02/04/1963 - 00023402� f� 6
A regular meetin� of the City Council oi' the Citiy of Fridley �aas called to order by
Nayor Nee at 8:04 P.M.
Members Present: Brook� Johanson, Pdee, Sheridan
Members Absent: F2olke
Motion by Johanson to �pprove the minutes of the regular meeting of January 21, ig63
as prepared and recenred� Seconded b5� Sheridan. Upon a voiee vote� there being no
nays, the motion carr�ed Lmanimo�sly.
The Clty Manage-r read the Notice of IIearing srom the offieial newspaper and explained
ordinance in d?tazl. There were r:o persons who appeared For or �gainst the above
ordinance. Motion by Sheridan that hearing be closed. Seconded by Brook. Upon a
voice vote, there �eing �o nays, the motion carried unanimously.
The C1tiy Manager gave second reading of above ordinance. Motion by Sohanson to accept
this a� �he second reading of the said ordinance� that said ordinance be adopted and
published. Seconded by Sherzdan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion
carr�ed unanimous]y.
�A]3LED 1%27 %�:----- -------------�_.—,— — --
The City Manager gave second reading of above ordinance. Nlotion by Sheridan to
accept L-his as the second reading of said ordzn�nce� that said ordinance be adopted
a�d publ_shed, Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the
mo'clon carried unanimously,
The City Manager gave second reading of above ordinance. D4otion by Johanson to accept
this as the second reading oi' eaid ordinance and that said ordinance be adopted and
published, Seconded by Brook. Upor. a voice aote� there being no naysy the motion
czrriea unanimously.
i'ne City Nanager su�gested that the above item be postponed until the next regular
meetin°. Motion by Johanson thai: second reading of the above ordinance be contlnued
until the next re�ular meeting. Seconded by ;herldan. Upon a voice vote, there be-
ing no nays, the motion cr3rried unanimousl,y.
'ihe CitS�I�?anager gave second reading of above ordinance. Councilman Johanson stated
that he had some questions relative to the ordinance. He wished to linoTa, regarding
Sectio?� 2 of said ordinance - did the people have the chaece to pay this ir. full.
�'or example, suppose, it was stated, that in the 3rd or 4th year� you zaantied to pay
the assessment in full� City Attorney Kohlar. stated the statute doesn't authorize
this. The CitS� Manager explained that a portion couldn't be payed or any part oi it,
but that you could pay all of the assessment or �ust what is due that year, after it
has been certified. City Attorney Kohlan explained tha� once the assessmert has
Ueen put on the books on the Count3 level, it ie comple�e. It was explained tihat
bef'ore certification, a portion can be paid but afLer that, �ust one payment or a11
of it. Mr. Mann of the firm of Ehlers and Nann explained they would prob�bly accept
� portion� but the interest had 6een computed� so the person paying wouldn't be sav-
ing anythin�, they iaovld si,ill be paying the interest Por 20 years. Councilman
Sheridar, raised the question "wliy not allow partial prepayment". City Attorney
Koh1�n said that the preeent statuties don't au�horize it. The C1ty is paying for
5 r.ent entry on every roll so that every tirr,e a persoi� taas allowed to come and pay�
you would be expending ;n administrative costs, City doesn'L- allow p�rtial prepa,y=
ment aiter certification. Councllman Sheridan said that he felt it iaas �usi, another
ordinance that :aould clutter up the boolis. Cizy AL-torney Rohlan scated that i,he
City was going as far at the present time as the la�a would allow. Motion by Sheridan
to accept this as the second readin� of said ordinance aad that sald ordin�nce be
adopted and published. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being �,o nays�
the motilon carried unanimously.
The City idar.ager �ave second reading of above ordinance. Notion by Sheridan to
accept this as the secord reading oi' said or�lnance� th�t said ordznance Ue adopted
and published. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the
motion carried unanimousl,�.
Notion by Johanson to table above ltem until arrlval of Couecilman Wolke. Seconded
by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carrie3 unanimously.
The City Nianager stated that t]le above resolutioi� had been taeled iro;� i;he previous
meeting because oF only three members being present, He �lso stated that it did
' appear that tLere would be no future �ssessment o❑ the above. Counc2lmzn Johansc,n
etated �ha+ the only reason a llne would ever Ue put in would be to take care of
the proper�y Nortn. Czty Manager read the aUove reeoluzlon, Motion by Johanson to
adopt Resolution {�i3-1963 authorizin� the spli�t]ng o� ceri,ain Special As�essme�zta.
Seconded b3� S}ieridan. Those voting aye� �7ohanson, Tlee� Sheridan. Abstaia�ng, Brook.
Niotion carried.
aPeozra�rn�NTS (ma�r�D 1/7/63 �!� 1/2i/63):
Councilman �ohanson steted that with rrgard to appo�_ntments, he t�ished to presen� a
name for tihe Board of Health, that peraon being the Doctor ttho had replaced Dr, Jay
ati tihe Fridley Nledical Clinlc in Fridley. Motlon by Jonanson that ➢r. H.S. Strait
be appointed to the Board of Health as �3ealth Ofi'icer, Seconded by Sheridan, Upon
z voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,
Councilman Sohanson stated that under Recreation Commission he undersi,00d that the
person who had served had been out of to��n on business, but that he had return�d
and wi�hed to serve. Motion by Johansoe to appoint Robert J. Huahes to the Recrea-
t?on Commis��on. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voyce vote, the-re being no nays, Lhe
notion carried unanimously.
It was generally agreed that the appoin'�ments to the Parlis and Playgrouncls and Build-
ing Board Sub-Commzttees be del��ed until tnc srr�val of Councilman Wolke.
T. H. mb�:---- — -------------- -- ---- — -- — —
City Atitorney Kohlan sLated tihat he had recetvecl a communicatio❑ by� telephone from
Mr. Sk�ervold� attorney for A1r. Hanson and he had requested that he be allowed Lo
be heard before any action was taken by the Council, that he had been delayed tihls
evening. Councilman Johanson stated that a week previous on Saturday he had met
taith a large group of people in the area and that the discussion had centered around
the issuance of the building pernit for Frostop Drive-In at the p-reseut sitie of
Vince's Bait Shop. He said the people in the neighborhood aere quite concerned but
that the �rea was properly zoned and unless the city had �ust cause� it could be
taken to court, It was no±ed that the residents had cited a traffic hazard and°
nuisance and it was recalled that the appllcation by Broaster had been turr_ed down.
Councilm�n Johanson stated that Yie had been told that the residents had all kinds
of traffic from Shorewood Lounge and that residents felt it would aggravate �he
problem to a much greater extent. Other problemG mentioned were the police prob-
lem� the dee ading of property, and the hazard to children. Councilman �ohanson
stated he had petiLlons ��ith 83 names and had asked the resadents to be present so
th�t Council could hear problems and give all an opportunity to be heard, N,otion by
Johanson to receive petitions and place on file for evidence. Seconded by Sheridan.
Upon a vmce vote} there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously.
Nia�ror ATee stated that those wlshing to be heard should give name and address. Mr.
George Plel�on of 6453 Dellwood Drive stated that the petition represented nearly �
everyone on 63rd, Dellwood Drlve� Pierce Street� apartments on Hwy. �65� and people
on South side of Mississippi Street. It was stated that the residents ob�ected to
the Frostop on the grounde that it would create a large traffic problem� that there
was already a traffic problem �nd with added traffic� it would present an even
greater problem. Residents felt that there would be a great amount of traffic in
the not rod and tieen-age group and that many are driving "jalopies". Mr. Nelson
added that he had had the px•ivilege to work across the street From an establishment
like this for eight years and after 11 o'ciock in the evening you had problems of
this kind with noise and disturbances, `Phe City of Minneapolis had forced this
place to close at midnite. D7r, Nelson also stated that littering would be a prob-
lern and th�t the residents felt it m�ght endanger the lives of children; that the
fact v�as the taY take ior the City would not be very great in this kind of business.
Mr. Robert Courville� 6379 Dello�ood Drive stated that at the last censUS there were
165 child-ren in zhis tU�o block radius. He stated he �ust dldu'� want this drive-in
and that if they did put it in, he w�s going to move, Mayor Nee raised the question
oF tihat would be gained by closing oPf the s�uhLStreet? He iaas told there was no
stop sign from 1iq_uor store to 63rd� but that there should be a stop sign there and
at the filling statlon. City Attorney Yohlan stated that the permit had been issued
and the party involved had paid some money down� that the Council shr,uld continue
the hearing and gzve the attorney for Mr. Nanson an opportunity to be present and
see if something could be worked out. Councilman Brook raised the question of the
posstibiiity of a fence or barricade in the street. Mr. Al1en Jenk�ns oz 1065-o'3rd
Street sald he was interestied both from a standpoint of extra traffic and what type �
oF bu�lding the Frostop would put up, where roads would be coming from� if it will
be on 63rd or by liquor store. Mr. Jenkins said he was opposed and asked everyone
in opposit�on to rise. Councilman Johanson stated he didn't feel that any b�siness
vianted to settle ln an area that wasri't with them 100p. He asked if the residents
taould be willing to have a committee set up � group of standards by r�hich this
business ��ould be operated. City Attorney Kohlan said that he didn't know the facts
in the case but that the attorney for Mr. Hanson had stated that if the party couldn't
proceed he stood to lose a subs�antlal sum of money, Residents �aid they did not
Feel person would suffer because it was a good corner. Mrs. Ruth Mossey of 1114
63rd Avenue N, B. aslied why the reeidents weren'ti notified when the City issued a
permit of this kii�d. Councilman Johanson explained that the Building Board is set
up and takes care oi this tvpe of thing. The Building Board dld recommend to the
Council the issuance of this permit. Nrs. Mossey stated that people should have
some say s�here they ralse thelr iamilies, that it was impossible to fence off the
streeti and that City would still have litter and noise� that it was e very desir-
a�le coz�ner, �hat residents know it is zoned conmierci�l and eventually somethzng
,alll go there.
