08/30/1962 - 00023544� N-r. F.oh1An read the above resolui,ion. T^otion b�� Johansan to adopt said r2solution. Sccon^��� b- [+��lke. Upon a voice vote, there beirg na nays� the metion carried unanimously, S�;t,�;r,P, y�� �'qT�,^- S'�^VIC'+,S AND STTt',�ET SU}i?�A�INU - 6dTIi lIND F,SITTON A�rL1�UP V0�'TIi�.AST: I"r� Johanaon l�rou�ht up the probi;m of tti�o service connections on a lOG foct loi.r anrl staLed thaz Mr. .7�,rn�s Brazil trould not be in iavur oP the road if th�se t�ao service connections had to be paid for, f�Sr. '�olke su�crest,e� t.h�t i;he �ity �et some aort oF a speake�r sgstem anc7 also some sort of a projector sy:i,em so that the people could understand �t these hearings ��Y,at s going on, ? DJOU'_3DiN'u+�' T: Tliere '�ei.ng n� i'urther btxslness� the I�fa,yor declared the meeting adjotu'ned. Re,^,nr�etf'u11y su�mitced: ��. c�3��' ��� Secretarv co the Cotm c�l - MAYOR - �1. E. Gre� S SlT�CiAI COUDIC'II SdFRTSNG - 11UGUST 30� 1g62 A specizl mee±ing of the Cit,y Council was called 1,0 order by Nayor Pro-t,em PI��e at �:33 ?'.�'�. Dlembers presen� Nembers absent: NPe� ?do]ke� Johanson Grei,�� ShPridan The F�llouring hids urere open�d on St. 1962-2 - Schedule 2-B at, ATOOn, 1!ugtzst 30, 1°62 ir the presence o� the CiLy Manager� �arl I', Ltagnery Cit,y E'ngineEr� Calvin G, Brcwn� Suprrintend�nL oC Streets an' Utiliti�sy Lea Chesney� and '�arrel Clark of the rngineering Department: ,�iJDFP� AT;D BID S,CLP�ITV LUN�P SIIl�i BID Q0D4PLLTION DATI; �unkle,y Suriacing �ompan�, Inc. 3756 r�,ran� Street rd, ;, Minneapo7 is, P�inneso+a Pacifiic Nationa7 5� �id 73oncl (not to exceed `��370C�) C, S, P2cCrossan� Inc. Route 2� i,ax 327_ ONseo� Nlinnesota '!'rinity IIni.versal 5� Bld Eond Ja�r i�i, Craig Company 181/, California St. N,C. Minneapolis� Minnesota lrai,elers - F3id $ond 5� ?v7�, 1�O.1,0 ti"�79, c a6. o0 432,7��#,OD As Specii'ied 300 Cal, '�ays b0 Ca1, TJayN �� l_ J ' � 1 � Alexznder Construction Co_ Q6Q1 Hiawetha Avenue Minneapalie, Minnesota Travelera - Bid Bond 5� Harton Contracting Company Osseo� Minnesota Tranelera - Bid Bond 5� El�gineer�3 Eatimate �g4,994.50 �91,8g1.50 �82,884.00 60 Cal, Days 6o Cal. Daya 77 Cal. Days Councilman Johanson introduced the folloWing resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION N0. 106-2962 A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT ON S2REETS 1962-2 - SCHEAULE 2-B BE IT RFSOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� MI;dNESOTA, as follows: 1. The Council fi�ids that the lowest responaible bidder for construction oP the improvement work deaignated as: Street Impronemant Project 1962-2 - Schedvle 2-B ia Dunklep Suriacing Company� Inc.� 3956 4Drand Street N,E.� Minneapol3a� Minnesota; whose bid is in the amount of �70,9�.la0 with completion time as specified. That said bid ia hereby accepted, and the City Manager and Mayor in ofPice on date o£ execution of the contract are hereby suthoriaed and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of the City o£ Fridley, ATJOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 30Tfi DAY DF AUGUST� 1962. �� �� MAYOR - T.S. Greig Crvz; �� � / r`�C-��- CITY MANAGER - Earl P. Wa The motion for the adoption of the above resolution was duly seconded by Counciltmn Wolke, and upon a voice being taken thereon, the following members voted in £avor thereoP: Nee, Johanson, Wolke. (Greig and Sheridan absent) and the Pollowing membera voted againat the same; None iJHEREUPON SAID RFSOLIITION WAS DECLARED DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED, The following bida rrere opened on St. 1462-2 - Schedule 2-A at noon, Auguat 30� 1962 in the presence of Citq Manager, Earl P. Wagner, Citq �gineer� Calvin G. Broun, Snperintendent of Streeta and IItilities� Lea Chesney, and Darrel Clark of the Engineering Departmentz BIDDER AND BID SECURITY � Dunkley Svrfacing Co., Ino. 3756 Grand Street N.E. Minneapolis� Minnesota Pacific National 5� Bid Bond ($3b�0 mnx.) Ale�cander Construction Co. Q6/,1 Hinwetha Anexnie Minneapolia, Minnesota 'I4�avelera - Bid Bond 5� Jay W, G�sig Compang 1814 Californis St. N.r, Minneapolia� Minnesota 1Y�avelers - Bid Bond 5� LIIMP SUM BID $6'7, 825. 90 �70,777.J0 $79,207.Op COMPI.ET ON TIME As specified 60 Cal. Daye 60 Cal. Days � C, S. MeCrossan, Ine. Route 2, Box 322 Osseo, Minnesota 1Y�inity IIniversal - 5� Hid Bond Barton Contracting Co. Osseo, Minnesota 1i�avelers - Bid Bond 5� Engineer�s Estimate �g5,125.�0 �97, 510.()0 �97,450.00 300 Cal. Daya bo cai. nay8 77 Cal. Days Councilman Wolka introduced the following resolution and moned its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 107-1962 A RE50LUTION A'AARDING CONTRACT ON S1R�T5 1962-2 - SCHEDULE 2-A BE IT RESDLVED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNFSOTA ae Po11oW�: 1, The �ouncil finds that tha loweat responeible bidder for conetruction of the improvement Work designated as: Stre�t Improvement Profect 1962-2 - Schedule 2-A is Dunkleq Surfacing Gompeny, Inc.