07/15/1963 - 6038I.� CATA�C�L - JULY 15 0 1963 � . � • -_ : .; �� ��:� �►�+_-_ __� lE��tt18r I� 31�g e �71�1y 1 s 1963 �{; �^�?r r.::_��..--�oa�d of Tqu�l3�ation� �ttly 8, 1963 � � _� � �us�,;�„s � Noa� pag�s 1. - a2 Pag� 23 US �SS a � o Public �eari�g - Fx�nal P13� - Lots 7&�, U�1� Block 1� Spri�g Lake Park Lakssidra Page 24 i �r ' ��- ,�,e � o Puh13c Hearit� on Im�ravm�at� - SW #61 Pages 25 - 2 7 � �_.____ _ �-°1 - - _.._ � 3 R�solution o�rderi�g Im�so�e�t a�ci Fiaal " ��% Pl�us � Speea - 5�+1 #Gl i i �( � � ! `! : � .- Iaage 28 (� ri� ��� � -__x��� ___ Boa�d of Appe�ls. �1�1y 3, 1963 Pag� 29 W�� _ �o P�.atmiag Co�a3s�3.ario 3�t3y 11� 1963 Page� 40 - 43 ________ ._______.__�__ a� Coa�anicatio�as: Pages 30 �- 32 �� n...�¢�+ �,���� a�� Cit-y A�t S.�+ce�tSe Bo$�ds , �- ." � � f b� Pi0�0C'L` $�.7�y"'�1@ �'r04.'P e "' j�@8� �/yj ri i , ; �. ,, �_ r F} � � , _ ... --- ------3_�_ ' i� �i;ii'�'� � Q �� �t.�i �, ��we�.�.1.�.�.� .�� 'n �i��iC�'a�'9��r r C � _'y,� , ,--cZ"-� ,'1� rCc.�« n�„� /� A �"/ { `/' i ��,4!��3 P/�. �� �� � �f M_.. - - � J ��h"""'�� W��-'�}�--�-'�// ��C���L� ���`} y`r �.nl V �..4.�..,q"_�-t. '�'� �$'f4�At3 Q . . ► 6 v.L�� ^_ . __.. ,, __ _ � ._ r� e T.���at�s v � : � ---- � o C.'0�888t8 oa � �� _ _ 0 iteg cuu SS #51 by Co�►aul.ting �a�gi�xs _ � ,,; t n � u��... � ���� ,, �r �t�� ,_ tt�ts ,�1,°rf� ���e. . �i�d�satioaa of Zastallati.ou og Pressuse . _. �,, , � ,�y� . �C�~ . '^� ..__��---°���-��--.c+'^�" f�°' R!",..C•�KA'.-r2-�4..{' V. . ._.�. .._.. .. „ �ag� 33 P� 34 Fac�e 35 P$c,�� �b � 3i �P�g� 3� . ..� . _�p� ��� - ��'� �..1'.:'' �f ✓ C�iJNCZL AGBDiD�A - CotZtinu�id J'txly 1.5, 1963 �---- � .� •�'y� : 1.� A Cw�uaication - res v�dars Paqe 39 e�.a✓. ' / "„` /�' `�' l �: E Z�ti <- �°°-v-c-�___.1.1 t S- r 9 G 3 � J y /t� cA �rn � c , ��' ,. �'Z � `.. � ` E t } ��� � s 3� Y�TS - J�TLY 15, 1963 • �..os�m�mosaer�u�r�o��� r���s r�w� 0�1D �USi�$SS i � :P �_ sus ss: 1 e PUBL�C EISA�,SNG P.�tifi Y,i�1T�S3C�S s shell will b� - F28TAL PIeAT �- LOTS 7 AND 8, BIACK 1 s SPRI�ZG LAS� �be �iotice of 8eariag is an pago 24 e The hare3- availa�ble at the Couu�cil �egtinq . 2 o r�8z.gc ��nt� � n�seRa�vst�Drrs sw #61: �he r�otice of �ear�.ag is on p�ages 25 an,d 26 anud a su�mta�ry of tlie preli��cy assess- a�aent roil is otz page 27 a Also, an paqe 27 are t�e peti�ioai n� bers fo� �ach part of the proj�cte In the env@1ope. wi�h thi.� aq��aB is a 65 page gsel3�ait�ry assess�ent roll far t�iis pr� j�ta I wi.11 ha�s the �rigiaals of the petitioais available a� the uu�eting' if �ed. , 3 m RESO�,UTION ORnSRING Z1�PRa� AND FIatAL PLANS AND SP'SCS � SW #6�. o • �his r�so�.�ian is oa page 28. Ths �►ibit "Ap re£esxed to ia� t'!�e sesoluti.ou i� an pages 25 aa�d 26 0 � �o Bt� OF AP� ° JtiY�� 3, 1963: T'h�:se miautes are on page 23�, �e boa�cd ree�ded graatinq �he earianc�. I wi�.]. have �he o;rig�al application aauZ ple� plaa at fi.l� a�eting far yo� ��� ��ian� 5 a FI�AI�I�TG CQ�SSI�i �tat�s � �in� to �qensla on pagea 40 � JCTLY 11. �.963 s I will not lzav� th�sse eoaa�a�eat oa� �, but they will be in the tbrough 43e 6 . C4��ig�ATATi�TS x � aj �ity Attoarae� - Liee�se Box�ds: A letter iraa the City �tto�ney o�n page 30 ,ia self-e�planatagy. Th� l�t.�ac re� f�e�c1 to by the� Cit�' Attarne,� is on p�e �1. If t.�e �out�i3. wi�ies �o have ti�e City Attamoy proceeci wit'i� ax: ord3.a�aace � reco�ded by hi�n, you caa ordes said ordinaace by motion. �b� i�roject si�i-one co�po�atioaa - r�as�: �lie letter oa� p�e 32 is s�lf-explanatoryo Ig t.1�e Council wi�h�d this 2Q by 9� €� builai�g constructed im�ediately adjacent to �he� smmgd�es Dru�t stare g the 8aa�e rmnfi:ai t�ms woulci app3.y e b�t ttte Couricil would have �o waive the 80 foo� setback fresn �he service reacl by permittiaeg a reductioa �0 60 fe�t v � �. � J�S - JULY 15, 1963 (Cou�9.uued) �aj s�o Williame C�u�c� - cul�de-asca Councilman wolke a:�ed �hat I place this matter on tbe ag�eada, since th+� chu�ch appar�atly wishea to b� the outlot of the Ha].iday 8ilis �ddi�ion a�d would wigh to have ao roads ru�ing ti3xough iciuis outlot, which would r�quise that a cul-�de-�ac be p�.ao�ai at the end o€ the romd raa�aaiing thgough the preseait p�.at�ed part of Soliday �ti].1s �icaditiox�. I wi].l I�ave the �ig�.raal plat availabl� �or you� considera�i.oa aud if p�ssibl�, Z wi.li prese�►►t this mat��.r to the Elats and subdivisioas Sub-►GCUmr�.ttee and �e Plaauing� Casnmi�sion befa�� t;his CoutLCil n�eeti.ng a 7 o CLA�S o C�.a�t ntta�b�ss ar� an �ge 33 a Detail. of �]ae elaim� is includc�c3 ia th� envelope with the ag�a o �o ESTI�R�Ss Z�ie estimates ioa� �git�axiag serviees fo�r th� �.eser � pro j ects are partial est�.mates aad wil1: be fou�3 oas gage 340 � o Lit��SES b'T'he licenses ase listed on page 35 0 �.� a R���t� O�T �S #�1 BY CONSULTInTG EI�tG�3 s Tli� utiemo £�ora �he . �inaa�� Director whieh �h@ GODUeil mns$dered a� �he �taly la 1963 n�t�.aq is on page 36 attd th� cshronology af this project is oa pa,ge 37a Discussioa of �his mat�er at tY�e �'u].y 18 1953 a�eet�g is found on page 17 of this agenda e l�ir. Co�tock advi�e� that they will �av� a repaa� x�ady far tts� Cou�racil at t.lie �ing M�ondsy night. I� i� i,s reac�y 3a� t�e to go out wifi�a •th�.s age�da, it will be in the envelopo wi�tYa �e ageaciao 110 �P�O�S 3 a T�ae two appoiata�nta o� paqe 38 are sel f-explaa�am �arg� q M�r o Hug� meatioued to a�e ti�t a l�r o Wh#.taeg Graef �3.ght be a qoad replace�eat oa this cc�aittee, al�howgh he dic3 no� f+es3. that he ahould mak� aa� r�oaimer�da.tion as a replac�- z�s�t o 1�r a Gz�aef lives �.a Catatici2maa Wolke's watd o �� p �SI ION OF IN3TALLATiO�TT 4F PRE33tiR� PtJMP a I do not have �he ��a faac cast of iastallatioa oi tlgis pumg to neaiata3,a $res�u�e i� Masian 8illse but I will hav� it at �he m�eting. i�s��x�.].b, a� are groceec�ing t2�r� Co�ostack & Davis, Iuc a �e3 the City �agiaear to d;esiqa t2ais facility, ord�r the �atez- 3.a1sm ,�n+d ef£�t th� install�t9.oa st t1�e eatliest mwnenta 13 0� ICAT��T - RS: V� s�e lettes ou pag'� 39 is self- '� expl�atarya I wc�id suqgest re��cring this to the Ci�y Atto�ney fos r�rie� an�d reco�datican at the next meeti�g. ' • :r.� y , ���.�?. C4UNCII,, N�ETING - JULY ]., Z9�3 ��e�tlar taee�in� oP the Ci�y Council af the City of Fridley was ca�.�.ecE i��z ordex tay �'Fayor Nee at $:1�? P.�I. �U:�I� C�I�L: P�e�%ers �"res��a�: I�€e, Broak� 5heridaa, �`a:ik�, Jc�s��nsc�n as�ived a� ��: �.� :: ,�?v ��bers Ai�sen't: �orse A�'P�4�'AL OF 2�ITiU'l�� - F�GUI.AR A�ETING��T[[JN� 17� ?��'. �dm.;�ax I�e� st��ed h� �a�shed minutes ot' June 17r 1963 ��ar�ec�ea on a��.r;£� 7=',-e+ ����.:�n�; �he Pe�rson �ezaning Request 3n i;h� se��o�d �ar��u��r� to ���� c.; "�'��: ;:.sa. i��� ��ec�taeaicec� �o �x��ti�t 3.f T+fix. �'earsoa wou�.d �s�sj�e� to ��a ��?�1 zc��i?:�; x=:��;}:: <a i;�a��: R<•� �nd exp2a�.ne� tY��e I�-3 �rmits a��a�:�,ex° u�' �t�.cr �a��w �" Ci�y Avtox7aef S�i:�i� req��sted �h� Ci�y Co�x�ci3. ccsr�e�c°� r�3.nu��� c�� ?:'���.;� :., �i Jun� I?, �g63 �,�etin�; ux�de� the title o� �������y C�s°di�a��e �"�'�+G) •ta s,�a� th�f, an emex�ency o�din�nce �24� ��as u�oved by Co��ci�nar� ��s�3�.e o • i��vian by Wo3ke t� a�e;nc� minutes to z�ead tha� �sn Ox�dinance ���EO w�:�r, ��r�E;c by C���nci��a� Wo�.k,� A Seco�ded �Sy ���r�ician. �i}ac+x� ��ra�ice vote s�he�� '�s�ir x;�aa x+a��:9 �Y�e �o�io� cara°��c� �aiaan3ra�t��1.�, �� d�.�n by S}a�:��4.d�� �� sp��°ove �h�: r�inu�;�c a� w�e �e��ai�.r i�c�`r,ia�g c�:s' :i �ar 4- �.Z, i��� a� p�ep��ecip ca��rec�eci anci s�ce�.v���. :��c�r��x�r�. �y :E��o�a'�u tdp�s-:r c: �5�;,,;..,�-� �►c��E-�, �.h��e bein�, no na�►�, t,%e mo��.csT� e€�s�r°L�c� r����:��.�,o�ss:�.y. A��:(1V�Lt, ��' ��l��tl'`�'E� - ��.�CI�L r�`d'Il�'�r �'ui� c��s �.��'. 1�Aat�.���. b�y Wo�e tcs appxove tbe minutes o� �hQ �g�c�al. ��e'cinu ��° =�'4�?.�4 `� ��.. %;?�� �s pxepar�d �:nci rece�.ved. Secandpci by Shex°idana Upan a�vo3c:u ��� �: �,h.���. �e�n� ao nay°s, the mntio� ca�ried �r�ani�ai�s7.y � �i�} '3L� ��S : ��,y�r �ee a�a�eounced �hexe �aas no ald business � 1k�4�T �3L�Il'�i�SS: ��iiC HEI�RIlVG ON ASSESaN.�R"rS - SW �i'S9= . �age 2e I�yor Nee aanounced this was e public hearing on SeWer and Water I�aprov�:�ent � E'ro�ect �59. The City 1K�ne.ger read the Notice of H�ar3ng. P�a.yor N�e �.����ir�d ��' �thexe were anyone present who �rished �o be Lleard regax'ding the $bove .'�es- cr3bed puUlic hearing. l�r. Ernest Powell oP 6241 Sunrise Drive was px�;��-�nt to speak �rith r�gard to �3rd Av ue and s�ated he had no ob�ectfonsm �ai.:re -�as no one present �ho expresse�opposition. Mayor Nee declared i:�ie pub=D lic hearing closede The Finance Offiaer explained i�,o the City Co�ancil that he and Mra Comstoak, consult3n� enginee�, had diseussed this ffiattyr and 8gs�eed tha.t Ple.n �1 presented to the City Cou�ci2, as illuatreted, =a�s the most saceptable . Mayor IQee e,nnnunced that a motion would be in or�i��� for a reaolutis�n oa same o RES4LUTI4N �107-196�3 ADOPTING T� ASSESSP+�NT BOI.L SW �59= � __.___..._... »..o�._.__ ____�. __.. Motion by Johanetin to adopt Resolution �1Q7-1963 a8op�ing the ass�ssment aoli Por Sewer and Water Project go. 59 �asea� fln Pl.an �l as pres�r�f�d �y �the Finance OP�icer. Secoaded by 3heridan. Upon a'voice vote, thes°� be�.n� no nays, the �otion carrfed unanimonsly. �vBZic �n�a ox xr�ovEr�rrT - sw �63: Mayor iVee annouaced th3s was a public hearing on Sewer and Water Tmpra�e= ment �63. The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing on improverc�nts� i�syor Nee iaquired if there was anyone present who wished to be heard r�- � gerding the above described i.mprove�nt. Mr. Robert Jensen, at�o2ney f�;� �the Studeb�ker Corporation, �ddresg being 2400 lst National B�nk, P�inn� �apolis, appeared before the City Counci1. re�arding Pa.rcel �+700- i�'o Jensera sxpa�es�ed his th�znks �o ithe C�ty Cowac3.I. �or al].owing him tr� be �eerd and �cp2aine8 the f irst notice sent ta h3s client was misla:ld> �e stai�ed that his client's baaic ob jeetion was the� they did no�C pe��.tian For this ia�prov�emeat and were making no profitable use of the property at this time, that it became neeessary to point out ob�ec�t3oa�s rP�rdiu� costs on both water end sewer. He further �tated his clients fo�a���t th� al�ternative asaessmen�t �ore proYitable because it forced the ari����'toi to pay a�re proportionate share. He su�geeted to the Ci�y Counr;�.� �t,2c:.i: in eiew oP the fact they sre only improv�ag v$cant 1and, 3t would nc�t �ae> s��asanable to make the water and sewer be�efits per square foo'� �eli�i�i-��- ly difPerent. Another alternative suggested by Mr. Jensen and an� �gE: aceeptab�e �to the 8tude�aker Corpvratian would be if the �ouncil Y�?�rs wil?iix� to defer assessffients until svah a time when they Y�ve an s��g�or�A tunity to make a profitable use of the praperty, �hat it wae pos��.ble �.�D�dat givea some other nse nnder the present zoning, this sewer and wa;��° �woubdn't be ade;uateo Mr. Jensen requested the Council eutertain ths tY�ought to defer or at leest consider the poss3b31ity of mak3ng a dist:�cr tic�n between the assessment by Studebaker Corporation or by tl�e F�re �-�r Res� Ho�, that it uas not necessary to �3nd a present beue�it ia� orde� to 3nstall an imprnvementl the p�cessnt benefit being one oi . the �'��c�orr> that should be considered by the Co�ancil. Mr, Jeneen stated tl� im�rc9���- me�at to tbe Pure Air Rest Ho�e 3� 3�ediate and requeeted a recoz���.derr�� tion an the present basis of the assessmentee � C�.� ,� o • I�yar �be� inqu3.red oP Mr. Coms-tock, cox�sulting engineer, if thi� ��re now based o� the plan �a�ere �he Pu�re Air R��t Homse assumes i:he �c�s� o�° the crassings. The Finance d�'Picer expZained the new crossings v��=.�id be a�art af this contract an�i th�s ia inciuded in the prices presentcd, tha-t ihere are twa proposed metho�s o� rec�verin� �the es�stsy one by essessing all properti.es on a f'xent fo�� nasis and the alternate would be chsrging �the Pa�re Air Rest Efl� �che adciitiona2 �6,732. Couna�.lmax� Wolke inq�ir�d who owned Parae]. ��+7Q0 and was to�.d the Studebak�r Cosg�ration and Northern Urdnanae owns �the bal.�.nce of the properiy. Mr4 �a.�ison 37ilworth� attorney, whose adda°ess is W-1252 lst l�ational Bank �1u31ding, St. Paul app�ared be�'ore the City Council Pepresenting th� I'ure Air Res� Home on the alteruo�e a.ssessment of assessing t�.e totAZ cast of crosaing to �he Pu�e Air Res� Home. He state8 that, ul� tir�a�eiy, the Studebaker Corparation land wouZdt benefi� from this ara:���.ng, and in the even-t th�y would get wb.at is refexred to as a we� iadus�ry�, t%ey would have to tear this line up regardless� Councilman Joixanson inquired of P�3r. �omstock, consvlting eng3.neer, i�' they were foli�wing the p�oposed 3ayaut, tbat �e had noticed on the service road ther� was � water main end the City Council.l�d ��e� t�ld �hey could not use i�. Mr. Coa�stock answered they still had no clearance on i� but, he fs3t, �the City o�' Fridley could prevail on the State to vse this f��ntag� roar.'