06/04/1962 - 00023627��6 Mr, Les KnuLson prasentcd a pr�liminary estimate of �9,100>00 for a lift s�ation. Saconded by Nee, Upon a voice �ote9 there being no napsi the motior c�rried vnannm�usly. TITSCUSSI�JN ODi TNE BOU�S�JAR?' Si7RVEY: 'Ihere ti�ras fu�•ther discussion on the bounda� surve,yy and whether or not 1,he pe��ple v�a��ited it, pqr� �i,7�;; n�;�i,ed out that in a survey� the surveyor has to start frorn sume bench n�r1,' and Mrn Knutson stated �hat was r�ght, Mro Nee pointed out that he fei.t L'nat tl�is caas: beycnd the scope of resnonsil�i]_ity of the Cit�y�� I�ut i` ':he peonle ��anted i�3 h� �rould 6e in lavar �° it, Mro Pv'agel sLated that several of the people in the �rea wanti to plat� P+Ir. Tdolke sugges:.ed that the matter be tabled unttl the s',reet in i.he area be piau in, or some o_° i,he ather impro-rementsy and cos1, of survey sprcad at that tlme, PASSTlvG OUm �F HANDBiLLS_ 1�Lr, Gdolke sngges�ed that an ordznance u� c�raUan un prohih�.tin� the passing out of l�andbillsy c�r h�lz�i�� of h�andbi�t5 an the doors of the residences„ `L'here was 2 d-�scussian on t,h;_s mat,+,�r, One oi the� Cotu7c?lmen szated that the people could pvti a sm�l] sign on their bu,_ldina requestin� that no handbills be leit ther�, The Clt,}r i�Ianag2�° sug�estec� that the Cit}r AtLOrne,y draw a sug�es�ed ordznance„ I�I,J�UIZNME,u T: Lhere beinE no iurther bns�ness' tha Ma;Tr�r cleclared the meeti_ng ad�ourned. RPSpec �fuil,}t subm�_tted: � C�iu►.�-°�` �.rvi. , ,runse SecrnLary to the L'ouncll COiITiG7� A4?1VU`I'F'S - JDNE 1�y 1962 %� � , � ���� 1 � Mf�YOR - T. E, Greig ' A re�ular raeeting oi the Cit,y Cotr,ncil was ca7�eci to order by M�,yor Gretp, a{, 8.00 P._M.' Memibers Present: r_-reig, Johanson� Nee� Wolkce (arrived 5:20 P.Z�1.7 Mer�be_�s Absent� Snex•idan A: �ROVAT DP M1bIt�T�5: � Counr.�.lmy� Jc�ha.rtson mou�cl i,ha� the minu�e� 07' the re�ular meeting oi i�1a,y 21y 1962 be appio-vedo ��conded by Neeo Upon a voice vote9 there be�x�� no na,rs� the motion carried unailil�ouslv� �� BUSI�u�,�S; FT_}%E TRU��' F�ID� � OP�NED 1VOOP1 I�IAY 18y 1962: --_°.�.�_�_ �___.t .�_-- 'I'l�,e CS.ty Manager annoL�nced that the rire Department wished additional time t,o s tud,y ti?e bidso Co-�r.i?_m�n iQee moued ±;iat arti_on be deferrec� on awarding the bids for a t'ire truck nni,yl a report is rerei�*ed fro.�n the Fire Departmenta Seconded bv Juhanson. LTnon � tro;r_e vote� the;e oeino• ro nave3 th� motion C3?'7'12C1 iuzanimously. DREUGIi�fG BTllS - MCO�L i,AI;E - 0'EiVED 1VOON, N�Y 21, 1962: 'L'he Cii.v P7anazer anno��nced tha1. che b;d;, �lrhich n�ere received were as fo7_lows: �RA�'LINE BUCic�;i OPERAIING ?i�NTAL B1Dll}��R CAPACI`i'Y SIZL i'ER HOUR y, z7e;_t an3 Com�:a.��jr� lnc. O�seo„ Mzr�nesota �/ B?.d Borld Ptr1; Gosrs�ruction Co. Fridleys Mimresc+i,a Ce rt� ii ed Cher.k -:�h150„00 ?_0 1 tons yd, 16 1 tons yd„ (IKove i.n and ont °C60o0�J) 25 1u Lr�ns yds. (Move �.n and out 9�100.00) � k18 ; OO�hr. ��.�.75/hr. ' 9 �S�hr. :�l ._ , � 1�� Tt:e City Engineer recommended tha� the bid be aTvarded to ParY Gnn,,truct.ion Comnany for the 2� ton unit at, �19.�� per hour, Couiacilm^n Idee moued r,h1{, P�ri. Gn±�;,truction Compan7 be awarded the bid for the dr�dhing wcr1� aL Mao�•e T3ka at, �19,2� per hour ?or a 25 ton 1� ,yd. drsgline. ,Sncanded by J�h�nson. Upon a vo-=ce vote, there being no nays� tne motion carried unani*nously. C�NSIDF�RATIOld OF VACAT POBTION OF EASEMEN � I7Q LOi' Z1, BZOCFS 3� MIt?tZ�N HTLL� �._ .__. __._.�__ _ _ ._ ��m__ --__._..�..._._,. Mr, Mike OARannon was prPSent and pre�anted �,,4e��h nf th�; le!, in q�<estion, z�nd ni the .loca`•ion o£ the housv on the lot, Mr, ISee asked hoc� close the house wonld be on thP next l.ot. Mr, C°R-�nnon stated �.hat, Lhe� housP et± 'r,��= ne.ct lc�t wa,7 ; Feet £-rom the lot line, NLr. Johanson asked i£ there were an{ ��tii_ities bu�i��d u,zder the eas�ment, M^. D'Batvion ststed that there 5s an S in�h cas'r._�rc�n sewer p_�_p«�R Mr, Nee asked if the resoonsibi]_ity is the Cit;� �s i£, a house is �uilt r.here, �cid a Fm•yton of the eas�r�ent vacated, rir. Kohlan stated tha1, iL would be unless a wai�rcr of sume t;�pe we��e oUcained. Mr, Kohlai, also poi.ntc-.d o�xt tha� ii` sheeiing �f*erc r€a- qmred for an excavation� it wou�d cost the Cit;r c�nsiderablv more money, Mr. (i�Bannon statsd that chances are the sewer pi.pe would never nave co be dug up. NLr. Nee asked if somethin� could be put in the deed iaaivin� an,y iuture c].auns for damage 9.f the sewer line had to be dug u». Mr. 0'Ba�non scated i,hat he would not wanl, some;hin� 19_ke this in hiu de�dr and did not think an�pne else woulc] ei+her. Mr, Nee stated tha� ei�ncr the Cit,y or the home owne�^ would have to take i.he rx�lc and he sees nu n�ed Far rhe City tio take the risk. Mr. Brown pointed o�at tha � the 60 f oa �, widr,'� of the °asem�nt was dG�e^rm ned by the Stai,e T_nciustrial Pomrs?ssinn� Mr, O�Bannon staced that he c�utd not set the hnuse foxward on the lnt as it i,rould n�at �:,e fai�^ to I,he o�her p*_•opert,y owners in t�e area. ?4r, Kohlan sug�ested �.hal, i.h�s matLer be defe,�red so that he could talk to Mr, Q'Bannon before the nexi, meeL�_ng. Councilman Johanson mo-red that action on the v�cat�or_ of the easement on Lot lj_, B1ocic 3, Maz•3az Hills L,ddif;ion be deferred. Seconded hy Nee. iipon a voice voLe, tnere bein? nc+ naqs, cYie �nocZOn carried unanz:nousLy. SECON]) RF,ADZ1dG 0�' ORDINANCE iJO, 27.Q EST�IBI�ISAII�IG P�1RhIP]G R�GiJyAT10NS A1^ MUfJICTP�, BEACH: ._._� ��._,.