03/19/1962 - 00023700i24 COUTdCIL PiINUTLS - I✓iARCH 1.9� 19b2 9 re€�ular meeting oi bhe Cit;� Cnuncil was called to order by Mayor Prv-tem Nee at 8:0� P,M. 9 �LL CALI� : 7��san�,ers Present: Gr��g, Johanson, Wolk�� Nee Members AbsenL: Sheric3an Ai'PROVA?, OF MiIJUTESs Motion by �reig t�� ���^rc��r- the m;.nutes Upox� � ve�'__ce vete � t,here being n�i nays' oi' the March 5a 1962 mestingm Secanded by Johansona� the moi,icn carried unanimously. Mr. Flolke sta?,ec3 that he had been on the Council when this provision of the ordinance was put in, anri he is still ir� facar of keeping it in the ordinance, but it was no� designed far the t,ype oi` deve�apmeni. that is going on in Fridley at the present time. Motian by Greig ta waive the requirement for a nerformance bond in Melody Manor Second Addition. cao��r�c�c,d hy kTolk€;, Upon a voaoe voi,e� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimovsly. Mayor Greig left the meetang temporarily. �LII B�JS?NESSa COtdSIDERkTION CF Tpi; FORF'EITED LAPdD: The Cit,y i�anager staLed that the Engineering Department and the Park Department had recommended t,hat Lat 1� B'Lock ly E].welljs Riverside Heights;, Lot 15� Bloak 3� Pl,ymouth Additien� and I,ot 2y� Black L� Plymouth Addition be considered b,y the Gouncil for purchasc. There was some d3_scussion on the matter. Motion b,y Johanson to direct the Cit,y Manager to notify the Lounty ta withhold from saley Lot 1� Block 1� Elwell�s River- side Heights Ac�ditiona Seconded by Wolke. Upon e voice vote� there being no na,ys� the mction cax•ried unanimc�usly. Mayor Grei� rFttu�ned �c the meetinga P.ES�LUTION iu0. ly-Zg62 AP'F'ROVSNG BY-PASS - T,H. 691� �3�3) AT INTEP�SECTION OF F,AST RIVBR RGAD ArdD HIGIiWAY 100: ��� � Mr•. McFadden and Mr, Baeck £rc�in the Haghx�,y Depari,ment were presPnt. Mr. MeFadden stated that he wonld like ta get the bridge under construction by this fall. Mr. Boeck expla3ned that, the requesi� at this time was for permiUsicn to construct one bridge over the East Ri4er Road� anci a temporar,y b,y-pass. Mr. Greig stated that he would like to tie this rnatter in wit,h all the freeways and siate h�ghwa,ys in Fridley, Mr. Mc Fadden stated that the State Hzghway Department wpu] d be happ,y to have a meeting wi_th tY:e City Counc:�1� and City officials, some afternoon at the State Highway ➢epartment Buildi.ng� so that the State Highway Dz�artment could e3cplain to the Council zrhy and how some of the decisions were arrived at,, and to go over the whole highway layout. Motion by Wolke to approve the resolution perirctting partial_ construction at intersection of East River Road and 1'.H, #69�i (?93}o Secended b,y Johanson� with the reservation that he is not in favor o£ the averall dAsign of this particuLar intersection9 and that his secancU.ng of th:.s motion should not be ccnstrued that he is ir: favor of the overall design of this intersection. Mr. Nee asked Mr. Browni Cii.,y Eng3.neer� if the grade was at the proper elevat3on� and Mra Brown statec3 that he had not checked this QlYb� as it was temporary' construction. Mr. MoFadden stzted that the State is prett,y well restricted as far as the grade of the bridge goes, Jpcn a rall cal'_ vote� those vvting in favor of the adoption of the resclutiona Johanson� Wolke� 1Vee. Opposed, Greig. Motion carried. Mro .Johanson asked when the City could get together with the 5tate? Mr. Creig stated � that the Sta+.e High�Jaf ➢epartment shoulc meet with the CitS� as scon as passi.ble on the overa�l plan� ancl he wauld be happy to meet an,y time with the State. Mr. Nee stated that it is on the prospects oi such a meeting that he went along with the passage of thi� resolution. !v0. ]6 ;.q62 PROHIBITING ENCROACIL�IEDIT AT BY-PASS CONSTRUCTTON AT Nlotion by Wolke to adopt the above resc7n�;ion. Secanded b}� J�ha.nson. IIpon a voice vo+,e' there bein� nc� naps� the a�!nti�,n carried uraanimousl,y. CLAII�i FOR PI.UGGED SE�nTPR SERVSCF LTNE SY MRS. DEAN - 504 - 67TH AVErJIIE 1vORTHEP.ST: Mrs. Deasi was present� and read a letter £rom Rato-Rooter� and £rom Mr, Freemart � �_ � r'� who had done the excavating of the sewer Iine. Mr. T+dolke asked Nlrs, Dean if she had the sewer line excavated at the City's reauest, Mrs. Dean stated ��,yesr ttxe Ci.ty had told her to have the street dug up� and the line inspected.