Niayor Plee st�ted that lf the Frostop owners fulfill the recuirements of the Zoning
Ordznance, the City didn't have any prerogazlve� that all the owner had to do was
r,al-e the City to Court and get a Court Order. Councilman Joh:nson suggested the
w�thdrawal of the permit, allo*aing Mr. Hanson to �ake i,ne City to Court. Mr. Sher-
man Hansor., ownex• of Frostop, asked for the floor and stated that his understanding
��hen he bought was that it would be suitable for a drive-ln� that Gt the place he
was now operating, he had never had any poilce trouble and he never inteeded to �
operate a hot rod place. Ffe stated that most of hiN business come� off the highway
and his biggest problem F�as the money he had invested in it. Mr. M. Manurin of
6378 Dellt��ood Drive stated that it seemed to him the City had an inadequate method
of notiflcation, that th° only not�fication the residents received in this case was
hexesaj�. FIe stated that they had an ir_vestment on the street oi anywhere from
�15�000.00 to $25�Op0.00 per house and they were there first. Mr. Mahnrin stated
�hat he aad his s�ife had no chlldren but tiney were awere of what each child is
worth. He reierred to the com�lex of apartment buildings nhere people expect to
sleep quietly and undisturbed, that these people pay a heavy tax. He stated that
perhaps under the law, the zoning is correct and the paper work is correct but
under trarfzc, that ls anoi;her thing. °One crild"� he stated� "is vror�h a whole
lot more than any business in Fridley".
1� � ra
Councilman Sheridan stated he didn't recall bu'. there were probably six homes en
o3rd, and to eliminate even the problem at pre�en�� he suggested that 63rd be a
one-way street go�ng West and 63rd would then Y�e a traflic l�ne onl5�. In i,his
c�se everyone would have to enter from Mia�issippl Street and the balance of the
people on Dellwood Dr�ve irould have to enter Crom MieGiesippi Street; this, he
felt� would elz�inate the throu�h traffic from FIighway �65. A general discussior.
was held on how to close the street. P4r. Sherman Hanson stated the cars would not
�e going do:an 63rd and +hat there wouldn't be aa� trai'iic. Ci�y Attorney F:olzlen
sugges�ed, as had Councilman Johanson� to hace a comm�ttee of the residents meet,
Councilmar Sheridan statied that ne w�s very much in favor of a committee sltting
down and workang out differences. Councalman JoLanson sald th2�; it seemed to him
the Council had issued thle permlt and that he dldn"t care for a commlttee ar,ymore.
City Attorney Konlan said this could be discussed but that the ultlmate decislor
had to be with the Council. Mr. Osiecki of 6416 De17i7ood Drive stated there
should be a slow sign on De1lo�ood_Drive and one oi2 Pierce Stireet. I3e aiso raised
the question of who would be respons�ble for paymeut of a szreet li�ht, once it
were put up. Mayor Piee stated the State Highway would be responsible for rt.
Mayor Nee ra_ised the q_uestion to the residenLs -"4roul�l you ob,7ect to closing o�f
63rd Street" and was �nswered that residents thought a stop street might serve the
same purpose. The question wa� r�lsed if ➢ellwood Drive were changed to a service
ro�d� iaould the City close it oif completely, and were ar.si�ere8 they could drive
Eact but not West. P�ayor Nee stated tnat all th�s i�ould rut the service From tihe
neighhorhood. Mr, b9ahurin reported that Mr. Louls of the apartment buildings iaas
very disappointe� �n the idea of the Frostop Drive-In. FIe complalned tn�t so much
of this traffic t�ould go past the apartment buildings, He taas concerned ove-r los-
�ng renters.
`Phe quest7.on v7as ralsed� at thls tlme� of ho�a strot;g thc building code was� that
trie fillino station in that area has F:recked cars and all liinds oi' equipment slttln�
out; and are they able to park al'_ typee of vehicles and �lloTa them to be out year
arou�id. The re�iderts were told that the filling �tation operacor �aould be in vio-
lacion of the Zoning Ordinance and �ha�; it woald be looked into.
bloTion 6y Johanson that the Council rescind it� action �:aken wnen tihey is�ued the
building permit for the Frostop Drive-Iii and rnturn to �3uilding Board for actio��;
further� that a committee of the�e residents are notified to attend a meeting of
the Building Iloard on the 13th of February at (:30 at the City Ha11. Nayor Nee
raised the question - was this something the Couneil could do? The City P4anaaer
�aid they could decl�re a moratorlum. Councilm�n She'rid�n stated that on the i'ol-
loaing Weanesday it could be t�orked out aith the Builaing Board. Seconded by
Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no na;�s, the motion cars�sed unaaimously.
The question z�av raised Zaith regard to i.he Frostop Drive-In of who u�as the seller,
that i� had been understood tha� the buyer would get his money back, Mr. 011ie
EricY,son stated that the man had �8�000.00 Lnvested and som�one would have to pa;y
him his money. Mr. P�ahurin inqulred� who would takc the iosses on tihelr houses
if any c,�ere sustained. Mr. V. Ni, Nagel s�id people should be made at�are that the
area South of them is a shopping center area and th�s would only be so.lving their
problem temporarily. A general vote of thanks v.as expreesed by �he r�Giden�;s for
the City Council hearlrg their problem.
Tti� City D4ana�er stated that t�o bids 4,eie opened at noon, this day, by Chief
MeCartihy and h;msel-' with tY:e prices as follow.
Broadway Chr;�sler-Plymouth
i527 Tdest Broa3t+ay
Mieneapolis� Minnesota
3 Cl�RS
3 Chryslers
Presti�e Llncoln-Mercury,Tnc. 3 Mercury
130Q Hennepin Avenue I�on�ereys
Minneapolis� Mirnesota
$z, 6��2. i3
The City Manager stated that a certified rheck in i,he amount oS $305.00 had been
received with the bid from Broadaay Chrysler-Plymouth� tnat the bid for three cars
was :�8�702.13 l�ith a trade in allo�aance of y�2�6�i2.13 ior the three Ford Pollce Cars
for a total cash price of �6a0o0.00. These three Chrysler Lnforcers have a five
ye�r warranty or jO�OpQ r�iles. Presi,lge-Lincoln-Mercury, Inc, hacl subr��itted a bid
of three P7ercury NontereyG for �8,8�8.22, with a tirade-in allowance on the thxee
Ford Police Cars of �3,000.22 for a total casL price of �5,b83.00. IC ��as explained
that these cars would have an engine exactly the same as the engines in the pres-
ent Fords, �ahieh do not meet thc present cpecificationc. In order to have an
engine furnished that would meet the speciflcat�ons� a standard shift trarismission
would have to be installed ior an additional price ot' $399•99 Per c�r or a total
pr�ce of �p1y197.00 more. It was �ltio stated that the Broaciway Chrysler-Plymouth
bid meets all of the present specifications. ChieF Everett 4i. McCari.hy was pres-
ent and stated to the Council tihat he would recommend the purchase of the three
Chrysler Enforcers from Broadway Chrysler-Plymouth. The City Manager stated he
would go along �aith the xecommendstion of the Chief of Police� that the Council
award the bid to Broad-way Chrysler-Plymouth. It was explained that delivery wa4
to be 30 to 45 days for the first car. Councilman Sheridan stated that if the
Nercury doesn't meet the spec�fications, it would be eliminated. Motion b,y Sheri-
dan to award the bid to Broadway Chryeler-Plymouth for three ChryGler Eni'orcers �
For the sum oC $6�060.00. Seconded b�� Johanson. Upon a voiee vote� there being
no nays, thc motion carriecl unanimously.
Mr. Robert Buckley, Vice-Chairman of the Coordinating Committee reported that he
cras appearing in the absence of the Chairman� Mr. Ing Siverte. He stated that
Council had been glven a copy of the report and Budget Request. Mr. Robert Minder�
chairman oP the Architectural Review Committee and Mrs. Barbara Hughes, chair-
;aoman of the Publicity and Public Relatlons Committee were present to answer any
questions. Councilman Johanson said the Committee had had sharp pencils and the
figure looked good to him. He inquired, if at any place, the Architectural Com-
mittee had �llou�ed for land purchase, at2d Lf they did recommend land purchase.
Mr. Minder etated that it was recommended but not allowed for. Mayor Nee wished
to know iF it wa❑ incumbent that the ne�a hall face South. Mr. Ninder saad that
by the time the commlttee had allowed for facilities� they had tio face it South
beeause of fire buildings� etic. He also etated that traff3c would be cominp from
the East as tiaell as from Unisrersity and they would have to go down 64th anyway.
Ma,yor Nee raised the quesi.ion of how the committee had arrived at square feet
when the,y lowered the price. N!r. Minder explalned that the last municipal build-
ing bid ��as St. Louis Paxk's and their figure �ras �14.75 per square foot sor
office space. He said 'nis committee had used $15.50 ior the finished part of the
building, and that it was with the agreement of the Board thi� could be done. He
stated that his committee had checked with several municlpalities including Edina�
Golden Valley, Columbia Heights and St. I,ouis Park and it seemed this w�s a good
iigure to use. Most of the muricipalities pald less but the committee iaas aware
that they had been built previousl�. He stated that the library should be in the
basement area �nd they had added costG Por thas, the feeling being that the 1ib-
rary was something that the different managers felt should be in a different lo-'
c�tion. Mr, Minder stated thati the Committee had changed the black-top� the
price had been raised and the walks were also changed. He said his comcotttee had
changed washroom facilities� also, that they felt there was a good deal of hall
space *aasted but that they didn't feel they .houlci tell anyone how to design the
building. Counc�_lman ,7ohanson stated he thought the committee had done a terrific
�ob on the report �nd asked Mr. Buckley �ahat he wlshed from the Council. Mr.Buckley
stated his commititee wished acceptance of report and consideration of the Budget
Request as submitted by the Publicity ancl Public Relations Committee. The Clty
Mana�er suggested it miaht be advisable for the Council to call a special meeting
�aith the architect, the Coordinating Committee� the Architectural Committee, the
Publiclty �nd Public Relations Commlttee and the City Mar.ager and� at the same
t�me� the Publicii,,y and Public Relatione Committee would get an idea ac to how
much time they i�ould need, It wa� stated they should get Council target date and
Council should give them pleni;y oi time. D4rs. Hughes stated they should have
architectural sketches of accepted pl�n and tiha� her committee would prefer not
to start publicity until they had these. The City Manager sald a meeting wlth
everyone could be held on the llth of February at j:30 at the Citiy Hall. Motion
by Sohanson that the Budget Request by the Publicity and Public Relatione Committee
for promotional *�rorl� be approved. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there
beino no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y.
