02/05/1962 - 000237241_ O ,1. Mr. Sheriaan :,taL-ed that the City will have to notify existing developers or,malce some arrangements for plats now in the process on this matter. Th� City Manager stated that he will Yiave to draw up,some sort of an ordinance or resolution covering the property, or developments, in process now, and bring it bo ihe City Council for consideration. SUBURBAN GAu AGENCY MEETING: Mr. Sheridan atated that he could not make the meeting of January 25th, and asked if Mr. Nee could make it tor him. Mr. Nee said th�t he would advise the City Manager. ADJOURNMCNT• There being no further l�usiness, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: �► rah :�,�..�f3/u�^�°'� Ma'vin . runsel�— Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUA,RY 5, 1962 ,. � � MAYOR - T, E. Greig A regular meeting of ihe City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Nee at 8:00 P.M. I20LL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Johanson, sheridan, Nee, Wollce(arrived at 9:20 P.M.) Greig APPROVAL OP P4INUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes oL- the January 15, 1962 meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, the motion carried unanimrausly. NEW BUSINESS• OPENING OP BIDS ON TWO POLIC� CARS: The City Manager opened the bids on the police cars, which were received as listed below: BIDD�R AND BID S�CURITY Broadway Plymouth-DeSoto 1527 W. Broadway, Mpls. Cett. Chec]c $210.00 CAR 1 CAR 2 $2a485.00 $2,475,00 TRADE TOTAL IN SID $855.00 $4,105.00 Midway I'ord Company �1850 University Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Ag. ins. Co. $2,361.40 $2,361.40 $635.00 $4,Q87.80 Rivers Motors 656 Ea5t Main, Anoka, Minn. Bank M.o. $333.18 No Bid Hoplcins Motor Sales Hopkins, Minnesota 5% Bid IIond - St. Paul Pire and Marine Ins. Co. $2,679.11 $6,183.40 (FOr Both Cars) $1,587.38$4.,596.02 $2,679.11 $985.Q0 $4,373.22 �UG Motion by Johanson to receive the bids and turn them over to the G`hie� of-POlice for tabulation. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being,no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT - CH11E2LEY ADDITION: TYxere was no one present representing the developer. Motion by sheridan to continue the hearing on the final plat of �harles Addition. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � PRELIMINAI2Y PLAT - 61-33 STEIGER TERRACE: Mr. Steiger,presented the preliminary plat of Steiger Terrace. Mr. Srown explained the street width on Pierce street which would be 50 feet. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the preliminary plat o£ Steiger's Addition, and set,the public hearing for the final plat on February 19, 1962. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR SHOi2EWOOD REDECORATING: The City Manager stated that he had received informal bids from Gullickson and Develco, Inc. for redecorating the Bhorewood Lounge. The quotation from Develco, Inc. was $995.00 plus $190.00 for re-doing the rug. The quotation from Gu111ckson was $1,154.00 plus $150.00 for re-doing the rug. The bid from Gullickson did include painting the tile on the ceiling. There was discussion on the redecorating. Motion by Johanson that the Council not accept the proposals for redecorating. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, fihe motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan that the City Manager be �nstructed to draw up specificati,ons and advertise £or bids on the redecorating of the Shorewood Lounge. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, - the motion��carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF SUNDAY CLOSING LEGISLATION: Mr. Sheridan stated that he had attended a meeting of the businessmen in Fridley at their request, and the businessmen had asked him to bring the matter of Sunday closing to the attention of the Council, and place it on the agenda. Mr. Sheridan stated that he does not recommend for or against, but was bringing this matter up for consideratiohriby the £ull Council, and he would recommend that the matter be turned over to the City Attorney for comment and explanation of the various aspects oP the proposed Sunday closing ordinance. He stated that there are strong feelings on both sides on this matter. Motion Uy Sheridan to have the City Attorney study the Sunday closing legislation, and inform the Council of the ef�ect of the dif£erent sections of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Sheridan withdrew the motion. Motion by Sheridan that the City Attorney use the ordinance in the Council agenda as a model, and draw up an ordinance fox the Council's consideration on the Sunday closing matter. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AWARDING OF BIDS ON TWO POLIC� CARS: The Chief ai Poliee reported.that he had,tabulated the bids which were received for the�police cars, and recommended that the low bid oE Midway Ford in the amount of $4,087.80 be accepted. Motion by Sheridan to award the bid for two police cars to Midway Ford Company for a net price of $4,087,8Q. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being_no nays, the motion carried unani.mously. PLANNING COMNIISSION: STREET LOCATION RECOMMENDATION - BLOCK 2, gp�,ING LAICE PAFtK L11KES�D�: < l ��� The P�anning Commission had recomm�nded that the origin�l map which was reeommended to and approved by the City Council for filing at the County be amended to shaw the changes as in drawing #5-1962, and again recommend that the map of the entire area be filed properly with the County. Mr. Nagel was present, and stated that there was only one person who had objected to the oziginal street location at the Planning Commiss�on meeting, and this gerson owned three lots in the area. wnich would have been split by the original street location proposal. Th�s revised map does a better job on the road location. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, PUBI,IQ IiEARING - REZONZNG REQiT�ST BY JA-KEN, INC. - LOTS 11 THROUQ3 16, BLOCK 5, AND LOTS 10 THROUGH 14, BLOCIC 4, CITY VZEW ADDITION: m The Planning Commission recommended that this rezoning Motion��by Sheridan to concur in the recommendation of Second�d by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being carried unanimously. BUILDTNG IIOARD MINUTES - JANUARY 30, 1961: request be denied. the Planning Commissio= no nays, t$e motion REQUE5T TO MOVE BUILDING - P11RK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - 37TH AND EAST RIVER RDAD: Park Construction had made a request to move a Butler type building to their property at 37th and East River Road. The buildinq would be located on the back part of their property near the railroad tracks. The Building Board had recommended approval of this request. Motion by Sheridan to approve the request for moving the Butler tyge building onto their property by Park Construction Company. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl�a. C,ONSIDERATION OF CROSSOVER ON TRUNK HIGHWAY $�65: There was a request by Mr. Roy Peterson and Mr. Ray Shimek for a cross- over at Station 232+00 on Trunk Highway #65. Mr.. Graydon Boeck from the _ , Highway Department was present, and stated that there w�.11 be a State Aid Street for which there will be a crossover in the area, and the next crossover would be at 73rd Avenue which is also a StatedAid Street, and one at Osborne Road. He stated that the Highway Department realizes that this is not an expzessway, but would like to approach expreasway standards. He stated that he did not �eel that the State should consider additional crossovers in the area because of the two State Aid Streets. Mr. Johanson suggested that the crossover at the railroad tracks be discontir�ued, and this new crossover substituted in its place. Mr. Peterson stated that he would need only one entrance to the highway £rosn his property. Mr. Boeck stated that he had reviewed this situation with the Traffic Department oF the Minnesota Highway Aepartment, and Mr. McC¢brey, and this was the result of their discussion, that there should be no additional crossovers. Mr. Peterson stated that he had purchased the land with the'understanding that there was a crossover, and the crossover did show on the map. Mr. Boec] suggested that the City and the landowner make a proposal,�and the State would then act on itt. Mr. Nee said that the City and the landowner had made a proposal, which was to add the crossover at Station 232. Mr. Boeck stated that he would �ake the request under advisement;relative to eliminating the crossover at the railroad tracks, and adding the new � crossover. Mr. F7o17ce_arrived at 9:20 P.M. Mr. Peterson stated that he will put in a service driye and interior streets on his own property. OLD BUSINES:i• � ��u�� SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 203 REZONING PI�RTION OF SOUTHV�TEST ' QUARTER OF SECTION 11 - CRABTEtEE PETITION: ,„ x The City Manager�read the ordinance. Motion by Wolke to accept this as the second reading of the ordinance, and to have it published. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, ihe motion carried unanimously. SECOND'READIN6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 204 VACATING ALLEY - BLOCK 3, BENNETT PALMER ADDITION• The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Johanson to accept this as the'�,second,reading of the abova ordinance, and to have it pub- lished. Seco,nded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, the motion carried uAanimously. SECOND READING OF pRDINANCE NO, 205 REZONING PART OF AUD��TOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 39' - ARS%TD f7ANSEIV PETITIOD7: 'i`he City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Wolke to accept this as the second reading of the above ordxnance, and to have it published. S2conded by'Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carzied unanimously. VISITORS• The City Manager stated that there is a problem as far as inqress and egrzss at the interchange at East River Road and Highway #100. Mr. Godward representing Northern Pump, and Franklin Manufacturing Company was present, and stated that Northern Pump had 30 acres south oi Downing Hox, and,about eight years ago a portion of the yroperty was taken for an interchange, but there was some access lait, and now more property had been,taken, and there is only a very small piece which will he left for an access, and he does not feel �t'hat this is adequate. IIe stated that he had been told by the A. D, Strong Company and the David C. He11 Company, that the damages to the property would be approximately $200,000.00. Pranlclin Manufacturing Company has about ninetx acres on the east side oi the railroad tracks. He stated ihat he felt that�there"should be a frontage road from University Avenue to tne East Rives'Road, along Highway #100. There was a discussion on the service road. Mr. Wolke left the meeting. Mr.�Boeck stated'ithat h� would like to have the Cduncil, and represent- atives of the property-owners meet with Mr. MeCubrey, and other represent- a�ives�of the Highw,g�y Department to go over this matter in detail. The City Manager suggested the 12th of February, � , HIRING OF TEMPOFtARY HELP FOR Ti3E FIRE PREVENTI01d BUREAU: The City Manager stated that $1,860.OD had been budgeted for a part- time Fire Inspector. Mr. Ellis stated that the Fire Department would like to hire Robert Aldrich on a temporary basis for the purpose of setting up Fire Prevention files and making the initial.inspections at a rate of $1.90 per hour. Mr. Ellis stated that Mr. Aldrich would wor7s only tTao months,'�so that there would he some money le£L- in the budget for re-inspection. Mr. Nagel stated that the Fire Insurance Underwriters Bureau makes inspection o� these premzses, and points �ut to the owner what is wrong, so that the owner ean correct the hazards. Mr. Ellis stated that he realized this, and that the intention of the Fire Depart- ment was to utilize the £iles of the Fire Underwriters in setting up� the City's own files, and use this as a starting point. Mr. Johanson asked what happened to the idea of hixing a full-time Fire Chief. Mr. Hughes stated that he felt that Mr. Aldrich could do a good job, andw� ��U �" was the only man available Eor a two month period of time in the Fire Department. Mr. Johanson stated that he would go along with Mr. Aldrich setting up the filing system, but wanted to make sure that tj�ere was a good public relations policy. Mr. Ellis stated that the work in the Fire Prevention Bureau is becoming greater, and someone wou,ld have to be hired to do some of this, as it could not be done entirely on a volunteer basis. Mr. sheridan stated that the person selected should work closely with the Insurance Underwriters. Motion by Sheridan to authorize the City Manager to expend money budgeted for Fire Prevention for a Fire Prevention employee at $1.90 per hour, and to hire Robert Aldrich on a temporary basis for this work. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINAFtY PLAT - CfiARLES ADDITION: The preliminary plat of the Charles Addition was presented. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the preliminary plat of Charled Addition,: Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , PUBLIC HEAI2ING - FINAL PLAT - CHARLEY ADDITION: No one appeared for or against thc�s final plat. Motion by Johanson , to close the public hearing on the Pinal plat oi Charles Addition. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. APPROVAL OF PINAL PLAT - CHARLEY ADDITION: Motion by Johanson to accept this as the final plat of,Charles Addition. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES: Motion by Johanson to appoint Kenneth Kravik as GenEral Chairman of the Planning Commission. seconded by Sheridan. Upon,a yoice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to appoint Vern Bandel as the Chairman of the Plats and Subdivisions Sub-committee. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no,nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to appoint G`harles Johanson as the Chairman of the Building Standards Sub-committee. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS- Motion by Johanson to approve Public Utility Claims 1714 through 1744. Seconded by 5heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve Liquor Claims 3824 through 3871. Seconded by Johanson. Ul�on a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve General Claims 5820 through 5921. Seconded by Sheridan. U�on a voice vote, there being no nays, �Yse motion carried unanimously. LICENS�S: Motion by Johaneon to approve the following licenses; PLUMBING Di's Plumbing Company 3404 Newtan Avenue North � r��nc�'�n' �� M i nr,��sot a t�yc Joe DiSene�a�tto New �_Ub SOLICITOR'S LICENSE r•ire Warning Company 3504 Newton'AVenue North Minneapolis, Minaesota SERVICE STATION ,i,ICEN5E Roger Christenson 6501 Main Street Northeast � Fridley 21, Minnesota SALE SMEN • Ray H. Meyer Charles Baughman William Balaban dba: Roger's Conoco � 6389 University Avenue N.E. Fridley 21; Minnesota Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SOLICITOR'S LICENSE: Motion by�Sheridan to withdraw the approval o� the solicitor's license for Eire Warning�COmpany, and approve sub�ect to the City Manager having authority to refrain from issuing the license, unless upon investigation there is reason to believe the license should be granted, then the City Manager is'a�i�thorized to grant the license. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: " Mr. Brown, 'City Engineer, stated that the estimates were all acceptable for payment with the exception of the estimate of Comstock and Davis, Inc. for Project No. 2-1960-Streets, in the amount of $1,237.34, to permit checking of an apparent clerical error. Motion by Johanson to approve the following•'estimates:' Comstock and Davis, Inc. 1446 County�Road "J" Minneapolis 21, Minnesota � u Prolect Sewer and Water Project No. 48C i#6 Est. Water Pro,7ect No. 34E #$6 Est. Water Project No. 34H-2 #2 Est. Water Project No. 34H-3 #3 Est. + Amount $1,110.13 $ 20.25 $ 30�.50 $ 260.75 � Water Project No. 34G -I�=4 Est. $ 508.50 Street Project No. 1961-3 rt2 Est. $ 63.00 Water Project No. 34H-4 #2 Est. $ 239.63 Water Pro,7ect No. 34D #7 Est. $ 37.13 � StoYm Sewer Project No. 52 1�3 Est. $ 175.50 Sanitary at¢tl Storm Sewer Project No. 24B -#14 Est.$ 170.25 Sanitary ard Storm Sewer � Project No. 24A 8#17 Est.$ 313.00 10� � Street Project No. 1961-1 " . #6 Es�t. $1,931.00 Sc�caer and Water - Project - No. 48A - i#6 �st. $2,627.50 Sewer and Water - Project No. 48B - #�6 $st. $ 974.00 Street Pro�ect No. 1960-2 #14 Est. • $ 21.38 Well Pro�ect No. 2,3,4,5 #6 Est. . $ 27.00 Water Pro�ect No. 34F #3 Est. $ 129.00 Sewer and Water,- Project , . No. 48B - #7 Est. $ 257.63 Sewer and water - Project - No. 48A - #7 Est. - $2,054.75 Sanitary aUtl Storm Sewer Project No. 24A #18 Est. � $ 63.00 Water - Project No. 34D #8 Est. $ 20.25 Water - Project No. 34H-4. #3 Est. $ 211.50 Water Pro�ect No. 34G . #5 Est. � $ 164.25 Water - Project No. 34H-3 #4 Est. $ 164.50 Sewer and Water - Project No. 48C - #7 Est. $ 108.50 Street Project No. 1961-1 �k7 Est. $ 591.25 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer - Project No. 24B , #15 Es�. $ 74.00 Water Project No. 34H-2 �#3 Est. �" 304.50 Water Project No. 34E #7 Est. • $ 20.25 tiVater Pro�ect_No. 34F � #4 Est. $ 218.25 Storm Sewer - Project No. 51 - #1 Est. Pinal $ 239.50 Storm Sewer - Project No. l 52, Sched. A-#1 Est, Final $ 632.70 l,U � Carl Peterson � 5946„Pleasant Avenue Minneapalis, Minnesota Storm Sewer - Project No. 52, Sched. B- Est. #1 Final Sewer Project No. 49 #1 Est. Fina1 TOTAL Water Project No. 34H-2 #3 Est. $ 125.38 $1,333.59 $15,496.32 $11,527.16 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vota, there being no nays, the motion - carried usanimously. Mr. Brown stated that there are some projects in , which a lot of re-inspection and re-sta'king is required, and there is a question of whether the City, or the Contractor, should stand the cost o£ this re-inspection