08/27/1962 - 00023557' � � 1 bu�ldin^ to be built in the vicinit}r of ''ell �l to '�otiise a E'i1 �ratzon plan+ for t�e11 ;{l. i4r, Ynutson explained t'ae details or t1�e p1�nt� and rir, iornell explair_ec7 i he de�a�ls o�' the consi,rnction of tl.e building. He statPd t',�at the bixi'�in� i*oul_� cost, ?rom k3o,��o•�C to ";35,000.00. Nir. i=nutson stated `hat the "iltrat,on ancl ch�orination equipnent i�roul� cost about {22,000,00. Nr. Sheridan sug�ested tliat a site plan he sLo�.m with adj.acent Uuildings. P�iotion b,y Jo�ranson te authorize the Ccnaultin� �]ngineer to nroceed �rith the nlans and sr,ecificat,ions. Seconded by Sheridan, Upan a voice vot�, there b�ing nc navs� thc motion carried un�nimpus?3. A�JOZTFNNILn �': There heing no Purther business� Mayor Yro-tem nee �i�c�ared i,he meeting ad j e�irnecl . RespectF'ully submittecl: 1'f�r�. Br�tAnse�� �ecretar,y to the Council sPrczn�, cotrr�czl� r����.TrrtG - AasusT z7, 1�6z �--���/� , � j. `� MAYO - T. E, Greig A special Cauncil_ meeting o£ the City Counci3 was called to order by Latior Greig at 8:00 P.r`. Members preser.t: Johanson� Greig, P?ee� �'ollte (arrived at S:L,5 p.'-`�.) Membe- absent: Sheridan CCD��iJAirCx1TI0N FRDTi THl, t�7CR1'H SUBUPFAN IIOSPIT(il BOAi�D CONC��4I��InG T�r�IP R�;^Ur,ST F�� rpNT�r�TTNG ONTn TIIL+; FRSDIrv S4SiITA�`�Y SL��P�R: Mr. hinne, who cras representing the hospital board, was present, and statied tha+ it has bzen five yeax•s since the ttor}c had starl,ed on forming tne �`ospita] 13oard, and tre.re hac� been a questzon during this time as to wheth�=r or not a building u,ould be bu_lt. <�bout three months agoa the Roard starl,ed nepoLiations with a large netropolitan hospital, and it appeers no�r thzt I,hetr iai]1 be able to build a hospltal, but the,y must picl a site, anci the,y muat have sewer service aT this si_te. Mr. Kinne asked if 9_t was possible to nut ir a large line Yrom the orininal hospital sit� in Spring Lake �ark to the �idle,y sewer system. He stated that they coul�3 move into Fridle,y� but the pric�e of land ��as quite a bit hipher in �idle�� than it c;as in Spring Lake Park, Nr. Glen Johanson stated that ¢ltholxdh there is probab�y a difference in the prlce of the land� Prid7_Pv crould h��ae to char�� the hcspital sometYiin� fQr the use of'r or their sharc oia i,h� sewar system, and when al] of the costs �aere computod� t�e cost of z,�e land in Spring 'ake F�rk might he just a:; high as thab in P'ridley� as the„r would be havin�r a�3ditiona] assessments in Sprin� Lake Park in the iuture too. Councilman Johanson sf�ted t'�at he would be reluctant i,o cross the roundary iaith th� seure: system, 6ut that Frid] ey co�_�ld not dPn,y service to someone 4�ii,hi_n the Czt;r. ni . Nee stated th�i, he felt that the contract with ;?inneapolis would prohibit le+ting some other community connect to the FridleY s,ystem, ianless ti,e contract U�ere re- negotisted. rFr. T�inne state�J that several years ar�o� h� had gotten a l�tter from the City of D9inneapo�is ir. which thasr stated t�ai, th��r did not oY�j��ct i� i,he hospii,al were connected. ?'r. P:ee asked u�at thc line t,rould cost to run �om the nronosed hosp_ital site in Sprin,� Lake Park to t,he Fridley system. ?