08/20/1962 - 00023563`Z��
road on the west side of Highway �{65. Mr. Peterson stated,that he wi11 put in
this service road. NTr, ,Tohanson stated that the crossovers should remain in place
until the service roads are built and put into operation. The crossover on 73�
Avenue could be discontinued when 73rd Avenue goes through. The Mayor suggested
that the City Manager contact the Highway Department and inform them that it was
the City's understanding that none of these crossovers were to be deleted until
sernice was provided ro all property owners, and until a traffic count was taken.
The question was asked why existing crossovers were being taken out, merely to
push them up a block. Mr, Nee explained that the present crossovers were not in
the proper place for the total development of the area, He also stated that_all -
of the property owners would be provided access when the proper service roads were
built, and he stated that he felt the solution of the problem was fox�everyone to
get together so that this service road could be built. Mr. Ray Carlson stated that
the lumber company had to pay for a servxce road in the front of their progerty,
but the trailer park had not put one in front of their property. Mr, Nee stated
that the agreemAnt with the Highway Department was to 1ea�ze in the present cross-
ings until a serious hazard develops. Mr. Wolke suggested that a letter be written
to the Highway Department, Mr, Johanson stated that the City Manager should-also
telephone the Highway Department and inform them of the fact that a letEer is being
sent, Motion by Johanson to instruct the City Manager to wrr3te a letter to the
Highway Department informing them that the City Gouncil_,s position is that none
of the crossovers should be taken out until a11 of the property owners provided
with service �to-crossovers and the proper service roads are obtained and put in,
and 73rd Avenue is put in, and the City Manager is also to telephone the Highway
Department informing them of this, Secpnded by Nee. Upon a voice-vote, there
being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted;
� ,�
Marvin c.�s nsell
Secretary to the Council
��,�,�•� --
�� �
MAYO - T. E. Greig
A regtilar meeting o£ the City Council was called to order b� Acting Mayor Nee
at 8;D0 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absents
Johanson� Nee� Sheridany Wolke
Maslor Greig
Motican by Johanson to approve the minutes of the August 6� 1962 meeting. Seconded
b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays' the motion earried unanimously.
Mr, Sheridan stated that there should be an addition made to the Au„pus� 13� 1962
minutes to the e£fedt that Mr, Sheridan le£t the Council meeting to attend a
Committee me�ting in another room. Motion b,y Sheridan to anprove the minutes as
corr�eted, Seconded by Johansono Upar: a voice vote� there being �o nays� the
motiun carz•ied unanimou�ly.
The Ciby Manager stated tnat the'bids had been opened in the �resence of I,es
Knutson� Comstock and Davise Inc., Calvin Brown� Cib,y Engineer� Ben Wollce�
Councilman� and Darrel Clark oi the Engineering DeparCment 0££3ce, The following
bi.ds wex•e recaiveds LUMP SUI�S BID COMPLETION TIlKE
Barbarossa Uc Sons� Inc.
tt02 - 33rd Aveaue Nvrth
�to Cloud Minnesota
5% Bond - St. Paul Fire
& Marine
120 120
$�69,990450 �So,75o.0o Days nays
�sfei & Sons
1156 Homer Street
St. Pa�il� Minnesota
5� Seaboard Surety
Herbst Construction Co.
1550 Highway No. 10
M�nneapolis 21� Minn.
5� Bond Maryland Casualty
Randall Brothers
31�00 Silver I,ake Road
� Minneapolis, Miru�sota
5� Bond St. Pau7. Fire
& Marine
Sandstrom & Hafner
205�t St. Anthony B1vd.
Minneapolis 18� Minn.
5� Bond Travelers ind.
Pater Lametti Const. Co,
51� Drake Street
S�. Paul 2� Minnesota
5� Bond Seaboard Surety
#9 K, �}33.��
330 250
Da,ys Days
3�5 365
Days Days
---- 1/1/63
90 90
Days Days
Spec. �pec.
`� �� �
Mr. Wolke asked iS thia bid letting includad the exact same amotmt of work as had
previously been advertised for. Mr. Knutson stated nc� that there were two items
added -(1) Lowering of the water lines on Riner Edge Way� and (2) Insta.11ation of
Sanitary Sewer and Water Services on Ta�lar Street in Marian Hills Sacond Addition,.