and re-staking. ESTIMATE OF JACK FISCHER WELL COMP�,INY AND PUTNAM COMPANY: Mr. Kohlan, City At'torney, rea$ a memo which he had prepared regarding the money due the Putnem Company and the Jack Fischer Well Company, and the penalties'for not completing the contract by the required time. Mr. Kohlan stated that 82� days had elapsed to date over the contract deadline. Mr. Kohlan stated thai: the City should not pass final �udgment on the amount of penalty until such time as the City hears from the Putnam Company. Mr. Sheridan stated that he felt that if the contract had a penalty, it should be exercised. Motion by Johanson to approve the claim of the E.,H. Putnam Company in the amount o� $8,900.00, and o£ the Sack Fischer We11 and Pump Company in the amount of $11,700.00 less the $100.00 per day penalties, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CIiANGE ORl]ER NO. 2- STORM SEWER PROJECT NO. 49: Mr. Les Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc. presented Change order �}2 for Stozm Sewer Project No. 49 for approval. Motion by Johanson to approve Change Order #2 for Storm Sewer Project Aib. 49. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. - MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING - JANUARY 18 1962: Motion by Sheridan to receive the minutes and place them on fi1e. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RE-CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES: This matter was tabled until the Council could inspect some of the recodifications prepared by Vennum, Newhall, Acltman and Goetz. RESOLUTION NO. 7-1962 COMMENDING PAUL SEGNER: The City Manager read the above resolution. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sheridan stated that the resolution presented should be presented other than �ust as a typewritten sheet. He suggested having it hand lettered. CONSIDERATION OF RADIO MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: The City Manager explained that the City had installed the radio equip- ment about two yeaxs ago, and had been having it serviced on an hourly basis, but that the parties doing the servicing of �the radios would not continue on this bas,is, and will not do, the work unless they have a yearly contract. The City had an offer from the Motorola Company L-or � 10�` such a contract, and the City Manager stated that he £elt that it was a goad offer, and a good contract. Motion by Sheridan to authorize i:he City Managcr i:o enter into an agreement with Motorola Company for the maintenance o£ the'radio equipment. Seconded by.JOhahson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUIL➢ING PERMIT REQiJS'STFi: REQUEST IIY B 1llVD B INVESTMENT COMPANY FOR AN APARTMENT BUILDING ON LOT5 4 THROUGH 13 AND LOTS 18 THROUGH 22 BLOCK 9 fiAM2LTON'S',ADDITION AND ON LOTS 4 THROUGH 8 AND LOTS 23 THROUGH 27 BLOCK 9 HAMILTON'9 ADDITION TO MECI7ANICSVILI,E: � Moi:ion by Johanson to approve the above two building permits, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tkie motion carried unanimously. - BUILDI�+TG PERMIT REQUEST HY ART CFIR25TENSON - 6390 UNIVERSITY AVENUE - ADD Oi3T0 PILLING 5'PATION: Mr. Johanson stated that the building should be dressed up more on the tronL-, and the block walls would have to be painted. Motion by Johan;on to table this until the next meeting. seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice voL-e, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. S. C. 5MILEY AND ASSOCIATES: Mr. Johanson stated that the last bill the City had paid for the S. C. Smiley and Assr�ciates was supposed to be the last one. Mr. Johanson stated that they had completed the work that they had been asked to do. ESTIMATES PROCEDURE: NU:. Sheridan stated that the estimates time each month, and a schedule set up wlzen the bi11s vrould be paid, and the would be coming in E-or consideration, L-ime each monL-h. 53RD AUENITG - RLSOLUTION NO, 8-1962: should be brought in at so that the contractors City would ]cnow when the and they would be done a a specific would lcnow estimates the same P�U_. Sheridan s���ed that he had had a ca11 �rom Mr. MaFadden of the Hiyhway De�artment, and Mr. Mci'adden had brought up tltie question of 53zd Avenue. NIr. Sheridan stated that he ie.lt that it �as a good idea L-o have 53rd Avenue put in by the Hi9`hway Department from Highway #65 �o University Avenue. Mr. Brown stated that there is a problem of re- locating the water main from the pumphouse in this ar0a. Mr_ Sheridan stated thac he did not feel that the question oi 53rd i� necessarily t9_ed in with,l-he storm sewer ciuestion. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the reso]_ution apjaroviny 53rd Avenue irom Aighway {�65 to University Avenue. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cara:ieQ unanimously. [\DJOURD7P'fEN'P : There being no L-urther business, Mr. Johanson moved that the meeting -be adjourned. Secanded by Sheiidan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Lhe motion carried unanimously. , �;esp�ctiully submi ted; l��_ F�E�a�t��M.. MaivlYf't,. "Ti�uns . S�cretary to the Council �� • � MAYOR - T. E. Greig 11U , COUNCIL MINUTES - FE$RUARY 1�?, i962 I� special meeting o£ the City Council was called to order by Mayor Pr.o-tem N�e al-._8:10 P.M. Members Present; Nee, Sohanson, tiheriaan, Wo17ce Members Absent: Mayor Greiy CONSIDERATION OF ACCESS TO PROP�P�TY IMP�DTATELY NORTH OF' �PRUNK I3ICHT^IAY �f].QO ON THk� EAST SIDE OF EAS�' PIV�R P.OAD: NLr. Godward, Consultinc� Engineer -Lo Northern Pump, explai_ned tlie iee.ling of Northern Pump officials, that the minimum access pravided by the State I3ighway Uepartment to their property on the northeast corner oi T. H. #r100 and East River Roacl would greatly anterfere wi.th �he development oF this property. He explained that the oft-icials would �rePer to obtain better access to the property, rather than a large condemnation settlement, feeling that the tax revenue irom the property would be greatly beneficial to the City and School District. Mr. Taylor from the 1aw firm representing Northern Pump, added some comments l:o the statement by Mr. Godward. Nlr. McCUbrey of the State Highway Department said that the Sta�e absolutely would not permit a crossover on �ast River 12oad any closer to the inter- change at intersection oi T.H. ��100 and East,River Road, than was presentl,y provided. The State also, would not provide a service rozd from th� one access point southerly into the Northern Pump property, Mr. T�larren Puelston from Franklin Manuiacturing Company also discussed access to ihe property owned by Franklin Manufacturing Company, which �.s immediately east oF the Northern Pump property, and north of T,H. #100, and asked the State if some additional access could be provided onto University Avenue near the northern edge of their property. Mr. McCubrey stated that the State could not permit any access Erom 57th Street Northeast, southerly to T.H. #100. '�he Council too}c no action in this matter, and Mr. McCubrey stated that shortly the Sta�e Highway Department would present plans for a temporary road system dura.ng con�truction ot ihe brid�es and inter- change raads at t'his intersection. CONSIDEP,ATION OF CROSSOVER AT STI�TTON 232+00 ON T.H. #i65: �1'he Caty Council's request to have the crossover constructed at Station 232+00 on T.H. #65, as originall_y approved by the City Council, was clls- cussed with NLr. McCubrey. Mr. NIcCU3�rey stated that the State would provide a crossover at 73rd Avenue Northeast, and remove the crossover at 73? Avenue Northeast, and that they would be willing to place the cross- over at Station 232+00, and remove the crossover immediately north oF the Minnesota Transfer Railway tracks, provided the property owners on boL-h sides oP T.H. #65, north oi the crossover at the railroad traGcs, vaere willing to agree to the removal of said crossover. Mr. McCubrey as]ced that the consent of the property owners be put zn writing, and subm�.tted to the State Highway Department, and the Council asked the Ch.ty Manager tp obtain said ].etters, CONSID�RATION OF 53RD AVENU� NORTHEAST BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND T.HIl ��I�S: Tl�ere was a discussion relative to what the Council had agreed upon when the resolution agreeing to have the 5tate construct 53rd Avenue Northeast had been passed. The Council's understanding at the time o� passage of the resolution, was that the State would put in 53rd Avenue Northeast from University to T.H. �65, at a 44 Ioor width. The present planning of the State appeared to be to construc� this road only from 7th,Street to T.H. #65. The City Manager stated that a revised resolution, as revised by the State Highway Department, covering this situation would be presented to the Council at the Council meeting on I'ebruary 19th for their consideration, Mr. McCubrey stated that the construction of 53rd Avenue Northeast from University Avenue to T.H. �65 at a 44 �oot width probably would be agreed to by the � SL-ate IIighway Department.