12/02/1963 - 6050� n � i U 0 . �r . " . � . ! �,�Y AG�DA d AECE�R 2, 1363 -� �� � �� �t R�Li. C�L» _ , ,OA,� �," r��(�%vc."�—"" �.,� � �.��� �. �C�,�. Ss_ it 1 Pdeiat , ov�bex ].8, 1963, , _ ���1__yM�e�tin�. November 27, I963, -�Secand, Spec3.a1 E�eting, Nove�bez 27, 1963 , '�,�..�,T.. p �o� �ussr�ss: r �'` �. n CQntinued Public Searing - F�,ual Plat - i�ark,els '�.��� l�dditioa� (�c�atinued f�om 13,,/�.8/63j , � � � �n Secahd Read�,a►g oi Ord3nance Vacat3ng Service ���P Drive - Spr�,ag 8rook Park Pla� 2, � Itesolut�.on P�pprrivi�g Agency Agreemar�t foar `�'� Reloeation of Uti�.i�ies - T.Ho #694, o Resolution ��ayixag Ex�croa�u�ent - T.H e#694, ��� �' ' ���1 o Public HeasiAg - ReaoalAg -- 8utchineoo� Addition, e i3tailding Bos�d T�iautes - Nov�mber 27, 1963, 3 o Cv�o�nuiicatiox�s, �� iiatsta.d C4�apanys 6�Taiv�s o� Escsow ��arstad Co�a�: �edicatio� o€ Eaamaen� c ca�a��k a�,d Davi�e Irtc. a W-34-K .___.,..-- , r. 9�z� "_`' ='� ,Cc..�.G� �(� �K`.�'.-� � �a Clsi�res, , a �i$'�"»��tP•8 s -� , Lieea�ses , a ��i • P�t3.�io�1s l ` ,��L.� �� '�`� , fi''"'`��" - l'- / '�' � c'°►�c•+�.7 ,P"'^,..�,a , �. � �, _. �..� -- 8. Caa�sideratiam a F- ,� plans fo� ire Stati .,,,. _. ..,, �. . ��-T�'D � � 5 (�d-S 1r- I-�Q.r.�% ,.. ~�,� 9�� Consideration o€ Reutal o e Spa� �, pwrchase of Additiona]. Prope�t�y, �.. �` p 10 o Conaideratioa of Purchase of Right-of-�Way - ���..�� MSA 3�8, PageS 1 - Z10 P�ges 22 - 27. Paqes 2S - 3Q. Page 31. Paq�, 320 Page 33 0 Page 340 Pages,35 - 37. Page 380 Pages 39 - f3. Pa�g� 4�. Paq� �. Page 4g, Pa�qe 47 , � +� � --, Page 4g,, ���4 Cons3.deratioai of North Suburban Sanitary Sewer ��� _ �����.c� Wi�clgawal P�itio�►s, ,� i. • i • � ,��,► - n�� a, 19fi3 tc�tt�uea� � ].2 n Re��solu�ion O�deocing Zn�rav�� - ST o 1963-2. I�� Paq�s 49 - 51. �----___ __ --- �n Resolutl� Authariziag D�structian of Certain q'� City Re�ards, � Pages 52 - 54. , � a Reaolution� Spiittir�g Spacial Assessmrents. ��j���y(yJ pages 55 - 57. �I � Resolution Txaasferring Funds. �� � Pag�s 58 & 59. \ �..__ �.60 �,�4onside;�a�ion of Refunding Boncig, I ����DO� ..!�. . �• � - ,. � � � C�i�DTCIL 1�TINt3 CQe+�1T3 + D�C�BER Z, 1963 (Co�tinusd) (cj C�tock ansl Davis, inc.: W-34Ks � letter o� � Pages 41 aruq 42 and the aemrw on Page 43 ar� aelf- e�plaaatory�. l�r o Conaat.oak ancl �r o Qureshf. caa ea�laia further at the mestin�g, if n�oeaaas,y. 4o CLA=MSs T�he claim nwaberrs are an Page 44• Detail of the claims is iaelud�d with tbe agenda. 5 o LSTIMATT�S: There is one es�imate o� Pag�e 45 submitted by Coo�asstxk a�ad Davi�, Inc. , for a partiai oa 39P#�bl e 6, I�ICBNSBS: �e �ist of lieens� will be �out� on Paqe 46. 7 d P�TSTI�a R� �itiaa�► on Page 47 can be received an�d turne� over to thie office for proceseixrg. 7.'hey ase very much in- terested ia gdattiing this done at the esxlieat nloaaent, aa�d if poesible. I will see if it ca�n b�e dane by c�ar�g�� arc3eac, alt'�iough the prope�ty awner8 wi�.l have to be contacted, since thi� is aao�t a 519� ,peti�ion. 8o C0�'SIDTRATI4N OF i��1AL PLAN6 FO�R FSRS STATION: IKr. Smiley iaforms �ee thst final plans, b►ut not f;h� final spteificstion,s. will be availab].e at ithe Co�cil ��ing ox� Monday night. I have not �ee�a thetra as yt� e 90 CONSIDBRATI�D1 OF R$MTAL OF OFF=GE SPAt� OR PURCHAB� OF AD�DI- TIO�►tA�L PROPTRTYa 7Chia item was diaeusaed at so�t� length on wednesday night, Nov�tab�r 27, 19b3, but I will repeat the alt�nativea preseatly available �o tbe Cout�cil: (lj Cantinue �o lease' a patcti.cm o� Sue's Builcli.�g at a rental of $1.500.00 fwr �be Librar� apace, and $2,820.00 for Civil Defense, Aeseseoar, aad Drafrtiwga t2) Rent all but one base�ent rcwm of �he E and M Suilding ad,�,aceaat to the City Hall �ar $600°00 per moatht (3� Purchase of the Os�ari property at $25.000 b00 ita�aediately. ar$22,OOOrO� ae af �t�].y 1, 1964. Pura'b.ased imc�ediately, the City wo�,i� save $2t820.00 iu 1.964 in r�ntal. Purchased �ly 1, 1964. the City would save $1.410.A0 3.n re�tal in 1964 o Purchase af the Oa�.n prcpe�cty �Ihould be cousidere�d only as a lar�d purc+hase, with use of the hauae as o�iice spaae, only iacidental. 10 o C�iSIDBRATIOIQ OF PURQ�A3� OF 3tIC,�T-OF-�TAY - D�SA 308: On Paq� 48 is a brief diecussioa of this pr�oaed purc�ase, with my recom�e�dation. 1�3� m CO�SIDBRATIOTii OF NOatTB S'OSD�tB1�T SAtiIITARY SB�R DISTYtICT WITS- �RAWAL PSTITIO�TSa �his 1� oa� the ageuda froa� ti��e Nove�e� 27, 1963 moeti�ag . T'h� City Attorney i8 to have a resolu9-.ion avail- abl.� at tl�i� m�ti�g o . . � � �OUNCIL MEasTII?G OO�FPS ° 1DE�C�SR 2, 1963 s 12 0!�„�SOLUTIAN OR�D�NG IMPROVF�N �` - STRSSTS 1963—a: �i"he r�aolution is on► Page 49 and tY=s �aakiee of i�earing {�ibit A? is oa Pagea 50 ar�d 510 13 o RESOLUTION At3�HORaZING D$STRUG"Z'IO�T 4F CERTAIN CITY RSCORDS: �e n�o o� �ag� sa �a �ne i���r ou Pag�3 53 se� to �uaic$te that passag� of the r�solution oai Page 54 is in osder. 14o RSSOLUTIONS SPLITTINa SPECS.� ASSESS�MENT3s �he re$olutions on Pages 55. �fi. and 57 are th� �a� as s3milar onea passed in the pa8t, axuu� ig pa98ed, should be p88sed iadi.viduslly. 15 o R1�SOLUTIQ►T�T �RArTSFTRRI�Ti� FiJNDS= Z'he seaolution on Pag� 58 is �e rautine reeolution adjusting the 1963 appropriatic� o�divaACe ta its actuai es�enditure �xpeacience a 7'he iaformatiau oa� Page S9 explaias ti� chaAgea made �n �his resolu�ic�► aad th� ooaea prr viously passe�d. 16 o C0�43IDERATI0�.4 OF RSFi3�4DIITG 84�iDS: �elosed with tbe �qe�ada ia a b�aokle� pr�pa�red ',b�y Ehia�ocs-Ma�. S.nca about this subjeet. 2 will have c�a of the�m at this me�ti�g to �isct;ss it with you. ` altiso�ugh yoia� may w� to wai� the dbo�rt tims witil t�te � eou�cil i� o�gan�zed iae�fca�e a�tiag � E'bless-MaAn, Iua.' secoms�endatiano � LJ • � I • Pa�e 1. R��UiAR �:(lc�T�� PiE��]�tG - NOVEMBE� 18, i963 A rcegtalar meeti�.g a� the Cauncil of the Ci�y of �'ridiey was called �o or�l�x by %2a.yar Nee at 8:07 P. M. A�OLi CA,L�. • Measb��s Present: Membar� Absen�: Plee, �Tohanson, Sheridan�, 't�olke arriveci a� 8:12 P.M. ,. Brmok arrived �t 8:30 P.�R. �vne APPRi)VAL Qi� �IRiITES i3EGUL�A.R NlL�T�� NOi1�R ��53 : Y�otie�n �r�► .7ohanson �a approve ttie miautes of �he Regular Mee�iag of l�avemb�r 4, 19b3 �s p�epared and received. Seconded by Sheridam. Upoa a voice vote, the�� be�.ng no na3�s, the a�Cian carried u�nauimousXy. �.PP��VAL OF +�4INtir7ES 5PECYAL MEETIidG, DTOVEM$E� 7, 1963 : l�otion by Sh2�idas� �o app�ove th� zn3.autes of ithe Speci�l Meeting of Novemb�r 7, 19b3 as p�epareai arnd �eceived. Secanded by .Tohanson. Upon a�ro:i.ce vot�, ttaese bea.ng a�o nays, �h� �tiox� carx�.�a� u�s�aimouely. A�'�'Fitt�AL 0� I+�iI�tPPi?� - SjPECIAL � il�� ,�Tt3VERi$L�R � 1� �%�iosn by Johansc�sa tio epp�cove ���e razs��x�es o� �he �pecia�. �i�e�ing af Novemb�r 11, 196�3 ,�s prEpas'+ed an�t receiged. Secanrled by ,Yahant�on. Upor► a vaice vote, there bei�g �ao neys, �he �atio� ca�r��d unaa�i.mousiy. �'PRti'e/FiL �'�' �I3PYU�,'ES SE�:O� SF�CF�I, t�1E�TIN�, Pii?Bi�TM4�R 21 ��.963 s �iotiv�. i�;� �he�idar� t� t�pgrove �I�e �inutes of the Secoad Speciai M�eeting of PTovember Y1, �.953 fol.lowin� correction of �.allar flgare in the fi.rat garagraph from $4C�a��,000.00 �o $�(10,000.00 and receive. Seconded tiy JaY►anson, iTpon a vozce vorcn, �hsxe being no.nays, �he motion carried un�ni�mausly. 4�%3 �tJSIFa'i�SS : t�a.}*�x �3ee an�ounced the�e was no old busiaess to bc: d3.scussed, fl�t� �;J�IA�SS : • • . Page 2. PUBLIC �ii:A.�IDiG �+I INdPROVEMENT - STREETS 1963- 2 t �i�yor i�ee announeed the item in question was a public hearing on 7anproveroents, Stseees 1963-2. The City Mana�er read the uat�cQ of hesring. Mayos Hee announced tha� before he v�ould o�en the publac hearing, he Q�iahed the Ci�p ria�age� tb e�isin the backgxound of ehis improvement and �E�e fur�her improve- s��� of Cea�ral Avenue. The City Me.itager explained th�s improvem�tet was the Citq's share o£ co�crete curb aa�d gutte� of a portion of old Central Avenue, �ha� �l�e County af AAnoka would widen aasd ��sprove old Central Aveaue th� �� as they haal im�xovec? 3�4iasissippi Stree�. iie furghe� exglained they a�r�uld put i�► cor�cre�e curb and �utter and �he Ci�y would �,ay ior haAf of that price, that u�on the clasixag of �he pub].ic heariug the Cs.ty Council could decide ����etkae� or �o� they �aeald order the impza�remeat .�ie �t��ed the pronerty► oc,rners abuttiag Cen�r�1 Av�nue would receive a s�reeC the sane as ehose aress South of P�issis�ippi Sireet and pay i�or one half ofc the concre�e curb aad gutter, Mayor ��e �nquir�d the p�ice a� the co�acse�e c�rb �nd �teer and was told $1.6�. Aiayor DTee s�a�ed this iueaat �hat �he price ot hav:tng the County proceed wi�:h i�'a�e highr�ay North of Mississippi Stre�� oa� Centsal Aves�ue the way they have Sc►uth of Mfssiss�.ppi 8treet is $1.b9 pex front foot anc� inquired if there were r��one prese�zt tsho wished to be heard o� this improvementi . ���. G. Hanloaz o� b$90 Ce�tral A����?e Nortt�east was present and 3.nquired �ahat G�aa m�ant bp �,�rds "land abu�tingt0,. also, were tHey as latrd owaers on th�e stdee�, respoasible or were the ��opie u�fng the xoad a�ove them coatribut9a$ �:o �hYS e.ss��a��t. Mayo� Nee �eplied the residpnts us3ag the road above Me. Y�anLa�. �eme resposnsible only �o the exte�a�t ghat �hey pay cauaty taxea, ��za� tfie cv�biag is a�.i �hat is uuder qu�s�ioaa �nd is neai�.q far the protection of t$�e proper�y Qomer and �he coss�atq puts i�. �he xo�d. '�ne C3.ty Mana.a.�er explaiaed tl�e termiaology used a�n the a�o�ic� af �ea�irag ��as a �rautine �yg�e +�hat w�uld per- au.� the Citg Councf3. �o levy asses��euts ia the a�ea araund, �hat �.n the pre- �i.ous stretch o� countcy raad, the assesscaem�s ��r��e levied against �he abutting p�ape��y owabers. 1��. Ra.nlon iuqia�.red wben constructioa Frould begitt. Mr. JaZte Luudheim, Countq E��ineer, stat�d the job o�as bein� adver�ised a� the p�esent tims for D�cembQr �:�ct aAd work ow�ld star� n�x� spria�, tY��t ehey �ilanaed go work aau3 keep o�d Cen�ral Av�nue open for fi�affic. �"ne Fiaance Disector stCated the assess�ent roll v�rould be adapted in the fail of I.�b4 pay�ble in 1965. tSayor Nee inquired if i� wabld be spread a� a te� year s;aread. �'he Fi�sance Dir�ctor replfed they l�adn° tc spread the assessme�t on the �ota�h side but that it wrould be ei�her five or tea year spread. �owncil*_naa �'o�ansoa stated that unlesa there would be €ouad anoCher method ot iiasaeing �his curb and gutter, he wauld not be able to vo�te for it, Chat the resi�ients ir� the area a�€ectec! jus� could not af�'ord it and some af the assessmeat, in ��ze tarea urere high enough eo ma��e residents lose �heir property. G��nci3.m�n Wolke ar�ived at 8:12 P, M. blr. �Ianlon stated thie was a county road arid f�com Mississippi S�reet on i.t was rotc f�t for anyt�►iug , that they had heard macry storfes in this r�gard hut the street hadn't been tauched aad �h�y would lilce to know why. Ma.yor ldee staCed LJ � . Y'aga 3. i.t was n�ot the Gauncilas intention to do any aewer work in the street. rir. I,undheim expl�ined the construction work on this road was about past the poiat af doing aay maintenance on it. Mr. Han3on replied the bt.rrden was ge�tiing pretty �reat and though they didn't mind it i£ they could get something £or it but in- c�uired of the Ci�y Cauncil �thy they should have to pey eve�y time something was daae and have no chofce in the m�a��sr. Mr. Luudheim stated theze had been soa� 4rortc that had go�e on ir► the street tHat the County did noC have a lot �o do c:�ith and they had reached the po3.nt wherQ they were proposiag reconstruc�ion �nd the coa� of thi� new facil3ty was about $145,0OO.Oa. Coancilman Sheridan �.t�quired of Mr. Luadheim if what �hey were coatempla�iag was �.pproximately 10,000 �eet of cuzb an8 gutter. Mr. Luadhei.m repZied there was about SS45 feer of curb a�� �utter and pasticipation was asked for 23QO,�eet N�rth o£ Mississi.ppi Street and through �he Rice Creek sag where wa�er caauld be coaduc�ed aloag �he cu�b and guiter +�d when the Rice Creek eag was re8ched ilaey caould get �o a road �ha� goes Eas�. He exglained there waa a ditch o£ sorts that coutinu�s up to 73rd aad th�o�agh aa area on 73rd North past e�xd arouad tl�e trail.er facility on ane �ide of the road and on the East side of rhe road to �h� howses and the c�rU ��d� at tha� pafnt. Mr. Satt�on inqu:.red of N�r. Lundheim what he a�ant by �e ditch sectioa and on tbis did tae propose to put arivew�ys to pe�ple's hom�es, that he t�ad said et Cawnty Road B there be��n a c�f�ch aee�ion. 1NUc. Luadheim replied th�re was xio curb and gu�ter in that. sec- eian, but stated they were going to improve the road. Mx�. Nanloa iaqui�eed of Mr. i,undheim if he could geC his road improved without havin� to pay for the curb a�d if the curb were being put in one s�retch of road, �hy was it not gocad a�l ��e wa�. The �`inance Direc�or es.-plained that o�nly the people who w�uZd have the curb �ould be asse�seei for it , tha� the assessnsent w�ouldn' C be all rhe w;�y along �eatral Avenue. Catsnc3lma�n Wo1�se st�eted this jus� didn' g add up , that the Pole �ard should pay �o� of ehis ��x. �ia�, Lunc�'heira c:cpla�.nect th�q were not asking for participation im concrefie curb end g,utter wt�exe it was n�t in��talled. Mrs. �anlon inquired if concrete curb and �u��ex w�xe a�eces�ary belaw �ounty �aad E. C�nnciiman Sheridan stated tha� tah�t �he� were doing was e1i+�ti.na�ing the op�a c�it�cI�es a3.ongside the highway which were referered to ns open arees from P�iississ- ippi Stzee� to Osbarne Road, t'h�t there are open areas thaC are aot devea.oped. Gouzaci3man Sheridan fu�ther stg�ed tk�at st �.he �ime of the development o=: the arrnas it should �e the Ci�y's policy to have curb and gutter insta7.led. Coan�ilman Wo2k� inquired of Mr. Lunxlheim the reasdas they were not pu�t�.ag curb and gutter along the pole yard property. Mr. Lundheim replied the �rades were aat amiable to the installatioa o£ curb and gutter, that it jus� w�uldn't wor% au�. Councflman Wo1ke stated it just wasn't Zogicai, that it seemea tv him they could put cnrb and g,utter �11 the way aloag the highway, that if th�y could nu� curb anci �utter ali the waq a�ong the highway, that if they could Jlay con- c�.et� or bl�cktop, Lhey evidently could 2ay coacrete curb a�td gutter along this s'�re�ch also, icha� tl�e County was droppi�g out a large section aad aaere �till w:�Iling to ask the City of Fridleq to help pay for it; aad because it was not developed was not a good reason. Cauncilman Sheridan stated the re�uest thae t�e open sectfons be left out was done by City Council. directive. Councilmaa Wo�.ke s�ated that if Mr, flanloa wanted his proper�y left ont, he cea�tain3;J had t�at right, that he hsd beea under the impressioa that rahen they put in curb as�d gutter t�ey would put it on the full length of the propertq theq were im- p�ovin�. Mr. Luadheim stated they had left out only porti.ons and had done a �ood ,�ob on the road. Councilman Sheridan inquired of P4r. Luadheim if ttais w�.s SQ7. of �he area that was being covered by curb sad gutter. Mr. Luadheim n � i . Pag� k. �repl3e@ he d�.da't thiuic so. Caunci.le�a�a 8heridap atated tb�t he waa a�temptiqg to srriv+e at the City' �a sh�e and if it , would be two� or thr�e timea tl� aaount gf�ve� faz the entirar $treex. Mr.. Luodh�im xeplied it sASa appr�ui�eately one- third af the area. Councilme� Sherfdsa �t�tted that if tls:ts were sa, tbe Ctty's alu�rc wauid be arolitid $35 , Q00 . 00 fcir curb aad gcst�er . Mayor Nee inquired of I4�c . Le�ndlte im i£ tbe land was so fiat ttut ehey wouid aeed �ndergreund dra�anag�. M�r. Lus�dhei.a� replied tbere �raa a qnestion of gettiag dirt, that med�e it desirable to.