The City Manager stated that fikie originaZ estimate was �56�200.00 inc3uding Lhe l��
overhead. Mr. Knutson stated that approximately $8a332.00 of thP bid of the bid of
the low bidder was for the items which had been added, The Cit,y i��ger stated
that a new hearing will be neesssary because the bids are more than 20� over the
original estimate. Mr. Knutson stated that the owners of Marian Hi11s Second Add3.tion
requested that the servi.ces be bid under this job� and he suggested that the owners of
the Marian Hills Second Addita on be contacted and notified that the bid price was
�1�.30 per foot� and ask them if they still wanL- to proceed, The question was asked
why the rate was so high. Mr. Knutson stated tha� there were move in charges and
possibly other reasons. Mr, BroFtn suggestzd that t,hE Cit,� get the authorization from
the Marian Hills Second Addition owners in writing before t$e Cit�r proceeds with tHis
part of tha project. Mr. Sheridan stated that this should be done. Motion b,y Wolke
to receive the bids for Praject No. 58 and table th=m until the Cossnail can talk to
the City Attorney concerning this. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there
baing no nays� the motion carxied unanimously.
Motion by Wolke to receive the letter and place it on filP� and to ask the City
Manager to send a letter to Midland Coop thanking them far• the use oF this property.
Seconded b,y Johansan. IIpon a voice vote� there beir� no nays� the motion carried
FOR 2F� 7 A52
Mr, Sheridan stated that he was concerned with the multiple dwe113ng listed at
5620 - 6th Street. Mr. Sheridan also stated that it had been brought to his attention
that there were as man� as 12 people in half of a donble bungaloaa and this problem should
be recognized if there are any changes to be made in the multiple dwellir� ordinance.
Mr. Johanson po3nted out that there is a home at the end of Ashton Avenue that is not fit
�£oT human habitation. Mr. Kohlan suggested that the Bui.lding Inspeetor be noti£ied,
Motion b,y Sheridan to receive the letter from the Board of Health and vlace it on filv�.
Seconded by Wolke. Upon a vozce note� there being nu naysr the motion carried unanimousl,y.
Mr. Les Knutson e�lained the background of this matter, and stai.ed that this was not
the final estimatea and that there is sti21 more xark �o be done on Gardena Avenue
for which an additional estimate will be presented. Moti�n b,y Johanson to release
�12�000.00 0£ the �16�Ope00 of the estimate for Orfei & Sons, Inc. Seconded b,y Wo1ke.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl_y.
There was discus�zon on this lot� and the fact that there is a utilit� easement
on the side oi the lot� Motion b,y Johanson to receive the letter and place it on file.
Seconded b� Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays' the mota.on carried
Pete �'etro representing the owner of the Broaster Restaurant was present. The
owner of the Broaster was also present� as well as Gordon Graham irho ovns the
property on which the restauranW wc3uld be situated. Mr. Petro �tated that the '
restaurani� seats 1'ifty people� and the,y would like to moce it to about 22� feet
north of the Spur Gas Station on University Avenue. He stated that the area
would be landscaped and-blacktopped. Mr. Wolke asked if it wvuld be a self-
service type of operationa Mr: Petro stated the peonle would have to go inside
to get the meal. There is approaomately 29000 square�feet in the building' and
abont 33�000 square feet of land area involved, The City Manager stated that"this
wotild requi.re a special use permit in the R-3 zone' and suggested the Gouncil let
the S'�ate Highway Department take a look a� the proposed plans to see what
thezr reaction would be. Mr. Petro stated that there would be no carhops
or outside car service. Mr. Nse stated that this intersection is not
definitely tied down as i'ar as the exact location of the roads and
service roads, etc. Mr. Sheridan stated that if a special use permit
is required, �t should go Lo the Building Board or Board o£ Appeals.
Nr. Wolke stated that it could go to the Board of Appeals, but he
was cor,cerned with the traffic problem which would be presented in
this area. He stated that this would lae a hazardcus cperation.
Mr. Petro stated that the building should be worth $100,000.00 when
it-is completed, and that they would cooperate with all of the people
in the area. The cwner of the Droaster stated that he had operated
on P�roadway and Lowry slnce 1949, and had never had an accident.
