09/25/1962 - 00023521%� ,�,9
Motion by Nee to adopt the ahone resolution. Seconded by Wolke. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cerried Unanimously.
Mr. Kohlan read the resolution with regerd to the asaessment ii� the area
of the Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company. Motion b,y Wolke to adopt
the above resolution. Secanded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being
no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously.
PAitK •
There was discussion on this matter of furnishing sewer service to the
hospital site. Comstock and Davisy Inc, had presented a letter to the
City Coancil with respect to furniahing the hospital with sewer aervice.
There was fl�rther discussfon on this matter. Motion by Johanson to
authorize the City Manager and Consulting IIzgineer to proceed as outlined
in the letter fY�om Comstock and Davis� Inc. dated September 17, 1q62,
Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously,
Mr. Railey Tiller was present and stated that he objects to allowing
someone in Spring Lake Park to connect to the F4�idley sewer systemy and
he is against it. He objects to the Hospital using the Fr'idley sewers.
There being no flu�ther busineasi the Msyor declared the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
5eeretary to the Council
� ��
HIAYpR-�: E. Greig
A special meeting of the City Council uas called to order bq Acting
Mayor Nee at 8:05 P.M.
Membere present: Nee, Johanson� 4lolke
Membere absent: Greig� Sheridan
The City Manager read the notice of hearing� aad also explained that
the stoxv� sewer was needed before the street surfacing could be put in,
as the water woald not drain of£ the street if the street surfacing
uere put in without a storm sewer. Mr. Burt IIlis, Lot 2� Block 1�
Elwell�s Riverside Heights Addition� stated that be had a 5 to 6 foot
drop to Telmadge Wav� an3 it was impoasible £or the'water to run to thia
proposed storm aewer from his lot. He stated that the water runs on his
neighbor�s lot� and not to the proposed storm sewer. No one on Talmadge
Way should be assessed £or this. He stated that he woulc3 like the City
Counc3l to send a representative over to look at the street layout, and
stated that the water could not flow by gravity to the storm sewer.
The Gity Eagineer stated th�t the storm Sewer is needed because of in-
su£ficient grade for draining the proposed street without storm sewer,
and if the storm sewer ia not pronided, there will be water standing
on the etreet if the surfacing is put in. Mr. Wolke stated that the
atorm sever was for the bene£it of the people in the area� and the
CoWicil had asked the Consulting E�gineers to make a report on the storm
sewer drainage in the area� and this hearing was a result of that report.
Mr, Knutson, of Comstock and Davis, Inc., reported that the proposed
a drainage district boundary was made on the basis of aeriel photos. He
stated that the serisl photos were accurate enough to get an approximate
coat of what the assesament would be for each person. These are not
final plans and specifications, and the costs are estimated, and would
not necessarily be the £inal cost. Mr. Knutson stated that the water
�ithin a drainage district all eventvally flows to the storm sewer which
would be constFUCted on the basis of the contour shown by the aerial
photos. Mr. Knutson stated that the otjective was to put the storm
sewer syatem in by the most economical way. He stated the St. Paul
Water Works would not a11ou open drainage over their property, and the
type o£ conatruction which would be necessary if the pipe Were put over
their property and down to the river would be very expensive and
would coat more than the proposed method of putting in the storm sewer�
which was to connect to an existing storm sewer to the north on Alden
Way. Mrs, Remareke of 123 Talmadge Way was present, and asked why they
were being assessed for 100�. She stated that most of her lot draina
to Talmadge FJa,y. The City Engineer stated that the street grade was
almost level and stated that there was no other way to drain the street.
He stated the normal procedtu�e is to grade the street in such a manner
so that as little storm sewer as possible is needed� but it was not
possible to grade the street in this manner in this case. There was
considerable more diacussion on whetheri or not the storm sewer was nec-
essar,q, Mr. Johanson suggested that since the storm aewer could not
be put in this £all anyrway� that a field survey be �de during the winter�
and another hearing held next spring vhen more accurate figures would
� be avsilable. The owner of Lota 9 and 10, Ne�,man's Addition was present,
and stated that the water tras never 6othered him� and he could not afford
to pay higher taxes £or storm sewer. Mr. Wolke asked where this peti-
tion originated £or the storm sewer. Mr. Nee explained that there wss
no petition� that it was brought up becauae o£ the need for storm sewer
before the street surfacing was to be put in. The City Manager stated
that the City does not pave a street if there is a possibility that it
vill have to be torn up in a year or two� to put in storm sewer or any
utility. It was determined at the time that the actual fiel� surveys
were made £or the surfacing that a storm sewer was necessary, and that
is why this is being brought up. Mr, Wolke pointed aut that the Council
took it upon themselves to order this report to get the information� and
was not necessar�].y recommended by the Consulting �hgineers, or anyone
else. Mr. Johanson atated that it ia poasible that the street surfacing
contract might� due to weather conditione, be carrie� over until next
qear, and the Cbuncil could investigate arxi settle this drainage problem�
and then be ready to meke a dedision on the surfacing in the Spring�
either to put the etreet surfacing in, or to delete it from the atreet
contract. Acting Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed.
