10/01/1962 - 00023513�
Motion by Wolke to receive the letter and suthorize the payment to E.H.
Putnam Company in the amonnt of $4�107,00. Seconded by Johanson.
Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously,
The-e being no flu�ther business� Acting Mayor Nee declared the meeting
RespectfUlly submitted:
Marvi 'C, Brunsell
Secretary to the Gouncil
� � ,
' ` ���
��LLh-�t �` � ��
ACTING �%/4y°R - ' liam Nee
A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig
at �:00 P.M.
Members present: Greig� Johanson� Nee, Wolke (srrived at 8:29 P.M.)
Member absent: Sheridan
Motion b y Nee to approve the minutea of the Sept.ember 17, 1962 meeting
as received, Seconded by Joh�nson. Upon a voice vote� there being no
nays, the motion carried unsnimously.
Mation by Johanson to approve the minutes o£ the Septem6er 25, 1962
special meeting as received. Seconded by 1Vee, Upon a voice vote� there
being no na,ys� the motion carried unattimausly.
The Mayor euggested that this item be tabled until later in the meeting
when nnother Councilman would be present.
The City Manager atated that the State Highway Department had informed
him by phone that ther were not coaderned at this time with the traffic
at 53rd and Univeraity Avenue. The State Highway D�partment felt that
theq could eorrect any problem that might•arise by a change in the pro-
poaed cul-de-sac. .The load at this point on ITniversity Avenue was pro-
jected at 26,000 vehiclea in 1968. It is about 13,000 now. Mre Petro
was preaent, and atated that the State Highwsy Department had tols him
that the "Broaster" resteurant would have Zittle effeSt on the tra£fic
on IIniversity Avenue. Mr. Sohanson atated that he thought the Council
should wait for a decision on this matter until the Councilman of this
Ward was preeent. The metter was tabled until later in the mseting,
f7 al
The Citv Msnager read the notice of hearing. The City Manager read ,
a letter from Northern Pump Company in which they ware protesting the
assessment ss the,y felt there was no benefit to them. Mr. Bolander was
present and presented a letter objecting to, the assessment. Mr, Bblander
atated that thev already have rrater on this property. He stated evidently the
City did not know this when they put in the water line. He stated that
the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer D3strict is condemning the property�
but he has two customers who are interested in the property� one to build
apartment houses, and the other to build a concrete plant. He stated
that the 8 inch line could not handle the sewerane i�om this area. N�. '
Harris was present, and asked questions relating to the project. The "
City Manager suggested that the gentlemen file objections to the project�
i£ they have any. Mr. Harris� Harris Invest,ment Company� stated that he
would like to file an objection to Praject �$0. Mr. Charles Swenson�
3710 Marshall Street� was present and stated that he would like to file
att��o6jectipn to the pro�ect.
Mr. Wolke arrived at 8:20 P.M;
9 represe�tative from Dorsey, Owen, Marquart, Windhorst & West was
present representinp, Northern Pump Company, and stated that thev oi�jacted
to the improvement. There were no othera preaent either £or or against
this improvement. The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
The Building Board had recommended that this be approved upon presentation
o£ a site plan. A site plan had been presented for the garage. Motion
b,y Johanson to authorize this moving permit. Seconded by Nee. Upon a
voice vote, tYiere being no nays, the motion carrled unanimousl,y.
Thc City Manager stated that he had talked to Mr. Boeck from the Highway
Department with rr.ference to this mstter� and the,p did not aeem too con-
cerned with the traffic problem it might create. Mr. Petro e�cplained the
location of the bui�ding and the proposed site. Mr. 4dolke stated that
there caill be a problem wiih traFfic on 53rd and University. Mr. Petro
stated that the restaurant would be comparable to the F�nbers Cafe. There
wa.3 fvrther discussion on the traffic which would be generated �t this
point. Mr. UTolke stated that the reataurant would be cloae to existing
buildings in the area. Mr. Petro stated that the people in the az�ea did
nat object. The Mayor statPd that he would not like to grant a permit
for a restaurant such as this, and then have t.he thing condemndd by the
Statc Highway Department in a couple of years. There was,further dis-
cussion on traffic. Motion by Glolke to deny the request for a Special
Dsc Permit and to move the "'➢roaster" restaurant to Lots 23 through 30y
Hlock 13� Hamilton's Addition to N!echanicsvd�lle. 3eeonded by Johans�n,
Upon a veic� vate� those voting in £avor� Greig� Johenson� k'olke� Nee.
