12/03/1962 - 00023451�� COUNCIL NIItNTES - DECEMF3ER 3� 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at B:oo P.M. ROLL CALL: Members present: Greig, Johanson� Sheridan� Wolke� Nee Members absent: None APPROVAL OF MINIITES: NOT�EMBER 19, 1962: Motion bv Nee to approve the minutes o£ the meeting of November 19, 1962 as presented, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimnusly. OLD BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEAR�NG - REZONING FROM R-1 TO R-3 PART OF AUDITOR�S SIIBllIVZSION N0. 1 9- FLANERY PETITION: � The City Manager read the notice of hearing. Mr. Podvin raised the question of what the sguare £ootage requirement was in the R-3 district at the present ti.me. Councilman Johanson stated that the ordinance on multiple dwallings had not been changed at the last meeting� and the square footage requirements were as they have been for some time. The City Manager stated that 10�000 square i'eet o£ land is needed for the first four units, and 1,000 square Peet £or eaeh additional unit. Mr. Podvin commented on the changes that have been made in the zoning ordinances. Mr. Podvin stated that he had wanted to split Lot 31, and it has 14l�.6 frontap,e. The Citg Manager stated that the normal lot width requirement is 75 feet except on a corner lot and that is 8D feet. Mr. Podvin stated � that he would be 1£oot 9 inches short o£ thLS requirement� but he would have 12�OQ0 square feet per lot. No one else appeared for or against the proposed rezoning of part o£ Auditor�s Subdivision No. 129. The Mayaa declared the hearing closed. '�F ORDINANCE N0. 22?_ AMENDING ORDINA�TCE ND. 2 Councilman Nee stated that he had asked for this to be tabled at the last meeting, but would now like to have it re-considered. Councilman Johanson stated that he had a suggested cha*ige in the £c�es to be charged which would reciuce the fees from the �35•OD and $5.00 to $20,00 and �5.00. Councilman Wo�ike stated that he £elt the !�0 £oot requirement for storage space was ridiculous, that the average apartment dweller stays onl,y a year� aid this storage space would create a fire hazard� and he felt the licensing fee tras'J too high. Councilman Johanson asked if the amendment to Ordinance No. 70 could be considered at this time and stated that many of the objections to ihe proposed charge o£ Ordinance No. 70 would be droppedif the new restrictions would aDply only to the new plats� and the plats on file at the present time would be able to use the old square foot requirement. Mayor Greig stated that he 1.rould vote against both� and he felt the Council could put tfiis back on the agenda after the lst of theyear if they wished. Councilman Nee stated that he £elt it was not reasonable naw to consider Ordinance No. 70 and Ordinance No. 213 only together' and he would like to have more in£ormation on the amend- ment to Ordinance No. 70 be£ore considering it once more. If the ame�ment to ' Ordinance No. 213 would pass tonight� it would pexmit some o£ the builders to start building. Councilman Johanson pointed out that a group of peop�e had representation by an attorney at the last meeting� and they had asked for a reduction of the fees. Councilmaa Nee stated that he Felt that the C�_t,y could support tne proposed inspection fees, and would like to see the ordinances enforced. Motion by Nee to accept this as the second reading of the ordinance amending Drdinance No. 213, and to have it published. Seconded by Joha*�s�n. Those voting in £avor� Johanson� Sheridan� Nee. Opposed� Greig� Wolke. Motion carried. Motion by Sheridan to instruct the City Manager and City Attorney to draw a new amendment to Ordinance No. 70 with the existing plats to be governed b,y the existing ordinance� and the new plats to be governed by the new �rdinance. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no �� nays, the motion carried unanunously. Councilman Nee asked what percent of land is involved under one or the other. The City Manager stated that he did not have this in£ormation available. Mr. Kohlan� City Attortiey� suggested that as long as the ordinance has passed, the application for the permits c�uld be received� and the permits could be processed in accordance with the amendments to the ordinance. Councilman Joha n�n stated that the Build�ng Inspector � would probably have to check the plans again, as there would be changes needed in them. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - ORTEPQSTONE TERRACE ADDTTION: The City Manager described the area to be platted. There was no one appearing Por mr against the adoptzon of the proposed final plat. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. ACCEPTANCE flF FINAL PLAT - ORTENSTOPIE TERRACE ADDITTON: Motion by Joh�son to accept this as the final plat of the Ortenstone Terrace Addition� and to authori.,e the Mayor and City C1erk to sign the same. Seconded b,y I3ee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, che motion carried unanimously. PUBLSG HEARING - HEH�iAL AllDITION FINAL PLATx Mr. Brown� City Engineer� explained ihat the hard shell was not here at the present tvne as the County had not finished checking it out. The question was asked about the setback requirements in relation to settlement o£ Ironton Street problem. Mr. Kohlan, City Attorney, stated that there was nothing yraived as far as the setback requirements were concerned� but the lot depth and area requirements were waived. Mr. Brown stated that the Council could accept the plat as presented� and if there were any �changes� it would be brought back to the Council, Mr. Walquist stated that he has a builder who wants to build on these lotsa and he has been waiting for quite some time. He said there is no question on the setbacks� �d would like to apply £or a permit. Mr, Wayne Toumie was present, and stated that he would be the person building on t}�e 7ots, and he stated that the setback would be the same as on any other lot. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. ACCF� TANCE OF THE FTNAL PLA2 OF HERWAL ADDITION: Motion Uy Johanson to accept this as the final plat of Herwal Addition� and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same, Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING BOARD MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION BY JAMES HIRSCH TO ERECT AN EIGiP1'-UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING AT 3 1- 79TH AVENUE NORTHEAST: Councilman Joha-�son stated that the Building Insoector had suggested waiver of the rear yard requirements� but the Building Board had recommended that the build�ng be situated a different way on the lot� as they decided it l�oked better facirg 79th Avenue. There was a question on the waiver of Section 8.D o£ the Zoning Ordinance. The City Manager asked if this had to go back to the Board of Appeals £or a waiver. Motion by Johanson to �grant the waiver of Section 8.2B of Drdinance No. 70 and Section 8„D of the amendment to Ordinance Iyo, 213. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unan�mously. �R A BUILI)ING PERMIT TO BUILD AN ELET(EN-UNIT APAN.TM�VT AT .E. �� PLAZA RAIIER C URT The Building Board had recommended that the application of Random, Inc. be anproved with the build�ng to be raised three feett or unless the Council grants the waiver, Motion by Nee to approve the pesriit of Random, Inc. for an apartment at 201 and 221 Satellite Lane� the permit £or a four-uni.t ,� • apartment building at 6550 Central Avenue Northeast by Erco� Inc.a the applicat�on by Peter Brook to relocate a building at Park Plaza Trailer Court� and permit Ja-Ken £or an eight-unit apartment building at 3S9 57th Place Noxtheast, The apartment buildings to be subject to the new orcinance. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vosce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. BDARD OF APi'EALS MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28� 1962: EST FROM SECTION 8.]D OF ORDINANCE N0. 70 BY WAiVER OF SIDE The Board o£ Appe� s had recommended that the variance be granted. Mr, Wegler oi the Board of Appeals was present� and stated that he had not voted in favor of this variance request as he felt there was no harc�ship involved� and i,hey could build a gara�e without this variance beir:g granted. Mr. Cochran was present and stated that there is no hardship involved but� the building is constructed in such a way to accoimnodate a garage on the side oi the building that it is planned. Motion by Wolke to concur in the recommendation of the Hoard of A�peals and grant the variance request. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - NOVEMBER 29� 1962: ST BY THE PAFKS AND PLAYGROIINDS SUB-COhII�lITTEE TO •� The Planmng Commission had recommended that approval be �ranted az�thorizing the �350.00 £or a report to the comrnunity on parks. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendaiion of the Planning Commission ar.d grant the request. Seconded by Plee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimcus�y. RF'Z01\�ING RE4Y;EST DY S. G. PEARSON COMPADiY INC. TO REZONE FROM C-2S TO The City Manager read a letter from Comstock and Davzs� Inc, with reference to the sewer and water facilities in the area. The Planning Gomm_ssion had recommended approval o£ this rezoning request� calling the attention o£ the Council to the sanitary sewer problem in the area� and the rezon�ng is recommended only if the Council approves the amendments to the rezoning and building ordinance�. Counc,7man Johanson stated that the Covncil cannot hold up these matter� any longer� waiting for a solution to the North Suburban San�tary Sewer District. Counc,lman Nee asked Mr. Knutson of Comstock and Davis� Inc. some questions about the letter. Mr. Knutson stated that when the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District line is avail- abl�, it would alleviate the problem in this area. Motion b3� Sheridan to receive the recommer�dation of the Planning Commission and to hold this matter until such tune as the recommendations af the Planning Commission ean he complied with. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST BY MINPSESOTA INDUSTIiIAL PARKS INC. - LOTS 2 AND 3. ALIDITOR'S SUBDIVIS IDN N0. 9 HEZONEll FROM R-1 TO R-3: The Plaruiing Commissicn recommended that this request be denied. Motion by Johansan to concur in the recommendation o£ the Planning Commission and deny the request. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote� there be-_ng no nays, the motion carried unar.lmously. Councilman Sheridan stated that he had a petition concerning this matter. Counc�]man Sheridan read Petition �60-1962 signed by three people who were in favor o£ the rezoning, and one opposed� and a petitzon in oppo- sition to the rezoning. Counci.lman Sheridan stated that on the petition by peopls in fazror o£ the rezoning� one had asked that svc-unit apartment buildings be put in. Counci]man Johanson pointed out that apparently two people had sigrted both petitions. - RE;CEIVE PETITIONS #60-1962 AND �/61-1962 AND PLACF� THEM ON FILE: Motion by Johanson to receive Petition #bo-1962 in favor o£ the proposed rezoning in Aud�_tor�s Subdivision No. 89 and also receive Petition #61- 1962 in favor o£ the rezoning of a portion of Auditor�s Subdivision No. � ��� L i � � � r. 129 lying north of 73rd Avenue Northeast. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanvnously. TO REZOi+IE FROM R-1 TO C-1 THE SOUTH 150 FEET The Planning commission had recommended denial of the rezoning request, Motlon by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny this rezoning request. Seconded by Johanson. Upon avoace vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHARLES J. LEA LOT SPLIT REQUEST FOR I,OTS 5 AND 7, BLOCK 2, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION: � The Planning Commission recommended approval of this lot split without regard to acquisition of park property. Motion by Johanson to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant this lot spl�t without re@ard to acquisition o£ park property, Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. STREETS AND UTILITIES SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING - NOTIEI�.BER 2%� 1962 - STATUS OF POLK STREET FROM LYNDE DRIVE TO HACKMANN AVENUE - APPROVAL OF BUILI]ING PERMTT BY KING REALTY: The Streets and Utilities Sub-committee had recommended that the City obtain a 20 foot street easement over tre east 20 feet of the south 160 feet o£ the west 656.92 feet o£ I,ot 1} Auditor�s Subdivision No. 25. The City Manager e�cplained the location of the street on the map� and the area rinere the water and sewer is going in. Mr. Thacker of K�ng Realt,y was present and stated that the,y would donate the land if it does not a£fect their permit. The City Mana�er stated that this would take approximatel,y 3�2flo square feet away from their land. Mr. Thacker stated that it would cut their apartments down by four units in all. There was a discussion o£ setback. The City Manager askea if the City could get the 20 feet and move the buildings back to within 5 feet of the parking area. She City Attorney stated that this could be done. The City Manager stated that the Cityr Engineer could draw up the dedication in the morning. Motion by Sohanson to aka,y the permit for the apartment buslding at 5701 Highway #65 Northeast by King Realty� subject to the dedication o? the �0 foot strip o£ land for street, and subjeet to compliance wiih the amendment to �rdinance No. 213. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. COMNAII�I IG ATIQNS: COMNNNIGATIOAi FROM MRS. JANET RENZ - SCfi00L DISTftICT P10. 16 - RECREATION PROGRAM: i There was a letter from Mrs. Janet Renz asking that someone be appointed a representative £rom the City of Fridle}* to meet with School District #16 representatives, Motion by Johanson to �point Richard Donlin and William Milcarek as the representatives £rom the C�ty of Fridley. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no naysa the motion carried unani- mously. LETTER P'ROM PAiTL LESK_I WITH REFr,RENCE TO SEWER CLAIM - 1!