04/02/1962 - 00023693��_30 �OUNCIL MINUT�,S - APRIL 2� 196? A regular meeting of i�he Cit�r Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.NI. ROLL CATL: Members Present,: �,reig, Jehanson� Sheridan� Nee Members Absent: Wolke APPROVAL OF P�fINZTTES: Motion by Ne� �o aoprove the rain�3tes o� ths March 19� 1902 meetingo Seconded b,y Johansono , IIpon a vaice vote� there being no nays,, t4he motion carried unanimoasly. OL➢ BUSINESS: Se^.CON➢ READING OP' ORDTNANCE N0. �06 ADOPTINC BUSL➢ING CODE: The Cit,y Manager read the ordinanceo Mr, Johanson asked if e�ctra copies of the code ��rould be availableo Thc� City Manager stated there would be three copies on file in the of£ice� and addit��nal copies whlch the builders ma,y purchase. Motion by �Tee to accept thi� as the second reading oi' th= above ordinance and to have 3t published, Seconded b,,� Jol�nson. Upan a voica vote, there being no nays, the motion oarried unanimously. SECQND RrA�i?VG OF ORDINAi�CL 1V0. ?07 ANP�I�DING DRDZNAIVCE N0. ?5 �1JTITLF➢ F�PLAT'I`ING The City Man�ger read the above ordinance. Motion by Johanson to accept this as tlie second reading o£ tha above ordinance and to have it gublished, Seconded bp Nee. ilpon a vo�ce votey there being na nays' �,he motion carried L�n�+�unossly. TIG1V OF BGAAD OF A°pE�T S RECOP�llK�1VDA`PION - NE: F,6TS 8, AND 9. B'LOCK Mro Wilske was not preser�t with his site and buiLding plans as had been requested by the Council, No aci,zon was taken on this matter. CONSI➢rp�T10N OF LOT S�LIT - LOTS 21F, 2;y PATll 26, BLOCK LK, FTOItENCE PACtK �1llDITIONz The Cit,y Manager explained the map �rhich had be=n dratlm up showing the owners of the surrounding propert,yo There was further discussion on this mattPr. Motion by Sohaneon to requesv Buss�_Eric'�son to hring in a set of plans� showing the type of building the� are to construct therey �nd a location on the loto Seconded b}= Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote' there being no nays� the motion carried unaiwnously. NL+'�nI r�USINESS: � PUBLIC H�ARIN(3 - REZ�NING LOTS 17 TILROIIGH 19a BLOCK 2� SPRTn]G VALLEF' ADDITION - R-1 TO C-l: The City Mana�er read the notice oi hearing. Na one appeared for or against the proposed rezoning. Counr,ilman J�hanson moved that the hearing be closad. Seaonde3 by Nee. Upan a voiae rnte, there being no naysy the motion carried unanimously. BIDS FOR SALE OF �11�15.0OO.OD SN BOND�S: Tre City i�Ian��;er opened the bids an the bond sale� which are as fo11o*,rs: BI ODEP JURAIQ & MOODY, IiVC. St. �°aul� Minnesota BIDDER ALLISON �1ILLIAl�iS C0. 5��9�90Q0 1MPROVEI�tuT BONDS R�lTE FOR BONllS MI�T`JRIIJG IN � THF, YLA�S 3.10% �.9�It through 19 9 3o5d� 1970 through 1973 3,Sc1{ 197L throu�h 1982 plus additional interest at the rate of 2.00% per annum on a11 bonds from Rugust l� 1952 to Februar,y 1, 1963 9fi150y000 1'AP�' BON➢S RATE FOR BONDS P�P.'I'URING SN �� 'IfiE YF'-�ARS 3.00� �Ct through 1q�9 �.�0% 1470 through 1973 ��i zs addition�.l intsrest at the rate nf' 2,OQ� per annum on all bonds from ��iatae 7, 1962 to February 1� 1963 PRICE �295�000 Net Rate - 3.�?910 PF.ICE .