Motion bq dokianson that the atreet s urfacing be delayed until next year,
and that an accurate drainage field survey be made this Fall� and that
this public hearing be reacheduled with the people when more in£ormation
� is available� and the notice is to go to��each property owner af£ected,
and also� to adopt the resolution ordering preliminary pland and speci-
fications for the above storm sewer project. Seconded by Wolke. ilpon a,voice
vote� thera being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
The City N7anager read the noLice of hearing and explained the area in
question on the map. There was no one present for or against the pro-
posed improvement. The Acting Mayor declsred the hearing closed.
� �.
The City Manager read the notice of hearing.
Mr. Francis VanDan who owns the south half of Lot 9� and pert of Lot 10,
was present and stated that the adnertisement on September lg stated
that a11 of the area north of 62n8 Avenue would be asseased. He stated
that Able and Raker Streets are lepel and the land rises to the south�
short of 63rd Aventxe� and part of the property is drained to the south�
and part of the property ia drained to the north of the area described �
on the mapo He stated that it is an improper aurvey, i£ it is stated
that this is the boundary edge of the district, Mr. 4?olke stated
that the storm sewers are not put in on the basis of aerial svrveys, but
these are used only in the preliminary estiu�ates. Mr. VanDan atated
a storm sewer was necessary in cer't��n areea� but the benefits should be
applied to a smaller areai rather than including all of the area as ehown
on the map. Mr. Kohlan stated that there mey be a di£feren�e of slope
on tke street and slope of the property itself. Mr. Kohlan suggested
that the objections shovld be noted� and the �hgineer could eheck and
advise the Council i£ the dreinage district� as shown� i9 incorrect, hh�.
Johanson stated that the lots on Able and Baker Streets, to the eye,
seem to flcw to the south. Mr. Kohlan stated that the �gineer muat
have determined the land would drain into this drainage d3atrict. Mr.
VanDan stated that his southerly neighbor has a deep ravine and is ' °
there£ore, not in the drainage srea. Ns. VanDan suggested so as not
to inerease the expense� the data readings be checked whick: should tie
available at this time, the ones that have alreadq been made by the
En�ineers. Mr, Nee asked i£ this was a fairly current survey. Mr.
I{nutson stated that it wns. Mr. Nee stated that the objection of Mr.
VanDan wil] be noted. John Faster, 52g5 Able Street atated that the
street in _f2�ont of his propertq £lows to the south� and the water runs
to the south. He stated that his noighbor�a property £lowa to the soutfi� '
and objects to the assesament on the basis that the water is flowing the
other way, Mr. George Althouse was presant and asked where the storm '
sewer had been put in and on what street, Mr. Johanson exglained the
locat,ion o£ the storm sewer pipe which was in the vicinity of Sackson
and Mississippi Street. Mr. Sohan�on stated that the lines were put in
to take care of the water flowing down Missi�sippi Street. Mr. Althouse
stated that the only water which flows onto the street ia approximetely
the front six feet of his property. Mr. Althouse atated that the water
does not bother him a bit, and he objects on the basis that his lot doea
not all drain into the drainage district. Mr. h�arren Clark, 6452 Able
Street was present and stated that he had natural drainage on hia '
property� and ia an the crest of a hill draining northward. The City
Manager and the City Clerk e�cplained the general nature of the aerial
surveys and the purpose for which they were obtained. Mr. Clark asked
when the hearing was held on the improvement. It was explained that
there ha8 been several hearings on this project� the latest one being ° '
October 3, 1961. Norbert Wegleitner, 6l,10 Able Street, stated that notices had
not been received by hi.m. The �ity Clerk atsted that notices had been
sent out to all property owners o£ record. Gary Jenson was present
and stated that he objects to the proposed improvement. Mr. Clark
asked if this rras a positive assessment. Mr. Kohlen stated that it was,
except and unless there are changea made in the roll in an attempt to
correct an error or change the drainage distriet, Mr. Clark asked what
would happen if they protest to the improvement. Mr. Kohlan stated
that objections will be noted� and it will be determined i£ they are
valid objections or asse�sments� if there fs no basis for the objectione�
then the Council will certify the roll� and the property owners have �
the right to appeal to the courts. Milton Bailey� 8Q0 Misaissippi Street
asked who wae supposed to benefit by this storm sewer� and who petitioned
for it, Mr. Joh�nson stated thet E�cb Development Company platted an
area known as Meadowland Addition, and he proposed to put in an open
ditch which he would pay for. The �ity then reached an aQreement with
him� whereby he agreed to pay 75� of the cost. of a storm sewer ahd ��.