� Counci�..Tohanson requested to 2�now if this was a unit price bid, i�. Cm�stack expl�ined �his was ths plan tha�: bids were received on, t�it ut3Zity permits had been submitted �o t�e M3nnesota State Highway �e- • part�nt and they were tald the� did not iike to permit u-tiZities s�n � Prontage road but the C3ty of Fridl.ey h�d been a.ble to prevail on the 5tate previotasly, City Eng�.ne��r ��own �tated �e h�e� been ia c�n�act wi�b �he Minaess�ica Highway Departm�nt on another matt�r amd had inqu�.red a�out the u�i].i•;;r permit o 212e sta�tement made by th� State Hi �hway Depaxtt�►ent had �e�:n th�t �this plan wauld not be approved and �ihe consu2�ing eugin�ers w�r� told over � month a�o that it could be in ihe right-o��way but no't ',ncica�f� t�e p8ver�ent. The City Engine�r �artl�er s�ta•�ed that accardin� to � I�tte� from t�e consulting engine�x� the chang�s were made by the �igh-• w�.y D�pasrtment and �hey s�y tney wo�al.d not approve it at all. 1�. Comstock, co�asulting en�ineer, exp3.ained i� the origi�.al high�ay repor;; submi�ited by his concerri to the MiztYtesota Highway Departmea���, this hs.d beea� submitted and it was now part of �69� and they wou1� alini. aao utal3.ties iaside the proposed feace. Their next cho3ce was ic� rr.�v� the utilit3es out in th� Prontage road and the highway department ��c��i�3 not e�rove thism Y�ir. �omsicock furicher exp3a3ned the purpose of �� fro��';� a� rosd is to ser�vice the �butt3ng prog�er�iss, and they had assxz:�ec� �c:�cay° wmuld have more conversation on this item begore they woul.d get .3;���0��:. b�t d�?c� x"eel the�► could preva3). on 3t. Mr�.yor Nee inquired i� thu :��a-��: Highia€�y T?epartment de�i�d this x�quest, ��ould ii� then com� back ���a �he co�nci�.. Councilman Sheridan inquired i� the fronta�e road woulr� i�e � cit� street and was told it would be. l�r. Cfla�sstock stated they �rc�a�l€� not recommend to the City Council any moving of utilities until th� S�,�f>e • Hi�hway Department said they had to, as this was a log3cal spo� ��a in���3��. the facilities; Purther, the permit ha.d been sent in June 5�h. i Fa,ge � o � There w�s no one present Proa� Northern Orcinaace in �avor oi' or ia� opposition �o the propose8 impxovementa I�ayor Nee declared the h��� fxag alosed, City Attorney Smith explained to the City Council they would haee to make e determina�ion that they were going to proceed because 3f they deciaed afPirmatively, then they couJLd take up the question of �.e��tin�: the bids. The method of assessment would �►ot he.q� �o be determined tt.i� eveniag but a de�iermina�3on �as neceesary to go ahead with the pro�e�� and consider bids �hat were before tYaem and an afi�irmati�re vot� �a�is neces��ry be�ore �}�� �id� e�uld b�: �k�n �.�z�o consideratiano Councilz��.� �c�hansom stated tb,s,t he wes canaerned abou� the 3retting oi bids due �:c� the con�'us3on �P dif%rent points �sken into consideration. i�soLtrrs��� �1o8-Ig&3 u�o��Er1T s��3: Matfon by Wolke to adopt Resolution �i08-1963 aad P='aceed with ir�r���� raent No� �W 63. Seeonde@ by Sheridan. Upan a roll call vote, -t�ose votir�g aye, �xook, Sheridan, Wolke, �Iee . Thoee op.posed, Joh�.rison � T�otion carriedo I�+S�ya� Nee inquired o�F 2�ro C�tock ��.s.t �s �3�rbs� Cqns�r�ation �aas tY�: low b�.dder and thexe wa.s a r�co�senda�ic,mm on it at tile las� Cou�a�il • meetin�, would th3s recommendaiian stil.l be in efPect and �ss t�ld it 'aasa Couz�c3.l�n iw'olke introdueed the �'ollowia�� xesaltrtioa and �ved Z�� a�•:r;E�- io�o RESOI,UI'i4N N0. 109-�9&3 � � RESOI�UTIt3N As7�irlG CO2�'1'RACT �P3 SEt,1�'R AI�1D WA�R �3 B� IT RESO�VED BY THE COUi�CiZ OIa' T� CTTY OF i�'RID?�EY9 M7.���TA, a� follawss 1 � The C�uncii iinds that the lowes�t responsible bidder for ec��;str�aw��.on ai the improvemen� Ws�rk designat�d as: Sewer and t�at�r Project �SW63 3s Herbst Construction Co., }.GSQ H�:��� �10 �Iiuneapcflis, Minx3esota; whose bid is the amount oi $20�23Z ��.�� ��i�':,h �omgletion tiime as specified. Tbat ssid b�.d is hereby acce��nt�d' s�.� the C3.ty �fanager and Ma.yor in of:Piee on: 8ate of execiation c►j` the c�n- trac� are hereby authorized and directed ta enie� into a cc�r�trac� �itch s��d b3ddear flox and in behal� oP �he Ci�y oP Frid2ey. A�OPTED BY TFiE COIJA3CIL QF R�7E CI`I'Y C�F' �7ctID�,EY TSY.S 1ST DAY C�F .7t����� 29630 � . ..,_..r.� s � lypy � _ Willaam J �. i� �a +� T'�' �iANAGER - Earl P. Wa�ner � • F�ge 5 . 2�.� m��ion fox the adoptian of' �he above ��8olution taas dul.y �e�anc�ed b�r Courtc3�mag Shexidan and upon a voice vote bein� taken theree�a, �,�� Yc�llawin� �et�bexs vof,ed in �cavax 'theret��: Sherie]an, Wol.ke, �roak� id�e o Thc� fo11ow3n� rne�eb�rs voted a�,a.ins� tYa.e same: Jobanson S�JtTki�EUUPaN SAID RESQ�t3TI0N WAS BECi�,RED Di3�.Y PASSED AND AAOi'TED. Pi�BLTC H�ARIIVG -�'INAL PLAT - RIVERWO�JD MAN�: A'L�yc�s� 1Vee: annoutnced this was a public h�ar�ng on t�he �inaZ p].at a�' l�ivf-a�� wt�cr� Mg�.crr, The City Mana�e� �ead the I�oiice of Hesxing. �'�eyox I�iee sta�ed the City Cau�ci3. had r�ceived a Ze'�ier i� th3.s re�ro Yra� �d. 3.. ��ge3.hax�t asking �'h��t a�s�ss�en�ts for ut3.�.�ties be ca�rput.ed on z�. �.on�<. t�rm bes3.s Yor payments . l�yo� T3�� aske� i� ihe. e ta�re �nyane pr�sen� who wished to be heard regarc3in� the iinal plat of Riverwooci N1sno:�� �r, �oc�$a�d Crabtree oi 7100 East River Ra,.�d wtzs prese�at and statec h� wz3s the owxiex of Lo� �3 iu �he par�ap�se�. ���3.�ki�ra. �auaxcilman Joha�so�a i:aquis�c� regardin� the s�re�� i� �he aare� �ncl ��c. Cr�btree sta�d �.� wf�s a 6(3 fao� s�txe��. ��unci�..mar� SvTol�� req�aested an explant�t�.o�x c�f tYE:: s�re�ts in the area and the City Engineer expla.ined sameo No one a}speared fca Qpposi�cion to the Pinal pin� aY� Riverwoad Nlanor, May�� Nc�e c�eclaret� the pubTic hearin� cloeed> �ds�t�,�n by Sh�x�d�ca tc� �����p� ��ai.s s.s t�:�� �'�.��w:�. p�.�� o� Ri�?ex°�s� :�z��x�.. S�conded by BYCSO�a Up�s�a a�ra�ice �wo�c, �Q:h�x� �in� �o nays,� the mc7�s�or; cr�r�ied una��anou��.y .� d�s��a��i�n ��.� �a�'��i a� z���essm�nts �nd w� ��:h 3 r;f; � had ��aia�in�s a City Ert�ine�r �ro��� ��a�t�d ��.a�,, r�� pxesent, i:her��= we���� tcac� lots with hcsaa^es o� �2?es�< hfation by ��:olke ti�.�t al�. impro��nQents i� �th� p�.a� �af' Fivex�rovc� Marx��x wh�:re iclaere are existi�g homea i�� an a��i �►�a� basis and ih� '�alatik�e o� �kle plat where there a�e new lo�s are �o �e assesaed �an � one ;n�ax besis the same as hes pr�viously been dox��e Seconded by �3�ohanson•. i��x� s. v�aice vo�:, �here� heing na nays, ��e �u�iax� caz�ciecA eanani.�;��.zs1�J . B�S - ST � 1�63-1 ( OPEI�TED NaON L�3ULY i, i963 �: T:�e Ci�y P�at��r stated he had opened the bids �itb City �ngiaeea ��c�wn �r�d �+arrell Clark o� the Engineeriag Dep�rtment preaent. `.�?�a i:alldwin� bids wer� announced as pcce3.ved: �d��.� and Address :t'�d �eourit��Lt� sum Bid �oa:p�.�t��.aYi�.��.te -- — - -..,�._._ ., ....r.. ,..4.�....� ._.., :..�. �..... A�.���rade.r Constsuct�.aia Co. 4�1 :�{�.�oa.tha Avenue - I�p].E . Travelers 5� iBs.rton Contracting Co. Travelers 5°� �i66E'.O� I��t1Y1. ��3,�87.15 �F'�r200.00 6C � �2eZ :c�.� r ��y�s jC� �;�le��±��?�:i' nSy,'r � � �� �� i�a� �nd ABdress Bi Secur y I,vmp Sum Bid C� %�30� �s� ;� .. ,...... e.,�.�_. Aunkley Surfacing Co., Inc. �lmerieax� Iu�> Co. $33:79'7•�a 3756 Grand St. N.E. - Mplse 5°� Ce S, MeCrosasan� Inc« Pac3f�c National �7jd16,1� Rou�e 2, Box �?2 - Ossseo Ins. Co. 7l20 C��,�s�d�• Days 75 Ca1�nd�.x° Days Nlay�r PTee re�;.:�� ��a a areco�ndation oi City En�,�.neer B:°�wn. Tl�e �3�y� Engin�r �ta�ed Mr. Dunk�.ey aP Dunkley S��aci�ag Co., Tnc:. �ad called an�� se.id he I�d made an errb�° in his b�.d �x�d wir�ised �a b� �e:.�a.sed o�' the a,r:A;raa �.''he error war� i�a �a�aC�'�te curb and ��ter �omputing. Mr. Dunkley h.wd sta2ed he l�ad b3.d at $i.19 per floot and he hact t�an� to b:.d at $2. �.9, He had said if the City Council would allow him to have ii for $2.� he wo�sld be �avorablea Ci�y Engineer Brown asked City Attorn�y Smit�. Por a r�comaendation. City d�ttorney Smith sta�ted that as �hi� �;�s the lov bid the City CounCi�. would aeed �o �3.ve Mrti Duas.kley notice ti�� Y�e ad ten days �a en�er into �Cbe ec�n�ract and su���s-�d �h� i Councl.!. accept hi�; 1�id es �Y�.e 3.0� b3d and perhaps as n e�cond part of' ��ae motion �;ha�t it b� �ta�ed tnat in even� he would de�aul� �o enter into the coz�trac� a� re�:::s.red, that the �ity M�xnager be authorized to �.ve r�a�icc to the �ex� 1�?z�est b�dd�ra Cf�y A-ttcrrney Smith explained that A�r. T}uttic].ey mi�t eho��se no�� �,a euter 3nto the cox�trac� and iose the bici . Couaeilmen �'ohanson requeated to knaw bow xouch work Iulrr. Dunkiey had `.e��. 3n �`ridley. City Engineer Bxot�m xeplied that 2�p bun�aey ��a�. �bou� i.t�'i o� 15°� le�'t o� th� work ?a� was dni.rs�e Coaamei].m�an ��Y�a.n.s�on sag�est�d ��r� the Ci.�y C;ounci�, that 1�6c, Dun�kley iae h��.d �� th�.s �rid a�ci i.f iae wv��al� chos�se nc�t to e�2tes� �.�to �he ca�ai:�a�t, �h�� 3� 1a� �i.�m to th� ne�-� lo�a l�idder o Motion by Wolke �a accen� the bid o� Dunkley Su�facing Co., Inc., 375� Gp�d St a Pt. E s, in �he amount o�' $33s 197•82 and in the �v�nt, wi�hlxi i;e� days 3t ie nat aceepted, the City Council. would grant th� awax�3 ta A��xander Co�,s�ruction Coe, #&41 Iiiacaatha Avenue in the na�sunt of ��3,�B7-�S� Seconded by Brook. Upor� �. voice vote� there being nc nays� t�.e mot3oa c��rie8 unaniz�ously. i�ti%LDING BO�RD I!�ETIl�G, JUNE 23„ 1. � � 0 OF T4i0 0 FOR BU2LDING PERMITS BY .�r^•RNARD � IT�,a `.�hhe City Manag�r read the recommenda�ion. o� the Buildin� Board. Nir. 3���.� kawski wa� pz�esent in Pavor of the applications a Motion by Joi�an�ctr� t�3 ccs�acug with the r�commendation of �he Building Eoard and apgron� #,he �.��u�- � �zance o� two 'bui�.ding permits to Bernard Julkowski Por e�evexi uz�i{�, �p�_~�.�. �ax-� b��ldin� at �5Q -?5th Avenue Northeast ead 47& - 75th Aven�,:� 1Vo���;v- east. Second.ed by Sheridan. Upon a voiae vote, there bei.ng no �ys, ��:� �ao�ion carx�i�d unani.mously. � : � � q :��t; �r :_ a�; � : : i ��i�� Pa�;� 7�;. r"�t A CEN�NT Al+� �'���� - � F�ET BY 7Q ��'S ' The City ��.nager pead the recoa�aendation of the Bu3lding Boe.rda Pio��or� by J'ohanson to concur with the recommeadation o� the Bui2ding Bo�...:�d a�c. approne the issuance o� a 8uiidin� pexynit to Bernard Julkowski %r a c��zzf: ana etQe�. inau$tr�.a� �u�.ut�ng st T7].� F3r Stxe¢t Nartheas�. S�conc��d �J wolkeP Co�a�scilman Sher3dan etated that �n the Bu3idiag Board Minu�es �he� wa� giv�n an est3mated aost o� $65,4QO.Ot3 and 3nqugred if thie fuclud�c� ^�hE equi�ent or just the buiid3ng. �. Ju�.kowski was present a.nd ex:�in�c� �i�.3s �ras just tL�e bu3.iding but it would 8e built in sectic�� aud •�,'!�� +ea,e buildin�g would be ex�end�d for an en�ixe block m 1+9�yor RTee inquis�±� if ihexe wers any ui�il3tv sexYvices i.n '�hia ar�a ax�d w�,s told there �r�.� n�m� < Upr�� a vo3ce vo�e, thepe being no n�.ys' �t3ae mo��,o� aars�ied unan3mor�sly� ��rr� cor��ssa� r�r�rac, �a� 27, �. 3 • . Lil17Si1Yir1Y�1J ��LI �SiLiS�LYLT "� l�X�G`aL1Sl�m• 1VWtiVl99 �� !`lEi9 4ilti �f'[.7��J.Li t'.iVL.LA4/dl �w�`. � Mayor Nes anaounced this wss a con�inuecl public hearia�g on �he rezc�n��� o� Auditor °s Subdivris3on �89, 7rots 2 aad 3 to R-3 and Lots �+ thro*:a��. l:, �o Ft-3A , Motian by Johanson tco co�cur wii� t}� rtcomar�ndat3on o� the Plana��.�� Cox�mission on the rezon3.�g and orde� a ptt�iic hesrin� fln Auditor's ::ui�r division �89j I.ots 2 and 3 to R-3 and Lots � thrnugh 13 ta R-3Ao Seconded by Wo].ke. �Ipon a voice vote, there bein� no nays� ihe m�t:ion carried ua�anim�uslyo B�RRETT & i{FiABTZ AP�1RT1�;N'�P {�FtOUP PLA1V REVISI(� �1 - BAYES RIVER L0.'� : �W .��... .r��=� `�� City Menager read t.he recom�eendatirnae and proposals of the P].�.��x� Commissioa a�zd contact with P�. John Hanse�, �uper3nteutdarst of ScT��o2 D�.striet �x�s also the storm seTaer relocations stree�s and dedicafi���ns �e�essary plus cau�eways aad openin� into the river so there wota�.� be e f�e f�.ow into the �iver n Ft wae explained �o tife City Coezncil t�e archiiects are drawing site p3.ana. Mr. �a.rre�t anc7. N�r> Krauz wexe present �o answer questions. 1�SayvP Nee suggested �o the City Cat�ac3.