�150�000 Net P�te - 3.l.57 7� � 131' Council.man Johanson moved that the bids be tnrned over to the iisra7. agent for tabulation. Seconded b,y 1Vee. Upon a voice vote, there being nn na,ys, the mot�on carried unarimous2p. HIDS ON IRON RF�IOUkL FLANT - RESOLU'IION TdO. 18-1962� The Citp Manager emlained that the follok+ing bids r,ac� been oper.ed ai, 12:00 nocn 4n April 2a 1962, in the presenoe of the City Manager�, C�_t,y Engineer� Consultin�; Lng�.necrss Councilman Sheridan� and the Superintendent of Str•ents and U�ilities: BIDLER Dedolph Const, Co, ],835 Unrversity Ave. �St. Pau1 !ta Minn. Bid Security Bond 5� Per�r A„ Swenson Co. �va2 Enclicutt Bldg, St. Paul la N1inn. Bid Securit,y Bond 5� Loeft'ell-Engs�rand 3145 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis 8a Minn. Bid 5ecurity Bond 5q Aichir�ger 8 GsPen 1595 �lh,y Avenue St, Patzl �� Minn, Eid Securi.ty Bond 5`ro' BSIJllEi7 D. W. Hicke,y & Co.; 181t1 University Ave. St, Paul 1, Msnn. Bid Security Bond �� SGHEDULE �t �k162, 382.00 Windota Deduat �,666.0� �161,355.00 Window Dednct �3,700.00 �178a�00.OQ k'indow ➢educt •`�3�500,00 �17�;} 90L�.OQ Window Deduct ��3 a ZF00, 00 SCIiEDULF �2 Ina. �13��911�.00 Tank ➢educt �a 22t3.00 Acton Const. Co, �Zl�l'773.00 1871 W. County Road C Tank Deduct 9t•s t'$Lil li} Mliilil• `�Sa�G?6.�Q Hid Secur�ty Bond SQp Layne-P7innesota C�. 31Zt7 Cali.£ornia St. Minneapol� s f3� Minn. Did Secur�ty Bond 5ro Bjorktnan Brothers Co. 7p8 South Tenth St. Mizaneapolis �� Minn. $id Securit,y Bond 5°� �138�274.00 Valve Deduct �5,52e.00 �1;7a971.o0 mank Leducb ^��, 500. ao no1,�: No bids on SchedulP �F3. ALTr.HNA lE #1 No Bid No Bid Minus Sk1�0�0 No Bid AI� 1'FR1��ATE �2 Add �6a17Q.Ob Adci $5af317.�0 Add �6,613.00 Add �Ei} 3(36.C�G CGI�FLETION Tir� Speci£ied zoo Calendar Da}ts 1 KO Calendar ➢ays 1B0 Galenaar Da,ys COMPI,ETICN ?`IN.7s ,� Uj, t,h Ger_eral Contx�ac �vr on Bld�, 150 Ga2endar Days � rC Calenciar Days 15U Ca7_endar T11V� Mr. Comstock expla�ned that the first schedvle was fox� the bni1�'u-ig for the ix•ort -remocal plantr the second schedule was for the mechanical eoru_prnen�. for i,lie ircn r�mova� pianta and the third scheclule was ior the combinati_on oS the Furo, Mr, Comstoct� e��lained that Per�y A. Swenson Company was low bidder on Sehedule ,�,1 for chc- building, ��_ih a b�d o±' �"v�-�7-�355+00. Mr. Comstock suggested that action be dela,yed on thc type of windaws tio be gut in at thi.s ta.me. Mr, Comsi,ock e�lained that D. lh`. Hick_a,y and Comp�ny, Inc� were apFarent low bidders for Schednle ;f2a whickx is the mechanical equipmenL, althc�u�h there are several i�echnical and legal problems which mu�t bP cher.kpu• �nt on t,h•i;; before a ecommendation can be made' and Mr. Comstock sn�gested th�i, the bzds not be awarc'ed an the mechanical equipment a+ this meeting� but be delay°d for twa Ureeks. Mi�, Nee asked what the esti�r.ated co�t was £or Schedule ��1. P�Ir. Knutson sa�?d it was ;�130,000.00, but trie pumphouse ha° been added to the present bid� tl�erefore� i,he bid =s noL aut of llne taith the esi,imate, Moticn 6y Johanson ta adopi, the £ollo�rin�; resolution awarding tY�e bid for Schedule �Tl for Project 3�-wT to Derry A. Swenscn Gompany, !t3? Endicatt Bui.lding, �St, Pau1� Minnesota� in the amount of �1Gla�5>.00, withholding actzon on t.he w�_ndo�* ducts, ar.d tc withhold action on awardir.g Schedule #2 of Prcaecb 31�-J 3L tY11u t'11T1E� Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote} there being no nay�a the moticn carriEd unanimousl,y, Coiancilman Johanson introduced the following resolutiotx and rno�red its ado;�tii.on� RESOLII�OId NO„ lE�-1962 A RESOLUTION AWAFiDING CONTPACT ON WA7�Fi PRDJECT tvu. 3�-J ( SCI-i-i',DUL� �1) BE IT RESGLVED By ZI3E COUiuCIL OF TI-D� CITY OF FRS�i.;Y, M�1VAL'SOTA, as 1'o�hlc�ws: �_32 �. The Counc�l find; tha+ the lowest possir�l�° responsibZe bidder for construction oi 1.he improsement