�oaks up �o� sides mod�ifying the seceion whith they afuuid have wfth aarb aod'gutter, that thie wes doa� in tb� apen ares �ihe�e it seemed ae thaugh it wae s^a�►sotisble to da eo. Councilman Wolke stated iC aeemed to hfffi that in the flat sectfoas, ti�ay a�ould waat cwcb amd gutter so tbeq arould move the a�atez doioo�a the bi,ghway iato the araek area. :�` Cowuilman Wraike furthex st�ted h� aouldu't see puttiag this h��eway ia and putting,fa curb and guttex just a portion af the rao�q and l�aaving aat a com- p�.ete section, that they aze pu�ti,ag ths cuzb whern it ten'� needed ahd where it w+�s, na curb $nd gutter w�ald be put in. Mayor Nee iaqu3:rod of Mr. La�rdheia �hat was iaVolved with ha�ting cuzb a�a�d gneter installed ell of tl� way. l�r. Lu�dt�eim r�plied iC wauld be at1ly to put ia a Curb b+ecause the side draiaege �oes to side di�ch�e that ar� cond�cted a�ap dowa to the crsek, that it isa't juet baving a cuxb. Mr. Lundhoim further stated 'if the City Couacfl did not wisb Co do eo, they didn't nee�d to put in the curb at +�11, thet tl�y c�ould wosk a ditcb sectiou all th� w�y through; buC t�►t cit��ena living �djacent to tbe road w�auld �at lilce this k�nd of a road. 1�Ir. Y.u�a,dheim w;�ts rec�ues�ted eo expl�fn tt�e ditch gyste�. Mr. Lundheim expleined i� wuu2d be a�e�lax gural ditch. Mayor Nee inquired of Mr. �ianlon 9f �he Coanty were willin;; to 'hav� half of the co�nc��te curb in front ot bie residence, would he be int�rested or want eometbi�qg sf:m3..lsr tb Chis. Councillosn �ook ari�ived et 8:30 P.M. Mr. Ba�alon replied theq t�ee�e aot arguing this wss� aometh3x�,g they didn't wgat, Chep were ar$uiazg whp it. hed zcot beet� con�emplateei to be put i� �t21 the way. Couacilmaa Wolke �tdted tt�at whsC Mr. Luc�dheim �vag s�ying was thax thia concreta cuxb that thejr were deleting could be put in a� a later date. Mr. Ltmdheim re- plied thay didn't feel th�t it could, that it caaulda't be pose�ble wiChout quite s lot of w�ork. Mr. Luiutheim further stated tln Councilms�n Ti�olke's queptiou tbat County Road H is not flat, that it has quite a grade ng to the'raflroad tracks ia the area. Mr. V. 1�l. Nagel, reaident, atated tb�ere taas a txemendous w�aah in ti�e area which statement Mr. LundDeim replied asa correct. l�r. Aiagel further etatsd they were ueing the street sa a ditch and it breu�ks off witb a tremea�lous cut on the iatereection all of the time, that ae long as tha iadustriel section remsins unoccupied thfs is a2rigbt bnt if ft ie �vet bui2t up, I�idley c�2d have trouble. Mx , Na��l tnq�uirefl 3.f t�e Countq w�ere going to in�stall taaaiiolee at 73rd Aveaue and waa told they w�ere-. M�+yor Nee iaquired if there were auyone presemt who ha�d receiv�ed a notice who objected to the propo8al to aeaeae and put ia concrete curb a�d guttar, �aa it is, South of Mlssissippi Street at the price of $1.69 per gront fooC. Mra. � • Page S. FZanlon �nQuired i�f under const�ruetioa item A Lhey could have an ezcplaaation. I�ayog �tee stated this was included as a part of the hearing, that it sti11 made a� possib�� to sdd c�r delete curbin$. rir. Lundheim ststed there would be uo turb or gutCer �t the liaalon address as 3t atops before that area is reached. M�, and Mxs. �, HFtnlon of 6890 Centrsl Avneue Northeast wished thelr names entered in�o the records as ob3ectin$ to �he assesament. Mr. Qureshi presented maps af area �or Cou�i1 co�.dis�ra�ion and expiained same. Ni�yor Nee inqufxed if there we�e axsyon� pxesent wha would wish to abjec� ea an assessment of $Z.b9 i�a eh� eve�ne they wro�ld have property adjacen�. I��or Nee detlared Che public hearing clased. Mayox A�ee sta�ed Lhey h�r� a stateme�t frrnn Mr. Exicksoa who wa� one htmdred per c�aat in tavo:- o£ this i�roveaee�at and further stated if tl� �au�cil would wish to, they could i�sue a resolution placed on the agenda for �he improvemen�. F�0$LIC HEA�IAiG - RINAL PI.AT - MA�KEY ADDZTIQN: N�3�07r Nee annouaced �his wss A uublic hearing on the final piat of the Markeq Asidi�ian. City Ex�giaeer Qureshf. steted the owaess of �he plat had called and requested that �h�le fiaal plat be �oa�ir�ued, Nc��ion by Sheridan to continue ttae public hearia� on the final plat of the 1�Za�key Additi.oa as �here may b� an adjusemeat. Seconded bq Brook. Upon a v�nice uote, th�re being ao nays, the mo�ion carried unani.m�usly. E��LYC I�EARXi�� -�'IPZ�..�,_ i'i�T - ADEi,� iST AY�DITIO�? o ►'�1�yor Atee .a�nousa�ed �his ��.s ,a publi.� hearixag on �he final plat o� Adele lst Addi�f.an. 3'lie City �Yaaager read �he Natio� of i��a�ing. Cft� Er�gineer Qureshi gresen�ed plat fo� Cou.n�f.l �ppgaval, Mayar Nee inqufr.ed if there were a�yone g��esent who arisax�d �o be heard x�eg�rd�.axg �he fiaial plat of Adele �.st Additfon. I�£ayot� E�ee iuquired +af �he Fiaaac� 0�fi.cer ix t3ae additxonal asse.s�m�ent referred to in this plat was �it�r poiicy. The T'ittaa�ce Of�icer s�e.ted the proper�g� had l�er��► aseessed fox ttne l�ne o�a Woody Laiac and this other building site that w�ould }xe made would b� tying iato the c,�ater a�,ain 1 ias on C��a�ral Aveaue rJorthe��st and t�e �ewer l�.�ae, �ha� the policy has been when people tie iato a main line, there F,�ould be a Iatexal assessment made against the property. Mayor Nee inqui.recl if �he assessmeut that was spxead for th� Woadq Lane ares had an area cmuponent. 7��e rinaace Officer replied it did no�. Councilman Johanson inquired if what tlie owx�er wanted wss ta exchange asaessa�ents for an e�sement and was told this was correcs� and that it would be around $12.26 a foot with quite a bit oi f�on�age fn the area. Conncilman Wolke inquired why �he�e w�ere tEUO assessmente 0�.1 the propQSed 1ot. Mr. Whiteh�.Il, owaer of the land, r�plied there is an e:��.sta.ng easea�ent for the utilities now end the other ease�ment ie not there yet, tln�at the s��rer runs �ast and Weat oa �he North line aad it would probably be mc�re feasible to tie into the lot fas which there was no easeme�st. Mr. Whiteh311 fssrth�r e�-plained this line was put in some five or six years previous and he did not own the propesty at the time. C3t� Attorney Smith inquired of Mr. C��€iitehi,l2 the naa�e of the previous owaer and was told it wae not certain but could be Banichi, that it had beea purchased through Bronson $rickson ComQany Page 6. a�d they did�'t seera to know the easement was there. Mr. Whitehill eacplained that he had ead.tced to everyoae aud �a onc� oee�ned to know anything about it. Councilmmn Johansoa stated it did aat sound like too s�uch of an exchaage ae far as the City af Fridley was c�oncerned. Mr. Whikehill replied thi� easement doQSn'g sho�e rrp in the title ei�har, so it was assumed there waa n o easement �btiaiaed. Mayor lt�e inquired of Mr. Whi�ehtZl if he had a home on thie 2ot at the pr�sent. Mr. Whitehil2 replied that he did not, that on Woody Lane t�ere ia tio aeraer, juse a saddle on the la�erai �im�, Citq Attoraey 3mith st��ed he ge�.� �iae City did bave an easen�nt and was to2d by Mr. Whitehiil if ti�re was one, f� was not recorded aaqwh�re. Couacilmaa Wolke stated he felt t�iare was nv goint in 'holdiag np the plat but the City Council shouidn't giae Mr. Whitahiil the easem�n�. 1�tayar Nee inquf.Ped of ilr. Whitehill if he wished the Cou�cil to accept �he plat i� this mazu�er aad Mr. WhitebiZl replied he was �ot certain, that he did feel t�e a�eess�ent was uu£sir and it was aaaessed at the gaiag rate and wsa put in some five or eix years previoue, that he �id �bout $1,1t�0. Up or sa in as�sese�nts at the presen� ax�d this was samething, that h� uras nat eware of at a11. Councilman Johansoa expl8iaed to Mr. Whitehili that he would end �ap with two buildiag Bi.tee and w�e�ld have two assesBmenCS on thos� sites. 1�yor Ne� iaquired of Mx. ��hitehill 3,f he would wish the plat ��proved or did he wisl� to have the p2at returaed. Mr. WEiitehfll rep2ied ebat F�� tln�is point he did �aot kaa�a wi�e to do with it. Mayar ATee esplainsd sche City Cvuncil could accept Che plat and if Mr. T�hitehill chose not �o adapt it, it ��au1sI becom� void in 90 days bu� thi� wauld give him som� ti�e to de�erm3.ne �a�iether he wished this assessment to exist on this. Mayor Nee stated that everybody else pays oa this fo�la s�a�d a� w�as not entirely unreasoaable that Mr. 4�h3tehil�. staoaeld pm� a1so. Ngayar N��e £urtn�r st�a�ec� �the Ciey Council could have placed the assessmeae on at i.he going rate 5 goears ago and it c.would have cost about tciae �ame consider�3.ng the in�exest on i�, tha� the facili�y was tnere,, Mayor N�e dec2ared th� public herar3.ng on the �ina�. plat of Adele lst Addition closed. Motion by Sheridan to accepe the fival p�.a�t of Adele 1st Addition end suthorize ti�e �9,agror and C1.erk to sign eaate. Secoaaled �iq Brook. IIpan a voice vote, there being ua �asys, the moCion c�xried unan�.mausly. �t)NSII3ERATION OF RLSOLUTIONS - RE: T. �. �694 tFINAL PiAN3): P',�,ayya�r Nee amnounced the item uader consideration were the resolutio�s regarding T. H. �b9�a. 1'he City Maiaager stated �here c,rere �hree resolutions,one Lo approve tne conatzuction plaas from E. end Mississippi 8a.ver $r. 6440 to �Lsin Street P3orthenst, another to approve construction plans from Maia Street Northeast to E. Anoka County Line arul the third caould be to approve coastntcCion plarns on s3�d Avenue Nor�heast from �. S. 47 to T. S, 65. Mr. McCubrey of the Minaesots �ta�e ilighway Degartment was preaent ta answer questioms. The City Manager ex- plained the only dev3ation of the fi.nal plan� w8s the fiaal portioa near the tnea�er in ihe area. Motioa by Wolke to sdopt xESOLUTIO�'t #18I-1963 approving Coasttuctions PZaas S.P. Q285-09 (694-393), E, ead Miasissippi River Br. 6440 to Main St. N. B. Seconded bq Johaasoa. Upon a voice vote, there being ao nsys, the mution carried uasni.awusly. �� . � Pag� 7. I�kot�.on by Sheridan to adopt RE50LUTIQN ��.$2•19b3 approving Constreic�iaa Plane S, P, Q2�5•03 (694-393), from Maia Street, N. E, ta E. Aiwka County Lin�e. Se�onded by Brook. IIpon a voice vote, thexe b�ing ao aap�, t}� motion carried u�animously. M�tifln by Joh�naon Co adopt RE50LUTIOA� �183-1963 ap�raviag Constt'uction P].ans S. F, 0255-12 (G9�-393� on 53rd Avenue A1. R. fram T. H. �47 to T, �1. �65. S�cora�ied by Wolke. Upon a voice vc�te, ther� be�ing ao nays, �Tae motion cmrried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPBaViNG AGREE�+�I+i't �+'OR B1�LOCATIO�i OF VFILIT�ES - T H. �694: P�x. 2�icCubrey of `he Miaaesot� S�ate Sfghc�ay Depastimeat explaia�eci ea the City Couacil he wished Caua�cil consideraitoa of tibis 3tem at the present time, that he did hane a study copy of the prnpor3ed agreemene and suggested thst the Couacil suthor�.ze �he p�aper representat3ve to sngn the agreemeat t�hen it was coaq�leted. i�apar Nee inquired of P1�. McCubrgy who would t�e moving ut3lities �nd p�yment thereof. Mr. McCuBrey replied tl�ere wouid be 1007o reimbursement axud if the City Councii could ��xthorise the �X�cution it caould savre some time. The City i�ataager expla3.nezi to the City Cotsncil s p�t►blem had arisen this par�icul�ar day � aand �urth�r expla3ned xl�ere was a pieae o£ iadustrial proper�y that has water aad �ew+er an�l gas �ase�nenta rvnning across the highway, tha� ir is propo�ed to umove ��d iaoolc up lines. It was explained �his p�ece o�' property is t�ader con- s�de�:ation by asa ixidustrp for �urchase ammd this would be ixt �he m;:.det of a Uuilding. The Citq Mana�;er s��ted he had tca7.ksd to tYae pessazt who �s dealing �or 6:lzis clieut and they r„��'t se�real wha �he c�.ient is bu� if the Yinea w�eze x�iacated he had advised �Yaem rhe prapert�y w�u�.st tsave to pap. He further stated �his reiocation could; be moved aver ta T�ain 3treee but that semething could be w�arked out , tha�t , ss i.t is planaied ,�the relocatioa� wouldf be a�ved 200 feet w�est am3 if �he ir�dustry is interested in.pgg�i�x� the bi11, it w�ald no� o� right to have i� m�ved 20� �e�et wl�en it shou3.d b� �aaved aver to 'Ma3.n S�ree�.. City En- �3neer Qcsreshi state@ he had �alked with ��xe State Highway Depart�ees►t on this i�cem and they hs� agreed. The City Ma�magex s�ated the resalu�ion should be passec subject to a possible chs.nge in this regard, that theYe would be c�ne pn�sible reloca�ioa amd they wnvld work iic vui be�weea this eveai�g and the x�c��ing of �ecember 2ad, There was ao actioa taken. ACCE�TANCE OF FINAL PLAT - SPRING $ROOCt PARiC 2ND ADDITI�T : 1"�ya� Y3ee announced the item in questiou wss the ncceptance of the f�.nal pla� of Spria� Bsook Park, 2nd Addi�tlan. The City Maaager explained to the Citq Coun�il �hey should note they would be approving final plat subject to ar� ��;seem�nt t�liich dated b�ck to May aad the City Couacit had subsequently �pproved said �greement. ge suggested the City Covncil reaff3rm their apptoval of the fi:►a�. pYat without a coa�dit4on on it. Councilmau Wolke inqeeired if the �gree- �en� w,es ia as they had requested it and was told it was. Mntioa by Woltce to accept the fix�al plat of Spriag Bronk Park, 2nd Addition and authorize the Mayor and Cleru to sign same. Seconded by Johausoa. Upon a voice vote, there bei;;g na nays, the motioa carried unsnimously. Page 8. �a�S%` �ii�1G tJl� ORD�:i�AI�CE iTAC,ATIA1� S��VIGE AR�SiI's -&�RI1�G ���OK PAfl� �i.�iT 2: � r�� i�&�yor riiee �naounced the i�em in question for Councii consideration wss the firat re�ding of a�a orc3inane� vaca�ing a gervic� �rive ia Sprfng Brook Park Plat 2. T�!e Ciey Maita.gerc explained �a the Cf�y Councii ther� was a deed to be dedicated �o �he C�.tty arad i� would be �vailab�e at the seaaad readiag of the ordinamce. Rtat�.on by Sheridar, �o �ccept as first readiag sn Ordinance under Section I2.07 vf �ea� City Cha�tar eo vac�te a�ree�s and ai�eqa and to ameac� Appenclix C of the C��y Cod�. T'h� �i�p R3anager explained, in detafl, the area descsibed on map. S�econde� hy ��ook. Upo�n a voiCe vote, �&ere being no nays, the moCivn cerried u�n�oualy. �t.A�i,D��B�ARD P�ETZI�G �I�NtTrES ATOVBMBER 13 1963: �rw��i.. r �.r i r Z�fiz3yog �'ee �nnauxac�d �he i�ems in question had been uaderta�Cer� by the Building Bom�rd a� their tt�eeting, on 1Qove�aber I9, �963. AId EXiSriNG C�IURCS AT 53 'Tt�:e Ciicy Maasgex �ead to �h� Ci�y Couaci� ghe recommoer�datioa oi the Buildiug Boa�i anc� e�xp�.aisaed tchis caas �o be � build�.� add3.tiau to the existfng church. Mc��io�a by Sh�riolan �o coacux �ith the recammzendatioa of the Bnilding Board a�d �s�spzove the app��.cag�ox► aa�d issuan�e ot a�iufidi.ng perm�.t to builc� an additioa trs a�a existin,g c%c�rc� �t 53 Mississ�.p�i St��et �tor�t�e:ast -.R+3cT�..�mo�r Luther�n �i ux�ci�. Seconded by Brook. Upo�a ��oice �rotc�, t�e�e b�iug no aays, the mation c�rri�d uat�ta�mous2.y. � Z"he Gi�q �Ianager r�ad to ehe C3.ty Cauncil th� recommeadatxa�� of tt�e Bu�lda.ng l�raa�d , P�tioa by Johanvon �o eoncu�r with the reco�snenda�fon of the Buildiug Bosa��l �d a�aprove +th� applicatioa an�l issuaiace of s buildiag permi� by Grace Evang�iical Free Clhurc�e to build a Sunday Scbnol BuiHing at ?59 - 73rd Avenue Yorther�st. Secaiaded bgr Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no aays, the motion ca�ried iu�gniu�ou�lgr. Itil Tbe Ci�y A2anager read to Che C3.ty Couaci2 �he recommendation of the Suilding Boarcl . l�at3.an by J�haason to co�ncur tioith the recommeadation of the Buildiag Board � � I�� Page 9. ��d Ap�ro�e the applicatfaa and issuance o€ a building permit bq �3ernsrd ��lkai�7ski io� a per�tit to b�i1d addi�i��ni u�i�s �o the 5happixag Ce�ter p�aposec� £ar 62�.5 ar►d 6247 tTnivers�.t�* Avenue YJortheas�. Se�onded by wal�e. tipon a vo�.�e vo��, �here beiag �ao naqs, the motiou casried unsai�nuslq. I�{%�v 14 ��It��Fi7f�.�� 1�. Trost, o�roe�, was present snd explairaed the reasa�a Che Bu3.ldiug Boerd had ��bled t%e appiicagian was because of a�rablem o� lat s�lits. Tbe City Manages exy�lrziaed ta the City Couacil Lhis was tlae s� sizu�t3.on as they had @�ad ia Helody Manox where the owness had ssked for one unit rather than two unfi apartr,�a�at buiidfugs. Counciiman Wvlke atated �hey w+�uid rattaer see tbe one elevea uffii� �par��nt build�tng. Mayor NQe stated as no �mber was present �som the Buiicifn� Board to speak for ar agaiast �his iteWn, �heis decisiou should b� iionored . Ca�snc�.lman Wolke stateai this would delay the ite� Lwo �ore w�eeks snc3 i� wuuld atalce a big difference in buf�ding ae this time of t�e year, tbat i�. Trost shoufd no� be delay�d and as far inspecting the area, if the buildinga aaere ace�ptable to the code an�d t�e p1.at was proper, tY�e permit should b� g�anted. �totfon by Wol&e �o approve ��xe s.pplieatiaaa by Js�Ken Iec., for a pe�mit to build a�x� 13. �nit apaxts�en� buildiag at 5612 and 564a 7eb Sereer Nartheast, providing �he build�t�ng mas acceptable to the building cvde a�d the plat €or area is pro- per. Seconded by Johanson. Mayer Nee stmted he kn�r nothing about t� build- ia�g bu� if there were aocme good reasoa �o take it out of the hands af the ��ildin� Board, d�e would be in ag�eemeat. Coaacilman Jphanson explained i:he k3uileiin� Board had tabled �I�e itera in ord�r �a clarifq th� zaning aYS,d I�. Trost hmd �roof o.f ehat. Y�yo� Ne� repl�.�d �lh�y did �ao� ha�r� �h.� wurd c�f anyorae on �h� Baa�rd �.a �h�s reg;a�d. Cou�a�ilrn��x Wo1�Ce s�ated if ld� �i�es ca�re Qrc+per anci zan�ng wa$ prope�, Council should conside� t�is permit. Upon a ra�.l call vote, �hose •�otin$ ay�e, Brook, Wolke, �Qhsnson. Thase O�pOS2f1' Nee, Sheridan. Motioa c�sr�ied. Counc�timan Sheridarn stffited he agx�ed with the �heory thet the iteue �ho�s�d have wai�ed fo� the appraval of th� Buglsiing �aard. Counct�lman Ws�ike a�a��d Chey shoe.sld be gutti�g acr.m� facts 3�ehind cvhat tbey wer� trying te do. Nt�.yor Nee expla;taaed �hey di�i xtot k�ave the infa�sti.on oa the iten�, only �he w�rd a� N',r. 3'rost. e�S.'�'I.ICt�Tit9�t �Y STEVE t�idBYSA T� BUILD A 20 UNIT APARTi�1T HO�TSE A�' 195 ME�Ci38Y LL6i7� l�iV1�16�C1�7d e i�b. gi.awxysh was preaeat and requested Cou�cil action o�s his pinn which he preaented. �i�yor lYee inquixed of the Council i� tbey wished to do the w�ork of �he &.silding i3�ard. Council:�an Jahanson replied he feit thAs was s diffexesa� problem. Mayar Nee sta�ed �he :��em was no� in order. The C3tq M�taager stgted gs h� rec�Zled the �tem �he Bui2d3.�� Board had said if Mx. Fi�o�rgrsh �rished to bxin� the ftem to the �csuncil f2oor, �a��� w�uYd be satisfactory. 1'here was ao $ction �Ak�A on the i�em. P�dNiA�G C�ISSIC3AT P?EETYNG MIATiTrBS � NOVEMBEB I4 , 1963 : � �age 10. i�iay>.� Nee anaounced this was the matter oi a cantiaued public heariag oa a�cer zanf.n� irom sfagle �amil.y dc,�eiling to donble bungalow 3.a Lot i, �lock 1, Juli- A�,n Additfon. The City Maaager �read to L-�ie City Counc�l Che action taken by the Plannin� Camcn��sion, anci explained the mo�ion for rezoni.ng had failed due to a �ie vote. Councilmsn Wolk� re�ired fram the couuc3l ci�sir ta speak to the City Council. Caunci�.man Wolke ze�uestQd the City Cowacil check the map of �he 3uli-Ann Actd�.