04/01/1963 - 6031� r� LJ V' 0�'IL 1�STING AC�NDA — APRIL 1 e 1963 �. Ri0[.L CA'I'�: _�tT�,_ S: R ar Meetiaq, 1�2attch 18. 1963 e Spe�ial M�et3�g;� l�darc;h 26� 1963, . I ��SS �Con,sid�catioa oi Ord3na�.c� Amareding Ordi�ance Dtoo , � � �0 �R�-ZA ;stzd R-3A) , a �� � R�iing oi Ordinamc8 Rezoning Portion oi �' s swaa�ait M.anxor A�aex t R-a to R-1) , 3e�ond Reading of Ordinax�ce Rezoning Portic� o£ s. Ge Pearso�a Coa�a�y ptap�ty �1�1 to M-2), 4. 8esalutfon Reqiaes�ing D�t�chment from N.S.S.S.De Tabled 3/18/63), 1�+T BUSIDSESS s � 1. olu�ion Authcac�.zi� Sids �a� Squf.pment fo� Ne�w � Truck - F�.re Degar��ent, � 1 Payes 1 - 23. Page 24v Pages 25 & 26. Page 270 Psqe 280 Page 29e Pa�es 30 - 32. 2, Public Hearing - d�c� Amend ogdin�c� No. 7t3 -� S�ic�i 5.8.��, 9 Po�.t, g?� Paqe 33e I Con�ideration of Bids fqr F3re Equipm�en� (Opened No�n. April 1, 1963�, Secoad Raading of �dinanca Am�e�zding �xdinaz�e �op 70 - 5ectfo� ses, 5. f Soa,rd of Appeais l�eeting� �� 20, 1963, ,__ _.__._ 6o Pla�niag Co�nission ,M�it�. M�c� 28, Y963, �O' t�i�pi Vi.i r��at � 1�-w�-�a` c�-,�- ..�-g �-�` . ��3 � � �, ��;; ._... � ��� _�. �..ttt""�?���� - --- v�s�s: Peg�.t Applieatic�, Pages 34 - 3b. Paeges 37 � 38e Pages 39 & 400 Pages 85 - 91. Page 41. tniea�ions, Paq�s 42 - 46. Ra�.l�coad a:►d Warehax�se Co�mnissio�: �o�at�.nuatioaa of T�cansit Seari�g. Me�oa Petition Ogpc�►airg Ordia�anee Noo 23�p �olic� Depar nts Anoka County Radio N�twor�. 9th Aver► e Nartheasts P�itiou agaiust stteeC Lighto ----,-- _ �,���.-� � -� G� 0�;�-�" � �•. �' '�'r . �� �; .� � � COtTbtCTL 1�ETING A(�EIdAA - APRIL 1, 1963 (Conti.nued} nr a �+��w _ _ _ __— G, Cla3n�s, Page 47. i0 Licenses, Panges 48 � 67 1� Resolutioa�s Splittirtg special Assessn�nts, Pages 68 - 75. 1.2�� ange Order #5 - w-34-J (Schedule 1) - Change of Paint Specifications, �]L�d�`" Petitioaas. .9}' �� n de at3.o� of Liquor 8tore Work Schedule, C�nsi�atioa of Fire-Buildir�g I�spector Position, .,�c1'�1 t. - Com�anlCatioA fx'o�n N. S e S. S. D., r� � � a ; _ � �' i .. v',' � / `�' � - .. -------1. _. `� � _ - ,�� Pages i6 & 77, Paqe 78• Pagea 79 & 80, Paqes 81 & 82 F agea 83 � 84. / s��NDA C4�N�A1TS - AP�tIL 1, 1963. .. �9� US�S3; l� CONSInSRATI� OF ORDI�ANt� �TDING ORDINANCB NO. ?0 (R-2A aad R-3A� a T'his ardinau�ee pa Pa�ges 25 and 26 ha�c aot been changed siaace the first readinq, th� Coutncil, by ndotion, (Page 2) on Maseh 18, i963 directing tbis ordinarice ?�e returned to the floor on the n�xt agencia. 2 o SEC�.3D R}�IDZNG OF ORDINANt� RBZOIQING PORTION OF C�RLSON * S SUNII�IIT Mi�DtOlt ANNSX �R-2 TC) R-1� s R'�is ordinance is oa P�g�e 27 e 3 o SECOND R�SADI�?G OF OR�INA�1� ;12S�QrNING PORTIOLQ OF S. G. PEARSON C01�9P�I�tY PROPERTY (1�1 TO N�2j : T'his ardinance for secoad readinq is on Fage 28e � 4 o RESOLUTION RSQU�SSTING D�TAC�NT FROFR N. S, S, S,D, (TABITsD 3/18/63 �: 2'liis reaolu�ion is on Pa+ge 29„ � r�r �vs�ss: �.�_. .�. � � o a�sor�rrraox Av�a�izu�rG Bms ��Qmpr�rrr r•o� x�wr �urccc — Fu� DEPARTNTBDIT: z'he resolutian is on Paqe 3t3, the s�aecificatio�s on Pag� 31, and the notice oi hearing on Paqe 3Z. �e Fire Department did not give this informatic�n to me ,until M�wsdayr of the last Cowcncil n�eeti�g, so by passir�g this resolutf� you will a�thorize the bids on the sama d�y that they are opened� 2 a PU��IC $BARIDTG - ORDINANCB AN�Id'DING ORDINANt� bt0. 7tt - SECTION 5 a 8 x 2"he h�eariag notic� is o� Pag� 33 , The ordinax�ce fc�r seco�d read�ng will 1ae fou�1 in Ite1n #�s 3� CONSIDERATg+O� OF BIDS FOEt FIRE LQUIP�BNI' (OPEY�TED NOOTt, APRIL 1, 1363j s On p�e 34 is a bid stmana�y. Ou Pages 35 and 36 is a bid proposal tha� will be submitted as the bid. 4a SEC0�T3D R�ADING OF ORDINANCB At�NDING O�RDSNP�NCB NO. ?4 - SSCTION 508 �'his ordinance for secoad tesding is on Pages 37 a�d 38e 5 o BOAI� OF APIyEALS MEETI�QG, 1SAR�3 20, 1963 s �hese n►ixlutes are on Pages 39 and 40. In Item #Z, tYae Bosrd reco�ds tlaat the var3.auc� be �raMted as it does also 3xa Iteu► #2. I will have ti�e detail applica�ions and application fartos at tiie meeting far yaur inspecti� � � 6 m PI�A►NNIDi'G CO�,tSSION MESTIIJG, MARC�i 28, 1963:" ��'his mseting will be helei toniqht. so that I wi11:AO� have the miuutes in time to commAenf on them in the ageada. I wi11 either have the 'mintttes ia the bac.k of ith� agenda with page nu�ers, or they will be iaelud� i.n the .� C S- APRIL le i963 (Continued) � . � envelope with the age�da, o� I will � that yo� have thmn before the nneetiaq on l�nday aicjht. Z'he Planainq Cammi�sion minutes are on Pages 85 thraugh.9lo � w PLTRE OIL STATION BUILDIN6 P$RMIT APPLICATIODT: Z'he materisl on Pag� 41, I believe explaj,ns this situationo ��f the City Attorney has �y £iarther com�aent, or disagxe�nent with �ttis iufor:nation, l�e ca�s so state at the Council meetingv 8� c: � �i�P�'�CATIOI4S a (a� Railroad and War�iiouse Co�aissionr Cantinuation of Transit Seaririqs On Page �2 is a nt�tice of �ea�i�g fos your considera�iono (bj I�eano - Petitioa Opposi.rig Ordinance No, 230s T'he m�e�o►o on Paqe 43 is self�laAataryo f c) Poi�ce nepa�t - Anoka Co�tnty Radio Ne�i�works 1'he letter oa P�ges 44 and 45 is self-explanatory. If the Council sutho�izes a lett�c to the County Co�ami= ssioners apprcyvir�g tiie a�t�t to �et up tlzis A�oka Coti�ty 7Cr3d10 SySt�3ute it app@e�i^8 th�t thE�"6 w111 bBt n0 additional cost to the City over the p�sent $400.00 per year that we pay Hennepia Couiatyo td� 69th Avenue Narth�asfi - Petitio�a Against Stre�t I.ights 7Che petltion On P�ge 46 is Self-ex,planatary, and the Couneil can take v�hat action yo�a �esire. CLA7L�2S s T'he claim numbers axe on Paqe 47 . Detail of Z:he claims is i�lud�d with the aq�ndae l�o LI�S�S: T'he licenses �re o� Pages 48 thro�ugh 670 ilo P.E5�YY�t37�If3IJS SPLa'iTING S�ECIl� ASSESSNlCsNTSs 7Chere are eight reso- lutions au�horizing direc�inq the splitting oi spe�ial as�essmenta on I�aq�s � i�isrough 75. Eadn resolution shauld be pass�d individ-- u,allyo T€ gou have ang questior� on angr of ttaes�a the Fiaanee Dig�efiox. can aaswer �he� at th� meoting e � 3.� a C�i�7C� ORDi�R #5 - W-34-�T (SCF�DtiLE I) CEIANGE OF PAIL�iT SPTsCIFICATION': O� Page ?6 is tlae letter from Swea�soia �ihf,ch scrves as acceptaac� o�' the �Iaangte ordes ou Page 7?, which you will note �as not been sign�� a� y�t by Ferry i�o Sweneone i � �i C� �► CO�i;B1T� - APRZL l 0 1963 { Cont iau�d } Y� il��Im1O�i � l� o PET7ETIa�N�a Petitio� #10-�1963 is on Page '78. and can be received and �v�-ned over to this office for processinge 1� e CONS�C�RX`S'I0�? OF LIQUOR STORIy WORK SL'�'DUI�+: 'rh9 t�l�t 031 PSge 79 and th+e explanation on Page 80 can be elaba�ated upoan by myseli and L�e MaGuire at the Council meetingo 3.� o COTT5ID�TION OF FIR]�-BUYLDING IN3PI�CTOR POSITION= �e m�mo to th� Couacil on �aqes 81 a=Ld 82. shauld i�e self-explan�atory. l�i o�QM�UiaYCATIO�t FR�i N. S�. S, S 0 D e s �+isyor Nee asked that the letter oa Pages 83 a�d 84 be�piaced ori the ag�nnda, � ► :rr-,� � r�..� i, ��� eou��aL r��dG - �cg is,i963 A re�,vlar mee�in� oY the C3ty Counc3l o� the C�.ty o� Fridley was called to ordesc by P�9ayar 1Vee at 8:03 P.�Ie ROLZ CAI�, s �embers PMesents 8rook, Johanson, Nee, Sher3.dan' Wo]ke Members Absent: T�one A�'P'RC?vAL �F I�iIPJtT�S - sPECZAI. Y�4EE�NG1 �SA,RCH 1±, 1963: g�ot3oa by Joh�.nson to apprrnre the m3nnt,ee of' the spec3.a.1 meeting o� ARarch �.� 1963 as prep€�red and r�ceived. Seconded by 8her3dan. Upon a voice vote, there be3.ng no nays, �he mo�ion carri.ed unan3niously. t�PPR{3vAL t?�' Mli�ifl�s - REGUTAR I�TIt'JG, R�fRCH 4, lg&3: � Motion by Johaneon to ap�rofre the m3nutes o� the re�u�ar meetin� of IKairch �+, 1g63 as prepared and r�ceiv�edo Seconded by Brooke Upon a vo3ce vote, there b�ing no naye, f.he mot3on e�rried ,��n3mo,�eiy. ��ov� t� ��nuv�s - 3PECIAL A�TSNG, �s�c$ �a., i963: �stot3�on by JoYreaneon to apprave the m3.nutes of the special meeting oP R�ereh 13.� i963 as prep�red and rece3ved. S�conded by Woll�e. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no na.ys, the motion oarried unanimouely. A�t �his gx�iat Counc3]man Joheaason rFSised a question as f,o Councii pro�edure. IIe sta.ted tlnat 3n the past f+ew meetings it seemed t�at each time he ha.d ma8e a mot3.on tha.t wo�I.c� normaLty 6e duly seconded anri turned to the P1.00r �or c13.acussior�, Cotmcil had been sllowit+g the aucT3ence t,a �s.I�e p�xxti in the que�- tcion3ag o�' these motions. Councilmr��z Jaha.aeon s�teted he felt th3s was out of ord�r, �Ghat on his o�an beha].�' �che couz�ei3anen w�re m4st w�3.eo�ne to qnest3on, but would prefer the �udience d3d note He further s�a�ed f;h3� �hould pert€i3n to all councilmen. P�3eyor Nee statefl 3P this was the aonsensus oP the entire Counc3l, �ey would operate 3n �hie m�.nner, The enic3re Council agi�eed. 07�1? IIZISII�1�fi8: SECO1t3D_ R�ADING OP' ORDIlVA,NCE A1�FdDING �DII�NCE N0. 70 - A«2A AND R- : +' ,• The City l�sanager esp].ained the aborre mentioned ordinance had been put on the �,g�nda on an inPormal besis and sugg�ested t}aat if Covnci2 w�.nted it read �� Pa�e 2. a�ain they should do so; that a se�ond readin� at the previaus meeting had had � 3�0 1 wte. City Attorney Kohlan exp].a3ned the h�axing wsa,held on P�2arch �+�ch, the Yirat read�.ng did paes� the second read3n� vas de�eated and this ordiaance w�s subject to cha].len�e, that 3t wou].d have to be paesed on �wice a Pfayor I6ee raSsed the queet3on iP th3s ard3ria.nce ahould have a new fixst read3n� this evenin�. Councilman Wo1ke raised the question that 3P on ordinance had been given a secoad resding and deYeated, you could have tWO men a�a.inst i.t and deny the ordina.nce and aPter a little com�ersa�aon, it would be qu3te convenient to bring it up at another meet3ng, have another reading and pass an ordinance that is eontraryo Cfty Attoraey Kohlan atated it is subject to attack 3f procedu�e 3en't followed, that tbe Charter doesr��� prohibit the Council from br3nging up any ordlnance. He sag�+ested that 3P anybody wanted to br3ng 3.t up, �hey should hold a publlc hearing snd begin tlze procedure aga3na Pqayor Nee sugg�sted t,hat i.f Counc3l were to beg3n over ag,ain� perhaps the City At�orney could write in tTae ehan�ese He an�ounced a mot3on wou�.d be in order to esk �or a redrait o� th.e ordinance amending Qrdinance N0. 70-�t-2A and R-3�. P�rom C3ty Attorney Kohlan or from the C3ty Rsa.nager. Councilman i�7o�.ke r�aseci the question if anyone else could ask Yor thie ord3n�.nee. R�otion by Johanson �o return this ord3nance to the Counc3.1 f loor Por cone3- � �leration beYor� the Council.. Seconded '6y Brook. Upon a voice vote, there lneing no nays, the motion carried unanimous].y. co�s��YOr� o� io � s�an • s&w nv st�rr r�t� �r�c: �sozUrao� �37-i963� �he �ity DZana�+er exp].S.ined in deta.3i the above described consideration. He stated this was the case where 3t was a wster and sewer transm9.esioa 13ne and because �:h3s was a replat� the one year situatipn went iztto e�f'e�t. The Finance Director had advised it would be in the interest o� the City to have a ten year spread, tYiet most of this would be p3.id up as each 1ot wae_sol8e Finance Direc�or Brunsell explained f�rther that it would be a u� in Z�ne and are l.at- eral s.ssessmer��s and th3� was not new conetruct3on„ iiotion by �'olke to adopt Resolution �37-1963 authoriz3ng and direetfng a ten ysar spread in Cerlson °s Sur�it �ianor Anr�ex, 2nd Addition. Counc3].t�.n Sheri- dan rai��d the quest3on iP the rezon3.n� didn't take plsce P3xst. Councilma.n 6Toike �.�swered that th3s was not going into the ground, it was just tacking 3nto a iine. Seconded by Sher3dan. Upon a voice vo�e, there being no nays, the motion cFSrried un�.n3.nnously. NEZJ BUSIi�SS: PUBLIC �1RIlJG - REZONITJG R-2 TO R-1 - P�tTION C1�,RL30N'S SUNB+�IIT P�AANNOR A�: • P�la.yor Nes announced this was a p�b13�c hearingo The City l�na�eer xead tb�e Notice o�' Hear3ng beYore the City Council. Mayor Nee asked iY anyone wished to be heard. Tdo one appeared Por or against t,he above described Public Hearing. R�ayor 1Vee decl.ared the hesr3ng close8. � Pa6'e 3 • T�ot�.e��n by �'olke �h�st this be cons3.aered the f3r�t readi,ng o� a ord3n�.nce to amend the 2on3ng ordinance of f,he City oY Frid3��t �e describe8 abotre. Secaxn�ed by Brook. Upon a voice �v�ote, there bein� no nayg, the motion carried iman�.- mously. 1+�. Evert C�rleon ra3sed the question 3.� the�re were any reseon why the pl.at cm the �.bov�e describe8 praperty coul.dn't be sign�S by the Mayor and Clerk a P�yar l�ee st€ated i.Y �ity Attorney Kohl.�n, on reYlection, aa3d 3t was sat3.s�seY.ary, he wo�Id sign said p],at thie same even3nga PUBititC HEA;RINC# � RE20i�ING &f-1 TQ l�i-2 - S. Q. PEAR50N AI�ID COMPAIO'Y: �iriyor IJee announeed th3s was n publ.ic 2�ear3.ng. The C3ty Mana�er read the Not�,ce o� Eealc3n� begore the City Gouna3l. P+Iayor Nee e�plained the pocopasal �aas to re�one a 3t?0 Poc�t str3p alon� tbe �racks f�om M-1 to M-2. City Lng3.neer Bro�ra intxa3uced maps and exp2ained same to Counc3].. Maycu' Nee asked 3� any- one �a3shed to be beard. :�lr. Se Go Pearson was present in Pavor oP the above x°e2oa3��. Piot3on by Wolke to elose t�e above desc�r3bed publ3c }z�arin�. Seconded by Johansona Upon a w3ce vote� there be3ng ao aaye, the motion cexried unani- mouslyo E�iot3nn by Joh�enson that this be eoneidered the fi�rst readiag of an ord�.nance • fi.o amenrl the zon3ng ordinanae of tY� C3ty oi� Fr3.dley as deser3bed abovea Seeonc3ed by Wo1ke. Qpoa a voice vot,e, �taere beiug no neys, the mot3on cerried u�anitn�usly. PtT�LiC �Ra1T6 - FINAL PT,AT - SAKARIt�80N'6 ADDITION: �'Iayor Fdee annoemced this wa� a public �ear3ng. The C3ty Mana�er re�d � Not3.ce of',Hearin� bePore the C3ty Council. Me.yor Nee asked iP anyone wished to be hearcir P�irs. Stsnley Z�]lemoen oS 1583 t3ardena appeare8 Sn oppoBlt3on and st��e� ��y �a recei�ed not3ce that thia p].at wasn't meeting tl� amounta oY Poo�tage, eto. She sicated the.t 3.P thi.s were tru,e, evoeryone had a r3ght to p],at ��ei�r ].and evea though 3t didn°t mett requirements and further �sid she Y�ad been to]:d everyoae Y�d to me�t speei�3.ca�ions. Councilmen Johanson ex• pl�i�ed t�t under o%� p].ets the Coumci]. eoua.d wa3ve these req�3r�ments 3Y 3.t w�a �.i�pos�3ble ta mee� requ3remente and not ce.use hardshipa, R�eneral d.�.seus��.an period was hel.a with Mrsn Li].�.emoe� with re�ard to plats, s3�es v� 1ti��y sts�eets, etc. F�ot3.an by Wo3ke to close the publ3c heer3ng and, accept the P3.na1 ,pl�at oS Sr�?��.ri�san's Add3t3ona Beconded by Johanson. U,pon a voice vote, there being no na.y�e the motio�a carried unan�.mously. P'�Bi,IC �EARING - FINA� PLAT • %ARRY °S �IRST ADDITI02J: � �^.1le.yox' Iaee announced th3s was a public hearingo Th�e C3ty Ma.ne�,er read the No�3ae a�' Heer3ng b��ore the C3ty Cotmc3l. Mayor Nee asked iY anyone wished to be heard. Mrs. 8tanley I,311emoen of 1583 Gardena �ppeared tn oppoeition � �� 5a <a�athori�3n� payment of the fo].l.owi,ng n�med clsime for the reason tha� the in- �tar€�nce co�pany l�s now nnderf�eken to make payments t�re �. zi��,a 8&.1 Mississippi stxeet N.Ea P�uc. C. D. Tdeisiue 821 rd3ss3ssippi �treet N.E, $So.OQ �5� .00 further, thFi�t the peyment of the ��im to Mr. Carl Lund3n o�' 851 Miss3esippi Stx�eet 1VmEa i�► the emount of �65.OD which has been denied, nevertYie].ess, be aP�irmed, Se�onded by Sheric]an. Upon a voice vote, there be3n� no naye, the a►ot3on ea�y°3e$ unanimous].y. '�Ix�. V. �. FJ�geZ fuather sugg�eetgd to the City Council that Mr. D3ck Sch1113nger be �.ppaiuted setin� general �gent for the Insnrance GommQ3sa3on. ���ot3on 'ay �oY�nson to appoint Dick Schillin�r as Act3ng General A�ent Por �� Insur�r�ce �ommissiou. Seaonded by Sh�rid�n. Upon a vo�c� vote� there 'being no nay.:, the mot3on carried unanimously. ��a :'la�el exple3ned with regard to �.nsnr�.nce alaima, that the insurance compenies were chging�d to a de�ree aP'ter the �irst o�' �he yee�; daring the previous ysar • �;.h�y h�c3 had 'one serious case, tha� 9e3n� tYee ce�e of the police oPPicers and �3�r:y had h�.d a great many ala3me and vo1�e. �crn,�rnrG �o�.�►n �s, �c$ i3, i963= • 1PP1�iCATI0�3 F� BL1r7�D3NG PERM2T BY BARRY BI�QWER COMP�'if, 324� CALIFO�IITIA BZ�ET . T:Ze �:tty N'�en�ger exp].ained to tiie City Coeaneil thhat thia building wou].d be sat- :iF3far.�ory �'or M-1 but thie c�tp�ny wished tio pro�eet tbem$elves Por 10 years �:�o�j this time and make i� i�•2, a�e��.on by t,To�.ke to concur u3th the B�a3ldin� Boa.rd and grant the approval of the l�»3lding p�rmit to Barry 8lower Company. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice �••o�e, t�sex�� be3ag no nays, the motion carx�ied una�aimoaely o �PFI�ICA�I0�1 �`0�{ BUILDING PERMIT BY �RD R. JULKOin�3KI FQR A FACTC�iY t� T_ 15'l LQ1Ut; LL(�i,T S T TB�AST _ Zb2sS ia . IY _ I2 _ Z@ . OF BI.00K 5_ FToi ��ot�ax� by ts'a].ke to conetix with the recomsendatioa of the Bui181ng Board and �;rant �he approval. oP the above descr3becZ buildin� permit, with the stipulation L-ha� eo�str�ction be sll oY conerete block with Pace br3ck oa the iront eset 15 �ee� o� the'builcling. Seconded by Johan�rna. Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no nayt, the mqtion carried unanimou�lyo C� PiAT�II�Il�TG C0�l.ISSION MIlV�S, NARCH 1�+, 1. 3: �OT S�I,I`�' REQI�3TS ( i. S.�6306 & L. S. Page 6. HII�LS �iND MARIAN H1Z The C3ty R�anager read the concurrence with the Plats & Subd3vis3ons Sub-Caa�- mittee snd recoam�endation oY approval aP Pa,aaning �o�mmission. He explaiaed that the City Att,flrney was aeked to draw an opin3on anri deseriptiona, City Eng3neer Brown i�'urther explained that at the time this lend was pl.atted, it was necessary that a ded3cation be fturnished for 52nd and it uae agreed but never done until recently. A ded3cation had been subm3.tted whlch the City �elt was 3n conYormance with the ordinence. The Ci�y had been advised the owners �aere consider3.ng other splits; that this had been revietired and per: miss3on had been requested to split a]1 peraels by lot splits and had met with Cit3� Attorney Koh].en who �elt sp].its were adequate, A diacuseion per3od was held in ti�hich City Attorney Kohlan answered questione to Conncil regard- ing lotap sl,zes, etc. F�ot3on by Johanson to concur w3th the recoa�endation o� tYie Plann3ng Cam�iesion and grant appxaval oY these requeste ia accordance with the opinion and descrip- t3ons es were submitted by the C3,ty Attorney. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vo�e, there be3n� no nays, the motion carried tmanimouely. • �,OT SPLIT REQi�ST LeS. �6308 E.H. BtiRKSZ'RAND: IAT I.2 A�3ITOR'S StT�•DIVISI�T 89: The C3ty i�anager reac3 the reca�endatlon of the P1a.nn3n� Camo�ission in con- eurrea�ce with the Plats and Subdiv3.sions �ub-Comm3ttee. Councilman Wo1ke ra3sed the quest3on 3Y raquest w�s �or a lot o� 13Ox134 w3th a balauee oY 300 Yeet on another 1ot and was only one piece being sp13t. He alsa raieed �he guestion oY auch a l,arge lot eplit. C3ty Eng3neer Brown elcp].a3ned that other lote in the area are about the same size. Motion by Hrook to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Coam�iesion and grant the waivex o� ordinance requ3ring platt3ng and appmval of the above descr�be� lot split a�ad approve ea3d lot split. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no nays, tlae motion earr3�e8 unanimausly. T�T SPI,IT REQUEST L.S a�6304 I,E�A,RD DAIIEY: LOTS 8 AND , NW lJ2 OF SECTIaI�T The C3ty Mana�er rea� the recommendat3on of the Planning Co�nrmission and ex- p1.a.ined �his property vras on Iroaton Street. City Attorney Kohla.n ststed th3� was where or3�tnally on the ha.lf sect3on maps it looked as though it were 125' deep an8 in order to stra3�hter� out Ironton Street, it ha.d been agreed that if residents in area would grant easemen�s� they would not be penalized. T�otioa by Johanson to concur with the reco � and grant app�oval of th3s lot spi3t as bot every respect to ordinance requirements of Secanded by Wolke� Upo�t a vofce vote� tvere �nanimousl�. aanendation oP the Plann3.ng Cvmmiesio�x h lots resulting eppear to eomply in new multipl.e dwelling regulations. being no nays� the motion carried � U Pa�e 7. I,OT SPI�IT R�Qt3EST L.S. �6305 I�RNOZD D. ANDERSON: IATS ]. AND 2, BLOCK 3, � ��� ADDITION: T1ae City :+�anager read the reaoamsendation of the P�uaning Comtnission and ex- piained how lots had been ch�ng�ed to face 76th. Motion by 3her�.dan to concur wi�th the xeco�nendat3on oP the Plann3n� C�ans3ss3on and grant approval of t2�e above deecribed lot split. Secondsd by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nay�, the motion carris@ unanimonaly. I�C��N!.�ATI01� O1V S�T DESIGSNATION NE I. SECTION 12 I�SI� ET Ai: The City ii�lsan��er read f.h�e recoam�endat3on of t.he Plann3ng Cam�isaion and Jo3nt P1��� &�ubdivision Sub-Cataaittee and'S�reets and Utilities 3ub-Comaoittee. City Engineer Browa explsined the item in deta.il, that pc�bl3a hear3ngs had been held area by area. He ftirther explained that a hearing was hel,d with all property ow�ners notif3ed and that at the hesring 3t was agreed that these two s�ree�Cs Tmere a�ood thing to have ana one street wasn't necesaary. It wes noted that �fr. Mi1�.er, owner, is negot3atiug w3.th 1�ir, Dal.berg ana if he would �a3n in the pla.t named he would be in agree�nt; the plat would be returned if he can't agree with Mr. Dalberg. City �ngineer Brown atated this action would • designat� this se the over-all p].an for the area, it would not approve it but th3.s 3.s the recammeaded plat and 8es3gnat3n� thfe would be the fUture etreet plana Councilmaa SheriBan raised t.be question 3P Council°s position would be to concur with the plsn and reco�ndation of tltie Plsnaing Canemiseion. City Manag�er sf.atefl the p].st Would meke it permanent and this Would gtve the City the go-ahead to proceed on c�ne p],at. : �iotion by Sheridan �o concur w3.th the P3.anning C�iasion and apparrnre the establ3shing oY iakeeide Road and �cKinley Street f�rom 75th to Onandago as shoHn on pmposed plat �or the area, with the stipu2atfoa that no development of propesed Lots ].1., 12, and 5 be pertaitted without evidence o� agreeatent with l�ir, P�iillsr. 3econded by Brook. Upon a voice votel there be1n� no nays, the mot3.an carri�d unanimousZq. IiEC��7ENDATION ON �2�iEET DESIGNATION. HARSTAD PZAT P.S. �62.-25: 67 112 AVETQUE The City Nlaxiager read the recaanm�endat3on oP the Plannin� Coa�ission aud ex- pla3ned area to the Council in a diacussion per3odv Nlr. Don Harstad, owaer oY' the property, was present. Councilman 47ol.ke rai�ed the question if the proposea. service ro�d wes dedicated or in and the C3ty Manager explained it wa.s on the plat and would croso at 68the tiotion by Johanson to concur with th� Recommendat.ion a� the Plenniag Coat�i.seion anci set a publ3c heaz�.ng date flY Apr31 ].].t1n Por f.he rezoning Yrom R-1 to R-3 • of balance of proposecl plat not presently R-3� and grant the waiver of the zoning fee o� �40v00. Seconded by Srook. Upon a vo3ee vote, there bei�ag no nays, the motion carr3ed unanimously. 1�ige S. � STAEET MINSP9UM RIGH'F OF WAY REC�F�DlATSOTT RIVERV�W �SCfl`I5: Motion by Johe.nson to concur with the recou�endation oi� the P3.e.nning Co�iss3on and establish a 50' right oY way as the m3nimum w�.dtb. atandard �or the above ciescr3bed area. Seconded by Shexidan. Upon a voice vote, ti�ere bein� no nays� the mot3on carried unanimously. OIL C:AS ST.�ITION BLIILDZNG PER�IT APPROVAis N.E. CO�RNER OF NQSS. S". ►E . 1V+E o% T��S�2 ET AL: The City I�iansger read the f'tn8ings oP the Plann3n� Comaaission �nd exp].ained in de�a.3]. th�t �h3s item had been rePerred to the Council Por their coneiderat3on regarc3ing the eng9.neeri� 8spects bein� checke@ by C3ty Engi.neer Brown and draw- ing Council �.tteat�on to minut.es oP Jant�sry 22, 1959 �� �53 and reqaesting a recommendatioa ancz decision by the City A�t,orney. Councilman Jol�anson stated that Gity Attorney shouJ,d also check orflinsnce on f311ing etation and pympa. Mayor Nee asked 3.P there were anyone present with regard to thi.s perm3t approval. T�9p. n< B. Edwards of Pure Oil Campany was present, also Mr. John Theiaen, Sr. Msyor �"ee st�..ted he felt �bey needed an op3nion �om the City Attorney 3n thie regard o - Ci�cy Attorney i�ohlan steted this prov38ion wh3ch had b�en referred to him in the m3nuf,es o� January 22, i9S9 was 'to prov3de tlaat the area to the North wes , to iae r�stricted and used �or park3ng ptirposes on].y aad released only by the C3ty Cotanc3l. and 3t 3nferred that other �rking area which tbat land now pro- wldea is to be �ubstituted fox the extention of the buil.ding. 1�. The3sen asked the Coune3l e�ho put the restr�,ct3ons on f,h3s property and how could th,�y put restx3ctions on h3s ].andY T�ayor Nee ra3sed the quest3on 3P it would be sat3sf'�ctory to aZ1 if the 1ega3 eide oP this questlon eJere elariP3ec� snd brought bePore the Coun�31 at the next meet3.ngY Counc3lman Johaneon stated that when Couneil granted approva.7. o% the building permit for this building, i� was aliowed in the name oP Art Christenson and thst he had put 3n the request for th3s pa�cking. �c. The3sen further sta�ed that A�r. Chr3.stenson sti].7. oryme the building but no� the pmpexty lUorth 3n quest3.on. Councilman Johanaon stated he was aware tha.t �4r. Chr3stenson eti].7, owned the bu3l.ding and ownera ofl p�co- perty could probably bui].d a£�].].ing atotioa on the prc�perty in question but Council could close the grocery atore for insuiP3c3ent parking. i�lro Theisen r�3sec� the quest�.on how it was posaibl.e for anybaly to guarant.�e his property �nd w�s �nawex�ed that he must hove been awaxe o�' it �t the time. RZr. Ec�warc3s, repxesenting the Pure Oil Comp�asy' eta�a tb�y wo�ia iske to point ou�, in th3� area, that there st111 woul.d be room to p�rk at leaet 100 r.srs and �hey were not gv3ng to use ares nesct to 3t other �an Por a park3ng area, It was expl.e3ned by N1r, Edwards that he doubted there are more than 100 cars in t}�e lot at nny time. Mr. The3sen stateci it d�.dn't take parking for ].Ol? care for h�.s s�o�em City A�torney Kohlan ste.ted he we.� unable� at the present time� to �.ve �n opinioa; tha� the m3nutee in quest3.on seem to 3ndicate that Mr. Christ- ensOn anc� P�r. Theieen were acting to�ether and an 3nstsromeat prepered by t,hese � two men �s referred too Mr. Edwar�s ssked if this 3.na�rument waa ever recorded end T7r. �he3sen repl3ed tha� it apparen�ly h�d not. Counc3lman Johanson eug� gested tha.t City Attorney Kohl.en check or� f i1�.3rt� et,stion ordfnsnce and �ive � LJ • Pa� 9 0 �� �a�e�� �om�ittee Por checking. M�r, Edward.a stated his comp�aay cou3.d show des��:n� Qs etstians wi�th more trsffic; this �tation aorner has a txa�$ic count aa� r�nl,y �300. He Purther explmined this aree 3a designated Yor a i�atiaa-e seP- �3.�e �r��c� 4�y the IIigl��ay Depaxtment. Cfty Attorney repl3ed there was more than � q�estian of accesa to the highway. A�yor Nee expla.ined it was Adr. 7!Ya.eise� °s statement that �r. Ch�c3s�enean cannot pvt a restrl.c�3on a�s his l�ind umleas h� agreed ta 3t. Councilman t�'o�ke stated the Counci.l �hould be most a��e�i. era items they a�ree to, thr�t it w�.s thei� �ob to �o1],ow th�rough an�i nat b� l�x on such items, and, it wae a matter o� the administsatian flolZow3ng �p �nd aee3ng ichat it was donee Nl�.yor Nee requssted �hat this item �e referred �o the �fty Attorneye Moti�n by Brook f,o r�i'er the abave desaribed perm3t approvsl to the C1ty Attorney ar�d re�urn same at the next re�ulmr aieet�.n� an the legel qnestion involv�ed. Secendecl �y Johsnsun. U�on a voice vate, �herp being na nay�, the mo�t3orn aas°rie:ci �x�animflusly. FROPC)S�Z TO �iNIEND QRDSIVAANCE 70 BY A1�EBIDING SEC. 5.14 �2) BY ADDIIJG �'OLLOtJIN� THE j�7Q�9 �`C�7NVAIESCEENT HOME '�WO�DS:�I��]URSTNG H�S,_ 80MES FCffi T� EI�RL-y s,r T�ae ��.�y :�.nager rea8 the above grapc3sal and expl.sined by addin� ''nurs�.n� homes a�d homes f'oa the elderly," the Counc3l cauld pexmit th+e:�e homes in an� diatrict �rovidec3 there were 3�earira�s helc3 before �he �oard of t��spea2s and City Council. �ie st�teci �hia �ppeareci to be a fauch stron�;ex cont�-ol over nursing h�mes and � P Cr�u�e�.l a:ished to c�irec� f�e P1sun�.ng �omam�.ssion to nolcl �he f$rs�c hearin8, �hey �au�.� do �o as soon as posaible. ��c►tiom by Johanson that City Council appi°ove the proposal oP the P2a.xaning Coso- �3,�sion t� €�ne�d �he ordinance by adding the follaWing iaorda su�ges�ced, "nurs- �.n� h��e� g ho�s �or the elderiy",, amd have Planning Casrm�3seion hold � hea�ing a� the3.r ��rlleat �on�rzi�ncee ueconded by Sheridan. Upon a�rofce vote, there be�.n� r�o �ays, th� mo�ion carried unanimous3.y, C�DI°'Y t3�' I��a�TT�R FRQN! C4tJ1�I'1'X ENGItJEER LUNDBEIP�! RE I�P't)RM�iTION �N CoD. �IfPCHIN5t�111 i�DiTsON .:`S�tD EAST RTVL� RO1�D PliOBT.E�3: �.'t�ie C`:�.�cy `:�1�t�a�er exp�ii�aed t,o the Cit,y Counc�.3 the,t the Plann3ng Co�m3seion had x�egue��d the Caunc3�. t�a rePrain Ps°om �akixig any �ct�.on on the abov$ ment3oned p�r�i�l�a� �.� the rezoning applfcat3.on un�il the Commission had rece�rved �nd re- �i���:d a. �,ra�Y3c eng.4.aeering atudy and Coun�y En�i.n�er °s �.etter td 'r.Pne Street� and �3t�,li ;iea Sub-Ca�tittee. F�Sr. �teward Kvalh�im �aas �res�nt on t1n� above �pgc�ilc+e� �rapexty. ��ur���lm��s Joba.naon raised the queation of whEn the Pisun�ng Coannisaion mee�in� �oak �.1ac� and was t�.old it had ta.ken p]ace on �che Thursday previo�s a 8�e stated �.� sP�:�ea �o him tha� at the titne the Co�3seion wou2ci epparove tkaia �•ezonir�g Gub j�c� t� a 30 fo�� service rca�,3. and now i:he3• �.d reversed their d�cisian. He �.�ti�eP �rr3ted that his mo�f.on a� t�e time was to fi�ble tYiis unt�.l Qauncil had �oc�k�d a� this prcaperty and aiso �hr�.t they would ta31c to tise members oP the �].an�3�� 9w�ission on this, �he Peelin� bein,� that the� wdu�.d appro�e oP this • Pap,� 10. re2on3ng w3th a 3U Poot serv3,ce road alon� tTae s3de and adjacent to East River �to�d. Cnunc3lman Joh�n�on req�sted an explanation. Ci3srles �ohaneon, �mbear oP the Planain� Coam�seion present, stated that at the time it vr�s denied there wer� considerable people oppoaed to iic, the lar�e ob- jection be1n� the traff�,c ha�ard tYzat would be th�r� and P1.a.nain� Commise3on felt al]. o� East Rive� Rcad should be stud3.ede Mr. Jehanson exp].sined �he Gity was going 'to have a real problem in that area f5rom 73rd to Craigway and that er�tire ax°ea shou3d be conaidered and atudied.o, T]�e Plenning Coammissic�n had aent �or soaae st�rveys f'rom the .Coun�jo , Councilm�n �rTolke st�.ted the Count� wsa more 3nterested in t�ue 8esceeleratiott lane on Osborne Raad. N�. Mike 0'Be�r�nc>n, Cotmty Ceao�iss3oner present, stated he had juat ca.l�.ed Y�Ir. Lundheim and aslted him if �t was rezoned, wou].d this s�s create a 3lazard and he had pexsonally loaked at prope�rty. �t was e�plained th+e City NL�.nager had letter in this regard and bad been advised to �et add3t3onal strip �c�r r3ght of way e:nd th3�s eesezaenL would tvrn Ysbm the corner a distance of 2C)0 feet and 10 fest in with tspering to 150 feet. Thie was su�gested as an elimiz�ation o� the pa�oblem. It waa fiarf,her atated the County �.s interested 3.n a turn of'f' on Osborne Road. Councilman Wolke spoke 1n relat3onship to this serarr;i.ce �oad and stated rather than a@eacceleratlan, they were telk3ng �.bout a serv3a� roed and that woul8 be more acceptable. He su��ted that Counail should be more cons�derate of a serv3cc: road alon� East River Road arather than � de�.�ce�eration. T�. 0°Bennon sa3d, he i'elt, the County woutl.d t�e $atisPied • with a s�s�rice roa.d. P�°. Kv�.13�e3m sta.ted the ori�3na1 p�roposal Was Par � 30 foot strip alnng this road and bis custc�mer would ded3eate this. Howevc�r� the propoBition of can- tixiuin� c�n down to 73x'd� he felt, var� we1Z and good and they haci r�o control o�ez° wkiai; heppens South o� their pro,p�rty. Coimci]ma.�, Glolke rai$ed �he ques- t�,on� 3f e;c�nsideration would be �3ven �:o the zonin� o� thi� property, the use o� �h3s ?��operty as 3t is now do2sn't r�qa�ire a service road until such time as �.t is �ommercial. 1�9asyor 1Vee aeke�d i� there were any emerg�:ncy that shoaZcl b� consielered? Y�ix. Kvalhe3�tt explsined ichis is the const�uction season and his c�stome� ��ished to build witbin the �SO,OOO.O�J to $100,000.00 bracke� a� it is in�per�t3.t�P that they 1o�av�2 sa�me so�t of ind3aation as ta whether or not they �c�u1.d be able ico �o ahead. Cau�ac3lm�n �'cahanson raised the question of a�a 3sla.nd. It was expla3.ned that �ne o� tl�e 2.ar�e problems was gett3n� the icxaPPic ofP the road and that any- t�.zae a mo•tor3�t brakes or makes another t�upn� he wouZd bave tc� tus� 3nstead oP d��.�t�.ng.> A diacusgion perio3 w�s l�eld r��a.rd3ng a. aex�vice �oac� an ��st River Roar�. tha� would cont3.nt�e 1Vorth on Eas� R3vex Road. Cot�nci].ms.n Joha.nson stated t'he�r 478Y!"Gt?Cl a 30 fbo� serv3ce road 3.n i'ront of the deseribed pxoperty compl.etely fr�� eP �a�st River Road. t�hr. Kvalheim sa3d that as lomg as the�e was accea� ��heir �coper�cy, �he�e was no problem. Cou�acil� Glolke stated he thoraght they YsaB hearrl �his ques�ion oYf.ea enough, tlsat Couucil shoulcl make a decieion on �.� anF1 ��ated �1aat �.� enough proper�y were g3ven �or a service road� permit s�.ould b� gr�.nteda The City RZan�..ger s�a�ed ihe P7.�►nnin� Co�mmisa�o�n had spent • a��a� 3ea1 of tim� on thi� p�coblem, and they did feel tha.t it should be de- l�yed fo��° them to hsve an opportunity �0 2�ok at gome drawin�s tbat tbey have rcq�zeste,� the Engineer to drew and 5txeets and utilities Committee and sugg�ested . • CJ Pt�g�e 1.].. a d��d iine �or April 15th iY they are not prepared to act. t�otion by Johtinson that the City Council aonevr vith the recmoenendation oP tYbe Planuing Comm3seion es set forth in I�h.em 2b oP P3Jenning Co�is�ion P�feeting, P�ipch 14r 1963 anS draw attentian to the Planning Caaamiesion that on oceasion w� all a�e sub�eat to pa�essure from Bi�Pea�nt groups but ofP-timea �ction ie necessary, irre�rdless. Seconded by Brook. Counc3lman Woike requested that Councilman Johsnson rephra.se his mot3an tc► the augg+estion by i:he City T�sanager that P].anning Cw�niss3on try to work thi.s out by t,he seeon8 meeting 3n Apri1, th�t bein� Ap�il 15th as tb�e construction seoson is here and some action shaul.d be taken one way or the otherv riotion by Johanson to �rev3se his motion ta read tb�at the City Council. concur with 4he recomm�ndat3on of the Plannin� Cc�isa3on ae a�t forth 3n Stem 26 of Pl�nr�ing Cot�iesion Meettng, March 14, 1963 and draw sttentlon to the Plsnn3ng Comm3�sina that on ocaaeion we all are subje�t to pressure Prom d3f'f'erent groups but c�i"f�time action ia neceaeary, irregardless, and �hst City Counc3l urpgently requ���c the Pl,anning Crnqm3aeion hs.v�e a report for C3ty Council na ].ater tlzan the second meeting an April, ].963. Seconded by Brook. Upnn a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried nnan�mousiy. CC�tIPTICCeE1TI0NS : Df�.�G BUTLUERS - QAKt,TO�? �IITCffi S�T: The C3.ty 29ana�r read letter regardiag � above described s�t. Councilman JoY�neon reg,ueated an exp]ra.aation. Th�e City Attorney explained this w�e along- aide Bai�.ey Ti],l,er's property and asked 3.P the posts were in the etreeL or on pa�"lva't� property. City Engl,neer Brown stated the posts were �.oeated on the eaeer�nt� bu� were put there to p�otect shruba, ete., and atsted tliat Mr, Dal- Ti'�Yg W38 ra37.ling to cl�an and re�ade pr�perty� tha.t City could leave ane poet an@ it wc�tald be no prob].aaz and Citq �:ouJ.d i�e asevre� oP not trespasaing on pxopert� at snow remov�l. t3me, E�co It waa Yarthe� expl.s3ned that power ca�- p�ny I�id removed e poleo Couneil.man Sheridan raised i;he qt�st3.on iP A�Sr. Dal- ber� had �oposed blacktapping s.nd was tol8 he proposed only reg�reding. Gvunc�.],m�n fiherid�.n stated, tbat even though the pcast� may look ridic�,g it does �,�.ve �In� owner ac�me pratection snd asked 3f there �aaa �ome w�y t� �bli� oP�P of� .Lot 20 o C i�y En�in.eer Brown exple3.�ed that owne� of ?,ot 20 has been was�s°ied €�bout the city on his poroperty� not the public, that �bh�e 3s a publi.c road e�semento R�ayor i�ee stated tl�it as �ch3.e 3tem p�rev3.ously was not done b� �ounc3.l. �,etio�a,, they cou]� ��.long. Co�nail�n Johanson sa38 he felt th�ey shoul� permit the xemov��. of the pests. Councilm+�n ShsriBan eug�es�ed the ienv3ng o� �he SW and NW coxner posts as City Eng3ne�r Brown had augg�ested, remove �he bal.ance and regrade s�reete Fic�tiot� bS� �heridan to take out center Your posts and �z].�.ow Ydr. Dsiber� of Ds].d �er� 8n31ders, Inc. to do street construct3on on pubiic proper�y. Seconded by Bxook e tlpon a voice vot,�:, there being no nays, f.he mot3on carried w�animously. � • i P&ge 12. iNNSBRi�C�i - PETITIONS OP'Q06INt3 S'II�E'T I,IGHTS : �'he City Manager explained the petitions appoeing street Zights in th�e sf"fected area and atated he had reque�ted that PTorthern 3tates Power withhold any con- strnction oY same un�il Council would so directa Councilman Sheridan stated that beceuse of the nature of the development oi' the a�ea. end that every lot wae to hane ite own pr3vate light� etc., th�at Council should �.:ve considered coatactin� these peop%. Councilman Sheridan sug�ested that Council honor t8e reQuest ofl the reeidents in Innebruck and delete t}�e 13ght8 w�.thin the Innsbruck area, f'wrther these 13ghts that are be3ng remaved Pro� this program be used on 61st betweeu 7th Street running East �o asd in- a2uding the curb around the Jr. Hi�h �chool and along what would be tiie ex- tens�.on of 3t, Moore Lake Drive in #Yont of the hi�a.echool. R�otion by Sheridan th�t becanse oY the nature oiP the develop�ent oY the Inas- bruck area and because evcry lot wiL1 hav�e its own private light� tha.t City Council hflnor the request of' the residen�e in sa3d area, delete the lights withi�s �iae Innsbruck ar�a and place these lights be3ng remrnred frao this pro- gx°em on �lst between 7th Street running East to anol including the curb around the Jro High Schaol and aloag wlnat wou].d 'be tbe extension oP it, �loore I.ake Drive �rz Pront o� the high school. �eaonded by Wolke. Upon a voice vots, tY�re beiag no nays, the motion earried unaaimously. COLUR�B7A �It�TS - 1+�T8 A'VE1V� I�{�tT�ST: �1ith z�egard to the �bave oc�nanication, the City 1�4anag�er atated this Ietter recogeiizes the �act that Columbia Heights owns t+4th Avenue. I� was sug�eested that inatesd oY vacatin� the atr��t and dedicating it beck� the City of Col- umb�� Heights transPer title to Fridley and two City Councfl.s would ma.ke the dec3sion, City Engineer Srown had reseaxcY�d the recos�ds snd found that one p�rticra was by condemnation, ather was dedicated and Colue►bia Hei�ts does awn the �txeet. Councilman Wo1ke stated he hs3d thought it wae s Coun�y road a�d wes told it was but only to Alain Street. Coumc3lman Wolke swgg�:sted the aoni�inuance oP th3a as a County road and reported that no one iives there. Coune3.1�3n Wolke requested tYrat R9r. 0°Bannon� Coun�y C�mieBioner, ask the Count� Gammissioners to take thig road over as a Count3r Road when Frid].ey is eble �;o obtein it. Motfon L�y Wolke to have City Attorney Kohl.an negotiate with Calumabia He3ghts �or the acquis3tion a� 44th Avenue. Seconded by �heridaa, Upon a voice v�ote, therare Ue3ng no nays, the motion aarried unanimously. GAS COI�g'�1Y - M[TN�CIPAL API�ROiVAI. OF FRAI�TCHSSE : I�lotio� by Johanaon to receiv�e above descr3bed letter aad place on file. 8econde6 C] Pa�e 13a by She��dan. Upon a voice vote, there be3ns no naysy the motion carried e�nani�ot���.ya �Ma - TiOTiGE OF ITdTE1VT TO PET�TSOi1 F�i P�iA�Yt �lntion by 8heridan to rece3ve com�nication �'rom f.he Fin�nce Director regard�.ng the intent oP the coa�aitt,�e i�or a referendua� votea Seeandc�d by ttolke. Upon a voi�e vote� there bein� no naysy t}ie motion ce.rried unanimously. �OLt1��7711 HEI�.'s - 5�i'D AVENt1E �TO�t�'bIEAST: Th� Cit� P�n�ger expiained the eboTe coaamun3cation. I�Jayor Nee reqnested tlle aett�.n� ot �, meeting date for thie 3tem o P�ot3.on by Wo1ke that City Counc3.l m�� w3th Colurobia Heights Council on �'iarch 26th� 1�Ei3 on the subject oP 53�d Av�nue. Seconded by J�banson. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no naye, the motion c�rr3e� unanima�s3.y.. �.�Rx�[�r� �EGZO� Pos2 �33 ��s� Ft�t C.�RNIV� CAi� "FRID7�EY i�B� DAYS" : • Corsnci�2�n �7olke st�.ted that 3P it raere �.e�xal Por f.he c�.ty �o grant f,h3.s, the I,eg3nn l�ad dane a pceat dea]. o� �ood work an8 �,his should be granted. g:oticsn i:�y troxolke �o grant the above perm3� �v��e�� to i��i co�ditions o Seconded by Hroo3�:. Upon a voice vote, th�re be3.ttg no nays, the motion carried unan3mous].y. ��. Pe��recm of tbe Fr�.d].ty Aateric�.n Leg3.on Po�t thanked t�.he City Council �oar the per�3t and announced it would be hela on the 3flth and 31st ot Au�st �.nd ��t �nd �uc3 0� �eptember, the �oca�3an o� said esrniv�l bein� Highway 65 on �he ��zx�ds Tdoac�h of R�innesota Door� G3� �3�, o '�jiot3.�ti F�,� Wo1.�e �o a.pprove pt33yr�en� oP Cerser�Z Claims ���265 t,n�ou� #a353o &�c�nc��� by Jo}�.r�son, Upc,n a vo�ce voie, there be3ng rn� na.ys, �ib� motion cA�x�e� �attar��.tnously. T�Tat,�o� �� 8rcok to apps°ove g�ymen� of Pub13c U�113.tieB �lai�ns �24(71 thraugk� �2�30e �econcled by Sheriaana Upon a vo3,ce vote, t}�ere be�J.ng no naye, the ma�tion rarr3�e� unanimous2ya Plot3ora �iy Wa1.ke �o spprove payme�t of Ziqaor C]�a3ms �5�.0 throu6h �5177- Secondec� by Johanson, Upon a rtoice vote� there be3ng no naye, ti�e motion co,rr�ied unanimousZy. • • �J �J ��.. i.� o d:tOid.lKid�e� o �oanc�l�nan Jahansan esked if City �ng3neer h�d cheeked tl�e estimr-stes. The City Mm,�a�er stated these were just estimate� and su�weys an8 that the con- �ult3a�g Ex�gineer� Mr. Ice �ometoek, Gge present to answer any qtseat3ons. �ot3on by Wolke to pay ths foLl.owing estian�.tes: Est3.mate �� - Water Improv�ement Projec� 1Voe 34 x lEstimate �fi - Storm an@ Sanitary Se�aer Smprovement Pro ject P3c� a 58 Est3.m�f.e ��-10 - Water I�provement Projeci No. 3�.7', Schedu% �., Estima�e �� - Water Zmpra�v�ement Pro�ect Noe 3�+•I, Estimaf,e �,��+ - Water Imprave�eqt Project No. 3�+-J, Scheaule ?. Tot�l $ 653--50 $ 50.00 � 5�+� .00 � 63.00 i62.00 .�0 Seeonded bgt Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there be3n� no nays, the motion carried unt�.n�.mously. Mot3on by Johanson to concur with the zecoa�rendation of City En�ineer Brotaa �nd pa.y $�,370.00 on the steel bu31d3n�, Contrac� PW 62-3, a Y3n�l estimat�, Seconded i�y Sher3dan. i7pon a voice vote, there be3n� no'nays� the motion carrie� urianimously� The Ci�cy P3mnager expia�.ned the next eet3mste a�' $�f�90.62 due Perry A. Swenson Companya Counc3lman 3ohe.nson stated he felt there should be no bids Zet in �'r�dley ut�t31 b33s and speci�icatioms were clarif'i.ed. Mot3trn by Sheridan to pay the cl�im in the amount o� $�,290.62 to P�rry A. Swenson Ccampa.ny. 5econded by WoJ!ke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �he r�o�ciorz es.rr�.ed unanimouslyo LICEPISES : R�ot3.on by WoZke to �cant the �'o].J.owing lic���se: P�,i)ArID�1lTG 4lestwood Plvm6ing Company g���a. zynaaie l�venue �euth �9•�.r�neapolis' N�innesota by: T. R. ��It�kel.y Renewal �econcled by 5hertdan. Upon a sro3ce vote, there bein� no naye, the s.otion carr�ed u�i�n3mouslya � �5. � FIRST �:DxNG oF t�iDST� A�1ENDi�G oRDI� IQO. - sECTION 5.8: �'iayo� Nee r�ised the qvest9.on i�' 3t Waa the Council int�nt to laeve this s�eac�o 2'he Ci�y IYmnag�er gave the i�irst reading oP sa3d ordinanee and �cpls3.ned they cauld set the public hearing for Ap�i1, let. City,Attorney Kohlan ststed th�t undpr 1�-2 in this ordinance there ie nothing excluded. Cotsnaiaman S�er3dan at�ted tk�e pe�.ity on this wauld not be more than $1W or 3.mpx�ieonment oS 90 days � �otion by Johanson to aacept thie as the firat r�adinp; aP said ordinanae and set hea��.ng date for ApriZ Zst, 1q63, Seconded by Si�eridan. Upon a�ro3ce vote, there �e�.n� no nays, the motion carr3ed unauiffiously. �iyor Nee 3.nterposed to etate he had inadvertently gr�ne past sameone who shoulc3 haee been in 93eit�,ar's section and, with Counc3l permiss3on, he wished to ask if aryone wish�d ta be hearc3. There was ao one present. COl'��I��IOId C�F RF�SOLtITI01'� R1�Qi�STIl9G D�TACAI�NT FRO�d N.S.S.S.D.: Councilm�n, Johanaon asked for the Y].00r end, addressin� t.he eheisa�an, stated thhi� was 3.n regard �.o the r88olut3on he had sent; tl1e.� Counci]. h�d rece3vEd a cdmp�ehensive report �rom the C3ty Eng3.nesr �ey �a r��sr,�a, urgeai th� Counc3l �,o stufly thie snd requested that tbe reso].ution be contiaued untiZ t�ao weeks hence e • F�oicion by9 Johanson f.cc� deley this resalution and tabie unti2 the next regul.ar �eetin�o 8ecqaded by Brook. Upon e voice vote� ��ere 1oe4ng no nays, �he motian carr3.�d uuanimou�ly. PETi'i':CON� : �iotlon by Sl�ridan to receiv� Petit3on l�o. 6-1963 and re��er �o enginzer to work in w3th the Street Program. Seconded by Jobe.n�on. Upon a voice vote, there be3n� no nays, the mcti.on caxried �nsmoueiy. The follc��aing �etitionp Y'ram �}1e owners oE th� Pure Air i�aareing Hone, requested �he exte�:sion vf the present sewer and wai�ter lines e1.aa�g the said East Riv�er Rosd tc� r�ach �he property of the petitioners. �auri�i3m�n Johanson �steted this pet3ti.on was urgent a�d �►ishedt to hav�e an �ttempt m�d�, �s soon ae poge3ble, to service this r�a� hcxneo He raised �,he quest�.c�n iP tbere wex�e sny �y o� serving thie other than Eest R3ver Rosd. City �ng3neer Brown expl.r3iaed the 8es3gn oY the line. l�r. Harxy Dilworth o�' W� �s� iat rae.t�o�i Bank Bu3lding, S�. Peul Was preeent repreeentin� the Pure A3.r �7urs3rag Hoa�e, Inc. He etated they wiehed to bvild an�l to ser�'l.ce the home they �ould need sewer and w�tter, tha� they were alxeady usin� a septic tank systemm �e explain�d this would be very nece��asy Por the proper oeintenance oi� ��ur�in� home, °�Yiat they w3�hed to expand f"ra� a 20 bed �o a y0 6ed nure�ng • horn¢. 3'he contract, l� said, had been s9.g»ed and t,hey would go r3ght ahead w3th cons�ruct3.on but would need Beuer and wa�ar and were w3113.n� to coopers�e 3n any raay �ey �ould to �et it. C3ty Engineer Brown explained the only probl.e�n • Page 16. �°�s the r3�;ht of way, that linee were designed to extend down Egst River Rosd. �ounc�.lm�n Johanson stated the Counc3l always has the rlght� if they des3re� �,� go �heec� on aerta3n 3temeo Councilman Wolke stated they could order improve- mE;n� but might have to condemn 3n order to do eoo C3ty Engineer Brown explained he would get a report f5cam Camstock and Davie� ine., consulting engineers. �'Yce City 2�rinager aeked if the Pnre Air Nura3n� Hoo�� Inc, cauld start with a 5pecial Use Permite It was au�gested to Mr. Dilworth that he request a special use permit immedlately for the new �ureing home. �soz�rraox �38-i963 Ac�rsaRxznvG ��zx�Y �aNS a�n s�c�zca�soNS s ��otion by Johanson to adopt Resolu'tioa �38-1963 authorizing and directiag tixe r.onsuit3ng eng3neers to draw prelimiaary plans and specificat3ons Por sewer and ti'atear 13nes down to and inclu8ing the Pure A3.r Rest Homae. 8econded by i�o].ke. i.Vpon � voiee vote, there being no nays, the motl4n carried unanimouslyo RESOLUTIONS SPLI'YTSNG BPECIAL ASS�SSMENTS: C��ancilman Sher3dan raised tia�e question iP each o� these splits were physic811y checked ou�, that Council may be splitting these into two lots and one of the lots may not be of any value. City Treasurer Brunsell etated they were a].i • checked and explained. ���otion by ;�olke to advpt 1�SOLUTIt3N �39-1963 authorizing and directing the splittin� o�' certain special aesesaments 3n Parcel 7970 and Parcel 82Q�, Plymouth .�dditione Seconded by Sheridan. Upon e voice vote, there be3ng no ae.ys, the �ao�ion cat°�ied unanimously. k;otion bg� Johanson to adopt RESOLUTIOi� �1�0-1963 author3�ing 'and directing the combinia�g �f certain specfal assessments in Lot 22 sad 23, Block R. Riverview I�e3ghts Add3t3on. Seconded by Brook. Upon s vo�ce note, there bein� no nays, �h� ma�ion carried unanimousl.y. �iotioa by �rook to adopt RESOLUTION �41-1963 suthor3.zin� and directin� the �p1it�3ng �P ce�ta3n spec3al assessments in Lot Z' B1ock 1, Spring Leke Peack i�akes�de. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mc�tfan car�ried unanimflus2y. �-iotion by �ah$nson to adopt �ESOLUTION �42-1963 authorizing and d3rect3ng the sp2it-�ing of certa3.n special seaesaments in Parcel. 300, R�elo].and Gardens. Secanded by Wolke. Upon 8 voice vote, there being nn naysr the motion carried unanimously. �1a�3on i�y Wa1,ke to adapt 1�SOLU'�ION �+3-1963 euthor3zing and direct3mg �he �plittin� �� certa3.n speeial assessments in i�ot 3, 81ock k, Lyndale Bui2.ders, 6th Add§.tion. Secanded by Sheridan. Upon a vaic� vote� there be3n� no nays� • the mat�.on carried unanimoualy. D3otion by Wolke to adopt RESOI.tlTION �+-1963 authorizing and directing the splitting of certain special asgessments fn the 1QE1/4 of' NW1/�, Section 12, CJ Pe.� 17. FFIPCG�.P10. 2�00. Seaonded by Sheridan. Upon s voice vote, there being no nays, the mat3on carried w�e.nimously. Mot3on by Johsnsan to adopt RESOLUTSQN �45-1963 euthorizing and directin� the spl.i�tt�.n� of certsin �pecial as8eesmente in Lota 18 snd 19� $lock 2, Spz�i.ng V�.11ey Addit3on. Seconded by Broako Upon a vaice vote, there bein� no naye, the mot3on carrie8 wlanl.mo�siy. F�otion by 8rook to adopt AESOL�UTION �6-1963 author3zing and directing the sp�.3tt3ng c�f eertain speciel aeseasmenta part of Lot 1� Parcel �00, Auditor's Subdiv3s3on Noo 89. 5ecanded by Sheridan. Upoa e voice vote, there being no n$ys, t.ne motion cerried unanimovslyp APPtiICA�IONS F�t i�NEWA�L OF 'I'RAIIER A�tI�: Council�r. Sherici8n stated tY�it both o� these trailers were 3n his they were renetaal�. He Purther explained tlaet in both ca.aes tl�y rear yazds and anyone wouid have a berd time Pinding tI�em Prom t had been no objectlon from the abutting propert3es. s3.�atures whi�h were requested f5coa� th� ad join3ng fu�'ther, tY�re appl3cants had owners. ward and were Sn the hs st2,eet; These property A�so�ion by Sheridan the.t eppi�.�at3ons fbr r��ewai ot tr831er perm3te be �ntett • to Jotaeph �. �nderson of 6570 Fr3dley Street IQortheast, Fr3dley and Cletus l�ei, 1�65 F+I.ttss�.ssipp3 Street Noxt�a,east� Fr��ley. Seconded by Brooke Upon a voice vote, the�e befng no naye, t}� motian earried unenimously. Councilman Sheridt3a stabed there had been �nother app�.ication. A�o�ion bq 4�To1ke t}�t trailer permit be grantsd to Ralney Wahl'bert of 6001 c^nd Street Northeast, Fr3dley to be place on the corner oY 60th & Secon� Street. Second�d by Sher3,dan. Upon a voice vo�e, there being no nay�, the motion carr3ed unan3.mously. Couac3l.mf.�n Sheridan f�rther reported there was a trai.7.er on 66th and P'r3dley Stxeet and stt�c3 he didn't know if the C1ty had a permit on this tra3ler but su�es�ted �,t bt checkede �"RIDLE7C I�CREATIOIR COI�9IS3ION AND PARI� A1�D PI,AY(�i0UNA4 StJB-00�[y1IT� Mot3on b� 5}�er3dan to rece3ve and ple.ce on Pi]�e the m3nutee o Reerestion Ca�nntisaion snd Parkg and P],aygrounds Svb-Ca�ittee oP February 18, 1�3. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voiee vote, nays, the motion cerr3ed unanimously. �i�DIEY �CR�ATION C01�lISSIf3N M�3t?iES, FTSTti1ARY 21, 1963: f the Fridley Jaint Meet3ng tYLer� being no �iotion by Jolaanson to rece3v�e and place on �11e the m3nutes of the P'ridley • R�creetion Commissi.on oP February 2]., 1963. Secoaded by Bxaoka Upon a vo3ce vote, the�e being no nays, the motion cerried unanimously. � • • pe�a 18. Counc�l�an Wo1ke 3nterpoeefl to stated there Yrad been a request Prom the Re- crea�G3an C�3ssion tbet the insuranae a�ent Por FriSley be present at the �e�et meet3ng and Counc3lman t�lolke Wolke requeste8 that he be p�resent. CS)NSIDEIiATION 0�' CO1�tiJDTICATTONS F(�t EN(3IT�RIi�G I�PAR�NT: C�.ty En�3neer Brown expl�ir�d the co�unications system woeil,d allow h3s de- paxtment to have intercommunicatlan between the of'f3ce, the Fridley Bueix�sa !� Professi�nal Building and el], the trucks would aleo ]iave a radio; it raould �l.l.ow te.lk betwea two oP�ices and slso between the trucks in the fie].cl, �iot3on by Johanson to authorize tY�e expenditc�res of the moniee necessary for �he purchase oP radio equi�ent Por the engineeria� department, Seconded by :�her3dan. Upon e vo3.ce vote, there being no nays� f,he motton carried unanimaue2y. CORTSID�F.�RATI4I� OB' APPO��1T3 TD FRIDLEY SAFETY COI�IITFF�: �ounc3la�an Johsnson stated ther� were two or three members that tlie City Counc3l �aad agre�d to and he did not see the3r names on the 1iet. Th�e C3.ty Aqanager ex- �is3ned these membere were ex-ol�ficio and are an ].ist �o b� notiPied of a.]1 r,�eetings . 1�3o�3.on by Johanson to apToint the Yo].lowing to the Fridley SaPety Ca�nmsi.ttee: Qenerai Chairman: Doaalc9 E. Wegl.er Vice General C}�irman: Robert F. Shaw Searetary; 5chool Tra.P�ic Ch�.irman: C�:�y a�eets Chaira�n: County Roads Chair�.n: State Highwayg Chairman: t�€zct �`inding Chairman: �b3.3city Chairman: Mrs . Jud3th �'ryer Virgil Werner I,. B. Fr3tz I. Rossing Gene Sutton Dra H. S. Strait A. E. %ereon Aobert Christeneon A�rs . D�ary Lou 8o3t Ri.chard Eichhorn Har].sxid �erry stanley J. �3rocha Rev . A . A2 . stone Charles Johanson Ju13an Sjordal Ray Hong C. M. K�m Dr. John Wrighi John Oden Frank Cwom3nge Robert Sangrene Denuis E. Copp i�].'8 • Q�PBC@ ws �':�@�R �ii�y sa�ty Mplso 8oneywell Safety Directox 7�ee.gue of Women Votere Hay�es School P.T.A. Fridley Police School Dr3ver Instructor Jr.-3r. School P.T.A. Fridley Hea].th O�f'3cer Midland Cooperat3tre Chamber oY Ca�eerc� A9re. Jaycees Fridley Jaycees Hom� Contractor Downing Baac Coupany Fridley M3nisteris.l Asen, Plaaning Co�mmission Riverwood 3chool P.T.A. Acaountant 1Vorthern Ordinance Farks 8� PZgy�rounds Coa�mittee Frial.ey Police School Dr3ver Inatructor C�►eraial Pringint Rice Creek School P.T.A. Fr3dley Wrneena Club n� igo � 5eaonded lsy Brook. iTpon a voice vot�, there being no na.ys, the a4otion carr3ed unan3mousl.yo RESOZU�I'IO�i �47-1963 �RIl'�a PiiEL�IINAItY REP�T - S'I'�tM SEWER: �he C3.ty �9anager exp].ained th3s is aierely �o set up procedure, and would also set up ti�e �orm that tlle Council cauld ac� upon. He stated� he bel3eved, f.t ie set up so that the City Clerk would pmv3.de preliminary asaessment fi�ures a�ad givea �the coneulting engineer an oppor�unity to get supplementary reports. He �urther expl.a3ned thie might t�,ake Covacil ea Sax as a publ3c hearin� a�d it wouid tie a13. the studies to�ther that shaul8 have been mede over the paet Sonr years and put an agreement in w3i;h the State of Minnesota ar CoZtambia Heights. �e stated that eome inYormatioa ia nearly �cmipleteo i.ity Attos�ney Koh]8n stated that part o� the real purpose 3.n the Parm is t.o �lim3.nate �he neeeesity oF havin� to go back through the m3autes for resalutions �nd �otions and in caee you �et into Yinancing, it would sim�li�jr mattere to refer to �his reeolution. C3ty Attorney Kohl$n read #�rom 3ection 6 of pacoposed reeolu�t3.orx where Counc3l reserves the 8eterminatton of constructior� until any a�reements are mede at�d executed. Councilman Jqhsnson stated t�ey were sta.rt3ng to talk about a g�reat deal oY storm sewer wark . He staf,ed tlne Councii had bought al]. the bsr�e.ina they cou3�d buy • and he aidn't Peel there was any money lef't te go intoo He exp3.a3ued that as far as sto�rm sewer li.ne on Univers3ty, the City of Fridley didn't hav�e to do it; f�rther, that Fridley would have to 1et the Sta�t;e of NTianesata. go ahead and put S.n what t�ey needed and would have to quit tl�e infl�ate8 spendinga He fzirther stated thst as �ar as outfall into the river, P'ridley would be paying Por ma.ny years on this 3�em but he didn't feel tk�.t Fridley should have any part in i.t. Counc3.2mar� Johaneon esid Y� would turn dawn any etorm aewer work and would vote �o ta any more eonstruction �or the next few years. �ouncil.mara Wo1ke rafsed tb� quest3on of what would be done with the water on �+$th Avenue. Councilma.n J6isanson stated he didn't Peel they should spend �txies without permiesion of the r�s3c3ents ic� the ares and Cotmc3]man Wolke �nswered �hese people want it. �rd Erickson oY 1670 -?7th Avenue N. E. stated he obje�ted to the sewer and water and requested tha.t minutes be reeci on whoever was to contact them in tk��3r �re�a Counc3lman Wox.ke expla3ned to Mr. Erickson i�his storm a��r was nat affecting him �n h3e at�ea anc3 that Couac3l was not 1n disagreea�ent with him on assessments or taxes. Counci].me.� Johanson stated he didn't want to do to anothes° parcel of Fridley 4�hat ha8 happ�ned to these aPfected residents. I��r. Ne3.�, aui.mette of 7635 3,akes3de Drive raiged the question that, as the ��easurer stated the3x aseessments had been converted to 20 years, was there �othin� tFs�� could be done about the f3set yesr� He exp183ned that h3s taxes wc��e �1,3�0 and he couldn't get by this first year as an ind3viduale Ee • itia�ther s��ted he ha.d talked w3th a 3.�wyer and wae told 3.t was h1a op3n3on t��t it could be ccmverted even for this year. Meyor Nee sta�ed he wae cert�in C� PSge 20. th3e C�unci�, would do anyth�,ng to allev3�ats th3s pxoblem. Couna3lmsn Johenson s�ated if th3s couLd be eraeed� Oouncil shovld tal�e eome aetSon. CSty Attorney KohlFin exp].a3ned tbne �ud3tor and treaeurer o� Anoga County %ed to�.d him a g�ood c3ea1 0% the work wa,� done and there woul�ft be qu3.te a duplicat�on oP work but thot it might be w�e� there are aame reaZ hardshipe, t2�ey rtaaul.d tske cere oP �'hese e C3ty Atto�ey Koh9.an �hsr guggeeted tb�t tY�e County shottldn't be pressed,t�iat an err�n�ent fbr t}se foll.awing yeare had been obtalned. I�Tro {�3me�te raised the question if f.� en�3re pnoject couldn't be don�e. Counc3�.ma� Johensoni stated that everybody had the aame tri�.ts and i� it cou18 be done, he was i,n gavor uf �he re�a�kin� o� tibe enti.re paro ject. Counci]man Brook sta-�ed he a].so saae 3n taror 3f it vas pogs3ble that someth3ng coul8 be doae this yesr on these aeeesameata. City Attorney Kohlan atat.ed t'hat he lmew Prom f�+lking to t�e� peop]s et �he Cennty they vete wi113ng to coopera�,e in w}�t- ever is reasonab].e'ar feasib].e. Tt was explsineS th�at a� County booke are po�etty we�.l made up £or tbie year� they woul.d have to taka thoae.t�c ststements, redo �chem and �hat, perhaps, t.be City wou1S harre to pey them �or the work, 3ewer and Water conatruction wss discu�sed and explained in detail, also pr�.nc�.p�7. end 6� interest. l�iyor Nee raised tY�e � qu�ation to the C3ty GounciZ 3Y t�ey w3shed to authorize tYre C3ty Treasurer sn8 Ci.ty Attosney 9.ti the aba�ne reg�lcd, 1'•iot3.on by Brook f.e 3netruct Finat�ce D�.rector Brunsel], and City Attorney �oblan � to att�mpt to g�et thie qe�'e �e�a�smen�s spread over � period of twenty yearaa, 3n Sch�aiule A of Sew�r and Weter P�.ro ject �8-1962. S��anded by Wolke.' Upon a voice vot,�, there be3.ng uo nays, the motion csrrie8 �€�n�.moualy. Thoee eppeFiring end proteet3r�g �re r $arl Nemblet, Jr. Dena]�ci 8onrke B�].8ert McSatn Lorne d. woods Alv�n Exi.cckeon g Neil Ouimette 16�6 7�+5 1624 �658 �670 7635 Oaborne Road I�keai8e Roed flsborne Rosd 77th Av+a. I1. L. 77th t�v�e . N. L . Lakeei8e Driv�e Caunc3lmab Sher3dan etafsc3 he hsd o�e resez�ration with regar8 to Resolu�3on �47•1g63 an8 that �as 3n Sect3on 4 of saf.d re�olution; iP Counei]. did not el.ect, �.fter thie r�por�C to p�oceed there woulfl be no nead to hav�e the C3ty �1.erk proceed with the te�tativ�e asseeement ra1].s Por the �ar3ng. It was explai�sed there wo�ul.� be eaaae q�etione that woul.d have to be an�wered in any reg�.rc1. Crnmei�an Sherfcian stated that his inter,p�etatlon wea �bat when re- port was xeturned the City C�.erk wou18 itmmedi.a�t;el.y start work3ng on the assebe- ment ral�.sd A Aene�l a�isenssio� wes ?�eld on �ect3on 5e r�ot�.on by wa�e ta aaopt �svzvrs� ��7-1.g63 rel.at�.n� to and autho�3�ing po�e- 3.iminary plane, speci.fications and estim�tes oY coste a�' certain storm se�aer � improv�e�r�ts wif�h :Sect3.on L� amerlded to rea8 na follows: "that upc>n receipt o� such xeport and P�rther d3rection oY the Counc3l, ti�e City C1srk ehall act to r-.�..scertain". Seconded by 81�er3dan. Aiayor Nee state8 he was in agreement with � �� zi. �ouncilman Joh�.nson, tbere..wa$ �uite an amotmt of �onstruction that could be postponed �nd suggeated the 8eletion of 3tems A and 8 in reeol.ution. City E1�torney Kohlan stsfi,ed that with re�rc� �o the conference he }�ad hed with �he Council, they wsnted LY�a Hi�hwey Departmeat to know that wh31e tloey were �oneidering these �.teme, Fridley wae not bound t� them. Up�m a roll call vote� �hose v�otin� sye, Nee Sher3dsu, Wolke; those oppoeed, Brook, Joha.nson. Nbtion. carr3e8, C8A1�C� ��5 - W- -J - SCBEDUiE 1- CHANGE OF PAIl�JT SpECIFTCAT�JS : t�lr, Cwnstock of Co�mat,ock & Davis, Inc e� coneu].t3n� engi.neers pcpla.ined ti�e City of Fr3dley had requested the abav�e described item be deleted and it �►as at a point where a dec3s3on had to be msde. He ststed the only qu�stion s�as �he negot3�tion of the porice; txue tigmce was �50 but is not setisthctory' tYiat �there was some ratiPication and the City Maneger and others could con�l.nue to negotiate for these S3�uuces. He su�ested Council g3.ve some oi'Yie3a1 action in this regard. Motion by Sheridan,'that 3n order to go tal.ong vith t�e recom�endation, this should '�e �egotiated and actual chang�e order with figures returned to Counc3l. Seconded �y Wolke. Upon a vc3ce aote, there being no nays, the motion carried una.nimoualy. . �'I'8ER BUSITVESB s P�yor Nee inquired oP Councll Membere i� there were any further 3tems they +a3shed to conaider this ev�ening. �ouncilman Johanson asked �aiiat dieposit3on had been made oP the Joiin Haluptzok �xoperty problem. City Attorney Kohlan answerecl that he had received no res- �onse to letters but actiari woul.a1 be �oPthcomfng. i�3th reg3r� to the Conrad p�operty, Counc3].man Jflhanson stated he hed ta]k,ed �:o Mrs. Csvin; they are not concerned and this pPOblem wfll be taken csre of. tiith re�ard tt� the �a�atter oP water Yetes, tl� City Manager st�a.ted he had re- ce3ved fi�ures from varlous com�unit3es, that a posaible r�te �clyedule wo�uld be w�r&ed out aud, as eoon aa poseible, he would get the balanr� oP the Pi�s, ffieet w�.th consulting en�l.n�er and city engineer and report on Apr9.1 ].st e C�une3lm�n Joba.nson stated that on the 2nd oP Januery, 1963 he ha.d made a r�otion relatiqe t.o the City Attorney and h3s position on t.he N.S.S.SeD. On January 7th he stated he l�ad restated sa3d motion and had giv�en attorney 60 days to Pepiy. Council.man Johanaon sa3d there hsd been no indicat3on by any partiee concerned and he requested the che3r to honor hi� original motion,, °d;�a.t bein� -'�Iotion by Johanson that the Attox�t�ey fbr t}�e Gity oY Fr3dley �.•es3gn his pos3.tion as the �ttor�ney Yor the 1�,S.S.S.D. and eever a]1 t3es that ��e has w3th the N.9.8.S.D. Diatrict or h�e would no longer be retained ss th�e � ��ttorney for the City of Frid].ey. He atated there had been a&0 day l.apse and �,he answer was 8ue on Marcb 17th. • • PB�e 22. F�iyor �iee anno�nnced thi� wae a motion be�ore the City Council tonite to requegt tb�t the City Attorney give the City Counc3l his dec3sion. Council• �an JohFZZ�nson et,�ted the motion was either/or. Councilme.n Sheridan raise8 the question�i£ aay f't.irther communicat3on hs8 been received on the su8jectY Counc3lmo.n Johanson soid there had not. l�eyor Nee stated t]ae mot3on toni.te was to give the Ci�y �ttorney th�e option of being the Attorney for the City r�f Fric�ley or the P1,S.S.S.D. but not both. Seconded by Brook. Councilman Brook stated it was h3s uusderstandin� at the �irat meeti.ng 3n Janusry tY�at this item had be�n votecl upon, Counci].a�n Johansoa ataf.�d he 'had esked Sor a continuance of 60 daya s�-:d advised the Counc3Z tha.t he woul.d return the matter to the f'loor and �ra XQ�1�.SY! w�s tao have a dec3sion at that't4.me. Councilman Sherida.n x�eieed the quest3on to Mr. K�hlan 3f he had any court work for the dlstrict. l�r. Kohlsn state8 i'e w�.s still in the middle of a 1,aw suit and tl� only th3ng 3mportant in the distr�.ct is whether the river ca.n be ueeda Th3e was the reason fox the delay that Cotmci]a�a�t Johansan had asked,for� he stated, th3nk�n►g that poseibly ?ae would be on� oY cotuct by �hat t3me. Coun�ilman Brook re3sed i:h.he quest3on of the length of the trial and Mr. Koh]an stated he thou�t ti�e tr3a�7. was ov�er; 3t wae �uet a qutes- �t3on of t�e het�rin�. Coun�ilman '�Tolke state8 St was hts op3nfon there was no �°eflection oY any kind until tbe courts decSsion on this ca.seo 1�IIr. Kohl�in sf�nted thFit he didn't �rank3.y think thet up to the pr�sent time there he8 been any �emb].�nce of a'ref�.ect3on oY intereat because all these comaunitie� had so �uch a� stakea iie'�,irther �xplained that he ilmd not beew diacussing wxth the F3c�rc1 oY tY3e �,S.S.S.D. what the eoat apportionment woulcl be to these eoamunitiee as they hadn't reachec� tYu�it decis3.on. Ee gte.ted that he had �ver valunteered �'�r tihe wrnck on the N.SoS.S.D. and h�id not been the orf�inal attosney i�ut that he hrid been asked �,o become the attorney after two ot,hers had either reeigned �r a�ked �o be releasedo He 3nformed the Crnmcil thst the Council represen�tive o� th3s Counci3 knew sbout th3e et t}�e time, R4r. Kahl�n ststed he would nev�r walk oL�t on 8 c].ient in the middle of a 18.w su3.t and embarrasa the cl3ent before a juxy or jndp;e, that he would walk away Yrom Frid]�ey but he would not embarrase �Ghe d3�trict at tbis time by wslking out of the distriat until the case in questiat �was ps�aperly d3sposed o� ane way or the oiher, Councilman Johanson stated he �rould hav� tald R2r. Kohl.an not to take tY�e pos�ition with the N.3.3.5 eD. if he had kno�n he had been a.gked,� and if he wanted lega3 op3nior�swith reg�rd ta the �3oS.8.S.D, it wauld be diPfiault to feel that 8e could �et them Pmm Mra Kohlan. ��iayor T�ee w�s asked for an opini.on anfl statefl tl�t he hadn't thou�t about th3s �roblem too extensiveiy �ut baa �eit tt�ere wou18 be some d3ecussion on it and �aould rather that t� propo�al had bee� on the Agenda. He Purther s�ated there �a.y be som�: truth ob both sides of thie problem axx� sta�ed that A�r. Koh].e.n bad c�one A�3 job For the N.S.S.S.D, and ho.d giv�en them eound adeice, at the eame �ime acknaw],edgin�' the poes3.bi13.ty f,hat �ounci�man Johanson spoke oY< H�e flirther stated thr�..t ii' thie were preseed ico a vote, I� mip�it possibly vote in th� aPP�.rm- �a.tiv�e but �ug�ested rnther the 3.ntent3on o� tabling th3s item to another meeting. Cou�acilman Brook �a�ked �f it were possible to meet w3th Mr, Kohl.an at another r3ate, Tx�yor Nee state@ it would t�e in orc'!er to mov� to table it to a epeaial raeeting an €�. certain date, i� thie were h3e wish. • ��otion by Brook to;table unt31 a epeaial meet3ng on the 26th of Me.rch, 1963 at 7 P.