wnrk dce��nated as: Pro;,ect No. 31�-J - Schedule /�l (Water) is Perry A. Swenson Comgany9 l�32 Endicofit Build�ng� St. Pat�7_ l. Nli�ru.esot�,y whose bid �.s in tne amount of �ZG1,355.00 (w�.th- holding action on a�3�700000 dednction fur use of Federal windows pending det,er- minatian of acceptabilityl £ar Iron Fiemoval Plant building. That said bid is here- by accepted9 and the Cit,y Manager and Mayor in office on date of execution of the contract are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of �rse Cit,y of Fridley. A➢OYTED BY I'1-tE COUNCZL OF THL CLT�' pF I'RIDLEY THIw 2ND DAY OF d�PRIT,, ? �6?_. � G � — � �� � I�fItYOR - T. E. Greig `a i � � �-..�.L. �.��. ��. ' ..� ���z-� �' .��� C7TY i4AD]AG�F{ - ��rl Yo, ,Wagner i� The mn+ion fo� ik�e adoption of the above resolul�Qn was duly seconded by Councilman Sheridan� ar.d upon a vote beuig taken tl-iereon� �he f'ollawing members voted in favor thereof: Greig, Jalianson� Siieridang Nee„� and the £ollow�ng mernbers voted a�ainst tre same: 1Vone. Councilman TnTolke was absent and did not vote. T��EUPON SAJD RE;S(�LUTION �nrA: i),'�CLARCD DULY PA�SED AIVD ADOPTGD, FIPST Fdr�,ADIiVG UF ORDTNAPJCPS VACATING ALLL�'Y IN 3LOGK rj� REES ALi�I'PION: The Ci.*y 1Ianager read the above ordinanceo Counci]_man Johanson moved that this be accepted as the firsi reading ot the above ordinance. Seconded by Sherid2n. Upon a voice votey there bei_ng no na}rs, the motion car?�ipd unan7a�ousl,y. t3dIiRD 0� APPEALS 1IT��iJ7�,5 - MARCH ?_l� 1962: FCP �1�EfI4NCE UF STDE YARD RF017TRL+IKFN'P TO The Boar3 0£ 9npeals had taken no action on this matter� as it was discovered that no action was ner.essar,�. T FOR VIIPS.ANCE OF 0 TS ' The Boa:d oi Rppeals had recc�rJnended i,hat tk�is variance be granted,, with the stipulation Lhai, the Suildir� 7nspe,�tor is to make sure that +he building is placed 50 feet from the west lot line o� the above pz•opertyo The question wa� asked fram the auclience' when was Lot 9� Block 5� rezeneci industr�.a-? Motion b,y Johanson to grant the waiver. Secorded b,y Sheridano The person okming Lot 9' Black 5, inquired again abont when the lot was rezoned, The C9.ty Manager stated that he cou7cl petition the Council to have his prnpert,y zor.ed bac� to residential i£ he z�shed, Motion by Johanson to w�thdraw his origir.al moc3ono There was Purther d�.scussion on this matter. Councilman Johanson moveri that the kaaver on £ront setbaak requirement be rranted for 151 Longfellow Street Vortheast �dith the nrovision the building is ta be placed 50 £eet from the west lot lzne. Seconded b,y Sherir3ar.. IInon a vaice vote, those voting in favora Greig� Johanson' Sheridan. Opposedy Nee. I�fotion cari2�do S'LkNNiNG COI�II�fISSIOiV I�fINUTES - I�fARCH PRELIMINARY FLAT N0, bl-j� HOLi�Y TERRACE: The clanrung Commission had recnir�nended approval with provision that any permits granted ' be referred to the Buildin� Board� or any permits coming up for consideration be referred ta the Buildin� Hoard, Cour.cilman Johanson moved that this be accepted as the preliminary nlat of HoL�� Terrace Addition, Seconded by Sheridano Ugon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mor,ian carried unanimously� AFiAFDINL OF BTDS FOR BOND SAT�E -�l�L�5,000.00 - RESDLUTION ND. 19-1962 AND ''rFSOLUtIOAI Mr. Zaz?e Mann reported back tc the Council� and stated that the,y had checked out the bids� 2r!d the,y- were ready for tne award�.ngo Motion b� Johanson to adopi, the resolutaon (Resalution No„ 19-]962) awarding the bids for the �k295�000.00 Tmpravement Bonds to Juran and Moc�d�j Snc.