06/06/1961 - 00023910i '
C�UPJCIL 1�i71QU'�ES - JUNE b� 1qF�1
l� regular ucetin� �i the City Ccuncil t-ras ca7led i� or�er by l�cting
f��yer ��Tolke at 3:00 V.i',
?��em�aers Fresent
f��embers Aosent:
AFTIcGV �_L OF` i�yI�FUT�S :
Jahunson� titi`oll�e� Nee
Grea�, Sner�c�an
I��c�tior� by N,,e to �pprove ti2ti �inu�os oi the May ��� 1�61 meeting.
Scconc3ed Ly Joh2�ison. Upon a voicE vote� there being nn nays� the
�PO'�liJYi CFy�Y'lyd U17ari]h'OLiSijT,
CLT) I,l;3II1F�'�SS:
StI;CC�t��I fiL�LdG OF Oi,rrP��.UC�I ?,�ZONI'�TG LOIS 1_l�, ELOCK iz, HY��,_' PARii:
tiio;,ion b�r ��iee l,o ta �le tl�is n°a ttEr uatil the next regvl�r meetin�.
uecond�d by JoYlanson, J�nn 2 voice votey there being no nays� the
n ot, on e�;rr iEd unanitr��usly,
1�`u LU�I�ILS� a
CO:TSILEI,h'11�1�1 CF' EIDS (�PLbT�D .NDTE �, 1R61 FOR S1v�Y98:
N1r, Lrs 1{nutson vas presenry and statecl that T9r. CoLnst,ock would be
presFnt latcr on �n the meetin� an!� t.iould prefer that this n:atter
be tahled ui�til then. 7he Council deferred action on thls rnatter
uni,1 laier in i,'_ne mFetln�.
G?,�S GCl�_� �N`T F� ES�,V`l'1�I IO�V 0�' T�iPS :
Nir, Huri��hreys �ind 1�Ir, buel7sla�cr irom �,he A2lnneapol�s Gzs Company
�aere r�reseat zno presen�ecl the Cotitncilv,ith a c�etailed m�p s�iou��n�
L1_�e zo�l��, � an:l tihe use r ade of i�he di[�'erent areas in I'ridley� as
wel'1 as �re��s aaa�i�ble for lndustrlal ex_r,casicr.� �he publie faczlity
aress, �nd o�?�er �_nformaL�_on, i�fr. ?I�»apIlreys st�Ced tnet this man e�ith
overlay U�as produced Ly the 1�9nnzanol� s G� s Con pan,-� rirea Development
LE�artrrent� �-ncl t}�� errt°hasis is c�n indt�stri�l development 9n thls area.
1�4r. Wo7ke Lhanled Ll�e Gas Connany for this ve3°y deta�led m�p� �rlc� for
i,he tir�e and effnrt Lhey h�d put inte .r,s�_ing it up.
CC1�iCa£Fi�A2T0�d ��l FS1D;� C1_'�.�}�� �7U1V� 5,_1961 FOR uti���E3:
11?e �3ty l�lanager ar�notanced t12at Lhe bids u�ere opened at 12 noon on
Tune 5y �°(�l� in tne �resence of Councilrnan i��olke� Ci1�y Lngtineer Czlvin
Brov�n, Czi,y I,_ana�,es° �arl l��agner� unganeer Leslie K_�utson a�d �reh?t�ct
it. J, Scirenson. T�ie Cii,y N1a���Er announcec� tlzat ttile bids whlch were
received are as iolloz��s: llone o{ the iollowi��g bid on Schedule "D"�
and a11 h2�' a b�d boi�d security of �%,
0?�tei � Sons
;1356 H�nFr St.
at. rauli blinn.
�r�rr nLn rr
�;SCL�'�?r/G.I� �l.j)i}��.��
F�orL21 Const, Co,
53�1 �'c_�n avE. N.
P4rZ,s. � 1i�nn.
1�loretLini Cons1;.
8 �2 �rdestm�nister
St. Paul� 1�11nn,
;Va Bza
lVo B�d
No Lid
� 2L- s 6�' 3. o0
ALT. Cdi�IP,
102�061.25 -0- l�s Specilicd
i6o,z5o.97 -�- i�o c�l. y�ys
No Lid 1,250 l00 �"a1, D�.y*s
Feter LaLeiti
oIj Drane
St. Paul� I inn. Nc� Eid
ldodland Consi.. Co.
