05/16/1961 - 00023919;� LCCATIuN �F Ci1'Y HALL: Mr. Hughes stated that he had talked to the Fire IInderwriters, and they had stated that the site at 7th Street and Mississippi Street would be an ideaZ location for a Fire Station. ADJOURNME,NT: Motion b,y Johan�on to adjourn. Seconded by Wolke. The Mayor declared the meeting �ad�ourned. Respect£ully submitted: - r; � � � , �- -- .� �/I.�,�d.�tJ i l, � ' , � - ` /'�- �_� Marvin C. Brunsell, Thomas �, Greig �� Secretary ta the Council Mayor �na� -, J�, CGUNCIL MINUTES - �-� lybl A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Sheridan at 8:00 P.�Y. Members Present: Johanson, Sheridan Nee Greig arrived at 8:30 P.M. Wolke arrived at 9:00 P,M. �Members Absent: None AFYkOV�'S. OF P1INUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the May 2, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NFSn BUSIIdESS: FUBLIG HLAiiI1uG ON A FGRTION GF ST. 1-1961 - MAIN STftEE;T - MISSISSIPPI TD RICE CR�E;K.: The City Manager read the Norice of Hearing. There was no one present who wished to speak for or against this proposed improvement, Motion by Johanson to close the hearing. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being na nays� the motion carried unan�mously. PUBLIC FIEARIIdG ON REZGNING - LOTS 1-14, BLOCF� 1�, HYDE PARK: The City Manager read the Plotice of Hearing. Lynn Gallop, 5g51 - 4th Street was present� and stated that he did not wish to object, but would like to observe the progress of this rezoning. There were no other persons n�esent who wiahed to speak for or against the proposed rezoning. Acting Mayor Sheridan declared the hearing closed. PUBLIC HEARING - EAST RNEii ESTATES - FINAL FZAT: � The City Engineer, Calvin Brown� explained details of the plat. No one was present apoearing for or against acceptance of the plat. Acting hlayor Sheridan declared the hearing closed. Motion by Nee to accept this as a final plat of East River �statesa and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the samea Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOUJ'1'IGN OfiUfRING P�EI.IMTNARY kEFGRT OPd SII]FWAI,IiS: There was considerable discussion on the method of payment for the sidewalks. Councilman Johanson asked what would be involved in getting the report together. The City xngineer stated that it is a matter of manpower� in getting all the cost figures together. He stated that there is a lot of preliminary work that would have to be done to get an accurate coat figures. The Cit,y Manager stated that Nliss�ssippi is dangerous to ��S pedestrians with os� �,rith�ut t'_ne scl-iool since it has no sidewalis. Counc9_lm2n Joncnson si,at��d that the reorle are �ayir� rather Y;igh assessnei.Ls naw for ti��ater and sewer improvements ar�d did riot see ho�r thep are E r�in� to p2,y fcr tYi_i_s . Motion by Nee to table this matter• uz�i;i] staf'f'acient ir.formdtio�� is avail�ble for a Public Iiear- ing, Second2� by Jolianscn. Unon a voice vote� there besng nc na�rs � thF r� c�tion carried tAnanirr,�usly, AZiYp� (:rei� �rrived at �u:30 P,iV. - Gavel to Grei� `Ihe �it,y I.ana�er re�d the abote letter. 'Phe Citi,y Tfana�er stated 1,liat in Iten� {`"I , on the usF, of P:oore Lake � the F'a'rk Corrmittee had not reronmerdcd for or against it, Councilman Sherid�;n stated that the Jaycees r�,d dcne a Food job for the City of Fridle,y. P4r, 1Tee statied that the JayceES should ke er<conr2ged to do �;h�ngs of this type. Mayor Gre�_� sai� that Le ielt th�t tY:is sort of thin� was good for the �%3ty, i�Iotinri bY �=1�er�dan to a��nrove the ree�uest of the Ja,ycees, th�t t1zE Gi ty c`ana�Er is tr� issue a s��ecial letter to the Jaycees oui,lii�7n� the aprr�val, Secci^dec' by Tdee. Unon a voice vote� �here being no navs; the metion c�rried unaninously. i��cti.cn l;y ��herid�,i� iVee. LJron �� veice unan5_„ousay. lo ta�le these to�o rermit rEa,uests. Seccnded by voLe� the!e being nc nay4s the� mction carried lhe rF�resEntatiti-e irom b t; i, L-evelepment Gon�an,y was present� and staied t12et they �;�ould stay� 1%� feet away from the prcposed street e�serrent on so�th 1'] feet of Lot � and £ace building on Lth Street. Moti�n r�r Johanson to a�,�rove the rermit sub�ect to the street dedica- tit�n bein� rec�rded on tihe south -{� feet oi Lot 5� Ulock 