�. �he aetting aP hearinge �or vaca�ion� . The City 1Kauag�er explaine� �:he�� ��t�u�.*� be three or �our meetings be�oxe al]. the it�fas�►a�ion woul.d be ava�.�ab1e and then the Council cou:�d a.ct a� same� �Io�ion by Johanson to concur with th� recom�enda�3ot3� of the P].an��:.r;� • Co�iss�.on and set public hearin�s for vac�ting thQ;; �rtion of Cl�•�.�s Stre�t l�ing West of Anna Street. Secot�ded by Wo2ke. Upon a vaice �ot�'� there 'being no nays, th� �e�..r� ser'�ied unanimously. • F�:�.:.� �3 ,. 5�.��1i r6 �O�s) EAST RIQEf�I,AND Ct7tTiii� - Lt3R�IE J0�5Q�"s�': F'��")��;�,a "t� c?3. g . 2�: �..-� �.,.. �32� C:L�y I�iaanm.g�a� r�€�d the reca�mu��da��vn o� t&e i'1.��ania�g Com�aiss�.���> �:�'-4,y �?f:��oxzse� SmS.th ��g�st�o �o �he Ci�y Cc�tanci3. th� v�s�a�ing o�' s'�r��:�s, 'c�.�t �.s 1�layo� �Ve� ��C�.vec�, the Ci�y �t�.� �o �?��i�� to c�eve].o� �ai�h �Y�e �+��;�ee�- �att�� f.Y�ere 1.� a� pr�sentp �na1 so�one t•ar�uld ��cax�u��.�.y mak� �xsP �r� ��.: ;3 vacaf,erl s-�re�ts . ��,�10� by W��.ke �� conc�:r w��h th� ��as�r�dat3aa� s��' �la� P.�.���ain� ��,�.tr:E.:_:��.�r� a�ai� phcsc��c1 wi�.L iP��: �catic+n o�' t�aa f`a�3�. ���.d.�h st���s �zxtd a13 W�� �::'�.r: �r�s s��a,����. �r;� �edi��4irst2 ��or s�re��t p:�c�se� t�P 3U' R/� a�.a� �h� �a::�� efr?r�� �a�� 2da' :� J�i ��Q�g �� eas � edge o�' �':rirlle� I'�Ie,, Bloc� 21,� 2�, �.{23 �`3 �, ����aauQd by ����3dan. �nxa s�oi�e v���p ther�e b�3.xag zan n�g�s, u�� r�o� �.�: a �a�a°i.ed t��.�i��t�sZvv ��2�"�IC�T��J2�pS : � .+� ,M ��1. : C�NF`E��sCE : �f���.o� k�;� Joh��s€�n �� aaa�he�;�3.ze ��e C�.�y ��r��e� io a��e�� �h� �+�•'aiz A��� :�:�;.�. C�,�.����nce o� �%�; I�a��rt�ataa�.�. C� Ly R�.���� °s .�sadci��tio� i.�: 3:eK�Fr�:�:• c�;��, • 'tD��;���° �,3 �� 1T�h, 2963. Secon3�d tay Shcr3.dara. �ipan m, vo3.ce ��ar,�, �>���::°� °€.�•�s� �sss �asy-s, �;�� m��iore car�3�d uaxan3�usly. �t5�.' SF1i.•T'�.': 1.�68 �S�S��'P� a -0° '�.': ��y�r �'e� e�a��.��� ���� za�s a em�t.ar3,3.����.�r� ��� �lar��c�: I�. Q�.�c�tz �:�' �E�58 ��is���.ssi�3 �vs•4�� ��o��:��ast �����ix�� � lo� s�1i��. �Q Ci�:Z� 3�,i�°-,�;�:�° ���s�.a�,�sec3 th�� T�r o OX�on eoulc�, ��r sp�.i���.n� do��n the eenicer, dt� �::a-+ s:' i: �ie ��a3 �'�ve acre� mx s�axe, FIow�e��x, �he ci�y ��d taken e�o�gh ��L a s�.-c�:9e�L <��� w��� r,�P7.-�t h� ��d ].ePu, �ie �ou�.d �;a.v� �o �eplat la�.s�cac� ��' sp�. �.�; dir�r-; �.�d Ya� :��.sa'-� �w�,�r� oP �t&�is . Cd�aci3�an '4f�lke �equ�sted -�o kraQ�a � i �° .. ��s�Qn �.��i a wa'�e�° �,h�oblem ��ed wa3 -��►id he haci. ��i�t�o�: %, tdolbe �Q �u�c�a��z� the �.ot spii � far Clarence R. Glsan €�:�' 1�:,.; - ��.��i�si�i ��z�ee�t No�'cheast. S��aa�ed by Sher�dan. Upcar a�03.��� �a��=:s. ��,��� �v�ng no ria�, the moti:o� ca�r#.ed una�a3.ino�siy. �r�It�I�ZT U�' �A`'�`.' �'�CO�T1�T�?G `a�:� - r�Y,T:�V� ADL�'TO�: i�;;ss�° P3e� �n�flu�acer� t�.is br�� � cor�ur�ica�u�.can from �a �.nd Y�c. Ci::x,��_e.� ����:l.s�r�, �'�., �s� 6��0 ?`��It�r Stx�ee-� 3��x*i;ae�.��> �`"sa� �iLy Rfarz��r � r.G������ �s'�si� �°a� � reqt�e�-� �err an exf,Ea��o� r�i' ti� axa �he recordir�g cs� ��>�.:�. �: r,:�� ��:h���c is � n��i��y d�� ��c�rd�.�� tir� Iim�� �.a�d t�is %�as �:�t.E ��'.. . ���a�cior� �;1 &dt�lke �ha� $he exfi.easi�n o�' �time b� grAaated Mr. axsd Y�e � 6;°.�z°<< -�s `ze��o�, .��. �f 6�50 Ta.yl*�r Stre�t I�ox°tiasae� re��diz�g the r�co�d3.�:�;; �� �� ::��.F �sa���. ;aes:��d�ci b�r �ohs�son. U�� � vo��� vo�e, th�x� b�i�� no �.c.�,�, t�:_ :> �tian �:�r�ied unanimnusly. • P:��:3'�' 9� ��*� �:�a;e� : r,sas �3S t az� �r�x,} : '�i� C3-�y M�gex expla3ned to the CZty Coua�i2 tlley hed l�d a bx�c�{� c 3cetion Yro� the conau].ting engin�+ar or� thi� ��ceaa aud t�is rac��aid b� darie on.1.y ��;ao�ding ta Counc3.l direc�c3om. I�r. C�mstock� consu:�.��.z�� e�i�er, s*��e8 h�s �irm I�d submit� �, 3�etic�r which t}� �atty ���nci:1 h�c� �Iled a�pxaxi�a�eiw'� � i�t '�pe�� px�v�ou� n�d �s���� f"ar t2:e �ea v�e� 1i�es, t�re wouid b� �a hax3sh�.�s 3.� Ca�r���'� w�re ��, pr�a�.d� �aa ��a� ��,eiii���es. �.'he C��y N',at��a �t��r�f�c� �ta tl� �i�y Ct►unc�.l tla�y .��tt1a. a:zth�xi�� h�m #:a se�d �:h� Cmuu�y � c�s��.ffed ccspy ta prc�c�e� w3th tih;r ab<�ve rr.e�a�Gitmed re�.ci. �gion by 3o�n�son t+a s.d�3,ee � Cot�a�,� ��' App� �i��.'� ��i�'��� '��_ p�o�ec3 �r3�th reean��ructioa a� Oid C�n�2 IQo�r�r� cr ?�issi�€�ipp3 �-�� �a.,. ����d��, by Bs�oak. LTpbn a�o�ce va�� there b�ixig raa o��tos �-?�A r�r v3�. ���9.ed �taa�aimazt�3v. �Ja'.:P'� �7( !� S: F.�ST ��i'k�: iit��li AIv� 1�S'�'�SZ� �i°�T � P�.:�s�s Pve� �:��xtcerl thi� ��.� c� cta��ani��.t�.ra� �ro� 2�ark Jones a�ega:��c��.n�; �;:;r�� �"��bi1 st.a.�i�.or� ar� F�e.st R�.vez� ?�o� and M�ss3���.�:� �treet. N���.on ='a;� ��.�r: a a��n �� r�c�i=�*� and p�.ace m� �'i,�.e th� �t�r #�cim P�ark �o Jone� �:�, ni' • 5a4� �,k�v��w Drive, i�l3.r��espaY�.s 2�D Mia�xaesata. Seconded b�� Job�.�.�r�n� U�n ��v��.�e vate, the� i�eiaa� no z�ays, the �o�tian aa�ried e�a�r�i�,at.�,��.�J , �;�''�"1 t��fiC�Tt�":�: P�R?�'L���'�3 3�.%� {�+1e�'m i�AAILi��1�xj: �....,�_.._..�..�. A�.�ro� Ne� �zamoun��c' �h�s w�s a�o��:a�3.�a�3c��. ���n C3t3� �1��„o�.�ey .�;�:�+n 5��.-th �e�i�g U�� ��ca�€ �et•y�x ���G�:n� u��:� Cr�tzt I�or��.e:�n ita°t:�.���.� �a��y €�a�d �Io�f:hea� �a.c�.i'3c Ra.�.�.�.��y C��� �t���h oY' �sboz�� Ro�a� � �h� �3 �y .h3�ag�r ?����I ��ae �bo�: de��rlbed ].��x� a�d ��ii�:tned th3.� h=� , bW�:x� a���f t� and Gre�.� iaoz�he�^n Railwey ��c� �:ager �o ha.Tae iz ex�-����''. ��tyr l��t�!sn�sy Smf.�� �ecoz�ziled $.o �b� Cobmcis �he.� th�s �.�sm �re �;�rFv ~_ � as i� had ��� sb�ut tiaxee ��aru �k+.ai: �r�at i�o�hern fiai3taay ':�ec� +�,H�� �.�,:�:4.�i�z�; °a� a p�x�mit a T% i"�rth�r �cp3.�ia3ed �he �oper'cy }ia�;ra't t�+:�� as���sed anc� need�a ts� bt� aseesaed, ti1a�; i-.he: City aP Frid'3ey n��� �fl -;,�-�k •,a��`ch �l�e xa�?..�o2.ci and �-� seet�� �h� Ci��► shos:3.d ].e� them �"'�1e thi 7:�:��'. , �,�d. th�� in r�th��ise �o bene��t �e�eived. A£:��.;i.oxa �iy ;�her�c�.an �o r�za�haxizs t�� P•�yos ta s�.�n ar�d exe�uf�: co�3�� a�r•f,��f.�d 'hy the Gity Clex�k auri �Po�w�d same �c� I�r. �empf o� tT�e ���°�.�:, T�c�b�h�� i�a�.x�:ay Cc�n3r �n�: ?�or�h�a�r T'a.ci�ie Ra�lw�y Crsmg�a.r�y. �ti•�a��%;�,-. �a,; ���ta�. tYpot'i s�rv�.Ce �o�e, ��eY'� be3Ytg 12� ua�►s, �h� m0'��.c�i1 cs�r��� a��.n3.�usly. • 4��AVi'1V.�.�bt81A�.�tIY S816A`: 6�.L3l�lJb S3SIS�3\17.iUr+Y� �V!`•1W1..'1iG I�.YL1G SVl+�iili7 grY-11�i.Lii l�ir��"�:iv� by Joi�aaasou �o i�sue a F3.r� tvorks �x�i d to Mr. Chet Herg3e� ;�g �,:, ,� t�e �1.L�Q '�'`�in Drive In �atre. Secondec2 by Brc9ok. Uptm a vai�� ��c�',c�;: -:r�>��;: t���.ng aaa nays, tIae motfon cerrie� �raa�imeu�lf. � FSg� �.� < ;��'�Tit3�1 �t0�� �S�i�EIQ�a IlV 2�RIAIV BSiJ�S �iTYt�N REG�RYAiNG C7tTY Wt�a',�t: Cou�ac�lman �herid�.x� ru�ouz�ced ta �}� C3.ty Counc3Z that t� bad recezv�d �. p�ti�io�s �rom the re$Ydenta oP i�.rian �il.3.s Addi�t3oa and thev wer� �sk.�.;� ;; �i�� City to �ike xar�edi�� steps rega.rdang the iav water can8itiana �:'�.�:^;� h�� g�ta..ted they fei� the cGndit�on was very dangerous o'�her �then t�� i;°�. ��_ s�e��.e�ace . T1�e pet3t�.on s�� sig�erl by �en px�p�z�ty awners. C�unr.� �.,m�n ��:�.� - i�t�€�n ��a�ed he h�d I�own �his pe�iti�n wou�.d be ps�sented to t7ae ����� � znc� di�G�s�� �h� �a��ex with �h� cons�.tiug engine��, I�r. Co�mst�ek, c� fi.h�: t�l�phone, that because tY� �mter 3.s �o Iozo in i;his area it cou��. b� c�.�r ; �r��:;� fx���n a �ix�e ate.x�cipoi�te :�� a Co�toek s�ep]�aimed t3�.�t h� r�'�u1c� h��r� ar� oif`�c�.a3. repoxt by ;�:�' �;� 4 �ting, �h.�t Z�� �elt they w�re �s1&3ng about �he 3.x�s�].].atism af t��c� 3�:_ _f'�. er�;�� bcxyt��a:r pi�trps� Ht �xg�sined there is a bc,tas�x� pump ti�a� ex�t�ts ��i;�-.:��h t;rat�sf$rs watex #�ptn tYas �.ow sys�et� �o tcie high �ystean anc2 �s Cka����y� �:` �Y�e �3.t;r h.es had some ��ba,em� �t$in�; �.� s�a��d. r��t'. Cflms'cock s�t�'c�zi t.h�s�e 3s � probl+�m ire t�ae h1�h �rea, t3� bu�t�� eleva�ion ats 103i �.�:.c� �y: i�: �fi�.°e�i� �le*�tio�. :in P��x�e S�s��� �.s 7.���. �nd haa�e� �.�cs bts�].� con:si,c����:a�,:'.� k�ighear. He �ths� ex�rlained, to r�sintain a 20 ]�b. pressure, it �auaa �8 �h�: �edet��s�� to parov3,de a boos�er �'t�tion to seve�al of the pr�pert�.�ti. �;i:� xe �.s ane �rablem �a3.ich i� az�d tha� is t�.t �ttsny ss��iee ii�ee naw c�i���c�:d a�.M �°i 3.i�es �i�d �ha�� h�om�s w�.21 4�ave �,o� p�ssu�e Z�:aiCh shou%i ?-�s • ��;:i�.iz�ei, %Yaa� i� �� a ma�G-Gex� o�' res�ou�i�g �:h� 3� ���eh i:ine . ���.a�ci��a Joh�.�sa�n ix�qz�ired what kiad of' r�an�y t�ey wer� s�alcin� �� K.a� e��endi�:�a�e�. ��. �Cc�s�cs��s rr��l�pci i���a� c��ae a� �he t�in�s �k�at Ya�s3 �e:eP:;,?� ��; was �Y�� io�a srhe�.s, �Gb� o�Y��x a3.��aaa��.v� wr�ul.r� l�e f,,� �p1a�e �a:r� o�: ': � ���.��h �. �:�,�t 3�z��. i�.�a�. C�aanr,i]..z�an ��a3c�an 3n�u:i.x�� ��' at ���e $3� �i' ',�-�;:: ��� up ac�ross the h:i�:way� 'ch�.e c�ul� �� �.sa���c� �i�hou�t �n adai�t:i<�ar,�:�. �,�;n� a�d was �c��.�. �i� �oa�.c� rao�. �`� iscala�:�.�an. �� �:rE�� w�.� �.iscu�::,ec?. �'n:° �:: �s:�� csr �I�ee year p�� ioc? ta ke�:p a�igh enou�l�i ��tex table o�%. :��s��:��>' : sta�.�d i,h�t 3� che C�eanc3l �ra��8 to make an inv��tmen� in t7�is 3. a:��, :: � �:����x�.c� ��il�. a? 3.cw �he� �o da �his and the� wo��.d ki��-e te� ,��a�4;r�.r�� := as�.��- �� i f'�y���.it�� 3nd �e�o�are �he �Ci�: 2ines f'ro� ��i� m��n l�.n� �. C�rr��-�1�� w Y�;��id�r� ��ked �,f �� �aoxald be ��aod �.cie� to ���e �u�hox°3.��.tyfl� i'�:° a. r,.�uple c+� al��ne.i��s . F��.yor �Te� ir�qu3red �I�e yr�se of �'zc bo��c;.a� �.� �; $r�c� w�c� ��018 tiis� iaes3.cafly, i�t woulc� raise ��� pressux� in �he ����,�. I��$��.s�n '�,y Sh�ric3an to rec�i�r� �the petition �rorn the resident� in ��.�.:�i��� F��.�.�.s ��:d pZace on �31e� Secondec? by Jobanson. Upon a vo:ice �at��, ��x�::°� l�aw�; �e� a:.aysp �he �ot3pn cax�ied �z�nit�o�ia].y. ��� �.:�n by Shes�I�an to iusta�ac� C�stock and Da�ris, consuiic�.0 ;�z��a�z ��r.� : 9:a ��*�,�a�n ��i.�h � �°�x�aari fo� •tl� next �eetia� on ;he pressure syatem �.3.- �:}��-, �.�w°:�r� �:i:��.s ���. Seconded b�► Johans�a. tP,�o�. � vc�ice vo�� '�c��r;•� �E<.�:;:; z�c �.���-�r^.:,, -�1k.e ��i��mu etarriec� umm��tnogas�.y. � �`TS:�T�3:�v s ��ra T�av� Ver�,�i�.1e of 921 Overton Drive was preaent with a requ�est ''�^ot� �;:��� �r�.r11e;� Jr�.ya��'s. He stated �claey wou].d wish Counci�. permiasxor� ta �:s� :��,�°�}h� ��°� oza Au�st th� �5th iar a I�egionaZ P4ee�in� with apprc�a3m€�tel;� '��5 ��,:�:;t:E.e'= f,o �� �x�es�n-� Por the m��ti�g an� snci�l ���erin�, 2`he C'�y �S�.n�:�€:':,r L•::� -�s�3 � Ps�;.� :�.�. , the� �ere not askixeg for �cciusive use o�' �he park bu� it h�d be�n �-�:�ted �he�► wa�Zd have refresh�ents and w�aa�ed Couzacil ap�xoval. i�ation by Sohanson to gx�a�t the reqvest to �b.e Fridley 3�.�ce�'s to hold � Reg3.�na3 i�Iee�ing 3m I,ock� F�xk o� Augc:s� th� i�tkx. �eco�r3Q� ks;. Wo�.ke, Upoa a voice vo�Ge, �bexe tye�.ng no aays' tY�e mot�.on c�ar�3��I uta�u3mausiyo Ah�. S�lc3on Tt�e�bZs�� of 1Ki13, (:i�y Bu31���s was present ar�d stated he �c��.� eflncep��d �bo�� 'c'h� s�ar�'�cin� o�' 73�d �w�nv�e, �h�t ?ne had �l�c,��l tv th� Ci"ty E�tgi���g �iz� t�3s reger�l. II� �.ir�%er st�ted thet aa a bu�lder ihey wer� s�f�ering �n the �rea and so were the home aw�ag�, ;:�:�. t�� �t�eet �,s harcllg► adnquate to �AV� �;r�fPia and tb.ey don "�c haye ax�y aec�ss e He exp3s3ned to tla� City Cotmcii that Yie had beex� �peudfn,� a�ea� cieai of maney in the ar�� and would 1�.�se to know 3�' �cnie pr�b:�m - c+aulcln''� be re�o�ve�. �.'h� City 28mnager ex�i7la3�ed to l�r, Tre�bl8�� �hst the City Engi�ae�g Y�ad be�x� d3�c�:.ed by �t.t�� �i'�y �c��a�.cil �o cissign and pzroc�ed �aith '��rd. �,veauep prime�x3iy �c�Ze sexvic� r]x3.ve a� �bis point; t%e bs�a�ce ha� 1.��n ata�xov�i3 by �iqe St€�t� Highta�xy' De�p�rtsr:��t but that the..� �ras a pasgibi3.3ty ��' ntm� �x�ub% 3� ttae �swer line s�3 t�e City L',ngin��r li� :� be�� a-e�.ua�a�t �o plec� a road an �round �hieh couid be d�mn.geci �r�� • sh�srtly. Hc: i'unther exp�.ained �he City Cau�cil had authori�ed tn� t�1ev3,�is�g of th�se 2iuee snd et the mc�sne�'t th�y �aere working a� A.bI.� S��eet �b Hi�htaay► �� �4 �t a temporas�y ��+� ine �i�y ����.n��r �r�wr► �:��,3.� Tn�� t;tx� 1�,� ���� Ab�.�; St�°�et t�s �i�.'ca� �. ��� h�.ri e�eu buclsc�c�d ��c3 a�.��k �'a�.a� n�sc� t�'�a�, s� �i�ne ba��o� r�� ��ae �i.�s �i�ere is �i�r�^ ��zcx��s ��' ��nd emd �s �s�an �� tTais was �°ep�iyr+eap �h��y wo�l.a pr�c��cl. °.�h� Ci�iy s�,,arr��er ir�c�ia�,xed. r�� �� ity En�3n��r ���c�w� a� tns �n��ion crf i:�e rt��cl fa�o� H:�ghway ��7 '�o '�an Bure� stx�eet ��a wa� 'col.�. �he Ci�y �ng�.nee� h�ci recc��e�r3�d �his pra�ect go aheac� if ��� ��,eiz�g could i�e �ro�ec�d o Go�nci�.mn�z '�o7.I�e rc�ue�ted �o kr��*�? i� ��a� Ci�c� En�iae�r dlas px•opos3.ng �,o tele�rise b'ram �3.