P.�exandria, PTinn.il603��'7�.60
�sarkarossa & Soizs
L��p2 _ 33rd l�ve. id.
� St. Clcud � P?inn. 6;�6�3�,� .60
I'+fo«tgon�ery Const,
at, Croi_x I'�11s,Wis. No Bid
t:andall bros.
32i00 S�lver Lake s�c�.
i�Tpls. 1�;� t!inn. No Eiid
uandstrom and
2051t St. 9nth. B_lva.
Mp1s . J 8� i�iinn. Z8'J � 000.00
Lametti & Sons
2�1 Pio. Pascal
St, �aul� M�nn, No B�d
No �id
Ido Bid
2�2? 2,�i�1.00
;� m
-0- Ks Speciiied
255,'79�.15 2o,aoo
No Bid
_� _
�00 Cal.Li2�rs
i, o c��. v�5
�i�� C�1.Da�s
kdc� ��er
FL. --------
AZr. Johanson as?�ed Yio��� the t�ids c��nr�.reo' t' is tii�e t��iLh t're L�ne before.
Mr, Knutso-1 stGted Lhat tl:e pro�ect is not ex�c�ly the s�:�e as hsc� beer!
bid prevzc?usl,y� �s about i�,5(��00�.00 in neti,� co��structjo.l has been addaGr
so a comparison is diCficult. Nlr. ��Jo�le asl�Fd tiria� 1,1�e est,��zte ��as on
thi,, �ob� �nr� the prsvious �ob. P4r. YnuLsor� staLe�'� tkist i.he en�inee�'s
est�r�Gte on t?iE orl�inal bid taas �I,%60�300.00� :he 1oti� bld had ccme in on
the iirst letiting at 1��9�771,0�� and on tnis seeo�d iettit��; of the b�ds
the total of tne �'_nree sc_redules carr_e to ;"��,'35��2b.0�� i,�h�ch ?s anproxi-
mately ,i�80�00�.00 over �hP first bids but tiaith �5�yb06.00 ��Jc�ed this is
a net of about ti�30�00�.00 plus. None oL' LhcsE f�_�L�res lncluded -�he
15%. The C1ty PTana�Er as�ted ii any of Lhe schedulcs are 1oi�er or hi�lier
th�n tne last tine they l,rere kid� so that th� Counc�l couLd ccnsider
a;.rerdirg a P�rt of SGl7'�'2�� anc7 clei'er �ctior. on the rest oi it, P�1�.
Comstock �ta��n that ii ��art of trie pro;,�ct is r_oi to be 1et r1ou�� it
shou�d prcb��blv wait ur.t;1 Fa�]_ to k�ic�, :��r. D1age1 suF°�estec� thaL the
Cousicil rick oni- �us� �$� wor�� t12at is necessar� �nd a���are th�t� znd 1et
the rest go u.ntil Fall, iir. Comstock st�ted tih�t he coulcl noU tell
za'_zere the additlonal $;-30�000.00 in cost �s, as �he ori���al blds were noL
called �"or -n schedules� as �1��s one is. i�r. Crn s��c�� n�ted +,hat t�ere
uias � verv lar�e r'ifferencE betl ee�� t1_Ze lot.� bzr'c�er ann zhe second bldder�
the previ�us t�re b'!ds h�c bee�� opened. T'ir. Faul Schoar�z taas ��resent,
anc� stated thzt he was 1nte�°estied in sceinn these bids leti at �his Lime.
He said a vear ago� the bu,_1dln�, t,�as ori a do��n st���r.�7 ��ut «ow � e, is
�ust the �r�poslte� and t,hsre 9_s a g;�od ct�ance th�t t=�ere m-ill be i�or•e
derr_ an�? i or services a anc� tne cost i s liv ely i,o �o up ZnstEad ei doU�n.