�� ___,_ I'he Cit,y l�ianagzr read the above �rditlan��, mhe P�k� �ro � usked iz tYie ma Ute» oi tl7e locat�on oi the sticker� on the car� was not disri.ssed al: t-he last meetin�, ?"_ne City Mana�er statied that, th�� weuld be poinr,ed o�i�; in �,nG laL-ter arc�rnn3ng�_ne uhe � .^,ar stickers to tihe residents� and stated that. th� penaLti,y Sor violation o� this a_rda.nance wo�zld be a re�ular narking ticket. Motioi� b Nee to amend the ornin�nce as fblloFrs: � Insert ��as designated by thn C�_ty Manager" £ol`iou�ing "place'" in Sectl�n l, Seconded by Jonan.son, Upon a voice vote� there being no na,Srs, the motion ca?�r�e�x unanimousl �r, Councilman Johanson moved tnat tnis be accepted ds t'�e seco�td reading oi t;ie �rdin�ace as amende3, and to have i, nublisl�ed. Seconded b> Nee. Upon a voice �;ate, there being no nays� the motzon carr�ad unanimously. SECOND P�'�1llINU OF 01�7I1�SPIVCF Pi+(:T�T�4T?r�G MTJT,TS2T,E 17�nR'LT,INGS: Th.is matter was taicen u� later in �.ne mee{�ing. PIE(�T BUSIN`c�S: PiJBZIC EE;ARING - RE7,OidI!VG T��`I' 3a LI�MPrR'1'�fi ADDSTI�IQ F1�01� R-.1 TD M-]: 'Phe Cit,y Manaeer read the nat�ce of he�ring. Pdo one apoeared for or a�asnst t,his proposed rezoning. The I�fazror declared the hearing closed, PIIBLIC ISE�II?ING - FL':11Z PL�`L` - HOLLY ��;RRAC�'� ADDI`]`Ii7N: The City Nlana�er read the not�ce of hearing, l�o e�ne app�ared i'�r o'r against. the acreptance of the final plat, Mr, Nee asked Mr, i�alaniant, che o�mer, if dcuk�_le b��ngalows, side b,y side, were to be 6ui1t on the properti,y, and he s�atera they weca� T'�e iqa�or derlared the heaain� closed, 1SCCEPTA1dCE OF FINAT_ °T,AT - HOLT,Y TERy�A��E AD�ITTOA'� Cmanc�lman Johansom m�ved that �his be acreptad as the final p1ai: oi Hu11;� Tc;rrare Addltion� and authori2e the Ma,por 2nd Czt,y Cierk to s��n same, Secon�7ed by Ne�, Upon a voice vote, there bein� no na;rsr the motion carried L�tian3mously. ?'iJBLIC hi�APSNG OSd LNIPROV='I�'fF�IV`1'� - SSvSW#j8: The Cat,y Manager read the not�_ce oF hearing. A questir�n was asked �Q�,� +,p,p stcz°m sa�*er ��� ;>�ste� cosL is sprea�� Mro Johanson asked if the storm sewer iaas spread on an area basis� an� tne CitSr Clerk �tated t7�t, it wes, A m�r� rM1*�s presented shoc,ring the out- 17nes af i,h� stoeln sewer drainage district, Mr. Harold T�nd - 6L776 Wood,y LanAy asked �f Lhey �r7ould hasf� to pay for se�aer and water sesv�ce on bnth ends. It w:�s poi?°�te� out, that they w�uld not pay if the servic� was not put in, Mr„ Les Knutson of Coms�ock and Davisy Inro� Cons�zltin� En�ineersi stated t.hat the service wou�d not be put in unles,^> th� propert,y owners war.ta3 ito Mro Tniolke 7sked if the pro�rty e>auld ever oe ��plit into 1�Vro lotso Mr. Knutison stated that there is a protective c�veriant that st�^l;es that the�� cannot �p3�+t lots. Mr, Hedlund - 930 tiac'.cnann Avenue� as'iad if the water �rould sPrve h�s property en H�r,�c.m�nn, and the answer was "no," Reverend Aendersony 67�?�i Cenhral Avenue� stated that he owns a lot that has a 327 ?�ct fronta�;e, and �_s conc��ned a}�oit provisioas for £utti�re extensian o£ w�ter ancl sewer for +,he Iarge acreage c�wners such as he has on the rear of his propertyy and aslced ii' he wo,ild be �ranted the privile�e of having a study made ta see irhat T�rouZd , h� the mos� feasible method ol prace�ding vrith this� and asked what type of nrovision rac�uld he macte for tnls ��.eres and acre�.ge to the rear of his pronerty, Couneilman Nee aske3 �f part o° the project was droppedy woul_� it affect the whole project, Les Knutson stated that it vrould not, Reverend H�nderson asked if the acrea�e behind h�i should ue s�lc3, ;�hat provis'�on Taot�7.d tnere be for sewer an�3 water. The City N.anager stated thz L any crossi n�s on �entral AvenL�=^ th= ��•rPrP not pu+ in nowj wnuld pro�ably have 1,o wai� five vears before t:�ey coald be put in. Reverend Henderson �sked if a st,�d�t cauld be made oi` the 7and so the land co�.ild be made use of in case it were subd_v--clr-r1 �r s�l�io 'Phe Cit�, M�aa�ex• s+<�+,ed that the Cit,y �s £aced w.i.th an urane3iate situat?on hex•e, whereb,y the crossings have to be put in under Cent^al Avenue if they are gotng to he_put in at th�.s time. ?teverend Henderson stated th�yt, there �re 23 ��cres in ally and it is 1anaLociced at the present time and would possibly l�e deveic��ed in the iuture� Mr� Knutson s Latied t1�at there is a provision fer• a stt�� a{, 62nd Avenrie t,s e�.sn� a£uti�re b inch water pipe. Mr. Nee aske� i£ the peon] e cauld be contacted 5�ndi_viduall,y as to whether or not the,y v*anted water and sewer sc-e�ceo Mra T�nutsan staLed thal, on a noa.mal construction ,7oby persons are conLacted acrd given a stake and th� pc�ple then put this stakz in wner�ver they want the water an� sewer servlce locate3o TYte Ci_ty I�tana�er stated th�t th�.s ?nat+er could probabl,y be checked out before �he f�nal plans are campleted. There ��*ere no other persons io �e heard on tr�e vrater pro+ion oi' the pro�ect. Sanitary Se�rer Port� on: , Mr� Ande-�sony �f33i Haclnnarvi Avenne� asked the loration �f Uhe s=��zitarsT sat�Ter inst,�l7_�tiono Mr, Les KnuS;son er.pla�.ne�? the 'Locati_on of i,he sr��zr �ri, ,e�aer 3n�1 t'�e total cr�st wo•a1d be �'26�S�O.QO. No one else appearec't for or against tl.e sanitar,� seia�r �orr,ion of the project. � Storm Seuer Pe,•taon: (7ne ol th� residents st�ted chat thep t��ere a;ainst an,y s�orm Ge*rrer oza ?