�iou a�d expiai�d this was �he area whers the Mims�agolis Gae Company had +the gas uait or valve st�tios�; �hat aQar ehi� gsa uaft are two double bu�a�alo�as and on the cos�er aext to it wrnsld be his lat. This lot, he explained, fac�d 88st 8iver t�ad sad is aext to M�r . Mike �raaoff' s house snd iti no�i has bec�oane a mamer of being practical, chat the area is quite a3ce aad eo are the ha�es aad double bungalows aear �.t but thare fe a tYa¢fic problem. He explaiaed that tr�.th �he treffic �rablem it would be almost impossible to have s house faciag Eest xiver Aoad sad this double bun�ela�a he was plaautin,g �nld �aok as good ae �h� susrouadiag ho�ses and �oonld b� sa asse� �o the cammunitq, that tbe Coun�cil conld efther antY►orize soa�Chin� �heq could economically come out oa or just a s�mall hons�. Councilmaa Joh�nson stated their only problem mas breakiag a dead- Fock vote of the Pl�nniug Commis$ion. Mayoz �ee inquirced if the a�ighbors had � been �o Che public hea�f�g before ��e Pl�a:ia,� Co�amiss3on. Councilman fiolke replied they were�a� the firs� mee�ing wiaich he hsd noi ateended uaeil La�e. �oeiacil,maa Wolke returned to the cou;ieil floor. l�iotion bp J�►haason �ti authori�e a pumlic izearing be seti oa the Rezoniag, 2QA �`63-l7, Loe 1, �lock 1, JuFi-Amictt Addf.ti�na by B�a Wolke irom 8-1 (singie faffily dw�llin�) to A-2A� cc�aubl.e bu�$alao��. 5�ca�ds�d by 8rnok. [lpart a voice vote, �here beiag ne ua�s, the ��fon Carcried v►�.�h i�olke �.b�eain3,�g. P4�syor R�e snnovaced �his was the ma�ter of a continued publia hearing on a re- �oaing geq�ae§t by,D�vid I.ennox frbm singZe famil�t dwelling to dauble buagalow on ��s I and 2, BIoc�C 3, 3he�fe�'s Subdivisfon �1. The City Msaager rea�d �o the �itp Council the actio�e tak�a bg Lhe planniag Co�oactissioa aad explsiaed the �tioa had fail�d due to a tcie veee an th� reaoniag. Couacilman Wolke stated he bad ��en pr�eseni ae thes mee�ing and felt tife re�oni,ag ehc►uld be granted. : The Cfty 1'2�aager stated theq would be abligaeed to bold a public heari�ag. Rio�ion by Sheridaa to autkorir�e a public i�eariag b@ set on the �c�zoaing Z�QA ;k63-29, Daaid Leanox, that pert of Lots 1 a�d 2, Block 3, Sltaffer'� 3ubdivisioa �Z lying east of �he west 90 fee� thereof to be ze�o�ed fram R-1 dsi�ngle �amfly ��113ng).to 8-2A (donble bung,siowy. Seconded by Joheason. Upoa s voice vote, there being �o aaye, tbe motioa carried unaaimouslq: � • ' Pa,�i 11. �►e ,iCi�y Msna�er read to the City t�auacil ths recom+�nd�tiat� o� tt� C�rim�isaion, and explai�ed iF the Councii ahos�+ eb �ai��pt tbi� paopose�ilostiy p�a� tih�� could, eubject ko the stipulat�.ousp�eaen�ed b��oire the Plamiag Ca��gfos� be carri.ed out. City 8ctg3aser Quteehi pt����d plat�a of ths as��t .: to the �fty Couaci� Ca�ua�cil. Mayor Nee inqt�l,red oi� Y�tr: Negel, Piaaaipg Oosn�f�iiioa me�er, ii th9Le agreed �ri.th tbe atreat plan of th� ax�a. ii�. NageZ s'e�Plied t�hut �C did but thexe w�ould bo tw� la�s Cbat wnuld be �ted-�agged. Gbuncilmsa Nrolk�k �rtqutred vf M�r. Nagel i� the area uas eset o� old Cenrral Aneaue and �to told i� c�. ` . Mbtiaa bq Wolke to coacur wi.th th� xe+commeruletica of� the P18nniag Conoisaioa awd aPprove the pYOposed pre�3minary p1a� #63�11, Nat3.ous2 Fuads, Inc., on i�o� '32, Auditor's Subdivi��.oai #129, aub�ect to the acqul.sitfan of a dedicati.00 o� the west 25 feet of Lor l►, ouditar's Subdivisien � 1Q8 frnm Oaa�c3aga 326 feat seutb foz sCreet gvrpoaes, � t�mporary turn-arotuu� of s mia3mam 80 feet dimeter �or tbe ao��h-8outh aCreet on the easterly edge of the plat and aQQuis►itioa of a�y utili�p essem�nt� deemed aeces8sry by the Ci�y Eugine�ring DltparL'msot �ad payment of the aeceseasy pla�tiag, eng3.neeri� and escroo� fees. Secooded by Brook. UpOn 8 vO�.ce tro�e, ths7c6 beifig ao nays, tbe f�o�i.oa e8�ied nDeai.mDU�ly. • OF CY F0� FUTt� PZANN7.�lG ONA�lISSItXQ MSETYN�3; fihe City Ma�gez read to the Ci�q Coun��i the plsn o� �the Caax�isaion ior the seC�'iag of palicy fo� future Plat�uaing Caamdigsion meet3.n$s. A4r. �Y, member oE �he Plamziag Commiaston, exp183n�d ta Yhe �ty CowLC�l iC atas vnuier�tood t1�t if �emethin$ apecial mould need �o be cousidezed, tt►ey �aauld hald a apecial maet3ag. I�io�3, n by Wc�lke eo coacor wieh �ho settiag of palicy fc►r futdre Pl�ni.ng C.o�a3i�airon on �ne8t . Se aoad�d by Jo�aa. Upon a vo�.ce vote, t6ea� berl.ag ao naqe, �bA moc��an cerried �uaa�a�n�ugl'. C�N�CATItI�TS s .11�„�13�+C BUI�D,�,L�RS �..^ ��ALi! � ..1'Bf�A�B�.��s. Mayror FQee �iaovnc�d thls was a dcx��ic�tiAn from Dafberg �vildfi�s Inc. , re• ga�d�ng tt� DBiberg Terra�e �lat, 'Cha C3ty Muaager read tbe! commu�nica�i�oa: Pisy+or Re� �qiaired if Mr. Dalberg had. the concwc�:eace of tbe o�lier property o�ntexs on tb� quastirnn �ho didn't agree ta paq tilsafr 8hare aad tbe rsesoa .l�r. � �aciberg couYdn' � col.lect it. Councilam�n 6lolke xeplied he dida't feel it ro�as l�r. DaLbe7r�°s ,�ob tb coXl.ect ttaeae moaies. Councilman Jobanaon gtated he dida�t Eeel the reaidea�s in the $rea ehauld be asked to pay for engiueering or aay • other coets. The City PSanager sxplained Cb3s a�as a csse of eitbex Mz. Dalberg would paq ehe full xmovat or somebodp uould have to collect it. � � , �� ��b � �.�.�^" , � I ,,l`�- ' %"�.�.��` � . ��,,.� �` �' �-e'�'`E r � r� �z. � G� �rrr�c�rs: i�otion by Wolke to reeeive i�etiticn �38-1955 fzom Dalb�rg Builders, Inc., ' refe� to the Citq M�aaager fcor pracessiug aad wAi�v�e the eng3.a�ring sscrow aod pask depasit ea per meamo r�ceived £ram the Finance Dir�ctor in the adounta o# $1,3$0.00 and $420.00 resgectivelq. Secoiuded by 36esidan. Upon a wice vote, there hefag no n�ys, the mation aa�ried uzcani�ously. CO�1�,+tICA3"_,_„ � : FRID�Y SAND s +tiR:il'P't�MS : l++i�iiw�l wr� ■ �i/ � " �ri���ir� Mayox Nee �anounced the item fn questiaa wes �t aau�nic�ti.ara irone Che Fridley �iand regazdiog �he purcha�e oE waigca�rms . Tt�e Ci��r Mas�a►ger axplained to tbe Citq Council Cl�y would aot %e setting a preceBeaL and if it cau�.d be arreaga8 for t.he purchaae of said unifara� oa auch a small budget, i.t shoa�d pos�ibly b� doae. Mayar �TQe s�at�d, ibr puxposee of the public present, this awaa e pto- posal o� the Citq �mnd to use some of t�eir ov�rage th3.s year Por the buyiog of soa� uniforms . Motion by Jnhauson to grant the request from tbe Fridleq Bac�i to purcbeae unifotmli with aioaies remaining ix� tbeir cur�cent budget es�d part oP n�xC q�eas's budgat . Saconded by Sbesidan. Upoa a voice vote, thexe being �a nay�, the motioa � ca�.'tied unanimously. �& M D$1�L� C�i%'A� c T��LL� _ C�'� : Mayor Pfee armaunced ti�e it�na �cs a comrnuu3cation fram the firm of Weavex, ?alle, aad �erxic%, a��orneys at 1�, retg�rdimg a tz�iier court permi.t. The City Msnsger read alard the camnaiaicatian fcratn iKr, Virgil C. 8ersic%, a�torney for B& M Dev+elopmeu� Ca�ypas�q. Mx. Mike Hafaer, of the firm of �&�'i DeveloP�n� �A�Y� s�ated thst some�ime previoue hig partner, 8rnie 1�Esadae�, I�ad petition�l for .4 ��a�2ar coure perm�ir �nc1 it had bee�a r�fae�d. Since this tis�, it was explai�od, ,�mie iladeen had died and Mx. Hafner gtated he had b�ea �rying xo sell off th� progerty but every�i+me he had $ p�rospea�, he was tvld they woalds�'t buq i� be- cauae tbey aoaldta't use Lhe isi�txway due �o iosd Itmttt,� ex c�stain time$ o� the yesr. A3P. Hataer further sta��d Fsf.c�ley had all th� 3r�us�si$1 laad tt �naecZed �or tha next 20 �a�xs �cardi�ng to dev�logment, thgt the� w�ou�,d d�velop �lI Cbe indus�r�r they couid: put in �Ke ttowa but �h� 2ax situaCiai�t hed +�os� him $I12,DOO.Od �.n �he 9.a�� tw+� yea�l� and if h+� I�ad ta wt�iti fox anetber t�ao p�r� � it roould be s�bther $Ii2,OQQ.00 £or tax�es, ass�ssmsnte and iatermsts. D�. iiafaer explai�►d that at th� pret�ent time,� there wa� �87,OOd.00 of uapa�.c1 a�aessme�nts due on ehe pgoperty, �hat 3.� wa$ aa tt�►oesibility Co get i.�ctustsq b�ca�see a tru�k could �ot evea be drivea on �he ro�ds, that 7Srd Avenue id e cs�oas couatry �oad. Mr. 8afnar s�atied tl�st if he had �o;, he wanld have to take tha City of �ridle� to court if �he matter o� tTais land tould not be set�Ied, that he Pw�d sold a21 residentfal lots he h�d held but could noC sell ichis ].and becausa �here was ao oae to ss11 iC ta. Couacila�u Wolke inquired of Mmq�or Nse if the hi�tory of the requeet tor a tr�il�r caust was available. Mayoor Nee replied it had bee� psocessed and duly x�ejecfied. Ci�q Attorney 9mith iaquired 3� tbere had b�en a public haaring befare the City �ouncil. Councilnan Sheridan replied the City Council had m�erely con^ � Paga I3. cursted t�i�h �he r�cvs�adat�aa oi the Plaxening Coaffiseian. Mr. Serz3ck, �t�oycney fox t�br, HeiEaer, sta�ed the m�tter had been hesxd at tbe publlo hear- ing be�£o�re tY�e plann9.r�g Caamafss9ion, rhaz ehe eatire Citq Couacil had seceitred Nir. Madaea' o plana befare hia cieat'h acW iatenti.one aboe:t tt�ie traiier court, that h� d��d not �i.sb to go �a�a the 1e�slities as �a �he zoiaiag ard�.osmce but t�e Supx� Cougt bad receatly raled �h�ae tb�is ��plics�iom has �o �srtaia dia��ctlp to the heal.th, w�Ifa�e, etc. of +the communi�y. PAr. �%rrick +rtated Lbe reasoas For xhe PJ.snniag Com�aissioa denyiug �8is permi� badn't retained thst te�t. Mr. Serrxc�. fuztluer ata�eci �he Ci�y C�uncile of both Ediaa and St. Loui� Pask had be�a ove�ruled 3,a Che ��ype of a decisioa. Mr. 8errick as�steZ ta the City Caunc�.1 �h�t nnlesa �b�re t��re valid xeasons wl�y this praposed e8taba:Eg'hment of a�gailer caurt wau�.d be detritouaatal to the como�mity, tl�a o�dinaac� r�as ia viola�ion of t�e equaf p�cotectioa clause, Snd tbey �aouid bave �o have 3� det�x�mined bp �he cowrt if �hey cau].d not talk ft aver seasanebly. Ca�cilman Wolke .i,nqui.red if this item aauld not be bsougbt bafo�e ehe Y2aaaing Co�ti.��ioa, tha� aot everybody oa the Car�miseio,a bad ��ea ag8inst ie �aad naiCber w�s ecvaryo� oa the City Couacil. It t,ras �tated it w�s� prEfe�cre8 to have the ra���er brou,�h� be�ore the Cau�c�t1 rat'her �haa court lit�tgaticxx 8s the facLe :aere avai�able gad thare �oss xw dcpbt �Iie �rapextp wa� a drug on the �eriset a�d aouida't be so�c�, evea at s lo8e, and �he CiCy Council did twve a prablea ia �iya �oa3n� plan as �t had to be 8 reasa�ble pl�a �nd hreat prop�rty owaers �� a zeasora�ble ma�aner. Mayror Nee a�sosaneed the Ci�y Cauacil i�adn't beQa� �tif�icuit about this gxob�.em, that the Couacl,l hsaT made a eonceasioa jua� L� • ��hs previous on the a��esamen�e fox th,e property. Oouncilman 3ohanso� i.n- �iaed �if �there were nat al�aya a aertain �maunt of risk in Issbd epecuiativ�. Y�s. i�e�rick st��ed there �as� but it ahould �ot be co�m�cunded if the property ti�d val�ss £or so�a other parpaee othsr ttaa� i�►dus�ry. Cauncilman Wo1.1ce ia�- cg�i�ed of �be C��y N��egc3� how loa� �� c,��x1d! tm�ke be£oze ths �i�� �ua�i�. cos�ld �asZa� s public hear�.tt$ o�a tih�.s i.�em. The Citq t�r:ager xe�Rx�cl it could be held or� �:� 16�i� of 1�ece��ac. ��oti� by ���ke �F�a� ��uAZic h�turi�ag b� ��� �or Dec�n�er 16, 3.963 oa a rcrailer court perm�.� for E� M lE�ve3.�g�em� Compar�y. ,$eao�sded by,�herida�a. �oun,c3.lmaa ��'olke ia�c��aaed Che �i�y Cowt�ci� he haed reques�ed ttte opisi�on o� the �f�y Attoxt�q �zd h� hsd st�ted if E� M D�velopm�mi Campaxiq t�3;etied a publ.ic heariag, i� shauld '6c� tc�eeld. Ci�y A�toraey 51�ut�i� s�ated 1!o feli i� �a�as it�orta�tt ithaC suptimta �ame-� o�ae wanted a ct�nge ths� d� proce�s xequ3ze►8 that t.bey be given a� oppor�uaity �mr a heari�, tl�at �he 3tem hafl � hear3aa� befo�e �he Plaaseing Conamiaaidn bat �e wa�a° t before t1� Citp .Caaacii �tci he pxeswaed �hat i�� t�ig would eve� gee �.�to � ca�sc� ttia� a11 faector$ Dc3 prape�lq efired gad aap property owner hsa a ��.g�� to hava � public l�e9rfng as�ct a rfghL to be heaacd. Mr. Serrick 9tat�ed �hey a�ere no� sdverse �o anothor public be�ring but �he effofr� on th3.e trai�ez. caust had beea a�arted �he past June. :l�yar N�e explaf�t�ed it was a knawn fact �h� Citq Council co�sld n�t sct oa the ieesn r��hout a public 1lesti�g. City Attor- ��q S'�ith e�.�pl+a3aed tha �i�y Cow�ciZ hsd �re3.y agproved the P18aaing Commisai.cra �e�art prev�.ously m�d if ��teg wer@ going to reco�sider �i3e item, theq c�au3d �e:���esari�.g have �o ssad it back to Lhe PIe�a3�ng Comatissian or haVe a public hea�3.u� b�efore the C�.�y Cot�nc�.1 aa t�ie motion hsd been a�tde. Upon a voice vote, • ��er_e bei� no usqs, �he �eotioa carried un�niaausly, • Pffigs 1�. r�.n vn.: �r�x� srAZaa�: 1�isEya�: Nee announc�d the Ci.�y Ccwacil had before t'hem a request faz aa $ppr�ra! to semodel an exist3.ng £illiag stat�aa locsted at 3709 Mazshall Aven�e North- e�ast. i'he City Msna$er e�plmined th3s was �he ren�adeling of aa exiating atzuc- �ure. Mr. Fred Vye was pxesent sad explained ta the City Coe�acii ghe iastalle- �:ion proposed was �n the fenced ia ares t�ehiad �he iiq�aor �tore ead tbere w�auld t►e uo entraace or exit oa the L�ast River itoaci. @e fur�her explaiaed the pur- �ose QE the instaZlatioa is Lo ¢ake care oi trucks a�d the people who caould use it w�erQ Che iadustri�al people ia the ares aad they were usiag tlse existii�g �aci1•lties. Mr. Vy�e statked he anticipated that 909'0 or more of his bu�inese ur��l.d be trucks and �hey would aome i� off of 37th Avenue, fusther, that the �aiatenance of �he street is tsken care of by the Water Works Department of i�Iia�eapolis. M�par I�ee seated tt� City Couacil could seceiae the request and Mz. Vpe could pracess this through the i3uilding Inspectar. Mr. Vqe replied he had �so� beea cer�a3a just what the rules would be as it is to be a iill.i�g s�aCioa as such aad at the saase t3.me, iC should b�: sub ject to the 3.ngpection oi the Fire i�xshalt end o�hex authorities. Mo�ioa by 3heridmn to receive the comman3catio�n from Mr. Fred Vye aad place oa file. Secvuded by Wolke. ifp�on a voice vote, Chere being ao nays, the motion carried uaanimously. • Y�.b�OLIS 3TARt GEIRRIER STATIQQ: l�ay�ar ldee annaumiced the commuaication wss a request from the Minaeapolis Star �ri Tribu�:e Caantpnay �o erect a small cazx�ier distsibutian $taeian an propertq o�ed by �he S�sadsrd 4i1 Co�anq �t the caraer of 6490 Unfveraity Avenue Noxth- e�st. �he City Man�ger stated �he reasox� this item had came �o �� Counc:il ia this m�eneP was tcbat they �s� tniking about using 8 p3.ece of 64?� Way sad he �aada' � been cextaia if �C ara� being vacatedl and Mr. P�ayns of tbe 3tar w�ag re- f�are�d �a the En�iaeeriug Depattmeu�. It hact been decided Co use ��awdard Oil �r�ap��t�r aad 1� explaiaed the �ity Ccwacil ohould mtke e dec�eiou on thf�. A":s���.aa by WoYke �o epprove the tea�gorary structure oa St�adard Oil propertq lo�:ated a� 649fl Uaiversity Avenue ldaatheas�t and thet the permft w�11I be subject �o �evocatiaa s� any ti.me it becam�� diaorderly. A representwtive fraa� �he ��iniaea��aiis Star was present Lro esplain the proposed buildi�qg and �he loca�iae�e of �h� ae�lspaper deliveries to newsboys. 8s st�ted that, at all �in�e, when �h�s statioa Has open, they wauld have a peraon hireci by Lbe Mituaea�oli� Star g�resent tQ supar.r3ae the carziera. Se cot�ded by Sber�.��. �1pen a voice vate, ��ere '�ein� sao asqa, tbe a�at3on cerried unsnimously. V'�SITORS t ��es�cil�sn Sheridaa suggested it wouid be weil, at thia �ime, to have the City I�aa�����e f.atraluce the uswlq appo3ated city eugineer as eome residen�s might • t�i�zk he w�s a visftor. The Citp Manager introduced to �l�e sudieuc� City ��g3�eer M. IQasim Qureshi, the aewly appointed citq engiaeer and a�nounc�d rie ��oulrt be a Uaited 3Lates ci�izen w�thia one week. • Page 1S . Mr. Charles E.. Johanaoa was present as a member of the Noxth Suburban Hospftal Di�t�i.c� �nd stated he had baen asked by the NSSD to present a resolution ���ich cuoulcl au�lhoxi�e �he relee�se .£rom tihe Hospital Dietxict the Ciiy of Columbia Heights 8ud Circle Piner� who hRCI bo�h scequesteci tha� theq be detach�d £rcom the district. M�c. �ahanson explsiaed it was the unders�anding of the Hospi�al Board that these resolutiona require approval incladed wi,thin the Hospital DisCric� for them to l�ecome effective, that the i%spital Board had also takea action to reduce their budgeC from $30,200 to $20,000 ia order that t�►e mi.11 rate wrou2d not be increased as a�esult o� the detachmeat . l�tayor Nee a�uounced tY►e preposal.�u�as tha� tbe City Council authori�e the detschment of Cir- cle Piaes ead Columbia Heights from the Nc�rth Suburban 8ospital District. Mr. Johanson euplained, upoa questiani.ng, the Hospital Board could aot keeg these suburbs in the distzic� as it would sexwe no purpo�e. He furth�r explsined the suburbe had asked to be releesed foilowing 8 months of hard krorlc by the �oard aad al�s� havimg a 4�osp3.ta1 and it was ehe feeling of the board that it was satis� �actcoxy to silo� �t�ese suburl�s to be released. OF �i4otion by �ahanBOn �o adopt Resolution �i84-1963 authoriaing and confirming the detac�ment of t�e City of Coluaabia Heights and the Vfllage o£ Circle Pin:es from the North Suburban Hospital Distxict. Seconded by Sherfdan. Upon a roll call vo�e, �hose voting aye, Nee, Wo1�.e, Sheridaa, Johanson, Brook. Those votiag . • n�y, aone. MoCion carried unanimously. �+d.�yor Nee stated he wished to m�ka public apalo�y �a Mx. 3o�i�ason regardiag the ��il levy of �h� Nor�h Suburbam Hospi.�aL Distx�.ct as �oa�ared co th� mili levy o£ the LVoxCh �u�urban Saa�i�ary Sewer l�istrict , ���c e Pfotion by Johansoa to appsave paymen� of Getaeral Claims �1322 through #1468. Seconcted by lB�rou�. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �he �otion carried ainanimausiy. �io�3en by Brook to appzove payment o£ Liquo� CZaims #5802 ebrou�h #5865. S�- �ozadec� by �heridea. tlpon � voice vote, th�re being no nays, ehe mation c�rxied unataimoua ly. � l�iogion by Johanson to approve payment of Public Util.3.tie� Claims �i2931 th�cough �29�9. Secoaded by Braok, ilpon a voice vote, there being no �ays, �he motion cµrried uaenimously. }�S�YMAATB3: 'a�oeion by Sheridan ta approve the following estimate in the amounC of $663.75: . s;omstock and Davis, Inc. �'�neulting L�igineexs :�446 Cownty &oad "J" F�:tnneapolis, M�nnesota 55432 • • ' • EsCima�e �11 Eseim�te ;� 4 Estimate � 2 Estimate �A3 �econded by Johanson. ca�ri.ed unaaimouslp. LiCENSi�S • Water Zmpzovemeat Project ATo. 34-R Sanitary Sewer anfl Water Ia�rovemeat Projece No. 63 Page 16, $ 454,SQ $ 182.25 Storm Sewer Improvement Project No.64 $ 13.50 Sani�ary Sewer and t�Tater Improv�ment Project No. 55 � � 13.50 TOTAL $ 663.75 Upon a voice vote, the�e being ao mays, the motion P���ion by GTolke to approve the foilowing license8: GENERAL CONTRACT(!