02/20/1962 - 00023712��� � _►, LETTER FROM DONALD SAVEZKOUL IN REFERENCE TO LOGATI1uG THE BANR IN F'RIDLEY: The Cit,y Manager stated that the bank had been approved b,y the State Banking Cornoration� and they were now trying to get the approval of the F,D.I,C, Insurance, Motion by Sheridan to receive the letter and place it on file. Seconded by Johanson� Upon a voice tiotea there being no naysa the motion carried unanimoF�s7.,y, LEITER FRON1 2+II�. JORGEIVSON DF THE WARI�HOUSr�1d, DRI4EItS, A1VD H�LPr�,RS UNION - LOCAL TiO. 359: Motion by Johanson to receive the letter and place i� on file. Secor�ded by Sheridane IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried us�animous].y. LETTER PROM FRANK MOUL�Qi�, MTNNEAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL, REF'ERENCE TO SEbdER RA'PES: �Motion by Wolke to receive this letter and place it on f112s Seconued by Nes. U�+ozt a voice vote, there being no na,ys� the motion aarriea unanimousl,y. CHAIVGE OItDEH #L� - SW PROJ�CT N0. 1�8-A: Mr. Ksrutson stated that this change order was proposed eame time agn, and expl�ined the nature of the ehange order. Motion by Johanson to approve t,he change order £or Sewer and Water Project No. 48 A. Seconded bp Wolke. IIpon a vcice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y, A PPOIN TMEiV TS: Motion by Wol.ke to eoncur in the appointment of Shirle,y Ve Jorgenscn as a fv11-time waitress at Store #3. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no naysr the motion carried unanimously. OONS?DERATION OF RCSCILUTI0IU Sv�. 10-1q62 AUTHONSZIIVG BIDS rCIR PORTABLE ELECTRIC GENER�T�R: The City Manager eacplained that this eqaipment was far tihe tnrater and Sewer ➢epartment, Motion b,y Sheridan to adopt the above resolution authorizing the bids for a portable electric generator and hazmners. Seconded b,y Johanscrz. Upon a voice vote, 1,here being no na,ys' the motion carriad unanimously. BONA RESGLUTION 1V0. 11-1962 AII�fORIZING SALE OF II�IPROVEa7EiVT BONDS AND PARR BOPR7S: �. Bob Ehlers was present from the firm of Ehlers-Marua and Assooiates' and stated th.at if the City cauld sell the �295�QQ0 improvement Uonds and che �150�000 in park bonds at this ti,me? a possible saving o£ �1��000 coula be �•�ai��ea, as the interest rate nad dropped about 3�lOth of 1� in the last six weeks. Motion by dohanson ta adopt the resolution to authorirye the sale of general �bligat�.an improvement bands and the general obligation park bonds. Seconded by Wolke, IIpon a vaice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. AUTHOP�I2ING PURCHASE OF IISED TRIICK POR PAR& DFPARTMEtvT: Motion by Johanson to authorize the Parlt Department tu buy a used Jee� #],3� truek, 3eoonded by Nee. TJpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried urzanimously. �LA[VS FOR IRON R.�F'MOVAL PLANT - RESOLUTIQI4 NQ. 12-1962 AUTHQRI7ING BIDS; Mr. Knutson presented the plans for the Tron Removal Plan1,� and e-qlained them in detail to the Council. Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution authorazing bids for i.he Iron Removal. Plant. Seconded b,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there oeina no na}rsa the motior. carried unanimously. l�DJ0IIR1vI�N T: There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned, �espectfully submitted; �� � ����� /� � , / � Marv . runse,l �'r .�� ��'?"'