other 25� would be assessed to the area. This had been done several
years ago� and this is now another portion o£ the atorm sewer which is
being put in. Mr. Bailey asked in what way he is benefitting from the
improvement. Nfr. Kohlan explained that the City was involved in a law
suit in the area of 7th Street and Mississippi Street, end in this law
suit it was brought out that watar fZ�om the Whole east end o£ Mississi-
ppi Street was flowing west tb the point of 7th Street and was flowing
across several reaident's yards. Ot was brought out also� in this law
euit� that some'of tha water accumulated on Mississippi Street originated
on the area south of Mississippi Street. One of the reaidents stated
that water f�om Highway #65, itself� is contributing uater to Mississippi
� Street and the residents are not contributing all of the water. Mr.
Vern Gottwald� 6Q2q Baker Street� aske� what he was being assessed for.
He stated that his water does go down Mississippi Street but he felt
thst a person who 6uilds in a low area should pay the cost rather than
assessing people in the high area for it. The City Manager atated that
there is a benePit in gettin� water out o£ low ereas to the whole City.
Mr. Leslie Peterson� 6437 Ssker Street� stated that he woulc7 like �fS
hsve his area checked again. He stated that half of his property drains
in a direction other than Misaiasippi Street. Mr. M,A. Gunderson� 6433
Able 5treet, stated that he objected to the impravement as ha]_£ of hie
water flows the other �,*ay. Mr. Jerome Pollcep, 810 Mississippi Street
stated that he objected to the amount of square footage used in the
computation o£ the assessment on his praperty. Mr. Orelie Elcern, b/,Q2
Van Buren Street stated that he objected because he did not think he
should gay as he is on high ground. Nh�. Loren Holland, 61,24 Able Street�
stated that he objected �e he does not have drainage to this storm sewer,
Mr, Lawrence Anderson� 641I Baker Street� atated that he objected as the
amount of drainage does not ell flow to Misaissippi Street from his lot,
and he slso £elt that Tnylor Street ahould be included in the assessment.
Mr. Norbert Wegleitner stated that he objected as only half of his lot
drained to Mississippi Street, Mr. Werren Clark state3 that he objected
as he has no bene£it. Mr. Gary Jenson, 6445 Able Street said that he
objected as he does not have any water pro6lem, There were no other
queetions on this portion of Storm Sewer Project #49. The Acting Mayor
declared the hearing closed on th�a portion o£ the Assessment Roll £or
aSS#f49• - - ..
There was no one present either for or against this portion of the
proposed storm sewer. The Acting Maqor declared the hearing eloaed
on this po�tion o£ SS#49•
4h�, Don Wright� who lives on Lot 1� Elock 6� EWa E�'ickaon River Manor�
was present and asked what arrangements the develaper had to pav for
the improvemants. The City Clerk stated that there was eacrow money
depoaited on most of the lots in the area� but the records would have
to be checked to �ee if a deposit was made for his lot specifically.
There were no other persons present either for or against the improve-
ment. The Aeting Mayor deelarad the hearing closed on this portion
o£ the atorm sewer project SS�49.
� Mr. Dixon� vho owns Lot 1, Block 1, Murdix Park, and Lot 8, Auditor's
Suhdivision No, 155� was present and stated that the storm sewer assess-
ment ia suppoaed to be against the benefitted property and he ia rec-
eiving all of the water� and thereFOre� does not feel that he ia hene-
fitting. He stated that he geta all of the runoff when it rains* and '
gets no benefit of the storm sewer� and he therefore protests to the
asseasmenta. He stated that he had called the E�gineer previously
about water coming into his yard. Mr. Les Krnitson of Comstoek and Davis�
Inc. stated that an outlet has not yet been provided for these storm
sewer catch basins. There is a project forthcoming that will provide
an outlet. Mr. Dixon stated that there ha3 been a poor construction
job done on the street and he protested the improvement. The owner of
Lot 2, Block 1� Lyndale Builders was present, and asked if the builder
had any moneq in escrow to cover this storm sewer. It was stated that
there is no money in eserow. The resident asked if the money left over
£rom the street deposit could be used to apply on tha atorm sewer. It
was explained that thia money would have to be returned to whomever gave
it to the City as it was not deposited for the storm sewer. �ank '
Arnold� Lots 2 and 3, Block 1� Murdix Park, asked if they would be
billed £or this storm sewer when it was not completed. It was stated
thst they would be billed for the portion put in. Mr. Johanaon stated
that there will be additional storm sewar assesaments in the fhture.