� St, Yau1a S4innesota fr.r a net interest costaof 4�72�62d.75� and a net interest rate of 3.629%o Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� those voting in ?avai•a Greigy Johansonj Sheridan3 Nae� Oppo�ed� Noney the motion carried unanimouslya �33 Mo�.ion b�,� Sheridan to adopt the rescluti on (Resolution 2do. 20-196?_) awardirg Lhe bids £or the j�150�000.00 in Park Bonds to Allison-Williams Companya Minneapolis� MirtnesoLa for a net interest cost of �p36�330.00� and a net interest rate of' �,LG517&$. Secanded b,y Joharson. Upon a voice vote� those voting in favor� Greig� Johansona Sheridan' Nee� Opposed, None� tne mo�ion carri.ed unanimously. Mayor Greig lefti the meeting temporarily. Gavel tc 1Vee. C�MNiIINICA 1'IONS: LFTTFR FR�M SQBUHBAN E1uGINEERIDIG - L+E: PP�QPOSE➢ BOJDIDP_RY SiIRV�'Y OF AU➢ITOR'S SUBllIVISlON 1V0. 92� i7ie Cii.y Manager read the lett.er fr�m �uburban Enginrerzng Compan,y, and exolainea the need for a survey in this area� as there would be a lot �S sma71 pZats comi_n;; up �r� this area, ru:d there were some boundar�r svrveys which were overlappin� at't,he present time. Mr, Kehlan stated that part of the cost could be borne b,y im�ro�;ement projects. There was further discussion on this, Motion h,y Johans�an te set up a public hearing for the assessment oS this work. Seconded b,y Sheri_dan. Upon a voice vatei there bein� no na,ys, the motlon carried unanimously. I,ET'PER Ft�OM In�CAL 792 IN REFERENC�� TO I,7WUOR STORE GMPLOYEES: `?'he Ci{,y Manager read the letter £rom Local 792 in �ah�ch 4krey requesi, tihe City to seti up an election for the liquor store employees, Mr. Gene Wi7.liams, representing the Teamsters Jo�nt Councila asked the Git*j to set up such an election. Mr, Johanson siated that he had no o7�jections to this� and asked if there wex•e anp legal problems. Ntr, Sheridan askec3 ii' it was necessar,y to have an election} ancl would this nroduce a closed-5hop, and require the employees to be].ong to tY�e unicn, P4z•,. Koh_lan stated there would be no 1ega1 problems. Motion by Johanson to authorize the Cit,y Manager to work with Local 792 in setting up an el.ection for the Ofr-sa7.e Liqucz• employees. Seconded b,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no navs, the motion carried unanimously, LETTER FROM INI�EPEN�r.i�T SCHfJOI, JISTRICT ND. 16 IN R�F�RE��ICr, TO '7ACATING ABLE STEtF`ET FRdM � ZI AVENU 0 h OOD RE� T HOOL PROP � TY: The School Distr�.ct had indicated in the letter thas che,y were in ia�;c�r oS this v�cat.icn. r5r. Sheridan moved that a gublic hearing on this vaca�.ion be set iip. Sec�nded b,y- Johanson, Upon a voice vote' there being n� navs� the motion carried unana.mous3,ye �LETTER FROM THE MIt�TNEAPOLIS GAS COM°A1vY IN REFL.'�E1VGE TO RATES 9iVD .� LETTER FRON1 nQWNTNG BOX COMPIudY GUNlifE1vDING THE POLICE ➢EPARTMEtuT: �� Mr, �eridan moved that these letters be rece3ved az�d a�aced on fil�� Seccnded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motic�a� earried uir�s�imo��s75. TO OPEHl1^tE A CHII,DNEN�S CSRNIVAI, A'P ZI-I AND 12Tfi. 1962t "'� ---__� Mr. Johanson asked representatives of che legion if the,y wou7_d proa-sde insurance. They stated thaL they woiild. Moi,ion b,y Johanson to autharize tixis carnival providing the American Legion show proof of insurance. Seconded 'oy Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unaninously. VI°STORS: Ci�ISUII DUILD TWO rOjTR-,'NTT �PART''�iu7' BiIILDIidGS