11/07/1961 - 000237805l1 DELIVERY OF POSTAL MAIL: Mr. Nee stated that the postoffice department had split the City of Fridley in half; and half od the mail will be delivered from the Columbia Heights Station, and the other half from the Coon Rapids Station. Mr. Nee suggested that the City Manager write a letter to the proper cong�essional authorities protesting this move, and the Council concurred. DEFERRAL OF CERTIFICATION FOR COLLECTZON OE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR LATERAI,S ON W-34• Motion by Johanson to defer the certi£ication for collection of the lateral charges on the following two parcels: {1) Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, and (2) Lot 6, Auditor's subdivision No. 22. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business, Mayor Pro-tem wolke declared the meet3ng adjourned. , , Respectfully submitted: � '-+`�U7���••�iGaA^"' � N'7. lofarvin . BrunseIl MpyOR PRO-TII2 Bernard Wolke Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 1961 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Members Absent: Greig, sheridan, Nee, Wolke (arrived at 9;15 P.M,) Johanson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Nee stated the portion of minutes of the October,l7, 1961 meeting relating to change oP grades on streets in Edgewater Gardens Addition should be corrected to read "approva subject to getting the proper waivers .from the people on the streets affected in the Edgewater Gardens Add$tion." Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of the October 17, 1961 meeting as corrected. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the minutes meeting. 6econded by Sheridan. Upon nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS• of the october 24, 1961 special a voice vote, there being no CONSIDERATTON OF REALIGNMENT OF TRUNK HIGHWAY #100 AT INTERSECTTON OF T.H. #65 AND T.H. #100: The City Manager stated that this proposal was Layout #12 oE the pre- liminary plans. 1'he Council can either pass the resolution approving the plans, or pass a motion prepared by the City Attorney, disapproving m e� 1 the plans. 7'he tiiis until later in the meeting. NEW BUSINESS• Mayor stated that he wou].d like to defer action on in the meeting. The matter was laid over until later PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING LOTS 5- 16, BLOCK 4 AND LOTS 5-16, BLOCK 5, CITY VIFW 1�.DDITION: � Ronald Johnson - 5831-6th Street asked what is meant by limited multiple dwellinq. The City Manager explained what could be put into this type of zoning. Mr. Johnson also asked what action could be taken by people in the area to combat this rezoning, as some o� the people in the area are against it. Eugene Hass - 5840-7th Street stated that he was not in favor of multiple dwekling, and did not believe it would be good for the neighborhood, and asked what the people could do to combat it. Mr. Sheridan suggested that if there is sentiment against the rezoning, that the people in the area get a petition, and bring it to the Council. Mr. Trost from Ja-Ken Realty was present. He state$ that if more units could be buil�, they could be built four unit or small,er, but with the limited number of units being built, they would have to build larger apartments. Mr. Ronald Johnson indicated that he would be in favor of double bungalows, but nothing elsa in the multipla dwelling plan. Motion by Sheridan to close the hearing on the above rezoning. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING FROM R-1 TO M-1 PART OF LOT 6 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 39: , , No one appeared for or against this rezoning. There on the matter, Motion by Nee to close the hearing o Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being carried unanimously. was some discussion n the above rezoning. no nays, the motion PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING FROM M-1 TO M-2 AND R-1 TO M-2 A PORTION OF THE NORTHW�ST QUARTER OF THE SOU�EST QUARTER OF SECTION 12: 7.'he City Manager explai,ned tha location of this rezoning on the map. There was no one present who appeared for or against the proposed re- zoning. Motion by Nee to cLose the hearing on the above rezoning. seconded by sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mation carried unanimoulsy. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE REZONING FROM M-1 TO M-2 AND R-1 TO M-2 A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12: The City Manager read the above ordit�ance. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the first reading oP the above ordinance. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice ¢ote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION OF ALLEY CONNECTTNG 53RD AND 54TH BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STREET• The City Manager read the notice of hearing. There was 130 one present who appeared for or against the above alley vacation. Motion by Nee to close the hearing on the above alley vacation. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY CONNECTING 53RD AND 54TH BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STREET: The City Manager read the alaove ordinance. Motion by Sheridan to accept v� this as the first reading of the above ordinance. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.' PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION OF UNNAMED STREET DEDICATION - 59TFI AVENUE EXTENSION FROM MAI)ISON TO 4UINCY: 2'he City Manager explained the location of this street on the map. It abuts on the School District #14 property. Calvin Hagberg, 665-59th Avenue asked it the City is planning a road from Madison to west Moore Lake Drive, and 9tated that there is a petition from the people objecting to a through s�reet in this area. Mr. Sheridan stated that if the �� street were vacated, the property would revert to the School Da.strict. The City Manager stated that the road would juet go to the sck�ool, and would not be a throngh street, as laid out by the School District. Mr. Hagberq recommended that instead of the street to the school coming in from the east side, it should come in from the Madison Street side of tlie property. and would not have to come as near to the residential lots in the,area. Z'he Mayor suggested that the Council meet with the School Board on this matter to aee what could be worked out. There were'no other persons appearing £or or against this vacation. Motion by Nee to close the hearing on the above vacation. Seconded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � S ��� • • �1����C��i�fa��i��� • � S . • • �. � � _ � � � The City Manager read the above ordinance. as the first reading of the above ordinance. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the BUILDING BOARD MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1961; Motion by Nee to accept this Seconded by Sheridan. motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT REQUESTED BY MRS. Tf�O. B. THEILMANN TO MOVE A BARN � ONTO HER PROPERTY AT 1540 RICE CREEK ROAD: I The Building Board had recommended approval of this permit. Motion by Sheridan to grant the permit to move the barn onto the property at 1540 Rice Creek Road. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMI6SSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26, 1961: REZONING REQUEST BY A. L. WILLIAMS TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-2, LOT 2, AND PARTS OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 1, SCHULTZ'S ADDITION: Motion by Sheridan to set a public hearing on this matter for the first meeting in December. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT #61-22 SANDY TERFtACE OF THE EAST 165 FEET OP LOT 2, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 59, RIVERSIDE HOME BUILDERS, INC.: The Planning Commission had recommended acceptance of this preliminary plat. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the preliminary plat of Riverside Home Builders Inc. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REZONING REQUEST BY BERNARD JULKOWSKI AND AMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO M-1 PART OF SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION• The Plannigg Commission recommended Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 13, Spring ��) e) � ) �' Brook Park be rezoned. Motion by Nee to set a public hearing for the Pirst meeting in December on the above rezoning. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the,motion carried unanimously . PRELTMINARY PLAT NO. 61-27 - DON ADDITION: Mr. l�rown, the City Engineer, stated that this has to go back to the Plats and Subdivisions Sub-committee. The Planning Commission had recommended that a cash deposit be collected on this proposed plat, rather than a donation of land. Motion by Nee to accept the recom- mendations of the Planning Commission, and ascept a cash donation in lieu of land for park purposes. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. STR�ET VACATION - SAV #O5: The Planning Commission had recommended the use of Alternate "B" as shaan in the sketch dated 10/25/61 of the extension of West Moore Lake Dr,ive, across Lot 17, Auditor's Suhdivision No. 88. Th�eMayor stated that Alternate "B" ties into Rice Creek Road, and would be the best method. Mr. Max Saliterman was present, and stated that they are re- designing the entire area, and it should be ready withir} the next five days, and would like to bring the overall plan in when it is finished, Motion by Sheridan to defer action on this at this time. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST - MARCEL ADID ROGER SRENNY - TO SPL2T LOTS 24, 25, AND 26, BLOCY. 7, HYDE PARK INTO TWO SIXTY FOOT LOTS: The Planning Commission had recommended tYiat this be granted. " (Councilman Wolke arrived at 9:15 P.M.) Motion by Nee to grant this 1ot split request. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT R�QUEST BY JOHN P. KELLY TO SPLIT LOT 4 AND LOT 8, BLOCK 13, TiYDE PAl2K TO RESULT IN FOUR SIXTY FOOT LOTS: �he planning Commassion had recommended approval of this 1,ot split. Motion by Nee to approve the lot spl8ts. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, these being no nays, the motion carried urianimously. BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST TO ERECT I'OUR DOUBLE $UNGALOWS ON LOTS 3, 4, AND 5, AND LOTS 7, 8, AND 9, BLOCK 13, HYDE PARK ADDI�ION: There was a discussion on the lot area requisements. �'here was no action talcen on these building permits. _ ALLEY VACATION - 57� AVENUE TO 58TH AVENUE LYING BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND SECOND STREET WITH THE EXCEPTION OF Tf3E NORTH SIXTY FEET: The City Manager esplained the location of the alley. Motion by Sheridan to order a public hearing on this matter. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanomously, RESOLUTION NO. 186-1961 APPROVING RATE AGREENIB�NT WITH�NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY• . , Mr. J. Lohmar from Northern States Power Company was present, and ex- plained the proposed new rate schedule to the Council. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the resolution approvinq the new rate schedule. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vo�e, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 5 4� �4 BUILDING PERMIT,RE4UEST BY DEALERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOR 5130 MAIN STREET• Representatives from Dealers Manufacturing Company were present, and ex- plained the location of the permit request, and shaaed plans o£ the building. Motion by Sheridan to approve this building permit request. Seconded by Wol�$. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETTER FROM RICHARD ROBINSON REQUESTING THAT TE� ASSE9SMENT5 BE SPREAD OVER A LONGER PERIOD OF TIME FOR WATER AND tiBEWER ON HIS LOT SN INNSBRUCK ADDITION: , -- Mr. Robinson explained that he was one of the £irst people in the area to purchase a lot, and he had purchased it with the understanding that he would assume the assessments, but he thought they would be spread over a longer period of time, and would like to have �hem spread over a five year or greater period. There was considerable discussion on this matter. Motion by Sheridan to withdraw from the present assessment roll the assessment for water,and sewer on Lot l, Block 2, Innsbruck 2nd Addition, and to re-certify this assessment on a five year basis. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETTER FROM MARVIN DITTMAR REQUESTING A UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICER AT TERRY'S CLUB - 6061 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST: . There was some discussion on this. The Mayor stated that the Police Chief did not recommend that a uniformed officer be employed at this establishment. Action on this matter was tabled until later in thG meeting. CONSIDERATION OF RE-ALIGNMENT OF TRUNK HIGHWAY #100 AT INTERS�CTION OF T.H. #65 AND T.H. #k100: , Mr, Max Saliterman, Mr. Max shapiro, Mr. Chet Herringer, and Mr. wargo were pzesent to discuss the praperty owner's point of view on this subject. Mr. Sheridan stated that in reference to the drawing, dated November 2, �961, wixich is submitted with the agenda, he feels that the frontage road should go all the way from 53rd Avenue to 7th Street, on the south side of Highway #100, instead of having the loops between 4th and 5th,'and 6th and 7ti�. On the north side of T.H. #100, if the City is going to give up the frontage roads, the State should help put a road in north of the Drive-in theater property. Mr. Woll�e stated that he cannot see the need for an outer drive from 53rd to 7th Street, the loops eeem adequate. The Mayor stated that this does not seem like a good overall plan, and he would like to tab,le this,ma�ter for the, evening. Mr. Les Knutson, Comstock and Davis, Inc., stated that the more traffic you can