There were no other persons present either for or against this improve-
ment. The Acting Mayor declared the hearing cloaed on this portion
of the Project #49. �
LeRoy Ambra� 75g5 Alden 4Jay, asked how far up the storm aewer pipe goes
on Rickard Road� and asked i£ it was petitioned for. The �ity Manager
stated that it was petitioned fort and read the nemes on the petition�
which was petition #25. Mr. Ambra stated that some of the names on the
petition were not actually in the assessment dietriet. It was stated
that this was quite an expensive projeot. Mr. Knutson stated that there
wes quite a run of pipe involved in this project. It was stated that
the water accumulatea on the street just oPf t�om the East Riner Road�
and stays there all summer. Mr. Dennie Dittmar was present and stated
that he protested to this assessment. Mr, Robert Peterson, 7534 Alden
Way objected to the assesament as he thuught there was nn�,re;hongh:aarea
included in the asaessment district. There were no other persons present
for or against the improvement. The Acting Mayor declared the hearing
Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution� noting the above oral
objections� and subject to the drainage district being checked out by
the Consulting Engineers. If ihe drainage district is found to be in
error� the assessment roll will be adjusted accordtngl,y. Seconded bp ,
Tohanson. IIpon a voice vote, there baing no naps� the mo�ion carried
Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution� noting the above
oral objections, and subjeet to the drainage diatrict being checked out
by the Consulting E�gineera. If the district is found to be in error�
the asseasment roll will be edjusted accordingly. Seconded hy Wolke.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
The Board of Appeals had recomsended that this ieariance be granted.
Motion by Wolke to concur in the reco�endation of the Board of Appeals�
and grant thia variance. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote,
there baing no na,ps� the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Wolke stated that he still thought it would create a tra£fic problem
at S3rd and University Avenues. Mr. ?etro was preaent and stated that
the Highway Department had not committed themselnes on thia mstter, and
would not say anything one way ar the other� and the Highway Department
had etated that it was up to the Citq to make a decision on this matter �
whether the restsruant should be allowed to go in or not. He stated
that the Highway Department has said that the traffic could be
correoted by a traffic signal. Mr. 4lolke pointed out that there had
been several accidents near Johnny�a Market� and that three children
had been killed in the area on University Avenue. There was a dis-
cussion on the stop light at 53rd Avenne, and the traffic on 53rd
Avenue. Mr, Petro asked what the property owner could put on this
part3cular piece of property. The owner of the "Broaster" restaurant
Who propoaed to move into this area stated that it was not that this
restaurant would not create that much of a problefi�. Mr. Petror�stated
that the cul-de-sac will be a help inatead of a detriment as far as the
traffic problem is concerned. There was considerable discussion on the
traffic problem in this area, I+�. Nee suggested that the Cotmcil get
a projection of what ia goi�ig to happen to the traffic caunt in this
area, and what the load on 53rd Avenue wo�ald be. Mr. Wolke suggested
that the Council all inapect this particular problem. Mr, T�olke stated
that there wi11 be a lot aP traffic ganerated that will have to go out onta
University Avenue at either 53rd Avenue or 49th Avenue. Mr. ?etro
stated that the Council changed its mind on the cul-de-sac while they
were negotiating for this property. Mr. Wollae stated that the Council
had wanted a aervice road originally instead oP the cul-de-ssc. The
Citq Manager aug�ested that this matter be tabled until further informa-
tion could be obtained. Motion by Wolke to table this matter until
October 1� 19fi2. Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being
no nays, the mation carried unanimously.
The owner of the �'Broaster^ restaurant stated that he owned the property
at 85th and Univerait,y� and asked if the,y could move the "Broaster" rest-
aurant to this locati.on. It was pointed out that there were no water and
aswer servicea available for this location. The City Manager stated the.t
municipal sewer was required in an area zoned heav,y industrial, and this
requirement could only be waived by the Gity Council.
The City Manager stated the folloxing hids were received and opened:
: i � a�•
Ceco Steel Products Corp,
2801 East Hennepin Avenue
� Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bid Security - Certified
Check - �300.00
Stran-Steel Corporation
3033 Excelsior Blvd.
Minneapolis� M3nnesota
'h�inity University Bid
Bond - 5�
Aclson Building & Supply
5939 Portland Avenue So.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Agric. Ins. Companv -
Bid Bond 5� �
Steel Structures, Inc.
