12/05/1961 - 00023762���' COUNCIL MINUTGS - D�CEMBER 5� 1961 A regulax meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Gzeig, Johanson, Sheridan, Nee Members t�sent: Wolke 11PPROVAL QP' MINUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of tlze regular meeting of November 21, 1961. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINEuS• SECOND READING OP ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 5-16, BLOCKS 4 AND 5, CITY VIEW ADDITION• , The City Manager read the ordinance and explained the area involved. The City Manager stated that all the people affected by the rezoning were erther notified in person, or by registered mail. Cards were received indicating that they had received the registered mail in all cases except the person owning Lot 15, Block 4, City View Addition. Mr. Sheridan explained the reason for notifying all the people involved in thYS rezoniny, the reason being that the rezoning request, a$ made to the Council, apparently covered more property than the amount of land owned by the indivldual making the rezoning request. The Council, therefore, asked that all L-he people in the area be definitely noti�ied. David ' Heihes, 452 - 57ih Place, who owns Lots 9 and 10, Block 4, stated that he was against the rezoning. He does�not want the rezoning on his property or on the adjoining property. Mr. Benjamin, 415 - 57th Place, who owns Lot 4, stated that he was agains� the rezoning. A person living at 5630 - Si;h Street stated that they were against the rezoning. Lester Peterson, 400 - 57th Place, who owns iots 1 and 2 was against the rezaning. Mr. Leslie, 5671 - 6th Street Northeast, who owns Lots 29 and 30 was against the rezonit}g. Mr. Erickson, 45.� - 57th Avenue, who owns Lots 7, 8 and 9, stated that he would be in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Roland, 505 - 57th Place, asked what direction the buildings would face. The builder was present, and stated that the apartment buildings would face south, and be 12 story buildings. Mr. Roland stated that he had no ob�ection to the rezoning if the apartment buildings face south. LeRoy Johnson, 5661 - 6th Street stated that he was against the rezoning. fienry spYCZki - 5670 - 7th Street stated that he waa against the re- zoning. Charles Marlott, 5659 - 5th Street asked what effect the re- zoning would have on the existing property. Mr. Sh�ridan explained that the existing use of the property would not have to change, the one fami.ty dwellings could remain as they are. Richard Horn, S.IS - 57th �venue asked if off-street parking would be provided. The builder stated that there would be., Mr, Horn also asked how many c.�iildren would be in the apartments. 7'he builder stated that it would be difficult �_ to te11, but that he could check the apartments which had been built in the City already. Mrs. Leslie, 5671 - 6th Street stated'that she was against the r�zoning. Mr. ICohlan then explained what could go in R-2 zoning, and R-1 zoning. Mr. Sheridan stated that the reason for having all o£ the people �resent was that the Council was conce�ned about re- zoning property at the request of someone, on land which they d�.d not own. Mr. sheridan stated that he would not be in favor of rezoning r� U ` property owned by the person making the zoning request. Motion by Johanson that the rezoning request be denied, and this not be con- sidered as a second reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OP ORDINANCE NO. 195-1961 REZONING PART OF LOT 6 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39: The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Nee to accept this as the second reading of the ordinance and to have it published. Secondeci by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there,b8ing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 196-1961 VACATING LTNNP,f�'IED STR�ET DEDICATIOD (59TH AVENUE EXTENDED): The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Johanson to accept this as a second reading of the ahove ordinance, and to have it published. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no naxs, the motion carried unanimously. RUILDING PERMIT APPLICATSON - WACHTLER OIL COMPANY (TABLED 11-21-61;: Mr. Kohlan stated that while the present ordinance is not complete, there is provision in the law for police power to regulate the location of stations and pumpg under the State Powers of Public Health and Welfare. Mr. Kohlan then read a suggested amendment to Ordinance No. 17. Mr. Nee stated that he has opposed a station on this property in the past, as there have been se�eral serious automobile accidents here. Mr. ,7ohanson stated that the City needs an ordinance change such as Mr. Kohlan had read. Mr. Vern Johnson,and Dale Larson, the people requestring the application were present, and outlined the proposed location of the station. 