�� � �'-�"_ Secretary to the Council � l ; MAYOR - T. E. Gre' COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRIIARY 20� 1962 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor [ireig at 7;�0 'P,hi� ��� ROLL CALL: Members present: Greig� Johanson' Wolke Members absent: Sheridan, 1Vee gEQi�FS^P FOR PARTIAL PAYMEIUT OF TI� REfiAI1�ED 10,� OF SR.cS�2I�-A� AND ALTERNA`L� 2L�-A: Motion b,y Johanson to authorize payment o£ �40�000.00 of the retained 1D% of Estimate #9 oS S&SS{�2�-A� and Alternate �2�-A� pa;yment to be made only upon £inal approval by the Ci_ty Attornep of the legalii,,y of said pa,yment, Seconded b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vo1,e' there being no nays9 the motion carried i�na+»mously. CONSIDERATION OF IRON REMCtiAL PLAIVT ➢ESIGN: 'Ph� design nf +he iron removal plant *�ras presented to the Council by Les Knutson of Camstock and Davis, Snc.� for the Council�s co7r¢nents and suggestions. ihe Council took nc> action� taut the con�ensns was ±nat there wouLd be no addi�tional storage space psro- vided in tihe buzlding9 and that the proposed rest room for park purposes would be in- ciuded in the de,^= gn. EASIINEIVT TO PUMP HO?JSE FROM C3RD A9cNiTE NDFiTHEr1ST ACR057 PRIPk'Pfs PROPER^lY: The C7ty Engin�er explaine:? ±h�at thP f}a,s Company had not wanted to pay azxy money for this easerient, and had 'oeen at+ernptir.g to ohta�.n a private easement £or themselves. Since there has been a great deal of delay in obtaining the easement� the Gas Compan,y now had told Mr. BroVm that, thc;; would like to have the City obtain a nublic atility easementy an3 the,y wou7d r,hen ins�all iirenec�i.ate service to the pump house. Motion b,y Johanson to authori7e pa,yment for this easement� and also� to pa,y the owner on the next piece of property for the portion of the easement that he had donated. Seconded by Wo1ke. Jpon a voi_ce vote� there being no naysy the motion carrie3 unan�mousl,y. AUJOiJt�N1�1ElV T: There being no £urther busi.ness� Mayor Greig declared the meeting adjourned. 1 Respeci,£uily submitted: ' / r l z l� t� � 1`J l / ( � " ��L�4�, A.. 'i,� � �/ ,,L ��/ L,✓ C� �y l�t/'� /� � I,/I li/'L i;r'�1_�F1'd??'SS�:,. �i d�' l� � Acting Sec�etary to��he Council � �'' �� uOUNCIL P9._TNUTLS - MARCH 5� 1962 NLAYCR - T. E, Greig 4 regular meeti.ng o£ the City Council was tcallea to order by Ma,yor Pro-tem Nee at 8:00 P,M. P�OLL CAZL: Members Presen�: Greig, Jvha�xson, Sneridan, Wolkes Nee Members Absertt: Nvne A�'�ROVAL OF MIP1UTFu: Moti�n b� Johanson to approve the minutes of' the regular meeting of Februaxy 19� 1962� anel of the spccial meetin,;9 February 2�J9 1962o Seconded by Greigo Upon a voir= vote� there being no naps, i,he mc�tion carried unanimously. OI�D BUSINEi3: APPOIiV'P:"fSNT TO BUZLDIIvG STAt�DARDS SU}3-COMMLTT�'E: Motion b5� Grei� to a�point Ra,y Carlson to the Building Standards Sub-coimnitteey provided he will accept the posi,tiono Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tlze mocion carried unanimvusly, CONSIDERATION OF COD � ICATION DF ORllINA1UCES: Mr, Waener read a proposal irom Andrew Kohlan� for codifying the ordinances. Base cost iao�zld be �3�?O�o00� which would inclnd� 200 cpoies of not over 200 page�, Cost of binders� and a3dit�onal co�ies would be extra. Mr. Kohlan stated that Mr. Smith would be helping him with thisa and they would be abin to get started on it at once. Piotion by Greig tn accept the or�posat of Andrew Kohlan for codi£ication of the ordinances� and Mr. Kohlan is t,o start an the project i�rmiecLiatel;r. Seconded b,y Sohanson. Upon a voice vote� there being nc nays� tha moti�n carried unanim�usly. ,