09/23/1963 - 6043.��
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�TOTTC� is her�y givsn that tYb� public hearix�g held o» A�gtust 19,
1.��3 can�inu�ci �o Septe�ber 9, 1953, b�cauae negotiat�w�a have no�G b�
���te�ed wit't� Colum�ia �eights, ie c�r►tinued fro�a �eptemb�r 9� 196� to
3a���� 2.3 a 1963 � at iiayes 3choo3., 615 1+3ississi,p�i Si�xee� �io�theas� a�
�a��i o°cloc}� Poi�, s to consider the foilowing im�sov�enta
�ti.gl�way #b94 Outfall Draiaag� Pao j oct aud Storm 3tw�r Pro j ect
Noo S foac an a�rea bourLded as followaa
�o�ca�g at a point on tl�e Wes�erly Right-of-�way line of th�
Cr�aa� North�cn Railway aMd ATar�hern Paciiic Raiiway as it wov�.d
?ae �ntearcep�� by the Soufiii�rly portion of 49th Avenue T�o E.
�end�ds th�ne� running a3,ong 49t1� Aveaue N. E o extended ar�d
�9� Avenu� to Univexsi�L-y Avanue No So, �he�nc� aloag the South
�o�porat� lim�.t� o� the City Easterly froan Ua�ivessi�y Aveaiue to
�he �ast �orgos��� limi�a of the Cityt thence No��eerly alang
�h� Eaet Ci�y batt�nd�ery to Highway #694 (�ighway #].00) = th�nce
�7e�teriy aiang . aid �tighway #69� �o th� �.nt�rsection with Trunk
Y�ighway �65= �h�e Noxth along tYae Westexly edg� of said Trvnk
�iighway #65 to �i� Sou�h entrance of Wes� Moo�e Lake Drive=
��nce along west Moa�e Lake Dsive arid Quincy street �0 61st
A.v�u�e N o E m= tiaenee Weeterly alang 61st �venue N e E e to the
�.nt�tcs�etio� witch 6t1� St��et I�i o E o= th�uce N�th on 6t8z Stree�t
to 63rd Avenu+� L�. E e t�tlaence west on �3rd Ava�ue to S�h. �treet
I�. EA e��andedg �hence Na�i:h oaa �th S�reQt �ra:�aaded and 5th
St�ee� to its �iritersectioai wif�a. NTississi�p3. ��r�t th�nce West
s�� 2�f.ss�.ssippi S�:re�t �co �he westeYly Rigl�t-of-�ay line of th¢
Noac�til,�rn Pac�.fic arid Gre�at Noxthe�n Railwayst fil�ence alo�g said
�eg�erly Right-o£-�ay 3.iae of said Railroads to the point of
�✓��.�ii�1C,� a
gu�sua�nt �o M. S tlA. +429 001�1 to 429 03.110 �he area praposed �o be
�.s�essed fo:� �uch �sovenren� is �he p:rop�ty withir� said
Y�o�da��.es o T'he esti�a�ed cost of auch improven�ea�t is $659, 000 e 00
�i� �iuridred and Fifty Ni�ne T'hc�usan,d Dollaas. Such persons as
�es�e �o b� heasd with refereace �o �he psopoaed a�t will
�a� ia�d at th,is meeting e
?���.isha septemb�r 4, 19b3.
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,� � 1, Rosca�.�x��.�n 3��fx;xza����� ��sac� �`�c�,�:� £c�x �x�sitx�r� �D��ob�s l, 1963.
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�=,�.?��.,�cc��.r�� '�a� �':a�.��,�°n}�a�j c�f �t�� Ei����.on ��r�i,
�s�:.s�i� �;�4��R.M.,�r�;a�, ��n:' :��' �'�r�S�L'V�s)9 t°h�s� t�h�� �:+��.le��°.�n�; e���i�ion ,�ud�es
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�I�P'�� BY "r �� ��1�i' COtiItiC� ON �HE CIT'� �� FRTDI.EY TH�S �
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CZfiY MP.NAGER �--Eari P, W�g��ser -
«« .o�+�► �«s •�r
T�.t NI�Mt MMr
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September 23� 1963
Mr. Earl P. Wagner, C1ty Manager
City of Fridley
6431 Univeraity Avenue N.E.
Mlnneapolia 21, Minnesota 55421
Daar S ir :
This 1s in reply to your letter of S�ptember 10, r�qu�ating
our firm to aaaume the necessary engineering duties for the
City of Fridley until the City hires a neM city enginwr.
We further understand that our duties xould be limittd
in accordance Nith your letter of the above date.
In your letter you �uggeated that we Pormulate a propossl
to be uaed, along xith your letter, a� a basia tor an
agreement betKeen the City oP Fridley and our firm. Me,
therefore, propoae the following chargea for engineering
aervicea neceaeary to fulfill your requirementa.
� A retainer fee oP �500 $er month. The basia oP
this retainer ahall be u2 hours of profeasional
engineering servioe or equivalent.
For any additiona to or deductions from the hours
of service, the reta3ner $hall be adjuated baeed
on the following chargea:
Regiatered Profeasional Engineer
Regiatered Land Surveyor
(3raduate Engineer
Chief Field Supervisor
Chief Draftsman
DraPt aman
3-Man F1eld Survey Team
2-Man Field Survey Team
� 9.00/Hou�
� 9.00/Hour`
� 7.00/Hour
� 7.00/Hour
� 6.00/Hour
� 5.00/Hour
; 5.00/Hour
� N.50/Hour
Suppliea, expenaea, reproduction costa, mileage, and
miscellaneous expenae shall be ch�rged at actual eost
plus fifteen percent for office overhead.
Reepect2'ully aubmitted,
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