821 - 9th Avenue 5.8.
Minneapolis� Minnesota
Agric. Ina. Company -
B1d Bond 5�
There was disenasion on the two low bids of Ceco Company and Stran-
Steel Company, The Ceco Company was the low bidder. Motion by Johanson
to award the bid to the Ceco Company in the amount of �j,370.Q0.
Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Johansan ta receive the a6ove peiition and place it on file.
Seconded by k�olke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimaualy.
Motion by Wolke to approve the above change order. Seconded b,y Johsnson.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nn,ys� the motion carried unanimouslp.
Motion bt� Johanson to approve the above change order. Seconded by
Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried
The City Manager stated that the �2,500.00 was originally held out to
guarantee that certain correctior.s would be msde in the street con-
struction d�£iciency which had-been noted by the City Engineering De-
partment. The specific defici�ncies which had been noted earlier had '
been corrected. Motion by Wolke to authorize the release o£ the
�2,500 contingency money to the Dunkley Surfacing Company. Seconded
bq Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naqs, the motion
carried u#Sanimouslq,
The City Manager suggested that the Couneil get en appraisal of
the property. Motion by Johanson to receive the letter and place it
on file� and to gat an appraisal of this easement. Seconded bq Wolke.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion cerrie3 unanimQUSly.
Mr. Wolke stated thet there were some changes that he wanld like to
make. The Council went into an executive session. The meeting ra-
convened. Motion b,y Wolke to accept the budget as proposed. Seconded
by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried
Motion by Wolke to autharize these streets to be repaired in accordance
with the recommendation of the City Manager. Seconded bq Johanson. '
Upon d voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Wolke to receive the notice of election o£ officers £or the
North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District. Seconded b,y Johanaon. Upon
e noice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion bv dohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by k'olks.
Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously,
Mr, Lea Knutson explained that it appears that the sewer line aoubd be '
built west of Fillmore Street and w3thout the inatallation of a lift
station, It could be built for elightly less than the cost of tha lift
statiod� and there would be no maintenance charges on the lines as there
would be with the li£t station. D's. Kautson also stated that the bank '
property on 63rd Avenue and University apparently vants sernice at once�
and asked if the Council wiehed to go ahead on these two items at once. '
Motion by Johanaon to adopt the resolution approving final plans and
speci£ications end ordering advertisement £or bids on the above project�
Sewer and Water %/59. Secobded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there
being no na�s� the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Knutson ezplsined that he does have a letter made up, but parhape
it should be held over until the next meeting. The Govncil atated that
the City Manager could have it on the agenda for the next meeting.
Motion by Wo1ke to receive the letter and suthorize the paymen+ to E.H.
Putnem Company in the amovnt of �l,�107.00. Seconded by Johanson.
IIpon a voice vote� thers being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously.
There being no fluther business� Acting Mayor Nee declared the meeting
Respect£ullp submitted:
r�r�� � s� ",�s�i���
Secretary to the Council
� � �
`' �
` �
��, �-�` � �
ACTING �/4y°R - liam Nee
A regular me�ting of the City Council Fras called to arder by Mayor Greig
at �:00 P.M.
Members present: Greig� Johansoni Nee� Wo1ke (arrived at 8:20 P.M.)
Member absent: Sheridan
Motion 6 y Nee to approve the minutea o£ the September 17, 1462 meeting
as received. Seconded by Jok►hnson. Upan a voice vote� there being no
nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion bq Johanson to approve the minutes of the September 25, 1962
special meeting as received. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there
heing no na,qs, the motion cerried unanimously.
The Mayor euggested that this item be tabled until later in the meetin�
when enother Councilman would be present.
The City Manager stated that the State Highway Department had informed
him by phone that ther were not coa�ierned at this time with the traffic
at 53rd and Univeraity Avenue. The State Highway Department felt that
they could eorrect any problem that might.arise by a changs in the pro-
posed eul-de-sac. =The load at this point on University Avenue was pro-
jected at 26�000 vehielea in 1968. It is about 13,00� now. Mr. Petro
was grescnt, Qnd stated that �he State Highway Department had tols him
that the "Broaster" reataurant would have little effeEt on the tra£fic
on University Avenue. Mr. Johanson atated that he thought the Council
should wait for a decision on thia matter until the Councilman of this
Wnrd was present. The matter was tabled until later in the meeting.
�-`s 9"