Motion by Johanson to hold a Special Meetin� with the �rchitect� the Coordin�ting
Committeea the Architectural Committee and ihe Pu6licit-y �nd Public Relations
Committee for the Clvic Center on February llth at 7:30 P.M, with the City Mana-
ger sending out notices. Seconded by Erook. Upoe a voice vote� there being no
nays� the motion earried unanimously.
Mr. Charles E. Johanson, member of the Board of the North Suburban Hosnital District
introdUCed Mr. A. Fiarold Peterson, atitorney, recently appointed by the District
to review and make recommendations. Mr. Peterson stated that he had �aanted to
visit each and every Cit� Council a�d hecorne acquainted, also to tell everyone
just what he would attempt to do. In expl�nation of his backgrourda he atated
that in 1955 the first hospital dlstrict was organized in the State of t4innesota
to form the Ch�sago Lakes Hospital District. He said that two yeaxs a�o he had
been approached by Anoka to anst�er questionG �n general aud that he had done the
same with the North Suburban Hospital Districti Group, FIe said he had Ueen asked
if he could be of some help to them end had sa�d he would *�lt�i eome quali£ications,
FirGt of a11 he felt th�t only one hospital should be built uid that the people
should get to�etner to solve this problem. Also, thaL- his recornmendatious mighi
culminate in the elimination of some and add�ng ol otiher commun�ties and perhaps
� i'orgetting about a hospital completely or getting a sazelllte hospital. The
satellite hospital, it was explained} had :aorked out very well. He saicl that
the building of a haspital was not a simple zhi�ig, it is complicated snd costily;
staffing is a problem.
A4r. Peterson stated that since he had been nired in January, there han been sev-
eral annou?icements in the newspapers, that Coou Rapide and Anolsa were to have a
satellite hospital bull� by Glenwood Hills Hospital. This would be a 100 bed
hospital. EIe also scated that this announcemer.t dtidtl't meon that the concepc of
o�e lar�;e general hospital sLould be iorgotten �bout, that there is s�ill the
possibility that Glenwood Hil1s could do the taslc. He said he ��ould never Favox
the bu�lding oi two hospitals of the 100 bcd size, s�lso� that �he figvre oi'
$25�OQ0.00 pe-r bed to bu�ld a hoepat��l was realzstzc. Nc stial.ed he felt thcre iaas
one other consideration� �f everybody could cooperate and work togecher, From 1�3
to 45� of the entire coet of a hospital could be paid for b,y the Hilburton Pro-
gram. This ie one of the i'inest programs thyt l,he governmei7t has ever proluced,
Mr. Peterson st�ced that a hospital district h,�d come into being because of L-he
inability to meet a nee3. IF there is a private grpup i.hac vants i:o come into
the picture to help accomplish the objective an�� t,he ta°p�,yers would be relieved
of any liablli�y as f3r as the taxes are concerned, than this need could be met
in this mauner. Thie is to be desired, He �aid h� hoped that people would not
look at the hospitial from the standpo�nt oi tahere it taas going to be located but
hoti; the needs could be met at the lowest possible cost. Counr.ilman Johanson
than'�ed Mr, Peterson on behalf oi the Council Por appearing ��u L-old hirr, the en-
� tire Council appreciated his coming.
- - ---- --- - - — - - - -- - - - - -
The Clty Nianager read notice of hearing and explained area on the map. No one
�aas present for or abain°t the above mentioned pla*. I��iocion by Johanson �o con-
cur with the recommendation of the Planning Comm�seion, that this be accepted as
preliminar,y plat sub,7ect to change in turn around, that proper �seurance Ue pro-
vided that the house wi11 be moved, and to permit the setUack of 20' on Lot 5 and
6. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, tihere being no n�y�, the motion
carried unanimously.
� - ----
The City Manager read the notice of hearing and explained the situatlon. Mr. Ferg-
� uson was present and stated he would 'ouy the land if this proposed plat �,ere com-
pleted. City Englneer Brown said the only quesLion he had would be, did Mx•. Herri�
have to get a lot split from the City Council so sell 16 feet to Mr. Fe-rguson.
City Attorne,y �Cohlan stated that if Mr. Herri� was going to sell 16 i'eet, this
action would take care of it. Motlon by Johanson to concur i�ith the recommenda-
tion af the Planning Commiesion �nd accept the prellminary plat sub�ect to pro-
vlding the necessary dedicat�ors� topograpYi�� a,�d easeme�tis. Seconded by Brook.
Upon a voice vote� there being no �ays, the motion carried unanimously.
L� �
The Planning Commission had recommended that this item be brought to the atten-
i.ion of the C�ty Council. The City P�an�ger explained the above and read ordin-
anc�, and stated it would limit a rest home to a special use permit under R-3
Zoning. Mayor Nee stated that as it provides for a new district� perhaps it
would be better to leave it that taay, that the Council cotald not rezone with
strings. City Attorne,y Kohlan informed the Council, that every time the Minn-
eapolis Council rezoned, they would put a group of specific restrictions in the
zoning. The fact that a special use permit is required is not a string as such.
Mayor Nee s�id he didn't feel they could rezone to R-3 for a nursing home. City
Attorney Kohlan stated the only thing you would be able to �et in the categor,y
named in R-3X v�ould be hospitals� nursing homes and the like. You could deny it
onl,y if it �aasn't in the public interest.
The City Manager read portione of tne ordinance submitted. Magor Nee stated that
on 71st and �ast River Road, the people would tend to agree that this would he
a good thing, but that perhaps lf the City rezoned to R-3� they wouldn't like it,
Councilman Brook raised the queetion -"Why not take another code on it� like
R-3X"? He was told that the Clty could issue under a spec�al use permit only�
that they could put conditions on any speclfic use permit that would come in,
The City Manager read the amendment to Section 51.2 i.o cover all cate�ories with
same restrict�ons and with other canditions. Charles E. Johanson� member of the
Planning Commission, was present and stated that at the Planning Commission� they
had recommended the drasaing of a new zonang district. The City would ha,ve many
appl�cations ior nursing homes and if they started putting them out with special
use permits they would have � lot oP trouble. He stated that 3n November of 1961r
Mrs. Dalberg had made L-his request and they had recommended the wetting up of a
district. City Attorney Kohlan stated the present amendment was a sort of com-
promise at restrictions to an R-3 zone and sti]1 get a special use permit. Coun-
cilman Johanson said he i'elt the Council could set up a district for a very de-
flnite xezoning classification ior Lhis. The City Manager stated this section
of the oroinance would �e stronger if a 11Ltle better explaining were done of
convalescenz homes, etc. He st2ted tihe ordinance �aid that a special u�e per-
mit, vould have to be obtained through the $oard of Appealst a hearing would be
held and the City would have to pass on plans� etc. Two public hearings would
be necessary on the above. Cit,y �!ttox•ney Kohlan stated that under the existing
ordinance a convalescent home would be established ln any district with a special
use permit. He explasne3 the dlfferences between a convalescent home, a nursing
home, a hame zor the elderly and a recuperation center. The Caty Manager sug-
gested the Council review the definitlon and amend that particular section af
the ordinance, Mayor Nee razsed thP question if a new ordinance could 6e drawn
and broadened to include the above def_nitions. Motion by Johanson to direct
the City Attorney to draw ordinance with above inclusions. Seeonded by Brool;,
Upon a vozce vote, there being xio nays� the motion carried unanimously,
The Planning Commission had recommended that ouimette change their trailer park
driveway name and iile � plat with the Czty showzng their prlvate drlves and
names. The City Manager expla�ned in detail the problems. Motion by Johanson
to concur with the recommendation o� the Planning Commi�sion and send a eotice
to the Trailer Couri,. Secoeded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no
nays, the motson carries un�nlmously.
It ti�as explained by the City Manager that the Cot�ncil had already concurred o_n the
above item and it needed no act�on.
The Planning Cammission had recommended that this item be referred back to the
Parks and Play�rounds Sub-Committee and study new city appraisals �ust received.
The City Manager explained the above item, Mr. Glen Thompson of the Parks and
Playgrounds Sub-Committee was present and stated that the area was adequate. Mo-
tion on the abave Ztem was delayed pend�ng the return of Mr. Thompaor with the
appraisals on same,
e� rL �_dl
n21i]�'.�1 Y,�NILMI��TC P,���Cm _��,SOLL�S`IOTT i;lh-19G� -�Qi��S�D BY THI�� U➢rIL��D STA`I�iS
�'OS1 OL+�'TCP DLPA�TMECr`C, POOuIIVET'1' S`TP�t,Em, Z'T1Zdf' }�;A5T OP RUTH �`PP,LET 1id �17i�' Sl/
'The Plan�i,7g Co�r�m�°Sloa h�c zccom�c-nded a��piov�l e� ��e c}ang� iri �ame oL P.00°e-
��lt S�reet� 1�ji!7g e�s� o{' Rutih Szree�� to T_�'l�i S�ieet, Th� C�z�J DYana�,e�^ esul.an�e�
and rEad resolal,aon nith iagard tio samc. n4o���n hy Jol�a��son, ,o adopL rc-�olutiol�
a��d concur T�it17 Th2 recommexidatiota oi the�lann�ag Con�miss�_on ch�n�in� tl°e :amP
o�' P,00se�elc ��treet� 1y�n� aast of Rtiibh ��rPet, i,o T�]ly Strecti. Seconded h�
Slieridan. Upon a voice vo�ea there be3ng �°o naye� t��e niotion ca�2iccl un2n�mousl,.
T17e C� ty l�`anag2r e.rpl��ineft� tih2t �ceo!^dsnt `o thc �iPaenti pla^s� tl�� P.zc� re�icr
1�_rercepLor oP ��'SSSD woUld �uli �hrnugl� the T�ocl�� ��,eca�e beinv s°curect i'or parr
along Ftic� CreeL, aad z,ha � he would lilre to baoe the C � rv Counetil clo 1a'�e� r, e,
could zo l�eco ch�s o('I the Loc7;e properzy. Tr,F �;�tter �aas ncic in elieyanc�
un-ci1 the arriva7_ c�' P�Sr. Cr7.en �Phompson.