carry on frontage roads, the lesa the expense would be to the City. The City Manager suqgested that the Council give an indication to the State of what the Council wants, so they could draw up plans accordingly. No action was taken on this matter at this meeting. The Mayor suggested that the matter not be acted upon unt31 a full Council is present. LOAN TO NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT: The Mayor explained that the District would pay the loan back at some future date. The amount of the loan would be $2,000.40 plus the $1,000.00 which the City previously had given to the District. Mr. Nee as]ced hav the loan is to be paid back. Mr. Kohlan, City Attorney, stated that it would be paid back, that there would be a�note, �nd Mr. Kohlan recommended that the Board pay interest. Motion by Wo1ke to approve the loan of $2,000.00 to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, and the loan is to bear interest, and the,City secure a note � 55 for a total oi $3,000.00 to cover the $1,000.00 which the City has already loaned to the District. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS• BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST BY PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - 37p0 EAST RIVER ROAD: A representative from Park Construction Company was present, and explained the proposed addition to their building, and presented plans of the building. Motion by Nee to approve the building permit of Park Construction Company - 3700 East River Road. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � Robert Warolin was present, and stated that he has a petition signed by 75% of the people in Blocks 6 and 7, Hyde Park Addition, and that the people want the zoning changed from multiple dwelling back to single family dwelling. Mr. Sheridan questioned whether the City could rezone property mf the owners of the property d,�d not request it. The Mayor suggested that this petition be given to the' City Manager, and the City Engineer, to check out. Motion by Sheridan to receive the petition and place it on file. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OP' PIRE AGREEMENT WITH HILLTOP VILLAGE; Mr. Bob Hughes, Fire Chief, was present and explained the only change in the coniract is that under the new contract he w�uld have_the dis- cretion of sending two trucks inunediately on any fire call rather than just one. The Mayor stated that the Fire Department had done a good job on the fire at Hilltop. Motion by Sheridan to authorize the contract as drawn up,. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ACQUISITION OF PARK PROPERTY - RESOLUTION NO. 187-1961 AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Bill Nee, Councilman, reported on the negotiation for the purchase of the Locke Property. He has been told by the owners, that the probate would be completed about the end of the year, and at that ti.me the property would be in the control of three people, but the asking price of two of these people was considerably higher that the City had been intending to pay for this property, and suggested that the City start condemnation proceedings. Mr. John Swanson, member of the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-committee, stated that if the City does not get the land naw, there will not be any left. The Mayor thought that the City should start copdemnation proceedings. 7'here was a discussion as to the appraisal made, and the firm making it. Mr. Kohlan stated that they are an established and recognized appraisal firm. Motion by Wolke to adopt the resolution authoriza.ng condemnation proceedings on the Locke Progerty. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. . CONSTDERATION OF EASEMENT TO CTTY FROM THE MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY, AND THE AGREEMENT WITH Tf�E PAUL SCEIWARTZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Mr. Kohlan stated that the easement from the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company is a good easement, and the agreement with the Paul Schwartz Construction Company is a qood agreement. Motion by Sheridan to accept the deed from the Minneaota Transfer Railway Company, and the agreement from the Paul Schwartz Construction Company. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 5b STORM SEWER PORTION OF 1960 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND: Motion by Sheridan to recall the certification for the storm sewer portion of the 1960 street surfacing fund, so that the people may be given another opportunity to have a hearing on this matter. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS • Motion by Sherician to approve the follcnving appointments made by the City Manager: z Marjorie Joyce Bourke Part-time $1:50 Additional Help 749 - 81st Avenue N.E. Waitress per hr. for Fridays and Minneapolis, Minnesota shorewood saturdays Store #3 � Beth V. Bentsen 301 - 106th Lane N.E. Anoka, Minnesota Mabel Demko - 856 - 84th Avenue�N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Joseph Tryman 2634 N.E. Lincol.ri Minneapolis, Minnesota I'ull-time Waitress Shorewood Store #3 Full-time waitress 37th & Marshall Store #Z Full-time Dartender 37th & Marshall Store #2 $1.255 per hr. $1.255 per hr. $2.21 per hr, Replacea Doris Flynn Replaces Nellie Hayes Replaces . Russell oberg Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Nee asked if the Liquor Store Manager had been consulted on these appointments. APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE OF CURTIS DAHLBERG: , Motion by Wolke to approve the leave of absence for military duty of Curtis Dahlberg. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS• Motion by Nee to approve General Claims 5341 through 5431. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. • • � Motion by Wolke-to approve Liquor Claims 3542 through 3586. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve Public Utility Claims 1581 through'1615. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLATM OF EHI,ERS-MAIqN AND ASSOCIATES: Motion by Nee to approve the claim of Ehlers-Mann and Associates in the amount of $5,975.0�. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , �a CLAIM OF S. C, uMILEY AND ASSOCIATES FOR WORK ON 'THE CITY HALL: �lihere was discussion on this claim as to whether this should be paid naw, or payment withheld until the Council can meet with S. C. Smiley and Associates. Motion by Nee to pay the claim of S. C. Smiley and Associates in the amount of $3,658.06. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: $RICKSON BROS: The City Manager explained that Storm Sewer #51 involves a court case, and it might be wise to withhold a portion of the payment on this, so that a change order could be added if necessary. Motion by Walke to approve the payment of $750.00 to Erickson Bros. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carri,ed unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the payment of $71.OD to Erickson Bros. for Storm Sewer #51, subject to the approval of the City Attorney before the check is released to Erickson Bros. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES OF WALBON EXCAVATING COMPANY AND CARL H. PETERSON COMPANY: Motion by Wolke to approve the follawing estimates: Walbon Excavating Co. 3242 Highway 8 Minneapolis 18, Minnesota Storm Sewer #52 $11,394,00 Carl H. Peterson Water Improvement 5946 Pleasant Ave. So. #34-H $ 9,450.00 Minneapolis 19, Minnesota Schedule 2 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: There was a discussion on the license of the Shell Oil Company, 6101 University Avenue Northeast. Motion by Sheridan to defer consideration of the license of the Shell Oil Company, 6101 University Avenue North- east. Seconded by Wo].ke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, . Motion by Wolke to approve the following licenses: ELECTRICAL Michael W. Kane 2712 - 65th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 12, Minnesota seestrom Electric Company 4625 Williston Road Hopkins, Minnesota HEATING Marshall Heating Company 1324 Marshall Street N.E, Minneapolis 13, Minnesota Midland Mfg. & Heating Co. 6442 Penn Avenue South Minneapolis 23, Minnesota by: Michael W. Kane by: Edward Seestrom by: E. L. Knowles by: C. T. Moe New New I�� Renewal 5� PLUMBING Doyle & O'Brien Plumbing Co. 2817 Emerson Avenue South ' Minneapolis, Minnesota Paragon Plumbing 4940 - 34th Avenue'SOUth Minneapolis, Minnesota Richards Plumbing Box 3a8 D, Route 3 osseo, Minnesota SIGN f1ANGERS Macey Signs, Inc. 451 Wilson Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTOR, Goodnor Construction Co. 45 - 10 Court Square, L.I. Long Island City, New York �EATING Hoglund Heating Company 7420 West Lake Stre�t Minneapolis 26, Minnesota u � Control Enqineering Co. 1901 Deer Hill Dr3ve by: E. Doyle by: Allen O. Larson New New by: Richard Christianson New by: William Revelson by: Arthur J. Sutton George M. Auer by: J.H. McCormick Renewal New ReneRaal wayzata, Mi�nnesota , by: Lester Martin Renewal Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrted unanimously. STATEMENT�OF C�IVVASS OF THE NOVEMBER 7, 1961 ELECTION - WARD NO. 2: I , Motion by Wolke to 'approve the statement of canvass at the November 7, 1961 election declaring