AT Mr. Lundgren eaplained the plans to the Council. He stated that he had been beioxe the Covncil bei'cre, inqui nng whether i� was possib7.e ta bui±cl i,hese buildings at this particukar location. Mr. Johanson moved that these two permits be aporoved, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vaice vote� there being ne nays, the mct;lon c�rri_ed unanimously, �I�.a,ymr Greig returned to the meeting. Gavel to Greig, PLh'T GF WALNUT AUDITION� Mr. Nage1 presented a plat of Walnut &ddition. Mr. Nagel stai.ed that I�ir. Carlson had presented th?s plat some time ago� and it had been �pprousd b,y the �rn�nci� in Jiane� 19�8� and signatures had been authorized, but these signatures had not been conxplete3 as Nr, Garlson had not paid the ,�75.00 deposit £ee, Motion ba Jchanscn to accept this as tY�e final plat for Walnut Add2tion, with the ,?�75,QQ park dedacat;an fee to 1�e waived„ 6econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote�_there being no nays� tihe motion carried un�.nimously. CLAIMS: Gouncilman Nee moved that General Claims 6076 through 6181 be approved. Secottded by Jokxanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys� the moi,ion carried unan�mousl,y,. 9_�4 Councilmar. Johanson moved that the Liquor Claims 401s throu,u,h 1�o��3 be approved. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice votey there be,ng no n�ys,, the motion carried i�imouslv. Counci.lman Sheridan moved thai. Public Utillt,y Claims 17a6 through 1801 be approved, Seconded by ,leeo Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the rnotion carried unanimously. LSCENSES: Councilman Jahanson moved that the following licenses be appruved: GAS FITTF;ft�S �dvanced Heating & Aix• Conditioning� Inco �709 Main Streec Tdartheast MinneapolSsy Minnesota by: Uonald C. Hodsdon Ne*�r L__J HEATING Advance�l Heating Rc Alr Conditionzng9 Inc. �;709 MaSn Street �ortheast� Minreapolis� l�Sinnesoi.a by: Dona].d C. Hodsdon Rabert W. Dahl Route �2 St.illwater� Msnneset3 OTA$R LIC�IUSGS: 50LICITOR�S LICENSE APPLICA'LIOIV: National Soft Water Compan,y 610b Excelsior Boulevard Mirs,eapolis 16y Minnesota by: Robert W. Dahl New New Salesman: Lyle L. Stark 11�3 Manor Drive Minneapolis 21� Minnesota by: George Suppes� President Seconded by Neeo Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the moti�r carried unaziimouslyo RESOlUTIOhTiV�. 21-1y62 TO nDVEPTISE P'OR BIT�S FDR ONE POLSCE CAR: Tre City Manager z�ead the above re�olutiort, Cnuncilman Sheridan moved that the resolutio� be adopted. Seconded b,y i�ee4 Upon a voice vote� there beinP no na,ysy the motion carried nna.nimous].y. ES`TrMA`PLS: The Cit,y Manager stated that the estimates were a11 in ordero Counei]snan Sheridam m�ved that the £ollowing estimat,es be approved: Comstock and Davis� Inco 11i46 Count,y Road °J°f MirlixeapoZis ?l, Minaesota Street Improvement Project No. 2 (1960) Estimate #2 Sa�Tar #7s8-A Estimate #q w-3l�-F Estim.�te �#6 5&SS ;�2l;-B Estimate �17 s&ss #2�-a Est�.mate ��o W-31+-H-L Estimate #5 Total 961., 237.34 766,2; 270.OD 7P8.o0 112.�Q 65.25 � ��� 1 Seconded by Johansono iJpon a voice votes thera bein�; no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. I�ffNUTES OF FRIDLE;Y :ZECFEATIOid CGNS9ISSI�N MEETING - NLARCIi �,�� 1962: 13� Councilman Nee moved that the minutes be received and placed on file, Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays' the motion carried unan5.mously. OF ORDINAI�iCE REZONIP�G I,0'1�S 17 THROiJGH 19. BLOGK ?