Opposed� None. Sheridan absent. Motion carried.
The City Manager read the notice o£ hearing, A question was asked 1P
this was the storm sewer which would be in the vicinity of Rice Greek �
Road. The answer was no. Don Bolin� 13l,b 5kywood Lane� asked how the
boundariea oF-the assessment district were determined. He also atated
that the notice save that it would be assessed according to the 6cnePits
received, He states that water comes f�'om 53rd Avenue and flows into
this drainage district, and they are not included in the aseassment. .
Mr. Les Knutaon� Gomstock and Davis� Inc.� atated th�t the bonndaries
are determined by the street �rades and the field suri'ey. Mr. Bolin
stated that tha area was developed be£ore the storta sewer was put in�
so there should not have been any chunge in the street grade, He
stated that the neighbor in back of him had to build a xall to divert
the water running around the house. Mr. Knutsan suggested that probably
the drainage boundaried ahould be checked again. Mr. Henry Johnson�
1341 Skywood Lane, stated that the majority o£ drainape goes into a
gully� and he is being asseased now. He asked if a storm sewer were
to go in to take carc of this other portion of the area, wauld he be
assessed for it. M`r. Knutson stated that it wauld d�pend on how the
area is �raded off and developed. Mr. Henry Johnson stated that he
is only receiving one-fourth bene£it, as thst ia all of his property
that drsins into th�s drainage district� and asked if he would be
assessed for additional work when it would be put in. It was pointed
out that he wovld be assdsa�d if there were more work done in the
� drainage distPict.. Mr. Henry Johneon stated that he would like to
voice an objection� as he receives only 25� benefit. Mr. Vernon W111s�
125g Skywood Lanea asked how lon� a period the as�essment would be
apread. It was stated that the assessmeni, would be spread over a 20
qear periad. The Mayor suggested that this matter be continuef� until
October 8� 1962� so that the boundaried of the drainsge district could
be re-check�d, The Mayor declared the hearing continued to the special
meeting of October 8� 1962.
The City Manager read the notice o£ hearing. Mr. VaaCleave asked how
the project is to be financed� on a one or a ten year basis� ar over
how long a period. It was explained that the assessment wovld be spread
over a ten yeer periad except that in new plats the assessmcnt was put
on a one year Tiasis, Mr. Wolke explained that any amall plat developed
by a group o£ people goin� together platting the�r land� would be on a
ten year basia rather Lhan on a onz year basis� but on a developer coming
in and developing a large port,ion of land� the assessment would be on a
one year basis. Mr. Knalson From School Diatrict #16 was present, and
stated that they own Parcel #50, Section 11� and the Board o£ Fducation
had stated that they objected to the asaessment because thep had thought
that they were going to be assessed on both sides ancl he would like to
� have the matter deferred until the Board meeta on October 12� 1962! or
if this matter could not be dclayed until that time, he would lika to
£ile an objection until the matter is definitely determined as to what
�heq are being assessed for. The Mayor explained that the assessment
has to be certified by the lOth of October� so that the Counci.l could
not delay this until the 12th. Mr. Kohlan� City Attorney, suggested
that Nu�. Knalaon's objection be noted. Mr. Knalson presented a letter
of objection. There uere no other parsoas appearing for or against the
adoption of the "A" portion of Project #48• The Mayor declared the
discusaion on hearing closed in the "A" portion of Project #/48•
The hearing was opened on the "B" portion o£ Project #4S. A question
rras asked what this included� if it included Rice Creek Road. The
question was answered "yes." Mr. Knutson outlined the are� on the map.