`Phe C�ty b4anager stated he h�d dra*+n up s resolvt,ion -�!th n7r. �dF�le-, *�Yio h�d
been cal7ed out o� Lotan. Piayor N�e �ald h� had L-ac' aome contact �iih p�r�oi°c
responsible f'or coinmi�t°�, �aas ex�-remelz� �ptin�iti���c, and�ronld ce�°i,aitizls, �°ec-
omm�r_d it. C�ty Lia273ger ^ta�l;ed th�t I�'L°. 1aeti.ler h�c1 �aid he .a2nted a szeer�n�
commiEtee. ?�e had ven� out ]5 lettere Lo le�oi.�g �ioiips a;;}cinc for � izp�°�-
eenGative oi e�ch clvic group� and tn�E 1ad been ee�, np for the Gouncll`� linal
s�}> on cemm� ttee. Ile e�c�3lained r,hat the Cotmcil covld b�ve r�o�°e or lc �� ueople
on tih1� co�ni:7ltCae i� the;> so wished. Councilr,°�, Joha��con seid ti�at Y�e ��ot�ld
li�e �,0 1��trE bhe aame oP �2L-e 0'}3annon� County Connm_ss�oner, ��c'�udod o� Ste�r 5.
Councilr�;�p I�rook sa2d he Tiould llke to 7�at e G'onntv De�utV SheriFl R��� P,al er o!2
� �]itis co�mittee, also, C�lotion by Jo"�an5on I,o adopt aro«e reeolut�on. °��conderl
b;� B�^oali. Upou � volae voi;e, there bein� ,zo naJe� tliP motio�� carrtied unan��7oue1�,'.
The +�ti}� i4an�,er st2�ed [72�t 1ie v2c� been ac�viee3 h, Pi�]se 0°arnoii, Com�ty Cor,_
mlesio,tie�, Lhat if rhe C�ty of P?•idley had an; ,aoi�. �o �e* ouL o= ttF *�,ay f�o�
T7is7�esippi Stireet tio Osbprne fio�d to get �r, tone '..h�s yeez Cooi cllr�n Jo�l.r7�oi7
s�id ,t should �e Por�o�cen abotiit, becai���e tl�e pco�le are tar.��i so hi^l� ia tihat
�rea t�ey covld�'ti ta're �c. Cotincilman Sh=�°idan °'�aLecl LheS '���ve �or�- echcduled
For �Ze,r� ye�r, Counc�l�nn�� Jo]ianson salcl re =e]' ir *ias ^;oin; �o b� quitc �`e-�
'y2a�'s beCn��e peo��la r_i� theic �+ill be ab:Le ;o �'Pt anti moiP P�c�L'r�e,�. Tlr. Cit;
i��knia�;er said a re�ort eou_ld he ubta,y�ed to �,-� �+ e�uL� ar-c] qei. ��o�1c conc zl-�t ��oull
be znespene2�e. Coui�cl7man �tiooh saie he i'el1 tl�e-; didn't ieed it anv��a�; lLat
stub5 coi�l�� be dro�pzd �ai�;hout 1.ay�ng p�p�' ��d iP neo��le don`t need i+:, �t tihrn�idr't
be p2�ti n�. Couticilma i Joh�oso� sa�d 1;� at i�2 o�rler c� rto t]itis tho peonlc roulc'
l�ase to bE asssvsed Coi Lhe �ob� Cotitncil ��ou1d 7 ave r� h� �o nub] ic hea� zn;_��, a�d
you coulrin'c po5s�bl}, g��;a �hcse peopl=v in tlie �rrocUed area �°�,- :e��_ce�. Coua-
cilmcn Brc�ok aa�� Joh�nson co�2eLC°red on �lie coti�al,y �il�cl--iop2�tinq rood 2n�; 1� cls�� u
it ,�s iL voulcb�'t c�E1ay �ny eon5t�'t�etio'�. t��,o-_ 'Sce r�ised -c1,a r� ic�P�o � l0 1��I°,
Lee l�nuteoi2,, oP Co,aetock_ and D��ris, oP ��haz 1,hF ���plic�l,_ons ��oLal_c� ne. l�r. i`���.at�or�
stated thrl ��hich u�ese,�hly doesn'r havc se�°r „oL�l� have ❑ proolem �� ti'�� Fut�u°e
with c-eoss-o«ec eo�inect2ons, tih�� tk�� ina�n probler, ��ou1� be tihe publ�c r��h1,-of-
� ��ay. IT= also er,ated thati w�zer �aould Ue no axoblr-,�, PJot�_on b-, 7o�ia��=_o�� �o our'no-
1�ze the const��ziiig eugineer� bo make ��r�lir^�r�r�i s�»ve/ �o oeleirains �he n»nzmum
_ soiG of prog'r��a 1,hat ��ould bc se� and �-ie ����inr{,ed oost ia7aLive to ��cce -a-�°�
crossing�� fro,n Niiss�sslppa tr� Oeho�°ne Ro�� on Ol�i Cr-nl,ral Pvecue Secai�de� �}
Sherti�ai�, Ur�on a volce t�ote� therE being ro na-�a, .he rotion c�r<tied n�animou�l?�
CO�STOC�� cs DilVTS, �dC. - SS COrJSTRliCTICN (53P,D A�11�'„DL FRONI 7TH STF��m TO T,FI.;=li7)�
1��Ir, ICnutson ol Co�nsL-o�L= �ncl Davis explaa��cd 7,1ie sbov� i7 dci,a�1, sa�d 'tnaL a
te�2tat�vc deti ien T�a� picva�^ed� e��h�d tYk�ti �be po�n'L oC ti^r 7ezzer irom hi�� i �im
Lo the Coune�l nae tl�¢ lact that �ne c,ti�� h�Q aur'2oriaed �oric ��o� i,. T� i,a� b�en
done �1zd iuxn,el�ed to the fi�ghwap Departmert au� That chA clr,�� coul�l gec ,nonPy
eaci? on thP pro��ecti. Fie° nlso sti�tcd the tivo�•k and eper�Clcation� oi �he Minnasoti�
IIi�h+a3;� Deuart��ent doesn't alnays coni'oim. Counci7.man Johaneon ralsed t1?e
Goestion, tf tihie wae the only ��ay tre Cztiy could get zcs money bacl_� and Mr.
�;�uzsol- eair� -i t��es. Mavor P'e� _tated th�r i� the Ctty o£ liridley didn't do
tih�s th�v etood Lo lose fhj00 aad tney also wouldn't naz7e �he prpblem oi col-
leotin� Fre�n Coiumb» He�gl�t�; Mr. Kmii.�on s�zd that was txue. Thc C�ty P4anagex
raisecti eomc. oue�tioas i�� regard to the a�o��e and suggeeted �,hat lastead o�' ��k-
in� ��tion, ZP tihe Counctl co�a]d authoii�e the Cizy En�ineer, Com,stoel� anc1 Davis
and h�mseli to yueet�on an�i diecuss this �urther Lhata perhaps� the} cou]5 come
Lip ���tt_ �n a rr°ement for the next ie�ulai° meeiing. S4a�or Nee a�Y,ed iF *„he City
Coui,cil i�ould 1�atie r,o ,qo thioumn publie l,ea�lr,,=.,-sy e�c.� i'or essessyng and tihe �
C���,� P�7a�a^ez s.atecl re zaoulcl l,�,e ta het more oi' � repori„ Motion b;� .lohansoo
to aiiz?�o�°i�P Lhe Cit" Ma�ag�r and Ctity ��nP,neer to meet �aitih the firm of
Com�tock and D��v��, Inc. to dra�a tip a e.-� of p�opo��ls on tre above questioi°�.
Seconded by BrooL=. IJi�oii a vo�c� co�:F, there beiag no asys, the motion carried
tm� mmoue ly .
At this polni i�Rr. Glei� Thomps�n rc�turnzd and thc� Counczl -revertc-d to I�erae 17
oF �geed� unQer P1a!�nirs Co:n�nission P�Jil2tiite°.
i�"r, T'�ompson r� qvestecl th,?t t'�e C�ty Council do *�hat tne;� could to keep the
irtercentoi o f til�e p�r�: prope�{,y, fle s�lc� he ialsned to _re?lect the coi2ce_rn
t1,�T t,lie Parl Co?mniti;ee ras to L-he poe,siLle loc�tizon of Lh�s interccptor izne
throu�h the Loulse Prope�ty. He stiated that Ni�dland Coutiult�nts had zncile�{:ed
zl�e propo�ed locst�or_ aizd z�;�; r-ro�n 2n et�gineerin�' vle��po?,zt tLey a�•e puttlag
L'ne_ locati�oi� about 100 ('eec North oi ou;� South bovndary. I�ti sai�;e oi th� iact
that �11cy �s�v fhe�� would restorc �he creen, "4r. TLosupson ielt it T�au1d render
perma�7ent �ama,e He eta*,ed tl�at his comm�tcee had reportcd this to the Plan-
nl��g Comm!s�ion and had oae abst��,i�in,n �rott� l�ut �t was the op�nion ol' tli� Pcsk
Gomm� utee tl°�t it be ellr�inated Tro7i t�e narL side. r[n Iti�rtl�ei stated that
1?�,_ co��mittec; *aish�d ti^e Council to support thei5 v�ewpolnt� and loc�te �;lii°
et a poi2t c�her°� it ,�oti�1d do the least amount oi' damage. They hope to be de-
velopin� this part, in a mat�er of nonzhs. P�ynr Nee statcd ]ze certainly eup- �
porLe3 L-hiF �nr'� trusted ��he Cout,cil did, too. Iz wae pointed out �;hat ifr, Glen
�lallace, the Prrl< Consultant, said the �n�;erceptox' setiaer linc shouid be kept
outi completelv P��o��ol 2ree r��eed the question �P it ��as po�eible bo ohtair a
letit�r fror�� P�rr N�zllace tc� tl,e eiiecr that� 'tn l��s opinloa� �.he,y� tine Id.S,�3.u.11,�
coul@ not rc�tc�rP Lhe land ro Zts r�rmer seli, D1r. Th_ornpq�z s2��d he v�s cer-
{,a?n �hi� cou]d b� �bl;a�acd. Couzc!]�nan �herldan asi_ed the CoLZnc�.1 if '�rcy
cou��n't h�ve r reeo]utlon dr�um up and hcve it re�.dy -or thc next rc�ular ni�ei.-
inq a�d atiLaeii 7t to Mr. [a�1,laee's letter. 1^his atae get7erally agreed.
nn-rnTTimn«i. � � ' �
Tli� Citiy i,lana�el and "t. TY�o��rr��-on e_cpl2�ned %o �,he Counc�l �.lZe terms ol �tcqu�ri��
and �hz coet� �nvolved 1� obtainin� ebove. TY�l� �roperty le otim�d by Eveit
Carleo» r��ol,�on by 57�er�dan a2,z'!or��in� the Clty 1v��rager to ne�oTi�te and bri�2�
b2c1T � L��aze oi� Pas2c Ac�u��� �ion Recomm�nd��io�� l�a Carlsor'e Suz�mi� �nor �e�d
Acqv�sltion Reco��r�ena�L�o� �n RiverviF�i 1'ei�hts. Seroncl�d U�� Brooy. Upo¢ G
voice votiN; cl�ere ���-�� �o �a��s, t'_�e moL�o_rt c�rriECl unanlmoti��ly.