2�'� Hyde Parl_, uccondcd by Sherld�n, Ur�on a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the n.ction c�,rrierl unanimously. UIi_P,�iVC FTRI� IT HL�,�tiLISZ EY JULIAN SOH:VSCIQ F'GR A FOLIR- ' ' 'I'he Cii;y Counc�l studled tk�e plans. Motion by Johanson to ax�prove the �u�lding nernit ati the aboce ac'dress. Secor.ded by Sheridan. Ur�n a vo�ce 5=otey there bei_ng no naysy the notion carried unanimousl,y. COIVSIDLLx`T101d GF F�idC� OFtIINPt10E: The City �iana�er r•ead the ,rroposed ordinance, and explained certain iea�,ures of it, Mr, cheridan asked �bout basketweave type fence 2roun�l n r�etic� and aslied tf th�s is to come under the ord�ne,nce, Nir. Sher�dan ielt tl��t this t,ype of pat�o fence sLou7d not requirE t,he ?iezghl or's si�nature in orr',er to erect. Mr. Idee stated that hE saU; rio harrn in i`enc�.n�. Zhere was discussion on v�ne�her or r.ot ti�e � Mana�er should issue t're pert,�ts� ii thE ord�nance were �assed. The City liana�er stai,ed thnt Yie �id �ot recommend that tne City i•lanager t'r, � t the Ci_ty r�anager issLZe the rern its. The Citiy F ttorney stated tl_ai, iF the City P�ana�er� or the t�uildir.g InsFector is to issue the pernit� the tyre of fence a7lowed etc.� wotAld h�ve to be spelled oui� in more dctail in the crdinance. Cour_cilman IV�ee stated that the CoL'ncil could p�,ss �� fence ordin�nce v:l7ich on]y regulated the barbed uiirey and electrical type fences. I�Ir. 1n'ollre arrived at �:�0 P.P'_. ��� Trie Clty blana�er suggESted :;hat the CourGCil dZrect the t�titcrncy t,� drao� up the type of' fence ordinance the Counc�_1 o,�ntv. Councilman Nee stated ihat the fiealth �fficer must have r,�aterial on zence re- Ful2tion, I�Ir. Gallop from the aL_diEnce. sLa1ed t,r-at he ���ould rei.i_�er hatie a bad fence as�o�rid hi s prorsrty� than to h2t e thE Crninc� 1 re�u- lai;e it c7ov�n to the sm�-i_lest detai7_. Mct�ori k�y Jo'_�ans�� to p�ss thls ordinance o�er ior iurtner study. 5eccnded l�y U,olke. U;�on a vo�ce vnte� there be?n� no na,ys� thE rrotion carrlcd unanimcusly. SECOI�IL nEl!�I1d� OF 01"II1VATVCE �;0. 17�F-19b1 APIE�`1T�TP1G �OivI1�iG OhD1�dA�v'CE � PIO. 70 'rP" ;�Ta`11=.ICZS: ^— i�r. Sheridan statec' th� t'�e had n�ac'e a survcy ,n the arc� � and had co��- tarted e�ght of' the property o4,mers ivmec'iatiel5� abuttin{* Lhe i»�ater res- ervoir si1,e. Of these ei�ht Peop7_e� fot�s ob�ected� one was �ndiiferent, and two t%��k�ht it u;2s al1-rignt. :�Ir. Shei•idan statied t��� t the cuesticn i1�d con e up sFVeral �itnes as Lo U�hetner or n�L this ;dould affect rar',io or T.V . receFtion. And if tY--� s o�e-re t1�e case � the C� z,y s'n,�uld see �1,� L corrcctive rr.Easures t��ere taken. 1?7_so� t�ine�;her Lhi s axitenna were erscted on the propFrty or not, the City should see that the preperty is feneec' . Mr, AIE_ e s�atec' �hat rnost ra: - o ��nd telev� sion station are ver,y eager to correct an,y i�teri'erence, as thesr licenae could dEpend on it. Bill S1iields askEd z��hy the c�uncll �s lettir.g the radio stat�_on move in thsre, 'Ihe City N�anager statec7 tl��t the Gouzcil has not teen asked� at th,s tin�� to ��Frn,t a radlo stai�.on on the reservoir property . Th1s ordlnance t�rrnt� d pEri, � t tii�e �euncl? , iri the future� to is�ue a sreclal perr�it i�r such G sta��on� as Uel1 as ot��er ru�llc seririce facilities. i�Ir, I{ohlan s�ated that this oz'clinance woulr� �llol,� electrie cr sin,,lar tpre biiliaings �o co �ni,o �-ubl�c pro- pFrty� anc� the C�_i�,y cc� 1d le�se the property� and therEfore� �t anpears to bE a good changs. The City Manager read the crc+inaace. Motion by idEe to acce�t th�s �s the second re�ding of �,he ord�n�rice� �nd move for �ts adoption� snd nublication. Seconded by aohanson. Ut�on a ro11 call vote� Greig� t-o1ke� Johanson, idee� vutied "yes"; She-rsdan abstained. P4ot�on carried. � FIrS7 FE±�LING OF O1�DSIVA��?CB RE.`��OIJING I�OTS I-1Li�ELOCs� l�• HYDE F�1,K: The Cit,y �ianager read the �,bove ordinance. A�otiori l�y Johanson to accept this ��s the f�sst rsading. Seco_r,ded by ,1�er�c�an, Uror� a vo�_ce votie � there being no navs � the n o��? on e�rried urianin ousl3r. '10 i_CEIL� ICE ChibA! T�ir�J.Lohlan stated that he had an ordinarce rn rcu�h iorm, D�rk Dcnlin asised i� �he City t�ttorney hacl ta7_ked to [,he City HFalth Insreeto�, and he recon;rnended tY!� t he do so. P7r. Kohlar. read the nropc,ssd ordinance. Dir. �doJ_ke ask�d ii the c�rc�inance �eauired Lwo men in the vehicle. Mr, Kohla� stated th2t it c�ccs ro�� Lut trat t12�_s ccLld be r�ut in, b'1r. Kohlan stated that the Counei_1 cannol legislate so�r�e- otie nut nf business� end any regulatioris7 if Lhe ordinance is passed� must bs re�sonable. M. Donlin stated 'c'riat h� dici no�. canc to thz Council i,o have then reg�ulated out of business� Lut ie7_t i,lz2t er_o�gh tine hGs passed since tl_is rr2Lter f�ad beet� brou�l?t u�>� sa t;hat s�me acticn sheuld ke taken. Mr. Sherid�n stated that the C�Lincil, on1;� recentl,y sa*; f�t to have the City Attorr�ey c?r�oa ux an ordir.ance re�ulating ice cre2n° trucks. P4r. �Jollce stated that 'rie wr,uld lik� to see tu,o n-�Fn on a truck. Mr, Nee statec tl�at ne tirculd llke to �tud'y � any or�dinance kefore it was acted on, lhe Cc,tincll as}�ed the City ilsr_s?er to �?lace th�s ordinance on the June 6tn agendz ior iirst rea�?in�. COl�1S1L-1��Fi,_lIQI�T OF ��1L'�K FkOFER2Y: The �lty DyanaPer expla�ned the background on the ster�s i�hich h�d `bcen taYen or. the nurcrase of park pro,r,erty u�� ta th-s ti�rc � a��d mal:e five sug�estions to ihe Council, NIr. Nee sLated t'n�t he had been it7 eon- tact with Nir. Crabtree� and tl�e trustees of Ll�e esr,ate expECt to €ive tlie property to tihe ehurch� and the chvrch zs reportedl,y i_n.i,erESted in se-!ling the prorerty to Pric�ley� bui ti�ey are not in a�-os?tlna �o do so �t tnis t,ne, as they are not �jet 1,he oin�n ers of thE rrc�r�riy. It r_ay be s�xty daj�s belore the churc}Z ��i11 get title to this nro- �erty. Mx. Johanson suggested tnut the City g,et an arnraisal oi ihe 1?Q property, ryTr. TdeE stated tl-iat in hls corversaticn ��ith Nir. Crabtree, 1Ir. Crabtrce indic�tcd th2t there is a nossibility �i G deferred P2y_ n�ei�t c�i pwrtr,i th�s property. Pfr. Lonlin �sked 3f the Cit,y wculd be alloU�ed t,o snend part of this none�,y in sone otY?er lcc�,ti�n� if all the mc�z�ey tiaere not neec�e� irnediately for the proi�erty �n quEStion. t��ir, bob F�arson asl,ed if State cr Countq funds 2re ava�l��ble to main- ta�n the n�r�j so th�;t the �:ark cou'd be restricted to Fridley resi- dents. lhe I�Ia jor siatec� th�t he c�ouxted if �he County tt�ou'd eontri- bu�e as long as Lhe,yhave a Cour.ty park so close. Dir. Z+�olke st�ted ih�t he aFrF ed with l.r , Plee that the CitST should a�ait until the church has title to the propert��� and deal with them� but the City should �et � an a���rais��1 oi� t��e �ro�erty. ihe Citq Nlana�er su�gested i,h�t the Council a�zthori� e Lhe Ci1.,y- P�iana�er to �et an accre�ited ap�raiser to �i-_�;ra;.�e trE nrcnerty �nd rer�,ort back to the Ceuncil. M�tir:n by Jchans�n to �.ut,hor9_ze the A4anagEr to have an arpraisal ma�?e of tkle nroperty. SECOnded L�y Wo7ke. Uron a voice vote� there beirzg no r.a- s� the meti�n c�rried unsnimc�uslST. �iFF02'_A71��., Za: Nioticn by Shericlan to apx�rove the appointment of Carl Gerrety as a Part-tin,e �arterc3e�� �t Store ��. Seconded bv E��olke. Unon a voice vote� there Leing no nays� Lhe zrotion carried unanirr�ously. rlotion by JeYi�nson to �rant the deferment of one speci�l assFSSment charge against Lot l� Elock 3� Spring Brook Park Ndc�ition for an in- definiie neriod of time, Seconded by U�olke. Upon a voice vote� there �ei��� rio na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. the City i��anager rea�� the above resolution. Notian by G,�olke to ado�t ;,he above resolution. �SFCCnded b,y Nee, UDOT1 a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. T1�ere w�s a question of whether permanent bonds would have to be issued li the assessment certii'ication is delayed one year. The City P.ttorney stGted that �Y�e statute states th�t these tempc�rary bonds are two-ycar bonds� but tYtat the City is both the buyer and the seller of the bonds, and the holder� of tne bonds is the only one who coulc� require that the bonas k�e paid, ancl so therefore, the City cauld forestall the redeenin� of tlzese bc�nds for another ,year. P�otion by wher�dan tc grant a deferment Sor one ,year of the special assesssent certiiicatzon on Lots 1-20� Block l, and Lots 1-7, Plock 2� Niarian Hills 2nd l�cid�tion for W-23, sub;ect tc the developer der�ositing 2% oi �_EZE t�Lal amount of the assessment involved t��ith the City to cover ar�n�nistrative costs. .ieconcled by �JeF. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays? the rot�on carried n�nariimously. PLT7'I'ION FGT. STRE,E7' llld�i SEW�R - MARII�N nILLS S�CGNLY ADDITIO�'V: � Motion by Nee to recezve the netitlon a,nd Place it on file. Second- � ed �y Sheridan. U�on a �raice vote� there being na nays, the motion c�rrlec� untinimausly. S�fota_ot� by �1_�eridatz to a�opi the above resolution, Seconded by P7ee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unar.i�nnus- ly. � � � �7�_. Motion by ;�heridan to adopt the above reselution, Seconc�Fd r;� Nee. Upon a voice vote� tnere being no naps� tine motion carried unanlmcusly. CLA I1���S : P�iotlon by i�iolke by 1Jee. U�on � unaninnusly. to ap*,���oue GenEral �l�ivs ��33 throu�h 1,601, SFCOnc3ed v�ice vote� there oeing no nays� tre rnot�.on car�°ied P�otion k:y 1,�o1ke to approve Liquor Clains 2��40 thxou�h 3018. Sc-cc�nded b,y ,�he�°idan. U�on a vc�ice vote� thex�e �oeing no ���vs; the cotion carried unarum�usly. nir. Johanson ieft the meeting. Motioi7 bv 5heridan to approve Fublic IItilit�es Claims 132� throu�'n 13�2, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� therE being no naysa the rn�tion carried unanimously. T.Si'II�IAZES : i�r. Knutso i presented tne tollo��z�_ng stai,errent �f estimatesa and stated that none oi' tYiem ���ere isnal except the one ior Comstock and Dav�s� Inc., Est�nate �'3 ior Seu.er and VJater Improvemei�t �`To. 26� wrich T��as the i'znal engineering estinate, Motio� by Tr'olke to a���rove ti�e tolla�zing esti- mates: Pittsburgh-:es Moines ^teel Co. L+stiLai,c �'�+ 1015 Tuttle Street E1e'vated titiater Des Moines� Iowa Zank and �o�,er �,� i�5%S.OQ Purbarossa & Scns, Inc, Li02 33rd �.venue ATOrth 3t . Cloud � Iulinnesota Sandstrom and Hafner� Inc 205L Sti. Anthony E�lvd. l�iinnespolis 18� �iinnesota Sandstrom and �Iafner� Inc, 205� a�., Anthony Blvd. P�innEapolis 18� i�4innesota Co�stock and Lavis� Inc. 1L�+6 Ccunty Road "J" Minneapolis 21a Minnesota Constock an�� �avis� Inc, 1�-iL�6 County Road ''J" Ninneapolis 21� Nlinneseta Cor:�stock and Davis� Inc. l�f�ib Count,y Rcad "'J" Minneapolis 21� P-linncsota � ater Imn. 3LF-D Fss tin ate �tl Lst�mate ; �+ Stor�, and `�an. Sewar I*�p, ¢2w-B t�sti�, ate /f7 �torm Rr San. Sei•��er In�p. �Vuvb�r 2�r Schedu� es P. & Alt.k Estin �te ; 3 Sev�er 8c ti�'ater Imp. ¢26 (Final.) �stimate ,!�3 tidater Irnp. �''��-D E',stln �te { 1 b�ater Imp. ; 3�-E jC,L,06.�g �; CJ j 804 . 20 z�1�102,OC ��.i33,�''7. y 1,573.b6 5,999.80 6,7�6.6� TOTAS, - - - - �{�3 � �20j.� �,'econded xy :�r�eric�an. Upon a voice vote� there Leing no na,ys, the mction carriec' unanimnusly. LICLIJSES : Motien by 4Jo1ke to approve the follau�i�g 3icenses: ��� ELLCII�IC. L I3offmann r 7 cci�ric ��ompany 239 buest ']tY: utreet �St. Paul 2� i�!i�nnesota Indusi,rial Electric �ompany 600 ,�outh IJinth ` treet Minneapolis �-i 5 I�iintiesota ZeP,oy Signs � Inc . 330]. i'lorth 2nd Street Nlinneapolls� N�innesotia �Tae�ele Ou�door Advert, Co. 333� Uniti ersitiy Avenue S. E. Minneapolis, i:innesota hoy�l Flectri_c Company� Ir,c, 81F25 v,�estu�ond noad North 1�4inneapolis 12� P�finnesota 0. b. 'I orrpson E�lectr�c Co. 56�� CLicaFO ELVentiie �outh P�.znneapol�sa T�1n�eso�a Valley 1,lectric Companp 629� tivinnetka Avenue P�ortki 1�inne2polisj T1�nnesota EXCAU �i 1 IN� b�rr. J, �orah Ixcaz°�ting Co. �711 G�lfax 6ivenue Pdorth Minneapvli5 12, t�ii�.nesota Chet N, Herr,Tiaer Construct. �+121 Stinson E1vd. ColtiLmbi� Hei�hts� i�:�nn. A. L. Lindahl 5b12 Vermont titreet lVir�neapolis 16� Nlinnesota John !l. 1�elson E,xc2vatin� Co. 050 - 3�'th 1�venu� N. L. P�linnea�olis, Minnesota Gk:� �EHi] � CES Wr,. Carlson Plwnbing 8- IIt�. 2�F�0 - lOth ��venue .�outh ?�4inneapolisy i innesoi,a Lthier-StolPe-Paar Inc. �11 G�'. �th 3Lreet St. Paul 2, A19nr�esota I+ft�nards Plumbin�r & Fit�. Co. �31£ Tay7_or St . � IV, i . Nli.�neanolis 2l� I�Iin�esota Sasscox Ire. �j5 - tSth �venue �d, u,', 1Vew brigh ton 32 � N1inn . Subtiir�ara Heating 8 �l�Fet I�ietal 23�0 H2rcisng St. iV. E, hlinneanolis 1£', Alznnesota by: Edward Hoffmann by: aherman k. Ln,�allan by: Dave Orton by: hobert E. Streitz by: Donald Underwood py 0. b, 'I'_not� pscn by: P�Iarty Paquette by: �nn . J. Corah b5�: Chet Herringer by: f1, �. Lindahl by: John A. Nelson by: Wn. Carlson Renewal Etenewal kEnewal � i Enewal Renewal kenEwal I2enewal P�enewal � Reneu�al Renewal ��encwal Henewal by: L,. B. Stolpe, Pres. kenewal by: i��ils Ny�ards u,y: E. Jensen by: Albert H. Branger 1.enewal benewal P�enewal � GLiVLF�AL CON'IR�CTORS Be],rnont Finterpri_ses� Inc. �'uite ;-309 u�0 �Vorth Lilac Urive Niinnr-opclis 22� �_innesota Clenirori� Inc, 25�0 - 22nd Avenue N. E. P7�_nneapolis � l�innesota � Conrl���lty Euilc�ing Products 3024 Hennepin �.j�enue Mianeanolis, Niinnssota tlorton Connett 375% ���est broac�way P�.ir,nezpclis 2?_� Ptinnesoi.a � Ln�esethFr Construction Co. 231% CenLr�l Avenue N. E. P��inneanolis7 P�innesota Philip D. hirsch Const. Co. li002 In�lewood d'iver.ue �7inne�poli� l�, i�linnesota Caarle-s �. Jo'tianson, Inc. 1000 - 64th Aver�tze N, E. Minneapo] is ?_1 a Mii.nesota * �ienry 0. S�IiLkelsor� 2U tidest 59th �treet Mianeapolis ly� N?innesata >, Harold L. Jul�en 1975 �ronson I7rive Minneapolis 21� P4inneseta Ch�ster Diaci2szek 53�+7 - �+tn si,. T�. E. P�iinneapolis 21� i�l�nnesota i•'�11I City Eu�lders 517 ilidland tsank i3a11ding Dfinneapolis� P4innesota Modern s€ra; e E=ailders '792� Z�ico7let Avenue So. P�Iinneapolis 2�� PTi�inesota 5heldon �, P�S�rtenson 123li Sfig'�way T1�0 Iv". �,. Minnea}�olis 21� i�finnesc?ta Paul J. Schtvartz Const. Co. �+020 b�ir,netorka Blvd. Suiie 100 PFinnearolis� 1�?inncsota bussel LunLer Gompary � 1F �G CoZr,e A�renue �i. F'aul � � N�innesota Staenson Bu�lders 113 °�i1ot St� eet iQ, �. l�iinnea��olis 21� Ninnesota S, L, leuplin Constr. Co. 1251 C��rdena E�venue NIii�neapolis 21� Minnesota U,y: G lllian_ o. Pearson rle�a by: G'lem Johnso_� b,y: TJrb�n Sn � t� ; ,Sec by: Iiort�n Connett by: I�, k�n�esether by: �'hllz� Hirscl2 k�y: CharlES Johanson b,y: iie��rT� 0. I�1,kelsc�n bv: H� �°olQ L , .Tulien Izenewal He �ew�1 I.ereTaal h enea� a:L i�P C7_evlc�il 't{CY1P'W2.�. f�eneU�al itellfUr2i by: C, Dlaciaszek f-;encv��,1 by: FElden �, lurnblatt ��eneu�al by: J. ��, t�owlznd by: �lieldon 7KOrtensori hy: ?'aul J � SchU��rtz by: StanlEy barenb�um by: ha�� Sti�s�nson k�y: S , �� . Tcm�lin �:ene�aal �ie-�ewa]_ Re�!eva21 1,enE���l t�enel�al hene+n�w1 � 174 i�icha:d Vossen 3�36 ��Jirne tka ��venuE 1Jorth MirLneapolis 2'79 i��i�nesota H . L. ln�i17 zana �502 fs, River koad ATinneapolis 21j Pdinntsota N�,A� �iVG Economy Heatln� Corpanj� 2�30 - loth kvenue �outh l'�fint2caFolis %� li�nnesota t�.hier-Sto].pF-i�ary Inc. 511 'est ;th Street St, Pau7. 2y P4innesota N1i11 CiLy I'.eat9_n� ?� Air �ond. 13005 County r�c�d 140. 6 N1ir.neapolis 2%j T�innesota iQils ATygaards 737E3 3aylor si,. �I. L. i��ri�eel�o�is 21� D"inn, St. T'.ar�_e �sheet P_eteil Ce. '7���0 �;prin� Lake I�oad Pd�nne���olis 21a f��i_meso�a Sasscc Inc:. ��']5 - �th 1�verue N, ltii, .Veki k�ri�htony Pfl�nnesota Suburbari Heating & Sheet bletal 23rj�7 Harding St. Id. E. I�4inneaF�olis 1£' � MSi nesol�a P��kS CNRY Fcobert �on ,rton 9337 - 2zr� 1LVenue South Minileapol� s ��i N'innesota Mooney C nsi�rurtzon Co. 5�LF2 Lowry 1'errace idorth iTinnc�nolis 20� N;lnnesota by: xichard V ossen by: A. L. 'rJilliums by: Leo L�oyle t,y: r�. B. Stolpe hy: G'i]_li�m rtetenson b}� : Ni1s �3,y�aards by: Leo d. St. l�iarie by: E. Jensen by: xlk�ert fi. Branger by: ltiobert ��rrpton by: Jehn �. Nooney Ld�,�ard A. biu�sen Ccncrete C. Co. 150L� Aaui'la Pvenue North Diiri�eapclis� P'Snnesol.a by: Edutard A. 1�4vnson H. �. Ostrom ��5'] � aryl�n� Ave. 1Vorth 1`!lnnea�ol�s 2�� A4lnnesota �,� al Ler iI, Fztt 107�0 �ieg'ler Drlve Osse�, � �,�nesota F�,�`�SZ�1tiING r�obert F'. Donnelly Lr1�2 Sizellir.� p.venue A�!inneapolis ��� Dlinnesota by: k. E,. Ostrom b,y: U��alter H. Pitt by: T�obert I="'. Donnelly F�enetval I�enewal � Renewal Ftenewal F�eretaal Fcenswal I�eneV a1 lzenewal ' ��enev�al Renek�al Renewal Iteriek�al. P�eneu�al F�enewal � Renesaal � � � Hak���insor� Brotl�ers Kll� P4irror La�:es Lrive M�r neapolis 2� � Piinr,esota Iteno��� Go�i.ractirg Gorr�,any 0313 - 5�th Avenue .dorth Iuii�neapolis� D'�irnesota Clarence L. Lane zt424 - WESt �Oth ti�reet Minneapolis� �Iinnesota George Ui. Lovgren �125 Ewing 1'.venue IJorth P�il�zneapolis 22, Minnesota F'red ij, Piair 2121 North 'r'cz�ry "treet Pnoka, I�iinnesota 0. �l' , Otterki� 1 Co. 1%33 North r�lbert St. St. �=au1 13� i�Air?nesota P_i_astering Service Co.� Inc, 4607 Lyndale Avenue Td�rth Nt�nneapclis� Nz nesota EGr1 Tcoley nl�sterzng Co, l; 0 b+�ocdcrest Lriee A1�nnea,r�c19_s 21� A4innesota iribs Dr?���11 a Inc . 2�+13 - 3�st d�enue Snut'_n Niinneapclis� i�linnesota F LUT�BI1dG Lester G, Borgen 53�6 Sti. Stephens St. 1vTew Ilri��l�ton� N?in��esota Bruce P1um�zng Lor�pa�y Li %�+'7 '1'�ain Lake Rvenue NIinneapolls 22� A�iinnesota l^�r . Carlso� plkag. & Htg. Co. 2zrJG - 10th l�verue South I�Ti�neapo]_�_s �� Mirinesota L�'allace H. Johnson cLFE Lou,ry Avenue N. E. P4inneapolis 18, NSinnESOta Idew E'rig_��lon Pl�� .& I3tg. Co. �2'] - lOth St. N, ti4, New E�righton� Minnesota NlI_s T�Tygards %310 T,���lor Stxeet N. E. N:�_?u�eapo�is 21� l�iinnesota P�ichiie]_d i ;'uiub1n€ Co, �05 Tuest 77; Street P�finneapo7 is 23 � P�iinnesota Rtivard nlumbin� & FItg. Co, 3'780 Augsr nvenue ti�llite BEar Lake 10� �?inn. P�Elvin P�. Saear Fcox 102k� Ronte � 1 C'_:aska, Plinnesota by: F.. ti , HaU�klnson by: Lconard �Ce�ow by: i;��rence Lane by: George Leti�x•en by: Fred !I. D4eir by: C, T'. Otterkill by: Bover Palner �iy: Lar1 iooley by: 2, �orquez by: Lester �, Lorgen by: D�ibert Bruce by: 'JJilliam Carlscn by: T� . II. Jchnsoa by: Jares L. Iarnac by: 1�Lls AVv� arc's by: Rebert Ac�eimann by; i�i, 1 , i�ivard by: N-elvi� Sag�tr R�newal kenewal 1ti�21eTnr31 icenewai I.enew�l tienewal ke?iew�1 henew�I Renewal Reneo�al keneu7al I�e rlewal RenEwal hencwa� F�enewal r,cne���al i-ce!1eu�a1 l�enewal ��� ��� SIC-N : ,.LCTIOld Go1d 1��iEdal Bezrerage Com�any 553 North lairv�ew `�t, Faulr tsinnFSOta �lamann �ign C�n nany 553 - 40th �venue N. T . M�nnezpol?s� Piinnssota i11[!''f1S�'cj7 j�il5�%Z2�r7 1.1C. j21 t�ay�r���d AZ-enue ot. I'stil, 1i��,tieso�.a �Caufman Ot,itdncr xdt�. Co. 315 'tdnrth �,shington ��venue Mi�neapolis 1, Mi��nesota Scen�c �i�n Conrany 2_Ol Nor#,in 1ro2dti��y S�uk I;apids, A�lnnesota ' Ckl�li G1enn P, ti�'on� (Partner; 7�L0 Central Ave. iV.E,. M�ls, 21 CIG�-tL'i'IE R�rert Crahaar 5330 - z tn s t. Nr i�ipl s . 21 Ecena �Schutlr LOl Mississirpi �t. PdE I�S�ls. �l Marvin ii. brou�n 2630 Lee !�ve, Tdo. 1�.� 15 . ��icr�ard I�It�eller b�+']o Last 1�i`=er Rc,ad Nil ls . 21 hic_���rd Hauze � 080 i-iath�n ay 1�ane �r,�,2s. �z i�ylo b . Parl.s 13�11 1� sslssi�pi � t. 1V� Mr"ls. 21 P,o�1�Ta �' . N�anthey j`'IO - jth St, iVT Mpls W 2� LF�r.ard Gertzen 6��5 L;�st Hi� er ��aar' ivir"I s , 21 Dr�Y CL� ��v �[1VG G & K Cor�oratzcn 65�Zi Uni� ersity Ave. NE i��ipl s . 2� CN SAL�& 4ulllie�m C, 4uong ']450 Central Ave. 1VE vltls. 2l b,y: �rthur T. P4argot by: Rcy G. Hamariil by: JamE s i:artzell bys C;oo. Kaufman by: L. L, Galarneault dba: Firpsic�e Rice �0�=�1 Cafe 74LF0 Central Ave. 1VE P�ir1s. 21 dba: Grahasr's Hoyal Service 5333 University Ave. NE MPls. 21 dba: i�eb's Grocery >669 University Ave. NE hiFls. 21 dba: Ht��y 67 Kwik Shop ��31� I3or,y 65 n^nls. 21 dba: I'��ck's Golden iVugget �?'�6 Last River Ftoad 1�1r-� s . 21 dba: Gick's �eY�co �3�i F�t,=y. 65 r1�is . 2i Renewal P�ei�ewal iiET1EWr'�..1 � PdeUa Renewal f�enewal Renewal Renewal New ' r�enewa3 Ilene�:a3 dba: ^ark's Corner �airy Store Renewal 6501 Central Ave. 1 �' 1�'Ip1 s . �1 dba: D�n's 2exaco kenewal �,0%1 Unitrersity Ave, lVE Mpls, 21 dba: Gertzen Service Reneti�al �4�5 East I.,�,Er Road N'�ls. 21 dba: Same d'oa: i lreside lYice Bowl Cafe '7��+0 Central �ve. NE� fs enel,}al 2�ene�tal 1 � ' GrF�' SALE N,ylo 6�; , Farks 7_31{1 liississinpi �it. P� P�inl s . 21 Leonard L. Certzen ��1i�j li€st hi��er Road Mpls. 21 P urvzn ii, Brokm 253`) LEe ave. No, N`pls . I��e7ia 5ehuur 401 1�� ssissinni �i, NE i��pl s , 21 � SL+�,VI�E STAZIOIV liokert Grahan 533� - L�tr st. �; r�in 1 s . 21 Otto A, t�aupn ��38 i'airview Dr. Alpls . Leonard Gertzen 648� East �t;ver i,oad Mp1s. 21 xobert Carlson 13Q0 Onondaga St. NE P4p7_s . 21 Lonald $. I�Zanthey 5�10 - 5th �t, r� P:pls . 21 t�iCil^crd liSU�� 10�0 ��atha��ay Lane i�ipla , 21 Jo2i U, . LaFleur 56�+1 - 6th SL . NE P4p1s . 21 Henry J. Karg 425?_ - 3rd St. ��!pls. 21 �77 dba : Park' s �rrner D� iry ct�_re ftcneti,,��l_ 0501 Central ave. Nr� NInls, 27_ dt�a: � ertzen �ercice � e��ewal 6��85 �.;eni,ral 11va. NL Np'ls, 21 dba Hw}� 6j itU„�- �t op 5319 �Iwy o5 ,Ipls , 21 dr�a: i,eb's �rocery Store 5ob5� Uniti�ersity e.ve. Tu� I�p1_s , 2I dta: Grat-iam's Ro,yal Scrvice 5333 Lr_�versity Ave. NL� Pipls. 