10/03/1961 - 00023815�� The Mayor said he could not see why there should be a difference. Mr. Swenson stated that as the �obs incraase in responSibility, he would agree that there should be a difference, but did not see where there should be at this time. „ CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE N0. 190-1961 ADOPTING 1962 BUDGET. Motion by Nee to adopi the ordinance adopting the 1962 Budget, and have it published. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion catried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 1960-1961 DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF A TAX LEVY IN EXCE55 OF CHARTER L2MIT5: Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 161-1961 CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1962: , „ , Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote„ there heing no nays„ the motion,carsied,unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CITIZEN REQUESTS: Mr. Sheridan stated that a➢r. Fo1ey at 1021 Hackmann Circle had asked if he could connect the drain tile in his basement with the sewer line. It was explained that this is in conflict with the agreement which the City has with the City of Minneapolis for sewage disposal. Mr, Sheridan stated that Mr, R. De Maris, 1442 Mississlppi Street would like to use the hall for a wedding reception, and would pay, a fee,for it., The Council suggested a$30,00 deposit, with $20.00 to be returned if the ha11 was not damaged. AD.TOURNMENT • There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting ad�ourned. Respectfully submitted: � (7� /M�^^. l-s�o�✓ ""'"""� Ii�.T6IriZ�YIIff5�1T- Secretary to the Council. COUNCIL MINIITES - OCTOBER 3, 1961 t--�'', � l � MAYO - T. '. Ureig� A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: ! Members Present: Greig, Sheridan, Wolke, Nee (arrived at 8.05), Johanson (arrived at 8;03). Members Absent; None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the September 19, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. (Johanson & Nee Absent). OLD BUSLNESS- SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE N0. 19D-1961 ADOPTING 1962 BUDGET: The City Manager read the ordinance. Motion by Wolke to accept this as the second reading and to have it published, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. (Nee absent}. ' ' ' 19 The City Manager read the ordinance as corrected. Correction in paragraph "A" •alle,y should be 12 feet instead of 14 feet as stated in the ordinance, Mr. Wolke asked if this area was near the Rice Creek School. Mr. Wagner pointed out the area on the map. Motion by �+�olke to acce�t this as the second reading and to have it published. Seconded ty Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being � no nays� the motion carried unanisously. COIVSIDERATI0IV OF 5TREET ACCESS AT 5_W. CORNER OF' HIGHI�'AY �6 AND The City P�anager explained that Mr. Shapiro had repuested� in writing� that tY�is matter be deferred for two weeks� and to bring the matter ux at the October 1�� 1961 meeting� as he did not have sufficient inforsation for the Council at this time. Motion by Sheridan to defer this matter until the meeting of October 1�� 1961. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousiy. �-rn�r_�s�nac Mr. Pratt� attorney for the Hudsan Oil Company was present. He presented the Council with the preliminary plat and other necessary data pertaining to the plat. He did not have the hard shell� there- fore� the public hearing would have to be oontinued on the final plat. Mr. Pratt stated that the building permit had been approved by the Planning Cor_�rission� subject to the stipulations set forth by the Planning Cormission. Motion by Wolke to accept this as the preliminary plat of Future Heights Addition. Seconded by Johanson. � UFon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unani- mously. Motion by Johanson to continue the hearing on this matter until the hard shell can be presented to the Council. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. There were questions and discussion on the issuance of the building perrnit� which was explained by P�r. Wagner. NE[n BU5INESS: Pr�ESENTATION OF NAP IY A�ETRaPOLITAN M05�dUITO DISTRICT: As the representative was not present� this was cr�ntinued until a later date. PDBLIC HEARING - ASSESSNJENT ROLL - SW#26: This satter was continued until later� as there were several people interested in these various assessment rolls that could not hear� or be heard� due to the City Counc�l chamber being too crowded. There was a su,cgestion that only the people for each assessment ro11 be 1et into the hall as the item came up� but th3s finally was de- cided to be an unsatisfactory solution for these l�earings, Mr. Wolke asked if the meeting could x,e held somewhere else� where there � was nore space. Mr, Kohlar. stated that this could be done. Mr. Creig� P'a,yor, stated that he hG�3 contacted the 'Iaz*es '"ch�rl "rinci- pal� and that the City eculd use the gymnasium for the cnuncil meeting. Mot3on by Wolke to recess the meeting to Hayes School. Seconded'by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanin�ously; The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.N. at Hayes School. The Mayor stated that since there were so many public hearings on assESSment rolls, each one should be limited to 15 minutes. 2U The City Manager read the public hearing notice on SW�26. Mr. Brunsell pointed out the area on the map. Qusstian by property awner on b6th Avenue� East of Central Avenue on sewer and water assessments and the street surfacing program. Sheridan and Johan- son explained �he situation. Mr. Bob Larson asked how the assessments are deternined� and why are they so far off from the original estimates. Mr, Comstock of Comstock and D�vis� Inc.� Consulting EnginFers explained the basis on whieh these assess- ments �1ere determined, referring back to the Notice of Hearing in Mar�h of 19v0. Bill Whiting� 66th Avenue� asked about the esti- mate� cost and the final contract cost. Mr, Comstack explained th�t there 4ou�d be no additional cost. Geo. Pratt� 142g Mississ- ippi ippi Street asked where the money went� when there is a diff- erence between the estimated cost and final cost. Mr, Johanson then explained to the audience that a new policy wi11 be set up in ihe very near future on all projects sa that e more exact estinate of costs can te given. A resident of 1400 Mississippi Street asked if this cost covered blacktopping Mississippi Street again? Mr. Erunsell stated that the cost is included in the assessment� and also that this is a County road and should be maintained by the County, There was a reruest bp a resident for financial stateaents for tne citizens. Mr. Kohlan explained the work and cost invnlved ii this were dor�e� and that the citizens would have to pay through taxes, and the City is attempting to keep the budget as low as possible� and still be able to give the services the citizens expect. Mr. Myron Gstlund� 1400 - o6th� asked what the unit share of the school was on this prcject, Mr. Sheridan stated that it is on the same basis as 2 unit of $14�000,00. Zhere was a question asked if this was final. The answer was that if the reso7_ution were �assed it would be. Notion by Nee to close the hearing. Seconded by �'olke. Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimcusly. PUBLIC HEARING - ASSESSN�NT HOLL - 5W&S5 6: The City Mana�er read the notice of hearing, Mr. $runsell poiflted out on the map the area involved. Mr. Ratner� Lynda7_e Builders� �ras present and stated that he had no complaint on the cost. The City requires escraw money on this assessment� and he i��as told that �825,00 would be adequate� and now� at this tine if is found to be inadequate, He stated that it is very difficult to determine selling prices on these homes in this area� if he does not know approxisately k�hat the assessments will be. There was a d�scussion on escrow fees. Nee stated that this assessment was only 5� off, The Mayor suggested that this hearing be cont�nued until October 10� 1961, and also the hearing on SS�4�. Mr, Anderson of %3�0 East Riner Road� Lot 1� Oak Creek Addition� asked why assessments vary, It was stated by the Council that this should be corrected when the new assessment policy goES into effect, He stated that he does not need storm sewer, but doesn°t mind eontributing� but he has to pay 5 times more than the parties that actually benefit from it. He was told that he was assessed on a unit basis. Mr. Zane Mann� Fiscal Agent for the City of Fridley� explained the esti- mated cost at the �ublic hearing� and the final bid price. He stated that the interest cannot be estimated� even if we use the new assessment policy. The interest is not known until 3Q days before the hearing� during construct3on� etc. The largest discrep- ancy in the differential in assess�ents is the in�erest cost. Y�esident at 5298 Fillmore Street asked abo t bonds� and when do you start paying interest. This was explained by Mr. Mann� the ruling of the U, u". Treasury Departmenty and also� that the engin- eers and contractors are not paid only on cospletion of a project� but bills are submitted monthly. There must be money for these fees. Interest is determined on length of time and size of project. Motien by Sheridan to continue this hearing until October 10� 1961� at 8:00 P.PQ, at Hayes School. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unan3mously. ' ' ' 21 PUBLIC HEARING - ASSESSMENT ROLL - SS#�+0: Mr. L. A. Hedlung� 930 Hackmann Avenue stated that these housing development contractors nFed sewer and water to their property� and he has 100 feet of lateral and main that he had to pay assessments on� for the c�nvenience of the housing project contractor. He objects. Mr, Johanson stated that this would be chFeked into fur- ther. Mr. Ratner stated �tk�at he would like to defend hinself� as a builder-contractor� in reference to Constock and Davis, Inc.'s re�ort on drainage bq culvert� etc,� no storm sewer was needed� but � the City insisted. Lyndale Builders did not request this storm sewer. Mr, Sheridan� 1311-Highway �i'100, stated there was no need for a stora sewer� why �ust the area have it� and all be assessed for it. Mr, Kohlan e�pla�ned that all rFCeive sor�e benefit� ard who is to pay� would te the ouestion as to higher and lower ground. Motion by L,�elke to continue this hearing untjl October 10, 19b1. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no na5's� the motion carried unanimously. FUBI�IC fiEARING - ASSE5SMENT ROLL - Sh'�f41: The City Manager read the public hearing, Mr. Brunsell pointed out the area on the map. Fina1 cost in under estimate. There ti�ere no persons preser.t £or cr against this assessment roll. Motion by Johanson to close the hearin�. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the sotion carried unanimously. The City Manager read the resolutian. Y�iotion �y �4ee to adort the a�ove resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nay�s� the motion carried unanin�ously. ' FUELIC HEARING - A55ESShIENT ROLL - ST.&SS�i`43: The City b:ana�er read the public hearing notice. The Mayor si,ated that this wi11 te deferred by requESt of the attorne,yr and Council- men. Mr. Sheridan has a petition rEl_ative to this matter� tahieh must be ca�pleted. The deferment of this public hearing may be until November� or whenever� the fi�ures are in and cospleted. The City TSanager was authorized tc notify the trcperty owners by mail of the hearing date. Motion by W'olke to defer this hearing until a ?ater council meeting. Seconded by SheridGn. Upon a vaice vate� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimcusly. PUBLIC HEAF�ING - ASSESSNiENT ROLL - ST. 1959-1: Mr. Wagner� the City P4anager� rezd the notice oS hearing. Mr, Brunsell pointed out on the map the area involved. I�r. Wolke asked if anything had been deleted from this contract. Mr. Brunsell stated that several streets v=ere deleted. A resident at 1030 Hathaway� stated that Hathaway had been torn up� and would they be assessed again. The City Manager explained that he and the Con- sulting Engineers hud a discussion on wh��t �,�ould re the best repair in this case, The contractor is responsible for repair. The City is holding 10,°6 of their payment to assure the repair of this street in a satisfactory uanner. Mr. L, A. Hedlund asked auestions on the estimated cost in re�ard to the actual cost. Also� what are � the assessffents based on. Mr. Sheridan explained this to hirn, He a]so wanted to ksiow why streets are �ut �n for contractor-builders' benefits� and then they are assessed for them. Mr. Ray NcAfee� 1360 Hillcrest Drive� was present and stated th�t their street was to be put baek in �he saue shape as it was before thF improvements k�ent in� the street and curb are �n� but not corpleted. The �ob is a very poor one� and there are some sections that are not finished. Why the assessrent� when the job is not danes and not done properly. There k�as discussion on cost per foot for this ,;ob. Mr. Sheridan stated that �1�200.00 for water� sewer and reFlacing street� ran utithin the estimated cost at tiffe of hezring. $�2.']3 per fror.t foot. Question on corner lat assessnents. 