Mr. Wolke stated that if the records of the Police Department were
looked into, it would show that there is a terrific traffic problem
in the vicinity of 53rd and Universitg, and also along 51st and University
near Johnn�'s Market. Mr. Graham stated that he would like to put
something in as he is paying taxes on this property. Mr. Petro stated '
that it is open zoning now. Mr. Kohlan stated that it was not exactly
open zoning. Nlr. Johanson asked if there would be signals on 53rd
Avenue. The City ManagEr stated that the City has nothing in writing
to this eFfect. The Highwa� Department stated orally that there
probably would be signals �n the future, but this could be changed.
The City Manager suggested that the Council would probably want to
study this matter further before taking any actior. on it. P�fr. Petro
asked how long this would require: Mr. Johanson asked that the City
Manager �et tHe reactior. of the Highway Department to this operation
�.n this area. The Gity Manager state�' that the matter could be brought
up again on the 27th of August at the special meeting. Mr. Petro
asked if it would require a special use permit if the operatlon were
put on the Hoots property near $5th and University Avenue. i�fotion
by Johanson that the City D4anager contact the State Aighway Department
on this matter and g�t their reactior_ to this operation at this
proposed locatior.. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there
being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan to receive the letter and place it on file.
Seconded by Vdolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no r.ays, the
motion carried unarimously. , �
The Crty Engineer po�nted out that petition #41 of E& M Development
Company for Meadotinnoor Addition states that it would be bituminous
curb, and also the petition �42 for 76th Avenue from Central to Arthur
Street would be bittaninous curb, as opposed to the concrete curb and
gutter in the other petit9cns for new plats. Motion by Johanson to
receive the petitions and place them on file. Seconded by Sheridan.
Upen a vnice vote, there baing no nays, the motion car.ried unanimously.
Mr. Sheldon Mortenson and Mr, �oy Peterson were prPsent ta disct�ss
these crossovers. Mr. Nee g��ted that in an �ffort �o move this
matter along, he had called A�r. NIcCubrey at the Minnesota �lighway
Department with reference to adding the two new crossovers« Mr. �ee
stated that Mr, P�IcCubrey said that '�e l•rould discuss it with th= other peoplc in
the Highway Department to see if this could be m�ved along � D4r„ Peterson stated
that he had gotten 930 feet from Shimek £or the service road� and th�L he had
contacted the ftarstad Company about getting the service road� but Harstad had
not si�ned the necessar,y- easament. h�a, Peters on stat<�r) thal re had dona ted a
service road along his property on the other s ide of Highwa,y �65. Mr. Pdee s tated
that this service road has to be gotten at some point a]onu the lin�, There i.�as
discussion as to whether thc service road should be condemned} or '�ow it tiroti]d be
acquired. There was discussion as to tirnether the City vlana�er should be autl�orized
to negatiate or condemn the Har,tad property and i,l,e I�^innesota Transfer property
for a service road} so surfacing could be siarted� h"s. Nee asked the City Fhgin=er
tit*�at th� specifications for t,his street would be. The City Engineer stated thst
the standard state specifications £or � nine ton load l:mit could he used, P�r.
S�eridan st tel tlat this service road is £or tn� purpose of assie�ing the development
of the narticular area, an� it is a problem o£ the dev?]oncr u�ithin that area,
He had vote-; against the origir.a] resolu�ion £or this re�son, ana alsoa the City
di�i not contact Harstad on the original discussion an this matter, and he though�
h'�r. Harstad should have been centacted be_"are the City ro�ent aheac� wiil-, the project.
1�+r. Nee stated that he agreed that the cost of the service of abtaining the righc-
of-�iay shauld be � cost of the s treet project in this area. Mr, Kchlan stated
that if the City uses the �rocess o£ condemnatior, it i.al] be necessa?-y to establish
that 1t 9s in the public interest, and it then could b� assessed a�ainsr, the properiy_
N'x. Z'olke sug�tested that the Cicy hlanager talk to Ihr. Harstad and see if he �ould
g ive the 1and, A!c�. Sheridar. stated that he ur,derstood i,hat the crossover near the
Minnesota Transf'er Rail*�ay tracks is sti71 owned by the P4innesota TransPer Rail�,�y.
?ir. Kohlan suf�gesfied that the Cour�cil determine t1=at the°P is a neP� for a highway
crossover� and if exis ting crossovers are to be eliminated, and ne�,� crossovers
substituted, and it is in the public interest that the,y do exisi�. I�r, Knut�on
stated that the legal staff of the lan�i owners w?�o l�ave rot Gignec the agreemen�
do r_ot agree t'�at there is a need £or this crosso��er. N,r. Ko}ilan drew up a resolution
with referen�e to t?�is crossovEr and read the resolution to the Council, Motion bp
ldolke to adopt t��e resolution. Secanded b�� Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there
being no na;t*s� the motion carried unaniu�ously,
Motion by ''o7ke to approve General Claims 6923 through 703�. Secanded btr Johanson.
Upan a voice vote, there being no naps� the motion carried unar.imousl,y.
Noti�n by Johanson to approve Liquar Claims 4�i62 throu�h 4527. Seconded by S��eridan,
Uprn a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unaninously.
hio+ion bt, Sheridan to approve Yublic Utilitzes Claims 2001 t�rougk� 203L„ Seaoncled
bp Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no na�rs� thc motion carried unanimow lzr,
rSTIP',1i �S.
The C9_ty N!anager stated thaj. these estimates were all partial estimates, Motion
b,y 6`olke to approve the following estimates:
Constock and Davis� Inc.
ConsulLinP �ngineers
1/�L,6 County Road "J"
hlinneapolis 2]_� Minneaota
Far I'ngineering Serviees .............e....
� Project �}34-J - Psl,imate �3
Project #SL�48-A - Fstimate #/13
Project {/Si+?-5:' - fstimate ;fl
Project #SbI-4&-B - �'stimate ;�`ll
Project #%�d_34-F - �stimate #�10
Project ,'¢5t. 1g6i-1 - Hstirsk-�te ;;�9
Projec� I}b�-3/�-G - ��,stimate f�10
Barharossa and Sons, Inc.
402 33rd Avenue Ivorth
St, Cloud� Minnesota
'� 421 • 50
22"I � 75
y{l, �13, 25
Pra�ect �{Sb'-55 - Estirnate r�l �,%73.2C
Perry A. Swenson Company
L,32 rndicott-on-Fourth
St. Pau] 1, Minnesota
l�oject if��-3L,-T (Sch. 1) - Estima te i�Q `I'i�19��6Q�53
Secondec� by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote5 there being no nays� the motion carried
L ICT'NS L�5 :
Motion by Johanson to approve the followzng lieer,ses:
G1obe �7ectric Compa�y
5720 Excelsior B1vd.
3sinneapolis� 16, N!innes ota
Georgp Indykie�aicz
19�6 Hlghtiray �i 96
New Brighton� Minnesota
Bloomdahl & Heilt�sr
2611 D�onroe St. N.�.
Pfiinneapolis� Minnesota
Clemron� Inc.
2500 - 7_2ncl Avenue N.i'.
Minnea�olis, �4inncsota
Muel]er Bros. Consi„ Co.
2190 Caunty Road h-2
D4inna2polis ?l� hIinnesota
Nordco, Inc,
2L�27 6iest Broadu*4y
Minneapolis 1], N?inneso�a
Richard Construction Co.
80 G�est, Rc,ad
Circle Pines, Minnesota
0'Bannen Neating Company
5?9g Fil]mr�re Street N,r.
Minneapolis� M_innesotia
Carl R. Hanson
380� Buchanan StrEeL N.�=�.
hlinneapolis 27 � P4innesota
�ennis ravre
673 - 81st t?venue N.r.
N;inneapo]iu� DRinnFSOta
by: Arvo Koponen
by: George Indykiewicz
byt A�arvin Heilmer
by: Ronald C. Jahnson
by: David ^. Mueller
by: Eugene MAlis
by; Richard Fetersan
by: Mike 0'Bannon
by: Carl R. Hanson
dba: Favre�s Snur
$255 �-st River Road
Minneapolis, Minn.
Seconded by Sheridana Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried
i �
The City Council looke� over the list o^ judges
anc� Pirs. 1�'arcucci to work in �'ard 1 Pre�inct �2.
above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. lipon a
the motion carried unanimousl,y.
and added the nam� of I�Irs. Hartman
NIo Lien by "olke t,o adop t the
voice vete, there being no nays$
4SSr,S5 i�.PdT ROLL FOR S�,�JLR PND STOR'�I SL1,rI+;g �;qpJECT NC, 2G:
The City Ma nager explained what had taken ulace in the past on this project.