� 3756 Grand Street N.E,, Misvieepolia� Minnesota; Whoae bid ia in the amotiult of �67,825.90 with completiott time as apecified. That said bid is hereb�� accepted� and the City Manager and Mnqor in office on date of execuiion of the contract are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a eontrect with iaid bidder for and in behalf of the City of F�idleq. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 30TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1962. ���,/� � � '� �� �1 �� , MAYOR - T.E. Greig , L,GL.n -� � _,� � G''� ' C�--� �'�-��--'�_ _ GITY MANAGER - Farl P. Wa' er r Tha moti�n for the adoption of the above resolution wae dukY aeconded by Couneilman Johanson� and upon a vote being taken thereon� the following members voted in favor thereof: Nee, Johanson, Wolke. (Greig and Sheridan abaent), and the £ollowing members votcd againat the same: None WHERETiPON SAID RFSOLIITION WAS DECLARF,D DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED, ADJOURNMENT;, There being no flu�ther buainens� Mayor Pro-tem Nee declared the meeting adjourned. Respecttlxllg submitted: ,-7 i �; � ��� i,� � ��� �U�'� "`-_..- , Eerl P. Wagner �� Acting Secretary to the Council � ' ' � COUNCIL MINIITF.S — SEPTF3�IDER Q, 1962 A regu].nr meeting of the Gitp Council was called to order by Mayor Grei� at 8;00 P.M. ROLL CALLs Membera preaent; Greig, Johanson, Sheridan, Wolke, Nee y Membera absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTFS — AUGIIST 20. 1�62 MEETING: Motion by Nee to approve the minutes of the Auguet 20, 1962 meeting as received. Seconded by Johanaon. Upon a voice vota, there being no na,ps� the motion carried unanimouslp. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — AUGUST 27. 1962 SPECIAL MEETING: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes oP the August 27, 1962 special meeting. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried uziani.mously. APPROVAI, OF MINIITES — AUGUST 10. 1962 SPECIAI� NIEETING: Motion bx Nee to approve the miautea of the August 30� 1962 specisl meeting„ Seconded by Wolke. F7pon a noice vote, there being no naqs, the motion carried unanimouely. OLD BIISINESS• ' Mr. Graydon Boeck £rom the Minnesota Highway Department was present� and etated that the State has sent a letter to the City of Fridlep in which they indicated that the State would inetall �he two crossings on Highuay //65 if the City agrees to permit remonal of the txo existing crossovers anytime after June 1963. Motion by Johanson to receive the letter submitted by the State Highway Department, nnd to adopt the resolution npproving this propoaal. Seconde3 by Wolke. iJpon a voice vote� there 6eing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ' Mr. Grnqdon Boeck stated that there will hane to be another meeting held with refereaee to the foint storm sewer study for T.H. #47 and T.H. #694• �'he City Manager stated that the owner vho wiehee to put the Broaster Restaurant at the Southeast corner of T.H. #47 an3 T.H. #694 should discuss with the Highway Department his proposal, and the Highx�v Ilepartment can then advise the City oP ita opinion. NE��1 BIISINESS• The City Manager announced that the following bida had been opened �?� the presence of Mayor Greig, Councilman Wolke, City Engineer Brown, City P4anager Wagner, Russ Johnson of Comstock and Davis, Inc , Consulting Engineers and Darrel Clark of the City Engineering Department: BIDDER & BID DEPOSIT Barbarossa & Sons, Inc 402 - 33rd Avenue North St C1oud, MinnAsota 5% Bid Bond - St Pau1 Fire and Marine Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc 2054 St, Anthony B1vd. Minneapolis 18, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Travelers ZUMP SUM BID $89,727 00 $57,250 00 COMPLETION TIME 120 Days As Specified � � Y R, J, Potter, Inc Route ik3 Osseo, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - St Paul Fxre and Marine Montgomery ConstrucLion Co St Croix Fa11s, Wisconsin 5% Bid Bond - Ohio Farmers Northern Contracting Company Hopkins, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Maryland Casualty Company PeLer �,ametti Construction Co 615 Drake Street St Pau1, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Seahoard Surety $77,955 50 $75,969 50 $65,848 95 $83,086.12 90 Days 90 Days 100 Days 100 Days Mr. Sohanson asked what areas were involved in Storm Sewer Pro�ect ��53 Mr. , Les Knutson explained the different areas Mr. Knutson stated that two lines had been added to the bids from what was originally presented in"the preliminary report, one was the storm sewer line on Polk Street:extended, and the other was the Filtration plant backwash line The approximate cost of the Polk Street line was $2,800.00, and the line for the filtration plant backwash line was $2,453.65 If the 15% were added to these figures, and if they were added to the amounts as advertised in the public hearing for the balance of the work, it would bring the total estimated cost to $70,163.65. The bid price plus 15% would be $65,837.50 Mr Sheridan asked if the 1ow bidder meets a11 of the requirements. `Mr Knutson stated that he does Mr Sheridan asked about the completion time Mr. Knutson stated that it was January 1, 1963 Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution awarding the bid for Storm Sewer Pro�ect ��53 to Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc in the amount of $57,250 00 " Councilman Johanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0, 109-1962 A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT ON STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ik53 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, as follows; 1. The Council finds that the lowest responsible bidder for construction of the improvement work designated as: Storm Sewer Improvement Project ik53 is Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc , 2054 St. Anthony Boulevard, Minneapolis 18, Minnesota; whose bid is in the amount of $57,250.00 with completion time as specified. That said bid bid is hereby accepted, and the City Manager and Mayor in office on date of execution of the contract are hereby authorized and direcfed to enter into a contract with s�aid bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 4TH DAY OD SEPTEMBER, 1962 --���. MAYO - T. E, Greig f/� �" C.` , . r/ l ' %fii�G'� Nw" �t� r C L�U` � CITY MANAGER -/Ear1 P. W ner The motion for the adoption of the above resolution was duly seconded by � � i Councilman Sheridan, and upon a voice vote being taken thereon, Lhe following members voted in favor thereof: Greig, Sheridan, Nee, Wolke, Johanson and the following members voted against the same• None WHEREUPON SAID RESOLUTION WAS DECLARED DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED. - OPENE➢ NOON, SEPTEMBER 4, 1962 - THE 110-1962 ' The City Manager announced that the following bids had been opened in the presence of Mayor Greig, Councilman Zdolke, City �ngineer Brown, City Manager Wagner, Russ Johnson of Comstock and Davis, Inc , Consulting Engineers, and Darrel Clark of the City Engineering Department• BIDDER & BID DEPOSIT P�UMP SUM BID COMPLETION TIME ' � Phelps-Drake Co., Inc. 5440 Douglas Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Reliance Ins. Northern Contracting Co Hopkins, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Maryland Cas. peter Lametti Construction Co. 615 Drake Street St Paul 2, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Seaboard Surety Barbarossa & Sons, Inc 402 - 33rd Avenue North St Cloud, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - St, Pau1 Fire and Marine Sandstrom and Hafner, Tnc 2054 St, Anthony Blvd Minneapolis 18, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Travelers Walbon Excavating Company 3242 Highway ��8 Minneapolis 18, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland Moretinni Construction 852 Westminister St -Paul 1, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Seaboard Montgomery Construction St Croix Falls, Wisconsin 5% Bid Bond - Ohio Farmers Herbst Construction 1550 Highway ��10 Minneapolis 21, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - Maryland Cas, $191,010 00 $176,707 20 $162,334 62 $146,499 00 $122,250 00 $166,951 00 $157,875 OD $175,050 00 $168,264 80 285 Days 120 Cal Days 300 Cal Days 270 Cal Days As Specified July, 1963 As SpeciLied 270 Cal Days 300 Cal Days 11 Mr Knutson stated that the completion time of this pro�ect was ,7uly 1, 1963 He stated that this pretky well finishes up the water transmission lines Motion by Sheridan to adopt the resolution awarding the Uid for Pro�ect W-34-K to Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc. in the amount of $122,250.00. Councilman Sheridan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption• RESOLUTION N0. 110-1962 �� A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT ON WATER IMPROVEMENT PRO.TECT N0. 34-K. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, as follows• 1 The Council finds that the lowest responsible bidder for construction of the improvement work designated as; Water Improvement Project No 34-K is Sandstrom and Hafner,-Inc , 2054 St Anthony Eoulevard, Minneapolis 18, Minnesota; whose bid is in the amount of $122,250.00 with completion time as specified That said bid is hereby accepted, and the City Manager and Mayor in office on date of execution of the contract are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fridley. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 4TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1962. ���, G'C�C� MAYOR - T.E, Greig r'? - �JC<J�t/� i�� %i���G: .�__. -v� � `- CITY MANAGER - Earl P Wagn ' The motion Lor the adoption of the above resolution was duly seconded hy � Councilman Wo1ke, and upon a voice vote being taken thereon, the following members voted in favor thereof• Greig, Sheridan, Wolke, Nee, Johanson and the following members voted against the same; None WHEREUPON SAID RESOLUTION WAS DEGLARED DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED. PUBLI� AEARING - ASSESSMENT RDLL - STORM SEWER PROSECT N0. 40: � , The City Manager read the notice of hearing. Mr. Charles Sheridan, 1311 Highway r'�100 Northeast was present, and asked what other assessments the people in the area miglit expect in the future for storm sewer in addition to the main assess- ment which was being put on the property now. Mr. Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc explained that there would probably be lateral assessments at some time in the future in part of the area, or all of it. Mr. Charles Sheridan asked if there would be any more large mains in this particular area Mr. Knutson stated that there would not A question was asked if there were any additions ont-o Storm Sewer Pro�ect No. 4D It was stated that there were no additions The outline of the drainage district for Storm Sewer No. 40 was explained and shown on the map. A qhestion was asked if this $4D0 00 did not seem like a large amount of money, Mr Charles Sheridan asked what the people could expect in the future Councilman Sheridan asked if sometime in the future iE is determined that the present mains are not large enough, would the assessment for additional mains be spread over the complete area? Mr. Knutson stated that this would probably be so Councilman Sheridan stated that some of the homes have been in this area for quite some time, and the assessments are large, in fact some of the assess�ments have approached the amounts of the mortgages on-the houses, Mr Johanson stated that some day there would be a lateral assessment Mr Is1ey, 1401 Highway ��100 N.E, was present, and stated that the assessment roll is spread evenly on each lot on a square foot basis, and the notice of hearing says that the assessment is based on benefits, and wondered if the people at the bottom of the hi11 should not pay more He also asked if the storm sewer � were going to put through existing streets, anfl would these streets have to be torn up and replaced It was explained that this storm sewer is already in, and there were no streets to be torn up as a result of this particular pro�ect One of the trustees of the Valley View Church was present arid asked how the costs were apportioned, and if they were apportioned equally on all of the property It was explained that the costs are spread equally on a square foot basis The trustee from the church also brought up the point that the State Highway - Department has taken some of the property on the south side The City Manager stated that if the Highway Department has already taken land which the City has included in the area, this would be ad�usted There were no further questions from the audience The Mayor declared the hearing closed � f� PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - STREETS 1962-3 - OSBORNE MANOR: The Crty Manager read the notice of hearing The area in question was pointed out on the map, Wa11y Mostrom, 36� - 76th Avenue Northeast was present, and asked what the possibility was of having the street �ust oiZed instead of the curb and gutter installed. Mr. Johanson explained that the purpose of this meeting was to find out what the people in the area wanted A question was asked if Lhere were any figures available as to what it would cost far a street with an oil surface treatment The estimated cost of this would be $0 42 per front foot, but this was �ust merely an oil coating over the sand Mr Sheridan explained � that if the same type of street were put in, as the people had in the past, it would cost them approximately $1,80 per front foot. This was not a hot-mix street, but a cold-mix street. The City Manager stated that the hot-mix street - has a regular base under it, but the cold-mix street does not Mr Sheridan stated that the City recently awarded a bid for a street pro�ect, and the estimated cost of the street pro�ect is $4.30 per front foot for the bituminous curb, and an assessment of $7 00 per front foot fo'r the concrete curb and gutter One of the residents in the area stated that he had gone to every house on Sth Street and a11 of the people wanted concrete curb and gutter, and he had told them that it would cosl approximately $7 50 per front foot. Mr Robert Traub was present He stated that he was representing the church in the area, and was appearing in their behalf, and stated that when the water and sewer pro�ect went through, he contacted the City Ha11, and someone told him that the streets would be replaced at no cost to them He stated that the previous street was four inches thick, and he felt that the people in the area were unduly assessed and should not have to pay for another street. The City Manager explained that the streets in the area in which there is a water improvement, or similar type of improvement put in, are replaced at the expense of the people involved, and that the contractor installing the water and sewer may replace it and it would be reflected in the water and sewer bid price, or a separate conGract might be awarded to replace it, One of the residents stated that the CiLy should inform the people that they are going to have to pay for replacing the street when the water and sewer hearings are held Mr Les Knutson read the section of the specifications relating to the replacement of street surFacing for the water and sewer pro�ect in question Mr. Robert Traub asked if the street would be brought up to the original gxade Mr. Knutson