1/3 is assessed, and 2/3 � spread down street. The contract on this project was let for �Z seti�er and water� ar_d street surfacing later, It was stated that the original street was better than this one that was put in after the construction of these inprovements. Mr. Harstad� 45th� kest of University� asked why they did not go all the way to University. The road is in bad shape. Mr. Sheridan stated that this is State $i�hu�ay Property. He suggested that the City suggest to the Ni,H.II. to bil ,or fixthe street, but there is always the problem of getting them to do this. The City Engineer was directed to check into this situstion. Dorothy Eerger asked why the City could not put in a small secticn of curbing to save the street. The answer was "no"� ' this is up to the N..H,D. to take care of their right-of-ways. Mr. Kohlan stated that the City cannot do anything with M.H.D, right- of-ways w3thout their consent. Mr. T�eyerhoff of 1350 Hillcrest stated that the asphalt curbing is grossly inadequate� and an en- gineering error, Why should they pay this assessment? Carl Larson inquired a�out the service road west of University. Mr. Wo1ke said th�s should be checked into. Mr, Larson asked who is responsible for this service roa�? The ansF�er was that it has been bladed� but the on]y way to i�preve sane is by petition. A resider.t on ��th Zva,y asked �bout the c3ty €ra�ing streets. The City EnginEer and City h4anager explained that the city grader is in for repair� and at the moment ii they need one� the City wculd have to rent one. Mr. Utter� 608� Ldoody Lane� stated that he has �een assessed for 1�0 feet of curbing� and 10 £eet of curbing is missing. He stated that the street was graded in such a�,anner, that his lct is full of drainage� an� water lies 9n front cf �is property. �'ater cane within 5 feet of l�is garage, and his sssessment is �2,73 per foot for curb and street. A resident at o820 University Avenue cotnlained at�out telephone service pole en his propErty. Mr, krolke wi11 check into this. Mr. George Bacon� 1336 Hillcrest Drive� w��s present ar,d stated that he understood that his assessment was for 5 years, ar.d he has :een paying for 6 years according to his tax stateffent. Nr, Utter� 6840 Woody Lane, stated that the original street cost� �1.;0 per foot five cr six years ago� and he would like � to see the street put b�.ck in as it originally was. Ae asked ti�hy� when the base is solid� shnuld assessnents run so high -$2.73 per P�ot. Zhe City F,ngineer stated that the �ifference in the cast at this tir.e� and the specifications� accounted for the difference. Also� the base must be replaced, Mr. Brunsell explained that the assessffent would have been ��4,18 instead of �2.73. Mr. Bacon asked why the costs of various streets are different? Mr, Kohlan ex- plained that there are various prohlems connected w3th different streets� but unti cost is basically the same. Mr. T. E. Oreskovich- 5831 4th Street stated that he is xeing assessed for 58th Avenue surfacing, and that only 4 houses south are paying� why aren't the others raying. Mr. Brusnell stated that the cost is spread only 1/2 wa,y up the street as the other houses face on 5�th Place. This is LOt 12� Block 5� Bennett Palmer Addition. The rate is �2.b2 per foot. Fonn c�uses are assessed at �195,50� and ene at �396.50 on the corner, There was discussion as to who should �e assessed cn 58th Avenue. The south 1%2 of the �lock object, The questians was asked whether or not this was �latted �hen Associated Contractors �ut in these houses. Tney �dvertise streets in and �aid f'or in their ads. The City Mana�er will check into this situat3on. Mr, Sheridan staLed in reference to this 58th area� when there is doubt as to addresses, if they are on 5��, assess pertic3n of that to people that back up to this. There was more discussion on this, Mr. Wolke asked - will w�0,000 cover this street? The contract price was �5��000.00, There was a question on Hathaway Lane, Repairs � should be done bei'ore sea] ccating, Pi".ot9on by dohanson to roith- hold paymer.t until the work is checked, Seconded by Sheridan. IInon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unani- mously. Mot�on bt= Johanson to continue thi_s hearing until October 10� 1�61, Seconded by Wolke. Upan a voice vote, there teing no nays� the moticn carried unanisously. F.E50LUTION N0. 163-1961 ZHANSFERRING COST OF 5TREET SURFACING ROM 1 6o To ST ;1g61-1: Mr, ldagner� the City hfanager� read the above resolution. Motion 23 by Nee to adopt the above resolutian. Seccnded by Johanscn. Upon a voice vote, there beir.g no nays� the motion carried unani- mously. PUBLIC HE;ARING - ASSFSSN�PdT ROLL - ST. 1960-1&2: Zhe City Manager read the notice of hearing. Mr, Brunsell pointed out the area on the sap, i.avid Falermo� 585'� Hackmann Avenuea stated that the contractor was to replace the old road at no cost� ' but he g�t up a petition� 50`�6 of people signed� asking that a better road be mit in. The cost was to be �2.00 -�2.25 per front foot. (About $2.50). Now� the cost is �4.18 per frort foot� 60,°6 more than the crig�nal quotation per front foot, He