7There was considerable discussion on the traPfic problem in the area. Motion by sheridan that�the matter of the building permit be tabled until the next regular meeting, and the City Engineer is to contact the County Engineer to see if the County would grant permission for a declaration lane, irom the South line o£ the Wachtler Oil Company property t'o the service station site, along the East River Road. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 17: Motion by Sheridan to accept the ordinance change as read by Mr. Kohlan, as the first reading of the or@inance. Seconded by Nee. Upon,a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,. NEW BUSINESS• PUBLIC HEARING TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-2 BLOCK 1 SCHULTZ'S ADDITION- The City Manager read the notice of hearing and pointed out the area on the map. Mr. Segner explained that there is a gas regulator station and a lift statioh located near this propectjt. There was no one who appeared for or against the proposed rezoning. Motion by Sheridan to close the hearing on the above rezoning. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.. � I'UTUI2E REZONING REQUESTS: Mr. Sheridan suggested that in all £uture rezoning requests, the request come from the awners of the property at the time the requ�st is made, and not by someone who might have an option to buy the property. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING FROM R-1 TO M-1 LOTS 3 4 AND 5 BLOCK 13 SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION: e `� � The City Manager read the notice of hearing and explained the area involved. Mr. Segner was present, and s,tated that unless the area would be rezoned, the property owner would be denied the use of the land that he does own, because of the setbac7c requirements. No one appeared for or against the proposed rezoning. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing on the above rezoning. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEtrlRING - VACATION OF ALLEY - 57z TO 58TH BETWEEN MAIN AND 2ND STE2EET- The City Manayer read the notice of hearing. Gavel to Nee. There was no one who appeared for or against this vacation request. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Gavel to Greig. BOARD OP APPEALS MTNUTES - NOVEMBER 29, 2961: 2iE0UEST FOR WAIVER OF SIDE YAItD REQUIREMENT OF A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACIiED GARAGE WITHIN 2 FEET OF THE LOT LINE ON LOT l, BLOCK 1, LYNDALE BUILDERS SIXTH ADDITION BY THOMAS D. COCHRAN: 1171 LYNDE DRIVE NORTIiEAST: The Board of Appeals had recommended that this request be denied. Motion by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Appeals, and deny the request. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FtEQUEST FOR Wi'.IVER OF SIDE YAItD REQUIREMENT OF A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FOR A G�1R11GE IN LOT 6, BLOCK 2. SWANSTROM'S•COURT ADDSTION: , The Board of Appeals had recommended that this variance request be granted. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Appeals, and grant the variance request. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motio� carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - NOVEMBER 30, 1961: RESOLUTION REI.ATING TO I,AKES, :iTREAMS AND WAT�RWAYS, AND L1lNDS ADJOINING THERETO: The Planning Commission had recommended that this resolution be adopted by the Council. Motion by Sheridan to concur in the recommendation o£ the Planning Commission and to have the City Attorney proceed with the amendment to the ordinance. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REZONING REQUEST BY BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY TO REZONE LOT 1, BLOCK 2, JQHNSON'S RIVPRL2IPIE AD➢ITION FROM R-1 TO C-1: The Planning Comm9.ssion had recommended that this rezoning be denied. Motion by Johanson tp concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and to deny the rezoning request. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. F2EZONING REQUEST BY ARVID HANSEN TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO M-2 PART OF LOT 6, AUDITOR'S ffi7BDIVISION NO. 39: �� The Planning Commission had recommended approval of thRs rezoning sub�ect to certain conditions being waived by the Council in regards to set-back requirements, etc. Mr. Segner, Chairman of the Planning Commission was present, and e�cplained the background on this rezoning request, and the proposed location as to whether the property could be used if the rezoning request and the waivers were not granted. Motion by Johanson that the Council wi11 look favorably upon a variance request and the Council hereby indicates its willingness to waive the normal set-back requir�ments on the property in question. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING COMPANX IN REFER�NCE TO DISPOSITION OF 33 FOOT EASEMENT AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY BUILDING• The City Manager explained the background of this matter to the Council. What the Franklin Manufacturinq Company wanted to do, was to have their setback requirements computed from the present property limits. The Franklin Manufacturing Company wi11 grant the City of Fridley a 33 foot easement, but do not wish to start their setback requirements irom the edge of this 33 £oot easeanent. The City Engineer explained that the Pranklin Manufacturing people have to neqotiate with the County on this matter also, as the County is to acquire a part of the right-of-way for Main Street. Motion by Johanson that the City representatives meet with the County Engineer on this matter, and report back to the Council. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. . I3UILDING PERMIT REQUEST BY JOHN SKOLTE - LOTS 3, 4, AND 5, BLOCK 26, HYDE PARK ADDITION: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this permit subject to certain conditions. Mr. Johanson suggested that changes be made in the exterior appearance of the building, and also commented on the fact that the plans were not complete. Motion by Sheridan to refer the plans on this apartment building to the Buildinq Board. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Gavel to Nee, PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS SUB-COMMITTE� RECOMMENDATION WITH R�GARD TO STE2EET VACATION-RIVERVIEW TERRACE, LAND ACQUISITION LOT 6, AULIITOR'S,SUBDIVISION NO. 129, ACQUISITION OF LOCKE PROPERTY, AND EMPLOXMENT OF°PARK CONSULTANT: The Planning Commission had concurred with the Parks and Playgrounds Suh- Committee with regard to the street vacation at Riverview Terrace. Motion by Sheridan to cancur i�n the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the s�reet vacation request, and that no further action be taken on this request. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Land Acquisition: The Parks and Playgrounds Committee had recommended that an appraisal be made of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Parks and Play- grounds Committee on this matter. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrieci unanimously. Park Consultant: The City Manager suggested that more information should be gathered before a park consultant be engaged, as it had not been determined what the purpose o£ the consultant would be, Gavel to Greig. Motion by 5heridan that this matter be turned over to the Manager for iurther study. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � tl L� r + t' JOINT MEETSNG OF PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS SUB-COMMITTEE AL3D THE STREETS AND UTILITS�S SUIi-COMMITTEE - NOVEMBER 16, ].961: ' r , . Street Study of the Northeast quarter of Section 12 and preliminary plat No. 61-25, and Andco Terrace; Mr. Brown explained that this matter had been brought up because of re- quests,to plat some of the property in the Spring Lake Park lakeside area. 7.`he Committees had made certain recommendations to the Planning Commission. There was no formal action taken by the Council on this matter. ' BUILDING BOARD MINUTES - NOVEMBER 31, 1961: REQU�ST TO MOVC OPPICE IIIIILDING BY V.F.W, FROM 7101 CENTRAL AVEPIUE TO LOT 17 BLOCK 2.">PRING VALLEY ADDITION KNOVTN AS 6353 CENTRAL AVENUE: The Building Board had recommended approval ot this moving permit. Motion by Sheridan to gxant the moving permit. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. P�TITIONS: Motion by Sheridan to receive the following petitions: 1. Storm sewer and Street Suriacing - McKinley Street from Mississippi SL-reet to 66th Avenue. 2. 5treet Paving and Curb -�iardena Meloland �ardens. Storm Sewer, sanitary Sewer, Water Mains, Street Signs and Boulevard Soddiny. 3. StreeL- paving and curb, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, Water mains, street signs and boulevard sodding. - Acorn Iiills Addition � 4. Street, Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermains, street surfacing, and curbing, street signs and boulevard sodding. - Future Heights Addition. 5. Street Surf-acing, sodding of boulevard,s, street signs, storm sewer- �dgewater Gardens G. Water,,�anitary sewer, storm sewer, street surfacing and'curb, sodding and stzeet signs. - Fridley,Industrial Yark Plat 1. 7. Water, Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street surfacing and curbinq, boulevarc3 sodding and Street signs. - Moore Lake Hills 2nd Addition Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMNIUNICATIONS: LETT�R FROM ROBERT S. CARNEY IN REFERENCE TO TERRY'S CLUB AND RESOLUTION NO. 192-1961 REVOKING LICENSES FOR TERRY'S CLUB: � 'i'he City Manager announced that the Fridley Municipal Court,had notified ` the City Clerk, and the City Clerk was in turn hereby notifying the Council, that the proprietor of Terry's Club at 6061 University Avenue has been convicted of violation of Ordinance No. 14 by the Cour�. Mr. itohlan read a resolution revoking the license for Terry's Club. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the resolution revoking the license �or Terry's Club. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , 'i �, Mr. �ittmar was present and stated that he and a partner had purchased the interest in Terry's Club from his brother, Marvin, and now own the property and own the premises. Mr. Dittmar stated that he had operated a liquor establishment in Pueblo, Colorado tor approximately 2'� years, and Mr. Dittmar would like to have the license approved for himself and his partner. Mr. Sheridan stated that he would not act on a license until such time as the Police Chie� completes his report. If the Police Chief could check it out, it could be taken up at the next Council Meeting. Mr. Dittmar askad about getting a temporary license. It was ex�lained that nothing would be done until such time as the police investigation is completed. Mr. Dittmar stated that his brother will not be working for him, and that,he will operate the establishment. - LAND ALTERATION PERMIT NO, 61-04 - DEAi�ERS MANUFACTURING COMPANI': The City Engineer had recommended that a preliminary eng�.neering survey be made of tlie storm water drainage in the area. Mr. Les I;nutson of Comstock and Davis, stated that their firm has made a preliminary overall study of the area, and that this is almost ready. Motion by Sheridan to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager and to have the report completed. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMPARISON OF L14UOR STORE SALAItIES: The City Manager explained the salary comparison as compared to Fridley and the other municipalzties. Mr. Sheridan recommended that this matter be tabled, until the Council has a meeting con- cerning the Liquor Stores. Mr. Johanson suggested that this meeting be held on December 12, 1961. • CLAIMS- Motion by Johanson to approve General Claims 5501 through 5559. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the , motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve Liquor Claims 3649 through 3680. Seconded by sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve Public Utility Claims 1630 through� 1647. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve the claim o� James Hensley, fiealth Officer, in the amount of $130.00. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, t'he motion carried unanimously. TICENSES• Motion by 5heridan to approve the following licenses: PLUMBING• LeVahn IIrothers, Inc. 4108 Lyndale Ave, No. Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis Water and Sewer Repair 3453 G'hicago Ave, So. Mznneapolis, Minnesota by: Artht�,r LeVahn by: L. Czech Renewal New , �( � Peterson Pluml�iny and HeaL-ing Com�any, Jac7�Son Corn�r Navarre, Minnesota by: Raymmnd P�terson New Seconded by Johan�on. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mot�on carried unanimously. PRIDLBY R�CR�7ITIOIQ COMMISSION NIINUTES - NOVEMB�R 16, 1961: Motion by Sheridan to Seconded by Nee. Upon carried unanimously. APPOIDITMENTu : receive these minutes and to p.lace,them on file. a voice vote, there being no nays; the motion Motion by Johanson to approve the following appointments: NANIE Shirley M. Newman 806 Northdale Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minn. Gerald Nordlund 2722 Penn Avenue No. Minneapolis, Minn. POSITION Full-time Waitress 37th �; Marshall Store #}2 Sen�or Engineering Aid, Standard Rate #�12 SALARY $1.255 per hr. $396.00 per mo. REPLACES Mabel Demko New, Position Douglas Loye Full-time $2.21 Michael 610 - 67th Ave. N.E. Bartender per hr. Maid Fridley, Minnesota Shorewood Lounge Store #�3 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES- There was s discussion on the estimates of the Jack Fischer Well and Pump Company and Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., and of the additional construction to manhole and additional construction around a hydrant. Mation by Johanson to pay the Estimate No. 4 for W-34E to Barbaroasa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $8,071.31, and Estimate No. 5 for Project W-34-D in the amount of $17, 727.98, payment to be made reserving judgment with respect to added work which may be added,by reason of a change order to the project. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a aoice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �stimate of Jack Fischer Well and Pump Company: The City Manager read the following,memosto the Council in reference to the penalty clat�se in the contract with the Jack I'ischer Well and Pump Company: , To the City Council City of Fridley Anoka County, State Gentlemen: of Minnesota Re: Estimate December 5,,1961 Jack i'ischer Well and Pump Company - Estimate W-34-H, 5chedule #1, Estimate #1 - $23,811.30. I am advised ]�y the Consulting Engineer that the total amount 7b probably to be paid under this contract is in the sum of $37,800.00, the present estimate calling for payment in the sum of $23,811.30. The contract provided for liquidated damages to the City in the sum of $100.00 per day fo; each day following November 