Mr. Anderson. 1L,91 Ric� Creek Road� asked who wanted water and sewer on
Arthur Street� and he understood that they were going to put water and
sewer in on Arthur Street. It was explained that this was not a part o£
the project for which the hearing is being held. The question was asked
why is there a di£ferenee in cost between dif£erent parcels of the same
size. It was explained that the parcel that did have service connectiona
installed had a higher cost� as the people who did not install service
coMnectiona would have t6 install them at a later date. A resident at
1511 Ferndale stated that he objedted to the condition of the road� and
also� the curb cock had been run over by a City road grader and had not
been repaired, Mrs. W. N, Johnson� ll,l,8 Rice L�eek Road� stated that
�when water and sewer was put in on Rice Creek Road the culverts were
taken out� and were nat replaced� and she wished to have thia matter
taken care of. Mr. Robert VanCleave, 1559 Benjamin Street, stated that
he owns Lot 1� Block 1� Van Cleave Addition� and would like to have
this put on a ten year basis. He does not want the one year assessment.
Mr. Johanson atated that all of the lots in this addition should be on
a ten year basis. A quest3on wes aeked bq one of the residents if they
atill had to paq for the main ]ine on Centrsl Avenue. The answer was
"yes." Mr. Gilbert Sakariason was present and stated that he had two
lots which he wae having trouble getting aurvayed, The City Manager
sug�ested that he contact the City Engineer�s office. Mr. Sakariason
also asked about the boundar,y survey. The Mayor declared the discussion
on hearing closed on the "'B" portion of Project #4g•
The Ma,yor declared the hearing open on ��C° portion of Project #48•
Mr. Harvey Ratner of Lyndale Builders asked why there ia a dif£erence
between the di!'£erent areas in Schedule "C" for assessments. It +�ras
eacplained that there is an extra charge for grading in some areas� and
conpaction in otber areas, Mr. Ratner stated it aeemed that �18Q.Q0
was too high a figure to pay for°grading. Mr. Krn�tson suggested that
Mr. Ratner call him in the morning, A represeatative £rom Dorsey, (h+en, '
Nlarquart� Windhorst & West stated that he wished to rall the attention
of the Council to the fact that the property at Northern Pump xhich was
Lots 9 and 10� was assessed for 1�339 feet whereas they only hace 1�325
feet, There were no other persons who appeared for or a�ainst this por- '
�ion of the improvement oP Project if48-C. The Mayor declsred the dis-
cussion closed, and the hearings on A, B, and C continued until October
8, 1962,
Mr. Bolander steted that he objected to the assessment, and asked Mr.
Knutson if the line put in would take car� o£ the industrial property.
Mr, Hnutson statcd that it would depend on the type o£ industrlal dev-
elopment. Motion by Wolke to adopt the resolution confirming the asaess-
ment £or Sewer and Water Projeet #5�, noting the objectiona made by Mr.
Bolander, Mr. Swanson, and repreaentatives of Northern Rm�p Compsaiy.
Secondefl bv Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Nee that these two it�ms be tabled to the October Sth meeting.
Seconded bv Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion '
carried unanimously.
Mr, Toberman was present to answ�r questions concerning this request.
Mr, Wolke stated thst he understood that this was to be a temporary
installation. Mr. Toberman stated that he was told that if they set
the building back 80 feet it would not interfere with the service road�
or any other utilities of the City, Mr, Toberman stated Lhat he would
set the building back whatever distance the City would requYrc. There
was more discussion on this matter. Motion by Wolke to approve the
permit anbject to the checking by the Building Inspector that the bullding
is set back the required depth� either the 100 foot or the 80 foot det-
back. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�
the motion carried unanimouslq.
Mr. Glenn T�ompson� Ghairman of the Parks and Playgrounda Sub-co�mrittee ,
had reported to the Planning Coma�ission that an island of 7- g acres
was owned by the Narthern States Power Company on the Mississippi River
at the west end of Charles Street. The Planning Commission had reco�ended
that negotiations be conducted with Northern States Power"Compas�y to
either purchase or lease this property. Motion by Wolke to authorize
the City Manager anc� City Attorney to negdtiate with the Northern States
Power Company with reFerence to the above mentioned islsnd. Seconded
bg Nee. Ugon a vaice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried
4 e)
A representative from the Automatic Games Supply Company was present�
and stated tha+, he had put this equipment in on a 1L, day trial basis.