�� Mr, Wolke stated that he Selt that the Gity should be responsible for anything between the stop-box_ and the main in the center o£ the street on the waters and the sewer should be the same way} the City should be responsible for everythin� in the street x'igh$-of-Wa.y? and should not a11ow a private part,y to dig up the stree�. The Cit,y Mar�.ger stated that it is the poliay decision o£ the Council� and saia services are run ta the propert,y line at the time thE line of the street is pu�: in� so the street would not have to bP tcarn up later, I£ the 4it,y adopts a policy cnai.ntair,ing all ser+,�ce lines in the street, it coulc� c�.use problems in the £uture. Mr. Greig asked where the obstructian *�rasa and Mrs, Dean stated that it was the first tile from the eenter o£ the street, i✓r� Itahlan stated that Mrs, �ean�s premises had been connected to the sewer s�.nae Idovember }.��6p and the present ordinance pro+�ides that the owner is responsible £rom hhe main line to the house� and �the burden of proof is an fihe person making the claun. Mr. Iiohlan suggested that before the City passes on the claima or adopts a policy, it giVe careful aonsidnration ::o all th� Pacts involved, Motian by Wo1ke to pay the claim of' Mrs. ➢eana and to determ�r,e a palicy for the future as far as the City authorizing persans to dig in the street or re�air se�rer and water lines in the street rignt-c£-way„ There was no second tc this rnc°tion. Nlrs. Dein thanked the Council for their consideration, and stated that thF G3t,y �_s over- looking one thing� the twv different private conLractors daing wark on this prot�lem had presented diiferent �s9.ews on zt� and there shoz�ld �ae same way to regulate the people wha are doing the work. Mr. Wolke stated that this matter should be taken up anc� thnroughl,y �tudied. NE'�1 BUSTNESS: PUHLIC HEARIIJG VACATIidG ALLEY - HLOCK 5: REES ADDITIOSd: The City Manager read the notice of hearing, and no one appeared for or against the vacation of the alley. Motion by Greig to close tne hearing. Seconded lay Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no na�-sa the motion carried unanimously. PCrBLIC HEAPSIdG - FINAI� PLAT - DON�S S1;COND ADDITION. The City Manager read the not;ce o£ hearing„ No one �ppeared for or against the adoption of the proposed plat. Mr. Johanson asked about the radii on the final p1aL, as the�r were not shawn on the preliminar,y} and they were to be shown on the final. Mr„ Brown stated that the enginaering campany draVring the plat has beera told that these radii wi11 �have to be shown on the final drataing. Motion by .7ohanson to close the hearing on the final plat of Don�s Second Addition� and to approve this as i.he final plat sub,7ect to the radii being shown on the final drawing, Seconde�l kn, Greig„ Upon a voice vcte, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANAtINC COMMISSTON: PAELIMINARY PLAT N0. 