07/18/1961 - 00023878�• t� i G, CITY COUPdCIL T�iIAIUTES - JULY 18, 1�61 A regular maetin� of the Crty Council was callad to order by ;.iayor Greig at 8:00, P.I... ROLL CALL: � Iuembers present: Greig, Jahanson, Nee Piem6ers ahsent: Sherldan, VYolke A1'PROVeL UF MIr.UTES: (J�LY 5. JULY 11., JULY 14 IJ.�'i,Til!('rS) ' Llotion by �1ee to anr,rove the minutes ot the Ju1y 5, 19G1, re�ular I meeting. Seconded�by Jonr�nson. Unon a voice uote, tl�ere being no nays, the motion carr3ed unanimouely. IJiotion by Johansoz� to a�;prov� ', ttie minutes of the July 11, 1�61 srxecial ineetin�. SeconuCd by T1ee. Upon a voice vote4 there U�in�; no nays, the raotion carried un�nimously. t�lotion by Nee to 3pprove tiie iuinutes oi tf.e Soar�l oi .3evicw, Suly 1�, 196I. Seconded hy .Ioh�:neon. Upon a voiue vote, thsra Y��,ii;�; no n�y;;, the motion carl�ied unaniinou�lyr. OLll BUSIIJF.S3: 5eoond fteadinr; oi Orlii7 n�;, ifi::� ir� _«farence to Idoh�1� L'.,iiao_•.: The City I�ana�er read the above ordinance. l�Iotion by, Johanson to accept this a�'3he second readin� of the aUove ordinance �.nd to have it pv�Iished. Seconded by i�ee. Unon a voice vote, there beinQ no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Second Readin�r of Qrdinance 1Fi4 Vacatinr tilley ln Block G, rl�de Fark P,Ir. Cross who Zives at 5760 - 2nd Street, statsiil�e w�s objactine to vac tinr �lleys of any tyn� ar�ywhei�e in the city, althou�rh the �?entle- --, men did not live in the �rea concerned with this particular v�c;�tion. � The City f�ianager read the aUove ordinance. tJfotion Uy Johansoi� to accentl this as the secand readin�, of the abave ordin�nce and to kiuve it publiehed. Seconded b;� Nee. Upon a voice vote, there bein� �;o nays, the motion carriecl unanirnously. Consideration af Trailer Perinit - Lerov Olson, 6G00 Friale�� Straet - , - --- i�irs. '�uhite vuds present uiiQ aslced that the council ar�prove tliis trailer parking permit. She st,,ted the nei�;hbors in the arsa had si,;n�d a statement approving the psrkin� of the trailer there. 4dr. Joh�nson stated it is not general policy to dor�rove trailer purkcit�U pernuts in a resider�tia7. nei�hborhood for an indeiirzte period. IJIOt.1D17 by T�ee to grant the approval oi t'rie trailer p�rking perrnit to Lero� �lsori, u60U Fridley Street. Seconded by Johat�scn. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays. thernotion carried unanimously. f There was diecussion on the aL,�ting o£ this lateral asses�uiet,t and uvhether or not taxes would l.ava to be Ievied to m��ce up the differ- ence. '.lotior� by Nee to �;: r�nt a deferrrnent of this sewer lataral asUessment ch,ar�e andif necessary, to levy taxes to ir,�ke up the de- ficit. Seconded by Johanson. Ul�on a voice vote, there L-eirag no nays, the motlon carriel unanimously. Resolution Ei9-1961 For S�l'e of Color T:levision Set i?horewoo� Loui�) The City T,Ianager read the re�olvti�n authorizin� tha salc oY the color television set. The City °.anager explained the trade-in allow�nc� which the different i'irms said they would allow on this set, but t�oYie of tne firms ti'uould �ive �n outright cash �rice for the telaviszon set. T,iotion by Nee to adont the resolution authorizin�the sale oY tl�te color television set. Secoi��iea by Joh��ygdl�. Upon � voice vote, tliere Uein� no nays, the motion carriec� Linanimovsly. ' �� � �nnaideration o��eauest bv State HiQ�y Devg�},ment For AA�roval of Plana� �g�i f i cations fQr Buildine the Bri.dge AbDroach at Hi¢hy{g,v 100 and the Miss_ ei i River. Mr. Grady Heck £rom the State Highvay Department Was preaent and explained that dirt from the east side of the East River Road would be moned oner to the west side and put in place at the approach to the neW bridge uhich Would be built north of the present bridge on Highrray 100. He atated the new hridge across the riner would be at th� same level as the existit�g atructure. Mayor Greig stated this project ahould ba held up until the grade is known on Highway'100 east of Highway 65. Mr. Nee stated he did not like to delay the interchange. The Mayor stated the City wanted to get together with the Highuay Department on the IIniversity Avenue plans and Hig6wsy 100 plans and Storm Sewer plaae on IIninersity Avenue, and had not been ahle to do so as yet. The Mayor stated that he would like to have the City sit doWn with the Highway Department and take care of all of these problema at one time. Motion by Nee to table the deciaion