08/06/1962 - 00023575��o BiD5 FOR STORM SEWER, SANTTARY SEWEIt AND WATER IMT'ROl1EMENT PBOJECT N0. 58: AND RESOLUTION N0. 72-1962 ORDERING RE-ADVEATISING FOR BIDS: Mr. Kohlan stated that there has been no further action but-the;Cauncil should be made aware of what has been done so far, on awarding the bids to Bianconi Construction Company L-or this pro�ect. Mr, Wolke stated that the bids which the County of Anoka had received for resurfacing of Central Avenue were not opened, and a11 ol the bids were returned to the bidders unopened, and the bids were to be let sometime in SeptemUer. There was considerable discussion as to whether there should be re-advertising for bids, or should the Uids be awarded to the second lowest bidder, or what should be done on the above improvement pro�ect. Mr. Knutson stated that he suggested that the Council re-advertise, as the second lowest bidder was 39% higher than the Engineer's estimate. Mr. Knutson stated that this pro�ect could be set up in two schedules, (1) same as the pro�ect had been put in before, 1 and (2) putting only the minimum sewer and water services in. Ae stated that the completion date could also be lengthened. Mr. Kohlan suggested that the Council re-advertise for bids. There was discussion as to whether a hearing would be necessary if the bid price was considerably over the Engineer's estimate. The City Attorney stated that the hearing could be set up if it was found the bid did come in considerably over the Engineer�s estimate. Motion by ,Tohanson to adopt the resolution re-advertising for bids for Pro�ect No. 58 to be set up in two schedules as suggested by the Consulting Engineer, the bids to be opened at noon, August 20, 1962. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AD.70URNMENT: There being no further business, the Acting Mayor, Mr. Nee, declared the meeting ad�ourned. Respectfully submitted: M2rviri . Brunsell Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1962 � �� �(� �., ,� f�.��.°-c .�-�� � . � T�AYOR,- T, E, Greig A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8;3D P,M. Members Present: Greig, Johanson, Nee, Wo1ke (arrived at 9:45 P,M,) Members Absent: Sheridan APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion 6y Nee to approve the minutes of the Board of Equalization Meeting, July 16, 1962. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Suly 16, 1962. Seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of ,7u1y 17, 1962. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Board of Equalization Meeting, ,7uly 23, 1962. Seconded by Nee. Upon a wice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting, July 30, 1962. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1962-2 STREET SURFACING PROJECT: Mr. Nee stated that a petition had been presented to him asking for concrete curb and gutter on Van Buren and 75th Streets. There was a discussion on the two types , ' 23i of curbing. Mr. Kohlan stated that the original resolution adopted by the Council ordering the plans and specifications has the provision in it so the Council could decide on either concrete curb and gutter, or asphalt curb tight up to the time of the bid letting. Motion by Nee to modify the instructions to the City Engineer with respect to the curb and gutter on Van Buren and 75th Streets, and instruct the City Engineer to draw up the specifications with the concrete cur6 and gutter. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Johanson stated that the City Engineer should check the petition to make sure that it contains signatures of 51% of the property owners. Mr. Nee also presented a petition on the clean up problem at 49th and University Avenue, �nd a petition for concrete curb and gutter, and surfacing on River Edge Way (North'1eg). Motion by Nee to receive these petitions and hold a public hearing on the same. Seconded � by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: BIDS - TENNIS AND M[ILTI-PURPOSE COURTS - OPENED NOON, AUGUST 6, 1962; The City Manager stated that one bid had been received on this second bid letting, which was from Dunkley Sur�acing Company, the total lump sum bid being $8,981 00. Mr. Brown, the City Engineer, stated that the price bid is not out of line in view of special surfacing required, and the other companies most likely did not bid because they could not meet the price since the method previously bid was much more expensive method of construction. Mr. Brown explained that this was for two tennis courts and one multi-purpose court which could later be developed into two more tennis courts. The question was asked of Mr. Kohlan, City Attorney, if th� Council could accept the bid if there was only one bidder. Mr. Kohlan stated that he was not sure, he would have to check the statute book, but believes that a recently passed law would permit accepting the one bid, Motion by Sohanson to award the bid for two tennis courts and one multi-purpose court to Dunkley Surfacing Company in the amount of $5,981.00 inasmuch as plans and specifications were sent to five bidders, even though only one bid was received. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. - PAINTING AND REPAIR OF 1� MILLION GALLON CONCRETE WATER STORAGE TANK - OPET 3 � The City Manager stated that only one bid had been received from Morse Truckpointing Company with a total bid of $7,400.00. The City Engineer explained that there is a problem as far as maintenance of the inside of the tank is concerned, but before this can be taken care of, the City would t�ave to install a constant level pump to maintain the pressure to the area so the tank could be taken out of service. The City Engineer suggested that the cracks on the outside of the tank be repaired now on a negotiated price with his contractor. Motion by Johanson to re�ect the bid fer painting and to repair the concrete water storage tank, and instruct the City Engineer to negotiate the repair �ob with Morse Truckpointing Company. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - HOLIDAY HILLS: Mr. Madsen was present and stated that he would put in concrete curb and gutter in the streets in the p1at. No one else was present to speak for or against the acceptance of the final plat of Holiday Hills. The Mayor declared the hearing closed ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PLAT - HOLIDAY HILLS: Motion by Johanson to accept this as the final plat of Holiday Hills, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unammously. PUBLIC HEARING - REQUEST TO BUILD FOUR-PLEXES - NAGEL'S WOODLANDS: � Mr. Johanson stated that the plans are aesthetically very good, and they do meeL- the requirements of the multiple swelling ordinance, but pointed out that the area was limite� to double bungalows at the time the plat was accepted. A resident at 7430 Abel Street asked how many four-plexes are i�ntended. Mr. Roy Peterson, the developer,-stated that he intends to build one on each of the lots from 73rd north, and there would be four units on each of the lots (22) Mr. Peterson then presented plans of the building for the Council and the audience's inspection. Several of the residents stepped forward to look over the plans. One of the residents stated Lhat they had to concede to douhle bungalows in the first instance, as originally the property was one-family dwellings. The City Engineer brought out copies of the plat for the Council to study. Another of the residents stated that they were told that only double bungalows would go into this area. The question was asked what the setback would be, and Mr. Peterson stated that it would be the regular 35 foot setback. Mr. .Tohanson �32 stated that 22 of these in a row would be too many, mayUe some arrangement could be worked so that they could be alternated with double bungalows, Mrs, Klingl, 7364 Able Street, suggested a vote to be taken to see how many people wanted the four-plexes, and how many did not, The Mayor stated that he would not like the Council to vote on this matter until at least four Councilmen were present. The question was asked what the rights of the property owners in this case were, if the Council authorized the builder to put in the four-plexes. Mr. Johanson stated that if the ma�oxity are opposed to putiing in four-plexes, he would not v�te for them. Mt. Nee stated that he would not be inclined to permit these four-plexes if the people in the area were opposed to them. The Mayor asked for a show of hands - those opposed to the four-plexes - 10 people rai�ed their hands, those in favor- none. The Ma;%or declared the hearing closed. FLANI�ING COMMISSION MIN[JTES - JULY 26, 1962: PLAT OF MEADOWMOOR ADDITION - P.S� 62-09: She Planning Co�isszon recommended acceptance of the preliminary plat sub�ect to the center line of 76th Avenue being moved to the south line of the E& M property. Also, the dedication of the north 25 or 30 feet of the Erickson property for 76th Avenue. Also, the dedication of 50 or 60 feet for a future north-south street through Erictcson property, at such time the City deems it necessary. Mr. Madsen was present and explained the locatzon ot the pZat and the varlous revised features of it. He stated that he had agreed to change the plat to conform with the wishes of the Planning Commission. He stated that he is petitioning for storm sewer to serve the plat, and stated that Mr. Erickson wi11 deed the 30 feet of his land to E& M Development Company, and it wi11 appear in the plat as a fully dedicated street, 1�otion by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the of the Planning Commission and accept this as the preliminary plat and set up the public hearing on the final plat. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. WOKREL PLAT - PoS, 62-04, BEING PAKT OF LOT 8, AND ALL OF LOT 9, AUDITOR'S SUB� DIVISION N0� 92: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of the prelimtnary plat as revised with the east-west street withln the p1at. The City Manager ex'�lained the back- ground of this plat, and the action taken by the Planning Commission. The City Engineer explained the alternate proposals which had been submitted from time to time for this plat, Mr. and Mrs. Worrel were present and stated that they would like to plat the three lots on Stinson now, and plat the rest as an outlot. Mr. Winner, Sixrveyor, was also present speaking for Mr, and Mrs. Worrel. Motion 6y .Tohanson to accept this as a preliminary plat of Worrel's Addition and to set the public hearing for the final plat. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - ORTENSTONE TERRACE - P.S. 62-16: � � The Planning Gou�ission had recommended approval of this preliminary plat. Mr. Ortenstone was present and stated that he wnuld like to have asphalt-curb in the plat. Motion by Johanson to accept this as the preliminary plat and set up the public hearing on the final plat with bituminous surfacing and curb to be put in, and the surfacing to be put in such a way as to save as many trees as possible. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl+� PRELIMINARY PLAT - COMMERCE PARK ADDITION - P,S. 62-10, BEING PART OF LOT 4, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 77 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11• The Planning Commission recommended approval of this preliminary plat sub�ect to increasing Co�erce Lane from 50 feet to 60 feet in width and providing a 20 foot easement for storm sewer between Lots 3 and 4. Mr. Madsen was present and explained the p1at, and he stated that the plat would be in two additions, the first and the second addition. Mr. Madsen also stated that he wanted a 9 ton heavy industrial type road put in the plat and had prevlously sent in a letter to the City asking that the assessment be put in on a 10 year basis. Motion by Nee to accept this as the preliminary plat of Commerce Addition, and to set a public hearing for the final plat, Seconded by ,Tohanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - RICE CREEK SCHOOL ADDITION - P.S, 61-17, BEING PART OF THE OAK GROVE ADDITION AND PART OF LOT 3, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0, 10, AND PART OF UNPLATTED SECTION 13: The Planning Commission recommended approval of this plat sub�ect to providing for additional right-of-way for Anoka Street and 67th Avenue Northeast inter- section. There was no one present to speak for or against the acceptance of this p1at, Motion by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and to accept this as the preliminary plat and set a public hearing on the final ' 23�- plat. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PRELSMINARY PLAT OF MRS, L. CHOUINARD - P.S, 62-18, BEING PART OF LOT 10, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 103: The Planning Co�ission had recammended approval of this preliminary plat, Mrs, Chouinard was present. Motion by Nee to consur in the recommendation 6f the Planning Co�ission and to accept this as the preliminary plat of Mrs, Chouinard, and set the public hearing on the final plat, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � REZONING REQUEST BY NIItS. T. M, MAJESKI TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO A-3 THE EASTERLY 453 FEET OF THE S011TH 85 FEET OF LOT 3, AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 39 EXCEPT THE EASTERLY 161.5 FEET, AND AL50 LOT 6 THROUGH 10, BLOCK 1, AND LOTS 1 THROUGH 5, BLOCK 2, BERLIN ADDITION: The Planning Cou�ission had recommended that this rezoning request be denied, with the recommendation that the City Manager and the City Engineer study aerial drawings and work out a sketch and recommendation for this area, as a whole, replatting of streets, utilities, ets., and check with Columbia Heights on their future plans for the ad�oining area. Motion by Johanson to concur Ln the recommendation of the Planning Commission and to direct the City Manager and the City Exigineer to work with a11 speed possible to get this matter worked out. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. STREET VACATION - PAAT OF GARDENA AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY EAST OF ARTHUR STREET: The City Manager explained the location of the proposed vacation and the prohlem involved, The Planning Co�ission had recommended that this part of Gardena rZght- of-way as shown on Drawing No. 62-59 be vacated. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and set up a public hearing on this matter and draw up the necessary ordinance. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanamously. MINNEAPDLTS GAS COMPANY DRAWING N0. 18-1962 - PROPOSED LANDSCAPING AND GAS REGULATION STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 62ND WAY AND EAST RIVER ROAD: � The Planning Coa�ission had recommended that this be accepted and approved. Motion by Johanson to concur in the reco�endation of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Mr. Wolke arrived at 9:45 P.M, COMM[TNICATIONS : LETTER FROM FIRE CHIEF HUGHES WITH REFERENCE TO HILLTOP CONTRACT: Fire Chief Hughes was present and explained Chat the men of the Fire Department had voted to cancel the contract with the Village of Hilltop, because of several incidents that had occurred. Fire Chief Hughes stated that he was not entzrely in accord with the vote taken. ,He also stated that there were fire calls on the average of two or three times a year in the Village of Hilltop. He explained that if the Crty fire rigs were called to Hilltop, and a fire call came into Fridley, Fridley could always ca11 on the mutual aid to take care of the Hilltop fire, and their own rigs could respond to the Fridley fire. Mr. Johanson suggested writing a letter Co Hilltop to see if this matter could be resolved. Mr. Hughes explained the things thaL had happened during the year which had made some of the Fridley firemen unhappy. These being the way the Village of Hilltop had handeled the fire at the super market and also, the way they had handled some of the open burning in the area. Mayor Greig left the meeting temporarily. Gavel to Nee, � Motion by Sohanson to continue the coatract with the Village of Hilltop, sub�ect to the suggestions made by Fire Chief Hughes, and sub�ect to working out these agreements with the Hilltop Council. Seconded by Wo1ke. Upon a voice vote, there being no naqs, the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Greig returned to the meeting. Gavel to Greig. OLD BUSINESS: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE N0. 