stated thal it would be, and there � would also be credit given by the Contractor The contractor, under the speciEications, was obligsted to replace a certain portion of a street, and the amount that he is liable for would be credited against the assessment of the people Mr Knutson stated that the exact amount that the contractor would pay for is in the process of being determined at this time The City Manager stated that he agreed that the Crty Hall could have done a better �ob on the public relations end of this proUlem, and could have done a better �ob of informing the people involved, but that it is a question of whether the sewer and water contractor or a street contractor would replace the street, and there would be a credit allowed for the amount thaL the contractor would pay, A question was asked if a hot-mix street could be put in withouk putting in the curbing. It was explained that this was impractical One of the residents in the area stated that the corners oi the streets were solid blow sand, and that the road would be in the same condition as it is now, two years from now, if the cold-mix street were put in A question was asked about the service road, and who would pay for it ' It was explained that one of Lhe reasons the cost of this street was somewhat higher than the normal was that there was no property on the west side of the service road to help pay for it The resident living on the corner of 75th and 4th Streets stated that he would like to have concrete curb put in, and the whole �ob may as we11 be put in now, and do it right Mr. Wolke explained that if the people were to petition for the street, they would have to put in the hot-mix street, and L-hey could not put in a cold-mix street, as this is considered only a temporary street and they would have to have curb of some type or other The City Manager stated that the traffic problem on all of the streets is getting heavier aIl of the time, and that is one oL the reasons why the City is going to a heavier type of street A question was asked � how the assessments were broken down in five or ten year periods It was explained that bituminous curb streets are spread over a five year period, and the concrete curb and gutter is spread over a ten year period The question was asked whether the $5.76 per front foot for the asphalt street included the necessary catch basins Mr Knutson stated "no " The City Engineer stated that the iigures of $9 8I in the preliminary ro11 included a11 of the necessary storm sewer Mr Knutson stated that all of the lots in the area are in the storm sewer district The Mayor asked if any portion of this street could be put in without the storm sewer r4r Knutson stated that very little of that street could be put in without storm sewer The Mayor asked if the street were to go in without the storm sewer, which 14 streets would go zn. Mr. Knutson stated that 75th from 4th to Sth would have to be deleted for one. The Mayor asked Mr. Knutson to- explain this credit that the contractor would a11ow on the stireets. Mr Knutson explained on Che blackboard the method used in arriving at the amount of credrt that the contractor would give to the people in the area if a new street were put in. He stated that on a 24 foot street, the contractor is allowed to work on 5�/, of the area without charge to him. He stated that this street was put in in 1954 at a cost of $6,710.00 The Mayor stated that there are basically four ways that the �ob could be done The Mayor then asked for a show of hands for the different types of surfacing. (1) Plant mix bituminous surface with bituminous curb - no one in favor and no one opposed (2) P1ant mix bituminous surface with concrete curb - 7 in favor, no one opposed. (3) Blade Mix with bituminous street and no curb - there were 7 in favor, and 5 against (4) Oil Sur�ace Treatment - no one in favor, and no one against. The Mayor declared the hearing closed The question was asked by the people in the area about when they would know what the resulC would be Mr. Wolke stated that it was doubtful if this street would go in this fa11, possibly �ust the base couid be put down. There was discussion on the storm sewer work to be done in this area, The City Manager suggested that the Council could order the improvement and authorize the advertising of hids. Mr Kohlan stated that the cost figures, a� published, included the seorm sewer work so, in effect, the Council is also holding a hearing on the storm sewer work Mr. Kohlan stated that the two questions to be decided were, (1) Do the people want the stoxm sewer work done before the street is put in regardless of what type street surfacing is put in, and (2) If the storm sewer work is put in, then what £ype of streets do the people want - which of the four possibilities Reverend Abrams was present and sCated that he �aas speaking in reference to the storm sewer on 75th between 4th and Sth Streets, and asked why this was not put in at the time the other storm sewer in the area was put in. Mr Knutson explained that Storm Set-rer Pro�ect No. 24 was only for 24 inch and larger