^s, Kinne stated ihat he had gatten an estimate of approximateiy �50?000.00 two years ago. Betty �-'aL� Secretary for the D'orth Suburl-an Fospita] Boar�T asked �f Ntinneapoli� and Cal�unbia Heights �roulc� permit Fridle,y to ?et the hosoital conn�ct, U*oui� Fri3ley then consi3er said conne�t,�n, Mr, Kohlan st�ted that he Celt that the City of Fr'!dley could extend the sewer service outside the Cii�• limzts nruvtidin�;l�linneapolis a�rees. Councilman Johanson stated that iahen Fridley started its sys�e?n, t,he;r � had to �%�t permission from Columbia }Ieigrts tn go t'�rough their sewer s�*stem. T�ir, Charles JoLanson stated trat tha hespital v�ould havP to build retention tanks at th� hnspital� and by the timP t},e expet�se o£obuilding these tar.ks and t,he lin�y and al1 oF the othcr cost,s are fligured� the,y k�ill pr�bab]y end up paying just as much �s -f they had lncate9 in rridle,y. 1�Ir. Nee stated that ii' as a result oY the hospitnl connecting to the line, N'ri3le,y had to deny service to someone in Fridley, the City woul� be in an unfavmrable position. The �it,y N`an�mer stated that Pridley has about 35G connPCtions left to :nake� an� �e di� not know ho�•r many connections the State Department of Eealth would r.ha,ge For th� hos�ital. Mr. Kohlan stated thrt the City of Fridley might have to build retention tanks also, Councilman �ohanson stated that the City Council would ra�e to know hoti�P+finneapalis would consider th�s, anc� ho4r much sewerage would be comina from 'he haspitaly and other Cacts beFCre the,y could make a decision. NL•, Ki_nne stated that the;� are going to have another small 6ond election in November. Nr. Charles Johanson asked if it woiald be possible to get an okap cr_+hin 3Q �lays. Mr. Nee stated that there is a lega] question of urhe+her it can be done at all, and also a physical question o° Urhether the lines can handle thF sewage. ;he City Nianager stated that the City wa; allowed 1��Q0 r,onn�ctions Lhree years ago� and there are ahout 350 connecti_ens left. 2✓�r, n�ee aslced if the Gity ti*ould have to rebuild a li£t station or other lines i° the hospital could conn�ct. There was some further discussion on this matter, The '��ayor stated that the next discussion on this matter would he held on the 17th of Septembtr. I�otion by Nee to ask for a report ar opinion f'rom the Consulting Fhgineers, and also E7'om the City Attorne,y� with reference to the connection oF the ho�pital to the City of Fridley sewer lines. Seconded b,y Johanscr. Upon a voice votei there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl��. PUBLIC Nr�2SNC - ASSi��SSi�EIVT ROLL - RICI� CR�,F�Ii PLAZA IvORTfi: The ('ity T4ar.aFer read the no�ice o° hearing. There was no one present for or a�ainst this pronosed 2ssessment. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. PL�LIC I�ARING - ASSLSSNfT�;NT RaII, _ S�',FiVICli CONNECmIONS• The City 1Kana?er read tk�e notice of hearing. Mr. Aarvey Ratner� representing Lyndale Puilders, was present and stated that they are lnterested in Lots 12 throupi� 18� D1ock 2y Lyndale Builders 7th Addition and Lots 1� 3� 5s 6� 7� & 8� P_lock 16, I�amilton's Scldition. Mr. Ratner stated that �e objected to the method by urhic� the assessrnents were made. He believed that they shculd be based on cos ts of construction, and noi, the averagc cost. Mr. Kohlan stated that these are actua'ly c?:arges in lieu of assesem�nt, an� hP belie�res that the eharges can be made. FIe suggested that the objeetions be noted� and that he will i,ake this �atter up with Mr. Ratner's attorne,y� Mr. Dor£man. Mr. Ratner asked what tirera t'�e comparable cos+s at the time of construction plus