05/07/1962 - 000236551�5' The City Ntana�er showed the Cauncil drai,rin;s for possible use of th� rzght-of-way at 73r� between Highwa,y �{�y7 and Highway #6s. The drawinns showed th� use u£ a GO foor� right_np� wa,y �a�.th a Lt4 icot 4r_de traveled surfacea ancl alsc showed the use o£ an 8� fc,o. righi.-oP- way with initial constniction being a 30 foct road and a 10 foot planting strip with ps�opc,sed later construction based upon Ghe use oi �i�e industrlal area tc the south beino � 3Q �'oot ar �0 foot wide traveled surface ta the south of the 10 foot planter stx�ip, 'I'he Co�,nci1 indicated that the,y wou].d like tn study the drawings and discuss t,his pronosaT a+ gre�i,er length at a later meeting, N10RA'P�kTUM ON TSSi3ANCE OF MULTIPLE D1n1EZLSTdG BUTLDING I�G'�M�`t8: ;Kotion 6y Johanson that the Council declare a 9� da,y- moratori� �n the issuance of maltipi_e dwelling b�x�ldi.ng pPr�nits �r, �ermi{. a study b,y the CnLU�cil of a possib7e reuis?on in t?�e building, standards ior such dwellings, Motion secanded b,y Counc�lman ldee, Upon a roli aall votea those vot�ng '�a,ye�" Johanson, 13ee� Sherrid�u3, �'avaya�� Gr•e=g� A'ostair_sng� UTolke. Ma,yor Grei.� declared the motion carried, BURA?ING PEkNIIT REQUIRE��!EtaT 1'OR JU`NK YI�RDS: Counoilrrian Jolzanson moved that the Cit,y permit burnittg oP jLmk cars by Cen'r,ral Au�a Parzs Jvnk Yard� one day each Taeek in tne early mornina l�ours, the hours and the da,y to be appi°o�ed bv the Fire Preventior. Buz•e2u with the sti�ulaticn ihat I�his one da� per ��eek cannot 6e either Sa+urday or S�mday„ Tne motion was seconded bt� Couneilrnan Sheridan, Upon a vaice vote� tihere bei�g no natirs, i4ayor Greig declared the motion carrieci� ? DJOURPJMEN T. There being nc further 6usiness� Ma,yor Greig declared the mee�in�, ad�ourned. Respectfull,y submitted: � � �.ti-� U'�CG/c�e x-e.ti i � ,�'",.L�,�' � Ea� . agner � �� � Acting Secret,ary to Lh Cc�l � COi1NCIL NIiNUi�S - I�Y 7� 19b2 �"AY�� ' T. E, Creig �A regular meetir�g of t,he City Councll was called to or��r b,y M�ycsr C,*^ei� at �:GG P,P'?. ROLI, CALZ: Members Present: Greig, Johansor.' Z�Tolk��� PveP, She�°idan {arr�;red at, �;1�0 Y.M.i Members Absent: None A��ROVAL OF MINU1^.T�,'S: M�tion by •Sohanson to apprnve the mz.nni.es o£ �,he April lo� 1q62 meeting. Secercied by I�dee. Upon a voice votea there '�eing no nays� the motion cax�ried unan�.mcusl,y, IyIotion by Nee to approvc tne rrunutes of the Apri1 23, 196'L special meet�_ng. Seconded b7r Johanson. Upon a voice votea there being no ria,ys� the mction carried unan�mously. OLD BIISSNE3S: PUSLIC HEARING .. FII+dAL YLAT - 3A1uDY TERRACE ADDTiTGN: No on�. appeared for or against the acceptance of this Final n7_ai,,, ^1he Mayos� declared the hearing closed. Mofiion b,y- Johansen ta accept this as the fin� plat of Sand,y 7errace Addition� �econded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ps! the motion carr1ad �znan;.mouslyr OF SCHFDULI� i{2 BIT�S -- - R�SOLU'PION man I�Tee movsd that che following resolution be adopi,ed ak�ardinh the bid to the D. W. & Company� Inc, for Echedule i�2� with Alternate 2(W-3l�-J), RE9(J�iITICN N0, 29-19�2 0. NESOTtiTTON 9U?ARDIiVG CONTFu?C'P ON WATF,R PROJECT NC, 3LF-J - 3CN�➢ULE 2- A1 TFRI+(9TE 2- EQTII?P'IENT FOF IRON RII�IOVAL FLAid'P BE IT PI�;SOLVliD BY Z'i� COtiNCIL OF `PIiL CI`S`Y OP FF.iDLEY, Ml'i�id�SOTA, as �ellozis: l. The Council finds thati the lowest responsible bidder f�r provid2ng equir�ment for �_�� Iron Itemoval Ylant dssigizated as: Project No. 3ZG-J - Schedu3e 2� with Alternate 2� equipment for Iron Removal Plant (Zdater) is trie ll, tid, Hiclaey �i Company� Inc.� 18J�.7. University Avenue� St. Paul l� Minnescta; �rhoss bid is in the aartoimt of �139�110.00. 'i'hat said bid is hereby accepted� and the City Manager and Mayor in of3ice on date o� execution of the contrac+ are h�reby autt�orized anci cL�_rected to entsr into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of thx. Gity of Rr7,���ro - nTnnp�;n $y THE COi1NCII, OF THE CIiY OP FRI➢LEY THIS 7TH ➢AY OF MAY� 1962. C� • �, � ,������ P�AYDR - T. E. Grei� ; � � / � 1 c� � � LG'L%Si� �� . L�'��-���u.1��.�_ �ITY 1�t1vAGER - Earl P° i�lagt;er The motion £or the adoption of tYie above resolut�.on was duly seconded by Councilman Johanscn� and uFon a vote being taken thereor' the follewing members voted in favor bnereof: C:reig� Johanson� Nee' Y�olkeo (Sneridan abeent), and tYie fo7lowing member•s �roted agals�st the same: Ncne 61F�REUPOI3 SA3D kESOLUTION WAS DPCLEIRED DULY PAS -ED ANll 1L�OPTE➢. SPPCIAL ASSESSMFIJT SPRF4D IN 1I�RIAIV HTLLS AllDITTON: The Cit,y N1ana�er e�lained that a part,y had asked to nave the assessment� soread over a z�er3.od of yearsy rath�r t.ian ha,ving it certified a11 in one 1Lmp sumo Mr, Wolke stated that the pa-t,y wha had brough`t in the plat knew the assessment would be a one pa,yment assessmEnt, Mr. P4ike Q�Bannon st��rc that the dev�loper should krtow that the assessment iv�uld be on 2 OMP,— year �eriod as all the builders and detrelopers kneta this. Mr. Wolke stated that the Council should 3ePer 3ctipn until they consu1t w�th the attorney Ma,por Grei� stzted that the m� tter should be se �t7 ed no�.*, Mr, 1Jee stated that the ma,tter could be dela,y-e3 until Mr. Sheridan tiaas preserit at th� meetingo SPECIAL ASSrSSMEfvT SP�A� - G4R'PEN AllDITSOIV: , 1^he City Manager explained that the petition ior water and sewer did state 20 ,years a�sessnent spread. A preliminary and final plat were accepted after this petition was b,-rught iro There was one eaastina home in the plat on wh�.ch the assessments were spread nver a?G year per-!od, and all the rest wEre spread an the one-year period, Mr. Nee stated that there seem.ed to be considerable ccnfusion on this matter� and the owner was justi£ied in belsaving that it would be on a 20 year basis. Motion by Nee to grant the request to e�ccend tihese assessments ocer a 20 year period. Seconded b,y Johanson. IIpon � vcice voLey there being na na,ys� the motion earried unanimouslya t�EDISJ�ICTING: Mro Wolke thought the origznal proposal fcr redistricting was a good one� but the matter should l�e tabled ur_til Mr. Sheridan was nreseni,. Id�i BUSINLS,S: PUBLIC HERRING ON USE: OF OUTLOTS �!� AND �6 IN MELODY MAIVQR APD?TSOP1: 1^he Cit?r Manauer aa-piained t'riat tnis outl��t c��nsisted of a 10 foo1; s+rip on a 60 foot dedicated righ�-cY-;�a;�r en 73rr1 nvenue Ivortheast, 7he City Manager e�cplained the possil�le types of ;oads which cou]_3 be bail� wi*h State Aid money as i]lustrated by three alternates on dra*,�in�s hefore the Counc�I� Mr� Nee r��ised tna question wheth�r 73rd would '�e an in- telligent cns�ice fc+x• ari industrial rouL�, that ma,ybe it wou].d be batter to locate the rout- furl,her to the seutho '�x°, tnlalke su�gesl;ed a temporary street be put in until this matte�^ is fsrml�r r�sa1+*edo Mr, GreiS pointed ouL that a factory will be going in on �Sr, iVagel's pre�perty and on other praperty on 73rd Avenue and I3i�hway �65, The Citar Enganeer stated uhat a stats ��d str�at nas to connect majur streetso The Ma,yor asked wh,y the roaci could not go in now on 73rd Anenue„ Mr. Sherida.n arr�.ved at 8:10 P.M. Mra Wo7�ke sug^ested that the City Clerk checic with P4innesota TransFer Railz•ray to see what �s going in on their property as far as de�relopment goes. There was cons�.derable ch.scuss�_on on the lucat�_ori o� a St,�te A1d Roads k*hether it should be on 73rc1 Avenue Northea�t� or same po-int to the south, i�e Cit,f Manager s�ated that the IIibhway Departmant will allow a cross- is7 oRrer every four blocks on the highway. Mr. Johanson asked ii tne S�reets and IItiliLi�s Sub-comnittee had si,udied tkiis. The Mayor stated tha1, ne thought �t would be �etter to have two �i;re�ts9 rather than one street, Mr. Jonanson 5�ated tnat part ot t}ie cos{, r_onld be asses�ed to the area to the sonth� Mr. Trl�lke sug;ested that the City put in one Stats Aid S`�reeta and not ai].ow tructc traf�'ic �n the araa +o the north. Mr, Jo,ianson