�h�t�y ��7 a3.� �;h�: ��.y ac�:a��se Couacilnaem Johanso�x i�quired of Ci�ty A�t�rney S�it�! t�a� Y��� hsd ,�evi�u�2y su,ggestsd the Gity Englns�r g3ve �h+e Council a. c��p�e�� repax� an8 a2so that �Che co��uli:ia� �ng��te�g Y�ve a�vail.��1� ���. �a�ta plus a�.2. pic�uxes which could be �+.�e eeai.3ab].e. �lx. C�s�:a•�:�s: c��sL:Ivi�g ex�gf�eer, st�-ted they I�� exci�an@�d so�e ingorma.tian f:1z� e���1� ��a�°� o£ 4h� week in thia regar�l anr� stat,�d �here was a bs°�a-k �� the service line on 73 1/2 Avenue which rEpair had begura on �aE�ne��: �;;� �4��� sta�;ed h� was ce�iain the teZev3sing would show xha� other ga^t:`n�.�T. � 3s�:cx dev�l�pec� . Gc�a�r�cil�an Jot��son ststed i� se��d fooZisk� tti spend tho►asa�eds cs� c'.r��.�.�rs icQ gut o� black�ap whera l�nes axe cont�»uou�ly bx�e�kin�� A;�:•. �c�n Madsen a�' P�.ds�n Realt�+ w�,s preseat anc3 fnqu3red what the �rr�'��c�'����.: � �iai� S�b�auiP would be t4 ge� the l:ne -�aken care oz' fro� H3gh��v �"� ( �c� Hi�ht�ay �6�. City Fngineer Brown etated he would proce�ed wi�l� ��whox°i�.ntion f�a� the City Cou�c11 but, with t�ie ir�format�.on t�ea 'a�c� t� de�e, the 1�ne shou�.d be televised. i�r. Nladsen explaine3 �o tl.z� Ci��3 � pa.�c� �.2 � �c�u�ic3�. �tha� �his was � bad yeear for basi.neas and it ia �1;3.n� i�,�r�� �: -i'a�� �uch moz� terrible Pox their company and he wa� attetaptin� �o pca3nt out that es evic'E�ntly the Couno3l couldn'� ae�m to arrive �t an a�as�er tlist ti�e wae valuab% aud it is be3ng teken up W3�h th3s �►xo- c.�ss �.�,d �aba.t he �r�.nted to kuow w�.e how lors� would it 'ta�e . Couna�.3.- anan Jo�,an�au etat�d tbat if the City Co�ssci� could �et a�.ett.er �.'res� t1�e cvnt�ctor wha had insta].:3..e� iche i3,a�� to the ef'iect thaf. any b��a��� i� tli�is� 1.i�e aftea� it �^xsd bemn b3�clstop�d �a�u3.� be taken carn �af l�y hi� v�tt� �uc)s time a�s �he boud w�re �ieas�d i thsy c�ui.d �o ahe�.d w�, �:� the ��pa:tr and the x�aad . 1�►;�ox I�e� �.�ac�u�xed of` �he City E�agia+�ez i� ttae t�Ievi�i�ag �rere ��uthcar�. 3��d �h3.s Qvenix�g haw lo�g wo�ald it be bePore they wauld x�r�ceedo �i�;;y �s��ine�x i3rown ��a��cc? the caBtrac� �tix� �h� ��;r��t wo�k had �,een ;� e � taz�:. p��eviou� year but �Ehe �wo pxobl�m� �ere how qu�.ck aould the t�levis:Ln`; �� rloxa� c��ad haw 3t cou].d be financed ena �urther, it �.rou1d �s�k� �eek� �;ra b�il out t1� li�es. Cs�unc�lm��s Wo1ke asked ih� �Cizy �agi.ae�r i:� �E ���e asetam�.ng �here was �a�d f.n �c�e 13.r�� �"�ra� V�n � ::°�� ���x�s� t�� fl: �I1�ray .1�+' 7�� ws.s �C�'�d �hs.� he s�as a Ca.�y En�ineer 3s�o�s�re �uJ.�h�r i�a�oz°�aec1 the �ity Cc+un�il �t�a� every 1��1� �ha� �x�d be�en �'cnt�d, tk�e cc�utrmctox la�d been noti�ieci �nd he lh�d �pp�i�ec� s� . Couric� 1m��. �r7c►3lse asked �Y by geying �here w�za five inchee aP s�nd i�t the �i.�s • d�.d the i,ii�r En�ineer mesn tl� en�ire 3ine. �kae City Eng�n�e� s��°��d he �aae no•t sayin�� �he �ntire �ine hecause tkke� is sa�►d �n �tl t':�� �:3th v�.e band in th� 13.ne at �he preses�t �im�, �hey could�z't chs w� i:a�'il-tx°etio�t o Cs�ua�c3l.rnan She�3c3an ��a�ed ��tP �i�y Coaa�ci�. •�s�u�.d hav� to m�ce a rl��rm3�a��an wTi�ther �fl �e�.�v�se th� l�.na� p�&u�t Y�� c2adn °t b�3.i��� i�; was t� ��spa�ssibll:�ty o� �Glz�: aort�a�to�; �ta��ther, �Ya� �z3���.�.r�ce tsmx�cl is b�yosa� th� �re��° per3.� �n� ih� o�cig�ra�3. c�mtra�� cZ�o net rec�uire •t�e �1.e�i��.� cs� �Yr� lines and i;h�� bcdy �sk�csuld auvhor3�-.e �:he� e�}?enciiture. �ourncilur�n Sheridan �tated h� �ro�eld na� t�e ��xnc zsi �� 1.].Z�� �he Can�ectox to �y �ox� �a��.evi�3m� Tiu�� ihs�t h�d been ga�:t ir� �wo ��aa aa���'�'_° �a th�ee yeare ago. Councilman Joh�,t�on rep�.�ed ��� anyC�me thegr wer� �ta].king abont e r�il�.irm dollars wo�tls of �:��ti�� �� didn'�i fee7. �G�s coat�actor shou3d be ab�,e tr� ieaee �he �ab c��.�'c���at ��� c�.i,y �cr�in� 'ca g��: some rei�bt�xseasente Co�nc�l.man Wa�.ke s�a��.:�:� �.� �pp�az�ed �a laian thet a great d�a, �as �.$sum�tion and 3.�' �his -�a� � �axca�ec2� th� COII'�fiQ�'�Oi SilOt3ld ts8 �zoti�'ied anc3. i� wau].d be �.k�� �Ra:� €� .{ .. ��� i�' s�.l �lzaes wes� ��t be �e]���.�e�d' a22 thc� b3ds �'ec�a.v�d 3n -��at� �'a�^t�are wflu3.c� be h2�r. Caun�i].man Sb.exifl�� ass��i�d that ±�' $h� :°i��:�. ir_�p�c��an ai' linafl would requ#.re t�levisircg 3t tiraB �oing �o k?av� •�;� be wri�ien in the epeciPicaL��.on:;, t3�a�C the City Counci3. c�u3.dtt et a�:1� bL�vinese�nen io do �omef,hi�ng ��at we�x�'t z?ritt.en into tk�e j�b. ��=�e3���. Jo�.nse�a �sked 3�' muthoriz�a$ion fo�c the blacktop �tae�� e�aoulc�� `t be �f.�ren i� it �a.� �'elt tb.e sew��r a�ed wa�er con�cr�etox:�� • sl�s�+sic��t'� b� 1a�ld respan�ib��. Gouncilmatt Sk�eridan s�ated tbat �ae�'on.� th3� ccsul�i �e ddne, �tbey �hould nccep� the �.�ge. Counafi�.r.� Bra:aY� i:�qu3�e8 �.S the Ci�y Cauucil. shouldn'� eutha�ize the C3ty Engia� z:- �a ci�a�ck �h� entire line �om High^�ay ��7 �o Highway �65s £3�@ out �a9 �izc::r� 3:> ��.;/th3x►g wro�ag and f'ix it. � P�.�.� �� > ��+��ion bq Br�ls �a au�il�erize the �3.�y ]Eng��eer to tele�r�s� �h� 3.��e b��we�n Hi�h�ray ��7 and Able S��e� and to �ail san� .�:c��ican i'� #.1.�� 4 Rlro A�.dse� s�a�ced 'he had beea �olci it z��as aui:s.omatie presceaus°e ��at a���e��ic�n� k�ere �tade ��P�r� � ii�e w�,s ae+c�:�ted agd �h�t, kae �'el�, �.�� tac�°,ald b� �he ��x� step. ��S.yo� �Ie� s�t��ed i� ta�s hi� o�inio� t�a�� �he p���rious ma�ci.4n shc�ul.d 'nave been g�condec�� ���og hTe� re��.ngui�hed the �ave1 �to Ac�3.ng S�S�.yor Johanson. A'��tion '�y �s�ok to auth��i2� tI�� �ity Engine��r �a te].eti•� se �be �,in� betiaeer� H3gi�wa�► ��7' �n� A�i� S�ree��, •�o �a:�Z sancl a.�ad �epar4 �1rd�.r.� t�� �. ���sf;cck, ct��su:L-��.�� e��.�*e�r ar��. �3x� ec��trac�c��, i�. i�ik� IIa��=,,,. C�sta�c3�an Sherid�� %x���x�.red, �h��C �.s��a�sa�� i:h� r��stimr� �.���� �as�s ar�� ��, s� �a��i�e�ri��; d��ari�nt wauld �a ahead a.ud �aG�n a.�.n�e and televia� ar��� assu+.��.n� ti:�� i� was acceptnble, ��ould the �ity Coianci�. aec�pt �ha� 3:�nc� �r�� re3�esc tl� ��ntractog �'s°om hfs bond. Co�inc�3man �3a°oa�k s�a�;s�; Y�Q �th�u�h� it �oul,d. Councilm�.n She��.r2an ���ed i� �he ca�txactc�x� �Y:.����'.�' x�v°� L� a par� of thf.s ins�OectiQ� ar�d 4�� C3.ty �n�,�9.neer re�a].ied tix�t ��� �a�ul�. Cauneila�t�r� ii?e�id3n inquireri i� �his wa�a3.d be 8on� �.n o�ee: ��-�c�i�r� ar wa�s�.d i� take more �:laan one a�1s�'C'�iot�. Co�vil�ncr� �z�r��'. ��.�ted i� e�exZd b� do�s�: i� one �.a2sg�eet�on d tdayor V� s�a��ted 3� ��� �:�em inspec�ed �n ��e nos�7� s��xse. %fi��. Co��-tar.k ��pZain�d to fiP::� v�.':4> • �����c�.3. �Ghat sa�e:a �he �o��ct� �a�s comg�l.e�ec�, :tn�i�t���ton tvst� �•t��°c. �c�a�e a�ad �he 2ines w�r� l�t�pe�1 a�uc3 it wa� c�a �i�°i�c1 �Is�a� �t�.�: 1�.�.� ��.o �� cc��I�.a�.ce w t�Yz s�c3�iec �Gi��� � IIe ���°�hQ� ex��.�air��d ��� ac�r���g�ct;.� l�ai �aade �oxu� xepa�.rs ��.d tb�� he �aas c��'ta3r� th�-� �;he �ros3�ion ca� ���� c.���:��a�r w�,� �hai: �P the Ci�� C��cil. *aauad te].�. �x�.m wht�t w�s ����E; h� wo�.al.c� ��.x i'c, tha� it would i� a� a�iv�n�a� to �h� Gi�y �o Y��� t�e= �,�n.t��c�or elseek k�3.� l.i,�es and clear �.nd lama� them� Ci�y �ngin��s° �3�,a :� e:�g�la��ed �'r.� c:�n��ac�tc�r �aac� t���e�ed io l� the �3.r�es o^i-ty A�i���x��;� ��i�t�. a�aoia�c�d the i.��l prai�ie�s in�olved �ere wo�icl he i�' the ccast �� th� t��.e��sin� y�r�u?c� b� beyond the. nors�31 amourar �`ar bid�. £'o���i�r;an �'r9h�,raso� �.n�ziis°e� �f Caunea�sn ��aok i�' he ��cauld �ax�^ �;ca u�,�hdraw Yp�.s �atio�z in arcie� that �3�e cofl�rae�:�r �ou3d be �t±t���Q�c� ����ia� �9if:'rsd� uta� b3� Co�aiia�an �rvok. �dve� re�r�x�eci �o Nl��cr P;�e b�t .�.y��;�� Y+�,yar Joha�son. I¢��cS.an '�y `TOht�.�sor� �Q i�.ve �aadstxo� and Hafher Conatructio� Cc����:�r� ����ac-�e� �.n oa-eler �ha� t�x�y clean, 3.ar�p amcz fns�et line= �`raz� ��u� 5��.�k��ray ��€7 �o T�ank ��.�hw�y �6�. Secoa�ded b�r �roc>k, Upo� � v�i.c�� �.*�'.�-.? : ia��x°e '�i�� r�€� na�ys, t�►e �aot�.or� carcied a�,n�.nimc�us�.�r. ���t��: �°i��ic� �y L�sa�.ke ico agpa�ave paymen-� rs�' �e��r.e� C3.a�tms ��S t€�o��;z'- r;'�; �, � ����asi�ci �y� �h�ririan. LD�on � �a3c� vote, �here be3ng no ma�s, i,�� �n�s;°.::�:,�± ���a�d �x�t���t�QUS1y. � % f FLR.�n' .3.'1" o �i�i�o�a b� S��°�.dan �a ap�pro�.�� �.yrr��t o� �ig,uo� C1aim� �51;.�' 3 t���a. ;���;`a'.?-•L S�ct��d�a by ��o%ke , Upon a�r�ic� �at� ���exe be ing n4 nay� y�iae Yf� �,�¢�n ��rri�:i� eanar�3mausay. ��c���t�� t��F "+i�ik� ��� a�a�s����� ��,yr���� �P �,a'��.I� iTt��.iwies C�+.�.�s �t�5 �h�°s,��z�;�s �c��7> Second�r3 by �he��.�a�s� �pc�ct � votce �o:��, �th�x°� "�ix�g r�� ���s, � :�� �sa�:�.o� ea�'��d ut�animrsus�.� . ��'��P�1.2�ES : �i:��;�on bS,� Wo�k€ �o a}�p��rs�rc �I2� �'a3.�.t��ia�� �s�ci.�a��: S�.�acis�rt� & ;Y�r.f��r ''��� Fores� D��.� ��a.d '�e�ti� �x�ig?a�t�� �S I��.�e�o°��. �stin�t� }��+ (Paxtiai� �vat�x• I�p�flveare�t Project �o. 3=��-�' {�fi���� ��su��t�s�i�u L3rs�� � 7���3:�-,�:. S�eo�ded 'b�r Sh��3ds�a. L'���. a v°+a��e wr���, �h��e `oe�ng no �aa�s� �A� r���.r�::-� ��x�#��d u�axsi�ous3y e �Ss�ticsn bJ$ �Ta1ke to a���r� �h�e �aa:t.o��ixtg ���t�mats: ���stc�ck �xcd �v3�, ��.c. . ;�a�su�.�i� �xa.�f.m���s i.��;,� �t7u�:�y Rc��� R�9� � :z�xs�����a.s �2 � ��i�a�sca-ta �s�;3�ate �i - W.-�3�-L �Sc3�.E) �'; �i�a�P �7 � 6d-��� {�ch.2) Es 4��:e �'°j �- W-34.-L �Sch.�) ��t�rc��� �°� - S�SS�58 ���;3�te �8 - �w�55 ���a�+��e f�9 �- w-3�iwk ��t.�.F.1�.fi.� �r��,�a. �a-��'-� (S�Yta:� � � i�' • ;�"� � .a 4�,e� �c e�_� F� > 5� y . 3Sp .. , �•t�a �ac� �`� ? � w� 5��- � -:� Sc�cs�d�d �� �h�rid�n. ���n a �ca3�� ����,, 4her� �e�ls� no n�.�s, �cl�� �ti� , F, � �::?°�3�:ci u�za��.�s�a�%€� �cat�.c��s b;� Sherid�� to �p�o�re �he �o1�o�ain� est�ima-�e su�s�e��: �.o ��� ���:�a��l atnd ��3ea�e l�� �he Ci�g� �;ngi���r��g T�P�art�em�s ��,��.?�l�y �ux��.cJ.ng �ompnn;� �s�;I.�te �5 �Pa�tia3.) 5T.3.96�-�� 3 ��� u�a�d S�r��� N��'ch��s� � ����•� �::�i ��n�ea�3.�s, I�ia�eat� �� �i�. �e �5 � Par�cis3.� ST e�.�2�2� '��.. :� �: 3 ;'< � ��:;:��ried 'by �'ohe�uso�. Upon � voice �raic.�� there be#.ag c�+� �sa;�s, t�i� ��a�'�: �� � c=�y?r��c� uraexiim�us2.;�. �`�'d":���5 : �,..�� • �s?�f a� b�: �It��� to app�o�e t�t� ��y�.�wi.�ag ��.Cense$ a • • � E7:��`.���'Ai C��rcf.a]. E����r3c Cc�mpar�y 1.��. �°'_• o �r�!{'�gl $�Y'2@'� St, Pa�s�. �� t�inna�ota �C11VAT�� �1�:��a� �. Il��h��d ^e.t�82 I;�.���n Av�nu� ;�f�. Pa��.9 i�I�n�.��o�a C;�.� CQF���3RS -�._�. - .--� �.n-�c�r �1'ty G�.r�.�e BL�ilders ��.g�x*.��y lt3 �nc� IJr��.v. �.ve, S�i. �. �;��z�r1G��l3.s ��., �I�.rl�P,sC��<a �'��epY� �, o �1�.c:��� uek �.��� S�� �xait���€�r� u� e �t. �. P��.r:a���:�s? 3.s � ��ira����'�s S � 'W G��s��tact3.v�. �e�. i�w��� .���.��hil.c�. P�I:i�a�e��al�s 3�?� ?�i��sa�a t�����,� Tc►�;52e:y '��35 ���sia��, A��n�� t:iti.����.�cx�.�.� ��, t�3t�r��s�i,a z'�?;SQI�X �`����-e� �c����n� ��sg��a��ixe� Cczo `i �5� �en��°�1. a�v°en�ue �I, � , ?�� r������1�.� 21, �°E�.��:� o� �°�,�egr I�.sc��f :i�c. 5���5 C�.s���a�.w ���re�u� �doa°�3a �"hi�����u�.i� ��, �IiY��e���a ��; £�: A Ga�ss�ru��ti�3ti �rn�r�r�;► �,�,�� �.�a���.ax�d �v���ue abs���e�pai.:is; �S�.n�!e���a i'� �3t.%i7��f� V�.�si.�;; F��t�i.�.�� & �1�� ��ana. �o. c�=�C�� ���i�� �1�r�n�e Sot�ih � �; a �,c�t�is P�z°k, ��innesa�'�.a by: A�agus� � . fianQen li;�: �'�..t'.�?�Ii� C. �i22s�:1�r� bg=: �ose�h �'. �h�a�a , °ay: u�'o�e��a I�a Y+�i����z�� aV: �za��c�� �?r.���y r�y: ���b�� `.�c�us�.�:y toy: .�'an�e� 4er�xg b� : Ftob�r� .7. '��h3��r1� � � 2 �irY1�� E�2it�P� sk?i� ��: Cari W. I�armaze �.�:� :t.j. � nT . �: '�F r;� x;.,Q S11'�'...' � � �Y4 �J r,�.y-_:�,�Z. Y.:. , .. ..., s Iv:�'t: I��:;� k�';�'.�:: �;4:��G;�. ;,' w-a < _ a:i : ; �::'��: • FFa�e 3.� . /Mi,9]�1YpSa p T l.;Li: .tN.LiAti�id� .....�an.+�.r.w�..1. Rober'c � a Csr3.son �.382 oz�enaa�a. st e rr . � . w, :��3.dlg�, �Ii�aneea�s by: Rat�ert Lo C�r].�on ,��'W S�e;anderl by Sh�ricia�►. U�u a voice vot�, tber� befng no �►aya, �he mefi::l :,:� r.arried vn.enimcsue�y. �ouncil�n �7ohansa�. ia�quixeri if t�e Ci�y Councii hea the eppxoval �`raYa ��r Ch#.e� �� Pc�7.ice a�. the iicenses regarr��.ag T�gxy's Club. Ti� Fi���ce :__� `':�.t:�s� �;�cated �they �aea�e gii appxovedo x'he Ci��r A�n�ger inqui.rec3 if �e ��ev�.=, «� � ice�n$2s h�d been *e%���d €��s� t2�� F'i�a�ce 0�'3e�r ��p3.3e�i �cheg= h�.�, �f��ion Y,y WQ�e �+�o� sp�nrts�°�: '��ae e�� �"i`��y's ��.,�� �, �C5'! tYn�versi�;y A�ven�ae N« E. k'r3.dley 2�8 ��3�►nesc+ta �iGFiRETT� .,......�...d...... "��rry's C1.ub" • FsU&i Univ�r.a�.ty Avertue IJ. E. �°�id1F:�r 2�.r Min�sota ��� �� "T�a•ry °8 Club" EiCt.�'i,�, idn�.�es°F�.�y A�rL�ttle �da �. �.�?°�.d.