felt cbligated to these pecple who had signed this Petiticn fer a better street� an expla- naticn for the change in per fcot rate. He understood that the new street cost vrould be ninus the cost of the old street. Mr. Brunsell statFd that the City Council approned 9�1,650.00 to reFlace Hackmann at the meeting of May 17� 19b0. It was expla�ned that the charge per foot would have �een $�4.86, if the amount of �1�650.00 had not been allowed cn the cld street. There was nore discussion on the assessment s�read of 5 or 10 years. They were told that it now would �e spre�d on a 5 year basis� and the petiticn stated it to be on a 10 vear basis, �lotion by Johanson to continue this hearing until the mFeting on October 11� 1961. Seccnded by Sheridan. Uz.on a vozce vote� there being no r.ays� the motion carried unar.iu,ously. Mr. Fred �v'itzigmany 5E42 Hacksann Avenue� Lot 1�+� Block �+� Parkview Dianor� asked vhp his assessmert 3s highFr en a%5 foot lot than or. sorre oi,hers. Mr. Brunsell will check into this. 1960-2 Streets - Mr. Eklun%�� Rainer Pass� Innsbruck Addition� stated that he w��s told that the assessment for concrete streets would be $800.00� and now the assessment is ccnsiderably h`gher� and wondered row the actual cost czn be so far off from the ane first quoted, Mr. Johanson stated that his assessment is on a per lot basis rather � than on a per foot basis. Mr, Sheridan read Lhe �reakdo�.n on tY:is assessment-there are �1 lots involved. Dr. Nlorany Trollhagen� Irinsbruck Addition� asked what the original esl;inated cest was. Mr. Kohlan stated that it was �111,669.00, Nr. Comstock said that a letter of August 10� 1960� outlines the eest of cencrete streets in the First Addition. This 3s �n a lot basis� 6g lots at the ti�e� no�n� 2 have been divided. A resident at 11+2 C,Iacier Lane� stated that he too� had been given an estimate of $800.0�� and th�t his ecntractor eonfir��ed this. Mr. Wolke stated that perha�s th;� was for just half of the street, It was stateci that the contractors had quoted the ��00,00 fron- informaticn they hec� gotten from City Hall. ➢r, Morar.� 1425" Trollha��en� state8 that he had not been told ky the City that his assessment would be �pF300,00� and did not have it in writing� kaut he thought perhaps the eontractor-builder s�ght have used this figure in selling their homes. He did nct feel that the City should be held resnonsik�le for this auotaticn of �800.00 in a11 cases. He asl�ed how this assessment was determ�ned� hy lot� or by lineal foot? Mr. Sheridan explained that Acres� Ine.� petitioned the City for the concrete street pro@ran, on a 1 year assess�cent basis paid by the developer, In April they had ��rritten to the City �nd requested that it �e cranged fros a front foot basis to a lot basis. lhey lere the original petitirners� and this tias their privilege. Mr. Kohlan stated that the Fer lot basis was basscally the best method, as there are so many different shaped lots� of wY�ich he gave exa�ples � and explax:aL?.ons. Nr. Ed IJunn� Glacier Lane� stated that he thought t'�Fre v*�s gress ne�?igence and r'srepresentation o_° taxes relative to this irprovement, Dr. Schell� 51�8 St. I�oritz also� stated a c�tr:plaint along this line. Mr. Oakerman� Builder� in this area� s�ated th�t there was an underestitr,ate in the street ccsts� and he was quoted �£;On,00. Nr. Dick ti�atson� Builder� stated that they hac' to knoM, the approximate assessment� as they had to include this in the price of the house, There was sore discussion on this matter, Mr. �ane Mann sLated that a public hearing had been held ti�ith figures shewn� and apparently there had been no complai_nt at that tirre, Motion by Wolke to conti��ue this hearing until Octorer 11� 1g61. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. 2,4„ PUBLIC i3EARINC, - ASSLSS1�Ni' ROLL - S&S5#24 • Zhe City Nlanager re�d the public hearing notice. Mr. Brunsell pointed OLlt the area on the map, It was stated that some property owners had not been notified in time� and that this hearing should be deferred until a later date. There were several objectors in regard to this assessment. Mr. Ho�rard Crabtree stated that he has surveys on the Loc�E property� west of Un�versity� and that �the assessment area line does not agree with the surveys. The engineers are to eheck on this. (Descript3on - Lots2-3� Aud. Subd. #�'77 in ' the NEq of NE4 of 3ection 10). Mr. Knalson� S��nerintendent of S�hool District �16 was present ard stated that t.iis hearing shou?d be deferred as their attorney and the City Attarney have not been able to get together and