moved that the Gity nroceed with Plan �}A as sho•,,m on C:i.t,y Eng?r�c�r+s c1-cawin� #r`62-36, a,xid mov= the established traveled saay 10 feet to the south and pro�*i_de an addltiona7_ 10 feet on !,he no•rth side o£ the trave7.ed way� acq�xire additional 10 fePl. right-oS-tiray on the southa and t.a aixthorize proceeding with tnis plan. Seconded by Sheridan, Upat� a voice votc, therc be�nn no naysa the mo�ion carried vnanimously. AS,SES�'tEiv`T SPREAD _ TJIARSAN HSL�S AllllITION: Tnere was discussion on the mati,er of spreaning as,e,ssments in new plats, iKr� Jahanson �move3 that the request to spread th° assessments on `LOis 2(J and 21S Block lj Marian Hilla Addition over a period of years be denied, Secondcd by 6dolice. Upvr� a voice vo.,ea ilier� being no navs� the motion carried iznanimoizsly. Mr, �nlalke su�ges�ed tnai, a r-ec�r:ii.n� deir9_r_e oi some type be used at the Council meetingsa as a17, oF the discussion is not being taL-en dawn� and sometimes the ressons For the Counci_l�s actions m�ght not be cicar te thc paopiz� unless a11 of thls discussion is record�:d. 1't�lllS'PR.CC`i'I1�G : Gavel to Nee, ?'he Niayor leit the meetin� tempora�°z1y>, Mr. Sheridan stated thac he was in a�reement witn the pro;�csal ?o^ redisi,ricting made in Februar,y 19b2. Ward ''3 wouZd hav2 i.he larPesi, vo�e a•egis�iation at the presenl, ' in�a Uut Z^Sards {�1 and ��2 would have the largest grotiach potenLial, ?�otlon b� Johanson �hat the recommendation as prese?ited in thp me�to d2ted Februa:y 15y 19b2 be acc;ep�ed as th� i�lard boundaried, and the C�_�y Mananer be instr•lcted to dra��* up the resoluiiot� setting forLh thesa 'noundaries. Seconded b,y 5heridan, Upon a*+oice votea there be5ng n� nay�s, �.he moti�n carried unani.maus=y. Idr. Kohlan stated that the resolution snauld speZ1 aut the bnundary 13_nes oi the dif?'erenc wards. POLIC� CAR �IllS: 'rne :layor stated that ii thF>re were any bidders wn�> had an}* nrro�s or misq_uotatiars in i.hei_r b�ds thP,y were to malie them known nowa befor� the bids are opened« Vo one apoeared -with any errors or misquo�ai;ions. Zhe Ca+y Manaqer opene�t �he bids ior a police car as f'ollows; BIDDER Anderson Dod�e-Plymouih 1201 E. Lake Stireet Minneapolis, Minnesoi,a Midway Ford Comnany 185p IIniversity Ave. Sti, Paul� NSirmesota BID SLC. St, Pa:il Fire & Marine sqo Ag, ins. Co. 5% CAR �{1 `PRADE-IYd TOT9L BIl7 �z,b92.9a ��BOa.00 �?�8q2�90 36�,3�i.16 �aso�oo �6�_,7z1.15 i•Ir. Johanson moved that the bids be received and turned over to the PoAir,e Chief Sar tabulation. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voioe vote' there being no rie�J�a 1,he matinn rarriad unanimously. PUBZIC HE�ARIN�' - S�,'WPN ,11VD WATER PROJ�'CT #�� (WA`?'�R aI�tD SE;W}lh T,A'I'�R9TS): Ma,yor Greig returned to �he meeting. Gavel to Greid. Mr. 011ie Erickson asked the Cit,y Engineer ta explazn the prable:,i in regards t� Wondy Lane s�reet extensiori adjacent to new plat oP Moore Lake Hills 5er,and 1ddi�inxx, 7'h7 Cit=J Engina�r explatned the pre,blem h�.th the loca4inn of the cu1-3e-s3c on 6voody Lane extension: thaz i.he peop�e in the area do not want the street tn go throu�h, buc want the cul.-de-�ae. The ane proDerty owner not needin� th;.s street service, Mr. Hollanci, w:_11 dedicat� land for the �ul-de-sac providing that he is not assessed foi° an,y �mpravemei�ts. The Cicy Englneer a7_so �cplained oth�r aspect� of this cul-de-aac relai�ing tio i;17is water and sewEr projec�,� t�r, Sheridan moved that it be ma3e a record that the En�ineering De��rtmenL be authorized t,o accept an easement from L,yle Holland fur part oF WoodSr Lane cul-de-aac� and t1.aL +here b� no assessments applied for sewer and water Prcrject �55, or srreet suriacin,r in thr ?'uture on �he north �nd oi i.his lot. There was no second, 1^he Mayor s�a+,ed that the street i� not included in this hearing, The i�'L3.�>or eaZled o£E.the d�£Pere:�t s�reets th<tt vaere invo3ved in Sewer an�i Water Projset #55. bZ4th Avenue irom alley easi. of CenLral tn Ari,hur Street, 7�ere was one person preser�ta Mr, Lo�s Kahan� who said he renraseni,ed the propex�ty ocaners ai; 1L�3s l_58 1ik56� 11�66s �.1�76y and 1496 - 5�th Avenue Northeast, and these people were all in favar of this impro�ement. Neact' t?�e plat oi Moore Lake Hills Second Addition and Gardena Meloland Gardens �ddit�.ono Tiiis had alread,y been diseussed whea discussing the cul-3e-sac problem. Third� was 2Z Stree± from �Tz to SBth Avenue Nos•theasty sewer onl,y. Mr. John Skol�e, 5'77Q - ?_� Street Northeast said bh3t he was in favor of this improvement. `Phe next wa9 Ta,ylor St,ree±, Northe�si-, in ?1ari�n Hills Second Addittdn9 aater on1y. No one appeared at the hearing who was far vr eg�an�ti this impro•=r,ment. The�e were no other persans who spokn for ar against the improvemento Mr. Sheridan moved that the hea^°ing be c�osed. Seconded by Johanson. Upt�n a voice vcate' there being no na,ysy the moLion carried unanimously. A7�^, Sher•idan moved that �t be madt � mat�cer of record that the Engineering Departme*1t be anthorized to accept a.n easem=nt from Lv1e Holland for part of Woody Lane cul-de-sac� and that there be no assessnents applied for S&W �r55q or for Woody Lane street surfacing against th,_s propertyo Seconded b;� Nee, IIpon a voice v�te� there being na nays� the motion carri� un�n imousl cr. PUBI,ZC iIE�1RING - STRL�E35 1962-1: Th� Cii,y. Planager read the notjce oi hearing. Mr. Arthur Storch, $771 Central Rvenue North- east as,ced what does this hearing nert.ain tn� and why is at being put in? Mr. Johanson explained the location o� Lhe proposed improvement fbr concrete cuab and gutter„ and the aspha;.t mat streP� which is l�eing propos�d to bF put in b,y zhe County at no cost to prapert,y owners� and half oE the c�st nf th� cur•b and guttnr wou73 be assecs;�rl again�: the �hutting prope�°.��, nwriers, Mra �7ake Lundheir�� the County Engineerj was present and e�iained the str�st cross-section and t,ype oi constructiorl it would be........l�i� foot street back to k�ar,k a�` curb vr.i.th concrete rurb and guttery and the curb and gutter is an integral part of' the o*rerall �ob' and could not be done separately from the street at a lafier +ime. John S'Leckline9 60ia1� Central Avenue asked hoa mar�y property owners are affectedy and wh�.ch ones are afiectedo Mro Kahlan stiated that orl_y trie land that touches Central Avenue wou�d be a£iected by the proposed assessment ro11, P�Ir. Steckline stated that tha main problem is i,he waier on Hillcrest,� and asked hew a curb could-help thi.s problem. Mr; Liandheim ex- pla?.ned i.hat tkiis improvemenr, ronce^ns onl,v C'entral Avenue� and there is no storm set�er work pro?�osed under uhe Cr�unt,y improvement exr,ept cu]ve�ts wi.thin the street right-of-way. One o.f the resi.dents staLed that curbing is net necessar,y at this time; that thev wotzld tae in favor oF cixrbing if there is adequate drainage� but there is no+ adequate drainage �i, Lhe �resent time� and tn� *�rater has to be drained off� ana that there slzonld be a!�2 to a6 inch pzpe ta drain this :aater o£1'o Anoth�r oi the residen�s stated that it Vrou1�3 be senseless to put thls road in if drainage is not taken care oP. Mr. Belair� 5887 Central Avenue stated that. the Gitz� should make a drainage survey of the area, Mr. 011ie Brickson � �tated th�i `.hc• �.c17�LY rannot pr�c�e3 *�rith this projec.F, unless the Countj* gets an anscaer right awa� on this, Mro i,undheim stated that the curb and �utter is an integra7_ part of th�s prc7r��ty and c�annct be done at a later time, Roger Sheehy� 5895 Central Avenue Vort;�eas1, stated tYiat a number o� the people that live on Central Avenue do not see the need ior the curb. Lo��.s Hedlund who lives on Haclaru�xuz Avenue sLated that all the drain- age is £rom east to �resty and the curbs are going ta hold up the drainage water and not get r;3 of it. M�^o Les Knn,sc�n oi Comstork and Davis� Sne.� stated that the Cit,y ha5 gone int� an investiga��_on of tl�e storm sewer in Lhe area� on the assumption that something wilJ_ be donp in t'.�� future an t'riis s+orm sewero One of the problems is that if the storm snwer �iaes go �n t�aF area �� the easi, oi Centira.l A�*enue� i,t will have to Ue assessed £or it. Mr. Knutson stated that it zs true thai, the wai�er wil7. collect at �ntersections. The st,orm sewer cU.strict, would include the streets such as Hac}anann� Gar3enay Hillcrest� and the a�eas east of Ce,ntral Avenueo Mr, Cochran asked how the Couni.,y would clean up the snow with these curb�. Mr. Lundheim stated that the Covnt,y would �ust plow the snow ri�ht over the curb. M�. Cochran stated that na one knew about the curbing' and asked if the Count� is going to dig uP the blacY peat and raplace ?t W7.f+Y1 jJY'O;OET' fill. Mr, Lundhe3m stated tnat the Goun�,y wi11 dig up tne peat where nec�ssary� and the County k�il� s+and the cosi oL this. Richard Deiden asked hnw ?nar�y lots were involved. Tt was e�lai.ned the total nuriber o£ front feet invalve3. 'i"ne resident. at 5753 Central Avenue Northeast �sked if a cui•k� w�s put Zny ;�rould the curbing be jeopa*dized by the Plowage of drainage water that exiszG, Mr„ Lundheim stated that in h�s opinion� the water would not ,7eopar-� dize the curb. Mr, Uttar� 60E�!_4 Wood;� Lane� stated that the cnrb w�uld not benefit him� �s he has a swamn a7nnd Central Avenue, John Swanson� 5835 Centra7_ Avenue Northeasty stated that the pe�ple sh�uld b� able to take f,he wor� of the engineer� and feel that the street is an improvement which is long overdue, and the assessment is a real barglini and ' he is in favor of it. One o£ the residents stated that thA Cit,y has not adeauately pro- T ded for dra�nagey and the drairage should be taken care oY, Mr. Nee stated t'�a+ the st,orm sewer i_s a sznarate consideration. Mr. Helair said that the storm sewer should be F,aken care of. ?�r. William Weiss, 6l414 Central Avenue asked what the shape of the curb would bey and where it wot�� d go, Tl�e Countv Engineer exF�lained the type of curb to go in. Mr> Sher3_dan e�la�ne:3 that one of t�s advan+ages oF pntting in conerete curb and gizt+er uras that water cc�u�d hr carried for a greater d�_stance, and the curb prevents the breaking up af �he black top stree{., One of the residents ask;ed if a grave]. shoulder would not preverit tkiis brea'cing �us1, as well. Mr. Lundheim stated that iti ��au1d not. One o` the residents stat�d that the cvrb **ill help hold water, but there is an overabunc�ance of water, and that the curb should not be put in beaause oi this. Mr, Cochran stated tha+ the curb will run more water into Moor�e Lake, atid th�y will put in a bi�ger pS�pe to take c�re of this iaa�er. He ststed tha1, water had neti*er backed up in his pro�ert,y before� but it had this yeary a.nd th� natural drainare has been e7.iminated. Mr. Lundhein stated that the installin^ of tY� curbs will nat carrg additional water into the areao Mr. Belair sta�ed 159 :ha� the Cit,y sh��ld do soaneth�n7 abo�zt the storm sewer. 'rha Niay�r asked for a snow oP hands of those in favor of the project as proposed b�� the CcL�nti,T. Nine in favora nor?e opposed. Mrs, P�ersonr �t303 Central Avenue Northeast stated that. if' l,he peoplP arE going to have water in their b�sements an,ywaya it would be better to Yiave *,�atzr in theix� base- ments witn a new sireet� than have i•rater in their basemeriLs with an old s�reet. The Mayor declared the hearin� clesed. P�LICE GAR BIDS: Mr. Johanson moved that Midwa,y Ford CoMnax�y be awarde� the bid for the p�_lzce oar, for a net prico of �I'721.16� after the trade-in, Secun�e� Uy iVee. tlpo�z a. voic� vote, there bein,g no n�rs? tha moti�n carried unenimousl;,�. �?�OARD Oi� APPEALS rfINUTES - APRTL 2s,_1962 I�S3D in,AY 2� 1962: A VARIANGE RERIIEST F0,3 SE'PBACR R�IIIRr`ME1dT ON I,OT �{, BLOGK 1� SYI,�TA1�! HT�TS aS,AT �y� - REp,IIES'P i�Y FRrI) LF,OY: ~ � The Board of Appeals haci recommended that this be gr�nted. Motion by iVoo to concur Zn the recommendation of the Baard of Api�eals and �rant �hls req�iest, Seconded 1�,y �heri3azi. Upon a voice vote' thpre being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. A UARTANCE BLOCK 2� SYLVAN HITLS ADDITION � The Board of Appeals had reco.mmended that the varianca be granted. NIot:ion b,y lvulke to concur in the recommendation oF the Board of Agpeals, and granc the req_uest� Second�d b,y Johanson. Upon a voice votea tnere bein� no na}�sa �hc: motion carried unanimousl�. OF SSDEYARD REQUL�iII�1F,AU1 OD7 LOT 2� BLOGK 2, RICE CNEPK '"he Board of Appeals recor,imetided that this be grant�d, i�Ir. [nTclke suggesteci that peopla be allowed to build a porch within s feet oi the lc��� lin�, as thc people genera]l,y have an open porc� bitilt or. the back of tha �aran�, and th�_s hn� �o,r�e back to the Counczl when the;� want to enclase it, and they mlgnt just as we11 be allaw�d to huild it in Lne i'ir;+ place. Motion b,y ldolke to grant, this request� and to havo the Mansgea• hring this matter up to the Buildin� Standards Sub-corrmii+tee ior possible r.hange ot the code. Se,�ondEd b,y� ,Johanson. Upon a voice wte� there being n� ria,ys, t.he mot,ion carr�ed unanimously. BUIL�ING BOAR'� M?AiIIT1S - APFII, 26, 1962s P�EC�UES'r HY ROSE ZETOURNEAU TO MOVE 'Pr10 f30USES TU LOPS 35 A1�ll 3f, �L�CK 31� mAND LOTS �3 AND� BLOCK_11, S°R tVI G Df'170K °ARK ADllZTI01�1: '- ��" ihe Buildi�g Board hacl recammended approva1 of this req iesL with Lhe s{,ipulatio?x that the exterior would be corm�letel,y refinished wiihin 60 d�ys oS said move, `l�e Cit,y� l�ian�ger presented pictures af the houses which were moved. i�ir, Johansan s��ffgested that possibly �he person ma:cing the request shoul_d be reqtxired tc put up a per£ormanc� bon�1, Mr, Johanson stated that, he had gone t� the sitex :o where these build�ngs wera to oe moved? and t�s -t�^o had looked throu�h the buildtngs, 'lhe P4a,yor stated tha{, this _�s i,he �nly plare in Fridley where ho��ses arc be�ng moved in, and !,hat i.l�ern ar� �}30a000 and 9�Z4��000 h�uses going to be buzlt witiin two blocks of tkiis �roperty, lvr, Sherldan scated 1,haG tihe objecc af hav�.ng tkie Buildin� Board was to ta?ce car� of such things as tih�s, and that he wou�_d be wii],in; to ge alon� with their recosrrmendation, i���. Sherician moved to acaept che rec- ommendation of tne Building Boa*d and allc*,r the aUovz :w*n houses to be mo�ed in cn Lots 33a 3%, 35, and 36� Hlack 11, Spring Brook Park AddiLi�n. Seconded b,y Johaxison, Those voting in favor� Johanson� Stieridan� thos� voting oppoaud? Grei_�� Wolk�, Nec, M�ticn did not cax^r,y', ??OHEHT 4i4GERHOFER - 5070-5TIi STRBET TO T�IOUF A GAY�AGE ^10 60?�J-�TH STREri luORT:i-EA�T: The Citiy hYanager eaplained that Mr. An�erhof�r had z�thdx•av�n his raqucst, E'PT�'i?T A 6B' X 7Q" �ONC F�m�, p1,CCK BUILD?lVG 'PCOI�r:�..�.m___�..�_..�_ m���._._� The Building Board had reco�;unended that i,his n°rmit l�e �x^anted contingent upan Lhe adding aF brick veneer to the bottom of the windows on the frcntz a�d with thc- remainder ot' �P1� fronb to be stuccoed, Mr. Nee asked what the status of i;he buildinh n�rrrLt was or_ tne location on which a set-back waiver had been granted. ?'ne ltayor sta�ted i,hat he, the Git�* Englneera and the Cit,y Manaper had been up to this area, and asiced that the Fngine��r stiate w.^.a+ he felt about th�_s bui7_din^ . The Fng�_neer stat�;d tha t r,he existina industrial build- ings that are there now do not detract fro!� the nei�nnorhood, asid thera is not as �r.uch debris lyinr� about the^t as some of the property across uhe tracks. Mr. t�+=e si;ated +,hat when the building periait comes up for the industrlal i�u�ldin� cn Le�n�f'ellctia� he c,rould ��tce to look i� over ver,y caz�et'ttllya an�1 woulc� ?_ike cu knn*r abc�ut it bci�rel�an�„ Thc Clt7r P�lanager s+ated thati Lhe ra_lroad tracics are ver,y c]ose to thls preperty, 4.r,d qrze5tio�ted _��� whether i.