C npi�+^i�PTIC S9'=0ri� :
D. rT �T-,rys�,�', IC�C. - COP'iPLE'P10�T DA'L`�'i^ ON �OD1 IiF'M049i PLIiDT_ APTD 1r7P�,LL�S 1�3 (�TTD ,�St
'�re Ci� � Pan�.��r ^�,n1.�d lie li��l rece�ved, �h2z da5� a co���l_� oi cra�2ne oi'deis �
�ro>> Co�rs'��rr �r� D�zns. �'r. KnuF�o�a ^__-p�atned tih�t zhe-,� pertatit2 co Pro��et
3�; J� I�^ction 1��1d 2 anrl 1-i� �irm ��ar� n�', ar,r-,uin� eithe� 1�2�y, but i,1�2t in
e'_�ec��n� thP conlr�aer; *i},eu bid� nere ou,-i�2d� there ti;as e, delav on the �nard,
ni�c �o �_�e 1=�� `h-t �th� natu�^c ol che blddln�, iegu-i2ed addlztional slitdy. He
e�plaii��� i�,i^ *�-,�- o��� rea�on ior tne exz��rio��� a1so� �:�a� Lhe comn3ny ��as
5 1%2 �o�tn� n�ror �,'ZC e� �ension oi r�rre. Counctl��-�� S�ha�son �r,atcl 1-e Fel"�
�i�� cii;- '_����1 a rrrr ���r_a1� °���tiPm oi' eni'orc�n� 7��ds �n�l �pccifiic2t_�ons and Th�t
the„ „c,-P ^oir� L� 1,1ve +o i,i,1�Lc� ,ap o� a1_l ol tihese, �beV tiaould� 1io*�ezrei_ haire
Lo ���r �m �it-� ar_otli��° e�rersio» on th�a ztem. ➢'otilon bV Johansotl �o �ccePt tihe
L��n lern��r�� "rotu D. �-i, Ti�ci;e��, T,�c.; a°� i'elz� I'errt� S��cn�ou Coi�pan,� �nd p.lace them
�❑ f?le. Seconder"� b� P,ruol.. P��ayo� fi_e ;i,etecl io�r the past �,uo ye�rs he had been
�a� infi LLP i11�z^z_��1 plant ��aG ooivh in Vo�>s�obei le� and sazd hc r7�ouP,h�, l�ben
cNtc- �ar�,lci,l�r pro7ec� w�s o°,rer thc e=�q-meer•s ovgh� tio pre�are a-report oi, ���t
]ias r�nn�ncc7. TJ�on ;� vmee uoze, thei�c being no n�VS, che motion carricd 2anat�ii�ovel��.
�_ � ��
C I,AIP�=S :
rriith re�ard to C,�nera]. G1.aic�ea Councilmt,° b�coC �t�l,c�� he *�lehec3 r.o raise a
p ., �
c�ues �� on on Cla, ❑� �LOcO iro�a F�,i1tn� P���o� .� in the a�aotint o� Fj,S�2, 65, I�e
staLed l�e had called �sh�s co��prany and i,�ic� aa�� �aicl iti �+a� �or a t�°anstri��r'oa
�ob on a pol�ce c�r a��d Follonlno h�s guesl�on,; liad ofiered the C�Ly o° F7��c11e�T
a 10� �7�ecounc. He sz�Lecl he had to1c1 'l're�^uier �runFelt to hold up �ayme�T of
thiU hill ,�o �.1��. Counr��l coti�lcl tia1,e adva�zta�� oi th�� d�scoun�.
Moz�oL by Sheridnr_ to apptiove payiaent ci rencre] Cla�me ��E'�Ojl 1,'�rough „�"10j ��ith
ti-�e ere]rsloti� o� 1�8080 to �Ia711n� Bros. �Pconc�ecl b�° Jobo �sor�. Upon a voicc
�ote� zliere bein� uo nay�, i,he rao�z�oa cariicd t�nanimoosly.
Dfocloi� by Sher�d�n to aL�thozize i��e �aymei7t oi' Cl��m ��SU�O 1,o Hallins Eros,,
T-�hen p,ese��tied �Pate�aent ���'ct, �O]� �.iseo..n��. S�co',ded by ��ooL. Upo�i a voic�
-rote, thece betitti� ne nays� Lhe niotiiou carriFd i1r2t» oous]y,
Pdotion bv Johanson to app;°ovE Liouor Clatn��s f�9�3 lhrough ��5C2��. Secorrlecl 1�,�
3roolc. Upot� s aotice -rotie, theie "oetin� no 1�y��; th� riotlo^� carri � tir,�r irc,o�iel,�.
Plo�io,� by 3tioo1: �o approve Riblic Ui,�lit�� C�e=ms y2331 tihro��gh �?23Lo. Secondcd
by Jol�ansou, Upon a 2rolce vol,e� theic bcink no n��s, zhc mot�on carzied ii2ani��ovel� .
�STII��1rPE OF COn�STOCFi a �AVTS. 17vC.:
rsLin�aie Aio. 4�+I�tier Liprovei,�e�ti� Pro�ea'c I�TO. ��-Ir
Lst�,nate l�o. 2 tiracer Tmprovemcnt Pro�ect ITo. 3�i-�� Fc'cdule 2
'Cet?i���;e A�o. � r�ia'l-Er ImT�rove�r�enti Pro�eci, No, 3�i-7 Sc��edule �
�stimatiA l�Ta. 3�aillccry SeT,�er ��rd�tEr Imlrrovein�nt P-ro;ec+ iio
E'etin,ate I�io. 2 Wa�ex Improven��n: �ro,7ecti Dfo. 3�i-�
ir„ timatie No. 1_tolding Poncl at �ti5th Ave. iSi; ���d 2n<l 5trc-el
Ebtimate P7o. 6 Sa�!�ta1y Seti�er �• ilr�zer Smproveiaeut, Yro�ccL Vo
Estii,�ate R�o. �I Senita-�y �; Storm SeTaer Improverne�F Pro�ect 1�0
��ti����ate 1Go, 4 SLor�n Se��c�� I�unrovemenc Pro�cr2 P;o. 5j
Tora] - -
5 ��
�� `,3. (?
�I �J . 50
2 i'�' . 00
�,0.° � �
, 1U01.50
P4r. I���ti�L-son o� Gom3tock �nct llavtis e°sl�i°tned eac_, � lem. F, �zatPd 112at Fro��cv
3�i-F� 1= tl2e �.�atei ma�_n ti°an^mission ]ine i,o 6andstion � ira `ner 2ion� 0�'�o2�P I,'oar
from U�i�rci,s�ty to �ast, P�ver Road, 3�-J °cYe3ulr °�c the D. �L Izcke �����,° 1il-
L°aL-ior p1aa�� Pro�PCZ 3�-J, Schedule =�� i,o tl�e Perr} �"��cn�ot� Coinpan� io� Lhe
coi��..ruc'i,ion of btz�lding, Pro�ect i9 1�s r1,� ��or�- cone Eot� ,'� oP �u;� ii700 � cet oP
Pl7lmo�e �;�o,�ec� 3�-L 2,4 1,7�e p�nnp�ag equipt��ct�t an';e11 iicase ,�3. 'Pli:: Po11c�°»r_,-,
i Ge�n a t 45tih Il��e�^c�e S�fP, 2ncl Znrl � treeti is tl-�e Lempor� �; meaetiu e �o allevi^ �e e
�'c�ZPT' COIlClI L1017� �10,�2C� 5j� 1S %i12 C0116"t7'UC ;lOL �ZO��� OZ(� C2'_1ti81 �i'�� 7�1c` i�L'�It �,-Uj
'�o Lti�.siselp�� Sereel, and iro�ect 5C �s io�• ,i�rl- o, �lo�_� sE�er alon�, o��i Ceni,r�l
and ?ro�cc,-, 53 �e �aor1- done by Sa��dstirom a��� Ilal��er� e�or^i °c°ro� tp oi'F 4d3Eh
R��rer Poad and raiece112n�ouF 12tit1e ptecc,, Ne stialed ,.nt, �ome o- Iris taor- ��a�
prtiscrzl�� �"o'� i��sp�cLioi� services but z�osn't siire nn Cie 7a�t , ien. P/����° 1TPe
aSlce� LP tilley couid iesubm�t �,hi.� 1as+ �ti��,
Couuczl��an Br�o1s cai��d the cuP�llon oP �+l�ar r,a�; goin,� ro happe�, i.u� ;pxi���, o�
�ISth ai�d ?_nd ��Lrre�; *�a,^ the'r� going to be , po^d SY'ere'� bL � knu'.son �e�d a-!-,-
1,h1n� to L1�e Fast �honlrl be 2ni,ea-ce�te8 anrl =1.0� 1.1�ro�i;1� tibc cul.�'crti c� '��,e pord.
TL� e..cavat�oi7 oP t]°e su��m� ete,� came 'co 'p300 CO an7 r'r.c mati,er oJ' tih� ��l�s�n
L��G S'ence �ias `�i;��5.G0. Lhey l�ad azt,einph,�r', 1,c pu'� a-ence do�m unt 1,hc �,�-uui,�
��ar, froze �_�d l�ad asl�ecl th�t �hls be s.e.CeriF�l nn�i] zl�e �'rc,sl �-,r' l�zi, z_;� �-onnr',
a��.7, hc stiated� ne n�cl obta�-�ed oral de�"e,°�°�l 0�1 Lhi� it�i��, 11e alr-o ,r�t�c; tl_ai.