The City Manager stated that there was another company that said that
they could furnish the same type of equipment. There was some discussion
on the two types o£ equipment. The Mayor stated that he would like to
have a longer check on this equipment. The City Manager stated that this
other company claims that they can do the same thing as this company cen,
� The representative £rom the Automatic Games Supply Company stated that
he had put this in on a lt, day trial period and asked if 1.he Council
would consider renting this on a drink basis, The Council did nat accept
this of£er. The Mayor auggested tlzat both parties be asked to come in,
Motion by Johanson to aek both representatives to come to the Council
meeting at 7:30 P.M. on October 8� 1962. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y,
A letter had been receiaed f4�om several o£ the residents in the area
asking that this section of the line not be put in. Mr. Rnutson stat�d
that the V.F.W, could get aervice f�om tha rear oF the�r property� and
therefore, they did not wish to have the line on Central Avenue. Mr.
Knutson atated that one of the reasons for proposing the line on Central
Avenue in the first inatance� was that thesc were very large 1ots� and
they could be split, and have lots facing both Central Avenue and the
street to the east. Mr. Knutson stated that there is one existing house
that could not be served i£ the line were not put in. The City Manager
suggested a change order be prepared on the propert,y that did not want
the sexer, and it could be deleted from the project, Motion by Johanson
to autharize thc preparation of the change order. Seconde3 by Nee. Upon
a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously�
Warren Osborne was present and asked that sewer and water be spread over
a tcn year period in Gideo'a Addition, Motion by Johanson to authoriza
the spreading o£ aewer and water assessment on Gideo's Addition over ten
year period, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no navs,
the motion carried unanimouslq.
Mr. Sprungman was present and stated that he would like to have permission
to tap into the sewer main on the Fast River Road. The City Engineer
e�cplained that there is an old railroad right-of-way under several private
ownershipa existing in this area� The sewer is in the railroad right-
of-way� and there is a platted street to the east of this right-of-way
between the sewer line and the property in question. The City Engineer
explained that all o£ the property in the area could not be served by
ueing the existing aewer main line manholes, and the people in the area
undoubtedly wou13 need laterel service of somc type to provide 100%
service to the area� but the people in the area have dedided not to
petitian for lateral service at this time. Mr. Nee sugpested that Ns.
Sprungman sign a petition and agreemtnt for temporary sewer service,
and then he could be granted the permission to hook into a manhole.
� Motion by Nce to grant Mr. Sprungman permission to tap into this
sexer main system at a manhole with the provision that he sign the petition
for sewer lateral service and sign the agreement conditions as pro-
poaed. Secon$ed by Johanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays�
the mot3of� carried unanimously.
Mr. Mike L�renhoff was present and asked what the surveying was alang
Univeraity Avenue� and the State Highuay Depertment is to take more
land� and how much? �,tr. Knutaon atated that the right-o£-way is shown
�n Project W-34-K.
Motion by Johanson to receive the Following pctitione:
1. Petition for Bituminous Street Suriacing and Curb on Washington
Street from Sgth to S9th; JeFferson Street from 5gth to 59th; 5gth
and 59th from 7th Street to Jefferson Street. Lyndale Builders
Seconded by Nee. Lipon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Wolke to approve Genwral Claims 7161 through 7257. Seconded
b,y Nee. IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried
unanimously. `
Mot3on b,y Johanson to approve Liquor CZaims 46Z5 throngh 4647. Seconded
by blolke. Upon s voice vote� there being no nays� the motioh carried
Motion by Nee to approve Public Utility Claima 2075 through 2106.