anterest. I�Ir. Charles Johanson �ras presenty and st�ted t��at he has basically t,��e sama p^oblemy and he thinks that the fi�es used are f2ntastic. P�Ir. Tioh]an stater' that the City �,as reaeived corranunications from Mr. Johanson an� NIr. 13atner� and �e suggested tizat their objections be noted. Mr. ��'olke arrived �t 8t45 P.T"� Mr. Kohlan explAinec� ho�� the main assessments were levied. The money that the Gity would receive fram these assessments would �o into the origin�l flind which put the line in, or into anv one of the main funds that has a deficiency. There were no other persons appearing for or a�ainst this proposed assessment. The Ma,por declared the h�2ri_n,� closed. PUHLIC HEI�TNG ON STORN: S,�-?'�R PORTION OF PROJFICT S�&Si�i#58: The City Manager read the no�ice of hearing. Mr. ?aul Johnston askEd if it a°fGcted th� area east of Central anr3 sout,h o£ Mississipni Street. The area was pointed out on +he sap covered by tLe storm s ewer assessment� and also the water anc? sewer lateral assPSSment. (�n� of the residents in the area stated that i.hey had been told t'�at the sewer and water laterals wuuld cost between �700 and �,800 per lot cn Alississippi Si,reet, and it was muc'� higher. There �.�ere several other people pre;ent �rom rIissis°�.ppi Street who were not involvcd in the pub15_c hearing� or wer� not in the assessment district� but objected to �ast assessments uhich hacl been �evied on their property on other projects. hir. Les C� 1 LJ � � � �: xnutson of Comstock an�? Davis, Inc. axplained the iype o� construction, i.he location of tLe crossings� and stated that it was necess«ry because f�ntral ^.vemxe uras k�ein� renui7t by t,he County, Mr. Knut�on stated that thers is a 12 inch water ma�n in Central Avenue' and explained the need for a si,orm sewer crossing. One of the residents stated that h� has aplit i�is Lot,s ) and 10 into thr�e parcels, an�i is }�ayinE .'�w1�2.00 for a vacant lot on past ass�ssments. Da�ton Natzke - lLFbl, P7ississippi Street� aske? wl,at is going to Ue done on Central Avonue, an�l can ei�orm setiaer be t,ied in u�th the stireet �-�ork, 1�,r. ]3r�um explained that the Gount,y is puti,ing i,he en� crossin� that is necessary oecause of the s+,reet constructien� Cut the other crossin�s are necessary Uecause of problema within �'ridlPy� an� nothing to do crith t,he rebinlding of Central tivenue. Jack Neiskaner 1L,00 N[ississippi Street asked about the sLorrn eever zhat had }�een proposed previous7y at anot�er hearin� for i9issi�si���pi c-treet, ar�� asked if tl�is +�*oulrl h� hrot.�ht up a{?ain. It t•tas e;:plained th,�t iC this tirere crou�ht u� a�;ain, a noticP of hzarin�� would he �ent to thP peor�lea�'ected, One of thc re�idents Crom th� area ot Centrt�l �venue and Iiatl°away Lane askea what t,he assessmcnt included. It was �xplained that th�s was just for the crossinge at this tzme, and there orould b� another purlie hearting, when the rest of 1,hP work was proposed, Nir. ;�r1 NcTJonn.ld w�o lives on Hathaiaay etat�c3 that th� ('it,y is trying l,o put in this storm secaer� an� hc has ha- the Street 7epax'tment up ther2 a numher of times to r"ix the street� and aeked u�hen the5* wi11 go in with th� pioes so thaL i,he whole problem up on the hil] s�ill b� taken care of, The Cit�* i,anager statzd that the ultimate plans call for the storm setiaei• co pic]k u� the w2ter at Harkmann Drive. A que;;tiun was asked al�out uhere this slorm seUrer