l�DCnTIOnl OF P1�SOLUTION N0, 6y-1461 AV��A:cDI1TCr bILa T�G.�, S1v}'�LI�:,
Councilman Johanson introduced the follot,�zng resolu�ion ancl ?rov�d its
I�E�SOIUTIOtd N0, b5�-1S�1
k 1�P�SGLU2'IOPI i:i�1u�DI:VG COidTRkCT G_d ?F�OJ��CI 1d0. S1��;��+8
H� I'I i��SOLVI�D LY TrlL COU��L`Ti C�� 1�3� CI'iY Or FRIT,L.�Y� 1�:I.i1Q1 �C'It�
as �'ollot.as :
l, `.L'he Councii finds that the lotaest ��esf�onsib:Le bi�'ders fer coi!struct.-
ion oF the inprovemcnt [vor}, �esi€nated as:
Pro�ect No. ST�ir',�8 (Se�rer and avater) aie �3ands�:.rom �,nd �ia�nci,
2051i �t. �L�thony E'.oulev�rd� i2ziinear�o�is 1�, i�.innESO�.a� for Scl�edule
"�t" wl�ose Ltid i� �n t1�e ari�ount o�' �' S���000.00; Or_ei an�7 Sons�
1156 Homer Street� 13t, P�ul lo� Mirncsota� io^ Scl�edule '"B" u,nose
bid is in �he airioti;.n L oi �'193 � 981.2']; anr Randa7_1 F cothers � 3� 00
Silver LaY� �,oedy iilnneapolis 1�� 1�_innesotia� for �ci_ZedUle "C" s��ose
b�d S_s _rn i.he airi�unt of �I�����j.�0, Zh�t s�-��� bJds are h2reby
acce�terly and l,he C1tSr T•�Ia?�ager and Tiayor in o�fice an d�Le of exe-
cuLion oi tlic co�tr�ct, ax�e herc-Ly auti�arized �nd ciireeted to e�ter
int� a cr_ntrzct w=_Lh �a�ci bi�ders ior and in behali oi' the Ci_ty of
i ridlCy.
� ',�� � �
� . �; ,
,�r �_��
, N=�lYOR� - '1 . P , C;re' g
C ` /� 7
C C� �f�C (f ��r��c�2-r�--�-
CiTY :"�1�,iFiGGFi� LarT,�. � agner
'�he noticn ior the a��o�t�on �f the �rosie reso7ution was duly sECOnded
by- Co�incilm�n 1�IEe � �,nc? ttip�n a ro17_ call vote being taYen thereon� the
io'law�n�° merbers vr�t=d zpainst ihe same: Pdone
i�I�},�L�GU SrID �.L�OLtiiI01d �ka LLCT,13i7^,D DULY T1�SSE'•D ��.��L r.IiUP1I�II.
IUl-LIC �[��tIC C' Ci� ilI�� EV!? ERICKSC�er rtNl,ii A'�1,`dC'�c T'I1�f��L I'Ll:2 :
1'Ir, brown s�ai,cd that tne de7�elopsr U�s dedicati��� by se��arate document
a Li0 ioot ease�rent frr 2��ossible zut�vre street alon� the nroperty ;ine
ol I��nts � and �-Fa biocic ly ti��r�ich are °j ieet wicle each, Tc�iere ��ere no
ocnes• nersons r�res�nt 1��1�c ti�isi�ed to sne�k for or ag2inst the �uo�tion
ci zhe proposed pl�t. ��Ir, l,�ollre dec7_ared the he2ri_n� cl�sed at 9:55
1 .P�.
l�C�C�,r�ila_�G�C�T F�IiVAI� rL11T - L�iA rFtICFsSO1V EtT[�N�i D'SA�1CiZ: �
i�4otior! l�y Johanson to accept this �s the Final p_lat of' ]?,a Lric�,son
F�i� er i�ianorj sub ect 1,o recordin� of Lhe deed for the �0 foot street
�ase;re��ty and autnnriz,P i,l�e I+f��ror• anc� City Clea']s- i� si�n tize sarrie,
5eco de� by Afee. Uren a vo3ce � ote, tne_re h2i_ng no �lays� Lhe motiori
cai'�•icc� ti�nanilr�usly.