� I�yawood Manor, Inc, 5505 Iat�rlachen B1vr1. �dina, Minneaota S�illage Builders 3900 36th Aveaue Nor�h M�n�eapolis 22, Minnesota a ���'i' ��N�s ��n Ruffenach Plas�ering Co. �61i '�ark Avenue Nortih kiobb�i€�sdale, Mi,nnesota by: t�allace B. Renaeth by: Edwin E. Kauffmaaxr bq: Ben Ruifenach NEW � E�� Seconded by Johanson. Urpoa a voice vote, there i�eing no aayg, the motion c�xried una�imously. CUNSIllERAT2�Id OF PURCHASE OF PROPBRTYc �?s�pox Nee anaouaced �he item in question was the consideration of the purchase �� sdditiosal city propesCy. The City Mansger stated Mr. W. Ometa was present ��d had bxaught with him an Sppraisal of his home sud property whi.ch was �s�prc,�imately $198.40 less tbaa the appraisal the City df Fridley had made, �:aat he had sfsted he would aell tbe property and would vacate it by Januery lst f�r the sum of $25,OOQ. Se .tur�her stated the City Council had the consideration '�or s Zease in the $usiness and Frofessions�l Building aud a proposa�. to xent the ��.dsen Building next door for $650.00 or $700.00 pex month, depe�liag on space. �Ie expiained to the City Council that if the Oa�sn property were purchased, it could be adapted to the library or any additional office apace the citq would need a��d it cou�.d be paid for our of rental monies. The City Manager stated i�e had n�t • Page 17. i>•��� ir��zd.�e the house and had not �alked �o the County Librarian but appeared ;�,� I�ix� �iiex� would be enough space on the maiu floor for thsC. Council.m�n Wolke ".�qairecl w�hae elne difference wauld be betr;,reen iehen Mr. Omen wou�d propose to �r;,:ca�� the �ouse at $25,000 aad was told January lst a� $25,OQ8 and if the �city t�a� x�tere�ted at $22,000, ix would be aiter Juae ls�. Councilmam Wolk� re- ��li�d �ha� would be pretty exp�nsive rental, Mr. Oman stated if he usec.t his �xi.stiag �hop o�er the winter he could m�ke about $3,000 or $�+,000. Cot��cilmaa E��ol�e inquized o� Mr. Oc�an what he wvuld thiak about using the shop ust�.l t1�e �:irs� of �uxue �a�d se].iing his home for $22,000. Mr. Oman replied if he e�er� ��ixxg to move, i� wauld be far $25,000. City Attorney Sm3.th inquired if the �:.x+�l.� on �he g�gage awned by Mz. Oman raas clear or fn the na�e vf a corpora�ion. P�r, t�ma� replied it belot�ged to his laad. �o��acilmaa Jvhanson �equested the City M�aager give the City Couacii a r�co�- �.��datfan vn the pre�estp by �he next meeting. The C€�y Manag�r fnformed A3n. +C�s,�xx, witli his per�saion, he caould wiah to inspect the i�aus� with the County �.,x�sarian �.a�d, if necessa�y, �he City Council could a�t on this st a specie�l �:�:e�i�. T�:��:i�n 'og� 3ohanson to authorize the City Manager to retura to the City Gouncil �� �ecorn�end�tiou aa� the alternatives of purchase of ptoperties. Seconded by �:�a�ri�s�. IIpomm a vaice vote, Chese bein� �aa nays, the m�tioxt carxied unaaimously. • C.��SiYlERA�ION OF Mt3'�LtAi, AID AGREEMLPIT s N:�yar Nee �nnou�ced �IYe ite�n unc�er cor�sider�tioa was the �►greemet�t on tY:� l�arth ���b1arcban N.I�tual Aid !�ssociatio�. �';a�ir�� by .I�h a�sson �o enter iato the Narth Suburban Mutuel Ai.d Assacia� i.on s�g�e�Fmex�t and e�;eca�te same. Seco�nded by Braok. Upoa a voic�e vote, there b�ing rv �.:ys, f:k�e motion carried uaaninrously. Ca�TSY�ERti��ON 0�' STR�ET LIGH�i'ING PRO�RAM: �S�v�g l�ee aanour�ced the item under consideretioa was �he street 2ightiag program �:a� ��e coming g�ea�. A discussion period was held segarding Ch� 1o�atio�x of s�r�ex: ii�ita segasciing �he certain areas on Stinson Soulevaxci, Rice Creek Ro.ad �.xxd Gl��t Aveaue and on Missiasippi �treet between old Central �nd A,�r?:hur Stree�. �P»x� wa� rao ac�ion necessarp and no action talcen on the item. a����tEATTON CO�dirSSI � t MEETIIVG MIATUTES . OCTOBER 8,,, 1963 : :��y�r Nee aanau�ced tthe item in question wa� the receiving of the minutes of w s'� 1�a�cr���i.on Comca�ssion Yaeld Octobes 8, 1963. x;��io� 6y Sohga�son to r�ceive the miau�es of the Itecreation Comomission faeld • ���ob�s �, L963. Secamded by Broak. Upon a voice vate, there beiq� no r�ay�, t:�:� �tiax� carxied unanim�usly. . Page 18. .�:rn�.x�I�_.�l S�FETY �0�'iITTEE MEI�II�G Mlld[�TSS , NO�SR 1� 1963 : :�"s�w;ts�� �ee ��c�c�umced �he f�e� in �uestion waa �he Fridleq Safety Coa�nittee �.��;�e��.�ag �iin���s of I�ovemb�r 13, i963. T'L�e City Manager stated tiner� wae� one i�.�m �k��� w�e xecoam�aded �o the City Couxicil for their consideratioa bu� f,'�a�re �auld bc� �a recomme�dation from the C�.�q Attorney and heve �he ite� greaented ,.:�a ..��� Pia�uing Caminissiaa. Mayor Nee suggested iteos in qu�sttoa £roa� ti9e rc�m�i.t��:e he re�er:�e� to �he Plepnfn� Con�mission. :.•����.oa� by Bra►ok �o rece�.v� the m�r►utea of �he Fr3d2eq SafeCy Co�i.ttee of �+?��remb�r 13, 19+�3 � ca11 atteniion to �he Pianiiiag Crn�amiaeion �he recommen- :a��: �.t��t o£ the S�fety C��mi.t�ee of ine�kfn� �he chairman of the Safety Cemm�ittee z�� as�s�i��r o� the Plaun�.ag Cameaisaioa. Seca�ded by Johaaaon. Upon a vaice voteti ��S�re being po nays�, the �tian carried uaanimausly. �:�'.k3v�}�.t�T�t�l� �185w 1963 B�LE�13I]�SG M. S.A. FUfdDS: i���foxx by �iohan�soa to adopt Sesole�tioa �3.85-19b3 authoriziag ths use or release �i ��f�e�nta Stste A�.d Funds for p�ayment of cities expense im xegard to truuk �.�.�;�4�ys 69�a a� �7 drmmina�e. 5econded by Brook. Upoa a voice vote, th�re bein� ��a rnays, the mo�f.aa� csrried wnaaimaualy. • ;;�'�R �'USIld�SS : oF 0� i"itE CiTY QF 8T. ��i�. ��°��iS�A: w::.?.�:y �it*o�t�y 5r��.th �.�uc�.a�.+ce� he wi�h�d �o presen� a ress�lu�io�t for Coe�nciY con- .�:9_���r��ic��. i�e ��cpl�iaed ��iis w�� $� ��reemeart between the City af Friri�r�y arnd ���ae �rs�a�d o£ W���r �ammissioa►e�cs of t%e C�ty of St. Pgul and I�ad to do with the ,;�i�t use of �heir essemea�t aloag Osborae Itoad. He further expls3.ned Mr. Knutson �'�-� ��� ca�aulting enginee►sing f�rm of Comstock and Dsvi�, Iuc., and himseZf laac� °:°r�t tc�ice �t 5t, gaesl aaid had made a nvmber of recomo�endatfoaa ta a psopasal m�de :�:��� upr3�, th�sc a number of ctr�a$es had been preseated tn S�i . Paul aad th�y had ��c�p�ec� �as� nL thc� stvd �he a�seea�nt h$d be��a redsafted, City Attoruey �mith ��s�i�.�xa�d �t�a�, hasica3ly, �:he a�reemeat �r�a a oue way instr�t and the City of '�t�'':�'�4i�Eq i'a�d pex�►iasion eo u3e the ess�m�n� with a give�a aotice and return i� to I�:�: a�x i��taral st�te and �I1vw St . Paui to in�peat it . He £urth�x explaia�� �hae �:�evic�uslq ie h�ad been i�ra�seible eo ge� aay answers from the St. Paul kate� �.�r�ar�amex�� but in thia �greenmeut theq did have a provfsioa that whan City o¢ ���.dY�y engit�ers subffii� a p].aa, 3.t ha� to be acted upon in 60 deys. The agsee- 4s�Y�� rlceo prcrvides tt�e C£�y of Fri.cl3.ey to gein Citle bq eminent domaia. �ity ���:c+��aey �nith g-'�.a�ed this was something the former city attorney had been work- a.�:��; a��s a long ��.me and the 5t . Paul Water Worke were anxious to geC it a��roved . �,���:y �t�.orn:ey Smith pre�emted � reaolution euthorizing khe May�aad MaYaag�r to <:xe�-PC�a�e �tIIe sgrceemeB� . I� �i�t�ora by Gsrolke ta adopt gesolation �Z86-�.963 aathorizing the executian �f the h:c�a��:sc��� be�w�e� the City of Fxidleq aad the Board of Water Commissioaer� o� � Peg� �.9 . <�:h� Ci�y of St. Paul. Seconded by Sher3dan. Upon a voice vote, th�re Ueing ar.o ��eqs, t�ie mo�ion cax�rfed unanimously. P�ayor Nee z�`ated tiaat he and Coux�cilman Shexidan had met with the Board of xhe PYQ�t� Subu�b�n Sa�i�ary Se��x� District tu�ice ia �h� p�st ��ek and their purpase �ad beez� twc�-foid, arae to £aci,lita�e the proceediag of de�achm�ent arid the othes �ar�s to o��ex the coaaidc�ratio�n of alteraat�.ve3. He �xplmined t�iey tead not, as g�t, set � da�e on the pubZic hear�ng but had iavi�ed �he C1ty CounGil of Fridle.�y �o m�ke ano�hez propos�I and expressed their wi�.li�ness to explore some other arx��gea�ez►�. Cour�ci3msn Sherid�n stated tl�e actioa �hat the board took on the ��s� �i,�eaday tt�.�ht w�.s to �orazd Che coa�r-ace oa the s�wer aad srece3.�re the peti- �ion from �xid��y to de�ac'�, ia �ha,t oxc�ex. Mayor l�ee stated theq nad an agree- �.��n� fromn the Baazd �c Execute ghe contr�c� aad paasibly to recox►sider and rce�th�r s��.�ed �e Iaad �xpnesaed himself �Co the baard snying �ne would not waut �r� �e$oti��e oa other questiaas until it reversed itaelf amd the baard had said if �h�y �asxe ta do this tttey w�nu%d still wsnt to let tYae con¢xact w:�i:hin 45 dayr�. Mayor 1Ve� s�at�d he fa1� it w�s w�s�fc%while Yco make a co�nter proposel �u� dfda'� knaw e�nctlq ���at i� ahonid bc. �ouaaciLman SFAe�adan stated ttaa� ia view of Mayar Nee's report he had att�nded ��e�ing wit� ��� aticorneys of Ch� different municipaiit£es trying to w*orlc �t;� �eie co�atr�c3: aa�d has attemgt�d to irtjecti the cauaci.l's ides. He stated • ��i�t �hey l�ad �aau�ed to execute the ss� �o�gr�ct with a].i municipal3tiea and I�� ti�d told thc�: th$� �s fax as la�s belief was, the Counci�. of Fridley kYould , �ax execute �I�� contxact they we�e propa�ia�. Cauacilan�x� Shesfdan stat�c'. t�xat �:�o�� th�sE 1 imes he �vished i:o make �a mot ion. :�a��iaa bq Sharician to authorixe �ity Attio��ey Smith �o .etcai� Che s�rvic�s of G�a3rleu �lovia�d �o re�ea$ch aad to se�rch sud prepare and eva�ua�� the North �°gFa�.�risan S�nitsry Sewer Da.�tric� S�seute s�a��h acetezence t�r the poss�bility for ���gct�ea�t fraa� the P�SS31R. Cou�acilsnaa Shc�rid.a� stat�d h� fel.t tbas was necessary ya� t��� if �`rid�.cy dc+ea t$:c� 1�gal actiora, �I�ey wvuld know what to ao, that he had ���.ef�� discussed �h�.e problem �aith City At�oxaep 3mith as h�d Mayor Nee aad i� °�?�� �,�?��ed �o a�a�horize and ze�ain the seb-vices of Charles Howard i'or tb� pcerpos�s �3: ev�:l��ing th.e NSSSD S9:a�u�e, that the�ce was a xeBl question ia �.t�eis wi.nds a-���;��ciiug �he t�istrict as fsr as the atatntes �rere conce�ned. Counc�.lma�a Wolk� ���tect �hi.s con%d alI be, �I�et the Couaci3 of Pridley has a real ob�igatxon �o yw�i� L�.�y of �'riciley uot ,�us� to detach Eor thr� sak� of detaci�auen� b�:t sha�uld tal� � Z�a�;. ia�o ghe �roiaeh oi �he community s� the finel decisioa w�ould be a vezy :�ecporaaibie ot�e. Couxtciitsaa j�olke steted ehere were other avenus8 to ex�sloz�e e���.�h eve�t �he id�SSD ss f�r mg contracturgl services, e�c. , at�ci tbe Ci�q �ouacil v��s mor�lYy oblxgated to �a into thfs � 1�.ttle fuzthe�c because lE'�idley h�.� rsa p�.�rs wlxatsoev�r ta aceplace ehi� �sethod of �ewering ehe city. t�riyar Nee sta�ed c��is t��P�d ge� �s1Z avennes �eady i£ they ahauld be ueeded. Councilman Wo2%e ����ext�rl �ha� he: fel� the suotion at �he lasC meeting was haety. Mo�ion s�conded ��,* �o��x�san. �yor Nee s�sCed ttlst whetker ehe couacil wou2d u3e the eval.uation �ay: rcmt, �.� would be G7�..°IZ to be pregared for i�a use. Ci.�y Attorney Smi��► explaia��s� • 4�:h�re �rexe Cw�o reasoas wtiy he iett thig waa ita�ortaat and he was ia a�reement w3.th • Pa�e 20. �ouncil�asa Wolke thae every opportuuity should be explored to fiad some aolu- �a.om tY�st would be satisfwctory to sIl of the cowacil members snd �t was a �ossibili�y �hat this could i�appen. Ci�y At�orney �nith steted tae felt there •�a�s � goasib3.�iCy ehae this could izapp�a and it was inq�ortaat to Fridley �o �or��iiy� fts 1e�81. poaiLiaa in view of the action they hed taken at the nre�ious f�e��ing. Tde f�su�heac stated 1ae hsd previc�usly aeked C1�arles Howard if he had ��n3� �anflicte �zt �i�is matter ansl he had ssfd he did nat and could c4o it; further, f,:hat Charles Hcsward had beea �Che bond s�torney for the City of Frir�le�► sin�e ita :�,nanz�oragiqn. Citp Attora�ey Smith explaised the second re�san thfs taas ir�gor- <<.:��� wras schat ie se�nded to him �hey coe�id get in�o a court suarl aad that I.t would �ae caecessarp to have aomeam� else aBSOCfated with him in handling the matter he- s:suss� h� ar�s ia a�,asitian ca�iaese he had �wo ss�acia�es who ofere in Blai�a aad 4'oa� lt,apids, n�eoely, and thep mig�t be is� a posftio�n �o be a� cros� pux�oses :=sox +wh�� action the City o£ Fridley �fgh� t.ake, that there might be some criticism Izeaasa�e Q€ hie business relationahip. Yt waa explaiaed the CowaciY migtit not ��$ve �o �,rocee� �ay furth�r C%an �o hane Mr. Haws�d become familisr wit�� the �3rabie�. Counc3l�a�a Tilolke stated he waffi nae ia disagreement with the �tion, �:3�mt <<�at he was rr�ferri�ag to �ass thgt �'xidley should nox ask for �ithd�:awal :�r��a the dis�ri�e. Mayor Nee r�plied this would �ive them en opportuai�y to ��lore o�.her metho�ts and theq w�uida't to� cut off, that in tbe light oi the way :?.� �a�s be�ng hzandled, �he NSSSD was not ]�ieCettia$ to Fridley. Cau�cilm�xa Sheridaffi �y���d Ch� NSSSD did not have a eigned ceratr�act wit,h �ny cam�unities. IJpon a vvice vote, th� moSion by Shericflan Co auCi�arise City Attoraey �nith to �e�aia • c:h� �e�vices of Chaxles Iiow�trd to regearch a�d to �earch ana pxepare the evalua- �:i4� of tt�e NSSSD S=atu�, there being no ueys, was passed uaas�,i�uslq. �:ouncil�.c� Sh�ri.dan stated ti�at ia lirce with �ouncilasaa Wo�ke's thiakin� he �aou}.d pxopose that a coam�3.�tee be �ppoix��ed to deve3.c�p couatex-propo�als tc� ehe ��SSSD seviewing �h� fac�s of the f�tu�E de�elopment of �'ridl�y, egc., bur lasving �r�sc i�n��xest af �'r3.dl�y Ia cai�ad; tiaat iu �his pxopoaal to the NSSSD, he caould ;��aa�gea� �lie co�aaai,��ee cansist of tbe Ci�ty �na��r, Cattey E�g3ueer, l�r. E. V. �;o�sto�3� of Coms�:ock aud Davis, inc. , ead Nir. Robert �'Ii�nder of Sube�rbaxi �n$i- ��ser�za� who pxepated a repoxt fo� the Gi�y► of Fridl�y which tb�y received in August r� ,�i�mt , of ��iia committae , Ms . Coms�oek arzd P�s. �ii�de� b� paid for t�ieir par- �=fc3.pa�3.an atx� i�. Cou�.cilman Sheridisn feireher stated ihis coamittee could bxiug s��ct s�a of �h� real facts tidat paobably ffioa�e af �he m�mtears of the cvuhz�il have �:;a��s�ed on 8nd sre peop�.e tY�at are weil qualified to braLz►g Chie al�o��. �::�tio:� by Sheridaa �o a�point a comimittee to develop cvuater-propasals �.o t�e �<iSSS�? �o ac�vie� fbe faci� of the fu�ure d�velopment a€ Fridley, etc. , bca� ha�r�.ng c��� a����est of Fridley in �i.ad; �hat th�s cc�naittee con�ist of �he City Mana�er, Ci�y �ngi�ee�, t3�r. �. V. Comstock of Comstock and Dav�s, inc., aad Mr. �obert; ���in�ter ofc Subur�an �ngineeriag and a� this caumit�ee, Mt. Comstock and P+�r. Mf�der :.k� p�3.c3 ;�or theix participatiost i.n it. Seconded by Johaneon. Councilm�aa� Wo3ke re���ct i� �asa Yeis feelin� �he City Cowacfl shasid be the oaea ti�et shaul3 b�e �i��t:��; doc,� and listeaing instead of a coaanit�ee. Couacils�aa SherlBan xe�2ied �=��aS.s ��mei�tee could gather tbe factt� tagethex and the Citq Couacil cou�.E� �valuaCe I• � t�a��. �layor Nee stated �hsr in talkin� thi.s ovez with Mr. Miader, he tke�u�;d�t th�y �s�roulst aot sigce Che contract but didn't feel they should withdraw from �ae �e�ting. Page 21, � ;?�voz N�e suggested to th� City Council thia cammitt�e be for�omefl aad if a �,c�ci proposal taere arrived et with everyone'a best interests, tbey could cau- g�.de� a.t� Coummcilman Wolke suggested that perheps theq should reques� thae: the �i��S�3 cvi�hhoici the wi�hdrerAgl until &'ri.dley has tbis chance to evaluate this �roposal. Mayor iVee stated i� would have to be done within 30 days or the�r would go ahead coi�h �he cantrect and Che NSSSD hed agreed to hold thia until the end �a'r". the cantxace �nd the request for with�lrawal had beea referred to Lbe attorney :�or.�&e NSSSD, Mr. Andy Kohlan. City AtLoraep Smieh explafaed that a da.te is Ae� in tY�e patitioa for Fridley aad tha� Che withdrawal. hes legal value, 8s siated, but it doesa't prevent negotiatiou to take place. Ccsu�ci�mau Sherid�a inquired if the nat�.on shauld be ameaded to iacl�e that �h� proposal shauld be drawn within 30 d�ys. l�otion by Shexidan ta ame�+.d ar3.ginal �c►otia� Ca in�lude that the pxop�sal shall be drawn wi�hin 30 daye. Seconded by So�aa.agaa, tipan a voice vote, Ch�re bein� no nays, eh� motion carrie.d unanimously. �fr. . Les Knutson of �he cansulting e�giae�r3.�g firat oF Comstock aad Dat►is, Znc. , �t:�ted P�e wished ta present a m�tter tha� heci been called to tbes.r attentioa �hi� day by Darrell Clark, engineer:Lag �ssistant ae Fridley, aad i� was � proposal ir� add so� additianal coa►►s�ruction to Water and Sataes Ita��ovemeat �i61 which is ur�cier contract �nd beiag construated. i� was meationed Chere ia an old plat that �a�� xrot been accepted by the city at th3.s time. � ��c,t.ia� by Johanson to approve Chan�e Order #1-19b3 subjed to the approval of the :3�cy Manager 4Jlaen it is presented, Seconded by Sheridati. IIpan a�oice vote, �t�ere being �ao nays, thg motiaxr carx�.eed esaanimostsly. °:?��� +�i�y Y�tanage� st�ted he wished �es acquaint the City Cauucil thsu a N�tice of �Iection Cante�st had be�n served o� th� �i�y Cle�k, �I�e aon�est be�.r� betwaen ?