project would hc put in, The City P+fanager explainec� the locat;ons o° the ci•os�ings on Central� and stateo that t��ere woulc3 be a line up Aathawa,y Lane in the i'uture. Ferd} fron Perd's 1jeldinr;� state� that they plan on fixir_€� up Ce ntral kvem�e £rom P;i ssissippi Str�et sout,h� but the *�ater is so '�igh that ic is zlmost runnn_ng ov�r Cenis�al Avenue. The auast2on was asked if the uatPr is draine�' ini.o Ploore Lake� wc�ulrl the lake talce care of thz excess caater, He stat2d that i.he City crould have a proolein i£ the overflow system were not adeauate. bir. i�rollce si,a te�3 th31, l�e had looked over the outlet to Moore Lake today� and there was €i larbc catich basin ther�e� but �hat the ditc,h neerls to be cut down more� and the catch busin lo�aered somewl=at. �ne o`_' tr� residents stated t'�at the storm sewers tiioLild bring in an extra load, an � it �tolzld be better to tal:e care of the onl,fall Lo Moore Lu?te row. Ivs. [�ol'xe oointed out that Cantral Avenue is being replaced with Gonni,y ilinds, an� i� nct a City project� and the storm se�rer� zre a proUlem of th�� people in Prialey, A question was asked a'-out the property at the end oi Mis,issippi Si,reet which is aui�,r low. One ofi the resicents .tai,ed t'�at someon� i;, goin� to r,ro in th�ce and buy the ]and chPap and ever,yonE in the are� s�ill have to help drain it, hrr.hie Fratt, ]1,�8 Mississip�i Street� stated that by the ad�;Prtisement, lie un�erstood that they wottild not be a££ected by the proposed ivnl�roir�ment project {�58, Th� Citv �''ianager stated that wa� correct,. N`r, biolke ea:plained that these r:otices ¢enerally include a greater �rea than will actuall�r be ass�esed. One of the residen+,s statcd that his taxes taerF origin�ll;; :,��)0.00 k�u�, because o' all o° th� ir�pro��em�nts being put in� the,y are now �p350s00, T11c- question wa� a9ke? about the condemned houses on 6/,�h !�venue. One c° ihe re�i��nts st�t�d +`�at he U�a��, interested in the esi,imai,ed cost oF th�se ?rojects, and ho�, do the �ecple ]tnu�i thaz it c;ill not cosi, consi�lerarlJ more than tras cstimat�d. P�r. l7olke c�p7ained that the hids do not a]u%ays come in zt tre cost which i�h� 1;riginzers ��ave est,inaLFd, and t'�at is c�hy this sPCOnd hearine is heing hc7s becausF �he bids urere higher than the orlQina- esl.imate. �ne oF thF resider_ts s{.2ted that tr�e sewer 1ir,e �n Alississippi Street has had i,o be dug up twic?, and there is somel,hinh ��ron� w9_th this. Pfr. i'olke expla_ned that the coni.rac!o-rs s're r�c�uir�d to ?'^ui•,���h a one ,year maintenance bond� but after the one ,year has passed� there is nc ti�a�r t,he Gity can :ho11 ther� responsible. One of the residents sta��ec1 that in the future� he sug^ests that, the City not hire Lamei,ti Com�any -'or City ?mprot�emente, ThE N"a,yor explained that residents i��ho have problems thaL can be handl�G b�r 1,he administrative personnel of the City s'�ould contact t�iese l�eople and ��t t'�ese ma�tcrs i�a}:en care of� and they lroulci not have to come doum to the Council mne�ings. There c�ere nc oth�r person;; presert, i.rho wish�ci to speak for or a�ainst the storm sewer pertior. of Proje�t �,58. The Mayor declared the hearir.g c_loser'„ PUBLIC HP,4RI;VG ON SAi�'71aRY S�"�_R °ORTION Dr P�OJ�,GT SS&ar'#58: No one spoke for or aPainst this pc�rt�on <�f i,Le improv�nznL. The Nfayor d�clared the hearin� closed. PUBLIC Pi3Q�7ING ON �-�ATr�P� 1'ORTTON OF SS&SW� 8: fio one appeared for or a,�ainst this rortion or_' t��e �mprovemcnt. The Mavor daclared the hearis,g closed. ThP N�ayor declared the �iearin� closed on Project SS�.