1`�r. ;ch� �rtz i��s rresent ard statec9 t11at h� oould like to have th�;
Coo�lcil ti���iz � tr.e rec�ui�eaerL to i�1� t L1ao �f thE lots in 1.he old l-Iaves
Ftiver f�r�dit9on ti�1�1c1� �c 1�ad� aod U�lshed to s��it, PTr, wollze su�°�esi.cd
i,i�at 1�Ir, �chU�artz brl�� tir,e �,atter to u�� �iti,y Nar�a�;er� an�l tlle Cit�
Lr�rin=er-7 ,� L1.at, the}= ccn �o ovcr i,h-is �G2 detwil.
i,]sGLZV� I'L`l'I'lI��S FC�1 5Eti���f, AI;� L'l�TFB 1�0�� C1it�RL' S�`l'RLLT:
i ccion Y�zT Jchanson Lr� recei-ve tlzis tzeit-�tinn. Se�onded by iVee, U}on
a vcicr_ �roLe� t:�.ere b�ir�g ..o nairsj tl�e mut��a c�rri�c� itnanimotzsly.
C�.`i�1T�,�,1.J rr�,� C� r, bilF��� I L'iBft 1-�y'.'1F� I�'CR 'lll�ir�7F�l�RY IICGIiUPS:
PTr, bxc���o ei;���la-i�ed th�,t i,l�e nurpose c�f �his wns Lo rec;uire the con-
tx� c tor,s to p��r � ch�� t E, anc� l�e res i oiisible i or i,1ie r�eter t��hen they
are �ak,n� cfT frc�a7 hvdrant5� ard suc�l� during c���structlon. Plotion
by Plee i,o instrucL t}��e Cl��r I-.a.�a�er to nre�are �n ordin�ncey �nd in ihe �
�^e�ntire vo �cce� t t'_^ss c�r� a tem;�orarp basis� as outlirlc-d in the
lstter frcn� 1,'�e CiLy Eng�r2 Er dGi;ed Ta2y 2j� l�ol. SeCOCdFd by
Jc���nso�. IIperi a vo�ce vatey there r-o�ng �zo n�iys, �'_2e moticn c�rr_ed
L1Y1 � 1111'"' C�U S 1 V.
s�r', `Z I�l' i �°,I S' :
Nutictz b,�7 �oYiarsc�r� to rEC�iv� the _o�lotring ��etltiarls �r�d ��iace thern nn
l. �t�"eeL SurCaciii� zz�c Curb� and Storm Dr�inage - r�uth Clrcle
ai�c� Lai?°n�cun� ��_rcle.
2, a �orrr �eti;�er - b��nod�T La�ie �rom Old C�ritral ta Hi-Llcrest UritiE.
,St,�rFeL S�:�ri'aeing atid Curb - 05� �,,r�,- jrom Ilsrat,on Lc� �Iickor�y 1_ve,
StxEet ��urfaci��€ a��d Curb iri ��s?. I_ltires l�„1,�tes.
Cti�i°bin� u_i I4onrce Street froin bEn�ie tt LY,�ve ��� C3rd ,
��lot5 on second�d by �dee . U;��n 2 voice vo le � thPre bai_i-g no n<< s 7 the
n�c�tion c:�rr9ed tzn;niiuously.
��r.Y A' �Ii��C Glv 1a
— Tile Czty i�iara�er re�,d a let,i�er iron the nulldir�g Ii�,s�=ci�oc° ii- t�hleh thc
Inspectcm reconffend�cl dEnial oC �'a s a�nzrp peri�lt, T�l. L�avict ��ci��°cc"_ea
ot�ner af ihc btzilc�in�y cnd ��,�dori ucl�a�iadke z,;ere t,resen�. 'Ihv,r staL�d
th�� ihev did n�t feel t!���t t`_is k,t,i,lc�ii�g t��as cati,sir.� aziy nore oi �
rrob]_en. zn llze 2"�� th�n t��e servzce station ne�� c�cc�r� and c7�a r�o� see
u�hy tYi�_s 1^,cr°nit cou]_d r�nt 1�e ��°anted. T'�ere ti��as cer�;,der�r�le discussio��
on th�s atimin� pe�ru�i�� and the bnilc�i?�g setbacL; s.�c� �he ra-];irp ,srs,ce
2vail�ble, i�r. S�lyr��ec�ke �lso s�,ated t,h��� LLe au'uci�obiles in �,'�e 10�.