�£i TALMItDGE WAY: The City Manager suggested that the letter be turned over to the City Attorne�� with reference to the $1�00.00 portion of the claim, Motion by � Nee to turn this over to the City Attorney. Seconded by Joh�son. Upon a voice vote, there being no n�ys, the mation carried unara.mously. VISITORS: REPORT BY THE STEERING COMMITTEE FOR CIVIC CENTE R CITTZEN"5 COMi�tITTEE: Mr. John Swanson £rom the Steering Coirmiittee on the C�vic Center was present and stated that the committee had had a meeting, aid the Committee had adopted an operational chart for each of the various com,mittees, and set np the purpose of each committee and the duties of each corimiittee� and had set up a coordinating council which would report to the City Counc�l. t(�0 Mr. S�aanson e�laaned the make-up of each colrunittee and their dutiesy and alsc, stated that the Steering Cownittee had volunteered to serve as the nomznating committee. HOSPITAL BOARD REPORT BY CY_ARLES JOHANS�N; Mr. Charles Johanson stated that Coon Rapids has passed a resolution asking to be removed from the Hosgital District and asked if I'ridley would want to consider the same. He stated that on the vote on the Hospital Bonds at the recent elections there were 2,61�9 "no�� votes, and 1�656 "yes" votes £rom the City o£ Fridley. He stated that moat of the people who had called h�m are opposed ta the Hospital D�strict. Mr. Johanson stated that most o£ the people in Columbia Heightss or at least a great portion of them, had voted "no" on the Hospital question at the recent election. Mr. Johanson stated that one of the hospitals in the metropolitan area had offered to build a hospital in this area if �.nterested citizens could buy the land on which to locate the hospitai. The City Manager rear the reso- lution which had been passed by the City oF Coon Rapids. Mr. Johanson stated that Glenwood Hi11s is the hospital which had expressed an interest in building in the area. Mr. Johanson then submitted a written report to the Counc�l, Motion by Wolke to receive the report and place it on file. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CLPSMS: Motion by Johanson to approve General Claims 7539 through 7621�. Seconded by Nee. iTpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion earried unanimously, Motion by Nee to approve Liquor Clauns 1�8D8 through 1�839. Seconded by Wolke. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried uparYimously. Motion by 6herid� to approve Public Utility Claims 2218 through 2�(t3. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. LICENSE S : Motion by Johanson to approve the following licenses: BL�CTRSCAL Lindgren Electric Companq 213 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis 1l�� Minnesota EXCA�TATQRS Lloyd�s Excavating 806� Groveland Road Minneapolis 32� Minne� ta GAS SERPICES Moore Plumbir� & Heating Co. 3968 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota GENERAL ConstructYen Associationa Inc. 222 - 40th AvEnue N.Ea Minneapolis 21� Minnesota South Side Lumber Company & S & S Garage Builders 169 J�nes Avenue North M�nneapolis, Minnesota By: Raymond E. Lindgren By: I1oyd Remmers By: Marvin Moore By: Rudy Ocel� Pres. By: Arthur H. Tatur Nevn New Re ne�al New New � � � ial � HEATTNG Moore Plumbing & Heating Co. 3968 Centra], Avenue N.r. Minneapolis 21, Mlnnesota MASONRY Wayne Goldenstein 2860 - 132nd Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Mlnnesota By; Marvin Moore Reneural Sy: Wayne Goldenstein Renewal Theodore Kjeseth 1001 - 36th Avenue N,E. Minneapola.s 18, Minnesota By. T, C. K]eseth Renewal LeRoy Olmstead Osseo, Minnesota By. LeRoy Olmstead New Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 194-1962 SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR .SANUARY 7, 1963 ON THE GAS FRANCHISE� The City Manager read the resolution. Motion by Nee to adopt the resolution setting the public hearing on the gas franchise. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE RELATING TO GODIFICATION. The City Manager read the ordinance. Mayor Greig stated that the City Council could accept this as the first reading. Mr. Wyman Smith was present and asked �what type of 6inding the City Council wanted, and how many of each type eCc, Mr. Smith also explained the work which had been done on the codification of orda.nances. Motion by Nee to accept this as the fa�rst reading of the above ordinance, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Wolke left the meeting. NUMSER OF COPIES OF THE CODIFICATION OF THE CTTY OF FRI➢LEY ORDINANCES Motion by Sheridan to order 25 hard bound copies, and 75 paper covered copies of the codification of ordinances. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. 195-1962 WATER �ROSECT NO 1 Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolµtion. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, theze being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SEAL SEWER SERVIGE CLAIM. Motlon by Nee to approve the claim in the amount of $691.73 to Mr. Beal. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATTON OF USE OF PARK PROPERTIES BY I7TILITLES. Councilman Shexidan stated that with reference tio the park property, Comstock and Davis, Inc. had given figures with reference to the possible future use of the park property 6y the utility operation. Mr. Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc. had worked out certain figures which are presented in this agenda on page 43, and it shows the possible future space requirements for the utilities and also a recommended price of $2,500.00 pex acre fox land which would be taken 6y the utilrty function, Councilman Johanson stated that it shpuld be made a matter of record that the public IItilrty operation will pay back the amount as set forth in this letter, to the Park Fund for the land which is taken for the utility function. Councilman Nee stated ��2 that he felt that this would be a minimum figure. Motion by Sheridan to adopt this as the policy regarding the use of the Locke property by the public Utility Fund as set forth in a letter from Comstock and Davis, Inc, dated November 9, 1962. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 196-1962 CERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - LOT 10, AUDTTOR'S Motion by ,Iohanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RESOLUTION N0. 197-1962 DIAECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEI+IENT BONDS FOR SEWER AND WATER PRO.TECT N0. 58; Motion by Sheridan to adopt�the al6ove resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 198-1962 DIRECTING SALE AND PIIRCHASE OF TEMPORARY BONDS - SEWEH AND WATER PROJECT N0. 58• ^ Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolutzon, Seconded by Sherldaxe. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, CHANGE ORDER �kl - WATEK PR0.7ECT N0. 34-G: Motion by Johanson to approve Change Order i�1 for W-34-G. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mation carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER �k3 -�TORM SEWER AND SEWER Ar7D WATER PRO.TECT N0. 58: Motion by Nee to approve the above Change Order �'k3 for SS&SW�i58. Seconded by .Tohanson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER #2 - WATER PRO.TECT N0. 34-J - SCHEDULE �kl� Motion by Nee to approve the above Change Order 4k2 for W-34-J-1. Seconded by Sher2dan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER 4k3 - WATER PROJECT N0. 34-J - SCHEDULE �r`1� Motion by Johanson to approve the above change order �'�3 for W-34-.T-1. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 188-1962 - REFERENCE TO TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT OSBORNE ROAD AND MISSISSIPPI STREET ON THE EAST RIVER ROAD: The City Manager stated that he was presenting this resolution for approval or correction. It had been passed previously, and thls was presented as to correctness of form. The City Manager stated that the County Engineer had brought this matter to the attentLOn of the County Board, and the County has �ndicated that traffic signals would go Ln next spiing, and the City would be asked to participate in one-half of the cost. Motion by Johanson to approve the form of Resolution No. 188-1962. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPRIASAL OF RIGHT-OF-idAY - W-34-F• The City Manager stated that Mr. Shaffer had made an appraisal of the property and had recommended a settlement �n the amount of $2,400.00 for the 1.61 acres for the installation of the water transmission 1ine, and a street from the bridge over T.H, �1�'100 to Gardena Avenue, The Diocese had suggested a value of $6,440.00. Motion by Johanson to offer the amount of $2,400.00 to the Diocese, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE VACASING A PORTION DF 67SH AVENUE NORTHEAST� The Cxty Manager stated that the public hearing would be held on�December 17, 1962, but the first reading could take place at this time. The City Manager explained the location of the street on the map. Motion by Nee to accept this as the fitst reading of the above ordinance. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motzon catxied unanimously. � � � � APPOINTMENT. ��RJ Motion by Johanson to approve the removal of Roger Sawyer as Custodian at Shorewood Lounge and to apgrove the appoLntment of Irvin S. Christenson to replace Roger Sawyer as the Custodian ut Shorewood Lounge at a salary of $325,00 per month. Seconded by Sher�dan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unattimously. RESOLUTTON N0. 199-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTTNG THE SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS -�LOCK 27, HYDE PARK ADDITION: � Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sherxdan. Upon a voice vote, there bezng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0, 200-] - BLOCK 2. SPRING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL Motion by Johanson Co adopt the a6ove resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cazried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 201-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTTNG THE SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - PARCEL 7970 AND PARCEL 8200, PLYMOIITH ADDiTION� � Motion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 202-1962 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - LOT 1, AIIDITOR`5 SUB➢IVISION N0. 