°T�S�, � ��zcx���Y r,r�ossov�;r�s on� �zcir„�FlY #65: N[r. Graydon 13oeck nf ihe P9inn^sota Highwa�r P,epartment u�as �resent ana stated that with r�Ference to th� crossovers on F?ightaa5* r65, there had t;een some misunderstanding alon� I!�F i,rag on this, an? felt that inasmuch as the fiti�r ha' startec] work on 73rd Avenuej but is not finished� and inasmuch as the Citp does no� have tl�e s�rvice roads in operation� that he felt that the State could proceed with the two ne�r crossoversy provicing th� City ieill approve a Proposal r"rem the Highcaay D�part�ent iahereb,y the City will agree to let the Fighway �'Fpartment take out the ta-ro existirg crosso�rers at 73� Avenue and aL the railroa� crossing on 1lighway {�65 by June of 1963. B,y this time ' the Cii.y should have Ll°e service road situation and 73rd Avenue cleared up so that �t would not aFfect anyone i�f i�he State di_d take nut tl�e two old crossovcrs. P�s, 'dolke suggesi,ed that the C'ouncil act favorabl,y on +he recor�;endution of Nr. Poecl:. T'�ere �,-as no oC£acia] actaon taken at this titne. °7r'. Bceck stated that he will Lave a letter over to the Cit,y Hall in a few �'a,ys e�alaining the proposal of t,he F,ig`ir«y 7apartment and the City could act on this at their next Council meeting. �he City P'lanager ask�d 1_`4r, Boeck i£ he w�s t'amiliar razth the southeast corner oP IIniversity Avemie and Highv�ay �i100y the area �ahere scmeone proposed to move in the Broaster Restaurant. N!r. Boeck stated th2t he was not at al] iamili.ar with it� and that he '�ad heard alout it for the iirst time tonif�ht. Mr� ldo7ke stated that !e fe�ls that the City has a proUlem on Hi_ghway �65 with ihe theater� and he would not, like to �ee another problem such as this created. The Cii,y Manager asked I�r. Boeck i° h� could come out sometime during the t,�eek ana discuss t'�id matter, r°r. Boeck st�ted that he could come cut this vreek, or if not this iaeek, perhaps nest week. A'Ir. Ray Carlson f'rom I'ridJ P�r I umber Company was present, Mr. Nee askFd N"ir, Carlson iF t1i� Ci_t,y c,�ere to �st ti�e service rcad hard svsPaced in front of' the Earstad propert,y� anc� the ar•ea to the northy i� this Frould solve this problem. Mr, Carlson stated that it would. PLIBIIC �it,CRING - F;AS'�;N.�t1T VACI�iSOI� - I��ST�RLY EDG'� Dl� 5`tLVAS� FiS?LS PTAT #5. The City Mana�er rea� the no�ice of hearing. P�!r, F`red Levy was present. ^1he City Mana�er asked i�i . Lev,y if l�e '�a� the deed prepared for the portion of � lan� ��rl�icl� he wa� going to �ive to the City. N,r. Ievy statFd that it was being preparz�? today, and it s�ould be re�cly soon. Th�re were no persons G�ho appeared for er a�*ainst this vacatien. The Dtayor de�lared thr hearing closed, IYioticn by ��IOlke to instruct thF City Nlanager to dra��r an ordinance vacating easement on the westerly edge of S,ylvan Hi17s Plat r�,5. Se�onded by Alee. U�on a voice voi,e, thcre t��ing n� na,ys� the motion carri�d unanimotasly. R�"OLtTmION N0. 100-1962 CONFIRMING ASSESSMFSiT �OR RSCL; CRPEK rLAZA n10RTH; Niotion by Sohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upr,n a voice vote, th re being no naysy the motion carried unanimously. Rr,SOIII`PibN P70. 