�issis,sippi St�-e�t„ Mr„ Hedlur.d dSICP,Cl what was the area tha+ was proposed to oe asscssEa, Pir. I3�rt - 9oD Hathavray Lane stated that he has a large lot and app- rn�ratel,y 35 feet of the lot drains to the street3 and about 220 feet cira�ns to the bark� and he unders�ands that ha has to bring sor,�: kind of action be£orc this w�.11 be correcl;ed, and askn� �f the pr•oposed starm sewer could be put in at, a lesser amexnt than is t�ei.ng proposed i£ �ust the crossings rould be put in under the hi�h*,ray� and he would like to discuss tha matccer oi' cui.ting the rro�ect down. The question Uras asked if there woalc: be another hearing, and tihe City Manager stated not necessaril��. P2r� Hart - y60 i�atha�az= Lan�a said ihat he has no objection to improving Ceritral Avenue and puttzn� �_n thai. proti�n o£ the s�orm sesTer tnat �;oe� und�rr.eath Central Avcnue. Nr� Nelson - 980 Hathaway Laney stated that he was o£ the opinion tha+ the bu�_7der t�ras suppr�s=c? tr, put in al7_ th� storrn sewer ana that he should have had a st�t�n sew�r in fro;Zt oi his p]_acti �1hen he boup,ht the place� and Carlson was sunposed t�o pt� in his nT,m stnrm se��rer and street,s, and tbe water is corning irom on top o�' the hillf �nn rurni�ng :iov�n on his zrea5 and asked why the people on the hill were nct included in the storm se�aer district, Tfie City Manager erplair_e�l th�t part aF ,'nrsc peoole �re inr.l�,2ded 7_n another storm s�wer disi.rict. Mr„ Knutson statied that the water from the ;oroaertl on i,he hill does dra?n rlown I,mde Drive wnich is another stx•eeto Orie of' the peap7e wanted someone to take a look at the ox�.ginal plat +o see what 1,he plans ior si.osm sewe-r �rere. Mr HecLlund asked what peri�d oP time these assnssment.s �`nuld be spread over, T4ro Johansan s+atted ';hat y�he saniLar,y se:ver would probably be 20 years, and the t�rater _l0 ,years, and tl�e sr,as7n sewer 10 years, itilr. I3edlund askec hok� long a street suc;� as Hacl�nann Avenue should last. ^�r, Brown , si,ated 7 to 10 �rn�rs„ ��Ir. H�dLund aslce�l if there zaa� an,y way to stall o£f the storm_ sevrer c��orl_ t.r���l som� str�Et work is necessar�r on Hacicmann Avenue. `�he quesi,ion was ask21 wh;r the people at the boLtom o= tne hil_l were assesse3 asil the peopl� on tYie �ap oP Ghe liill ax•e no�, be�n� assessed, Tne Clt,y i'4ana�er explained t}�al. tlie t�eople at the top ol the hil3 aa-e �n a dii'ferent draina�e nistricts and will re assessed under i,hat distr�ct. ��ir, Johanson aslcmd zi tYiere would be £uture storm s�k,�_r done on Lh� s oron�rty, Nlr. Les Y,nutson stated 1.hat there wo�Id be additi�nal. storm sevJer T-aork ne�essary ia; the i'utur�=,; �nd the lines are size� bi� enough i,o accommudate all this �dditional si,orsi� sewer work. Mrq Johanson staterl tha{. all oi i.hp peo,�_e in rhe dra�nage ai�ea shou)_d be assessed at one price. Mr. Johanson also sua�es+eo thai, �u,L- the cro��ings be p���i, �n aL t,his tune. Mr. F3rown staLe3 that the drain�ge arzas as shr�wn on �he map �re the complete drainage d,sLr�cts £or thes� areas, and th� aieas not ineluded in tr�sv drai;iage distr�cts are iricluded in other d;ainag� d'1st*'iC{;s. The Consulting Fn�_Lneers are w�rking on all oi these different draina„e d�_stir;ets a+ th,� �resent t2me. Nir•, Daltori rdai,zke - 1461� Nllssissiopi Street asked i£ � � � ����� only #:he people �.n '�he drainage district shown on i,ne 7na?� woitld be assessecl for storin sewer} and th� answer was "yes,�� Mr, Hedlund staUed {,hati all oi thc r�sideni„ would preFer to drive on a beat uq and L-orn u� �treet rather than have anoi,hcr sl,orm sewer assessment,. One of the resid�nts stateci clzai, ne nrrle,,ts th� outll�nra ar���nagc= d�_stricts as sho*� on the map on ihe wal�_ as ?z�t reali5tic. I��verznd Hender�son asked iz connections cot�ld be made privatel,y to the �aal,er and ,ezr�r lir!� tP the Lroject does not go throttgh. The 2�•rvo:^ asked �or a snoT�r oi i?ands eP those peQ��e S'or or a�ai�si i,he i,+ater portion oi' the imProvement, �]zere *Jere no persona -�ho raisec� tihe-,° nands �.n favorr and no pe��sons who x�aised the?_,^ hands opp�sed, tl�� NSayor aslced far a shptr n`' hande oi thase people �.rho were �n facor of tl�� san� tar,y ,e��rer pr�rcion ef the i�r<<��rovemenL. 'Il�ere were no persans who raised I,he�r hands who werc� in Fav�r•, and nc �ersor.s who raised their harids who were opgosed. 0��� oP uhr Cc�uncilmen asked Mr, I,es Kxmtson if �:he sani �sr,� �ewer, sirom setaei �nd 1�ra �er i s a p�.ek�ce. Mr. 1{nntson stateci that it does not have tn be. 'Rie Ma,yor asknd for a show of hands of t_h.ose peo;�]e in favor of tH� stotm s�wer portian of' L-l�e pro,7ect„ T'here were �tr nerson� �vhc raised tha; r hands zn iavor oP it, and therr- were �F(� pe rsons ;.rho r� ? sed their hands rrho zaern onpased to iL, Thr• Mayor dec���°ed th� hc�ti��� clos�d, ;3iDS _ 6 L�T�t� 1'TMP .. O�E1dE� m00N, SC1IdE �, 1°62: Tk!e f;:_t,y I�ianagar read the bzds which were recei_�,�ed at, l�leonr Jut�e 1�, 1962, i;3 the �resence �+i' tho G� tti ;�ana�er� Gitv Engineex�, �nd Sti�peiinuei-dcr.