10/17/1961 - 00023791�.J � LJ 37 is a difterence in assessments, Mr. Knalson stated that they understand what the Council is trying to explain to them, but the people that they must relay this information to, may not, Mr. Comstock stated that none of the water systems are fu11y assessed. They are paid by (1) Assessments (2) Revenues (3) General Tax. You cannot compare assessments in a11 areas, as each Gity or Village may have a different basis on which to raise the money for these improvements, and you must analyze all of the factors involved. A question was asked about the charges other than lateral and main charges, such as hookup, meter, etc. Mr. Brunsell explained this. Mr. Grassini, 1631 Rice Creek Road stated that the feeder line is on Stinson, is a portion of the Central Supply System, and he had already been charged on his frontage, and described his problem further. Mr. Wolke stated that he may have a basis for deferral, and suggested that he write a letYer to the Council for their consideration, Mr, PeCerson, School District ��16, stated that they have a front- age of 570 feet. Which side is the lateralY Is it on Osborne Road? Mr. Comstock stated that the main is on Osborne Road, not on 3 sides. The main is on 100 square foot basis. 76th is in a different project - Pro�7ect 9R48. Mr. Peterson stated that they get water from just one end. Mr, Bell, Great Northern Railway, asked when this ro11 wi11'be certified. He was told "tonight", and that they have 30 days after this resolution is adopted to pay without interest charge. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carzied unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 174-196L'CONFIRMING AS585SMENT ROLL - ST. 1960-1&2: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution as amended and corrected. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 175-1961 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL - S&SSi624 - TRUNK SEWER LINES: Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution on Sanitarq Sewer Trunk Lines-S&SS��24 as amended and corrected. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 176-1961 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL - S&SS�k24 - SEWER LATERALS: Motion by Nee to adopt the resolution on Sewer Laterals - S&SS�k24 as amended and corrected. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business, Acting Mayor Wo1ke declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted:. �� ��Y���. ��c t/ Acting Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOSER 17, 1961 �°�� �� ACT NG RfAYOR — Bernard wolke A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Wolke at 8;00 P.M, ROLL CALL: Members pxesent; Johanson, Wolke, Nee Members absent: Greig, Sheridan APPROVAL OF MII3UTES : Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the October 3, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sohanson to approve the minutes of the October 10, 1961 meeting, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of the October 11, 1961 meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: �� PRESENfiATTOiT OF MAP BY THE METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT: This matter was continued, as the gentleman was not present. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - FIITURE HEIGHTS ADDITION (CbNTTNUED FROM OCTOBER 3, 1961j: The representative of the property owner stated that they agreed to accept all future assessments for sewer and water and other improvements in the plat. Mr. Kohlan stated on the question of whether the applicant would plat and use only part of the forty-acre tract, the platting requirements would 6e met so long as the parcel to be used is within the plat, and the balance of the forty-acre tract can re- main unplatted. There were no other persons appearing for or against approval of the plat. Motion by Nee Co close the hearing on the Euture Heights Addition final , p1at. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried �Ynanimously. ' ,' �IC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - CLARK''S ADDITION (TABLED 7-5- HEARING ON Mr. C1ark was present and explained the details o£ the p1at. Mr. C1ark stated that a11 �f the portion of McKinley Street that is to be vacate3 is included in` the new plat, and is ,7ust realigned. There was no one else who appeared for or against the approval of the plat or the vacation of McKinleq Street, and the alley. Motion by Nee to close the hearing on the Final Plat of C1ark's Addition, and on'the vacation of McKinley Street. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. IMPROVEMENTS IN FINAL PLAT OF CLARK'S ADDITION AND APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT: Mr. Clark asked if he would be required to put money in escrow on the street inasmuch as there are no new streets in the area, and they wouid be merely building on existing streets. Mr. Johanson stated that people should not be required to pay the assessments on existing streets in the one year period, but that at least they should be we11 aware that there would be assessments on the property. Mr. Kohlan stated that the platter should file an affidavit to the effect that there wi11 be future street assessments on the property. Motion by ,Tohanson to approve the final plat of C1ark's Addition, and waive the re- quirement that money be put in escrow on street and storm sewer through transfer ' of 1ots, but that a declaration be filed, with the p1at, to the effect that there is no guarantee that there wi11 not be future assessments for street and stoxm sewer. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OF STREET ACCESS AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY �'P65 AND HIGHWAY Mr. McFadden and Mr. McCubrey from the Highway Department were present and explained the present alignment of the street at the intersection of Highway �6100 and Highway �k65. Mr. Saliterman was also present, and stated that he felt that he was not being given sufficient access to his property, and he said that he has 7 acres on the southwest corner of Highway ��100, and �k65, which would not have sufficient access if the present highway plans were followed through. He stated that he did have access to his property from frontage road before the plans were changed. Mr. McFadden stated that Highway 1k100 was moved about 65 feet to the south, and that is why the access to Mr. $aliterman's property from Highway 4k65 had been discontinued, There was considerable more discussion on this matter. Motion by Nee to refer this matter to the Planning Co�ission. Seconded by ,Tohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - 66TH STREET SURFACING - ST. 1961-3 (CONTINUED EROM OCTOBER 3, 1961): The City Manager explained the two types of surfacing which were being considered. , (l) Co1d Mix Street wrth swale - 41 feet in width and, (2) Hot Mix Street with curb which could be either 41 feet or 31 feet in width. Mr. Les Knutson stated that based on the bids received, the assessed cost per foot for the street, not in- cluding interest, would be approximately $6.38 per foot for the 41 foot hot mix street. The assessment per foot for 31 foot hot mix street would be approximately $5.07 per foot, and the assessment for the cold mix street wxth swales and no curb would be approximately $2.90 per foot, not including any interest charges, Mr. Leonhardt stated that some of the people want the cold mix, and some want the hot mix, but that he liked the o1d method, and thought it would be sufficient as there is no through traffic on this street, Mr. Wo1ke asked �f the replacement of the street was a part of the sewer and water contract. Mr. Les Knutson stated that "no", it was not. There was discussion as to whether the property owned by Mr. Cochran would be assessed for part of this street. The Council indicated that � � � �3 they thought that it should be assessed for the street, Mr. Ing Siverts, Jr. asked what the time limit for installing the street was. The City Nianager stated that the time limit was 30 days. Chuck Carlson asked if there was any consideration of the cul-de-sac. Mt. Knutson stated "no". The question was asked how many votes a person would have with three 1ots. Mr. Kohlan stated that a majority of the owners in number and interest is a determining factor on a petition. Mr. Ing Siverts, Sr. stated that he would like to have the hot mix street with concrete curb, and possibly the school could pay for the price of the o1d street, and the people could pay the difference in the specifications. Mr. Siverts asked if the Council thought the City could get the school to contribute to the cost. Mr. Sohanson stated that the City would try, but could give no guarantee that the school would contribute in the cost of it. Mr. Leonhardt stated that the school took the petition around for sewer and water. Mr. Wolke asked for a show of hands of those people in favor of the hot mix street and concrete curh. There were 3 people in fawr of it, and 7 people present in favor of the cold mix with the swale, Mr. Johanson stated that the City Manager will check with the school district on the matter of having them participate in the cost of the street. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing on the street surfacing on 66th AVenue. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: RECEIVING BIDS ON 1961-3 STREET SURFACING: The City Manager announced that the following bids had been received at 12 naon on October 17, 1961, in the presence_of the City Manager, City Engineer, Darrel C1ark, and Les Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc, BIDDER BID LUMP SiIM SECURITY BID Jay W. Craig Co. Cont. 1814 Calif. St. Casualty Mp1s „ Minn. Co. 5% $11,503.00 Dunkley Surf. Co. Great Amer- 3756 Grand St. N,E.ican Ins, Co.