101-1962 CONFIi77`�ING ASSEcSM]+,NT -,�",L"RVSCL� COD:i�EQTICINS: Mr, Kohlan advised that the reso�ution for the assessment ro11 presently l,e made u� to incluc�F all of the property except t',at noted in the tu�o objections made bv ?�r. Ra+,ner and P�s. Johansony and action relative to those prope��ties be ae�erred ^or �arther cor.s��eratirn. Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution canfirming the assessment roll for service eonnections for all property� exiept propert,y or I,yndalP Bui]ders and ^^r. Jchanson. Seconded by Nec. Upon a voice vote, ther� being no nays, i,he motion carrie�l unanitrou,ly, FIDS - CPEN�D NOON� �1UGIIST 20. ]962 - STOT�t9 H�T�, Sk'S�TR AND 6'ATL�'R F°DJ:,fT � N0. 58: ilr. Knuison sLa1,e1 t,hat with re nret�ce tc the water and sewer �ervice connections on Tagior Si,re�t and 52nd P.venue in Nlarian IIills lddition� that he i-rould recornmencl that this protion o° +he ,�,ork be eliminated. Re al;o stated i,hat -�art o° the sanitary se�aer• linG along Cer,tral Avenue could be eliminated. Y•�s. �dolke askea ii t`,i, were an inte�rated part of wh�t tlze overall projeet �,rould �ie. Mr. Xnut,scn stated that it was. N1r. Knutson stated th��t Plan °1?" was thc ori�inal plan� plus i:he loi,rerin� of the wa+er line on River ?�iige rl�dition an? water and set,rcr scrvice ronnections in P4�arian Fills Addition. ATr. Yinutson stated t�at � the servic� lines in ti_�e P��rian Fi71s Addition wonld be ahout ^4,500.G0 worth oi work, The City nngineer recommended t?�at a letter be secured i"ron the developer as to acceptlnce oC t',ie sewer and t�ater connection work at this iigure� as a � w� letter id presently on file askin�; the City to proceed. Mr. Kohlan s�ated that h would recommerd to the ceuncil that if tne Council feels t�i�t the ]o.aest tidder is a responeih]e bidder, the 1�ic1 could be av�sx�ded on a conditionai basis� and that the Git,y g�ve Bianconi Gonstruct��n Company a five day notice of this action. P�"s. Knutson statPd that the City has until thc 20th o�' SEptemY�er Lo award the l,ids. Motion by Johanson i,o receive tre bids fiar� Storm SFia�r, Seti�er an3 ?'at�r Project �5$, Seconded by ?'olke. IIpon a voice vote, there being no na�rs� the motion carried unanimously. �r, c�j U� IL1N I�iO. 102-19C�2 Ri.CTs'I' TNG PRC�,LII�iIIdA�Y ['� CPORT C7F STORM D1�l1IDI9G�; STJDY: , Motion b;j l?olke to adopt the above resolution receiving the preliminar,y report on the storm drainage study. Sc�conded laT Nee, upon a voice vo�.e� t,here beinp no nays} the motion carried unanimously. Gavel to Nee. i�ayor Greig left �,he meeting ter�poisrily, � � BIIIL➢ThG BOCfiD AiINUTi,S - Ai3GUST 22. 1962: Motion by Ziolke to recEive the Builriing Board Minutes oi August 22a nlace them on file. Seronded b5� dohanson. Upon a voice votea 1.h�re the motior_ carri�d unanimou�ly, Gavel to Greig. �aP�RD_QP' APP}:ALa N�SNUTF�S - AUGUS^ 2?_, 1962: 1962a and being nc nays� s�U"�BT �'�P VIIRIAATC�' 0�' SS�B S'P?�D R3w,USR1i�P^,LNT �N I.OT 16. BLCCK L T�NtYI�� TY�i�'iAC}; �.D�ITTCN - Rr')L7�ST BY JOSrPI1 "�1LLIN: The Board oi AppEals recommended denial of this request because �,he mir,imum 3 fooL setback can be obtained by moving the tence located at the rear of the house on tne left si�e o� tbe drivet�ay� so th,.t the gara�� eould �e placed properly, 1�.otiou b�r Johanson to concur in the recominen�;ation of tl�e Board oI' Appeals and �eny tl,e renuest. Seconded by fiee. ilpon a voice vo1e, there �eing no nays� the motion carriec� unanirncusly. mtiie board oP Appeals