Raymond E. Sheridan the person elected for . Councilman Ward #2, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. STATEMENT OF CANVASS CITY ELECTION November 7, 1961 Declaration of Results 7.'hereot , In accordance with Section 4.OII of the Charter of tha City of Fridley, the City Council declares the results of t�e 1961 City Election to be as follows: A. The total number of ballots cast was B. 7'he vote for each candidate and number of defective and not voted ballots is as iollows: 36 a Not voted or defective ballots Raymond E, Sheridan Arthur christenson (sample) C. The following officer is hereby declared elected. Raymond E. Sheridan D. The names of the judges of election are as follows: � Mrs. Constance Urbick Mrs. H. J. Manley Mrs. Gertrude Leonhardt / �, ? .Y�CX� (./"�Q� �� Counailman - Bernard Wolke -,9i�n Johanson / / man - W i216.A[iR J s - Raymond E. Sheridan � f� 1 35 1 Mrs. Ramona 2iegler Mrs. Sylvia Marrs Mrs. Margaret Knudson c.� � ' w Mayor - T. E. Greig RESOLUTION NO. 188^1961 ORDERING PRELIMINARY,REPORT - 64TH AVENUE (CENTF2AL TO ARTHUft} AND WOODY LANE - STORM SEWER PROJECT #53: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RECREATION COMMISSION MINU'I'ES OF SEPTEMBER 21 1961 AND RESIGNATION OF COUNCILMi1N SHERIDAN FROM COMMISSION AND APPOINTMENT OF COUNCII,MAN NEE TO COMMISSION: Mr. Sheridan stated that he is resigning from the Recreation Commission. Motion by Sheridan to appoint William J, Nee as the Council representative to the Recreation Commission. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to receive the Recreation Commission minutes of September 21, 1961, and place them on £ile. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , CONSIDERATION OF DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT 61ST AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE: There was considerable discussion on the pumping of water at this address. The City Manager stated that there is a school crossing signal at this intersection, and therefore, the school children must cross at this point. The Mayor stated that he felt the City should not pump water at this address unless they are going to pump it in all other parts of the City. There was considerable more discussion on this drainage problem. There was no action.taken. ^ �u UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICER AT TERRY'S CLUB: Mr. Dittmar stated that his brother, who is the proprietor of Terry's Club, is trying to clean the premises up, and make it a better place than it has been in the past. Mr. Itohlan stated that he would not recommend a City employee be employed as a policeman at this establish- ment, but that there is a provision for a special police officer in. these cases. 2'he Mayor stated that if the Police Chief says a special policeman is okay, then the matter should be referred back to the Council. There was no further action taken on this matter. CfiANGE ORDER FOR WATER PROJECT NO 34 CROSSING UNDER THE RAILROAD TRACKS� Mr. Les Knutson, of Comstock and Daais, Inc., e�lained that the specif- ications would have to be changed for the crossing undar the railroad tracks, as the Railroad Company would not approve the specifications that had been used,in the past for crossings, and it would be }�ecessary to put in the more eacpensive type of crossing. 2'he additio�al„cost would be from $7,Q27.54 to $9,705.78. Motion by Sheridan to approve the change order.; Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOiJRNMENT • There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Respect£ully subma.tted: l • l �.% (M^" ' � 1�' Marvin C. Brunsell Secretary to the Council V ' � MAYOR - T. E, Greig COUNCIL MINUTES = NOVEMBER 21, 1961 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to ordez by Mayor Pro-tem Wolke at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Johanson, Wolke, Nee, Sheridan (arrived at 8:30 P.M.) Greig (arrived at 9:30 P.M.) Members Absent� None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilman Nee stated tha� the motion approving the $71.00 payment to � Erickson Bros. should be "Motion by Wolke," and in re£erence to the , acquisition of park property, Resolution No. 187-1961, authorizing condemnation proceedings, the portion reading, "and suggested that the City start condemnation proceedings," should be stricken. Motion by Nee to approve these changes in the November 7, 1961 minutes. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of November 7, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried,',unanimously. PLIINNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MALAFANT LOT SPLIT REQUEST: