12/17/1962 - 00023442in4 for the office of Lieutenant Governor. Motion 6y Nee that the C1erk take the necessary steps to safeguard whatever records he might have in his possession regarding this election. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no rays, the motion carried unanimously. BY JAMES HENSLEY - BOARD OF HEALTH - ON THE D Mr. Sames Hensley was present and stated that he had sent several notices to Car1 Sorenson with regard to a dilapidated building at 1400 - 64th Avenue Northeast, Mr. Hensley also presented slides showing the dilapidated conditions ' of the building and in£estation of rats in the building. Mr. Kohlan stated that there are two procedures that the Council could follow on this matter. One is the Statutory Nuisance procedure, and the Contract for Deed holder, or the buyer, would be the person responsible for this in his opinion, If you 6ring a nuisance proceeding against Mr. Sorenson, he could say that he is not the owner of the property as he has a contract for deed with someone else. The other procedure would be for the Council to proceed under Ordinance No. 72, which has reference to dllapidated structures and involves notice to the property owner, and there is a charge placed against the property for taking care of the situation. Mr. Hensley stated that it would cost close to $400.00 to remove this structure. Mr. Hensley stated that rats had chewed holes through the floor and rat droppings were found on the flonr, and were found a11 over. There was an outside privy, which is an illegal structure in Fridley, and Mr. Hensley would like to bring this matter to court so that ir could 6e decided. Mr. Kohlan stated that you can only abate a nuisance, and the man who is the contract purchaser is the owner of the premises. The City Manager asked what the action of the Council would be if they brought Mr. Sorenson in before the Council. Mr. Kohlan stated that Mr. Sorenson would have to show cause why this nuisance should not be abated. Mr. Nee asked if it would not be to Mr. Sorenson`s interest to 1et' the City burn it down. Motion by Johanson to direct the City Attorney to write a letter to Mr, Sorenson instructing him to appear before the City Council at the December 17, 1962 fieeting. Seconded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. INCREASE OF ASSESSMENT RATIO FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND THE COUNTY OF ANOKA: Councilman Nee presented statistics showing what the increase on the assessments would be for Fridley as raised by the State Tax Department and explained what had been done up to this point on it. ADJOIIRNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Greig declared the meeting ad�ourned. Respectfully submitted• Marvin�C�r Cse1- 1 Secretary to the Council �tAyt.f — T. E. Grsig COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 17, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Nee at 8 OS P,M. ROLL CALL: Members present Members absent Johanson, Sheridan, Nee, Greig (arrived 8 45 P,M,) Wolke OF MINUTES - DECEMBER 3, 1962 MEETING• � � Motion by .Tohanson to approve the minutes of the December 3, 1962 meeting as presented. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE N0. 223 ADOPTING CODIFICATION. The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the second reading of the above ordinance and to have it published. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - VACATING PORTION OF 67TH AVENUE NORTHEAST �The City Manager read the notice of hearing. No one appeared for or against the proposed vacation. The Acting Mayor declared the hearing closed, SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE N0. 224 VACATING 67TH AVENUE NORTHEAST: Motion by Johanson to accept this as the second reading of the above ordinance, and to have it published, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - BLACKMAR ADDITION The City Manager read the notice of hearing. No one appeared for or against the adoption of the above plat. The Acting Mayor declared the hearing closed. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT - SLACKMAR ADDITION: Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the final plat of the Blgckmar Addition and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Seconded by ,Tohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OPENING OF BIDS FOR BONDS� The City Manager opened the,following bids which were reeeived: �BIDDER John Nuveen and Company Juran & Moody, Inc. Barcus Kindred & Company PRICE $1,140,000.00 $1,140,000.00 $1,140,000.00 NET RATE 3.6575% 3.7285% 3.8267% � (� � Mr. Robert Ehlex�s from Ehlers-Mann and Associates, bond Consultants, was present and stated that he would check the bids to see that they were correctly tabulated. Motion by Sheridan to receive the bids and turn them over to Mr. Ehlers for tabulation and recommendation. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. HEALTH MATTER - 1400 - 64TH AVENUE NORTAEAST Mr. Kohlan stated that Mr. Kvalheim, attorney for Mr. Carl Sorenson had called him today. Mr. Kvalheim stated that Mr. Sorenson was in his office at the time, and that Mr,� Sorenson stated that he would send the City a letter today agreeing to demolish the structure at 1400 - 64th Avenue Northeast within 30 davs. With reference to the other properties which Mr. Sorenson might own which were in a dilapidated condition, Mr. Kvalheim asked that the City suUmit a last of these other properties. Mr, Kohlan stated that he and Mr. I-Iensley would work up this list and submit it to Mr. Kvalheim. The CLty Manager stated that the Council could direct that these other matters 6e brought up to the attention of the Council. Mx'. .Tohanson stated that with reference to the building on Ashton Avenue which was torn down, there is sti11 a lot of debris lying around and it nas been ther,e for three or four weeks. �Motion by Johanson to direct the City Attorney to report on the other dilapidated bualdings in the City which need attention and are owned by Mr. Sorenson. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion,carried unanimously. , BUILDING BOARD MIN[ITES - DECEMBER 12, 1962 APPLICATION FOR BUILDLNG PERMIT FOR A FOIIR-UNIT APARTMENT AT 18Q MISSISSIPPI PLACE BY VERNON LUNDGREN• � The City Manager stated that this was not an official meeting, as there were only � ��h two members of the Building Board present, but these two members did state that this applicat7.on appeared to be in order and met the requirements of Ordinance No. 213 which was passed in Sune of 1962, except that the storage space in the lower level was to be changed so that it would be a bedroom for said apartment, and therefore, recommended that the permit be approved. Mn. Johansocl stated that the builder has revised these plans and he does have lockers in the basement, etc. Mr, Johanson stated that the BuildLng Inspector has not seen� these particular plans, and the Council could okay them sub�ect to the Building Inspector checking them to see that they do meet the building code. Motion by Sheridan to approve the plans of Vernon Lundgren as presented to the Council on the condition that the Buildir.g Inspector finds the plans to be in order and approves them. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouslg. � PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - DECEMBER 13, 1962 PRELIMINARY PLAT - SKYWOOD ADDITION - SHELDON MORTENSON: This is a replat of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94 and Outlots A and B of Beverly Hills Addition. Mr, Calvin Brown, City EngLneer, stated that the property owner had relocated the water main on the property at his expense. The City Manager stated that the Fridley News did not publish the notice for the Minn- eapolis Gas Franchise Hearing for ,Ianuary 7, 1963, therefore, this hearing would have to be delayed until later on in January, so that if the Council wanted to hold a hearing on this plat on January 7th, there would nob be too much on the agenda. Motion by Sheridan to accept this as the preliminary plat of Skywood Addition and to set a public hearing on the final plat of Skywood Addition for January 7, 1963. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voLCe vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. _ � - VACATION OF BROOK STREET - MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL PARKS, INC. The planning Commission recommended that the vacation be granted sub�ect to re- taining of the necessary utility easements. Motion by .7ohanson to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and set a public hearing on this vacation. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caYried unanimously. STATUS OF POLK STREET FROM LYNDE DRIVE TO HACKMANN AVENUE - KING REALTY PROPERTY: The City Manager stated that King Realty Company has agreed to dedicat� a 20 foot street easement. Mr. Brown, City Engineer, stated that the City has not received this deed as yet, but there are several legal matters that have held this up, and are being worked out at the present tLme. The City Manager stated that King Realty appears to be making an effort to get the deed, The Planning Commission had recommended that the City proceed to acquire the 20 foot street easement over the east 20 feet o� the south 160 feet of'the west 656.92 feet of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25. Motion by Sheridan to concur in the recommendation of the planning Commission. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMIJNICATIONS COMM[JNICATION FROM MR. AND MRS. MISKOWIC WITH REFERENCE TO �. AT 370 MISSISSIPPI STREET NORTHEAST FOR THE ASSESSOR, CIVIL The City Manager recommended renewing the pre�sent lease on the presen't rental space for the facilities as described above. Motion by Sheridan to authorize ' the City Manager to negotiate a lease for the year of 1963 on the above premises. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �the motion carried unanimously. LETTEA FROM FRIDLEY JAYCEES WITH REFERENCE TO PLANNING TO RUN A"JUNKER" ON MOORE LAKE THIS WINTER AS PART OF A CONTEST� Nlr. Kohlan, City Attorney, stated that placing of a �unk car on the lake would become an attractive nuisance. Mr. Johanson suggested that if this car were placed on the lake, that the glass be taken out, Mr. Kohlan suggested roping off the area, and as an at�torney he does not like to see something like this, but that does not mean that it is not a good idea. Mr. Kohlan stated that adequate safety precaution should be taken. Mr. Ronald Zacharias from the Fridley .Taycees was present and stated that they would work out the location of the car on the ice with Mr. Donlin the Park Director, and they would agree to fake the glass out. Motion by Sohanson to grant the abeve request sub,7ect to the glass � � , �r��, being removed from the car, and sub�ect to the City Attorney being satisfled as to the proper safety precautions being taken. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. GONSIDERATION QF RESdLUTION WLTH REEERENCE TO NORTH SUBURSAN HOSPITAL The City Manager stated that the resolution as presettted to the Council was the same as the resolution passed by the City� of Coon Rapids with reference to with- drawing from the North Suburban Hospital District. Mr, Sheridan stated that he understood that the City cannot actually dissolve this district, or withdraw from it, �legally except by legislative action. Mr. Nee stated that he had not heard of anyone who has said that they want the hospital. Mr. Johanson stated that apparently the majority of the people �.n Fridley do not w8nt Lt, Mayor Greig arrived at 8•45 P.M. Mr. Greig suggested that this matter be tabled unfil after the first of the year. Motion by .7ohanson to table this matter until January 7, 1963. Seconded by Greig. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moeion carried unanimously. TABULATION FDR BI➢S FOR SALE OF $990,000.00 OR IMFROVEMENT BONDS AND $150,000.00 PARK SONDS: Mr. Robert Ehlers of Ehlers-Mann and AssocLates, Sond Consultants, reported that the low bidder_was the John Nuveen Company with a net interest cost of 3.6575% and the bid did check out. RESOLUTION N0. 204-1962 AWARDING SALE OF $99D,OOO.DO IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND $156,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION Mr, Kohlan read the above resolution awarding the sale of bonds to the John Nuveen Company, Motion by Johanson to adopt the above xesolution. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � -1962 G�i] G3�IY: �E3s7.'II � 1 �l[R17 1MYHVV6ML'1V1' ISUNLJ E?LVU L11CC�1:11N1.' 1riGliC �1SL1:U11V1V lllV1J L.CLIVL't(Y ALVJ� Y1CVV1L11V1i NVK THE PAYMENT THEREOF: Mr. Kohlan read the above resolution. Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a vaoice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 206-1962 M�,��ii���, /� PIONS OF THE $15Q,DOO.OQ RY AND PROVIDING FOR THE Mr. Kohlan read the resolution. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the a6ove resolution, Seconded by Greig. Upon a voice vot „ there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sheridan asked about the 6( interest rate that the City is charging the property owners on the assessments, and the fact that the interest the City pays is not this high. It was poinCed out that Chere are a lot of prepayments, and therefore, the City loses money on these prepayments, as they lose the interest. Th�re is also tax delinquent property in which the City receives no interest, and also, the �ull faith and credit of the City is being pledged for these bonds otherwise the City, would be paying much more than the 3.6575 interest rate. TNSURANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: �Mr, Robert Pearson was present and explained the Insurance Committee report with reference to the hospitalizat�on,insurance. Mr. Pearson stated that a proposal was received from another company, but it was $3,00 to $4.00 higher in cost than the plan of Western Life Insurance Company. Mr. .Tohanson stated that with reference eo raising the benefits and the cost, he would be in favor of thls only if the ma�ority of the employees want it. Mr. Pearson brought up the question of physical exams for new employees, and also, for the family. There was considerable discussion on the hospitalization insurance.and whether the benefits should be increased, and if so, how much, and a1so, whether the City should pay gaxt of the cost, or all of it, or how the cost should be distri�buted,�and alsa, there was discussion as to whether or not bids should be solicited from other companies. A petition signed by 28 employees asking that bids be taken was noted. �_�� Mr. Greig left the meeting and wlshed everyone a Merry ,Chri�stmas and Best Wishes, Mr. Johanson presented Mr. Greig with a gavel inscribed with his term of servi�ce for the years of 1956 through 1957 and years af 1960 through 1962. Mr. Nee stated that at his own place of business, the Qmployees were upset when the rates were increased, and the coverage was increased. Mr. Sheridan stated that he felt the employees should not be charged over $12.00 per month for the hospitalzzation plan. The City Manager suggested that if the Council wants to increase the benefits, �ust increase it on the room allowance only. Mr. Pearsott stated that Equitable Life Assurance Company had presented a plan that was about $3.D0 above thxs plan and the agent had stated that this was a good deal because � o� the prestige of the Equitable Life Assutance Company. There was more dis- cussion on who would pay the increase cost, Motion bq Johanson that the employees be polled to see whether they would be in favor of their increase of $2,52 a month for the increase coverages as proposed, or if they would 6e in Favor of part of these increased coverages and expenses as proposed, if the City would be willing to pay the City's additional share of the cost. Seconded by Sheridan, Upan a voice vote, there beittg no nays, the motion carried unanimously, INSURANCE CONIMITTEE REPORT ON OTHER CITY INSURANCE• Mr. Robert Pearson discussed all of the other insurance coverages for the City of Fridley and explained them to the Council, including Fire, Workmen�s Comp- ensation, Lzability, etc. The City Manager bxought�up the question of buying a policy protecting employees and Councilmen from personal law suits arising from acts done in the conduct of City husiness. Mr. Pearson stated that he would get quotations on this from some of the companies as to what it would cost. Motion by ,Tohansun to instruct the Insurance Committee to place the policies in force as presented to the City Council, including the hospitalization at the saroe basis as last year until such time as it may be changed, and instructing the Insurance Committee to �get a binder on the personal laability policy and report back to the Council at the next meeting as to the cost of this, Seconded by - Shendan. Upon a voice vote, [here being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. I�r. Robert pearson brought up the question of exposure to fire in the files in the Assessor's offlce and certain maps etc, in the Engineer's office, At the present time, the insurance covers only the cost of the paper, and it would be very costly to duplicate the data contained xn these. The City Manager asked Mr. Pearson to get a figure on what this would cost.. CLAIMS Motion by Sheridan to approve General Clazms 7625 through 7786, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no �ys, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to approve Liquor Claims 4840 through 4902. Seconded by Sheridaz�, Upon a voice vote, there beLng no nays, the motxon carried unanimously. Motion 6y Shen dan to approve Publ�c Utility Claims 2244 through 2276, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES. ESTIMATES OF COMSTOCK AND DAVIS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,440.25: � Morion by Johanson to approve the following estimates: � Estimate iF5 - S&Wik55 Estzmate �'�3 - SS&S�k58 Estimate �k2 - W&54�59 Estimate �k14 - W-34-F Estimate i�13 - W-34-G Estxmate 9k7 - W-34-J-1 Estimate �kl - W-34-J-2 Estimate �'k3 - SS�'k53 Estimate i%3 - W-34-K Estimate -0�1 - W-34-L $ 33.75 308,75 1,039.75 363.50 132.75 749.25 40.50 1,915.00 < 839.00 18.00 $ 5,440.25 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried ananimously. _ � �I � , �_J � � EST �_ 0 � - PROJECT N0. W-3/+-J, SCHEDTILE 1 IN THE Motion by Sheridan, to approve the payment of the above estimate. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATE FOR D.W. AMOUNT OF $9.656. - EST - PROSECT N0. W-34-J - SCHEDULE 2 IN THE MotLOn by Sheridan to approve the payment of the above estimate, geconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Che motlon carried unanimously. ESTIMATE FOR SANASTROM AND HAFNER FOR PROJECT SS�k53 - ESTIMATE #2 (FINAL). Mr. Les Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc. stated that there was a sma11 amount of curbing to be repaired under Pro]ect S5��53, and some other minor incidental work, the total cost of which would be approximately $300.OD. Mr. Kohlan, City AtYorney, suggested that this $nal payment be released for Pro7ect SS,'�53, sub�ect to the contractor g�ving the City a letter stating they will guarantee the completion of this woxk. Motion by Sheridan to approve the payment of Estimate iF'2 for Project ,SS'k53 �Fina1) in the amount of $43,177.10. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. N0. W-34-K. ESTIMATE �k7. IN THE OF Motion by 3ohanson to approve the payment of the above estimate. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATE 9f1 IN THE Motion by Sheridan to approve the above estimate. Seconded by ,Tohanson. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried unan.imously. N0. 4- PROJECT N0. W-34-G I & IN THE AMOUNT OF 57.761.05 AND 1 Motion by .Tohanson to approve the ahove estimates. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a volce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Y.