61-32 SPRIiVG BR�'=K ?4nR PLAT �2 - M, C� RASSMtTSSE1V: The Flanning Cozrmiission reeommended that a portion of L�berty Street and the aezv-ice road be vacated� as shown on Sketch No. 5. Motion by Wolke to set a pub_li_c hearzng on the vacation of a portion of Liberty Street� and the service drive in eonnectian with the plat of Spring Brook Yark P1at #2. Seconded b,y Juhanson. Upon a vo3.ce vote� those voting in favor� Wolke� Johanson� Nee. OppasedA Greig. Mayor Pro-tem declared the motion carried. Mr. Greig stated that he felt that the service raad all tlie way 3loang should be vacateda and not just within the plat. Mr. Greig stated thaf: he fe]t 1,he whole East River Road service road situation from Highwa}r¢}100 to thp nort,h lir+v_ts should be studied. AUILDING BOARD MINUTES - MARGH 8, 1962: REQUEST 'ICl MOVk; MOUEL HOME AT 51l�3 UNIVEF.SITY AVENUE NORTHF�ST TO LOT 8, BLGCK 1, The Biailding Board had recommended that this a�proval be �ranted. Mr,tion by Ldc"lke to cncur in the recommendation of the Building Aoard and gx�ant permission for• this mpdel ome to be moved, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a vr,ice vcte� �here being no nays, the otion carried unanimously. GF APP�,ARA1uCE OF `IIIREF FOUR-PLI;XES TO BE ER�CTED BY B& S I1�VESTMENT The Building Board had reco�nended th�.t the Building Permits be approved witr �.he building to hLVe a complete brick front, with the other threE sides oi tn� builaing to br- stnccoed, Motion by Wolke to concur in the recoimeendation of the Building ➢oai•d� and ta grant the three permi,ts provided the ironts of the buildings are brick, Seconded by Jnhanson. Upan a voice vote� ther� being no nays, the motion earri�d, unan�mons�y. I_2E7 FAST RIVER RGAP SERVICE ROADS: Motion by Csr�ig Lhat the problem with the service road and easements on tlie East River Raad be taker. under consideration by t.he Planning Corrunission� to see if something can be done about them. Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mota.on carriec unanimously, PLANN]NG CON�YISSION MIN[TTES - NIARCH 8� 1962: BY OLS4ER ERICKSOh AND WILiIAP�1 GOTPWALD TO SPL71 PART DF LOTS 1S AND 19�, MOOP�E v'r nnrno e i�nrmTnl.r. Mr. Gottwald and Mr. Erickson were present� and explained the reason for their 1ot split request. The Planning Cairunission had recommended approval of this let split. Motion b,y Greig to concur in the recoimnendation of the Planning Commission� and apprvve this lot split� Secanded by Johanson. Upon a voace votes there being no nays, the motion carried tutanimously. ZO'P Si'LIT REQUEST - ERCD INC, - SPLIT I�OT 10,, BLUCK ly ERCO�S FIRST Ai1DITI0N: --� . �.��_� _,_.� _ The Planning Cummiss�on had recorruaended approval of this lot split� subje¢t to approval of' the Gity Attorney�s proposed amendment to the 7.ot split ordinance, Motion by Wolke to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission� and to approve this ]ot splity sub�ect ta the apprcval b,y the Council of the lot split ordinance. Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� ther� being no nays9 the motion carried unanimously. I,OT SPLIT NEQUEST - JOHN SKQLTF - LOT 2, BLOCx 26y HYDE PARK ADDITION: Mro Skolte had request,ed this lot s�lit so that he eould erect an apartment building on lots J� 1�,, and $� and the south 232 feet of Lot 2, Mr. Skolte had stated that he would dedicate the south 17 £eet oP Lot 5� for a street right-oi-way. The Plann9ng C�rrmiission had reconmendEd tliat th�s lot split be granted, Motion by Wolke to approve i.he splitt9_ng of 7,ct 2y Block 26, Hyde Park Addition9 providir� Mr. Skolte dedicate 1% £eet of Lot 5' £ar street �3ght-oi-way. Seconded by Greig. Upott a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carrzed unar.imously. BOARD OF APPF,ALS MINU'PES - FEBRUARY 11�� 1962; SKOLTE FOR A WAIVER OF I,OT WIDTH AND AREA REQUIFcEMENTS TO PERMIT � Aid ELEVEN UNIT APARTMEIVT BUII, G N LOTS , , , AND PA- RT�OT )E PARK ADDITZOtV - 770 - 2— 2�STREET NORTH�AST: The &oard of App�:als had recunmand�d a wai�*�r if the lot split was approved by the Counc9_l_, and xn Y7z �he stip��ation tha� 17 �'�et street right-of-wa,y be donated bv the pp��_t��.onero Mor,ion by Gre�?g to r.oncur i.n the recommendation oP the 3oard of Appeals� and grant t�e waiver nroviding the Cit,y rece3_ve che deed £or the 17 foot street right- oe-way. Seco�rde-1 by Joh.