�y 21r ��taase�ata '�i�FN �a�.lrsw�.n�; �.icenses: C�re��� �'. Heu��naker ���e�.ae I'. $en�eak�r C3.�.rettC� P.' �eta��er =1;; ;4i �,.•�, , �i . i����"r'.� � °,�'err�r'� �lub" 6{3&�. tYn�.v�rsi#:y Avenue �i. �' . �'��di.�� 21, I��nne�ota Cisreuce P. �u�ca�ke�r `; ,, �t�t ��cond�ci t�y :�c�haxssvn . ilpr3z� �. vo�ce vai:�, there �3.z�� na �,yQ p�i:he mc.�:.3 ;::� carxied una�i�ausly. ��C�'AI+ �SSE�5F�2� - �,o�s 5? �D 5£3 }3L�K �� �tlilER�W ��GHT��; ..q.....�....,..�_ .�...... �...�.� � �...�... �-ya� 1��� artn�oufficecl this w�s a�ec�u�st fssr an ai�at,e�ea� ota spec��.a1. ar�<s ����� r��;nt� oza I.o�s �7 and 5�, B�.oclt H. ir� R�.verv:iew �eig�.iLs by Y�r. 5���:b� C��; °�.�'�., '�he C3.t� 3��aa�er sta'��d I?e ccmc�rr�d w3th th� r�ec��aa�ion of �i� �:., ��rc� C���'�.cex �.n �h�� �ne Ci�y �at �'ba�e oae a� twa s�r�ri.ce coz�x�ec'�ir�,� .�ss::=; �E:��t,+. • ��c��ic��s �y ��'�aaso�n �o deny �the regues� by Mr. Steve Gabxick i'or �� «'_�; �� .:l�eaz'� ot� �peci�l �s�esemeats on Lo�s 5'j and �St Blaak H. j Ri�ez�iew �I<��.g��r , ��GO.sci�c:� by 'vl��Ise. tJpon e voice va�e,, thes� bet�sg na nay�� �ize �o�ic.�a: ����.e� �meniaiouely. �i • • ���:'af J. � o ��<.�,€3YJ �i��,`� S�',��� w u21.�. �'i'�'i£I�� B(3���s1l�I1: ��..:,_..- ��..e.....a.,..�. �k�� ��t� €�n�g�� �xpl�inecz �:a �h� �'�.-c3� Caz;n��l ��.is ��a�s � �e�t��:s� �rc�v;�.�� �,rs Uh� r.i�:t��ti.z�n o� the �3ty Ce��r,��. �i��iously �y ��a,�ci��?�a �tr���� t•ri��-;,.°+;:�.r. �'tr, ����x� `�"Ar�a°��a�. o� b�31 5���°1�.u� B�L°i��rc� �rm�s �.���:mp�c�n; tc� �°��t�v;�•�° a3^L'I?S ��2� �`�.'f�'� t�i �Y'�.C�.�.'jF c�'i7�..Q:� �'�"3I" 'u�l£i:v7j.Yt� Of' �i�7�?r3 C''i1,yP, f.0 cl e�li..�,E,4W ,. ?;t:.'3' se�ricr�> Zt ����s �`��?ae�• �x�a���.n�ei z��°. :�es ���sn��F S�ge�y�-���r�ex�-t c��" td#;�.l.i��.�s,� f�:�t ��h�.s zb��� � r�s��c.z��.'�3.� axa�saar��: �cr f,:��: G'.�,��' �� �3� =¢ a-� _-� ;�. �e�z� d�i�w�v���d f�t ��x� �e�°��.c;� �,�i.rs� .���ries� �r� be �a���r��. �i��% fi��cr:._.�s , �i*i�h e��av-?�e� 'e�ae ��ty C�ur���.], t3a�� eou�.� le���ily gv� t�i�,s �i3.2. F�ai;�ar� ►;� '��sa�ke �o €��p�es�e �s*�,=r�ra� ts� ��� Les�c�� Br���c��rar� �I�� �',��°: ��' �g3.,f343 �'ca-r �au��L �� b�..�.3.� e�r` �i�s a S��c��.t��d i�v �ronk� a i��� ��ir:� �Paz;� � iL��±`sad.{�� �u,0.�'.�'a.�V. :a'al�taa�.T11S'9.4i��.�s il�uJil.f.e t*..�ary7E.�tJe.��.��bt�� r���F�B.+ ° ��' ��J.: �°I�e����.�rl �� 6��.�. S�ex° �,-; �3, �T2rF.�X'�t'�. ��1 '��1� jd�3t31�l;;,,'_;:� th��e �eing �� ��ys, �'s'�f;� ��� F'���c��: i��f�.��� �:��a� �i�a�ci 'so ;��z� C�.t� �a�t�c�.�. �i�� br���ilxc haag�.�� �r-�c: 1���� I.�1d c�� ���.� :�L�s� �����so�z�=ci ��pxv��a�:e�±t� usa�a�c:"s.�n3�: �o�.a.nsc�n s��'�;<'; i-� �ad ���� hi� i�p���saion �h�y �e:�e ���.n� �:rs �u� �:��.a �Ii ��.de�° a�-a � : �, .,,, ���:J�:r � as�s��::.rc�e �.yc�� Nee ALC��:3ra�. c��` ��. �a�as��ck, ��resul��r�f; �:s�i°:<: ::: ; �:r�.�� ��€�y i�a�id �� �in� uh�fzd wi�h the 2+�is�ismi�p�. afia°��� s�orm ���a��; ;�:u• �r����e�:� ���C?,�.ed 'chat h� w�s ��� �'�m� �.i.�� w�.�h �3��.� gr�v�:ets �h�at➢ ;�� ��:>, :: i��-�;y �s��.a�?��.�. wi����� an�► inf'ar����aan, Ize �wou9�. i���*p 3.� f��° th=: ae�.t ���,�;'�,,° xa��:i�.n�� �'�:��.�33.z��� �'ts�.an��� �xa�u�.��� �� sts��.�� ����,4�� ?a� �t;�l���a �+�i ��.��r�`!. �'�::.�� r:r,�Y. �,Y�.�.� ���sr.�����f u���.�. s�ac� �:�.� �: ���.� t��.�.a��� +�� �`r,�� i�,r��,����'� i�: _. ,. ; ::.�. � �:z:a � ��i� s�*�s �ck:� �.�r�a��fi;�c�� 3�?�� C:x.i��v �cau�►�i� ',��.�� �i�s�� v�a� �;�x�c,�� �,� t����aex°� ,�i� �;�a� �ia�e �.� ��.� �ut �.x� m ��s�a�c�5.,s��.��� �'ai��.se .s�tg�es°����i ��t�: Yao�.ct ? :,�_ ; �:�f' �'�� �n���°3��; �u� �ss���i�� �t �il�� ��.�v<. ?5a�°�•:� ��e� ��x�:t� �.� �?��: �'a�� ��e�g.�"�� L°e a��.��.a�r�i.n� t�!� l�es� �n�d ��t,��e�� ����; �� paaa;�,��°�;�_ �°:a:��as ��_�;��� a�f�u���€� ,� u ���e �z�s�n�t �iz�� '��i� C���y 1a�au�.�� S v 'i�: a�a";.� v� �b����s �ki��x� ;., :�. ,a ".���d�^ �� �;m % ISA�. Cc�ffis�ack inqta��^�� i�' ��xir ��Fa.� v�ie ����x�-�w .r�.ic� ��a�3 '�;.,. .:- c��.::;�t�zi '��r c��x� ac�rrA�� ar.� ��s i:�s�c� �.4; �u��,� �rau�?c°�.��,znan �To�ansc�:� �����3...,cc� vr,��; �.� ;.�°a� �:��� o� �che hes3x�ir!; san �i��s �ro����, �he ��p3e v�x�: �cal.d .:�:: �:; �c��� �csf �Z:� �s��s$e� ur.=ti3. ��eh �;�.�� ��< t�!� �a��r a`►�. st��� s��ex� �acu:�c� i _ �.z�:: �,�J.�.e� �.�?.€� w�r� ��� d �he�a *��u�.�. be � �a��� ic 1�����iz��. ^��y�..� i:c� v��•:. :: r �.;t:�� :.n��z:i.s� i��vA a�epo�t f'xo� t?�z cc�r��u�.tiu; �r�3�tsac�� i���r�re a�:�:a�~xk.s;. ,•��:�_� ?�;e ����.�. a �'h� �''�,n�n�e (3�ficer sf,�-t�d �:ha� �.� a r��ra�� �'r�.n �;kie cc,�� i�].,�. .; ;; �;���;-;.u.��°� �,�.� �an�c:c�, tfz�: i:;�a�•�n� ��t���.d i�e he�.+� �:he �':s.�st p�� � oi' ta.��u� �. �����,���s. '�;�1 �c�h�a..*���� t� aut�.o��Le �h� cca����.��.���; ��a�;3.n��r ;cs o�t�:e.x,. r��:¢�: .�.�, �'�,�2��_����.;�n �r��.��iy�� �o u�.�e c1�°s{n��;� d3st�i� r o �r e; �z��.�t�, �v Sh�:�ida� o U�sc��a a v�Ic:� �r�'c�, th�x� he�.a�g nr� x�ayr p��:� �t. r�, ^: �,�a�:� i�ei ursar�i��t�us3.y. i � (1 �`j , j9�N Y���;�� • �i���.a�. �y �'r,ix�.a�sox� �a apparave the Pal.�.n�.��n� a�poi�ntmar�ts: PS.��?'� �sx�a�r ���x ��. ,. .l� V J ��3 w���� v��� t�ie ��.�t�r s��.�tcn��� ��.c� ��.�� �.i, .?'�i,CP �iT'�'A W�:",��' t`t' ��,�ili3.aYY�s"ti �$' ci&i"+"i'ir: i�? l�a��ley �, M�n���ota Ce�shi�z mon�:h ���:1 William Mc�r� �'�a3.I-ti�ae $2.�+5 per Tha:��,� : c'�`3:� �'yle� St���� N a E. Ba�°�endex fiotar %u�,�. 5��rirtg �.�.k� �.rk, M��tzeso�s ���a� �2 �$ �e in'�ek :���•:�a��d 8�y �Y�er�dez�. Upon � vai.c� vvte, th�xe� being na ��.ys, tY:� �ot ��� =: r.��.3�d waan�mousiyy I'r���i7T�ti�3 ?�i10�-1�� Ca�`�'�!i�� °�.5����..�' ���{�'�......t��t�RP� flR 5:'<Wi:;'��� �T�:D:I`�'34N: ........'�,e F����r iY� reque��ed en �xgl��t:ton� o�' t�ze �.8��� euti�Ied r�sol�z����a fr�_�� 4��a� C3�G;� i�.�e�rp ��� C�ty Mana�ex sta�ted tia�.�c� �.�a�en�l,y� sc�me of �lxe p�cE*�, a�� �;; :in �t��a�t�c�� h�zd xnot beez� ae�es��d �� it had ��en uz:d�r cc�r��rAc�t t:c �lz� �'�.�;�;�:� � ����� ���i;i��t �hu��Yao The �'�.n�nc� OPficez e�:��a€�d �he �Sro��r��• �as :=Y�,, s.�L��: � �� _:. i�y �.�an��^ac#; �'resaa th� W�s�dexe�t ���i;ist Chuxch �n3 ti� ahurr..h hac'�. �c��w��:..': ta� :�t &iEt� '��1�" CtidlkE�y hf�d '��k'c:''Y33 ��'. Q'�'�l' �G�1L ��.X &"fl�� o �IIf' �t2T"�21�'3' �c-:XjJ'�'l. �.a? :,:N �la�. con�r�c�; h�d ��r� bs°o2�e� an� �;��e ����t� h�d �evez��it b�ck �:c Lhe �.� :�. :a r�d Lh� �J�=.�� �..:�.:>.�r�r �z� �����! i��: :3�� o� �`��.r�3.�� ta ���r�i�W tber��: xa�.se �€`h� �;���ty i.s ��,s�` le 4a �-� �1� i�2 �.�x�� ��r��� #.�a ��:� but €:;:.i.z:� �aou3.a r��er�i�y �n�� a�,���e�n� ra�.1� �o�^ t,�,�se ;�s�i�i.cul:ar 2.a��s o Nfc���ic�xn b� �'c�har�e�+� f.a �dopt R�e��.utia� �1.1.fl-�9�a� �ora#'ir�rin� �peeiai ��� �_.:;��, ��a�ta fln ioi:� 3s �� 5, �, 9,� i�i, :C3 and 1,�, ��.oelc �., �s'barae I+��►or 2rx� Ac�d3tio�a � S�cor�dad b�► �9�eridan a�Jpon a�c�3c� va1:e, th�r� bs�ing �� ne ��„ <.Y:� ttio�ir��a C�.x-x�ied tarsan�ously. i�.^�3%tiT:fCS�'_ ���.-1�i3 � .t�ST1N� �RII7f"� WAI�{WA�CS : _��.. -- - - --.,... k�y,�r �'ee �•ca�ted '��.t a�par�n�ly �h� R�3��€�a�d aacl E�a�ei�ouse Cot�m��s3�n :,�; � 4.i�n at�ths�?°i�y � ors3er tl�e inst,a.3.I�x�ion o�' �ae.�kways nu t�a�i3geso A';L7�:;�.4'? '.Y' 5�.�:��a�zz wo $do,p�; Re�o�e��ion �2�.-�96� ree�u�st��a� the i�ai].��d s��c' Wr�.°:::: : �u�� 4°c:��3 s�:��n �c� a�er Nart.heru Fae�.P�.c Rai�.way -to ins�Il Walk�aa.y� c�n �� �.::i ,;E� Il�z�e.�� �.�. �ecoudec� by BroQ:c. Upc>n a voic� �ote, there bei�g r�c: ua��, -:._._ rxs�i.o� �a�°�i�d �na�iz�o�sly� �'2���i��:�4N �F i�d�Ct3EiD�L�; PZAT - FU:L'E� �I�H'I'S �AA�I�'id: � I � .��a, s' . . . ' .t.�.. �� .:�;�F�.�' i:J�...eF:'T4�����\:iy J�.L(� ��t.iiJ J��4^` I����� dL�-F'at.[Yil Ci°.J Vt.�v ���;i�.Q.TA4..i�,'1J�i +.. t:';.X:. •,w :,��y�z,,t?tr '�`ft,,� :i,"s'. �'i�1y: i''4?�;sfi"C' x�C��•.::'4'�f �?"aL�1��.d?!'i� �.'!"'�".'. �s.t'�"S' .'�i.:";t•�F". . ., ;;?..... e_.. - ..�.� . r;���a ; ,.f ��r:���� �?�1���1��,�e:� s �il.�. c:,aza��cl t� ga�.���,x 1r.I��y �o��_d �-��_� � �v,�:� ��:xz� ._,.. ".*z ��rr= 7 ��s��.c�� in i?ia�i r�ve�x'c, �P cle�:'t�t�;,lECi bg. �I � � �.�,te �i �;l�k�,�3� ������,�n� . 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"•JG'�Q:b �:$'6C.'I"f? �se:�,�i�; i3£� ?1fl";1vy ��?,' Ttt4'ti42E1t i°€il"1."7�}C. t'A4k�?1'�.�".L`SU�"��; , t' Y�T• +�* t�_ Y r°° As�v � ,a w ,�ti„��i�.,��i�.��saS �y%��.a.�,4�.1� ?�:�.��i�s �::.�i..}l�l�l.x.r��'�F..��,�� ���i,.>�,C►�` �_7�R'?. ��iC`L�1�1CC� ���.,F.� i�?Eii � ��50�.i9�T.}.f?ll"x CL3.�..�.�.�.°� �'CS3` ��P, T��'xi2'���r.'A'"7.`�.?'k?: ;";' �'.'=r �s� `�'�� ��.�;� ���.�e;^ gi��al.�c3 �Ma� xF;tk�e:�^ '���.n �r�.t�r�?r'���"��; �'f4_serz; +�.•. .' .ry � ;'*c r�" �;t�� ��, ��.ey hr�c� tx�ne�e�r�d iiini�s ;�� 'the �'ir�� c���r�.�z�, �`�:�ie. ca�<�;F�,� Tc¢ �;°�� �e��r�t� s�ua��r„ �h�� � wo1a1�: �e a�2a'tli��r �;. aaxsi ex -Wn �:y��s�;�� ?�r�:. ��:t` �rx� �� ��.� �:ad �� ��a� y�r�.r� [� ���y� ��, t��t3.c+� by J�ha.nson t� �dopt Resolution ��1].3•Z�63 maI�ing t�ra�s�'��� ;�� ���°•�s.i:� �uuds d Seconde� by Br�ok. Ugoas �. vcice vot�, th�r� ��� ��r., �ca nr��;s, �he m�t�.on carried unan�,mously. 1�gi�iOVfi:i,, �F F�E Ii�;PAR�2�I�IT PA�i2(3i�: �an�:ion ioy Sh�rar�an. �t� approve the Fr�.d�.ey �'3xe Deper�imenic P�.yro�.l. I�i �.��.: a.�a�aunt s� $$F9�.�,t�. �ecr�nded '�oy �3al�nsan, U3Pon a �ro3ce voi+e, ��%e�e ►�+. �.�.��� r�R� ;�ays, �he mo��.on ca�°r�.ed txnanimou�ly. �='.�IO�T �F Si'OF'�i� SPACr. �OR �� S"S`�E : T�a�: ��.��r �;�,����a° ea:p].�ti�ed ihe Li�u�r ��or� I+4an��;er, T�r4 ?�,r;e�ire� �►�o�`:.c; l:i��s �Lo ca��r��'c somE:or�� F�h� bui�.r�� �his ty�se o� �to�ag+� �o sdti �� ��e �-''- ��;rarr� s��rag� spac� so �hat they c�.z� �ei t�e �as� aut v�' th� s'�c��a� �: ���-� ��: ��t� ��ea ra.dci a larger coolero ��r�r NeQ si;a�d tYc��e �a� � 3�.r�r �tt�re av�,il.�..�le a� I3o?�y Sh�c���.n� ��n��:�, ��r�he��, ihe 3.acafion c�� th� em�pty s��ap sa very gc+�si. Cs�a4.a�ci"..:� iY Excaak s�:at�c� �.� d�dn °t Peal tn� 3i�uox �tr�re �hauld �se �via� e.x�a��au, �apUian by WuSk� �o aui�ixori.z� th� ���y P�na�s� to inv�s�igr�� ath�r �I`:,:-: s�n- • ����s Pc�z� �� Liquox� S�r.cire . �eco�d�d by �x�ok. Uga� � �o:�ce �o�=.: � t�i;.. �:f ���.�g no n�ys, the mo��c�ra c�ried u�a�xi�.a�us3.zlo �3'�'E� ��:�7:II u� a ��a��o� RTe� egcplained �o tYa� Ci�y :;�unci3 �b.�t � a�ee��.ng i�ac? be�n ����cl � : -�i�u City �Iall wi�h the Coordixiati�ag Ct�zttee a�d �ni��ES�d �erss�x�s r�n t�<: :�:-�ta Ca.sric C�ntex, tha� ��otices �:exe s�nt out and ca�a�.y ei�st fl� ni�� �ti��o=:::, I�o: a���ed from �ve� sj.xt;� natic�s . FI� fur�th�� ��rp3.�.in�� �z7a� ;�:��ez ��, I.�:3r�z: �€�c. b��z� h�ld regardita� 'eLe �Srese�f, e��e J a*".n� Ci�y R�nag�x s�at�r� ��� Arc-hi�:e�c-�ura� iiev3eta Cam�itte� w�.3�% Ys�d ���n se� �p to re`ri��a p�a,����. ��� r��� a�.so �o take a 3oca1� a� �he si�e had t�ao m�mbess present� �a��;�y Nit , i6-?.�tde� ��.d Nfr. H�.gf�rs, Co�nc$�.�;an 8r�;s has� r��.�ed a t�uevt3on �-;� ��7e ,s: ��. �r�: I�. Ifin�er h.x� �ta.�eci k�: Y�1t hi� comsn�t�ee hsd Ioak�� et va.°:;�r,ae �:.�:�.��� ��.sc: �s�ca�sc� �f the econnmic �ac��r �.nvoiveci had �elt thie pre�ea�;, �.�3�: +,;�.Es ih� ptG�� �i�e. TI2e C�.�C�T P}.:ana�er stat�:d it ��psared to �he �o�r�:�i:��u �::��,r� t�i��y ��ssu�.d iike ta lz�aw exactly whexe �Tne Ci�y Cflurac3l stt�fld oz� -ai1i� �:; �; ,. ���.��;,Iznan Joh�nson ateved �he w�� st:t�.l i� �'avo� of ti2e pr�s�a�t u�te ':;-��i �,ta ��� £�ei �;hey sha�ld go ahead ar�� b�aild a�'i�e s���3on. Cot�nc�IuF�n �a�?: '� nt�i,ec� �. � wr�� i�i� c���.n�.on the P�.xe �ta�io� �I�c�ul.d be buil�. aa Mi� ��.��: �� ,���:'. ��:��°�:�t Pax� �ra�-Pi� r�ar�ons �nd ��the Civic ��nter should a�o� �� to�a:��� a�;. i:;,- �s�.ese�t �:i�me. Cou�ci3.��.n Wo}.�e a�`�ated it *�as �is �pinioa �t�e Coaa��il �,��..��=a:'�e; �uy s�m� qunnset bu5.ldi��s a�au �se ti�� te�npo�ar31�. �s�u�.cil�an �m��,r:�, ..i • iaYC�uireci fl� iche �'igure Smiley and l��sociat��, Ar�h3.t;ects, h8d g-��,ae� �c��� ,.;�:e �ire I�epzirtz��it m�d wa� told about $168,C10D. Chie� �2ohert �u�hes r�f.' f:�+_. %ri�.l�y I� 3�e Depaz�ment was present and s�s�ed � new � ir� Sta.tior� :�.n Ft =;� ::s��;^ had j�ast been completed ixt�7.tadirtg �verythin� at t� cost o�' $I05,OCpo . �'a� � � e �r:;a����au E�^o�� ics�.d Chie� �u�i�s r� k�.c� ma�� � state�enr i�Ys��: 'r,,:°:��yJ ��1: �al.d bia�l�i �Y�� .�iz�� c�����tten� Pa�ir�.� �I:.se�isz�i�p� St�e�l� a� i� Yas�u�.d "a� �:�°:t; c>�� iY�.�iP ��,� �$�ie� ��x �x��i�ie ��d ��qii��st�d �ikae opi���o� �a�" °��s� �'i�� ��i9.��;4' �r. �u��.cs s ��'t,�r� �i� u ?��i��i�� �.�;��. S�r��; w�� �Yae �es� �ar����.u� y ��t�q��b� :L� ��;1 73r�e� :ncsu3.��d i�' �hey iaua.3.d ��°�.