04/16/1962 - 00023674:�s wr�uld be brnughL to th� Cit,y C�uncil for ratification. SE'CTLEP'fEN'P OF CLAIM A�AIN,�T 'i'IiE CITY CLERKs Mot3on b,y Sheridan that tnc lawsvit pending against the City Clerk for false arresty �7nseph Whit� vs Marvin B*un5e11' C:�ty i�ler's, be anthorized to be sPttled in the amonnt of ��OO.00o Ser.t�nded by JoYatxnson. Upan a voice vr���� thez^e: bein�? no nays� the motion oarried uri�nimo�ti,,Z,�. P�1RR: �Ir. Nea as`r.ed how the Locice Property aequis3��_on is coming. The City Nt�nager sta±ed that they are w3iting fur one of the churah trustees to come back to the City. There was a questian a� tc+ a represencatzve from the Co,ineil to meet with the owners. Mr.'Kohlan stated that tne Council_ co�a13 a�po?nt Mr, She�'idan as a represen�ative� with the provision that Mr, Nee be authoriZed and requested also to me�t with the owners of thp Locke Estate whenever his presence mi�h+ '�e needeci. ANNUAL REPORT: Mr. Nee braughc up the que�tion o�' the oublicat,ion of an annual report. Motion by Nee t.o have the �ity Manager obtain some costi estimates for conslderation b,y the Council £or rnxb2ication of the annual rep�rt, Seaunded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vota� there being no nay�s� th� mcrtion ca^riad unanimously. ' ADJOURN[�N'P: There being no iurther businass� the Mayor decTared the meeting adjourned. Respeotfully submitted: �,/1 �' n., \ �� �:a n �� R�^unsell Serr�tar,y t,a rh� C�»3n�x1 CuUNCZL I�ISPdU'I'L+'S _ APRIi, '16, 19bz ,. � f v � N`.AYCR - T. E. Greig A regula* meeting oS the Cs+g Co�meil was cal7.ed to order b,y Ma,yor Greig at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Preseni�: Grei;y Johanson� Sheridan� Nee� Wolke (arrived at, 8:20 P.M.) t+Iembers Absent: None APYROVAL OF MINU`[�,5: Motipn b;� Jo�anson to approve the mi_nutes o° the regular mee�.ing oS April 2� 1962. ��conded by Nes. Upon a voice vote} there being no Mays' the motion carried unanimously. OLD BIISINESSt S�Cb1V� READING OF ORTJIN�ivCE 1Q0. 20n VACATING ALLEY IN R£ES ADDITION - BLOCA 5: The City Engineer read the above ordinance. Motion b,y Johanson to accept this as the second reading o?' the above ordinance, and to have it published, Secondsd by Sheridan, Upon a zroice vote5 there being no nays' the motion carried unanimously. OF REZOb?ING LOTS 17� 18, AND 19, BLOCK 2� S�RI?IG The €�itv Engineer read the abov� orclinanr,P, Motion by 5heridan ta accept this as the see.onci reading of the above ordlnance, and to have it published. Seconded by Nee. Upnn a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. CONSIDLRA`110N OF BIDS FOR SCHCDUZE #� - W-�`tR-J IRON REMOVAL PLAiJT: There wa� no action taken on this mattero C:a*��7_ to Nee. Ma,yor Gre-i g le£t the meeting tempor�rily. BQARD �JF APPE.AL'� R�CC�P� HYD'E YARK ADDS'PIOId w-'REf REFERENCE; TO LfJTS AN➢ 9. BLOCK �?'• Wi7.ske was nc± presen; �t the meeting Z,ri.t,h his proposed la,yout. The Board of � , ��� �f Appeals had recommended denial of this request. Moiion by Sheridan to concur in the recommendation oi the Board of Appeals� and der�y the request, Seconded by Greig. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimausly. Cre3g returne3 to the meeting. Gavel to Greig. CONSTDERATION OF LOT SPLIT - LOI'S 2!� TfiEtOUGH 26� BLOCK �� FLORENCE PAR ADDTTION: Mr. Busse from Busse-Ericksun was present and e�cplaine3 the proposed 1ot split to the Council. Motion by Sheridan to approve this lo� split, Seconded b,y Johanso�. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimo-�s1��, NEUi BUSINESS: �PURLIC HFARTiVG VAC.�TING PORTION OF LTBERTY S'tREET: The Notice of Hearing was read, Mr, Nee asked iF the purpose o£ this vacation was to fit inbo a new plat. The Cit,y Engineer stated that. it wa�, There is a nro;�osed nlat for th3s area. Mr. Wolke arrived at 8:20 P.M, The City En;inesr explained that Liberty Street irnuld intersect with the �asti River Poad at right angles? rather than at the angle it does nowa i£ this proposed change were made, There were no othex� q�iestions. 1ySr. Johansor. moved that tlie hearing be clor,ed, S�sconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Lhe motion carried unanimausly, > VAGATING PORTION OF SERVICE DRIVE LYING WESTLRI,Y OF BLOQK lQa SPRING Mr. Moen who lives in the area was present, and stated tnat he has a petit=on szgned ay several people in the area who are opposed to the vacation oi the se^vice road„ The C�tTj Engineer explai.ned the location of the proposed vaca9,i ori on the n�p. The purtion Mr. Moen was interested in was actually so�zth o£ the area in question. There were no fur6her questions from the audience. Mr. Wo1ke moved that the hearing be closed. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� ther° being no nays, the morion carried unanimo�z:,l_�Z, PUBLIC HEARZNG - FINAL pLAT - SANDY Tf�;�RACG AllDITION: The Mayor stated that the Mana�er had reco�nended that this public hearin� be continned. pir, Johanson moved that the public hearing of the fint�l plat of Sandy Terrace be continued wni.il the next meeting. Seconded b� Nee, Upon a vo?ae vote, there being no nays, the moiion carried unanimousl,y. BDA?�D Oi� APPEALS MINUTF.S - AP�TIL ll� 1962: VARSANCE TN L�T AREA FOR A1V 8 TJI�7I'P APARTl�'�vT HU1L1]ING IN LOTS 7„ 8� 9 � rmrnn. '-- """"�' Mr. Wolk� as%ed who had aske�3 for the variance requzst, Tt was stated th�t thL matter probably came up because of the intarpretation oi th+� P� rl;:_n� requirameni�s, a,s i.t saas now bezng interpreted that the parkin� requiremen,; were in add�tion to the sta+ed overall requirements and it had fo�nerly been intQrpreted as f,he parlting requiremcnts were a par� o£ the overall area requirements, Mr. Nagel statel that the Cii.y Attorne� is w��rlcing �n an amendment to the ordinance in reference to this parking area requiremont, The Board o.f Appeals had rec4amneneier3 that this �ariance request be granted. Mobion by Joaanspn ta concur in tne recommendation oi the Board of Appeals that this vasaance request be gra�ted, S�canc�ed by Nee. Ugon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mcLir�n carrie3 unanimously. The Ma,yor anno�xnced t7at there wo�.i7.d be nr. action taken on the awarding of bids on the Filtration Plant at the meeting on this date, A1�NDM�NT TO ORDINAiQCE IN REFEPENCE TO PA'�KING AND AR� FwC,IUIRE?�1E1vTS FOR A'ARTPIE'v`I' BUILDi:VG�: �Mr. Wolke moved that the Cit,y Managera City Attornay, arad City Fngineer be directed to draw up an ordinance to regulate the parking requirements f'or aoarzm�nt +ppF bu�_]din�;s, Seconded by Nee. Unon a voicc: vote� the^e t�eing no nays� the moti.on ca?�ried unanimo�xs3_y, PLANNING COMMISSION P4IN�JT�S = AP??IT� 12 � 1962: TIl� ZIMIT ON RFCORDI[dG OF FIedAL PLATS: Tne Plann;ng Commission had reco.mm�nded that final nlats be r�corded �t the Ccaant,y within b0 days a£ter approval of the final plat by the Citjl} wit,h the �ossibilitp of ��n e�cE�nsinn of another 60 da,ys. Mr, 5heridan sug�ested that tihz time l�mit should be increasrd a libtle morea but there should be no provisions for an ea_tensic�n nf r�.mP, There was more dise»ssi�n on this matter, hIotion bv Johanson that tra Cit,y Ai.torney b� authorized and direc�bed te �ra�r un an ordinance e£fecting this change with a 90 day timR limit £rom the date oi' approval �f the final plat b,y the City Cpuncil and the date of tne recording of the plat with the Coun?�*� with no provision £or a time limit extension. Sec�nded b,-y Sheridan. Upon a voicc- vote, 13� there being no na,-y�s� the motion carriea unanimously. MOOP�E LAK� C'�R 5'I'XCKERS. The Par?cs and Playgrnunds Sub �ormni.ttee had recommended that car stickers be sold for the Moore Lake Beach with residents beirig charoed 25¢ and non-residents �2.00 for park�}g privaleges at t,n� bea�;h, and recamnend°3 ±,hat the Citv Mansger check with other co�nunities who are enfo�^cing such a law be£ore action is taken. Tne C�ty Council took no action on this, but recommended that the Cit,y* Manager check �ith other comm+uiities. P'JRCH�ISE 0�' LQT 15� �LOCK 3� �L�OUTH A➢DITION rOR PARK PURPOgES: N'�r„ Nee askert2�hat the sizt o£ the lot was' and what the special assessments were. The lct in quaGtzon was J�0 X]30 £eet, There was discussion as to whether the City owned property nexv to thi� lot, Mr, Sheridan moved tha+� action be tabled on this matter until �nrie informat�.an co;zld be obtained as to the special assessments owing on this pronerty� and whether or not the City owned adjacent propert,y. Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice votea there being no nays, the mation carrie3 unanimousl,y. PURCIiASE UF PRO:'ERTy FOR PAEK - STCTIOId 1?t There was a disrussi�n ott the nurchase of propose3 park �ropert,y - one site was north o£ 75th AvemzP in Sectzan 1?_� and the other sitp �ras sonth nf %5th .lvemae in Seci:ion 12. The City Eng�n°er Q�L�ined ttiat there is a proposed p]at £or this area� and that is why this znatter is being brought to a head at this time� as the park property would have to_be obtained nari*, -�f the City were to nbt3in it, Mro Johanson poini.ed out that the area north oi 75th Avenue is quite low, and has a swamp which wou7.d have to be drained. Mr. Nee asked if tha Parks and Playgrounds 5ub-c�mmittee would rather have this area to the north' which is low rather than the area to the south� and asked what the bas2s £or th= recoimnendation of Parks and P1.a,ygrounds Sub-committ�oe was� Mr. Flannery was present' an�3 stated that he has abont 9 acres in all� and he has not t�.lked to anyone about the price o£ his proaerty� but roads are being considared in his area for the convenience of other property owners� and there was further discussion on whicn oF the tw3 parcels o£ property would be most desirable. Mr. Johanson move3 that this matter be raturned to the Planning C�mmission for more explanation and for thn rea.s!�nG for rhoosing one site over tne ottier site. Seconded by Nee. � Upon a voice vote� there bein3 no nays� the motion carried una.nimously. IM�ROVEPIEN TS TO MOOHE LAKE B13ACH; The Pla�ming Gommission had reco.mnended that bids be _let for cleanin� up the southeast shoreline o�' Moare Lake al�n� the beach area. The C.i.t�r Engineer stated that there is about �$1�50�J bud��ted for dredgingo The Mayor recoimnended dredging thi_s portion o£ the lake. Mr. Johanson stated that bids would havc� to be set up� an3 rontract awarded. Mr. Johsnson moved that the Citp En�9neer be authorized to draw up specifications for letting of bzds for the dredging work in the southeast car;�er of Moore I,ake. Seconded by Nee, Tlpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mation carried unanimously. WE�D CONTROL - T�t00RE L:iKE: � Thu Parks n.nd Pla,ygrounds Sub-committee had recommended that the City advertise for bids for weed aontrol £or a11 af I�Ioore Lz1ie, The Ma,yor stated that he would not be in favor o£ poisoning out ar k:lling all of the catt,ails and all the vegetat2on in the lakey as there wp��ld be z+c�<l a mndhole -eft� and it xould destroy all of the wil�life� M�, Nee asked i£ the Co•,uicil co�ald no1, have espert advice on th�_s matter. Mr. Johanson stated that he felt that the City shoald spra,y the beaoh area on]y, Mr. Sheridan stated that the`State Conserv- ation ➢epartment should txave a consultant that, cotitd get the cost estimates for control in the beach area only. FUI3LIG HEAI7SNG - _B'C WE;LDOiu WAhT, TO RFZONE F'HOl�i R- TO C-l� LOTS 3 AND �� Tha �lanning Corrunission had recc+irnnended that this rezoning be denied. A petition had b�en presented ta the Counci2 with a great namber of names on it objecting to the reZOning. Mro Sheridan moved t,o c�ncur in the recommendatian of the Planning Gommission and deny the ' res,�ning requesi,. Seconded by Johansona upon a voiae vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried ananirnot.slyo PROPUSED ?'LATTING ArdD Smg�,'�TS IN TfI� 1VORTHEAST QUAFTER Ir! SECTION 12 AUDITOR�S The F'lats and Subdivisi.ans Sub-committee and thts Planning Coirunission had recommended acceptance o£ the streets ln th�s area� involving proposed Arthur Street� to and including Lakesade, except ta delete propased Arthur Street extension north from Onand��o to the center linc of L�t 6� and defer actian on streets east, of Lakeside until later. Mr. Johanson no=,��d that this matter be tabled until the Parlc Board h�s made a decision as to which pronert,y i,hey caan� in the areao Seconded b,y Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysa the motion carried unarLUnouslya 1�9 YRELA�fI;dARY - SYT,VAN HILLS ��1T /f6: The Planning Commiss�on had recommended that there not �e �,��y revision cf the plata hut recommended that a request be filed for L�� 2a to be rezoned i.o R-3„ Nir. Levy was present, and stlted that this would be acceptable to him„ Mation by Johanson +,o canou_^ in the recommendation on Sylvan Hills #6, Seconded by Nee. Zlp�n a voice votea tneru being no nays� th� mo�ion carried un�nimousl3r. PERMIT - PROPOSED RICE CREEK PLAZA SHOPPItdG CEiVTER - FOR URrIT �1 TO BE LOCATED r r �m n �Y rvn�a -r m TT n�,"�TT � � �--__�_!�T �� �i���_—_���_�— The Flannin�; Commis5ion had recommended approval u� iLr pe�nit, M,�s Le�,y stat�d that h� yr�ll mainLa_tn the proUer ratio of parkin� i.o �tcre ,�rea as he goes along� or as thP sLOres �3re builta a_nd will pnt in the planter strip. Mot�cn la,y Johanson� seconded 'o,y Wo�ke, tn anprove build9.ng perm�_t, subject to filing of replat ai port�.un af Let 3, Syivar_ HiLs P1at �5� owned b,y applicant and perm�tting exclneian of' the r_orth 1?_5 £eet of i.ha east 75+7 feet of said Lot 3 from replat, IIpon a vosce voi.e, crzere be�ng no nr�s, the motion carr�ed unanimously. LCT SPLIT REQiJPST - CHARLES JOFL41vSCN - I.OT l�, AU➢i'POR�S SUBDTVIS10v �d0. 8d: The Planning Commission had recommended approval o£ this 1Gt split, Moi,ian b?r Nee to conaur in the recoirunendation of the I'lanning Commission. Secnnded U�r Tniolke, Upox: a �rc�ice vote� there being no na7Jsa the motion carri.�d ut�an-±mou�"1�, BUlLDING PFRI�IIT A14➢ LOT SPLIT REQUE5T - PHT_LIP D. NIRSCH CONS'PIiIICTI0IV CON1PAlVY TO BUILll The Planning Comrnissian had reoommended that the lrt split he gi^anted, Mr. Johanscn statied that the Build9nh ]-nspec �or has not approued the Y�uilding plar.s as ,yet, I�Ioti�n by lVee to approve the lc�t split in south half of Loti 29, and Gr>L 2dA B1_oci- 11�� Hyde Yark Addition, tsconded b,y Wolke. Upon a vo�_ce vote� trere bein� no na,ys, ti1P. m�tion carried unanimouslsj . BUILDItuG PERPIST NEQLiEST BY JA-KEN, INC. TO HUiLll I_i� ET�UH'P II�VIT APAFi1T���vT BUII,DING ON LO`1'S 'i. . . BLOCK 7. CSi'Y VIF:w 9DDITION: —' �— � - �J �� "' �_ v��_'� The Planni.ng Commission ha.d recomm4nded tnat the fiuildins� Permit he approved r.rith the stipulation that the Building Tnspeci,or check on the proper parking a?°e•r � Mr,� bdo7_ke stai ed �that the Council shaulcl set up speci_ficatiuns for the exterior and interzr,r anpcarance for these apartmeni. hm_ldin�*s# and then each one k*o�iLd not have to came back tn the Council. Motinn by Johanscn ta approve the above buildin� perrr�t. Secc�nded bz� Tnrolke. Upon r voice vote� chex�e bein� no nays, the moticn earried unar.imoi�sl��. Mr. Johanson asked if they coulci get a meeting of the Building °,�zndard, "o��unil,tee. LGi' SPI,IT RF'C�IIF'FT - f�fEL° SIP40NSON TO SPLIT T,OTS 2ZG� �5, _AlID^2E�� BLDCIi T, RTiTCRVI�,� i3iIGHTS ADDITION: � 'T The Planning Co.�rmiission had recornr!ended that the 1oL split be granted., Mot�cn by Johanson to aoncur in the recommendation o£ the Planni.ng Comrnission an� grant the lat sp1iT, request. Seconded by Sheridan. IJpon a voice vote, there Ueiri� rAa nays, the mc�tion cax�ried unariimoLSly, BUILDING PEFd�IIT :�QtiEST FRIDLEY U,F.Yd, - TO ERGCT A HF:LL GSd LOT 1?� BLUCYt 2, SPRI1vG VALLEY ADDITION: � � ^ The F'I.anning Commission had recommended that this permit be granted, Phere iaa� a dis- cussion on the t,ype of constructiona and the architECti�s signature orz the plans� Mr�tioix by Sherzaan tu approce the permit sub�ect i.o the C�i.0 ;`�tig`_r�aea° and the G�tp <<���.g��� r.�1;a.yi.ng the exterior appearance of Lhe buildingt and sub�nci, to Ghe pJ_a��s hav�ng ,�n arahit,ect�s signature on them. Seconded by Wo7_ke. iJpon a vc � ee vr�te, the?^e Ue2ng no na�rs� Lhe n�ation carried un;anzm�usly. BUILDItdG PEHNIi REQiJ�'S1^ HY BF:RP7AFcil JULKL'�rTSK'i TO ERECT AiV ?NDUS1`RLAT BiJiT,DING OA? LO'!'S 3, r---<-�---.-- _ _ "-'__. _ ------ -. _� __._...---'�'_�___--..� .�..�.. The Planning Cosmniss�an had recoimnendecl approval af this. Mr. Nee asked if Lhis ,.=r�, the buildin� the Counc�_l had waived the side ,yard requirements on? 3nd A£ it k*�,s, thc Counc;_i sk;ould re-stud,y this� and suggest r,he Council l.oak_ the; area over, There was iurther cLs- cus�ion on this matter, and the appearance of ihe L�uildin,. �Ir� Johanson movea i,o table action on tl-iis matter unLil the next Council meeting tor further stud,y. Secondad b� Sheridan„ Upon a vo1c� �Fr,tE� there being no nays� the motion carr7ed Luia?7imousl,y, x'ENMIT REQU?���T - dUI,IAN JOHiVSON - 20 BGILD AN EIGHT Ul�1I^1 AI'A?�`1MEIV7' ON LOTS 7� _8 The PJ.anning Gotrmission had reeammended approval of this build�_ng rermit req_uesL sub�ect to use of vertical colwnns of face 6rick betiween the windoNrs on the front cf the px�aposed buildxng� and aro�_md the corners to the next windows on each szde of the builrziag, Motion ���� by Johanson to apprei�e 1,h� �uildis�g ;�erm�t with the same reservat�ons as the Planning Commission hac' made. Seconded �i,y Sheridano Upan a voice vote� there being no na,ys� tihe motion carried unanimously. h'ESULi� OF lTidIGT� ELECTION - DFf'�SAI,F LIQLTOR STORE EMPLOYEES: M�tion by Johanson to rere�.ve the results of the e7.ection and place them on f;le. Seeonaed bJ ?�rolk�o Uper a vaice vetey there being rio na,ys, the motion carried unanirr�ously. COPI��IUI�IICA TIONS: NONTIi SUBUli�A1V HOS�TT_AL BDARD RaC`�UF,S'C FOR SF+�'W;R ANl� tiJI1Z"�k C013PSC�C`I`ION: Nfr, Tr�o7.ke exp]ained that tihe City does n�t hazre excess capacit,y in its sewer� and there- fare� cannr,�t grant. this requesi, at th?s time. Motion b�l Wolke to direct the City Manager to wri.te a letter to the NortPi Suburban Hospital Board e�cplaining ihat the Cit,y cannot allow further cc�nnections from outside the Cit,y on the sewer s,ystem a� the City does not nave tk�e e:=tra capacity� Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no riays� the motion carr7ed unanimousl�r. SYECLAT ASSES��NT DEr�RI�1uT NE�UEST - LOTS l� 2� AND jr BIOCK lSs FRIDLEY PARK APDITION7 i�Irs, NlcCrea�tr �nd recc�mnended thet the eerti�ication of the service connection charge on Lota 2 and 3 bE de7_aVedo Mation by Johanson ta delay the certification of the ser-aice cnnnection charges on Loi.s 2 and 3s Block 15, Fricl7.ey Park Addition until the propert,y is made use oi. tTpon a voice votey there being no nays' the motion carried unanimously. LCCAL 1V0. 15�. Mro Dean dalznsony attornef� who was representing Loca1 �1[2� and Mr. Hennig� a liquor store employee was present� and st�ted that he had addressed a con¢nunication to the Council wYth reference to tlr. Hennigi and he ieels that Mr. Hennig should be re-instated and giver back pa,y� and asked ttxat the Council appoint a meffiber tu asi arbitration committee on tni�s matter� so that this matter eould be settled by the arbitx•ation co�ttee. Mr. Fohlan read a copy af � letter which he addressed ta the City Nlanager3 in which he stated that he does no� feel the City is obl:Lgated to re-instate th9_s person� as he had never aci,ually considered a fuii-tlme pexRnanent emplo,yee. Mr. Jacobowski stated that Mr. Wap�ner had never givsn a positive repl,y on this matter, P4r, Kohlan asked if the imion representatives differ with the facts as �tated �n the letter. The representative stated ��yes�" he conten� that Mr, Hennig w<�s a Gity emplo�Cee� And feels that he should be re-i.nstated. Mr, Wolke st2ted that the Council has direci,ion from the City Attarney and cauld not act otherwise than it has acted. REQUEST BY NLR. ARTHUR I�.�ICHLE - 133�-S3RD AVE1vUE AND L�nrIS URBANSKI - 5260 BUChANAN STREET FGR f,—��- MOt�iTSZ_hTION OV�'F A PERIOD OF YEARS OF THE SEWFR AN➢ WA1'LR LATE_RAL ASSESST_�'r;TS ON THESF. ��ro Raich]e was present and stated thaL he haci bought the proneri.y frdm the Harvey Peterscn llevel�pmer.t Campany� h+�th ttae understanaLng that �hese specials would be spread over a number �f' years, Mr. Johansan stated that a repi•esentative frori the Harve,y Pe+erson Dezrelppment CompanJ sl�iovlc� came eefore t11e Council and explain their action on tnis matter. AS�^. Jcrhansnn moved tha+ tkie act.icn on this rr��.tter be tabled until the next mPeting� and tk�at snmeone frem t.he Harve,y ?'eterson Development Compaziy be present to explain why these lots were sold with the buyer being made to understand i.hat tYie zssessments were being spreaa raVer a period of ,yearso Seconded b,y- Wolkea Upon a voace vote, there being no n ays� the motion carried unanimously. Mdtion b�r Udo? ke to ins truct the Ci t,y C]_erk to have a stamp made up showing a one year cerLification on those plats that do Yiave a one year cer•tijication of aesessment� and this stamp be placed on appliaable sper,ial assessrnent searches. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vo+e, there being no na}TS, the motion carri�ad unanimously. SPF�TAI, A5�`F,�SMEIyT RE�iTEST BY LAWR�NCE GAR'l�lV: Mro Garten h�d stated I,hat when the people in the area had originall,y petitioned £or sewer , and watery it was supposed tc, be on a twent,y ,year basis, and he would like to have the ass�ssments in the Garben t3dditian put on a twent,y ,year basis rather than the present bas�.s. There �ras a discuss,�nn on this matter in reference to the platting procedure for ne�� platss etr„ Mr, Wolke moved that the City should send a letter to Mr. Garten�s bank so that tha bank will 1¢nuw thA mazter of cert�fication o£ these assessments is under eon- sicieration5 anri ai� so� to direct the City f�Ianager to have a copy of the petition and the minute� con¢erning the acceptance of the plat, and i_mprotirements 9n this area, at the next Council meeting, Ser,onded bzl Sheridan. IIpon �� vo�ce �rote, there bei�ng no na,�f�j the motion carriecl unar4mauslyo LE'IIER FRO1K SCHGLLIRTG COl�TSTRU4TI0N COP4PAIVY RL+'QIIFSiING THF AIITHONSZATION FOH BITLRfIiJDIIS CTIRB 141 Mr, Johansen stated that plats that are under constru�cion at the time the specificat?ons were changed should not hava to have the new concrp{,� curb and gui,cer. Mr. Tn'o].ke stated that he felt that the Coiancil�s action on the concretie curb and gutter should be re-con- sidered. Mr. Johanson moved that bituminous curb and gntter be allawed in Robyn's l�iver N,anor Addition. Second�d 'py Sheri_dan. Upon a�roice vote, there being nv nays, the motion carried w�animously. I,ETTER FROM �IE FIRE PREVEtdTION BUREAU IN REF'�RFNCF mC TIiF FIRE ?RFUENZION WORK BLTNG CARRIEL) ON: ��� Mr. E113s was present} and stated that he would like to continue with a fu7.l-time person on prevention worka and much has bean done3 but he would not want to drop the pr�grarr. at this time. He sta�ed that tre program could be carried on a parb-tim,e basis to the end o£ the year} on the present budgeta but he would not l,ilce tc �perate it on a part�t9_me b��sis. There ,was considerable disaussion on the termination cf the presen� em��la,yee in fire prEVention work. Mr. Johar.son maved that the City Manager reminded that the two-month emplayznent per�od for the fi.re prevention employee has been rnachedr and that the employment shculci be cut bacK at this time. Seconded 'o,y Nee. Upon a voice voue, there be�.ng ne nays. the mot�an carried w�a��imously. WIEI�E - TEH Tti Motion by Johanson to grant the request arzd amort.ize bhe water and sewer iateral assessmeni, on I,ot !�� Block 2� Innsbruck Addition over a five ,year pex•iode Secaxided by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. vzszTO�: STDF��I SEWER - MCORE LARE HILLS ADDITION: Mr. Shex�.dan explained that the people in the area had offered te pu� in i,heir own ten,Po��ax•y storm sewer� if the Gouncil would £urnish the mai.eri_al. Mr. Knut•son stated that tne eet,imated cpst o£ letting a contract to do t'iis particular t��mnorasy work would 'oe about �1a155,QOs Mr, Nee asked if this would be a permanent solutzvn� Nir, Knutson stated thaz it would n�tx the ultimate solution would be an ovtlet to Melo-land Gardens Second Addition. Mr, V°e asked about tearing up the pavement. Mr. Knutson stated that they aauld avoid the street excepl. where the catch basins are put in. Mr. Knutson s+ated that it would costi appro�c-imatel,y �6�5,�+ ,for just the mater�als} if the propert,y owners deaided to put it in themselves� �iss, Ne]son, who stated that she "Lived next to thls proposed storm sewer cuiverta wished to tht�nk Mr„ Sherid��n for his eaplaining tre problem} as a great manp people in the area hsd a mi.sconcegtlo as to whaL was to be done. Mr. Sneridan stated th�,t the drain.;ge area Proba6l,v wou]d be somerorhera in the neighborhood of 15 acres? but this iG a tempc�rary sc7ution on3ya and £eels that this would solve �he problem until a permanent salution could be pui, in later, Mr, Knutson stated that the,y are working on design for stozr; sewex• Yor the whole area, Dne of the residents stated that the culvert under Ceniral A�renue a.s all filled and bloaked wit}� sand� and if this were cleaned aut� some of the wai.er cenld drain to tre west side os Central Avenue and the problem would be somewhat alleviated also. T,ix^, She�^� cian e�•pla� ned t,he propa�ed lasrout of the 15ne� whicY: would be a lane running aboiit 200 ieet frem the �treeGa and then angling over towards the water ho]e. The quesl.ion was asked who wouSd bE assesGed for this work, Mr. Sheridan stated that some people in the area would �usi, as soan pay for this in casha a� to have an assessment. Gavel to Nee. Greig left the meeting temporaril�. There was further discussion on this matter. Mr. Sheridar, moved to direcL the City Engineerin Department to con5truct i,he temporary storm sewer drzinage as prcposed ior Moore Lake Hills Addition betwFen Lots 2' 3� and 6a Block 2� Moore I,ake Hills Addition? and v:hatever money that is spent on this project that can become oart of a perm�nnenG salut3on wlll be assesse� as a part of the eost of the ^ermanent storm sewer pro,�ect when t�hat is p�at in,. Seconded b�T Johanson, uppn a voice vote� there being no nays, the m�tion carried unani�novsl,yr, A question was asked about putting in some fill on t,he lcts �hat had the mudhoies on them} and it was stated that lf some £ill co�:ld be put on these 1ots, the problem would also be �alleviated. Mr. Bacon asked when a building permit i� �;ranted if a per�;on were allowed tc disrupt the normal drainaQe. Mrs. Bar6ara Hughes asked what the prcgress was on the conde�uzation of th� Lccke Property. Mr. Kohlan stated that at the present timea the Ci�,y is wa�_ting for one of the representatives of the Loeke Prooerty to get back inta town� and the ��ty has a�read,y ap�ointed i,wa pecple on its side to da the negotiat�ng *aith the owners of t,he Locke Property. BURI�ITVG OF CAR B6➢IES: Mr. Ed Ellis asked whether the Council wished to have t.he Fire Preventlen Bureau issue a permlt to the Central Auto Parts when it is to be renewed fcr the Uurr,ing of c.ar bodies in the Central Auto paris lota as i,his question had been brought un� and apparently there have be�n some complaints on it. Mr. Johanson stated tihat the Cit,y of Frid7_ey shoulc'i have the �42 sarie nrdinarce as Minneapulis, and this does not allow the burning of car bodies at all within the City. There was iurther discussion on this, Mr. Johanson moved that the Fire Preven+ion Bureau be instructed to deny the renewal o£ the permit for burmng oi car bodies at� the Central Auto Partsa Seconded by Wolke. TJpon a voice vote' there being no nays� the motion oarr3ed uru�!imouslyo Mro irlolke stated that the City Attorney should be authorized to oei, a copy of the orcu.nanae from M�nneapolis' and draw up such an or�nance for the Cit,y of Fridley. OI�D BUSINE55: ROARD OF APPFSI�S RECOM_T�IVDATION 71V REFENENCE TO LOTS 3�F 5 7 g AIUD 9 BT,OGK 13y HY1)E PARS: AllUITION - REQU�ST `i1� BUILD DOUBLE BU1vGALOWS ON 0 FOOT LOTS: Mr, Jahanson moved tha� the permission to build double bunga].ot,rs on the 60 ioot lots be ' oranted, TherP was no second to this motiono Moti.on died for lack of a secvnd, ° C07N-CFERATED DRY CLL0.10S1�iG ESTABLISI3N4",NTS: A representative £rom a c�in-operated dry cleaning compan,y stated that it is the�_r intention to anstall a iour reel dry cleaning operation at 8150 East River Road� and asked that the Council okay this. �[r. Johanson moved that this be approved� subject to all the inspector�s apprevals} and the Fire i'revention Bureau�s approval. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vpte, there being nc na,ys9 ihe motien carried vnanimously. Greig returned yo the meetir�g. Gavel to Greig. PARK PRO�ER"_'Y: Mr. Dick Donlln was present9 znd stated that the reason the park sub-conmLi_ttee had recofrenended the sita north o£ 7�th Avenue� was thai, �t was their understanding that the soecial assess- ments on this parcel o£ land wculd be less than on the other parcel, Mro Donlin asked for pes�mission to negotiai.e with the twa property owners� so that the price could be determined. Mx°o Nee asked Mr. Donlin if he srould talk Lo Mr. Flanner,y� and also other property owners� and then brin� back a recommendation to the Colmcil. SPRAYIIVG OF MOORE r,AKE: Mr. Dick Donlin asked what h�ppened on this matter. The CaLZncil exnlained the spra,ying w�s oka,yed as far as the beach area h*as concerned� but that it was all at i,his time. Mro I)onlin stated thr�t he urould ltke permissi�n i,o ca�l;�rol aquatic veeetation ior the wh�le 1ake� He s�at�:d 1,1-iar it vao;z7.d have no efi'ect on wi_ldlifey and pFrmission would have to be �eceived yrom the Stiatu� but he we�uld like perm�ssion to ki_ll all Taeeds and cati,ails. The_re 4ras n� aei,ion taken. Coun�ilman Jol�anson left the meetini�o RLS�LUTION lV�J. 23-19�� AUTHflRIZING BIDS FOF FIRE TRUCK: Motion by ldo]�e �hht, +his res�lution be adopi,ed, Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice v�te� the*�e be�ng no na,ys� tYra mntion carried unanimously. CLA LP'LS: .T4ot,i.on h;,� Sher� daxi to apprave General Claims G182 through 62a1. Seconded b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na�s, the motion earried unanimously. Motien'�� �r�Ialke to app-ove Li�uor Claims l�OI�I� through 1�110. Seconded by Neeo Upon a voice 40�t�� t'riere being no na,ys� the motioxi carried unansmouslp, Motion b,y Nee to apFarove ?ublic Util�t,y Claims 1802 through 1Ci20. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vaice voLe, there being no nays, the mution carried unanimousl;�. CLAIi�i OF SCHUMANN BROS. FCR RED�'CORATIIIG 'IHE SHOR�;NlO�J➢ LDUNGE: Mr. Sheri3an expla?sied t?�at he h�d ,alked to the C�t,y Manager and the reason for a enange for additional work was the ontside of the doors were not included in the original bid soeczfica�ion�i and neither was the grill work3 which had to be done. Motion b,y Sheridan approve the c? a9�m oi Schor?znn 3ros, i.�± the am�unt of �778.75. Seconded b,y Nee. Upon a vnic� vote, thr�se voting �n fav�rj Grei.g, Sheridan� Nee� opposed� Wolke; absent� Jonanson. Motiorx carr�.ed. LICEidStiS: � to Mro Nee ashed iF tha inspectors of the various de�artr,ients were oka�in�* these licenses� and the Cit,y Clerk statied that the onl,y� one tnat had prior approval of the Inspector� on the rPnewal were the on-sale beer lir,enses, Motion by Nee i.o ap�rove the follow�.ng liaense�r 143 snbject to the written okay o£ the variaus inspectors: CAFE Julius ManoseviGz 1107 Russell No, MD1s, 11� Minn. Howard A. Nelson 6261 Iv.E. 5th St. Mpls. 21, Minn. tdilliazn C. Wong �7115o Central Ave. N.F. Mpls. 21, Mitui. She_�nan Hanson E3;�1 Kennaston Dr. P�pls, 21a Mi.nn, Ra,ymc�n3 L. Andersan 61�28 Dellwood Dr, N.F. Mpls. 21i Minn. William F. Weiss 61�90 Central Ave. Y,E. Mpls, 2I� Minn. Iieith D. ?� Barba-a J. Johnson L�315 Snail Lake Blvd. St• P2.u]_} Mirulesota Central_ Embers� Inc. 210i Ford Parkway St. Paul 16} Minnesota Sa�yder's Drug Stores 860 No. Vandalia St, 'St„ Paul l�a Minnesata Fric3ley Recreation & Sprv. Cumm. 6310 Highway �{65 Mgis. 2l� Minn. Kenne th G. Daiilheimer 1932 Cressy Ave, 4noka, Minnesota C I[: ARET PE Jul� as Manosevitz 110'l �nssel] Na, ?�ipls. ]1, Y�iinn. Howard A. Nelson 6261 V�F, 5tki St, P1pi s. 21, Minn. Robert D, Graham s333 Uni*rersit,y Ave, id. E. Mpls. ?_l, Mum. Ra,ymond L. Anderson 6l�23 Dellwood Dr. N.L, � Mpls, 21} Minn. William F. Weiss ��590 Cenl.ral Ave. N, F . Mpls. 21� Minn. A¢me Metial Spinnxnga Tnc. 9� - �3rd Avenue N.E. Mpls. 21,, Mirnt, dba: Fridley prug �475 Univers? ti�r l�ve. 1J:�s Mp15A ?I. M�:tna HOW1P�il b1�7� Un�vers;.t,y �ve, N.E. Mpls. 2I, Minn• Fireside Rice Scw1 CaRe 7L�0 Centra?. Ave. N.E. Mpls. 2i, Mznn, �rynLral Frostop Drive-In S1�40 Central �ve. id. E. Mnls. 2�a Minn„ Food Merchandising dba Maple Zanes Cai'e 630� Hiwa,j 6� - Mpls, 21 Sandeess Ca�"e 6I��0 Central Ava, N.E Mpls. 27, I�Iinn, Fri�'1ey Ds� rNr �ueen 29U �15S1983Fi�'l7 `J'1%e Mols. 21, Minn. Centra7_ Embers, CncM 51�00 Ceni.rsl Ave. nj,;:,, Mpls. 21? Minn, S�yder�s Drug Storea 6582 Uniuersit,y Ave. P�.�, Mnls. 21� Nt;.nn, Maple Lanes b310 Highway b5 Mpls. 21? Minn„ Dahlheimer Mil'c Automati 5��95 Har�enann Ave, Mpls, 213 Mi;uz. FridZey Dru�; G�75 iJniver�ity Azre, N. E, Mp1s. 21s Minn� Howiess a�+79 Unive*_�sity Ave, N.E, Mpls. 21 a Mizux, Graham�s Royal Serve.c? 5333 Iimvcrsit,y Ave� Mpls. 23_, Miau�. Food Mer�h�ndisin� dba Manle Lanes Cafe 6301� Hi�hway 6�, NiP1s, 21 Sandee�s Cafe 6�90 Ce:ztral_ Ave, N.�. Mpls. 21; Minn. Same Ren�Vaa3 Rene�.Ta1 fteneFral Renewal Renetiaa' ?2enewal P,enewal Renewa.l F�ne-vaa7_ RenG-.;a`l ftena�,,aa1 P�ene-vral Renewal Renawal R�newa�_ RenewaZ Henewal Pean-Fridleya Inc. ;'enn�+s Supe- Market Renewal 7600 Highway #7 65J�0 Universit�v 2ve, I+I. G. Nli�nneapoli.sa Minn, M�ls. 21, Minn, �44 Central F"mbers� Inc. 2107 Fard Parkway 51,. Panl 155 Minrt., Sn,yde^�s Drug Storesi ?nc. 860 Noo Vandalia St. .�it�♦ 'PciL1�.. 1��J 1�1Tllla Richard Ha�_tgen i08C7 i3athawa,y Lane Mp? �. 2"1' Minn. Fridley Recreation & Serv. Coirun. 631� Highk*ay �6S Mpls. 21, Minn9 Marv�.n H. Brotan 263J Lee Avenun NIpls„ Minn. National Food Storesy Inco Hopkins Minne s oi,a J. L. Theisen 1831� Freriont Ave. Na. Mg1s., Minn. ,�. K. Cart.er Ca. 3131 Nicol.let Ave, Mpls. �y Minn, pI'P-SA7 E Penn-Fridley� Inc. 7600 Hxghwa,y �7 Mi.nneapolis, Minnq Sn,yder+s ➢rug S�c�res3 Irrc, 960 No. 1T�nda'lia 51;y �t. ��.ul 3 atj T�Linn, Marvin H. Bratun 2t3p Lee 9venue Mp1s, Minn. Nationa]_ Fa�d Stores, Inc. ?ionkins Minnesota t�Pd-S9 �.�; Haward �, Nelson 6267. N.L. 5�h st. Mp].eo 21� Minn. ',dilliam C. UTcn� '�11�� Cen tral Av� o N, E. Mpls„ ^ls Minno William F„ Weiss 6�;90 CPntral Ave. N. E. Mpls. 21s M2nn. Fridley Recreatton & SPru. fomm� 637o xi�hway f��5 Mp.ls, 21� Minn. G��verin G. K*aemer 1l�3?_ W. 3?nd � t. Mpls., Minn. GARBAGE dba: Central Embers� Inc. Renewal 5�00 Central Aveo N.E. Mpls. 21� Minn. Sny3er�s Drug Stores Renewal f�582 University Ave, N.E. Mp1s. 21, Minn. Dick�s Texaco �3o1 Hi�hwav �65 Mpls. 21, Mis1n�, Map1e Lanes 6310 Highway �/65 Mplso 21y Minn. Hw�,�. 6s Kwik Shop 6319 Hwy. 65 Mpls. 21, Minn. Renewal Renewa7, � Renewal National Fnod Store Renetral 6f�L�0 University Ave, N.E. N:pls. 21� i�Iinn. Theisen & Sonsy Inc. Renewal 6l183 Universitv Ave. N.E. Mp7.s,. 21� Minn, Liquor Stor=s Renewal 6�81 University 6161 Hwy. 6� 3710 Marshal.l St, Penny�s Super Market Renewal 6��0 University Ave. N.E, Mpls. 21� Ptinn. Snyder�s Drug Store Renewal 6582 University Ave. N.�. Mplso 21� Minn. Hw,y, 65 Iiw�.k Shop Renewal 631n Iiw,y. 6j ;Kpls. 21, Minn. Nat�onal Food Store Renewal 61�0 Tlniversity Ave. N. L'. Mp1s. 21y Minn. Howie e s Rene�ral 6�7q IIniversit,y Ave, N.E. Mpls. 21� Mi_nn. Firesile Riae 8owl Cafe Renewal. 7}al�0 Central Ave. �I.E, Mpls. 21� Minn. Sandee�s Cafe b1�90 CenLral Ave. N.E, Mp1�. 21� Minn. Mapla Lanes 6310 xw,y. £�5 1Kpls. 21,, Minn. Fire�?_de Night Club 7�140 Central Ave. N.F.. Mpls. 21, Minn, Renewal Renewal Renewal � ' Richard T. Gallagher 8566 Gallagher Road Mpls, 21, Minn. Richard S. Meyer 8909 E. River Blvd. N.W. Minneapolis? Minn. Benedict H. Shutro� 1l�73 Onandago Iv,�. Mpls. 21� Minn. G�IN CLUB �Iv'orthern Ordnance Incorporated Col�unbia Heights Br„ P,O. Mpls. 21, Minn. DELIVERv TRUCK American Linen Supply Co, 1�7 so. 9th St, Mpls. 2� Minn, �r�ansiuners Milk Gompanv 7n� NOI'tt"1 GrOt'�O St. St. Pa�tl, M?nnesota B. Iu, Aolcombe, ?�K11 llret,r Ave„ Ido. Robbinsdale� Minn. &uperior Dairies� Tnc. 2112 N.E. Broadway Mpls. 21a Niinn. Raymond C. E�uald 7-5036 Cherry Lane �HODl{]115� M1riT1• Summit Farm, Inc. 1tx91 E. Count,y Road E St, Paul 10, Minn. Franklin Creamery} Inc. 210b Washington Ave, iVo. NIpls.� Minn. DRy CLE.4NING G & K Corporation 1501 Nicolle+, Ave, Mpls,� Minn. LIVE�Ti7CK I�9i.11ie A. Po tasek 37.11 - 62nd Way Mpls. 21� Minn. MINING Minnesota Silica Sand Co. �l�3rd Ave. iJ,T'. Mpls. 21� NIiT1x1e SERVICE STATTDN Robert D. Graham 53311 - Gth St. N.E. Mpls. 21, Minn. Jacob D. Steiger 6676 Channel Road Mpls. 21� Minn, dba: Galla$rier+s Sz�aicea Inc, 856b Galla�'her Road Mpls. 21� Minn. ��J Renewa7 Twin Cit.y Daspo:;a1 Servic4� Ga„ Inc. Renewal 1023 MarshaJ_l S F„ N. E. Mpls, 13, 1�Iinna Fridley Samtation 1lt73 Onandaga N.E. Mpls. 21? M=`�n„ Same Same S:une Clnver Leai Creamery Co. !l?0 West Broadwa,y Mpls.� Minn. Same Ewald Brus. San�tar,y ➢air;yr 2q19 GoTden Va'L1e�r Road Minneapolzs l�a Minn, Same Same 4 & K 65I�� Univ�rszty Ave. N.E. Mpls, 21? M�.nn. Same Graham� s Po,yal S�:rvir,e $333 University Ave. N.E, Mpls. 21a Minn�, Steiuer g� Gertzen Caraqe� Inc. 6519 Cen�ral 9ve, N.E. Mpls, 21, 1�Iinn, Renewal ReneToal Rene*ral R�anewal Renewal r�enewal Renewa7_ Renetazl Renswa'L Renewal Rene2,a1 �%G�'IIU'Wdi Rene*,ral Renewal 1 •� 6 Hobert Carlson 1.390 Onanda�;o Si,o N.E. Mplso 21, hlinno Jon tid. I,aFleur 564i - bth st. �r.�. Mpls. 21y Minn, Ae��^na?^d L, I-?�as� �, 6030 - Sv� St. N.L. Mp1s. 21, Minn. R;�chard f?augen 1080 Hatha*aay Lane Mpls. 21' Minn. Philip E. Strout 633 Irnnton St. N.E. Mpls. 21� Min,�o SD�IrITOR�S Zane E. Kaiser 737. Overt,on Drive Mplsa 21� iti.nn. 'PP VERN Hmuard A, Nelson 626i N.�. 5tn st. Mplso 21' 1�Linn. 3everin G. KraPmer 1lt32 W. 32nd St, Mp1s.� Minn. USED CAR LOT Raymond A. Hoff 3007 Johnson St, N.E, Mp2so 18y M�nn. Eldon E. Schmede,ite �.3-! � - 5tr� st, rr. E. Mpls• 21� Mlnn, Davi1 Schmedeka 6901 East. Rtver �oad N1pls. 27., Minn, SOZICITOR�S dba: Cen�ral Hdwe. & Feed Store 7381 Central Ave. N.F3. Mp�s. 21� Minn. Shorty�s D-X Service 5667 Univereity Ave. N.E. Mpls. 21� M3nn. t4 & H Servzce 5001 University Aveo N.E. M91so 219 Minn. Dic!c � s 'I�xaco 6301 Hw,y. 65 M�ls, 21, Minn. ?hil�s Standard Service 8100 E. River Rd. Mpls. 21, Minn. �epresentati�e o£: Beaver Shoe Co, Bezver Meado�s Penn�ylvania id� tiona7. Soft titiTater C�„ Inc. 610o E�ccels., ot B? srd. Mpls.y Nlinn, MA SONRY Jol�nson�s Construction Coo �1�Q2 ��nqi�il llrive iVo:t,7-i Fi,ymou�h z7i11aFe9 Minn, ELECTRICAL Bacon Elect:ic C�mpany 6525 Cencral Avenue N.E. Fra.d]ey 21, ifinnasota Hond E?er,tric Companp 161�2 Carroll �lvenue St., Pau1a Minnesotia Clintr�n Ele�tric Company 382> East Laice 5 trPet Minnea;�o3is� Minnesata Howie�s 6�79 University Ave, N.E, _ Mpls. 21� Minn. Fireside iUighti C1ixb 7lt1�D Central Ave. N.E. Mpls, 21� Minn. Ray�s Used Cars 5655' IIniversity Ave. N.E, Mpls. 21, i�finn, H,yde Park Motors S�OQ University Ave. N,E. Mpls. 21� i+linn. Smitty�s Motor �o. 5649 University Ave. N.E. Mpls. 21,, Minn, Salesman: Elmer A. Nelson 690)i Cornelia Drive Minneapalis 24,, Minn. by: Rolaert C. Johnson by: Herb F3acon by: John J. Kostka b,y: Clinton WiZson Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal , Renewal New Renewal kenewal Renewal 1 Renewal Renewal , New New � R�newal ' Renewal �en�iral Dymar�yk Electric Company 1500 Monroe St. N,E. Minneapalis� Minnesota Electric Repair R� Construction 1�21� Washington Avenue North Minneapolis# Minnesota Jonn Ess & Sonsa Inc. 20 Shad,y Oak Roa�i Kopkinsa Minnesota Heights Electric Company ��015 Gentral Avenue N.E, Col��mbia Heights} Minnesota Herb1s Electric 1t71 - Sth Avenue N.ln�, New Bri�htona Minnesota Hoifman Electric Com�any} Inc. 1917 Second Avenue South Anoka� Minnesota Industrial Electric Gompany 600 South Ninth Street iKinneapolis 1�� ,�i�nnesota Russ Johnson E].ectric Service 1+9�4 Xerxes Avenue South Minnea�olis 10� Minnesota Killmer Electric Comnan,y 332 Central Avenue horth Csseo� Minnesota Kvalsten Electric Coa Inc„ 905 Park 9vemae �Minneapolis� Minnesota Lambie Electirc Carvoration 1it01 � !iltth AvenUe Norih Minneac�olisa Minnesota Lehn Electric Company 21�� East Main Street Anokaa Minnesota T,eRo,y Slgnss Inc. 3101 Nor�;h 2nd Street Minneapolis� Minnesot�, ;�a,yer Electric Company 2817 Heruiepin Avenue Minneapolis� 1�innesota Naegele Advertis;.tig Co. 333� IIniversity AvennP Mtinnea�oli.s, Minnesot,s Reliable Electric Com�any 316 Bryant Avenua North Minneapol9.s, Mlnnesota Salco� Inc. 1816 Emerson Avenue North Nlinneapolis 11� Minnesota SamsA1 Electric �er^,*ire 60�7 - 2nd Avenue Snuth P�iinneapolis 19� Minnesota St�°ncer Electrtic Company 3017 Lyndale Avenue South M�nnea��nlis, Ninnesota by: TnTilliam D,ymanyk by: Alvar 0. �lbing by: John Ess by; Ray C. l�;e].son bg: FIerbert Bacon, Sr, by: Harry W. HoTi'man by: Sherman A, Wa11en by: Russ Joiinson b,y: Allen 0, Ki"Llme?� by: Harry Kva�sten by; Rabert r� ?,am�l�; by: F1rn,y A. Lehn b,y: Dave Ori:an b;f: Richard �. Mayer by: Robert Streit� by: Al I�arson by: Jahn 0. Sallblad b,y; Theodore y, Samsel b,y: ,rnest Spencer Renewal Renzwal Renetaal Renewal Reneaal Renewal �%@Yl°W31 Renewal Renewal �enewal r�enewal Ren�`7al i�e n�„r� J_ Rr newa3 Renetr�7. Renewal Pene�aal Ren.; 4aa1 R�newal 1�� i 48 Suburban Electric Qomtiany 6112 Excalsior 731vd. Minneapolis 16, NIinnesota Tieso Electrio Co.� Inc, 1?5j Larpenieur Avenue 8t. �'ail.� Minnesota EY,CAVATOR9 Carl Bolander & Sons Ccnnpany 2933 1'leasan� Avenue South Niinneapolis 8� M�nnesota Arvid E. Carlson & Son� Inc. 3200 France Avenue Sour.h Mi:uz�analisy Minnesc�t� �AS SL'RVICFS Anderson & Dahlen 131lt U7e�t Br�ad+aa� Minneunolis� M_i_nr_�sr>te "�n�ka P'+aia�wing (� Heating C�o 2209 E. M�itt Sl:r�et Anoka� Minnesota Backdahl �• C'lson 3157 Chicaga Avenue Sauth i�inneaaal3s9 Minnesota Farr Plumbing F� Heat�n� Co, 6822 Osseo Road I�Sinneapolis 22� Minnesota T,arson-M�c Company 6032 `sT0$u �%tYl StT'P.P� Mlnneapolis� Minneso�� Minne� aZis Gas Company 739 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota Nielsen Gas Heat 2q7�6 E. 3�th Street Minneapolis� Ptinnesoi,a Ferfec�ion Heating Company 2936 Fourth Av�nue Ssauth Minneapolis 8� Minnesota St. Marie Sheet Meta7 Co, 79CF0 Sprzng Lake Fto�3 Min�eapolis 21j Minnesota &z�r N. Welter Heating t�o. ��37 Chicago Avenue South M�nneap�J.as 7y Minnesa�� QEIVERAT CONTRACTORS Carl Eo Benn�tt 6!�?0 - 5th Stree� N.E. Fridle,y 2] y Miranesata Rodney W. gillman, Snc, 3000 - 35th AVeriUe NoE. Minneapolis 18y Minnesota Carlson-LaJine' Ii7co 285�t Calurnbus tivernie Mi_nneapolls 7, I�innesota Arvid E. Ca*lsan & Son' Inc. 3200 France Avenue Soath Minneapolisy Minnesota b,y: Henry Jo Mester b,y: Ralph Tieso by: Carl Br�lander by: E. A. Carlson by: W. E. ➢ahlen by: Byron Bromley b,y: Clarence R. Olson b,y: Benjamin Farr by: Raz�mond Olson b,y: Arthur G, Ahlquist '�y: Staxile,y Ni�tsen by: Russe.11 M. Peterson b,y: Louis St. Marie by: Ray Id. Welter b,y: Car_l F, Bennatt b,,�: Rodne,y- Billman by: T,eR�y �! rnold h,y: E> A. Carlson Renewal Renewal Renewal R�newal Renewal Renewal Renewal RAnewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � � ' N�rton Connett �757 Zdest BrAadway Minneanolis 22� Minnesota George F. Cook Construction Co. 2833 L,yndale Avenue South Minneapolis 8� Minnasota Ercot Inc. �231 Central Avenue N.E, Minneapolis 18� Minnesota Giertsen ComPan,y 3501 7Cenwood Avenne � Minneapolis 15� Min.nesota G],isan Realt,y �39 - lOth Street N.W, New Hrighton 12� Minnesota Gorco Construction Com�oanv 338l� Browril ow Avenne St, Louas Park 26, Minnesota Berna?^d R, Julkowski 5051 Jefferson 3t. N.�. Colunbia Helghts 21a 3+t�nn. Ra1ph N. I,und 819 - 89th Avenue N.4d, Minneapolis 21} Minnesata I,yndale Builders� Inc. �825 Minnetonka Blvd. Minneapolis 15a A_znnes,ta Magney-Iverson Construction Co. 20 Shady Oak Roa�l �Hopkiasa Minnesota Pliles Construction Company �50Q Lyndale Avenue Idorch Minneapolis 12y Minnesota Morris (lviek 6801 iIickory S�. N.E, P'ridley 32� Minnesota Jonn Palmer 7117 We�� Shore Drive Minneapolis 2l�x I�v.nnzsota Paols, Incornorated 229 - '�Ies t 6Qth Street piznneapo.lisr Minne���ta Preston Haglin Compan,y 3925 West L�th Strest ASinnzapolis 2�, I�finneso±.a Pau1 J. 5ohwartz Construction C��. l�02D Minnetonka B1�ra. Minnea���lisa Minnesota S�+nsell Lwnber Campans* 1850 Como Avenue S,t. Paul 8, Minnesc�+.a Swanstroat� Inc, 1350 Skywood Lane N.E, �ridley 21, Minnesot,a t�ichard Vossen 521�6 Logan Avenue iVOrth Minneapolis 12� MinnesoLa Western Oonstructlon Comnanp 3017 Lyndale Avenue S��uth Minneaoolis 8� Minnesata by: Hortan Cnnnett b,y: George F, Coolc b,y: Qll�_e ;,ricks�n b,,�: Wali:er Giertsen b,ya Ch�ster Glisan by: S. G, Cop7in by: Bernard J,zlkowaki by: kalph IV • L�L�d l�y: Harve;,� Ha Unei° by: G. H. M3gne�� b,y: Joe Zub�°zycki b,y: Morri� pvick byz J«hn Palm��r b,y: Jamas W, llay by: P, �. Haglin by: Paul J. 5chwartz by: StariLey Barnnbawn by: George t�en�hor�er b,�: Richard Vo„sen by: Milton �ear. Chaa; n Rene�al �enewal Renewad I?erewa]_ Renewal ?enewal P�ene�Tal Yene�,*�1 Renewal R en2tiaal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Rene*�ra7 Renewa�. Renewal Renewal Rene�7a1 Rerie��a1 ��� � JO p� ,� Wi11i21ns� Contractor 8562 Fast River 1�1v3, Minneapalis 21� Minnesota H :ATING Anderson & pahlen�, Inco 1314 �'�st Brn �dway Minneapolis� NiinnesoLa Anoka F'llimbing �4 Heating Co, ??_09 ER Main Street Anoka' Ninnesota Baekdahl 8� Olson �757 Chicano Avenae Mi±uieapolis� Miruieso�a �omiort Heating & Air Cond, Coo �531 Marsh�.11 St, IV, P: Minneanolaa� Minnescta Farr Plumbing & Heating Co. 687_2 O,sseo Road Minneapolis 229 Minnesota Lanson-Mac Compauy 6032 irlest 3'7th Street Minneapolls, Mi.nneso�a Mil.7_ Cit,y He�i,?n� & Ai,- Cr�n=+� Ca. 13005 county Ro�d b Iti nneapolis 27y Minnesnta Mooney�s, Inc, 2�7.6 Harriet Avenue South Minnespolis S� Minnesata PerYection Heating Uompanr 2936 Foart,Y� Avenue Scuth Minne�}7o].as 8, Minnesat� Regent Heat2n� & Ai�� Cond, Coo I�oute 1 7esao, Minneso'r,a St,. Marie Sheet �Ieta1 Co, 79Zi0 Spring Lake Road M�nneapolis 21� Pn6.nnesota ?tay N. Welter Heating Coo 1�637 Chica�o A*renue South Minneapoli.s 7� Minnesota A1 �s P1um}aing & Heating Goo �3i!L�0 Center I�r2eve !'v. F'a M�nneapolis 21i M-nnesota T7� wONRF Carlson Gancrete Cons+,ruri-ian Cc�� �2C0 Fraz�ce Avenue South Niirineapolis� M�.nnFSOt�. Robert 4u. Compton 933' - 'ncl Averaue Sou�,h B1aomLng to?-ty Minr.esota Jam}:;cn Bre�hersy lnco ��?7 Center Drtive MinneapoY, s 21� P4a.nnesota by: A1 Williams b,y-: W. E. Dahlen by: Byron Bromle� h,y: Clarence Ro Olsor hy: 1Raamiond A. I+rei b,y: Benjamin Farr by; Edwin Wa Larson by: Wm. H. 8t,evenson b;,rc Bern�rd p„ Moone,y b,y: Russell Mo Peterson bys Ro�ert 0, Laugen byc Lc�iAis Sto Marie by: Ray N. T�Telter Y�y: Staniord ScYmapp b•,r; E. A. Carlson bys �to kro Compton �jr. Duane Jamison R�ne:,Ta' TZenEwa]_ - Reneiaal � Renet�ral Renewal Renewal Renewal kenewal Renewal RanEYx, r' � Fenewal Renew�l Renewal iJew Renewal � Renevaal Renewa7_ pislferd L. Johns�n 91� E�. 36th Street Minneapolis, Nlinnesota Clarence E. Klevnder 6961 Hi.ckor,y P_Laoe Minneapolis 21� Minnesota Jahn Nelson �g28 Columbus Avenue South P7irvieapolis� Minnesota Walter H. Pitt �10700 Zeigler Tirive, Rt. 1 Osseo� Minnesota James Schminkey & Son 1�630 Jackson 5t, iV.�. M_.nneapoli� 2�, Ninnesota J, �n'. �/ler Cement Contractor 21�37 Caon Papids Blvd, Ceon Rapie�s� Minneseta Valle,y Masonry, Tnc, �7?.� WaJzata Blvd. Ninneapolisa Minnesot� OII� HEA�'T_NG Perfection Heating Company ?9?6 Fourth Avenue South MlnneaI�olis 8a hiinnesota PLA�TERING R. F. Donnell�T Cnmpany ��1�2 3nelling Avenue Soizth M�nneapolisx M�nnesota Joe RTelson 8tucco Conpan,y 11�0 -98th Auenue N,W. Coon Rapids� MinnesaLa PT,UMF3Ii�G Al�s Plumbing 3 Heating Co, 81;00 Center Drive lV.�. P.inne�olis 2�� Minnes��<<a Anoka Plumbing & Heai.in� Co, 220q E. Nla�n Street Anoka� Minnesota Backdahl & t�]_son Pluribing 3157 Chicago Avenue South i�Sinneapo7is, Minneso�a Doy2e & O�Brien Plumbi_n�, Tnc. 2817 Emerson t1venue South Minr.eapolis 8a Minnescta Farr Plt:mbin; 8� Heating Co. 6822 Osseo Road Minnea,^-olis 22� Minnesota Ted Zinden Pl�unbin!,r & Hea��ng 162D� Garland Lane Pdorth Tda;�zata' Minnesat� London Plumbing 8� ifeaLing Co, L�3� �nn Aver.ne North i�Iirmeapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis Gas Gompany 739 Marquette Avenue i�iirmeapolis 2� Minnes:.ta by: Me Johnsen by: C'!arence K3uender b,y: 3ohn Nelscn b,y: Wal ter K. Fi.tt 6,y: James Srhrr,_ nkcy ty: J, [N, T,yier oy: Llayd S� Eeal by: R�issel7 ��I, P�terson bv R. F. Donnelly by: Eve2yn Nelsen u,y: Stanford Schrapp b�r: 13yron Prcamley by=� ClarencE Rm 02son by: Gharles P, ➢o7r7_e hy: Benjami,n Farr bf, Ted L�nden by: rrank Londor 1�y: Bentise Jo�nsun ftercu�a' Renewal Rer.etsal Renewal Renez�ral Rex2eti�zal Renewal ReneT�tal Renewal Renewa? T'+(:1"1P'4a.'.1. Renew2� Renetiral Rene�•ra? Reneti�a?_ Diezc R�netiaal Reneiaal i�� �52 Mp1F. l�ate?° & Szwer Repr�ir3 Tn<;, ^1�38 Bloomin�i.en AvEnue Minneapo7�s Ly Minnesota Nels. A. Moller 792K Spri.ng Lake Road Miruxeapolis 2i� Minnesat=6 tiT,,t,rey�sy ir.r�o ^f316 fiarr:.et ��*enUe South A4�nner�polLS P� r4�_n?��esccx ��7_son's Plumbs?g Conp�.ny 906 - 4�7 th Avenue iVo F.. Minneapolis 213 Minne�eta Rivard plumhin� & Heating, Corn�any 2050 Wh�te Bc3r Lake Aver.ue St, Paul q� Mznnescta Rudy r s Pl�:mb�ng 1�q31i Thamas Avenue Narth Minneapol�s� I�Iinnesoi;a Spetz & Bergy ]-ne, 6p21 �yndale A�renue South M�nreapclis 1°, M�.rnesota Standard ,Plumhang & Aapl3_ance Co. 8015 M?nnetonka Blvd. Sto La�aitl Park 26y Mirnesota Swansor. & Scha�_ger Ylumbing 7326 - llth AvEnue sou�r. Minneapol�_s9 Mir�r�esr,ta Ventcc�� Inc. 31K3 BLoamin�ton Avenue Eoui,h Mi,nneapalis� Minx;eseta ROOFIIJG Bernard L. Dalsin Ce, l;r32 Chicago Avenue South Mir!neapolis 7,, Minnesota SIGN LF2ECTION Oern nonna,y Construction Co. 73G0 - 3�tiri Avenue l�ortk, Mirn�a}�olis 27} P4innesata Ceneral Outdooi• Advertising, Tnc, 20?_U tdashingten Anenue South t+Lix3reapolis !�y Minnesata Highz,ray ?7; splay3 Inc. 72] Ravmnnd Averiue St. Paul lliy Minnesota Huoer Si,n �;��mpanys Inco '%00 West CotL?ty Road B �t. Pau?_� M?Yirtes�i� Rauiman Outdocr 4dv, Compari,y 315 Washir�gten Avenue lvort'r. M�nnelpolis '1_� Minrresota LeRo,y Signs, Inc� 3101 North 2nd Street Mirn�e �j;els.s5 i�Iinnesata I1Taegele Dutidoor Adv. Ca�3 Inc. 333�i University Ave. 5.:,, i�?ar,neapoli_s 14s Z�1nre°ota �even-U� Bot t1in,� Comnan}r 3�12 E. !GlAth Str•r,ct t4irneapalis 13� Minnesota by: Lyle Czecn by: Nels A. Moller 6y: Bernard P. Mooney by: Vernon Olson b�r; M. P, Rivard b,y: James Rudick L,y: Ernest Spet z byt Julius H. Klezn bv; Gordon Swanson by� �Trhn E. 1Vorbinm b,y; B. L, Dal sin b,y: L. A. Donnay by: tidillti,�m F1et.cher �y� Ge��7 d J. Lion hy; r�t�pa C, IIuher b,y: M�rk Kai�fm:^n b,y: Pave Orton by: Rober•t Streitz bv: Frank Po Zondlo Renewal Rer.ewaZ Rene5ral Renewal � Fen_ewal Rene*Nal Ftenewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � Renewal Renewal Henewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renetaal Renewal 1 Grrin Thompson Homes 122Q1 Minnetonka Hlvd. Minneann� �a ?6, I�`innesota i��i,?. DRSLLING Associated We21 Drillin�;� Inc. Route �1�, Box 3C�L� Hopkinsr Minnesota ADDTTIONAL LTCEIVSES: GAS LIC�;IaSES �A].'s ?'lc7mbin� �� Heating Co. B�00 Center llrive ti.ti. NLin�ieapolzs 21, Ma.nnesota IKaoney � s� Tno. 2816 Harriet Avenue South S4inneapolis tS� Minnesota by: Os Thampscr b,y: Haro7_d J, Hecker by: Si.anicrd Sr.hnapp by: Bernard Y. Nccney Renewal. Renewal Ne�T R�r.e�ra2 153 Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voiae voi,e, �here bea�na �c nays, the moiian carri��l �zr�animoual'y APPNOV�IL OP TNAILER ?A R�Z1vG PENiKI'SS: Mot.ion b,y Sheradan t,o approve th� trailer parking permit of Rodney l�Tahlber� - 6�01 m 2nd Street iVortYxeast� an3 the �ernut £o?° Cletus C. IQei -?.)�65 r�iississippi Street Northeasi,a and +o send the permit applicat.ion of Josep�� Anderson - 657C� Fridle,y Streei, ivertPsu���. hack �ot° written approva7_ of the adjacent property owners. Seconded b,y- TnI��7.ke. TJpars a vozce rotiex the;re being no nays, tihe mot�cn c,�rr�r:c� tiinanur±ousl;�, :i 'FOSP; `!MLN TS: i�lotian b� Nee to approtre the folloU�in� appointment: Brian Robert Wade Part-tir�e C1Erk Sa7.ar-�r Renlaoes 111�31� �uince Streei. Off-szle � tore ;h1.�5 Martir� �Coon Rapids} t�Iinnesota �j3 per hr. Bistram Seconded by Tr7ollce. Upon a vaice voUe� there being n� na�rs, the motion car�a.ed usianimouslz�. JA1vIiCRTAL SER`TTCES FO?� CTmY iiALL: Motion b,y Wo1ke to apprnve tne appoini.ment of American Building Maintieriance Compan,y, Sc. Paul? 't?annesota} to do the ,7anii,orial services for the Cs L,y Hal"1 for the amoimt of f�168«';5 pe-r month. Seconded by Sheridan. L'pon a voice vote, zhere being no nays� tne noticn r,arried �manim.onslp. PETZTIOtd AJO, 10-1962: Bitumittous Street SurPacing - Ashton Avenue from I�Iissi�s�.p�i Street to b�th TnTaq, Mr. Nee aslted abaut concrete curb� whether th.is woulc, be concrete or� �ir,uminous c��r�. I�ir. Sher�dan su��e::ted rhat both methods of provic�.ng cu:Y� pe nresented at the public hearing, and the Couneil could theu see what the vnshes of',t'n_e uropert,y owners were, Mo�:�.on ta;�T Sheridan to receive this petition and place it an P�1ej �nd when the public hea_i°in€� comes up} both methods of instal.la_ng curb will be Fresented. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voioe vote, the're being na nays� the motion oarried unanur.oual,y„ RESQLU�'IDN 1v0. 2��-1962 RECEIVIATG �'RELIMZ�ARY REPORT L1ND Q!�llERTA�G }'UBLIr, H�q�NG - STnT��5= ASotion by Sheridan to adopt this resolutian. Seconded b,y Wolk.e. ?Ipon a voace voi,e, there being no na�rs� the motion czrried unan�moaslv. CO.ISSP,ER,pTTOI�T OP' PUBLICATTON OF AR'iViJAL �7EPOFT: Motion by Nee to authorize the Cit,y Manager to proceed with publ�;:ai.ion ai the annual report with Robert Sangrene to do Lhe publishing. Seconded by inrollce, Upon a vcice votc} there be�ag nays# the motion carrieu �uzanzmously. I,ETTER WT?'_H REFEREI�CF' TO CPOUSOVER ON HIG_%IWAY #6$: Mr. Brown stated that, Mr. Boeck from the Fi�ghwa3= Departnen4 rras in tio thE C�Ly Ha11? and he stated the State�s legal department is chec}:in� th�s matter aUt. There yras a discussa.ar� r,n the sesvice road and the crossover, Motion by Nee to rECeive th� lAtiter and plar.e it on ii1e, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there b��ng r�o na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. 154 �`PTER F'RDM SHELDON MCJHTEIJSON hEQUESTID]G DE1��AN4'�lYT DF I,ATEHAZ ASSES`�'IE1�;TS ON I,OTS 9 THPOi1GrI 1�, Bi�- OCK ?, AND LOTS 10 THROUGH 1, BIACK 1� CEriTRAL VIEGT I�u�'OR ADDImION: Tr:ere �ras cliscussion on this mattes�. Motion by Nee to deny this request, Seconded by ��olke. Uoon a vaice nate, there being no nays� the motion carri_ed ur_animous.ly. RP,SOl,UTIUTd N0. 25-1962 ORDERING 1'RELIMTNkRY PLANS nND SPECIFIC9'!ZOTdS AND E9TTNI�1TES (�F CO�T `I`tiEztLOF - 5^10gNI�S�rE� UROJE�T N0�__�,..______r�__�_��____.� - Mot.aon by i�dolke to adopt thi� resolutlona Seconded b,y Nee, iJpon a voice votey there being no nav°y the mat,ion carr�ied unanimousl,y. RESOLlJTION N0. 26-1962 1�CEIVIIdC ?'RELIMSNARY REPORT OF COUNTY ENGTNEER A!v� CAI,TIl�1G A PT.173LIC �:ARI�NG ON THL N�.'�7''�R U�' CONSTkULl'IOAr OF GERTAIN TI�IPROV�1EtuTS - CUF.B A1V➢ Gi1TTFR - GTREETS_; 1°9�-1a"__ _° - Motion b;� Wo].ke to aciopt thr_, re�olxiuion. Seeonc:ed bJr lUee. Upon a voiee *rotey there being nc� nays� the motion carried unarimonslyo RESOI,U'PIODI IdO. 27-� 962 APPROVING YRELTMIIVARY PZ.ANS �� OE 53kD AVFPdiTE h'ORTHEAST ZN CONJUNCTIDN LtiITH TRUNK AIGHUSAY ivD�i: '�� -�— Motion bp Wolke to appro�,re this reso7�i�3.on concernin� s3rd Avenueo Seconded hy Sheridan. Upon a voice 4G$e' there being no na;ys� tne mo{,ion carried unanimously, ADdOURNMENTs There beuig na further business' the Mayor declared thc meeting adjourned. Resgect£ully suhmitted: 1�T �^v-i �iw�iseJ7� Secretary tc th� Counci.l /�� /=� l�-� , �� � �, �� �. `�;, � MAYOR - T. E. Greig S?ECTAL MF'LTIraG OF THE CITY COUNCIL -_kPRIL 23, 19b2 The meeting was nalleci to r�rder by�I'4ayor Greig at 8;50 P,M, M�m�iers ;'resent,: MemUers Absent: ES TIPriA Z�S: Greigy Johanson� Snarida,n3 ,Iee� Wolke None The City Mana�er pre�eni,ed the f�llowin� estimat�:s for payment: I,e7If10fifil & S9RSy .�T1re Sandstrom � Haf'nsr, Inco L�mett�, & Sonsy Ir.c. Estimate #3 W-31�-G � 6y61F3.8� Estimate #9 SW#1+��A 29s909.E1 Estimate �`3 W-;I�-F 1�237.87 3 ,1 .33 l�:s•. Jr,hanson mc�ved that the Cit,y pay the abGVe estimates. Mation was seconde2 b,y Mr. Nee. L`pon a voicr vcte, �here being no nays, Mayor Greig dFalared the motinn carried. REQUEST FOR WAI4ER OF BONU IN DON'S SECONll Ai;DITION: � The City t�iana�er reaa a lc;�ter from Do L. Anderson requestin� that ihe perfornianc� bond rec�uirement for znstallattzon of ntil3t.ies in Don�s Second �ddition be wzived, Mr. Anderson steted in tne letter that, he wlll put in the utiiities and requi.re a one year �*rinrantee, Mr. Johlnsor. moved thaL 1,he Council wai=re �lxe reqnirement of a perforn�ance bond ciuring the canntrurtion of said util, t,iee ��*it,h the condation that the builder� D, L. Andersona pay to the City the area aGsessments a�ainst e�.cn piece of propert,y ae it is sold. The motion w�s seconded bsj Mr. tidolke. U��on a voice vote� there being no naysy Ma,yor Grei� declared the motion carr2ed, PdO. 28-].962 CALLING A PTIBLTC HEP.FiITIG ON '_1YTE MATTER OF T}xe C�ty Mana�er read this resolution which sei.s the rnzblic hearing date� on th� use of Out,let �6 P9elod;� Manor' and putlot #!G� Melody Manor 2nd Additiony ior tne 7th da,y of Ma,y at 8:C0 P.M. Motion hy Nee 'that the above resnlution be passed. Mation was seconde�i by �ouncilman Sheridan, Upan a voice vote, there being no na,ys, Ma,yor Greig declared the motior� carried.