�, o� Stree��, es±d U Lilities. The bi ds are as folloias: BIlir7gP R� BTD SECU�?ITY L'en tral L'r,i��.pment Z=�35 Hia:�rath� ����ir_a�apoli-s, Mzr.n�:,cta Cert. Ck. - rr90R`�C� Payden-NUrphy Bc��'�T. Co» �y61 Hi�.�sa�,na I�?innea�olis 6� Mir�ieGota Ce-rt, Ck. - ?P115.Dt1 RuPiridge-Johnsan E;quip, Co. 3_2� - lit;h �i„ S.E. S4inneanol�s, I�Tinnesota Oeri„ Ok. - :��110.00 Ttre Zeco C�, (no i�tid farm) 2929 iJriversitiy S,r. M�eapolis, NIinnesota Cer�, Ck, - �115.00 Borckiert-ir.�erscL, Inc, 27.E�1 Universitp Averue Sti. �'ault 't�innesota Prar. Pond r% veoi•�e T, Rv.n Co. Piinneapola_s� Minneso+,a TYpis' �GiTCPrII�ivT 3ID l��i FC-CH ° E I�Io�le1 90M Rice Model 9oifi226 Rice Gorrnan-liupi, 90I�I Model a6A2 Mn3e1 9C� �`�1 Rex �e,�;ex_ 90M watel° cocled T0�'A T F,ID �"l, 991, OC' ��hz,Q�a,es ^,,P,2, 2bb � 26 y��2, C�77. 7 [ °,2, 23�.oa s�>>, 535, 00 's2 , 710. C1C1 I�?r. Brown st��.ed thal, l.he apnaresiti low bjd ?rom th� Genta°a1 Psqtilipmenc Comnany was incomnle{.ex and recammendecl th€ `, Lhis bid not be conslciered, Hc; a]_so s�ate� iha� the apparen`., second lotia r�d zrom the Hasrden Murp�iz,r ,^,nrm��any 5a�s Crr an air-couled e�x�,ne which has only 60 to SQ pe�°cent ci i,he ei'i'ici�ncy ot a taater_eoaled eagi i1e. �i�d he reeommendecl thai, i,his not be cos7sldered. ??e reca�nn�enee�i Lr�a� t'rie b�d �I" �.he Ruff- ridge-Johnson Fanioment Compan;� be accn,pLed as t,hc loJresL bc-:s� hid� and also suggest�cl tht,t t1-ie City Cpunc?_3 t�razve �he irregilarity it, c'r,e d_�crepancy bett�re��� the vuorels and figures, Tne C, ',;� �ttorne,y revie�,�ed thi� �nd i���ec�rnrrc?Zde the Citsr Cnimci? Ura�.v� i.he � rrPgulari cp, Motion U�r i��ee t,o avrard the cor f,±���c t tc the ru£i �-� dg�-Johrleon Equipment Company� 3021� - l�th St;ree:. �dortheast� M_�nrieapolis, TsrnPSOt�a in �.he �mount of "2a077.75 for ti^e pumpa l�o,^,F� ana aclapter. Scronc�ed r-� J�h�nsorl, i7pon a vo?ee �rote, there being no rzavs� the motion car?°ied un��s�imo>>�1y„ �urvnrr�lc �o���z�� n�La�r��;s _ Mn� 23, 1962: ^_he Cii,y Mana�er stated �nat Mr, �TChnsc� �ras pre ,�nti, and he had reqi�e,stec� pei�rrassion �o btizilci a four-plex �t 1�7 Missis,ipp�. 1'lecn �n Johrison�s Riverlane Addit�.on, �Ir, Jehns�r stated tha� he had a drawirg cf t?�€; �round� nrl r,he p���c�n�- a_rea, •,rhich he d�d nat have befo�e, 2nri zs4:ed �a�iet a4ditzon�l ir�or:,,at.en h� mir�ht need, I�ir. Joha.e�on su�gested _hat he inclL.dc more s�ora�e area in cl�e Luildin�. i�IaLio � �y AI�e to reaelvc the minut.es of the Bu�ldsn� Board and place them on F1T4;e SeuonciE�i by bdo7.�t�, Upan a voice vote�, tnei^e beir.g no na,ys� the niotinn cars•zau �man�nlcusly� BOARD OF Ar�nEALS P1INiJ`?`ES' - ivIA�' 23, 19ti2: �90 OF LDT AREA i�i�IILR�NTP�T,� ON T�OT 1� BLOCK 7y CARLSON�S SiIPIMST - ttE�IIEST BY ARVID L'A?�i SGId. INC. : LL��.� LL�_ - The Beard of Appea]s recommended {,h�.t this varlance be granted. Motion by Johanson to concur �_n the reccmrnendat9_on of the Board af Appeals and �*rant this varianee rPaLZes±. Seconded b}r Nee, Upon a uoice vate' there being no naysy tlze motion carried un�.nimaosl.yo F'OP 'i'!7e Board of Appeals s�ecormnended L'nai, this variance be Pranted with the stipulation +hat tha Gitg require that 3 permanent decorative acncrete wall with a minuaum height o£ 5 feec be construci,ad on the property line adjacent to the R-1 area en tY:e north, , iKotir�n b�,� G7u_lk� ta concLtr in the recaminendation of the Board ef Appeals and �rant this varianee, Seconded by ivee> IIpon a voice voi.e� lhere bei_n� no nays� the motion r,ar_riad u2larii*no�as'y. R�(JUL�ST FG7'� V :41�CE OF SET�ACA ;lu (}o MCLF?7,AD1: RFMCia 15 DN LDT 5, BLGC_x. 2 'Ph.� Boara of �opeals had reconunended Lhac this variance request be tirarred. Motion b,y Joharsor� to c�rnc�� � �n the rccommenclation oi' tYie Board of 9ppeals and grant th7.s variar3re rc7tiest, Sec�,nri��� by Idee� Upon a voice vote9 there being no nays� the motior. catmied unanimousl�t� �t�rna� car�,�zssro�a z�nuul�s — r� �r 2L� 7.962s �._�___.__ _._ _ __ _._.__.. _�___. _. _._�.z.,..__..__ i3OT SYIST RL'�?r��T uY Lti1VDALE Bi1SLDERS ON LO!:5 3 AiVD 5, ➢LOCFC !�, I,YIVDALE BUIL➢ERS brri i?virrTOnis �__e...__.�.s._ ___�_ __�____._._ ..._.__ _ -- _��. The Plann9_ng Coxnnc ssion h�.d r�ccrmmended ap?�r•oval of this lot split. Motion bzJ Johansan to conctzr ln the recemmendation of the Planning Commissiony and approve the lot spla.t. Secon�cd by NeF, ir�crn ��rair� voze, there bc-ing no naysy the motion carrien unanimo�zsl,yo PR?'LINi1DiPRY 17I4T -� SYC•�zAN HIL?S PIAT �`�72 � � Tabl�d teTporarzl,yo LCT SPI�Ii' PS'QUr�Si �TRVSI�TG LT_iTDH�L�'I n TO SPLTT LGT b, Ai]DITOF.'S_SiI�DIPrSTOtd NOo_ 108: Tt� �'lanni.n� Comun�ssi�n ha� recommende� trat this let, split be granted� sub,�ect to �roper dec�;�rtticn aP lan�a fcr a£utnre street as ahe�,m on maz� dravring �}106� dated fi�;us�1 l�� 7_9�10 Counc��nan �chans�n moved to concur in the recomanendat9.ott of the Pla�ning Cemmi�ainno Second�d bsr Nee� iJpon a voice z*a1,e� t,here bein� nc naps� !,i,e mc>tian carraed ur_an?mousl}ro PNE,r,1'i�iINAFY FI�T �- SYL�TAi\ HILLS i'�7: '!'ne Plarua7n�t Co,mrusz�ior rad