� �[r, Knutson of Comstock and Davis, Inc, stated that there was a sma11 amount of incidental work to be done on this pro�ect, Mr. Kohlan, City Attorney, suggested that a letter be o6tained from Montgomery Construction Company Uefore the check is released for this estimate, Motion by Sheridan to approve the above estimate sub�ect to getting a letter from the contractor in which he agrees to complete the Lncidental work as outlined by 1�[r, Knutson. Upon a vAice vote, there being no nays, the mation carried unanimously, LICENSES: Motion by Johanson to approve the following licenses• ELECTRICAL Edina Electric Company, Inc, 5101 West SOth Street Edina 24, Minnesota GAS SERVICES Ray Stegora Plumbing Go. 5419 Quebec Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTOR Sheldon A. Mortenson 1234 Highway 9�100 N.E. Fridley 21, Minnesota Sq: .Tohan Otterlie By: Ray Stegora By 5. A. Mortenson New New Renewal ��o Earl Nelson Construction Co. 6104 Zenith Avenue South Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Statewide Contractors 4221 Excelsior B1vd. St. Louis Park,� Minnesota Anthony Traczik 8016 Sunkist Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING Crystal Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 6324 Bass Lake Road Minneapolis 27, Minnesota Ray Stegora Plumbing & Heating Co. 5419 Quebec Aveaue North MLnneapolis 28, Minnesota MASONRY Walter G. Ahlm Company 9000 Rockford Road New Hope 27, Mxnaesota MOVING AAA House Movers, Inc. 1246 West 7th Street St. Paul, Minnesota PLiIMBING Lester Fo1ey plumbing 9712 Humboldt Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota By: Earl Nelson By-: Robert �. Foss By: Anthony Tsaczik By; Reino L. Perry By; Ray Stegora By: Walter Ahlm New New New Renewal New New By Sohn K. Lynde, Jr, New By Lester Fo1ey New � Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDTNANCE REZONING PORTION OF AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIO�I N0. 129. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that there were not foui- Councilmen piesent and suggested that this matter be carried over to the next meeting. Motion by Johanson to carry this over until the January 7, 1963 meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried un- animously. ' RESOLUTION N0, 207-1962 REQUESTING ADDITIONAL BU5 S&RVICE: The City Manager stated that Councilman Wo1ke had asked that the bus service Ue extended along University Avenue to Osborne Road. Mr. Sheridan suggested that it would be better to have the bus go north on University Avenue to Osborne Road then east on Osborne Road to Highway �{k65, then south on �k65 to Mississippi Street and back on Mississippi to University. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution asking for additional bus service as outlined by Councilman Sheridan. Seconded by Sohanson. Upott a voLCe vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF STORM SEWER AGREEMENT - T.H. i�47: Mr. Knutson explained the letter from Comstock and Davis, Inc, dated December 13, 1962, with reference to the above sub�ect and also stated that the City and the Highway Department had been negotiating on this matter for quite some time. Mr. Knutson stated that there appears to be some discrepancy in the allowance allowed the City for the engineering. Mr. Knutson stated tha£ this proposal was previously presented to the Council on August 3D, 1962. Mr. Kohlan, City Attorney, stated that the Council would not be bound by the passing of�a resolution and would not be bound until such time as the agreement is signed, Mr. Nee asked about the possibility of holding a public hearing, and whether a public hearing would be necessary for Stoxm Sewer pro�ect No. 5 inasmuch as it had been quite � � � � � � 111' some time since the hearing was held. Mr. Knutson stated that the hearing was held in the Spring of 1960, Mr. Kohlan stated that maybe the Council should go through with a new hearing. The City Manager suggested that the engineer give the City Councll a supplemental preliminary report so that the Council can be brought ug to date, so they could then decide rahether or not to hold a public hearing, Mr. Kohlan recommended that the Engineer be authorized and directed to review the previous prelimittary report, and bring the reporC up to date by the addltion of any new information, so the Council could order the public hearing if it is so desired, based on a currenC report, Mot�on by Sheridan to Lnstruct the Consulting Engineers to bring the preliminary report up to date and make a new preliminary report to the City 'Counc�l for Storm Sewer Pro�ect ��5, the storm sewer norCh of Highway ��100 on University Avenue Northeast. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Knutson suggested that a meeting be held with the City of Columbla fteights on this storm sewer matter. Mr. Nee stated that the Council could send the Minnesota Aighway Department a copy of the minutes relating to this discussion on the sYOrm sewer. RESOLUTION N0. 