�nsano Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanim�usly. RFQ'JEST I3Y NO?��IIERN STAT�S POWER COMI'I�dY TO INSTALL A THAiVSMISSION LIN� TiiRUUGH TH� CITY �RIDLFY: ._ �,_.. __.,_ _�.�.� -- - The preferred re�ute for Lhe line .fo1l�rTed the Minnesota Transfer Railway £rom the east bnundary to Highway #6s� then strai�ht west to Universit,y Avenue. The,C3t}r Manager e�.l_ained the route on the map, Motion by Greig to aAprove the orei`erred route for the construction �f' the transmission Iine. Seconded Uy Johanson, Upon a voice vote� there being no naps3 the motion carried unanimously. PNELIMINFRY PLAT OF HOLIDAY HILLS ADDTTION: 'Phe Planning Cnmm3.ss�.on had recommende3 that this be rejected ss the State Highsra;� Depa.tment may require more land in the areaa The�e was no action taken on this by the Council, LOT 53'LI^i ?2EQrJEST Bv BLrSS�-ERCCKSON BUILDEHS TO SFLIT LOTS 2S AND 2�y BLOCK Mro Johanson aske3 what would happen to the res(, oE' La� 23� and Lot 26� Block !t. There was na inform�,tion avail2ble as to what wauld happen to these lots. Moi.ZOn by Greig to �able this matter un�il the next meeting, Seconded by trTolke. Upon a voice votey th�re being no na,rs, the motir,n carrzed unanimo�zsly. BUILDING PLRPIIT REQUE;ST - BER1VARll JULKOWSSCZ - TO PERMIT CONS1?tIICTION 0�+' A T�TAREHOfJ>E 0 The Planning Commission had recnmmended a�proval oi this building peimit. Motion by Wolke to approue the builtiing per�it. Seconded by Greig, Upon a voice vote� there bAing no na,vs� the motion carried unan�mously. , Y 127 PLAIJI+IING C�A'LTSS LON CONSULTANT SE_TiVICFS FOA TfiE PLANTdING COAM�iI5SI0N AIUD PLANNII3Cr COMM7 TON SUB-n^.OI�Il�IITT ,ES: ! � ��T ~" The City Manager ez�lained that the Flanning Corr¢niss3.on reco:nnended the sei-�ri ces o£ Glen 'rJallace be authorized, so that the P7,anning Consni.ssion and the various sub-cor,unittees could nse his proFessional service at a rate not +o exoeed .jp10,QU per houra when the need arises. Mr. Wolke asked if it would not be be'cter ta +�lv.nk of a more long-range situation than hiring someone to solve one particu]_ar problem. Mr. Wolke asked rrhat a special request would mean. The City Manager statPd tha_t ,�*'i�une-rer a partiaular Froblern�, that the Planning Commis � on was concerned with� needed the se-.�vices oS �, consultant, the consulta.nt would then be called. Mobion ev Greig to approve the using oi the services of the Planning Commission Consultant subjec� to a Counczl revisiona oz• ternunating +1�� services. 8eoonded by Johanson. Those votin� in £avor, Greig, Johanson� Nee. Opposed, Wolke. Motion carriecl, BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING I�fINUTES - NiARCA 111a 1�6?: T TO Y�RM"1T CODISTRUCTZON OI' DOUBLE Bi?NGALOWS I�Ir. Segner was presenb, and stated that this whole b3ocic under consideratian should have been commercial� and that doubla bungalows in this a^ea was a compromise� and it would be d1f£icult £or the party to get mcr� land' and there needs to be sorne sort of a bvifer between the commercial pr•operty and the residen4ial prapert,y on the easi, side o£ kth �treet, There was a discussion on the lot area requirements, Mr, A_l.Ti7�,lske was present� an3 stated that the Council had originall,-y� aPproved R-2 zoning in the area� arsd felt that this was the best use of the arA�, Mo�.ion by Jonanson that the matte�^ oe tabled until the next meeting, and Mr. Wi].ske is to bring in plans and site drawings £or the Council�s consideration at the neact CouncLl Meeting. Secon3c�d b,y Grnig. Upon a voiaz vo�e� there being no na;�s� tho mobion carried unanim�uely, ST FOR A WAS4ER OF A CO??NER SIDE YAAD ?tEQi1TREM�NT OF 17 FEET 6 I1VCH_F,S � PE?'MIT - 1t.N;4JUi';.5i' t1Y t;;tl:U. 11V1i.: The Board oi Appeals had recommended that this tae approved, Ylo�ion b,y Joliansun to approve this variance request. Seconded by Wo1,Ke, iI?