12/03/1963 - 6051� ���C�A,L COUiN�I�, M�BT�N'� - DI3CLMSER 3, 196� , 8 P.M a. EiAYES SCH�OL R,AI,3G� �A,LL � � � .� BLTS�N��S: � . ^ � _, �?uL�1i� �i�a�ing � Detac�amecrat fram North Suburban ,- � � �ar�i�.a�y �e�re�c DistriGt o ,�, �.� � �" �, 3 � � � ��`- / �� D �� Z.�-� �l�-. _ y ���rati�21�Y: i � 0 / / • � Pages I - 60 ,� • � . .....�.. _:.. _ lridlsy. Zan,ws.oca No�►�b�r 11. 19b3 �E80I�JTIOt11q. Z80-19 �E��1'rl�l PRO�YIDII'� �OR D�?ACll�NT Olr '1'AE LAlID3 Alp A�iA WIT9IN T� CITY OF F[tIDLET 1�'R�I T1� l�ft?8 9Q�TR� 3ANTlA�Z SEWER DISTRICT. iiE�itF.AS, the City of Fridley i� noM coatractia� Mitb tlu Gity of Minneapolis, Minneaota, for .evase diaposal service and iiad� thi• , relationahip to be sufficient and eatisfactory at thi• tiwe��aud Wl�REAS. the itosth Suburban Sanitary Sewer District ras ac�eti�� ' purausnt to Minneaota Extra Ses�ion La�+� of 1961, Chapter 90, aad h�• �atrtM into an agreement xith the City of Minneapolis� Minnasota� to acqutrs �Qi!!�i sevar capacity which conte�plates that after the isauance of benda st tM N.S.3.3.D. that it will have tiie exclusive right to outleta far seNa�,�. capacity vithin the araa of ttu total District. and Wi��EAS, Fridley taxpayera have inve�ted in thia di�posal cs�Cit� by �aying both an area aasessaent, Qlc�e ad valoraa tax�s on all taxabla property, regardlesa of vhether or not a connection serw� ths t�s,�ari[' and/or his land at the present ti�ne, and WEIEREAS. the Fridley City Council finds that no finsuce plaa considered by the Board of Trustees of the H.S.S.S.D. provida• equita►ls compenaation to Fridley taxpayers for th�ir inveatsant in and right� te this present ae�+age disposal capacity, and Wi�AEAS, the Fridleq City Council believes that ths usa ot �i valorem taxe• b�.the N.S.S.S.D. furth�r ca�pounds td� i�quity to tt►� Fridley taxpayar, and �-�.�"`�`�_ � �AS, an aivi�orp vot� ya� c,onductad la t� City oi Trillq � � on Navea�b�r S, 1963, in vi�ich 1,603 cltistas oppo��d MtrtioipstiN L t�t N.S.S.S.D., 693 favorad participation, and 521 dia not vot� oa tM �M�tia�, and Wl�;LB, $sctioa P of Zli��ota bctra S���iaa La� ot 1lil, C/yt,st 90, pravide� a procadurs ior d�tacl�ir� a unit of s�vfs�nt trw� �si! Diatsl�,t, and NER�EA3, on Nava$sr 11, 19f3, at 9:00 o'aloek p.m. � tbe lt�idlh City Council upo�a dus aotice did seet •p�cisllq tc aoaaid�s tlN �wttio� of withdra�ral froa the 1b=th Suburban Saaitarp Saasr M�trict. sE IT �30LYSD: 1. That all of the laada or ar�a of th� City of txi�laq► 1� detached a'd �ithdraWa fro� the borth 3upurbaa S�tnitaxy Srwr DLatttst. 2. hrrther re�olved that a public hearia� b� h�li on Dk�b�! � 3, 1%3, at 8:00 o'clock p.�e., st Hay�s ichool, 615 lf.S. lti��l�tip�i it�t, Fridley, 1�i�aarota, or at wch oth�r tiae aad pl�ce a� t�a� b� �a�ipst�l 17 the Board of the llorth Suburban Sanit�ry Sw��r Di�trict to eon�ij�s �►s withdrtwal and d�tac�t of the lands a� area wlthin ths Ctt� oi Trillh from ths 1(ozth Suburban Sanitary 3wrer Dl�trict. 3. � it furthsr sasolved that the City Hanasss oi t1M City oi Fridley, Kinn�aota, b� dirsctad and authoris�d to hav� s�s�r�d a eo� oi thia Resolutiop, a copq of tha ?stitioa fos D�tach�at, aad a�ptiel� �! the public h�as�ing upon th� appropriate oiiicer� of �ach of tlr tisits o! gavern�eat involv�d ia th+� •aid N.3.S.S.D., upon t6e S�er�taty ot tbe Nasd of the N. S. S. S. D, ,�d upon th� lloasd oi Co�at� Coriia ivnera oi �noka Couat�, and that in addition �otice b� publi�h�d ia 1�=al nwa*a�r� for ta� ot �ai�i • unita. .� �,. �. � . � � .- .i: . f"�U"-.'�a�`� .�r.�w �» � ; i. � ' �' v :. �.���+�11�JM...