ne�t doos ��ere p�rlt�d c�ut int� �he strEec ri�:�t-oS-o�ay, i�r. �c'_��edl:�^
also aslred al:�out tkie s�n� �ary Sacilitzcs o�� hzs �tised c��r 1oL, I'�c�t2ozi
l.y Johe�nson tc 1ab1e t111s Latter tu�til Lhe ne�t nceti�E, ���ccndad b�
�dE•e . U��on 2 voice vr�tF � trere bir�� �zo nay° � i,he r c�ti? on ca?�rj en una �1i-
� r�
tienry JoiZnson u�iio lives on Skgwoo� Lane sta�cd that ihe �eo�1e in t?�e
area bad sioncd a retition i�o ch�n�e tYzs n�ne of 53� ��ventit� t�� Skye��c»d
Lane� but later realic�d they h�cl ;��c�� s irlst�l,c-� and �'id not ti�lsh ?t
changed to Skys�rood Lane, ihey uloulc� li�,e to ?�as•e t1�e Coui�ciT cl��»�z
t1�e nar�e b�ck to 53a �serlite. 7.he Gity .��an��er s��ted ztiat Une re�;ord�
1�ave a�re�cay k�eEr chang�d to S�yrtaood 1�ar�e� the postoiiice has cki�nfiea
t�ie ne:�rF� t]�e �;e�r�loUEr ?���s changed 4he ��ar��e oi� i?�r plat� arld �ve�y-
one nas cha���ed their rECOrds� so re doubi,ed i2 ille �os�ofl'ice ���ould
n ant to go a1o�l�, u�ith ehangirg j t �2ek oeain, t�r. �,�;ollse s� ated ;,hat
�he City i�ianag�r could chsck tn��_l.h the posto�=ice G�d see t�'r�2t thc�r
i'eeliz2� was on this� a�c1 ca�l T�r, �cl�nso�� :�t uU �-P?44,
CSraee kc�hler saic' t�at s1_�e wov1� lzke to ha�=e thc- a11ey r�e�U�een j�rc
aad 54t1� and 6th anu j�h 3�ree� closed. ,3he st2l,ed Lh�t she o�r Zs 2Z��
ieet or� �th Street and uroulc� 1ik� tl.� s closEd so �.i��t tihev coU i c�
inpro*�e tlteir p�o��erty up Lo the px�o}eliy line. �he City 1v�ana�er
st2Led t1��t z�ae next ilanning Conn�ission I�IcELing is Zhursd�Y evening,
an� i�' she w�.z1d con e u� to r,he- z�FOtin�, t1� t l,he u_atter eould r�e Lalcen
u� , Mrs. KohZeri also eor�rolaisred of tr.e arr�otiuit �f taxes on 1-�er propel ty,
anrl t�s�s i FSErre� Lo the �zeU� Gizy &ss� ssor.
AFF'LICAlI01�� rClt iti�ILL,F{ 1�i13I�IP;G nLiil`-IT !�1 3�0 C3vC1?i�L nO��D L-Y F�CLi,nT
.LH G1'dL 1�T :
Motio�z by Joha�zson �a �ran� this tra_ler �zrking nFrn�it ���iLl� tlze sf.lpu-
lati�n that tlais trai7er will not b� us�d tor occupance. Secondea l�
Nee. iJpon � v�ice voLe� there kaein� Zo =!a�,rs., t?�e r�ai,ior. carr�ed
L�iY :
?� Ab1D
2'he �easir�llit�r of abatir_� this 2ssessment �°as dlseussed i�y t11e �outicil.
i/otioti by .Tohansen tc� deny tihe ab;:t�n�e�i� rec,ueai. �eco��ded l�y Pdec.
Unon a voice vo�e� there ' eing no nafs; the irotion carriEd �,t��enimcusly,
C�;dSIUL,��iliTIO�`T OF NfAI?'d SiRb'�T fiIG�T-OF-L��1lY AC(,UI,�Ii?Oid:
�T� 1he CiL� T,anaFer read a letter from TSenry Hans�n in •�,�h�_cri I�e st�ted
th��t r�e U�ould se11 Loi 1� Byock 1� C�ty v1e�,�� �dd�tion for ti1�j">0,��.
i�s`ot3on b�r ATee to �uthor�as the City i�,anagel to enga,ge � c,aalifi�cl
i�w appraiser to a^praise this r�ro�erLy t� cletermine its va1v�. Secordec�
ea� by Jahanson, ITl�on a voice vc�te� ��h"e r�in� no nays, ihe r�otion
carriPd unanir�ously.