on this matter. Se- conded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Mr. Beck asked xhen the matter would be brought up again. The Mayor atated when the Highway Department sits down With the Cotmeil to diacusa the other problems. NEW BIiSINESS: Public HAarin¢ - 57+� Anenue Are�Street Plg;_ The City Mana�er drew the outline of the street plan for 57� Avenue on the black- board as recommended by the Planning Commiasion, and explained ahat the Planning Commisaion proposed. One of the gentlemen in the audienee atated that ninety (90) per cent of the people in the area Wanted 57� Avenua cloeed and asked why all the ri ht of wap rtas taka� off from the west side of 2� Street which would run from 57� Avenue to 57th Avenue and why vasn't aoma of the right oF way taken off from the east side of thia street. Mr. Joe Zizak, who livea batueen 2� Street and 3rd Street stated he doea not wish to give up any of his property for the proposed street. Frank Zaplinaki vho oWns Lota 9� 10 and 11, said he vould like to see 57� Avenue put in. John Skolte who owna Lots 6 and 7� said he does not want 57� Avenue to go in. Russell Gillard said he does not want 57� Avenue to go in. Bert Cross stated he is a ainst buildin� a road on 57� Avenue. Scott Rline stated he vas against putting 57� Avenue in. A1 Kruse atated 33� feet is enough for the street� and he doea not see whq it ahould be aidened further. The Mayor declared the hearing continued until a later date. Mr. Johanson stated that when the next hearing is held on the 57� Avenue Street, that all of the people preaent at this hearing who Were conaerned with this problem, should be notifiad peraonally ao that they could be at the hearing. �blic Hearin¢ & First Readin¢ of Ordinance Rezonine Lots 9 and 11, Auditors Su� N9G an Lot � to 5. Auditors Sub. #153 The City Manager explained the purpose of rezoning. Na one appeared for or against the proposed rezoning. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. The City Manager read the ordinance rezoning Lots 9 and 11� Auditors Sub. /j�14 and Lota 1 to 5, Au- ditors Sub. #153. Motion by Johaneon to accept this as the Pirat reading of the above ordinance. Secoaded by Nee. Upon a voica vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Public Hearine - Rezonine Lots 1 Thro��h L, and Lota 27 Throveh 30, Block 9, Ham- ilton's Addition to Mechanicaville The City Manager r,ead the notice of hearing. No one appeared for or against the proposed re2oning. The Mayor declared the hearing cloaed. First Reading oP Ordinance to Rezone Lots 1. 2,�. and 4,,.,B ock 9� and Lats � 28. 29 and 90, Hlock 9. Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville i The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Nee to accept this as the £irst reading of the abone ordinance. Seconded by 7ahanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Preliminarv Plat - Robvn�s River Manor Addition The City Manager preaented the preliminary plat and explalned the details o£ it, Motion by Johanson to accept the preliminary plat of Robyn's River Manor Addition. Secanded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried qnani- mously. ��� Public Hearina end Acceptance of Final Plat on Robyn's River Manor Addition Mr, Schwartz Was present and stated the stipulations required by the Planning Com- mission had been taken care of in regards to easements and ao forth. No one else appeared for or againat tha acceptance 6f the final plat of Robyn's River Manor Addition. Motioa'by Nee to close the hearing and accept this as the final plat of Robyn�s River Manor Addition, su6ject to the City receiving a 20 foot easement along'the east lihe of lota adjacent to the East River Road snd the dedicatian of the necessarp land to provide their half of Anna Street on the vest, and pay- ment of the park fee. Seconded by Johsnson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Build3n¢ Permits for Robvn's River Manor Addition � Mr. Schwarta presented plans for three apartment buildings at 101 Charles Street, 109 Charlea Street and 110 Charles Street. Motion by Jahanaon to approve the three permits for apartment buildings at 101 Charles Street� 109 Cherles Street� and 110 Charles 3treet. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, the mo- tion carried unanimously. Preliminerv Plat - Gene Rae Addition The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this plat subject to certain stipulations. Motion by Johanson to accept this as a prelimi�ary plat of the Gena Rae Addition with the same provisions as allowed by the Planning Commisaion. Seconded by Nee.' Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unan- imously. Public Hearine and Acceptance of the Final Plat of the Gena Rae Addition No one appeared for or against acceptance of the final plat of Gena Rae Addition at the public hearing. The Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Motion by Johanson to accept the final plat of the Gens Rse Addition with the stipula- tion that the development of Gena Street and util3ties be held in abeyance until such time as outlota 1 or 2 or both are replatted� which was recommended by the Planning Commisaion. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr3ed unanimously. The City Manager'explained that the Post Office Department uished to change the name of Fairmont Circle in Bourdeawc's Spring Park Addition to East River Road Circle� and the name Alden Way and Alden Circle located in Veit's lst Addition to Riverview Terrace and Riverview Circle. The City Maneger said he had called the Post Office Department with regard to renaming Fairmont Circle, as the name East River Road Circle Was rather long and the Department was rather indecisive as to whether they wanted the change. The City Manager read the resolution renam- ing Alden Way and Alden Circle. Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unenimously. The City Manager Read a letter from the City Fngineer stating that he recammended that the City CoUncil accept the impronements for sanitary sewer, water mains, storm sewer, bla'ck top streets, seal coat and curb, providing the developer fur- nish the City with a one year maintenance bond and providing that Minder En�ineering Company furnish the City with their certificate that all work 1s in compliance aith the City's atandards ahd apecifications. Mr. Len Samuelson was present and asked that the City release the performance bond for Craigwey Addition when the mainte- nance bond is given to the City. Motion by Nee to accept the utilities in Pear- son's Craigway lst and 2nd Addition as recommended by the City En�ineer, upon filing of the maintenance bond 6y the contractor and to authorize the release af the performance bond for Pearson's Craigway Fxtates lst and 2nd Addition. Seconded 6y 7ohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unenimously. Consideration of Method of Distributin� Cost of Sewer and 6later Construction. � The Finance Director explained the proposed method of distributing the cost af sewer and water lateral assessments which would not use the old 7525 per cent � � e�� formula, but would spread the cost of th� line in the street on a front foot basis, and the cost of the services at the actuel cost wherever they were put in. It was explained that there are thrae of four projects under which this formula would be used in 1961 if the Council approves the new method of spreading the cost. It was decided that the Council would meet in the Engineer�a Office an July 25th to Ro over the technical details of this matter so they might be able to make a decision on it. Letter From the Minneapolis Gas Comnanv With Reference to Their,Rules & Reeulations The City Manager read the letter. Motion by Johanson to receive the letter and place it on file, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. Board of Healt6 Recommendation - Re: Sewer on Stinson Boulevard The City Mana�er read the letter from the Board of Health atating that the sani- tary conditions on Stinson Boulevard south af Gardene Were not satisfactory inso- far as the sewa�e diaposal systems were concer�ed. The City Manager stated ha thought that this eddition uas to be included in the Sewer and Water Project No. Q8� but apparently it had been left out. Mr. Robert Van Cleve was present and he stated that this had been deletad from the project at the public hearing, and it was understood by all the people in the area that this would be deleted from the project. Mr. Johanson stated that if the people at the public hearing were against this part of the project, that the City cauld not put it in now. There was Further discussion on this. Motion by Nee to instruct the City Manager to have the IIoard of Health present at the meetinq as well es ttre people in the area concerned with this part of the project present at the meeting, so that this pro- blem could be discussed. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a vaice vota, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Claims Motion by Johanson to approve general claims Q822 through 4931. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vota, there beinp no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve liquor claims 3197 through 324g. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanaon to approve public utility claims 1415 throu�h 1425. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there beinp, no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Estimates Motion by Johanson to approve the followin� estimates: Randall Bros. 34�0 Silver Lake Road Minneapolis 19, Minn. Randall Bros. 34�0 Silver Lake Road Minneapolia 1$, Minn. Sandstrom & Hafner, Inc. 2054 St. Anthony Blvd. Minneapolis 18, Minn. Sandstrom R� Hafner, Inc. 2054 St. Anthony Blvd. Minneapolia 18, Minnesota Orfei & Sona� Inc. 1156 Homer Street St. Paul, Minn. Dunkley Surfacing Co., Inc. 3756 Grand St. N. E. Columbia Hei�hta, Minn. C. S. McCroasan, Q800 Osseo Road Minneapolis 12, Inc. Minn. W-34-A Est. #5 5&W48-C Est. #1 S&W4g-A Est. ,#1 5�5524-B Est. #6 S & W 4g-B Est. #1 St. Imp. 1961-1 Est, �1 S & 55 Imp. 43 Est. #4 � 31,351.17 � 32,782.72 � 21�915.00 � 71,832.60 $ 14,986.48 � 13,779.19 $� 10,296,00 ,� }.. � Harberoasa & Sons, Inc. 402 - 33rd Avenue North W- 34 - D St. Cloud, Minn. Est. i�3 96 9,871.90 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. 402 - 33rd Avenue Nort6 W- 34 - E St. Cloud, Minn, Est. {/2 � 2� 6, 13.68 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �230,428.74 Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1/,Q6 County Road "J" Minneapolis 21, Minn. Stakin� & Inspection Estimates SR�SS �/2Q-A s�ss #z4-B w #34-A w #34-E w l�34-D ss #40 s�W #41 ss&st #43 s�W #4ff-A s&w #4g-B saW N4�-� St.Imp. /�60-2 St.Imp. //61-1 Est. �12 Est. i/ 9 Est. # g Est. �' 2 Est. # 2 Est. �{ 5 Fst. # 6 Est. # 5 Est. #'1 Est. #-�1 Est. // 1 Est. # 9 Est. # 1 � q26.25 1�823.00 1,0[,3.25 656.08 491.62 167,62 36.D0 795.25 1,336.25 1,806,75 1,356.75 3g.25 �/ �06.7� � 14,4g3.8z Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carriad unanimously. Licenses The City Manager statad that the Police Chief had recommended more parking be provided at Terry's Club before the license is issued. Mr. Rohlan stated the Council could revoke the license if the parking conditions were not corrected. There was considerable discussion on the parking at Terry's Club. Motion by 7ohanson to approve the following licenses: GAS Comfort Heating & Air Cond. Co 2531 Marshall Street N, F. Minneapolis� Minnesota Sohnson Bros. Plbg. & HtP. 6100 Golden Valley Road M3nneapolia 22, Minnesota Twin City Furnace Co. 459 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota MASONRY Walter G. Ahlm 9000 Rockford Road Minneapolis 27, Minnesota Jesco, Inc. 1109 West 78� Street Minneapolis 20, Minn. GF.N ERAI, Columbia Heights Millwork, Inc. 686 - 39th Avenue N, E, Minneapoli9� Minnesota John L. Skolte 1l,11 - 44th Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota T & L Construction Ca, 3219 Penn Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING Twin City Furnace Co. 459 North Snelling Ava. St. Paul 4, Minnesota Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, thera being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the follawin� licenses: CAFE Terry�s Club 6061 University Ave. N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota by: Mrs. E. G. Jaegers TAVERN Terry�s Club 6061 University Ave. N. E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota by: Mrs. E. G. Taegers C IGA RF.T'PE Terry's Club 6061 iJniversity Ave. N. E, Minneapolis 21, Minnesota by: Mrs. E. G. Jaegers ON & OFF SALE MALT LIQUOR Terry's Club 6061 University Ave. N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnasota by: Mrs. E. G, Jaegers 21��T with the condition that the parking at Terry's Club be corrected to the satisfac- tion of the City Manager and the Police Chief. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Petitions The City ManaRer stated the following two petitions have been received: 1) a petition on 66th Avenue requesting the street surfacing with the old specifications and 2) a petition from the people on 66th Avenue requesting the new specifications for street uith a concrete curb and gutter. The City Manager atated there is also the matter of obtaininp, the turnaround at the end of the street. Mr. Jamison was present and stated that he wished to have the original specifications on the raad as this had been a 42 foot street and if the curb was put in it wauld be cut down to 31 £eet. He stated that the street they had before was one of the best in the City. He also stated thet two of the people who had si�ned the petition requestinp, the higher specifications thought the City was putting the straet in free. Mr. Boon was prasent and statad he wished to have the original speci£ica- tiona. Mr. Johanson stated he would like to �et snother petition if that would break the deadlock so the Council could determine which street the majority of the people in the area wanted. Mr. Don Hingall was present and stated he owns three lots and wished to know how many votes he had. Motion by Johanson to table action on this street for the present time until another petition can be brought in to the Council, but to heve the City Manager �o �head with obtaining the turn- around. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vo3ce vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. Petition for Water R� Sewer on �h Avenue East of Cen ral Avenue The petition was presented by the people in the area stating that they wished to have the water and seWer put in the whole length of 64th Avenue at this time. Soard o� Avpeals: Variance Request bv Eldon Hedtke for Lots 12 and 13. Block Q� Lowell's Addition Motion by Nee to table. Seconded by Johanson. IIpan a vaice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, �yr. Eldon Hedtke� 2D5 Mississippi it.� was present and stated that he would attempt to sell these two lots for parking, before askin� for Council action. , Letter Requesting_Permiasion to Build Retaining Wall bv Wil£erd Theffant 760 Hackmann Avenue Tha City Manager stated that the City Engineer had recommended the structure not be built on City property� and he also recommended denial. Mr. Kohlan stQted there would be some additional liability if there were e structure such as this on City property. Motion by Nee to table this matter until the August 1, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being na nays, the motion was carried unanimousl,y. Water Pr Sewer on 64th Avenue The Public Hearing Notice for Sewer and Water Project No. 48 was presented and it shoved that 6/,th Avenue had been includad in the original hearing. Mation by dohanson to instruct the engineer to prepare a change order so that 6Qth Avenue could be included in Sewer and Water Project No, /,8. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Letter From the Park Director with Reeard to Removal of the Boas in Moare Lake Mr. Dick Donlin was present and stated the most £easible way of removing the 6ogs would be to do it with a dra� line. He said he had a£irm price of �3500.00 for removinP all the bogs on the east side of the lake. He stated this would be a more or less permanent measure as far as removal of the bogs in this side of tha `�r � � ; lake was concerned. There was considerable more diacussion on the matter of re� moving the cattails and bogs from the lake area both on the east side of the lake and the west side. Motion by Nee to direct the City Manager to investigate this matter and bring a proposal to the City Council showing the cost, the shoreline which would be establiahed� and the depth on the east side of Moore i.ake. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The Building Board had recommended denial of this request. Motion by dohanson to follow the recommendation of the Huilding Baard and deny this request, Se- conded by Nea. Upon a voice vate, there bein� no nays, the motian carried unsn- imously. Letter From Citv Attarnev Hith Reference to Skvwbod Lane There was discussion on this letter with reference to the improper placinP of the houses on the lota on Skywood Lane. The City Attorney recommended that a copy of this letter be sent to the people affected and that waivers be granted for those propertiea which ere closer to the line than they shauld be, but that the waiver ahould be initiated by the people, not the City. Motion by Nee to receive the letter and place it an file and to send a copy of the letter to the people affected. Secoaded by Johanson. TJpon a voice vote, there 6ein� no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Sewer and Water on Oakwood Manor & 60th One of the residenta from the area was present and stated sewer and water on 60th had been stopped from