15, 1961, that the work was not complete. It is claimed at this time by.the contractor, that failure to complete was due to delay for which he, the contractor, was not responsible. The Consulting Engineer advises me that there �s some merit to the claim. Pending determination of the validity of such claim and full under- standing with persons responsible, I recommend there be deducted from this estimate payment an amount equal to the liquidated damages otherwise to be recovered, i.e. an amount equal to $100.00 for each day now past the aompletion date of November 15, 1961. Also, that City notify contractor that it is reserving judgment on this claim, and neither waiving nor asserting any rights under the contract. Signed: Andrzw G. Kohlan This clause provided for $100.00 per day penalty, and the time 11mit which had passed is 20 days, therefore, the total amount of the penalty would be $2,000.00. Mation by Johanson to pay the estimate of the Jack Fischer Well and P,ump Company in the amount of $23,811.30, less the $2,000.00 penalty for a net amount of $21,811.30, and in accordance with the above memo. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there �eing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 12ESOLUTION NO. 193-1961 AUTHORIZING SALE OF USED SNOW PLOW AND FRAME: The City Engineer stated that this snow plow was damaged last winter, and the City has sirice bought a new one to replace it.• Motion by ,7ohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF'ORDINANCE REZONING LOT 2, AND PART OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 1, SCHULTZ'S ADDITION: The City Manager read the above ordinance, Motion by Sheridan to accept this as,the first reading of the above ordinance. 5econded by ,Tohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 3, 4, AND 5, BLOCK 13, SPRING BROOK PARK• � The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion hy Johanson to accept this as the first reading of the above ordinance. 5econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDIN�L�7CE VACATING PORTION OF ALLEY - BLOCK 25, HYDE PARK ADDITION• The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Nee to accept this - I as the first reading of the above ordinance. Seconded by Johanson. Upon � a voice vote„ there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � REQUEST,BY FRIDLEY JAYCEES TO BURN CHF2ISTMAS TREES ON CITY PROPERTY AT 61ST AND VTEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE ON JANUARY 6, 1962 I�T 7 P.M.: Motion by Johanson that i:his permission be granted. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �� ` PASSAGE OP RE�bLUT20NS SY THE COUNCIL: The 4�Iayor recommended that resolutions which are not prepared ahead of time, not be �assed until sucli time as they have been completed and drawn up by the Cit-y Attorney. DI�MAGE SUI'P BROUGHT AGAZNST TE3L' CITY CLERK: The City Clerk stated that he had signed a complaint against the owner of a magazine distributing company for operating in �.he City of Fridley without a peddler's license. 7'his matter had been brought up before the Municipal Judye, and the Judge had found the defendant not guilty. The defendant has brought suit against the City Clerk. Motion by Nee to authorize the City Attorney to defend the City Clerk in any court matters which may arise from this action. SecBnded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER N0. 6- SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 48 - SCfiEDULE C• . Mr. Knutson explained the background of this change order. Motion by Nee to approve Change Order #6 for Ssd^1 #48-C. seconded by Sherida�. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC IiE�1RING IN REFERENCE TO DSSCONTINUE OP TRAINS: Motion by Sheridan to authorize the City Manager to direct a letter to the proper authorities indicating that the City Council opposes the discontinuance of this service. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. QiANGE ORDER POR PROJECT �#48: �Mr. Les Knutson stated that in order to provide service to the Woodcrest School in time far the opening, work would have to start at once. There will be some additional grading, removal of trees, and replacing of fence which is not in the contract, and also some removal of peat, and this would have to be added to the contract by change order. The construction would be along Able Street, on or next to the Vi Nagel property. Motion by Johanson to authorize Comstock and Davis, Inc. to proceed with the preparation of the change order. Seconded by sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. . I�DJOURNMENT • There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Respeci:fully submitted: I�� ��1?rt�.. �� M�rvin . Brunse Secre'tary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 19, 1961 � MAYOR - T. E. Greig A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by the acting Mayor, Sheridan, at 8:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: