01/02/1963 - 00023435� � PURCHASE Or STORM �WER LINE - - E & M DEVFIa7PMENT 1 � Q� Councilman Sheridan asked how the price of $73,500.00 was determined. Mr. Kohlana City Attorney� e�cplained that it was tne cost of the contract plus a flat percentage, There was discussion on the background of this work and alsoa the method of assessing. The �73��D0,00 had been added to the coat of Project No. 24-A, and the total cost had been assessed to the total benefitted area. Ma�or Pro-tem Nee stated that he had a question as to whether or not this line should be a lat�ral rather than part of the main, and questioned the 24 inch as the breaking point for the main and lateral. AES'JLUTION N0. 213-1962 RELATING TO YQ�1Gl�Ul�:�?ti7�1.7�y Mr. Kohlan� City Attorne,p� read the above resolution and the agreemeat, Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded 'oy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no navs� the motion carried unanunotisl,y. ADJOURNMENT: There bein� no further business, Ma,yor Pro-tem Idee declarFd the meeting adjourned. Respect£ully snbmitted: Marvi?t� B nsel�yl �f Secretary to the Council C�OUNCIL MEETING - JATJUARY 2, 1963 l�� � ,��,��� ` . �!��._ �-� William Nee �/Ayert � „0- TET�i v The organi7�ational meeting of the City Council for Januar,y 2� 1963 was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Nee. ROLL CALL: Members present: Members abesnt: Johanson� Sheridan, Wolkey Atee Greig SWEARINGIN OF WII,LIANI J. N::E AS MAYOR AN➢ GLEN W. JDHANSON AS CDUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE BY CITY CLERK: � Mr. William J� Nee was given the oath of of£ice by the City C].erk and presented with his certificate of elect�on. Mr. Glen W. Johanson was sworn in by the C2tv Glerk as Councilman-at-large and was presented his certificate oF election. �S'JLIITION N0. 1-1963 DECLARING A VACIu�ICY ON THE L FOR The City Manager read the above resolution. Motion b,y Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon avoice vote� there 6eang no na,vs, the motion earried unanimously. APPOINI"�IE;ITS: Councilman Johanson stated that the floor should be open for appointmants. Moc,�_on by Wolke to adopt Peter Brook� 71�50 Central Avenue Northeast, Fridleg, Minnesota, � �_4 as Councilman £or the First Ward. Seconded by Sheridan. Those voting in favor, Johansony Sheridan� Wolke. Opposed, N�e. Motion carried. OATH OF OLFICE - PETER BR�OK: Motion by Wolke to swear in Peter Brook at once� and to have him take his place at the Counetl table. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice votet there beir� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � IN OF PETER BROOA AS COUNCILMAN DF TI� FIRST WARD BY THE CITY CLERK: Mr. Peter Hrook was given the oath of off�ce by the City Clerk. APPOINTM"'NTS: RE-APPOINTME?V'P OF GEORGE DANIELSON TO THE PLATS AND Si1BDIVISIONS SUB-CONllKITTEE: Councilman wolke asked i£ anyone had talked to Mr. Danielson. Councilman Sheridan stated that he felt 5ure that Mr. Danielson would be willing to serve again on this Sub-committeeo Motion by Johanson to re-appoint George Danielson to the Plai�s and Subdivisions Sub-committee £or a term of 3 years. Seconded by Wolke, Uoon a voice vote, there being no na�rs� the motion carried unan snouslY. RE-APPOPVTMENT OF CHARLr�S JOHAN�N AS CHAIF�'IIN �F THE BUILDING ST1uVDARDS SV3-CONIMI'PTEE : Motion by Sheridan to re-appoint Charles Johanson as Chairman of the Building Staadards Sub-committee for a term o£ 3 years. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ps, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF DA4ID HARRIS TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE STRcETS AND UTILITIES SUB-CONIMITTEE: CounciLman wolke asked David Harris if he would be willing to serve on this Sub-coirmiittee. Mr. Harris stated that he would. Motion by 'NOlke to appoint David Harris to the Streets and Utilities Sub-co�nittee for a texm of 3 years. Seconded by Johanson. Unon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RE-APPOINTMII�IT OF MARDENE EICHORN TO THE: PARKS AND PLAYGFd�UNDS STJB-COMMITT};E: Motion by Sheridan to re-appoint Mardene Eichorn to the Parks ard Playgrounds Sub-committee for a teim of 3 years. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unan�mously. REPLACEMENT FOR CLYDE E. STEd7PdG ON THE PARKS ANll PLAYGROUNDS SUB-COMMITTEE: Motion by wolke to pas.� thos appointment over to the next regular Council meeting. Seconded bv Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no naysy the motion carried unanimaisly. RF,PLACEMENT OF WILLIAM J. NEE BY COUNCILMAN BERNARD 1vaLKE ON THE CITY-SCHOOL REGREATION COMMISSION:� Mayor Nee stated that he was submitting his resi�nation from the City-School Recreation Commission as o£ this date. Motion by Johanson to accept William J. Nee�s resignation and to appoint Bernard Wolke as the replacement for Wi�liam J. Nee on the City-School Recreation Commission. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naps� the motion carried unanimously. , RE-APPOINTMENT OF RAI�i50ME GOODRICH AND STEVE GABRICK TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Motion by Sheridan to re-appoint Ransome Goodrich and Steve Gabrick to the Board o£ Appeals £or terms o£ 3 years. Seeonded by Johanson. Upon avoice vote� there being no nayss the motion carried unanimously. REPLACr�E,IENT OF DAVID HARRSS ON THEPOLICE COMMISSION BY DONALD SAVELKOUL: Mr. David Harris who was present� stated that he wished to resign from the Police Coimnission. He stated that he wi11 submit a written resignation� and he would remain on the Commission until a replacement has been appointed. Motion by Sheridan to appoint Donald Savelkoul to fill out the unexpired term of David Harris. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � � � � 1 � � _, a � ,� APPOINTMENT OF MORRIS STRAUS TO REPLACE C. WILLIAM CRFII�'IER ON POLICE COi�7MISSION: Motion by Sheridan to anpr�:�t Morris 5t�aus to replace C, William Cramer on the Police Commission £or a term of 3 years. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a vo�ce votea there being no navs, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO THE BUTLDING BOARD: The City hYanager stated that these appointments would be af�ective January 15, 1963. RE-ltpPOIAITMENT OF GLEN W. JOHAN3�N TD THE BUILDSNG BOARiI: Motion by Sheridan to re-appoint Glen W, Jqhanson to the Building Board as the Council representative. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there be;ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF ROBERT J. HUGHES TO FILZ THE VACANCY OF THE ARCHITECT REPRESEIQTATIVE ON THE BUIL➢ING BOARD: Motion by Wo1ke to appoint Robert J. Hughes as the Architect representative to the Building Board. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF CLYDE AL LEN TO FILL THE VACANCY OF REPRESENTATIVE FRDM THE FIRST WARD ON THE BUILDZNG BOARD: Motion by Johamson to appoint Clyde Al1en, 170 Hart�nan Circle� as the representative from Ward One on the Building Board, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl�. ° RE-APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM SHIELDS, JR. TO THE BUILDING BOARD AS REPRESENTATIVE Motion by Johanson to re-appoint Willi�n Shields� Jr. as the representative for Ward Two on the Building Board, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanunously. RE-APPOINTMENT OF GORDON HARSTAD TO THE BUILDING BOARD AS REPRESENTATIVE FROM WARD THREE: Motion by Wo1ke to re-appoint Gordon Harstad as the representative £or Ward Three on the Building Board, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a wice votea there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RE-APPOIN`1MENT OF RAYMOND E. SHERIDAN TO T'rIE SUBURBAN GAS AG�,NCY BOARD: Motion by Johans�n to re-appoint Raymond E. Sheridan to the Suburban Gas Agency Board, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote,, there being no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. APPOINTTIENT OF WILLIAM J. NE� TO THE SUBURBAN GAS AGEIUCY BOt1RD TO REPLAC& T. E. GREIG AS ALTERNATE REPAESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD: Motion by Wolke to appoint William J. Nee as the alternate representative to the Suburban Gas Agency Board. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voic� vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. AE-APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM J. NEE AS THE fbUNCIL RN,PRESENTATIVE TO THE NORTi-I SUBiTRBAN SANITARY SEWER ➢ISTRICT BOARD: �Motion by Wolke to re-appoint William J. Nee as tY�e Council representative ta the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District Board, Seconded by Johanson, IIpon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanunousl,y. APPOIN'1S7F,NT OF GLEN W. JOHAN50N AS MAYOR PRO-TEM: Motion by Sheridan to appoint Glen W, Johanson as the Mayor Pro-tem. Secondsd by Wolke. Upon avoice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTING RESOLUTIDN N0. 2-1963 DESIGNATING AND APPOINTINU WILLIAM J. NEE AS REPRESENTATIVE TO 'i?iE BOARD �F TRIISTEBS OF THE NOR`PH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT: � ��� Motion by Wolke to adopt the above reso.lution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the mbtion carried unanimously. RESOLUTTON N0. 3-1963 DESIGNATING A IEGAL NEWSPAPER: Mayor Nee read a letter £rom the Fridley News asking that they be considered for the legal newspaper of the City o£ Fridley� and thanking the various City o£ficials for the cooperation in the past, and outlining their quali£ications to be the legal newspaper. Motion by Wolke to adopt the resolution designating � the Fridley News as the legal newspaper for the year o£ 1963. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY Ft1ND5: Councllman Sheridan stated that he felt that the General Fund should be transferred to the Fridley State Bank. There was discussion as to whether any of the other accounts shauld be moved from the Fidelity Bank and Camden Bank. Motion by Sheridan to designate the Fridley State Bank as a depository for all the General and Special Assessment Funds� with the move to be completed by April 1, 1963� and the City Clerk to make the t�ransfer over a period of ti�ne. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a vozce vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johanson to designate the Camden Northwestern State Bankc of Minneapolis as the dapositor,y Por the Municipal Liquor Dispensary Fund. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to appoint the Fidelity State Bank of Minneapolis as the depository for the P�ablic IItility k5ind. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. l�-1963 DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMBER DF REGULAR COT,INCIL MEETINGS: The City Manager read the above resolutzon designating the first and thixd ' Monday of each month as the Council meeting nights at 8:00 P.M. Motion by Wolke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Stieridan. Upori a voice vote, there being no nays� ihe motion carried unanimously. WAIVING NOTICE TO BRING UP ADDITIONAL MATERIAL AN➢ SUSJECTS AT THE COUNCIL ORGAAIL2ATIONAL N�ETING: Councilman Johanson stated that he had several items that he wished to bring up and discuss. Motion by Sheridan to waive the requirement of 2!� hour notice� and allow additional materia2 to be aonsidered at this tune at the organizational meeting, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there be�ng no na,ys� the motion carried unanvnously. AIITHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAG�R TO N�GDTIATE FOR GFFICE SPACE IN THE BUSINESS AIlUD PROFESSIONAL BUTZDING: Councilman Johanson moned that the City Manager be authorized to ne�otiate a contraet witn Mr. & Mrs. Wally Miskowic for addit3onal space� transferring the drafting tables, all maps and as-builts� and drafting personnel from the Engineering Department to the Business and Professional Building. Seconded by Sheridano Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unan vnously. _ Councilman Wolke asked i? the City Manage� wnuld bring this matter back to the Council before the final okay is