come to an agreeable price� and that he has to check with the School District's attorney and School Board on this n�tter. Mr. Thoe had a complaint on the drainage� and asked why the storm sewer is not takin� carc of this. Also� that the streets are cut ofP at ihe same tir�e� and therefore� this is hinder- ing his business. He re�uested that signs be put on these streets. Harold Miller� lol� Onandago� asked why they are assesssd for water and sewer� and have no use for it. Mr. Brunsell explained that they are not assessed for laterals, only the mains. Evelyn Stringer� 14'70 Onanda�o� stated that she is riaving a water �rob- lem cn her property. There was question on the area assessed in the public hearing notice� and the City Attorney explained that the area described must be deseribed in such a manner so as all abutting properties are included. Motion by Nee to continue this hearing until October 11, 1951. Seconded by Johanson. Uz�on a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. F[Ti�LIC Hr.ARIPTG - ASSr'SSi�1E1VT ROLL - W-'i�F: The City Manager read the notice of hearing. Mr, Brunsell pointed out the area on the map, Mr. Howard Crabtree objected to the �-t39 � front footage charge� as not being � proper assesssent charge in regard to the Locke property. After discussion on this matter� Mr, 4dolke moved that this hearing be contir.ued unt_;_1 October 11� 1901. �econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the r�otion carried unanimously, (Locke property - SW4 of Section 11.) FUBLIC Y��FtIP1G - EDGEWATER GAREENS STHEFT5 - STREEZ5 1961-2: The City b�anager read the publie hearing. Mr. Van Ee - 65� N.E. Way asked when the street would go in. The bids are called for October 1%� 1q51. P�ction by '�;"olke to close the hearing, 3econded by idee. Upon a voice vote, there being ne na�rs� the motion carried unanimously. �UBLIC HEHFtI�TG - EXTENSION OF STORtf SEWEH - SS �+ : �r. Vincent - u�.11 Jaekson Street presented the Council with pic- tures of the street �e?�tai_ning to the ditch� and asked that the assessn�ent cost te stated again. Z'here u�as a question on hauling of dirt out ef the area. This is in confor�!ance with the contract. �r. Feterson - 850 66th slated that the street was being destroyed because of this drainage problerc. The resident at 811 - 66th stated that t)�is is a bad situation� the ditch having 2 feet of water, and is a hazard. Mr, Knutson of Comstock and Davis� Inc,� ' an�wered the questions of these pec_r_le. Motion by inrolke to close the hearing, Seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote� there being no navs� the motion carried unanirr.ously. Mr. Wagner� the City Manager� read the notice of hearin�. Mr. Oustacl� representative of the �ovenant Church stated that there is an urgenc,y in �etting this sewer lateral in� because of the church rarscna�e. Motion ty Jc,hanson to close the hearing. Seconded by Nee. Uton a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimc�usly. '� � 25 PUBLIC I�ARING - STFtEi;T 5URFACING GN 66TfI AVETN� - ST. 1961-�: The Cit P4anager read the notice of hearing. Mr. Ing T. Siverts� Jr.� 13�% 66th Avenue N.E, stated that rie r.as under the inpression at the last meeting he attende@ that the Council would have the bids here for the rroperty owner's consideration on this street surfacing� s'riowzng the difference in the two alternates on the surfacing. It was ex�lained that this could not be Cone� but that there are two resolutions to be rassed k,y the Caur?c�l tonight� and the bids will be ordered. There was discussi_on on the old street standards vs. the nek* street standards. Mr. Kohlan suggested that the hearing be continued until the bids come in on this inprcv�n,ent� and then they can be considered by the Council and the property oumers involved, at a later meeting, Mr. Siverts stated that he would like to see this go ahead� and to pass thE resclutions tonight� sc that the street can be �ut in as scon as possible. Motion xy ldolke to continue the he«ring until Octeber 17, 1�61. Seconded by Johan- son. Uron a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanir�ously. The City t4anager read the above resolutior�. Motion by 4'olke to adopt the above resolution, Seconded by 1Vee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager read the ebove resolution. �iotion by 1�'olke to adopt the above resolut`on. Seconded by Nee. Upen a voice vote, there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wagner� the City bTanager� read the r.ctice cf hearing. The question was asked whether the pipe line on 57th �nd 58th could be continued, Nir, knutson of Corr,stoek and Davis� Inc.