The assessment ro7.1 had been approved for the Sanii,ury Sewer in tLe fall vf 1g61,
but the Storr! Sewer had not been approvec, Th�re hal been several meei.ings held
to discuss the manner in which the storm se�;er would be Y pread, and i,he present
recomseendation was the result of these meetings. There tras a discussion on the
thr�e methods of s preading the cost of 7_4-A. (1) Spreacling the totul cos 1, of the
project on an area basis not taking into consideration the pox•tion ox the ]ine
put in Melody banor� (2) Add the cost of the line in hlelody Nar.or to t' e total
cost and s pread this on ar. area basisy, or (3) Spread the co�{� of the line on
73rd ?venue on an area basis and the linas on the Sha�fPr's Additiona 1,Le Osborne
T�anor A�3dition� and the NlelodY Manor I�ddition L�e spread separ�tcly as �aterals.
There was considerar•le discussion on these thr-,e alternatives. Ivlr. SLeridan
stat�d that the City ehould set out as policy w1�at is main, and TM1rhat is collectora
and what is lateral. hlr. 1?olke suggest�d that Gomstock an� Davis� lnc. and the
Cit,y rngineer recorrm_end what is a lateral and what is a m�in. Notion h,y Sheridan
to direct the Consulting Engineersa Comstock an6 Davis} Inc. and the City L+ngineer
to give the Couneil a recommenrlation for purpos es of �staLlisring a polic,y on u�hat
is the definition or a sewer main. Seconded by blolke. Up�n a voice vote} tnere
bein� no na�rs� trz motion carried unanimousl,y.
Notion h,✓ Sahanson to authorize the City Clerk i.o preparF 1,he assessment rcll
as discussed, spreading the total cost of Project 2l,-A on an area basis, and
spreading the cost of Project 2Q-B separately. Seconded b- ti�'olke. IIpon a
voice vote, th=�re being no na,ys, the moticn carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheri3an to adopt the ak,ove resolui,ion. SeconGed by Johanson. Upon
a voice vote� th�re being no nays� the motion carriec3 unanimously.
The City rngineer explained that since some of these stree{,s had been pu'led out
of the biiuminous curb categorv and put in the roncrete cus�� category, i,hat tne
price of the assess�rent eor t�ie bitumineus and the conc*ete cezrb might change, ana
the £igures vsed in the preliminary assessment roll were ave�°ages o° a11_ ti]�e
streets� and each individual street did not r.eces�arily come up to this average,
r✓otion b,y J�hanson to a�3opt the ab��ve resoluticn. �econded by l�rolke. Upon a
voice vote, there being no navs� the irotian carried un�nixnou�]y,
Mr. Kol�]an state:� that Sheldon Mortenson has a private euit on this matter.
Mr. Nr�gel asked i£ the City does not have a fence ordin�nce that would control
the "ence ±l�at 2ir, Haluptzak is nutting up. Mr, Koh7an stated that the junkyard
rer,uires a special use permit. Mx. hoh]ar_ st-ited that the complaint had been
signed aga ins+ As. Haluptzak and brought into court, but the area described in
the complaint was the taron� aree�. He stated tr�t r1r, Haluptzak did no± den�r that
the,y are operating a junkyard} but have been doin� so s�nce 1g49, and t�-erefore�
it u�as not a nev use of the property, bir. Koh_i_an sta��d that he had now been
informed that they a�•e putting up a Fence, and there may be something new to proceed
o�, and he would recommend that the Council move for an injunetion. ivr. Juhanson
mov�d that the City Attorney be directed to get an injunct5ou igainst the operation
of the junkyard of Nr. Raluptzak. Dir. Sheridan s tai,ed �hat someone in the area
had approached him� and ha�a asked hoor i,hey cculd help eliminate the �ituationa and
how this matter could he cJeared up. P+ir. Ko?�lan s ugaested t'°ati the peonle _n the
area get a petitian against this particular thing, anrl if they lrould do tLis� it
ti�ould re]p in clearing un the natter. Mr, Sohansen laithdreia his motion.