i1 j1T
ATo ti on �
Grudem ISrothers Con pany
�35 North Frior tivenue
St. Paul 4� M�nnesota
Johnson Broth�rs F1bg. Co.
b1��J Cclden Val7ey Road
nlinneapolis 22� Minnesota
oa'cstwood Flu�bii�g Crn}�any
10%18 Xerxes �venue South
Dlinneapolis 26� Minnesota
Gary �rJ . Lrn�*erbnne
12� Hartman Circle
Minneapo7is 21� Minnesota
Joseph ��. Do13n
�5 Mississippi 6+�ay
D4inneapolis 21� Minneseta
�ary W. LongFrbone
125 f-�artman Cixcle
P�inneapolis 27 y �4innFSata
Howard Kersten
2045 Brons�n Drive
�Tinneapolis� NSii�n�sota
by: Irvin Grudem
b,v: Davld Sr.hns�n
bys T. h. luakely
dba: Gary's Standard Service
6�+50 University �venue N, E.
Minneapolis 21y P�innesota
dba: East hiver Road GaragE
65b1 F.ast River Raad
Minneapolis ?_1� Minnesota
dba: Gary's Standard aervice
64�0 IIniversity Averue V, E,
P�inneapolis 21� Minnesota
dba: Aersten lruek Service
204�j Bronson Drive
Minneapolis� biinnesota
Jarnig F'luribin� & fieating �os�pany
-'ri� 539 ?'?Prce Street
29� Anol�a3 Minneso�,a b,y: Yienneth Berghorst
�52e Sarmig Flwnbing & Heating Con�pany
'�nn 539 Pierce Street
Ano�,a� Mlnnesota la,p: Kenneth Berghorst
_i7r1e MASONRY
Jensen Concrete Campany
6+�Ob Lmerson xvenue iVorth
Ninneapelis� Minnesota
kluendEr Construction C�,
6��01 S�ickory Place
Minneapolis, Minnesota
by: Donald F,, Tensen
by: Clarence Kluender
-'^^ C�ncreta Construction
., �
Jarr,i� Plurn1aing and Heating Co.
53° Pierce Street
Anoka� Minnesota 3y: Kenneth Berghorst
Jarnig Flumbing & FIcating Co.
539 Pierce Street
Anoka! Minnesota by: Kenneth Berghorst
Menz Plumbing & Heating Co.
8020 Jefferson 5treet N, E,
Minneapolis 21� Minnesota
by: Leland C, Menz
Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there Yeing no navs, the
motion carried unanin_ously.
Nlotion by .Tohanson to approve
a i'ull-tine waitress at I,iquor
hour. Seconded by Vee. Upon
uoti�n carried unaninously.
� [ Ii
the appointment oi Doris E, 1'lynn as
3tore Yo. 3 at a salary of $1�1.225 per
a vo�ce votie� there bein� no nazrs? the
lhe Planning Conm'_ssion had recommended that this alley be vacated
except for an easenent for utility purposes. Mot�_on b,y iVee to follow
, the rECOmmendation of the Planning Commissi_on and set the public hearing
on tne vacatlon oF this a11ey. Seconded by J�hanson. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays, the motion carried w�animously,
The matter of whether or n ot this prorosed aligrvrent would interfere
with the construction of the proposed schcol on tre ad�acent property
was discussed. Motion by Johanson to �o11ow the recommet�dation of the
Planning Ccnrr�ission� and Lo maintain the present estzblished street
alignment from B42tterrorn Drive from south of Highway �`100 to Gardena
�venue, Seconded by Nee. Upon a'�aoice votey there being no nays,
the notion carried unanimr�ualy.
Motion by Johanson to folloa� the recommendation of the Plannin� Conmi-
ssion and to approve the location of the line 1n0 feet south of the
quarter section lzne of Section 22 from East Iiiver Road to Main ctreet.
Seconded by Sdee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays, the n-�otzon
carried un2nimously.
The Planning Conmission had recommended that the necessary steps be
taken to make this extension of 61st Avenue (an P�,S.A. Street), T�iotion
to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Conmissiona and to
proceed with this acquisition. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motio� carried tznanimously.