pipe and did not include any� laterals. The question was asked how the engineers could decide on the diameter of the pipe for 75th, when the area to the east was not developed yet. Mr. Knutson stated that the pipe size diameter could be determined based on serving a specific area The City Manager stated that only the interceptor line was put in by this previous pro�ect, and that there were no laterals put in Hearing closed 111-1962 ORI7ER2NG THE IMPROV'EMENT_ AUTHORIZING AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING BIDS OR AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER FOR STORM" SEWER AND ORDERING BIDS FOR STREETS IN OSBORNE MANOR - 196L-3 STREETS; Motion by ,Tohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - CHDUINARD• There was no one present for or against the approval of this final plat. Motion by Johanson to accept this as the final plat of the Chouinatd Addition, and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign same Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: COMSTOCK AND DAVIS, INC. - RE• T,H, 1F694 AND T,H, ii47 - STORM SEWER OUTFALL: Mr Knutson explained various parts of the letter written to the City Council He stated that the area within the City of Columbia Heights has been reduced from what was originally intended to flow into the 72 inch outfall line on Highway 4k100. Mr. Knutson stated that the capacity of the existing line is not adequate for State Highway Department, City of Fridley and City of Columbia Heights needs He suggested that a meeting be held on September 11, 1962 on this matter Mr Nee asked what the State *�Yould have to spend if they put in a�line to serve only the State Highway Department property, and asked if the $112,000 00 is what the Highway Department would have to spend for this line Mr. Knutson stated that it was Mr Knutson stated that the Highway Department is anxious to consummate the agreement on this line, as they have some work to do on Highway ik100 that they would like to proceed with, Mr Knutson explained that the present proposal is to take the drainage from Sullivan Lake and also the southwest corner of Highway ��100 and ,��65, and this would all eventually go through the line on Highway ��100y although the amount of flowage from Sullivan Lake would be regulated The City Manager suggested that the Council withhold any action until they hear from the State. Mr Johanson suggested that the City Manager write a letter to the State Highway Depaxtment on this sub�ect expressing the Council's views, and give a copy of the letter to the Councilmen � � � I � CJ � 1� COMSTOCK AND DAVIS, INC. - RE: JOINT STORM SEWER STUDY SOUTH OF T.H AND EAST OF T,H. �k47; The City Manager stated that Comstock and Davis, Inc need authority Lo proceed further with this study. Motion by Johanson to authorize the Consulting Engineers to proceed with the study of this storm drainage problem as outlined in their letter of August 23, 1962 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. S ORDERING PUBLIC HrARING ON STORM SEGTER ON 75TH AVEN[IE NORTHEAST: The City Engineer explained the location of this storm sewer and stated Lhat there would be some storm sewer work necessary before the street surfacing could be installed. The area in question was 75th Avenue west of the �ast River Road Motion by Wolke to adopt the resolution receiving the preliminary reporL and ordering a public hearing on the storm sewer drainage problem on 75th Avenue N.E, and East River Road. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACT WITH HILLTOP VILLAGE: The City Manager stated that the Fire Department had definitely decided that the department did not wish to respond to ca11s in the Village of Hilltop any longer, and suggested that a six month extension be granted on the present contract, and that the Village of Hilltop be notified that this contract woutd be terminated at the end of the six months period Motion by Wo1ke to accept the recommendation of the Fire Department. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously CLAIMS: Motion by Wolke to approve General Claims 7031 through 7083 Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously Motion by Wolke to approve Liquor Claims 4528 through 4555 Seconded by Johanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously Motion by Sheridan to approve Public Utilities Claims 2035 through 2051 Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously CLAIM OF ANDREW G. KOHLAN, CITY ATTORNEY; Motion by Wolke to app�rove the claim of Andrew G Kohlan, City Attorney, ii, the amount of $2,950.00 for work performed on the Park Bond issue and the Special Assessment bond issue. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carzied unanimousl,y ESTIMATE OF ORFEI AND SONS AND LETTER TO E,H. PUTNAM COMPANY: Mr Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc. asked the Council to pass over this estimate and it would be brought up again at a future meeting Mr Knu�son stated that he had had a meeting with the E,H, Putnam Company, and they had agreed to do certain work, but this work had not been performed, and he was sending a registered letter to the E,H, Putnam Company informing them that unless they performed this work the City would have someone else do it, and it would be deducted from their final payment Motion by Sheridan to authorize the procedure that the Consulting-Engineer had outlined Seconded hy Sohanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously LICENSES: Motion by Johanson to approve the following licenses: EXCAVATING Maple Grove Construction Company Route ��2 Osseo, Minnesota by: Gene Schafluch Renewal �b GENERAL CONTRACTORS D, L. Anderson 6501 Lucia l,ane Fridley 21, Minnesota Edwards Construction Co. 4805 Idaho Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota SIGN HANGERS by• D. L. Anderson by: Robert Olson Renewal New National Advertising Company 6850 S. Harlem Avenue Argo P,O. Bedford Par$, Illinois by: M,C, Boehmke New Seconded by Nee Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 113-1962 AIITHORIZING AND DIRECTING SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 59: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Johanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 114-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SPLITTING OR CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - LOWELL'S ADDITION• Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLiTTION N0. 115-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SPLITTING OF CE$TAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NOe 92: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Wolke Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously � RESOLUTION N0, 116-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - LOT 16, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 129: Motion by Wo1ke to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 117-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECZAL ASSESSMENTS - PAR.CEL 1350 - SECTION }2: ' Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded 6y Sohanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RE60LUTION N0. 118-1962 WNFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWER PROJECT NO The City Clerk brought up the matter of cextain other work which was going to be done zn the Lynde Drive area Mr. Knutson stated that this was a part of Pro�ect No 53. It was decided that this would definitely be assessed separately rather than with Pro�ect No. 40. There were no written objections filed to Storm Sewer Pro�ect No 40, and there were some persons present at the hearing, but there were no actual ob�ectors to the adoption of the roll. Motion by Johanson to adopt the a6ove resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 119-1962 TRANSFERRING A PORTION OE THE COST OF STORM SEWER PROSECT N0. 49 TO STORM SEWER PRO.TECT N0, 52• Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Ilpon RPSOLUTION N0. 120-1962 TRANSFERRING A PORTION OF THE COST OF STORM SEWER PROJECT N0, 52 TO STORM SEWER PROJECT N0, 49: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Nee Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO_ 121-1962 OKDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT - STREET 1962-4� � ' ' � � ir The City Engineer explained the location of this street pro�ect. Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Wo1ke Upon a vmce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 122-1962 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - STREET 1962-4: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Nee Upon a voice vote, there beang no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 123-1962 ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT - STREET 1962-2B - RIVER EDGE WAY: Motion by Nee to adopt the above xesolution Seconded by 3ohanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0, 124-1962 RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING A PUBLIC HEARING - STREETS 1962-2B - RIVER EDGE WAY: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Johanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 125-1962 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - STORM SEi�R PRO,TECT N0, 52: Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolu£ion Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 126-1962 DIAECTING PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSM�NT ROLL - STORM SEWER PRO.TECT N0. 52: Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution Seconded by Johanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Che motion carried ananimously AESOLUTION N0. 127-1962 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 49: Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded Uy Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0. 