Seconded by ldolke. Upon a vaice vote� there being no na;,*s� the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion b,y Wolke to approve the folloxing licensea:
Stanley Stegora
7708 — 5bth Avenue North
Crystal� Nlinnesota
Lumber King Company
40yi Vincent Avenue South
Minneapolis lq� Minnesota
Fred J. Sjolander
2634 Coon Rapids Blvd.
Coon Rapids� Minnesota
Economy Heating Cd�p�y
2830 — 16th Avenue South
Minneapolis 6� Minnesota
by: Stanley Stegora
by: Jerome Lorberbavm
by: Frod Sjolander
by: Richard Doyle
Seconded bp Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there'being no nays� the
motion carried unanimously.
Motion by wolke to approve the budget as presented. Secoaded by
Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried
The City Manager read the budget ordinanee. Motioa by Wolke to accept
this as the first reading oF the above ordinance. Seconded b,y Nee.
IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, �
The City Manager atated that the expected mill rste would be approximately
�0..�2 mills,
Motion by Johansoh to suthorize the bidding for "compact" cars, Seconded
by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried
Mr. Johanson stated that the placarda which were being used on the police
vehi�les and other City vehiclea were not ahowing up too well.
The Mayor stated that this haa been a right-o°-way since 1417, and was
� so designated on the County maps as a Countq Road. He stated that Coon
Rapids is passing a resolution also requesting that this road be opened
up, Mr. Knutson stated that the present alignment proposed for the water
mnin is on 83rd Avenue. (One block north of Ironton extended easterly),
Motion by Johenson to adopt the resolution requesting the construction
of s County road and also to have the necessary action taken to change
the water alignment if necessary and £easible to the proposed street.
Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Secanded by Nee.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion earried unanimously,
Motion by Johanson to receive the minutes and place them on £ile,
Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion
carried unsnimously.
Motion by Nee to approve the following appointments:
Dsnnie M, Ottem
260 - 67th Avenue N.E.
Fridlep, Minnesota
Clarence B, Trebua
1340 - 6Qth Avenue N.E.
F`ridley, Minnesota
Richard 6�. Bloom
6970 Je££erson Street N.F
Fridley� Minneaota
James W. Bates
6211 - 6th Street N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota
•• _. •
Public Works
C & M I
Public Works
C & M I
Public Works
C & M I
Public Works
C & M I
Per mo,
Per mo.
Per mo.
Per mo,
Seconded by Johenson. Upott a voice vote� there being no nays� the
motion carried unsnimously.
� MotioaTby,Wolke'to adopt the^above^resolut3on.^.Seconded by^Nee+ TIIpon
s voice voCe� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
.,.�,. ..
Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. IIpon
a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Johanaon to adopt the a6ove resolution. Seconded by Wolke.
IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Wolke to adapt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. IIpon
a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy,
Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanaon.
Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Nee ta adopt the above resolution, Seconded by Wolke. Upon
a voice votc, there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson.
Upon e voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
The City Manager stated that the Sears Roetruck Company had preaentad him
with a]etter in which thex petitioned for sewer, water, and atreet and
curbs� and requested that thev be installed on 73rd, but that they would
not like to be assessed for them. They would like to have 73rd Avenue
put in from the railroad tracks to University Avenue, Motion by Wolks
to r�ceive the petition and place it on £ileo Seconded by Johanson.
Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouslg.
The City Attorney hnd recommended that the sewcr break be repaired and
then the City and the Contractor meet to ascertain the responaibilitpo
The Contractor had agreed to do the work subject to the liability to be
ascertained at a later time. Mr. Iiohlan steted that authority is needed
from the Council to proceed. Motion by Johanson to authorize the repair
of this sewer line-subject to these terms. Seconded by Nee. Upon a
voice vote� there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously. Mr.
Kohlsn suggested a formal agree�nt be executed. °
Mr. Knutson suggested that the Couneil might want to discuas this on
the 8th of Octoberf and presented a report to the Council.
There heing no flu�ther business� the Mayor declared the meeting
Respectfully submitted:
�(�/7�„ay` �/CG��
Marvin C, Brunsell
Secretary to the C�uncil
� �y
� �y � i� - T. E. Greig