$10,103.90 Mp1s., Minn. of N.Y. 5% Barton Contracting Osseo, Minn. No Bid ALT�kl $4,574.20 N,B. CDMPLETION TIME 30 days Motion by Sohanson to receive the bids. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AWARDING OF BIDS FOR 1961-3 STREET SURFACING - RESOLUTION N0. 178-1961; Motion by Sohanson to adopt the resolution awarding the bids for 1961-3 Street Surfacing to J. W. Craig Company on Alternate ikl, in the amount of $4,574.20. Councilman Johanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, RESOLUTION N0. 178-1961 A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT ON PR0.7ECT STREET SURFACING 1961-3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS; 1. The Council finds that the lowest responsible bidder for construction of the improvement work designated as: Project No. St. 1961-3 (Street Surfacing) is ,T, W, Craig Company, 1814 California Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota; whose bid is in the amount of $4,574.20 (Alternate �kl). That said bid is hereby accepted, and the Gity Manager and Mayor in office on date of execution of the contract are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley. �n ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS llTH DAY OF OGTOBER, 1961. �—� _�' � �. J � �lti,, ,� MAYGRT E. Greig �� � Y i �u`i'4. � :� . .�,�%r.��-,.-r�-^i`�— City Manager - Ear1 P,: Wagner The motion by Johanson for the adoption of the above resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Nee, and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following members voted in favor thereof: Johanson, Nee, Wolke (Greig and Sheridan absent) and the following members voted against same: None WHEREUPON SAID RESOLUTION WAS DECLARED DITLY PASSED AND ADOPTED, OLD BUSINESS: FINAL PLAT OF FUTURE HEIGHTS ADDITION: The City Engineer stated that the developer had a�reed to construct their own private sanitary facilities, according to the ordinance, but that he had nothing in writing concerning access and storm sewer as far as the Highway Department is concerned. The developer stated that they have taken this matter up with the Highway Department, and the State has agreed to give them temporary access and has no storm sewer problems, and can get a letter from the Highway Department to this effect, if that is necessary. Motion by Johanson to approve the final plat of Future Heights Addition, sub�ect to the City receiving a letter from the Highway Department granting temporary access to the property, and approving the stor�n sewer drainage with the Highway Department, Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. ,McFadden from the Highway Department said that there is no problem as far as the Highway Department is concerned, and will giVe the letter if necessary. He stated that the Highway Department wi11 require about 50 feet more right-og-way in the area. There was a discussion on the setback of the service station, but no action was taken. BUILDING PERMIT AEQUEST FOR 8500 UNIVERSITY AVENUE IN THE FUTURE HEIGHTS ADDITION: Motion by Johanson to approve the building permit for a service station at 8500 University Avenue, with the 100 foot setback to tke building from the present right-of-way line. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice wte, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION N0. 179-1961 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A SNOW PLOW AND APPURTENANCES: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BIDS OPENED AT 12 NOON, OCTDBER 17, 1961 ON THE SNOW PLOW: The City Manager stated that the following bids had been received and opened at 12 noon October 17, 1961, in the presence of Mr. Wagner, Mr. Brown, Mr. Knutson, and Mr. Clark: SNOW PLOW UNDERFRAME-NEW CiTY FRAME (RE) BIDDERS & BID DEL. LUMP DEL. LUMP DEL. LUMP SECURITY DATE SUM DATE SUM DATE SUM Borchert-Ingersoll, 2161 Univ. Ave, St. Paul, Minn, Phillippi Equip. Co 2360 Hwy. 100 So. Mpls., Minn. Cert. Ck. - $50.00 No Bid 5 to 8 days $625.00 5 to 8 days $116.50 7 to 10 days $85.00 r ' ' Public Works Equip. 786 Univ. Ave. St. Pau1� Minn. Cert. Ck - �1t5.DQ Road Mach. & Supply l�g01 W. 79th St. Mpls.� Minn. Cert. Ck - $l�7..00 Geo. T. Ryan Co. 171-27th Ave. S.E. �Mp1s.� Minn. Cert. Ck - �50.00 The Zeco Co. 2929 Univ. Ave. S.E. Mpls., Minn. Hayden-Murphy Equip, 1t501 Hiawatha Ave. 50. Mpls,r Minn. Cert, Ck - �100.0(? io days �71o.Q0 11� davs �588.00 30 to 45 days �477aQ0 io days 1!y days 30 to !�5 da�s 41 �5 days �188.0� �51c,0o 1!� �150,Q� da,ys �75.00 �175.00 No Bid No Bid 21 21 30 days ffi775.c�o aays �6�5.0o day� �.GO.