goinq the full length on 60th and they did not see any reason for it. Mr. Van Cleve was prasent and ststed that two years ago he had replatted Van Cleve Addition and Was required to get easements on 60th Avenue and Oakwood Manor and all the necessary easements were deeded to the City with the exception of one for Mr. Sakariason who had not yet given the 25 foot easement, but he atated that this easement could be obtained at any time. He also atated that he would be in fsvor of putting in the cul de sae whenever necesssry. Mation by Nee to put in the water and sewer a71 the way to the end of 60th Avenu� �oin� past Oak- wood Manor. Saconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote� there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. S�ood Lane Mr. Nee su�qested that the City find out who is in the wron� on the plsainp of the houses on Skywood Lane, and that they not be ellowed to build in Frid]ey, Request bv E& M Development Companv to Rezona From R-1 to R-2. Lots 1 thro� 12• Block 1, and L� 1 throueh 5, snd I,ots 17 throueh 24. Block 5• Melod�Manor The Planning Commiasion had recommended that Lots 1 through 12, Block 1, Lots 1 through 5, and Lots 17 throu�h 24, Hlock 5, Melody Manor be rezoned ta R-2 and that that portion of the remafnder of the plat presently zoned R-2 and R-3 be chan�ed to R-1. Motion by Johanson to instruct the City Manager to set up a public hearing on this rezoning. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. 011ie Frickson was present and explained the proposed plat and the proposed street alignment. He stated he wished to know the feeling of the Council before he proceeded further with the preparation of his gart of the plat. Motion by Sohanson to prapose a 66 foot street dedication as outlined to the Council and Planning Cammisaion and to accept the preliminary plat of Gardena Mololand (;ar- dens Addition. Seconded by Nee. iTpon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �19 Lot Split �eguest bv 7oe Maciaszek, Lot 10. Hlock 5� Riverview Hei�hts Addition The City Manager explained that Mr. Maciaszek owned lots 5 through 12 and wished to make these lots into three buildin� sites. He could actually make four out of them if he wished to. Motion by Nee to epprove this lot split request for Lot 10� Block S, Riverview Heights Addition. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays� the motion was carried unanimously. Motion b,y Johanson to approve the buildin� permit request o£ Busae-Erickson for three Q-p]exes at Sg00, 5g10, and 5g20 - 2� Street N. E. Seconded by Nee, ilpon a voice vote, there 6einP no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Sakariason Lot Solit The Ylanninp Commission had recommended that this lot split request by Mr. Sakariason to 9plit Lot 10� Auditors Sub. �92 be dented. Motion by Nee to follow the recam- mendatton of the Planning Commission and deny this lot split request. Seconded by Johanson. iJpon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Complaint of Water on Hathaway I,ane The CYty Mana�er announced that the City had received a notice oF claim in the amount of �2500.00 for water damaRe on water coming down Hathaway Lane. Mr. Kohlan stated it would be well if the City had pictures af the street and the canditibn af it. Motion by Nee to receive and plsce on file this notice of claim. Seconded by Jahanson. Cipon a voice vote� there being no nays, the rootion carried unanimously. Salary_ for Chief of Police Motion by Johanson to raise the pay of the Chief of Police to �615.00 per month effertive July 1, 1961. Seconded by Nee. TJpon a voice vote� there being na nays, the motion carried unanimously. Purchase of Lots 1 throu¢h 8 and 23 throueh 30. Block 16. Moore Lake Addition The City Manager inquire� whether the consultinp enginaer or the Council thought these Lots were necessary in connection with future water works development in the area. The Council recommended that this be brought back to the Council at the next meetinQ. Meetinz With Countv Officers Mayor �reig su�gested that the Cit,y Council and various department heada meet with the county department heads and the commissioner from this area on the 27th day of Jaly, 1961 at 7:00 P. M. in Anoka. This was acceptable to the Council. A➢JOURNMENT: The Mayor declared the meetinP adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Ma�vin C. Brun�l sel�l y� Secretar,y to the Council ,��� � � C> � NIAYOR - T. E. Greig