217 REZONING LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SYLVAN HILZS PLAT �k6: The City Manager read the above ordinance, Motion by Wolke to aGCept this as tha ?�4 second reading of the above ordinance and to have it published. 5econded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motinn carried unanimously. NEW BUSINE55: PUBLIC HEARING - REQUEST TO BIIILD FOUR-PLEXES - NAGELS WOODLANDS: The Mayor declared the hearing on four-plexes in Nagels Woodlands re-opened. A question was asked what Mr. Peterson's alternate plans were if the four-plexes could not go in, and what the completion date of his proposed buildings was. Mr. Peterson stated that his alternate plans were to put in double bungalows with the cars coming in off Able Street, but if he puts in the four-plexes, he would bring in the cars fram Baker Avenue, Mr. Lubeck - 7525 Able Street asked if the Council could- not , control the directiocls that the houses would face. N1r. Johanson stated that the Building Board would take a dim view of the hungalows facing Baker Street. Mr. Peterson stated that the four-plexes would have a stone front and would sell for around $40,D00.00. Mrs. Klingl - 7364 Ab1e Street, asked if the Council could not make him face the double bungalows to Able Street. Mr. Kohlan stated that his off-hand opinion is that the Council could not, but he would have to check further into this matter to be sure, Mr. Johanson stated that if Mr. Peterson faced his buildings on Baker Street, the people on Able Street would have to pay the entire sost of street surfacing. Mr. Johanson stated that the people were led to believe that there would be double bungalows in this area in the first place. The question was asked what the recourse of the people was. It was stated that the official decision would be made by the Council. The Mayor stated that if Mr. Peterson builds double bungalows and faces them to Baker Street, the people on Ab1e Street would have to pay for the curb and street themselves. Mr. Wolke asked if there were service connections to the east on the storm sewer and water line on Able Street. Mr. Knu*_son stated that there were, and that they had been put in at the request of the owner of the property. Mr. Wolke stated that he would think in this instance, a developer to the east would have to pay for them. Mr. Wolke stated that he thought it would be a good idea to present drawings of the proposed buildings to the people so they could see what the drawings would look like, Mr. Peterson stated that he would have some sketches drawn up and bring them in, and would also have a sketch drawn up on double bungalows. Mr. Wolke stated that he da.d not think that all of the buildings going into the area should be identical. A question from the audience was asked if the completion date of these buildings could not be established, Mr. Peterson stated that if he puts in the four-plexes, , he would try to do most of his construction off Baker Street to keep the traffic off A61e Street. He stated that he would put in Baker Street within the next two months. Mr. Johanson asked if the people would like to come back next week and have another meeting on this if the drawings of the four-plexes, and the double bungalows could Ue available at that time. Tt was decided that a meeting on this matter would be held at 7:OD P,M, next Monday, August 13, 1962. The Mayor declared the hearing closed LETTER FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 14 WITH REEERENCE TO STORM SEWER IN THE RIVERWOOD ELEMENTARY SGHOOL VICINITY: The City Manager stated that this work was already ordered by the Council and scheduled. Motion by Johanson to receive the letter and place it an fi1e. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unammously . The School District ob�ected to the storm sewer in their letter. LETTER FROM FINANCE DIRECTOR WITH REFEREN'CE TO CONSOLIDATING FUNDS - W-23 AND 1958 STREETS SINKING WITH THE REVOLVING FUND - RESOLUTION N0, 73-1962: Motion by Wolke to adopt the resolution authorizing the consolidation of Funds W-23 and 1958 Street with the Revolving Fund. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST BY ELSIE HANSCOM FOR A LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Motion by Nee to receive the letter and place it on file, and approve the leave of absence. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETTER FROM COMSTOCK AND DAVIS, INC, WITH REFERENCE TO THE WATER MAIN LOOP FOR SEWER AND WATER PROJECT N0. 