21 dba: Utito"s ,SLandard H�niy, o� & OsbornE it�ad Mpls, 2]_ dba: Gertzen Service 6�+8� East R,ver hoad xKpls. 21 dba: CFntral Hdyae. & F'EEd Store %381 Ce�tiral P�ve. NE Mpls. 21 dba: Don's 'iexaco 60%1 Univers�ty Ave, i'Tt� i2p1s , 21 dba: Dick's 'lexaco 63 0l �iU�,y . 6 5 Idpls , 21 dba: �norty'S �-� ,�t2tion 56�`7 Universltiy kve. �V� Mpls. 21 heneU,al �.exiec°a1 l.enct��a1 henewal r ene=��al nenewal Reneti,al henewal l,ene�aal dba: li�rg's Conoca Siation 1Vew NE 638g Uriiversity ritie. NE ripls. 21 Sec�nded by Sheridan. Unon a voice trctea there beir,� no rtaysj the sot;on carried unanirnously, 2ne City Clerk breught up the matter oi' U.�hctL�r or not used car lcts shoulc� '�,e required to have sanitation Y�c�lzties on their ��repertj� as � is s�atcc� in the ordin2nce beto�e the�_r �icense is issued, 'Ihe �eunc�l st�ted tY��t i,he ?icense could 1e issued Co� thls ,year� zs l�ng �s it 1��d been preziious7_Y a�rroved b,y the Council? but the matter looksct inio bei o-� e they F�ere i sued a�a�_n next �rear . COi�l�Ii,�P�?�lION OF CD�'1T,ILUTIO!V '10 IiOSM'IAL: D4r. Bob Fearson rerresentinQ the North �9u�urban HosZit_al District was present. He stated that tl�e City h�d ori�lncl]tr donated �'j0�,00 to the Fiospit2l District for prelin�inary expensesa anci the 1=ost�ital u,si.rict would n_et like Each Cit�� t� contribute "h5^O,nO to I,he Hospital ;nstr•ict� to get the fund raising �rive goin�. 11iE Cc�uncil c���id make the stipu- ��� l�tion �hat thcy vrould mal-p the ccntri�ute tc the Idorth Suburban Hos- pital r!s�rict for its vse eontingent on thF fact that all � memoer coi�_munities of the Hosr�ta3 �istrict contribute a li��e sum. D�otio� sFCOiic�ed 1��n I�lee. Ur_on � vo;ce vote� there being no navs� the motion carrzec7 unanimously. CO1dSiLFFt�2T('N_ OF LT_T1iR l�'��CNt TR�� S;ki� I�I�UC�P� CC'11rTROL CD1,MI5SIOM?,R: 1'he Cit�, l�anaccr rearl tre let,ter� in u�hich the Liouor Coritrol Comn7i- ssioncr stated th� f,'it,y cou_ld license bottle clubs1 or clubs which permiLted thE spik,n� of clrink_s� if they so chose at a fee not ex- � c:eedint 5;3^�.00 zn�iva7l,y, P�ir. 'vJcl_ke stated that re urruld like �o 1�acle tl;�s f'o?'� the t�ie beizz�. Piotior, tiy 6volke to receive the letter� and Lc tal�lr �r,ls mai,tcr ier the i�ine being. Secrt�ded Ly dk�eridan. U7,on �� vozce z;ote� the�e bein� no nays� tkie motion carried un�nimous- 1y, R�V:CSF�I� bI� LL�'iTSNC� FhOC�LCJ�tZ�' i01t SL�'-�-18: i�Ir. LFS I��utsen eypla�ned t'�e proposed revlsed bid letting Sor STrv-Zii�,. hr st�Le�] tha1. it hati been divzded into three schedules u�st� Schedules � and C l�aving a c�mpletz�ri date oP Cciober 157 1�`u1� anrl Sc?zEClule Ay �(ort,h cf �:lce Gree�. havin� a com�letior_ date of �0% by October l�y 1�j6i; aiid the balance oi that schedule by July 15, 1962. i�,�L���iT!dG COi A:TSSiON 1.11�UTFS - N�Y G�, 1a61: Nlntior_ ey �.o�ke to receive t1�e Plar�nin� Con�miss�on Niinu�es of tho Nlay gy 7go1� mee�in�. Seronded Y,y a�Zeridan. Upon a v�ice vote� th�re beinc no �zays� 1.1�� mot!on carricd un�nimously. PL1�1d��I�iG C(?1S 15SION 1_T1�I[JT�S � 1�f�SY 11� l�'�,1: 11�'14 6\�Nl� LUlil G� j, `t 1]tCU��FSVIL4U liliL111U1V: The Fla�n�_n� Coirniission h��� recommended that this rezoni_r_g be det.ied, � il�•e C, ty V�anagF i exf-lalnEC? i,hat the purpose of the reque st was so tl�a � a tuilder could tul7_d a houss �n t,ot 1� Va11.ey V iew 2✓Is�ior Addi- tior} � ln t��h- ch tk•� separ�te iam� lies wo�til d be ]_lving . In a nnearance it ��ould loo�_ like a one-fan�i'ly res�dence� but the lntentlon ��r�,s to have two iarnilies living in it. P�r. 1�,olke quest�oned [�hether or net a i��use cciild be ccnsideied a two-fan.