�� stQtxon, why caul�3n'� �:�4:;y u� �<��: �r�` at �qax� cit>• c��'f�.ccs o .� �[�.s�����is�u ;��s �ae�.� ���:g���din��, ��fl Ri��e�. �s:c��rt; ta� �2i���.��i�?��3. a�t:���. , :u an� the p��!���s:��.:�t�.e� ni� ���-: �c���i:tara�:°� ����°�:�3�3i� -��at�zs�.r��� ,���:-�•�; t�� a�r.ti�g �+r�.� c��' �;�� �i�.t�c���. ��3�s�`�:y ix�c� ��+�� ��r� �P�.�s •i�.1Ld ��ae�� wh�e �,a�::; ��; �-�� i����i �� �,�, w�.� �p��°�.3.ee�. fc,r ���At2t�. �`c��x°nea,��x �3r�k �� �e� �;°;�: c;3.�;� ci;i=� hs,►e �h� �:�g�at �c� ��au�e��a �nd b�y px°m�xt;�a '�I�e Ci�ty gL�n�,��c:� �eas�:��� .����r �t����y �c�. ���n #.nto '���� bar�.n�r �a',eieh w�re n�� s�t� ������Qx•;� and �:'he�r i�•.il ai�c� c�s�x�9.���c� ��� �a�s�Ta��r o�' �a�:l,a�.di�� th� �r���?n�. �ity �c�.��.� Y�.�.�rc+�� �tc�t t,,..� �,e� i�'1�.s i#:�� �as�c�ec� �.r� �x�+��e��:�can �t�.t� •tL�� C�.'�y ��aa��:�.�. C�a�nci.�.�nan �ro�r� 3n�uirc�d of' M�yvr �Tee iP ?a.� w:ish�d t�z co:xs3der r�z ��°?: �:.�e� �'fv�.a U�nt�r or ��a.rt ra� i�t� ��yar �$e� sta�e� i•� v��.� i13� �e�1.�a� 4uC.:E, sk��c��3.:� �s�xz�id�� th� ���ire c:i�ti� ��n�ex� �s��nc:�.��n ,Sal�nsu� ��:�.���! i.r� c�s��.�S.a `:3�Q�^ t.cs ��tie ��� ����r ��ur�c:!�. ��c���t �h� �i����aa :�� it �'r�� ;i��:�a ':�,: �h�� �i� '��e ����seni r�3.�� t�t�i� i�aat,er�� t�� b�??3.�1�,�z�; �.0 ca���t�p 3���:t�.cl t1 -�, :;,�ti� �'i�'e �?���t�nt � C�i�'� Ro'bert H�ne:s �.s �s��:d �i�� � �ri�k� t� �; �r��t: ��v �n° ; �R • �.s �n rulr��t�.�n �a ick�e �'i�°e S*��ior�, i� wuu��.n' L p�y u� g�u� �.�:�, ta�a ���-i �e��� L�x�r� ao��n ��px°. Gnr�ncilar:�� %p:�kL sf,�ied uhe�r �Je.�� ;�pju€�d.�.r�� �c�r�_; w: �vr x���i; nne� �'s:x�;�� w�u�ra �A :xes�.:���; ?�xs�e �r,t,r�a9 �i��fi�.ie:e� , �:t�=.�� �a�c! .°�. �t�:: c':��,1 ��M �t�ea�.'���� r�.x?� Y�&���:L�. i�c� �;���C.tx�� r:��a�:°� �:.�� �I^.��;,�,r ��a�'��°�.�� T���E; �. �y�.:::. L}�t.,."?3i�u '�;:i� c..�3 L:i°2L1�.� �� �'t�fi��'� :�'F"a:?� '�-i2� L.."f.'Yi'i;�.'.�' �,'h`��^ra�>a .� �K: :�'`�;''�.f+�.'':�° S'Z•� i:t:f? t i; � . �, �as�� � F;�d c���.l �aa ;��^s:� ���� �z�ra���.�'�:�� fc��° ����R:�� �v��z���ra��t� �°t��°��z� �ra�r �.� 3.r�-����x� �c�e �:,ui�.� z.��� . T�� C;°���F b��n���� �a��g,�' a-1:�ie� �;s� �%;.� �';3�y Cc�urz� �.1 �,�.r-:y� �z�v� � �e�•L�.r�, r�i _;}�. ���;: Arck�i �;e�f.�a�°�3. �r�^��.uw Cr��,�cit�� a �.��r��r �:c=� ��:��c� ��:;���� �� t y �;,�a��c�:�. �32;�ia:�;� =a�7.�.c����y �;�.�.� i���z� ��� c3.�W�.€i�w�3,$ �sy��r .�x�r�T;s,e� e��� �� =.�.�:�� ��: ���.�°��,, �� ��zar��z�kz� C���ci:E�� 5�:��iti��z sir�tec� t�s� �i��t �:�i�.�s� t:�s�y ��.c°�. �� r3.F� 7r�..� c�z�:c:�.dE �n tt�� ai`�e' :�nc� i1c �ra�: �is �a��.za:Lu� �?:hey sh.ca�tld. cc��s�;c�.e� $•,;-�: �:n:iz^� C.I�a3� ��n-���„ ���:�a�.����,�i�: `��i��e �:�ng �to f'�a ��Qr btis�.��e�, -��a� me�t3n� �az� cle�l��eci a��orux�erl r; "r.�� yo� �ee s �e������:i�l.'cy sulbm���et�.. N�:y ri��.�kt��iu • �;�.:��t�ry �x� �he ���n�ii • Fya,y,:;�.', ;.�.::. ;�l°'���,:i;� t��" ���C��:2�►'I`Z�i P��^� �^° �T.�a�` �d 3..�F.� �, �.�-,� p.�,,�o.���, . ..�..�..�� �:,.�-.�,�.,.v_��.�, �. _ . _ �. �.. ��. �.:�:��.°�u;% �a�: ��� �c��c°c� �� .�,u.��,.��a�.�s,.rar� t+er�s ��.��� °�� �a���;� �� � .�ca�: �'t��; �� � � ;�� � �,�'�,.> ;�l��F�:���-��� ;�;: �:��.�. ���.�.� ���a �����:� �e�����na ����'�..�i�,, ���a:�.1��;, �������; ��t ����� ,����� v��.��s � ��� �;� n :> ��.��. �t�:��a�'��� �� �5�43� ��k�' A.�r���a� ���:k �i, ��� �a� l�c��� ��ks� ���.c�*�����: ��► .�c�:x��.c�zs ���� �����fi� , ��ca�l ��.�� �S,::I�� �s���Y;� c��:�;x°������.�r� aa� ��.s �,-�c��:�� ����e�� a��a�� :i.�a � �,�.,,:�� ���::��.�� ;�s�1�. � �, �33�;��� ��,.� ,�s���a�� �� �Ya�� �,�. ��"�4�,: ; :a,--:�.: �Ma'x'-i,.,�,, LLi9a �v6vA..�'..� �f�T� !�, ��� �'��°:, �3���� �'� �.�.�.;���:�� :�,���"� ��:��e3���=�,�;��� �������°� :�:���.;� � � :�'.��°�� � � ;����'����� �i"�;:.�.�' �?�..��.�.:� �-� � , �1�: �5�12.'"a � ��'�eti ��.��� • .�;�.,1�� �� ��� d+��r��at�.� �i.�? � �, ��a�a�n� ad����d ��;�.�,�,�: :�.�, ��.� � �����v �.�� �� ��,��� ���� �, �� i��a�c� ,�, �'�� ���4 ���.� �"�,���.�� ����^ �.���5 ���x������ .��� ti� ��c� � ��� �� e �c�� �.? �1�� ��►4�.G'� n ����;1. �'���D ����u����:� �s�tr�.� �.�� ���.� p�����ry� �..'�,��� ���:��i�� � �p�i.�;�, .�.�s���1�i��'.� � �� �������� a at�nalcc� x j o�� ��.�34 Qa�ci�t� �u�i A �� � �� i� e ?G�� 2� �i�t #�54�6°�, ���a�.� #�+�� �c��p1��d al�ca�u�. ��ci�l �t�a��s��n�.s � °�e� t�c�aanei� �l�a�c� t�he c��i��,�a��.o� a� th� v��u�'tisas�� °�r� �-.�� �'�:�ta..��-,e., ����'��:. ���cs�� ��r C:�1�i�aa �rvh�sc�as, r��rs�ecY b� Cousa�cilm�� �acoc,�ic �}•�� • a� j a��xa t�� a�ting � V��a�.�;� L��oa ���,� .���+��a�! A.:�a��o��� `' � t����.�� �� o�ica�. rrarze� cs�x o� z��n� PUBI,I� HL�ARING BE�QE�E TI� CITY ��DUNCIL �€? 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J's j� ? ?.s�r l,y - . 7' � � i'! � ?Y k''# . �7 _ - ,`' �"f�'.`fl�� � ``. �vii .;,I� 'lifP_ �� ��e!. .`. .�p _,ti� �. ,J�.� t.S t t .:� �f ' � �,'�,� � r � k,�.F'�i�� ,�s:,,> �l;t�r j�:;'e+�� ,�'i; � �f'•ft, �}�+ ��?a� _ ; ,�.� '• + �f,_,�; �' .. �;+` r; , ,,� �; ��,,�, �,».a� ��� , E_'r' i�. rv.�� $'��::'i(� ... M� ��r ';« ?�.Z� 4 ��'�} '#�'i;�� a:i+".� �.. �. y� �G � � ;' �� ��:� � ���� I3�°i�� � 75`th A�ern�e �o �i� So�.�� � {��Q .ci8L�9�"'� ���,�� WS�`� I� �,�����o� r s �j� � _.. _ '_ _._. '{ 7 _k'i�A b �.._. � � i ;:!� 'ti ali- rq"�, �g � . E. 3 4s .1. ., �, � �' . �% ,Cx 3J �,�;�:�'�d� � i � ..; �- � � � ., 7� Y?s .*� y.- r G i ;i t'.. R� .. � �! ,l . S.,Q i. �� � � :;; * �9 � 3 �.3".�,� :;;�'�� < ;`' ^ i El:�, , ,' S J* �4! . ;�� .T.r� �,��v � �� R°tA ' ...'J�i � � � i� F+, �'c iC i� �I � k X A �t� .� t'°j'S x? t. `' a�f):"1 �;;, e �• � 9 �gi�'�.c,� ' �soLVr=v�t �o. �Rasor,o�rao� o��ra� a T A1aD F7.�TAL PLANS AWD SPECIFICATIO:�S - ( S�D+TSR AND WATEIt PgtOJSCT NO. 61j W�R�A3. Resol�ation #112-19G3 of the Cf.ty Couaail adopt�d tbe lst ciay of �t�3.y, 19b3. set the dat� f� i�enrittg on the proposed improvonoentse as speciffcally aotecl in �he Notic:e of Hesxin�g attached hereto for ref�areacs as Sxiribit "A" , aad W�REAS, A]Ll o� �t3�� p�opo�,y awaa�ra whos� pro,peatty ie liable to be assessed tivitim �:he ma]sia�g of th�se im�psov�maents (ss noted ia said no�ice) �vere g3�v�n ten t10j d�a published aot3.ce oi the Cou�acil heaacf.avg through two (2) weekly publications of the r�u�r�d xaotice, and th� la�a:��g was h�1d atid �e paco,pex�y vwners h�ascl th�ceon at t�he he�'Sng, a8 xaot�d iu saici norC�t�d ��nl', TH'�R�FO� o B� IT RTsSOLVED, Sy the Cauncil of the City of Frid'Ley, Amtaka Cotan�y. M�uaesota, as ft��.laws: ].. Z'hat th� follo�iug improv�enta proposed by Crnaaeci�. R�solu�ion #1.12-1963 ar� he��by crd�red to be effected a�ad� c�l� as soan as xeaso�bly poasible t�wi�: W� ,�y � � • �� �� 48i� � � 1�=0V� 370�@���i '�Il� _ 810� CB _ _ \ of hea�cing on tbe sa��s ar� noted ( i.n �ibit "A" � 1 �i sa�e1 notic�. T'��� �t� r�oack abov� may be conso�.ida�ed witY� cx�hes areas as ane ��covem��. 2. �he �k to b� peafo� uttader this p�roj� �y b� p�c- for�d uader oa� ar maoce eoatsacts as ma� be advi- sab�e u�a� r�ce�.pt og bids.. 3. Go�nstock a�i �avis, I�e., �onsu7l�ir�g Engineers are ia�re- hy d�sig�� �s �e �agiawexa for �aia impxov�am�nt o ��y �11 pr�paxe fia�]. gl$as �nd specif3.cativ�s fcor tlae �e�sing ci s�acta improv+�nt � � A�P'TED T��S �J�l,,,_,�, DAY OE , 1963 BY TBS C2�"If tAL]�TCIL OF T� CY2�t OF . MAY'O�t - Wil].iam J. �e� � �iR��fix ��� �, C� �� w- �� C. SxttABe�.l � • � • � n A'�:le7dk.I�4A Ir.d.WbB S.V�O ��`_ �°'� �lVJ �;��I����'`,�Q'Li C3���ik��� �Y����� .A�'a� �sit� .�"��,�Te�.a �3.�� b�T� .r'i�,� ��.. ° �.�'.�°�..� '�.' �+�x+t� �� ( Sk;t�J�.� � i�'�'�� I�C�o�i�:�`'.� ��� � ��. y t-3��.�� 9 l�esolu�ian #3.1?�-l.�b� ofc �� C�.ty �oura��.� ������ �e �.�� d�y s�f �a�.�e i963, se� �,ze dat� for h�ar�g o�a ��a .�rc� pcas+�ci ��a�v+es�n.�s, �� s;pe�i�iea�.�.y ��s� in �i�a �io�:i�� ca� ���:m-• �.�ag ������d ��re�a �ar r����ence a� �xl�a3�a3.� "A'° g aa�c1 ��R�..�, �.11 of �Sa�; p�ape�icy ���'s ��o�� �xa�ext� �.� l.iabl� �c� � a���sse� �a3�a �i.� �.�3c�,rzg o� �es� 3.�arov���a��s � a� ��t+Wd �xa ��.:�� ���ai��,c�y c��� r�.���a ��,�x �a.�� c���`s �+������d �ar�•���� Dfc �a�:; �ou���.3,. �aea.��:s�� ����1�. �.wr� � � j ��i�.� ���'��.�.���i.�n� o� �� re�- �u��� �o�o�.cea �i �ae 3B�:I� v�a� ��3.�i �..ai �� �rerge��y a�aeg� �i�ar� ��..�:eoaa at, ��ise YaearisigQ as �oted � said �ac�t�.c�o <�I��", '����ORE, BP� I'r RESOLVED, �;� �a� Coa�c�l o£ ie�� e�.ty of Faridls�yd, ��aoka �o�aratyo �eso��a� a� �al�.��� 1 o T��a� �e ��11o�vvix�g iz�rovem�n'�.� ��opc►sed b�� �o��.�. �, ��o1�a���.o� ��.�.2—JL'�63 �x� i�exe%ay or��i to �� �€f�t�� �°x�ad �e��1.��,c-� a� soo� as �aason�il.;� ������� ���.�v A�, .��.�. v� �.� �x���ts as £�1.1c�,�s �s ���.� i� �-�a=� �r����.�� o� �t�ax� c�� �e s� a� �e r*��a��d �,�.� �����s�.� ,��,�� � � s��d �o��.�� n �.:� �±a��e� �,���c�y a��i ��v�,�� �c���.ec��._��� �ad :���i:� S�r� 7�����.1. a�d S�€a y�� �a��t�.��� ��c��;� �aa a.�:� of �� ���i�s �aci sc�v�i� ��.�. e�:� �� �:z��as d.��cri�� as �013.o�a�: �� o b� a c. � C� a e: o �a 73�'c� Rv� � �Y o � o �- � aF� � �r�i� �v � a� a #47 0 0. o a o v o.. 4 m e m�. o a Along 76l:h Av� o ii n� d £�'r��r Ces��ral. t9r\i0 �o •e+•�Yi �{�e�i�T� O 4 D o O e O b �n as�d aionq all s�:re�•�� 3..n V��..�: ° s Addit�.on, vs�st c�f E a�iv�� i�d���.o 63� Way �0 6� %iay a a A e.� o�> � Alons3 flst Aveo �7o JE. f�:�z� sca��.E���.�r. �racics to T ��i 4##�47 0�, m. a o �� Al�aa.� Wes� I�l�o�e LaSs� Dr;�.�� f��x� �;��� Ave o�T e� o to � o� ,#C�5 �:2�.i.�t �•€rs� t� ••0�6[l0 V7Wi�Vi� ���Y�Ai�„�sV' O cr �s O @ IZ� � al.Ong a1.�. 8�eefi.� �.n �.� ad,� a— c+�nt to 1t�.�Q C�ceek Seh�►;�. Add�.���aa . .:' �� P���" �: • � o �i�Q�g �C�'r:n P,ve� i�, � o �ca�x� ���"j,�i C�,� ��. u f�, 5�ru�, � w a <� a o a o u o �qyy� �q�y� y/ayy.��..J� v. 'pyy��y '�,'[ �—ya � O ��O►60i�[� L%2w � Y� � �i. Vbi4 � ui RsJ'+� Cl V� f D S:Y O.b1:, p Sa+u'� � aU ° (Se�a�'� 33.n ` ��'��,��'� � , ��t�.�.ii`AJ�'L��SR� b`w'e�w.8. �a u a r� �A r c. ,� rs �� a � c+ . dou s71C�,�.����e� o��L��� iA�L+ci�V.C�� ��4� Hr,'Nf,�'�wai��i4s+a::r �''b.+.?�SA,�;�ii�"° �.3.r��a� ���.�a� :�.�� �� �, a� ���� ��.:���,� ���: .Si�"aa�.�?c� a`i�.3.. a�� '���E:: t�.',�E�c'-�.� �1'e�en��:�s�.'�. �':s �6�:�.,�.�'C'i�3,"J c^4:, '.t�.:�.�&�C3 r#;� «"v'��'��. ��,.�'�JiS�. :Yaaw.,"��. .�."�7�' �, � A�'a � G� ��:ss�i s�►�.���. s���tc ��.�:�a�3.v� �sa Jt':.O^�'CCAci tJG�.9.��� .S��Q�%�+'«�11&�se:i� O c+� ri 4 �',t:�y��.� t;J.6Lir!.3G's� 8w.*M�� �� �.. w +u o c� s� cf ., o a �. �� u .l.�6r'�$R'"«J.a^ �.�R7,E,.C.6'Ni`%..E.-ll`lA� v.e*�+e�6ifiY. O (,� Ri G v �• C5 � c s u �� :, �� ���F ��'�,�� ��v+� �� �e ca�s�o� �.e������� �T� ����� ���.�� a� �� � ��� � ��::� ;�.�:,� � t�R.t�.;�?��. C. � ri�y ��,�t,"s. ti��-..�,�.L•�:L. ��aR.:.ti a'�4a> �<�MAi��d4r�� 1di6��r.� ���ni �a�>V�Qc�v�6. %.'i�7.T.�i� ���� ���.%id�'oBikT''i„!� �,� ���;: ,,�� �,x a�� �caz��.°�r�� �� a�� �� r�,��zca^c;� �r���,���a�.� �.zy�€�� � jd�d,�.�..:��� �;"' ���.�a�4, �.cw��.:�c�� �a�� ���,� ����:F ������:y����a��a���s �.4� e���i���m��y � a � t� ��z��;.��¢��� �� �� ;;.��:�:�� 9 :�:� � , ���r���. �; � ��� '�..�.�� �.s������� :�;� � $� ?:��.:� �"�y� e�-� �.�+.�.°.;;�..�.��;� �� �� ��.��°��� �c�� �;,�.���� :$���,���°;,����.x��,<. ':'s�u�,� 3� .,�.1. � k°�,.;b<;;.��;� �;�}���. �:�.�� �rac� ��ec�.�i�.��,c���c< �:�� i:"�c� ��t�.�x�xc� �� ���::_� ra W��� �.:;..}Y,A�J ��"i:"n�R':s 17 AS"'0.�-..x"C.I,A:�r6{ �' ��� ,,. :�r:% .�F'.�.�1.2.A7. �L,iB'"� 'L,CCd;� �J.l1S B d,.w�'�� p F,L, i.S ,6'Eb7 ��.:�,ti'CA° 1o41tJL�J ��'`.i�.t �.L'.. �L��� (a�����" ':,�:`' T'?"`o�s�a�:�o �,.�ya�e�u, . , , _...,._ �_ : _�...,,,�. �z� a..,��,,.�....�.,.�� �.:��k� :r���; �Qy ��:��r,� �� ������� � �.v.....�«.�-�.,�:�..�,�,p.,,,..�.��„a4m.�<».,.� -f-- �..a I++�.�'��!�. � i�i �.1. �:.:�k�'i n7 � g".' E3�? r � � �l�, u � t�E� �PF.�LS i�l.�� – �Y 3, �963 T'lae a��i�g was ca�.�,�d to cx�der by C��.sman D�av�GVek�. at 7:30 P.Nio P�B��C'S P7�k?�"3�+i�tt �iT�1�c�Ck#.a GAC�dY�.G�ii Gabr3ek, �ti7��'�.So W�t�3.�' ��� A��rc�n�s Dic►aae � ,, . � ,; . � ,« . �; . . i,• � �, , #. ' ' - } . :!�k � � :v, y � . 1 . ' � . � :__ _. . _ �,--° - --. . _, ,.__ .s -,�. .. .. .,..,._ . .. ... .. '.,. . . _.._... : . . , . . !�,_.i., . �� �� i�� 73 S4 4�0 F�x fi 2�� � n f�/� c f� � � !7 V VM:+/ �7 4 �7 .i.�i$.� . .Ril . dAF/GA � QIJ6/ 1707 1T � '�� �R$�CC� d��.8�3�'.3� 'h�l� '��'�.+�96':� �tj,'�'.ii � Q t'rj�.>v�. . ��� �� ���� i�a�� w�<�s a i�a�c�sh3�p iAa �1ai.� �c� a� iae�a�� � hc� wi�a. ������ �g��'���, ad� as�a�: �r� ��..� ,�sa�pQS� ���g�, �a� s�� ba� �,ti �e��. ��.��g � !�� ��at�� ��.�a�+� ��w�a Y�ruiB.df.�zga. l�at3.s�a� �� ��i�, �mc�a�� �� �"���.r�� �c� �ew ' +.c� �1t;� C��►ci2. �� ���ati�g o� �a�s wa�isni�. Upc�s ��v v�,— ��s� ��� �ao �'s, �afx� F�ocls�. sleel��d �e� aa��3.c�, ���i� n -� . i : � ��;I £ri:� r���� �3.x� mma ��la�i �i'us.