_ PSntion b,y Johanson to accept this as the first readir.g of the above ordinance. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unaxzimously. APPOSNTMElV T: Motion bar Nee i.o approve the CiEy Manager�s appointntent of the foll�win� person: Sharleen M. Howe �75l�2 - l�th Street N.E, Fridley} Nfinneso�a T,iqaor Stores $�25�.00 Inventor,y per New Clerk month Position Seconfled by Sheridan. i�pon a voice -rote� there being nc naz�s, the motion carried unanimousl,y. RF;SOLUTION N0, 22-1962 REQUESTING CROSSOVER AT STATIOAi 232+G0 S. P. p2G7 T,H. �65: The City Manager read the above resolution. Motinn by�NeQ to adcpt the resolut�on< Seconded by Johanson. Those voting in favor� Greig, Jahanson, IVee, Oppased, Sher3d<n. Motion carried. OUES'IiON OF USED CARS RND NNK SCATTERED ABOtTT IN TIIE VICINITY Or' 73RD pVE1uUE; Mr. %ohlan stated that the Building Inspector had taken several pict�ares of the premises on this da,y� and some cleaning up work had b�en done, bu�. there was still a lot af wcrk le£t to be done, Mr. Johanson stated that he had told the property owrter abaut, this situation two months agoa and he taad plenty of time to clean it up' and the ownez• in question had been denied a permit to operate a junk yard in i,has location� so there should be no question about ihis. Mr. Kohlan suggested a registered letter be sEnt to the property ownery sa there would be a record of it be°ore i:he Cit,y proceeds further„ LETPER FROM P1R, CHARLliS JOHANSE>N IN RLFEFE,uCE 'PO 081ltI1Vl'NG PERMISSION TG BUILD� ON TIiRF,E IpmS IN PAPT DF HOLIDAY HILLS AlliiiTiON: F� The Cit,y Ntanager e�Iained that this plat is in the process axiz had not been approved yet, It was dela,yed because the Highwa;f Department had requested moi^e propez•tys and the Highway ➢epartment requested that the westerly part oi tne proner•ty not be approved? therefox•e� it had to be re-submitted. Mr. Johanson would like to g�i� permission to build three Louses. Mr, Sheridan :,tated that the Council coul�l harc7ly takr action uniil �:hey sayr the plat, The plat was then presented to the Counc�l� and the Cr,vr�cil had �n cppor�,ur.il,zS 'r� �^��nsldder ��, Mation by Counci�n=�.n sohanson `�o grant the tnree �t�23-ing pex;nits. 5�cai2ded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the mntion carried utv�xnimously. S1FiF,l'T PROM GARI7EIVA TO Motion o,y Johanson to receive this oetition and process �.�, Seeon�3ed b,y Tdee. Upon a voice vote� there be.�ng no nays� th= motion carried un�nimou�ty. COWIl�IUNIC9TIQNS FROM �STA2�� R.A?LROAD ADID 4dARF�iOiISE COI�M�ISSIDN WS'Pli FiP,`7'ERENCIs TO A h'EARING: Mo�cion by Sheridan to raceive this corrunun_i.caLion and place il; un file„ Seconded by* NaE, IIpon a voice votea there being no nays� the motion carraed una,nimousl�r. STORPZ DRAINAGF PROBLEM ON WOODX LANF: Mr, Sheridan pointed out that there is a serious storrn drainage grr�hlem on Woody Lane and Hillcrest Drive, TYie nropert,y owners said the,y wzll put in a section of storm drainage 7ipe in �his arear if the City w�ill £urnish the pipea and atlier necessary material_s, NIr. Nee su�gested tYiat the City Engineer look into this situation, �r. F3rown si,3ted that this is part of a petitiona and the Consulting Engineers are stndy�_ng the ma�.,tsr, Mr„ ?Cnutson stated that this wi11 be ready for the next meacing. Mr, Sheridan als� atate�3 tnat there is a need Sor a snow fence to fence off a smal1 pothole in the areax ar.:i dsked if the City could provide this fenae to fence off this pn�hnle� The CoUncil went into exacutive session. Tne Council reeottvened. OLASNI OF LA,1'N�-P4zIJNLSCITA FOR DitILL11VG WELL #3 -�T-3�l-�= Moti.on b,y Jahansan that the City I[aua�er� Cz.t,y Attorney� G;1:y Engineera an3 the Consultiag Engineer be authorized to settle the claim 1'or Well {%3� La,yne-?