recomraended ar�i�r•aval oi' th�_�; preltim�narv plat. M�Y�;_�n by Jahansun to cuncnr �_n zh� recon�;nenda;ion nS the Plaxman� Gnmmrssaon �nd accept this as ohe prielimLr_ar�r ,�7�at oi' S,y7van ;i�+lls Plat �7o Seaonded b� Wolke� Upon a ppL�r-,�, UGi,p, t�107'P '081ri� n�D :1�1.i/Sy tY]C Illb"t7_Ori C2„P}`1P,C]. Uri211lIRO�ISl�p L�J'P Sl'LS1 R�G�li�ST - JOftDi C'�ti,PN - LC`T ?y 1�LLOLA7VD G9RUFbiS A➢lliTION: Trk� Plan.ti.rlg Gommissiora 7�::cammended �hat this lot s�li+ be �ranted, Mn,ion by Nee t� con�;t.r �n the s�ecommendat�on �f the Planning CorLmission and arant this ]_�t s�1i+ �:•eauest. Seconde� hy Wo_'_ke, lrpoti a vo�ce vcrl,e5 there beii�,� no na,�s� the motion cirt°ied unanimonsC,y. (::;NII�IUNiCA TSObI.S: LETT't�:R ;,R01�? YOLIC"t; UE1AR1^P1E„IT - R�'t uw T��LF,TYPE: �r 3c�ion uias l,aken on; this„ IDCAL #�K2 m BL: ADJU3'+'NLG1v`C P+}NEL rpR rv[R, Z;E1VI�2e; ' The attorne�� F�-r NLr, Hennl� was �reser�ty ynd stated that all they arz asking is that Lhe Citl set up an ad,7ustment panPl a', this ttme� Ii the Citsr �'1 appo;nt a rep- r�sent,aLive� Mr, �r;�zaJep �rould be �he Union re;�reaentai;ive� and the two represer.i-,aci�res ��rou'_d th�n pic�, � third m�mbe, . M�tion b,y iJee to apnoint �Ir4 idrygner� Citf Mana�er, as the City ret�resen�at5ve to the Ad7ustment Panel. Seconded b,y Woll�e, T7pon a voice vcri.e, thcre he,.ng no na�,rsy the mot�.on carried ixnan=mously, LET'P�Ft Ol� RESTG1aI�TZOiV FROM LIl�UOi STORL NIASI.nGLR; � 19� n4ot,�.on by Jollanson to receive tke �ette?� and place �_t o� file, Secc�ndr�d b�j ,Ve�, t3por a voiae vote� �here being n� navs, tae mof;ion carr�e�1 unanimously, VISITORS: I�r, UTinkler of Garaena Avenu�F r�rho owns nropert,r noruh a: Garc��xia 1lvenue ancl eask. �; Ben,7aznina was presenL and shated tnat he has a�rc�bl°rn decicLn� wh� L to d�� as far as t'rie p],anned road in tne area is concernf d, a� z.o wh��h�r or nat he sh�u_Ld cled- icate part oi his prooert,y for a turn-a�ound� and askc�d wLat t.Le assessmenf.s would be if _Lt were noc zauc in in relai.:on to his �rescnt ].�.7G iouL frontage an Gardena Avenue. There was cons�de�able discussic�n on whis que�t�an, P4r. Kohl �� s�.ated that i4r, in1�_nkler slionld pay iahat would 2nount �a an ��t2ra>� assessment} c�� on a f'ront t'�a1, ba�isa whichever woul d be mo're. I�Lr. Bro�m asked i"ir, Trdinl;le�� if the �aras=,e t�ro�tld Ue � moved <ind eharued amainsi, the cos� o�' i,ne pro,�ect, would he dedicate I,h� eas�men�. f'c�° the tiurn-aro�nd, N�r, i�?inkler si.aied thau he woitil�� w�n(, �o th3nk th�s over, Mr. 73ro�m staued tha�t the Y1ann?_ny Comm�sslr,n hacl s�udied Lhe Zvhole mai.�er with al1 tihe p�°or,ert,y owners in the area, and recanunended the present ps•o��osal i�r_th a cul=da-aac �rhich k*ovld include a part of Iv?r, tid�_nkler�s propertv, i4r, Glinkler asked t�rhaL h;,; assessmen�. inro�tia be on this basis. The Cst}T Clerk ,�.a�e� that h�_s asses��nerZa, �rouid be based on cithe!� an a�Te?�aUe assessri�nt� or on a froni foo� basis, il' �he cul-de-sac d,d £o in. �r, B„oMri1 stat,ed thau i£ c1i� -net witn the Couzie7l'v. �r�nrosral_a he would pre�2nt � f���rt fimare on mov�n� the �aragn Lo P�Ir. �niinlil�r and 9.� acce-,�La��7_c: to PZr. }�dinkle°, pr�sent �he a�reement tn the Council for a�pro,ral. PE TT'PTOi��S: Petit,i nn �r17-1�62 for blacYr,�p �o l�e ins ;alled on 5'2 A�renu� N. �, i'rnm 2nd Stre�at to 2z Streel. IVortheast, I•Zotion b,y Wolke to rective I:his ueLition ancl nlzce ,_r ov file, Seconded by Johanson, IIpon a voi_ce vo�e� tnere beinr no nays, t;�E mot�on carr��d unan'�rtnusl,y. CLI;1T'fS: Counci�man tido'!k� movud 1.hat General Claims 6!�?2 l,l�.°ru�r� 6�:75 b� ��7pr�v�cl, Seronded by Johanson. Upon a vo���e vo�e, tl,ere bei.n,; no nw,jsT t,he mntiorz carri�-�rl ,�.n;ziamously, Caimr;linnn Johanson moaed t�at Liquor Claims !�2[2 Lhrou�'� 1�2�c3 be ap�,°c�r�d. Ser.ondea b,y tidolke, Upou a voic� vote, i.nere being no natrs, t,he motlon carrie�l arzaiiymou�lT�, � Coizncilman Vee movad that Public Utilit,yr Cla'tms �Boo ih_^oagh 1�3�32 be apt>ruve,d, Seaondea b,p tide�lke. Upon a zoice vote' thera being no na,js, the mo>>ian cari°�ed unan3.mously. ���iTTl`� `�' C• Mr. I{nuteon stated that the r,laa.m o� Jaak Piscner We11 and Pump Campan,y had not bee: ap�roved at the previ�us meet�ng, as there caas some ada-_c�an:�� t�rorlc :rh�ch he had to d�, and this ha,� no,� been caken care of, CouncYlman Jor�anson :nored that t}1e fiTial esi.,�atc of the Jack Fischer TnTell anct Pump Cemnanp in tne amo�uli, oi `���739„j� F�r Pz°oi�ct FT-��-Fi be a�nroved, Seconded bJ ti�?o?ke. Upon a vr�ace voi.e, t•here being no nass, che mot�cn carried unanimousiq, FSTIiL4TE5 FOR SAiti�DS!ROi� AN?� IiAF'�VER, INC: P1r. Knutsc�n presen:•ryd tPie fb17n��_ng fh°e� estimat�s foi� Sand�crona and Ha£ner. Inc„ The parttal Esiimate Ido. 17 for W,5 Prnaear. 1s8-A zn the a�nourxt �i' tµ12a392.1C. ��na1 Estimate No, 10 �'or Pro�er,t ?L-A in L-he amou�-� of �33�1�q,f_�9, ?��nal Estisiate Zdn, 9 t'or '�rojec;, 2!