The City �Ianager circulated an artsst's sketch presented by Mr, Carlson
of these entryways. Motion by Johanson to aPprove this permit, k�ith
the stipulation that the location be approved by tihe City En�ineer. Sec-
onded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unani:cously.
Zhe City blanager read the above ord�nance. Motion 1�y Johanson to
approve thzs as the first readin�, Seconded by Nse. Upon a voice
vate, there bein� no na,ys� the notion carried unanimously.
Mr, 4�Jolke stated that hr would like to lay this matter over until the �
next meetzng� as some oi' the employees had asked him questions about
this� and he had not had an opportunity to becon�e familiar with all
of the different parts of the ordinance. The matter was laid over
until the next meeting.
There was a complaint from the owner of the property at 133� 532 Ave-
nue. He stated that his neighbor had erected a five strand barbed wire
fence alon�side of his property and this was very dangerous ior the
cYildren in the area� and he wisned the Council would take some action
on thls fence ordinance� as the Building Inspector had indicated that
he could nat regulate barbed wire fences under existing ordinances.
The Cit,y P.anager explained the revisions which had been made in this
ordin�,nce s�nce the first tine the ordinance was presented to the
Council, The City �tanager read the ardin�nce. M�tion by Johanson to
accept this as the first reading. SECOnded by �dee. Upon a voice
votey there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by tVee ta table the personnel ordinance until the next meeting.
Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the
motion carried unanimously.
'lhe City Manager read the ordinance ti,�hich provided for a change in the
fees for certain types of building construction. Motion by Johanson to
accept this as the first reading. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice
vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimeusly.
^lhe City T�:nager read the above ordinance, hlotion by Johanson to
accept this �s the first reading, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice
vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously.
lhe Cit,y Nfianager read the above ordinance. Motion by Johanson to
accept this as the f�rst reacling. Seconded by i�tee. Upen a voice
vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
The City 14anager read a reso7.ution wnich has been passed by the Couhty
Bo�rd� whereby the County Board had resolved that the County Board
would acqui_re the necessary right-oi'-way for County Road �r102� north
of Trunk Hight��ay 3f100, and that the P�innesota High�,�ay De�rtment would
be i_niorned oT the necessity of access at Main Street in �ridley.
� �.
Motlon by Johanson to receive th�s resolution and plUce it or. file.
Seconded by Nee. Uron a voiee vote� there beir�g no clavs, the r;,otion
carried unanimously,
The City Manager read a copy of a resoluticn which the �ounty Fsoard
has passed� in wh�ch they declared that the County wauld participate
in KO�� of the cost of ir.stalling a sirrle school crossing s-ignal to
be approved by the County at the location of Hickory Urive and CSIaH
�'l, (East River Hoad). The City i�anager stai,ed that the State might
not apprcve th�s school signal� as �hey were noU� requiring a d�fferent
type. Mot�on by Nee to receive the letter and to instruct the City
Manager to make application to the 5tate Higriti�ay Department for the
permit for thas signal. Seconded bq Jorianson. J,r,an a voice votEy
triere being no rays� the motion carried unaniu,ously.
The City Manager explained the area on the rnap Uihich was invo]_ved in
Storm SewFr ��+9 project. Mr. Knutson also exp_lained that there were
some catch basins und transvere lines cn N,`ac�zson Street ��hich were �ro-
posed to be zdded to the project. Nir. Kohlan sug�FSted these could be
put in under change order to �96_l.-1 Street Imnrovement Fro�ecta and
inc]_uded �eii.h the street @tl�'facirig cost when thEy were assessed.
Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. SECOnded by Vee.
Upon a veice vote, there being ro nays� the motion carried unanim�usly,
The City Manager read the al�ove resolution in r��h�_ch the City solicits
the other mu.nicipalities involved in the iVorth Suburban S�nitary Distirict
� to create and establish a srwer distx�ict under thE 1aw. Motion by
Johanson to adopt the �bove reseluiion. Seconded 1y Nee, UporY a voice
vcte� there being no nays� the reotion carried unanimously.