��mer J�tanson and Howard Crabtxee. City At�orney Smith expla�.ned tl�is wae a ,��ciicisl pracee�tix�g and required no actioa by the City Cauncil. ,. :'i�.3t�I+�NT : �`i3�r� l:eix�g �o f�srther buaiaesa, Mayar Nee declared Che meetiag adjourned. �espectfully eu�bmitted; ;>�a.e Miskmwic �y��re�ary to the Couucil � � Page 22. SP�C%tiL COtJN�II.¢MESTIY9G - WSDNE3DAY. I�TOi/F..M�'i$� 27. 1963 - 7:3U P.M, � Special Meezing of the City Council of the City of Fridleq `vas called to axder by 1Kayor ldee at 7:50 P.M. �OLL CALL: Rtembers Present : Nee, Sheridkm, Johansoa�, Brook �rrived st 8:15 ]t,Me �Rembere Absent: WoZke �TEW S�SIIBESS : Mayor Nee �nxu�unead �he ftem un,der considesatcion was the possible rela:atioa of uCi2ities preseatly Iocated be�rae�t� T, S. �47 and iK�a,in Street eatended from '�a Ho �b94 to S7�h Avenue Northe�st. The Gity Manager explained iC wss pro- pase�l to put a crossover in and rian it to lines t6at ar� iastalled, atso to �ave fihe �ms li�xe maved out of the right-af-way. It was expiniaed the Mian- � eapolig Gas Comp�xtq has its vwn �rivate ease�ea�, a].so, thst the utilities are to be reloc�ted �t the expenaa of the Minmesota State flighway Departmeat. �'tae City Meaager fux�ti�er explained �he point underconsideration bad azisea tahe� �his property w�s o�igi�nally owned vy 8ra�tc].in Transformer +�nd thea bp Steaciebaker Corpora�ion. �ie stat�d �he Ae D, St�ong Co�►aay, realtors, has a �rospect for the ssle of this pxap�:rtyr w�ich would b� abaut 200,OOQ square feet o£ wrsrehou�3.ng �pace and would employ apps�oximately 250 people, that it �a�oeald be a good thing far �he Ci,ty of F�idZey. B� further �xplaieted he �ad ��iked to the St�te fli�hwgy Departar��tt and thegr tr�ould be w311ing Co relocate �h�is crossover �a it would be pogsible for the CiCy of Fxidley to eise Maia Stre��. �.'he approximste cost o� �aoving was discussed and it was explained i�ridley would g�� the assurance of the depertment thst tbeq could and w�ould do �his and take the service across �he right -of-ivaq so that Fridley could :reach lisacs. Mr. Coaastoek, consultin� engineer, stated ehe approximate cost o� maving snd relac��iag the sewer and w��er Iiae� would be $55,Q00.00. The �3.2y A�ana�er stated he bad talked with the represeatative from the A. D. Stron�; �omp�ny, wlao had called the person responisble at the� Studebaker Corporatioa �a�sd it haci been said they would not paq for any of the relocsttion of liaes, �u� carant �hem relocated. The repreaentative from the A. D. Strong Conqra�q, hac? gaid he could get Studebakes to pick up a portioa of it. The City Man�ger �xplai�ted that, regasdlees of this, th�y had the Himneapolis Gas Campaaq prob- 1� and iis relocation aad eapen�ae ia same. �.��erfaatives in relocating sewex aad water 13nes were discuased snd the City �Sanages e�.plaiased ehe decisioa to zelocaCe could be authori$ed this eveni�$ � �nci the lines cculd be relocated aad it could be paid as a betterment in a cer�sin a�mouat. Councilman SheriBau suggested the Cauncfl couZd reZocate the ��assing at Msi�n Street and pick up a portioa oE ths tab �ohich would be ag�prox- • � ra8e zs. ��eely $I3,200.OQ. The City Maaaager auggeated ehis right•ot•w�sq be put in and i� could be abandonned the �ollowing qear as t.he Miane$ots Stat� High�ray Uepartmant had �o know ima�ediately the decis�.aa on the crossovere. Couacil- msn Jbhaasoa inquisQd if the CiCy Maaager had a recommendatioa. T6e CiCy �anager repiied �he crossovsr should be rel:oaatec! s�cl felt ti�e Citq of Fridiey couYd came to a decisioa with the Studebaltez Corporatioa and the Minneapalis G�s Company so glae wosk could begin. Govacilman Jok�ansotn i.�quis�d wh�tt taoald happen if the Cocutcil suthosized the wark and dealt with Studebaker Corporaelon later. The City M�mnsger rep�ied that, perhape, lie might stilx be able ta negotiate w3th �hem. Cs►uacilm�n Johgnsoa stated this �aork w�ouid have to b� authori.raed but inquired how it would be pai,d �oY. Mayor Nee rsplfed tbey saoc�id poseibly have to ra3se the sewer rates regardless as he bad talked to the Fiaance Officer oa the 3ew�r Fund. Coancilman 3herida�n explained that if the Couucil autttoxised the crossing at Maia S�reet and apent monies for ssa�er and water no�o, in the fu�ure, they mi.ght wsat to relocate Cbs line frema the center to Maia Street anci �he Citq would pick up �he $I3,000.04 ex�ense. The Citp Maaager staCed the Studebaker Corpoxation treasurer had said they di@n'C csant to pick up Che tab . The City 1�aa�er further statied tha� he felt if tche Citq to+ent into tbis pro ject aracY i.f within aae year �his progerty �aas sold the Studebaker� Carpora- tion sauid be �o�.d t�a�y had to pick up the ta1o, if nat, tbep �+oald be given a 20 year spread. It was explai�ed they �a��,� also be charged lateral charge� �nd Llie�e can %e so�e ,ju�tification i.n picly1ia� at lQast a part of tihia. Meyor Nee sta�ed thep didn'� taaow tlza� the gropeYty mould be used as a whola uait. �ity Attorney Smi�h Aaquired if �his paa�pertp had ever been charged for laterals. The City Manager x�egliec� th�q hada't had �ime to check that btiet as,sumed they w�ere no�. It wa� e�laia�d ttai�s facility casid aerv+� bo�h sl.dea a� Hai�a BtYSet snd a poxtion csf the uanies could b� derived from aa overall baais. Nayor N�e inquired i� the Water Fuad could be char�efl. The Cl,tq Manager replisd tha waq tlhe bc>okke�pfag is seC up, a1I the uti.li�y mani.es go iato oae fuad. Council- �an 5heridan atated he f�i� they would $et the rmeation�d $13,004.OQ back and i� could be justified, �ha� i�, be£ore �he sQrvices are p�xt ir�, they �oould c�ane tb�m re�.oeated, �his cros�aver �ou1d be �aba�domaed. �'he C�Cp Maa$g�� sCated to the City Couacil that all he ltad to give the Minne- so�a SCa�e Sighwaq mepartment �s the deciaion oa �ohett�r or not theq Want the crossover az�ci he could tetl ti�m to pr+�eexl on tbe ass�optioa tbey will put �n�s crossove� in. 8�e ftrtther s�atea hh� taould get in touch with Studebsker ��A�aoration and the Minne�polie Gas Caaopany with City Attorneq S�ith. Council- �an 3heridan s�8ted he dida't feel the Minneapolis Gae Compaay +a�ss of aUy caa• a?�n �at �hie time. The Cttq M�nager replted he a�erelp wanted to iaform them of axay dec�.sioas. May�or Bee stated if INridley abandanaed its easeme�t cn �he pro- ;�ertq, eheq sti11 iiad theix own eseemeat. Citq Attos�uey 3mi�h explained the �i.ty Couacil should tell the Bffimaeapoli8 Gae Car�any they expect them to move �heir inatallation. i�. Comstock, . �he viciai�y �lied if that �eter�in�ed eonsultiag engineer, iaqu3.sed if there �ere aaq structurea ia that were uaiag the faci].ities. Whea told there were not, he re- were true, a shorter distance oi relocating facilities could be ancl the Minaesota 3tate flighwmy Department could do as theq w3shed. Page 24. �.e explai�sd �hat, po8stbl�, the ri�ht-af»wsp lfne fxom 57t� Av�nue Northeast c�uld be used but i� would have to have some study. Ti�e City I�itag�r iaquired if �hey wauldn't want to g�ov�Lde servi.ce for boCh $ides of ttue atreet. Mr. Cc�matock e�lai.ued the aervice conld be. rua np Ma�n Street �nd it would be oh��.11ow w�nrk. 'T'bas cou2d be done praviding there are ao services on 57�h �ve- nt��. .Y�r. Car�stock explained to �he City C+�unc�tl, this wau�.d delaq the decision �ven tho�sgh it might coet a f�w mare doll.ars. The Citq Msnager suggested the Citq �auncil could authoriz� this wc,rk aubject to a feasib�tlfty report on the �a+ssibility of an e�$3aeeriag det�rmiaation. �Ye further �ug�estecl th�p co�ld authorixe him �o sdvise the Miunesota 5iate I��.ghway Depart�nt �hey wsnt �he meationed £acility but previoua to this be st�ou�d be autharize� ta irnrestigate �k�e sPew possibili�y Mr. Comstock had mea- �.io�ed and i£ ��e consnitin$ exe�ineexa and the City Eagi.neer ralay that tbey �eel this c�a be doae, he s�o�Id uot relate this informatioa to the State High- c�ay 1)egar�meat . i�o�ion bq 3ohs.�son �o authori�e and di.rect the City Mamager to aclviae the Minn- e�ata State Hi�;lh�ay �epa�x�tment Lha� �t�� City Council nf Friflley wishes to have the progvsed cxoss-over of Truak Highway �'694 moned west��atrd to the Maia Street �i��►�-of-waq, tbia directioa subject to a determinati.aa by the City Manager, ccsn��siting eYrgineer awd city eagiaeer that a proposal ta relocate these utilities � on the East edg� of the mention propex�y is not m�re feasible. Seconded by S�erfdan. t3pou a voice vate, tlaere baing ao aays, the awtion carsied unaaim�usly. �O�ISID�RNTiON UF R�I. OF OF�"ICE: SA�1�E 4R IPiIRC�ASE OF ADDY'rTOTVAL PROPEdt'1'Y ° �3�;ror RTee anaotxaced the �rem in ques�ion ws� t�� cams'�.deratian of purchase of ;�ciclitional propex�y or zen�al of of��ce �pace. �Yse City M,arae�;er euplained to �.��e Ci�y Counc�.l that everyone waa �alkiu� abput buyin,g the hause on the ac�di� x�ir�aal propeYty fo�t putchase aad i� was .nat ehe cor�ideration, tha� the City �c�uacil had talked in the 2ast two t-o three grears of purC'ha�ing the propPrty �rnd �he hoe�e �aas inc3.dental. � further explaiaed that if the Ci�y of Fridley :�� �3aanizcg o�. purct��sing thf.s property, ehep iaight aot g�t a b�tter prace la�ez ffind a.t �si.ght, possiblq, �hange hsada. He stated he �ad telked to �he Finaa�e Officer a�nd he felt paym�en� for the expauding of the fire atatiou cauld be cham$ed, th+�t the property could be peid for a,ud they cou].d defer the $50,UUO.OQ for �he fire atation which could be paid for,out af the liq�aor funds. �.`he �i�y Aiax�s�ex state.�d �hat becau�e a house i$ oa the property they �ould gut ttie draft- iug �ad civil defease aad the asaessoz°s office tUere and it woseld be savia� to �1�� Ci�y and the library could be left at its present location �ad tizey c,resulr� be picking up a ssviag in rental ia the use of tha house. �."he City Ma.nager etated the coasideraCion at hsnd fs whether or uo� en purcluse �he land, at tlxis ti�e, for $25,000.00 and the Ct�y Couacil weuld i�ane to in- form Nls. Owan 'before Dece�er lst, 1963. Couacilmaa Sheridsa stated he eou2d '� �o� see the savireg ia the Jauuarq lst rroving of $3,000.00. Coua�ci�lman 3ohanson •.a.nquiresl i� e4r. O�aan had said be would se�l the property ia Juae, alao, �here Faas one major point to be cleared up at the present and that was the queatioe �J Page 25. if �his ��.ty Council had decided this was w�rere the Civic Center wauld be b�i�.�� 7l'he Ci�y Msnager ststed he had ta�.ked to datffereat people �nd �hey c�x��c� not 3.nteresxed in the 4� a.ares that the City 'Rall was loca�esl on and tFYe only other $aswer would be another urbaa renewal Qf the area. Cauncilm�n Brook a�rrived at 8:15 P. M> t:ou.neilr�nan Sohmnscra iaquirced what they were go�.seg to do wi�h �'he pxesent offices rented if theq did not take possession o€ the Oman property in June. Councilman Sl�eridan explaiaed �o the City Council ttiat rahen he rwticed the cox�sideratioa I�e had asked the Ciey Manager to have �he �itp Assessor check the Nat3.ona1 Tea p�operty, that he had �►eard �rom a reii.ab�e source and w�s �aclined to belf.eve th�e the N�tior�al Tea �any cvas not im �he best positfon because of poor i�u�iness. Cfluxxcilmaa Sherid8a stated xhe Citq Asaessor had giveu size of loe, squa�ee footage o£ build�ng, faciliLies, etc; that further, he felt ii cacruld be worthwhfle looking iato and perhaps the pxeaeat lessee might be ia�terested in �et�ing ou� s�8 scsm�e terms �ight be arrived a� with the awqer of tha praperty. Counciimea She�id� sugges��d th3.s might be so�e�hing that conld b�e used £or a���p H�11 and ii: fl�ss l.�a,000 squar� fe�t, is heelced and six-conditianed but a�praisals wou�ci be auecess�.ry. Councilmaa Sherldan stated that one vas� ex- panse is heated and air-coaditfoned but when it aould be parCitioned off, it mi�lsti h,sve �a i�e repiped an+d iu the miechauics they t�ould be losing the sir coa- d��3.oaia� a�vcl Iieetin$. Cau�c3lm�n Shegidan s�ated tbere could be mo�vable p�t- � it�.ons and the heating aad air coaditiaaing cauld be uti2ized. Se further s�at�d t�at in dfscussing a building such as th3:s a�*. FJith peaple, the iai�iral coxns�uuc�zoa cost a£ the buiiding it�elf was about $6.00 or $7.00 a scguase foot aa�►c� tYie �ity Couacil would be �al�ing ahouC a bnildiag under $l0.Ot1 a s�ua�e £ocat and �.he City would have i�s offices c,�itllitt the cAose proximity. Couacii- m�z� .�ohansun srcated tha� �ome dsy �hegr sd�euid have a Civfc Cen�es. Cauaci�.m�en 5,����dmra rep���ei th�y �rer� t�lkin� abau� a half millian daalar� and �his C��ty cann�t 8tf$OP(I �t. Cauncilma� Joh��►s�sz� s�a$ed this was true ��d, i� so, �hf�p cou�d cc�n�inue to ��.an o� the present sitQ a.ad pick up �nather thia:d af ar� a�re and they had already cammitted themsel.ves ta �tn addition on the Fire D���rtmea�. Couacilmr�n Sraolc staLed it was ta his eorraw they had authorized the addition io �h� �i�e Degar��eeat ehat, ag he hsd pr�eviously eta�eel, he :�elt the C�ity Couacil si��auXd loa�k aC a pie�e of praperty in ��iat it !.s worth ta the City of Fr3dley, nat to the Fira nepartm�nt. Ae further staxed tiiat some people feel this is tt�e �x�a £or the new Civic Center but he did xrot, tbat everyoae knr�ws a Ci�q hx�s a main street and he dida`t feel a�aian street shauld be decorated witl� a City iia13., a£ire dapartmetct aad a police station as theae are always built a block �x twa of� of the main street. Cnwacilmaa Bxook staCed the City H�I3 g�oper�y is va�uat�le From a business st��clpoint, that if this piece of proparty i�a� �. shopping centex on it, it wr�uld be an income to the City o£ FridLey a�nc� , eh� City ���uld be benefiting. Iie further stated if a Civic Center w�re buil� on the pr�sent site the properCy would be dead atock and of n4 beaefi� to �he �ity and he wished to see the City Hali ia aaother area. Councilman Broak a3serted �hat �s for puttiag the Fire Dspartm�nt building on Unfversi�y Av�nue, � he had voted for ft hut, to hie sorraw, as it ehould have been located on , Mississippi Street where n�o U turus would have been necessary. It was expia3n�ed � Page Z6. b�r hiau that the rev�enue fsoaa �he present property w�uld more thaa off set tl�e loss thax they waul�d Zu�derCBke. Couacilman Brook state�d if the City Counci]. wexe �o su�horize a Fire Station on Miesiseippi Street, be believed they cauld erect �ha� �tation for th� seme price that the Hastf.ags Fire Aepartment did withaat say probiem and the fire department 000uld be lacated oa a street that goes across fxom Ea�t ta West without auq turna. Council�n Brook stated there was a sectioa of land on Mississfppi o�,�ned bq ��e Riedals and it had been stated ehey cou2dn`t buiZd there because of peat bu�. buiLldia$e l�.ke the Fosh�y Ta�aer es�re built ou pe�t and he would rather see �he City BaYl buiit thexe ar an san� at'her prapertq. Cauncilman Brook further staeed �hat as far the land, gh�y should be able to seal th$ present prope�ty o�aed bq the City �nd mak� a prafit, thet oaraing prapertq on the aoain sereet for a City �s wr�ng as they could be two h3ocks away or more aad reai- rlea�ts could find it and they coald be dc�rivit�g bepeiite from it. Goun�cilman 3ohanson inquix�d a£ Cauucilm�n. Braok the geason faz v�iting for the fire ata- tioa �dd�ttian. Cawncilmar► Braok replied �hey had had an immediate �aeed for space for new f��e trucks, that previously, he had asked Council consideratiau fnr placing the Ftre Departmeat oa Mississippi Street. Council.men Johansoa s�a�ed th+e peop2e af Fridley w�oulda`t go fox a sevenue bo�ci issae. T�e City l�ia�ager explained to Couacilman Brook tha� he was sayiag that Mississippi S�reet is naC a snaia st�eet aad it is an�d ia a few years, Oniveraity Aveuue �,�u1d be �.ess a� s m�ia street than P4ississippi Stxeer . � Mayar Nee stated the item urould be tabled for £urther consideration at whicli �ix�e it would come ug as old busiaess. Coumcilman 8rook inquired of the CiCy �i,�nager if he h�d ever contacted M�rs. Riedel. The City Maiae�er rep].�.ed that he had and sh� wan�ed abaut $16S,pQ0.00 for tite proper�y wfth a differen� �mou�� per acre depending oa the iron�age on Mississipp�, Street and other parts " of 3.t, tha� he lhad reported saare to the Citq Cau�cil; �Ghat, �urther, there had been aa appraisel o�s the property far abaut $43,000.00 by ehe Ciry and, follow- ing presentstion, tchere wa� no furthes reaonm�endation. Counciimac� Brook stated he sti11 f�Z� the Gity of Fridley shauld take the xiedel. graperty under coa- cIemnation if they taad to in arder to obtai� it aad it wauld stfll be less maney, �hst the 1Ziedei propegt�r sboald be imrestiig�ted and if �laere is a chau�e to �.Cqui.sB ��e property, th�y ShOU1@. COUaCilm8la Sberidaa stated be felt thfs was the time to talk tb3.s over, Maqor Nee suggested that Councilman Brook ch�ck the iiles whea a11 this had been analized �s it had all been presented to tt�� Ci.ty �auncil a� oae time aad it w�s then thep had abnudaaued the idea of the Riedel property. Councilmsu Broou statecl it was a ktio�o�, fact tbe preseat Ci�y property would be a revenue to the Ctty aad commercial businesses would bui9d �here and the citp Izsll could be coustructed oFf of a main street. Coun- cilr�an Sheridaa inquired if Couacilman Brook la�ew the Riede� femily. Councilmaa ��oak repl�.ed.he had kaow� them many y�ears previoua bnfi Felt they s��ould nego- t�.ate with them aad i£ Mzs. Riedel doesn't waat to n,egotiste, the land should be taken under condeuanation, other that this deCerminatioa, he stated the National Tea property wauld alao be wise to consider. � � . � I� Nlr, G�cdner, Countq l�b��p 1o�seion on �.ighting, Parkixag, � �vi.ng the libr�ary. assessor's office, s $?