�1. a decis3on with City �ttorney Kohlan f'or his answer on e3ther reteining the City of Fridley ar the N.S.S.S.D. as s custaamer. • Fe►�e 23 e �ec�nci�d by Wfl1ke.; U,po� e ro21 ca11 vote, those voting aye, Brook, Nee, S�eri�an, ��o�.ke, Oppc�sed, Johanson. Motion carried. Councilman Jnbanson stated that whatev�er �ounci.l weua.d pursue tYrey could do on �Eh�ir own, hc� would not �uppor� it. l�eyrnr Nee stated he thau�ht Counc3.lman J�ha.nsom'e motioa would ca.rry but thetce was no reasnn why . they �houldn �t meet on thia, t,bat a spec3.a.l meeting set Par the Po].�.owin� week �aould �ake care of'the item �nd he expgcted to vote on the item with Council- �aan Johar.son . �he Ci�cy i�ana�er ststed, with Council permias3an, he wae making arrangements �.o take leave for two or thres days and would have City Clerk Bs•unsell fn r.�ox�e „ Council�.� Sher3da� Statea � n�a naa a sarqpl� oP water giv�en to 6�.m that day dx'awn �� a�e 3n the Donne.y Addition tbat he wi�hed Counc3l to riew. It we� st�tecl there Y�d been gome flushiug of lines and h�e w�shed to sug�st e�d direct the administration t� sta.rt the flueh3ag of these ].ines at midn3�ht and i� it tcxsk t�me or tiame and one•half in ws�+es, 3t shou].d be done in th3e manner. I3e etated it was his be13�f that aity ahould �1ueh the linea seven or eight hours pr3�r to use eo that €3. certain amaunt oP sedi�ntatSon would �ettie �or a per��1 oP t3.me es there isn't any watsr drswn oPf in that per3al. He �tated th�st iron r�:a�ov�l p]�n�, as they h�.d bee�t ta1d, would remov� th3s p�roblemv • �r. Comstaok of consulting eng3,neering iirm of Cc�etock & Davie, Inc., steted �i; wou�d �ake same' time before rust can be removed i'�am th,e syetsm, tlsat there �ou1d be some growthe oP 3ron bacter3a and it 3� usueLly xeco�anended f,hat a �ood chl,orine cure;, ia used period3.cal.�.y and further informed the City Co�cil 3.� wauld �rob�.bly 1;ake s1x to $even months to alear the system. Coua�e3lmaa :�herid�n stated 3.Y that were the case he Pe1t tlae �].ushing oP lines should '�e done i�s bours when t}s� draw oY tbe water is tl� lea�t aad his estimat3on would be �ometime between 1 F.�l. aadl 6 A eM. City Engineer Brown eiGated he wauld put an a�an Pull time immediateI.y and g�et same tem�poraxy help. �%t�,on by Sheridsn, to author3ze the City A�snager to obtain the �secessary b�e].p -�o do the �1.ushing of 13nes primar�iy between the hours o� Lt P.M. and 6 A.M. in the mna�ningo 5econded by Johax�s+on. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the �ot3on carried unanimouely. `1'1n�xe be�.:�g nfl �urther bue3nee�, Mayror Nee decl.ared the me�ting a.d journed. ��$��tFu�.iy submittQ!3: �ue Misk��r3c , �ecretax�y to the Counail • • � � Page 2�e S�CIAI, CbUI�iCIZ A9�IRG - MARCH 2�'S, 1.963: A Spec�.�l Y�geetir.�g o� the Counci� oi the Citq of Fridl�y was ea]1ed to order by h�ayor Ne� aic 7t 0� P.M. RA�, CP:�,I, � T�embers F�esent: P�aember� l�bsent: Barook, Johanson, Nee, Wo1ke 3her�dan '�h.e �ao$ian originally mede by Counci2man �ohsnson et �the �Tsnu�ry 2� �g63 org�ni��tional. meetin� was read by the G3ty Nla.nager; that being "motion by `'�oh�nson �hat the Attorney fo�r tY� C3.ty of Fridl.ey resign 3�is position a,: the A�torney �or the �lorth Suburban Sanitary S�wer District' aiid sev�er a1l t3es �hat he h�s with tbe District, or'he wouid no 1on�er be retqined as the Attorney i'c�r the C3ty of Fridley. " Tlae mot3.on t�abling �.ction and SeYt3ng specisl meet3ng �a�e ��r Iy9arch 2Fith, 1963 wse also rsad. A. letf,er w'rom Gity 'Attorn�y Kohl�an was read by the C3ty �9ar.ager stat3ng h3s �ositiQn �.nd requesting h3s res3g�►at3on eP�ect3ve i.mmediatel.y or at such s date ba�ec� by the CaunC31 in the near �uture. �ounciisnan Jah�.nson st€�ted that, 3n 13eu oP the ].etter �om Ci�y Attorney Itoh],an, he vished to taitY�d�aw his previous a�tion placec� on the P�.00r t,hie evenin�a Seconded by Brook.; Upon a voice vote, the�e bein� no neys, tY�e mo".�.on earried unani�us].y. ', ��a�t3.�x� by Brook to'rece�.ve and acaept the letter o� �esign�t�.on as read by the City T�inc�er Prom City �lttprney Kohlan. Secon�ed by Johanson. Upon a vo3ce vo�e� ��re beirig no n€�ys, the azo�:3on carriecl un�.nimously. ��4tion by Johanson�'tY�t City Couuci]. meet �Ianday, Apri]. 1st at 7:30 P. e��., ��- ':�a1Y hr�t� priar to' the regul.ar meeting to �YSCUSS this rep].acement. A g�ener.al �.3,scuss:�on period was held on pocoaedures and administratitire powers9 time of meeting end lengtln;, of agenda for ichat e�reni�g. C3ty l+ttorney Koh].an informed �he Co�ancil they would hsv�e the matter of the petition on the tlgenda fYom the res�.c�ents ira rega� to the C�.s Fxanchise e The City l�lanager strjted th�at Fi.nance I?3rector Brunsell was �repar3ng a memo of the pe�i�ion t,o pr�sent to t}be City Gcrroancil.. P�Iotion w3thdrawn b�► Johanson. The City P�ian�ger stated he could put the ttP� in qryest3g�n lest on t�e �.�encla Po� the April lst meeting and th�►t C'�-ur�ci]ffin Sheria�.n ��ould possibly be ava3.l�ble �or th�.t meetinga �.'here B��,ng no f'urtber bua3�ess on �he Agenda of this special meetin�, Ydisyor TJe� decl.��ed the m�eting �d�ournedo �espectfully submitted: �ue �lisko�ic Secicet�.ry to the Council. u r� L • �. _ _ 25 .� •.. ,,�►� : � s�: , a �}' � rJl� : W� 4! _ L�l�')D L:): �i:����. 0 i ����ir �'��: � C'.�tA�?E�".L�r OF � C4i'1"Y O�' I�iIDLBY DO ORI�rA1Tit 81�CTZ��s T2�t �dit's�e No. 7G. p�tesed � ad�tec� �he� 29�b cia,y' v� �'. 1455 �tit3.ed �2oo�it�g t�:taan�p a�d as s�nd�d to dat� h�ac�af be �+a�' �rended aa ft�i�.+�s: ( a1 �ha� fb3.la�a►�g 3ec�tioea 5'. Z�eof, ti�ere be� ac3de8 a � ee#t3,c� ta► ses8 ae� go?.lv�a � � �'S�t#.lo� S.ZS - V�sst Pexm►itt.ed ia i��A DiBFts'l.c�� ., Lim�l.tad Mult,i,pla► �iwellinga - '�cic�eci. .�.s TiA1�i fi��y �a�.yy �w�.li�q$t Ox3 !38'r� �.�5). adt j a�c:ea�t �o au� as�a�ar ar�d nc� abon� aaE i�lv� a�hear dwatlir�gs. _ �aacep� ft� �r r�ci,t��i+�a ao�ted t� p�on�i�io� a�►f�abl0► t�a►' t�s �-�A Dis�Crl.�t a�� o�a�riee �s s8ur �s �a ifii &-� Dia�iet. tb3 R'bat ioa.�.v��dg s�tio� S.i �I�eaceo�, t�are be addvd a �ew esc6tic�t to �eeed as� �o2la�ss -_ :�� a;:. "SOC�l�t 5.�� - Va�s P�Ltted in R-3A Distsicts - G��e.l �t�ipl+� Do�b1I#,wg Distariet�� - R�#�ria�a�. 1. A�atta�s �1 P�tit�►la Yl�relli�gs tv�Y} c�o�atain�nQ �•or�o (Z) c� �ooC'a +c�.l a�n�tet. pactr�►lsi�s rpli+�ebi� tc► �he 8-3A Di.a�Cr3�et a� �w �a ea�s as fs� �e R-3 aiatsie�t � �: _ � ,,�'-i a"'�'` � • ,�,�;,�.�.�,�,x�-� � � �`h� ,,t�.��.•�•�.•...,,� `�-�P � as pa��r►fd�ed �.� the parar+r3.e3� of .a3+a � �a�ws �+s�a�tix� � �r�. ��\� � ,p� �.�""�„�. %�Q-?. �c� �c , �� ��� � C?RDINAL�B NOm o � Fas�� TwvooOm,�a.. AUOPTF.97 28IS � 1�AY �F s 1953 BY T� ��'TY CiXJI�TCIL OF THE CZTY 0�' FRIDIEYa �7AY�OR — W.��.�.i.ar� J.. L�ee 1�TT8ST s � \.J.flii�i� � �� C • �a. �aiafia�� ��.rst R�sxx,� s, . G�E'�'`'P �� / 9 b� Piabl.ic xearsaugr:�.a� �� ,..,_��'� 6.� ���3 � c?�V�+� �����i s Pvblisha . 0 . - - 26 0 . . . 2`7 �� � u e�� ► a • r�c � f;; � y_�� 1 Ici� I1 Y.tt ��Mt.• e; � � ��`}fe ��• :�i t" R t l t� f I'' i ,; : ! o-1' � ti' t f! 1 ) . y; Th�o �aQil of the ci�y of Fridlaay do oadain as f�llaast S��Q�1 Io Ord�mea rTp. 70 of tihe Citq of Fridltqi lc�,�a 8s ?hg Zoning Ordi�anee aad ad�pred an D�ecember 29, 1955, is �d�d �s h�reit�after 3adicaCed, S&."PIQ�TT 2 4 The t�act os aree wifi.Iiin the County of Atbaka and eUe C3Cg of Fridley aad described ass AI1 of Lo�s 5� 6 a�td 7� Blc�rk 2� �11 af LoCs 8' 9� 10, 11 aad thatc par� af Lo� 7 iq3ag Sou�ti of the Nos�h thfrtq-fivre feet c35Ba �es msas�arod alaa,g tYae jsT@S� 13U� i�1@�CiO�s $ZaIC.$ 1� f'.SY�B�'II�8 $1�� �1' Aani�x �Pa �, �`b2•30) �ccept tbat part ther�o£ aYiag .� 1 withiu the righ� of way of Stat� Traak Higlawe;y No. �d9 lYing 3ax ths aorthw�est quarte�r �j o� s@cti�m z6, T•34,.8�24, Aa�ka Cotiaty, S�ate o� Mim�ssotaio � h��► a�s�,�a�ea � � � � zo�a n���t. Icnawa as 8-1 (sin,�le g�mily �nailing', �SC'iZ�l 3o Tt�t thQ Zoning Ac�mi.nistrator is direcGad r.a cl�aagc� the offiLeisi sonin� msp to shaw sa$.d trecs ax ssrea fro�a aanr�d dis�s%t $-2 (1imi.ted aatltiple tat�.tly dwell%tgs} �o zoned district �•1 (single fa�ly tt[t1@��.�y s rass� 8y �. cr� �acir. o� �s �r oF �raoa�r, t�F 196�, �FSTd CI� � • P�a�vin Ca Bxuasell �ts � �g I�1AAStt� - Williaat J� N�er . Publ�tc 1"i�ar:tt�,gt Mareh 18, 1963 �'i�,Fst �teiad3s�g s „� � }�� � S�ccand 8sacting s 3 Publ�.shed ;� `"' • � ORDA3AT�C� NOo _ `AN 0�8DIDTAN�CB 7.'0 �D T� ZONING U�D�NSN� OF TS$ CT�Y OF F�S3L, Mi�S�A 8Y MAKi�tG A GHANGB IN ZON�iG D�ST�CT3 1 Th� Cc�uac3.1 0� the C�ty o� Fridley cb o�cdai� as follc�s�e S�CIO� 1, O��o Noe .�70 0� the Ci�r o�i Fridiey, laso� as the 7.vn3� ti�cdinaace and _aci�peed on Deee�ober 29s 1955, is am�s3sd as b�ce��aftax indicatedo S�OTt 2 , The tract o� area wi�hia Che Cauaty of Ant�lsa and th�a C3ty of Fr�.dl�y �ud des��ribed es o :. Ali t�iat pa�ct �sf ths SW� af tl�e S&'� snd af .th� S8� �f th� S8� of Sect3an 3, T-30, 8-24, AaAka Cauaty,`Mi�nesa� cisscaribed as _U"sgitming at th�e point of inte�s�tiaa of the South liae o£ said St;T� ai S&� ead S� at SB� ead the Sant.Y,wesrexly right of way lin� oE the .Gr�at Plorth�n Railway �mpany; thamce Nortiiw+�s�ser].y alaa,� said xigl�t .. �f w�y lit� S�SI,6 �fee�; th�nc+e Westeslyo . pas�li�� witii �� sauch ��.no o� asfa s�a� �� s�c� eaa s�-� oF ��, s distaacca Qf 362 f�ts theraee 5outheast�riy, paraiiel �rith ssid Sau�a,est�ly right of wr�y lia� of ttis G�cea� North�rn Ra�.�waY CanF�n9. 55166 f�et mo�ca og 1esa� .-- to thQ 5outh liae of aaid SW'� of S�' �d 8&'�. of S�; �he�ce Easter�:y alon,� said Seuth l�uus of S�'� of S� axad S7� o¢ 3}� t.a �he ac�l poin� af be�imsin,gd Sub ject tar eas�t gog� roadti�ray pcisposes a�ver the Ses�ath th�.itv �eei (�3�� � �h���csf �s h�seby desi�aated �a be in th� �d Dists-i��t k�awn as M�2 ch�a�ry iadusLrial asc3a� o ���d 3a �taat tbe Zoni�. Admi�aistrato� is d�rQCted to chan�e tla�a o�ficial zonis� �p �o shat� said traeC os � ar� f�ra ze�aed d�a�rict �%1 �light i.ndusCrial eratt� � s�n�d distri�t B�2 �li�AVY ia�cbxetrial aa�a)o 1'ASS�D SY � CIT9f ��L OF T� ��X 0� P'RID�Eit, - THIS � AAit , � � 3 ��° -:.:- � 19b�a • MAYO�i - Willi� Jo �Q �.�T a , . - ��ae.� ::�aa�o rsarch is, 1963 C�'iit �- Psatvia C, Bt�vas�I1 Pitblis IIea�e ��c1963' � Secc�a Be�dl.ng s �L_ - Publis]�d s • �,: � _ 29 RESOLUTZON NO, �, ���LLP���N �Qi3�ST�PtG W2T�R14%T.AL FROM � No S, S, S DD, BY TH� CITY OF �32.iI)I��1' e WI3�R�AS, b�cause of its Geagraphical location a.n the N.S.SeS.D., c�x�tai� parts of ttie City of Fridley are going to b� so altesed by co�s�r�aetion fi�aat property awn�cs will su�f�er a decreased value of ��3r ��op�ss�•, ana WH�tEA.S, certain faci.ligi�s �,ihic3� are naw in an�l ar� a part o£ � r�d�.ey ° s preserit sewer �yate�a and are being pa3d fror by its cit�.z�ns on an assessm�nt basiss will have to be abandoned, arad �i�EAS, because a large p�c�esl of Industriai Iar�d wili be t�icen �vm i�2ie tax xolls of Fridley, and W%3EREAS, under the pre�aent rat�a proposed, Fridi�y wauld not s�ver it� tias witis Minn�apolis a�d the program o£ bor�d payments as �� s�� �'orth wvuld no� b� �pp1j.C3blge ana � W�E��, w�.th the N.S.S.S.D. plannin�g to delay assessments on I�g�' parca�.� of Ianc�s in th� Dis'o-zict, Fric3ley withmut aa� larq8 parce�.s will b� the banker gar N.S.S.S.D. for the first fe�r y�ars, and i W��REAS, the City of Fsidley does not want any p�rt of payirsg £�r ar�r par� of an int�sceptor lin� tha� does not stop at city or �il].age �ouradariee f but instead qc�s 3.nto tiie c�.ty or vii3.age, aaui W�EItE�Se th� N.S.S.S.Do has not att�pted to give any consi- dar�tion a�d in iact iaas aaid �hat Consideration w�711 not be given to �ha lo�s�s �idl�y will suffer. �It�W, �SFORE, BE IT R�:Si1LVE7), by the Cotuaeil of . t��.. � tit SSS� �,.,,,t q;��c�„� r,•, �� �!�- w.-,� �-^d �. �.�r� T�a� the C�.ty Counci7. of th� City of Frid�.e�y petitio to detach �he City of Fric�.ey �com th� Distr3ct. the City o on.t �e,�.� rn. ' n �e �.S.s.se�, 2� �a�t �� Couzicil of fi�e C$ty of Fridley joim with an� oth�r villag�, �c�rnship, c�r city who wishes to withdra�r frona th� Di�t��.ct, 3.n an at��mpt to c��t a chaxag� of Ie�gi�istion, if thi� is the mnly solutioa �c� withdr�al. PASSED71BiND �DOPTSD BY 7ffi C3 Q?UNCIL OF T� CITY C3F �"RIDLSY TI�IS �„ l8�'� DAY OF , 1963 e A�sT: C�� CLERK - Marvin C. Ssunsell MAYOR ��T121ia� Ja Nee • C� � RESOLUTIODT NO o � 48-1„ �, G� lRSSOI.UTION RTs4UESTING WITHDRAWAL FRQM TFiS N. S. S. S.De BY TI� CITY OF FRIDLEY. Wi3�EAS, be�auee of its Geographica3. location in the N.S.S.S.D., certain �ar�s of the city of Fridley.are going to,be, so altered bY construction t�►ati property ownera will suffer a decreased value of their PropertY. and _ WHgItSAS, ces�Cain facili�ies t�hlch are Aaw i.n and are a part of FJCidley ° B pr@SISAt sewer system and are being paid for by i�s citfzen�; ox� an ass�ss�ent:basis, will have to be abandoned, and WIi�R8A3e bscaus� a larg� parcel of Industrial land wiil be taken from the tax rolls of Friclley. aad WHEggAg, u�cler the presen� rates proposed, Fridley would not aever its ties with Minneapolia aad the program of bo�ci paym�nts as naw set forth would not be applfeabl�, aad - w�s, with ths N.S.s.soDe planning to delay assess�ts o� larger parceis of la�ds in the Disstrict, Fridley withaut aaiy large parc�ls will be the banker fQr NoSeS.SoDo for the first_few yesra, and WI3�It8A8, tiie City of Frici].ey does not waat .aay part of paYing for any ,part of an interceptor liu� that does not stop at city or village boundaries, but instead goe►s into the city� os..village, and WHERBRS, tl�e N.SeS.S.Dq has not attempted to.qive atay consideration azad i,n faet has said that consideration will not be given to the loss�� Fridley will suffsr.::, _ �Tac�T, Ti3�REFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, by the Cou�cil : of the City oi Fridle�: lo a. T'hat tbe N.S.SeS.D. not authorize construction�of any kind for one year, or if conatruction not delayscl•_ , b. , 7Cliat the City Couneil of tlz� City of Fridley petition tY�e N. S. S. S.D e to detac�i the City of Fridley f�oa�► t1z� District e 2. T'hat : the CQUncil of tb�a City ot Fridley j oin w�.th any other vill�g�:, _ tc�iships oz city who wi�lies t0 withd]Caw fratn t1c►e �District, 311 al:� at��t �o: get a c�a�ge af l�qislation, if �is _ is the only solut;ic�� for `withci�cawal. PA�SSD AND:ADOPTED BY THE.CYTX C70UNCIL QF TH8 CITY OF FRIDI�Y TS�:S 1ST DdAY OF AF'RI�, 196�. ATT$STz MAYOR - Will% J. Nee CITY �RK - Marvix► C. Brunsell C� � � �,�r 30 R830LUTIO�i NOo 0 1tFSOLDTIODi T4 AD�VBRTISE FOR BIDS F�t MISCBLLAN60[TS FIRE D�PARTI�NT SQUIP�I�1T �� ZT ���a�VB� b� ttze Couneil of the� City of Fridl�y as follaws: �.., �a� it ia in the int�rest oi tbs City to purchase the �ollcrwing itezns or materiale fat the Fi:re Depar�reat, t�i.��ceilatzeou8 Fire Department Equigmet:t ��, A copy oi tti� plana and specifications fos the abovo d�acribed itmns and materiais, together with a proposal £�r the method of purc:haBe snd paym�ent thereof bave bsea p����sentsd to �ha Council by the City Manag� aad the same a�e horeby adopted a�d spproved as the platas and epecifi- c��i,ons, ax►d tbe m�ti�od ot acquisition ar�d payn�ent to be xr�uuir�l by the City with r�spect to the acqui.ation of s�id it�oaas and �aatsrials. � 3� �� purchase of eaid iteuus a�d �aterials as described above shall be sf%cted by eealecl bids to be rsceived � a�ad op�ned by th� Gi�y Couacil at 12a00 Q'c�.oek aoon, on �e Firat day of A�ril. 19630 7ihe City M�aqer is d�..s�cted and authorized to advertis� far the gurchase o£ sa�.d ite� and materials by sealedJbid proposals under xantice ae provid�d by law aud the Chart�r of th�s City of F�cgdley, the notice to be substaatially ir► farm ae that siivtian by 8�ibit "1�" attac�td hereto arid made a part by seiEexenee. Said z�s�fiic� ahall be published at least f����en (15, days ar througla two (2} publicatioaas in th� o���ic�.al nawspaper of t.�a� �i,ty af Ftid�,ey o P�ISSTD AY�D ADOPTED SY T� CITY COi1DTCIL OF T� CITY OF �7CDL�Y �'SIS �' i ,.,.,.,, DiAX OF DAX T �'Sl, � � i� e; C�TY 1�►�IA� -�arl P o Wagneac ,.,_,.____,-� 1963 0 �6:�i�� �O W�l.d.� V O 17� • �. _ � 31 FIRE EQUTA�NT SPECIFICATTONS FRIDI,EY FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE: 1�600 fte 2i" couplir�s, to be NST, fabric to be dacrau. 600 f't. 1�" couplinga� to be NST, fabria to be daora�. A7.7. �ire hoae to be furnished shall be of a grade and quality equal to the P�n�i- tari grada manufactured by t,he Fabric Hase Comp�a.rty. NQZZLESs 2 1�" shut off nazsles� P.D.Q. or eqvat, 1 2�" shut off nozzle, 1�1/8fl atraight tip with fog nossle adaptsr. 1 22 Santa Rosa fog noZZle, 365 GPM ��i,�„m diacharge. � � � �,• 1 1�08 threa section alumiatmm ladd�sr' Duo Series 92aA or equal. 1 16 4 al� roof laddsr. BREATHIDTQr EQUIPA'IENTs 1� all service maska, complet,is with panora�.a �ace �L�aes. I� all �ervice cannisters. • 2 Model 6000 a2m Scott Air Pske or appraved eq�a]. (without cases)o QENTILATING EQTJZPNSENTs 7. Super Vac or equal� 5�000 CFM Explosion Proof Aectt�3,� S�ot� Eatraat,o�o Super Vaa modsl to be aquare fra�as and ir�clude hangiag fixtur�s, MISCELLAI�OUS FITTIN(�S AND EQUIpMENTs 1 2� x 2a a 2a Siam�ese conneCtia� - NST - chraans pla,tedo 1 2�" Double Female - NST - chrome pla.ted. 1 2 Double Ma1� - NST � chrome plated. 1 1 a 1� z 1� Wye with ball valvaes - NST - chraane plated. 2 hycirant �nre�ches to �f.t Friciley hydraaf.s a I Ha].liagan too3. 2 12Q a 18e Tarp. - salvage coverse 1 2?� ur�it Fire Department Firat Aid Bit. ]. Dei�zge t�ut - 3 fn'l.ets 2a' 3.n size - Nationa7. St.anc3ard; stacked tip sises � 12', 1o3/It" and 2" . Three inch eztens3.on pd.pe shall be equipped with atream Bhapers, Accessoriess runnir�g board mouutiag brackst. • LJ � � 32 CITY OF FRIDLEY Y�TOTICB TO SIDDERS FIRE DEPARTMS�FP EQUIPMCNT ��� Ci �� Council of tiue City of Fsidley will ac�ept bids oa iire fighta:�g �quipment on the lst day of Apri2 until Z2s00 o°clock n�on o.� aaid date. All bids must meet the minimum require�eats o� t.lae spec�.fications. Failure to coauply wit1� this section can ��sult in the disqualification of the bicle ��ch b.�d shalR be accompanied by a certifiecl check or bid boncl i.n �e ���wnt of not less than 596 of tbe total bid, whieh c�eck or b�d �o��►d �ha11 be for%it if the bidder neglects ar faila to entar i�to a contract or furnish a 1Ap96 biddere perfarmaace bond after his bi�� has been accepted. �e Ci°�y reserves the right to aceep t]rie b��t interesta of ti�e City. �he r�ject any and all bids, and to waiv � u�asit.��rs � any bido � t the bid wbich it d�emois ia City reaerves the riqht to e all informalities or irreg- �e �o��ncil r�serves �he riqht to consider such factors as time of d�l�ve:.°,� or performance, experieaice snd responsibility of the �aicl��r, past p�sformance of si.m.ilar items or iaaterial, availability o.� xep:��cear�nt parts a and other fseta�s that may be d�em� as in �e b�>�t i�tsreats of the City. C�pies o� �:he i:� the oifiee �is �f ���:iee o sp�cifications and general conditiona may be examin�e�c1 of tlle C1ty� 1�[anaqer, or COpieB �nay be obtained fram A.I1 bi��s n�ust be submitt�d in 8ealed envelopes and plainly marked �._..... _.-- o�a tY►e ou�aide of t'tiae envelopes that the conten�s aro bids on F�RI: Df ;PAR��T SQiJIP�T. P�sbl iss3 s Masc3z 21, 1963 :t�arch 28, 1963 Esrl P o W�►er CITY D�iA�1AC�R � � TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNs Notice i Hear3r�g befare thh� City Hall at blt31 University CounQil Chamber at 8:00 follaWi.ng matters C�"FTCTAL NaTTCE CITY (3F FftIDIEY PUBLIC HEARINa before the CITY COUNCIL � hereby giv+en that there wi3.1 be a Public Counail of the City o� Frid].ey in �ne City Avern� N oE, on Moaday�9 April 1' 19b3 3.n tl�e o�clask P,Me, €ar the consideratian oP tl�s Amending sectio� 508 of orainance Noo 70, co�nonl,y eaZ].ed the Zoning Ordix�ance ent.itled "Uses Parmi�t�d' M-2 Di�tricts" by addiag thera�o the follow3.ng: Bo USES EXCLUDED!: 1) Any nse (unlesa a spe- c�.al use permi.t is ob�ai.ned t,herefo�e) which i� ob�ectio�nable by rsascn af emission af odor, dust, smoke, gas, v3.bration or no3.se because o� sub jection of Iife, heslthe or prope�r�y f.o hazards, inal�ad3.ng but not limited tfl the follcna- ings a) Mannf'acture of a�eiyle�s,� acid, Qr a�r o�he� tyga e�cp2.osi.v+eo b) Junk yards or ti� ba].ing of �unk or rags, exr�ept iu a building e�nc7.osed s�i.thin a solid fenee and onZy aftsr the Co�31 haa gran�sd a:�rmit for the loeatian p�oposedo c) MARSHALLING YARDS, RAILROAD YARDS9 R{3UIVDHQUSES, AND REPA,IR SHOPSo d) Sfi.xk y�s or �laughter housess ex�sept �ultrg or rabl�i�s� Anyarts desiring to be heard with reference �t,o � above mat�er wi13. be heard at this meetingo WILLIAM Je NEE MA.YOR Pnb�.shs March lt�� 1Q63 i March 21, �.463 33 � � � r 34 BID SUMMARY .. .. .. � �' ��_- r i� s. � ia� Bid.s Opened: 12:00 o�cloak Noa� Mond�Ya AP:`�- Z� 2963 � MISCELLANEOTTS FIRE DEPARTA�IT EQUIPMENT BID PROFOSAL CITY CfiF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA PROPOSAL t�' As�DRESS � . - 35 We parapose to furnish and dsliver to the City of Fridleys Minnesotai misaella- nsous FirB Depart�aent Equipaient in accordarice with the plans and specificatia�a, HOSEs Manufacturer $ . per fto � . ef� . ��� �� � A�a�nufacturer 9� o per �'to � , ...�..... .�.. ..e..� .�,.. N�LZLES: Manufaaturer � . eaah � �.�. _.,.. ..._.......°....o • Manufacturer $� .� each �.� Marxufacturer � . each � . ,....,.. `� ..�.� I�ADDERS s Manufacturer � o each � o _.... _..___ ._..o MaaufaA�urer � . each � e .�... _.e. ...�.... ....� Bi�EEATHING EQUIPN�TTs I`�ST1tIff8C't12Y'@r �.�....�.�: s @A�CiI t AC Manufacturer $ . each _..._� ....� Manufacturer � o each _..e._�._ ...... V�fiITIL�TING EQITIPN�TTt _ Maxiufac�ur�r � o each .��. .r MISCII,LANEOUS FITTIN(�S AND BQUIPI�ENTs � Manufacturer � . each .,e_._.,. � , • ManufaQturer � . each ..�.r _.._. � Manufacturer � . eaah _...�._ � � Manufacturer � . eaah � _ ' Maamfacturer � . each �..�� w 0 �..e.� �r, � o $ o ,r�..._ � � o �..._._ � � .r.....°� . _...e... _._. � e ..�. _..o � o .._� _..e. � o .