�e I,ittle Fa11s'Machine Shop Little Fa11s� Minn. No Bid The City Engineer stated that he wauld recommend the acceptance of the 1ow bid of George T. Ryan Company with net total bid price of $652.00 for plorr and underframa, Motion by iVee to award the bid for the snow plow and underframe to the Geor�e T, R,yan Compar�y in the amount of $$652.00. Seconded b,y- Johanson. Upcn a voice vote� there being no na,ysa the motion carried unanimously, A FOR 1961-2 STREET SI1Rr, CIluG AivD �The City NTanager announced that the following �ids were reaei.ved at 12 noan on October 17, 1961a and opened in the presence of Mr. Wagner� Mr, Brown, Mr. Knutson, and Mr. Clark: BIDDERS BI➢ SECIIRITY LUMY SUM BiD COM�'. TIME Bar�ton Contracting Osseo�Shopping Center Osseo� M3.nrtesc+ta insurance Co. of N. America 5% Bury & Carlson Co. No Bid 1 - 19th Ave. So, Minneapolis, Minnesota J. W, Craig Co. Continental 181!! California St. Casualty Minnea�olis� Minnesota 5� (Alt. A - Deduct y��2,124.0�) YV�9! 96�i e �� (Alt. A - Deduet �2a95�s00) �5b,195.00 Dunkley Surf. Co. Great American (Alt. A- Deduct 3756 Grand St. N.E, Ins. Go. of N.Y. �590.00) M�nneapolis� Mi.nnesota 5� $5�+,85�t.00 bo aays 6� days 2�0 days on ox before J�zly 1, 7_962 City Engineer Browa stated that the City had to make some changPS in grade on se�eral sireets in Ec�gewater Gardens Addition� as people had built driveways to the er,'�sting grades which were not the street grades rorhieh had been established prior to cun- struction of sewer and water lines. Mr, Kohlan suggested that the City contaet the property owners and get waivers from them, on the streets where the grade� are being changed to accomodate the driveways. Mr, Brown stated that the bids are based on the new grades, and ea�lained that the Alternate "A" bid wovld be the same streets as bid under lump sum base bid� except that certain base material and e�tra seal would not be guaranteed to be put in this fa11� b,y November 17i 1961� arAd if the base bid alone +aere accepted, it wouJd cost the property o*.mers o£ these certain streets about 12� more on their assessment. Mr. Brawn stated bhat the assessment would run Yrom approximately ��.110 to �5,05 per foot less interest, Mr, Aohlan stated �hat the Cit,y could sign the contract but not proceed wlth the wrrk until rece�.pt of the waivers� if the Council wished to do it that way. Mation b,y Johanson to adopt the ���� resolution awarding the base bid and alternate "A�' to the Barton Contracting Company in the net amount of �47,e4�s.50� with the work on the portion of the contract in whi.ch there is a�hange o£ grade to be held up until suck tiine as waivers from the people in the area are received. Seconded b,y lVee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried vnanimously. Counci�man Johanson introduced the follow2ng resolution and moved its adoption: RESGLUTION 1VQo 180-1961 A RESOZi7TI0N ATrdARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET SUREACING 1961-2 PROJECT� BF IT RE50LVED BY TIiE CUiJNCIL OF TIiE CITY OI�' FRIDLEY� NfIN1VESOTA AS foilows: 1. The Council finds that the lowest responsible bidder for construction'of the improvement worlc designated as: Project lVOo ST. 19h1-2 (Street Surfacing) is Barton Contracting Companyy Osseos Minnesota; whcse bid is in the amount of ��7�8l�1�.5�. That said bid is h�reby ��ecis�ted} and the Cit,y Manager and Ma,yor in office on date of execution of the ccntract are hereby suthorized and directed to enter into a contract �aith said bidder for and in behalf oi the City of Fridl,ey. ADOPTED BY THE COUIVCIL OF THE CI'i'_Y OF FRIDLEY THIS I7TH DAY OF OCTOBER� 1961. � , �� �� ���-�� MAYGR �R��G " G ;,a,� ��i/v�%�e u.-� 'PY iVAGE - Earl Pr�r agtter � The motion b,y Jahanson for the adoption of the above resolution was duly seconded by Counci_Lman ivees and upon a voice vote bein� taken thereon� the following members voted ui favor themaf: Joh�.nson� iVee� Wolke (Greig and 3heridan absent). and the folloc�ing members voted against the same; None WIiEREi1P0iV SAID kESOLUTIDN WAS DECZ,AREA DULY PASSED AIUD p➢OPTEll. CHANGE OF GRADES ON STR�ETS Il�; EDGElr1ATER GP.RDENS ADDITIOIV: Motion by �7��banson to approve the cranges of grades on various streets in and adjacent to Edgerrater Gardens Adclition, as ��t �orth in plans for St. 1961-2 uaL-e�' Gctober 16, 1961. S�conc�ed by Nee. U�on a voice vote, Lhere beiny n:� nays, i.he motxon carrzPd unana.mously. PUBLIC F?��A.RILQG - r RIt�.L�Y I1VT7UST�'.IAL PARI4 r� 1- FINAL PLAT: Th�a Ctty rv�anager explai�ze� the locat�an of the plat to the City Council. I+�?a��on hy J�hanson �o c7_o�e the hearing �n the plat of _r.ridley Industrial ?�a�� -E�l, ancl to accept thzs as a��relimznary nlat, Seconded by �.Tee, Upan a vo.�ce vote, theie }ae�.ng no nays, tha motion carra.ed unanimousi�•. .'aCv.