�, would bn snitable fer residentialo I�'r. Vee stated that c�irm,ercial or indnstrial ouildings can 7ive next to res�_denti5_ali if it is the right typar of huild9_ng, Wolke moved t,hat tre building pErmiL lar- gran1,ed ior 1F,� Roosevelt with the �amc �tipulataons as rec- crunended by the Building Boarc?. Second�d b� Nee� Upon a voice wtey there beino no na,ys� the moi.ion carried unaniraously. FI�1NIViI�?G CONIMISSSGR MINU'PG�S - APR1L 2�y 1962: PRELIMINtLRY YI,AT -� 1vAGE�L'� WOOD?�!1JDS 52-06; This n7 rt comprises tr,e wast 311 scres of the wesi, half of the N�rTa o£ Section 12. T'�e P2anning Corruniss7.oz� recommer_ded arnro� �7_ af the preliminar,y plat. Mr. Sher�dan asked Mro i'etsrson iP he vroalc� be agreeable to put only doubl� bungalows ixi the area on t,he lots tha*. face F�h7,e Street: on To�;s ? tHraugl� 23G S�r. Roy i'nterson stated «,yes��� that he would. ' �Cro J�har.scn moved thai, tY�is be accegted as the prelinnnary plar, of Na�el�s TnTOOdlands Audition ��itih thP pravis�on that Lots 1 Lhrot2gh 23 located between Able and Baker Streeie he used only fr,a° doubie Uungalo*s�a Secotxded L�v Sheri.dan. Upon a veice vote� there being no nays, th� moticn carried ut�an7 mousl,y-. PREL�'SNARY �,AT - �ODT'S 3RD 9llDITI0IV - 62-07: The ?lanriing Cormniss� on had recommended approvai o£ the prelirr�nary plata Mr. Johanson asked �f the prcperr.y could be deve]_oped without putting in a storm sewer, The Cit,y Engzneer staied �hat th�re is a dif£�rence of apiri.on on th�_s and it is a metter of judgment �s to whetiher it shaulc� go in no�r� or ceulcl wait until some £uture timeo Mr. Sheridan asked about the fubure escens� on of Rice Creek Road� and wheLher• �aL �rnuld became invo3yrcd ix� this z�3at. The City Zngineer stai.ed that this road must curve to the south if extended. Mro Johanson moved that, thi s l�e accepted as the nrelimi.nary plat oi' Don�& Third Additi.ono Seconc�ed b,y lvee, iipor_ a z�Teice vote� there being no na�%s� the motion carried unanimovsly, RFT(;I�?ING RN;G�lJEST HY RAY �L�RLSON TO RB7pI�TE F'ROl�i R-1 TO M�1 LOT 3y LAMPERTS ADDTTI�f�: Thn ''l�nn�r_g C�mmissicn had *ecorenended that tYiis rezoning be granted. Motien Ya}r Sher2dan '�a set the hear�ng an the abave rezonin_,, Seconded b,y Neeo Upon a�roice vcte� there being xto naysy the motion �ari•ied unzninaous].y�o LOT SYLiT R�GIIE,GT BY IIAROLD HILDEN TO SPL1T LOT l� BLOCK_ ly SPP�ING LAKE �'ARK I,AKESSDF, IA7T0 l'tIR%lE Pt1RG!sLS c .� `—"��" _ �� __.._ The Plannirg Con�nissiori had reconmendeci that this be approtied. Mro Nee a�ked if the Stroe�� ard Utilities Sub�corruni�tee were nvt trying to ooen Up the �rhole area b,y establishan� �i.re�t lacations� ar_d that the Go�uicil should eooperate with their sugqestions. The City Pianager read the 7atest lct s�lit ordinance. Mr, Johanson asked about the £uturP *oad la;,rout� and there was iur�,her discussicn or. this. Mre Sheri.dan moved tha� the Couneil taU1e action until more infox•rnat�_on is ohtained c+n thE overall la,yout for this area. Secrnzded by �Tohanscr. Upc�n a voice vote� there bein� no na3�s� the motion carried iknanimously. PF�l,Ii?IPdAFW P�A1 OF S`['ENGSENG A�Vu I'ILRKF - 61-28: The Planninn Ca�r¢r5ssior� had reco�r�*nended �TMprozr�l of this prellminary plat, The Cit,y Engineer explained the plat. la,y-out and that the plat met all ob�ections raised b,y the Vlanning Commis;ion. Mr. Johanson moved that this be accerted as the preli_minary plat flt Stengsen� arid Fierke, Seconded bzr Sher�dano iipon a voice vote� there bein,r no na,ys� the motion carrted unwn_im_ously. STREEi LO�,^ATSOR - 8Pu'aR5 ir�TAREHOircE - RESOLUTION 1vOp 30-1�67: The Plann�r.� C�?�m�_ssion had recom.r^endec that M,S.I,S, 1Qo, 308 location be relocated and redesign2ted aL 73rd extendeci westerl,y- ta East R�ves• Road, I�Iotion b,y Sheridan to con�rr 1rt the recorrunendatian of the Plannir_a Corrmission anci to adapt the resalntiun de,e_*�min'r.g and e:�tablishin� i�unzr.�_pal State Aid Roads and Si,reets pertainirg to M.S,A.S. Nof 30u �r ?he City o£ �'rid�eyo SFCOndecl by Neeo UUOn a voice vote� there beinh no nays� the motion carried unanimor�sl,y, Gavel to lee. Ma,yor GrcS_� 1afL- the meeting temporaril,y. C ONIl�i� IAISCA'PI ONS : E.�`['TEF� 1+ROM COP4Sm;;CF� A1vv DktirIS� TIVC. IN RErERENCE TG W-3%1-H: Mr, Knui;son stated that W-31�-ti wells have been inspecteda teeted� and found to 'oe read,y far use 6}r the City oi' Pridle;y�. Mr. Ifmztson stated Lha{, at the nest Councii meeting� Co-net�r�; ar�d Datiis� Tnca wi11 have a letter fer Council's consideratien with reference to si.art of use cS tl�e new wells and h,ypochlorinaLion of the water distributiun system. Mro Sheridan mo�rr-d thnt the letter be received and p].aced on file. Seconded by Johanson. T1po°� a voice voi,e� there bei*r�; no r�ys, the motion carried nnan��r,n�;s]_,y. L1�T`PER FROM nR, ROBERT ORLAI�IDO 967 CENTNAI. A�IELNUE 1vORTiiEAS1 Wf TI RPIFEREIVC�` `CO Tl4?�'LA�E ' w ..� _r._��__..-�__._�_ �' C?,AIM FOR SE�n�ER BAGKiJP: � x, �si Mr. Sheridan move,d thaL the lettex be recelved and plar,zd mn fi1e, Secor*ded by Jahanscn. T1por. a voice vc+;e� +here Uein� no na,�,rs� the motio;� carried u��2n,mouslt�� The Clty f�?anager e�lained that the Insurance Ad�aUter wili be preseat later isi the meebing and the matter es.n be taken up Svrther at that tin2e, Mauror Greig returned to the meeting. Gavel Lo Greip. 'I�NO LE�PTERS� FRDM THE RET'�REidCL TO TO iHE ST. C' TC BE H�LD ON '1H� [�7otion b�r �IPe to r�ceive the lettei°s �.nd p].aoe them on f'i3e, Secor.deci by Sheridar_. Upon a voice vetea there being na na}rsa tne motaor. carr-ied Lmanimousl,y, � Mr, Koh1an su�gested that the City be represente� at 1;he mee�ing. Mot2on by Sheridan to deeignate the Cit,y i�iana^er �r.� l,he �l�y �,nQi.neer �s �l-�e reuresenL-a{.i=�e- of P'ridle7* at thc� hearing. Seconrled ta,y Johanson, Un�n a coice �roi,e, thei�e bein�; ro na,ys} the motion carried unan�_mously. i,ETTEP. FROM IiAY SHEF�IDAIJ IN REFERENCE TO i3OT MAPIAN HLLI�S ADDTTSGN - 6CJ Mr. Mike Q Bannon was present and stated that he cannot ouild a satis�actor�r siae house or� thi s lot with the 50 fnot easernent on zt, but he could �� a 10 foot po� tion i•rere vacated. The City Mana�er asked the City Atto?^ney what would have 'r,c be dcne #.a vacar,e th�.s nasEmenz. Mr. Kohlan recommended i,hat the CiLy check to see che basis oF the easemert, whether it is a private easement or a public easement� and also ��ahe�her or not any part or the easement is rteeded. Motlon by Sheridan to set a public P.eax2ng on thzs easemer.t vacaLinn ior the earllesi� possible meeting. Seconded b,y ��ee, Upon a voice vote� ther� beir.p, no ra,ys� the motion carried unani_mously. DR. OP,LANDO SEIJEH BACAUY CLAIM: The City Manager e�2ained that i.he Cit,y Enga.neer<<s of£ice had checked aut this claim. Mr. Robert Pearson? the Insurance Connselcr} was present and stated Lt�ai, he had t�7_k�d �rith �he adjueter� who had been on this claim} asa� there was no dou�t bui. what the break was caused by a rocka but this would not indicate negligence on the purL oi' the Citi,y, ancl if the �znsurance company is ta pa,y th� olatm� there m�zst �e ne�;ligence on the par� L of Lhe Cii,y. Mr. Pearson stated that i,he Ci1,,y had two claims -n the pas2, in cases �nEre the C� L,y has been fli_shing the s,ystem and the seVrer backup oecurred� but in thosE cases� it T.�as clearl�r a case of negligence. NIr. Brown st,�ted that a sewer mainline was hroLen, Mr, x�izlax� stated tA.at if the proper6y owner is not �ai.isfiec �*ith t,he C���nei?'s d����,,ion, he can_�r_xi�t, y�.,c;.icn a�ainst the C�.t,y� and the Tnsaranre Compaazy will �u:riertake Lc def'end tne City, Mrr UO11[ITnJQAA asked af the Cit,y a7_lo�.s propert,y owners to run a z�oor drain into tne san,�;ary sewer, Mr. Kohlan stated thai; the contract with the C� t,y cf I�Sin��eapo3_is pr�hib9 ts i,Yiis po3ic,y. I�1r, Johanson moved that the Caty conaur in the recommendation of Lhe Snsur�nce �ounselor and the memo fram +he Ci�,y Engi.neer' ancl deny thi� clair:. Seconded U,y Nee� TI�n a voice voce, there being na na,ysa the mation ca*•r�ed unanimously. Lr,AGUL COluVrlvTION: The Cit,y Mana�er sta�ed that he was brin�;ing this t� the attenLion of tir� Ccuncil tin case they wish to atten3 th�_s conveni.zon ^hich h�ould be iield �unc 2�f;h and 22nd at Grand �ap�.ds. Motinn by Sheridan to receive the lett,er and p)ace ,i, on file. Secon�ed b�r Johanson, iJpoxi a voice vcte, there re__n�; no na,ysa the motion car�^ted unanirruusl,y, FPSDT,EV JAYCEES - CARel�IVAL: There were tcao represen+ztiv�s from the Fridley Sa��cees g?