given. It was decided that this be brought ' back to the Council be£ore a final decision was made. Councilman Johanson sugaested that the City Manager should be authorized to commence with the micro-filming of a.11 as-builts and other engineerir� records. Mn Kohlan� City Attorney� stated that this may cost a considerable amount of money. PLACING BUILDTNG INSPECTIDN i7NllER THE SUPERVISION OF TI3� CITY ENGINEER -(TABLING ACTION : _ �—_ � � ._ _. � Motion by Johansen that the Bu�lcling Inspection Department be plac�d under the direct supervision or the City Engineer� and that the Duilding Inspection Department be moved into the Cit�rEngireer�s of£ice. Seconded by Sheridan. �17 Cotmcilman Wolke stated that be£ore this is passed he would like tc give more thought to �t, and that the Council should not rnsh into it, Councilman Johanson stated that he felt the Building Inspection Department had gi_ven the City an uniavorable image„ Mayor Nee stated that he had talked to the City Engineer? and �he City Engineer had told hzrri that he could absorb this additional work. Councilman Johanson stated that this matter oould be tabled until the next meeting. Motlon by Wolke to table this matter on the Building Inspectson Department untll the neyc regular neeting, Seconded by Councilman Erook, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �➢IREGTING TI?E CITY NiANAGER TO RE-NEGOPIATE A COAITRACT WZTH GQMSTOCFi ANO DAVTS, INC., CO[VSULTING ENGSNEERS TABLING ACTION� : ' Mation by Johanson to h�ve the City Manager� or Counc�l� negotiate a chanae in the contraot with Comstock and Davis, Inc.} Consulting Engineersa wher�eby they work on a ilat percenta�e ratea and further thxt all work processed by said firm be accepted onlyr a£ter complete approval of the City Manager and City Engineer. Motion seconded by Sheridan. Motion by kiolke to table action on this matter until the next meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Unon avoicc vote, there being no naysa the motion carried unanimousl,v. CITY ATTORt1EY: Motion by Johanson that the Attorne}� £or the City oF Fridley resign k�is pesition as the Attorne,y for the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer Uzstrict, and secer a11 ties that he has s.r�th the Dlstrict� or he would no lor�E�er be retained as the Attoxne�T for the Cit�� of Fridlev. Coune�_lman Johan�on stated that the City has tFro very able reprssentatives to the Dlstrict in N1r. Nee and Mr. Nagel, and Counc�_1- man uohanson stated th3t he had no doubt that he �s getting the best and unbiased opinicn £rom the professionals� but he would like ta have himself put on record as being opposed to the condition as it now exists, Councilman Johanson stdted that all o£ these matters could be put on the agenda for January 7� 1963 Council meeting, �Councilman Johanson stated that certain other problems woulcl be straightened out if ihe above item in reference to the"Consultzng Engineers wer�e resol�ed as per his suggestions. REPORTS TO HE GIVEN TO 'PHE CITY COiJNCIL ON ALL AB(JVE ACTION SO DIRECTED: Councilman Johanson stated that there is too much being lost in the shuffle. Councilman Johanson stated that complete reports shoul� be given by the Cit�� Manager to the Council on all action so direcied. INFO�iN� MEEPING = JAIJUARY � 1963: Councilman Wolke stated that he would like to discuss some �£ the above matters bafore action is taken. There was a diseussion on c,hen the Council should meet inforn:ally to go over these matters brought up by Counci7.zr!an Johanson. The Counczl decided that an iciformal meeting be held in the model house of Mr. Wolke at 7:30 P,M. on Fridaya January !�� 1969, and the public, or angone who wished to attend was invited. ADJOIIRNMENT: There being no £urther business� Councilman Wolke mo�red that the meeting be ad,7ourned. Seconded by Jnhanson. Upon a voice votea there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. � Respect£ully submitted; ' �,� q `�` L����✓�.� 1/ v `"�-_ Marvin . Brunse MAYOR - William� Nee Secretary to the Council