�oti a voice votea +}lere bei.ng na naysa �the motion carxied vnanimously. $UILDItiG PERMIT REQUEST BY JOHIQ SKOLTE TO BliILD AN kt'ARTI+SE.�T BUII,DSNG CN LOTS 3 AND� BL�OGI� � _< E PA �A _ �'_ ON: � _____ � �.�._� Mation b;l Johanson ta approve the pe:3ni.t, Secondea by Greig. Upon a uoice vote' the!^e bein� no nays� the motion carried unaxximously� HUSLDING ?'EE+MIT REQUEST BY JA-KEN, INC.-5379 AIGFP,�AY #65 FOR A SL�VEtd UNST APARTMEiVT BU LDIN^v: '- —' —� � — � Motion by Wolke to agprove this permLt. Seconded b,� Greig, i7pon a voi.ce vote� there being no na,ysa the motion carried unanimously. DON A1VllEP�SC?Pd F�R 6s115 CIi,�rnVEL ROA➢ iVORTHEABT FOR 1LV 11-USSTT Motion by Johanson to approve this building permit� Secon3e3 by Greig, Upan a voice Aro�e, there bein� no naps, the motion carried unan9mously. VISITORS: RFSOLUTION N0, 17-1962 AGRr�3I1JG TO CDNSTRIICTION T� YORTION OF CENTRAL Airf'NUE: Mr. Jake Zundheim� County Enginear, was present and e�lained the laration oi tne pro�osed �construction� which would be on Central Av�nue from Highwa,y �65 to Missis�ippi Street, The Gounty wi11 pay the cost of Lhe construetivn of the sireet� and one-half cne r,ost o�' the concrete cuxb and gutter� and they ask that the L�_ty participate in one-half of the cost of the curb and gutte*, Mr. Greig stated that he felt that Ce.r.tral �lvenu� Norl;h oi Niississippi Street needed improvement more than that portion south of N11ss1ssippi Street. Mr, Wolke asked.if the Counei], would okav this parcion Soui,h of Mississ_�rpi Street� would the County put in the portion North af Mississippi Street ne�ct,yzar. Mr� LuncL�eim said hA thought the County eould pnt it in n��t ,year, The City Martager stated roh-�t if the curb is to be special assessed� a hearing would have to be held. Mayor Greig then asked abuut the portion of Central Avenue North of Mississippi 5treet. Mr� Lundheinl staUed that he could not get the plans read,y ior the portion of Central Avenue 1Vc�rth ai MisSissinpi Street in tune for doing an,y of the con�tructi�an 9n 196�. Mr� Lundheim sLated zhat, there wi17 be approximately 12�OOC? feet o£ curb and gat�er at 9�2.�0 per ioot. Motzon �� by Wolke Lo give tentative approva,l to the resolution authorizing construction of Central Aveaue from Highwa,y #65 to Mississippi Street� sub�ect to a public hearing bein� held and reserving final approval mitil af'ter the public hearing on curb and gutter is held. Secon3ed by Johansun. Those voting in favor' Johanson� Neo� Wolke. Opposed� Greig. Mation carried. The C�uncil recessed at this time and went into executive session. �ayor T3ra-tem Nee recunvened the meeting, TO AI1�PT T1iE CODE The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion b,y Johanson to sccept this as the first readzng of the abave ordinance. Seconrled by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysy the moti�n csrried unammouelyo OR➢714ANCE Ai�IEN�rNG ORDINANCE N0. 75 ENTITLED ��PT�STTING ORDINAC�iCE" AVD RELATING TO UBDIVISION OF �qND: ���� ��'��� � , '!'he City Manager read the above ordinance, Mr. Kohlan e�lained the purpose of the ordinance. Motion b,y Wolke to approve this as the first r.eading of the above ordinance, Seconded b,y Johanson., Upon a vr�ice vote� there being no nays, the motion earried unani,mously. APPOINTMEPdTS: Motion b,y Greig to approve the appointment of Rolrart Hughes as Fire Chief� and Lester Chesney as Assistan� Fire Chiefo Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there beino no na�rs} the motion carried uneanimouslyo CLI�MS: Mot3�n by Wolke to ap�rove Gener�) Clh�ms 6�32 throu�h 607s. S'econ3ed by Greig. Upon a v��,ce v�;a htPre being no na�s� the motion carried unanimously. MoLinn by Greig to anprove Liq�xor Cla-ims 3951� through Ia011�. Seconded b,y '�Iolke. Upon a voice vate� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouslyo Motion b,y r,�olke to approve Public Utility Glaims 1776 through 1785. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays,, the motion carried unanimously. CT�� OP S. C._SMILEY AiVD ASSOCIATES IN TH� �OUNT OF �1,350.30: Nt�tinn b,y Greig to apnrove the claim o£ S. C, Smi]_ey and Associates in the amount of �1�3�U,30o Seconded b�r Jr�t��sono Upon a vair_� vote� there being no na,ys� the motian carr_�d unanimous�_,ya ESTIMAiFS: T1ze City Manager stafzd that aL? the estimates Taere in order. Motion by Wolke to approve the follovring estlmatesa Coms t��t �. and Davis, Tnc, 11t46 Gaunty Road ��J1° Minne�polxs 21� Muviesoi,a (For staking and inspe��tion) S $c SS �2�-A Estimate #19 w-3+�-H-; � 7� ES{'.1if13tiP, �4 s & w �43—A Est�mate #8 W-31�-F Estimate #�j W-3%41i-2 Esti.mnte #�!y s a. ss ��4—� Estimate #16 s & w �4a—c Est3mate /�8 w-3L s rstitnate �6 Moore Lake Highlands � 378.oa it�5.i3 i,265.50 209.25 1�03.?5 3�1.75 80.00 17i.00 60.00 Total 3� 1.30. � � Sandstrom & Hafner 205l� Bt. Anthon,y Blv�3. Minneapol3_s 18} Minn. S & W #2ti3-A Estimate }}S $11,09n.35 129 5econded by Greig. Upon a voice votea there bein� na naps? che m�at.ion carried unanimously„ LICENSES: Motion by Johanson to approve the following licenses: EL�CmRICAL Bredea Tnaaxporated �27_11 N.E. Brc�adwag Minneapolis� M:i.nnesota by: M.T�?. Cut�tis rL[1MBING All State Plumbi.ng Compa�y 6l�L�1 Cedar Avemie Sonth Minneapolis 2l4� Misuiesota b,y; E�xgena Pagel Kopf New New --------------------------------------------- OTHER LICTN5F,S: SCAtTENGER LICEN�E: Shepard Cesspool Se?-vice Anoka� Minnesota. CTG9RETTE LICBNSE Gasy L. Bosell b617 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesata SERVTCE STATION LICE1dSF Gary L. Bosell 6617 Central Avenue ta.E. Minneapolis 21� Mituiesota by: B.H. Shepard Iv`ew by: Gaxq L, Bqsell dbas Hollv 66 Ses-�rice b�00 IIniversity Ave. I�T.�. Fri d1e;� 21, Minn„ Ne�a by: Gary � 3osE�11 dea: Ho1.7,y 56 Serviee 6500 Un�uersit� Ave. �I.E. Fridle,y 21, Minn. New Seconded b}r Wo_lke. IIpon a voice votea there being no navs, the moi.ion oarried unanimous�y, FO° STR�PT SiJ?�FAGING - JACKSON STR�ET F�OM MISSISSI�'PI S'PRtiE^t TO ISEI�IA6TON Mation by Wolke to rer,eive the above petition. Seconded b,y Grei�. Upon a voire vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimo�asl�. SALARIES OI' LIQUOii STORE BARTFNDERS: Motion by Greig to set the salary for the Liquor Store Bartender� on a 48 ho*xr waek at �2•3s per hour� ana Liquor Store Hartenders on a!�0 hour week ac 9�2.1t0 per hour, Seconded by Wo1ke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tne mo:.iorz carried unanimousl,y. CLAIi�1 OF V.M. NAGEL I1� 1HE AI40UNT OF �627.95 ?'CiR WAT�R PROJL'CT 1v0. I�BA: Motion b,y Greig to appruve the above claim. Seconded hy Joliansan. IIpnn a voice voLet there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. . Nee asked about the Park Go�nittee emplo,ying a draglane, 7`t�e City i�ar_ager scated tha+ his would be brought to the Co.ulcil before any action is taken, Motion b,y Creig� seconded b,y Wolke to approve payment �o the Jack Fiseher Compan,y of the amount billed to date, and hald back �l�,000.00 from L.A. Putnam Company bil7.ing to date. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no naysa the motion uarr�ed unanimously. A➢JOUADMEidT: ftesp�ull^�,y s�� t�� e �� � Marvi . Hrunsell ' � Secretar,y to the Counail N.AYOR - T. �. Ureig ,