�._ . . - .i 4. l�'urttier raaol� tlut the ltayor �tid 1lanaiss Ds a�ttidris�d and dirscted to axscut� a Petition for Dsta�lrsot Mbodyist th� provi�ioua of this is�olution and a copy of Kid Pstition bs attacb�d 1�sr�to fark�d• �chibit n�" aad rde a p�st hersof. The �rotion for the a8optioa of ths facasoie� lesolutioa ws tri� . by Council*an Shesidto CcwnciL�an '��'� aeconded said notioa far adoptioa. Upon vota th� follovimg �ra voted Ays: � � Shszidan 3rook ' 3�� . Y'ha folla+ing �rs vot�d 1tay: Yb�ts Adopt�d t�ie llth day of lbvesbar, 1963. ATTEST: , ��/ �C�� Manager CITY 0! �mI.BY : . � ll�yat � ,. . � � � � � � �� ,z;:. � ��:� � ��� � t � � � F � �� . ; i � � t� �r � ?ha City Ca�ncil si tha Cit�r sf 1►tidln, .Ni�Nts, lwltsh p�titioaa ths �trd of tha M�cth �burbaa :anitsr� lwrrr dt�triet ta -T-��--�,.�,� ,�: i � �.�� � 4 detacl� is�a th� Diatrict all Ot tbs landa lyin= witYin ths a�ar�r�t� i liait� of ths Cit� of Tridlty. ; , ?!rs Srouewds i� dst�e�est ua a� follan : �� � { 1. TM City oi Fridle� wov ha• wiiicisnt �nd aatiaf�st� j . � s�r�s di�rMl �rr�ice Mith tbe City o� Miao�slia. , �; _ :� 2. T� taspay�r• in ths City �i �ridte� �w ies+��t�i i� 1�if � � "� �; � �; di�poul capaesty d� papins both an asa �saa�srst �'la� a� wl�r �i , � _ � �n all ts�ab�e }�op�rt�r rMardlass of �rhsthss � t�t a coAaKtiN MeMM :� � � � the taxp�rsr and/or h3a laud at t�rs preasnt tiss. .� 3. ?he Citr Gwncil oi pridlsy tiaia tb�t oo flw�ae+� �L� � i �:. considsr�d bq ths bard of Tru��e�• of th� Nareh �barban i�sit� M� �'� �, _ Diatrict provide• �quitable cc��pensation to lcidl�q tas*sye=• i� tlU�%� � , 4 inwst�ent ia and rights to their pressnt uci�tit� diaposal sa*�ily: � � , 6. ?hat ths use of ad valor� tsn�s bq tb� lt.S.S.S.t. turtb�s � '"`� cc�pounda th� inequit� to tha Fridley taapa��r. ! S. ?iut tse City ef Tridlhr baa an �sistin: and o�1tt�� I , sanitary saw�r qstw and tlrt iastb�r o�tl�t capicity vill Mt ra :��� ; ` `' � a�ailable from th� City oi Miaewltplis un�c pcss�ot �cop��al� !=w �� f , 1 �h. p. a. s. s.a. a�as�a. : I 6. ?� vot�s• in tlu Cit�r oi �ri�isy► on �r�e s, 1lia. ;; , _ i ; expreaaed by an advi�cy vots ti�at th� City •� �lridlh► s�onlj �ttl�rw , _ froa the b.3.3.S.D., �n that 1.603 citis�na vl�tad to �►it6dtca�t, N� �� ,�;' favorad continud pasticipstion �nd S21 did n�t wt� oa tla qvsstie�. ' � � III a , I, � � � a p ;� �� ���� �",l �J _J ' {� �..:.�.�.i�__._._..a3._..�..,..«..._ � � � �� _ --,� r.. ,,.�,.� �,; �'.:... ;.. Jr 7. That li.S.S.S.D. at the pre�ent ti�me can furniah no benefit to th� Gtxpaptra and property holdars within tba City of Fridley. ; 8. That it ia not to the beat interests of the taxpayers, reaidents and pcoparty awners of the City of !'ridley to incur a liability and reapon- oibility to the 11.S.S.S.D. vrhich preaently does not have a veated sewer aap�city coem�ction, that preeently doea not haw a savage distribution �t�a in o*eratioa,•doea not ha�re a Court validated organisation and stincture fc+r opsration, and doea not pre�ently iaave any different means of a�rase diapoul available to it dti na+ a:iat• to the City of Fridley. �lYti'r: G���� C ak � � ` CI'1'Y CQINCII. OF TI�E CITY OF PRIDI.BY, lQNIIESOTA BY DY ��Cz� [.( � i/� It• Manager DiA'laD: This llth day oi liove�ber, 1963.. � � _._._..;�.�. _..� , . �., ,� I� � I: � � *:::_ � : ;:. ia�rtcs �. ���� � , _ r�-� i� �..:... � #. � � � � � ., � ,� :, � ;: �.: ' `;� �� ::� 8�?�� Gl► �i.L Olr 'L'� LYOQ a! 17i CI'1? 0! FtIDLil, ,� M��i�'!A !RQ! '� �?d �Df1�D�M �IYit? S�iliA DIS'l��CT � � � � � �• :�>�: � :,.,�h �' . ..�. �o�, ff'�' `. �{ 5�.�1 '�i �_ �� � � �,. -' ;� ,��''. � , � �'. ���.:,y.(� Yi �i :�:� ?A�i iq?ICf: 1be Coracil oi t`e Cit� oi lhrL�le�, !li�mota baa ��., , �: Mtiti�o�1 tor tb� dstactrest of •I1 lada ia •ai1 City froa tb� lbrth 'f� 3�relae Yait �; ar� �wrsr Di�tr iat . "%, . :; ♦ Iratiss ia htr�lp call�d t� coasiler •aid petition at lars 3cbool, � �' 61S w.�. itlssissi�i 8tr+�t, T�ridlnr� Ilim�asota, 4a �ece�r 3.�_, at itQiO T.M. (�r at s�ch otl�ar tir ad plae� a� wisht ba isaip�ated ihr ths u..� �s ce. �ce s�re� a.�c.�r Swrsr Di�trict). I � s r. ,, � .i,� ;:; �, � �: � �� �.ts �,: � _ ;,��:; . a. ,, I �; - � r . � � ' � � `�:F . . . j�. 'r�i'd�.a' 7 x ; .,. r . ���yy �.,�.� 5 e � i.gC�: "4_��;