�_,� in �.he amoun� of Sb5d�96b�50, Mr, Nee asked �£ the Citg En�ineer had ahecked these out, NL, Knutseri s-cared that he had not. i�ir, lVee s�a�;ed i.hai, he d_�d not want to pa;� these i�_na1 esti*nate,s until the � Cit,s Fngineer. had an opportunity to checic them out, i�r, J�hanson moved that �h� three esti:nates for Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc, be approved sub��ct t� P4r, Brca�an, Cit,;T Eizg-neerz cher,king tnem out and anprovinc these £,�y�� e�L'�mates, Seconded Up IVee� Upon a-voice :ro�e, tnere be?.ng no na�rs� the motion earrzed unanimouslJ, LTGL,?VSES: `Phe Cii�* iAanager e�la�ned that F'ridle,y C�b Company :3as n��t bx•ou�hl; �n Lhc insur�ancc polic,y �rhavh they had been request.ed to d�a and tl�e Coune�_1 sl�ould LhereP�re, noi: a�pxrove tnis liaense. In reSerence to the hame �rai?er licena2 or_' LeRoy Ol,son - 6h00 Fr;dley Street i�'ortiheast th�: Ma;�or stated tna+ ne had l_ooked the ps�onerty ovcr �nd had contac�ed s��me o.F �he adjacent pro�erLv o*rnx�r;, and krould recommn�d th=� �his pea°mir, taF nr�r+,e�i. Motion kay Johsnson Lo aaproue the io1_Loi,*inr 1?censes; c �. �� r F,xcavr�TZ1�G 3c;1 L 7 zne P� p? ng �;rnnoanf �3D0 Hamp��h? re �Jorth Miru�eap�lis 27� Mzruiesota J. A. Danens °c Sony Inc. 5106 Braokside Avenue Eciiala� Minnesoi,a, Ryti x� Jarson 88pi9 Shad,yt�rood Road i�.ti. Minneapol�_s 21, �Kinnesota GiS SFRVICFS S�atr�gae� Incorporated �116 Ir`�s Dr�vc 1Varth 3900 Washingtnn Av�nu� Narth Minnpapo�is, lI�nnesota Nils ivygards P1�un�,�ng C�� 77� 8 T:�y� or 5�.,, 1V�>>, �'rid�_e�r 32, M�n+�csoLa r,g��,NAT CGIVTR�iC2(JRS Air Se31 Windoh� 3Z��5 1Viµollei Avenne Soutlz M�rvica=p�Lis 1, Minriesora ��malg�mated Bu�_lders, jnc. 5176 Emersan �vemaF� Yorth T�Tinneapolis 12, P7imzesota Ga��den GiGS� Censirnc;ian Coo 22�2 }3r+lzni auen�e So�tY,h M��nnsapo]i�, M2nnc;�ota Jacks�n C±7nstructxon Company 85Lh Lakewoo�a Driv� NLnneapol`� s 23� ivla nnesata Carl �,. J�hnson 7900 - 59z Av�nue 1`o�^th Mirn�r a,r�oli e, T�Iinnr,;ut�t Mndcrn ��arage Build��s +SZS Nicr,ile�- avenue South Min��eapalis 2(7j NLtnnesoca War-ren Oshorne 756� IIn�R*ers7t5� Avenue iV.E, Fr�� dley 32y Minneso ua Per•ry A. S=,�ensan Co. 43?_ Lndtcott on P{th 5t. Lau2� Minile�o-i,a Wala.er :�dittman 103[) [n�innetka Avenue iJorth ilinneapolis 27s Minnesot� HE,� TIfJG Condi;i_onPfl n;_r Equipm�nt Co. 30i0 Clintnn �Uemae MZm�eapaJ_�s 8� _Miru�esota E�c+nn�* Hea1,�_ng Cam�±ny 2c330 - 1�51.h �r�nue Scut,h Mirffae�poL'+r,� Niir�n-snba T. U. �uscat'son Company 5c20 Gedar• Avem.7e Soui,h P4inneanclis 17' Mlnnesota i�aua 3eating Cam�a«y Route 3 OsSeo� NL�nnesota by: Loui_s Billodeau b,y: C o J. Danens b;f: Carl Z. R,yti by: Einar 0. Niklason by: i�iils N,ygards by: J�nies A. Cnalmers by: Mark Glover bys 5. U. Pearsr�n 2ijr; rearge W, Jackson b,y: Carl L. Johnson b�r: Joha� A. Rawland by: Warren OsSOrne Uy: SicLne� A, Swenson l�y: [�dali,er Wittman by: T. i'. Sie�T�l bv. Ri^hard '�ni, Do�7e b,y: Roy T. C�ustaison by: Clyde Maue Rene�ral Idew Renet•ral Renewal Renewal P�ew Renewal Renew�l Newr New Rene�•ral Reneaa7. Idew Renewal Rene�,tal Henewal Rene*rral Renewal ' ' , N�J�s Nygarda Plbg. & Htg, Go, 7318 Tavlor 8�. N.E. M�nneanolis 3?, �lnnesota MA[ �C�Y L. T. Exnest 5Q1 - 1?_bth Avenue N.W. Ooon Rapids' Piinnesota �santer�s Construction Com�any tf091 Highway �Gy" Ntituzeapolis 21, Miruiesota � �dtaard A. 1�Tunson Conarete Co, 1_y01� Ayuila Avenue �dorth Minneapolis, Minnesota ?i, G. kuu3 Compan�l Box 2L�6°, Foute #1 W�yzataa Minnesata PLAS TER S1vG Ylastering Service Ca., Inc, !�607 L,ynd:ale Avenue 1Vorth l�Iinneanol�sr A?innesota �LUMBI:u�J Bowlar Campan,y 511 E. Lake Street, Min-�e.�po1�_s 8, hiinnesota T, ➢. Gustafson Companzj 582Q Oedar Avenui� Souin Nrinneapolis l7� i�iinnesr+a � [�Ta11��a� H. Johnson P1bg. Go. 91+G Zowry Avenne N. E. iNinneapolis 1t3, M-+nnesota P7ils Nygards Plumbin�� Co. 7313 Ta,ylor 5tree��iV.E. �ridle,y 3?� 1�linnesota Ga�llord K, Penn�* �71�7 North La'celand �inneapolis 22� PZinnesota �I. B. Stone 'lumbing 2101 �1est 67th Street NLinneapolis� l�hnnesota SSGLV HAf�dCxN RS Crown Sign £� Construction Cp, 717 West 25th Street Minneapolis sx ?�-rnlesata Lawrence� Inc. 21� Eclmund Avenue St. i'au1 3� T�linnesota � S�LI, DRILLI1vG Hadden L�ell Coml�any �tli55 M�i_n str�et iv.�. Columbia Heights, P� nn. GAE�, LICL�NSE Robert E, Mar�inka Rt, �� Box 12%4 Fxcelsior� M�nnescca b,y; �li1s 1�pgards �y: L� T, Fz•n� � b,y: A. �. GanLer by: Edward �, .�Ianso� l��rc R. �u,-d k1�: 13p�,T�'C V31mP;' by: R. ti�i. Boksler by: Ra�,r Gustafson b,y: Wa�? l �ce Johnsor� b,y: 1Vils Ny�;ards by: Ga}r�ord K. P�nny by: H�a]�nber B. Stone by: Bc�� H, Chrtisi,aph�r by: I�4i=°vin T. P�irc;ull h,y: P�c:}aert B. Hadaer� 1�HA: Tl'�e Furple Dorst' 6�'��, E�st Ri �r� r Ro��d b4i�ni�apc�is �l Ren�wal Renewal Renc-waL Renerval Ne �a I�°T1E'W27. ReneUrai Renewal Ranewa_�_ ?an2wal ?7enetia� New Renewa7 Y�enezaal Renc:-wal 1Ve .i ly� ty4 crca��T�cr� ftat�ert F o Martinka. Rto 1�, Box 121� Excels�oa'a NLinnesota �hi11p E. Stroa� E33 iran��n Sto I�'.Eo T�Iinnea'� o1a s 21 Bertrum Bsath �.'.7C� 4?ieir�r�r St.o l�i.rn;eana? 5 :, 21 SIIiTT�CE STATION FSer;�r�uit Boo�,�t 6�(0 �uincy St„ Mxnneaaol�.s 27. HUI� Tft11S"LER DBlz: The Purple Door C��47� East R�.ver Road Minneanolis 21, Minn. Yhil's Standard Service 8100 East River Road Minneapolis 21 Bert�,s Texaro �I, ;� 6071 iJnivarsity Ave. N.�. Atinneapolis ?_l ]3e rt � s Texac o 111. F', bp%1 Uiv.versii,v �ve. N.F, Miru7eapolis 2.l I,eRop Ols��+n Park 7'railer at: Same 66J0 ?� r, dley S ��, '.