� stated that it cauld be, Notion by u'olke to close the hearing. Seconded �y Nee. Upon a voice vote� there Y-eing no nays� the motion carried unani- mously. RF50LUTION N0. 166-1461 CG��II1��Ii�L� k55ESSl��N2 F[OLL - SW#;26: The �ity b�anager re�d the above resolution. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Ur,on a veice vote} there heing no nays� the �rotion carried unanin�ously. kE50LUTIGN 1V0. 167-19t?1 CCNFIRMING ASSFSSP��,N1^ ROLL - Sk�#/41: Zhe City N�anager read the above resolutic�n. Motion adopt the abo�e reso�ution. Secanded by Nee. Uxon a there being no na,ys� the motion carried unani�ously. by 4�o1ke to voice vote� The City I�4anager re�d the above resolution. Metion �y k�olke to � adopt thE above resolution. ,�ecc�ndc� by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The City Nana�er read the above resolution. Motion by lvolke to �deFt the above re,selution. 6econded by Nee. Upon a vaice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unaninously. �� n The City P�anager expla3ned that these bids had been opened at noon on September 5� 1;61� and the at�arding of the bic� had xeen takled at the regular council mEeting cf �eptember 5� 1�61. Motian by Wclke to award the bid to k'albon Excavating Conpany fn the amount of �3�000.0�. Seconded Y.y iVee. UT�on a vo9ce vote� thsre being no nays� the r.�otion carried unanimously, Councilman i��olke irYtreduced the Follow�r.g resolution at+=ardin� the bid for 5�52 (SS�49) � and moved its adoption. (Schedule "B'�} RESOLI7TION N0. 1%0-1961 A R�SOLLr1^IOIV' IIl�AF�DZNG COl`dTRACT �N PRO.7�CT N0. SS�'S2 (SS�Ii-9) Schedule "B" BE IZ RESOLVED EY ZHE CCU'1JCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLE�Y� M7��;NESQTA as fol]_oti�s: l, The Council finds that the lou•est resronsi�le bidder for construc- tion of the inprove�ent work desi_gnated as: Project �Vo. 52 (Storm Sewer (SS#49) is titialbcn Excavating Comnany� 32�+2 �iighway #8� Nlinneapolis� Ninnesota; wY�ose bid is in the amount of �.3�000.00. That said bid is hereby accepted, and i.he City Manager and Mayor in oFfice on date of execution of the contract are hereby authorized and directed to enter inte � ccntract with said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley. A�OFTED BY iHE CQUNCTL OF THE CITY OF PRIBLEY TT�IS 3RD DAY or oc2o���, 1961. � L��%�`t � /� �I , l� � ,,—` CIZY NA�IAGER - Earl/f�, yV���agner rr --� � ,-- �� �,�?�,�; h��lYOR-'T. E. Gre� The motion for tY:e adoption of the above resolutien was duly seconded by Cc�ur_cilman Nee. Upon a vote teing taken thereon� the folloti�ing memk�ers voted in favor thereof: Sheridan� ln�o�ke� Nee� Johansor�� Greig. and tne follording voted against same: None. 4dT-iEREUFON SAI� FtESOLUTIC�N 4�iAS �ECLIaRE➢ DULY PASSED F�IdD ADOF7ED. C The City Nanager stated that the bids had �een opened at noan� October 3� 1g61, on Prolect 3�+-H� Schsdule L in the presence of Nr. Zes Knutsen� �nd Air. Coustock� Consulting E�'ngineers� City Iianager F�arl F. Wagner, Mayor T. E, Greig� znd City Engineer Calvin Brown. The bids were as follows: EID LTJP�iP kiDZ iOCT fiGDF CCP4?'. BIL�DERS SECURIlY SIII�i CC1NC, ALT 1 TIr� Ridahl Const.Inc. 2�2� Lyndale Ave.So Mpls. 8� Minn. Meae� Well Lri11.Co. 211�+ ��. 11th Ave. St. Cloud, Minn. United Facific 5� NO EID �60.00 Cu . 9�1']�800 Yard N,B. 73 days 1 � � Perry A. Swenson Co. �32Endicott Bldg. On 4th� St. I?aul,Minn. liosta Electric Box 268 �. St. Paul� Minn Continental 5� �20�;'14 NO BID �60.00 Cu. Y�rd Berglund-Johnson�Inc. 3io� E, 33rd St. NO EID (No Bid Security) Mr1s.,Minn. � E, H. Putnam St. Paul 7-33° Valders &ve.N. Fire & Mrls.� 27� Minn, Msrine 5� �13�84'7 Karl Dedolph Const.Co. Hartford 1�35 IIaiversity 1�ve. Accident & St. Paul� t�iinn. Indemnity 5°� �1i� � �78 � � �3rite-Lite Elect.Co, 10a1 �'ayne Ave . St. Faul 1� Minn. Loffel-Engstrand Co. 3145 3e�neFin Ave. Mpls.� Minn, NO BID Tidelity & Casualty o£ New Fork 5� $17, 9�+0 Gopher �lectric 1410 C�on Rapids Blvd. YO BIA Co�n kapids� Minn. Pre-5tressed Conc. 2582 Long Lake Rd. 5t. Paul 13� Minn, NO BIp N.B. �25.�J0 Cu. Yard N,B. ��t0.00 C�s . Yard rr.�. �3�'.�0 Cu. Yard iv.B. z� 73 days On or �efcre 12/i5/oi 75 days 120 azys �'_ot�_on by Wo1ke to award the bid to Futnam� 1339 Valders 9venue North, Minneapolis 2'7� Minnssota in the anount of �k13,8�+�.00. Seconded by Nee. Uion a voice vcte� there being no natis, the m_ati_on carried unanincusly. Counc9lman Wolke introduced the followir_g reso7ution ai„arding the bid for Pro�ect 31i-H (Schedule 4)� and rrioved its adoption, RESOLU2'IGN N0. 