�..�r� �r� Page Two PRQPOSAL MISCELLANEOUS k'IRE DEPARTMII�TT EQIIIPMENT . MISCELLANEOUS FITTINC�S AND EQUIPMENT (Continued)s Manufacturer � e each �v � Manuiacturer � . each _.�_._... _.... Marlufacturer � . ea+ch _..._�. _..... Deluge C�uns Manufacturer � . each ......._.. .r._ Mariufactuser � . ea�h � _._.. Manufacturer � . each ---- — �� � � � 36 �....,...,_•_..., � . �.�� � � . _.....__ _.._. � . �� � $ . _._._.�. �.. � o _..— ..__ • ,v _ _ 3`7 ORDINANCB NOo Al�t ORDINANCE TO �ND T�E ZONING ORDINANC� �Che City Council of the City of Fgidl�y do o�da�.n: , SEC'P7CON l: �.'hat Ordinance No. 70 of ihe City ot Fridley ec�nonly ca�led the Zaning Ordinance be amended as iEol.].vws: Ao T°hat Sec�tion 5.8 thereof be aar�nded by add�.ng as a gubdivisiora ther�to p�ior to (Paragraph 1) thereo� anci follaaring the headlr�g of the section the follawing aub-heading, to-wit, "A. Use� Permitted " B o 2'hat Secti� 5.8 thereof be amenc't� by addis�g, �ol.lawing Siabdivision 3{b} of s�id section the %llawi�g wo�ds: "Bo vses Ex��.uded � � lo A� use (unl�ss a sp�ecial use p�rmit is abtainad therefar? whic� is c�bjoctlonabl� by remaa� af e�nission of odar. dust, s�aake, g�s, vii�ratio�a o� noise becauae of subjectio� of life, h�al.th, or pxoper�y to hazards, includirig but not �im9.ted , to the folla�ia�g a a. Manufacture of acetylene, acid, c�r any ottier type explosivee b e J�uik y�rds or tho baling of junk or rag�, except in a 9�uildir�g enclosed in all sid+�� os when coaa�l�tely enclosed wi�hin a solid fence and only aftex the Gouncil ha� granted a,p�rmit for �he location prapo�ed. c. Marshailing yasds, Railroad yzrda, soun�dhous�s, and repair ahopae d. Stock yards or s]Laughter houses, except of poultry or rabbi�s. � �:. _ .� 38 • (� 7C�iA1�iCE NO. �,�,______. P�.�e Two. �CTIO�T 2a 7Chat except as amended witYiin, the prov3sioras cf said Ordfnanee re�aiii th� �am�. . PASSSD � ,�DOPTED THIS �� DA.Y OF �,1963 BY T�E CITIL COUNCYL OF THS CI�.'Y' OF F�tIDLSY. 1�AYOR - Will3.am J. Nee A�TEST: , � C��.'Y C'I�c - P�tarvin C o Bru�s�ll �'�'st Readinq: M�� 18, 1963 . p��, �,� g���q = Apr 1 1, 19 . S��o�ct Readia�gz r„r,,, � I. / 9 j�,_'�,�o Pealal�.ah: . s - _ 39 • St'�ARD OF APPRAI� I�38TIb'PG - 1�iARCB 20 0 1963 ------- --_ ._._�_�. T�e rn�eti�vg was called to order by Chairman Naowroeki at 7s30 PeM. 1�es��r� Present: Natwrocki, Weqler, Gooaric�h. Burris I�e�aber Pabsents Gabriek 1 o PUBLIC I�AR�IG ON A RE4tJSS£� FOR A VARIANCB FRO�K SBCTIOD? 8.3A �cr���n o,=,o ,��. o. �o s�r w� o� �c�rr �n SETBACK R84U�RS1�D1T FROL�Y 35 FSET TO 30 FS�3T 4 INCSBS ADTD WAIVSIt oF s���_ RSQUIR��T'� F,�taM 5 FEFT TO 3 FSS'P TO_ ca�s�u�r � ATTAt�D GA�C� ODi LOT 10 �. B.I�C.,�C 5. BROOKVIBW T�C� T�iIRD f ADDYTIaN SAI� B�:�1G 7� PA� I��+i „D�.t�VS NOQtTf�AST - RTQTA'sST BY �• � �. df E. GUSTAFS�Ts ..�4. �.� Mr. Gustafson was present. i�. Marri�er from 800 P�do�a Do�ive �� also was pr�t. None of the abutting property aaneacs w'ho we�ce f ici th t th f arties notified were preseat. Mr. C�uteta soa� ea a e our p • abu�ting his property i��d discussed tYtis with him. and that they sald t14ey w�e not apposed to it. ': Matloa 7�Go�ciric�►, Seconded Y�y Burr�.s to reco�d �o tl�e Ci Ccxmcil that this variax�ee be gr�,. Up�a a voice vote, there beis�g no nays, t�airman Nawroeki declared the motian carried. i 2 e PUBLIC �ON A ItE4U83T FOR A VARIP�NCE FAOdM SBCTION 8.3A OF ORDINAI�C� N_ O_70 BY WAIV�R OF FRO�TT YARD SSTI3ACK RE4UIRSML�D� FItOM 3S FS�T TO 30 FBET TO C�3TRUCT 0�-FAMILY bW8LLII�GS 0� LUTS 1 THROti� 11. AND LOTS 14 AND 15, BLOCi� 4. RICB CRBSK _PLAZA ---- NORTS _ADDIT` I,_,_O�i7_. „�SAID LOTS HBING LOGATED 0�?? RICE CRSEK BOULLVARD _ WEST OF UINI�TSRSITY AVSNU� NORTffiAST - REQt�ST SY E& M DSVSLOP� COT�PANY AND B�i WOI� . BUILt�3R: \n � ., Mr. Wolke was present to diacuss this proposal with the Board.� X Wo D. Geiger, 261�Rice Creek Soulevard also wae present and �� stated that he had no objection to granting the variance. Mr. Wolke pointed out that a main trunk sewer lirie of the City ran thraa.gh the backya�cds o� these lots, aad that the 35 foot seti�caak placecl the construction toDclose to this major trunk sewer, an� therefore, the request was to be ptrmitted to build 5 feet closer to the front property li�e than required by ordinance. �tion by tnTegler, seconded by Burris to recoa�aend to the City Council th�_ this variance ba arante� Upon a voice vote, ere being no naye, �Chairma�n Nawrocki declared the �motioA carried. � lB�A1�RD OF 1�PPEALS MERZ'ING - IMARQ 20, 19b3. (Contiaued) s......�� � . -- - ._ . _ . AI?JOURN�°T: Tize�e %�ir�g �o further business, C�airman Na�wrocki declared the � meeting aci j ourned at 7 a 50 P.M. Y��s�oectguliy submitted: Earl p. wagree�r sec�r�tary fi;o tlae Baard L� � , ! _ 40 � � l� E�RPT a'RQ�+d T� COt�CIL MINUT�S OF J�ANUARY 22 0 1959 0 . r � 42 �� :� � � .�_�.-_ .�z:.�� . �.�s.t ���� �i� S�at�,�n Btt d� Pra='mi�e i�r a�ldy then r�ad the report iroaa� tbe Plaaainq Coaamiseio�s o R���ren�� was ma�de in the repo�rt to Art C�aristeasan request for permit t,s� a�ake �s additiaan to his buildi�q located at the SE ca�ne� of Miesi— ��si�api s�aceet sad Univeraity Avenne auci s recoa�eaadatioa� tbat the g�e�i.t �a � �.ssued sub j ect to mse�iAq the require�mients oi the zoning o�d�.aia.��s� to pravide off street parking and p=o�vided fusthes B that if �� �ro,��y �am�d�.adtely to the DTo�th of the Naacth side of Misaiesippi 3��et ��e to be used to megt thee� paxkiaq requir�ita ttsat the�e be a ras�tr3�ti�n placed on the laard fo� that purposeo Aft�r �u�i,•�er diecussion, Coemcilman Nagel maved to acce�pt the recoao�aea�— a�i�n o� �e Pla� Co�miseio� in this regardo �hat traleae off streat p�3�� ��cilitiee are pravic't�d on t�ae same side of the street as tbe at�s��ur� locstio�n t2�at t2ie peanni.t be iseued only subject to tbera bsiag a�a ins t Psepared and aigt►ed by l+ir o Christenson and N� m z'lieiaou anc� �.n S��h toacm as will allo�w it �o be recorded with tbe Registec of D�.s office of �the Caunty and resezoi�g the uee of said laad foac parkiuq s;pa�� ��il 4laereafter released by tbe City Cauncil. M�iic�► was secce�sd b�y �,�Gr�►�qe B a�i upon b�irg put to a vate e earsi�d vn�nimo�usly o �o�eaat on E�xe�at fra� Cau�ail Minutes og Janua� ,22. 1959s =.i ;:..;t �_ � �; ..,: S iuc� tbe meetiag of Marefi 18, 1963 , I have l�ad the $sgiaeer ir�g Dtpart�t lay ou� �the area ad j acsat to the shoppiAg center naacth o£ the City 8a110 T'he paackiaq requir�at fa� tba s�aPP�4 c�nter baeed os aquar. foot� ot �, ti�e shoP�ing caater and the r�iremar►t,� of the �oning o�diaiaee waold b� .r: 34 park�.n�g spac�s. T'be 8agi�searing Dsp� was abla to show that p�abaa� ��: to the cc�struetio� o� the �& l�t Realty Bnildit�qD 42 pas?ciaq epaeea ecsld �:; be praraided soulh of �ti.aeiesippi and adja�eat to the s�tappiac� eeatsr. T4�e ` additio� of ti�o E& M Realt� Cc� Bul�2ding rec�suires 3 additioaa). �ats�7c— �; ia�J �s, so fihat at pree�t, a requir a m e r e► n t i v a c t h e �opping eenteac a�d ,�; tise Rea�.ty Buiiding is 37 parking spacee, an,d ti�e area south of I�issis�i- �.' Ppi can pravide 42 spaces. You will aate, in tbe second paragraph fa t.b�t � e�ocerpts of t3�e minutes, that tha requireme�t ti�at an agre�m�e�nt b• �u- _`a' escut�d reta�.niag the prop�acty noactti of Mississiy,�pi fa►r oi%street �ar'lcinq �; was nec�ssary ooa].y if suffi�ie�t of%atreot parkinq f.acillties coald aat ��r be providecl on tho sam�e aii�s of ti►s atree�t se the struature looatioa. S believe �he above� sx,plains w�ty t�• pa�ties iseuiaq the permit did nat �': ,..: abtain the �gremcierut m�eaatioa�d late� in the �aioa miautres. I will bav� t�ris ,, ,���; draw�ng available at the Cou�ail �tit�g fc� yomc it��eo�i�n. It ie �p ' �': larqe to plaae iu the ag�da. �; n�� � S F '�, . .. � ,-' � f §� F.�' .#4� . . . ,. _ . . . . , s,i�;.,.� ....� � March 26� 1963 MSMO T0: City Msaager and City Co�ncil FRO1�1: Mazvia Co Bsuasell, Finance Director ;.� `> SIIBJECT; Petition Oppoaing Adoptioa of Ordinance Noo 230 � He2atiag to the Uaiform Suburban Gas Fraacise for the City of Fridleq A petition wrs received in my otfice at 20:53 A. Mo o'clock on March 22, 1963 opposiag the ada�tion of Ordivance Noo 230 relative to the Uaiform S+uburban Gas Fssnchise, The uames on this documeat have beea checked aad it is fovad tilst it is sigaed by 1,416 persoas wiw are zegistered voters of the City of Fsidleq and by 295 persaes whose aames are aot found in the voter'a registratiaa fileo As of January 2, 19b3 there were 7,542 people who were registered to vote ia the City af Facidleyo P2eaec take aote tl�at a docwne�� purported to ba an agree�n�at to Ordiasu�e Noo 23D was received in �oy office at $:20 Ao Mo o•elock oa March 22a 19b3 froon tbe Minaeapolis Gas Campaayo I am ad�rised by Mzo Aadrew Rohlaa, acting as attoraey for the C��* of Fici+diiey, that hs will co�lete his leg,al research very shortl3+ with respect to the petitioat that wsa filed aad will hav�+ an opinion in r�rriting relative thereto,r�hich wi11 be available to the City �ow4cil at its nent regular meetiago _ >:� _� ;�.r � f� �Y .�.: �. ' ��,� � � ,, �, . �► ;, � ,. ::��� Evu�� W. McC�rtr�Y cwitR oF rouci � � � ,�., . �.-F:��;:1 ;, f .�,t; �C.:_'_�. To: From: L� � .�.�«.e .�/ 1��. - .• _..._ 1�1�i� _► � / �:�,��1�•''� � i �`',; ri:i!�':ea � ANC i4� 1 U MINNEA City Manager Chief of Polics TY Y A V E. !18 21. M1NN. 2, 1963 ,��,��jj� 44 5ba26io 3ubject: Propoaed Anoka County communication� nsttirorlc � � Th� Chi�fa oP Police and the 3heriff in Anoka County ha�s b��a meeting informally for th• past �ear or so to diacuis a Count� Wide ca+wunications natxork. Our discusaions ha�s l�d to a meeting aith the Chie$, the 9heriff, and two of the Anoka �ountT Co�niesioners to diacuae eaa�ctly �at ia involved in a�tting up thia tTpa of aystem. Thia meeting Was held at the Colw�bia Haights City Iiall on the night oP March 12, 1963, and at th�t time the tWO County Comaniaaioners preaent, Alb�rt �Cordiak �sd. Albert Roas, were aaaured that the Chiefa in Moka County �rere fet�or ot establiahing thia type oP net�.rork providing th� /lnoka County 3heriff could give ua equal, or bettsr, aervic� than `n noM recaiving Prom Hennepin County, at no greater eapense. Ths ia t!� Courity Sheriff a�nd the tWO County Commiasioners agre�d that if a aystem of thia type were to be put into operation, th�re �rould be no coat to any corrununity, but the coet of tha entire ayste�a �+�ould be borne by the County Qa an addition to tho 3he riPf's budg�t. Mle kno� that if a ayst•m of thia type xere to be put into operation it would wean that the 3heriff would have to hirs additional p�r- sonnel, revamp his preaent telephone syst•ia ao that all emergsn4� calls could go directly to his offica, install teletype •quipMnl, purchaae all required ra�dioe and necessary equipment for maintsn- ance of them, and guarantee 2l�. hour di spatch servic�. If the Sherifi' and the County Commisaioner� are xilling to go into a apatem ot' this t;�pe, and nothing leaa, the Chiefe of the laM en- forcement agencies Within the County are heartily in Pavor of leaving Hennepin C�unty and going into thia new syatem. It xould be appreciat�d if you Would bring thia matter to t�u dttsntion of the Fridle7 City Council and e�k then► to rel4y either their approval or dieapprovsl to the County Com�sisaioners in the form of a letter. � Cit� Manag'�Ir - 2 - If the Fridley City Council has any queatione eulawered abiout thia, I Would be hdppy to come an�wer xhat queationa I can. Re a,pe c tf ul l''y, ,i' 'j,/ � _ ... - `i� �/t� Everett W. �IcCarthy, Chie Fridley Pol�ce Departtnent EwM:cb � the� aould liks befor� thsm and � .- ' ' �,� � March 25 1963 ' ' 4�'j � Mr t�arl Wagnsr, City of �idley City Hal� City Manager P�idley 32, Minnesota Dear Mr Wagner: Considerable diaauasion has evolved in ths paat few ti+eek• oonaernin� the location and placement of a propoaed •treetlight at the interasctioa of 69th A�eriue and 69th Place N.�. We, the o�+ners of proparty borderiag �hia inter�sction request that no strestlight be placed at thi• intsr�sation for the folloWing reasons: 1. The type of pole and installation is crud� is app�araact asd w�t1d ao�t sat�ancs tbs a��th�tica of the ar�a. 2. The intsr�ection ia nov cl�arltiy �arksd vith a rsil�atorised str��t ai�a which ihoWa up clear�,y at the intersection. 3. Thres adjacent propertiea are equipped With outdoor yardlights whioh provide illumination to the intsrsection. 4. There i• no tr�ftic problem at thie intersection beaause neither 6qth Flace no 69th d'enue provide through traffic Weat acrose the Soo Line T�acks. ;. Polee and pouer vould have to be placed upon or strung across privats properties as no economieal acceaa to an easement is a�ailable. Name � . �- � ( � � � �, ���, _ ���,�-..u-�- •' _ i� � �� i � �� ; � , , , � � Respectfully, Addre�• z���y��- ���` 2yz 64� �- � � � � Y b y.� c�� ��'2 Zbo -69�' G�'Mc. N� � � � �,�G� � � � ���� _ � � � - (v �---`"� ���/�� . ��� - 6�� 0,�.- �✓� 1 r��,p � ��it e .rz , . � � � � `� '� � I�, s y . �� � z r �` «r ;, C � :�, I � � C L A I M S t � . ��` I i � . � . d: � ', � F I II `� "�� � � ! � � I� �'_ ., .' s � i i iI � ��� i i`: � {r I . q i ' � � 4 �' � .�� f I � G i � , '. ! t �' i � i f � c�ea�tal ��' P�►�.�tt t�tilit�s � l . � I' I�I i g� I �' '.. . ��. / I��I I' I � I .[� i I �I 6 I J F � I ��` ; I$� j� ; I � C � ' � . � � � _�. , I�. �' . �, ry �; 8354 '�u.'ou+�h $3'9�8 � �� 5178 t.bro�g'h 5196 ��i'' '� aa3i � �t °�'4� Sm. P�. �� > �i �� + � . ..;.��':"'� LIST OF LIC�N:3 DRGIVSRY TRt�CR 5u�nit Farm, Inc o 11t91 E o Cou�r R�l, . Sto Paul �Oy Mitm. American Linen Supp Coo Lt7 So 0 9th 3t e Mimnea�polis 2, Minn. GUN I�iCENSE —� i � BY Northern Ordnance Iic. Colo iieights Bro P. . Minneapolis 219 . TAXICAB LICII�TSE Mary Qabrel.�ik dba Fridley Cab 5923 3rd Sto NB Fridley9 Minn, IISID CAR LOT Fra�tk t�abre].cik db Fr�ic@8 Used (3u�a ua 5923 3rd st. NE Fridley, Mirnt. �Ldon Eq 3chmedeke dba Hy+de Psrk Motore 131i� 5th $t. NE 5900 IIniv. Aveo NE Frid�.ey, M�.nn, � Da�vid Schmedeke . dba Smi.t�rf�s Motor Co.. 6901 F. River Rcl, 69dI. E. Ri�rer Rde I�ridley, Mirm. Rayn�nd Ao Soff dba R�rgB Ueed Cars 3�07 Johnaon St NE 69� E River Rcl Remexa]. Fter�ewal Rene`Ta]. Rerte�tat R+st�e�aal � Rs�e�al Rs�e�al Rrem�al • • e ; Mirrmeapolia, Minn, MININQ LICB�SE I BaKo $orden, $eay, dbe Mfrm, SiliCa Sand Ca, i ���, Et3rd Ave. IJ� & N,P,Tracka� i DRY CLEANIN(3 � . ; t� & K Cleanit�g �d r�►' 6�Y� IIniveraity A a � Fridley, Minno LT9ESTOCK LTC81�38 . Mr, & �rs. Chester i�otaask 3�.0 62na w'ap N� ( 2 horsee , ' �_�' � -��� I Renexal � ;�_:: � �-�~- 48. �i � ��..,. �: ,� . , r� •;3 : _:� � , � ,� . _ LIST _ OF I,ICIIJS'ES TO ; BE J1P'�VA� BYI��J�,�$ COUl�CIL AP�}LyL��L 1, 1963 '49 ' , i e��n ����lui n�wlF���M���•�r��rn�r��.l �' �"� "' CAFE LICENSE � t3era].dine Andersan 6611 Lucia Lene s Lyn F. Hom dba : 8108 Nicoll�t � Mi.nneapolia, Minn, Keith D. Johneon tt315 snsi.l Lake sim St . Pau1. 12, Minn. Sherm�n Han�on 8ltl Renn�eton �r. Fridley, Mira� Wma F, Wei�s 6tt90 C entral �ve o N Fridley9 Mirn1, Julius Man�oaevit$ �.].O7 Ii�zasell Aveo N Minneapolia, Minn, Raymond L, Arxleraaal 6la28 DelXwood Dt. N: �'ridY�y 21, Minn, Shaddrick & LaHea�a, 7325 centra7. Avea N Irridley, A�Iinmm. Aaarard �, Nelaon� 626i N,E� 5th St. Fridley, Minn Kenmeth a. Aaiilhei� �932 Cressy Aveo ON �.Q.LE Ho��x�} A o Nelson 62b1 NoEo 5th St. Wm; 1{ , Wei.s� f�a90 Csntra�. Ave, dba Dine-O-Rema { Spartan atore ) 535'1 Centra�.. Ave, N� 'hoenix Cho�a Mein !!t2 N�isaise3ppi S`t. NE dba I+'ridle�y Dairy Queen . 298 Miaeiseippi Ste NE dbs CeYrtral Frmatop Driv �lc0 Ce�trai Ave. NE dba Ssndeeos Cafe & Taverri : 61�90 Central Ave, NE dba Fx3dley Drug d�t?5 vni:eraity Avea Fridley, Mirm. dba Food �Merclaar�diaing dba � Maple Lsnea Cafe 63c?l� Hig2aray #65 Fridley Am. Legipn Poet #303 'I � � I dbe Av�i.e 4 s I 6}�79 Onivaraity Ave, N� I �r dba Dah].heimer Mi1k Auto 5333 Uniaeraity Ave, F dbe Dat�lheim�r Milk Anto 5b95 8ackman Aveo NE �I � I dba , 8arie 9 a 6l,ti9 Univeraity Ave, NE dba 3andee9a Cafe �, � Ren�asl Renef►al Renewal Rene�ral � Rene�tal Rexte�sl Rsne��sl Re�te�a]. Rs�tewal Renewsl Reae�rs2 Rene�ral R,eae�al • Ha�a P, Haa�san dba Frcaritier Clnb !' Rsne�ral. 929 Chicago Aveo T3d� Ce��tral Aveo NE Minneapolia, M3nno ' j � LIST OF LICEN3E.S TO '. TAVERN LICIIJSE � Thereaa N. Mangela c 1080i PresideuE Dr. Blaine, Minno H�ns Po Aanaen c 929 Chicago Ave, Mir�eapolie, Mixm, Severin (3, Kraemer i 1l�t32 wo 32nd St4 Minneapolie, Minn Shaddrick a�d iaBeau Frid].ey American Leg: ?32� Centrai Ave, NE Ho�ward Aa Nelaon ow 626i N,E. 5th St, Fridley, Minn ' �rin City Di�poeal po 1023 N,Eo Marahall I • Minneapolis 13, Mi� Fridiey 38nitatian �73 Onondago Ste l I Fridleyy Mian. I � DEI,TVERY TRUCK LIC Franklin Crea�rlery, I 2108 Waahing�t�on Ave. Minneapolia, Minao Con�umer Milk Co. 50o No arotto sto St a Pau],, Minn, D,N. Holcombe �t5°].% Dre�r Ave e N Min�aeap�lia 9 Mir�n„ Dewey �, Eva].d 7700 Eweld Terrace Minneapoli�, Minn, Superior Dairiea, In 2�.2 Bi08�ia9 N o �ie Mf,r�ri@BpOli8y Mirill. BY T� CAt1NCIL APRIL 1 Terry�a Club 6061 Univereity Ave. NE Frontie� Ciub ?365 Ceirtral Ave. NE Fireside Night Club 71�i.t0 Cerrtiral Ave. NE Poat No. 303 dba $a�ri.eQ a b�.79 tTnivera3.ty Ave. NE I N� . V O Co., Inc. d'ba Clover L�af Creamery Coe �t20 W, Hroad�ray Reone�al Rs�eWal Renexal RsneFral Re�zewal ReneRSl Renesral Rea�e�a]. Rene�►Q]. l�e�al d'ba F�►a7.d Hroie, Bsnitary Dairy ��1 291A aolden Valley Rd.! Rsns�►al ! .^- 50 LI3T OF LICEN�S_ TO nN �e�r.� APP�11ID BY TB� COUNCIL APR� • Sever3u a. Kraemer dba Fi.reeide Night Club 1t�32 W. 32�d St. 7t�1a0 Central Aveo NE Minneapl�lis, M3nno Theresea N. Mat�ge�s dba Terry9e �lnb ao8a�. w�st�. st. 6061 tr�.veraity ave. xE • B3a�ne, Mirm. aFP' SA�LE l�ational Food 3torea bl�li0 Univer�ity Ave. 1QE Fridley 21, Mi.�m, 8ighw$y {�65 Rwl.lc s 63i9 Awye#65 Fridley, 21, Mi.rnio Lau3.a J, Overbach dba ��lo a Maricet 1$lt5 Nevada Ave. S 5661 Unive7�eity Ave o NE Stm Louis Park� M o Penny�a Super Mark 6�0 Univereity Aveo NE Frddley 32, Mi�o Jame� Ao Roche�ord dba ;SEftVICE 3TATION ISI Waiter Sa Ai�ord i55 97th .Ave . NE Coon R�pid�� Minn, Joseph Wo Dolin 95 ��s�iea�t�� wey r Errieet W, Qert$en 63�1. De1l�ood Dr, Leon�z�ci i;. Qertsen 61t85 E o ftivar Rd o Bert Booth b37o Quincey sto NE CIQrARETT'E LIC�E t}eraldine C+, Anc]era • 6611 Lucia Laae NE ieonr�rd E o aer�tz en dba dba E dba cibe dbs _!: .1_r�� Rene�ral Re�ne�tal Reu�tal ReneKSl Re�netital Jitne e Daixq Store Reueval 63?9 tTnivec�ity Avea NE A & $ 3ex+vi.ce p,��, 6Q01 Unimeraity Ave, NE Fridley 21, Minn. Eaat River Road a=rage Rsne�tal 6501 E. Rfi ver Rd o Ste3g� aud aertsen (3arage, Inc. 6519 Cent�al Ave e NE Rmse�al Qetfi�tenaa Stetic� Rene�ta2 61i65 E o River Rd�, Hez�f e Te�caco �� 6071 IIniv�rsity �lve e NE �n dba Di�e-O�aa 5351 �entral aveo NE ( 9p�rt� Store ) dba (�eri�ssn �ervice �i�5 E, B�iver 13r10 R,s�e�ral Rennen�sl � �_ 51 � i � OF LICENSFS TO LIC�TSE HY �iE COi�TCIL API�II, 1 Bert Booth ba Bertea Te�caco 637o c?uincey st. I�'E 6t)71 IIniverreity Ave. NE Clifford J. Thoe dba C1iPPes Service 8815 Zakewood Dr. NE 7250 Central Aveo� NE Minneapol3s 32� Mirm Penr�►e s Super Market 65l�t0 Univer�ity Atre. IdE Marvin H. Brawn dba ffig2�ta5► #65 8wik Shop 2630 �ee Ave. 6319 Hwy #65 Miimeapolis, M3nn, Theisei & Sone Inca dba Theise�as Market �l9 wo Bra�dwaY, 6�585 Uaiver�ity Aveo NE Minnespolia, M3rn� Lou3.a J o Overbach dba Ronel' e Marlcet I8lt5 Nevad s Ave. 5661 U�nivera� ity Ave o NE 3t, Louis Psrk Na�ional Food Store� 6!tli0 Uaiveraity Ave k�r3.� ley9 21, Minn. William F. Weias Ju3.ius Ma�osevitac I107 l�.iasell Avea N Mil�eapo].iei Mirn�, Raymond L o Arrderean 6tt28 Dell�rood Dro N Shadar3ck & LaBesu . 7325 Central Ave, N� Fridley 32, Minn. Haward A, Nel�on 6261 N.E. 5th 3t, Acme Met al Sp3.nning i 98 lt3rd .�veo NE Fridle3r 21, M�.nn, Thereasa A1. Ma�ele i0801 Persicle�t Dr. Hl.aine, Mitm, N� dbs 3�dee � s Cai'e & Tavern 6�t90 Cec�tral Ave„ NE dba Fr3ttley Drug b�iT S ilnivei'�ity Ave a N$ dba Food Msrci�rndiairig dba Matple Lanea Caf'e 6304 Big�ay #65 Fridley Ameriean Legion Post #303 dba 8a�tieae 6l�79 Uni't�'eity Ave, NE o., Znce dba Terryes Ciub 6061 '�niverai�r Ave o NE Renewal Reuewal Renewal Rene�wa7. Re�eWSl R�ene��s1. Rs�ae�ral Re1 enzal Renew'sl Re�s�ral. Rs�e�rst Rsne�rsl Rmsewel Renewal ^ � 52 o� �.�c�s�s To CIQARETTE LICF�NSE � C$rl A. Bimberg �' 210? Ford Pkw,y, St e P�1 16, Minn. James F, Elliott 5981 Matz� s�e xE Edmur�d J. Tacher�y 9lt2 19th Ave. NE �Iix�neapoli�,. M3anri. Donald E. Webber ' 3600 3bth Ave, NE James A, Rc►ch!'ord b220 Rainboa► Dr. � � Bmberas Rea�aurarrt �lt00 Ce�tra� Ave. NE a Fiesta Besuth Salon �Itli. Miesieeippi St. NE dba St.andarri Oil Ce�rter 5311 vniversi.ty Ave e rtE dba Smrm�ci.t (�ear Core�a�rs Inc, 596t� Ma� st, rr� dba Jitt�� Daixy Store b379 t�niversity Ave o 1� Rsne�l. Neit�► Renewa]. Rene�ra�. Rm1eWa1 ' � � 53 * ��sT oF c�aTe APR� lfl i963 . • '�:: � _ 54 LIt�N3E3 TO E8 APPROVED BY COdIQC� 1� I'YSCAIL PBit�flp Ai'BIL 30, 1963 TBBOUQH APRIL 30, 1964 Ei,B�ICA�, Bacc�a Electric C y 6525 Central Av�n 1�. 8, �'ridbey 32, 1[inn ota ERinton Bleatric y 3825 Sast Ls1ce St t Mina�apolis, �[i aota Cq Courture by= 8�rbsrt Sacoa, Jr. by; Clinton Wilaoe� 2928 Pleasaat ,Aire SauCh Minneapolis 8, sots by; Cy Caurture EganmMcRay Slectr Z Castraatars 2400 West Broadwa Mina��po�.is, ota by: Tbaass Jp I�c�ay Blectric $epais b Canstt�nctiva �24 Washingtoet A n.a iQorth MinneapoRfs ila ssota Joha 8sa & Scos, nc. 20 Sha@y Oak Bc�ad HoPkiva n 1�iat�eaot G��nesa� Outdoor sti,siag Co. 20Z0 Washiogtoa A ue gcutb l�iivaeapo�is, sota Hesghes slect:ic9 sn�c. �015 Ceutral Av� �i. 8. Mit�ue8pol f s 2I, ots tu 8o#fman ��ectrlc a�pa�ty 19�7 Seca�d dve Anoka, Mi�aesota xnduatriaP BAect; c Caa�any 600 South l�ioth 8 r�at Minaeapoais, sota� G o �sseYl Johns 4944 Bersces Ar�mi So�tb 1+4�naex�pogis, sota �oslqn Blectric S rrLca, Yitc. �406 Center Dsfve 1�, Be Mimmne�poAia 33, �a by; Alvas W, BRbfn�g. by: Jolm Ese bys D. W. Msy b�: 8sy �eZson b�: Barry W. Hoffmas b�: 3barisn tiollaa b�: G . Bnsssll Joi�nson by: Isaac Jos$yn Re�ewa�. 8eaewal $,sBewal �ewa� 8austral B4oa�a�. Ssnewai Rsnewa� ��i 8at�val B�aI �eaawal � • • LYST 0! CO�1T�tA�CT0it8' APRiL 1963 . , TO BB AF'P80!