had recomanended that this variance be granted, h7, ,'. o]_ke stated iLat it is foolish £or the council to set up requirements that ��lra�es nasrA a ninimum of 5 feet side yard, and si�c m-nr,hs la{,er grant a variance of this, Th�re are too many o£ thoso cominrq throu�h, end i.he Board af Appeals� or someone� should come up with a recomrnen@attion so i.hat all oi these wa�vers woLti11 not be comina up ?or consideration. i•?otion by l�olke Lo �r�nt Lhe tiraiver to 1wr. Ch�-ls{,ensen Cor Lot 16� Block �a Ghr1stie �ld'ition, Cecon ;�' �u Johanson. Upor, a voice vote, there being no nays� the mct,ion carrie; unanimously. T•Iotion b� 1^�olke to approve t'ne ai�ove estimate, Seconded Uy Nec. LTpon a voice vote, th�re being nn nays�t,he motion carz�ied una�iimouslya Noi,ion b,y Johanson +o adopi, the a' ove resolution, Second�d b�� Dlee, Unon a voice vot�., there bei.ng no nays, the motion carried unar_imouslsT• R?SOLUTION DiO. lOL-].462 012D��RING TH� IMr'i�OV �A1°;n�T FOR PROJLCT SSFwid,$58: r�otion h,y Johanson i,o adoPt the above resolutioii. Secondecl by Nee, Upon a voice �rotc, there being no nays� the motion carried usianimously. The Czty .,np,ineer stated that with re'erence to th,� se,-�ice conner•i,ions in 1-��3a� ziills �econd Additzon, h� d9d not icel +hat the developer ini,ended to put the connec�ions in 1�imselF. ^the A<�yor stated that these cou'd be deleted, anr� cou13 Y�e dnne at tlie next meet,in�} i£ necees�x•y. ��sotuT�ori rra, io5—� 96z To czirc no�rzr�� ?� �,�a�1�ae Ta �z�s — ssas� �f5�� �� l�s. L'o�11an rea? the aUove resoluLion. i�;otion by Johanson to adopt sail resolution. S�conded b- ���olke. Upon a voir.e voce, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unan �raou s ly. S;1,iER AP�T) "A'P�s; S�rZTICr�S A?�D S't'13's'�,T SUPFACINU — 64iI� AND ASHTOn A�T1�1�lUl N�1^THl+;AST: P�[r, Johanson brought u� {.he problhm of t�ao s::rvice crnnections on a 100 _foot loti an� st�Led th�t Ps, d�mea Brazil z�otzld nnt be in iavor of the road if these iioo service conr.ections had to Ue paid for. i"Ir. ��oike su��esi.�d i,hat t'�e �'ity get some sor± o,' a speaker s,)stem ancl also some sort o£ a projector sy�tem so i,hat the people could understand at these hc�arings iahat s g�ing on, AL�JOU'�1VN�1ti T: There hEing no fUrth�r btisiness� the N1a;y�or d�clared the meeting adjctu'ned. ��sp�cti'ully subr�itted: "�v�.�, C�i�� ��j(� , _,r se ��,i" " _ _ SecrPtar�� t,o I;hc Counc,l MAyOg — '1'. E. Gre g SP„C_�EII COTJNf II I^E�T1NG -- AUGIIST 30� 1962 1� special meeting o£ the Cit,y CvL?ncil was �a11 ed to order k,y Nktyor Pro—tem N�e at 5:53 P.�i, Ntembers present: Nee� i^lolket Johanson NembPrs absent: C.reig, Sherir_lan The follouring bic:s G7ere opened on Si,. 1962-2 — Schedule ?—B at, ATOOny 9ugtzsL 3'�> 1�62 in l,he presencn oF the City hianager, i,arl F', biagner, Cit,y Pngineer] Calvin G. Brown, Superintendent of �treets an' Utilities5 I,es C��esnFy� and Darrel Glark of the Er.g_ncering Dep�rtnent: gSDD�,P� nldD BID S,CL�"LTTi LUPZP SUI�i BIL COr�l'LliTIOPI D1�7'� Dunkle,y Suriacing �_omp�n�i Inc. 3756 Gra��3 Streei N.'�. Minneapo]isr MinnPSO+� Pacific National 5% Bi� Boncl (not to e�cceed `113100) C, S, P:cCrossan, Inc. Route ?, Eox 3?2 Gsseo� lfinnesota Trinity Univessal 5% Bid Sond Jay l?. Craig Company 1�14 Calif`ornia St. N,�. Minneapolis, M=nnesota iravelers — IIid Bond 5� `�r70 � G50. /�0 �67g,63b.00 sig2y `70F3.00 As SpeciPied 30o Cal. P.ays 60 Cal, Deys � � ,