171-1961 A RF�SOLUTTON Ak'ArDITdG COT�T�ACT ON FFcOJECT N0. 3�+-fi (SCHEDULE 4) PUNI� HOUSb; AT W�LL iJ0 ,!F bE Il PrSCLVFD BY '�HE CC�UidCIL OF THE C11Y OL' P'FtI�LFY� T�iIi�NESOtA as f ollows: 1. The Council f9nds that the lowest responsible bidder for ccn- struction of the imprcverrent work designzted as: Pre�ect �10. ?�-H (Schedule �) is Futnam� 1339 Valders /�venue �iorth� Minneapo7 is 2'7� i�iinnesetiaq k�hose bid is in the arnnunt o£ 5il3�ca4%,00. That said bid is hereby accepted� �nd the Cit,y t�:ar_a er and ��ayor is c��'fice or� date of execution of the cc�ntract 2"e he�er�r aut'�or'�ed a,�P �'irerted to enter in�o a c��tract vith said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley. ADOFTED FY 'IiiE COUNCIL OF' �1HE; Cl2Y OF rRIrTEY TH75 3RI; �AY OF OCTOEER, 1961. � , /� L� j!��r-`''^`/� NIAYOP� -r' Ty. E. Greig r ; � ,;? �' ��'"'�'-�- CIZY MANAGER - ,� v'C''' � � 'L-- Earli P, h'agner �� i'he rr�t3on for the adoptian of the above resolution w�s dvly seconded by Councllnan Nee. Upon a voice vote being taken thereon� the following members vote@ in izvcr thereof: Sl�eridan� Ytlolke� Nee� Jc�hanson� Greig. and the foJ_lowin� voted against sau.e: �'Vone WHEFtEUFON SAIP. 1?ESOLU^lIOiV 1�'1AS DEC?,ARED DULY P�]SSI�,D ANI� ADOPTEII. L�TIER - RE : CLAIl�i � OR DADsAGE - TNOE : Notion by Piee to xay the amrulzt stated by Mr. Thoe in his letter to the City Council. Seconded by Johanson. U�on a voice vote� ther-e being no nay=s� the motion carried unanimously. NYr. Vi Nagel stated tYiat a resident (Carlson; on 7�th and Central Avenue has had to get his water through a garden hose because of a water probl_em th�t exists there. He asked if' a temrorary connection could be approved. Motion by Nee to approve a temporary water cennaction for t'nis property. Seconded by Wolke. Uron a voice vote� there reing no r_ays� the motion carried unanimously. CLAIAIS : Motion by ldolke to apnrove General Claims 5207 through 5289. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion b,y Johanson to approve Liquor Claims 3452 through 3�+81. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. I�iotion by Nee to approve Public Utility Claims 1523 through 1556, Seconded by Johanson. U�on a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the claim of James Hensle,y� Board of Health� in the amount of �130,00. �econded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the r,ation carried unanimously. LICEVSLS: LLECIRICAL Langford Electric Coporation �+22 Roosevelt St.� N. E. Minneapolis 13� Minnesota GAS FITT£,RS Mooney's� Incorporated 2816 Harriet Avenue South P�inneapolis� Minnesota GEN�;RAL Don's Construction Company 73�6 Van Buren Street N.E. I�finneapolis 21� PFinnesoi.a Floyd i'. Foslien 33�+5 University Af�enue, S.E. Minneapolis� Minnesota Okerman & Hunstad b639 Columbus Avenue South Minneapolis� Minnesota by: Hsrbert Fraser New by: Bernard P. Mooney New by: ronald Bostrom ^1ew by: Floyd r. Poslien New by: Allen Okerman Renewal 1 �� ' Thomas S. Silvis 2100 Indiana Avenue North Minneapolis 21� Minnesota T_iEAT ING Mooney�� Incorporated 2516 Harriet Avenue South � Minneapolis� NIinnesota MASOYRY ' Valley Masonry, Incorporated 5720 YTayzata Blvd . Minneapolis� Minnesota I � OV ING Dale Movers� Incorporated 7816 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Loepke Buildi�.g Movers� Inc. 5920 West 70th Street Minneapolis, Aiinnesota FL�1S 1'ER IiVG Mooney's� Incorporated 2816 Harriet Avenue 5outh Minneanolis� Minnesota by: Tkiomas S. Silvis Reneu�al by: Bernard P, Nlooney New by: Lloyd S. Bea] by: Dale Peterson New Renewal by: Wi11i2m H. Doepke New by: Bernard P. Mooney N2k� Seeor.ded �y Nee. Upon a voice vote� therE Leing no naysy the motion carried unanimously. �'�Or`L�D OF AFPEAIi5 N".ITdUTES : Mr. Elrr�er Kruize was present to hear the Council's action on this variance. �iotion by Nee to iollow the recommendation of the Eoard of AFpeals anc� deny tLis variance. reconded Ly Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NOZE: AI_1 other items on the agenda for october 3� 19b1� were not taken up at this meeting� because oi' lack oi tin�e� and wi11 be continued to a later date. ADJCU:�NMENT • Mayor Greig declared the meeting adjourried. Respectfully submitted: � � � - � �,�„e��� J i �xu��.��/ er_ c .. ..au:ue son kcting Secretary to the Council `^ /+L-C MAYOR T, E. Greig SPECIAL COUNCIL ME;ETING - OCTOBEft 10� 1961. A special seeting of the City Cour�cil was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:22 P.M.� at Hayes School. ROLL C�1LL: P�Iembers Present: Me�ber Absent: Greig� Johanson� Ideea Wo1ke Sheridan ��