128-1962 DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL - STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 49: Motion by Sehanson to adopC the above resolution Seconded by Nee Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLIITION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSE55MENT ROLL - STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. Si: Mr Johanson stated that he thought that in the original hearing, the Council had stated that they would not assess the cost of this pro�ect at the present time Mr. Kohlan stated that the Sorum and Dalsbo properties were not included in the proposed assessment ro11s, as they were to be exempt from the assessment as a part of the settlement of the claim against the City Mr Wolke suggested that the minutes of the original hearing on this matter be checked to see what the stipulations were before the Council proceeds further on this There was no action taken on this resolution The matter is to be brought up again at the next meeting CONSIDERATION OF ERECTION OF A STORAGE GARAGE AND RESOLUTION N0, 129-I962 AUTHORIZING CALL EOR BIDS FOR SAID STORAGE GARAGE; � Mr. Wolke asked if the City does not have land somewhere else where this garage could be built. The City Manager explained that in the proposed plans Lor the present City Ha11 site, there was a proposal for the garage on the rear of the property Mr Johanson suggested that the City put up a fence along 64th Avenue so that the sand does not blow onto the property to the south and also to screen off some of the unsightly debris etc on the city lot Motion Uy Johanson to adopL the resolution to advertise for hids for equipment storage steel building Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the moCion carried unanimously CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT - PROJECT S&Wi648-C; The City Clerk explained that Mr Minder had been in with reference to the proposed assessment on Lot 3, Block 2, Hayes River Lots Addition Mr. Minder had stated 1� that he did not feel that this property should be assessed for Sewer and Water Pro�ect �k48. There was considerable discussion on this matter. The City Engineer stated that the property could be served if the building had no basements. Mr. Knutson stated that there are a number of properties along the river that cannot be served by the existing lines, and there wi1L have to be'add- itional lines installed, There was discussion on whether the present lines were deep enough to serve the property abutting on Anna Street. The City C1erk asked what the Council's direction would be on this matter, and the consensus of the Council was that the property should be included in the assessment roll provided the Consulting Engineer feels the property can be served, CONSIDERATION OF STORM SEWER - 63AD AVENCTE NORTHEAST: Mr Les Knutson explained the area in question, which was the property in back of the City Hall, the Riedel Property, and the property on which the future bank is to be located. Mr. Knutson stated that the present cost estimates terminate at University and Mississippi Street. Mr. Nee asked if 63rd was a dedicated street Mr Brown stated that a right-of-way had been dedicated Mr Nee stated that if 63rd goes through, there are large groups of people on the east of 63rd Avenue who would ob�ect violently to this becoming a through street Mr. Knutson explained the two proposals for serving the area, (1) The storm water to flow into Rice Creek to the north, and (2) The storm water to flow to the south to the Highway ��'100 out£a11 After considerable discussion, motion by Johanson to establish the policy that the storm water flow to the north into Rice Creek Seconded by Wolke Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. R�SOLUTION N0, 130-1962 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - WATER AND SEWER SERVICE - 63RD AVENUE NORTHEAST: ' There was considerable discussion on future traffic on 63rd Avenue Mr Nee stated that there wi11 be a great deal of hostility by the people in the area if 63rd goes through The City Manager stated that the bank is anxious to get water and sewer service Motion by Wolke to order the preliminary report for water and sewer service Lo serve the property on 63rd Avenue. Seconded ' by ,Tohanson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION N0, 131-1962 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE WATER AND SEWER ON 63rd AVENUE NORTHEAST: Motion by Wo1ke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously AIITHORIZATION FOR DRAWING OF RESOLUTION FOR ELECTION ON $150,000.00 PARK BOND ISSUE� Motion by Wo1ke Lo authorize the drawing of resolution for the election on $150,000 00 Park Bond Issue Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously PURCHASE OF PARK PROPERTY: LOCKE ESTATE PROPERTY: Motion by Nee that the City purchase the property described as Part of the South one-half (S�) of Section 11, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota according to the Certificate of Survey filed in the City Engineer's office consisting of 84 62 acres, commonly known as the Locke Estate Property for the price of $175,000 00 as negotiated by the Council-appointed Sub-committee Seconded by Sheridan IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motzon carried unanimously There being no further business, Mayor Greig declared the meeting ad�ourned Respectfully submitted; � ��,�,.',"�C��/ V"_ _ Secretary to the Council � ,� �� , , � M4YOR — �1�. �. Cmeig l �