` T, li, Grelg ;� COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 4,1961 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to ordex by Mayor Greig at 8:Q0 P.M, Members Present: Members Absent APPROVAL OF MLNUTES• Greig, ,Tohanson, Wo1ke, Nee Sheridan Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the March 21, 1961 meeting Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, L-he motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to approve the minutes of the March 28, 1961 meeting Seconded hy Nee. Upon a voice vote� there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS• RECEIVE PETITION AND RESOLUTION N0, 38-1961 ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT 6TH STREET (62ND TO 63RD) - 63RD -(6TH TO 7TH)• Motion by Johanson to receive the petition and place it on file, and co adopt the resolution ordering preliminary report of plans and specafications and estimates of - costs thereof: 6th Street (62nd to 63rd) and 63rd (6th to 7th), Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FOR 3 Motion by Wo1ke to receive the above petition and place it on file. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT REOUEST FOR THREE APARTMENTS TO BE ADDED AT 6881 HIGHWAY 4F65• E A request was made by the owner, Gilbert Pallum, to build onto the present motel at 6881 Highway �665. Motion by Johanson to grant the permit. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 39-1961 RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERiNG PiTBLIC HEARING - 6TH STREET (63RD AVEN[JE - ST. 1-1961)• The engineer explained the preliminary report, and the City Manager read the