89� � Motion by Sherldan to adopt the a6ove resolution, Seconded by Nee vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. MELODY MANOR ADDITION: Upon a voice AND OUTLOT 5 �Motion by Johansnn to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PARTIAL ESTIMATE ��2 - DUNKLEY SIIRFACING COMPANY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 1962-2A IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,798.98: Motion by Nee to approve the above estimate, Seconded by Johanson. ilpon a voice vote, there being no naqs, the motion carried unanimously. PARTIAL ESTIMATE ii2 - ��r Motion by Sheridan to approve the above estimate. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrLed unanimously. RETllRN OF $200.00 CASH BOND STH STREET NORTHEAST - ALVT� AT 5948 The City Manager stated that the Building Inspector had informed him that the completion of the outsLde of the building had been accomplished and the Building Inspector had recommended that this $200.00 be refunded to Alvin Cyrus. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SPITAL BOAR➢• �Mr. Charles Joha.nson brought up the question whether or not the Council wished to take action on the Hospital District. The Mayor suggested that the matter be put on the next agenda. Mr. Nee stated that he wished that he could talk with someone who could give him the history of this pro]ect. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING The Mayor stated that he would not be back in town until the Sth of January, and asked that the meeting be postponed until then, if they wished to have him present. NOTICE OE RE-COUNT: The City Clerk Lnformed the City Council that he had received notice of re-count ��� for the office of Lieutenant Governor. Motion by Nee that the Clerk take the necessaty steps to safeguard whatever records he might have an his possession regarding this election. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no rays, the motion carried unanimously, BY JAMES HENSLEY - BOARD OF HEALTH - ON THE EUILDING AT Mr. James Hensley was present and stated that he had sent several notices to Carl Sorenson with regard tQ a dilapidated building at 1400 - 64th Avenue Northeast. Mr. Hensley also presented slides showing the dilapidated condYtions ' of the building and infestation of rats in the building. Mr. Kohlan ststed that there are two procedures that the Council could follow on this matter. One is the Statutory Nuisance procedure, and the Contract for Deed holder, or the buyer, would be the person responsible for this in his opinion. If you bring a nuisance proceeding against Mr. Sorenson, he could say that he is not the owner of the property as he has a contract for deed with someone e1se. The other procedure would be for the Council to proceed under Ordinance No, 72, which has reference to dilapidated structures and involves notice to the property owner, and there is a charge placed against the property for taking care of the situation, Mr. Hensley stated that it would cost close to $400.00 to remove this structure. Mr. Hensley stated that rats had chewed holes through the Eloor and rat droppings were found on the floor, and were found a11 over. There was an outside privy, which is an illegal structure in Fridley, and Mr, Hensley would like to bring this matter to court so that ir could be decided. Mr. Kohlan stated that you can only abate a nuisance, and the man who is the contract purchaser is the owner of the premises. The City Manager asked what the action of the Council would be if they brought Mr. Sorenson in before the Council. Mr. Kohlan stated that Mr. Sorenson would have to show cause why this nuisance should not be abated. Mr. Nee asked if it would not be to Mr. Sorenson's interest to let' the City burn it down, Motion by Johanson to direct the City Attorney to wrlte a letter to Mr. Sorenson unstructing h1m to appear before the City Council at the December 17, 1962 ryeeting. Seconded by Nee. IIpon a.voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. INCREASE OF ASSESSNiENT RATIO FOR THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY AND THE COUNTY OF ANOKA; Councilman Nee presented statistics showing what the increase on the assessments would be for Fridley as raised by the State Tax Department and explained what had been done up to this point on it, ADSOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Greig declared the meeting ad�ourned. Respectfully suhmitted Marvin���B Csel" 1 Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER ll, 1962 M Ay�.0 - T. E. Gra'ig A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Nee at 8 OS P.M. ROLL CALL: Members present Members absent Sohanson, Sheridan, Nee, Greig (arrived 8:45 P.M.) Wolke APPROVAL OF MINUTES - DECENtBER 3, 1962 MEETING: ' L�.J