�8D HY t�CIL PI168 2. EI,BCT�tYCAt. (Cattim�ad) Lee �8lectric Coae�say 37T8 Weat Broadway Bobbinsdale 2Z, Minaeao a Meaye�r Slectric Ccmpsny 2�17 Senaepia� Avenu� ` M3nnespolis', Minn�sota Mim4etonka Eiactric y B� 41 �davsrre, Mi�eota l�aege$e Outdoar !ldwrti ia�g Co. 333$ Uaives�ity Av�saw . 8. l�iin�teapolis fl �lina�sota Ptorth Side Blactric C y ��09 iAlest ��*oad�tq l�iimteapoBis 11, Mim�s s $�liable Slsctric Co., nc. 3�6 Bryant Avenu�e l�eqrtb Minnespo�ie, Mimeaot� Re+yai Electric Caepeat�, Ync . 5�. - 77th Wsy 8. B a �'rfdleq 32, �a�ota S.�llblad E�.ectric 1�816 B�s�sos� Avanone por h �4inneapolis 11, l�i.aneao a S�+sl Blectrfc Co�y 5�57 - 2ad A,v�ua Sauth ilim�apoli�o 199 Minneso a S�eldan-G�e� Blectric, Inc. 7�8 8asr Heaaogin Aven 1�IinneBpolis, Mima�esota Spsncer �l�ctric , Iac. �Oli Lyada�e Avesue b Minneapolie 8, Mi,�eso Starbisd Blectria �938 West Brardv� i�iaasapolis 11, l�timn� a 0 a B.�Rt�ps� 8lectsi Co. �609 Chicaga Avanaa S th 1�4�aaeap�lis, Mi�esota by: 'Msrl.in Lee by: 8ichard Mayer by: Wil�.iam D. 1�cQuaen c bp; Bobert Co Streitz by: J o 8 e St�fa by: d. taraau by: Donald L. Underwood byz Johe► Oa Sal]lblad by: T'haodore A. Samsel bys Dasald W. Greeu by: Barlsn► Ae Banista by: i1a Att1�r Starbird bp: 0. B. Thoop�csi �sewal B�aaswal Renewal SeaewaA �s�ewal i�tewsl Ren��al Be�Wa1 B�ae�ral ��i Ae�rewal 8sm �enewal r � �! . 55 � � � �,�ST OI� Ct?pTRAC°rOflS' I,It�Ui888 1'0 88 APP&O��SD 8Y CATNCIIG APRiLn 1963 SLEGTR�CAB� (Coat � Tieso Bleetric q, Yuc. 1255 West L�rps�te Avsnue St o Paul i3, Mic�ase ta ca BXt�A4'AT�G Se�.t Line Piping C q 5300 Ham�shirs Hor Miuneapolis 38, Mi ssota Ca�rl Bo�ender & Co, 2933 Pleasa�at A Minn�apoZis 8, sota BrighCon $xcavatin Comps�y 1920 Highway 96 biew �rightoa 12, sota Arvid E. (�arlaoa 6 8oa, Ync. 3200 �'rauce Avenue Sauth Z�ti�aneapolis, MiAn ota GAS SER��CBS Andersoa 6 Dshl�eu, Inc . 13p4 West Sro�wsy Mi�eatpo8fsa Mim�e ota Atad.srson Flwebiug fleating 503 Miseissippi St po 8, Fridley 21a Miaass ta Anoka Plumbing � 8 tiag Co, 22Q9 Eo Main 8tres Anokaa Mia�eaots �ackdah�. � Olson P bg. Co. 3i57 Chicago A�en South Miaaeapolis �s eota Berghorat Plun�biag 6 geatiag 14I0 Coon Rapfds B vd. Coaa Rspida, Misma ots Comfort fleating 6 is Cond. Co. ?S31 Marahsg 1 Sere t 1Q o$. Miniasapolisy lrtim�e oea bq; Ralph Tisso by; �eth Waltoa bys Css�l Bolauder bq; Geozge Yndqkiewicz bp: Bwrt Carigon by: W. 3. Dahaea bys �[rvi.ng Anderson by: Byroa Bsom�eq by; Ciaseaas 0?�eon byt; Ksaaeth Serghorat bys Baymaad Frai PA�B 3. Benewal �wal 8ene�wal B�aewal Reaewal jteaewal Benaaal Beasval 8enewal Reoeiral BeQewal � �.._. , �. ., �� � � � bYST OF COI�liCTOBS � L�CSl�BES TO $8 APP'�OVBD B� COUIQCI3. Cromstrcm's HaatinY � Air Cand. 4410 ExceH.sior Boul vard Mi�eagolis !6, Mi esota E,ouis DeCidio Oil/ s Buraer Coo 3106 Findley Place Minaeapolia 8, sota Domestic HeatiAg C ay 1920 West 78tb Stre t Miiuneapoiis 23, Mi esota Sthies-Stolp�- Paar Ittc. S11 West 7th 8trest Sto Paul 2. Minneso Fraaak's Heati.n�g b S est l�ietai 25pS Marshall Str�a 11, 80 Minaaapolis 18, sota Grudam Broehars C y 635 North Prior A e Sto Pau� 4r, Mianeso a flome �s C000paay, I . 1430 �iighway �$, Po .Box 2606 i�ew Bri�ghtoit 12, Mi eota Jarnig Piu�abing b H g. Coo 539 Pierce Str�et AAOkB, M1tm980t8 Minneapolis Gas C ny 739 itarqustte A Minaeapolis 2, Mi eota 1�litchell Cam�anp 3716 �uail Av�ue �rth Robbinadale 22, iti sota �atrogsa, Inwrpoz tad 8116 Iris Drtv� �1 �b 1linx�eapolis, 1li.tmi ota by: L o C o Anderscat byt Louis DeGidio by: Harlap Bruder by: Danald Paar by: Frenk �iogt by: Myhria R. Grad� by: 0. Lo 8oyce by: Laar�tce Patak by: Art'haer G o Ahlquiat Iby; B��rt J. lsitcbsll bys $inar 0. �iklas�t 1'AaB 4 Reaewal xenewa2 Renawal xeaewal Reaewal �eaewal Seaewal 8eaera�l �ssewal Seaew�l Yensw�al, ^ � 5'7. I � � � LIST OF �ics�sss ro s� Ar�aovs� B� ca�cu. GAS SBBVICSS (Co�at ed) New Srighto� Yl� 6 8t$o 427 - lo�h st. �1: . New Brfghtao, � Mi ota . Niels�n t;as Hoat. 29i6 Sast 38th Str +�t Mim�eapolis, Mi ota George Sed�wiak 8 liag Co. 100! �eaia Avanua outh Mi�eagoll.s. Minn ota Baq Hd We�itsr 8�ae , Cam�pany 463i Chiaago A Minneapalie 7, ota HBATII�G _.__.,_� Anderson Plvmbing Seatiog Co. 503 I�i.ss�seippi St et �. B. Pridley 21, �+iinnss ta Andersoa � Dabieu, Iac. 1314 Wese Broadway Utixaneapolfs, Mims ota Anoka Plum�bing b H ting Co. 2209 Main Stre�t Anvka, Mi'aaesota Baakdahl 6 Ol.sose bg. Co. 3157 Chicago Av�eau 8aeth Mi.naeapolis 7, oCa Berghoret Pln�i�g � Stgo Co. 1414 Cooa xepids B vd. Coon Bapids, Mi ota Camfort Heati�tg 2531 Marshall 8t. , B. MiAn►eapolis, 2+�i ota bys ltcbort Cornell b�: Staaley liislsea bp: Cari Wa liorman by: Hay 1�, iieiter by: Itving Aaderaon by: W. s. Dahlen by: Bqroa Broml�q by: Claraoca Olson bys 8a�tb B�rghosst bys R+ly�o�►d Frei r �.�. 58 PA68 5. �s�wal S�e�� Beae�i Bataw�al �enewai Reu�wai 8ese�wal itenmwal Ra�wal 8�n�wa1 � � � �YS� oF �s' Lx�as zo ss a��vsn a�r car�tcsL � �Conti ) Coaditia►ed Air B ipmant Coo 3010 ciiatv� e south Mimseapolia 8, l�ti ota Cronstran's Heati b Aiz Co�d. 4410 Bxcels3or �rard Mianeapoiis 16, m�saata Dc�eatic ii�a�i�g � _� � 1920 Wiest 7$th gt et Mim�eapolis 23s ota xo Wa Doqle H�ati Co�Y 2830 - 16th A Sa�th I�linneapoAia �, ota Bthier-SCo11M-paar =ac. 521 Weit 7th Stsas St. Paul 2, l�inaas ta l�ranic's Heati� i t M�t�l ZS 06 i�larshali St t N o g. Minneapo�is 18, ota T. D, Gnstalaan 5$20 Cadar Avrn�e auth Minoeapo�,is 17, sota Hoglw�d Heating Y 7420 W�st Lak+� St t �ii�apolia 26, sora Harry 8. florwits b Co., Iac. l4i1 Blawath A Sauth Miseneapoli• 4, 8ota Miil City geatiog Air Cc�d, 13005 Caunty Hoad Mi�aeapoAis 27, otei, Now Bright� Pibg. b BLg. Co, 427 - i4th Sto Ne . Hew Brighton� Ni ota bq: J. Fo Siegel by: L. Co Andaraon bys �rl�� Brexier byr Ha ii. Doyle bp: J. xtbi�r by: lra�tk Vogt bY: �q To 6ustafeoa bys Je S. MeCorm#ck byt l�faay�nc I�svPP by: t�a. Ho Stewosoa bys �rt Cornell � _ � �. 59 P� 6 Ba��wa� �wal $s�wal Ra►owal ��wal Heaewal 'Ro�ewa� R*n�twal Ba�r�i Bseawal S�a��wal � . � �xsr oF Arau,. � ' L=cs�sxs ro as Arr�o�vsu s�r cao�cn �ccostctmi , Perfectiou 8oati Cooqaay, Inc. 2936 - 4ti► A 3outb i�iia�eapolis 8, �eota �egent liaatiag & Air Codd, Co. 9800 3tsgeat A �o� Boute #1, Osaeo� Minn�aota Georga Ssd,gwick ti,n�g Co, �001 8enia Aw So�tth Miraneapolia 16, sota 1'haa�soa Air C tioaing Coo 32I2 Wasbiagtoa� North Miieaeapolis 12� mn�sota Aay �I, Welt�s Hee ing Coe 4637 Chicago Atr+�n e 8o�t.h 1�lia�nespolis 7, l�i sota 0�. H�l1TII�IG Pxank's Hei�tiug b Shaet l�tal 2505 Marshail Str et �i. 8. Mi�aeapolis,l8, ota �rudem Brothers y 63S Nartlm prior A St, Pau� 4, Minn o�a �arnig P�umbl.sg & 8l�g. Co. 539 Pierae Stte�t Aiaoka s 1"limusota Geoo 33edgwiak S�a iq� b Air Coad. lt)0% 8ania Av�nw Soutb Min�seapolis 16, meaota P6�P6„ �,� Allstate Piw�bint Co., Inca 6539 Cedar Aw�ne Sonth Bichfield 23� Mi oCa by= �nss�ll Petersvai by: �abett Laugea by= Carl Wo tiormaa bys Fioyd Ma Thampsco by: Bay �i o Wslter bys Frank Vogt by: 1�rLrin Grudsw by: Lawre�ooce C a Patak by: Carl W. 8osmaa bY% Bu�saR Pagslkopf t � _ � � so � RaMw&R iumewaP Ssnswa� �tatewal Eeaawal �eas�� HenewaA B�na�sl Brnewal Rons�al �� � I � B.IST OF s' LxC8�S8S TO Slt APPR041BD sY C�1lCI[. � (Coot� � �o Lo Anderaco M iag 2919 Jolmsao St. . S. l+��naaa�ol.is � Mioa ata Anolca Mwab�n� & tit� 2209 8. lfain Stu t Aaoka, Zlim�esota Bacladal►1 � Olsvo lbg. Co. 9157 Cltice,go A Sau�h Mim�eapolis 7. I�li, sota B�rghors� Plv�bi b Ht�. Co. 1�i10 �000 R�tpida lvd, Coo++�t 8apids, I+11 sota 0 Bcrwles Ct�apaup S�i Bo Lake Stre� Miu�teapo�is, Idiqo ota Bx udes D'r�o�hars C y 635 liorth Brior aue St. Pa+n1 4►, Mi ota To D. �natafaat y 5820 Cedar Awaw Sateb Mimsapoxis lia noesola ms 8aqford Piu�biog �aeia�, Co. 26�0 Cooa Bspids lvdo C000 itapida. Mi sots 8oglu�d Plo�i.ag Co■�op ��►ao w�e �►k. s =..t rtioneapoli. s6, �eaota x�r�cy s o sorwit$ a c�r� 1�►lI, Elav�eeh Av �. soath Miaaaeapolia 4a o!a Jaraig M�bin� Heatia� Co. 599 Pira�e� SesN 1►noka, M�esota La.aa� 1►xn�bi� 1832 ?a�ais �wnns �otteb Minrsp�i�, ota by: Ka L. Aadatsoo bys d�ron Staa�ley bys C�.asyoc� �a Olscs byt ICeas��th 31as�itio�rat bys 8 o W p Bo�vler bya M,yhsi� G. Csnd� by: �q► =o tinata#aan i�y: Rob��rt �ayford Ro �rr poo C e 8o�lw�d �'s ll��rr T►tdp'P lrys La�ranos lii�k iht t:aak Laadaa • � �. �, 61 YIl� � Renswai ]t�wwai �1 S•as�al itaoe�al lteaewal R�nswal mew l�wal [?''T'*'�l � B�a�spal • i I � &iST OF CO!lTBl4C1'O�S � 3.IC8DTSB8 TO 8$ APP�tyVSD B� COUNCIL � (Conti ) �tropolitan l�ac aical Ccntsactore 6333 Pena Ayenue outh Miaaespolis 23, M umesota Mi�aneapolis Gas C y. T39 Marquett�'Avs e Minaea�ol�s 2, Mi sota Mi�teapolis Water b Sewsr �epair 2�►38 Bloo�ingto4a venne Soerth piianeapo�is. Mi ota �Tels Ao Moller Pl ing Co. 7925 Spsing Lake oad Mi�mneapoiis 32, esota New Bs'ightou P1 i�g 6 Hesting 4r27 - 7lOth Sta �io 0 flTew Bri$hto�s !Ri aota Olso�'s P1v�biog Ccmpan� 906 � 40Ch Ave 11a 80 34i�eapolia Zl, n�asota Spstz � Berg, �a . 6021 Ly�dale A Scuth lrlii�ereapalis 19, nnesots Stf�mdasd Plnmbi b App. Coo 8013 Mi�netat�ca lvd o St o Lonia Par�C 2, Mfmdesots Bay Stegosa Plbg � Btg. Co. 5419 Quebec Av e l�orth Minsteapolis 28, t�tesota Swa�tso� 6 Selti� r Plw■bitig Coo 71315 - 16th A a So�sth Mi�stespoliB a Mi 8ota �snry Bo Walbasg Pltimbing 1620 �ttysbntg v�ua ilorth 14i�eapolis, asota Wayoe Plt�ebiag 6� Ueatiog, Iuc o 208 B Dalsa� � Min�eapolis 27, sata by: Kenneth Gilbert by: Po W, Fraemer by: Jack Dvorak by: Nals A. Moller bys Robert Corne�ll by: Yeraon Olacai bys 80 �o. Spetz bys Julius Elein by; Say Stegora by: Gordan Swansou by: flenry So Wa2bvsg by: Wiyn� A. Swausoa .. �� � � __ 62 y 1PAG8 9 New �enewal Reaewal 8enewal �euewal Reaewal Benewal Se�ewal �enewal Benewal ��x liew � � �� ��.s� o� corr�,�oxs �.�cexs$s so ss ��ovBn s� covrac� APR� �,463 GE1�tE�°� C�RAC°��S C�r� �o �enae�t C truction Coo 6420 � Sth Street N B, �'rid��y 2�, Miaaeso a Rodney B ig �maa, I�a�c 30�0 m 36th Avenue . Eo Miasneep��is �8, Aii . Arvid E. Carisoa b on, Inc. 320� I�ranc� Avenue a�th Ml�spolisp t�ii.nnes ta Car�.son-LaYfn�, �nc 285� ��9,umbus A MinaeapoAis, Minnes ta Dabbe�g �uf�der�, I , �b2� � 80th Avenne a E. Ali��aeapo�is 32, Min sota Srcoy 7��mcorpdrated 323� C�catr��i Av�mie N. E. Mi���apo�is 18, Mi sota Gi�rta��► Compaaq 350�. Renwood Aveaue Mix�neapo�is �6s Mi sota Chester Glisam Beal � 539 = AOth St. iioW. Diew Brightoa 12, Mi a�esota Gorco Constrnctioa aspany 338� B�eawn�a� A�enn St. ��is Park, �Ii. sota Aarris Cmsstreictio� Company 294� Nieol�.et Av�nu �iitaa�a}�o�is, Mituies ta �hr3s �e�sen Coa�an �385 5elbq �.venu� St o Paa�g 4s l�i�eneso a G a itusse�s� Johnso�n 49k4 �rxes Aveuue onth Mi�raeapo�is 10a sata by: �obert Zuehllce bqe Rodney Billmau bq: Bvast Csrlson by: Brick La�ine by: Sam Dalberg by: Oliver Brickson by: Walter D. Giertsea bys Chester GS.isan by: Se G. Cop�in bys A. Ra Fitzhugh by: Crhis �nnsea by: G. Ro Johnsan _. � ��� 63 � P�$ ZOa �enewal Reaewal $anewal 8enewal Renewa� Ren�wal 8enewal Reaewal Reaewal R�gewa� 8eaewag Benawal � � I � Y,�S� ��' C�RTTRAC7CORS' LICS1tSBS x'0 �B APPR�U�BD B7f COUNC� A1�13X�, �.9(�3 l�rk 2. �ones C 5506 Lakeview Driv Edina� Mixenesot� �es�r►ard R e Julkows i 1420 Mo�.�u Tarrace , B . Ca�umb3a Height�y maesota me Ss&pta N e I.und 8�9 m 89t1� Av�aue . W. 1►ii.aneapa�is 33, Mi sota C�este�° &„ Aletciasa k 638Q Quisacp Street �. B, P'ridley 2Ag Minnes a Piiles Co�truct�,an Cowgany 45Q0 I�y�ndale Avea liortb Minne�polfs 12a esota lYlill City Huildsrs 3920 ��enwood Mi�ne�politsq Mina� ota MueA�er �roti�er�r 2�.i0 �ountq 8osd S 2 Ili.r�aeapol ie , l�iane ota Wax°�re� Osbmrne 7565 iTniversity A r�e N. $ o Miva�apo�is 32, Mi esota Mor�is Ovicic 680� flickory Strea 14 , B, l�ridlep 32, Hin�rs ta YonAsa Ynaorporete 2z9 west 60tb stre t Minneapolis i9, Mi sota Qnality �omes, Inc. 370I i�remoat Av�an North MimneapoAis, Mimt ts Randamy �ncorporat Bas 1 � Circ�� Pinssa Mi ota by: Ma►rk Z o ,9ones bq; Bernard Ju�.kowski by: Raiph N. Luad bys Cbester Maciaszek by; ,?oe Zubrzycki by: Smido� Turablatt bg: ikrvid i�iusl��r by: Warren Osborne by; l�rie Ovick bq; �Taass Mo Day bys S�anetb Waestrand bys F. PBteracn9 Jra �. � � � � 64 PAGE E1. �easwal Benewal Ranewal Renewal Bsnewal 8e�wa1 Reaewal xeaewal �sneaa� R�ewal Reneval it�uowal I� ., , LIST,`� Ct3l�T1�AiCTOBB' LIC61lSSS TO BS APP��ISD SY COONCIL �� 1963 _.__.__ SO iCooti,wed) Edward A, I�oaoa Cooszyta CoQatr. Co. 35SOC Fsrnbrook L;nN, Ibrt1� Mi�eapolis 27, M�nneaota •by: g,�� �� 8 e � . �ttsoay Zac . ass� ��y1�,a e�u.� a�ch Mi�eapolis, Mianmtota byt �. Bo Ostram James ScLmini�sy 4630 .Tackson Strest ]� o B Q Minn+sapolis 21, !lia,aeac�ta � bq: ,�mes Sci�i.nkay .To Wo Ty�er, C�m�ot Contraetor � . 24�37 Co� �ispids Slv�d . Cc�on R�apids 33, Mis�sota bq= J. Ne Tyisr PI.ASTBBINQ S�o F. Do4ns12y Comp�ny 4152 Sne�.Ri�g Aveat�ua Minaeapolis, Htm�sota I� Cbarence L. I.aae 4k2t� - West i0th 8tse�t MinasspoliA. 24, Iiim�sota Joe Nelgoa �tueco Co., xnc. i1S0 - 98th Ls�e l�.ti. C000 Rapids 33, �aots W o 8 o Belsae Stu�cao Caa�pany 1025 Wnst Bsoadway Minaeapolis �1, Mim�esota Trib's Drywal�9 Ivc. 24T3 - 31at Aveaue Svuth Miuneapolis, 1�inn�soCa S1G1� BBBCTYdN Vera Dounay ��s1ty, In�co 7300 m 36th Av�eaw North Mianeapolis 2f, Mimasota General Outdoo�r tldwttiaing Co.. 2020 �Tashit�toat Aa�aw Sauth �.uAespolis a Mitn��oea bys 8. F. Do�aal�,y bq; CXarsnce L . I.aae by; Jo� ii�laaa bya �0 8. �elaon bys Toribis Borqaas by: Bet=t 1�gausan bys D. W. �1sy ' � � _. �. 66 P1Lt� 13 R�aewal Rssswah Bsnewal �n�araE 3aae�al �ewa� it�wwei B�oewsi R�aewal sea�ai Atowa! � • i • � � ��ST `OF COI9T�JIE.'T0�8' LICBZI88S !0 BE APP�ON'8D 1RY �. APP� fl 1963 — ---- SYG� SRBCTI� �Coati�d� Gald � Meda� B�ss�ag,� Ca�sny 5S3 Morth Faitvisw Ste Paul, MimNSOta 8ube� Sig� Com�m9, Ynae 7 b0 Wes t Cotimty Rosd s St o� Pau� �7, Kimmeoota �awr�aces, Yn�. . 2➢,S 8dmautct Avemte Sto Paub, Minn�eoCa t�8oq Sig�aa9 1Gac. 3�01 lforth Second Stre�t Aiituteapoyia, �limeaota �eg�Ae Ouedooac Adv. Co., 3nc. 3338 Univgrsity Ave�we 5.8. Miru�eapo�is 14r, I�ivaeaota Scbubes�t Outdoor Advertisiag Coe 7508 So 25th Strs�t �IimteapoA.is, �scta Sev�e�e Up Bnttling Ca�pa�q 3612 - So 44Cb Stt�t l�insrempolis, ZH,n�sota Orr� Thon�at Saoes a220b Min�etcak� slvd. Minnsapol�.a 26, Mimwsota by: Art�auc' � , Margot by: Leaaa C. Hnbar bq: G. S. I.awreare by: LeBay Beiter bys �+obart Streitz by: Lawtsace fl. Schubart bq; ihcan9� Za�t10 bys Idore S o Pedesse�a F1� �� Ssaewal Benewal Benewal Rtn�wal �anawal �enawel 8eaewal Benewat _. � w 6� �! . � � • � RSSOLUTION NOo�,r,1963 A RESOLUTION AUTiiO�tIZING AND DIItECTING THE SPLITTIDTG OF SPEC7AL ASSESSI�NPS ON IAT 5, BLOCK 2, INNSBRi�CCK, 13T ADDITION AND LUT3 11 AND 12, BLOCK 3, INN3BRUCK, 2ND ADDITION i . •• � � � WHEREAS, certain special asaeseme�ts hsve been levied with respec� to cer�ain land snd said land has subsaqusarly been subdivided, NOW, �EFORB B8 IT RRSOLVBD, as follc�ws: Thag the assessment levied against .the follaaing described parcels, to-�ri.�: Lot 5, 81ock 2, Innabxuck, ls� Addition, and Lo�s li and 12, Block 3, Iansbruck, 2nd Addi�ion, ma�+ and shall b� appor�ioned aad divided as folloas: Original Paxc�l � Lot 5, Block 2, Inasbxuck, ls� Add, Lo� 11A Block 3, Yansbruck, 2ad Addo Lot 12, Block 3, Innsbruck, Znd Add, Aivisioa of Parcel �p,ravsd P1a� of Irensbrc�ck 3uispla� 4 AITEST: Fund 8ege SoAo Fuad SW-16 $iT-29 1960-2 Stree� Bege SeAmFund St,T-16 SW-29 1960-2 Streee �sge SaAo Fuad SW16 Sii-29 1960-2 S�xeet Fund Sege SsAa Fund SiT-16 Sii-29 1960-2 Street Ori__gival�?� $141.57 1"FV e 7� Certified fn Full $1,712v04 $143008 57054 Cer�ified in Fall $1,712004 iab.a� 72047 Cer�ified in Full i,�izeo� Original Amouut $ 461036 2�6e91 � Cartified in Full 5,136012 ADp THS CITY COUNCIL OF TSB CITY OF FRID LBY THIS }� DAY OF PTB�D __.L__.--- � , 1963. �ITY CIaEBK - Mar�►in C o Brunsell 1�l,AYOB - William J o Nes CTTY MANAGBR - 8ar1 Pe Wagaer i� A' OF RESOLUTION N0. 19G3 TION AUTflORIZING AND DIRECTING THB SPLITlING AL ASSSS3MENTS ON OUTLOT A, (PARCEL 6G0), HILLS ADDiTION '_.._� 69 � � �� WHEREAS, certa�n specisl assessments have beea l.evied with respect to certain l.and and said�land has subsequently been subdivided, NOW, THSREFOREIBE IT RESOLVBD, as folZows: I That the asses�nnent levied agaiast the following descxibed parcel, to-wit: OuC2ot A, (P�trcel 6G�) Beverly Hi11a Addition, mty and shall be apportioned and divid�d aa follows: Outlot A, Parcel 6G0, Beverly Hills Additic D�vision of p Plgt of Skywood Addi � IlAY OF F'uad Beg. S. A. Fund rd Fuud xeg. S. A. Fund Ori$iaal Amaunt $424.37 Ori$inal Amount $424.37 BY�'� I�'CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF FRID�,EY THI3 � I�w 1l i . 1963. �� ATTEST: � � CITY CLEBR - Mstvia Q. • MAYOx - Wi1lie�n J. Nee CITY MANAGER - Earl P. Wag,aer �� • , i _._� �.. �, _. �� RSSQLUTION N0. 19b3 , A RESOL�JTION AUTH�RIZING AND DI�SCTING T1� 3PLITTING OF SPECIALIASSSSSMENTS ON LOTS 8 AND 9, BLOCK 2, SPRING Y.�3 pARR LAKE3ID$ ADDITION � WHIItEAS, certai� apecial assesaneuts have been levied with respect to certain land snd said�iland has subsequently be�n subdivided, NO�+I, THSREFORE ;BE IT RESOLVBD, ae %Zlows: That the sssesajmeat levied sgainst_the following described parcels, to-wit: Lots 8 aad 9 Block 2, Spriag I.ake Park Lakeaide Addition, may aad shall be apportioaed �d dividsd se follows; Ori�i_n,al Parce�. � Lot 8, Block 2, Sprfa� Lake P�rk Lakeside i �aot 9 , Block 2, park Lakeside .vision of plat of Andco Terrac DAY 4F Lake Fuad Reg. S. A. Fund W-34 Water Main 86r3$-24 3e�er MBin 86�33-24 Storm Sewer SW-48 Sewer Lateral. 3W-43 wster Lateral lteg. S. A. Fund W • 34 Water M�ain S6�S3-24 Sewer Main 3&33-24 Storm Se�er SW-48 Sewer Lateral SW-48 Water Lsteral Thmd Beg. S. A. Fund W-34 Water Main S&38-24 Sewer Main S�SS-24 Stoxw Sewer SW-48 Sewer Lateral Sii-48 �later Lateral Ori�in�sl dnouut $ 71.74 247.87 179.33 7��1.I3 1,473.�0 41G.40 71.74 247.87 179.33 7�1.13 l. , 473. �0 416.40 Origi.tul A�mount $ 143.48 495.74 358.GG 1, 522.2t� 2,947.20 832.80 'CITY COUNCIL OF Ti� CITY OF FRIDLEY THI3 � . 19��3. MAYO� - William J. Nee • � CITY MANAGSR - Earl P. Wagaer ATTEST: u y � '0 � � • I • �A R OF , AND RE90LUTION N0, 19G3 �UTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THS SPLITTING �IAL A3SSS�NT3 ON PART OF LOT 2(PARCBL GO) ' 3, BLOCR l., M008B LAKE HILLS ADDITI4N _. � _ �1,, � �6 � � WHBREAS, certa�n special a8sss�ents have been levied with respect to certain land and said', land hae subaequ�ntly been subdivided, . NOW, Tii�REFOR�� BE IT BSSOLVED, as fol.lows: i That the as$e�'sment levied agaiast the followin$ described parcels,' to-wit: Part of LoC 2{Parce2 u0), and Lat 3 Block Z, Moore Lake Hills Addition, may and sl�ll be apportioned and divided as follows: Ori�in�al P� arcek� Fund Original Amount Part of Lot 2{Parce]�� GO), Reg. S. A. Fuad $ 65.23 Block 1, Moore Lake i#ills 1959 Street 109.20 i Lot 3 Block 1, Moore Lak� 8eg. 8. A. Fund 137.08 Hi118 Addition j 1959 Street 221.2� � SW•1G 9��7.73 Divisioa of P rcel A roved Fund Ori�inal Amour►t y Piat of BZactcmar Addi�tioa Reg. S. A. Fund $202.31 �� 1959 $treet 330.33 ,' 3W-1+� 967 . 7:t ADOPTED BY T �I CITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLSY TFiIS� � DAY OF i�i(/��,.. // '�, . 19t 3. A1'i'EST : MAY08 - William .T. Nee CITX MANAG88 - Earl P. Wagner � �� A RE30LUTION N0, 19�;3 �'TION AUTHORIZING AND DIxECTING THE SpLITTING OF A3SES�lENT3 ON PARCELS 7350, 7370, AND 7500, 14 WHEREAS, cert+�tin special asaesements have been levied with respect to cert�in land and saic� land itias subsequeutly been subdivided, NOW, THEREF4R� BE IT RBSOLiBD, aa followa: That the asse suaeat levied agaiast the following described parcels, to-wa.t: Parcels 735 , 7370, end 7500, Section 14, may and sb$Z1 be spportioned and divi ed as falZows: Original Parc '� Parcel. 7350, Section Parcel 7370, SecCion � • Parcel 7500, Sectioa I Division of PII Plgt of OrteaBto�te ADOPT�D BY Tl DAY OF %T /I��►.i al Fuad Original Amount 14 Reg. S. A. Fund $ 706.63 SW-3�� 869.07 SS-49 8��.35 14 Reg. S. A. Fuad SG9.01 14 Beg. S. A. Fund paid in Full �rcel Approved Fuad Original Amount arrace xeg. 8. A. Fuad $I,275.G4 SW-36 $69.0� SS-49 86.35 `CITY COtT1�IL OF THE CITX OF FRIDLEY THIS '" / , 19�3. MAYO� - �lilliam J. Nee CITY MANAGER - Earl P. Wagaer ATTEST: � • CITY CLBBR - N6ara►ia C. � � '72 -� � �� i . � A RESOLUTION N0. l.9(,3 LUTION AUTHO�tIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF L ASSESSI�NT3 ON pART OF LOT 6& 46, (PARCEZ 1600) t 3 SUBDIPISION N0. 77 _ � ;: ,- . _ - �� _. _. `73 � d� � WHEREAS, cer in special asaess,anents have been levied with respect to certain land and aai land has 8ubsequently been subdivided I . NOW, TE�REFOR� BE IT RS30LVSD, as follaws; That the asse�eonent levied a$tinst the followiag described parcel, to-wit: Part of Lot �& 46 �arcel 1600), Auditor s Subdivision No. 77, may and shall be apportioned ead d vided as followe: Original patrc�l gund r. �.._ ParC of Lat �O & 46 ' Reg. S. A. Fund (Parcel 16fl0) _ ' . SW-13 AudiCor's 3ubdivisio�t No. 77 Divisioa of Pl�t of Aus Addi DAY OF %l'/hn : Original Au�outit $ G9.31 441.OG �rcel A_pproved Fund Origistal Amount r - t'' Reg. S. A. Fund $ G9.31 SGI- i3 44I . 0 � I CIT'Y COUIdCIL OF TI� CITY OF FRI�.EY THIS � , 1963. �I:al� ! � � CITY CLBRR - Marvin C MAYO� - GTi11ia��i J. Nee •}44'�w�;ts4TN�1;�����^r ,.� = � � _. � �.-- `74 . ' � � ! R8S0?�T'TION N0, � 1963 � � � A�ESOIdJ'BION HORIZING AriD DIRECTING THB 3PIaITTING OF SPEC7'A% . � A38ES5MSNTS ON ARCEL 400, SECTION 13, PAHCEL 1350, AUDIT08's SU�IVISION NOo 20, ANA PARCEI.S 530 �iD �'S0, OFikC GRO� AUDITION 4I�EREAS, oertai special a8aessmeuts hat�e be+e�t le�ied wf.th respect to �ertai� l�s�d and said �aad has subsequentl� b�ea subdivideci, i N�W� THSxBFORS BB IT RKSOLVBD; as follows: T�� the asses eat levied ag�ainst the follovia� described pascels, , t�-�rt�; P�rce1 400, 5�action 13, Parcel I35Um1, Auditox.'a Subdi�isian Noo aa, ��ad F��sels 530 sud a5{l, Oak GroR►e Additioa, map and shell be agportianed �nd di�sid�cfl as folla�s';, , ��i,�inal Percel! Fund Ori,�i:ual A�,ouut , �srcel 4QCs, Seatiou 13 ?arcei 13S43d1, Auditor �ui�di��sio� N�o 10 � ��xce1 5�0, Oak Grave �dd�,tion �arcel. 750, Oak Grove Add���on �1a� o� �tic� �reek ,�dd�tio� ��> :�► t� � r� A�Tk:ST : � .� 1 Bego So Aa Fund $ 596.72 There are ao a�seasment� on thia parcelo Rego.So Ao Fund 336086 SW-26 5,098088 Rego Sa Ao Fuad - 378096 S�+i�26 4, b09 a 93 :d Fe�nct Ori�inal Amouut &e�o 3e Ao Fnad $2,312,5� $We25 9,708081 Z OF T� CITY OF FRiDLEY THIS� -'"" _ __ : 1963 0 MAYOR - Wiliism Jo Nee yCiTli MAAiAGBR - E�rI �, Glagc�er • . . � - - �—.