^ �P'1'2`,�3CE QF �a T�ATV PLt'-_T - i�'F.?'DL��I INDUS'?'RIAL PARY ;rl: '�here was considera]ale cliscussi�n on the fact that the two parts to the Y�1_at were not ccnti7uous. The parcel ov,med in fee by the Ma.nnesota ?'ransSer i,ai].way sp? �t the plat i.n ha1l, and was not a part oi the plat. r�Ir. P�ohlan stated that either the Minnesota Transier Railway should �oa.n in the ��lat, or tl�is should be made as twa separate plats. Motion by _5ohan„on to approve th�s �s the tinal ?la� of Fridley Park First Assitian, su7��ect ta: !1J that L-he hardshell contain revised area and include only *he area zn Bloc;� 1 oi tlze preliminary plat, or (2) if the hardshell contaans also that portion of the preliminary plat in Block 2,that the pla�t�r oroduce legal authority for doing so ta the City Attorney, and ok�tazn the Ca.ty Pttorney's ap�roval_ Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motzon carried unanimously. , I I u � �• Y� Mr. Kohlan stated that the developer could have this plat prepared on either of the above two alternates, or he could have the Minnesota Transfer join the plat, but that, in his opinion, all parcels in the plat should be contiguous. BOIiRD OF APPEALS MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1961: REQUEST BY MARVIN LOQUAI FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION B.lA OF ORDINANCE AVEI3U'E N.E. • Motion by Johanson to follow the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and grant this variance request. Seconded hy Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caraied unanimously. RE(�UEST BY MRS, JEAN LEICH FOR A VARTANCE FROM SECTION S.lA AND 8.5A OF ORDINANCE NO. 70 A WAIVER�OF THE LOT WIDTH REQUIREMENT AND LOT AREA REQUIREMENT IN LOT 8, SLOCK 13, PLYMOUTH ADDITION: � 'I`here was cpnsiderable discussion on this matter, whether the building would have sufficient side yard requlrements. Motion by Johanson to grant this variance request as recommended by the Board of Appeals. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING CQMM�SSION MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 28, 1961: REZONING REQUEST BY MIKE PRIBULA FROM R-1 TO C-1 LOTS 1, 2, 39, 4p, 41, AND 42, PRIDLEY PARK ADDITION: Mr. Pribula was present and explained his reason fo'r the'rezoning request. He stated that the taxes and assessments om the property were too great and therefore, he felt that the rezoning request should be granted. He stated that he planned to develop the area for multiple dwellings. �'he City Manager explained that the Planning Commission had recommended that this rezoning request should be denied. Tha Council could either concur in the Planning Commission's recommendatian, or set a public hearing. Mr. Johanson suggested that the Council set a public hearinq on this, and see how the neighbors in the azea felt about it. Mr. Wolke sixggested that the matter qo back to the Planning Commission. There was considerable discussion on the rezoning, and�whether it was desirable to have commercial or multiple dwelling in thls area. Motion by Johanson to refer the matter back to the P1asnAing Commission, and that the Planning Commission give special consideration to R-2 rezoning. There was no second to this motion. Mr. Nagel stated that when this matter had come up in the Planning Commission for R-2 rezoning there had been considerable opposition to the R-2 rezoning. Councilman Nee stated that he would go along with referring this back to the Planning Commission, but not with instructions for R-2 rezoning. 2'here was no action taken on this matter by the Council. REQUEST BY ACME METAL SPZNNING FOR REZONING FROM R-1 TO M-� PART OF LOT 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this rezoning. Motion�by Nee to set�a public hearing on this rezoning. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the m6�tion carried unanimously. REQUEST BY ARVID HP.NSEN TO RE�ONE �6?.M-2 THE EAST 165 EEET OF LOT 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39: ' The Planning Commission had recommended denial of �his request because with setback requirements, this parcel could not be used as industrial property. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Plqnning Commission, and deny the request. Seconded by Nee. Upon a 4� voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST BY ROBERT,CHRISTENSON TO SPLIT LOTS 13, 14, AND 15, BLOCK 7, PLYMOUTH ADDITION INTO BUILDING SITES: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this 1ot split. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commiccion and to allow the lot split. 6econede by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unantmously. REALIGNMENT 4F FEEDER WATER MAIN ON EXTENSION OF MATTERHORN DRIVE TO GARDENA AVENUE: �'� The City Engineer expla3aed the proposed alignment on the map. The Planning Commieeion had recommended approval of this realignment. Motion by Nee to approve the realignment and to direct the City Manager and the City Attorney to begin the condemnation,or acquisition of the portion of the land awned by Acres, Inc., this realigrunent to be as shown in the drawing dated October 3, 1961. Seconded by - Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - OCTOBER 12, 1961: PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this preliminary plat. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation oE the Plannit}g Commission and approve the preliminary plat of Lakeview Heights'Addition. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, AND TO ItEZONE FROM M-1 TO M-2 THE NORTH 250 FEET OF '1'HE WEST 1,100 FEET EXCEPT THE WEST 580 FEET OF THE NORTH- WEST $UARTER OF Tf� SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this rezoning. Motion by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the Planninq Commission, and set a public hearing on this matter. Seconded by Johanson. Upan a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST BY MAXWELL REALTY TO SPLIT PART OF LOT 13, BLOCK 24 HORIZON HEIGHTS ADDITION TO PERMIT AN ADDITIONAL 10 FEET TO ADJOINING LOT 14� 7.'he City Manager eead the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and stated that he could see no real need for this lot split inasmuch as the purpose of the split was to allow an existing butldir�g to be torn down in six months. It would seem that the better solution would be to grant a building permit on the 1ot, as is, and the realty company post a$500.00 bond to guarantee that the existing structure will be torn down. Mr. Kohlan stated that the Council should have assurance that the present building will be removed before a certi£icate of occupancy is granted. There was considerable more discussion on this matter. Motion'by Nee that the building permit for Lot 13, be granted subject �o the following provisions: (1) The owner agree to remove the structure from the rear of Lot 14 within six months, (2) The owner give the City a surety bond or cash in the amount of $500.00 to guarantee the removal of the building, and if he fails to move the building, the City may remove it under the provisions of the bond, (3) 7,'hat no certificate of occupancy be granted on Lot 13, until the structure on Lot 14, is removed. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �� � BUTLDING P�RMIT I2EQUEST BY ST�NG5ENG f1ND PIERKE FOR A SERVICE STATTON O� LOT 17, nUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0, 77; �i`he City Engineer brought up the matter that the description of the lot to be built on would be a metes and bounds description and the lot split does not comply with the ordinance, and therefore, the land should be platted. The matter was continued until later in the meeting. BUILDING PERMIT REQUEST BY JOHN GILCFiRIST TO BUILD THREE FOUR-PLEXES ON LOTS 24 AND 25, BLOCK 12, HYDE PARK AND ONE ON LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 11 HYDE PARK ONE ON LOTS 5 AND 6 BLOCK 24 HYDE PARK AND ONE SEVEN-UNIT BUILDING ON LOTS 6 7 AND 8 BLOCK 24 HYDE PARK: Motion by Nee to approve the above permits with the same stipulations as recommended by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PURQiASE OF PROPERTY FOR PARKS FROM UNITED POWER AND LAND COMPI�IVY: The City Manager stated that the United Power and Land Company had oifered to sell the City 15.2 acres of property. Motion by Nee to instruct the City Manager and City Attorney to get.an option, or in some manner tie this property up. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ALLEY VACATION - BY M1SS. GRACE KOHLER TO VACAT� THE ALLEY BETWEEN 53RD AND 54TH AVENUE LYING BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STREET: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this vacation. Motion by Nee to follaw the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and set a public hearing on the above matter. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voioe vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. STREET CLOSURE REQUEST BY SCFIOOL DISTRSCT #14: 7.'he School District had requested that 59th Avenue Northeast from Madison to West Moore Lake Drive be closed. �he Planning Commission had recommended the street be closed. Motion by Nee to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and set a public hearing on the vacation of the street. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion aarried unanimously. ALLEY VACATION REQUEST BY MRS. A. R. THOMPSON TO VACATE THE ALLEY CONNECTING 46TH P.ND g7�i AVFNUE FROM SECOND STREET TO MAIN STREET: The Planning Commission had recommended that this vacation be denied, inasmuch as a number of ex�$tir.g ga¢lages Pront on the a11ey. Motion by Johanson to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and deny the vacation request, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REOUEST FOR RIGHT-OF WAY ON 73RD AVENUE: The Planning Commieaion had recommended that the construction o£ a 31 foot street be denied. Mr. Wolke stated that he thought 73rd Avenue was not to be an industrial street on the north aide, but would be a through street for residential typa traffic only, and that the industrial street would be to the south of the residential street.. Mr. Wolke stated that the City should get together with the developer on this matter, immediately, so the matter could be worked out.' Mr. Brawn explained that this is to be