Lhere ?s �aatc-r coini�� „ti f,^om Go]_um�ti� lles�h�,_ �i,i', �a_rn�'� c o���li�l] do
Ma��c�r DTee aslied t'oi 2 mor,�.on frorn tl�e i'looi ir� ��spoee oC „l��e �_cir. O�aacll�lii
�l�ei'tidan et�te3 zl^_ati '_ic didn'c tl�lnl- +,hc C���nc�l e7oulrl �-�L tbi= a�id� �o�- t��c
��ee]�p, b11a�L �t sliould h2��c been i,2 the ��arrls nC ihc C� ��� �_❑ Janvar, �nd rl�i= �s
Peblti��ry� that to c�eley �� 1'0_' z•ao �uore ,aeel-e -�o�ld ro�, �r �u�t�� ie�l �ic �„areJ
Lhat plevio'aE1y z�ti° Couocll, had had a_tit�r�� n n i i t�.n,^ o� t'��i� i-^� ii��� Palt �l 2t
S2or�� thc 1(th of J�?u�,ry� ui�tal thP pi°esen�. 1-,_�ne, Cot�ncll erould live o���l -.. � in-
Pcrmattion. I�iotiion Ly Sner,c2a t,o c.ppro'�e ��-,�mcnz o�' c�az,n, '�,ccnded r��� i,ioo �
Upon a �rolce vote� tl�es°e be�ng i7o na�s� �1�� �n„io� cr�°i��o �man,n��us�_�,
SL,PI➢F'TRO� � iL�FPEI�: CLFIIW 7^i TI�',3 ?uSOiI]VT OP' �15,09C.00 - 17_4_'J'CR 71jpR0�T1,N�NT PiOSrICT
�1F-FC: — ---- — ----
Councaln �n 5] e°�ci�n °tatcd r�d h�r� =notller il-,er �t '�his poin� oi' the zeez-u��. It
had bEei� called Lo ais �L�ent2o� L�a'c :��ZCistrom 2� Hnfnet 1�a�� pres�nted a ui11
an�� 3s1�e�l tc LF p�_3 a �]iia m�ezin�- �n L,he sum oi �15�OOO.GO. �J'rn� bi11 ��as
i'or iaa�erial� t,l�z i,his cor�p�nv'_,�� to Utiircl^�se Cor s contract ���arded to �hern
Luh� cltl� �� ���t l�aa�4�g eeeemaots, the�� ��ould 1i,�e to h�'cF mor_ey Lo pay ior
maLerzal�. Nr. 5herzd=n �taie�� zhat thze eom'�any real��ed i,hac zhtr� bi11 i,ras
orce�ntcn laie on P��d�ti, ooi -iould ��preciatE oaqir��nc. N7otaon by Sher�dan to
�titrn�t,.� p�.��,�ent oF tl�i� cl��ui to I,he iiri;� oi Sands�,ro�n �, H�Fner ConstrucLion
Co�pai7, suo�FCt to �°cvt�� bi� Ci�y ��ag��eer. �Second�d b}� Jol��nso1�. Upon a
voice voTe, there oc u�r, no na�!°, T,he motion c�rried un�nimoti�slv.
Ma}�or �Tre eL�i;rd tli�� tY�e C��y Council ehould tl�hten up procees�ng o1' `Lh�s
t�j�e oS Ln_�ii�. Coancil.�ean �Srerld�n s���9 tihe City was �ome*iLati at S'au1l. �si
not i�tiin� e:asen�euts or� tb�e pro��ect a��d Alayor Nce c�ecl�ied counr-�l °ho���fln`t
bave l�t coi7trac'- br�'�re ih�i° rad paseinent�s.
Piotiion t�� Jo�lanson to aanrove tne e�]�ctrical izerase�; as �olloT�s�
J��dr11 TS1ec �rzc Company
1110 Tlashina�Lon Aventiie Sottth
N�nnc�polis, rizm�eso�a by Rober� S1etLerclall NeT�
7 ot�i� DcC.� �� �o Otil Z. C�a e Bvrae �
5alee & Scr�ice� lnc.
310� P'u.dley rl�ce
M�i�neapoli^� i=��?�ncso�,a l�}� Loutis DeGzdio 1_Ve[a
�eco�7deu U� ;lL�er�cl2n. Ul�on � voLLcc- vote, thezc Ueting i�o �ays' the r�ot�o;�
ce:rizd a»anir�otiisl�r.
ilith rep2rd to C1tY�sr iicersee, tr�° Ci�y Nf��ager recommended anproval oP
'7;�c�tici I��lcpende+�t 0�1 Coi»pan�7 Lice�se as �� �aotild lvn n1�1y throvgh D�iei� j1s�:,
on tSie basi� �lt 6 n±�on'L be renetiaed. �t v;as esplaai7ed �ha{, t1�a acce�s tbe
Compa�l;� *��a� ^oinE tio have i�oL�1d be resolved soo��. MoL-ion by Brnok �o approve
the iollo*nn� 1_ceaee:
�dach�,lel Iuderendan� 0=1. Coivp�n� dba: Wachtl.er 11�depe�7deut Oil Co.
�+10] W��st ]3_�oaa�°a�� %365 �aati River Hoad P�.�,
Minne�pol,e� I'iinneso�a L'ridl.cy "�2� I��.�nnesota
hy; I;, F. Mati, Sa1es P7anage-r
Seconde� by �hciz�ai7. Upon a vo,ce tioce, the2�e l�eing no nays, ti11e moLion
c^rried �,nan�motitsl.,y.
T1�e Ci�y P?anaqer e�pl�ti�ed tli�t there 2� aao�har license ouLsi,an�3iri� at che
736C Centia l,4veni.P 1�+�' addrese in the natve oi' Joseph X. Morria ar this tirne
�nd recommended c;�a L aiiotLe� l� ce 1ce ilot be � esuecl at tY�� � zama. Cou«cilman
irool= stialed �,ha: the place o�' bueinees nas elosecl up. D��r, C�rlson, onnei�
of th� pro�erz�� �ias �rese»T, and s�ated lt ��as de7tintte]y closecl and tY,at 1�e
hac� po:�e��ion oi �l,_i� properta. Couneil.inan Broolc statiea that 1�ir. Plorx��e h�d
°il�d benlc_ri,ptcy and turned in thP l�e�y. ;�[r, g����on� oe�a owner� �,�as ��esent
�nd stia:.�3 hc h�d � l�a��e and a b�ll. of sale or! Lhe property. Clty flLtor�2c,y
I�ohlan �atid Cn� Cou�2c�l could Zssue �,�cens�s if the� ��ere szt�s£ied chat pos-
v;�szon h2C �°eveited to orlgia�il o��nez. Plotioi� hy Jahanson i.o authorz,�a �he
CitiV Cler}y ,o deliver �1�e PolZotd�.ng _l�censcs F�tb�ect to the C'ity ClerL and
C�t�� ALtoiney ci-ecl_,ng a�1 factiors a�d rignts oS' posseesioa
TAV H�i LICL�?i; ,E
llane F. H�an�e❑
'�24 CL,ear;o �tienae
A7�i�rie^�oi�G, S1�>>neG�za
�lb� �'roncier CluU
73Cb Central Arenue 1V�'
T�'ridley 32, Nlinnesota
Hans P. H�asen
929 Q'_itie��o �l-venue
AiZ�nc�polis� i"�nncsota
ON-S�IIi�' - OFF-SkLP I�iCEl�TaE
Hans P. T_-1ans�n
929 G12 i c� �o Aveauc
D'[�nn�aaolis� P'f�nnesota
db�: T�'iont-_°�° Clun
f���� CenTral�'���cci�e 'il
FiidlFV 32� ?r�nnc�ota
dLa: P;onL�er C1u1�
(3���- Centr�l F��enuc I�il�l
Frzdlcy 32a tiiunee�t❑
�ouac�lmaa B'=ooL i3��ed the quest,�on of tias iL poesibl? ioti the Council to re--
vol�e and L�st�e ae��� l.icenses. C �'c9 lltt�rne- s1. �ted tl^e faci tba t th� s Lice��^�
t*as oo�stand�!�g �aotiild not make emj d�ffcrence. �I�- _�atec� t1�ey c��i1d �,o lhtro��;�h
the process oF ina7.11n� noutce�� �be.� Lhiat iF P�i�. 2�'m,,°��s i�� no�, enzr..le�l to pos—
ses=�on 1�e caunot ger, l.icenee. IIpon a voice vote, Lhere Leln3 ^o n�.;,v, i,),c n�otio»
carr-=ec7 ut2a�iin:ousl�.
P,EIuOLUTI0IV /j-16-1_gh3 ➢iR�C`SIiVG `�IILI iSSUl��`SCF� Oi' `1'FMPORAt.Y 7SRPR0'JPS�� NT BObTDS U�
tdot,on by Johzusoa-� Lo �do�t Resolu�ior yr�i'�-i7��j �irecLir_g �he ,�a�os��ec o' me„po-
r�r� Im��roveir,eut r3on�s, Secoaded �y �heri�la7. iJpo� a vo�ce vote� tiherc he�np
no oa�s, the ;,�or,ion carried onan�u�oLisl}.
RE15GiUTZ01V ir`' i f-1 �53 ��'SCTING TIIE �9�iTS; �1'D P[JRCIIP_S� OP 'i'E��,pQR�RY Il�°Pf20`�Z'.�fE �dT
�rinins _ aTa :,=s� � �—
I�foc9on bv S7�e�°idan �o adop�; al�o�ro resolul3on ri �ectir� zl�e s�le ��2d putcliase o�
lemporary Bonds on STJ �5g. Secoaded by B� oo' Lpo� �� cicc vote, �l�ere be � a��
no a�,�ti� tL,= motion carrled vnanln�ou.sly.
P4ot�o�� by �ohansc❑ �o adopt al�ove retiolui,ioi� au,l�ol��lna� chP :pli ;�,iu� oi er?°tain
Sp=c�a111c�sessments i�� In�sbruc�� Secoiid �iod�t�on. Secondea L r,l�cridan Upon c
vo�ce voLe, tih�tie be�ng no na�s, the mot2oi_ ct�rr�c�l unai�n�iou�1��.