�—� . ; , '�- � ° �p` . .. . a: .y �:�:e . y . :c; ,.�.� :.. eRq.c.��p�+p`7f,—rh s+ �. , . ' .. . i �.'i . ` � � � . —� �. ,. � �;. .. i �. _. . ��.�i` � r�. I , � ��i itESOLUP�0iD11 NO o�,�19b3 � , � ! � � A RS I�i. AOTHO�IZINti AND D�BCTING TI� SPI.ITTING OF � SPEC ASS88S�iBNTB 0�1 P�AST OF LOT 3�PARCBL 340), `� 3YLV HILLS, PIAT 5 ; .� � i W'J�BEAS, cartai� apecisl asse8ameats hsve been levied with re�pect to � certaia lend a�d eaidl land i�as subsequently been dubdivided, ,� •� NOW, THERBFORE I1i38 IT RESOQ�.VSD, �� iolla�s; � I, That the assea ent levied ag,ainst the follo�rLug deacribed parcel, � towwit: Parcel 3k0,�Fart of Lo= 3� BiQCk 1, bylvaa Hilla, Pls� 5., a�ay '� nnd ahall be apportto�ed aad divided as follavs: � , �; Ori i�l Parce I Fuad Ori,�inal A�ount �' Parcel 340, Part of I�ot 3, Reg, So Ae Fuiad $1,587o8i Syivan H311s, Pltt 5 Divis�ion of Pa�cel A�rav�d Fund Origina2 Amo�mt . Plat of Sylvaa Hilla.� Plat 7 Bego So Ao Fuad $1,587 0$7 AAOPTEA BY�g I " C COtJNCIL �� THB CITY �B FRIDLSY THIi DAY OF G�i ��?�iw � . 1963 0 AITEST: � � • Y MAYOR - Willism Je Nee CITY MANAGBR - Earl P. i�Tsgaer 1. ;;� � ��.�� . . �.�,, r . .,.�:r:Lr,,, =�:��ewwc�►..oi���au�GWww�+•:r�^..v`k.:irt��i.�.:�,d.asi,:wn►T.�c�i-;w..��s.:w�.« �..�r.:KS3e+. ,. *. s5.� _a.K.�.�......r.w�. +��?� . - , .s,.. �L � � � . � • � i. I . . , ���F�'��. Q�Jr. /'4 �� ��� • �t � J0f1/1 P. SWCI1fOfl ��� . � ( . �CfT/ /�. SW�Df011 . , Per A. I � Gcntrol Controctors ��� ����onel Ensinten �� ,? � Company " 434 ENDICOTT - ON - FOUtTH SN�t �wA t MIM� c GoM� 4-73b7 � March 26, 1963 �F' f, :;� ; y i. �fi A� +. ' �.f.'. �', I • � . . .. `i a . Coaetock & Da�is 2446 Couaty Road "J" Minneapolis, Hinneaota Re: Fridley V/ater Filt�ration Pla�►t Attention: I�. Rnutaon I � Gentle�en: �. I For omitting the epackle finish on 6,936 aquare•feet of �all $urface we eubmit a credit of �69.36. JPS:ma �� Very truly �ours, PERRY A. SN O,d� COMP,IR ��-/-!ti , �ohn P. $wenaon C� � Preaident x `� �� � � .� Lr'��.�ii�iil{ 9t �tt'V 1,.7 � 11Y \i n Consulting En�;ineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis 32, Minnesota March 12, 1963 CHAN(�E �RDER NUMBER FIVE Water Improvement Project 34..J9 Schedule 1 Fridley, Minnesota Perry Ao Swenson Comnan,y b3� Endicott-on-Fourth Stm Pau�. I, Minnesota Gentlemen: You are h�reby ordered, authorized and instruc�ed to eliminate the Prait & Lambert vita-Tile 3patter (0) 1237, or ec�ual from interior C/N� walls of the Fridley j�later Filtratf.on Plant as per revised p�ans pre}�ared by our office under the �erms of the Contract for Water Improvement Project 34-J', Sehedule Z� � _. . _� ��_� �% The �ontract price shall be adjusted b,y camputin� the applicable uni� prices and dedueting this sum from the total contract price� The sum reFerred to is as follows: Spat�er ApAlication, Pratt & Lambert (0 2? on I�terior Wal]ls of Structure{6936$q•F�•�C��A.ol � 6g.36 Per Sq.' Ft. TOTAL SUM TO BE Y�EDUCTED a e$ 6�,�6 �,� Subm�tted and approved by Comstock � Davis, Inc� on this 12�'ti�' ��.y of March � 1963 � . COMSTOCi: & D-�VI�, TI3C � B.y . �_,� Appr�ved th�s day of , 1963 b,y P�x�:cy Ae Swenson Companye PERRY A � SWEI�SON COMPANY Bv e A�p:;^�ved and acc�p�ed this�day mf�� , 1963 my `��� City of Fr3�1�y, Minnesotao ; • CSTY QF �P.IDLEY Hy am ee ayor By g arl P. Wagner, City Manager � �' o.i � � � � .. Patition Noe 10-1963 Received 3-14-63 SiTB�IVIDBR'' S P�'TITIODT F�[t IMBR;O�VSM�iTS AND AGFi�Sa�iT � D�TB� OF PAYMBNT OF IM�'ROVS��DiTS. � '78 � T'his agr�ma�ast, ent�red into t'h.te 14�tr � dsy of March, 1963 be+twesn tl� City of Ftldle�y� MiaaeSt�tBe h�saf`t:�r rlferred to 88 t�3l� City• Srid a�m�as FerSuson, ownarr, hersaiter teferre8 to as the de�velo�er foac th� _�.,.e..�..�. purpose o:� petit3ox�ir�g �or im�cov�ements iu tbe plat ]aaa�wn as LarrY�„s l�t Additiaq, er�d agreement osz th� method ot paym�nt .fo� the above imprwe�aenta. � .. �he de�eloper hereby patitioae the City to ia�tsll the �ollawiaq i�.. grovement8s *(aj s_,_ surfae�g. �b) concrete ,ewcb aad clutter. ie) �ar�ita�,+' se�wer aad, co�ea_,�„°�„� �d� w term,_ ain. �,a,ervi�e, (e) ��/�.��. i f} bo�l�vard . a,�sd� aAd i91 � s�er �u at�d � for aafd plat,, a�d agrees to �cxaw m4ney with ti�e City to caver ths cost of all eucrh i�rc�v�ts ox► all lats foac wiil.c'h ti�le is firansferred betw�en the tim� the final p].a� is accepted and ti�e timie that tbe assessr�t ic� auc�► in�arav�ts appears on tba tax rolle, aud aqr�ta to piace i.A e�araw 8. to aav� prelin�iaary �ginesring coets, to: be retusned upoa pe�itio�ved wo�k being placed tin�der co�►traat, less asaounts riot a�ed to seeessmea�t aost�. 8xceptions or dei�tio�s appxoved by tha City to abo�v�s i�cav�sts ares Wate�c su8 eewer 1_, a�.g, +r��+r���rnr�l �. ]�.�@B,dY _����:A��t ' The a�ot�t oi la�nd beiag dooated %�ac park purposes ie ,� acreat ooc caah payment Sn lierut ti�ereof iu t.3�e mroovnt oi $�- ,,,,,, is atta�hee3�. (Acreaqe baaed o� 596 of land wifihin b�ounc7arY of�st�. v�.ait�s oac in lieu thexeof, 5� oi $1,0�0 pmc ac�rm. or $15.00 pe�c lat aad autlo�, wl�aic'hever is lesse Plats wadaa� t�rae aeree ar� � fs`a� all Park W 1t�e� s a Calvia ti o Bra�rra �ity 8a�gine�r � e�rose out vroac�s �ot a�picahl�. 8iq�d: �illiam .To 8eeo, Mayar 8atr1 P. W�, City maaage� Jaxros 8. Feacgusox�, Ddvelope� C�eck�d by D. Clark of the �ngi��►saaciog Depast�zt - Masc:h 20, 1963 ox�].y a srmall plat iti a large as�a ia Anditat' e Sa�bBivisie� �92. C � � � H � Da � � � � � w NN � o s • �� � � � s e H H r-f �+ N 1 r-1 1 N • �o g a .. » » ,-� .�.� � , ���,N N N � ��� .._r1 e-! r-1 e-I 1 t / 1 � M Q O O 'NA N N u ;` ; � � �S$a M M M N Q� M-7111 I rl tV r-1 � f 1 1 � � t'��1 O ; � / Ap � � � c�1 E o..� Q° I _ . � ri N ri 1 1 1 � op�,.� �s7 �1 Q � � '� ' � �°� /w� !o.} o � v`1 �'q ri N �-1 � I t 1 � 111 � i H MME-� M M • �.� a � r-1 N e-i � 8 1 f a0 O g .�- �� 11� r-1 [� � � ��� � o..� a N O N �� �� � � � i H Ee i r-! R+ N i �-! i SOO tn,� � g$� M H �� O� N .� ri r-1 rl 1E 1 1 / i�+ O�dO ♦N� » N N Y 1 � /"'� � gggs �� N N N tT N ..� �.�i rt N 1 1 88 1� i O O N N �� r-I N 1 / 8S 88 N N o�� e-1 N 1 1 O p 8� �� N o�.� � �-1 N �q 1 1 � O Q � 111 rl , pD � o� � I 'M� �•�t 8� � • • • • e �� � � H H is e� o►a �o. �-1 N � 1 t e-I t � S8 9� � �i g N � N N CO N.�� rl N r-1 f ! 1 °8� ,hA N N. Y\� � ���� a �*►.�in ri ^i 1 1 t�10 � N1l'�1 � • H o..� a �-�1 �-! 1 1 M� � �p�p�o� �1M�1H �� �. .. s rn�..� a ri ri t t M O C.0 � ti i e � . �ME+ N N e� b o..�.� a .!! � rl e-I 1 I f�c� O c/� r�-1 � e� e� ti � O. � O�� � Q. 8 0 O �� � � � • E � r-1 rl r-1 �p 1 1 1 Q 8 S8� 8ss� N N M M O� �4.�]!� r-i ri r-1 1 f 1 S8� M N N SS�s� » »»» � r-I N C i S� O O � w�1 r-1 �-i i ! �88 888 M N N o�.� � r-1 r-i f t 00 , ��S N N M o�..�' .� .�d m � �i � i / � t� O S M N � ��� � 0���' � -_. ,79 � �.._ . ;' .' � .�• • � �:i _1!L__!!� �i � �.,�'�' � `Y.�i-` +-- - - On the prececli�g paqe is a ac�edule showing the two bars v�ader t�� setu.p which was appraved rece�tly by the Council, and with 40 '�c��� week bartextiders as suqgested by Councilman Brook. 2'he cost•-pwc- we�k colunron is based upon the smrnuit per hour that the barten�dere p:�esently are paid, and does not include atiy frinq� beneiits . 1"he , t��o°'plus" iigures under 40 howcs pez week, are the friuge benefite p:rovided to the two additioanal men that w�ould be re�qaired if tl�sre waa a claa�aga to 40 hour a week shiir.s. 7.'he oa�].y fxi�ge benefite applied ' in �hat plus figure are P.S.R.A. payments and hospitalization paym�ts. ; Tim� off for sick leave and vaastio� will, of course, be a�iditional �o �his o The chart on the Pr��csdi�tg page, therefore, shaas tbat chat�qixg �o ��1Q -hour week �rould be mudt m�re exp�ensive far the City, and �dd�tionally, require mare pe��o�el that would require superviaioa. Z°h�e is also a queation �heth� o� not the union wauld be satiefied �ritYi the straight $2.50 peac bour �ar 40 hour per v�reek sbiits, since fihe negotiatio�s were based oan 48 hour per week shifts. � Mr s 1�dcGuire feels that the opeacation of the Liqua� Store would iae much bette�r if the 48 howc per w�eek scl�edule we�re nriatained. Ha �ee1.s that the peacsonnel ase� �m�cii m�aoCa co�tent wo�ki�g the 6 day weok, eand that there will be less turnaver on tY►is basis. He agaia reco�- r�eazds ichat the preseat 48 howc per week eetup be maistairied. � Mro M�Guire, also, Yeports to me that the two 8ead Bart�s appointed by the Couaeil rec�tly fael that $5.00 per w�aek mor� thart the xeqular bartenders ia ao� suffieient to compensate for the jab �equirerneat that the Sead Barte�c�cla�r wo�k 6 days a week on the 4s 3t? P.M. �0 1:00 A.B�Io ahift o If the Cauncil does Aot wish to increase this dif�er�nce to $10v00 pe� week, plesse advise me at thie meoting. � 1'Ji P Li�iVKUQ WN�► I Ma� Wii� M�rOiINi��� ��Vi \I4i NVi� �� �3V�1M B����'�� wil.� wish to continue to work se �ead Harte�ers at. thm $5.40 p�r wesk '' c33,��Eere3ztiaa.o If t21e Co;11tlC11 w1911s8 t0 SuiC=esse tbi8 t0 $10.00 p0]C wee�c,. I asswae that there will be uo prabl�n to wo�k aut. �- 81 _ � �I�TI� FIRE-�UILDIIt�G INSPSCTOR POSITtON i -- - 7."�ae C�uacil budgeted funds fo� 1963 for the emplayment af a co�nbination Fire--Buildi.�g ?.�apector at a salary of $550 .00 p�ac moz�th e Seven mon�hs of this salary was budge�ed in the Fire D�partn�eat b��t, ax�d five m�onths of said salary was budqetect in the Building Ins�pe�tioan I�par�t budgeta Shortly after the first of ti�;e year, I advert�ed for applicat3.ons for this positio�, but at this writiag I have be�n un�ble �o come up with an appointment, aad hav� encountered aoane �iffi- c��.�y 3.ra reconciZing this combination position with tt� thi.�kinq gf tr�.� Vo].tan�eer Fire Depar�ent. I�eceived approximately 73 applications for this position, og �ia�.ch t�wo�� wex�e meanbers of the Voltuzteer Fire Depar�tment e Neitber m�e�r h�� ma�ch building construct�.on e�erience, although of the two, R�beact Al�ic1� had sonre background tiiat could be developed into Build#aag Itr sp��tion �alificationsv In additio�, tbe Fire Deapartment raisad two po�its � one being that they would recoamaend for the position on3.y a �em�e.re �� the Fixe Departm�en�, and two, that the Inspector should be a full-�f.� FaLre Inspectore It �hh�n became apparent that the only �gpli� cant �hat had qualifications that would be acceptable would be Ro�rt A1�ci�icha who previously worked for the City and t3�en resign�d to �ake • other ernplc�yment, which would appear to place him squarely in the path of the informa], Council Poliey that the City does no�t re-hire per�o�s who have been tirede or resigaed, from the City emplayv �he Chief of fihe Fire Prevention Bureau has advi�ed me that the F�.re Departm�t would prefer that the position createc� 3s� the 196� %udget be chang�l to a full-ti.n� Fi.re Inspectar, ax�d the filli� pf the positiion restricted to me�b�srs of the Volunteer Fire Departm�e�,t,aad th�a:e would be at least twenfiy a�plicants fro�aa the Voluntser Fira� D�par�ment far said po$ition. I am of the opini� that there is �ot a need for two full-time buildi�g inspectc�s on a year aro�nd basis, al�hough for�the next aeveral yeara there would be a sieed far two �ull-tiane building inspecto�rs during the period M�ay l to Octaber �, Z'l�ere were sevexal applicaats that had qualifications both 3xi Bui�.ding construction and in drafti�g or e�gineeri�g. I have intervi� two o£ these applicant�s, and exp�ect to interview two more as soon as they caa� make arra:ygemen�s to get a�way fxam their present posi:tions and cwo�e for axi 3.nterviews It follvws, therefore, that the�e is a possibl� solut�.on to this problem, if ti�e Ccau�cil would tak+e two actinnss C�.j Set v[p iche position ot full-time Fise Inspector and authorize the City Manager and F3se Chief to accept • applicationa fran the Volurrt�er Fise JDepartment B, ancl submit a rscaoame�n�latioa to the Council. (2) Create a position of Engi�aeering Aid-Building Inspecto� and authc�izet the C�.ty Manaqe�c an�d City E�gi�r ta sn�it a recoamneaadatioan fe�c appoiutn�t to said position: `` '; II �- _ r � _ - C7!G � _ � • C�II�ATIO�? FIRB-BUZLD�aN3P� POS��ON Continued�_ � � � If the Co�uicil does not wish to create the post of full-time Fire Inspector, it would ap�ea�r then that the Cou�eil`s only actlon would be to authorize tbe City Manager to hire a combination Enqin- eeriug Aid-Building Insp@etor as suggested in Itea� #2, above. Before aaak3xig a decisiou �.m this matter, I would suggest that the City Couricil meet with the Fitce Department eitherr in a apecial �ting or at the mesti�g of April 15, 1963, to discuss this Fire Inspec�or pos�o T'he Q�ief of the F3re Prevention Bureau asked me � to ask the Co�un�cil if they woulcl meet with the Fire Departinent. or it� representatives, aic aa aarly datee = �� � �, "�' �� .,: _ MIDIAND CONSIJI.T,�INTS, I NC. CIVIL ENGINEERS and LAND SURVEVORS � 1440 COUNTY ROAD J MINNEAPOl1S 21, MINNESOTA March 29, 19t�3 Mr. William Nee, Mayor � City of Fridley ' h431 University Avenue N',E. Fridley, Minnesota Dear Mr, Nee: This letter will furnish you with a record of our conversation yesterday relative to the status'c�f the alternative plans of the North Suburban Sar.itary Sewer District. You will recall that the engineering report coverin� the Minneapolis East Interceptor study was delivered to the District office in January of this year. In an effort to incorporate an interim connection �vith the � City of Minneapolis into a reduced construction program, the Board has adopted alternate IIT-A tor detailed study and has abandoned Project 5, Alternate No. 2 for early stage construction� A copy of the location map including construction cost estimates cocering Alternate III-A was delivered to the Fridley City Hall on March 18. C� You will also recall that the aforementioned engineering report established the basis for further discussions �vith Minneapolis related to use of its temporary capacity in the East Interceptor. After com- pletion of our review of the initial proposal from the Minneapolis City Coordinator's office,resulting from those discussions, we met with Mr. Hugo Erickson, Minneapolis City Coordinator, Mr. Gordon Bodien, Minneapolis City Engineer, and Mr� Dailas Peterson of the City Coordinator's office ori March 22, 19n3. The purpose of this meeting was to make specific requests for reduction of the proposed charges along with an adjustment of the sc;hedule of payments. A new proposal was conveyed to us on March 28, 1963, incorporating the suggestions which were offered at the March 2� meeting. Because of the nature of the agreement and because of the position from which the District has veen able to negotiate, the charges now proposed to the District by Mznneapolis appear to be favorable to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer llistrict, The District?s fiscal agents . , ,,�.,. . '... �� 83 ,,.. -2- I � Mr. William Nee, Mayor City of Fridley are incorporating these charges into a financing plan for the District. It is our understanding that the proposed financing plan will be avail- able to Board members for discussion today and will undoubtedly be on the agenda of the next regular board meeting. RI.S : ds � � Very truly yours, M CONSULTANTS, INC. � � /• �,��' 'k.:� _�C_�� � Richard L. Sha, P.E. *, • .•-,.� -.._ _ .. ..-r .an . a, . w ..:.rt.a+s�'.• w9'+"^f�.�A'l�R�!'�71��.;.:,'.��lT.,M�'•:�3Yti10�/ifC'�.. �,'n99"�# . :.:�R' ^! .+. . . . aMc=`JF�Ott� 0 � • � 8��� _..._ ... st � � 4 4k :� P1.ANNING C�IISSION lID�i`� r MAB�H 28a i963 �O The M�ee�i.�g was called to arder at 7s45 P.M. ROl�. CALL: Ms�ubers preise�nt s Kravik, Johanson, �pson, Nagel, Bandel Others pres�ts Citp Manager 1�Ia.gner, City Bngiaser B�awa. APPRANAL OF � Ol� PLAI�AyING C(�lISSION I�STII�?G OF MARCH 14,�1963 s to apAtwe Che 'P z4, a9�3. u� � Motion by Mre Thampson, secanded by Mr. Nagel, Minutes o£ Cdis Plauair� Commfssion Mesting of March s v�ice vote, all voCing aqe, the mction carried. 2, It�C81V� MIN[1�S � S PABRS AND PLAYGROIAJDS 1HEETIISG OF MARCH 15. i963 : 30 �a� 50 � MoCion by Alr. Na,�ei, seccnded by Mr, �ha�epsou ro receive th� Minutes af ths Patks aad P].aygrounds Meetiug af March 15, 1963. P�o Thompean of£esed, as an additioa to the miautss, the City Planniag Cansultaats' sketah of ths proposed plan of the park far the I.ocke �Pe�Ys �d P�Pasad pl8as for the Flannery Prapertp and Meadaw- lands Park. IIpoa a voiee vaCe, a2i vatiu� aye, the mDtion carsisd u�ia�aualya ' . M�tion by Mr. �saa, secandec� bq Mr. Negal, �o receive the Mi.nutes oE the P7.ats and Subdivisiona Sub-Co�mittee Meetiag of Ma�h 14, 1963. Qpan s voice va�e, all voting aye, the mo�ion cr�rrisd, City Engineer Bzown stated be reeeived a letiter from Mro Sam D�s].barg stating hs wished to d�efer the plattiag of Le>ts 1, 2 aad 3, Auditor�s Subdivisioa �`108 until fusther aotice and suggested the Planning Caami.ssion ra�eive and can�ur with his request inasmeich as the Public 8earis� date has been seto Mr, Baadcl eutered ths meeting. �BIVB A�iTSS O�P' S'1'B$�'1'3� TIES �� 27, 19G3 x Mo_ t,�,�iou by Mro Johaasan, secondsd by Mr. Nagel, to recefve the Miaiutes of the S�treets;& Utflities Sub-Caa�itte� Meetiag of Msrch 27, 1963, IIpon a voice vote, all vcting aye, the motion carried uaanimausly. ' VACATION BA.Sffi�N'! (SAV`�6301� P` BKrIBWi�1 QAKS FIItST ADDITION - L�O�TAB� JttS1�Rs Continwd fs�ow the March I4, I963 Meetis�g, The problem i.a that the buildi�g oa th� lot at 5651 Re,gis Driv�s exteade ont�a 3° of tha G° essemeat, mmad Che drainags situatian hadu�� bsea complet�iy ct�ecksd acc4rdins to the ca�nsulting eugineer's repa�ta ..'�-.tti_; ' -�� �;;; �,� <� ::r�; ' z.:� ,';- • �q �� �� � ;; 1 � � � :� � ,� r.: �_ ,� 1 �„�:;� � =�� • � � 8� Planni�g Coa�nission i�trfii�,g �- Match 28, 1963 �� gage ltao ,� � - � � � . Motio�_bn► 1�. N�gsl� seG�uded by Mr. ThomPsou, tha� �e P7�+*+„�nss _ �ammission r� �t1ie Ci� C+�aci3 the vacation of the ease- n amsat upon �nation eitlier b tcha City Engiaeer �or aur Ccnsulti � � ta C such naca eas e re d ta� �/j/'� drsiaage. Ug�a a vaie� vote, a vo eye�, the mot3an csrri d. Vr � 6, FETBS.IC I�AR�tG: PRF�t.INILN�iC PLAT P.S. �61-43 - RIV�WfJOD �i�: I�. 8ravik z�ad �e Pc:bli,c Heariag Notiae as published. T6ose preseat int.e�ested in this pseliminary plat were: James Halversan, Suavegc�r far �he plattere, Mr. axLd M�s. H. C. Dickir�son, Mro and M�s. Willia�u Pxvut, Rager G. Clsesgex�e aad Mr, William Bnge�lhardt. City 8ngiae�r Br�m atated the plat had b��a cc�a'zecte�d in a,c�cord- �nae with the P28ts aad Subdivisiaa� 3ub-Coasnittee and P].aunf.ntg Caaamissi+� comoments and the iteun lis� dr�n pxevi�asly. There ram�ia�ed t�n► ptab],emaa � vne �h� '�ec�ssasy propsr fees and c�posits aad stre�t d�dications� , �� Plaa�ia,� Co�omi,ssfon discusaed the �ceceat develop�nts a�nd gassibilitg of a study an,d s+eco�o�d�ti,�a b�3�,g available £rao� the Strests aad HtiliCies Sub-C�o�amiCtae and n�r 3afet.y Caauti.t�ee an the $�st 8iver Raad t�caf�i.� psoblem, and that effecte �f a I,ang rsage pragr� on this plet. The d�dicatiaa f.o�c the stseet �a 71st Way faom �' the achaol had aat beeat asca�red, Mr. En,gelhardt said he w�oasld coatac .� h�s attorney to ese sb�out the dedi.�atioa f�a�n the achool baard. � Matioa by Mr. B�ncte�., se�nded by Mr. ba clased and Xha,t tha sn�ai�g sion �this Pr� Plat �servi t e f 30° a af 71at W�t fraa Basrd sad daposit tha �,c�ssary ea,giia�ee a e vote, sll vax aye+, the motion carr e n mo 'ohaason, �het '� 8PP t Og@�' �eCUrB �e Mstrict #1� escz�aw ees a �— ihe hearing �� �nra o : � �ti,�n.� ; Sahool Upar� a voir.a % o Pn8L7LC I�EARING: P&4T.E�IINAflY, � P.S. ;�61-32 SYRLNG BHOOR PABK ?.N�► �O�T t City Ms�aageY Waga,er re�ad the Public Hear#og �atir.�a Thoise prese�nt interasted in this publi� hea��ing anaare rbc. aud Mrs. Rubert JohmsQn, Dmuald Campbell, Surveyor, �d MBynard 8es- tatts�su, Beca�s� the� �oasu�ting Sagiase�rs asked % ba ��lieved of thsir �espousibiiitp of pswid3u� tha p�el3minary repart,on storm dsafneg�a �or thts plat, I�c. �as�mu�eseu obta,iaad the services of Subusban `" �agiaeeriag. After re�ie�iing #� maps oi tha pr+�pased draiaa�e, �t�c� piattQr beis�g aceapaasible Eor the r.os�s of prwidi�g faciliti�s t�r elZ draiaagere�ching +�ncl crossi�g hf.s p].At� the P3aaatag Ccram�ssior� in�ozmed Mr. Ra,smeas� tJat�t the solution fox the speaific draiaage � � Planni�;g Commissi�oa M�tetito,g - Masch 28, 1963 � P,�,e T'�r�e .,.... _... � . ... C�: �. g% � ptobiezn partion inv03viag Bast River Rpad wc�uld be acceplk�ble with theam if it wer� with the Couaty R�tgineer, and suggested he pssseati . a letter ir+aan thm County Ebginser stating th�� PZaas are agreesble wlth him, All aspects o£ the draiaage salution �,n zea.atian tQ the p�.at asa aubject to fiaal. agte�eeat execve�ed by the cteveZoger agreeiag ta pay for the stvrm se�c �aail3t�s ia �cinat�e for vaaatie�n of servi.ce roads and part of Libesty, ead dediea�ioa Qt smail pie,r.e af laad South oi I.3.b�e=ty. . Mr. and rirs, �obert C. Jahason asked a�aut the NSSSD easemeant � an the pos�h sid� of thie plat, If the NSSSD w�re s�ot going ta � this easemeat, theq �e.sksd if thhey cauld hava it s�aavedo , ro MQtion M�. �wmpsos� xin,g b� close an i e P �s 1aCest renrision �s the �eiope�c e�secute s p�ager . � 8 g� SCi t � � ty 8ng er� '�c , to 8pgrave pla� upaa ca►s�urrea�a votia�g 8ye, the m� 8 o PSTiT�4�i - �I.LSY V • Lots 1 rhr�ugh 30, � Goamiss�oa �ce�omame I,ofis 1 ths�urgh 30 ve aye, e � 9, CONTINDBD PpBJ.� 8 �biDING S�CTZQDi 3 .�on, i�v k�• He be elosed� : ,. 8, t Ord VO� �Ay�s IDD. a seconded by Mr. Bandel cartied unaaimously. secandsd by Mre G: � ORDI� Cc�nti�aued fs�an the Upan a vQi�e Upon a vai.+c� vote, ,. ; Publi.c 1 va�" / � � ,�t$ ag 8 ,�—�—�-- � a�t ��t1i s�� . s Bloek 16, �* a ���_� m�eeing. �0- M' � t� N 7 that the Publ c� �/D �,a. �.@+��..�, �'- �s=. PIffimin� Canmi.ssioa �ecoa�ads p��as�.� 70. S�ctioa 5.8,. �Tpon a voiae vote, s1I , xried unaaimously. �------ 10 o L�T SPZIT B�UBST L S.� $G307 -� ConLixuied from M�tsch 14, 1963 Meetiage I�. L�nd was asl�d to re-sub�nit a skexch showing a 10' side yatd psroEvi$iva for the e�tstiag house. No oae was psese�to � M�tion Mr �adel e b N al c� s � ..._..._._. � Y • , e c t � n d e d F M� c. a g , t o o t t i n u e fi h i itean uati7. � Apri]. 