FiESGLU2'TON iV0.22-1�61 CONIN�N�ING ZSi� �VOR7'II SU�URbAN SE6dLRACE� C01_iii7.'ZP:E:
`lhe �ity Manager read the �bove resolution in wnich the G;Ly ce�men�ed
the Conmittee for their work in �etting th�s sanitar,y distri_ct bill
passed. Motion by Nee to adopt the 2tove resolution. Secori�ed by
Jchansen. Upon a voice votE� there bein� no nays, tihe motion czrried
The City P'_anager react a letter from Mr. Howard Crabtree in vrhich he
outlined the Flans of the church� an� their Method of dispos�ng of the
prcperty� in which lze stated that they wovld be ready to act in about
sixty ?ays� and Uzould like to sell the property for nark purpcses to the
Cit,y. A?ot9on by NeE to direct the City I-_anager to write a letter to rir.
Crabtree� and thank h�m for the coi�municatien� and also to hace the City
1�4ana�er have tllis propert,y anpraised. Motian seconded by Johansan,
Upon a voice vote� there being no na�rs� the mctioncarried unsnimrusly.
Zhe City Nlanager read the letter in whicri D4rs. Manle,y requested per-
a�ission to irove the ho�se on her noperty bac� a Few ]'eet. Motion hy
Johanson to receive this letter, and table actlon until thE nExt meeting.
Seconded by Nee. Upon a vo�_ce vote� there being no nayss thE motion
earr3ed unanimously.
The City I�_anager read the above lettsr. Motion by �r, Johansor. to
receive the letter anc� place it on file. Seconded by Nee. Upon � voice
votez there being no na,ys} ths motior. carricd uraniu�usly.
1 1...
Mr. Tohanson stated th�t there has been some sort of a nixup in the
rezonin� ef the tra�ler prorerty of Pete Br�ok� as he had been over to
the State tc obtain a�ernit from then� and the,y would not give it to him,
as there was sc�ne techriic�lity whi_ch h�d not been taken care of insafar
as the zoning was concerned. The Clty blanag,er stated that the Fridley
ordinance woizld r�ave to be a�ended� and a sz�ecial use permit hr�s to he
approvEd before P4r. Brook urill be ab]e to operate h1s trailer park.
P.�tion by Johanson tl,at the City Nlanager is authorzzed to inform the State
of MinnFSOta that the follnwing described 1ar�dy Parcel �'1� sane beir.g the
north 196' of the west 3�0' of the south 3G6' of the noxth '726' (except '
the north 33' for street easerrent) of the SE 4 of the NW 4 of Section
12, T-3a, R-24, Ano�_a County� Minnesota. Described Parcel being 360�
by 163' lying north and adjacent to the 200 � 360' parcel rezor_ed to
M-1� September 11� 1959� Ordinance No. 120� has been re,zoned to use
as a trailer p�rk, and that bv inadvertence� the description used was
not fully correct� snd that the Council is proeeeding to corrECt such
errors and o�rissions, SFCOnded by Nee. Ugon a voice vote� tYiere
bein� no na,ys, i,he notio� carried unanirously,
The oumer ef tihe shopp-ng center at 633g to 63�9 University Avenue
requested a pernit to build onto his bu,lding. He presented the
Council with a set of p1�ns. Moti_on by Johanson to approve this
pernat sub;;ect to neeting the building code, Seconded by tdee. Upon
a voice vote� there being no r_�ays� the n_otion carried unanimously.
'I'he City ManagEr told T�4r, Ek that he would check out the zoning with
the City Attorne,y,
There being no i'urther business� the %icting Mayor declared the meeting
Respect£ull,y subnitted:
P�Iarv n C , Brunsell
Secretary to the Council
� �
/ -�2'12�L��=�/�_ �
Acting Mayor Wo�ke
A regular rceetin� of the City Council u�as called to order by Mayor
Greig at 8:00 P.M.
P�Iemrers Present:
DYembers Absent:
Greig� Sneridan� Dc1ke� Nee
Motion by ldolke to approve the uinutes aF the June 6� 1961 meeting.
3econded Ly Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried �znanisously.
COF�P�EC2IOlV OF A71SY 16�1961 NINUi'ES:
iKotion 1�y Sheridan to correct the May 16, 1901 minutes to read:- Lots
I to 11� Block 2� Mari�n Hills Second �dd�tion� ins�ead of Lots 1 to '7,
Block 2, Narian Hills Addition in connection wlth the withdrawal of the
certificar.lon of spec�al ass�ssments en these lots for w-23,