55• The City Manager stated that Councilman Sheridan had recommended approval of this water main loop, and pointed out that it was in his ward. Mr. Knutson explained the nature of the water main loop and also the way it was originally scheduled to go in. Mr. Knutson stated that it would be a part of Pro,7ect No. 55, answering Mr. Johanson's question on the assessments. Motion by Sohanson to authorize Change � 1 �_ J � 2�� Order for Sewer and Water Pro�ect No. 55 to approve the water main 1oop. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOK WAIVER OF SECTION S.0 OF ORDINANCE N0. 213 BY MERVIN BARTH: This maCter had not been before the Building Board. Mr. Johanson stated that Council does not have information as to what type of buildings are surroundri.ng this property at 181 - 79th Way N.E „ and therefore, it would be hard to act on this at this time. Mr. BarCh was present, and explained the type of buildings in the surrounding area, and what he proposed to do in this instance. Motion by Wollce to grant this waiver sub�ect to the okay of the Building Bo�rd. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanamously. REQUEST BY MRS, RAICHI,E TO DEFER SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 20 AND 21, BLOCK 1, MARIAN HII,LS A➢DITION; The City Manager stated that this matter had been before the Council once before and the Council had denied the request. Mr. Johanson stated that Mr. Sheridan should be consulted about this matter, as it is in his ward, Mr. Cook and Mr. Raichle were present and explained the reason for the request. Mr. Cook explained that he is in the process of buying one of the houses, and that if he had to pay the assess- ments, his down payment would be too high. Mr. Wolke asked what the previous action of the Council was. He stated that the Council should have this information avaxlable so they would know the reason for the previous denial. There was considerable dis- cussion on whether or not the assessments should Ue deferred. The Mayor suggested that this be carried over to the meeting on August 13, 1962 at 7:00 P,M., and at that time more information could be available. LETTER FROM CARNEY AND CARNEZ' WITH REFERENCE TO TERRY'S CLUB: Mr. Kohlan stated that he had talked to the attorneys involved, and it was his recom- mendation that the party in charge of the premises is entitled to the license, Motion by Johanson to receive Che letter and place it on fi1e, Seconded by Nee. Lipon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR T.H. 1�100 AT HIGHWAY �665: The City Engineer presented the latest complete highway plans for the area (Set i�12), and polnted out what had been approved by the Council up to this date. The Couneil, Mr. Herr- inger, and Mr. Wargo who crere present relative to this matter, looked over the plans and there was considerable discussion on the proposed con.struction at this intersection. Mr. Wolke stated that the Council should go on record, the same as the City of Minneapolis had, in an attempt to hurry this Pro�ecC up, Nfotion by Wo1ke thaC the City Manager send a lettex ko the State Highway ➢egartment with teference to the pro7ect at the intexsectLOn of Highway ��100 and Highway ��65 in an aYtempt to speed this pro�ect up. Seconded Uy Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousiy. RESOLUTION DTO. 74-1962 SPLITTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - ZOTS 25, 26, AND 27, SLOCK 6, FLORENCE PARK: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carYied unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 75-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTTNG SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0, LOB: Motion Uy Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0. 76-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SFLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 8, 9, AND 10, BLOCK 5, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NQ. 77-1962 AUTHORTZING SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 8, AUDITOR'S SIIBDIVISION N0. 10&� Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolutlon. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITION ��35-1962 FOR PUTTING IN 72ND WAX EXTENDING FROM THE EAST AIVER ROAD TO RIVERVIEW TERRACE: Mr, Smith was present, and stated that he would like to request that the Council facilitate getting the assessments and opening up and maintaining 72nd Way N,P. Mr. Smith stated that there is only an 18 foot road easement now, althougYe it has been traveled for a ��� number oE years, and it is a very bad trail, and in bad shape. He stated that the school board, which owns the property on the south side of this present 1S foot road easement, had passed a resolution on March 14, 1961, in which they agreed to donate a portion of land for the road. The City Manager stated that the School had agreed not to go ahead until the other matters concerning the streets to the north were also worke� out, and the Planning Cov�isslon also wanted this whole area worked out at one time. The City Engineer asked if Mr. Smith wanted the City to open the road up. Mr. Smith stated no� but the people i� the area have agreed to putting in the necessary utilities. Mr. Smith also stated that he_would like to ask that necessary authorization be given to proceed with condemnation if necessaxy for this proposed street, Motion by Nee that the City start accepting easements along the alignment approved by the School Board, and as per the drawing, and also, the necessar,� condeumation proceedings be authorized for obtaining the right-of-way for 72n�1 Wag N.E, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vpte, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 27-1962 - WATER AND PETITION N0, 35-1962 - 7ZN➢ WAY N.E,: Motion by Johanson to receive these three petitions and place them on file. Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, khere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Motion by Johanson to approve General Claim$ 6807 through 6922. Seconded by Nee. Upor. a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to approve Liquor Claims 4412 through 4461. Seconded by Nee.- Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve Public IItilrty Claims 1959 through 2000. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice wte, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: The City Manager stated that with reference to the estimate of Dunkley Surfacing Company, there were some items that were referred to Comstock and Davis, Inc. for correction, and asked Mr. Knutson if they were being taken care of. Mr. Knutson, of Comstock and ➢avis, Inc., stated that they were being taken care of. Mr. Knutson stated that he also had an estimate for the E. H, Putnam Company in addition to the estimates which were presented. Motion by Johanson to approve the final estimate of the Pittsburgh- Des Moines Steel Company, providing the main�enance bond is in effect, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, tfiere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wo1ke to approve the final estimate of Dunkley Surfacing Comgany providing the one year maintenance bond is in effect and providing that the checks be held until all of the work is finished, and the work is accepted and released by Comstock and Davis, Inc., Consulting Engineers. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to approve the estimate of Sandstram and Hafner, I�c. £or S&SS�k48-A in the amount of $40,000.00. Seconded by Johanson, .Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATE OF E, H, PUTNAM COMPANY: Mr, Knutson explained that this is for Project W-34-H for the well house structure. He also explained that in the change order involved, there is a change in the plumbing as required by the City Plumbing Inspector. Mr. Knutson also suggested that $400.00 be withheld. The City Manager asked �.f there were not some liens which had been iiled against the E, H. Putnam Company. Mr. Knutson stated that there is one, Mr. Wolke suggested that the City could pay the estimate sub�ect � to all lien waivers bezng taken care of, and the okay of the Czty Attorney, City Manager, and the City Engineer being received. Mr, Kohlan stated that he wnuld not okay the final payment as long as there is something outstanding, Motion by Wolke to approve the Change Order i�l for Pro�ect W-34-H. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice wte, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � ' Motion by Wolke to receive the estimate of the E. H. Putnam Company, but not pay rt at this time. Seconded by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, LICENSES; Motion by Nee to approve the following licenses� ELECTRICAL Central Electric Company 995 Cen�tral Avenue N.E. Minneapo�is 13, Minnesota Gopher Electric Company 1410 Coon Rapids Blvd, �oon Rapids, Minnesota Michael W. Kane 2712 - 65th Avenue North � Minneapolis, Minnesota Kehne Electric Company 722 Raymond Avenue St, Paul 14, Minnesota GAS FITTING Berghorst Plumbing Co. 1410 Coon Rapids B1vd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota � � 0'Bannon Heating Company 5298 Fillmore St. N.E, Fridley 21, Minnesota Sassco, Inc. 475 - 8th Avenue N.W. New Brighton, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mark Z. Jones 5217 Hanson Court M�.nneapolis 22, Minnesota Lakeland Brick & Stone 147 Craig Way N.E. Fridley 32, Minnesota Metropolitan Garage Bldrs. 2D28 West Broadway Minneapolis, Minnesota Wayne D. Tuomie 1805 - 42nd Avenue N.E, Minneapolis 21, Minnesota HEATING Berghorst Plumbing Company 1410 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coan Rapids, Minnesota Sassco, Inc. 475 - 8th Avenue N,W. New Brighton, Minnesota MASONRY Bakke, Gordon, Cement Contr. 291 Northwestern Avenue St. Paul 13, Minnesota Clarkin & Vener, Inc, 2442 Stillwater Road St, Paul 19, Minnesota Lakeland Brick & Stone 147 Craig Way N.E, St,.Paul, Minnesota by: Wa1Cer Leavey by• Car1 H. Gause by• Michael Kane by: Donald F. Kehne by: Kenneth Berghorst by: Michael O�Bannon by: sohn P. Seasen by: Mark Z. Sones, II by: Kirylo Czichray by: Robert D. Welty bq: Wayne D. Tuomie by: Kenneth Berghorst by; John P. Jensen by: Manfred F. Bakke by: Terrence 0. Clarkin by: Kirylo Czichray Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal New Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal New Renewal New New Renewal ��� 23� John �ange, Concrete Contr. 