�ly house nerely because it h�_d tUro 1�itchens �n it. 1Ic dld not feel th�t zt cottl_d. DZr. I,eonard L�ndstonc� t��ho �����.s rerrESe�ltii�� thF develorer� i��as ���°esent� anc� stated the inLenci���� clefinitel_,y is to have separai�e �arl] ies in the property. Ccuncilnun +�t7erid�n sta�cd t,hat �t poss3ble cculd be rezoned with certain restricticns oi� it� ,so thst only certain t���e 1�ovses could gc ii2 l,hcre, cr dcul,�le bungalows. Mr. �rotan sL�ted that this had been brought un at t1�E Pl�nnin�r Connission mFeting� �nd tne �eop�e werE o�posed to evez� �h3s typ� ei' re�oning, Zhey were opp�sed to any- tr-�g�g but H-1 �ania�. Noiion �y holke to deny �he rezonin� request. Secor�ded bp 1�iee. UFoa a vcice vote� ehere being no natjs� the motzor� csrrled unai:imous]_y. U' Il'CLii`� tiU1��DI-1Cr GODL�' : lhe Planning Cenmissien h d reconmended arproval of the l�bl Uniform Euild�n� Cnc�e sub�ect tio certa9_n amencznents. S�9r, �'heridan stated that he would .like io kno�„� nore abcut whGt these modificat3ons were ' beCor� he �ci,ed oz�i it. Zhe- City Manager stated that tliese modifi- ccLicns r�L�1d be put ln tl�e ordinancey and the Crunei_l ti�culd have a chance to 1o�k at them bef'ore the?r wovld have to make a fir.al deczs�_�n on this rr�tter. Nlotion Y��% 5heric�nn to have the City �lttorney �re�are ord�n�nce ic�r the adopticr of the 1�61 Buildi_ng Code t,rith amen�3r��ents f'or the Cr_,i;s�cil's consideration, y�ecci c�ed ry Nee, upon a v�ice v�te, ihere being na n�,ysy'�t�ie motion carried un�nimeusly. - ��., BrCCk �79-- .�fotion Gp 1Jo11,e to �cce�t �Yse recor�tenc�€t,ions oi' ti�e YIa_,ning �%oi.mizssion and a7_le�, this 1oi, split, Seco��ded by ��lEe. Uo��i a voice vote5 i,l7ere qeiap �o nat�s� zi�e n�otio� carried urianii��L�s1y. IaGI�IATTOiTS IPi L�U Of� Ll�i'dD i 0Ii I'i,RT< '�Jf+� O�l� �5 SIV _1L1� �iU�LI"dI�IGrdS - I�IG1ilS t,��Il70yd T�VY'0 iHIiT;�, bT�llI� II�G SI`IiS � Oh SI�dGL��' Fn�Ll' �7���1,1,IIdG3: The L"ity Manz€er oxplained the recoinr!endatic�le �21�d� '�y the F1a�zni��?g Comsnission. Metion by Ulolke to approve t1-e rec�.ic°e��daticz� oi tYie Planning �o�,�niss,�z� �, iollov.s: � (1) Ido char�e te made for repl�Ls �n �i•e��s pl2tted or r�corded sirLCe Suly 26� 195�a or loc sn�_;ts, (2) 'lhat i'or purposes oi' substii,uting �nrnen 1or l�ncl� th�t l�nd �aluatioxi be set at $"1�000.0� pEr acrez and tha� develope'r pay 5jo of thls ve7_ve for e��ch acre su'adi_vided� or �15.00 X�er 1ot uhichever i� 7_ess. (3) T'��t prssen� r�qni�er�ents �rply�nF to donut;ior. of 1a��d be le= t unc'_2anged_ , �ecolded by iVee. Up�n a voice vote� Lliere bei�i� no navs� Lhe rnoLiori carriec t;n�r_ir�iously. `l'1�e �ity 1-ianager st�ttd that a petitlon r�d 1:eFn receive�� ln w��ich �.1_e pEO��1e �iving on 532 Avenue r�ad decide� tY���t tltiey �lo ti�t T��isl� to 12ave 53z l�ve_2ue chan� ed to �tiy2��ood Laxie� 2lthout�h tlzc-y hrd slgLZed � retition �or t?�is c71zz2gs a cou�ls oi weel s a{c. Motzcn by- ,,,o'l,e to ree�i�-e t1�is n�ti_tic�r2� and cleny ti�e reqti2ES� t12st thE sLreet na�e 1�e cl�ar�� ed again, Secc<�ded by Nee, U��cn �-volee uote� t�leze bEin� ��o r,ays y t,'ae �� ot, on carri�c� una �i�ously. lhe I�1a,ror Lrought uo tho �uesticn of al7 o�ving tl_e rLr�] o5-Ees to �e ofi' cn i�ay 29a or �uly 3� l�(�1. Nlotion by T,,o1]�e t� �lloti� the Gity f;anager � to 1^�ve a part oS the eno7_oyces be oli on the 2;th of I�ia�, azld ��art oi then� off on Jul,y 3� 1901, 7ece��ded bq �deE. U�on a vo�ce vo�:e� there being no Zlavs� the nioLici� carried unanimcusly. 1tiE; U� Ul 1�0�� S`iOY�i�4 SEZ�1,R - N!OOr�� LIiI�TJ iIII,La �1��A: 1Kr. Utter was »resent� and nresented a�etltirn from peo��le in the area se,- uesting storm sek+er to serve ��u�oor�y La�?e (Ce��ra1 io !I�l`lcres� i. uheric�a� si,ated thzc i.he C�nsulting Log,neF� s ere s�udy��ig, t'�e oi*eral� storr�� setiaer '�rohlern ;_n F'ridley. Les Knutso�� stated ��li� � i,'�is �ari; cf t'�e storm se�Jer stud�r had been completed. Plct��n Y�y �'herluan Lo �ec- e�ve ti�� }�etltion, Seccnded ry 4�lelke. Uron a voice vote; there bein� �o �ays� the r�otior. ca-°ried un�nirnously. -r i � ii -r; r �_�-� �r I �s1I1'l� �] ;�'Olt S1Iti1� �� 1 LIGrT2 - 1H S21 NP�Z ��� I � C� C1��LLk : ��T� , Slicridan sLated th�t he '��d received 2 netition for s�reet liF�hLs at oth Street and l;ice Creek_ Terrace. 1�Totion b,� ��ol�ce to recF�ee the petition and place lt o�i i'�_'�e. Seconded 1_*� iaee. U�^n a vcice roLe� thFre being nc riays� the mot�_on carrie� anarin�ously, kL�J �'Ul� i11�'��IT ; There being �lo iurthfr L'usincss� b2a,yor Grei�� dFCl��ed �he rr.eeting � ac� tourner . HesrECZfu71y sub?�itted: t i�farvin , runse _� uecretar5> to tne Council _ � r � '� -t 'V ` , ` � - �OT"-3�. ��I'E1�,+ Playor u