�.L;o Mi_nrteariolis 21 New Renewal New �Iew ReneTaal Second�d by Nee. Upon a=roice v�te� 1.here heing nc nays� tn� motion clrr�eri unanim- ously„ RE,`(�1T�;ST BY 1�7R. SU'ST01v �'OR A CANri� LIGiD1SF AT i�f00Ry L.9KE BERGii: ' t�r, Sutton vr�s presen� anc3 s�a�sed thaL ths Park Cor,mvttee hafl met Monday night and had aereed t� rent him a concession spare at the P400re Lake Beach for fh100o0� per year� and hz had deposited �cr!�o0� laE,er, -r,nd he had t*r;o sons 19 and 14 years of u�e �rh� �*�ulcl actaall,�r onerai,e this bus�_ness, l��tion by I4ee ta a�prove the ca£e l zaense Per Mr. SuLton at the Moore Lake Beacha Se�onded 'b,y Jo"nansono Unon a votce voi,e� there �exng no n�,ysi the mot�nn cerried ��2°G�n�mozsLy, PIR�T RL!LDTn�G OF' ORllI��ANCE REDETCt�ffivI�1G ��iAR� BGiJND�RIES: � 'Pl±e ��;;ty Ntan��er ou�l�_ned lhe ward boundaries on the mao„ Mo;ion by Johanson +n accepc ih�s as the f'����F r�ad�ng af �he ahove crdinance. Seconded by Ne�. Upnn a voice vo te, i here h�,_n� no ns ;�s, the ma±ioxx carried 1Ln3�imonsl,y. p�50LUTI0N ie0o !�!;-_962 I�ENAMTNG ALB1LVY STRL�'P; T_rle C�.ty Manu^er read the abo�re resolution. Motion b� 1G�ee to ado�t the ahove r2solu{;ion. Sscanded by Ja��ans�n, iipon a voice vote, t��ere bein� no n;��w�s� the motion carried una�imously, GODiSI�133(LT7C`D� '�F NIEFTII�JC O�v ST;G1�R PROJ�CT�1J0. T_L0� STI�'E T 7v0. 2u. STORt�7 Tne Cit,y Mar.a�er ex_plained tkiaL s�me actian s�o>>ld be taken soon on these pro�ects Go that the asse�smen�, rc�L could ba made L�p, Mr. Nee stated that he wrould like to he in on �ny reeetin� that �ao�ld be set up on tnis� and a sugnestion was made that, y�reeting bN �•�t �or the latter nart of next weekv ItP?t�liJi i'��EtvT: Mataon by eJal7at�scn '�o rone�sr �n Ghn rer,��endation of the City Mana?er of Joanne Hetland as c3erk-typist in the P'anance Denartment at a salax`,�* of ?�262.00 per month �c replare _r-ear�l Detersonm Seconde� bsr Naeo Upon <^ voice uotz, there being no na,ys�, the motic�n �arx•�.ed unanimonsly, ' RE�OLUTIOtd ivfl. 45-±462 R�CLiVING YRELIl�7INA.RY °�,ANS AN�) SPi�;CIFICATIONr� - S�'IdER T�1?CJ�.CT No. 50...____ _�_,__ ._._�_._ _.w._ .�._..r_ �...a�___.... Mat,sou b;r U?�lke to adopt, tha abetie rasol�at� c�:�„ Secord�d b}� Nee. Upon a voice vote' therc l�cing xao naqs� the mai.ion rarrried unan�_moi.s]_y, YA�KS A1uD PLAYCIi�'�tAuD° SUB-CONMI'P`I'EE i�_f�ETING - Mf�Y 2�� l�'�2t The Parks and Flaygrouszd� Sub-co_ma�tL-ee nad recammended that Lots 5� 6� and 7r AucLi.torrs Subdiyis-LOn Noa 1?_9 be acquired i'or park purposes. Mr. Johanson reco7mnended that this nrop�:rtp be �ou�ht on time if it �_s pnrchased� as this cou.l_d prr,bab�}* be done� Not�on by Idee tc authoryze Mro Wagnel^, the Cit,;r Nlanaaer� and Mro `i_rn�?nps�n� Parl;s �nd PZ�ti;;r�1oan�s Sub-r,c;m,+itie� ('h�irman. ',o nn?oti_ryte �aith the o•aners of T,ots K, 6, and 75 +�u�it�rr's S�zbdivis�c�n Nr�, 1?_G ?or the purchase of i,his property. Secnnded by Johanson, Upnn � voir.e vetei there bei;_g i�o naysy +he motion c2rr�.ed i;n�nirnausl,yo � SS`PIOT� OE PAP'C OF 1V0. �2: l�s FOP GAAL�;NA AVSNUE - LOT 24� AL�DITOR'S S"ITHDSJISION NLrs, Peterson sras present and st�.i.ed that she �aou3_d k�e �a�llinp, L3 accegt �6750.�Q �or the portion of her oropert,� which was to be ta!:en� aad she thaught this would bc- a fair price. 'Phe City iKana�;er pointe,d aut, tha�; �,hn po]ic,y of the Cit,y has been to secure an aporaisal an something such as t�is. Motion by l�ee to havv the nronerty appraiseda and if the appraisal is under tne ?�7�Q�Q0, that �he Mana�er be autha*^i�ed to pay it.,, and i£ the pronerty awnez- does not aacept the appraisalt thai, th� Cit�,� star� con3emnation praceed:i.r�s. Seconded by Jahanson, Upon a voiae vote, there b2,xig no nays� the motion carried unanimously. DLSI(',1vATI0N OF 73� AU�11�UE RTGHT-OF=vsAY: mhe Givy Manar,er staLed that he hacl l.all�ad to i�r, Saec� o� the State Kighway D��ar�mPnt, �nd Mr, Roe^.K had u�t'l�aJ_ly s+ai�ed th� � the Iiighcaa,l De�artment �aould acce�t che nrc�po,al £or a divided streeti on 73r3 Avenue, and �rould els���r usz oS State xic� £und; cn th_s basis as sho•rm on Plan "D." The C�uncil cauld asse;s ha]_�' tl�� r.��t c,F the b�;_�nce *�n ea �h side o£ ttie rinht-of-wa;r. Ti�er� was conszd�ralale d, suns�ion rar Lhv l�yp� oi' roadTaa�T to be Uni1t, Mr, Johsnsan s��R„est�d i,h^t the C�i,y �el th� p?ans and st�ec?iloations approv�d bp the Highway Departrnent. Mr. 1Vee ra,sel ttie c�uesl,ian e�f whether }his does not encoura�e one-way traffic� wnen you have tc;o 3G7 ic�QL strPets w�th th� c3iuzder s�,rzn in i,he middle, Piot9_nn bzr Joh�ansor� to accept �'lan "D," and p�^oceed 1,r� ac��ali°e la_r�d wii,� �he tmciUrstandin� that the State �?oes a.1�ng„ mhe Cit,y Nlznager sug ested LhaL he see wnat cculd be dune to �rork this o�a:. P�r. Joha.n;on ��et��ac';,ed hi= n�e�i���2, Gns.r�,�m�,n Vee moved that alan "D" be accepted providins it elimir�ate :.re ��r,zfFi� hararas as dis- cassed. Ser.onded b,j Jchanson. TTpon a voice vot�, t�2ere bairig no nays, thF moi�ion carried unarL�mousl,y. dDB Ci�ASSTFTCATIONS - PUBLIG WORKS �i�t�'LOYEr�S - P^L�T�lO I�10, �6-�q62 N�PGM T.IL" DIRPCTOR OP ti;BI,IC WOIi�CS: —. ._._ _____._��__,. I+Iotion by �ohanson ta a��rove the ,7ob re-classii�oation rs shown in the Memo Nc. 86-1962 frorr tne D�rector of 1'�tblic nJor��. Seconcled by 1�ie�, iln�ar ��,-ozec vot�r thei°e b.