208-1962 ADVERTISING FOR BiDS FOR GASOLINE - YEAR 1963: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson voice vote, there beLng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 209-1962 ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR CHLORINE - YEAR 1963• Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sherxdan a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carned unanimously. IIpon a Upon RESOLUTION WITH REFERENCE TO THE STDRM SEWER AGREEMENT - MELODY MANOR ADDITION: Mr. Kohlan stated that the agreement that is being proposed would work out the particulars of the City purchasing certain lines in the Melody Manor Addition as had been previously discussed aC the time the assessments were levied. Motion by Sheridan to table this matter until January 7, 1963. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER 4F1 - SEWER AND WATER PR07ECT N0. 59 Councilman Nee asked if the cost of changing the manholes as proposed in this change order would be borne 6y the whole pro�ect. Mr, Knutson stated that it would not be borne by the whole pro�ect, but it would be borne by the property owner requesting the change. Motion by Johanson to approve Change Order �kl for Prolect No. S&W�,�59. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE �RDER #% - WATER PROJECT #j!�-F: Motion b,y Sheridan to approve the above change order. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr•ied unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENTS - LC/I'S 7 THROUGH 1D, BUJCK 1,,� SWANS2ROM�S COURT ADDITION ANJ RE9�LUTION N0. 2io-i9 : � � The Cit,y Clerk e�lained the proposal of Sl�uanstrom Company' Inc. in which they ask that the assessments be placed on Lots 7 through 10, B1ock l� at this tune xather than waiting until such time as the line goes in on 532 Court, and having Lots 7 through 10� Block 1, Swanstrom�s Court Addition participate in the cost of this line. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon avoice votea there being no nays, the motion earried unanimo�sly. CONSIUERATION OF ASSESSMENT - LOT 19, BLOCK S� EDGEWATER GAR➢ENS ADDITION EXTENDING THE STREET ASSES:�IEDTT OVER A FIVE YEAR � RIOD - RESOLUTION N0. 11-19 . Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voxce vote� there heing no nays� the motion carried unanimpusly. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT l�STH AND SECaND STREET FOR PONDING: Motion by dohanson to authorize the City Manager to negotiate a lease and execute an agreement on the above property. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a�voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, �_ 1 � RESOLUTION TRAN3FERRING FUNDS: Motion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolutaon.` Seconded by Johanson. Shose wting in favor, Johanson� Sheridan� Nee. Mayor Greig and Councilman Wolke absent. There were not four CounciIDmen present� so this resolution did not pass. CITY DFFICE HOURS FOR THE CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOZIDAYS: Councilman Nee asked the Council if the City Hall could be closed the afternoon of I?ecember 2l�th and December 31st, 1962. Mot3on by Jol�anson to anthorize the closing of the City o£fices at noon on the aobve dates. Seconded'by Sheridan. Up�n a voice votea there being no nays� the rnotion carried unanimously. NOTICF' Oi� CONT�ST - GUBERNATONSAL ELECTION Moti�n by Johanson to take note of the notice of contest for the office of Governor� and that the City Clerk be instxucted to sa£eguard all necessary rPcords which may be in his possession. Seconded by Sheridan. Unon a voice vote, there being no nays� the moti�n carried unanimously. OBTAIN EASEME'.VTS FOR F'HOJECT W-31� - UNIV�ftSITY AVENUE ,lORTH OF OSBOEddE ROAD Mr. Les Knutson of Comstock and Davis' Inc. e3cplained that an easement is neressary t8 install the water line £or Pro�ect W-311 along University Avenue and also along 83rd Avenue. Mr. Knutson stated that tdie prope'rty o�ers would noi. voluntar�ly grant this easement to the City. There was a discussion on the assessments. It was pointed out that the assessments for mains had been levied on this property' but not the lateral for connecting onto the line. Mr. Knutson suggested that condemnation proceedings be started as soon as possible as the contraator would like to do the work during the Winter months� and had bids on that basis. Motion by Sheridan to auth�rize the City of£icials tv proceed with necessary acquisition or condemnation of the �asement necessary for i,he water line for Project W-3�a on Universit,y Avenue and 83rd Avenue North- eailt. Seconded by Johanson. Upon avoice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouelv. ' RECESS OF MEETING: There being no further business, Acting Mayor Nee declated the meeting recessed to such time as he would rec�nvene it. Respectfully submitted: Marvi �.-Brunse 1 Secr�tary ta the Council 1 I, ` �' �� /� ��'�- ACTTNG'h'°'1"R - W�i iam Nee l GOUNCIL MEFTING MINUT�'S - DECENIBER 27, 19b2 (RECESSED COiTNCIL MEETSNG OF DF�C�MBER 17, 1962). Mayor Pro-tem Iv'�;e reconvened the meeting of December 1(� 1962 at 7:15 °.M. Members�present: Member absent: Johanson� Wolke, Sheridan� Nee Greig RESOLUTIDN N0. 212-1362 TRAidS.T�'LRRTNG FUNDS: The City Manager read the above resolution. M�tion by Sheridan to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, � ' '