The City r'ana�er osked the Council if the Council t.�auld wish hzm to l�roceed un_th
the purchase oF the J_5.2 acres from the IInited 5and a nd Poiaer Company for f�16a000.00
on Highwa,y J,.65, P�, ��agel as'_�ced if the land eouicl ue re-so1d, r'r, Kohlar
stated that it cou]d be unlese they put a rPStrictinn on the deed. NLr, Sheridan
stater that it loolcs as iP aJditional bonds will need to b� sold before the
purchase of the Iocke Property could be completed� and he suggested that the
Cit,y cou]d hoid up on this mat{Pr unt,il the I�ocke Property is purchased. fIe
stated tl�at if t,he City conld 'nold off for another 30 days� b� that time there
shoixld he a c7efit�ite proposal £or the Council's consideration on the Locke
Propert,y. Motiion by Sheridan i.o taUle the purchase of the park propert,y fY�om
United Land and Pot.�er Company tem;�orarily� and the matter is te be '�rought
up a{;ain in tl�e SPp�,er��bFr 17� 1�b2 t�eetirg. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a
voice vote, t,Lere being no na,ys, the *�otion earried unanimously.
The Citv Nlana?er asked Nir, Knutson oi Comstock and Davis, Inc.� Consultinp L+hgineers,
if t'�ere eould be any us� for this land £or utilities in i,'e flature. Nr,
Knut�on stated t-at there wonld be a need ior a small structure near tli� present
reservoiri Uut t�zere is &0 feet left o£ the �and o�ned b,y the Cityy and thls
t�rould be su°?'icient For the proposecl structure� as it urould be only a small
structure Por a pressure station. The Citv Manager s uggested that this be
resubmitied 7�ack to the Streets and Utilities Sub-committee £or stu�y to see
if somel.hing could be worked out so that the property could be made use o£.
h�otion by Sohanson to concur in the recommendation o£ the Consulting '�rg�_neer
an' send thi,s r�atter hack to i,h� Streets and IItilities Sub-committee. Seconded
b�� 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, there k�eing no nays� the motion carried
itinan� mousltj.
Motion b;� Shex•ilan that the next regular meeting of the Council be set Por
September !,5 lg6z. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote� there being no
natTS j the mo t,ion carriecl unanimouslv.
P"r, Nee �tated that school will be starting soon� and the tra££ic should be
cortrolle�� on L-he �ast �iver �oad� and sugrested that the Folice Department
s nould starT, putting out the radar equipment.
Mr. ,5ncridan asked aUout the lift station at Pillmore. The Cit,y Manager
stated th�i, ,omething wil] be coming up on this at the .lugust, 27, 1962
special meettng.
There t-ras discussion on the change order for the watPr line running fi�om
the lat in the Beverl,y Hills Addition down to the Marian I3ills Second Addition.
i�iro Sheridan stated that the property owners stated tt_at there is no easetnent
f�r the sanitar,y seuer line nut in� and propal�ly it kould ba better if a turn-
around u�ere put in in thi, area� and aslred iP the Cour.cil c�ould go along with
t�,is chang2, and they would be able to get use of more ]ots.
tr. Les Tinutson stated that i,he Conncil had directed that certain ]ines be
flushed and this had been accomplished� and the iaells have been £lushed and the
tanlcs have been chlorinat�d an�' are ready to goy k;ut there is an electr�cal
line that �aill ha�re to be put in be£ore the operation cril] be auto�atic,
al�d imtil this is done, the Citj� empl�pees would have to be stationed at the
wellhouse� or check at the well!�ouse periodically to *,ake sure that the pressttre
was at the prot�er level, The City 1��'anager rer.ominended that the Council not
start the opPrat�on of t�e �.�ater systert until ii, ti�as flxlly automatic� anr3
asked if tha Council conld wait until September L, 1962, tiefore making a
decision on this or to go ahea� on it. A?r. 5heridan ststed that he would
just as soori put in a temporary electrical ]ine so that this cou1�3 be used
and the automatic sfstem used. A'.otion b�r SY;eridan to authorize a change order
Por temporarp ov�rl°ea� elec�.rical line i,o the automatic control s,ystem for the
�.re17s} so that ihe,y can be put into automatic operation. Seconded by tvolke.