Ceunc�?��an Jol�,��,r�u ,a�d lie had c2queat°d tl�t th�= itiem be �;l_ac�d on The ��e�da,
1,lnat 12e L�d ��opec� b;r t72�s `,ime pol�cy chan;-ca ��0��12 �°r�ve ca'-en p12c�. "_:otiar_� L--
Jol�anso� te authori:e thc City tlana�cr to s,�-n �� conirac� >»t1� I'��a�i�ess [:erv�cec
b5 Sue, ior oae ��ax° �l a monLhly rate oF `U135•��0 =or thc� upsLa�i°s Lwo ol�,cee
in l,l��� Bust�ees ai,iU Pic�Eessi�nal Ilu1lc�tn�� und _�,at furFlei°� ,�c a�te]�clric� t�c
�ngat�aetin; Depa�°z�r�e�t a� the earl_ast pos��'�l.e �?etr� I-o �.ak� po�se�sioa oi {hese
o�I'i�es. �Seconderl b;� Bioo'.. The Ctt.<) M���^'c ;,��1 t_e rno�� ��c,�1�1 be �-�.� �e
eoon �� �:}�e microizlung ��ou1d k�e c�one. i'poii z vo�cc �otr, crere re�,r� r�� n:��s,
the moc�on ca�°z �ed vn2�_�imona�g. �
R�]L"I;LAm=On� C01�T4IC;SI0�,1 l"iInU�I`E'S, JI1A�Un�g l�lc ;
T�ze C�ti} Pja�2agcr s�a�ed �l�cr� vfle �o &ct�o�� �Fr�� --��� or 1,he at�ove RFC:F�ut�o
Connazcs�ou Li�nuTee, N1ot2on b,- „l�e�_Zdan tio r�c:,�-�� `,ie D�inn,P�� oP Lh�- B�czc�T�on
� G'omiiuES �oa a�d ", le. S°co��c7er1 by BroaL. J��ua � votc° vote� tl �. c Le m, n� LaS�,
tLe iro�,on cai_iec u��z,aimrnnsl=,�,
CON�ID�P.�TIOiV OP P.�C+3T-OT'-iiA1 PL(1Pi F03 S�1.r;.z. ';�G -�;T1D rJLl�iiP- P.r (�-'.Z�- ;�1+;
i0 6IA;T R1VCR HOAD)�—� `_ __�__� _�._
C ez j�'u�ineer PL o�ia °r�l a� ccd li� � c2 c*�e h-,- } c �n T orl _�� � n ti�-e ❑bovc a'°ea La�
no oa� h��1 b°a^ tio1� i'i nei;h7�or�'�ooc7 .,hat ' he �� c ��o,n�. "7,c ,_ b nl�ra, c-
stcted '�1�at �e hnd L�ec conf�e�,ecl b; '_�1_^. L ��lL--�� oI ILe uo.mt�°; ' iLh re;a°d to
� 4�
rre lx�ht �I OebornF P,oad �;�1 z'-�ae he b�r L�en to1� lhat che Si�re ;�oti�ldn'�
app� o,r� i' �� ti„ i,es.7' 1��arr<��tcG a � triu �ime. =Ie i°epoi•ted th�t at tl-1e 1,-�me
t��c-� 'rave onl,� 11°i�e �"or N[l�siss�pp� °treeta the i2solution Pr•om the Citz ha��
;on� �n ��rPr ->>a}� m.��le �}ieir �rdere a��� tih��„ i�e lni,ended tiu conl�et 3ir,
0'Bannoi� Co�n�'��� Uominis�,orcr ,��rl sc� Zi" �1, could all �oe at_ra��,l.tened ovt
TLe 1..,����;-�i_'�,�a-, Pl2n `_ox rbe a��oae n�en��o+�cd ��as e°p1�lned it� detia�l Zo r,l�e
Coa,�cil F,., tbe Ci*-- E',��l�ee1. 1�Yoi.ion t�V Jo'7a.nbon +o aNp-�°o�e i;his c�: tlie Ri�=nT-
of-U�aV P1sn �or P�.S.�. i30n� 73_r�d Avenue (`L.H. i�4� zo Fast Rltiex� RoacL��
Mu�ir_1���1 °r�tA ��d Pro��ci 2?-"jOc-Ol, Secoicied by SherLdan. Upon a vo,ee
voL��, t��Prc l��u�„ no n�y=� ,l�e motiw� c�rr�ed unar�imoo:�ly.
Thc C�t�� N;.na�cr �taLed tl�t �e eYpectiPd to i��ve a reco�n�neadat�un ror Lhe
Bvilrl»^ Inspec�or posiLzon l,; �he 15th oS !�ebruar;�.
rlot�o�i b;- SLa�rirlan to app�°otie �,hc follo �-!i1� �tppointioeilt
Jane Fr2ncee �arvine❑
�,i57 J��ckson �tireet °�
['L idi��� j", bli,�nr_sota
Po�ition oI�
P.ecept� onis t
Sa 1a,-v
Seconded Ly �o�� oeon. Upoa �� voice vote, '�nexe being no nays, L�e mozio�
c�_--riec' �n��i�rovsly.
/�]�'-l��L�3 DiSIUL�TATi iG M.S.A
The Oit-� ]`Sai�n�r e�°�7a2ned that ?c tl^c� las�, meerix�g� G'ou7eilman'�Io1�sE had
qre°t;o.��d r,Y�e abo�-e. C'tty rn,�;i°�ee. 1,ro,�n azd Ciby 14lanage� e��.plained deszgna-
t�ons a���l rest-ict�o2e with re�srd to Lhe abo5re resolrtion. P4otloi� by �ohanson
tio adopc reeolur,lor �1q-10h3 cletermin�ng atild e=i;ab�zshti.�� ��L+��ici�al st�te azd
xoa�ls ai�d etilee',� �n t[�e CtitV oP I�'r,dle��. �Seconded by Sherldan. Upon a voic°
vote, tiheie hein� �io n�y�a tle n•ozio�� carriecl vnsniraouel��
NL_r. 1Cr�tirt��n ol i;he rira� oi Cor�stock ai�d Davis repo_�:efl chexe was to l�e � meez-
�ng sc�liedulcd oa �cbrua�i,� 7th �t 10 P.1�[. at th�t off�cc. The Cit� 1�anager sald
�he}� had �oee� �ev� n; � problem on Chei� Lan� 'ou� needed repoit on cl�is tie ��e11
as otzer p�•o'olc���c. 1^Le City Man�ger sug�eEL-ed that t;llese ti•eporic Y�e cansiclered
on �1�c 11L'i of F��1aar,i at the special i�eetiing. 1t wae generally decided b��
1,he Cot�ncll to r�ee„ Fehr �zr� ll.zh on Lhl� � l,em i ol.Lo,aing the n�eet� n� oi' I;re
commztteeti on �!�e C�✓zc C'enter.
Ni7°. Brwti�ell �tated thec Coouczlr��n Broo1, ]i�cl e�11ed abotic the PZZ�h �asessmei;tis
�� Pro� �c r��C. 1� �Tated -�hey i�ere hi�l� i'or tao rea�ons� one be tng ere ra �e of
as�E.sme�;r c�as nw�hei at2�, bee�,usr o1' l'_2e 1�Lgn �aater LaUie� el:c.� and too, thi=�
pro7ecl �a° epticad over a period o�" Len years. H� st^tied tl2at �he� h�3 been
v°r�� ]l�rited as tio what tihe}� could d� in t}ns �rea, tJ°at the bonds eie cold tot
a ten ;ecr perioJ. He espla,nad ti�}iat the City had to pay out ior Each year ancly
�1ec, th�z evt,°yone ��an�s t� �pread i]°eir aesesstaet�tti oae� a 20 yeer penod ancL
b�nd; <^re o,1, solo 1'or Len �cais. i�i°. �-rtmsell �iwtec� he d Ldn `ti lsno�a �° an/-
thin� could l� ��oac aY�ont th�e, unless t'�is cotiil�t be reiinanced. Counciliaan
L1oo1, e���1 l,r�ti eoL�eil�eie �7on� thE ltin� �hesa peopl� are certainlp 2ntitled to
ec�mc reliei. 1°��a��or Tice ¢u�gcstied that pceszbllizies bo es�plored by rvlr. 13ruusell,
M: .%�, 1�'a-�n o(' ?hlerr �rcl P,�ni� �nd a>>yo�e co��ceraed w�t1, thie prohlem.
Nla�or Nee sTai�d the Directoi of Civi] Defeti�s�� Mx. Roberb Mol�naro, Lad sea� a
comrmnicatio❑ stct�np, t'�at �nE ��,�id1e;� Civ�1 Dei'en�se ]2ad recenrly �arel�iaec�, r�c�lo
eoutipment Po_r +,Z�e�i Co�arnunicai�ons Service ond �?�a� he w�,s as..?7g Por oerm2seion
Lo pnt t�e cen�ral stanc�n antGnra on zne l�o�� oP thc; City Iiall. P�,a�t�or 1Tee said
he coula see no reatio: ��'ny tiY��� coiald�_'t be granted. Mot�o� by Joranso� to g�ve
the Pri�le;• C_c21 DeCe�2�e �ermiesion to pr1; uo tre reqo�red ante��aa. ���conded by
Sher�cl�n. l�oon 2 vote° vote, tiheie bein� �zo na��, � che n�oziou r�rrled unani�aously.
Counc�l�nai7 �o�isnsu,� �ta�ed� at t<<!� �o1nr,, tl°�L he uad � fe�� iTeins r,q �'iGcues.
S�a state�� that on Fage 70 oP �ainvties oi ,T�nu�r 7tli, 14��, �tt,� ra�',ard o tin�
<��tier zaces foi� Doiinz�l� Poz, had anychic,, Y>��n du�e o�� ,,hia, pl�o, ,L��+ a
conL?°oct sho�alr� ��P i_�n�otiated �.�ith Co�ns�,�r_L �iia i)a�-i� an,l �h� t �ne earliost
poss11�1a daze s�ot�lc7 uc ;,et 2i� Poi a r�ee�,�r �e Lhi �ao�iti, . '1'hF ri,,,� P1„na ;Fr
s tc, czd Lr�at l�� had ;vr;��;, eed �'�2t Co�netocL ,_�� Da�ris lool, o��ci tl•�i; ccut-r.�c �,.
Ma��oi^ '`iee sv;�,2;.{,ed Lh�i, t7�is Zte�r he incolpor� aec a� 1.1�� jtid Iti�i� oi Lua,�i,�s
at the °pecla� a1c°tuz� oia Peb�°uar� 11th.