�nnesota Company to be settlefl by the 16th of A�ril� 1962. Seconded b,y Sheridan. Ugaxz a voiae vate, there be?r�� no na�s� the motxon carried unanimo>>sl,y. The Czty A�1�o?�ney said that the fina�_ ��eorrvnendatzoa �_�6 wnuld be br�uoh� to the City Council for rat�.fication. SETTL��N'P OF' CLAIM AGAINST TFIE CITY CLERK: Motion b,y Sheri3an that the lawsuit pendin� a�ainst the City Clerk for false arrest} Joseph 4dhite vs Marvih Brunsell� Citzl Cle*'s, be authorized to be settled in the amaunt E7f �l�OC1.0'�. Seconded by dohansoz�. LTpon a voice votea thern being no na/s� the motion carried un�nimo+islp. P�R�: !'�. Nee 891LUd hDW the Lncke Property aequisit�on is ooming. The Cit,y Mana�er a�ated that they are w�i.ting ior one of the church trustees to come back to the City, There was a question as tc� a reDresentativ� from the Counc�l to me�t with the owners. Mr.�Itohlan s�3ted tha� t:ne Gcauncil_ co��13 appo�t Mr. Sheridan as a reprasentative� with the prov3sion that Mr. Nee be authoriz�d and requeste3 also ta meet �ith the owners of the Locke Estate whene*rer his presence might be needed. ANNUAT, REPOR?'z Mr. Nee brough> up +he question of the publication of an annual report. Motion b,y Nee i�c� have the �ity Manager crbtain sorie east estimates for e�nsi,deration by the Couneil for nul�lieation o£ the annual report. Ser,onded b,y Jahanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion ca^ried unani..*nously, ?.DJOi1RNMEtvT: There being nm further business� the Ma,yor declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfull,y submiited: ������ Ma n �. Bruns�ll Secretar,y tn t,h� Grnz.scil COUNCIL I�iSNUTFS - APRiL 15� 1962 � r � � _ MAYCR - T. E. Greig A regular meeting oF the Cit,y Cn�ncil was called to arder b,y Mayar Greig at 8:00 P.M, ROLL CALL: Membe^s Present: Greigy Jahansan� Sheridan� Nee� Wolke {arrived at 8s20 P.R1.) S4embers Absent: Nune A"PPROVAL OF MINUTNS: Motian by Johanson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 2� 1962. Seconded by Nes. Upon a v�ice vot�� there being na nays' the mntion carrzed unan3mously. OLD BU�INESSs SECONI3 REA�ItdG OF OIiDINAiuCE id0, 20B VACATING ALLEY SN R�E�S ADDITION - BLOGK 5; The Cit�r Fnginee: read the above ordinance. Motion b,y Johanson to acr,ept this as the secand reac3ing oi the above ordinanca� and to have it published„ Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a troice vote9 there baing no naysy the motion carried unanimonsly. SECONll READING OF 20� RE'LONSNI� T OTS ?� S?'RING The �'-±.ty F�gineer read the above or3inance, Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the second reading oi the above ordinancey and to have it published, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voir.e vote� tnere being no nays,, the motion carried unanimnusl,y. C�NSIDLRATIOPI OF' BIDS FOR SCIP�DULE #2 - W-�LF-J IRDN REMOVAI, PLANT: There was no a¢tion t.aken �n this matter. �avnl to P1ee. Mayor Gre-E�; Ze£t the meetin� temporarily, 30ARD OF r1PPF,�r,S RFC('�N@'IEN➢ATI01V SN RF;f�Ei�ENCE '1'J ToTS 3� 5� 7 S FI`tD� PARK A])DI'tIOId �- REC�TJES1' BY' AT WIL�SI{E TO BiJIL DOUBLr BllNG?I,OW 1It'. Wilske was not nresnnl; at r„�� me�ting tai�h his proposed la,yout. The Board of � 1