11th mestiag. IIpon a va�.ce �ra�e, 8I]. votiag �9e, tYae res�tian carrie�d v�imatts ly. �. , � � � � .. i � ..": .j ._ ��_� ��'! 1 ' r �_. . .. '� . {���� � �i . ' i 'i � � a i �a t� � � ' � -: � 89 � . r�.�� �co��s8s� r�e�i � ; � � �� � zs, ��s '� ��� Pt�e Five � � .� Mv� tiy l�b:. N�,gel, e�onded by Mr. Thvmpsan, to consu].t- `the State and Caeyatp rsletivs �o ti�e i:t�.ffic probl.+em anci acces8 ptoblem � Fast River Road, sond S�reetts aad Ht3l.iti.es Sub-Co�mai.t�ee t� paacticigate sud ca�asid�ar iu�srf�r a�ad betw�en Eaat Rfve�: B�cad aad the 3tive;r, and ds i� as saon as possibieo tip�n a voice vote, s1I vflting aye, the� nam�ion carried u�i�uslya Visitars greseat wsre B�obert Schraer aad John Pe�ery s� about s�ve� total, �here be3r� :w £urrthe� bus3ness, Chaixmsn Rrav�ik adjauxaod the meeting at 10s�.0 P.Mv i xes ectfullq su�ianit�ed, � � Recasclin� secrets�g ;,.�'. r:.�: �.-; _ , �� + � ��•�, �� ,�� �, � ti �� , � : �' s �+ ��.� _ ��^: , . � � A' j �O ' , ��ti .V w:..�+-.,{'.�1 „ v,� ' �"s.. } +�' t (� 1..._. � . / � � �'�� .__-.. \ � .�..r..._.' .. �� , �! . �'S's �: i � + � ��.���. �. �� Y ._ � �'`� ' .._.... _ +��..:.,.�...� . .. �r . ,A �.��.i _.� R�AN. f�i l�LD � I�fOWAK ' �; , _ . _ -. _ : - _ ::: � �- �' „�- ,� suRVSVORS - , ,, . :� -„� ' -- �• . . __. --.- _________,...__ __ , i - � r � ` n� �1;� ..... . . , .... _�•- � . _ '. I, �, �» wu* ��� aR�w S R� �% � �. w�+. � ! ' � � �ti ' � . � "% ,. MORTGA�E 10�� SURV[ll � � �ERTIEICATt O� iYRrtY - t�.1,� , �� _� °� <__ � � i N ...., i 1�/ / .... � i� � �� o � ♦ �� � i� .� � m� ��,� . W c .- ti° K •� o •- L J h �� O O 1 � s o `� �" v i. �t�'�c � d �- � �- ��'..w•� ♦ C {� O A � Q � F w t M � ej•.''" . a:��- Y��L(�� c L li! d •- b � � t rt � o..—� _ i��Cli 1 P T I ON: r,� Es��oY cc. - I �9.4 -- -- -- --��.-� r--� ----7-T--T� ; :�., ; I i i .� cr ' � --- r Y t t�:� r! � � N � � �� � � � �7 �� , � i : CT i� ( r. i i� � �c � r � � i�. .o,"� r� } ,. � � �� y , � � f �+ f . (y f � . ,-1 � �� � � J {. � � �Dre�n�� � Jti I�fy EaSsct� -=�. . .., _i. � - -_ -.130•0 - �!t I�e B1.CCK 2� 'AR1[V 1 tw QAK• FI R�T ��1 TI �M. BCAI[i (R • �� � O�+t�s fRCKR�s« i�o» ' �.: �': ; � r� . ��: 4� � : �r � ••`� � :�. � ;� hK *� � 4,' ; � ,, Mt h���br c�r t i f�r t ha t t h i s i s a t ru• a�d corr�a f r�p��s�n f� f i o� o� •�1M'�. � t' �� •f tA�_Oouadari�s of th� land •bov�+�scri0�d •�d of tM Ioc�fiN� Of ��t r � �x �- bru i 1 d I n��, 1 I any, t h�r�on, �nd • 1 1 v i a t b 1�•�cro+�cM�nts, i t s�y, t� M"� ;�► $;� ��; � s�ld I��a. T�is surv�y is a+ed� oniY in co�n�ction Mi th • wort IiM MMr.�; ,��;� e* i �� pt�c�a o� tht prop�� ty ���d no i i�b�i 1 t tY i s�sa��d •xe;ap�� !M I�i� ;,_'� ;' ot wch �orf9�� o� �nY oth�r int�r�st �cQulr�d ey tl+� r��� of w�A,' : �( wqrt��. 1 t s und�rstood �nd i�r��d no �w�w��ts haw 0�� ol�i� !�' !�.'.` ��: ?, ��poN of •stsbllshin9 lot lin�s or dou�d�ry ea'�►`s. , � � b�t�1 tni s,�,_,�„O�y o1 ►rova�c� ,�': �oie , E6AM, R f E�0 � M�AK, ,,`� � -- ' � Svr � ' ; ��- ,,� : - ,� ,. . , �- - ---- - -- - -- - � . �: M� i 1• MO. "L`i7 000k Ib. , .: , > =�,r� � � �� , . � � � %H I _ � �� ��€ � �. � �gx., k , rw.�.r��.... �..a�.r�i.r�l�. �r. a� �..` . � � . r�$• � �.. , : � � ` � � .�- I � �i � p4lC�C�A t0 VaCatB 8R�1 -— --� B10�Ck Ifa. LOti 1 tlYlit ; i P2ymouth Additiaeq - _ � _ J � �'.a2don �- -P+�e.�►�t, I�L fi Y E ' ; /V - i �1 30 .���� sa,--�'3o-►{F-33 tgo ( �i �2 �Z y ^� ,��-- ZS ` I 0 � �� Z8 �; - - - - -� o �r� Ltl _. .. ( _ � �.�11 � �.� �� � �C? i ��+, �� __�___.� _ _ a�� _ i q C� 2 t �� � 5 � � o� __o , ,__ � � ���0 j �; � �; � � �� � _ .i _i �� � zv o ,! 7 �. i r_� +� ,� —�—a- — — -� — � t \`�` � 23 - / v i �8 � ( � � E,r � -.----;- - - = ,� - -i � � � � �..r- . ��, . � _ �� —y a� I+ o �. :� + ' �. '�\ �__.�_� �� z� � �. ' „ ' I , � C� � '� � � _ _ .�v --� � ; �: Q�Yy � i s �`�.. j M ` — - -`�t --f ! 13 � I �3 {'�•� � y_ C.'� .� � , �� �IT�" i , �'• � � ;; �. � � �:, a � ; lT � ! y i �! ' `' �� - -- - —i � � �; ►c � ,s � U�� , I -'--�� - ) � --� � - -+ - - !_._. � � 1�/ TS , .3: ,, �qV� N.� � �; r; r� � ,l�W � N O. 63 -'�d' :. l�'f?�1WN $Y RS.%� ��'�`���� C�/� G /tFD B k � H p�No wEO cgY � ,G7AT�' 3 /3 3' �� � '� �; K�: � � � �� _ .. :��,a„at �� a,�.,': � —�— � — RRPORT �I �+lU_ LTII�I� „�DWB� x • , �'his �eport i.s an att�rpt to provide infarmation on the present n►�altigl� dw�lling situation in the City oi Fridley, aad insofar as p�ssi]ale project iuture poesibilitiesa ?xi compili.nq this info�aation over tYie past year, it is a�parant to m� that the�e statistics on tise possib►ilities can b� veYy misleadiag, because applying the minim�m area s�quirem�n�s ico pro�erty of nnusual ahape. anci also to property ox� w�ttic�t th�e presently are singl+s-�f�mily dwellings caa very well i.�flate tlz� po�en�ial nwaber of vafts a.n the' nailtfple c'i�aellings zoning, eince �:� actua�. d��terminatioa by the vwner ,' �f �-1ie gsop�� might indicate- t��a� th� property does not adapt itseif to nea�ly as many uni�s as the mia�im�um w�uld allvw. . � � �he situation chaages so rapidly tliat thare is a possibility tbat n�t a�rery single uait pxesently canstrueted will be found is� the f�].lo�wir�g �ables, although an att�npt hae beeRn made to be ,aure that all un�ts have been counted. If and whe�. �t2ie licensing and reg3stration of �ual�ip�.e dweilings becoarres @ff79Ctivee there will be a nare accwcate cm�a� o ��: f:�• �. � .� ►*,�. TABJ�I.�,PRS,_S�T,_MLTIITI_ P�DW�LI�IP�GS • , �r !- ��• �L':�c =i• • - , � . r.� • � , 2 90 18� 3 6 18 4 �',' S2 208 5 2 I4 ,6 1 � 6 7 21 147 8 !1? 136 ].0 ' 1 lA l� Z? 297 Z2 il4 158 TS 1 15 18 4 72 32 ' 2 64 34 ,,, 4 _._136_ Totals 242 1,467 Lees Dovblea '4.90_ 180 Tota.l 3 or rta�e 7.52 1, 287 'I assume�-that the Council ia iuterested pri�marily in buildinga of tA�ree or more uaits, ao you will aate tt►at I hat�e deducted the doubles fro�n Table I resulti�g ia the co�uat of 152 buildinqs containing 1,287 unitso I d4 no� believe that this figur� will have increased enough � � - � RFPOitT OTT �IP�_�LLI1 ... since this ccaapilation to aifeet mate�ially be drawn f.rrom this brief repart. aay conclus�icaas tUat might TABLty II - ACREAGB AVAILABLS WITS AND WITBOUT ' STRUCTUR�S AIQD POSSISLE UtiITS PTRMISSIBL'C. '. �.�r� r��� . �O G AClZE „_S � AQtSS WITfi STRUCTTJ_ T�OT'AL T�T=T� R-2 49. 3l 44 �.41 93 .?2 1949 g-3 27,�_ . �•?� � •� � Total ?7.21 111.14 • 188035 4798 �� figures in columas l, 2 and 3, shauld be fairly accurate, , laav�g been tak�n off the section mags by actua2 measur�anto T'he �th3xd celumn h�aded "Acres wit'h St�cu�tus'e" sho�ws �tt� acteage it� both R-2 and R-3, on whieh ttte�ce ie so� structwce, whether it bre a eomnarcisl huilding, a boaa� or garaqe, but not a structure that provides mult3,ple ].iv�.ng facilitiea. �he fifth colvnm h+aaded "U'nits" is the one that .is gure s,p�ation, based v,pox� the squar� footage available ia the variaus par�s of the City under tlie z�n3�g sha�wn ia colum� 1, and in�eludes the �creage wi� or w�.thout structvres. ' As stat�l befo�re. S used the �1- mu�aa that I felt �could be built an th� area involved. = dicl not take in�� ac�ount setback requirem�ents, the type of terrain whieh might limit construc�ion, or the fact that tlie�ce was a atructure on th�e property which n►igl�t be too valuable to tear dawn an�d replace with a�ltiple dwe113.r:g a T°he 4, 798 units t�erefiore, in colwmaz 5, cannat be tak+ea as a x�3.iable fi�e.' I wauld suggest ilaat this numbae�c bo s�dueed at least by 50��, at�d Perhaps as mneh as 67�. '�is would result ther�� in a paten- �fal of eiti�er 20399 or 1.599 multi�ple dwsllir�g unitse Sven red�ci�g this 4,79� iigure to the lowest possible point, would result, if all of �Yiis R-2 3rtd. R-3 la�Ld we7Ce uSE�d e; iu an ultimate of 2 0 886 �a�tltiple dwelling units in the City af Fri�ley. Uais�g a� estimated population oi �0.000 �or t�e City of Fticidley. at an average of 4 perso�ns per liviir�g unit,' th�re would be 11.544 pe�eons 11vi.ng in multigie dweiliaqs, ar�d �8,45�6 pe�cscuis living ia �,114 single-fau�i.ly uriits, or approximately 30�� of tiie City ° s population residi�g in m�u].tipla dwelliags a TABLS ZII - COST OP' IlQSPECTIO�i , � �SP�CTOB. �uildi�g' �lectrical �lunbing & Sea�38q ��re 4�LSX $ 7054 5 . fJ0 7050 a0000 ; 8�v`r �a-�rr ' $ 11.25 ' 7.50 ; 11025 ' 40 o E10 $ U o00 11.�0 15 .00 60.00 i _ _ _ _ f � ' , iC. +�....r.� Y�!!!l�Tflfl� f'lOItTJ_T1�lft i _ i .r.w���� a�,i �.... .:.. i�. Health 14.00 27.00 � �1000 A�a3;sttatia� �0„�Q,Q �,_ 10� _ 10.• ' $ 64.�0 $ 107.00 $ 152.0� L3�cen8e Fees $ �40.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 'i I have inse�rte8 Table I=I i� '�ie re�aact fo� yo�r infa�matiou only. ' T'he esti�sted costs oi ins�ec�ion s'hvwn in Tabls ZI= w�ce c�btai�d b�' au a�ual i�asptctioa by #he Buildi�g, Tslea�rical, Plu�ipg & 8eating Z�spectars. with �&s cost pi the fire inspecticui being estimated by tha Fite Derp�ctmeont at '�S?00 peoc wnit, and ti� amowctt !o� the 8ealth Inspectar beir�g ats eatima,te qive� to me by M�c. Sensliey. 9!he $A0.00 iiqttze far hatx�li�g oi tbie lioe�sing, registraticri, aad paper wa�rk of inspeatio�s. lab�alad "'�istratioa�° is I feel, a co�nee�cvative "$t1�88" � � warit to r�peat, tlsat the f igures iu the abave tablee , most part�icularly ia Table II, are un£or�twately not r�ea�cly ae accusst� aa waul+� be desired o It wo�l.d appear �tiat fo� es� rezoninq requeat. the #:igures in �heee tables � pa�rti�cular rezoning r�quest. said,tables re-atvaluated. �pw/g�s � �aW,c� i�►va to be viewed in liqbt of saLd aad ti� baclogroeu�d f 3gwres �sea to aa�+►ilt ' Respectfully Sv�naitt�d: , ��C�/t.� (/"• /iv� , Sarl P . WagAex' . CITY MA�TA+G�R � f;;i �; �`; i�r. �rl ?. Ya�r - 2 14aroh �3, 19b3 '• 9••�, Opp sen O�erhsi►d L�pa Inat � lsd 3-�►-b� On 43Y'd r�e. ]�.$. at a.8+ � 1�. P. Oa �tb A�e. at l�adison `ie. Z.S. 1� g'raeka On 5l�.th l�e. at �tb �t. x.s. On 1}3rd t��. X.�. at !�I}th L�s. On 51�th A�e. li.B. at 6tb �t. X.s. �.�. On 54th A�e. ]�.$. at 5th �t. ]t.s. � O�a 53� ,�s. li.E. at �'iadieon 11►•. On �i}th A�s. i.E. at 4th 9t. Y.�. l(. B. ou 53� a�e. 1�.8. at 7th St. 1�.E. � n L�JI� J�/P'MGL t to 7Courr ••r� trul�, iOETSS�T 3?A?BS POiiiiSR COMYAI�? L. �. J. Mabbot t, 3a 1� s M�anagss , � o 'nper�is os o! l�inaiaipal Sss�iNs � � � �. �. � i � . . � .. .__. ---^ . t � � � N:�p N O R T N t R N iT A T i f r O W t R C O M r A N Y Kr. Earl Wagnar City Manager City of Fridley 6431 IInivarsity Minneapolis 21, Dear Sir: MINN[ArOLIf � MINN[fOTA Karah 21, 1963 Avenue N.E. Minneaota 27-6,000 Lumen Overhead Lamps Inatalled 3-6-6� 67th Ave & 7th St. bbth Ave & 7th St. 66th Aoe & Able St. 68th Ave i� Pandora Drive 68th Ave & Onkley St. 68th Ave Ec Broolc�iew Driva 67th A�e & th St. 67th Ave & th St. Onondago St dc Stinson Blvd ?3rd Ave & Hayea 3t. 66th A�e & Fridley St. 66th Ave & Stinaon Blvd Ciardenia Ave dc Tsnniaon Drive Haclanan Ave �c Tanniaon Dri�a I,FJM JER/PMCA:bar �>> 1��./ 1� ,;� O � � 'r,� �' °'`O �. -�7 �v co ���� ,� i � �� Q- ''�'�. '� � , oj Norton Ave Weat of Central Char�nel Rd dc 68th A�s N.$. Channel Rd �c 3tsiger Dri�e (�annel Rd de 3teig�r Drivs 66 �c Mcginley St. bb �c Stinaon Blvd 63rd d� De llwood Dri�e 63rd de Pierce 3t. 66th Avs d� Arthur St. 66th Ava dc Anoka St. 66th Ave & McRinLe7 St. bl�.th & Arthur St. (}ardania Ave dc B�n jamin 3t. Yaurs very truly, NORTHERN STATE3 POWER COMPANY L.E.J. Mabbott, Salea Manager (Y. I�� ( a. Iti! � �� ��� TT—j; E. u p �Superviaor of Muniaipal 3sr�iae• �, , � � l��'"rp NORTHtRP! *TATtti 'OWER COMPANY MINN�EAPOLIf ! MINNEfOTA Mr. Earl P. l�fa�er City Msaager City o1' FridLey 61�31 LTni��rait7 Minneapalia 21, D�ar Sirs Oa Hia• Oa Riae On Riae N. S. Qn Rice N.E. On Rice Dr. Marah 13, Z963 A�ernie N.E. Minne�ota� Q-6, 000 L�unen O�erhsad I.Qmpa Installad 2-18-63 Cre�k Terraae at ltth 3t.N.S. Cre.k Tsrrace at 6th St.H.E. Crsek Terraae at 68th Ave. Cresk Tmrraoe at Kadison 3t. Crsek Terrdoe at Brookview On Riae Crsek T�rr�os et Monra 3t. A.B. On Rics Creek ?srraa• at �b1� 3t. N.E. On Rice Creek 3'�rrao• at OakLe� 3t . N. S. on 68th g�e. N.�, at ?��h �t. �.s. 15-6, 000 I,uussn qverhead Lampa Inatallsd 2-19-6� L�ogaa Parin+ay dc Ri�er Cr�at Dr. Log�a Park�+ay �C alen Creek i�d. 7�th iTay we st ot E. Hi�er Rd. T almadge �Tay T�fm a t of �. Rioer %id. Logan Parkway west ot F. Ri�er Rd. Hiskorf Dr. North of 70th tila7 Hioior� Dr. dc 70th tiTay Alden liay South or Rickard Rd. �. �. �. •. �. •. •. �. LLden Yty �e TSth T�iaT ALdea Yay liorth ot 75tb liag 77th t�fay at Rai lroad Trask Craigaay at (3m��� Talt�adge T�t4� at D�ad �nd Talmadge T�TaT at Curve A lds n i�Tay de Ri okas� Hd. i.J��b.000 Lrwn Os�rt�ad I.a�na Iaatall�d 2-,��-l6.� — 2na st. x.�. �t 46th Ave.x.�. �} st, x.E, at 4�th �.a. x.s. 2nd 3tr N.E. at t�?th A��. H.E. 2 st. x.E. 4t 46th A'e. N.$. � 3t. N.E. at L�.9th Av�. 1�.L. 2 st. N.E. at 48th Lve. N.$. Panor� Ave. at Hughsa l�s. N.�. 2nd 3�. N.E. at 48th ��e. N.E. On Panorauaa l�e. at Clearvier St. x.$. Oa panorama A�e. at H�o�aa Ad. On Panornma A�e. at 3rd �t. �t.Se On Roman Rd. at ?i �ot A7• . On Romaa Rd. at aibr4iter Rd. on 2na �t . x. �. at 49th g�+e . ii. B. l � _� �,k�� ��6'' � � �� ,. �P� -,t c:�t.� ,; , � �/ �r �° Y �` �1 �, ' � � • � �+5 Mt :?f .i 7�`4+M� �J _ N16�T2NC3 �!tiA1L1TES - MARt�i 20 , 1963 T'he €izst mp�t of the F�i�],�y Safety Comroitt� Coondin tir�g Com�nitte� waB �all t0 o�rdeG�' �opn �+?'ec7riesde�y, M�rCh 20 e 1963 at 8 t 00 P.M. at fihe Fridl�y City Hall, by� Doual.d We�gler, Geneacal . Com�i.tt� Ct�aii�A irqil �P+�CA�O�e� B�yMC SC�ool P,T.A., SEhool Traffi� Catmnitteet A. E. L son, Midla�d ',�Cooperativ�s, Ci�y Stse�t� tte S�anl,ey Mircc�a, D iag Bcx �any. County Roads Caa�uaittee= .71i].ian 5jordal, Riverrwood ool P.�.A.,! State 8igla�tays Coo�mitteeE Rabert Sa�grea�e, C aial Pt�iai�it�g, PubllCity Cc�ranitteo, w o ixi- troducec� alo�g with Gsiearal Ct�ai�sn Donald Wegler, Railway S fety: Vice Chaisma� R Shaw. Mian��,polia BoYrerywell= arni Secret b�cs Judifih Fryer, I,��x of Wan�a� 'Vab�aca. Also prese�t weace. Cal in Browne City $Ag t Miloe O'Hanx�oa. County Co�amisaianeocs a�d $arl P wagner. CitYr Ma�q . Dr. Jat�u T�'ri�tt, Parks an�d Playgro�ds iub-� com�ittea. Chairman of the F�ti�1g Findi�g Coa�f.ttee, was ab . It was decided s maticm melds by' Mt. Larso�t aud seco� by 1+Lr. Sja�rdal to turx the pro�l� r}f setting up tbe waacking rul of the 5 afety Caa�i.tt over to t�ie I Faot Fir�d sug Co�nmittea . A s ma,p of Fridley sbar�►iaq afe�ty haraard� wae turned over to the Pubi ity G�ttee for publ ati+�n in ths ;, Fridley DTews e 2�3r o Wagxter, Ci Manag�r, in�o�rmed the Coa�aittee that the City Council would like to atud�► t'k�a Last River Road situatic� irst, particulariy frc�n Soac � to Osbarne Rosd. Tr�o b prablems ar� the ice staticaa ;, near oeborne Road and the Ri oo� Sehool interaection�. I�li.ke O' R annon ��out�y Co�aaeiss ioaaer, repar'ted tiiat the Board has a,pp�aved � s�aaphara at the Bast Aiver Rosd-Missias i �treet 3.ntereectia�l ae of � 3, 1963. One haa also be�n r estee� at Oabome ltoad, w'h�e a aimilar ' situatioa exists, as praved a txaffic caunt at th two inters�icps. A18oe if there ia y ane sean�phore, traffic o3au Missisa3�pi Stregt will probably back up all the way to Oabo�ne oad. ' Another hazard �.s Hartmr�ui Ci.�rcle. The ban]c abstructiag v sion o�£ the Tast River Rpad at tha� et�arneoc r�eeds to be cut back t 10 feeta but permissio 3xo�n the a�c has nat been �orthcoaaing. �e County Roade Ccaaamit es will look', into tbis ar�d try to wa�k ti� ugh Charles Jcahanson, b ildez in t'ha� ar�a. Blu�priats exami�ed Qf City of Fridley, of prap intersections of sy 100 at � Sast River Road, 8lqhway 7 �iighway #65 (the L Rive� Ro�d! inte�ceection will ]x� a mod� cloverleaf, Univer ity a dia�ond�, a�d #65 a true claverleaf) of a proposed �v 8i y#47 witb �ccess every faur o�r five bl . �'!ze Sa�ety Coamtit will study �hese maps again at the n�sxt � i � � urv. ;;� .._t�.,�,. � � �=, :� �� �...s �.w„�� � FRID�I,�'Y SpiI�T"J!Y i �� to s�► what na� be Mra W�gaer =eca AveYlue Noa�'theaBt b� write to the lan�dc�n Nxr e Wegl�r sugg� Coaoaneittee be tur�aed 1�$TI�1(i �iQTSB - �AItCB 20 e 1963 ( e abo�t c�bv�oa� hasaras. � rrded tbat tl�e baak st 7tb Stroot at�d 6 k badk. i�C�a�ui.ttee on City Stroet8 , �.'8,v R!! . 9d tisat t2�''i question Of a Hic�h 3�001 �i t� W� vY�W.L �tt� s Mrs . Frye�c st�gq ted that N�rs to write th� Ci M� the safety Cauacil. �he Coosd.'laatit� tlie safety Co�satitte d iscretioaa to etv�dy beioare t'!ie Coardina mast quarterly. tT�a atir�g Coa°ait#.eQ wil wec�nesdays ti .. aad th� aiter a motion wae; s jordat. a8 be iavit�ed !xi the Fri� suggested areas of etudy Cam�a�itt�ae wi�.l a�aee�t ae a fuactioaAir�g bo�y . Sub-aa�ait�tmes will we�et at tl�air cwa prablmr�, aad ' th�i will put tl'six reccaa� ing Co�o3,tt�et' Tha �1ho2� Sa%ty Committa Ll tha Ca�amitfie� is oa its feet. the Coaord mset eve� t�o weelce...the first aad thit a oace a mo�►t'�. Al2, of tbe abov� was apps �� �Evrth by bl�. �.ssaors aad eeaoaded by l�c. Mr a Miroc�a mov�d to a�d j�uucn � m�etiag at 9:40 P.�l. a�d mation was seeo�cled by l�r. I�qc�R�oni. � Geo�aPral C�isismsn d�cl; the meefiiog 8d�jau�eneld. , Respectfully submitt,�ds ' Mrs s �tudith I�ryar seesetary to *he � tteo of will � � � Pi�RKS AL�ID MiD1i�1'SS — MARCS 15, 1963. _ . _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ �lse m�etinq �aras hold I at the �iao� 81g'h Sd�ool . �ers Pres�ts Th 8ou, �r�h#• Swansoea � l�embe�xs �baeat: esrak, #�i�badpcn Others Pree�nt: P�inute� of t3ie �et of Fe�ruar� 11, 1963 were appro�ve� ae a l�inutee of the joint �aee�tir�g'' of t't�0 Parks and P3.a���rrouixla Sub-� a�ci �e Reer�a�io� C�iaa�iesic�a W�er� aace�pted witYt the follvwiaq ir,�ne 2n the fixst agra�h, fi►he '' acraag� of the Loc]c� P�ol�'� read �4.62 acr�s 1AS ead of a40 aa�s . , , NeS.Pa IS�D: ' ', ,� A letter froaoa Gl� W�llac� segard�aag the D1'.S.P. ZslaaB was r� S�ver�.l secomcoetldatibns ma�� by �,*» Wallace wer� di�cussed i�at � detail. �t was d�rte� t'hat tl�e Parks and Playqrounde 3ub-� shoul�i take the fo114x�ring at�pe: it�en. I . 1 n T�ho�son to j m�eet with r�reseAtatives oi N.s.P. relat ve to purc�aae ! af th� isla�. 2, Get a ms�ti�g with the Soas�ci of Education of Digt�ciet �14 to explo�e �ui�ual pacogsams. Thompson, Wri�ti, aad Sw a to �c've as', a eo�mni�tee. ' 3e Develop a etc. as it nonlin was askeci ta and G. No Railway. F�.�wi �;�k��.�A �oeite plan ' fooc necesaaxy Parking. s s. relateci to'�the use of the iela�d. 'est3q�te ac�oe propecrtY located at 61st ts Plans for dewelapinq tb� Pro�e�t,Y',we�a discuesed. t31eu Walla has �ket�ched a t�stative lay�t �l�ln �'hich wae seceived. swanson made a mati that M�ro Do�7.i» coatact various buiidiug euppl to aee v�hat ai�tt be avai3.ab�.e in Ithe way cf a buildiag auitab o for a ehelter builditug th� LoCks P�¢pparty. Motion carried. 3 . � �. �rr c�� t � ,,n � �rr — MARCEi 15. �963 ( �r o Danl3.n will get in touc�i w�.ti� xcln Barton; regardi�g a pa�:k aa fa= aa trees, tc. ar� conc�krned. I�o�i.on �y Wri�tt that sketc� b� d�vmloped of necessary �ar]s uad �►� � City b� rec�u�e�ed ',to b�gin developme�nt b g �s soon aa possihle. oa� eaYri�. 811rV� f t11� roada g tbe of the �ada � posa3'�ility og i.nat ling a+�a�t ix� Rice Creek for £Lood water � was discussed. T'his w d prabably 'be locate8 son�iere �ast oi �venu� . Dto ac�� a aas tsk�n. _��.'�,.�: `x_��� I�ion by s�ran�an tbat i Mr o as drawna � earr�edo Mogion by Swan�ou thatlth� to �he City GotmCil: ', 10 7�at the� pro 75t� Avanue consttucted 6 �u� Lot ?. DOa��.in • s I j�laaB f0� 'th18 A='etS b6 Fol�.awitx� be a report and sectio� c�f A=th �ast ar�d 4uo�ga it wi3.t � 'tluc'ougl� �. �i� Paske and', Pla4Yygrrc�unde wigh p�opoaed' pl.ana for t� 8 1o�.w�en ArthwC' Street and va� tli t.s� seetion 4�i Fir�s3tye , ixoar� Lak�esi8e', itoad North� 5 0 �he Bub-c�oi.�tee req to run tlxro� the ps�rk p; 3. The eub� o� 75th ira this Matio�a carrie�o ; r Y� i.lA� � .i\ 1� � ti J..1 D+io�3r�e by wric�� that Me�dc,��.atxls 2nd Addit • 1�lo�ion carraL�. ,�OORE I1�iKB a Mr a D�r.�i. �.n sepc�oCted tb op�r�tions aga3n 800an. t�r Str�et Dto�rthesst b stre�t not be piann ti�e gark separatir�g .� �-COmoiai.ttee do�e not concu=' developm�t of Fis'eside Dri e ]c�aide Road N��tth�ast. Tha ve be restri.cted to sro�n wes , to tbe west edge of Lots 2 and ��s tbat no streeta b� ali ,ee dos�� co�utwr wifi.b the propoaed wi8�niau �To�rthe��at sYld �:he completion of �acon Dr� ��t c�t@8. ' grooe�rd witih the developm�ent o� outlot 1, acco�l.rx1 �o tbe plan submitted by Mr. Pa�'k Cc�aaet�#uction will begin �rsdgi.ncl • �J � P�1RKS ADiD P%A�YC�ROUDIDS ' �8 - �ARQi 15, 1963 ( l�ra Doa�l.im will brityg a rMcoaoaw�e�datSLon to tbu� eub-ca�itt.�e at t � m,eeting relatiw! o the Auatok,a �ounty praposal to havo M�oore Lak� open to a11 Coua residaaat8. ' : C�a►}�S,_ Ligb.t� are beiag pi far ane so�Etbali diamo�d tbis spriag. � �� ' 2'here beiug no furth�r busfn�e, thl� m�etiz�g was ad j our�ad. I . � Itesp�etfully eubmitt � ' �'W:'luCi Ao S�niSi�9QA ' Actir�g s�cretary t�o th{e S�ir-caaamitt$e , � � � •. RO�IM• ru��us t.��ves r.��wK� ►ro�• �«.w,,w ......u.. •�r/+► �. ►t+waw� �MMwN w. �wwtw KtMYtNI t.tll�tM wo�i� �. � D�AM M..I�NI»�M KI�M�110 RNp�K�I� 7NOMA{ D. �[IN�t11• •AMOLY M.�(Lll• ���� �_w�w���« MYL w. �w�rcw ��wwtwC� i���[ OOMIILO C•NAM�ON KtMIK7N A.r(AA10M •!OM[ M. a[wMl[v ROKM J. TMt[O♦ ��Yl ■YM[A♦ {LL107 ItA�LAM MI�I�L J�60�M�KI JO�[�N �twwr �e�r e.w�ct a.�. �o�[M�awwr KAAI� �./OA�1[TT[ Ilt� �yI��T�IN w�tM s. ��wv��s M�M�M �.M�ACY• ,I�111�1 �. 1»�Mf M ♦ •��Nt�' �. MMw M�w��y �.Mf'Mt� dAMf� l.�tt7(R►t MORMM� t.�YM��I [OWAAO A. �01NNIK JOMM I.TAM�OANINO lAW 0��1C[i ROSI'N�. DAVis • LYON3 �MfNN[lOTA •UI101M0 �AINT ��u� i Ii[r. Lrarl Wa�ser, l[�aa�r Cit1► of Fridle� g481 Uni�ersity Avenue Yinneapoli� sl, i[innesotia $e: 865-$O17 � D�ar l[r. Wasner: CAPIfAI �-i��� Yuch 15, 1�63 MINN [��OL1• RAMO T�rtR '� On behalf oi the Hotel i� lt�staurant� Union, I wish to espreas �r tbanlcs to �an aad the CitT Caun�'il for the satisi�►ctor� campletion oi o�r rtwnt se�otiationa aa¢t for ti�e n�ew resolution on wase� and conditions fe� the liquor store emplo�eeo. � � mb cc: Fa� l�'rawley Sincere�jr, IiO�BIl18, DAVIB � LYOl�TB � . � Danie (�. J�►cobaw�i�i � � ,,` ���� M ��� � U� �� �