CounclLro�n Johanson i'u�i,hcr _t��ticd rhab laet �cr Cb�nc�l hcr ncro�!a'�c � ccn-
� tiac'c T���u ci�c °'catc -ait'_�� ti}ie ag�'ee�nPtit :��n in f�ue o" .TUl,� �I-�r C-td "oui�1
h�z�e aecassa2y� sor°rtics �oads read�. 'P]�e �'ih; f�r,ro„e° e{oled tlat Plr. P�zc� o_
oP Lhat ��epartment �I. tl�e St,aLe -�as zn C�1,�or7!� ����� he ,�oi�c �,e; in tcuclt �ith
h�,n �e eoo,, u_ 1�� �etvzned. N`,�aT�or Piee Ta_�;el te 'no;� ti' P'�idle-; eoul�,'t proceed
on �r,s o��a a�cl �ss�su. The Cit�� A7a�» �cr e�-�1 �4� . P� L°r; oa ha�9 �^le oc' :,. i �� n� �m
m�ee� .��d hc Fhotil'� h�•re << �r,���� t� inJlcr._� �i���°th�n c� ,,ll ; �t'iti� i-ici��
Covncil�a� J+1�n�so� ynoti��red i't �he tira�s-e,-'1c�� be^�� ����'? oC khe R��ilain� lisp�c-
tlon Depart�aeati Lo cl�e �ngii�eering Inep�ct_o•� Den r'meni 17ie C'�L� C�a2a r�-� �atia
! � had not been ir�ade pivsically _and �iould ����t 1�� uc� i1 LhF en, �re�i�n�, �n�', �,r�iL-
in� Lad bePr movad ���c o� th<t dcpart�nent,
C��o��ci�wan �ohansc�n ���ntirr� tio t�ao�� iC Zh�r� .,o� dr� l,urr�ose a� I� -�1��' c �c'�-.
cer,� oC Lt.�p�ction nncl Feci2ta�°}� oi p�1�cc �,t�a`l ��i � ra,�� Zh�� _,c�r. `]'l�r
C�ty!,-�r�a7er' e�t�r,ed tnat i:h��, h^r� �°e�ched l�e top tc�-°1 1ox r,he_� p�ac�c�tJ�,� �o[,
tnat �1.1_ �ob� Lcd beetiti ap�%�Udecl �1nee t1�c ��z� Si�c�7 eo-!st�li,�i�ti �i�c clone �1iF,
;t�rvey. T7^ose �ob� ��e'tc at t��e level l�c 'a, P� r�co� ra_nded.
Cornc,_Laat� Jo7�u„enn ste. ,ed hh�t on paga L o� ,�,n: te�• �" Janu3i-, i �' . L�'�� incri_-
�ng tit �aas �s�a�ed l,hati Courcil �ae =,ola�, �,: r,E, ; �tiili 1_r, I c' ].. �d ��� 1c� i t'n�
shonld be done �ouieL,��e t'a2s mopih �,lso,
Cov�tic_ltaan Jol�an�on ea�_d he wi�hecl to �iaie �, psri. oi thF ��co_c �rar, -;,'�c C����
Co�tnc_;L aot2Fy tLe C� t;� Piieria�cr and a'1 c��•pc,� -.. ��°rr 1�.0��^ t'�2,- �� �-� �l�nn-�,� i,,-c
1n�,1 �nc co��pleLe cc�opeiaLion to zl_e 5eciet���� o(' L�� Counc-l. '1' � r�,c=',icn'��s
� ie�seo� �aae 2r, norma7 tio �ronl�e 60 cop�ee oP r,ie m����.e<_. Th� Ci�,� i'iana�°oi c_'-
pl�loecl theti zt mas 2�d r_taZFd thet a1i co�,�;�� e�e„ me�»b°r� clul,�• g oiP�r-�a�io.ie,
ezc. r2ceise� a co�y. Cotitnc�lr�an She��d�n ��]er; t�� ��la �c,�,a�° L" I�� --o�lc� _'�o i�i-
cluPe trc Cour_ty (,o,��,ss�_oz��r, bl�, ?2iL� 0'T',�ii �on,
��unc�L�an She,°�dati staz,ecl 11e had � rouol: l�°��ti �,' .�iar ,� thou�ll� coil� 1�� aeeci
�s procedu;e i» �'011o1�ia�� to p_•ocarP eeser�nL-. Co�n�2j_r,an ,Sle�°idsr sai�� '�c
dldn"r l;�o�� ho,� tit �roti�1.d aPf�c�; tihe consulz,�n! Pn�,�neerF bu�i, i- .�� a ploce�ui^
an��� i�a}�l�e oae rh�� coi�lu be Pollo��ed. 1TE a�hed � f a rcpoi�t co>>ld be rc--arn�� tio
zl�e Coutcll o�� Lhzs p�oeeclur�� thati. iti nas ,u_z a_tai±i2� }�o��- l�ut he �ci'__
1ik2 a r�t�ort bacL U� tne first �neetin,m, �� I,�a�°rn eo zhati it coul�l be us�-d �',uii� C,
t1�c cons f,-rt c L� oiz �er� od o` J.9o� ,
Cottaci],i1��2 9her;dan sc�taci ��e =alehed tp 1a=1c tnc :;'��uc�l a��jr� iii.it ��v� Co��nt�
�oat�d 11ed pas�cd r� resolvtlon �ti��hori�ln� t�,] �00.00 a��ea�° to aii� n�unirip-�lil,� i�
tNeii p2rt�cttler -oeach tir2s made avai1��12 ln crnv1�� residPnts z�i l�oa�_ re_t�_ct�on�.
It U�ae �tiatied t,ha:. Lne Y�each musz l�2ve liee� ��. =esP�sed. S� nre aleo ��L.�ter] L}�at
the mc,nicip2l� �,y �ud LLe ParYs CouT��is�lon Z�o.l�L liave Ec11 a»lhox _�. ar�l i°ecpo���-
biltit,� ol tl�e area. CoL�inc�lnian Sheridaa i�� �c ��ie��ec t�,ti� �� ioixn��ion �a�sscJ
on �o 'cY�c p�.�^1;6 ai2c1 plaY°°o;��1ds Cem�n2ttee. Re � ra�r�r� lhac,, per'��ps� 11�ie �i�: �'t
a�ooa �de�� �Lh�1; tihe b�ach a2ea mi�nL no- be 1�,.°�o �nou��h and Lins r�y �c .�otiil�
]�a�o Lo e1���i�t�ta�e the ��ar'-,p� ��E�tiytietlo��s �io�� in lorce. Co1���c,iruan ;;7ie�°�cti�n
�sLecl i� c7�ti� 1�1io?�ation co�ild be passee �^ �o P�r� Glcn 1'�ion�pGo�. �or a ri»�,rlo�„�
ot i�Lorc;zti�on and per1i���s obl,sin a cot�y oi" t��i„ rr�n]l�r,lo�� Loa i.iP Cout c� 'I'he
� T�!��n2ge=^ stated �Lh� t l�e ���d been inior�ved o�' I,F,i� n; ]�i� .� Bann��n� Con2�; Commlc—
siorer, an3 that r,�e ��ie� cor_cern Ta�s �l�a� rt°,�oulc b� bad tUt tli-t {„"e �nfoi-
�atiaon ronld ue ta'sea c&ire ci.
Cotir�cilman fiherlc�an std ced tne t�v,�th H�.gh��ay ,`100 anl tYie croeein� at i ci.� ° tr�c�
Ftorn t'�e Nor'c1^ a �dE to 5(�;� e od 5( ch �asr � o L'uzverei t� �n � Z be 1 he cond�m� a cio�i
o(' the Coanby lndus�sial ;�102 Rotiitie, l�e r:,�T^d t,-at �L zad Leen che polzc° o�
the Count-> 3oa^d �;o co �etrvc� �vcll sr,2ects but ir 1-a� 1ie�-n z��ear �ol_�� �i�ati t7 e��
� i0
�,�11 oni� coii;'�rvc�, ei�e,- ti�,11 »ot procure tLe prope�t�. (;ounc�lma,i Shet�3an
s�id l>>a1, .f Mmn �itiieet �Vo, �h oi ;;100 i� p+ai in, �t �ii17 ope�� thi�s srea i'or
deve7�pmenti. 11� u��°hecl co 1r�oTa ���1iat tire �h2nlcin� �aa„• o� 4tartin� �l�e eondeam2-
i �o�z pioceeni�;ti r�n�l pnt in tnl� ro�� tni� year, The City Piana�ex ea-�� he had
bee�� ad���c��L h�j Nfr. :,undreito of (1ti�s mal-�,er and had beer, told �ha� the County
ti��ould be ecourring t�e -rinZ�-o1'-��2+,�. Tl�P C�ty ��anag2r as1�Fd che Counc=l iP L]zey
ran'red 1-���r Lo t�.ls� �o��e Getio-� to Fiiic7 out s�haL �t'�e Cotilnty ��a5 go.�ng to do?
Cot�ncil,,^n 5herilan ^gzd nc� did+'t ;ti��il- ��ridlcy srotild b;rz�ass aa oppotznnit,y
�o ha2re ;h�: s+„ect complel,Ed, Llie Gii N�a�ia�er eatd rrldley would have Lo
'�ro�e co tihP `_;tatie tihat Cbere n�is 2 need.
Coui2cilniit� ��}�p�irle� 7no,vir�d on �he u���rass oz" C_ie acqulr�ng oP �;he Loc1e
Piopertiy. Cit,, Aztoa°n�y Ko121an st�r,ed tri�- L72eT� 11ad t1.e money anQ the bonds.
He iiZioYrrd tY�e Co�ncil �h.�ti Ni��. Crahtire ,�as s�appo�se to ho�r2 � deed slgnad
an�� � t��wild b< obtaine? now n i th tha �ao�2eT- �_i1 ha�d.
AD� OU3�VT�P,7�.
T1ie�F hF�ng ao f'LU°�her bu�ii�e�sy Mayo�° I�ee c7ec]_ared tihe iveering 2��our»ed.
Piespec�,foll,� �,ihtnitr,ec
/�� y��� �/' �
�<�- �-� r�.--� �
Suc vl, skco�,i� c �- —
°ecie�s�t � to tlu, Cou�c�1
C������ ��
P4�yor �tilll��rn J. T�ce