�esent to e�lair. tn� pr^oposecl carnival and f�stival activities from M2y 25th to June 3rd. NLr, guhian asked zi' there 45011ZC? be sufliczent insurance pravided for the balloon ascension at Hol1y Ce,�.tier„ The Jaycees stated that, *.his balloon sscensicn W�uld nnt be made as the person had raised his pr?ce� TYLe,y vn.11 have a sk,y diver instezd� azid he wili provide his okm ir.;,ur��ce� Mc�t,ion by Sherician that tne nxoject of the Jaycees for Spring Festival Week be aUthorized anu the City PoZice Department �ive ul� necessar,y coopera!lon and tref=�c cont�rola etc. Lo the Ja,ycees. Seconded b,y 1vee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no n�ys, thc moL-ion carrierJ unarilifiious]_y, 61E?C�''�J' S`IGtV TO BF ll0�1ATFli BY FRIDLEY JAYCEES: Mr. 8is Aimstad from the Jaycees stated that the JaS�cers ta�_sh ta put up two welcome signs at the limi_1.s of the City o£ Fridle,y. One on the north limii,s of Fridi,=y at Hight•ray :�6r„ and one at the south 1�mits of Fr�aley on Highwa.,y 1f6�t Mo�,icn b,y Johansar. to authorize the Jaycees to nui, np these twa signs. Seconded b,y Sheridan. Upon a vai.ce voce� there being no naysa the moticn carzied una.nimousl,y. _9 � 2 BU�7,D31VG PLRMT'[1i: REQUEST BY ROY PETERSON FOR 73��5 B9KER S�REET NORTHEASI�TO Bli USED AS A NIfiCHINE; S�IiOP.�_ _ ._.._�� _� _. _ Thcre *rras a ciiscus��5.on on the praponed loc�tion of the buildin�. Motaon by Johanson ta �pprcave this perm�.t, Seconded t��l Nee. Uper. a voice vote� ahere bei.ng no nays� the mctson r.arr�ed unanimouslyo ACCEPZ'AIJC�" OF ROfiD Atull UTI7ITY FA������EiaL CN SliL'7'IOni 12c Mr, Knu+sfln� Consulting Engineer of Cc,mstock anc� Davas� Inc. e�pJ_ained the location of �he easements on a drawing prepare�l by tkieir ofP�.ceo Motion b,y Trlolke that the C�_E,y arcept P.hese e��ements. Seconded 'oy Jof�ansotx. Upon a voice vote� there being � no nay�y the moti_on carr�.eri unani�^cruslyo The easemer!ts mentzonrd �bove are as Fr�]iawing: 1, A1] of i;he north ^cf�� oF the south 2 0�' the north 2 of Section 2� Toztimship 30i Range 21G' Anoka Count,y, lyir,g west,erly of the present T.Y,. 47 (old �IoSoT�H, �56) excep�inF the e2sterly 11�' thereof. 2. All of +he nor{,h 20� oi the sauth Z o£ i,he north � of Section 3� Township 30, Ran�e 2l�, AnoKa Oounty' lying easterl,y of the Northern ?aciiic Railway C c�mnany. 3� A s+riy of land 24r wide lying east oi' and adjacent to the easterl,y lis�e �f tht Nor�Ytern Pacifir Railway Compan,yy beginnir_g 20� south of the north 1,�e of +he south z of the north 2 0£ Section 3� Township 30� Range 2!t and exter.ding southerl9 to the south lzne af Ironton Street extended Easterlyj all being �n said Sectian 3y Township 30� Ran�;e 21i, Anoka County� Minnesota. 4. Ironton Srreet extenczed easterly9 66i in width� from the east line of the west z of the north � oS Section 3' Toknship 30� Range 2l�� Anoka County� to the east line of �he iQorthern Pacific Railway Company. 5o The weat 20� af the 115� lying westerly o£ and adjacent to the west line oi T,H. L47 (o1d i�.S.T.Fi„ f�56) from the north 1_ine o£ the s�uth z of the north � o£ Section 2s Toz,mship 30� I�an�e 21�� to the N.P.L. of Osborne � Road 1n thc nortr � oi' Ser,ti.c,n 13.y Tawnship 30� Range 2� in Anoka Countyy Minnesota, CONS.TDFftqTION Ol� PURL'HASE Or PAP�K PROPERTY: The Cit�� Nariager expl<ined t�rith ref erence to �ot 15� Block 3� Plymo�zth Add�_tion� the Ci.ty has no lanci adjacent tr, tnis property, He also e�cplained that the Lots s and 6� �ludator�s Subdivisicn No. 12q would ccst apprmrimately �1�500.00 per acre� and Parcel �900' Section 12 raoaild be about �800aC0 per acrn� and Parcel �9$0� Section 12 would be abaut ?�1�000.00 per arre, yir. Johanson stated trat Parcel �9D� and Parcel ,#95D woulci be e�nsive 10 developj and the Cit,y shauld ��,et a qualified appraiser to a�prai,se both sites, The ouaner oS I,ots 5 and 6*�ras present and stated that he has about 9 1�3 aeres -n ally buL scatt,ered through L-his area3 althou�h the City Manager stated that the par•cel being discussed was 5 3flOths acreso Mr, ➢onlin stated that 10-12 acres was ide�,l for this type ,r.ark. There was a dzscussion on the locations and on the size of the i.wo parcels intiolved and the cast of develonin� them. Mr. Johanson moved that the Cit,y obtain the services of � qualiS2ed appraiser to make an appraisal of the t,ao s�_t,es �n 1uestzcxio Becond�d b� tieE, �T�,on a veice vote� there bein,e no n�ys, the motion carried unan�mouslyo PARKS 9ND PL.4YGROUN➢S S11B-COI�iZTTF.F I�IINtJTES - 9PR1L 30' 1962; The Gity Manager stated bhat he had contacted tne Cii.,y of �+Tayzata with reference to ' their pro�;ram on selling stackers f'or cars parking at the Municipal Beach. The res- idents of the Cit� got free stickers and the non-residents paid �5.00 per sticker. , Mro Dick Donlin stated tha� this was the cype of prcgram that the Park Cammittee was interested ino l�ere was further discussion on tnese stickers and the pclicy of the progra.m. Jehanson moved that the City Attorne,y draft an ordinance permitting +he use of these stickers and +he Czty be autnorszed to start makin� up i,he stickerc, Seconded bJ �her•ida_n. Upon a�rcice vake, thare being no nays' the moti�n carried unanimousl,y. LETTER - RrFERE1uCF, TU ;+IE�T1 CODITPOL ON MO�RE LAKE: Mr, ➢ick Donlirr explaired in detail the proposed prograr,z ior weed control of Moore Lake, M��o ➢on7in stated tha�, it has run £ram �1,,�00 to �,1�100 for control of these weeds on the east side in the pasti� for ttie work that they had done� and tna� when this was done� tk�e}r must m=et all the specifications set up b�r the State Departmert o£ 163 Waters� and they propose to do the same thin�; thaL Ghey 'nave done in the past, This program is nat intended to curtail Lhe catvail bo�s� Mr, Sh�ridan stated that if the complete lake ls to be sprayed� the px•ogr� shoula be set u�, so that it would be done for at least three years in a row, and I,hai, this would probabl,y run �l�'S0o to �b'000� and the abuttinr; propert}� ow-ners Uroulcl then prabahly have to oarticipate in the cost. One oi tk� nome ow��ers �rom the west side oi' i,hE lake st.ated that thev wculd lak� to see control oi the PernlLka grow+,h and algae on the west sade of the lake. Johanson moved thzL th�; weed contro3 program as presented 'oy llick Do_�lin be acceated. Seconded b,y Sreridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no naysa the motion carried unan�mousl.y. One of the residents in the area stat�d that the lake 1eve1 had come un cans9,der- abl,y this year. Mr. Donlin stated the outfall ditch is fil_led with catta�,ls. Oize � of the residents on the west side siated that t'rie water nas come up approximately 12 �.nches� and the ouifall ditch needs to be cleaned ouL. �';nol,her o£ the resid�nl,s stated that nis lot is close to beinU submerred t�*�th wate.� and alsc sLaced tne outfall ditch should be cleaned out� and the culvert might alsc be cc�nscricted, The Cit,y Manager stated that he will have tne Etigineerzn� Deg�rtment �_rvestigate this. REGOLIITION 1V0. 31-19b� TG "iDV�RTS��E rOR BIDS - DREi7GTiJG P�^1 MOOFL LAIii„ The City 1�!anager stated that the Cit� En�ineer feel:; a`�Ia50� estimate would be adao,uate for on1,y the eap.sting beach area, and would not be enough ta do a.