_,$ZO.f�O in rental. Page 2? . Librarism, was present and stated, upon inquiry, that the Mississippi 3tree� was more desirabie for lncation, strFet pace, etc. Mayor PT�e segli�d th�:y w»uld not �ecosn�end The City M.��ger stated his suggestion was to move ti�e ivfl def�ase a�t er�gi.neex's office s�nd tlaey could eave �ouac3lman Bzoo� stated the eatize item sbould be returnued to the C�sordinating �a,a�uittee. Cauac�.lman Sheri.daa inquired if oae o£ the recommendati�ns of iche Coarcdinatiag Ca�ittee hada't 6een the suggeaeioa of a mere desirable site. �he C:i.ty l�tana.ger replied they had started with this recommer�itation. Councilman �heridan suggested to Counci.I.waa Bzook tk�at he coaract the Rie+del property asonezs �ae£ore tlie next regular meetfng, tha� the @ecision was whether the City Cou�azil su�horize the purchase o� the �nan p�operxy but an�y at �he appraisal pr�ce and as f�r as �rhe it�.edels wauld be cancerx�ed , axrangements _.�conlci be made that they could cert�imly li.v� �her� a.t th� si�e ansl that could be a part of the cons3d- �ratian �lh�st the house �remain there vati�. tbey waould be gone. Couacilman Sher- idaa stated ehe determinati.on with the Oman property had to 'be made within a per�od of time aad it wt�uld be advantageous to the City to owa it b�xt felt �.£ �hey �Feze rnot goa.�ag to use the presen� site, they should n�at buy it. There was no a,�t3.on talcen. .�.D.7�t3lt�i s 'I'h��e b�i�g sso �urthez busia�ss, 1�Ysy4r Nee declared th� sgecial cauncil �eegiag uf �rsv�nniaer 27, 19�3, acijaura�ed. :.�e:�pe�c�:£ui 1y sui�ei�ted �ue Mxskowic �cretary �o the Cuuncil � Page 28. S��t7�A S�CiAI. C41�iCIL MEET� AGENDiA - WEDNE5l�AY, AtOV@�1888 27, i9G3•8:30 PeM. � � � secrsxad speci�i sue�eiag of the City Co�ancil of the Ca.ty ot Fridley was called �o ��d+�r tsy �vor I3ee at 9:34�', M. RQ�i. CAL�. n M��bers Pxesea�.o ATee, S�eeri.dan, 3ohanson, Brook �ir�..�abers Ai�seat : �ktlke 1C:awT! .E7VJi1tlIiS5 i C�3T+i5ID�RA�IQ�i UF 2Jti8TH SUBili�B�A1�1 3AN�TARY SEWES DISTRICT WITSDxA.WAL P�TITIO�TS o �dayo� Nee announced �he pzableni of tk�� N5SSII withdrawal petitione had come at a s��ting he hnr� mtc�ended the pr�vi�us night af the North Suburban Saaitary S�.-�x� Di�trict, tha� Aadrew �oh3an, attox�ney for the NSSSD, in a letter had at�v�.sed �&e Board vf �he �SSSID �hat s3.nCe the actfoa oi the petit3.oas £rom � �'�i.dAey apparen�ly paased �he resolution requesking detacbment was done on l�c�ver�ber 11th, a legal holiday, this scrioa would nat be valid unlesa it was d�a�onstrttted ta be unaecessa�y actiou aarl the petitian d�.da't dewonstrate that �s ca�s necessgry ia aay evene. The 8oarrl, it was expiaa,ned, wauld de derelict i� t�ey ac�ed o�. tlais petitfvn because Chere is the possibi9.ity of so�eoae �ur��s�.ng �.t to �the caatrary. Mayor Nee s[$eed that rseher �han ar�ue it wiCh �t�e �ard, he iaad though� the Citgr Couneil of Fridley could possf.bly go beck �.ax� ��.t � new date on their petition, bu� if fridley did sbandon the petftion n�.�s��, they migh� be in a worse position co�tcernir� the liabillity of the con- ���uctio� contxact. Mayar Nee �urther stated he wasn't sure if pattiag in ax�.r�tl�er ;�etitioa would necessarily mean the C3ty Council of Fridley weuZd aF�at�cio� �Ize Ei�s� �x�e . C:;.ty A�to�--ney �mith explafned to the Coancil he had not beer► aware of this prob- 1�ars unCf1 la�ce this daq bu� had uaderstood that the City Manager had talked to Chmx�es ti��rard, attoraey, that he had personally learned about this from a �c�aspape$ man ��ho had cal�ed him. City Attorney Smith explained he had checked ttae stat�tes s�d it was his feeliag, that this was probably a tactical play mure tfian ax�ything else, �hat the statute does set up certaiu daye as holidays sad itc inciucies Alovember llth, but specifically states no public buainess shall be ts��ns��ted on �ny holiday excepC in ca�es of necessity or in cases trensacted by the le�isxature, fle atated this was a l.egislative ac� aad it is a case of u�cissity. Citty Attorney Smith explained there is a case in the district and in Chat case the Court ruled that public business transacted oa a holiday is Ie�al, ehat he had also £ound an ettoraey general's opiniaa in this regard. • C3�y Attarney Smieh further explaiaed that followiug the last reguiar couaril �eeCiag he had wet with Charlea Hovrard aad turned over ta him his IdSSSD file � � Page 29. aad ��axaauium�s anci had spent an hou� outYia�ug wteat he had i�terpreter� �he problez�s of Fridley w�ere aad had gi,vea him a copp pf the rasolution and the petition �hs� Fridleq had �dop�ed. He explained lir. idoward hsd stated he �uld �eudy these a�xi get in �ouch taith h�.m. City Attorney 5mith expiained �o the City Council tha farm�t that wss used ia calYiag t�e gubl�tc I��aring at gsyea 3chool was the same that was usod in the Vi1l.age of Broa#.z1yn �ark detachmeat, that he i�d obtaix►ed �heir papers before he had pregared those for 1�ridlep and we�.tc over these carefuily and the �at itsei� isx�' � tao cl�ar A� i� provides s�sec�.fically �laat� to became detached y�ou do it i�a the s�a�e coay �� becocaing a�taahed aad it isn't certain ia its own form whn rur� eveu the puhlic hearing. City A�tornay Smith further egplaiaed the Fridiey uotice provided �bat the hear3ng coould be held at Hayes Scbaol oY aC some oehea time asu3 place sa the Distric� Board tnould deei�a+ate. In Brooklva Pa�k they didn° � h�v� this prcblen� beaause tiae Boaxd wa� ta3.iling ee let them• deeach, that �econdlg, �he N395D had already se� up a meeti�arg ia Brooklya Pa�k thst had somaghi.ng ta du with aura� i�nds and thi�s was chasea to be the sex�e �ime aad place. It was explained, Fridley doesn't have that and have choac�n ehe �imQ and piace a�ad si.nce iti isn't clear whose hesring ft fs that i£ Fsidley �e� the heariag ou�side of tbe caamunf�y apeoifically, thers would be tao waq of tcaawitcg xf �hey woald op�a the door for Che mesting. City Attorney 5mifh stated he would mee� with Mr. Char2es �owazd, attoraeq, aa � Fridley sad i� tu�as bis view that Fridley should contfaue w3th the heazing as it i$ se� up at 8ayes Schoo�,, snd that Mayor Nee abeir the m4eting 8t�d that �'rfdl.ep take such ac�ioa as they ca3sh aact cositistue it or cicse the hea�tit�g aad m�ke a record of whr�t is said, e�c, it �ras explaiued tiiat, possibly, other cosmnunitie� w31�, hav� rapre,seatat�on �d Fr�.dl�y shau�.d ��kce their names snd addres�es dcr�ra, ��c. City At�oraeq S�th ��a��d tfiis evenia� �he Catq Co�cLI. �nigt�t r8tiig� the ae��oa takea oa Plav�mber �.Yth arRd 3zacZude thet there �as a ne�ceasitg £or taking thc� �ction on Nas�re�zbQac �lth as B�ated 3.n the pe�it�.on a� resoiution; t�am�iy that there c�a�a a raee�paper �nc�au�zcet�er�t a r�eel� before �h�tc 3ndaCated tihat �lze NSSSD Sflard taere going to l�t a con�ract and t�e M�atndaq aight m�ea�ic�aed was �*he eaxlies� tat�a �&at +�he City Council could caZl, wtder the Cityr C1�rCe�, � spe�i�l me�ting of th� Cit� C�u�ci]. atui thia is pub�fc r�ecessity. 8e fuather star�d if �he �iSSSD Bo��rd w�xe not going tn let Fr3.d2ey de�aclz, i� would be a court case re�ardless. The City Nkin,��er stated he had contacted Mr. Charles Howard, attorney, and he hacl felt therQ tfas no aeaessitq i�ut that theze was �othiag �roag with calling a heaxing. �ie Y�ad statc:d there was aothing in the sta�tute chat provided for �he Ci�y ot Fxidley �o force tbe distrlct ta call a beaYi�a,g on thefr zequest arcl the ac�ion the �ouncil cau�d take wpuld be to reaffirm the hear9.n�g by xesolut�.on a�id �ubeequenClq to the hearfng, reaffirm the petitioa for detach- �ent. The Reso�uicion, it was explained, should be, uot u� indicatioa theq are absndon3ng �Che firs� resolutioa, but ase oaly paeal.ag it cn the legal ogi�.oa 3ust because of that. � City Attorney Smith explained the Citq of Fridley did uot hav�e to conduct a �aearang. Mayor Nee stated that unless they would argue tbme, the City Couacil. � PBge 30. sr�u2d hold a hearing, they eooald justi£y the resG3utioa aad petition thst I'r3.dley iiad sent to th� So�rd. Be further stated Lhat he fe3,t the conater- ae�g�ae�ent c�louid be �hat Fridley Frould, iu the aense o£ the ba�Ilat previously c���, con�Iuct a hear�ag, �iyat t&�e hearirz� should be undertaken and thi.� cauld be ehe he�ing far �he City of �ridley, I+iayor Nee aanounced he had aaked for a�a�consiciean�ion og the contract award ��ith the Boa�d of the NSSSD aac� they had s�alled it �d �ecessed �he meeti� until the 20th of December. Mr. Jo3.�r �nmd said �.f the �tz.om were lcil�.ed, the coatractor w�ould either be released or i�ve ���ion against �:he distric� fos the award and ths�t the caacelling o£ s�e. Ma.por Nee explai�neci Che araard had actualZq ao� been s�ed at the NSSSD �e�i.ag and he had s��ated he didn`t waat tbe meeting �ivsed without the Board of the PISS�D havia� this put �a a vote, so thep had recessed the meetin,g. �he Ci�y il�i�an�sger s�a�ed that in his coaversatian with Mr. Chsrles Howard, he hec? saa.et thegr sho�%t 1�old the me�Liag because whe people who aze �here very like�q r�nuld add tha� tr�xch �re gressure ro th� 8dvisory vate. Councila�n Sherideaf s��►red �i�� his impressxoa waa fxom C�.ty Attorney SmiLth's ca�umeats, the Cit,� of �'ridley could lhave passed a �resolutfon to hsve Fridley wi�hdxawn £rom and az �h,ey cauld ci�aw a resol.utioa ask�ng that anp other co�twnitq or any�aae be d�zmched f�oai i� . 1�Lay�or Nee stated the problem at haad was cahether the City Council would want tio argue cr3.th the stall or act on this proble� again, and Ca��r Aitoraey Sa�ith or Mr. &oward could clscide what the carrect responsible g�a3ng could be. Ci�y Atto�cn�y Smith stated he woul.d prepars a resolntioa giv- i�rg �he aecessi�.y and ratification aud sugges�ed tbe City Conncil Conld refer � �his item to him tc� pxepare the necessary resolutioa. I � � i�o�wnn by Sberidan to refer to City Attorneq Smith far �he dr�twit►� of �he psoper �eso�.utio�x the �Gessi�y a�d s�tiri���iorc of �he cot�sictexa�iva of �he �Iorth Six%urb�ga �ni.t��y S��r�r P}is�tcic� �Jithdrac�l Pe�itions aadl glace s�ecme on a$easda fo� the Zaxs� of �?ecember, 1963. Secat�ded by Bsco�ok. U�on a voice vote, there bre�.�� no �ys, �Ize matfon c�rried uuanimrxessly. �A,Jf1�I s Tha��e bei� z�o furtt�er business, Mayor Nee declsre+d the aecoaLd sgecial couacil me��i�g af Nove�es 27, 1963 adjourned. Resp�cCfully Submitted Sue Nia.skowri.c �ec�ercary �o the Council � n 1�J 32 a�ns�xcB rio. � oRn�cs �:�r'ta� xzao� c� r� crrg �. �o v� s� �rm �s �n �o �n ��cm� c a� � c� co� Tl�e Cauucil o£ �e Ci�tq o� Fr�.dley dc� ardain a� �olla�ws o SE�TLO�I 10 Far �tie vac�eicm of the streets snd alleys descxibed ae folZawss All txaat part oi �he Service Drive lyiag adjsaeo�t to and Westerly oE Black 10, Spri.ng Braak Park, as platted; and Noxth of t2ie , Narth Iiae of Libe�cty St�eet, also beiiig the South line of Block 10, Spriag Brook Park produtted West; and South af the No�h l�ae of Spria� Bxoak Park as platted; and lying Ea.st of the abandcrned �tig'h�-af-Way af �be Mi.aaeap�lis, Auolca aad Cuyuna �aag� �si�.xc� �1I �t pa�tt af ]Libe►Yty Street Iying Sast o� 8ast Ryvet �ad �ad Soutb of B].�+ck 1�, Sp�r3.ug Brook Patk descr�bed as �n11a�a s � Coa�aaci�g et tiss interse+cfiioa a� the North lf.x�e o� Libezty Stree�t aad the NortheasterZy liae of $eat 8ivez &�d; tb�ac� SouLheasr.e�c�r, a].ong the No�rtb:easterly ].iae therebf a di$ta�ace oiE 53.01 feet; thm�ce Nartheastesiy a� right an,glee to sa3d NQrtheastetly Iiae af Esst River Boad a dis�an�cc� of l3e�a6 feet � ths b�ginaia,g of a a�rve ta �he righfiA said �urve havir�g a radf.us o£ 255 ��aet; t.bsnc� an asid curve �a fih.o right a distance af iQ3.5 feet ta the ead og said surve, a�d itr; intsrsectio4a with the I�tor�li line of said Libertq Ave�use at a pc►i.nt an the Sauth l�ae cf Blacl�. io, sps�iag szaok Park, aistaut is5 £�s� westc of �he Soughaas� carnc� of said BLack 10, �Ia.�a� W�st alang the North 13.ns af Libe�ty Sts�eet, (slsa b�ing �the SrrutlR 2i.ne o� said Black 1Q, Sprin� Bzc�ok Paxk} a di���ace ef 139037 fe�t �re or 3.e��a tcr the pQint of begi:m3.ngp A3.7. lying in sect3.oa �, T-3o, �-24, city nf F�ialey, Couaty of ��t8� $�8�.`B 8� �84�'.8a S�C'ITO�T 2a The ea:Ld vaca�tian has been mede after Natice af Fublic Heaz�ing in confo�man�ce with Mitmesota Statutes and purgua�at to Sectfan 12,07 o� the Gity Char�ar $nd Appenad3.�rr C af ��.ty �ode shal.l be sa �adade PASSED SY 7L�3S CTLY CO�CIL OF � CITY OF FR:�C� 7�iI:i AAY QF , 1963. I�1�1Y08 - William Jo Nae A�ST: �i� � � M�axvin C, B�tasel � Pub lic Hea=in,g t Apti1 16�„ 1962_„_,� Firs� Bea�: Novembe__�_,r 1�„1,9,§3 S�caad Readin�g: ��i��o�000�e: 33 � RFSf3LUTI01� T30. .,,,.,�,�_ RESOLUTTOi� A�PROVING A�G'x AGRitiFM1EN'1' FO}.t REI,OCATION OF UTILYTIBS - TRilN�c Hlc�iinTAi' NO. 694 0 WH�R�58 t1�e Staice of NL3.$�neao%a, Deparfin�t of 8i�hwa,ys• proposes �o co�s�tzuet Tr�rik Hiqhway 1�30. 694 wi�hin the corporate l�nits af �h� City of Fridl�y as part of the Natio�al Syste� of Yntmrsta�e Fiighvetays e �3d WH�E�►S o the consfi�uctioa� of said Trunk Highway Noo 594 will re�uire the acel,c�c�►tion of certain ma�aicipally a�ned utility faei- lit3.es, and WHERrASo tla� C�.�y is �►ot adequately staffed o� equipped to ri�sign and pre�c� �a�r �s+e����r plar�s faac s�c� utility � relocatione, �to rel.acate tige s� w�.ti� �.�s a�nn forces, or to supervise� the rm-- lacation of said utili.��.e� ur�der ceantxae:t. NOW, T�Ft7�, e� IT R�SOLVED, �hat the City shall aad haraby do�s reqiaes� the Cau�nis�io� of Higlaways af the State of Miaaesota , to ac� as agen� of the City of Fridl�y to de�sign and prepare plaas aaad speeificatioas far all munieipally c�m�d utiiiti�s located withi,a �Yae corporate Ci� limits th� �a�� �►e� ��lo�ated du8 to proposed 3t�te cons�us�ic� openca�ica�� oa� s�i� Tru� �igizway Noa 6�4� �o con�a�. ��e ��.1. �.arbnx e�atexials o eq�.��at and otl�e� se�viee�$ m�e�sar� f� �� �os�le�i� t�f saiei �tili�y reiocatioas as a part of �he S�at� �� T�� I3i��way �oa�s�a�io�n coxitract, aa�d �o make �he r�c�ssa� arsarig�nengs to obtain Fedieral Aid ia finan- cing the cost of-. said utility relocations4 PASSED AL'� AtX3P�D 8�' � CITY COU�CIL OF TBE CYT9C OF FRIDLS�t TSIS �.,,,, DAY OF � p 1953 0 � RT�STa MAYOR - William Jo. D18s • CITY CLSRK - Masvin C. Brunsell RSSOLUT�ON �o - , �t a re�ular ae�e�icing o� �&e C3t� G���.�, c�f the City of Fridley ��ly iaeld o� �h� � day o� �,0 1963 Q t�ae �olla�wing ��sc��:�t� �ras e���� ' � �'' o � ����3 'by �,� /�'`�- - o � i�.o�vit: w�REAS o�h� City of �idley has a�o�ed the plaas a�d specifi� c.��ki�s fc� �he �rav � of �ha� �aax't vf T�c Hig�w�y � 393 r�u�er�d as �iig�y �eac 694� v�itbi� t�� carpcx�ate limits of �� �ity of �i�.� �e�m ��Nc Ai�hwsy �00 47 �o Tac�nk Si�wap �ob 65� aa�d i�38EAEAS a�a �acd�z �o a��,in F�e�al Aid i� �he coau�ts�uetio� of s���.d �uaak Higi��� ��93 rea����d as T�tils Hicjhway � 694 �he Bwceau of P�ialic Rc�ds s�quiares the assuacaaace �at the City of ��.d].� will not suff�aac asmy ea�csoa�t ot aay natwce ar kiad v�ag� sc��ver an �ae ric�h� o� way of said Trw�k Highway N�xmbez 393 r�er� as T�c�c fYi � DT�mber 694 within �he eo�po�a�e limits og sa►id City �� F�idl�yo NOf�ls T�13, B� IT i�St3LVFDo tlxat said Ciicy of Fxidley does h�aZ'yy �ee aa�d �eave�t ��t it �v3.11 �a�rsrr permit oac� suifeac e wi� fs� its • ate 1�.tsQ a�y �cr��at of any kind �atsoevear, ineladir�g �b gas p�s �nd c�as s�tio�s� biAib►oatdsg c�� struatuaces of aay i�d vv2�ats���a �►� r�.�t� oiE �nra� o� �.°ta�2c Hic,�wsy Nts�mbes 393 � � a� Ts�k �t � ��4 a� �o �h� ��ve �ad 8aid City �� F�cidl�y �a�se�► � �ha�.3,� �t3.1,1, �e�� f�sea�e �r 1%ea�sea pmcmito mac qra� � g�ve ��,�v$ oo� 13T���► �� a�e�r �cac��ent of w�at� �� �c� f� �� +� �a� � ��t Q �f o�d�a�amea�t �h3%soe�er � 3�cI.�:l.�g b t,�,�� p s c�as s��tic� B billboasds, a� c�h�as s�u�wees a� � k�ad t+�ta��s��g t�n sa�d ri�ht of t�rayt aad �at sa�d C�ty of Fr1d1� wi].1 coo�ate i�aga� � po�saibl� to �.7.�aa�� �ist3�g �csa�a � a coaas�ftutirrg tac�iff� h��nee�a and atill ��hheac tak� any aece�ssa�cy �f.� to e114�inate arYy �coac5mm�t th�t �y hevc�at~��° exist ��aid �rut�c hi�� ric�ht of way p Upon the ��i3. �►�E *�►e rall �he �o3law�xj vat�d Sa f�voar of tl�e Resol,ut�an T�h� foilvwing _ �,��___� voted agaianst 3.ts adoption: �rh�eupon t2�e Mayo�r ancl paresidinq officer declared the Resolution adoptedm p • �/ ��� PASSED �tD ADOPTLD THIS �,� DAY OP' ,.,,�IUC�-���_,• 1963 BY � CITY t�tit�ClL OF Z'� CITY OF FRIDLSY. �a�'$ST s C�� CL�RK ��vi� Ce 7��se�'� �1AYE3R � WilliaaR Jm � • t�ICxr�. Nat+i�E crxs� o� �xn�x . � ; .,� �, : Li?' �!' . �M.1« e! • TO WI�i IT MAjC CO�IC�,tN S Nat�ce ia het�by give� that 9h�re wi11 be a Pt�blic 8ea=ing of �he Cii;y Council of the Citp of Fridley in th� City 8a11 at 6431 gaivereity sveaua N.Ba on Dace�ber 2, I963 ia the Coua�il Ch�be�r at 8s00 P.M, fo�r the purposs of: Caasideratioa of a rezcdning requeet by Un].imited Oppvs�uniti�e, I�acwzpa►rat�d and I.illiaa W, Sutahinson tc+ rezone fre�a x•1 (aingie �smily danelling) C,o G�2 igeneral bueinese atea3 Lots 1 aad 2, Ce De �tchineoa's Addition, lyi�g in the aortheaet quarte� (I�� of Sectiaa I0, T-30, R-24, Anoka C�aua�y, State of • Miva�sata, and lo�ated genara�.ly sauth oi� Clsbor�ae� �ad aad Sast of 8ast Ri�ver Raad, Anyane desf.rin� to b� heard wieh x+afer�nce to the $bavs �atter wi11 be hesrd at thie mest3s�. Publieh: Anoke Uaicn Navamber 22, 1963 Nw,a�sr 29, 1963 Fsidley News Noveanbsr 27, 1463 � � � ,4i� � �� �•. r -- � � � - ��� oF � �� ssz � �� � �rNVTSS oF ai �6� � 6, C� D� u,u4,,,4tc�iinson Additioa�s sts�t Prab].�a r�lating to �cezoning. In ciiscussing tbe $treet prabl� relatir�g ta the tra�fic ha�ard, a sugq�stion was mad.� to d�ave a s�vice c7xive alo�ag �ast Riv� Koad aa�d a t asy decel�atio� lane+ up to the pres�t service d�iv�o �is �tould �ak� the tacaffic off th� �oacA where the road is a lit�le m�os� Zev��, and ofi the �we and move th� pro�lesn 300 ° or 4(?0' south oE ��e it is o A su�g++�esstion was also made whether or" ncat txie Cour►czil w+ould go alo�g havia�g a traffic escpar� help wit'� ' this ,prabl�t ax�d ove�all �ast R�.v� Ito�de etco Northt,�s�� Uhiv- e�sity was men�io��d as a sewr�r +�f tha�t s�cial type of serviceo Because of th� elevation o£ tt�e ���s arad a sesies of situatfons w�►e.�e th� left� tusn i� not helpeci �ay decelc3sation ,�h� follawing wer� o�fered as po�a�3ble sources o� inforn�ation for tl�ir reeom�r e�datia�g a£ �a� solutit� of this prahJl�ns the n�a Sa%�ty Committee S�at� an� Cc�.ty officiais a�ad an aatside es�er� s�ecisli.�i�g in �aandiia�g �raffic prabi�ms o �here wag cwc�side�able di$cussiaart reqardi�g tha reasous foar denY�l �,�e rezoai�g aad h�w to pr�se�n� th�s to tha Council. Zt was felt tii 'fal,laving points �ahau3d i�e n�d�= 1� All adjaceat prope�cty aw�rs ��re agaiaoa+� it a 2 j Psable�a o� P�s O Anderson and her thre� ( 3) � acses across tli+e str�eto 3j Sexious $.raf£ic pxablem that now exists asid would be gr�atly . incseas�ci by r�zv�ing this area, arid th� fact t3csat there �.s conaiderable l�nd �1i�t l�s not yet beet� develoged which will. add to �Ii� prablema � by i�o �ohauc�sca�nm s�o�uded la� t�o Baaad�l, th�t th� Courieil be in�ora�al t�►at th� �Eollawi� are �1i6 ��aso�as fa� �th� deniaa. of C. Da Hutchinsan Adcl�ltioxg.g lj Re£�ring to th� Plaaa�irig Ca�maissian �ting of �anuasy 1Q; 3963,e the o�asi�ion of thi� peop].e in thes �ixiimi�diate �x�a w�s no�tede 2� �'he tra�fic probl�an on the �ast River Road fram Hi.ghv�ray l�tl 'to the� rTarth Ci�gt I�imits is continuall� g�tti�g worse as groundB Fre�eatly Zoauad i�roP�lY. is b��g bullt ons arid that re�oning of ths larid along the Saat R�.v�r itoad without cons�ir,g tYae wc�rs�ni�g tacafii.c prob].�ns croat�ci would be wrongo 3� z'he plaaar�ing Co�mniasion �as ex�aaust�d its m+�ans of tryirig �o solve Y�is prcbi�n� ar�d suggests that the Cauncil dis�et the Ci�y Mata ge� to loca�o a sot�;e�e o€ tra�fic engit�v�it�g �ts asid solutioaa of `� fiaiaticial help, ��t wh�n this probla�srt ia solved, the denying of #�.h� rezoni�g could then 3� recor�idered4 Upon a voic� vofi.tQ �21 vatiag ay�, th� moticus carried u�aa�nimau�sly a . C� j � �r:Bi:�:;�;�' ��° " !"�UI�'�°�+ �'1�'�NiG �;�if3'�'�S OE' A.L��L �� 3 �.�b� .� __..,.�-�:�:, �-��,�s,�, i rv`�+`Y�.:�,��M+'15A �� 4J�.Sib+b.68�° O/Aa� d.PWd�vy�4� \�i � 4si:b`i 4ds���.fuC ��fdGV � 10171��v �nf'�SMS ��r b8•� ��:�:������ �� � �i� ag�aD ��c�a�a�+� �.� �r�ulcl ���s� #�� �.tsf��.e 't�aza�d ���� ���s�n��g ���� ���1 0� �.�a, b�a�n�e ��.s .ig � Cou[��� �oac� and t1�� �:':��� �� Fr�.c��,�y ��aa�. i�a. �� �v��. ���.d an� �aoa��.�s on a� ua�til such �.,?,� �� ��ae �a�z���° �� .�e��e� ��,.� �a���ro��� ��s� ����da� �i� Ci�y Coua��i1 �;�r�a�� ��.� �:.'��� ��;��� ���.ca� ��; �� �;��n� ��a�.�si�r� amd d�ny �� ��-�c�u��� o S��s��e� :��° ��°�o� �, i3,��n a��r��� vo�� o�►�c� being n� x�ys o r�;���� zr���r� �a����.� �;�a � ug�..�►Q ,r� �r ��r� ► s�� � ,� z�a: r�t� r� a °-�� �+. s � � , � � y , ����F � ���,�;.:�-� ��,��o�,a� 7�,r F�i.��e ��ox�3�1 �y ��?�d�l., �4 a�c�� �� g3,an� as sub�itted by A��a..� ��,���,c En�i �r�.� ��� ea����pt3.csn '�at the c�r3��t�w�� west�erly a�► • ���°M���°na� �aaci �a�a z�vetsl ].5 ��ei� �sr�hor �ste � �a� t� ��.+gta be provic��d +dw��F��.�.�aag ��f�'�,� w�.�a "�t� to �a.� At3���°° an b� s3.dea� tfpan a��y �, aa ��':.s� � i��s +.g'� v�� w��p � 7s�.5.�i 8 i7�Abi�. ,i. Lr �� bAa yt ��Ci�,3 �r. i.�� B w7�i��$ p C��w�t� ��a� a ��� vo�ir� "a��,t" � �a�o ��a� �a T��3.�.� ��.��i tlae mc�t3 ���w �� � � I � • HUS:.B�D�iOG �OARD 1��'T�ipG M'.�tUTBS 4�(O�P�BR 27, 1963 � The a�eeting was caY�.�d ta order by Ghairman Kravik at 8;20 i�,M, Mesnbers 1�resent; Kravik, M�n�en, Johanson (urriv�d at 9;15 P,M,) Members Aba�at; Shie�.d�, Hugh�s, A�lea Othtgs P��s�nt: Bui�ding Ynspector Jens�n a. � 3. �CATIOTii BY e Kravik, e�conded bq Mangen, to a t �D No $ccess fram gas etation lots to this praperty. A suitgbie barrier �st be provided on the �.ot lin� b) �f sigu ie inetaB.ked ather than on th� bui�ding, it ahaRB. b�e inat�EYed in the Southw�at cornar af Cha� parking lot. �d �]iNG_P�KM�T APPYaYCAi�(!IQ BY STE'� HAT+�tYSH x0 BU1tY,D A 20-UNIT QJ / I 1� � �, � D No �ctimrt. wa�s tslcen �� th�s Bosxd f�Fti ther� �hou;ld be mor�s windows prc�vid�d oa the East +�nd of th� bui�ding ta, giv� 2t a more suit�ble ,� �ppaar�uce fms the sr�a. �d bq Jahanson, sacoailed b amme_ �ssuance of a bv only. Upon 8 VO Ci! vote, th� matiaa car� 808 A ROAD• the a�lic�t�t.,�i �� -rioE�tian th�t no �ys, Chairman 1Cxavik declared AAi�: Th�ere being no further bu�inees, Chairmaa Kravik deelared the aieating adjour�ed at 9;30 PoM, • 8especefu�,�.y eubanitted; , AI�P Go �ffit8 �exi�di�.g ��tgp�etc�� � v DON HARSTAD CO. � Rs�neasarmrc MAGEE-HALE p�-�-/Nj�jl�, COMPANY aeiciirwtc�ea o� Marc�n r�actNa � � l[r . Eul iiagaer City Msna�r City of �ridle7 61�31 Uai�. A�e. �. _. rr�al.y, tli....eta Dear 1lr. Wagaer: r�� 3� oorr wu�� To�r N��O �..M.s s.�.r...�.r... 7ioi w�.� w N. s. M�.■..�.�. si. w... �11�..e �•qs� �o�ab�r 19, 1�6j � ,.�,,., I vonld ap�reaiat.� tlu City Co�acil xai�isg t}� ��arov aao�at of �413.�0 for ti�e oo�eriag of the preliaiear7 enai��rina eo�t� os tit plat �so� a� "aaretad Additicn, P.B. �62-25". As I uaderstood it at the tise I dedicst�d t�e sdSiti�eal Nrti� driw area required to proaeed Easterl� to ho�i ap to L�cia La�, t� Cors�il ti+as going to Nsi�re all fees on this pzorrt� in lien e! �r �i�itss ttii� fift� foot street� the full depth of tbe p�o�pert�. y 3in�erel�� DOIf BARB?AD . b�;,a'� Don 8arstad DH �s � �' G�� il ��� L , � , .x cmr. oF �ato�r TRAFFIC - SQi00L $IGiNAL$ —�t�C.TRIC PARKIIVCi GAT�B — 1'ltttf'�. AUPP�� ,. I RADAR — TR�F�TT�RIA — 3TREL�'I' BIQI�iB -- T�TI'1C C� � � � DON HARSTAD CO. '' �REitNTiNG � MAGEE-HALE p�d-M� COMPANY ORIGINJ►TORi OF Mi'RRED �J1RKING 4 � Kr. Earl Wagner Citp Maaager City of l�idley 6431 Univ. Ave. �I. $. Fridls�, Minn�esota Dear Mr. Wagn�r: . r . �o � ��� TOM HARSTAD �.�.rs 4w.���.. �t�� �i�w► • N. L �11.�.y� �i, �r► s�i..M wn1 llllo�e�ber 23, 1l63 I am willing to dedicate a 25 foot •ervice road alons ths ��t�rl� pottioa of Lot four (4) aad eleven (11), A�uditor's Subdivision #89 oa tbe Lat •id� of flvy #65 where �ryr office is located. flovever, inaaouch a• Lot tl�wo (11) is a ahallow lot, I f�el that the council should vaive all aetback rs�tir�- ments and any other reatrictiona so that the lot would •till be buildsbls for a co�aercial or light indu�trial type building. I also haqt tbe sa�wt' and water inatalled on this property and would like to have agraed t�at thsas imQrovements Mould not be put in at �r �xpense. I alao w�ould like to 'antion that I am not intereated in ha�ing a blackt� road put in at thia time,with my taxe• on the property, I could uot sito the coat of the ilacktop. If the Citq vanta to put in the blscktop roa� at their expenae, I �+ould be Willing to pa�r for the additional bate required beyond the subatantial amount that I have already put in. Sincerely yours, A�'�-�`-'"_' Don Haratad Dfl/ • , � ' ����I`'� � ��IV - ` � � � � , ; �, i � � �a'� CITY OF FRIDLEY, � � TRAF!'iC - SCHOOL SIGNALS -- EI.BX.'TRIC PARKING GATE$ — TRAFB'IC SLJP'Pi�B RADAR — TRA�'-0-'1'ERIA — STRFET SIGN3 — TR,AP'FIC OONffi � 41 COMSTOCK & DAVIS A IP1C. • Gon;sultin�; Fn�;ine�rs 1��46 CAUT1�y `.f�oS� c� Jte �^inneapolis 32, Ninnesota �lovember 26, 1963 Honorable Mayor & City Council c/o Mr. Earl Pp Wa�;ner9 Cit,y Manaa�r City of Fridley 6�13�. Universit,y Avenue NeEa Minneapolis 21, Minnesa�a RE; WATER IMPROVE�QENT �°ROJECT 34�-K STa PA.UL W�TERWORKS CROSSING Gentlement The �lans for the urater iransm�ssion line cons��ucted under idater Imnrovemer;t Project 34-K, alon�; LTniversitv Avenue from Osborne Road No�°�h to 83�a Avemue P1aF., 3nvol.ver� a crossin�; of the Sta Paul Wa�cerworks eas�ment immsdiately North of Osborne Road. Sto Paul Wate��vorks has twfl 60" raw water transmission lines construct�d in this easement, The City of' Fridle,y's • 12" transmissior lin� crosses the lines of the St. Paul Wat�rw�rks at ri�;ht an�;les, �assin�; under one 60" conduit and ovexb the other o Aft�r the con�t�uction �f 't'�e Fri�1.�U r�c�rtion af the 13ne throu�h the ea��men�9 i� was called ta the a2;ter�tion v�' th�� a�'fi�e t�a�; special cor.st�uc�ig.�n,� ��yFond whic:h ar�.s c�r:I;�ina� ly �ontem�lated in th� ori�;inal nl�nv, ���u1d �� n�ce�sary far �he �ro�e�tion of t�e ina�allatior..s ox" th� S� o�aul_ Tfra�erwor�cs � �This spE ci�l �on�trt�c�i�np v��r,y briefl,y� calls for the mechanical t,yin�; of - the �i�e joints in the area of ihe Svo Faul �-da�erwarks corsduit and the installG.tion of an additi�naS �ate va�ve imMediately %TOrtt-a of the eaa ement to t��rmit isalation of t�e Frid�ey line 3n the �asement sY�ould a break oc^u.ra In add�tion, the portion oif the t{ridley conduit under the 56" S�o Pau' �Jaterworks line w�ll have tc be encased in steel �ipe to insure better structural su��ort over �hc }�x�idley line to m&ke a line br�ak less likr�ly, si�otald som� sli�;ht subsidence accur� To effect this required con�truction, i� will be ne�essary to ti�;ht-sheet the excavation on both si3es of° the St, Paul �����t�rwvrks conc�uit, provide some sup�°>ort for the 60" conduit arad on comnletion of the ioint tie and encasemen�, to backfill ti-�e excavation and �ompact 'the soi�. in th� ent_�re treneh to its optimum densit�. tTnde�r the ter�ms of the contrac�c �`or Water Imrrovement Proj ect 34-K, the City r..f �'ridley has the followin�; al�ernativ�s under • which �his work ca.n be nerformed. �Je refer sz�e�ificall,y to Gen�ral Conditi�ns, Section Na, 1$, �ertaining to "Chan�es or f1lt�raticns in �he 4tork." �Inaer this section, the followin� iter,�s �ertain: • Honarable Mayor & City Caun�il Cit,y of Fridl�,y -2� November 26� 1963 ITENi A- T�e �a1.ue of the wor� sh�11 be deter�ined by e�tima�e and ace�p �G.r,ce in the Lumn Sum. The Contractor has quoted tr,� Lump Sum an�oant for t:�is vr�rk of $4,500. This sum appears to be a��rec�. �bl.y �;reater than vvhat has been estimated as t�1e fair value of the work, ITEN( C p T�e �c�ual costs i�o ths uontractor includin�; all i�surance costs anr� suz�e:�^vision costs nlus 15% for ov�rhead and ��°�fite ITE�? 17 .� T�e actual cos�s �o the vontractor includin� all insurance cns�s and su�ervision costs �lus a fixe� amoun� for a fee, One additional Glternative is available to the Council, This alterr�ativ� wc�uld be to le� a sep�.rate contra.ct for the con- s�ruction to me�t 'che recaui�°ement_7 of the Ste Paul [�daterworks. Tl�is offic� is c:i' the ot�ini�r� ttiat this alterna�ive is the least desireable of those offered, as t�is installat�on is critical in the res;�ect �tha'� dama�;e could ^anceiveabl.y be done to the • S�, P�ul Watervs�rks conduito Sec��ndl._y, after ��Ie com�letion o�' �he work, an�� failure in the f�ature wou7Ld iind the City in the positi�n of determinin� c�hich of two firms enga�;ed in the constructi�n iaa:; the �esnonsibl� �nen We wish to re�o=�t that the St. Fau? E�7aivrwork:s �s anxious to ha.ve this �fln�'�ruc�ion ;om�leted In aecordance tai�h ti�eir present rer�uia�e���ents, LNKd�p;e • Re.yrect�'ully suvmitted, �O��STOCK & D��TSs TNC. . i'�! • ``�� By T,. N, Knutson, �4 E. 42 ATTENTION OF: �t3 r �t To City Manager Earl P. Wagner M�emo No. 63-223 • , L J SUBJECT Proiect 34-K - St. P8u1 Water Works Crossing DATE ���.��_7°�� _. The-_latt,4r datod Nc�r�nba; Zb, 1%3 €r� £c�mstocir 6r--�avia construction necessary for the protection of the installation of the St. Paul Watsr�ro=k� Crossing has been review by this office. It is my opinion the City of Fridley will be better protected if the tvo alteraativsa Item A and Item C, could be combined as follows: ' '"I'he actual costs Co the Contractor including all inaurasce costs and wpatvision costs plus 15x for overhead and profit which is not to exceed the Cot�tractat�� -- _— quoted Lump Sum price of $4,500." �NATURE � �� ., CS�t�- � REPLY: NASIM QURESHI, City Engineer __— _ _— — _—_ __ ___ —_ , � _ ---- _-��---- l��-c�rz��'�``' � _,�1�_ � • � DATE REPLIER'S COPY – RETAIN FOR YOUR FILES � _ _ � C � A � M S r� L� � I � G�al 1469 ttsroeu�h 1509 W�� ` r Liquo� 5866 tb�can�h 5894 � '�� Pnb1iC tPtilities 295fJ tt�roug'h Z9�0 '��_ • ESTII+�ATE F'O�t OOtJ.NlCIL APPR(3VAL - I3TCEI�ER 2:a 19C� DTorth� Contaracting eo�ny Bos� 308 �iop3cins B M9.a�n��ot� �st�at� Noo 1. (Par�ia].) ��rc� �nd Wa�er Im�row�t Pro j ect No 0 61 Pr,oi_, Descrip�ions 8acon Drive - i5�h Avenue �o the southd • f:Oth Avemue Na�. �rom Oal�wo�d Manor �o Be�jamin Street 7th Sfixeet from Cherr i Lam� �to T.$ d�:�00 , 7th Street fr� �.�tm �IOQ tca 56t1a Aver�uev 76th Avenue -�en�xal ta A�t.%� s��e� Na�o Arthux� Street, at 67�h o Anoka S#.�r�e� �� 67th o 61st - Sta�li�e �s>u]��aaa�d �0 7�vi�� ;�7 w+�at �oo�e Lake D�3v� -� 61s� �� ���2. �ar3.v�o � � $14o62Se13 45 I • � • �.i3T C1�► GO�TRl1CT0ffitS' �.�CBlQSES TO $$ A,P�D B�t CO[JIiC�I. DSC81�� 2,� A463 �RV�C13S 3pats & Bnzg, �ncq 60Z1 Lynde�.e Av�aanue Soueh MiYtueapoiis E9, Mianasota by: Brnart So 3pe�s 1R6W ��G 3peta b Barg, �nc, 60Z1 �,ynda�,e AvranueSouth Mi�eapol3� �,9, Mina�goCa OIL BURAS� SERYY�CB Y,..�......�,�,.. Tha Amarican Oil Cco�say 28Q0 Waysata B1vd. ' Minneapo�is9 M�,nnasota by: ��tt�s�t �o Spatz by: Che�ter Ao Scbmtdt 1�1 � � � � 4� 1'�titica� Moe 39-�1963 Roeeived - 11/18/63 �'IT$�1 �i WATSR AND 3�R LA'1'$RALS, FRIDL�Y. M�30�1'A TQ '�C d.'{ �j► COliYl�'� 7 Gf �''r'�.,�T � a I��.*!1lQBd'��! W�P �h� uad��cslqx�d. Conatitutln�g m�r@ thaa� £i�y-one p�cc�nt (5196j o� ti�e property vwa�s �.n x�w�c and in in�rsst , ias the follari�g ��tseets: Univeor�ity Av�nu�• �Toac�heaa� frora 6iat Ave�u� to b3rd Av+�u4 Maact�ast. wA�o wi11 benefit by �he proposed i�npraven�t, her�by petitioa that the foilaaiag imprcyv�ts be �aaded 10 �at�' 2 o Sew�er � 3i.g� ?a�y B��i �t. �kow8ki, 1420 M�olaa Teac's�e l�oactheast a�9eoo� Ca�aepoECat3.C►Yi (Beoc�rd Ju1kCOWSki, �c�BiBeut} Lo� �, Audito�'S Sv�ivi�1� Noo 59 (62nd ax�d Uynlvereity� t�ieeck�ed by Dasrel Clssk « City of g'ri.d�.ey Eag3nneeri.ac�g I�epartmeut 13�26-b� � ]EXo�nt �'oo� 25�6 ��ss � • I�M 10 — R�: Pt�tt�A�$ OF AI(�l3T—O�'�AY — MoS.�, 308 I havQ d�,sCt�asmd thm purc�a�� �£ �ae ,prt�e�y a� 7301 Eas� Riveac Road w�.�h i�s cpw�er Mr m Ruc�s� e baBeci on th� £oilvuTiag ag�px'�.i.s��.s o 33haf�eac Co� M $5 B 6�,8 a00 Robe�� Hus�h+�s � $6, 3 a0 e00 ��i �� '°" yi 7 8 rJoO s QO i►� � R�cxcks vai�1 a��+� $6, S0� n iD0 faor the g�aPeac'�.Y �►i�► the �nd�,�t�d� �aat lh� ca�s� occu� sa�, sea� �ce�e uatil ulttly 1, �.�64,� ��h�� he e�a re�ove an,y �.t�sa b�a wi�es w�b� he �.eave� �uc�► as ca'b�e�s B wat+� ,� B tank A�►t�coom �ixtures, etc o i��c fi� �av�r griae snd condi�ioa�s � TMe City A�ttc�� advises that to e� tiae ,iarvpe�ty wo�slrl prcab�ably x��l� �n a tc�ta9. caat o�E sbou� $b s 540.40 fv�r the �rc�pe�ty a�d � costg oi tiaae ,,� - � . .,� � • �S�LQ�=� �Qs �.�..�.�� � A RBSOLZAI.'ION O�RING IMP�ia►i�'l�iT A� F'INA�r PLANS AND SP'SCIFICATIaItS aTR�FTS 1963-2 AL�U APIP�t)VYNG P�ANS AND PRt�VIDING FOR BIDS o i�IiSRSAS, Resolu�iona Noo 143��.963 and Na, 171-1963 of the City eouac3�. adopt�d �he 7th day of Oc�aber aacxi the 4th day of Novembe�, 1963, se�t the ciate ior he�ir�g rm �.iie proposed 3.m�arove�aent, as specifically t�o��d 3.n �ae Notiee of Iiearin+g attached he�ceto foac re$�^�17►Ce aa ��,bit °'A" � � WHEREAS, All of the prop�acty c�wners w�wse property is liable to �e assessed with the makir�g ot these f.mprovemsx�ts (as noted 3x� said notic�) wera giv�a tezs �lt!) daye pubZisiied notice of the Cou�acil l�earing throv�gh two (2j weekly publicatio�as of fibe required notice, at� the hess'�g was held a�d tbe par��xty awaers heard tl�e�ceo� at the heariage as noted in said notice. NCJW, T�EF41i�, BS YT RESOLVEDB By th� Cou�il of the City oi Frid].ey, Anaka Caunty8 �n�so�e as follvwss 1 a '�hat the follc�wia�g improv�ements pro,posed i�y Council Resolations No 0 143-1963 s�ad �to p].71-1963 are hereby ordereci �o be �ffected nnd coa�leted as �oo�n � ressos�bly posafble, to-wits • ao All o£ th� �ir�rre.�ts as noted ia the notice of h�ariag o� �he sam,e as are aoted ( ia Exhibit "A" ) iri sairi aatice. Tha� �� wo3ck abave �anay b� co�solidat�d �it1� other areas as oue im�rov�t� to be �fo�aed u�� <:ox�ic.�eBCt lei by AnOk+a Countyo in acca�clanc� wit]� ]aids r�iv� � 2. �'he City E�g �d the �ottuty E�g3�►e�r Q are i�eareby desiqnsted as ttie Engiritt�ats for �his �m�so� �d ase atxtcl�arized to p�cepare fia�3, plsas a� spa�ci£�.ca�io�ss fca: �cuch im�rav�t. 7�u�the�so sue� plans as not�ci in �ae � t app�oved by Ca�ux:cil action on Octalaex 7 a 1963 e ar� a�prcnr�d o 3 0 �e Couaty is authvrize8 to advertise for 'bids for the perfo�ean�ce o£ ithe wosk� Suc� bids �hall be raceived osi tbe dat� called. tabulated, and a coatract for ti�e wark lert foac the b�efi� of tbe Cityt atl pursuaat to the cooperative agree�oe�t app�aved by Council actian on Octob�c 7e 19630 PASSCD AND ADOPTRD BY T� CITY CO�NCIL OF TH8 CITY OF FRIDLSY THIS � DAY OF ,_„_ Q 1963. � ATfiBSTs ���' CI��RK - l�a$vit� C. 8 i MAYO�R - William J. gie � • . c������ �����.x�a� �� a� ���:��,�� �����.� �) . ,�, , a ., ,�o��,s C � � ������A�� _ - �0 ,..s���:�:���, �k'd�'a �:i.�` �«c�x���.:tf of t�!►e Ci,�y o�f Fx�.�i.1,�y'„ A.rat�i�a. Cotuitye .�:�:���� �;�;�{w��: �� ���� ,�.�: r���ssa� anc� ��ci�.�� �� �h� ira�cw�ts �� x�;.�.-�,����'� ��° �:���4��:�,b� Yaa� ma►s1+�a �at:�i :; `�`��� �k�� ,. ��`�i"�C:� �S .�R��7�' t�I.VT� 'T�.T o� �� �� Y � ;� � ��; ����� , � ��� a�. � a �t� c� � ��o� � c i+i� J ��� �i� Co�ici� wil�l ,� ._{� .,-,�:.�a�..,��.. � ��F?�� � .��;, ��� �'�.�� �.�.�. .�.�a. s�.3�s� C���e � �ri�:l� �� s�ic3 ���� �nd .�al�ce ;����� =�,�::�. �°� �..�� �,������:,�1 iYa s�f,ei 3�i�°ov�at►�s ,is� v�hse�� t� i� ,par'to �:�:� �;����:��� ��.��.�� a� �� ��ov�ta�s i� �e �o��uc��oa� (�n �.": �= .�,.��t�SS�%% �'� S`r'�."F3�"��'a ?16?�,�. �►�3��� I�e� ��: ���.�L:�N� ���VV�'�.1�8.'` t0�° "�i A �' i: 'a ��'���� �'�,��-.������.,,�� � ,��.�"� � �� � ,4�.,; e+.d`R.'+E,'.�'��,t�:" % �.k�"A.� ��'�:�`: t.�'; Yy�'�;�' .1,.�+�`t"��,�b:B. <�,�.�. '�.a, �. t.�.�. iCr.kYa�s .�'�,�.<�.s.^��1,� �6�,ls�8 �S;lt44 ���r��,e�� s�.� �„ �.�� ��-�'�.`�° �:�'�� �������r�`�,�;��"��i, �x�� �F��.�,.�,_���: . �."�:'-; �#M �k19n�`{^��i^'�a4.?}„ :��$`)"'�iKt�h.4&-WW �hfk$ �.4II'et`+WR��� ��rr�Ai� �'t/�/� llreSeMi6A �ri2W�+��7��M��� �,=#�:,�;�:�'�> �ic���.��:�G�.��=k; �,�.'.� #bl �ci 4��?Qx`x�+� R4� i�C��.�$�� {C�►�,H �� � . �i�:�:.rf •�����; 't�y�;� ,��'7���:��,'��� 4"�T 4�' SA.�'17 'i:[��Cnti3�l�" �Sa $$G50U�00 a.�<<�', `b'�:?:�tr �E:�, b��C3��,���3 'CQ � .AS�S�.D � 5,�.�.i3 �'"Rt�i'EA�' �S A: �'�'�;�M,i '.�§s� �=� i, . e _ ... . _.� _ _. �''�::i,' �°��d?a�`.�-°°L����.:�':�;Sk � �._� .�l�o �O�'V$�' �> .�: ,.,. ,u, ..� _�., �� �;� �.n y. � � ��� p. � t� � ���� � ��� ����� u�o� a��.� s��� � �� �i► «v�r� � all � :���� � � .��...i ���y-� ��t� �i��e��°��g t�h�o � �. �: � �` i:� � � a� � � �r� �: � � s� E��s�s s�+d ��s��o�:�, �.o�.��c�..�.;� �c+�:��.�ac� �.o th� �.,t <, � � sN-. �� a� � � � r��. �;� �F�'� �,.�;�ov�s�� :, ,� • �'�'��,rck.a � �� a:'az�.4�a� �o� _�:.��a�J��cr�� �;o �a�o��ad. ��l��a ���.�� �f s��,s� i��eaPv�� ��Y. .���,.a� �t:.�? ����:��.���►����„ ��:��tt �� ���°���;� v���w�s� �a^�.�a�d by R.�'6^i.�. "w'd�Y,:..E1��.','�,.d� i�.6b ��.�}�: �:���"� ���.b.�� �'i�:l�d�0����{,��: 4��ii ���L.� ���0��.�.I.�A��,' . �,��:�� r �x�3���t� ���� :�_�:� �,�� ����'�r ��a@�-�o�3 �ci �n �oatfa�mi,t� wti�a �:k� �r #�,�, �.�-� �'��� �-���' �.. � � _ , � "� 51 �+r.���� 4,�` �.:��fG a�' '�,��c�'���� � s�� 19fi3��� . .. � . � � �►��� �_.,�_�; � � � . � �� `? ' :`, � � - �Q� � �, � �� � 19�� H'� ORLE7t i::� t�3� `t�:;�S „ hK I�� t}�' .�...,,�...�.�,.,..�.«., � y - .-�.,�.,.�,.. E- q a p� ��++� . . . s V� i�i'�d4�.. � . . G`��' "�� ��'�, � Ct�i3'�7'�::�i� U� 'x"`.��` C�'�C �'i�.� ., ,, , > ������ ' . M�'YQR, �� W �,� ��'s �i 2 �� r ��; i�'�z� �".�' s: .��.�,,.�.�,,, ,�,,�.,��. a�r:�„w..,� +�p:�°�"�' �.s:��t�< :> :�i�"v.i� � ., ��"utx���! l. ' 1��v�„�t�b� �a„ �.�G� �����3;1� N�s� :�? �:�.�a;� ,�. ��.�t ;: y.,���,���,,..�. ;, ���:�n��.....�...»,.�.p �ic��t�c��` �.,:3:: 19f�� ��'��.r��.,�� ��rs�� • �,��t�.�.,:�.f�:4...�.s.�:�.�{.;a���.�.�. �I �r �. � � � -�- , � .r;: �:<_ � _ � � :�� e� ; :� . � �::� � � � � ��s � � �� Nawembe�c 199 1963 MEM� �Os C�t�y Ma�aager and City Council FRCi�i: A�s�nin �o Bgunaeil, Finaace Director �S��Ts A�thoriziag the Destruction of CettsiA Citp-Files I w�u2d 2ike permissian to destroy certafn Cft� reaosds which �xe 1�sted �elaw: �a� o Muniaipal lfquor dispezasor�r cash segiater �apes for the pears 19�a9 through 1956, �a}, E�iay�e ti� cazcis �Not earniag recosdsj for r,be years 1950 through 19560 • The books of the City i�e taeen audited for each of the ye�rs 1949 �hrou�h 1956, anc� in mpr apinican� 1�he ��nte records would be of r�o �u�c�her t�alue to the C3.A� of I�idleyo • � 52 � . . . �: . .. . . . � : . . . . , . -,. „ .;. . . � ., , . . . , . , . T s....r�• . ,��,F, �! . .5 `�.� z� ' y� �'a ��'�"�. ; .� r � '��� , 5 '�1�� . r � s � � � � � MALL. •MITM. Nl�LLNid. aIY�T':R. I�1��� �NQ �IN � a� � I�l� M �/w . �.;� �a, � � wrMA �M�7M � MO�� ZZ � 17�� �� 4,�� ��"�` , •ROA�t NtKYN� � ' � � `�A.�' # �,, � 4 N01MAN KNM<TT � LiONARO t. �Y�1t11 . '�' � * t�� � � # # � 7MQMA� �. IiA/�t�� � � � t--.,, � � wlt.{.IAM MtA1.IN . � �M - � �� .. t01NAA� N. �AL�AAIIN � � �� f 1 `.' .... .. :.:... :.:. 4 � � a+� ��; � �;, . . _ , �„� '�.., r�,'r. "� 3 � � � . �...a.. , ,.. ... v-a�a �w:.a �....� y�� �` � C '� *�, � M . � . ' • . . t 3 .� �,.�: r ����f:l. � x�� } � r , ��� � .� , , -: � � °': k� �� � • �=�A �t11lSA11 � Z�AitICe �Z�CCO! � � � �,, �' 'P a ,CitY •f lridley � ; � w �"�� 64�1 Oni�r��y A�ren�e N.t. � � � � ��� � "��� tridl+ey 21� Minae�ota �� �� 4 �a r le :?onr lf�� �� N�wbK 19 � 19�3. aoac�cai� .} ' i;� � p�ra�isai�n to ie�troq certain Cit7 r�c�cds p.:� �: as tollan : ; '4; � � " � � � �� t � (.) lwaseip.l liq�oc ai.p.n..c� c��6 "; � � ��- F � a, � registes ta�ea ior tha �w�ss 1949 Y' �,� `�' tbsa�t 1956. �� t �.: x� �',: w ry Y 5� � ,Z (b) $'�plaf�e tise card• (ilot a�rniu� � `�`, � �.. � ��; '� r�cocds) for tlte �rear• i9s0 thcoa� , � , : °� `' ,�: 19S 6 . . � �+ � , � ,:' � � ���� �, � ��9 � }} , � ;, � -. D�ar Mt . Srwn�sl l • � � a� �� � �3�, . � �� �, - �. _; s.�; It �s �q epiaioa thst tire r�corda �ention�d io rarr Mw�r� Ys� *J f-��;�'�� �o fmrtber wlne ts the CiCy of hidley. � �° ��` �� �' lhi� letter aa� •taud as t►� vritt� pes�iasien ira� tlrs Ott� '� �� Attocney far t►e d4atructiou oi s�ldd recarda. �;� � x .����, � �� Toetc t 1�, , : ,��'� ����� , ��� . . . � T �-.Y # '. � .: �� r. � � �� a fipo�a �it! }'' ��� � �� ��-� City �tt ` . r. �' � =:��� ' �,� � r��r "t�¢�; ii3�pa• , � � ' � � �'� � � � � ,.s_°.�s��� fi�{ . . . � p " y4 �� *�' �� � rt� � � �� � . . . . . � . 3,� � � - . . . . : �. ���`�� � �- � � �� � . . . . . 4�1� �� .. . . . , ' ,,f � �`� 5, � � .. .. . � � � � � � .H` �y,y v��� � � . � . - ... . . , �,.`ts '�r :a� � . - . �. . � . � . . � . � 4}..'.yd � �� t. . � ;d �. . . . . . ��� �� � � . .. � � �„ . . . $ � � m�f� m�� ' . ,a3 '. ,: k4y .. � .. �. � ;: 4�.,k � F � . . . . P" .. , :- .. �e � ` -0 , - ....._:.«... . . . . ..:�w•..�.r:..�.;... ..:�..« '..� . �:X...,� . . . ,. , �.�..�r.����,...,wi,�,s wl+.,rs r ` titt;.l�*i� � r 1 LJ ,�^�.-- • " � 54 �SOT�fi�ON NO a�I9�3 A RESOLUTION AUTii08b2X�TG 7�HE DESTxttiCTION OF CBitTAIN CITY RECORDS MUR� �HA�i �EVEN �3 OL� WHERF�A,S, Ma So Ao 412e841 �utthorizes the destzuction of certain City records more than se�eu �ears olds ande Wi�REAS, $ iist of recrnrds t�as �een presented to �he Cou�acil with a areq�aest in �eriting �ha� destruc�i�n �e apprea�ecl by the C�unci�., a�d, WHBREAS, the Cf� Attor�� i�.a appr�ed the dest�ctiomm of su�h record$ �,n wrf�ing, N�+1a TBEREFOxE BE IT RBS0I.VED, By the Cit9 Couacil of the City of F�idle�, Mitiues�� e 1 o The City^ Cle�k is hereb3r aut�horizeci ax�d directed to destray the fallowing classes af xecards desaribed in the lis� submitted t�o the CouQCil.• �a� o Munf.cip�l �.iquo� D�spena�v Cesh Register �apes for the �1ea='s 1g49� 1950s 19S1s 1952g 19S3s 1954s 19S5a atad 19S6o �)o �lo�es Time Caxds for the �ears 1950, 1951, I952, 1953, 1954� 1955, s,nd 19560 2 o Befc�re such records �re deatfi�ed g a cop��° vf �his res�luti�a atiall �e sent �o the Minneao�a S��te A��h�,v��� ��issiaag atad such �eco�rda s1as11 e�gx be destroyed� �u� st�11 �e �en� �� t�he ���hit�ea� Cw�issiou if a petiticu �� spplication requestixag �he� is re�si�ea � ghe �f,�y o�ithf.a thir� de�s frasn the c3��e the xesoiutiox► is �esiledo ADO�SD AY CITX �OUI�� OF THE CI�'�'t ��' FR3Li�X T�iIS � DAg OF �,,� , 1963 0 � ATTEST: ��T'X CIaBRK � Maa�►in C O Bsunsell i�tAY� n William J o Nee m ar Po Wa�uer . � • . ~ . � 55 R8S0]L�IT7[ON NO o 1963 �__.. A�2BSOLUTION A�THO&�ZI�TG �iND DIRECTING THE SPI.�TTING OP SPECIAI. A38ESSMENT3 ON THE SOii'I'ii 20Q FPLET OF LOT 6, MELOLAND GARDEN3 W�IEREAS9 certain special sssessmeuts ttave beea leaied with respect to certain land and said land he�s subsequently been eubdivided, NOW, THERERORE BB IT RESOY�VED, as fol2ows: That �he assessment �evi�c� against the io2lowing described parcel, to•�vit; The South 200 feet o# Lo� 6$ Me��olsnd Gardet►s, may and ehall be apportioned and divided as follw►s : ' Oacig�.�al �arcel South 200' of i�a� 6, M�loi�n@ Gaxdens Division of Parcel Apgraved West 25' of the South 200' of I.o� 6, Me1ola�ad Ga�cdens Fuud Rego So Ao Fund 3W�-48B (Sewer Lateral) F,�a � Reg, So l�, Fuad bW�48B (3�erer iaterel) Or�inal Awouat $ 326093 i,9t�a6o Original Amouat 40a86 194oi5 South 200° (Ex, Wa 25') of Sego So Aa Fuud 286v0� Zot 6, Melolsud Gardena SW�48B (5ewer Lateral' 1,i69.8S �i ADO D BY T GITY COUNC�I� 0� THE CI�X QF FRTDLBIt THIS Y DAY OF ^�) , 19b3o � ��� ATTEST: CITY CLERR - Marvin Co Bsuasell �iY�� � 6 i33iam , Nee � CITY M�ANA�S - 8ar1 Po Wagaer • • • . � 56 RBSOLiITION NOo 1963 � A ABSOLiDTION A�1TH�ItIZINa liND DIRECTING THE SPL��iG OF SPECI?eIa ASSBSSM8NT8 ON I.0T3 1$, l9, 20, A�iD 21, BLOCK 16, PLYM�i1T'�i ADDITION WHERLAS, certain apecial asaessmenta have b�en levi,ed with respect to certain laud and said land has subsequentl� beeu subdivided, NOW, THEBSFORE BE IT BS:AL98D, as fallowas That the assessment lev�ed ag,ainat the follawing deacribed parcel, to�wit: Lots !8, 2Q, �nd 21, Block 16, �ad LOt 19, Block 16. Piymoueh Additioa, may aad shall 'be apportioned and �ii�ided as followet 4rigiaal Parael Lots 18, 20, & 21, Black 16, Piymouth Addition Lnc 19, B1oGk 16, Plymouth A�dd�,tion Diwision of Parcel� ed LOt$ �i �1IIt� :I.�y $�,OCiC 16� Plywouth Addit3oa Lota 20 and 21� Block 16, Plqmouth Addi.tiaa Fuud �eg a S o A o Fttttd I958-Z S�reet 1959 Street Seg, S o A o Fup4d 1958-2 Street 1959 Street Ruad 8eg. So Ao Fund 2958a2 Street 1959 Street Reg� So Ao Fund 1958m2 S�reet 1959 Street A�IOP'TBY� BY 'PH1B C�iY C�U�iC T% OF TFiE C ITit OF FRIDI�EY TIi�S �F ���,C.e�e�v,wG-t/�� ,�.,,..�s 1963a A1TES3,' : � CITY C�.ERR � Masvi.n C, Hsunsall Original Ano�uat $1,OS6,15 89oi4 zos ozo 464 0 73 27019 68.40 Origiaal Aaount 780 e44 58a46 136.80 780.44 58b4T 136e80 �,,,/ __�_f_ DAY MAYQ� a Wi.11iam J. Nee CiTif MADT/� m&er Po Wagner � � � i ^ � 5'7 RESOY.iiT�ON NO o �1963 A RESOLDTION ADTHORIZING AHD DZRECTING THE SI'I.I.TTING OF SPSCIAL�.ASSBSSMENTS LOT 10, �PARCEI. 1060) AUDITOR'S �UBDIVISION NO, 89 W�xEASp certain special a�sseasmen�a hatre been le�ri�d wiCh respect to certain laad a�d said laad iiaa sulaaequently been subdivided, NQW, TI�EREFORE BB IT RESOLVSA, as follo�ws: Tha� tl�e essessmeat levied against the following deacribed gaxael, tomwit: Lut 12, (Parc�l 1060), Auditor's Sui�division Noo 89, ffiay and eh�sll be apportioned ana di�vided as follows s Oxis�inal Parc�l Lot 12, (Parcel 106D), Aud o Suia ; No o�9 Divisiun of Parcel prc�red Part of Lot 12, (Pa�cel 1060) Aud, Subo Noo 89 Part oE ]Lot 12, (Parcei �070) Audo Subo Noo 89 Fund Hego Sa Ao Fund W�34 Wates Msin Fund xego So Ao Fuad � W-34 Water Mai.0 xeg. So Aa Fuad W-34 Water M�ain Orig,inal Amoune g si o oi 307�89 OriSinal Awouat 4bo49 178058 3�+�02 1Z9,31 t�DO. ED $Y THE CITY ��:�„^�L OF TH� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �i'�`— DiAAY OP' e� t.�-y-+�-i� , 7.963 a � ATT85Tt CxTY CiLERK m 1'I8i V �D C 4 Sl�DSe21 MAYO� m William Jo Nee CITY MANAGER � Eaxl Po W�gner • • • �w RBSOLUTION NOo 1963 A RE30LUTION TRANSFBRRING OF CBRTAIN FUNDS �REAS, the City Couacil has previdusly autlwrized certain expeaditures ka�ond the i�udgeted amovats allocated Co the various departmeate of the City's General Ga�ernment not previously anticipa�ed in the I963 Budgete NOW, THERSFORE BE IT Ri330LVED, $y the City Councii of the Cityr of Fridley, meetiag at a regular seesion on the 2nd dap of December, 1963, as follaws; lo That eppropxiatious �or tbe following activitiea be reduced ss followe: Emer$encq Appropriation Voter RegistraCions � Elections Clerk-Treasurer Police Snow aAd Ice StreeC �nd Alley Court T(nAL, : $1,430a00 1,000000 160000 400000 3,OOOo00 3,OOOo00 800000 $9,�90000 2o That apgropriations for the follawing activities be iacrea,sed as follows: City Couucil Le$al Generai Gavernment Buildia�a Eagineex Equi�ent Shop InBUxax►c e $ 780000 1,810000 �a00 0 00 5,200000 80Uo00 800000 $9,3'9Ua011 ADOPTBD BY TH$ CITY COUDTCIL 0�' THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 2ND DAY OF DSCEMBER, 19630 AT't'1:ST : CITif CLEBK - Marvia Co Bruasell MAY08 - Willima Jo Nes CITY MANAC,�B 4 Barl Po fia$ner � \J • ' 59 I:.�a�,' �3F`4 �6'E2iD �?:1C�ftLS POR FIRST TEN MONTSS, I963 �, NOT ORYGINAi.LY BiTDGETE� Geu �Gcw� � l�ng o Rec � Che�tc No�_ Pa�ee _F�g_ Council Bld�so _�t, Dept, 81�4 Bus�a�ess Sert�, by Sue 3ecretary Fee ��Tsao) $ 62060 �2e6 Buai�ness Servo bq Sue Se�retary Re� QFebo� 17aa00 �2h7 Business Serwo by 3ue Rent of Sp�ce far Bngo Depto �Fe�o & Marchj $202050 5�23 Dicuaphone �ospo Mfxer Bax 130000 832.3 Dictaphon� ��rpe Tr��s�ri�i�g Macho 375r00 83��c N� W� S�ured SouAd ��rstem 933a48 83R6 Record�k C�rpo Micro Rilm Reacler �4 Bus��ae�� S��t o by Sue Sec�et�rg Fee �iarch� 32b ok5 44 ��as�ness S$rc8 o bp Sue Ren� of Space fos E�go Depto �Apail� 135000 1�a6 Aiotox°��s Radio �Engo Aept,) ?2G �usinesa Ser�a by Sue Secret�ry Fee (April) 268040 22G Bugix�ess S��vo by Sue Rent of Space for Eng, Dept o(IKay) 135 a 00 24� M¢��0rola Radio �Engo Deptoj 30�i Dic��ghone Coxpa Dict�a�i�g Machi�ae Engo Office �a�3 Idusiness Servo �y Sue Secretary Fee �May� 228045 �S�tf Business Sexvo by Sue Reat of Space £or Engo Degto (�une� 135000 69S Busi�aess Se�r o b,�r Sue Secretaxy Fee ��Tune� 265 081 635 Bus��ess 3�xvo �y 3ue Rexit �f Space $or En$o Dept o ��Tuly� 135 , 00 f��� �usi�ess S�rv o lay Sue Secre�ary Fee Q.Iuly) 212 0 91 8;�51 Bus��uess S��o �;� Sue Renx �f Spa�ce fox Engo D�p�o (Augus�� 335000 4`e� Sanbe��i'_�s�n E�;�� o Sewe� Rep��� ��� ste�� �r ��. E�� o s��� at����� �i32. Midwe�s�. q�e�1�� Sewe� Regaax� A53 Sul�ur'�ffin E�ag o Sewe� R��os� ��i� Su��riv�an Er��� Sewe� Re�sa��� ��,1 � Subu�c�aa� E�g o Sewer Repor� 1�$4 �usia�ess S��a � 3ue 5ec�e�t�� Fg� �AugoD 201050 1R84 �u���ess Se�o � Sue Rex�� fox Ean$o�Sepa�;� b35o00 1225 �usi�aess S�� o�% Sue Sec�e�a�n �ee �Sept o� 225 o OU 1�25 �usimess S��o � Sue Ren� fos E�g., �O��o� 135Q00 1�s5 3' Bus ��ness S�>� a� Sue Secsetnry F�e �O�t o� 356 0 00 1�5� Bus�.�eas Se�o � Sue Ren�t for N�, �Eng�� 135000 7�ransfe� tc� Recreation �'u�d not originall� �SUdgetced __ ,_�, �OTAtaS a Leg�l Sea�ices $415000 566000 49fi o 90 434060 766000 799000 26025 i,540o00 1,�r63a50 309a85 �iz $5,700000 3 762ob0 $1,282050 $7,11�010 �S,�QOoOd ��3'a. �x�a�e�r K�i��an Legel Sex�tices � °�7�000 If3%� i�uaa� Smith Legal Ser�i�ea 19035000 AVi6lArn7: $1' ViDoO� b� A transfer of $28�SOoQO fsodn the �aspec�ion Department to the Fi�ce Depar�e�t was necess�ry as the �x�apector �o �e his'ed wf,l� �e a paA� �f �he Fire Depaxtment, 2o T�a�sferes of $2,000,00 from S�re�t �a Equipment Shop was necessa� as a�xeager percea�age of the Publi,c Woxks Depar�men� time is sp��t �n shmpo 3� ��x��sfes c�f $�00�.00 fr� �ou��; t� ii�sg�ita�3.z��i�� ?xasu�c��ace c��,s �e�es��x�; U �sa�v�r�orr Noo �8� l96„� 3 A�ESOLUTYQi�d 1�F1��G ��A�Ii�YI�i� � ACTS OF Ti� CI7�'Y COUNCIL TABCEI+T ON � �R 11 a 3.9�i3 Q�N RE��C'E TO TFi� i3�RTii Si�URBAN �ITA��t �t A�S7�'RiCT � 6�i�s. �ie Cit� Co�neil of F=idleye Minat�so�tas did on Nov� �,16 1�6� o a� a sp�caal �i�xiq th��o�o adopt a�tesolution arad Pe�itio� £�� t3�e �vi��awal of th� City og Fgidi�y �rom the I�os�kDi �ub�rba,al Sa�iitaYy St��C I)�.s�iC� o and �,� ��� a�tivn of t1�.� G�.�g Council oa Nov�+aber 11, ].963, co�ac�n�d pub�.�c bu��.s���� aiad fi�at accion on a public holi- day wa� n�c�ssary b�ause o� fihe ax�nounced intentioa of the Narth Su�3au�bag► Saas�ta�y S�ewes Di.stric�e Boasd to incur liability and let a�vagds fo� cons�ctian eontracts oa� th� meoting day of the North Su�tarban Sanitaaey Sewer Dis9-aciet Board o naa�ly 1�7ov�e9r 12 � 1963 0 �aNT, �RE�'ORE, BE 3T RESOLir'�A t3zat �� act�oa� o� the �i�y Counci3. o� t�e City of Ficidl�ey i.n c�r�ec�io� wi�h �h� Reso- • 7.u��ton and P��3.�ioas fo� �a� wi4�.'�,�abral o€ t3ae Ci�g of �ridl�y �som �Yae �ior� stabiarba.xi �a�i�.a�rgr s�w�r D�.s'tar�.�t as taken afi tbe sgecial tin� of �aa Ci�� ���c�Jl cn �a� ].Ao 1963, be in all reasp�s aif am� �a��.��� � ��•' ` � f,' i,i� ,t.F; 1'_ �" �t:, '1: r 1r 1 1'. i„ y[ F., ,�.. ATTESTa cI�°3t �LE�ic � �arv�n eo B�cua,selx. n LJ t+9AYQi�, - W ill i�► J e gTes CITY i�FiNA�A -��7C7. P o S+i�guet �.'� `. ,� . . — �...__;_T_.�., . �:�+�«..: .,.� ... ...�..:;�..�� _� .� :� ���_. .. ;; , . , , _ � . .�. . _. . . �i' I �'',� ;'_ � F f � , . i , r: RESOLUTION �� 1-96-1963 � :�' A RESOLUTION ACC�PTING AND APPROVING PLANS •' FOR A ADDITION TO THE CITY FIRE STATION, ' , _ s ADVERTISTNG FOR BIDS, AND THE ENTERING INTO • LEASE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE FRIDLEY VOLUNTERR ' FIREt;ANS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed plans prepared by Smiley & Associates for the addition to the City Fire Station be accepted and , i approved. ,� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Manager be authorized and ,� directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said addition. � ' � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be directed to �, , t �� prepare the necessary instruments to permit the erection and construction �+ u of said addition by the Fridley Volunteer Firemans' Relief Association �' � from its funds with a lease of said addition to the City of Fridley over , �I : �. � , � a period of fihree years with title to then vest in the City of Fridley. , �� t � Adopted this 2nd day of December, 1963. , � ,y : � , ,� . � .q . � � � � .. . . � � . � .. � . . � . � . , . . . . � � . ..� � . . . . � � � , � � . . � . . � .,h� � . � . . . . � � . . , ..� � - �. � . . . . . � � . . � - � ... . � � � � . . . � . .. � . . � . '� � .. � . � . . . � . � . � . . . . . . . . . .. .: . . . .._ i3 ATTEST: Mayox :� ..� �n� • a�, ;.� � Clerk Manager I y� �� �� � �;� :.� ;.,6 �:5, i I