4037 North Fairview New Brighton 12, Minnesota Lino Cement Company 789 Main Street Circle Pines, Minnesota Osco Cement Contracting Co. 3910 Central Avenue N,E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota 5 & M Construction Company Rt. �kl, Box 584E Excelsior, Minnesota C. L. Wilson 2633 - 35th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota FLASTERING Lovgren & Sons 5125 Ewing Avenue North P4inneapolis 22, Minnesota PLUMBING Berghorst Plumbing Company 1410 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota B1aylock Plumbing Company 7731 - 4th Avenue South Minneapolis 23, Minnesota OTHER LICENSES: VENDING TRUCK Lester H. Lucke 3800 Syler Street N.E, Minneapolis, Minnesota by: John Lange by: K. E. Rehbein by: James W. Ober� by: LeRoy Miller by; C. L. Wilson Renewal New Renewal Renewal Renewal by; George Lovgren New by: Kenneth BerghorstNew by: Earl Blaylock New dba; Lucke's Enterprises 3800 Tyler St. N.E, Minneapolis, Minnesota Ice Milk Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0, 78-1962 MAKING TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FUNDS FROM EUBLIC IITILITY EiTND TO IMPROVEMENT BOND OF 1960 FUND: Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 79-1962 MAKING TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FIINDS FROM PUBLIC UTILITY FUND TO IMPROVRMENT BOND OF 1961 FUND: Motion by Wo1ke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO, 80-1962 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE LEVIED AGAINST CERTAIN PROPERTIES EOR COLLECTION WITH THE 1962 TARES: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AESOLUTION N0. 81-1962 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE LEVIED AGAINST CERTAIN PAOPERTIES FOR COLLECTION WITH THE 1962 TAXES: Motion by Johanson to adopt the ahove xesolution. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1963 BUDGET: The City Manager explained that there was more work to be done on the budget. There was no action taken on this at this time. RESOLUTION N0, 82-1962 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - 1962-2 STREETS: , r r �� � -' r� e� �7 Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager stated that some of the subdividers stated that they might be in- terested in concrete curb and gutter if the Council would allow three to five year assessment spread on the concrete curb and gutter. There was further discussion on this, as to whether or not it would be a good idea to a11ow the developers to spread Che assessment over a three to five year period� if they agreed to a concrete curb and gutter. Motion by ,Tohanson to spxead the assessment over a flve year period for street surfacing with concrete curb and gutter in new subdivisions, but not to relieve the subdivider of the responsibility to pay the assessments in full at the time the title is transferred to the 1oC, and asphalt curb to remain on a one year assessment, Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried_unanimously. CHANGE ORDER FOR LOWERING RIVER EDGE WAY WATER MAIN - ADDENDUM TO SWi�58; Mr. Knutson explained the nature of the change order, the amount of pipe involved, and the approximate cost. The total cost would be approximately $4,605.00 for the whole �ob, and it would be added to Pro7ect i�55. Mr. Wolke asked if this could be added to the eontiact inasmuch as Pro�ect �'�55 main work is in another area. The City Manager asked if bids could let �ust on this �ob. Mr. Kohlan suggested that an addendum be issued and asses onto Project �{�58. Motion by Wolke to add the work for loweriug the water main on River Edge W�y onYo Project r'k58 as an addendum, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously. BACKWASH DRAIN LINE - FILTRATION PLANT - RESOLUTION N0, 83-1962: Comstock and Davis, Inc, had written the City a letter explaining the problem involved. Mr. Knutson explained that plans for storm sewer Pro�ect No. 55 call for some storm sewer work in the area, Uut not all of the line that woald be required for this back- wash. MY. Knutson stated that the water could be routed to a sanitary sewer aC T,He r'k47 if a drainline were built from the filtration plant to 61st to University (T.H. 4�47). There was discussion as to how Chis pro�ect could be financed, and what it would be charged to. Tihe consensus of the Council was that it should be paid for under Pro�ect ��W-34 at this time, but when Storm Sewer Pro�ect #5 was put in, the cost should then be included as a part of the cost of the Storm Sewer Pro�ect �k5, and assessed Co the storm sewer district, At least that part of the line could be utilized as a part of the overall sewer system. Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution ordering plans and specifications for the filtration plant backwash line. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice voCe, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SURFACING AND RESOLUTION N0. 84-1 J — � The City Manager read a letter from Comstock and Davis, Inc, which explained the problem, and the alternates for the different types of street which could be put in. Mr. Wolke asked if it was not the ob�ective of the Gity to upgrade the streets to the specifications whenever they had to be replaced. There was further discussion on this matter. Mr. Johanson suggested that the street be put back in the same con- dition it was before the water and sewer was put in. Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution ordering prelzminary plans and specifications for 1962-3 streets. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0. 85-1962 SETTING THE PI7BLIC HEARING ON 1962-3 STREETS: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there hei�g no nays, the motion carried unanimously, UTILITIES - SEAR5 AND E& M DEVELOPMENT COMPAIVY PROPERTIES WEST OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE; Les Knutson explained the letter which he had written to the City Council on the � sub�ect. He suggested that the report on this area be brought up to date. Motion by W_olke to instruct the Consulting Engineers to bring Che report on the utilities in this axea up to date. 6econded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion car,ried unanimously. LETTER FROM COMSTOCK AND DAVIS, INC, WITH REFERENCE TO THE STORM SEWER DRAINAGE PROBLEM - SPRING LAKE PARK AND FRIDLEY: Mr. Knutson explained the letter which had been written to the City Council with reference to the storm sewer drainage in the vicinity of University Avenue and Osborne Road� that concerned both Spring Lake Park and the City of Fridley, Motion by Wolke to authorize the Consulting Engineers to work with the Spring Lake Park Consulting-Engineers in studying the �oint sewer problems. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, STORM WATER DRAINAGE - 63RD AVENUE EAST OF TRUNK IIIGHWAY �k47: ��o Mr. Knutson explained the letter whzch he had written to the City Council on' this sub�ect, and also outlined on the map the proposed Youting of the storm sewer, and the two different ways that it could be put in. Mr. Wolke asked what the cost of going two different directions would be, There was further discussion on the cost of the storm sewer and what would be the most feasible; to run the storm water north, or to the south. The City Manager suggested that a drainage district and cost estimate 6e obtained, RECREATIDN COMMISSION MIN[7TE5 - JUNE 21, 1962 AND JULY 19, 1962; Motion by ,Tohanson to receive these minutes and place them on fi1e, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried_unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 86-1962 RELATING TO THE MAKING OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN SEWER AND WATER MAINS, LATERALS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS: The City C1erk read the above resolution, Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee, IIpon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, the_motion carried unanimously, RESOLi1TI0N N0� 87-1962 DIRECTING PREPARATION OP ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR IMPROVEMENT: Motion by Wo1ke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0, 88-1962 DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL - WATER AND SEWER LATERALS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS: - Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 59-1962 DIRECTING PREPARATION OP ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR IMPROVEMENT - SEWER MAIN - RICE CREEK PLAZA NORTH ADDITION: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolutian. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO, 90-1962 DIRECTING PUBLTCATION OF HEARING ON PRDPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SEWER MAINS - REGULAR SPECIAL ASSESSMENS FUND - RICE GREEK PLAZA NORTH ADDITION: The City Clerk explained the area in which this assessment would go and the background of.the assessments in thi,s vicinity, Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution setting the hearing for the 27th of August, 1962, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLIITION N0. 91-1962 RECEIVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING CALL FOR SIDS - STORM SEWER PRO.TECT N0. 53: Mr. Knutson explained the nature of the construction. Motion by ,7ohanson to adopt the resolution receiving plans and specifications for Project No. 53 — Storm Sewer, Seconded by Nee, Opon a volce votes there being no nays, the motion carried unanxmousiy, HESOLUTION N0. 92-1962 RECEIVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING CALL FOR BIDS - PR0.7ECT W-34-K: Motion by Wo1ke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by ,Tohanson. Upon a- voice vote, there 6eing no nays, the motion carried il�nimously. PROPOSED CHANGE IN CHARTER - RE: PRIMARY ELECTIONS: Mr. Wolke suggested that it be recommended to the Charter Commission that the-date for filing for City Election be changed, so that it would not be necessary to hold two primary elections, one for City offices, and one for the other offices. The City Manager suggested that this be referred to the Charter Coummission, COST OF WATER AND SEWEA TO BATH HOUSE ON MOORE Mr. Knutson reported that it would cost approximately $700,OD for water, and $3�500,00 for sewer to serve the bath house at Moore Lake, ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Greig declared the meeting adjourned, �� spectfully su itted; �`� �s Ma Co BrunCs 1 M 6R — T: E. Gre g Secretary to the Council � � '