�:,y dredging on an,y add�_tional land, Mr. ➢oril.in staLed +„hat the,y- on7Zr want.ed �,o dredge the area bett+reen fihe existin� beach and i.he ir.tersection ui' Highwa,y �65 �nd Cetttral Avenue, and the dredging tha� they wanted to do iaauld not be deep, they wanted to £il1 zn some of the property at the zntersection of HighH�ay �65 and Central, and make sort of a park out o£ this, plant trees, and �ut in pic7i�a tables and benahes, etc.. and that probably he oould use mone,y From sone of his other pro,�ects if they did run short on tnis. Mr� Johanson maTfea to adopt the resolul,iotx author- izing advertisement for bids for dredging of Moore La1�-e. Seconded b,y ldee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carriec unanimously. RES'OLUTIO�I CONCEFNING BUIITTNG PROBLCN'k�: Phe Git,y Nlanager read the resolution entitled �'Resolr:tion RelaU�_n� to The Isscianr,e of Builciing Permits.'� Mr. Nee stated that the px�ablem is tihaG F,he reqvirenxer+s ' are noi g*eat eneupY: on multiple dwellin�s. hlr, Shexidan state� i,ha, he did_ ncl, know whether merely increasing the lot size recuir�eme�ts taauid be enough„ S�r, ICohlan s�ated that adcitional safegu�rds coulci be made �� tl�,e cod:: a�� iac as Plrc� rs�vv�nLion, e�c. Mr, Jotianson s1:� ced �, at there should be adequ�'rr� stiorag� ancl � garaE,e for each unit n?? these apartriPnt �au3_id�_n�s, Mr. Sheridan si;aued thaL- he T�r3s concerned with ihe ratio af rr:ulY,iple dwelling unzts being buil� tr� the ratio o£ s;_nrr�u Fami�_;� 'wwelling units. He did noL Yee1 that there shoizld k�e r,�J-^ �� mu�.+,9ni� dwell_�reg unii,s as compared tc ;;Zng2� familt dwellin� units, The NIa�Tar stai,ed tha?, ;t' uhe 1�nd was zoned propar7�,ys Lre owner eo*ald take che City I,o court asYd lrree the Ci+}� tic issu�� a permi_t. Mr. Nee s�ated that �h� City has been talkiaK about up�r•�din� the require- ments for anartments ever srnce he has be�n on rY±e Cnun�.iZ, and nothinQ has been dane up until this time, He sug;�ested that more fire resisLant material be used on the �nside of the building. 'I'here shonld possibly be outs�_d� i'ire escapes on {,hese buildings. The ele,r,�.rical circuits shaal� be ba_lt• beutex^. `?'ha:-� should be land laft ove^ for other usesa such as aflequate par�cin� and outdo��r 3�_ving s»acec�, and there should be some type of a license for these apax°t,nerit buildzngs. Nir, Yea state3 tnat the Cit,y �s �oing to gec into trouble on these anartmen� buildings w'rien they start to rwi downa and there should Ue a£ice an� fiealth insnect�rxs atiec�c made oi these buildings each year, Jim Pearson} representing Fearsoii�s Cra-igway EsLate,, stated tha.t the,y have 22 lots zoned R-2, but they *.n_11 use an1J 1� o" ther,i C�r multiple dwellings, and these would hn two-familv dw�llin�s, and asleed tiahal; the intention of the Council was as far as two-faml.ly d�rellzngs are concernecl, Mr, ivee stated �ha+ he fmuld 7ust as soozt issue perntits For th� turc�-iar,u_l� dv;e7l�n��� aa 1.his was not a p?•oblet�. Mr, Johanson scai,ed that he thougnt it ;das all righ t t.o �ssue permits for double bungalotias. Mr, lsee stai.ed thal. he hax dri�rcn tn��nu�hout � Lhe Cit,y oi Fridley on Saturday� and Yie had seen �ame pretLy bad th�r�gs as £a'_r �^ the mul+iple d5tallings are c�noerned. Mr. �'earson �n�uroduced Jae M�11er� �residenF of the Minneapolis Home Bu�lders Association. Mr. Iti.11�r stiai,ed �;hat he th�ught �he idea of requir�� them �o build a garage was Sine? out he did not th7mk E:�e City could do ii lega'!ly, and sta+ed that zf bhe Cnuncil *.�*ould like help from tihe Homebuilders Associa..ion, the,y had very experl, helt� and they wauld be �i�d tn �on- sult with the City on tnls matter, I�Iotion bv Joh�si�on �u oleay �he three buildxng per•nits for double bungalows _n the Craig�,ra,y Estates P�ddit�on, ancL alsn f.a�e osf the moratorium on �ssu�ng permits i'or all double 6ungalo�rs in 1,ixe C�ty o£ FridL�y, Seconded b�r Nee, IInon a voice vote,, th�re b�2ng na na,ys, the mnczon carriec? inu�imouslp, APPCiSNTME+idT OF R1C"tIFIAD D., HUSS Ai�I➢ RIC?�AFD F', KlSUSLER, JR. !1`i PATIZ�JLi�lvr E1''F'FCTTVF: APcIT� ly 19 2: - -- — --- ___—_.__..____.� �_�� NIr. Johans�n moved t,o appr�ve the appointment of Richard D„ H7ass and Richar3 F, Kausl�r� Jr, as patrolmen. Seconded U,y Nez, [Ipon a voice vota� there being no na,ys� tth� mc�ti on carr� �^d n,��nimous_l y, PNEI�T_z�fCVARY RE�'ORT AUll CAI,LIJJG A PUSLIi� Ai RnfiAil�QRV .4iTRSTRYS � A[iT1TTnFIG ,4TTAT1T4TF - rnud�cr �t�;: Moi.ion by IVee t.o adopt this resol�ation. Secunded b,y Johansono Upon a vo�_ce votey there being ao naY,�s' th� ine�ta.cn r,arrie� unattim�usly. RE�SOLUtlON !J0� 33-19h2 WLTIi F�FI�'�R�1QCE TO TROr� REP�IOVAI, PLANT BACT'WA,�I ti�L�TER OUTLFT S11T0 1?SCF GIZEEF�..`___,._�_�.�.- ----�._�.-,.....__.�_________�.,_�.,_...., _.,�_.� Mro SQ�e mov�d thal-, che reso7ution be adopted�, Seconded b,y Sheridan. Upon a vaice vatey there be�ng no na?s� th� mo+ion carried unanunously. PRIL"LEY RECREA'T10N COMMIS,T_p1V MIN[T1E" - f�PRIL 14, 1962: MoU�r�r by Sl�ez•i3�.n to receive these minutes and place thern on fileo Second�d q,y Nee. Upon a vo�ee vote� there being no na,vs� the mocion carried �znanimous3,y. CT AT_MSc P�Ioti_on by J�hanson to ar�prove Genera7, Clalms b28? throu�h 631�7. Seconded b,y Nee, Upon a voice vote, i.here being no na�tsy the motzen carried unanimously. Motion b,y Nee to anprove Liauor C1a�_ms E 111 through l�160. Seconded by Johanson. iipon a vo�ce wi,e, there being no na,ys� the motion carrie�l unatv.mousl,y. Ilotion b,� Wo�?ke to appr�ve Pub'lic Utility Cla�.ms 1821 through 181�90 Seconded b,y Johanson. J�on a voice v�i,e� the,-e being no na,ys' the moi�on carried unani*nously. ESTIl�IA T�'S : Motion b;r Nee ta apnro�re t6�e ^o.11ow�ng estimr�+,e,�: Sa.nds+,rnm °� Hafner 2051� St. AnthonSr Blvdo MLnneapnlis 18� Minnesata Comstock and Davisj Inr. ]l�Lb Cotmt,j Ro�d ��J`' Mannea�olis 23 � Minne�ot;� S&W�1�9-A EsLi*nate �10 s&ss #z4_� L� stimate yY18 h'-3u-r Esi.imate #�7 W-3�t-H-S•"-h. �l� Fstima,te #�6 h'-3�-G Estimace #7 w-34-t�-scn. �,3 Estimate �5 ur�s #!�8_� Estir.iate #1Q w�s �l�B_� Est�.mate �8 Total � 13,�5z.7o � 252.75 288.rJ0 6.75 2 K2.00 3�.00 Z,977.75 20.25 .�_�, g33.� Sec;an3cd by JohEnson. Upo.z 3 VO'1CC' votey there being no na,ys' the mation earried una�irnousl y. LICENSI�S: Moti�n by Tdee to approve the ioI]owing liaenses: � ' I� �� � � ELECTRICAL �nerican Electric Compari,y 51�15 Nicol.let Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota Gy Couture Electrical Con�r. 2923 Pleasani. Avenue South 1�tuieanolis f3a Minnesota �gan-T�cKay Elecl.r� cal Contr. 2lF00 Westi Broadwa,�* Minneapolls 11� Minr_�sota Langford Electric Corp. u22 Rc��sevelt St, N,E. Minneapolis 13' NLinnesvta T,ee Eleatric Comnany 3778 West Broadwa,y Robbinsdale 22a Minnesota North Side Electric Co. 1109 Ldest Broadway Mimieapol�s 11� 2�linnesot� Rapids Electric Campan,y 36y xiprn��.y �io Minneapolis ?_1,, Minnesota Robbinsdale Electric Campan,y 3/5�� �+Test R^oadi��aY R�bbinsdalez P�9.nnesoi.a Ropal Flectr_c Company 3'71-���� C;3?ifornia St„ N«E. Mimleapolis 21a Minnesata Skeldon-Green Flectric� Ina. 71S East Hennepin Avemie Minneano3isa Minnesota �nTilliams EZectric Comoany 2312 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis} wlinnesota EX�AUA TI1uG Lenn,y Cochran Excavating; Ina. bs3'7 r,entral Aven�ae iu. F� Fr9.dley 21, Mist.� cat,s Ghet M. Herrin�er Const, Co,. �721 Stinson Blvd„ MinneapoZ9.s 27,a Mi_nne,o ta �. I,indanl sc12 Pexmont SLr�et Pti.nneapo?_�s lo`� Minnesota G�S SERUICES Advanced Heatzn; t� A�r Cor�i, 1-4709 Main StrF„t 1�.E. Minnea�olis� Minnesota Belden Porter Comnany 65 iVorth 17th Street Mttlt7eapolis 3a Minnesota Comfort Heating & Air Cond. 2531 Marshal.l St� N.E, Minneapolis 13� Minnesota Cronsurom�s Heating R, Air Cond. !�la7.Q Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis 15� Minnesota by: L. N, Drinkail b,y- C. C. Qourture by: Ttiorias J. McKa,y b,y: R. L. Fraser btjs Mar' in Zee by: F. R. Sti�nehfi�ld by: Owen Iiyland b,y: W. CracrFOrd U,y: Dona7_d L. iJn�erwoad by: Dona1 d L�, Gree;a by: Melvin J,. G,fill3ams h,y: LPOna�^d Co� hran by: Chet M. Herringe�� b;�: A. r. �i ndahl by: Donald C. Hodadon b,l: Wil2iam C, Pori,er by; Raymond A, Frei bp: L., C, Anderson Ren�z� a1 Pene��al Ren� w*a_i R�sxtew: ?� R?netaal Rene�aa� Renewal R;:ne�r,�.1 RenPwal Renew3.7. Renc �Ja1 Renewal Renewa:L Renewal Rene�aal Rene �aa7_ Renewa�l Renetaal 1�6� �66 IIomesti.c Heating Compan�� 192� West 73th Streeu Nunneapolis 23i Mi.nnesota F��ankis Htg, & Sheet Metal Co. 25p5 Marcha�l SLr�et N.E. MitL�eapolis 13� Minnesota Nlitchel7. C�rm�an}r 3?16 Qn�il �venua Ido^th Rcubinsdale� M_i.nnes�La 1'eterson Htgy & Shee? Metal 282Q Fremont �venue iVorth I�?inneapolis 11� M�ranesota Ra,yalton Heating �e� Sh�et Metia1 �!;?9 - 3�i,h k��ESnYte Nat. Minneapol�s � � Mii�+ne�ota �ec� Sedgc-? ck Hl,go Rc A? r Cnr>do 1��03 X_em� Avenue Sauth M�nneapol, s I.S, NIi.n�,�sota Saburban Hea�,ing & Shee+ Me�a1 Coo 8I�19 Cexiter Drzae 1d,E. P4znneapoi3s �l� Minnesota Superior Furnace Company ,512? - l�2nd Avenue tiorth P4inneapolis 22� Minnesata GF1v�RkS. CONTRACTORS �3 & H Const°uetion Company 1610 66� Av�nu� N.r. Minnea�olis 215 i�i�esota 3S�rsie Home Impro�remeni, 69�aP, ,akeview Drive C��rc7e Pinesy Minnesota Char'.t's Construction CnmpatW 38DG Hapee Street VaE. PZ,nneapolis 2iy Minnesota Duss�-Erickson Builders 191� Lawry �venae North Minneanolis 11� I�Linr.esota Dalber� BuiZderss Tnc. 8605 Fair•riew Drive id. E. Mi.nrn�apolis 21� Niinnesot,a .n ➢on-A1 Builderv �325 KYl �n 6venue ivorth M'lineat�o].is 27� Minnesota ➢onco Btz�.lders9 Inc. 85 West Roac3 Circle i'innsa Mlnnesata Donrs Construct�on Campany 10001 Quinc,y Stree� Id.E. Coon Rapids' IuTin�eso�a DUrel.lzng�� Incorporatied a720 Wa,yzata Boizlevai°d Nlinnea�olis 16y Minnesot� Goodno� Consbruction Cosp. 600 Ola Countr�,� Road f;_, i';l�il C=i Gyy Naia Yoi'� U,y: Hari,ley Bruder h�r. Frank Va�t b,y: Fa Bert Mitchell by: Wm. t�f. 1'eterson Renewal Renewal Renewal Renew•�1 by: Reu�en Do Peterson Res�ewaJ by; Car7. W. 1Vorman by: Al.bert Hm Bran�er Renewal Rene wal_ b,y: Howard W, ChandZer Renewal by; Ray Iic�lsten b,y: Leo Byrne b;f: Chuck Nelson b;�: Roland Lrsckson byt R. Dalberg b,y: A11er_ W. Johnaon by: Dona] d Wehlast bys Donal�i Brostrom by: L. Malanfant b�; Co Jablonowski_ Renewa� ?tenewal Renewa7 Renewal Renewal Renewal Renesaal Pene ��al Renesaal Renewal 1 � ' L.� � � Harris C�nstruetion Co, 29�0 Nicollet �venue South Minneapolis� Minnesota n• ti'T• �2.Y'St.2.C1 (,'Op7 ZI1C• 7101 Highw�a;F #"b5 N.E. Fridle,y 32� Minnesota Richard D. Hirsch J�816 Excelszor Blvd. St, Lauls Parka Mannesota Chris Jensen Compar�y 1385 Se1by Avenue St. Paul �!, Ninnesota Julian M. Johnsnn Conscruction yl� - )tOth kvenae N.E, Minneapoli.s, Minnesota Harold E. J�1ien 1975 Bronson l�rive N.E. Minneanolis 21a Miruiesota Chester L. Maci�szek 6330 G�uinc,y Street N.��', Z�Li.nneapoZ9 s 21� rlinnesota Donald J. i�ic?uiowski L229 Arthur Stree+. N,L;. �inneapolis 21� Minnesota Mill Ciiy Builders 732� S�mphony Street 15.E. Fridley 32� Minnesota Joe i�li3ler Construction Co. 1t13� Lyndale Acenue North Minneapalisa I�innesota O�Bannon Construction� Inc„ 30)�8 Virgini.a Avenur Nar�.h r�tinneanolis 27, Mixmespta Harvey Peterson 151 G1en Creek P�oad �rirlle,y 32a l:znne�,ota Pandom� Snc. b1�L1 Universit T Avenue N,E. ^*_•idle,y 21� Minn�sota Swenscm Builders 17.? Pilot Str�et PJ.E. 1�S�nneapolis 21 � Ninnesota S. E. Templin Constr. Co. 1257, Gardena Avenue �i, n,. �'rtdle� 21, Minnesota d. Thardson P_ Son SZ7 °a,'^kar Avenn� Si. Paul} Minnesota Bernard R. Wolice 1?3 - 49�h Avenue N.L. Fridle� 21� Minnesota Hi,A TING Advanced �ieating f� Air Cond, �709 Nain S�re=t N.E. Mixineapolis� 2�(lnneso ta Beldes� Porter Com�an,y 65 Narth 17th StreeL Nlinneapalis 3a Minnesa�a by: Cal Karnstad by: Alton R. Johnson by: Rlchar� D. Hi1'sch by; Chris Jensen b,y; Julian Me J�hnson b,y¢ Haro7_d �'. Julien b,p: C, L. Ni�ciaszek by: D. J, Michnotiasl;�. b,y: S. NI, Tnrnbla� b,y: N< J. r4i1? e^ by: C. S, QYBannon b�*: Har�e,y Peterson by: Fred E, Rehbeln bj�: Ray 5wenson by: S. E, T;:mz�lzn by; J, `Ph�rdso�� b;�: B. k. Wolke by: Donald C. Hods3o;� by: UTill�.am G, Yorter R�neZUal Renewai IVew Renewal Renewal Renezaal �en�wal �7eneVra? Renewal ReneVm i Renewal Ren c ��ra1. Renewal Renet•ral Renei,*a1 Y3air Renewal Renewal Renetaal_ ��� � t� �3 Rruc� Plumbin� Compan� �?47 �nn L?ke Av�nue Mitu�eapolis' I�iinnesota Crot2strom+s Heating �� Air Gond. 1�u10 Ex_celsior B1vdo Ntinn�apalis 16y I�[ennes�ta Demestio Nea�in„ Camoany 1526 West 78th Street hLtn`-�capnlis 23s ��esota r+,d� g Sons Cnmpany 2l�0� West Broadway M�nneapolis 7l, Minnesota �'rank � s Hea tin� & Sheet �e tal 2ti�5 Marshall Street nf.E. Minnearolis 1B] Mi*�nesota Nort:�ea�t Plumbing Compa.ny 37l�0 Nar�l�nd Avenn� ivarth Minneapolis 27� Minnesota Peterson Htg, & Sheec Meta_l Co. ?020 Fremon: Avenue North Minneapolis llg Ni�.nneaota Rayalt�n H�al,�ng Com�any 17�9 - 37th Avenu� N. F�i. Minn�anolisi Minnesota Geuo Sed�rick Heatinh Co, 1�01 xenia Avem�e Soiitih Plinneapolis lh� Mirinesota Subuiban Heating 8c Sheet Me�� Coo 8�,1'? Centie� Drive 1V.E. M�nneapolis 213 Minnesata Superior T'L5?�n2ce Comp€zny b121 � h2nd Avenuc iVorBh 1l�.nnea�ol�s 223 Nfinnesota MASONRY Da W, HarStad Ge.S Inc� 7101 Highwa,y �65 N.E. Fridley 3� � I�Itnne so ta Hiawatha Ce:nent Campan,y 39�� Mznnehaha Avenue MinneapoLis 6a Minnesota �iescay Inc, 1109 'tdes�� 7F3? S��re�t Miivneap�Iis 20' Minnesota R. �;. Ostrom Comnany9 Inco Lt8K7 Mar,yland Avenue Aiorth Grystal� i�iinnesot< C. Ja Smuder i�2o0 ljfle�• Street N. E. Mi.nneapolisy hLinnesata Super=or Concrete Construct5�n 6327. Jacicson Stre�t ;Q.Eo Minneapo].is 21� Niinnesaty t�IL HF�TIAG Cronstrom�s Aeating & A:.r Cond. �t�tl_C? Excelsior B7vd. Minneapolis 15� Ninnasota Fran!s's Heating & Sheet 1�Ietal Co. ?505 Ma��shaZl Street N.E. Min��.apolia 18y r4innesota by• Delbert Bruce k�,y: � L. Co And�rson b,y: Hartle,y Bruder b,y: Wo J. Egan b,y: Frank Vogt by: Wm, Jw GadtkP by: Wmo M. Peterson b}r; Reuben Petersan b�: Carl W. _Vorman b,p: Albert H. Branger Renewa'l Renewal Renewal New Renewal Rene*,�ra1 Renewal Renewal Rer�e�Jal Renewal by: H�ward W. Chandler Renecral by: Alton I�. Johnson htr: Plario Frasa�n b,-js C. R. Sazenski b,y: R. E. Ostrom by: C. J. SYnuder b�r: Glynd� Brue by: L. C. P.nderson by. Frann Vogt Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal 1 , ' � � � Geerge Sedwn.ck Htg. & Air Cond. 1001 Xenia AvenuE South i�finneapolis 16, Minn?sota PLASTGRING Hawkinson Brothers 5117 P�firror Zake s ➢rive Minneapolis 21ia M3_nnesota F'red H. Meir Champl� Minnesoca 4J. E. Nelson Stucco Co. 1t�25 WeSt Hroadi,ray Mirmeapolis L, Minnesota 0. T. Otl.erkill Co. 175l� 1Jarth Holton ,�'it. Paul 13, P'Iinnesol-,a Trib�s Drywall,, Tnc. 21�13 - 31st Avexiue Sauth Nlimneapolis, Minnesnt� °I�UNBTNG Adams Plivnbina Cnm�aaxY !�l�33 - 2nd street 1��. �. M5_nneapolis 21, Minnesota A7�1 Stzte Plumbin� Co.} Tnc, 6�1� Cedar Avenue South Mitmeapolis 23} Nlinnesota K. L, �nderson I'lumbing 291g Johnson Street 1�!.E, hi.�nneapolis� P7innesata Arroiaha�d �'1�unbino Compan,y 3717 Reservu�r Blvd. Coliunbia lieigncs? Nlinnesota �elden Yori,er Company 5� tdorth 7.7±h Street T°Iinneapol�s 3y P4innesota Zester Borgen �386 St. Sl.ephen St. New t3rightan? Mi_nnesota 3ruce P7.umbzng Compan;� �7Lt? Tc,n.n Lake Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesotia Econo.my Plumbing & Heazing Co, 1125 Tdashington Avenue South Minneanolis� Minnesota Hoolund YlumbinG Compas�y 7�t20 West Zake Street Minneapalis 2b,, Minnesota NeW Brightom P]bg• & Htg, Co• )t27 - lOth Etreet U,W, New Brightpna Minnesota lvortheast �lumbing Compan,y 37tt0 i�Iar•,�land Avenue iVorth l�finneapolis 27a Minnesota Novakowski Plumbing Companp K720 Wa,yzata B1vd, rlinneapolis 16a M�nnesota Ra,;� �te�ora Plwnbing 51�7.9 Ruebec Avenue _VOrch Pii.nneapolis 27, Miru� so ta b,y: Carl W. iVorm;n b�c Rogei W. Hawkinson by: F red H. Me3r bj�: B. B. Nzlson by: N. D, Qtterkil] b,y: T. Bargnnrez b,y: Jack L^'. 9dams b,�: Eugene I'a�elkonf lr,�: Kemi� ch Z. Az3darsor. b;�: Leonard Holin b,y� Wm� .,� PorLer b,y: L, Bor�en by: DslNerti �ruce b,y: Normacx ti�r-�ner by: Don C, Hoglund b,y: R, M. Corn�11 bv: Wm. J. Gadr.lce b,y: Pete No,ra!�o,,*s�ei by: Ray Stehora Rene*�ra?. Ranewa� Renewal Renerral Rane��r�1 Rexl_-,,��1 RpneTaa`1 Rr II8 vr3_� R�nez,ra] Ren�*�ral Rene�•ra1 Renewal Renewal Ne �a Itenewal Renew�l Renewal �pw Rensxaaz � '( � r� �7Q S1GN LREC?SON Go1d NIedal Beverage Compan,y 553 lVOr�h Faiz°vieh Sta P�nl , Minnes�t:. �,,r��LL� nT�"iLT 71QC', Erni� Ludwi� Well ➢r111ing %D�0 Lake Prive Circle Pinesy Minnesota GAS SERVICFS Hnal�uid Heatin� Crzo 7%k?0 West Lak� Street Minneapolis 2h� Mitv�esoi,a AEA'Pi NCr Hoglund Heatzng Company 7��20 West Lake StreeL Minn�a;�ol� s 26y �inna sc�ta tay: Arthur J. Margot b,y: Ernie ?,udwi� b,y: �on Hoglund by: Don Hogltmd 3enewal Renewai ?tenewal �enewal Seconded by Jo}i.�nsono IIpon a voice-vote� there bein� no na}�sy the motion car•ried unan imar�sly o ?E`PITIDN FGR BTTUt�'fTP1GlJ5 STt�EET A1vD CURB Ald➢ GUTTER - L{,1,53 S^1REPT FROM 59Tri AVEPIUE TO�OTii AVENUE� STRGET SURFACIIQG FOR i�OR'TIi P�'`R'?'SOIV OF RIVF'RST'DGF_ Tn1AY RL'1vZVTNG i�IEqT OP EAST RIii�R F�A➢. Atv"D 5'�hEE'P SIIRrqCING FOP ONAND_n,GO S'PRFET FRONS CENTRAT AVEI�TI'E Motion b,� Johanson sa r�ce�ve these petitions and process thema Seconded b4 Nee. Upon a voic� trote� there be�_ng no na,ys? thc motian carried unanimouslyo R1:SOL"UTIOIJ iVO. 31-1952 NltKTRIG 1Rl�NS��'E� OF CFZTATN Fi7Nn`: FROM PUBLIC IItILI'iY FiTND .� s`W�'13:"...__ _.�__ ___�. -- - -_ _�. IKoti*�n by Nee to adopt bhe aUove resolution. Seconded by Jonanson. L?cson a voicz �;o�,ey there bein� no naysj tYie motion carr-ied ttnanimousl,y. R�,S±)lIJTSO�� ,VOm 35-7_962 �;AiLI1VG A PiJBLIC I�ARTNG OnT TH?�; t�`iItiTTER OF COlVSTRUCTT0IV OF Mot�.cn by Sheridan to adopt i,ha abeve resolation, Secanded b,y Nee. Upon a voice vate, there being no naVS� the m��ion carried unanYmousl,y. AN,50LIITI(iid 1d0. 36�1962 OkllERT�,tG IMFRCVEME1vT AND FIATAi� PT_,pidS 1}1VD SPECLFICA'PIOPTS - Scc���.�.��.__�y_ __�.�_ �_...._..,.�__...�.�� ____, _ , NIptlon by Johanson to adopt ttie zz�ove resolu+iono Second�d by Nee, iTpon a troice ve*e, th�n being no t?ays, the mot,ivn carried �tnsnimously. »°Ol�UTZON 1dOf �7-] J�i2 WITH RE'�'�RENCE ?'U COOPEI7�R`1'IVE AGRL�'Y�+'IFY2 FPOM TFIE COUN'P�r _ l�.E.:`- ST��.g�2-1�GIIRB At�IU GUT'ivRt _�.� °-` -.._�...__ iKntion b,y Jnhanson tu adc�pt the above 1'B90]llt10R. Seroncied b,y Vee. L'por� a voice vatey tner� being no nays, ;he motion carrzed unan�.mousl,y. RESOLUTIO!J 1V0, 3>r-1Q62 uRDER1IVG IMPRC�VFN�i�JT 9ND PREPAF,ATION OF F1NAL PT�4NS AiuD � Motian by Sheridan to acept the abave resolutiono Secondrd by dohanson. Upon a voice votey Lhere be�ng no nays' the motion carxied unanimously. GLOSIt3G CF LI�7ii'Ji? STOl?E DIO. l: 1�5�9 Sheridan ncovecl i�2a+ Tiquor Stcre �?n, � be c�ased as o� June 309 7)62� as at ?��d not }aeen ;,Y�ow�r.; sattsfec±or.r e�lns� Seconded by Nee. Upon a v�LCn �=�te} th�re Y�eirg no s�a�s� i,ne motion carried nr_ar.imously. �?'PNOTTAL OF DECAL FOR CZTY Ef�ii7Fi�I±,iaT �1'sFiIGLE�S: i?nt,ian t�y Johanson to appri�ve the use af the decal as shozan to the Crnu?cil. Seconcied by Nee, tJpo� s vr,icr vote� t.he��e b��.t�€ nn na,ys� tne motion carried unan �mously. � � � � 4_ j � �71 nURG3ASII�Q OF QIT� k�JTOS70BL7,E R1i`CIIER T�d F'l�`ilNG 1�fTZFJ,�rT�- The City Manager was aske�ci to check ini.c the ma�i-ter �i�' � C��y aut�mobilE. �n�A7tiR AIVD S�.'WEit I,T,VF', IlJSTALLAT,COATS ON CEN`PRAL AVENTJ� nNP �DJACF,IQT ARFA_�' � RES�LTrPIQ1V N0. �9=��b� = Sw8cS5 ,'�'S$•• _._, .___ _�__�_ �___.--- --____. .___... _w._�._. _ _� .�,^.__ �. ____ Mr. Les 7�nutsan expla�_ned that certa9n water and sewer and szorm se��ex• crassin� lines should be put in before CenTral Avenue ls resuriaced. P4oLicn Ly Jchanso^ t,o adopt the resolution aui•hor�zin� the Gonsulting Fngineczs ta mak_e a Prelim!nary re�ort and order a public hearing. 8ecr,3�r�Fd by Nee� Upor� a vo�ce veLe, there be�n�; no nays� tire mction c�arriad tmanimously� DI�SCUfiS?ORd WSTH ZAYi��R-P�fINNESOTA IN ��nRDS CO lnlFd,L WORK 'v��S?ICH 1iIEY I�4D ;70IdE �'OIt iHECITY:�__r.__..___.______.__�....______T____,.._m ._T. _ _.m_ _____�__...___�____.__.� There was a discuss�an on I.he ar;oun� that La;yne-Plinnesota shrn�ld be pa�_c+ ior *aex�� tihe,y had done �ver and abc�ve i,rhat �,ras in��ludec� in Lhe contracL, '�'he rcpresentative £rom L�yne-Min��e.c:ta dicl not give a defin�_te �'i�se �s te whni, Ne felt i,he,y shcu'Ld be pa�d, ?�x, Xohlai: sugr��;�ted tr�ut 9� the,y din not ieel Lhe sett7_ezncnt tiras satis- iactor,y, the matter could be settled by w court, Mr, NeE staLed i,haL t2e weuTd fPel be�,ter abotat it if the matter were settiled U,y a courtj r�l,her t.han b,y the C;�*;, There was fvrther d,.scussion rn thzs m3tter, P�Io action was taken. ADJ�URNMEN�: TherP �eir.a no furthe�° bvs�rce=� F,hc� I�rayo� dec�_a�°ed the meF ling ad;curned, Resnecifully subrniii,ed: Y � ( (�J"tw�^- ���Y'^''�� Marvsn C. Brunsell Secretarp to the Got;ncil - T, E, SPECTAL C�iTr�C-�7, NL�,E`CTDIG MTNr1TE5 - N'.AY 11�z 1962 � �_�_ The meetirz� was called to order by Ma�,rnr� (;reig >t i:7C P,N:. MemY�ers Present: S�embers Absent: ('�rei�� Joh.ansr,n, Sher;_c��n, �nio7lce, T�eE i� one N?UTfPIPL� DU�LLIIdG LTCENSING DRn1NA1uGE (FZRBi READ1i�G�: P4r. Johansan asked u,hat action LJE'vS needed toni;rt at I,h1s meetiing, The Cit;y� i�lanager e.�cpla�_r_ed whai; had rapPened in tP�e pasti in reference i.c the malLipie dUreilin� nermit moratorium� and tha � this orci�.nanae cotiild be ,�ead an�' acaeptE,�' on read� ng, :,�_th any cti�nge� desired madc- for the sscond reading oS Lhe orc�i_nance, Mr. Johanson asked _�' this ordirance was read as a�irst readinga and �ecepted, wha1, regulataons woulc: the Caunr,il use for issuing builcling perm�t.s, Che G�_t�� Mar.agec si,cted tnat the o2ci reg- ulat�.ons would 'nave te be useci aG the neza ordinance �.�o�ud not be effect;u� unt17. aY�out June 22� 1y62. Mr, '�Jolke stated that he belte�e� that the Canr.ci� �ras go�rg �t �his in the wron�, wa�. I?� �elie~rr-d thab na one �ra� real]_y i^��-_l�_�r �,r�th how much ax•ea is zoned multinle� or how ma.nn,y mu't,,ple dwellin�, uz�i�,� l��.v� been �uti? t, cr riovr many cou��6 Ue built in Fridle,ya and it zs hard tc draz•r up ar ord�nance L+ni�l these FacLs are knoT�m. ThP n,=ners oi lands that are zoned pronerly sl-iould Ue allcwed tc bv�_�d, P�Ir. 6,rolita Fe1t i.hat the Car.n��l shnu� c� not si.op them, as the land kras purchased wher suc}s trin�_s as hali' basements were a�lowed� and I;he builder was urder tt�e assUmnt�on ttnat this couZc be done ianen he i�urchased the propert?r, Mr, Johanson statad thai; Sti. An�hr,r�y- irs.ste or. iul7 basemr�xt�e ancl gara�es for their apartmen� builcLir�gs� P�a°„ Greig st,atad i,hat Fridle,y could not he cmm�ared :,rith St. An�hony ancl Anoka. M�, iNO�I�� sl.ated thai; the Cour:c il should no h, den,y a permit +o pe o;�le who ha�re alreadv pa� d i cr the 7 and, and hava r;ade thei_r plar,s accorclzng to the nrnsent ord3_nances. T;�e City Man�he�� stated that the Engineer�s o£fice has cemputed the �3•�a�� �T<���,�' n�ui Liple crrel3=_nb, and as ol last £a11� there ti;ere G�QC� units oi mult�.p3_� cl�rel��n� prop�:ri,y b�,j_1t, M!�. Sheridan asked what multiple dc�rell�ng proparty is worth per i�te Me. 6�rc�lke stated al�oui, :p7�20�. Mr. T�7olke si,ated that the whole basemen� is noL necd�d for stora5e area, and suggested one apartrnent Ue elim�nacect and u�cd ior stiora�e, Thc!�e *a�s dlscussion on apartments ava?lable at the �x•esent ti�me„ Mr�, C+re�_g stat�d th«t i� woulci be beLter to have real �ooa apartmenL builcLi ngs tk:an some oT t,he singl� i'am�_1,y houses Thra havea and stiated that the L'ouncil should have stopped the zanin� requesf,s wl�en the� came through durin� thn lasi. ,year' iz they were interesteo ir: slr.��n.ne do4� ti�e mttii;iple dwellings, i�Ir. Wo1ke suggested that al i rezoning raf mu] t_ple dfrelling nroper�+�- be stopped until this is r,hecked �ut, Mr, Wolke stal,ed th21, a��artment b�i�? d� n«� c�ri ba°