a State Aid street, and the State Aid specifications require more than a 31 foot paved street and a 60 foot �ib minimum right-of-naay, and the City would probably pay the difference in the cost between the standard residentmal streat and the State Aid street specifications, but additional right-of-way would have to be acquired. Mr. Kohlan stated that since the time the plat has been approved, the street designation has been changed, and the standards are nav higher than when the plat was approved, and the residential street gpecifications will not meet the State Aid specifications, and suggested that construction of the street not be done until this matter is resolved, but that a temporary access could be put in. There was no motion on this street right-of-way problem. BUILDING PERMIT RE4UEST SY V. S. STENGSENG AND E. W. FIERKE ON LOT 17, AUDITOR'8 SUBDIVISION NO. 77: � + The City Attorney stated that he had studied the matter, and recommended that this property be platted before the building permit be granted, or the permit could b�eqx�anted subject to the property aaners putting �hp a bond to guarantee that Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 will be platted. Motion by Johanson to grant the permit subject to the developer putting up a bond guaranteeing that platting procedures wi11 be iniated within 30 days, and will be completed within 6 months. �econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimogsly. PETITIONS: Motion by Johanson to recaive the following petitions: 1. 2. 3. Storm Sewer - 64th Avenue Northeast. Storm Sewer - Northwest corner of 46th Avenue Northeast, Sanitary Sewer - Old Central from Rice Creek to�South Edge - Auditor's Subdivision #22. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 3LISITORS • RE4UEST BY ED WOODY I'OR A BUILDING PERMIT FOR MULTIPLE DWELLINGS AT 100 AND 101 59�Z WAY• 'irhe party stated that the plans had been approved by the Building Inspector. Motion by Johanson to grant the building permits. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS• Motion by Johaason to approve General Claims 5290 through 5340. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. " Motion by Nee to approve Liquor Claims 3482 through 3541. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � Motion by Johanson to seconded by Nee. upon carried unanimously. ESTIMATES- approve Public Utility Claims 1557 through 1580, a voice vote, there beinq no nays, the motion I 4 `7 . Mr. Knutson stated that there were no final estimates included on the following list. Motion by Johanson to approve the following estimates: Contractors Randall Bros. 3400 Silver Lake Road Minneapolis 18, Minn. Job S. & W, 48 Sched. C Dunkley Surfacing Co., Inc. 3756 Grand St. N.E. I Columbia Heights, Minn. St. 1961-1 � Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc. 2054 St. Anthony Blvd. S.& W. 48 l�tinneapolis 18, Minn. Sched. A Comstock and Davis, Inc. Amount to be Paid-- $32,587.38 $15,890.04 98,018.36 $146,495.78 Total S.& SS. 24A 249.75 S.& SS. 24B 199.25 Water 34A _ 31.50 Water 34D 167.63 Water 34E 32.63 Water 34F 100.25 Water 34G 356.25 Water 34H (SChed. 3) 382.75 S,S.& St. 43 59.63 S.& W. 488 3,207.50 Sewer 48B 747.40 S.& W. 48C 818.88 S.S. 49 �217.75 S.S. 51 58.25 s.s. 52 393.00 St. 1960-1 112.13 St. 1960-2 137.27 St. 1961-1 1,510.75 $8.782.17 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Motion by Nee to approve the following licenses: ELECTRICAL Ace Electric Company 3018 - 27th Avenue South Minneapolis 6, Minnesota Richmond & Sons 2810 Major Avenue North I�linneapolis, Minnesota GAS SERVICES- by: Gerald C. Brown by: Jack Richmond Butch Levy Plbg. & Heating, Inc. 1305 North Washington Avenue Minneapolis 11, Minnesota by: L. B. Levy New New Renewal �� GENERAL Curtis Construction Company 3917 Janet Lane " ' Minneapolis 22, Minnesota Donco Builders 85 West Road Circle Pines, Minnesota Peter Kotzer 4800 - 5th Street N.E, Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Ralph Lund 819 - 89th Avenue N.W. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota .7oseph L. Maciaszek 4359 Washington St. N.E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota HEATING Wm. Carlson Plumbing & Htg. Co. 2400 - lOth Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Butch Levy Plbg. & Htg. Co. 1305 Washington Avenue Minneapolis 17., Minnesota MASONRY Wayne Goldenstein Company 2860 - 132nd Avenue N.W. Coon Rapida, Minnesota PLUMBING Butch Levy Plbg. & Htg. Co. 1305 North Washington Avenue Minneapolis 11, Minnesota Rudy's Plumbing 4934 Thomas Avenue North Minneapolis 12, Minnesota Frank P. Surma 4101 Zenith Avenue North Robbinsdale, Minnesota WELL DRILLING Hadden Well Company 4455 Main Street N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota by: John E. Curtis by: Roger Larson by: Peter Kotzer New New New by: Ralph N. Lund New by: Joseph L. Maciaszek New by: William Carlson by: L. B. Levy by: Wayne Goldenstein by: L. B. Levy by: James B. Rudick by: Frank P. Surma by: Robert B. Hadden Renewal Renewal i�� Renewal New Renewal Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESpLUTION NO. 181-1961 CERTIFYING DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES TO THE C�UNTY• Motion by Nee to adopt the resolution certifying delinquent water and 5U bEL2VERY OF POSTAL MAIL: ' �,I i Mr. Nee stated t'hat the postoffice department had split the City of Fridley in half� �nd half o� the mail will be delivered from the Columbia Heights Station, and the other half from the Coon Rapids Station. Mr. Nee suqgested that the City Manager write a letter to the proper coagl`essional authorlties protesting this move, and the Council concurred. OF SPECIAL ASSE5SMENTS Motion l�y Johanson to defer the certification for collection of the lateral charges on the follawing two parcels: (1) Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, and (2j Lot 6, Auditor's subdivision No. 22. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMEI3T • There being no further business, Mayor Pro-tem Wolke declared the meetinq adjouxned. , , Respeetfully submitted: i ��! 'IV ` �, � arv�- runse MAyOR PRO-TB4 Bernard Wolke Secretary,to �he Council COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVENIDER 7, 1961 A regular meeting Greig at 8;05 P.M. ROLL CALL� Members Present: Members AbSent: of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig, Sheridan, Nee, Wolke (arrived at 9:15 P.M.) Johanson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr.,Nee stated the portion of minutes of the October,l7, 1961 meeting relating to change of grades on streets in Edgewater Gardens Addition should be corrected to read "approve sub�ect to getting the proper waivers from the people on the streets affected in the Edqewater Gardens Add�tion." Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of the October 17, 1961 meeting as corrected. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there beinq no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the minutes meeting. 6econded by Sheridan. Upon nays, the motion carried unanimously. oLD BUSINESS• of the October 24, 1961 special a voice vote, there being no CONSIDERATION OF REALIGNMENT OF TRUNK HIGHWAY #100 AT INTERSECTION OF T.H. #65 AND T,H, #100: Z'he City Manager stated that this proposal was Layout #12 of the pre- liminary plans. 7'he Council can either pass the resolution approving the plans, or pass a motion prepared by the City Attorney, disapproving 49 sewer charges to the county. 5econded by Johanson. Tjpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTI�N NO. 182-1961 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR ASATING NUISANCE ON LOTS 10 AND 11, BLOCK 7, ONAWAY ADDITSON: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 183-1961 RENAMING A PORTION OF QTJINCY STREET: The City Manager explained that the logical thing to do would be to rename this street, West Moore Lake Drive. Motion by Nee to adopt the resolution renaming a portion of 4uincy Street. Secon�ed by ' Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , RESOLUTION NO. 184-1961 RENAMING LAKEVIEW DRIVE LAKE DRIVE AND CHANNEL ROAD: Motion by ,7ohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RENTAL OF GARAGE SPACE AND OFE-SALE RENTAL: i� Motion by Johanson to approve the renting of the garage space at $85.00 per month, and the raising of the off-sale liquor store rent '�5.00 per month. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AYPOTNTMENTS : Motion by Nee to approve the appointment oE Cliff Weiss as a permanent larorer in the Public Works Department. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. N07.'IC� OF RFIILROAD AND WAREHOUSE COMM�SSION HEARING: Motion by Johanson to receive and place on file the above notice. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there beinq no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 185-1961 DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND ELECTION JUDGES: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded lay Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unan�mously. CIIANGE ORDF.R DEI,GTING GR�1ND AVENUE FROM SEWER P.ND WATER PROJECT NO. 48: The City Manager explained that no easements have been turned in to the City for the piacing of sewer and water on Grand Avenue, and suggested that it be deleted from the project. Motion by Nee to approve the change order deleting Grand Avenue from Sewer and Water�Px'oject No, 48. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being Y�o nays, the motian carried unanimously. CIII�iGE ORDER ADDING 56TH AVENUE SEWER AND WATER FROM TO PROJECT NO. SW48: TO 7TH STREET Motion bg Nee to approve the above change order adding 56th 15.venue from 6th to 7th 5treet. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there � being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.