�ng no na,ys� the moticn carri^� unan�mously. MTJL?'I�T�E UUdF7�LIIVG DRDI2dAATCE: � Tnere ;aas ciiscvssion ,nn the rnultip:Le dwelling ordinancv, ^qz°„ uc?�_�n�cr_ as�ced Pir. I�on7_ar� whati is me�nt by fireproof, P�r. Kohlan then exnleined al1 +he �rario�zs rrovisions of the orc��nance. M�, 'rlee stated tne fee snould bt l�? P�! ennugh to c�ve5^ �he �_n;�pec,tion cost, `�'here was no act�rn t,�lian nn th5_� o�3in�nc^c. buc jusi. a peneraZ discus^ir,n. � ��nnI2AL TM?R05TEl�;ENT C�JMMCTmI]E: Mr� i�See s z�;gestec? that a �anit�,l Smprovement, C,omni'.I,e� be SorTM�ea, y�nth pz•obabl,y �he C�tg P-Ianager� Cit;�* Engineera an3 �rivate citizens maxing � t up. 'I'�-�e C� �-* Idiana��r statad that, th�_s is basicall,y a goo�3 idea, although the Giiy is nor, in a pasition tc give thenl the znform„atian chep need a+� the present t7me, I>ETT�'R (�l� 5I'MPA'Pf3Ys `ihe Ma,yor sug�ested thar a letter be ,rrir,ten to tih� t�ree Sam�l?as ir�volvcd ?n the accideiai on L�n�vers,_:p expressing the Counc�l's s�rmn�',h7, t�',SOI � TTON ,��0. u6-� �?62 -��i��ERSNG T[{E IMPROVEMELdT ANll FIDIA7, PLP'�TS F!ull SPL'C1FICa m��1Vu � OI' R SAiJITARY SPGdEr�, WA�LI�, A1�lli 5T0?;M S"WCR - PRORJEC'i � a0. �8�q�-- � ` ° _ _ _ � ,� _ _ � _n PLr. <Johanson sta+ed tihaL -�f the people d,� i.aF v*�nt �,71e Stox;n �"r=Hrer �1 shou_a noL he; �,��t �n� M7•, Vee �tated that he would like �o Fvt in the wat�r wnd sewe_, but not i,o put �t ixz .,rhere T.he peap7e do not crant � t, P"_ot,ion b,y Johansnn to adooi, i,he rc;;olut?on orde-rin� F?:e i,n- ���ovement and f�.nal pltns and s�ea�fica�y�zzs for ZNater arad seT�,er, :,nd wit,h the pruirisio� x'nat on7.y the crossin�s of the storm se.wer be put in� Secr�nded by Nee, iJporA a z,o�ce erote, th�re be-ng no na�ss Ekie motion carr9ed un�nimouslzre FTPST ?ZGADIAJG OF ORrTiVg,dCF ,�F',�ONIn7G F�OM R-1 TO M-1, L(7T 3. LSA4f�LRTiS A�D1lI0N; Maia.on hTr IQee to acaept ;his as th� first readin� ��± t��e ab�.,r� ord,nance, Secande i�y �Oi13T:SOri. �pOYI 3. 'lo7_C2 VO��t t.�"1P.1'P �J���.Yi� 11(S Y1ELY9� L11E' 77dOG3_C7` C�;'P]?u 1�11'^l➢;('L'c`1;'e ;Z(,)11DR S L�I'F 1V0. 7: Mr. A�a�e1 si,ated tha�, tha are r rThc're T.iq�;�r S�.are RT�.. �1 ie� 1 oca rea �ras �ri, o?f Prom l,Yic rocd ee��vice Yor a3_mos� >>v�o ,y-eare, and sug�ested tha� i.hE Cotinci2 les�rn �bE si,c���e or�en ror anvi�her ye,�� , �P�TGU?��,2"fF1V'� : 196 ThAre being no fiurther bus�ness, the Niavc,r d�olared the meet�n7 ad7ourned, R�specrzial�_�� snbrn'_r,i,ed: � �""ti `-! /� i�Ta �'7�1� rrr � fi3 �err�tarv Lr_ thc C�i�atci7 GOTNCSL i+171`TI�TE'° - TTmI� 1Sy ?c,F,2 � �� , ���� <� i A*�c:�ular m�eting of t,he Gifi,p Co�ic,?1 was called tc order by I�cting N:azror 1�lee at 8:oa bort. • Memhers 1'resent: I�ieea d�harisons Sherician, Uiolke (arx•�ved at 8:2d P.M.)� Creig i�rrizred 2t. O:1�0 P�M,) "4embei°s �bsent: Nan� �P;RCIIAL OF N�l'�IU��'S: Mc�ti�n k��r Jeh•zr,��n to appreve t,he minul;�s oY the J7me !�y 1962 meeting, Seconda�i by Sher�_dar, Up��r � tirc�ice voi,e, there bein� no na�; sp the Metion c.arried unanamousl,y, pTD E4IISi1V���5. FIfCE '_�'RUCK B7DS - OPP�,!VET� !1L 1�OOlU� NLq%_l�'y 1�!62, ihe G;_tp M�ra�er rea�� thF iist oi b�.ds tahi�,h were receised a,s iolloi,rs: �-rri�L;R R. C� Rradley �..�Crossc� 4��iUc� r�d �ond VS1 s K00 m UU Gere'r�_ P �_7 �� i?q��ipmenL Coo N�ri-h Branch' P�finne s ota F3id l,orid "�l� �'00 a0G Rzbiie Wcrks �c�izi} � Oompar! i Sr. P���l ��� Piznnes�ta P:_ci �oi2d °�,�� bOQ oC0 P2i,Fr= t�'7_1"SCX2 F� Sons Compar!tr Kc-n�st��, T�risc. B�d Hond ��? , "d 5G.C,�+ BA�T2 BID s�7� q630o0c� �2? y � ��C c , (_r(Y m2o,o57oCG 4'�2Zi' 770. GK; �h23, 3(�3.0(� ��21 � 960.OQ P.L�TF,ItI�iI� T�!' �1 Add ��l��ala,00 Add �1� 6�C�.00 lV ot Avai7able T_ncluded irl Base Bil Va Bid Inciuded in p�.e� �i7_CL AL i � RtJA'l� B �aa �',2 � 831.00 � dd 4�3s815.00 Add �fi� r �� r o 00 idaL included an Base Bid No Bid NO 131C� DRLIPr RY 6 t c, 7 months 25� c�.zo D�,s q_g!� r �� , Pr,*,�S 15Q Days ��1� ��Ctl"'IC'`Lri�' narrs .150 �To�lc�r_b Dat� � 1 � The Fire Depar�,me��t, iYi +hetr• lei,Lcr af JLU2e l�s 1962y h:tid recomrnended tk�at the bid o£ I'eL-er i'ix•sch � Sons Gcmpan�l, Kenosha9 Wzsconsin� be �,ccepted in the amr,uni, of �21�y60oC0� P�Iot,7_on by Joh�ii�on io a�aard the Y�?d t^ Peter Pirs�aYe �4� Sons Cam��ny in �he am.ount af 9�21,96Uo00y w5.tP9 Al��i•��ie 1°An ba�_ng inn]�udcc. P�ter Pi,-sch �� Sans Company is �he 1ov+ hidder, Seconcieo by Sher; daz1. Uporr a voic� votey �here be� n� no naj�s� thE mot�.on c^.rr;ed unar:riouslvo P'IfiST RGADZPIG OF 0_r2D1NA1vCh', V�GAT71ilf= PORTION 0� �.�SENLR,IV1 - TDT ]� BS.00K 3� N`�R711N HiLLU ADDITIC�A��� T' _ �..__ _,_�___ �,..___._,��.t.�_---- - ------ �w- - - °- -- �_A:�LT'��E.2�c�.____ _--- -_ _ p9ra Kr,n1_�n recommencieri that the easemenL be vacaie�� " rn]_at�_n,r, +hat an�� t�u�lding perm,t granted �^onta�r, restrirtions relatiive to sl�orin�� et¢, Mr, Mike 0'Eanr�on �*ae present� �'�iere i��7 a d�scussncn on putting �n piling,, anfl what �urpos� thls woulcl ser�*eo Nir. MZke 0'Bannei� said that the se�rer line that was put �.n on the- easemeni: Vaas noL 1,o sezve tris prop•�ri,y� but was to serv�� the Inns�ruck area to the east� and if' t}�e pr�n�riz� o�.rxe: hac� not given the �•r.sene7�t,5 the CitTr �nu7_d have had i�o eondenul