Upon a voice vote, there beint no nays, the motion carried unanimotzs7_,y,
P4r, Les Pornell� �or Cosstncic and T�avisy Inc.� presentea s]cetches o£ the ��roposed
. J
building to 6� bui7i in the vicinit•,� o�' 1,�e11 ,�'1 to '�ouse a fil+ration T1ant
f'or Tde17 ;%1. NLr. Knutson expla9 ned the details oS t he �lanta and l�r. Fornell
explained {he ��etails r,f the constrizction or" the huilding. He si.ated t1�at
the b1t_ldin� �aould cost, Prom �30�000.00 to �3�}OOd.00. P�ir. Knutson stated
th�t the "iltrat�en and ch�orin�tion enuipment urou�� cost about ti;22,00D.00.
Nr. Sheridan sugr�ested thut a site plan he shown with adjacenl, bulldzngs,
�`otion bv Johanson te auther9ze t'�e Ccnsultir.g Engineer to procerci triih the
plans and specifications. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice votP, tLere
being no nat*s� the motion carried unanimously.
T�ere being no flirther business� A'fa,yor Pro-ten Nee �ec�arer7 the meeting
ad j o�.rned .
�espect"u77=,r submittecl:
I'��ar� . I���C�O "" _
Secretarv to the Council
SPf'('ZAL GOiJA1CI1 ?1LliTTNG - P_UGUSi ?7� 1962
/ ���
MAYO - T, E, Greig
A special Cotancil meeting o£ the City Gouncil was called {o orc�er b,y Tla•JOr Gre1g
at �i:00 P.hT,
?lembers present: Johanson� Greig� Nee� ��olke (arriv�d at C3:45 P.N..)
Membc�r abs�nt: Sheridan
l�,r, Yinne, who uas representing the hospital board, was present, and stated that
it has baen five ,years siroe the worlc had st�rted on Forming the Fospita] 13oard,
and ther� had bcen a quPStion during t'nis time as to w��et1��>r or not a building �•,ould
be bu`_lt. Pbout three mont'�s ago� the P�oard stari,ed ne�oiiations with a large
metropolitan hospital� ano it appezrs now that i,he5r will be able to build a
hospttal, but the,y must picl a site, antl they must I�a��e se�•rer service at thi,s
s-te. A'r, Kinne auked if i_t was possible to put in a large line f_'rom the
original hospital site in Spring Lak� Park to the Fridle,y sewer system. He
stated that the,y co�ld mov� into FY�idle,y� hut the prire of land u�as quite a
bit higher in T�idle�r than it c;as in Spring Lake Vark. Nr, Glen Joh2nson stai=d
that althou�h there is probat�7v a differenre in tl�e �rice of the l�nd� Pridle�r
would h�ve to charge the hospital something for the use of'� or the�_r share o�x
i,he setirer s,yste;n� and when al] of the cosi,s �,�ere comPutec�� the cost oF the land
in Snrin� lake Park might he just as high as that in T'idle�r? as thejr 4rnuld be
havine a�?3itiona7 assessments in Spring iake Parl in the iuture too. Councilman
Johanson stated t'�at he wotxld be reluctant to cross i,h� l�oiindarY witL the sewer
system� buT, that H'rid]ev eovld nn+, den,y service to soroeone G�ithin the Cit�r, h'r.
n'ee stated thai, he felt that the contract with Ninn�;apolis would prohibit lei,tin�
some other com�:unity cor.nect to the Prid] ey sys Lem� unl ess 1.he contract 4rere rz-
negotiated. P�ir, Itinne state� that several years ��o� he had gotten a lett�r (`rom
the Cit,y oF Aiinn�apo7is in uihich thev st�ted that ch��r dirl not object i� i.he hos;�ii.al
i.ere connect�d. PIr� I��ee as�eB tirhat the line would cost to run from the -�roposed
hesp� tal site in Spring Lake Park to t�e -�id1e,� sZ>stem, i✓1r, Kinne stat�d r,hat he
had �otten an �;,timate of approximately ;�50�000.00 two years ago� Betty ','a11�
Secret,ary for the Drorth Suburt-an Hospitai Boar�� 3sked if i�linneapolis and Columbia
Heights uould p�rmit Frid�ey to 7et the hospital connect} ��oul� Frilley then
consider said connert�n�. Mr, Rohlan stat�d that he �'elt that the City of Fri_dley
could extend the sewer�service outside the CitJ limits nroviding I�finncapolis
aprees. Councilman Tohanson stated that �•�hen Prid7ey started its sysLem, the,y