�.�7�sp t'�,� ���'�c�'c�. ��.�.�� t&ze � �� c��. �e�p�7��.� �$�mi.��aa�is :a•+�'.±. s . i•a� �, � • ;: _ y.. s .. - �. � � 29 1 \ � , , .► -- NALL. •MITH, HEDLUND, JU�TER� FORSYERO AND MERLIN , ATTOI�N[r� AT U►W � � OOUOLA� MALL 'J 1 1 •ROOUQ[ �ANK �UILDIN• WYMAN �MITM MINNEA►OLI/ i, MINN[�OTA O[ORO[M[DLUND l.'MOWARO �[NN[TT . i[D[qAL 1-14�1 LCONARC T. JU�T[R J�� 27 � 1�3 O/FIC[� IN: TMOMA� e.FOR��(RO WILLIAM M[RLIN O�/[O [DWARD M. OAL/RAITM COON AA'10� � � NI. Eal1 �lit$�@!� .(Yt� M81s$!r Cit�r of Fridley 6431 Uni�eraity A�enue N. E. lh�idler 21, Miaaeaota L: I.ettar Of �uildin� Iasp�ctor Dated Juae 20, 1963, � Oonceraiqg !'� Discostiauance Of Licen�e �oad� 1►bs Contractors Daar Barl: I ha�e re�ieved 15r. Jeaaen's letter referred to in tLe captioa. I alao ba�e exasined the form that is u�ed for the lic�ase tiond. I rauld reco�and that tbe licen�e bond� be diecostiws>. The City has effecti�e control o�er the contractoss is reqnis- ing tbea to ba�e a license. We ha�e a reaed�r for niolatios oi atity ordiaance by court enforesaeat. It say ie that tbe cor�ss or the pzoperty o�er for Mhod wrk is being ao�ae r� h+ane a�a cause of actioa uader tbe ioad agaiast the contsactor �fiere tM co�truction code lua bee' �iolated. If there ia s�scl a sight. to �r kaovledge it haa been utflized iafrequeatly. I knoM of no caae vhere collection ►at been �ade against tbe contractor or the boad lalder by raaaon of the license bond. I wuld tend to a�ree with Mr. Jeeren that it is aa eztra expe�se�that ie passed on to the consu�ez vitiwut auy corresponding be�efit or protection for the City or the consuuer. I do ha�s �er�onal kno�ledge that �ooe of the other co�unitiea ha�e discontinued license bonda. I assume fro� Mr. Jensen's letter that the bonds sw� iro� Ma� lst aad that I�uld agree thesefore vith him that if the�r ar� to be di�continued, thay ahould be discontinued aa of Ma� 1, 1964. In order to discontinue i►e �uld need an ordiaance re'ealin� the ♦arious aections of ti�e code providiag and re�uiriag licease bonda. Such g repeal ordinance irould require O�uncil sction. i� : �e cct Mc. Mr. 7iours truly, C Wyvtn Ssith ' �'` � �llen G. Jetiee, luilding Inspector Cal�in G. �roWn, City =sgineer � .� � � . �p �,I�UIf 28 t963 Gi� � FR����Y _ btl���• ,� 3�D e � � �-_� � � • Cit o rid�e � � 6431 UNNERSRY AYB�IUE NE TO Tl� 1i�0�AB1.E MAYU� Al� T� CI1T OOt1�CII. CITY 0! FRI�.SY Geatlemen; �� �o�� ' �'� � 31 sbo=3x.�6� FRDLEY 21, MMI�OTA Jutu 20, 1%3 It has lang baen a questian in my mind ia ragard to the value of our licenae bonds. At various time ia the last three rears, � certain problema have come up in regards to contractara and thair �rark or their operations in the city. I have atte�tad to find sc�me place ia their bood where I caild uae the paver of s bood again�t them. Up to date, it has proven worthleas. In my eatimation, the only posaible reason for the contractors taking out thia band is to give the Bonding Campaniea aa add�d revenue. The City of Paw Bzighton has discontinued Licenae Bond� aad I understaad various other municipalities either �iaa on doing so or have done so at this time. I am in full ucord With the lice�iag of all contractors and the fee ae�ms to be adaquate. Tbe only hold I have had to date os contractors' �rork or their business ethic• has been their license onlq, It has been quite effective. It is my suggeation that �+�a diacontinue the license bonds u of the fiscal year, starting Maq 1� 1964. If it is the o�inio� of the attorney that it vould not be uafair to preaeatly licea��d coatrutara who have taken out the band, I v�ould suggest they be discoatinuad i�ndiately. A latter froa this office could be a�at to all cantracto�� now licensed in Fridlay notifying thsm of whataver action may be takea. Sincerely, ���<� _-r.,.�....-,.�1 G. JBN Bu ding Inspactar AGJ s cke • cc; Mr. Flyman Smith, City Attornsy Mr. Earl P. Wagner, City I�l�eaager 1�. Calvin G. Draw, City Engineer � �� � -� ` , � � ��i 110 Timas Building ��� '"— Minneapolia 1, Minnesota Ju�y 9, 1963 City Council of Fridley City of Fridley 6l�31 University Avenue N.E. C i ty Nal l f�'ridley, Minnesota Gentleroen: FTe Woul.d be happy to lease space in the Holly 5hopping Center to the City of Fridlay to be uaed aa sn aff -sala liquor atore. This apace to be neW construction, to be built nezt to the Gamble Hardxare Store, and to be approximat.e],y 20' x 90' (1800 squatre fset ). We �ould have this epace reac�y for occupanay r+ithin 1?0 d�re from ths date a written lease for the premiaes Was executed by the parties. ThR atore to contain forced air type he�ting and sir conditioning system. Lease term to be at leagt five i5) yeara, and rent of ;3pQ.00 per month. Chargea for 9nox removal, lighting, cleaning, etc., ot parking lot to be �10.00 per montii. Tenant to ps� for utilitiea vaed in the premisea. Ar�y other terms and conditions to be agreed on betxeen the parties and contained in aaid leaee. This proposal to expire thirty (30) days from above date. FPL:rna Very truly yo�irs, PROJECT NUMBER SIXTY-OtiE CORPORAT ION � �7 $yr/ , % t,� , vT � cLa�,��s G�n�ca�. 576 thr�ough 677 L:iquo�r 5465 through 5508 Public Utilities 26�8 through 26b7 ' �� . ^ _ 33 • � � ESTIMATE3 TO BE APPRC'iVS.D BY T�E C:C�Y CflLi�TCIL M JULY 1S a 1963 r ---- 34 ' . _. _. �var�tt�k and DaviB, Inc o Consul�ing Errgins�ra a44s Couat� �.a�d a Mir�z�apolis �2, �so�a a_��,�— :�_��..1.� `� 14 �'ater �Cmp�ovem�ni� nro j.�do e s4-�', sch o 1 8 s�afior Ynguove�ae�►t Psoj. Noo 34-.T, sch. 2 8 Watet In�rov�nt Proj e ffio. 34-L, Scho A 2 W'at�r I�rov�aaent Pro j e No 0 34-L, sch v 8 9 5a�i�ary 3e�e�c �ad Watec� ?.�. Eroj . l�o. 55 � S�c�t ax�c1 Sanitasy �S��w�r ga� p�=o j. Dio o S8 TOTi'�I. w—�� �3j w-3� � �) w-3�—L �Aj �v-34—� iB ) saza' #55 sa�ss �.�� � . � � ��: m0i� 1���4� �f� �0� ��', n 25 �:; 00� �.Et� $a�:�� Water - ?accyn Removal Plan� (3�r�ac�ur�s) Wate,� - All M�e�chatx��.eal Equi,p�ent - Filtration �1��.�. Wa�e�t - Well #3 - Tux'bine Pump Wate�c' - well #3 - � S�gine sanit�ry sew� & W at� - 1962 &�ar� & saxa.i�z�y Sew�r -► C��sai Av��aeB l��i�si�si��:� Sau� �� i��CS'� oE� C¢�A�T0�3' �,gc��t3F8 3� B26 APP[t�1D s`Y CaUNCYt� �r��,Y �15 s � 963 �R�L '� d�911�8TRU�:t��f GO�PAA�. �S?�'9 ���t� Ra�d �lira����o�i�� Aliaxa��ot� bye Ri�h�rd II�o Smith R�t�1B1�iAYe H� �8'�'%C� ��A� ���� t�c�de A��nu� �t a ��u� W 't�in��sota ��� � � i� � W�.&�t� to�t1C Com(98uy 25�� - 35Ch Av�u+s SouCh l�in���o�,is � IK�n�t�sot� ����� � Hut��a PA�bi�agf I[aco 2�� W��t 72ad 3t���t Mi���p�Rig � l�i�a��ot� I • bpe E o P, Je�st�r by� �,, �.4 �ii���n by a 'Taa gut C�t � _,0 �� �� 35 , � �� �� . �� r�rt�R ifliEi�t o MARt��1+Y C � B�i�tdSE?� 9�'���2d�,t+I�� i��RE�TOR S�'�3���T a S�t?�1 SEWER �IPRaYF..�EN'T F'R��� 1�0 0�� 3�s��n S�ter� �pr����� P��j��E� 5��� 51 serc��e�s !�%� �e�eea�l �re� v€ �i��ias�,�p� S��e�� �d ���i S�r���p !� dr�i��e m�� �� i�e� �x���� ��;— ��i�� ���a�ls��,�g ��r�eer� �ta��$ t��e ���d���,e� c�� ��a� ds�t�e.�e �re� � �%�ax �a?��j��� e��t ��s��21�ad �r� � ����e3� �� s ����� ��s��c�n, �t�e S�renn �d 8��.� p���e��>�,�� e��°� ����uded �� `�h� �s�����an� r��l �� 7ia�� � �:����e�� �aa t��xe f,ffi�a�a�r���msr� �� ��;�,d �T�a�,� � �, ���� n ��� ��°�� je�:� c�� ��»�et�� ���!��� 30t> ��� � � � ��� 1�mads we�� �sr��aed De��!�e:�° K�� '����a ��d �i�� �at �a� II��`�e� �5,, �9��a • ��e �u�;��e c��' ���,aa���s� s��i_l� ��:-�;,����� �� �c�� ��f�� � � t�h�.� s��� �� ���s� �.�� ����ts��c� t�i�� ��r.� i��!�a �e� .��c;?�ed ���5� � d���a:z.c�?± ?��� !�� ��� �de s�,s ��o ������� ��a�� p��� $���`, � �e ��,�, ��a� �a������ed ����.� s t��se ���a+�= ��`��;c� �������,z�� ��� �S�id ��� �aa� ,��r � ���t�4�a��. ;��� �,�v,�;, 4 �� i�w� �, �� �a�sH� �,�1 �� l���x���� oe.�i� ��a�s ���� �� �a��e�� ?���Y�e��s ���. �o ��; �o�bd� �t�, ���,A ���e Yo b� �s�cav� �t4�� �: �3e��r��,t�e ��s���g�u. �tt���� �� ��� �d� �vr� ��� �,�e��� �r£ t54���e `��drx� �� ���� �� ���E��� �� ���s���� ��s � d���c��e-ffi�� ��s �dc���#aa� s ,�r��� yl �g�� � � �c�u`��i �e�c�a�u,d ��ee ��a��s��r,:r �,e,�s���� ,�e ��� a�y �� �_h��� A� � e��Y���t�� d������ �:�e� s�b.�� ��e� �:��st� +� ',�H �Pa�����d ��� °�a� �,���e� t��r� �s�r� �� �gr��d�?�� �h� �oa� �� t�i��� �.s�s�c�g�r���& ��1�� ���a_+;��� t�b�� ����; �� �c�� �����e r�l.� �re�, �� C�'�� ���e��e�t} k��g�a ts��a�����i� ra�:: Z'���e �� �. `��� r:�� �,��� �:4?s����s� ��a����d �� � � � �a u �b;a� ���s��"v�,�,� ��� �� ���,� �������� ��� c�a� � ������ ���� je� r �r+; t��n� !��,� £��,�� �i��g ����ia�:� L' �t'�N�� 4 . ` � 36 � • I • _ _- 3`7 : �;�� �.� b.��.�:� - - ' r7��i1'!`L ay�3l;i�i�w�u. t?,3���s�.�q,0i.`�S''n�,LS?� =LS�J�.21�Sa.E, .4`:30 17�4 ,���l�t��c�ss ������eci �°��e� �I� �w����c� •- s�������d F�;ti% �o�a�t= €3��c�;�� €���� ::�'� ���;��°���;d ��o Cc���r�l (;B��e� ����������«»� �� �, �'�i��;� ���,�� & ;"sg����� ��s ��>,�� i�������� ���� ��f�<�e�t��al �osE� ��:���s$ ''sl��� �����:�s������a ��d� ��.maed ��e� ,������ ��� ���� �c�as����;���° ��u�n����t!� F'���e �,��°��,�t� �c�m��et�et� �`�e� �'�rR3�� a ������•������ ��g��s ���±���;��s�c�xs �c���s ��sg��e����� ����� .�ia�i�t��ea���� �c�s�sfl I,��� r�x�d ?����, ����� ,�� A��et�s � C� o & Saa��� �,�� tSt�Aa��; ����.2��s��Ra�x�� ��,!�;�� ��� a & Ec��i,��xa� ��� �'+v.;��. y $.1L ii�t ��j�i� i 1�3�tt��ti ��t� ������ � d. V l,i}�i:s L�?£�,�;� '��ri� a���� <<o ll� A��ae�s�d I�c�f���� o� �1�a�ss�aems� ����.��r� � !l��s�ss��t�= it��� ta'�:�d ��D����e� 5t��:�na ���� � �����.���,p?��_ �so � J�`�i ,..�;�,. ��'t�s� �.=��,�saa�_*�� F°���c��t: :�E�c��e�_e� ��� ��., �����, �?������s:�,����^t Id�� 8ET-��`%��, ��� ZO» �,��� ��su1u����n �d�� �2«���5� � $��S�OofD(3 ����� � � ���� �:�ma� �",�PR�� t� a���,� t�ed���d J��,� �, �.��;�. R�e�7�u��c�t� ��� b�'�- �.��i ����� ���� �,��� A�a�e$ �,5 ,. � 9�?� �����r����,�z� Pi�� �US.����� 8�i,�k���� ���� �, �S�t�2�J��0 �3�;�����w�� ���, ����� S `"�; ��,� u — �;�;�Ql���70 S�t�.,b� 9tD , 00 2b�, ;, t�5 �`�U�i3(� �.� � 2� 2�022 l�J��io�o '�' �'�1��� �'l�i�Etl�.�'jG� �CA a f8 $ ��52��.39 � 32�a�,�s±% �g��� ��e�: �-� �it�e $ZoOQ �e� �.00 SQe��� ���t� ���a ��s +�.k�e ��� �i��# � �s� �f� �s�,as�'��a°� 5�: o� £rc� 1�����e��a�5� A����xe �� %°Ix S��c��t � �c�e.�te� ��xs a� b�, }.x�it�e�e�� :� r � 38 AFP03�dTN��]'PS FOR CODTSENT AIID APP1tCRTAL BY TH8 CITY COtkiC2L — JtTLY l5, 19�i� � � �is�l.otge Stieren 453? Piexca S� o L�T.� e TO b� appointed by Council. � � Pos._.....ition Waitress ia'r�l�y Loa�age Me�ber c�f City-3clxool R@CtE.*3'�iOli CQil�t. sa $1.34 pe� hour No�e Rep� Shi�ley J�►� Rab�rt J. Huglaes Te�oa +�vir�s ' .� 12-3i-6�t .,v<�" . � • � �J OI2A�N�INC�S ri�o 2��0 ' ` ! ' :�t ` : - �= M .' * II : ' t, • ci.; : . . i� .` °. il,; :, ` • ". : ' , . � . f :. : r � + . "� « , ' 1:. . , ,. i !, ' � • `YM*� ' ' �k ;.: , �. � �. . �i ` ��� ' ; _ � ` .1� •'' `. ' :.i �` ` ! . •'' '.!� . N 4. � •' � i� '�B �hat in �� �ar�.a�n iii�,Zs a�s�a o�: �he ��.ty �£ �'x�,� �,s�Y �d 3.r� i��� ��rounding subdivisions the �wa%�er p�;;�essux� has �ot�,z so 3.c�r ��.� �� �;���.de�gs thermix, ar� �ie �o pre.�p�ly �rov�.+3e �a:; O]���Y3�s ��s31�i4: s�Tit�s a aY�d ���.�� s�he ��sidents thexeo£ are ixi n�� o ��ra�sy �a�.�.�n om �he pa�ct of the C�.ty of FgiQ�.ley �itua�:�Lca� � �h� sho�ast poss�.ble t�� and imm�diatce �.�z� a ta ren►�d�r fi.�,�� ��� Q af~ter in�vestigatic�n by fiaa� �o�:s�.�.�3r9.g Er°agir:.eers ����.{� tli� �3,�y �� F�id�.ey, Caa�stock & �Dav�.sd Inco, �h�y reco�d the �.��� +��n��suct�.an of a booster statior3 and �or�ssure r�uctx��:;.� s��.��c� �°�� �a� area, a�ad . , - .,. � . ,. « . . �X� r ::��r -« ♦: : , a _.�; Nl . +�a � � E : • _ _ ; • � s � • • � : � ,. ti,.:.•.' � ,. . � .,� � :... _ ., _ �t'��7 � T�F�I$Fi;� �1@ C�.'t� Of �'�'j.C�.� �C�38 O�'�a�.Yie ��'��,.� An mse�gency doaas ex1�� �s ec������.i�� �ay S�f;�'.�o� 3�06 and 5c�tior� 6006 �s� t33� +����r c�� �h.� C'::��r� �f Fs�.cil�y e �E�TgC►� �s Z'hat the biddiaig requas��ts of Sect�.o�a 6v0� .:�~� hea:eby waived beeause of the +�geaeey; �a,at :�.;;: is c�e�ar�i. necessary, tYaerefore e�hat t�e Cit,�r cont:ract auad g��;: ��a�� �u� ra�:cassaxy gabog and materi.al.s ���.�ely v�it'Yio�zt �e'i°;��;�-� �i��.�� for bids for the constructi�rc of a. �oost+er s�a�iox� ta� 5� :�d A,venu� NoT o e just in�est a� �� ai.�at�r��ction w3.fiY� Jc�r����n �t:�::�� a� a cost no� �o �xc�ed $7,29�p00o and a px���ure �s����izcc-� '���fii S'��l'�'.�.OL1 OA �2i1�Ci AV@I1'tl� �+IoBea �t1S'r W�l3� O� �1Q 2171tEi����.OA vai�hh Tay�.o� St��t at a cost not to �xeeeil $10 600 oa0, in �.e����� wi.th the plans arad specifa�catic�ns £c,r su�a ����sv!�-- ��t a� prepas�d by �iie Consulting �a�gine�.rs �f th� �;ityp Co��si�cck & Davfso Ia�co, and ohtairx �e s� by ra�gotiatim.:��a �g �ie b��t avai].abl� paice to the �;�ty. � ' �d" 1 ��� �;� �,�4, 24i �C�tinuedj � ����A � AA��D �1s �RC�EG�S�' O�A�'NA�T� TH=5 �,ST� I�.�t '�:::' �3�, �.9�i3 87�' � Cfi�Y Ct�U1�IL o�' � G:�'�' �F �AT�'Y'� ��4��� a ..�,�.�� �+�-�v� � � �'u�x�r�1.1. a CI'rX �� ��� �..�z a,�.,.,.�. 1:�,,..� �'�..�1.963 .r. �._... ,...,...�o L� i� -,.�,v..�,�� �..��.�,. 843.3.�,� �,io I'��„ PtiA3.i� � � I �.� . f � I� i I • � �'��� �'Y 4 i�!'. _ �r.� � ���� � � May�r William N�• I M�tnb�rs •f th• City C�unail ; 6l+,31 Univ�rsity Av�nu• Nb; �I� ', Fri�ll�v 32, Minn���ta D�ar Sira: � �� � �, � �. I• � � , � ,� �� £• . . . .. � �..�5, �+q�� � $ �(���� f f . . " . (y. A' �I�s'`� ,.�'i ��' Tt�� . , . . . t � . ��, . �, ,' n++i� 6 10 M� � � r� ? nr�� ���� � N��: � �� t Fri�ll�� 32, Mie�t+��s�1 �� ' �j,� Ju1 y 11, 19 63 :.; a � .-Y �.� v.,: � � � .= �,; �,.. : �; jYy�a ,'�i ,��.�` .� � ;� � s; ,w*,�,r �.,�� I am writinv; in r�f�rsnc• to ic• cream v�n�iin� trucks. �» < ; .. �� � � �� ; � Th• •rdinanc� which c�ntr�l� the licsn�ing •f th• v�n�i�rs atsr�r�s; �� r:,; nsthing •b�ut n�iss m�kers •r l�u�i spoak�ra �tc. Th��• tw� it�t�;;�'�,'`.;r� ar� net •nly a nui�anc• but alao •ntic• very y�ung cbil�lr�n t�� �� '-�'� the v�n�l�r� vhio� arsa te�e a s�fe ty pr�blem. ��`+�+ , ,, . � � f- ����� Th� �r�iinance �l�os n�t state anytninr� ab�ut ths numb�r •f p��pl��� �'�l h in a ven.iin,� truck. If tu�, p��ple w�rs r�quir��} t� b� in ths. V���q� � this weul�i h�lp t• prevent s� '�ri�u� acci�tont fr�m •acurrin6. ,:�`������`�y�� �r � i � � S':X,�' +*;. t � �x,� I try t• �et my chil�irsn in be� �t a rmas�nabl� h�ur, ani thi �9'�, � curf�w �n ven�lera i� � littls l�t�. a "����`:� . ,<<......:�,...� I w�u11 s�ppr�ci�t� having ths City C�uncil c�nai��r �menl3ta "t �iK����' �`'��; 6 �S.�s�s��,: � present •r�iinance (1) t• sliminate all neia� mak�rs �n v�nlirr�K�:��,� ': � trucks, {2 ) t• r�quiro tws p�ople in the vmn�lin� �ruck a t �ill '�#��� ,�`� �nl (3 ) t• limit the time t• B:OOPM a9 t• when v�n�srs muat s��p;r ���,`,�� . ' r �' +j Since I wrrk nights, I�m unable t• atten�l City C�uncil id�sti�s�.��„`�',�,1� ' t F4Fµ ,� e: +� Th�nk y�u f�r ya+ur aeri�u� consi�ier�tien. ��. t��x,;r� � , : �, Y�ure truly, � ` � �`'� �,. � C� - f . Gt%�-�- Gt/ ,�.. �_e�� w g� `�k ,' � , ;. �� '.Jn yns W. A nls rs �n `. , �� . :,, < ��y� -�" �� p � �~'l . .. . 0+. �$S . . ` i..'- �'.•� D ti 4� , � . � �� � .� � � t 4�� �� � �. �.x� � y �,- ,� JU� Y21� . � ,� :��; , � �,##�' C�� o � A sk �.� F FRl ��,� r .� � ��� �L�Y ; �� ��� �. #:' ��:� � � ,,f±a � �' � � � ,,�� � ' �, t .�11 p. � � � �i; /yA , . _ . � , c � t �.. � 4p� t �' 45� . � . .. ��� x,��. . 4�{; *�� . I ' � . . � '. ;� + �. ��K pP':�� . � . . � . ' . L � ^��:.���4 � � ��;t.�:�:��.� (���s�:�1 ���� �� �ta�.;�,� 1�.� ��f� � �; :�: ���e i '��� �������; s�� ��►1�L�d �r� c�•�d��c a,� 7 �45 Pnki� �� �a�,�� i�t.��.�1c,Q �(J�9� �.��� Z�9c�aa��� ����3�a�< �dc�t, '��.��ar�9 N�,��� l�a�.��.1c �.�,��ib�� �b��n� o :����.ns+a� Ck�€:���:s.:� ���sr��:° ��.��y° a�r��,���� '���� �a t���* �a�;�.zx�ex �x,�tnn �.G►� �Iv'`i�'� t��' ��i� ��38�+D�f Z�[�G � � 27. _ 196� e ��ra���� �a�� �!S�°;, i`ia��s��n$ ����.dc�c1 ia� 2�o N�gc�l;: �� ����t� �ez+� 1� �i���.�::�� �� ��z� i*i.�i ti� ��n:.t���.,r.3� ���ta�; �,� �uxz�a 27g 1�6�0 �p�n � 1 ,°� �r�r�.�� �r���,� �r� xnFS��,Q�a �.as°ac��dp ;,��E�L'� ��S QF T'�i� �1ND 3�7V�SION� SUl3mC�'�� ��3G ()F �� ,i�J��� ;��,� ���i�: ,�nc%1$ s�n.c'�d by 2� 0 1�s�G�3. a�� zc��i�� th� �%� ��ru�s��s s� ��ac� P�.�.�:� �� Subdivis�ns Sub�sox�i���� �e��.ng o� �t.�l�y �Q9 ��ia3n �'p�rn � vai�� va��, �il v,a��,n€y �s�m t�e aam�ia�x ca:�ac�ec�, �Y �. I,� � ------ ��1���oxi t�Sr �1�� �tricl,�lg s�r,.���d U� M�� �omp��n, t� �e.��i�r� ��,� ��t�Kc �� �3x� P3.��s �ud �u�d�.v����ns Sub--���.t�� L����.�; sf �Tui�r ;�.�.� �.�G�� 1��s�n r� �e��.�� vs����, �1� �o�ir�; �;y�9 �� maxtt�n �a�c�.�d„ �°.. .�E.T��l� ��i��, ���� �°.�' �, ls�'� �1?�s;��X� � ���� ��3�05e �..�,:,,�..�, ,�.�..�,.�._.d..�.'. ��� .�]� ;� ���, �^�;� ��a� �t.€�°v:�s�,�� �Z.ar������°e� ���ad'v��a��°��n ��,� �0 1�� �`�s �. ����.�. ��,�a*:�� ;, :��'xr� ;, �.. ��"� :�����.��.� �� ��:���� �,n� ra,�a� �r�vis�agd �iz� ��I�le� �f th� ���.c�h �t� ����. :��� �ct��a�i�rz ����i�i cr�a�c1 ���u��.� :� a� �a� �-t� ca�cx�� 1�x� I�c�.a��� �.� �:�� ler�.s� r�ci��ixz� an �� n�cr �,�� �;� ���� ��tlaa t! �fea�uaY�J6D�n ���.l��r�d �€�a�n� ��s ��z� �� h�us� z:�.icii �.�3d be t�u��.x� C� �x�f���:� �r,��.� ��� ��c��,�i�c�t� �� s�tba�s and sid� �r��clso ���r�; � � �� .�I1 �� �n� �S�a 7C�e�.�s�� s�� ; � S?�€.* � �iit1. �il� ?��.�Cl�Y1 �I3�x' ai2 �i� ��r�i,n� ti8�� ��� €�ad ������s rax�.s� i�� V��i� �Y�'A :� �� �� a :�� �'�i�sic��n � t� �h� �— �� t��� ��� I�1�1�� �te� xc��a�r�c���.���x OliT14.':�1. o �p�Y! E3 �lya � / � � � SPT.�i� �i��o �,oSo �G3m2S � �i[�o ��t �� l�L�tSC�1s %ot� 239 24�. �.d 25s �r�,dl�r �.��i�� 81+��1t l�a �l�sn �.�d�acs� �aas p�°��c�� �nd �cevi�c� �z� p�r�blc�s af th� s�i�.t� �ia� �c�l�i��3 t�a� he�r S:cacis� sifa am %.�fi.� 2G a�ci �7 aud ��c�a �f ���� � �i�� $ZCmi ,�' �Ii� �1�f�t �d�� �� �� 26, ��»�c ra�s7�� is� 1��� i� p��^�: g:� 7�� 2G �r��� a�i�3�ci �� r�tc� ��� ��I�,�o � �� � �r:��� �o��� �n .��tis�; �► July il, 1963 � 41 ����. � �� ts � le�t vote,� Mro Na�eis secrnadaRd by Mra � �f three 40 �QV� $YQ, 'li�o�pson, t� ��ncux ec�n to � � ti�c���at�o�ts, su. m��3an carx3.e� is asi I.ot 2G o unsnimouslvo �� t� a� s i� SPLI� ttS►STe BF�iAR1D .ItiI�iSKI ��oS�, �a3�24e I.ut SOg B3.r�1� .�:, Rive�ri�w fle�gh�s; LmC I3, R�vis�d Audit.ax°s Subdivision �I03g Y�o �ulk��wsle� a��end�d �tie mee�in�a �e� �xated ozi$inally Pa� �aad �s1��d �a�� � lat sp�it, �iu� l��caus� �fc the I�,g��. d�scx3p�i�n�, p1�a�t��� iLs th� answer to th� probl�mo I�o�ieu b5► Mr, Thoa�pson, secanded by D7r. 8aadel� ta aa��p� �.hi� �:a a bas�.� fax a r�1�y p s ns rec�dec3 by �li+� P ats �nd Su�divws Su� am�nitt�es aud set the ��ar ag t� an � pr g� a� x Augus� 1�Co tTpon a voi�� vat�, �11 v4�in,��; ay�, Y.ho a�tion �a��.�� uaan3mauslyo �., �an�.so�a �$a isT �38ttisiaza �r..�r�r 1� � �,so ��3�010 A7.1 0£ 7.,ot 12, and pa�ti e�f Y,ot 15, Audi�r� s Subd�vis3on h�, 129, c�ept �h� c�ast 20 �era� e�f th� a�u�h 2Z2 f�eta �3 4 90 �ro Gund�csan waa prc�s�nt sncl stated be had pu�cchaser� addi�iaual 1�d ��s thc� ��c�te be3sa� pr�t� a� %o� 15 snd �hat �hs own�rs hav� �I1 a�re�ci to dedi�ar� th� s�aC R/W, Mot�.en by rT�o Z'h�anpsan, s�condad by Mro liandel, �hat �h� FLe,rr.sei��; �on�(.ss�.�n �scaep� tYiis rc3vi.�ed alc�tch as a bASia iEo� � pzeii�a,a�,� �1��•v �s x�cled by Clio P1�Cy sx�d Subd3visi.one Sc�b�m�nattte� +�d se�: Augus� 1s 19G3 as t3ae Public Aeasin� da1��o ��g�en a voiee vote, al� eotix� a�*e� �he ��:i.�n carriad unan�uslya IA"� SI�fi R�Q3JSSTo �ST� �i�IAS�C @ LaSa �b3�27s �lc�ctc 2, ���.� !� 24 rhroug%► 30; �Iacic 3, T.o�s 9 thrrnxgh 1�s t��,% G�erv�a Add��ismo N�a a�.t3.on as the Plats �nd Subdivisi�ns �ub«�mm3.t�e�. did t�� ma1c� a rc�oc�ea�datiCnn as y��, �TQt�i �- S'�3'i S7�iJDY - G� SAIGAR.�A50I�o Auditt�r£� Sc�bd�.v�ic�;n �92, sa�s t boundary o Mro Sakariasones question canceza�d a prop�sec� ro�d s�cucty ��'n:Lslz woa�ld involve his pr�p�x�y of Lot 10 and lio �his st:udy h�d ia� abeadrnieda Mot�.on by Mro The�mpsan, cc�oac�ed by Mra ;�andel, �o re�es thf.s prabl�m ta the S�reats and l�tilities Sub�ommitt�+� fe�r r�mstud�r, TBp�n a voic� vote, all votiz� �ya, the mc��ion carried uaa��s 1.� �� � .� �• .ir �.. r�a. ,�,� . �. �. �. �he City N',anager st�t�d tliat this iaqnir,t m�h� b� brar�� u�: t,o tha �wnail an M�nday and wauld liks the oNiai�on �i tiie Pla�i� �a�i.esiona � � �• , i�� ��. �'�.�xxn�; �'ott�.ss�sn rieetsng � Ju7.y iaa x963 � � �x� �e: a �'�� 3 3�n the dis�use;LL�n that fsllo�u�d, these p.aints w� brares�i�t v� n �he hi�hway �ntemp�,At�u �a2cin,� paxt mf the l�tt x�c� tn �hc� �u�l��s �h� Ica�th �f a�r�t t� �ha parr�s�at tcurai rzrou:ad and ci�ad �nd s���� £s 1a��ex �� �ees r�rcii�� eliaws a by I+t� o c� �,ot s s� � that th� Pl zriCh �h� Plae� azad Subdiv�sivn,� � n�ui sac a� � en a � ayQ, r.�Q u��ion carried emaaiar�us�.y, s�r�e� �Sp�+n � • : :E: • : r ,.i �:. i[, ;, ' � : : :�� . ty:+�i:� - � r :� r H': � Mro N$�;�1, s�caaded by Ms. �a gY�� s.urr�ed tu�e:n3�ous ly a -�_ o�nd t:o �h� �i i�pon a voice �ra��� r� � o S�'B�$S �'il�t I��I.i $QC�''L�i A'1' �BAR. OI�' G� °o �A't3.Tltlati �xOltl �'c� 27�tt t��in�e t�� 1ry 1�irQ 7�uaq�s<m, seconded by I�'o Na�el, �o sug�a��� t� �� • G�ity �ounci�. that th� �i�y Attor��y be asked t� dzat� an nrd�ta f�x� �i.s eiL'u€�Ciatio EEpon a voi.ecs vatca, t�o �ampsvn snd rl�o Na1;�1 va��� �;y�9 �s,d i�a Itr�vik +aad �, Ba�,i�cisl� v��tis�3 au�'� �h� mut£,ar> d:.;c� �� �Y� ��i� d�.��ussian whicdi fa�l�vcs�d, f�� ���s ��t�d �hh�� p�rh��� �1�� �ity Atk�anc;y should Qxp��es 8n apinion xelativ� �s� ���i.tt� a l.ivix� arc� 5 fecat frosa �h� lot lin� ouiy e�ri. tJz� ���e� sid� af tli� Y�os and hs ani�hL �vgg�st aa c�tir�ly cliffcegaa�t �p��sacl' �� s��t�i� ��.s mett�so 3�t%n l�y P�co Bandt�., e�ondc�ci lry Mr, Tbomps+�n� tha� th� Ftann� �a�:t.�i ask ths City A�t.�ra.ey to c1e].ivas an apinion on th� l�;g�13�y �d fcs�asibility af pc�aixtin� a I.iviz� ar�a on o�na s�.cT� �f �h� h�us� �rtti�Yaix� f�.ve ��t oi the ?.ot lins eud not or� th� other sidceo t�poa � u��� vota, all voting aye, the motiron. aarriad uranimousiyo �.:� � �' �0� D7GS �1�i BQAD aN S�D8 4F FRO� 6 iS� ANXD EA5� � RnAA o ` ! 42 _ �,, � U � �N �� �0 7�icticnpsan �spl��ned �t ia tr�llcs c�ith t1x� sci�o�l n�f�.�iui�v � raad en tha aorth uide► of th�a �c1ioQ1 paropQrt.y seea�d �o b� acc2p�u1� a�cl c,r�uld �ive scc�sa Co echool aad pe�xkis� and pa�k ggope��y aYed tcf9 the �a,�von, aad suggest�d t�t kh� Strae�s a�ad 'Ittilitie� Sul���i��$e �i.�ht 1�oIc i� mtter� I� rr�t� r� rrzo �v�son, s�coiided by Mro �a�i� r�� r.�� �a.��.� ��.1.ssi�n r�►far a strse� study rala�iv� tca tha schacai. prop�a�,-�y s�cxth I .�� 61st Avanua �ctc�uded �aa�st, and �asr of �aBt 1�3v�r Roacls �o tha • �1�i,z°t� �a�nmiesion Me�ting � July 11a 1963 P��� � � �� • S�xeets and iJtilitie8 Su��ttee �or study r�ncl th�.t �hey con.f�..� �rtth th� afficials of Schoa�i Distri�� �`14o TJp�� a voi�� vat�s �1�. v�tia� tr�re, th+� ��i.em �arr3.ed uxsanimouslyo • /, �'d. ' 1' I.�i �iere b�isr,� rio further busiaess, Chaixman Rxavik adjcaua�d �e ffieeting at �sSU �'oMo 8espe�tfulY,y suba;itted � C�G��%� ..�"" x� a�sr� R�ecoxc�3s� sec��t� � _ 43 � �:\�T . P ` ... � � ��p NOIlTM t R N •TATti rOW t R C O M rANY � MINN[ArOLis 1 MINNEfOTA July 9, 1963 Mr. Parl P. Wagner City Ms►nager City of FridLe� 6431 IIniversity Avanue N.E. Minneapoli� 21� Minnesota Dear 3ir: L-6, 000 Iumen Overhead Lamp Installed 6-12-63 1301 x�y. loo x.E. � I�EJM JER/PMCAsao I� ! - , Yours very truly, NORTHEi�N 3TATE3 POT�R COMPAI�Y L. E. J. Mabbott, 3alea l�anager „ , > �' , ��� .f /�9,f = '`'`��. � . Supervisor oP Muniaipal 3er�iaes �._ .;;� ����,� t ����,# . . �.1:�..;�.;k "f: a �i rC17�' rOF �=��'�� �� � , i.4� ':a �t � „ �� � ��,; ' ,� :�?- x <;:; v � �` �...�c??,.��� . F :�<. c; � . �, • • �� C'�TX dY� P`BiID�EYa M�i880►1'A OI�xCE OP BU:i�DING iR8P8G708 TO�I�: M�'THI.Y �P01� TO CYTY MANAG�R 3t71'�$, 1953 �E8 d� PE�3'1T3 iS3t31�D �.963 �.962 T�II3 Y�AIt YeAB? YEAR Ti��'B 0� C4�l1STRUCTI�N JiTP� 3UNE 1'0 1?AT� . TO DATE Re�id�ntisY 24 �.7 95 lg7 R��id��ti��. G�rag�� 22 2$ 72 b5 A�.t��ati� b Additions 8 5 34 24 �Iu�,tipl� �E�iags 3 �.�. Y7 44 �o��rcisA 2 1 b 3 Yar��as tria� 0 0 3 0 I�tux�fcipali 0 0 0 9. Churches 6� Sch�Ils 0 O 0 0 Ho�pfta�s o 0 0 0 Si�ne 2 0 8 7 A'lorering 0 & 0 3 61 S 2 Z 4 �.8 H��ting 2S 37 �.58 2�.i ��.u�bing 3� 5� 200 270 1��.ectrica�l 53 56 3�0 394 �69 �57 b5� 87S ���id�ati��. R�,�idesnti�� Ga�agea AYt�r�tivns & Additions P2ufltip�;� ��,�tings ����i�� �na�trfg� r��ic�g��. �hurch�s � Sc�a�oYs Hospita9.s S�.gn� ��im� �SZ'iNlA7;'� �A2�UATIONS � BU��IIQG PLPt�4IT3 ISSt1ED � 400,650 $ 293,500 $i,5b5,S00 �Y,449,200 30, 87�5 29, 514� g02, 538 9?, 023 13,lt86 i4r,I65 88,708 57,445 75,000 497,000 365,500 2,020,Ob0 �a,soo so, o00 6�,, �oo i�o,000 -od -op �so,00a �o� -0^ -Ow �0� 160,000 -0-, -Oo �p�, mpm mp- -0� p0� -i� 780 �0- 2,580 l,195 �om soo -�o� is,soo 53�,990 86�i,6i9 2,53b,526 � �i,435,063 �� • � RL�PO�T T� CiTX MANAGBR .�tii�, a963 � �� ____._... ��YCAtm ���A�A�Y�G �As GEPffiRAL H�ATIP� HOiT3� MO�YiNG 1��iY �Y� �AT�I�G II� P�iiI��CNG A�OI�'iliG 3YG1tS � I�BiYa�i�QG PBSMIT NI�ERS 1YP8 RS �..... �652b�#658�. SUILDYNG #380����853 8�8CTgICAY, #2367-239A ggATipG �279542825 piLUl�IgG SI(� PAG� 2 lilit�8$ �F Y,iC�N3�3 CUBR�IyTi.Y Il� �F'FBCT A�D LICSN$� l�ELB C(�LCT�? 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